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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14280744 No.14280744 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>14246598

Current LoV Event: Halloween Town (Ends morning of 11-1)

Current Osawari Island Event: The Villain Returns! Operation Punishment (Ends morning of 10-31)

Current Aigis Event: Monk Training Grounds

Current Pero Pero Event: Gambit 2 (Ends morning of 10-31)

Game links:
>r18 games
>all ages games


Lord of Valkyrie:
>Eng wiki:
>Jp wiki:
>/jp/ player list:
>additional helpful info

Millennium War Aigis:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Wiki #1:
>Jp Wiki #2:
>Jp ULMF thread:
>Eng ULMF thread:
>XP chart
>Vid anon's channel:

Angelic Saga:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Wiki

Osawari Island:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Osawari wiki
>Osawari chat
>Jp Alchemy Page
>Osawari Friend Code List

Girl's Kingdom:
>Eng Wiki

Dragon Tactics:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Wiki

Miscellaneous links:
>Staff Twitter:

>> No.14280777

So, what's the progress for the monk event?
For me it's skill 3/10 -1CR

>> No.14280838

0/0 no monk drops so far, the "no-ranged" mission is a shit, and I need to 3* it before moving on.

>> No.14280848

saki op, also just chain melee units

also gotten 2 drops so far, waiting on 3 more to combine 4 together.

>> No.14280855

Rowanna was very handy for it. You can just keep dropping various melee units and withdrawing them when near 0 hp, its very easy map.

>> No.14280893

Rogues are wonderful for that map. Also Rowanna as >>14280855 pointed out.

>> No.14280896
File: 43 KB, 502x446, CSYfMCrUwAAxLWM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Bishop event incoming tomorrow. Hopefully one of the efficient maps has a healer as a drop I need so many.

>> No.14280898

0/10, 0 CR used
I've beat every mission, but only 2-starred & 1-starred the 2nd-last, last one respectively.

>> No.14280914
File: 407 KB, 788x592, so many bishop orbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A black bishop event unit? Finally something to use up all these damn orbs.

>> No.14280924

I think this is an appropriate time for me to ask if there is any decent way of buying dmm points for people who don't have a credit card....

I fell into the Imelia trap and now my crystal stash is broke.

>> No.14280936


Yeah, I just 3*ed it, my problem was more micro control so I didn't lose a unit while withdrawing another one at the brink of death.

Know what kind of event it is? Unit, farm, star collection? (Please be star collection)

>> No.14280947

Aren't blacks always item farming?

>> No.14280952

Checked twitter, yep, item farming. Expect it to take at least 20 SC to get decent black.

>> No.14281308

Am I only one getting error 502 for nutaku pages?

>> No.14281321

No, it looks like their site shit bricks but the games still work.

>> No.14281391

I'm so glad the item collection event is a unit I absolutely 0 need of.
She can be OP as fuck, but Odette, Paula and Noel are far cuter and that's all that matters.

>> No.14281400

> Noel
> cute
She's one of ugliest characters in Aigis.

>> No.14281406

I think you need a new pair of glasses.

>> No.14281408

Not like platinum unit, black item collection unit isn't OP at all. They are very niche

>> No.14281421

Nagi is pretty OP. Agreed Liana and Karma are very situational though.

>> No.14281446

Now I can dump my half assed Paula and properly min cost this.

>> No.14281596
File: 230 KB, 957x641, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, got my very first black from rolling my very first premium gacha, what am I in for?

If she isn't, then at least her art is good. She can handle my treasure anytime.

>> No.14281648

1 SU
-2 CR

from 2 dups, im actually more interested in the silvers on last mission, but ofc they will never drop fot me

>> No.14281711
File: 20 KB, 376x359, 1293095099067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly the drop rate for Lynn is 50% on the last map. In my 5 tries, I've had zero drops of her. I do however have had a mortimer drop, because that's exactly what I've always wanted.
On the other hand, in the two times I've played Tenth Degree, I've had her drop twice, so 100% on that map.

Probability is a finnicky thing.

This event has been utterly piss easy though. Haven't had a single leak at all. Put down Saki/Spica/Bashira and the map almost already plays itself. It's nice to have events back to back but I'd really like something that actually makes me think about the game again.

Also what is even the point of Bandits in this game. I've had Lyla for the longest of times now and I almost never find an opportunity to use her. Almost all boss characters that she could potentially duel are better handled by Maribel or Sherry or Karma. That black goblin king in the previous event last map for example, fucking chewed her up, because HP matters jackshit without Defense. And with holy awakening, Maribel almost hits as hard but has a million defense.

ramble ramble

>> No.14281723

Next star trial is going to be very tough, and after that we will have awakening and events with kami-grade maps. They are going to be nice challenge.

>> No.14281727

Looking forward to it.

>> No.14281739

Bandits fullfill 3 roles:
1) Magic damage tank. Defence doesn't matter while HP is very important. And berserk skill doesn't have drawbacks in this case.
2) Sashikomi (how is it called here?) unit. Technically rogues are better suited for it, but they die in a blink of eye against magic enemies.
3) Anti-armor unit. They have nice dmg bonus against armors on dmm.

>> No.14281744

Lyla and most bandits in general are great against liches and anything that does magic damage, since Def means shit to them. For the Odette event my lyla was a godsend. Especially because she had Risk Life.. Her dmg output doubles when the skill activates. And against a mag damage dealing enemy, the defense drop means nothing.

>> No.14281751
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>tfw i saw Deina
>tfw we were supposed to get her this event, but got the vampire hunter instead


>> No.14281766

>3) Anti-armor unit. They have nice dmg bonus against armors on dmm.
Is this a passive skill they'll get with a patch at some point?

