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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 394 KB, 660x880, 43525357_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14293104 No.14293104 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>14280744

Current Aigis Event: Monk Training Grounds (Ends morning of 11-3)

Game links:
>r18 games
>all ages games


Lord of Valkyrie:
>Eng wiki:
>Jp wiki:
>/jp/ player list:
>additional helpful info

Millennium War Aigis:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Wiki #1:
>Jp Wiki #2:
>Jp ULMF thread:
>Eng ULMF thread:
>XP chart
>Vid anon's channel:

Angelic Saga:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Wiki

Osawari Island:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Osawari wiki
>Osawari chat
>Jp Alchemy Page
>Osawari Friend Code List

Girl's Kingdom:
>Eng Wiki

Dragon Tactics:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Wiki

Miscellaneous links:
>Staff Twitter:

>> No.14293125

Which Aigis girl is the biggest slut, and which one is the purest?

>> No.14293168

Prince a biggest slut

Conrad a best and most purest

>> No.14293356

Anya is the biggest slut and my waifu. Phyllis is purest.

>> No.14293468

In Osawari Island, is it possible to get any girl with Party Attack Up with Alchemy?

>> No.14293569

lel duped rewards in Osawari again

>> No.14293584

Shame they didn't send out another Goma

>> No.14293591

Holy shit the thread just got spooky!

>> No.14293715
File: 909 KB, 1920x1200, Happy Halloween Aigis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Halloween guys! Let's post some Halloween fanart then, eh?

>> No.14293926

Lynn's H-scenes were pretty nice.
Her art looks good, I don't really understand why they changed it in the jap version

>> No.14293937

Probably couldn't get the old artist for awakening art

>> No.14293962
File: 481 KB, 800x486, Old Lynn Awakening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably it. Though the artist did give her a red dress instead for her original one for awakening. Other than that, it's the same picture.

>> No.14294015
File: 832 KB, 1000x1200, 53291715_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how does everyone else plan to spend their Halloween with their Aigisfus?

>> No.14294037

Like every other day. Do some missions, contemplate dropping this useless game and alt-tab out of it.

>> No.14294089

Farming more souls, just like I'll do every day for the next week and a half.

>> No.14294444

I need a wig to cover a cap with devil horns. My dorm's having a costume party and everyone's showing off costumes. Other than that. I somehow have enough weaponry to be Link today. Just missing the green cap.

Before then, Aigis, Osawari, Dragon Tactics, Saga, and Girl's Kingdom while watching the latest anime episodes on the side.

>> No.14294500

>Anya is the biggest slut
Why does everyone keep saying that? She was pretty assertive but that doesn't make her that much of a slut
I'd say the silver rogues felt more casual in regards to sex

>> No.14294527

The biggest Slut would be Daniella. Sybilla or Soma would be the purest.

>> No.14294583

>Whales in Dragon Tactics can literally buy an instant win team

Well, I'm out

>> No.14294665

How long has Dragon Tactics been out in DMM? Looking at the Wiki, I get the impression it's been mere months.

>> No.14294687

How so? I'm a FTP and my deck is beating decks with UR cards.

>> No.14294742

How do you know a game is popular?

When it can hold a doujin fair for purely itself.


>> No.14294770

Most of the time the wikis include info like the launch date.

開始日 2015年7月15日14時

>> No.14294773

that banner made me want some femdom doujins with the goddess

>> No.14294774
File: 821 KB, 964x563, #2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He means the step-up gacha, where after you roll enough times, you can guarantee a UR.

While at least this point is true, it's still possible to do well as an FTP player. Pic related as case in point.

That's league ranking though. For Overall I'm rank 331.

>> No.14294780

>Dragon Tactics
is it enjoyable? The game is pretty as fuck but it feels 1:1 ripoff of lord of valkyrie in terms of gameplay, and I also don't want to install chrome for it. It freezes badly in FF

>> No.14294786

I should also point out, that the moment I get off, I'll drop to around rank 17 and half to spend a couple hours trying to get back up to there again.

>> No.14294797

That's the mini whale team. The real whale team is the current n1 slot who has maxxed all his skills and destroys my 2UR/SR team in the first or second round.

>> No.14294803

Oh shit. He's maxed out all his skills?

>> No.14294811
File: 79 KB, 487x551, hametena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Halloween Hamtena is really cute.

Also looks like they gave out 10 H-scene tickets for the first year anniversary if anyone here has a JP osawari account. All 14 girls I rolled were SSRs and none were very appealing to me.

>> No.14294815
File: 735 KB, 963x604, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fought him. At least 3 skills aren't maxed out, but that's a technicality. I was fucking slaughtered.

>> No.14294829

But will they get scanned?

>> No.14294845

Pray that someone in Japan is benevolent enough to do so. Damnit, thinking of all the potentially good ones that we'll never see due to us not being in Japan... it almost makes me want to cry.

>> No.14294847

When will we ever get the normal Hametana? I can't stand looking at the crap shit edit we have, especially when she tries to be cute.

>> No.14294863

You mean when will she lose the boobjob? Never, no loli's allowed in America.

>> No.14294879

That one doujin with Nanaly and Rita got scanned.

>> No.14294881

You can buy games with lolis from mangagamer/jast fine in the US. Same with fakku content.

I'm pretty sure the problem is they use shitty payments processors that are based in Ireland.

>> No.14294882

How does Dragon tactics work?
its not a card game like VC or magic

>> No.14294896

Wow, that 80/9 DMM mission is great - 4/5 runs have dropped plat armors. For once fairies are the rate limiting factor.

>> No.14294907


Shows how weak my runespeak is. Damn, Nutaku got something a mere 3 months after DMM launch. That puts hope for the DT team.


I'm on FF and it never freezes. You'll want to somehow play it on a phone though, be it by VPN'ing to your own machine while away or using something like VPNBrowser (and paying the subscription fee for that). The latter eliminates the freeze issue as some Virtual Machine out there will run it for you.

It's not 1:1 gameplay. Just the difference in megaboss mechanics is a huge plus - no more "oh shit I forgot to finish the boss I spawned" BS. The existence of a guild (with its own BBS message board) means you can coordinate when members spawn their bosses. You can blitz through so many bosses that way (your first hit per boss is free).

I'm waiting to see what events are like before I decide to stick with it or not. For the effort of setting it up, it's been fun so far. Reason why you want it mobile? The equivalent of force never grows: your bar is 100 minutes' worth of Force and it'll never grow. You won't need Force to participate in bosses, but PvP gives you a lot of reward each week (the leagues reset).

>> No.14294918
File: 186 KB, 955x587, armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you've been playing dmm for a while you'll almost always have a ton more armors than fairies. I have around 50 plat armors, but only 1 platinum fairy, 22 gold fairies, and 27 black fairies.

>> No.14294920


Formation-fu basically. The battles are auto with RNG skill procs. But there's some thought to be had in where to place things and how they'll interact as the units rotate around.

Not sure what guild battles will be like, probably event-based.

>> No.14294930

started happening for me too, though its not so bad for me yet
Plat fairies are a disaster though. 95% of the event units are plats, so even if black fairies are pretty rare, I don't suffer from their absence as much as I do from no plats
I also wish we'd have some balance in which silvers we get. I have like 25 silver mages, but not a single soldier or archer

>> No.14294997
File: 182 KB, 769x517, EisenDown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, I just survived (read: 2*) an attack from Eisel. Glory to 2nd Ballista!

