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File: 1.33 MB, 1152x720, Maggot_baits_trialver._2015-10-28_16-53-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14280992 No.14280992 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14263941

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.14281007

Nice OP, I guess.
>Any politics in this or other Tatsuya games?
In Innocent Bullet at least the vast majority of focus is given to guns and military life/movements. There's only one politician-esque character so far, and 8-some military bros so I do not expect the later game to have much politics but if my expectations are wrong I will be sure to mention it.

>> No.14281015

I love how they designed character with background and stuff just to be cruelly killed in first 10 minutes of game.

>> No.14281190

Like how they killed the best girl in Sharin in the first 10 minutes?

>> No.14281226 [DELETED] 

Yucks why do people even play this stuff.

>> No.14281239

Does anyone have any tips on reading for a long period of time? I want to start reading more but I get distracted too easily.

>> No.14281241

Pick something that would be interesting for you.

>> No.14281242

Read something actually interesting.

>> No.14281247

Its fun to read stuff that doesn't bother with usual "harming evil people is bad" bullshittery. Majos are calamity for humanity, everyone living in city is some kind of criminal or scum, there's no "good" people there and its fun to watch them torturing and killing each other.

>> No.14281251

Either disconnect yourself from the distractions or read something that's actually capable of keeping your attention.

>> No.14281254

Why would you kill her when you could keep her?

>> No.14281260

> you could keep her
One majo is capable of taking down several tanks and bombers. You don't want to let her regain powers.

>> No.14281280

Is it supposed to be a guro fetish though? Does your heart go doki doki as they die? Do you know of any other games like this that aren't just trial?

>> No.14281289

TBH, I don't actually like guro side of things so far, its presented as pure torture and pain, without any erosa. I prefer things like https://vndb.org/v11696 where heroine gets to enjoy it too.

>> No.14281323

Finished Rin's route. It certainly provided some answers, but felt kinda "normal". And left still too many mysteries.

I did like it. Now let's see if Makoto's is bad and if Zypressen onwards is amazing.

>> No.14281325

Should I play this for the ero or plot?

>> No.14281332

I honestly liked how Makoto's route handled some stuff and it had some amazing bits, but damn it's boring.

>> No.14281338

There were no fapable (for me) scenes in trial, so unless you can fap to girl being chopped into pieces or giant majo raping and crushing men against own breasts, its definitely for plot.

>> No.14281345

Hmm, script filesize suggest it's little bit longer than Olympia.

Olympia didn't really feel long to me, so even Pica Pica might be okay. But boring things always end up feeling way longer than they are.

>> No.14281346

>giant majo raping and crushing men against own breasts

That sounds hot.

>> No.14281355

That's the main problem, it's kinda long but can feel like an eternity.
It's still noe of the better 'mommy issues and family problems' routes I've read when it actually focuses on that because they behave like normal human people instead of melodramatic retards.

>> No.14281437

I need femdom with this girl.

>> No.14281444

Sorry, she was killed by protag in first 10 minutes.

>> No.14281474

I saw in the post above; unfortunate. I cant stand gore either, I have quite a weak stomach.

>> No.14281517
File: 36 KB, 1152x720, Maggot_baits_trialver._2015-10-28_20-59-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, this is not fair.

>> No.14281527

Do you guys play vns on other systems as well?

have you tried time travellers

>> No.14281544

On Vita. I mean, I play, not Time Travellers.

>> No.14281550
File: 1.42 MB, 1152x720, Maggot_baits_trialver._2015-10-28_18-09-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completed Maggot Baits trial.
They really went to the fullest extreme with violence there, and its quite graphical. I've completed plenty of guro VNs before, but still felt very uncomfortable during Iron Maiden scene.
Characters are very interesting, and looks like its going to have nice plot, so will give it a try when its released.
Some of h-scene samples they featured after trial were very nice too, so at least non-guro parts are fappable.

>> No.14281569

Thoughts on 双パラ?

>> No.14281573

Hamashima does torture me so.
Always making me want to play unpleasing games even though I know I will just end up emotionally scarred.

>> No.14281579

So yeah im not fluent at japanese, so i just wanna ask, as you guys who seem to be fluent.

Do you just skip over words you don't know?

I mean do you just kinda skim through and pick up the main points.

I mean some words i can tell what they mean but other times i just wanna skip through it as it takes too long

>> No.14281589

I mean i tend to miss some stuff, like the beggining of silverio vandetta when the arms flies across at the begginign i thought it was the protagonist's arm flying across until i read back.

>> No.14281592

On the off chance that you're not just some baiter using the obvious bait once again, I'll answer seriously.

I look up words I don't know. Nowadays in most VNs it doesn't happen ofter that I have to do so, so it's not too distracting.

Next time it would be a good idea to ask on /a/ in DJT, this isn't a Japanese learning thread after all. Also come to think of it, I don't see what will you get by asking this question.

>> No.14281599

Eromanga was relatively normal. ぽちとご主人様 too.

>> No.14281609

Isn't time travellers on vita?

>> No.14281615

I enjoyed it a lot for the sci-fi aspect. You'll get more out of it if you played owaseka beforehand.

>> No.14281629

Why is it always female characters that get tortured and never male characters?

>> No.14281636

whoops meant to reply to>>14281544

>> No.14281639

There's no shortage of hardcore femdom games.

>> No.14281640

There is scene where Sandi rapes several males and oppai-crushes their heads.
There's plenty of male-torture oriented VNs, like Mugen Kairou or various yaoi shit too.

>> No.14281643

I remember there was VN with scene where sado-loli cuts apart male's testicles and then forces him to eat it.

>> No.14281644

Yeah, Eromanga was cute and lewd (and informative) enough for me. But then he hammers my feelings with euphoria, Fraternite and now this. Well, it's mostly Banya but still they are usually synonymous in my mind.

>> No.14281647

Mugen Kairou was good but Tairou is pretty much a girl with a dick.

>> No.14281654


Hamashima is a lady, bro

>> No.14281657

Is she now? Never really looked into it but that's good to know if there is any reliable source you're getting this from.

>> No.14281658

Who cares?

>> No.14281660


She's very open about it. Just look at her twitter/ask.fm. She's even posted pictures of herself before.

>> No.14281662

There's Kaito from AkaGoei.

>> No.14282047

Male privilege.

>> No.14282245 [DELETED] 

Zypressen is amazing. There's one scene I can't believe is in an eroge

>> No.14282256

Anon posted on a dead thread so I'll repost it (>>14281480)
Yeah I completely disagree about most of these points.