>> No.14281769

Its class property, not skill.

>> No.14281771

'Passive skill' 'Class property'
Is there a difference between these two things that I'm missing? I mean, a class property is effectively a passive skill, right?

Just nitpicking here.

>> No.14281775

Well, because there are three things: skill, unit ability and class ability. "passive skill" makes it too vague which one of three categories it is.

>> No.14281776

Fair enough.

>> No.14281942

Another bishop? we just recently had one, and they're very mediocre.

What a pain.

>> No.14281947

Yes, Bandits get a passive damage boost against armored enemies later on. (Can't remember the percent, but it increases after CC, and again after AW I believe).

>> No.14281991

Not like you'd get her anyway.

>> No.14282008
File: 1.17 MB, 1500x509, not a whale yet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any idea which girl to level? I'm being too indecisive. Also who do I use my rainbow fairys on?

You're right, 3 blacks yesterday and not a single one of them Sophie.

>> No.14282014

Level Sybilla/Olivie, Rainbows on them as well.

>> No.14282086

x blacks yesterday is irrelevant, anon.

>> No.14282103


>> No.14282310

Cypria alone was enough for my 3 attempts so far, she attacks so fast that the monk only gets a few chances to hit back. One of my attempts she took 0 damage.

>> No.14282344
File: 47 KB, 232x113, allMelee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"no-ranged" mission is a shit

>> No.14282499

I have an awoken Noel, and I'm far too jew to use a stronger bishop and lose out on the extra gold.

>> No.14282502
File: 1.03 MB, 947x627, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got all of these fuckers.

>> No.14282589

4 attempts failed to kill her 2 times but finished mission killed her twice but got one copy sadly. I keep spending my sacred crystals hoping for a better/more healers but sadly ain't working.

>> No.14282688

Finally 3*'d the 100/12 mission by getting 4.5 healers on top of my awoken Deine. Lich kings are pretty bullshit.

>> No.14282794

In Dragon Tactics Memories how do I level a princess' skills? There are no princess specific crystals from what I can see.

>> No.14282958

4 fucking Leannes but no monk. I already wasted time farming bernards last event, I don't need more armors. I don't have any good leveled melee units for the 4th map or I'd try there.

>> No.14282986

Nothing, because she hasn't dropped yet, just Demon Crystals.
12 stamina maps with 100% drop when?

>> No.14283052

Fucking wuss, who runs away from 13k gold and 10k mana because of 2 witches? When they had 2 archer units? Fucking waste of PvP bounty.

>> No.14283228

Guess he must've confused them with dragon maids.

>> No.14283232

0 monks so far

>> No.14283242
File: 714 KB, 1274x1248, EventIrisRoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event Iris starting to get badass with her deck. Expect to get board wiped once.

>> No.14283264

Totally worth it for another Anastasia though.

>> No.14283282

So, now that Dragon Tactics has been out for a couple days, I can get some first impressions. It delivers the same formula as LoV but with more production value and features. It's a good move for Nutaku as the art style is different enough to appeal to others who haven't gotten onboard with the previous portfolio. There is also a hella lot more effort into the art: even the Ns have 3 different pictures (and different quotes) for their 3 'evolution' states.

There are guys in the gacha pool, all the way up to UR. I haven't seen Conrad-tier "I thought I would get a cute waifu" trolls.

The auto-feed/sell function is... both convenient and inconvenient. Sure it slows clutter as duplicates auto-evolve themselves but it reduces how many fodder you have to feed your SRs.

While the UI feels a little clunky at times, it's about on par with LoV really. And unlike LoV, you can spend stamina much quicker by click-spam.

Very welcome is the tactical side to deck building. Not only do you have more cards per deck, what positions you place those cards matter. Once combat begins there is no user interaction but a lot can go into planning. The formations rotate and various 'passive' traits buff specific relative positions (e.g. diagonals only).

Not sure how long I'll stay interested, but for now I'll stay to figure out what the routine is. If nothing else, not having to last-hit megabosses after your assistants do the work is a big plus.

>> No.14283589

>got anastasia from AS event
Neat, this event has filled out my roster more than I could have expected

>> No.14283631
File: 250 KB, 781x255, 0065d80b58f06c25cf92583c5ff4c8cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tenth Degree Lynn lv5 (10%) Leeanne lv5 (10%)
This is bullshit.

>> No.14283679

Are bishops any good? I wanna know if I should go full whale mode on this Aigis event

>> No.14283684

Still Luckier than me. Total drops I've had were 4 Lynns, 1 Cecily, and a Mortimer out of some 20 odd runs.

>> No.14283719

I got the UR Gadius which was pretty trollish. One thing that is interesting during PvP is how the effects tend to favour boosting their own class so you can stack up a bunch like Michaela, Ema, Gadius, Kara and Numeltiti to boost all of your cards through the roof easily defeating lesser prepared decks. Unfortunately this same mechanic has the effect of making princesses relatively useless as a low level warrior card can be boosted higher than the princesses with reasonable consistency, not to mention the fact that they all have fairly weak skills compared to the SRs that match their final level.

Still trying to work out how all the different skill mechanics work and what the probability of each effect happening though. Sometimes Michaela will nuke an enemy into oblivion each turn and other times she will just sit back and auto attack.

>> No.14284045

2 Lynns in a row from First Degree? Must be my lucky day.

>> No.14284053

So how's everyone's Imelia?

Only could -1 CR mine, but she's at 9/10 skill.

I forgot to take a look - did the Princess go Platinum?

>> No.14284098
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>> No.14284105

maybe that's counting her hair

>> No.14284111

Yes, they're like mages but with defensive skills and higher base range/damage.