>> No.14295008
File: 6 KB, 105x115, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I just ha something odd happen in Aigis.
On the last map of the Monk missions, I withdrew a unit(Katie), then the game wouldn't let me put another unit in the slot she'd been in.
Anyone know what's up with that?

>> No.14295040

I was out of soldiers too. Then I farmed pumpkin parade.

>> No.14295045

That may be one of the errors they're compensating us for on the next maintenance (4 days from now). We get a Sacred Crystal if you have at least 1 of the problem units.

>> No.14295046

Nah, that was for abilitys like karma's, till the fix she was able to be healed.

>> No.14295057

how do I cheat in Aigis again? cheat engine and what addres type?

>> No.14295059

Sorry anon, but Conrad already have a daughter, so he isn't pure anymore.

>> No.14295061

Its over, and if one can do it again, doubt it that they will put the method....or maybe they would be fools that didn't learn from that.

>> No.14295064

I wonder if Conrad is still getting laid or now that Prince is here, he gets all the women

>> No.14295072

On that note, there's a doujin on sadpanda where Conrad and a group of pirates and bandits catch Nanally and Rita in the act outside the Prince's window. They get subdued and fucked while a bunch of the archer girls are nearby as well. At the end, The prince just finds the two still going at it with each other after everyone else ha left.

Unfortunately, not English translated yet (none of the doujins are English translated) but here's
the Japanese and Chinese ones.


>> No.14295101

thats pretty hot, those fucking sluts
But I guess I can't blame them, its Conrad and his friends after all

>> No.14295105

also some pirates tagging along for the hell of it

>> No.14295384

Today's AS hard was Black Blade Wielder Risa.
I really wanted one, so I'm glad.

>> No.14295829

I just can't get lynn to drop for me. I don't think anyone in here as worse luck this event than I have, bloody hell. I've had more silvers drop than lynn's

>> No.14295861

I wish I got a silver drop. I need a rogue but it hasn't even dropped once.

>> No.14295918

I have Karma and I didn't get shit. Or is the SC waiting for be given out?

>> No.14295923

next maintenance.

>> No.14296099

So after the event in Osawari Island, I quit playing for a day or so. I log back in to receive three more copies of the event reward girl (not the apology gift) bringing me up to four of her.
Anyone else have this happen?

>> No.14296156

Are the awakening orb maps easy to beat? And which ones are they?

>> No.14296461

Wait a minute, how do I tell them that I have an account on the Japanese version?
Because I don't remember picking up any tickets today...

>> No.14296668

>how do I tell them
No, if you log in to the DMM version you'll receive the tickets on the DMM version of the game.
Seriously, how can you be this fucking dense?

>> No.14296758

From what I can tell he thought that you get 10 tickets on the English version for having an account on the Japanese version. Dunno how you can come to that conclusion though.

>> No.14296883

some are easy, some are not

>> No.14296930

All of them are kami-grade maps, with black awakened units as enemies.
Either way, you should awaken archer and healer first, and their map is relatively easy.

>> No.14296946
File: 435 KB, 772x1033, MechsDefeated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone failed to even 1* my base with mech girls. My witches didn't even need to poke them, they died by going through all the AoE towers. Instead, my witches got to hit... see pic.

>> No.14296963
File: 467 KB, 773x1029, artyBallFail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is something so sad and funny about sending in your knights one at a time to their (very quick) deaths while your artillery ball is distracted blowing up irrelevant targets. Punchline was landing a Tarai on 20 soldiers while within howitzer range.

>> No.14296974

Worst thing is when you deploy arty ball near bare towers and they decide to target single wall piece on other side of map and walk through evemy fort without single attack.

>> No.14296979
File: 712 KB, 772x1544, queueBall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... I'm at a loss to explain. Send a ball of knights in with no DPS support. Send a second ball of knights in the same way. Lose an archer ball to 2 witches.

>> No.14296986

A Wtiches Love Brew for the last day's hard challenge? I feel cheated, especially when I actually had to work for my win today. Easy was a bloody philosopher's stone which is worth far more.

>> No.14296996


Actually, the brew is worth much more. It's easier to get the stone as you farm for T2 crystals. Tournaments and events shower you with T1 crystals so you rarely feel bothered to do Easy dailies.

>> No.14297000

I was just hoping I'd get another cool SR card (or god forbid a SSR) so that the FINAL day of this pretty nice event could end with a bang and not a whimper. Although I did get a SSR with H-scenes from one of the gacha tickets the event gave me, so in a way I already have gotten an SSR from the event

>> No.14297008

Who's ready to do 3 summon base unit sp on aigis?
20% chance of silver or better is not too bad.

>> No.14297013

New LoV mega bosses aren't messing around, fuck

>> No.14297022

I'll prob just save them for a little bit and then in a couple weeks use them if I feel like it.

>> No.14297023

Woo, lancer Elaine copy number 6

>> No.14297086
File: 218 KB, 773x516, dragonMaidHunting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woo yeah, I no longer afraid of dragon maid! It's all down to positioning... and having lots of knights.

>> No.14297148

Is there any faster way to do weekly soldier/archer hunting quests than do challenge map 1 or story map 1?

>> No.14297458

You should only make that mistake once, after that its just you who is being a dumbass.
Because for some reason, arty girls will always go for the closest piece of wall as their first target.

>> No.14297474

Well, I just forget about it sometimes.

>> No.14297480

I remember seeing that base before, and only getting a single star from it because of the dragon maid that resides there.

>> No.14298021
File: 585 KB, 1601x601, DolphinsAndWhales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be whale
>Spend $200 trying to get Sophie
>Got my third Nanaly Iris, 6 Bernices 3 Robertos and enough silvers to start my own silver only run.
>Friend messages me
>"Hey bro, you seem to have good luck, wanna roll for me? I'm afraid of just getting a silver."
>Roll for him

So who came out on top here?

>> No.14298037

Hope you learned not to roll for other people.

>> No.14298122

I so hate cowards who can't even spare a soldier to check the range of cannons. Fine, I'll re-arrange my base again so retards give up rather than waste my bounty. Seriously, who sends 2 soldiers to attack the Lv 3 storage when there's 10 times more stored elsewhere?

>> No.14298257

It feels SO GOOD trashing a flimsy base that was neglected because the owner thought a dragon maid was absolute.

>> No.14298522

did 3 Summon SP: iron, silver, silver

>> No.14298540

Did my summons
Bronze, Iron, Iron.

>> No.14299013
File: 689 KB, 1544x1037, badComposition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I think I've tuned my base to be fairly idiot-proof for looters. Getting more attacks now that I'm winning defenses often.

The castle is a surprisingly good tank while the towers DPS down fat things like automata. Helps that they have no sense of direction apparently (just like soldiers).

>> No.14299131

Not sure about soldiers, but for archers map 10-4 has a ball of them spawn from the base.

>> No.14299428

Do I roll for Sophie or wait for Minerva?

I really want Minerva, but I'm just not sure what's more useful.