1- The text itself is interesting most of the time so who care, the only parts that felt bloated was chapter 1 and Makoto's route, in the end Sakura no Uta is a Makura's game and the game itself is about life itself, not depicting the slice of life would go against what the game is going for

2- The art can be weird like most of the CGs in Rin's route and shit but it's not game breaking. Being outdated is a pretty stupid thing to say no and you clearly don't know how shit art in doujin game can be

3- Makoto's route is the low part of the game but you are really really exagerating, it's definitely isn't that bad. The route also introduce the conflict between the families and Makoto's route who is actually a very important character so it's needed

4- Honestly I don't even know what to say about this, if you really think it's forced you clearly completely missed the point of the game

5- the lesbian route may feel separated from the rest of the game but it's not disjointed, thematically it's also pretty clever to put it where it was considering what Sakura no Uta is about
And it was a fucking great route, who care if it exist just because Scaji wanted to write about it

6- Yeah no, fuck off. If that's really your complain about VI you obviously completely and utterly missed the point
VI is like the best way possible to end this game

Sakura no Uta was written on a long period of time and it shows but it does have an all encompassing theme.
I know that this game really isn't for everyone so your reaction doesn't surprise me but yeah, I really do think you completely missed the point

>> No.14282263

Great, you could have just left that discussion dead in the previous thread but you just had to drag it over here

>> No.14282266

...Or you could've left the dead discussion in the dead thread.

>> No.14282267

It's visual novel discussion. Suck it up.

>> No.14282270

I'm (one who wrote list of problems) not going to bother replying to him anyway, so unless someone else is willing to argue with religious zealots, its not going to continue.

>> No.14282274

Sakura no Uta is the worst thing to happen since forever.

>> No.14282275

>religious zealots
Is that how you respond after saying "n-no one's explained how the game is good!"? You just call the dude a religious zealot and not respond? Kind of pathetic.
It only release a couple days ago, people will not be talking about it in a month.

>> No.14282283

I will probably postpone playing it myself for a few months and then type something out, since my enjoyment of it would probably be reduced if I wanted to keep visiting this thread. I have enough backlog, anyways.

>> No.14282376 [SPOILER] 
File: 209 KB, 1276x715, 1446056364303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burst out laughing really hardly here.
Sakura no Uta by the way.
Spoilered because it probably won't be as funny if you see this beforehand.

>> No.14282384
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, capture_001_25102015_180604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit SakuUta shocked me. I'm 15 hours in and was not prepared at ALL. I figured with the "SakuUta is kamige" and "SakuUta is kusoge" memes that it would obviously be somewhere in between but I did not expect to get so immediately drawn in.

HimaNatsu was comfy. It set an atmosphere and had attention to detail that made me attached to the characters and setting.
SubaHibi was engaging. Despite the numerous shenanigans it had a way of telling the story that made it a good, not great, read.
My first impression of SakuUta is that it's just fucking FUN. Makes no sense and will probably jump around too much to make sense plotwise, but I can't get rid of this wide grin on my face, nor do I want to.

Please tell me that that is the kind of ride I'm in for, because I don't want it to stop. The setting is not as good as HimaNatsu and the storytelling is not as good as SubaHibi, but regardless of that I am thoroughly enjoying myself because of how well it pulls off making utter nonsense seem like a good time.

>> No.14282494

Hope the guy who wrote Makoto's route never writes anything again in his life

>> No.14282555

Which chapter are you on?
I just finished chapter 1 and it bored me a lot, I do feel mundane conversations are strangely fun but the length killed it for me. I feel kind of left out. I'll keep going because it seems it gets better from now on, though.

Which is weird, I remember euphoria being pretty decent plotwise.

>> No.14282579

I wonder why so many people rate games high despite the bad routes especially when they take a significant part of the whole thing (not talking about SnU here here in particular)? Isn't it a bit selective and basically saying "it's good except when it's bad"?

>> No.14282591

Can you give an example of a majorly bad game rated highly? Some games have a long common route that's good. I'd expect 2/5 character routes to be bad based on experience. So, if I expected it to be bad, the game just meets my expectations and doesn't ruin the whole experience for me.

>> No.14282608

It probably depends on when the bad parts happen as what happens towards the end probably stands out more so it and can "ruin" something otherwise excellent throughout if it's bad where as if it's good it makes the rest of the game seem better in retrospect.

>> No.14282616

Or the good outweighs the bad, or the good is just more important than the bad. Game ratings are very subjective and fluent.

>> No.14282629

In the case of Makoto's route I didn't care that much because it took part between the normal eroge phase aka common route + Rin's route and when the real awesome weird shit actually start aka Rina onward

In the case of Dies Irae for example Kasumi's route is quite weak compared to the rest but it made me hyped for the rest more than anything

So yeah it depends on where that weak route is placed

>> No.14282663

I'm not >>14282579 but the first thing comes my mind is Primal x Hearts. Seriously common route was kinda good yeah, but all heroine routes were shit. There wasnt even enough ichaicha, just sex sex sex and end. I'm not really sure how the hell this got 80 at EGS.

I mean lets say the common route was 40% of the entire game, does some kinda good 40% (even that wasnt excellent or something) and shitty 60% makes 80/100? Even the SnU got 87 if I'm remembering correctly.

>> No.14282677

I'll go with ever17, it's just tedious buildup for 4 routes with some neat stuff here and there.

>> No.14282703

Did you not fuckin' read >>14282616? Game ratings aren't objective like that, people don't measure out (in made-up percentages no less) how much of a game was good and rate it just from that. Christ.

>> No.14282731


I just finished down the rabbit hole and felt it was rather bland. Apparently it gets real later.

>> No.14282754

Chusingura 46+1

>> No.14282757

I think most of rabbit hole 1 wasn't even written by scaji so yeah.

>> No.14282775

Everything in Subahibi was written by Sca-ji

>> No.14282785
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, プライマルハーツ2体験版_2015-10-11_06-47-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Primal x Hearts
Games are rated in a scale depending on the type of game. PxH was a moege, not an scenarioge, and as a moege it was good. The setting with the two student councils (which introduced light politics) was pretty fun, the characters were cute, the art and ero were good, and the individual routes, which indeed had more ero than anything else, acknowledged that and were pretty short compared to the common route.

Similarly, nukige get pretty good ratings if they're good as nukige.

>> No.14282792

>and as a moege it was good.
The problem is that it wasn't, it drops the icha icha one hour into the routes and then goes sex sex stupid drama sex more stupid drama sex sex resolution.
It was a fun game for a while then it completely shits the bed. Even the art starts looking bad no matter how shiny it is.

>> No.14282805

>The problem is that it wasn't
Uh, to you? You know that not everyone felt the same about the game as you?

>> No.14282814

Moe is a pretty ambiguous word, a moege doesn't necessarily have to be ichaicha all the time. Let's call it a charage instead.

>> No.14282865

I enjoyed it but I didn't think it was great. That Blick Winkel ending was bullshit so 7/10 (7.5/10 if you like chicken sandwiches).

>> No.14282873

No the teacher h-scene wasn't

>> No.14282874

Oh yeah you are right.

>> No.14282966

Are you literally shaking? It does sound like you are.

>> No.14283007

This is actually a /vg/ copypasta usually posted about Ikikoi. Just a heads up.

>> No.14283011

Thanks detective

>> No.14283023 [DELETED] 

The common route didnt outweighed the routes or anything. You are exaggerating too much. Even the "777" shit didnt matter a bit.

Its not all about eros. Even the dramas were forced and shitty as fuck. For example Kanna's route. What the fuck was that "I will give you blowjobs, sleep in your bed, life as your wife but wont be your girlfriend because you might get bored of me at sometime" shit? If this is not a forced drama, I'm not sure what is it.