>> No.14284118

Same, -1 CR 9/10.

>> No.14284128

I didn't CR or Skill up her yet, despite the copies and fairies I have. Will do so when I get the chance though. I was mostly focused on getting Neenya. Her drop rate was such bullshit.

As for the Princess, last I check she wasn't plat yet.
As for

>> No.14284129

They're mages who switch to healing on skill use, kinda like shamans. Slightly higher range.

In my experience they're okay, but they really lack the damage-dealing abilities of proper mages when their skills trigger.

So if you don't have any good mages, whale away, but I'd rather have a Plat+ mage.

One thing to keep in mind though: next month is some kind of anniversary and they'll probably do something big, so save some SCs in prep for that.

I'm hoping for another 150k XP fairy so I can maxlevel some post-AW blacks to 99.

>> No.14284135

I thought she was double chance to SU and CR during the event, so I used all bonbori skill fairies and the one copy.

>> No.14284139

Man after dealing with Valerie and Odette as my mages in Nutaku Aigis, I'll take this bishop any day

>> No.14284146

If that's true I will be mad. Though you may have just mixed that up with the increased drop rate for fodder in story missions and drops in dailies. I got a shitload of diamonds and rubies from yesterday.

>> No.14284149

So Valks are getting Skill AW now, who's left?

Carrie (キャリー):
Strengthen Attack III (攻撃力強化III): (35s; attack 1.8x; AS: 42; WT: 16.7; CT: 25)
Galloping Horse Charge (奔馬の突撃): (0s; attack 2.2x; delivers 3 consecutive true damage attacks to all enemies on a horizontal plane; self: auto retreat afterwards; AS: ; WT:; CT: None)

Dahlia (ダリア):
Abandon III (捨て身III): (10s; Self: DF 0, but attack 2.4x; AS: 30; WT: 12.5; CT: 25)
Black Spear of Extreme Hardship (砕身の黒槍): (20s; attack 2*; ranged attack that delivers true damage; self: defence 0; once per battle; AS: ; WT:; CT: None)

Emilia (エミリア):
Holy Awakening (聖なる覚醒): (40s; attack and defence 2.0x; AS: 30; WT: 12.5; CT: 25)
New Holy Awakening (新聖なる覚醒): (70s; attack and defence 2.5; once per battle; AS: 30; WT: 7.5; CT: None)

Thetis (テティス):
Strengthen Attack IV (攻撃力強化IV): (45s; attack 1.9x; AS: 31; WT: 12.5; CT: 25)
White Lily's Honour (白百合の誉れ): (30s; self and Archer Bashira attack 2.3*; AS: ; WT:; CT: )

>> No.14284162

>once per battle
>auto retreat afterwards

>> No.14284167

Most Mages actually have a utility skill, (I'm counting splash increase as utility because it only matters if the increased splash range reaches more enemies which it doesn't always do, similar to range increase).

Patra and Marius can both get increased damage multipliers after Skill AW. (Marius being harder to use).

Trial/Item Collection Units do in fact get 2x on CR and SU chance. I'm not sure if it stops applying when their revival is over or not though.

>> No.14284172

What more did you expect from, "Traitor Carrie"?

>> No.14284212

Why is she called "Traitor Carrie"?

>> No.14284262

Damn, Thetis looks pretty good now. Too bad I've invested in Spica and the black valk so much.

>> No.14284323

It's a damn shame Thetis' Awakening art looks so much like crap compared to her base form since I really want her right now for her Skill AW. The artist should've just stuck with the style that her base form and Bashira has.

>> No.14284344
File: 85 KB, 480x640, 51190802_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she shows up on a lot of the older event maps as an enemy boss, then pretends that the reason she charged at the prince's troops and slashes at them repeatedly with her spear is because "her horse went out of control". As a result of that (and having a shitty Affection bonus that gives her lower attack than Mischa until AW), she is called Traitor Carrie and ridiculed by Nip artists.

>> No.14284377
File: 49 KB, 438x446, Black Rarity Hermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-New Class Hermit Implemented
+Melee Unit that Always Flies and Attacks with Ranged Projectiles.
(Premium) Rarity Black Hermit Nataku (ナタク):
Skill: Flame-tipped Spear (火尖槍): (s; attack and defence up; non-flight; melee attack that deals true damage; AS: ; WT:; CT: )

Info courtesy of Petite Soeur

>Rarity Black Hermit Nataku
Let's imagine the the Japs did this on purpose. Thoughts?

>> No.14284387
File: 23 KB, 436x436, Memento Keychain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Memento Keychain
This exists. I want it, very much.

>> No.14284396

Eh, if it was Natuku, maybe. But going with your premise:
>Hermits are the original NEETs
>NEET shaming
>or NEET praising

Also, what's true damage? Damage that pierces defense and magic resistance?

>> No.14284411

>Damage that pierces defense and magic resistance?
Pretty much.

>> No.14284415

Yeah, there was a big argument months ago about how we shouldn't use that term, but whatever.

>> No.14284424

Nataku is the Japanese name of a Chinese diety.

>> No.14284463

>been grinding 10th degree
>2 rins, 0 leannes

I have to admit, that looks and sounds pretty awesome.

Also, Nutaku website says it's cutting luv slot and hellfire girls avatars. Are they killing the games off? If so, could the death of 3dpd on the site herald a change of payment processors and the dawn of the loli golden age?

>> No.14284492

Eh? Really? I was just joking around, but which deity?

>> No.14284497


>> No.14284513

So that's where the name Nezha comes from.
>As in traditional folklore, Nezha flies around swiftly on his Wind Fire Wheels
The background for Nataku's skill
>so he is also regarded as the tutelary god of many professional drivers, like truck, taxi, or sightseeing bus drivers. They tend to place a small statue of Nezha in the vehicles for a safe drive.
Oh lord, does that mean all of those Japanese trucks are his envoys then? No wonder so many people die by them before being reincarnated.