>> No.14299532

Wait for Minerva, shes better

>> No.14299752

>4 Rins
>not a single silver

on the other hand I'm tantalizingly close to 3-starring Assistant Instructor
How tough is Olivie going to need to be to handle black ogres/super saiyan Rin? She's Lv 45/45% currently, and my clerics are around 50CC20. No CC'd mages yet, though.

>> No.14300236

So LoV got a new onsen lottery. Any edited cards this time? The ones I got didn't have shitty eyejobs, so maybe Nutaku got the hint.

>> No.14300376

LoV was less on eyejobs and more on giving out giant breasts to any girl with a B or smaller.

>> No.14300387

Even though yes, some of the ones with small breast got a pass for some unknown reasons.

>> No.14300437

Yeah, but I think LoV was the only other game that got a few eyejobs at the same time that Osawari was new. Not to mention the girls that got boobjobs in their alternate forms despite not having them in their original forms.

>> No.14300462
File: 390 KB, 749x622, ”Millennium War Aigis” - Play Online And Download Nutaku.net (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was everyone complaining about 60/7 drop rates? Was running only it and already mincosted her.

>> No.14300502

I've been running 35/5 all event and have 13 Lynns.

>> No.14300854

Girls Kingdom is fucking impossible to play, my units are fucking weak as piss while everyone else has invincible level 50 units that tear through my fully upgraded defenses like nothing.

>> No.14300860

Can anyone tell me the CC unit requirements for Magic Swordsman? I can't seem to get an answer before it was changed on March of this year.

>> No.14300924
File: 38 KB, 184x643, thisisnot50percentatall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because fuck your luck.
These were my drop rates. No way to mincost her when she absolutely refuses to drop.


>> No.14301117


>> No.14301231

Thank you very much!

>> No.14301699


What units do you have?

> fully upgraded defenses

Define "fully".


I never thought I'd bring out my 4M Chocola to deal damage. Ok beach Coo can do the job too and if you have 15k wind attack normally you can chip away.

>> No.14302165

3 EXP armours today, doing pretty good.

>> No.14302283

I need plat and black fairys now, is it better to do the 5 stamina challenge maps for a 20% chance of black or the 6 stamina for a 30% chance of black?

>> No.14302763

>whaling on Nutaku server

>> No.14302777

Is it worth doing the dailies on Osawari vs. Story Quests? The story quests seem to give more exp and assorted items.

>> No.14303393

I'm pretty sure you can solve this.

>> No.14303478
File: 28 KB, 541x53, ”Girls Kingdom” - Play Online And Download Nutaku.net (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to do some gacha rolls




Arabelle Arabelle Arabelle
Noel Noel
Fort Fort
Bridget Bridget Bridget Bridget
Leica Leica
Ulrika Ulrika
Gold 2500 Gold 5000
Mana 1500 Mana 2000 Mana 1500 Mana 1000 Mana 1500 Mana 5000

Now what do I do with all these knights? Got 7 Forts and 5 Clementines now.

>> No.14303689


They're stamina dumps and legendary hunts.

>> No.14303740

Seemingly trivial but important point in DT: when doing an awaken fusion, make sure the base card is the more advanced one. A 1 dot eating a 2 dot will be a 2 dot.

>> No.14303974
File: 873 KB, 773x2061, tankTowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present you, Just As Planned base defense (ok, some parts weren't planned):

1) Soldier ball does their duty of eating the big bounty. Then suicides into the wall guarded by cannons.

2) After shooting down one witch, the archer ball then shoots the barracks while the other witch comes over to AoE them all (after the remaining soldiers all died)

3) The samurai ball splits off from the knight ball to pursue other targets (all while being shot). The witch ball splits too.

4) The knight ball splits and half get tanked by a ballista. The samurai ball is being tanked by a tower while howitzer does its job.

>> No.14305163

Feed them to each other.

I want to whale for Eisil's sexy sprite but that 1%.

>> No.14305600
File: 931 KB, 761x509, ”Girls Kingdom” - Play Online And Download Nutaku.net (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second week after I reported him, and he is still playing game and keeping cheating. Why nutaku is so terrible at managing their games?

>> No.14305609

I'm baffled you still think Nutaku give a shit and/or are competent. Give it up, anon. I'm just as annoyed as you because you keep posting that useless shit.

>> No.14305646

He isn't cheating though, you dumb fuck. That's totally legit.

>> No.14305670

How is that cheating again?

>> No.14305674

Quantity and level of buildings far exceed limit of his castle.

>> No.14305841

>Has higher level buildings than he's supposed to be able to with his Castle Level
>Has more of certain buildings than he's supposed to be able to with his Castle Level
>Every single one of his walls is worth ~4.5 mil Gold
Each of those walls costs 2mil Gold for just the last upgrade that he has on them, and yet according to that pic his max gold is only slightly above 1 mil gold (4x lvl 9 Safes at 250k each, which btw he should only be able to build 3 of, not 4). So how did he manage to stockpile double his capacity to get each individual wall upgrade, then do that about 100 times?
Oh wait, you're a retarded dumb fuck that's how.

>> No.14305849

nutaku gold

>> No.14305860
File: 316 KB, 1000x900, 1394205558316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big bootied bitches.

>> No.14305870

Nutaku gold doesn't allow to accomplish anything listed in that post.

>> No.14305907

Thanks I appreciate this.

>> No.14305952
File: 268 KB, 493x750, 1392868957144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

voluptuous ass for everyone.

>> No.14305988

So once the stupid monk is done, is it back to Phalanx 2 and Dragon Hunt/Remnant Vanquish 3?

>> No.14305998

Who knows? They could continue non-stop events.

>> No.14306005

The incessant complaining of newfags and casuals will force them to take a break

>> No.14306016

Aigis devs don't read forums, and judging by this thread, plenty of people are spending money on SCs lately, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get resurrection on top of next star trial.

>> No.14306033

Those casuals aren't spend any money in this so no value was lost. Non-stop event make whale spend more money

>> No.14306046

I like nonstop events but they really need to announce it, not like what they did on pero and just say here's maintenance and next event. I would have capped stamina in aigis if there was going to be one.

>> No.14306087

They've been updating the news a day or two in advance so there's been some warning. Not too much fanfare about it though.

>> No.14306102

Yeah I know, which is good. No mention of another event so probably holding off a week.

>> No.14306212

Well, this event is ending Wednesday instead of Tuesday like usual. So we may still get some news.

>> No.14306234

Huh, didn't notice that, weird. Well yeah then possible.

>> No.14306459

November 4, 2015 (Wed) 3AM ~ November 4, 2015 (Wed) 6AM (EST) (Estimated Completion Time)
Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission "The Summon Beast in the Earth" begins

So we get hardest non-awakening event before we get Yurina and Magic fencer? What the fuck.

>> No.14306466

Nonstop events are not gonna make me complain, they have made me buy nutuku gold for the first time though (I started at the very start and have every event unit).

>> No.14306470

I don't mind non-stop events too, but I'd really love to have Yurina and Charlotte first before dealing with Efreets and 5000 def Liches.