How about others? Sera; the classic "She cant be together with someone like him" setting which I dont like a bit but this is just my personal taste so you guys might actually liked it, Haruhi; She didnt know what the "love" means but started masturbating in front of MC suddenly just because why not. Yuzuki; Even though this didnt happened at of other routes, Mc suddenly realized he didnt know what does "love" means and acted coldly against her because god only know reasons, until he saw a idiotic mail.

And after those events, they just have sex, sex, sex > end.

Also I'm not >>14282792 and I'm rating this game as a moege. Or more like I dont even play anything else except moeges so I cant rate with any other standards.

>> No.14283032

The common route didnt outweigh the routes or anything. You are exaggerating too much. Even the "777" shit didnt matter a bit.

Its not all about eros. Even the dramas were forced and shitty as fuck. For example Kanna's route. What the fuck was that "I will give you blowjobs, sleep in your bed, life as your wife but wont be your girlfriend because you might get bored of me at sometime" shit? If this is not a forced drama, I'm not sure what is it.

How about others? Sera; the classic "She cant be together with someone like him" setting which I dont like a bit but this is just my personal taste so you guys might actually liked it, Haruhi; She didnt know what the "love" means but started masturbating in front of MC suddenly just because why not. Yuzuki; Even though this didnt happened at of other routes, Mc suddenly realized he didnt know what does "love" means and acted coldly against her because god only know reasons, until he saw a idiotic mail.

And after those events, they just have sex, sex, sex > end.

Also I'm not >>14282792 and I'm rating this game as a moege. Or more like I dont even play anything else except moeges so I cant rate with any other standards.

>> No.14283038

Thanks for the SPOILERS.

>> No.14283064

I didn't like the game much myself, I'm just noting it's subjective and saying something like "the game is only 40% good so it should only have a 40/100 rating"! is very narrow minded.
Furthermore it's not like everyone who rated Primal Hearts had brain damage and accidentally gave the game high scores. Quote:
Some people just liked it more than you. That's it.

>> No.14283083

Dude its not like I'm hunting those people who gave a high score or something, of course I know it depends on everyone's tastes. Just said why did I thought that as overrated and wanted to hear other people's opinion at here, since I cant join the SnU conversion at all.

Its not like I'm mad, and I'll play the second game as well.

>> No.14283090

I am mainly responding to
>I mean lets say the common route was 40% of the entire game, does some kinda good 40% (even that wasnt excellent or something) and shitty 60% makes 80/100?
Which made me fairly butthurt for obvious reasons

>> No.14283096
File: 153 KB, 965x724, 穴.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, just a sip! I know you'll like it.

>> No.14283113

I like how immersive that is. You can really see the blur.

>> No.14283122

Lolis are disgusting.

>> No.14283125

Oh that. Well of course it doesn't mean we have to give 30-40/100 or something, but I'm still thinking that if a moege's more than half is bad, it shouldn't be as high as 80-85. It may be different at other type of games because of twist or true route factors though.

>> No.14283127

Well, it's on PS2 so that's kinda to be expected.

>> No.14283137

This game is adorable.

>> No.14283158

I'm reading EGS reviews and the 80 point reviewers didn't think the routes were bad at all. So you say, "if a moege is more than half bad it shouldn't be as high as 80-85", but in reality people don't think it's half-bad. I'm reading this 3,000 character review and the dude is raving about every character route. For example compare this:
> Haruhi; She didnt know what the "love" means but started masturbating in front of MC suddenly just because why not.
It's all perspective

>> No.14283162

So does it have good humor like the manga or is it just a bland galge adaptation?

>> No.14283183

I'd say the humor is pretty close to the manga, with a really small amount of romance mixed in.

>> No.14283261

Down the rabbit hole I is legit the worst thing Sca-ji has ever written. It's a Lucky Star fanfic with a bunch of philosophical references that don't make sense until later on. If I didn't make it through that garbage I would've never written anything by him again.

>> No.14283272
File: 468 KB, 1920x1200, lucky-star-745-wide1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lucky Star fanfic

Sounds like my type of game.

>> No.14283278

It wouldn't be a bad thing if it was in some moege or nukige but it's just cringe worthy in a game like Subahibi.

>> No.14283314

I have a bit more respect for Innocent Bullet - seeing him fuck up in training and subsequently absolutely break down in his first real combat situation, to the point where a teammate punches him in the face for endangering his team, was actually kind of moving. I had extremely low expectations for this game so something like that is surprising.

>> No.14283334

Where do you think you are?

>> No.14283406

It would still suck since there's practically no humor. The only redeeming thing is the theme park sequence, which doesn't even make sense.

>> No.14283426

Some of us like women and not little kids.

>> No.14283431

Then you wouldn't be playing eroge.

>> No.14283443

If you think a majority of VNs are lolige you're out of your fucking mind.

>> No.14283453

If you think that's what I said you're fucking retarded. There are barely any women to be found in eroge, they all act immature, even characters who are supposed to be older. If you liked women you wouldn't play fucking eroge.

>> No.14283455

I assumed your post had something to with >>14283122. My bad.

>> No.14283461

The vast majority of eroge have characters that most sane people would consider to be children. Hate to break it to you, but if you play eroge, you're kind of a pedo by default, fam.

>> No.14283532

If you play moege and nothing else, sure, but many nukige and story-driven games have adult heroines.

>> No.14283581

Guys I have a quick small question. I have never played any Gesen18 games and I'd like to play 三極姫4 or something, but do I have play other three first or can I just jump into this? Also what's the difference about all those? Do they have same mc's or entire different cast?

>> No.14283680

I think you can jump straight in. From what I can tell, the main cast of each game seems different (I played 2 and none of the cover girls look familiar) and I assume the storylines are different as there was a renewal edition of the first game was released a year ago. I also think the protagonist is different.
Anyway, you should probably check their site for more info.

>> No.14284134


i feel sorry for the protag in this kind of settings

they constantly get picked and treated like shit

>> No.14284151

Thanks, I didn't know since I don't go to /vg/

>> No.14284204

Do you guys even play non-ero vns?

>> No.14284216

I mean, the vast majority of VNs have ero included. It's standard even for story-based games to toss in some HCGs. With that in mind I don't think your question means much. With that said, Higurashi and Umineko were huge hits tons of people played and they had 0 ero, so that should answer your question. Plus Utawarerumono 2 came out a bit ago and also had a lot of players.

>> No.14284227

Still what about stuff like gyakuten saiban, danganronpa, timetravelleers, timehollow,

I realise some of these have been localised but I'm wondering if you guys try these.

Or I guess stuff like Steins gate passes this qualification as well

>> No.14284236

Those are pretty popular (not the ds game so much) so you can expect people to play them yes.

>> No.14284240

so we can talk about them here?