>> No.14284580

More pumpkins, and draco liches, this event is looking to be halloweeny as well.

>> No.14284667

Nataku has over 1000 def before awakened. And then skill which further makes it 2x. Together with 2400 hp, its crazy.

>> No.14284686

Interesting, thanks for the reply.

>> No.14284727

Well, she's only going to be blocking for 15 seconds anyway, so she might as well be good at it while she can.

>> No.14284780

So Akane's finally gone from Trading Shop, and she's been replaced with Spica.

Shit, now I have to farm DCs with a quickness for knifeear archer goodness. Hoped we were going to get a new 150 DC cost plat.

>> No.14284811

Shame she's not the event unit. She could have been handy to deal with golems with her skill that ignores defense.

>> No.14284866

Only the biggest whales will be dealing with strong golems by doing anything other than tanking, unless they're the kind that let you attack them forever beforehand.

>> No.14284914


Also, PvP rankings reset each week (Monday) according to the Help. So you get to rank up and amass rewards all over again.


Could just be they don't want 3D people's portraits as avatars.

>> No.14285187
File: 932 KB, 764x510, ”Girls Kingdom” - Play Online And Download Nutaku.net (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met this cheater again. He's still not banned. WTF nutaku is doing.

>> No.14285196

>playing a shit game where the hosts clearly don't give a shit

>> No.14285237

NutakuConstantine: @mokk Actually we investigated that base and it's ok.
NutakuConstantine: We saw that base a long time ago.
NutakuConstantine: It's fine.

So apparently either nutaku doesn't understand how their game works or they are intentionally letting that guy cheat.

>> No.14285254

well he might be a whale

>> No.14285263
File: 157 KB, 983x612, worlds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's happening

>> No.14285272

What? It says that site will open 5 days later for me.

>> No.14285275

you can enter the link directly
not sure what the world thing is, like servers I guess

>> No.14285306

Shame there's no shitty hentai for me to enjoy :(

>> No.14285348

Shali is fucking bullshit
Fieldwipe and cheap by the time you need it

>> No.14285358

do you playing it now?

>> No.14285371

I was. Just got kicked

>> No.14285372

I'm not him, but I just got kicked out of the game for maintenance and that the game isn't ready yet. It had a tidbit that the servers went live October 16th.

>> No.14285387

>Get all your heavy hitters out ready to fuck the guy over.
>He drops Shalif.
Yeaaaaaa, FUCK. Learned to keep a few hitters back after that.

>> No.14285510

>boardwipe with shalif
>place flora
gg no re

>> No.14285533
File: 23 KB, 413x302, zigrette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev tea outsourcing translations again.

>> No.14285538

At least this time they have the excuse that the game wasn't supposed to be up

>> No.14285552

So, did they completely remove kampani? Was thrown out of game during tutorial.

>> No.14285563

Yes, they pulled it down because it's like 5 days early. They were probably just testing it out when some autist F5ing the page every 10 minutes noticed it was up

>> No.14285628

Somehow, my Karma can get healed. Is that normal?

>> No.14285631

Dev tea boke her.

>> No.14285648

>there are people right now who want to go back to having breaks in between events in Nutaku Aigis

Fucking newfags.

>> No.14285689

All we really need is a star event every few weeks and that's good enough

>> No.14285703

Them jumping around a picking events at seemly random really messes things up.
We're potentially going to have 6 farming events in a row. I still expect a week off after this event though.

>> No.14285733

It's because they're retarded and/or entitled faggots. I don't understand why they can't wrap their heads around just not playing the event if they need to do something else

>> No.14285831

Even as a whale you can't just break the rules of the game? Look at how many turrets he has for a red castle. Unless I'm missing out on some item that lets you raise the building limits...

>> No.14285854

Point is that if he's whale enough, nutaku would look away from bug exploiting and pretend nothing happened.

>> No.14285969
File: 415 KB, 1556x647, Wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So am I correct in assuming that Deine's passive is not working in Nutaku right now?

>> No.14285978

Because event units take forever to come around again, so people prefer if the event falls at a time when they can grind. When you spend all your time continuously grinding you fall behind in your other games/work/hobbies, which is why break time between events is important to catch up on shit for anyone who doesn't only play Aigis while being a NEET

>> No.14285983

> time
> aigis
What? It takes two 5-30 minute sessions to spend all your sta/char, event or not. Actually, events are even faster than dailies since you usually would want to grind only extreme or kami maps, and with kami maps its 2 runs per day.
Its impossible to "spend all your time grinding" in Aigis, unless you spend thousands of dollars on it every month.

>> No.14285987

Nobody is entitled to every event unit though. If you don't want to put in the effort, you miss out.
There is no reason other than selfishness on the part of whiners that a significant portion of the player base should be stuck with nothing to do so some slackers can play catch up.

>> No.14285988

It's already added to her stats on the menus.

>> No.14286001

I realize that, but my pics show that it isn't in effect right now.
Further proof: someone else's Deine, from 3 weeks ago, with same level and less aff, but more DEF.

>> No.14286005
File: 109 KB, 162x376, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.14286050

Furthermore, they aren't even missing out more. They still get the same number of units, whether they skip an event or whether the event isn't available in the first place. In fact, even if you plan to play only half of the events, it's still better if the events have no breaks and you choose which units you want to get and skip the ones you like less for your break. If you want to play around 2 weeks per month, it's much better if you can choose 2 out of 4 units, rather than being forced to take 2 specific ones.