>> No.14306504

Summoner Solano as the event unit,
Black healer Iris (likely changed), Thetis and Dahlia and gold avenger Dorethy (looking like she may be switched) as the spotlight units.
7 Silver units as drops, bandit, soldier, archer, heavy, lancer, rogue and the loli witch(likely changed to calliope).

>> No.14306515

The old adage applies to GK bounty offerings: there is no such thing as foolproof. Put my resources out there and they don't take them. Instead they suicide and get 0*.

>> No.14306557



Both quite cute, maybe Dorethy will get in just like Shiho, It does kinda look like she Isn't flat after all.

>> No.14306614

Aww yeah star gathering event, the best.
Gonna get Saki this month too!

>> No.14306636

Welp, I was hoping to get that last cost reduction on monkslut but fuck that
Better prep my ass

>> No.14306648

I'm not sure if I want it to become a permanent thing to have events start wednesday and not tuesday. I'm slowly enering the phase of too many exp armour and not enough fairys. used 4 armours yesterday and have 3 left.

>> No.14307180

It barely matters what day it starts to me.You can just do star rush events over the weekend if you don't want to skip dailies, and I have to skip some dailies if I want a farm unit anyway.

>> No.14307284

She is a dwarf, so maybe she and Noel won't get in.

>> No.14307445

Should I use my rainbow fairies on Nanaly or Despara?

>> No.14307452

Nanaly, she has the rarer skill and is stronger.

>> No.14307481

It's personal preference. Despara is going to get a larger boost from being skilled up, but if you don't mind waiting you can get her to skill level 3 or 4 with blue dragons. Nanaly barely gets any increase until skill awakening, but you're probably going to use her more often than Despara.

>> No.14307583
File: 185 KB, 951x631, ss+(2015-11-04+at+03.54.23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, when do any of you quit doing an event? When the event unit is min-cost and/or max skill? I ride them 'till the end if there are silvers to get.

>> No.14307587
File: 747 KB, 965x647, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accidentally used the team I use for Monday Daily on Technique Awakened.
>Manage to 3-star thanks to Leeanne's ridiculous defense and a 4/5 skill.

Leeanne, I love you.

>> No.14307595

With these back to back events I have been pooling stamina for next event (though making sure I have max cr unit). When we had breaks I would keep going till event ended for silvers and such.

>> No.14307603

You can easily do that mission with that team.

>> No.14307613

I didn't realize that before until just now though, is the funny part.

>> No.14308517

Depends on the event. With Drop events, Usually when I min-cost the unit. Star events are when I get all stars, collection events? well, I never stop those. Either way, things chance when there's a silver drop I want.

>> No.14308589

How do you increase the stamina cap in Aigis?

>tfw 1 silver drop this whole event
>it was Crave
>5 Rins and counting

>> No.14308592

On the last page they ask prince to join them, and he does

Truly insatiable sluts

>> No.14308639

Level up.

>Maximum stamina increases by 1 at levels 101,120,140,160,180 and 200, to a maximum of 18.

>> No.14308649

Good to know, I'm 95 now, which also seems to be the level at which the Prince is finally able to take out that goddamn black ogre.

>> No.14308756
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In the last few days, I've never retreated because of what came out of the tent. Triple knight means I have enough tank to outlast 2 dragon maids and all the towers. Provided I keep my archer ball safe and deploy ample artillery to speed things up.

Some bases are sickeningly arrogant in design because they have a dragon maid. Like putting a howitzer surrounded by sturdy walls and nothing else - very convenient for keeping my knights in place.

>> No.14308951

*Whistles* Damn, so that's what they were saying. I wonder what Katie and the prince were talking about, or the other archer girls.

>> No.14308967

DMM completely destroyed the balance of Angelic Saga and it's coming to Nutaku. The gist of it;
All anti-elemental stuff is buffed, wood skills are FREE to use.
Sakura is now 2700 attack for 3MP instead of 2400 for 5.
Ryumei is 2mp to return stuff to the deck.
Muto got buffed fucking hard (300 for each wood card on the field, 0MP cost)
Anastasia got buffed (she's 10 cost, her skill costs 3MP now and buffs by 200 for every card instead of 100)
TL;DR: Raise 3 Sakuras to max level and put them in your deck.

>> No.14309015

Saga isn't exactly balanced to begin with. Most of that patch only helped to make some cards less garbage, along with making elemental-themed decks actually worth using.

Sakura, Anastasia, and Muto definitely got overbuffed though.

>> No.14309049

I agree with most of the minor buffs (ESPECIALLY Highborn Flora, I'd never consider using her pre-buff but now I might actually cycle her into my deck) but those three were my biggest concern. Sure, I have all three and I'm going to enjoy using them to their fullest. But still, everyone has Sakuras. I predict you'll see a ton of Sakura and little else in tournaments.

>> No.14309065

>All anti-elemental stuff is buffed
This is a good thing. Those anti elemental skills just aren't worth using most of the time unless they are automatic.

>> No.14309161
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personally, my drops have been pretty good so far,but it wasn't until very recently that I managed to beat Lynn in the final mission, and even more recently than that that I managed to do it consistently.
I'm trying to get her mini-costed and her skill Level to 6 before I call it a day(theres only so many sacred crystals I want to use, and as I understand it Lynn's a so-so unit, so I've probably already used more SCs than I should have on bumping her up).

>> No.14309361

So, what's the first event of dragon Tactics gonna be? Maintenance has already started and ends at midnight.

>> No.14309389

Every event in DT is a whale festival, so who cares

>> No.14309831

oh FYI when you hit those lvls you refill both your stamina and charisma so hitting those lvls is like a super SC, so if you are a free player it is common to hold those till you get an event or a daily mission you want stuff from.

>> No.14310467

For those doing Dragon Tactics' Event: Use the 1 stamina maps for the best efficiency. The event has no unique maps for it, so spam the fuck out of any 1-stamina map of your choosing.

>> No.14310486

based retardbro

>> No.14310487

Welp, 5/10 skill, 13 CC cost.

How'd your Lynn do?

>> No.14310493

9/10, mincosted day ago.

>> No.14310502

I used nine crystals hoping for more Rosalies, and ended up getting way more Lynns instead. So I worked on a CC'd and un-CC'd copy. Both fully mincosted, the CC'd copy is 8/10, the un-CC'd is 5/10.

>> No.14310508

Why would you ever want second Rin? Monks are most useless class.

>> No.14310514

Because I need mincost bodies for fucking Dwarfs and Giants.

>> No.14310515

Skill 5/10
Cost -3/5

>Did the 2 stamina map for a last second run
>The 2nd Cecily that wouldn't drop at all dropped
>No Lynn
>The a few seconds later: Maintenance


>> No.14310547

Would there be any use in keeping dupe of an event unit (Lynn for this example)? I've min-costed her, not sure if it's worth sacking the rest into her for a couple skill-ups. I don't want another Lynn fielded, ever.

>> No.14310565

>I don't want another Lynn fielded, ever.
If you feel it isn't necessary for multiple, feed them to the original.

>> No.14310577

At later point there would be events where every plat unit exp is multiplied, so you may keep them as future fodder if you have space.

>> No.14310588

This is what I was after and yeah I have ~300 spare slots. I don't care for most skills so levelling them up is meh, especially on units I don't care for.