>> No.14284249

This is the visual novel thread, so yes you can talk about visual novels. Untranslated ones, though, if they're translated take it to >>>/vg/120499687

>> No.14284259

Are there any lighthearted VNs with an actually interesting common route? The only VN with a common route I didn't find boring as fuck was grisaia no kajitsu

>> No.14284263


>> No.14284266

I'll give it a try

>> No.14284267

Common routes are rarely interesting, usually it's just carried by jokes and SOL, just like Grisaia. So really just throw darts at some VNs and hope you find one with comedy you like. Read stuff written by this guy https://vndb.org/s204 since you apparently like his stuff.

>> No.14284273

Yeah I liked the humor in grisaia, thanks for the link

>> No.14284331
File: 152 KB, 746x410, i am the bone of my sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So THAT's what Nasu meant.

>> No.14284365

You mean hetare? Ikikoi protag is hetare, right? So you are the legendary hetare autist?

>> No.14284372

If you had bothered to actually check the archives you'd find comments on possibly all of those. If memory serves well, I did discuss about them when Gyakusai 5/Daigyakusai was around (not sure if Daigyakusai was just with my friend though) and DGR/DGR2 back on the PSP for example.

>> No.14284378

No they are pretty bad ass but the way they get treated by the heroines of the game is kinda sad.

I mean sure at first its cute, like sakura punching naruto a couple of feet I found kinda funny as a kid but after a while its just why do you do this to a character?

Also girl who punches at the speed of sound and mary sue girl fights and mary sue matches her, is kinda bullshit.

Its like stuff i would watch when younger thinking it was good.

>> No.14284750 [DELETED] 

Yes it's amazing

>> No.14284755 [DELETED] 

Sakura no Uta is the best eroge since subahibi

>> No.14284762 [DELETED] 

Thanks for sharing anon. Hopefully more people will play this masterpiece. It's not for everyone but please give it try

>> No.14284765

I wonder what's your goal with all this sakuuta shitposting? Make people here hate it even more?

>> No.14284769

I don't think Scaji wrote most of it, actually.

>> No.14284774

Stop spamming thread, you faggot.

>> No.14284819


>> No.14284853


>> No.14284861

What's with the nukige-ish character designs?

>> No.14284885

Silky's Plus' two works so far are borderline nukige judging by the amount of ero and art, but they have pretty good storylines. It seems they're going for a blurry line between scenarioge and nukige.

>> No.14284886

Hanasaki work spring

>> No.14285169

Oh? It's still related to nanarin?

>> No.14285242

I think you're in denial.

>> No.14285248
File: 358 KB, 640x480, 肢体を洗う_2015-10-29_01-50-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of silky's, completed Shitai o Arau today.

It left very mixed impression on me.

Large part of game is protagonist's inner struggle with situation, with long inner monologues and what was supposed to be him slowly yielding to stress. And this part is pretty much complete failure, it didn't "tick" for me at all, it was very boring and lacking any impression. Somehow I made it to the first ending, but after it I just started mostly skipping these parts with only cursory glancing over them. It made game much more bearable that way.

However, when shit actually happens, its very amusing and I've enjoyed collecting all bad ends for all its crazy developments. Bad ends also feature hint corners with short skits, and they are quite good.

Story itself was so-so, it put significant load on my suspension of disbelief, and many points were not explained at all. Heroines were there mostly to progress the plot, romance felt like it was added just because eroge needs stuff like that.

Overall, while its failure as horror or thriller or denpa or whatever they tried to make it, its great black comedy, and considering how much better omake scenarios and hint corners were than original game, they should've focused on this comedy/crazy stuff instead. Things like poem about corpse's pussy were pretty cool.

>> No.14285416 [DELETED] 

pretty sure its highly acclaimed in Japan

>> No.14285418 [DELETED] 

confirmed by moogy

>> No.14285420

It has a 91 in egs right now

>> No.14285429

I read for 1 hour periods with 20-30 minute breaks.
Can get through anything with this pace.

>> No.14285507

Tried Damekoi since it was praised as one of best comedies around, but I cannot stomach this protagonist. Currently at chapter 2 and it doesn't seem like things would ever change.

Are there any good vn comedies which do not rely on protag shaming?

>> No.14285508

Started reading Pica Pica and I can immediately tell the writing is worse. Typical repetition of same things in narration and speech is now present.

Makoto is likeable though, hopefully that will carry me through the route.

>> No.14285512

>Typical repetition of same things in narration and speech is now present.
I bet you think subahibi repeating its themes throughout the game is somehow "bad".

>> No.14285528

I didn't read Subahibi yet.

And if Subahibi does repeat its themes, I kinda doubt its in the same way as Pica Pica's narration and then the very next speech line saying the same thing. I can presume a certain theme is reinfoirced at several points of Subahibi, that's not really the same thing I'm disliking about Pica Pica, you braindead retard. Next time think before you post.

>> No.14285545

Yeah you can see that the writer tried to emulate Sca-ji but he fails at it
As someone who think Sakura no Uta is the best eroge in years I have no problem admitting that Makoto's route is mediocre
It has some important bits though and 2-3 pretty nice scenes

>> No.14285585

Whoa calm down, dude. I just said that because there's some autists in this thread who always show up to complain about subahibi repeating text.

>> No.14285590

Sorry, I just suddenly got very unhappy with you when writing my response, so I let it out at the end.

>> No.14285675

The difference is that subahibi is actually repeating "themes" and not just pointless small talk. When Scaji writes a tangent about something artistic you can wrap your brain around it and try to find the subtle meaning behind it, but what this guy writes is completely devoid of meaning and is just a chore to read unless you really really enjoy the fine arts.
Repeating text in subahibi wasn't even that bad, it lets you see what's going on in a different character's head at the time and I think moogy just made it a meme to hate it.

>> No.14285680

Moogy seems to really like Sca-ji's writing

>> No.14285682

>unless you really really enjoy the fine arts.
I do but I still hate meaningless infodumps, I know what the artist did and the techniques are about, I don't need Makoto and Naoya doing a borderline wikipedia infodump conversation about that.

>> No.14285702

Haven't read Phantom of Inferno before. How different is the remake compared to the original as far as the script goes, say for the obvious h-scenes? Is it just a graphical update like with Kikokugai?

>> No.14285708

Basically the same with the anime art/VAs and stuff.

>> No.14285712

Pretty sure the plot has been significantly changed

>> No.14285724

That sounds odd, considering Gen Urobuchi wrote the original script. Did they want to appeal to the anime crowd?

>> No.14285728

>Pretty sure the plot has been significantly changed
I heard it was kind of rewritten by someone other than Urobuchi but I don't know if it's true or just a rumor
I love PoI and would like to reread it but not some rewritten trash

>> No.14285748

Some of the anime original stuff was integrated into the game and some endings were added, I wouldn't consider that to be "significantly changed".

>> No.14285802
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>> No.14285820


>> No.14285836

Oh yeah now I remember, 贖罪編 was that fanfic that got a prize.
So it's getting adapted as a game?

>> No.14285851
File: 189 KB, 809x465, capture_20151029_164658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they made a fanfic contest years ago with the winner getting made into a game.
Everyone thought they forgot about it but it looks like it's getting released next spring.