So the only relevant difference for these players is that, without breaks, other people will have 4 units, and they don't want other people to have more than they do. They'd rather make the whole game worse, even for themself, as long as noone else can have it better than they do.

So yeah, selfish entitlement is a pretty fitting description.

>> No.14286076

And it would actually be a relevant argument if this was a game where you competed with other people. The only interaction with others is cooperative, like the subjugation farming. The only reason I even play Nutaku at all is for the chance they step it up to DMM level

>> No.14286077

You don't really need to skip unit entirely. Getting unit itself and cost-reducing it once is very easy and takes almost no time.

>> No.14286084

3m kills till platinum milestone.

>> No.14286097

How long does it take to level up a team of silvers/golds and use videos to clear shit, seriously? You don't need to max out the fucking event unit you dingus. I joined DMM aigis and Imeria was my 4th event, I didn't max her out and she still hard carried me through tons of shit.

>> No.14286108

That too, although many of them are not really worth using without CRing several times. Still, even if we consider non-mincosted units as "skipped events", they would still gain a lot more SCs if the event takes place and they can just log a single time to quickly 3* some missions, and then take their brake till the next event.

Maybe people are used to that sort of thinking from competitive games and now transfer it to aigis.

>> No.14286124

Even at max cost event units are useful if you have terrible luck with gacha like me. I'm still using max cost Kanon because I don't have Janne yet, for example. 35 cost or 30, it doesn't really make a difference for me.

>> No.14286222

It's nice to see we can hit the platinum goal, but I lost all motivation to level her when they put out her AW ability. I have Sherry and Olivier so I don't really need a sub par princess and the +2 cost per unit is way too much.
-2 starting UP or something would still be a decent penalty and not make her completely useless.

>> No.14286236

I think she's usable in some very specific scenarios. Subjugation maps would probably be one of them. It's worth having her on hand, in case you do need her, I suppose.

>> No.14286238

There are plenty of maps where unit cost is not a problem, so she's quite useful.

>> No.14286246

Nutaku is giving out codes for another Pero card on Facebook.

>> No.14286249

The main problem is that 10% more defense is rarely that beneficial.

If it was 10% more attack then hell yes she'd be usable.

>> No.14286261

For me, if anything, the fact that I already have Sybilla made me really appreciate that they went for a very unique and situational design with Louise. If you already have 2 solid princesses, why would you need a unit that is just another solid princess?

>> No.14286266

They've stepped up the speed lately, if this keeps up it'll be great. We should be close to getting awakening atleast.

>> No.14286273

Tell that to golems. 10% is league different between tankable and fail

>> No.14286286


>> No.14286291

10% more HP would probably be a lot better.

>> No.14286302

It is, but it's very possible to hit that threshold without her, and once you DO hit it without her, she'll be obsoleted. And this is assuming you can even bring her with her +2 cost to whatever map it is. Golems are the minority case anyway to begin with - a lot of high damage enemies can be bursted down during Karma's or Eden's skill like the Maou from Paula's event.

It's just a less generally good passive versus attack up. It's the same reason why dark knights suck - being super tanky doesn't help you clear maps unless you already have some high attack units.

Imagine if Black Iris had 2x attack to all units in range instead of 2x defense to all units in range for her skill and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.14286305

The problem is 10% defense is so situational I can't see the trade off ever being worth it. I think she's kind of cute so I would have probably found some use for her.

If it was 10% hp I would agree. But even on Dina/Deine 10% def is like 100 damage. It's most likely not going to help at all if you're trying to use a Bandit or some other lower def duelist.

>> No.14286318

And 20% def would also be a lot better than 10% def, that doesn't make 10% def useless when trying to maximise your tanking ability. Every bit counts, even Katie's 2%.

>> No.14286338

And don't forget she's become platinum soon so her abilitity can be better and may be skill AW for platinum princess

>> No.14286351

Again, the problem is that defense is usually an irrelevant stat. Even against the golems, people prefer high HP targets. While every bit does count, it's more than possible to tank them without her 10% defense boost and also not suffer +2 cost onto all units.

I'm not saying she's useless, I probably would have used her during Katie's Grand Maneuver where unit cost was basically irrelevant while the last phase had a million black units attacking you simultaneously so a 10% flat boost to everyone's defense could have helped, but these are situational cases. She's not someone you just bring along because they're basically always good no matter what, like an awakened Kikyou that offers 7% more attack to all units or Spica that offers the same bonus to archers only. If Louise did the same and offered 10% more attack and +2 cost, she'd be used in almost every map besides heavy rushes.

That doesn't change the mediocrity of her AW passive right now. Even if they upped the defense value on the passive I probably still wouldn't use her most of the time.

Cornelia is already considered "situational" among most players for a black unit despite offering a flat 30% damage reduction (which isn't the same as 30% more defense, mind you, 30% reduction is WAY higher).

>> No.14286385

> defense is usually an irrelevant stat
Yes, look at all these people not using HA's in every damn video around, huh.
Are you really playing same game as us?

>> No.14286390

Princess are niche class and event's units are fucking niche. If you want OP units, go and pay more money for Aigis bitch.

>> No.14286409

HA's aren't used because of muh defense only, they're used because they have extremely high health paired with the defense, on top of blocking 3. It's a combination of all 3 that make them good. People rarely use Berenice for tanking things like golems anyway - bandits are far more popular for that kind of thing, especially now that Imeria's been revived with her AW passive.

Princesses aren't niche, and I'm not asking for an OP unit? I'm just explaining why 10% more defense is usually crap. Calm your sperging anon.