>> No.14310618

Only non-event units. At least that's what it has been like the last 3 times, don't know if there's a separate one where it increases everything, but considering how easy it is to get a ton of event plats, I doubt it.

>> No.14310623

As far as I know it only excludes currently running event units, past event units should be okay.

>> No.14310682

So when is Kanpani supposed to be up?

>> No.14310778

Grinhist: Kampani is being released today?
NutakuMarkaleth: yeah
NutakuMarkaleth: AS non-adult as well
No clue on the actual time though, he probably doesn't know for sure (but feel free to ask him in the angelisaga chatango)

>> No.14310786

Well it's up but game isn't loading for me.

>> No.14310869

7/10 Skill, think I got her cost to 9.
Not a bad result, really.

>> No.14310907

Fucking Nutaku site and games are performing like shit today

Except LoV, based LoV never slows down or breaks

>> No.14310931

Kanpani launched. It seems to be DDOS'd though.

>> No.14310935

It was at start not working, it is now though. Nice little game so far.

>> No.14310961

Nenya was censored, Calliope is provided instead. Sasuga Nutaku.

>> No.14310966

Sherry Lilia and gold half elf Yuyu are spotlight units, nothing like what jp got, guess dorethy was too loli too.

>> No.14310975


At least I don't have to spend SC on rolling!
That's my Nutaku, always got my back!

>> No.14310987

Yeah, gonna pass on rolling too. I don't need every single princess.

>> No.14310989
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>> No.14310998

Well considering we were expecting different units, I can understand why they picked Yuyu. We just had Halloween after all, or am I thinking of a different witch. As for teh princesses, I already have Lilia, so free boost for me without having to spend Sacred Crystals.

>> No.14311003

Praise the god(demon)ess, the event lasts two weeks.

>> No.14311004

I want my dmm team for these maps, having no melee spot rangeds or melee healers sucks.

>> No.14311006

Sasuga nametard. Star trials and item collections always last two weeks.

>> No.14311007

Eh, it's been a while, I had forgotten.

>> No.14311019

Another copy of Themis, another copy of Kojuro.

Fuck you Aigis-sama, at least silvers can be used for CCing.

>> No.14311020

Man, these 5 sta maps are tough even with CC70 units. If at least I'd have runic fencer Charlotte, sigh.

>> No.14311030

Messed up on sacred spring twice, first time didn't realize how hard would really be so only 1 star and second time I lost calliope at some point but got 2 stars at least. Need to wait for stamina but I should have the 3 stars next time.

>> No.14311046

Yeah, Those archers are annoying. Only 2 star on first tried

>> No.14311050

Yeah, don't think i'm even going to use calliope again, think don't need her and just the danger of her dying to them again.

>> No.14311052

No 1.5 attack boost for Lilia or Sherry, I can only imagine how overpowered my 1302 attack Sherry would be.

>> No.14311060

Use valkyrei or HA to deal with them when that black orge passed.

>> No.14311070

Yeah I use I use Kerry for top and then rowanna for bottom and she is able to take out 1 ogre as well before I pull her out.

>> No.14311073

Well thats the first 7 easymode maps done, was really please I had to do princess spam due to no healers in range. Maybe the hard modes will make me use all 5 princesses.

>> No.14311106

Did anyone get into Rose server in Kanpani?

>> No.14311131

So you can class up units to 5* in Kampani or its one-time thing?

>> No.14311134

I can't get into Rose server.
Are there any differences between the two servers ?

>> No.14311146
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>> No.14311157

Kanpani Chatango here.

>> No.14311165
File: 52 KB, 1350x415, canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're going back to 5 tickets per roll and they'll probably have a lower drop rate than brew/stones from the last event. So you might end up with like 1 more roll if you're lucky.

Fucking Canada and Europe. I don't think we'll ever get nice things(lolis) if they're based in Canada.

>> No.14311169

Of course it's the fucking Canadian subhumans holding things back
They picked the worst possible country when it comes to 2D

>> No.14311178
File: 524 KB, 938x580, kanpani1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to Kanpani mechanics, so if I understand right, the game's gacha is different from your typical 'collect gems/tickets and roll' since you get a 'daily roll' and can choose one of the four characters?
>The resumes that come in each day and the resumes you can bring in with Employee Stones are all the same, and give you the chance to recruit all of the girls in the game.
Is that true?
Also is the first one fixed?

>> No.14311180

Nah, my first and second Gachas were two different 3* Samurais. Actually, my first gacha was a samurai girl who is an antagonist in the second chapter which was amusing since she literally killed herself.

>> No.14311182
File: 1.76 MB, 1422x884, kanpani 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes its true from what I can tell and its not totally fixed, I got a different 3 star (mage). Prob guaranteed 3 star. Later after you complete part 1 of story you can upgrade a building that will help with chances of getting better units.

>> No.14311186

I got different ones from that pic, so I'm guessing not.

>> No.14311191

What's the gold mailbox do?

>> No.14311200

>Later after you complete part 1 of story you can upgrade a building that will help with chances of getting better units.

So I should save my employee stones until I get that built?

>> No.14311202

Technically it would be good but don't really think is needed. The first boost it says is small so prob won't see an appreciable effect until later on. But if you want that small edge then yeah wait a little bit, then set up a advertisement, then you can try.

>> No.14311209

Use it when you're going to do a lot of recruitment, it increases the quality of recruits.
So save up like 100 stones and then expend it.

>> No.14311243

Gold males are basically plat armours mate.

>> No.14311271

Already maxed out my 2*s at kampani. Class Upping everyone is gonna be very huge chore, as you can get crystal dropping only on certain day of week for needed class from mid-grade daily.

>> No.14311277

So is Kampani non adult only?

>> No.14311283

Oh fuck, I'm so dumb. You need shard OR ore OR crystal, not all of them at once.

>> No.14311288

What's best way to get gold in Kampani?

>> No.14311296

Sell coins and bags of coins you get from quests. And then gold daily.

>> No.14311300

>2/3 of the spotlight units are ugly and I already have Olivie

It's a good thing Solano is cute as fuck, or I wouldn't even bother with this event.
>distributed at the end of the event
God damn it.

>> No.14311302

ok thanks, is crystal ok to sell? Wish they would just have marked what was meant to be sold. Or is it unless it says it's used for something it can be sold?

>> No.14311304

You mean ruby and stuff? That's ingredients for forging equipment.

>> No.14311309

ah yeah, checking it is used to make rings

>> No.14311315

Well then, good to know that the beginner exp the slimes do 1 damage while the intermediate ones do over 150 lol. On the bright side I got the damaged cg's.

>> No.14311491

Fuck, healers and archers are getting one-shot by black mages and archers. This shit is much harder than I originally expected.

>> No.14311510

What map are you on? Don't expect to clear everything without classing up your girls.

>> No.14311523

Tried 3 stamina Efreet.
I have maxed out golds and plats. 50CC60 Iris and Fedora, 50CC70 Spica, 50CC70 Cellia. Just didn't expect such painful rush of black archers and mages from lower-right passage, they wiped healers and everything collapsed.