>> No.14285891 [DELETED] 

Makoto's route isn't even that bad. It's just people like Scaji's writing more

>> No.14285899 [DELETED] 

GnK, Majikoi, Rance(lol)

>> No.14285903 [DELETED] 

Yeah the scenes are pretty nice even though the route itself is pretty mundane. Makoto's route and Chapter 1 are the bad parts of the game. Everything else is Kamige level especially Rina's route.

>> No.14285904 [DELETED] 

So there's a chance it is good? Do I have to play subahibi to understand Sakura no Uta?

>> No.14285906

You should play Subahibi first, they aren't connected story-wise but they are heavily connected thematically

>> No.14285907

Try Asa Project games.

>> No.14285930

Obesity: The VN

>> No.14285942

Back when I played Nanairo I was pretty disappointed with the route structure, with one far superior "true route" and with the other 4 being essentially non-canon ends with a weaker middle/later, it made me not want to do any route but the true one.

>> No.14285952

Nanarin felt like the first chapter of a long series so I'm really happy it's getting a sequel
Since it takes place 2 years and a half after the first Makoto will probably be more competent as a detective.
Hopefully Iyo and co will still be here

>> No.14285958

I wonder if Makoto will be the protagonist game too? I guess this would be a sequel following from the Kotori "normal" end since that's the only feasible one to have a sequel from.

>> No.14285974

I hope, I grew pretty attached to the characters so I wouldn't mind seeing them again

>> No.14286027

Looks like scaji is planning on releasing Sakura no Toki soon and it should quite a bit shorter than Uta

I guess the routes will be Ai, Rin and Sakurako (true), maybe Nei too

>> No.14286042

I want a Kei route, he teased with it and considering SnU it shouldn't be too weird to put one in it.

>> No.14286044

Well Toki should be a continuation of VI so

>> No.14286214 [DELETED] 

please tell me scaji is doing the sequel. how many copies does /jp/ have to buy tot make it happen?

>> No.14286220

He is, it's confirmed that the sequel is Makura's next game.
And it sold pretty well, don't worry

>> No.14286221 [DELETED] 

oh yes more Rin. she really got the short of the stick in Sakura no Uta. even makoto got a longer route (even though most of it was unnecessary)

>> No.14286227

Rin's route is fairly long though.

>> No.14286244 [DELETED] 

give or take four hours at my slow ass reading speed. could be just me though. time feels like its faster when you are enjoying

>> No.14286251 [DELETED] 

oh ok will do. heard about subahibi even before i got into VNs but never really tried playing it. thanks for the tip.

>> No.14286274 [DELETED] 

oh thank god. after that horrible ikikoi common route i thought scaji was finished forever. luckily he proved all the haters wrong by writing Sakura no Uta...

>> No.14286306

I had a completely different experience.

This was one of the few eroge where I felt that the relationships and romance were realistic and I could connect with the characters in a very emotional way. Helped that there are many non H-CGs and the heroines are not little girls anymore (but also not old milfs).

I found the monologues of the main character pretty interesting, too.

The only thing I didn't liked was the ... true(?) route. The story was horrible and it derailed most of the characters for cheap horror. It's a shame because the character routes did such a good job with their character development.

Really, this is the best romancing a nurse eroge I know.
Just ignore the story route, haha.

>> No.14286375

I don't think there's any "true" route. If anything, Yuuki route is closest to "true", while madness route is just expanded bad end.
My personal favourite was Sanada tho, because of how protag dealed with corpses there.

All of routes were pretty much "story route", so I'm not sure what are you saying here.
>relationships and romance were realistic
Protagonist is some boring, spineless chores boy, and his interactions with Yuuki and Mao are like what, 20 minutes per day of work-related gossip? Its hospital, full of young patients and doctors, with whom these nurses spend much more time together.
While Yuuki's feeling can be justified by story events, Mao and Sanada just come out of nowhere.
>I found the monologues of the main character pretty interesting, too.
Really? What exactly was interesting there?
Only thing that comes to mind is watching how protag is slowly going crazy, but his reactions were very exaggerated, and pacing was too slow so its not good case of going crazy.
Not to mention that it all was very repetitive.

>> No.14286479

Well there is no question for me that Sakurako will be true/final ending.
But there is definitely a need for a route focused on Rin, there is some stuff to deal with Shizuku as well

>> No.14286513 [DELETED] 

oh yes shizuku definitely needs a route in Sakura no Toki. Now that i think about it, i feel that Scaji wrote Sakuuta with a sequel in mind. Took him 2 years though so i'm hoping he takes his time.

>> No.14286518

Shizuku's thing will probably be attached to the eventual Rin's route.
Scaji said that it should be shorter than Uta so I don't think there will be time for a route for everyone, I don't think it's really relevant either

>> No.14286555
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>> No.14286567

Me in the back.

>> No.14286574

>no humor

Then how is this like Lucky Star?

>> No.14286587
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>> No.14286610

>it's confirmed that the sequel is Makura's next game

[citation needed]

>> No.14286614

Buy the game, it's in the interview in the booklet

>> No.14286649 [DELETED] 

yep moogy confirmed it on twitter. even scaji hinted at it but ultimately the fate of the sequel was up to the fans and sales.

>> No.14286658 [DELETED] 

considering Uta is insanely long i am not surprised Toki will be a shorter game. having less routes is ultimately the best way to make it imo. three routes max

>> No.14286707
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>Buy the game

>> No.14286976

Obvious stema

>> No.14286985

Hopefully Sakura no Toki is the conclusion and they don't make a series out of it.

>> No.14286986

Who the fuck is Sakurako?

>> No.14286993

Why does it matter to you?

>> No.14286994

Tsui no Sakura.
Coming 2050.

>> No.14286998

In being unfunny.

>> No.14287007

I just downloaded mindead blood complete edition,and it doesn't seem to be working right.

It says on the page that it should still be playable with windows XP,but first I got a LOADDWQ system error,and when I tried to mount the yuketsubako fandisc it stopped working altogether. Fuck,what went wrong?

>> No.14287180
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You know you want it.

>> No.14287197

No, not really.
I'll probably be buying Primal Hearts and Nanairo Clip though, I feel like reviving D.O.

>> No.14287238 [DELETED] 

i already ordered a copy. was it a good decision /jp/?

>> No.14287245 [DELETED] 

hello captain obvious
to be honest i don't mind if its gonna be a trilogy or w/e as long as scaji is writing it.

>> No.14287279

So how many of you Scat-ji lovers have actually read anything of his other than Subahibi?

>> No.14287285


>> No.14287294
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I might own more stuff by him, shitposter friend.

>> No.14287330

Everything including Tsui no Sora, Nijuuei and Moekan

>> No.14287348

Which did you like most?

>> No.14287355


It's pretty ghetto, lots of choices and shit but I really liked it

Moekan is pretty random but fun in its own way, Tsui no Sora isn't worth doing since everything good about it was put into Subahibi.
the only thing it has that Subahibi doesn't is the possibility to romance Ayana and as you can imagine the result is hilarious

>> No.14287518

Because these threads will progressively get even worse.
I literally preferred discussion about whether Inori was a slut or not.