>> No.14286449

Also, event units aren't necessarily niche either, so idk what you're pulling that from. Belinda is great, Imeria is a duelist on par with gacha ones, Anya is amazing, Memento had to be nerfed because of how retardedly overpowered skeletons were, Spica is irreplaceable, Lucille is a monster on longer maps, Maribel used to be considered black tier in power, Eden is broken and trivializes any enemy that can't kill her before she stuns them, Karma is great, Liana is irreplaceable in a lot of cases, AW Saki is great, Nagi is probably the best ninja, Sandra/Gloria are broken, Paula is good, Serra is probably the best templar.

I mean none of them are aisha or some shit but there's worse gacha blacks than some event units.

>> No.14286456

Spica is not event unit. Like other TP-only units, she has -3 mincost while event units have -5 and her stats/skill/ability are on same level as gacha plats.

>> No.14286460

I grouped her in with the event units since I think she was part of the gold rush once. I don't think Sedis was so I didn't include her, otherwise I would have since she's one of the best healers (at the cost of having paper defenses).

>> No.14286493

Yeah, she was the reward for completing all maps in a gold rush, then they added her to the trading post.

>> No.14286571

I wouldn't think she's all that as far as plat healers go on account of her shitty ability, but her awoken skill looks pretty excellent now.

>> No.14286597

Unless you have a fully cost reduced Camilla, she's probably the best healer for pure healing potency you can get. I guess it's lesser so now that they've thrown a dozen copies of Iris at us, and it's very possible some people have her cost reduced to 17 vs Sedis' 18 without gacha. I still think she's a good investment for new players.

>> No.14286605

Is there any event unit other than Belinda that has Increase range II?
I don't want to waste rainbow fairys on her but its such a amazing skill in places.

>> No.14286613

A lot of gold units after you CC them. Mehlis, Vera, Fedora are the most common in GR.

>> No.14286617


Use this page anon

to answer your question, no, they're unfortunately all gacha.

>> No.14286693

>selfish entitlement
Entitlement is the wrong word. You're looking for envy, schadenfreude, or hypercompetiveness

>> No.14286718

I agree, I just don't think she quite qualifies as one of the best healers in the game. I still use her all the time, she's my secondary healer.

>> No.14286757

Schadenfreude has little to do with that, unless you are assuming the people are literally aiming to just make the game worse for other people, because they want to gain enjoyment out of their misery. But envy definitely fits.

>> No.14286937

Unfortunately (for Thetis), those skills are fake.

Brynhildr Skill AW:

Carrie (キャリー):
Strengthen Attack III (攻撃力強化III): (35s; attack 1.8x; AS: 42; WT: 16.7; CT: 25)
Lead Spear Training (鉛槍トレーニング): (20s; switches to heavy spear; attack halved, and skill changes afterwards; AS: ; WT: 16; CT: 25)
Strong Lancer (豪腕の槍騎兵): (30s; attack 2.2x; defence 1.6x; sortie recovery 2x; self HP regeneration; AS: ; WT:; CT: )

Dahlia (ダリア):
Abandon III (捨て身III): (10s; self: DF 0, but attack 2.4x; AS: 30; WT: 12.5; CT: 25)
Black Spear Heavy Rush (黒槍重突進): (15s; self: defenced halved, but attack 2.4x; cost recovery 2x; self HP regeneration; AS: ; WT: 15; CT: 30)

Emilia (エミリア):
Holy Awakening (聖なる覚醒): (40s; attack and defence 2.0x; AS: 30; WT: 12.5; CT: 25)
True Holy Awakening (真聖なる覚醒): (40s; attack and defence 2.0x; sortie recovery 2x; self HP regeneration; AS: ; WT: 15; CT: 30)

Thetis (テティス):
Strengthen Attack IV (攻撃力強化IV): (45s; attack 1.9x; AS: 31; WT: 12.5; CT: 25)
White Lily Awakening (白百合の目覚め): (45s; attack 1.9x; cost recovery 2x; self HP regeneration; AS: ; WT: 15; CT: 30)

Info courtesy of Petite Soeur

>> No.14286952

So is the 7 stamina the best map for Lynn drops?

RNG is being a bitch

>> No.14286975


Answer courtesy of Myself.

>> No.14287020

I'd say yes. but thats only because I didn't get her on any other map, and while the only other map I did more of once of was First Degree, I didn't get a single drop but demon crystals.

>> No.14287036

>Berna assassinates Lynn in four hits
>she drops

And people say Berna is a useless black!

>> No.14287044

>I got a good roll of the die once!
Wow anon!

>> No.14287052

Yeah, I could've used Saki or Sybilla instead, but hey, Berna can still be nice to have. Even if it's just for a few niche challenge maps (i.e. any Dwarf mission).

>> No.14287136

Why isn't there a skip h scene option in Girls Kingdom after you've started playing it?

>> No.14287318

Feels so wrong that the policy of putting resources outside is actually making bases take longer to defeat. I can trash all the towers and castle just fine, but then it's a race to raze everything else before the time limit. Granted, triple knights do pretty good DPS when there are no towers left.

>> No.14287329
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"Oh boy, I wonder what I'll get from these limited gacha tickets."
I was a fool for getting my expectations up.

>> No.14287342


I actually have 3 Nano and I want more - being able to chain those skills every hour is neat. Granted it's not a very impressive AoE.

>> No.14287362
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I've been keeping track of my drops for that map. (Demon crystal seems to drop 100%)

1. Nothing
2. Nothing
3. Nothing
4. Mortimer
5. Nothing
6. Nothing
7. Lynn
8. Lynn
9. Nothing
10. Mortimer

>> No.14287369

You guys should just run map 4. I'm sitting on 7 Lynns out of 12 or so runs.