>> No.14311528
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I feel as if I stole all the good rolls recently, and have slightly renewed my faith in Aigis-sama. Blew 100 buckaroos right before the monk even tended to try for that plat healer. No healer. In fact, only got a single plat, that Witch and I already have her. But first roll was Olivie. Then later rolled a Deine mid way through. Pretty happy and decided I couldn't ask for more, but still had SC left over. Last roll was a bloody Nanaly.

And now this summoner babe that may rival my school-girl wifu Mehlis? I have no idea where to start.

>> No.14311535

15 stars and all I get is a damn Calliope? Cmon, at least give us a Cloris or something we don't already have, like how we got Rosalie.

>> No.14311610
File: 73 KB, 239x150, Wherever I go, I must also lift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say I expected this one.

>> No.14311615

I just hope that that was an actual translation and not just put in there to be funny. Also, chapter 3 stage 2 (or 3, one in cave) hurt. Barely won, would have easily won had I been able to use atk boost on both 2nd and 3rd fights.

>> No.14311618

So not only three events back to back, but this event is even challenging with a lot of maps. I highly approve.
And Solance is pretty cute too.

>> No.14311624

Its going to suck doing 2 much easier drop events after it, although it was supposed to be last pre-awakening event.

>> No.14311654

Yeah, I bet they'll be a snorefest like monk training ground. Complete it in 30 minutes and then its grinding the last map for the drop over and over.

For now lemme just enjoy this actual enjoyable content, instead of complaining about how stuff will suck in the future

>> No.14311917

I was supposed to have unlocked the battlefield when I got the mage, but where actually is it?

Also, apron or axe?

>> No.14311964

Nevermind, I confused the battlefield and war room as being two different things. Oh well.

>> No.14311987

In Kanpani girls does it matter which girls you use as workers in facilities? Do rarity/level/type matter at all?

>> No.14312002

I don't know about the ad center, but for the forge, higher DEX (iirc) is better, and for the warehouse, higher level is better.

>> No.14312063

Forge: max DEX for weapons (archer), LUK for armor/accesory(warrior)
PR: highest EXP
Storage: INT for max food regen (mages), STR for max non-food regen (warrior)

>> No.14312526

So it seems Awakening fairies are the limiting factor for advancing in DMM Aigis now, so I need to farm Demon Crystals.

What's the minimum team I need for 神級 level Demon Crystals?

>> No.14312595

server rose is for kampani girls +18?

>> No.14312604

There's no 18+ Kampani.

>> No.14312609

And if anyone can prove this wrong, link screens

>> No.14312616

Depends, do you have the cross attack swordmaster?

>> No.14312635

Damn Mighty Ogres X, either I kill the frist black ogre then fuck the second part up or I fuck the first part up and kill the second black ogre properly.
Maybe If I put more levels into Anya I can tank the black ogre for more than 3 hits but its not a reliable stratagy, though maybe I can replace the middle witch with Iris then put Anya down in front of Saki and Bashira's skill but then I have to protect Anya from a second ogre.
This event really is fun, good sign of things to come.

>> No.14312680

We still have some brain-dead events to get through.

>> No.14312765

Unfortunately, no.

Hmm, wish there was a simple way to share your Aigis troops with others.

>> No.14312840

You take screenshots.

>> No.14312870

Are the Kanpani events competitive? How badly are we going to get our asses beat by whales?

>> No.14312917

You could probably replace her with Maurette but she needs to be max skill or AW with decent skill level to 1-shot the gazers. Alternatively, cannoneers.

>> No.14312966

Events are just farming events for equips, there's no ranking or anything.

>> No.14313021

Kampani: getting my ass kicked in chapter 3 mission 2
What setup is most useful for new players? Currently using 3 3* front-liners, 2* healer and 2* mage.

>> No.14313092

To be honest, I've found it's usually best to just go with the highest rarity units you have (+ a healer). On both here and JP I do Monique, Samurai, Axe for front row, and Healer and Mage for backrow.

>> No.14313093

>Translating accuracy as "direct hit".
Sasuga, dev tea.

>> No.14313103

Since you still gather resources while the warehouse is under construction, do you still get random applications while the PR station is under construction?

>> No.14313179

On jp I went with soldier+axe front, mage+archer+healer back. Fighter can substitute soldier at higher levels & with better eqips. Ronin & thief were too dodge reliant for my tastes, at least at lower levels. Craft +2 weapons OR get chara weapons, these are better than everything you can craft right now even at +0. Need ~lv 20 party for 2 star employee's story, idk 40 or 60 for 3 star.

I stuff max lvl PR dept full of lvl 99+17 employees & still get shit, just level it whenever.

>> No.14313224

It's been made clear by my inability to clear some maps I need ranged melee attackers.

I have both silver ninjas, both silver magic swordsmen and Charlotte at -2 CR, and Catena, none of which are currently CCed.

Should I bother with buying Hien, and which ranged melee should I focus on?

>> No.14313359

How do you deal with the first and last black ogres in Mighty Ogres X? Can't seem to find a video for 3 star clear.

>> No.14313375

I'd Focus on Charlotte first. A ninja is also good if you are facing low defense mobs since ninja's attack very fast.
As for Hien. Haven't used him. But based on his stats. It's probably better to raise Kagerou. His highest attack with max trust is 301 at 50CC60.
Kagerou's is 300 at max affection 50CC50. Plus you can min-cost her much more easily.
The only actual advantages I see for him are the ability to awaken him, giving him 30 more atk than Kagerou at maxed level, a min cost that would equal Kagerou, and his skill Increase Attack III. But honestly, I don't think it's worth that much trouble. I'd waste those 70DC on Raichi instead.

>> No.14313436

>I'd waste those 70DC on Raichi instead.
Huh, I'd translate her name as Lychee, personally.

And yes, I picked up a copy of her. Going for Spica next, and then it's time for AW fairies for a long time.

>> No.14313460

Got an example of a Cannoneers-only run on it? All the ones I can find use a swordmaster.

>> No.14313524

>you whale

>> No.14313530

>Set my team up to take on 80/9 in DMM
>Start the mission
FUCK. Daylights saving time ended. FUCK.
The only saving grace is that I'm sure I didn't end up spending that stamina. But even so it was gonna be full in 3 hours when I could have spent a point or two and it would have been full anyway.

>> No.14313623

Is this possible using only Karma, Belinda, Spica, Bashira and event Platinums?

>> No.14313629

Might be if you chuck in a +5 UP for 1 SC

>> No.14313667
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well you see, i can 2* it no problem with this team if i let pass the first and last black ogres, my first try with bashira + karma was that bashira wasn't able to output enough dmg so karma skill ran out and got killed, so even with the +5 UP i had i couldn't kill it fast enough

Nanaly's higher AT and more shots per attack while active provides her with so much power that i feel Bashira can't overcome in this mission

>> No.14313673

Hmm, maybe I'll just focus on 2 starring it instead. Is there any extra reward for achieving all 36 stars vs. the minimum for a maxed Solano?

>> No.14313686

Only the extra SCs for 3*, so feel free to 2* it.

>The general strategy for most players especially free players is to 3 star 9 maps giving 27 stars, then attempt to clear the remaining 3 maps with a 2-2-1 star accumulation.

>> No.14313780

Sounds like a plan. I'd rather use the rest of my charisma/stamina in farming fairies and exp fodder for my other units.