>> No.14287523

It'll boil over in a couple weeks. Just use the time to actually play something.

>> No.14287525

Oh boo-hoo, people like something that you don't.

>> No.14287534

How is it that we've hit 2015 and people still haven't gotten over the eternal september bias

>> No.14287536

Inori is a slut. There's nothing to discuss about it.

>> No.14287560

It's not about people liking something, it's about everyone acting like insufferable assholes about it, both sides, including you.

>> No.14287566

Well guess who's acting insufferable now. It's you.

>> No.14287613

At this point it doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.14287615

It never mattered.

>> No.14287730

I've only played Subahibi but the denpa art in Tsui no Sora looks a lot creepier than its counterpart.

>> No.14287807 [DELETED] 

sakura no uta duh

>> No.14287828 [DELETED] 

danke meme m8

>> No.14287832 [DELETED] 

his common route is arguably the worst part of ikikoi =/

>> No.14288145
File: 25 KB, 512x384, [hshare.net].Endsky.Tsui.no.Sora.[RAW].avi_snapshot_02.09_[2015.07.21_09.20.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good anime tbh

>> No.14288752 [DELETED] 

is the VN actually good? saw some screens an its pretty creepy looking

>> No.14288791

everyone who i've seen talk about it says it's not worth reading, just read subahibi instead

>> No.14288800

You should try taking a step outside of tlwiki then. I had fun with it when I read it. Also, Kotomi was way cuter than any of the girls in subahibi.

>> No.14288807

No cuter in any way than Kimika or Yuki.

>> No.14288809

Even Kimika was cuter in tsui no sora.

>> No.14288818

Ses cuter the longer she's crazy, so more time crazy=cuter.

>> No.14288897
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>> No.14288909
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>> No.14289056

Can't they just fuck off with the school setting shit?

>> No.14289080

>muh seishun

>> No.14289243

Eustia sold less than daitoshokan and was way less marketable in general, so they are just giving their fans what they want.

>> No.14289310

What magazine is this from?

>> No.14289398

I'm gonna be very surprised if given this setting it would be just full of gakuen sol.

>> No.14289440

Their fans are fucking retarded then.

>> No.14289443

The fans of a moege company want moege, big fucking deal.

>> No.14289487

Even Eustia had that seifuku shit on the main heroine.

>> No.14289942

Her right breast is fucking massive there

>> No.14290119

Is anyone going to play this? It looks cute.

>> No.14290172

Started renai 0 kilo, and first scene is protag being abused by annoying tsundere exhibitionist bitch. Second scene is protag being abused by same bitch on street.
Seems like typical cliche protag shaming shit I specifically asked to not recommend.

Does it stop being so terrible later or what? I cannot comprehend /jp/ tastes anymore.

>> No.14290175

Try hitoren, no abusive tsunderes and the one closest to that is the one the MC bullies.

>> No.14290176

The exact same thing happens in Puramai Wars. He was messing with you.

>> No.14290188


>> No.14290313 [DELETED] 

Micchi is playing it

>> No.14290316 [DELETED] 

Sakurako is the best girl in Sakura no Uta. But I'm hoping Rin gets a route in SakuToki too

>> No.14290319 [DELETED] 

Secret character in Sakura no Uta.

>> No.14290320

I'll check it out for sure, at least. The designs look pretty cute, I hope it won't be boring.

>> No.14290331

Best girl is Rinka.

>> No.14290345

Generic long dark-haired seitokaichou is never best girl.

>> No.14290364
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I like pudding.

>> No.14290406

And she's tacked on in what's basically a pseudo love triangle between childhood friends A and B, same with blond.

>> No.14290514

Blonde is so fucking cute though.

>> No.14290632

>do not rely on protag shaming
It's the opposite here, the dunces are the heroines.

>> No.14290649

I already have it installed, but I'm dry from playing too much nukige and wanted something less stimulating.

>> No.14290793
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So like, I finished the game, but this Music option still can't be selected.
Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.14290851

Yorhel confirmed that huge part of 10/10 voters for sakuuta were fake stema accounts. How desperate must be scato-ji to protome his kusoge even on vndb.

>> No.14290907

Keep in mind that a lot of the low reviews were trolls too, and that it might just be someone shilling a game he likes, I doubt sca-ji himself told people to "stema" on egs.

>> No.14290967
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>Habluka being this mad

>> No.14291004

Im start belive that they really the same person.

>> No.14291038

literally who?

>> No.14291059

That's just how long it takes to read it at a moderate pace, having already read the trial, starting when it came out and taking minimal breaks.

>> No.14291117

That edwd2 guy's votes look really objective

>> No.14291138

Just took a look at it, his taste is so awful I'm feeling physically uncomfortable after reading it.

>> No.14291201
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>> No.14291215

I'm hyped for it.

>> No.14291218


>> No.14291274


>> No.14291287

Yukiuta was quite nice and the first 3 Djibril games were extremely fun so I can't hate them.

>> No.14291299

What a terrible miko clothing. Plain would be better than her shitting out the sun.

>> No.14291321

Whoa, that font makes me kind of nostalgic. Think it invokes Tsukihime to me.

>> No.14291333

But her hair is fucking awesome.
On the other hand, the main girl's hat looks out of place inbetween the environment and parasol, like it's shopped into it.
But I'm interested in the setting.

Did you finish all routes and chapters?

>> No.14291342

>That's just how long it takes to read it at a moderate pace, having already read the trial, starting when it came out and taking minimal breaks.
lol no, Moogy said he literally didn't sleep.

>> No.14291344

>the environment and parasol
Parasol looks weird, but the rest is spot on for a sea look.

>> No.14291345

I do agree that her hair is nice and fluffy. Capt. is best overall though.

>> No.14291356

That's what I mean by minimal breaks.

>> No.14291362
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>> No.14291367

Music is unlocked when you complete the true end, you'll know when you'll see it

>> No.14291417

Are there any games coming out soon besides Rance 10 and Sakura no Toki that aren't complete mindless shit?

>> No.14291424

Hiruou's new game will be released in C89

>> No.14291426

Pulltop's new game.

>> No.14291430

Is this a rhetorical question? I was going to suggest you things but I'm sure you'll turn them all down. Why not try moving to another medium?

>> No.14291434

Hard to say about stuff not out yet.

>> No.14291443

Pulltop writers are already known for having good settings but terrible execution. Don't expect much out of it.

Are you talking about ちゅーそつ? When was it announced? I can't see it on EGS or VNDB, just the official site.

>> No.14291449

>Are you talking about ちゅーそつ? When was it announced?
He just mentioned it in his twitter account

>> No.14291457


It looks great by the way, Hiruou does everything himself including art and scripting.
Truly a warrior
Hopefully he will put it on sale somewhere quick after C89 so that I can buy 2 or 3 copies

>> No.14291468
File: 359 KB, 1280x715, ss+(2015-10-31+at+01.31.49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is going to bother with 恋×シンアイ彼女, I'm suggesting not reading the Last episode. They fucking forced too much for a "bittersweet" shit. Seriously even though she had kind of reasons for herself - and to be honest I think all of them were retarded as fuck-, For not returning to mc even though he tried so hard for finding her she'll be an eternal bitch in my mind. also MC's voice was really annoying at last episode.