>> No.14287383

I've been running the 5 stam map and I've had 0 Lynn, 1 Crave and 1 Rosalie. Both soldiers dropped on first run and I've had the crystal drop every run.
Luckily my only attempt at the 7 for 3star gave me Rosalie and Lynn so I'm not going home empty handed as I'm going for a silver only team with gold+ as bed warmers.

>> No.14287531

Bit late to the golem discussion, but out of curiosity, is AW Lilia any good at tanking golems?

>> No.14287542

Hoo, managed to onestar and get all the drops in Eterna's 9 stam map. I thought I wouldn't be able to do it with only 1 CCd mage, but AW Claire and Sybilla carried me

>> No.14287607

>Log on Osawari
>10 hours left on event timer
>Event over


>> No.14287624

I got a Rosina
At first it was "Fuck, another shitty Nano"
But her ability does RIDICULOUS AoE damage.

>> No.14287754

AW Lilia is incredibly effective at tanking SOME things (especially maps with healer power cut gimmicks like the final Dark Knight Brotherhood map from Elva's event), but she's a regen tank with how her passive works. She doesn't even break 3k HP at cap so there's no way she can take a hit from the bigger golems, so the regeneration becomes moot. If you want to tank one of the side ones, she works, but just about any tanky unit can handle those.

>> No.14287787

Do you think the male plat HA or Lyla can tank a golem?

>> No.14287790

>only 1 CCd mage
>AW Claire and Sybilla
That's quite weird way to raise units.

>> No.14287792

You can't do very simple math yourself?
(Unit_HP + Unit_DEF) - Golem_DMG
If this value is 0 or less, it can't. If its above 0, it can.

>> No.14287805

I don't know how much damage the golems do

>> No.14287816

yes and yes

4000, it's on the wiki

>> No.14287818

In's on JP wiki

>> No.14287821

Yep, surprised me too. I was gonna burn some pots to get gems.

>> No.14287862

Thanks, looks like male plat HA is my best bet for tanking them. He can't tank the mithril one unless his skill is on though, can anything tank that thing without a skill on?

>> No.14287880

You can also pad these numbers if you have buffs and debuffs.

>> No.14287884

mithril one was from a past event and supposed to be ignored, so don't worry about it.

but yes, some people can indefinitely without a skill on, but you need specific combinations of units.

just as an example, if you have Amanda at cap + AW Adelle and Imeria, she'll have over 5200 hp.

>> No.14287904

The current last story map has a 5200 attack golem.

Jelius and both black HAs can tank it without skills, but they need either a 10+% hp buff or the 10% attack debuff on the golem.

>> No.14287924

I guess him and Mitra will do

>> No.14287933

oh it does? still haven't started on the two new ones.

I guess that's why they gave us mitra then

>> No.14288082
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>> No.14288091

I guess bumping the main reward threshold up really did help.

>> No.14288257
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Thanks, Nutaku

>> No.14288278

I was gonna do a last minute rush to grab some of them too since I was focusing more on Pero.

>> No.14288280

It ended at least 11 hours early
I got stuck out at 535 because I was dumb enough to trust the timer

>> No.14288372

This pissed me off since I was about to get the 70,000 EP reward
I only got the Yandere boss to drop too

>> No.14288564

Gacha is dead too.

>> No.14288647

Hmm, almost to 300 DCs.
Should I get Saki, or store up for Awakening fairies?

>> No.14288651

I haven't bought anything but fairies for months with DC, but you know best how many units you want to awaken.

>> No.14288679

Saki, and a fairy to awaken her.

>> No.14289141

I'm incredibly unlucky with the monk drops
Only got two copies so far
Also, will dmm get more maps for the current black event? It seems too easy so far, but the drops aren't bad either

>> No.14289159


I just played the event map right now. It's still up. Maybe they realised they ended it too soon and fixed it.

>> No.14289170

They did, it was down for 4 hours or so

>> No.14289346

I finally got Lynn... from the 4th map

I'm at 7 runs of map 5 and got Rosalie and Mortimer once each and 0 Lynns, while 5 runs of map 4 and got 1 Rosalie, 1 Crave, and Lynn

I wonder if this was a trap the devs put for people who just assume the highest stamina one would give the highest drop chance.

I'm just going to run map 4 from now on, fucking 84 stamina for 1 drop

>> No.14289351

Like I said. >>14287369

>> No.14289391

Yes. Two-week events always have two sets of maps.

>> No.14289403

SR rewards in Saga today.

Easy gives Strategist Ryumei.
Hard gives Half Demon Katia.

Good job, devs.

>> No.14289425

Amending the failure that special effects of some Units did not work properly after
the maintenance on October 20th, (Tue) .

We will distribute one Sacred Crystal after the next maintenance to users who had the Unit
before October 30th, (Fri) 19:00 as a compensation.
(Even if you had several Units which the effects did not work properly, you can only get one Sacred Crystal.)

I'm betting this is for those who have Karma.

>> No.14289427

Maybe there were other units we didn't know about who were fucked?

>> No.14289445

Did poison in Aigis get buffed? It's doing 10 damage a tick and at a fast rate. I thought it was 5 per tick and certainly wasn't at a faster rate than this.

>> No.14289446

Every map has different rates. Kami maps drain hp even faster than that.

>> No.14289447

Depends on the map.

>> No.14289451

Nice of the game to not tell you any of this.

>> No.14289646

is the black bishop from current event good? I am considering dropping my crystals on her, just because she's black, and my best mage is Barbastroff

>> No.14289672

Who knows? For star trial and item collection events, you don't know whether unit is good or not till event finishes. She could be best thing ever or completely useless. Depends on stats, ability and skills.