>> No.14314614
File: 29 KB, 417x418, CTBCw-dU8AA-bJH (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So next story mission arc is jungles and we get cute silver bow rider there.

>> No.14314633


>> No.14314651


>> No.14314652

I don't think you can access then without finishing the golem arc unfortunately.

>> No.14314665

What situations are bow riders good for? I notice >>14313375 didn't suggest focusing on Catena, for example.

My guess is:
Low defense, ninja
High defense, magic swordsmen w. skill
Medium, bow riders?

>> No.14314678

Bow riders, like all riders, get more cost back from retreating, so they might find a niche in a unit to use very shortly before deploying other stuff.

>> No.14314716
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I'd say it's quite an improvement. Defense bonus almost doubled, and her skill no already starts off with a big defense boost that makes her like a heavy armor on skillevel 1.

>> No.14314724

Wow, black bishops skill awakening looks over powered.

>> No.14314866

Yes, I swapped my Belinda for Cloris though since she has the attack up, also I put down Aria first. Also that guys Nanaly and Despara are weak and not even close to max level.

>> No.14314870

In exchange of lowering her already shit stat, probably around gold level? Though that's gold mage and healer in 1 unit.

>> No.14315098
File: 102 KB, 554x526, kampani_load_times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How terrible must be their code and hardware if just loading list of available quests takes 6 seconds, and saving result of battle 13 seconds?
Usually load time above 1 sec is considered completely unacceptable. Where the fuck all that money goes.

>> No.14315108

Load time & lack of real user choices during battle is why I dropped Kampani.

Shame, because the game art/design is good, and while it's P2W it seems pretty fair to non-whales with the once a day resume.

>> No.14315116

Dropped on nutaku or dmm?

>> No.14315130

It might just be me, but Dragon Tactics and both their main sites have been chugging along quite poorly since yesterday, and on a few occasions both DT and Kanpani disconnected at the same time.

Could just be placebo, but it really feels like everything has gotten a bit shit.

>> No.14315136

Well I have noticed that Kanpani is taking longer to load things here and there. Could be more people playing now, but no clue. Guess we'll see later.

>> No.14315154

As you can see from screenshot, its only certain requests which take time to load, and its consistent (i.e. Quest.finish always takes 10+ seconds while NoticeBox.get always less than 1 sec), so main site and other games are not relevant here, its lack of optimization of game code in this case.

>> No.14315311

>still +2 cost
I'm glad I didn't AW her. I need a working princess more than I need extra defense, so I'll just get her to CC70.

>> No.14315323

> Princess
> CC70

>> No.14315325

Technically princess class is already CC since they give the same exp bonus as CC units.

>> No.14315327

CC is "class change", which, as name implies, means changing class from one to other. There's no class changing with princess.

>> No.14315330

Because they come already class changed. But fine, level 70.

>> No.14315332

> come already class changed
No, they don't. There's no pre-princess class.

>> No.14315333

They don't come pre-CC'd for you. They just have the level 70 level cap to begin with. The only time the class changes is for awakening.

>> No.14315338

But they are like a CC class. They have the same level limit and give the same exp as a CC class.

>> No.14315449
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>Might Ogres X
Nearly 3* it but the last 2 ogres, fucking hell. This is going to be rough trying to find a way to 3* this aids mission.

>> No.14315483

>Doing Crossroads X
>Everything flawless up until Lich
>There is a skeleton directly on top of the lich
>Try to drop Themis on the Lich, gets the skeleton instead


>> No.14315562

this event is pretty brutal
the only 5sta map I 3 star is gravestone
I also couldn't 3star flame beast, that was some mean shit. Afraid to try to 5sta map for it

>> No.14315586

how did you start out?
I put witches since enemy physical def is buffed in that map, but they couldn't do shit(maxed Bellinda and Calliope, and 50cc40 Cloris) and eventually got crushed sometime before even the armors came out
I then cleared armors with mages but didn't have unit points to face the lich

>> No.14315590

It's probably worth spending crystals on buffs for this event, to CR and skillup her. Not only are there so many difficult maps that you'll likely get a few of those crystals back just from being able to 3 star more missions now, but we're also talking about a unit class whose entire purpose is based on their skill, so I think she's rather useless without at least a few skillups.

>> No.14315601

Are Silver coins and purses in Kanpani just for selling?

>> No.14315629

I just followed Nasu's video, with minor modifications to fit in my higher cost units

>> No.14315768

Kanpani is pretty much like Kancolle. Meaning, there's no real P2W.

It's quite similar to Aigis as well.

>> No.14315918

Kampani died? Gives "server error" to me.

>> No.14315946
File: 845 KB, 770x514, attack, attack, attack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, I'm going to need help on this, I'm new and can't pass this level.

>> No.14315954

Just follow japanese guide. It has very precise instructions to clear every story map.

>> No.14315974

Really? I'll look it up.

>> No.14316093

Pulled off the Mighty Ogres X 3* because of Karma, holy shit.

I guess getting a perfect Karma was a good investment after all - haven't needed to use her before this.

>> No.14316172

I was close, I think if all my units were slightly higher I could do it with current team, but I'm just going to switch out 5 units I don't use for this map for melee bodies so I can stall him (last black) long enough. Just need to wait on stamina since empty.

>> No.14316293

How did you start off the mission? I used Karma at the start for the first black but then, the one at the end rapes everything.

>> No.14316301

I placed Karma just behind the first loop, by the exit. Used her + Nanaly to bring down the first one, and had their actives up again for the last one.

Was pretty sketchy, though.

>> No.14316453

200 Demon crystals should be enough of a stockpile for awakening, its 100 DC per awakening right?
I got 2 healers, 2 archers, 1 heavy, 1 Witch, 1 Soldier, 1 bandit and 1 mage all 30CC1 and waiting.
I'm not 100% sure who I want to awaken first, was gonna be Sherry, Spica and Fedora/Iris with her 5/5 skill but now I'm not sure whether to wait on Sybilla who I got last week whos 70 with 4/5 skill.

>> No.14316456

How are you supposed to 3* mighty ogres reliably? (no assassinate/dodge cheese)

>> No.14316458

High level Anya with great heals and skill active for the second black ogre, with an archer like Bashira and Saki both attacking it too.

>> No.14316459

Karma and Anya

>> No.14316463

Don't have Anya. Sadly you can only really have 1 healer up at a time. Unless you put Saki in a place where she has to hit air all the time.

>> No.14316467

I don't think you have enough unit point for Anya for first orge

>> No.14316473

Try something like this guy, keep Karma alive

>> No.14316474

>tfw you started Aigis after Karma's event

>> No.14316475

Nope, healer in middle, Anya on healers left, Saki on Anya's left, Bashira on bottom left.
Use Karma for the first, after its been attacked by both a witch and while bashira attacks it.

>> No.14316489
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Could you draw on here what you mean? Would Spica be a fine replacement for Bashira (Bashira isn't CC'd) and no Anya. Have black Karma though.

>> No.14316505

Not him but I think only Anya can do it. With Karma, you need place her last line and keep her alive for second orge

>> No.14316508
File: 854 KB, 1078x758, mspaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spica may do it, I dunno, Bashira has 3 attacks for 500 ish, Spica is 700 attack

>> No.14316512

Witch at the start then swap later for healer?