Other three heroines & VAs & Art were good though. Still for fucking up at Last part I'll think it as a lower than average game.

>> No.14291478

Thanks for the heads up. Also MC has a voice?

>> No.14291493

Thanks, I think I'll avoid it. If a true end fucks up things so bad I end up wishing I hadn't started reading it at all. I had a similar experience with Hanasaki Workspring.

>> No.14291500

What's so awful about it?

>> No.14291649

Fuck the 生徒会

>> No.14291655

Only at Last Episode. It has some time skip (4-5 years maybe, I cant remember quite right but something like that), they finished their schools, became adults, started working etc. And that was the worst voice acting I have ever seen, most likely they just found someone from the street and paid 10 $ for this.

This one is just something like "Sena After" though, so you can read other three without any problem.

But this one's last episode leaves more bitter taste in the mouth so If you had something like that in Hanasaki, you shouldn't play this one's last episode at all.

>> No.14291658

Akikuru, Island, Kouya, Shoujobyou.

>> No.14291659

It wasn't even up on sukebei a day ago, was it really that short or did you skip a lot of it.

>> No.14291662

Where do I buy Sakura no Uta?

>> No.14291673

Literally when?

>> No.14291678

after sakura no uta

>> No.14291698

I actually read the trial like one month ago, and today is a holiday for me so I had pretty free time.

Routes are not short,but h-scenes are really really short. Seems like they decided to keep sex minimum and wanted to create space for relationships, which I think nice.

>> No.14291720

Picked the fuck up. I hope there is more ichaicha stuff.

>> No.14291735

Don't. $100 for an eroge is bullshit.

>> No.14291742

Is there some sort of list or wiki to know which VN a beginner should start playing first?

>> No.14291743

Actually that space used for drama stuff more than ichaicha, but of course there are some ichaicha as well.

You might want to try something else from this month for ichaicha though, as I said at >>14291468 it doesn't leave a good taste in mouth.

>> No.14291758

Post a pic.

>> No.14291773

Please don't, or at least spoil it as I'm not finished yet.

>> No.14292043

Oretsuba is a pretty simple moege.

>> No.14292067

>A jacket
>Sailor hat

It's like the artist just picked a bunch of clothes out of their closet and just threw it on without any regards of whether or not it actually matches.

Why are they standing in the water with their shoes on?

Also, someone give that loli a comb.

>> No.14293296
File: 1.78 MB, 1284x724, 2015-10-31_18-47-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asa Project games are certainly not for me, it seems.

>> No.14293439

So how's that ustrack debut game /jp/ Already played Sakura no Uta and now I am so emotionally drained I need a good ol' pure love moege to play.

>> No.14293442

Online duh. It's $100 bucks but you are helping to support the eroge industry which is nice.

>> No.14293453

Nice joke anon

>> No.14293454


>> No.14293463

I'm around 8 hours (chapter 3) into it and I'm liking it so far.

I don't think this game is considered as moege though.

>> No.14293901

Oh its not? Looks moe to me

>> No.14294063

I'm torn.
Should I fuck Rinka or Ayane first?

>> No.14294756

Well, Rinka is barely in the common route so there's that, and I've only read a bit into Rinka's route so far but it's been dragging along for a bit now.

>> No.14295042

VAs for Amakano 2 were in the OP released on the 30th.
Cast looks pretty good.
I'll probably wind up buying it if I can afford to now.

>> No.14295092
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>> No.14295135

吸血姫のリブラ is turning out to be a rather humorous read

>> No.14295155

Judging from all the countdown videos I saw these past weeks I would have expected it to at least be a little funny.

>> No.14295171

no, fuck them

>> No.14295178

Did they touch you in dirty places, anon?

>> No.14295183

Normally I would agree but I have a soft spot for non-human heroines and they are actually focusing on the plot for once.

>> No.14295332

>Steam Greenlight
You'll only be able to talk about it for a short while

>> No.14295730

Fucking knew they were gonna get 一色ヒカル for Ruica

>> No.14295822

Thank god. Haven't people being saying that since the character design was shown?

>> No.14296061

Is protag there any good? I'm tired of "but I want to be human and just go to school, drinking blood is evil!" bullshit in every vampire game like that.

>> No.14296131

He is rather insistent that he's still human but he isn't obsessing over wanting to keep his normal life, if anything he gets mad when people fuck around with people unrelated to the whole mess and he doesn't want to turn people into his servants (family).

The plot is forcing the "I'm still human" mindset out of him and just turning it into a tsukomi as after drinking blood once he has no choice in the matter but to drink regularly. He's also seeking more power to deal with the trouble Iris is forcing on him via Lycoris

He's "acceptable" and making progress in the right direction but I'd like him to progress a tad faster, I can't help but agree with Caren about his actions sofar. But I'm still in the common route so this is all subject to future plot also as a unrelated side note the writer for this has a urination fetish.

>> No.14296138

>the writer for this has a urination fetish
Mix it with the plot. A girl pisses blood on his mouth.

>> No.14296142

I really wonder why there's no eroge about vampires going for menstruation blood specifically.

>> No.14296162

Whenever the protag drinks a girls blood they climax and piss themselves.

>> No.14296164

So its pretty much Draculius ripoff so far?

>> No.14296169

sounds like my kind of game

>> No.14296194

Haven't played that so I really can't make any comparisons

>> No.14296212

His M lolicon father in his head is rather amusing.

>> No.14296216

huh? but she returned in the end right?

>> No.14296225
File: 39 KB, 898x131, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14296525

So I went through PicaPica. Yeah, it really overstayed its welcome. For the last parts I ctrl'd through and read just the main points. I hate that I had to do it, but it just wasn't very interesting after the 妄想ヌードデッサン.

>> No.14296543

How much of it do I have left if I finished the first h-scene?

The family drama seems to be over now at least.

>> No.14296547

Not much, few scenes and one more H scene.

>> No.14296672

Sakuuta stema guys are really persistent. Why do they hate Baldr Sky though? It is mugi-approved.

>> No.14296804

Why would you stema on vndb of all places? Nobody buys eroge there.

>> No.14296815

Maybe it's not sutema and just someone messing with EOPs cause they can.

>> No.14297039


>> No.14297058

Fuck off.

>> No.14297061
File: 183 KB, 1296x759, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely best girl of the year.

>> No.14297068

Hadler-sama also said like half of the votes at EGS were 1-vote accounts, I haven't checked though.

>> No.14297072

What? No. MC Just imagined how she would smile when she saw his letter.

>> No.14297074


Looks like the Japs aren't too happy either.


>> No.14297076

Nobody buys games at EGS either, but devs stema there all the time.

>> No.14297080

are you serious? she dumped protag 3 times for some retarded reasons
definitely one of the major disappointments of the year, considering the art is actually a notch above the rest

>> No.14297082
File: 13 KB, 286x214, 2015-11-01_07-29-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it seems so.

>> No.14297085

See her line in that screenshoot anon. That's the joke.

>> No.14297092


So, can someone spoil me what was her reasons for doing that? I finished the other 3 routes, not sure whether I should even begin her route.

>> No.14297105


What happened with the scenario writer? Is he really fucking around? (新島夕)

>> No.14297112


Wow, he actually sounds like he did it on purpose.

>> No.14297142

Its kinda cool that scenario writer can fuck around like that and openly spite on fans, yet he is kept employed and games still sell.

>> No.14297151

I actually liked hatsusaku and natsunagi, but oh well, there goes my respect for him

>> No.14297184

90 :名無しさん@ピンキー:2015/11/01(日) 17:10:25.29 ID:rfNyt0+i0


>> No.14297186

She returns her old music group, leaves MC, says she'll never see him again. MC tries his hard to find a way to connect her after that music group fades, send a letter to her says he'd like to see her again regardless whatever she says. But since she is a bitch she wont even respond mc's letter. In the end mc just imagines what kind of face she would have done when she saw the letter.

Gets NTRed by music in short. I'm pretty sure this shit is even worse than hanasaki, but since they didnt make a cheating joke it wont be that much popular.

>> No.14297196

>since they didnt make a cheating joke it wont be that much popular
I think it already is, the bbspink thread is already a complete mess. In Hanasaki's case it was just a few autists spamming while others told them to fuck off.

>> No.14297206

Hanasaki's case was definitely overreaction and dumb, but I'm with the ragers in this shit.

>> No.14297216

Just pretend you're reading a regular novel and one of the characters was just a real bitch. It's part of the story, I guess.

>> No.14297256

That actually sounds interesting.

>> No.14297262

This sarcastic review is funny as hell.


>> No.14297278

But he still rated it 80.

>> No.14297284


Lost it there.

>> No.14297481
File: 410 KB, 1276x711, shinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a retarded rule.

>> No.14297768

what's the newest moogy and habluka drama?

>> No.14297801
File: 94 KB, 1365x767, 1HwRIht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me.

>> No.14297836

That's fucking cold. Was she using MC for something and stringing him along the entire time?

>> No.14297862

Read it and find out. Totally worth it.

>> No.14297870

I want a Ruriwo route.
That voice and personality, way better than her admittedly kinda boring older sister.

>> No.14298013

This. It was just one copypasta and a minority of autists trying to start shit, this is just people who wanted to actually wanted like the game and were legitimately disappointed.

>> No.14298064

This isn't a regular novel though, this is an eroge where this kind of stuff isn't supposed to happen

>> No.14298074

>this is an eroge where this kind of stuff isn't supposed to happen

>> No.14298088

Girls aren't supposed to act like real human beings, just like moeblobs who get fucked.

>> No.14298163

I haven't finished the game or read the route in question but it seems like it's the fact that it doesn't really fit it in with the rest of the game so it comes seemingly out of nowhere and even the most bitter of games usually have something to take the edge off in the end with an unlockable good end or whatever, whereas this is just an additional kick in the dick.

>> No.14298171

> it doesn't really fit it in with the rest of the game
Well, according to http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/memo.php?game=21993&uid=hqaqgqeqoqyqaqjqi whole route is like that.

>> No.14298175

You can't say they didn't warn you in advance.

>> No.14298267


This is hilarious, I should read this

>> No.14298297

Looks almost like the writer intended it as a big fuck you.

>> No.14298384

Habluka got banned from tlwiki like two years ago for shitting on romeo

>> No.14298422



>> No.14298435


>> No.14298461


What? MC was just imagining what kind of face she would do when she read the letter from him. He even said "If that make her smile a little and saved her, then all I did wasn't worthless" > Ending. She didnt return at all.

>> No.14298518

It's a scene right after the credits roll. If you skip the credits, you'll miss it.

>> No.14298565

Oh it became a little better now, still it can be just a delusion of mc though.

>> No.14298571

It's probably real, just to end in a less bitter note.
These games tend to have happy endings, but a more vague ending is fitting for this ones.

>> No.14298791

I guess the problem here is marketing and selling a romance game where the heroine never falls in love with the MC. I guess it's edgy and new and all. This might change the industry and give it the freshness it needs. Truly revolutionary.

>> No.14298832

Finished Usagi's route in Primal Hearts 2.
Pacing is still kind of off, I was honestly surprised when the credits rolled as it felt very abrupt and where the ichaicha part of the route would've begun. Though, I imagine the 4 After Stories for Usagi that are unlocked after clearing the route are filled with it.

It definitely would've benefited from spacing the main drama out from romantic build up just a bit as it just felt like the third or fourth interruption in a row rather than having any weight behind it.
I can sort of see what the writer was going for but it didn't really work well.

>> No.14298901

The game was called koixSHINAI kanojo, people should have noticed something.

>> No.14298935

It's シンアイ, not シナイ, to the Japanese it's a completely different sound and word.
Either way, it doesn't matter if people "should have noticed" it or not, it deceived users.
The thing is you can do this if you do it right, and it has been done before countless times.




It seems this writer just failed at this.

>> No.14298945

He's just mad it completely betrayed his expectations, regardless of its quality. Most of the reviews are exactly the same, people who expected a moege out of the main heroine and got something incredibly bitter, which I honestly enjoyed because it's so weird to see this in eroge.

>> No.14298985

>It seems this writer just failed at this.
Not part of this argument but did you just judge the writer based on an EGS review instead of the work itself ?

>> No.14299295

You'd be mad too if you paid for it expecting one thing and getting something completely different. It's easy for us to overlook things because we pirate everything but these guys actually spend a considerable amount of money on eroge.

>> No.14299415

I wouldn't be mad at anything, I'd just be disappointed; I wouldn't go to EGS and rate the game lowly because it didn't match my expectations, that's not fair.

>> No.14299438

Well you're a rational human being. Most Japanese otaku aren't.

>> No.14299472

What? Reviews are exactly that, you explain your impressions about the game. What else do you want?
Also EGS ratings aren't low, I don't see what you're talking about. The text in >>14298935 are 3 different posts from bbspink, in a thread full of similar posts and people saying they'll be selling their game box today while the price is still high.

>> No.14299499

>Reviews are exactly that, you explain your impressions about the game.
This is kind of a difficult concept I guess. A review about a moege, is best written by a moege fan, and not from someone who dislikes moege. The converse is that, a review about moege, should best not be written by someone who doesn't like moege.
Don't wanna get into a meta argument though.

>> No.14299543

From Michi's blog, about ロイヤルガーデン:
>Azarashi Soft will release an append disc for Yue and the other subheroines at a later date.

Does anyone know a source about this? Seems like best heroine yue has only one h-scene in the game while all others have 5 per one, Also they have really great subheroines so not using them would be a waste.

>> No.14299708


>> No.14300237

What? Of course it fair. Moreover, this is the only fair way to vote on games: if you liked it, you rate it high; if you didn't like it, you rate it low. Any other way, including "judging objective" is just pure baseless bullshit that wouldn't help anyone.