I've been using Saki at the bottom area (where the roads are close) I'll try your strat. Start with witch at the top > saki left > karma. Then swap top with healer and have 50/60 Bernice where Anya is.

>> No.14316546

Bernice can take one hit from a black ogre and loses 95% of her health, Anya loses 50% at level 53 with skill, one shot without her skill while having slightly less health.

>> No.14316547

For most story missions it really doesn't seem to matter if you score 1, 2 or 3 stars. Only for the last one of each chapter. So if you can just get to the castle it's fine.
Also some maps will have more mana/gold than you can store for a while, dont destroy all the storages, leave some for later when you need it.

>> No.14316552
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Once the black ogres show up... it's all ogre.

>> No.14316556

Just killed both Black ogres with noone dying to them, let a single wolf slip though.
Just kill me now.

>> No.14316557

Just like me doujin

>> No.14316568

So skills in Kanpani are purely based on weapon equipped? Are there any, like, 'passives' or anything character-specific?

>> No.14316573

There are character specific weapons gotten through their story mode.

>> No.14316608

I see, thank you. That's a nice touch too, I guess.
Also how's Kanpani doing in DMM? Is it still more or less alive and popular?

>> No.14316630

Currently 5th after botes, flowers, bois and aigis.

>> No.14316631

One of most popular all-ages games there.

>> No.14316639
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do i need to remind you of Anya? She was a dragon, then CC'd to become a princess

>> No.14316648

Anya is not "princess" class, she is "ドラゴンプリンセス"/"真竜戦士", completely different tree which is irrelevant to discussion we had.

>> No.14316662


>> No.14316670

What part of "completely different tree" you didn't understand?
Its same as archer vs bow rider — word similarity doesn't mean anything.

>> No.14316709

27 stars achieved, only 5 to get Sorano mincosted, and 3 X missions yet not tried, seems like its not that hard when you follow nasu strategies.

>> No.14316746

i'm almost sure Crossroad X is the easiest of the 3

>> No.14316913

I think it depends on your units. I was able to 3* Mighty Ogres X, but I can't manage to get the 3* on Crossroads X. I lack a strong enough duelist to drop on the Lich, and I keep catching the fucking skeletons and not hitting the Lich as well.

>> No.14316927

how did you 3 star ogre x?

>> No.14316929

Dropped my 4/5 Sybilla on that lich, killed it easily
cannot kill the first black ogre on time for my karma to live until the last one
i have not been able to 1HKO that nasty lich on X, you guys know if it's immune to it?

>> No.14316934

if i had a nanaly, and replaced my bashira with it, i could be able to 3* it (only other black being Karma)
so i'm guessing he has a nanaly

>> No.14316984

I do indeed have a Nanaly. Despara as well.

>> No.14317023

One of the few times I've wished I had a Sybilla instead of Deine. My only other duelists are Dahlia (new and untouched, level 1 with 0 affection) and Rowanna (still level 30, only 50% aff). Downside is I'm using Rowanna on the bottom lane.

RIP me. Kerry just doesn't cut it.

>> No.14317047

I have maxed Spica and maxed Despara. Doable 3*? Also perf Karma.

>> No.14317062

No idea, honestly. You could give it a shot, but you might not have the damage.

4 arrows is a lot better than 1, I think.

>> No.14317133

So if any DMM players are struggling with the dracolich, I think the secret is to get an awoken healer and trap it between 3 melee units in a triangle. With an awoken healer, you can recover from the stuns indefinitely. Just watch out for the ranged attack, and try to kill the pumpkin king as soon as you can.

>> No.14317202

no you can't, the main damage dealer there is nanaly, you can even replace despara with chloris and still 3* it if you have nanaly

i tried bashira + chloris (as i don't have better replacements for nanaly and despara) and i get real close to kill the first ogre, but the damage output is not high enough and my karma's skill ends and she dies

If you had despara + bashira or chloris + nanaly i'm certain you could do it

maybe belinda + bashira is plausible, but you get my point, the main factor here is the multy-shot skill they both have

if you manage to 3* it i would love to see your team and strategy

>> No.14317212
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Starting to look like I'll have to skip it and not have it 3* and hopefully 3* the other stuff. Feels dirty. I'll try once more I think.

>> No.14317251

50CC70 Belinda and Bashira let me 3* it along with a 46 Karma with 3/5 skill. Karma survived but I didn't want to keep her around after that.

>> No.14317310

Is Eterna 12 stam map really hard? I couldn't find a video that didn't use several awakened units and I only have Claire AW

>> No.14317389

my assumptions today are very accurate it seems

>> No.14317407

All you need is this to 2 star.

To three star in another matter entirely. That dracolich will fuck you up so you need to place a duelist that can handle it. 1200 physical dmg when close, 1500 mag dmg when far, 90,000HP Oh and it can paralyze too.

>> No.14317419

don't be like that anon, if you can 2* 2/3 of the X's maps, 1* the other and 3* everything else you get a total of 32 stars, meaning perfect solano

>> No.14317437

I haven't tried it yet, but I think you might need at least one AW healer.

These have a couple AW units:

>> No.14317442 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1269x900, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aparently something's wrong with my writting so i'll post the image of my post

>> No.14317443

I'm guessing the soul drops are all not from the pumpkin king or lich? Do they drop anything?

>> No.14317448

meant to reply to >>14317212

>> No.14317485

tried to delete >>14317442
and >>14317448
when i saw that >>14317419
was actually posted

>you must wait longer before you can delete it
>you must wait longer before you can delete it
>you must wait longer before you can delete it
>this post is too old to be deleted

omg this is nuts 4chan, i can't even delete my own posts at will

>> No.14317508

The pumpkin king doesn't drop anything. The big ass dragon can drop a rainbow fairy, but it's only around a 5% drop rate after the first time.

>> No.14317522

I mean to not bother trying to 3* that Ogre X map but 3* the other missions (I've effortlessly 3* all the previous missions then boom Ogre X makes it all ogre)

>> No.14317821

dont mind me then
i guess i'm too tired atm to read beetween lines

>> No.14317964

I am constantly drowning in mana in GK.
It takes forever and a day to rebuild new selma's once they get level 20+ (and everything else for that matter) and my level 7 mana towers outproduce everything I can build.
Getting in that top 50 ranking this event seems really hard unless you wallet warrior for those extra production lines/hourglasses.
I'm starting to lose interest really.

>> No.14318149

See >>14317133

If you don't have an awoken healer, I hope you at least have awoken Thetis or some other duelist who can ignore paralysis.

>> No.14318271

Managed 3 star ogre x, good feeling considering it was a pain. Rowanna is nice as well for ogres, she is at just the right level to kill a red ogre (with archer/witch support), heal, then kill a second red ogre barely while barely alive.

>> No.14318502

Is the 12 stamina map on DMM 100% drop for souls? Seems like it from my trips

>> No.14318559

Pretty annoying in Kanpani where you are taking heavy dmg in rounds but have a healer, however when you kill last mob since healer is slow she doesn't heal for that round and you go to next fight. This makes it where you start losing people because it keeps happening and you eventually lose.

>> No.14318622

It's not. How many trips did you do?

>> No.14318846

new thread