>> No.14289681

Something to keep in mind: mages/bishops don't really need cost reducing that much, and it looks like skill ups are going to be easy for future farming revivals if they're like Imelia's, so maybe save your SCs for the upcoming anniversary.

>> No.14289706

>the upcoming anniversary
what could that entail? stuff like bazillion exp fairy I got from the last anniversary?

>> No.14289718

I generally agree with >>14289681 and a -3 cost should be enough. The only uncertainty is that they could give her a really broken skill AW that could make you regret not maxing her and have to wait a year or so for her revival.

They also said they were going to revive Mordivort "soon" and she's the best mage you could possibly get aside from the gacha black one.

>> No.14289732

Huh, Yuno got free change between attack and heal as skill awakening.

How many awakened units you need to beat skill awakening map? It looks damn tough.

>> No.14289733

God, I hope so. I've got 2 blacks that I want to take to AW 99 and the idea of doing it with plat armors is just depressing, let alone the plats and golds.

>> No.14289746

Like, 3.

You don't have to 3 star it. All you need is Prince, HA, healer, and a ranged damage. The top is masochist difficulty so fuck it. Just hold the bottom.

all of the awakened units can drop the skill fairy.

>> No.14289755

I think you're forced to use her attack skill first, then it turns to a healing skill and it keeps alternating between the two like that.
Seems pretty bad if you specifically need attack/heal and it only lasts 10 seconds.

>> No.14289761

No, it doesn't "last only 10 seconds", it works like Noel/Maurius: once skill used, it becomes attack till you use skill again. Only power-up is temporary.
Basically, this is best skill awakening for heal/attack switching units, as it lets you not worry about skill timing.

>> No.14289765

My bad then. That actually sounds quite good.

>> No.14289773
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>> No.14289775

Actually, there's also nuance with skill regen time, 10 seconds skill active + 25 seconds skill regen means Yuno must spend at least 35 seconds in attack mode before you can switch back to heal. Same for bishops with switchable modes.

>> No.14289778
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>> No.14289785
File: 216 KB, 720x205, ”Millennium War Aigis” - Play Online And Download Nutaku.net (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, he's correct. Compare it to usual warning.

>> No.14289791

Point was numbers, not "eh, more damage maybe?" But maybe that wasn't clear enough for you.

>> No.14289801

Not true, you didn't notice that warning was different, its obvious from >>14289445 and was blaming devs for not telling you this, while they did tell.
There were no numbers published by devs about anything ever, so you are clearly moving goalposts here.

>> No.14289803

>more damage maybe
Just admit you didn't read, they didn't show the number before why would they suddenly do it?

>> No.14289804

With that logic nothing will change or improve.

>> No.14289805

Are you, by chance, that guy who didn't notice Bashira notification for whole month and kept rampaging about it here?

>> No.14289807

Seems the Eterna 9 stamina map is actually less efficient than the 7 stamina map, even if you miss out on one of the 3 soul drops. But I guess 9 stam is guaranteed

>> No.14289808

And it doesn't need to change. Games don't tell you numerical stats on enemy units or stuff like this poison, its your job to find out.

>> No.14289809

>it's your job to find out
New level of retard.

>> No.14289810

You could also just look at the JP wiki if you really wanna find out

>> No.14289812

Yeah and not on /jp/ since they sperg out.

>> No.14289814

It's the dev's job to spoonfeed everything, right.

>> No.14289818

>one tiny value = everything
Yep, we're done. I concede to your hyperbolic stupidity and manipulation.

>> No.14289819

9 sta map: 15.0 / 9 = 1.66
7 sta map: 10.818 / 7 = 1.54

>> No.14289822

Maybe you didn't notice, but this thing you are playing is called "video game". Exploring and finding out stuff is part of "video game" experience, and you are supposed to enjoy this process yourself. There's absolutely no reason to play these games if you only follow developed by others optimal strategies and do no work on researching things.

>> No.14289829

I don't know the rates, so I did the calculation with all 16 souls and then 13 souls. Both were higher than 1.66, are the actual rates much lower?

>> No.14289830

>that strawman
Yeah we're done.

>> No.14289835

I specified rate right there in post. 10.818 souls per run on average.

>> No.14289837
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>hey guys why is it sometimes 5 and others 10?
Also that's not what strawman means.

>> No.14289839

My heart can't take the RNG, so I'm going with the guaranteed souls.

>> No.14289840

>hey guys why is it sometimes 5 and others 10?
Because you fucking retard who cannot tell "poison" and "dead poison" apart.

>> No.14289841

did the two newer games have any weird censorship like Osawari island?

>> No.14289842

Now that's moving the goal posts.

>> No.14289849

Nope. Its answer to your original enquiry, before you started jumping to "bawwww, but no numbers and I'm too dumb to count myself!111".

>> No.14289852

Nice of you to ignore the newly brought up points. Very convenient of you, anon.

>> No.14289855

Now that's moving the goal post.

>> No.14289860

You've still ignored >>14289837

>> No.14289862

I know it may not be the optimal thing, but I'm still planning to mincost her, mostly because she's cuter than any other bishop and I want to use her, and I just kind of like the feeling of knowing that this unit is as strong as she can possibly be.

How do the maps in week 2 usually compare to the maps in week 1? Should all the farming be done in week 2 or is the strongest map of week 1 usually very similar to the strongest of week 2?

>> No.14289863

Why would I need to care about "newly brought up points" before you acknowledged that you was too stupid to discern two different poison warnings?

>> No.14289864

As I understand it, the dragon one just excised the lolis entirely, like Aigis did.

Kampani girls is R-15 instead of R-18, so who knows.

>> No.14289869

meant for >>14289841

>> No.14289871

Now you're just moving more goal post.

>> No.14289873

Then why bother posting lamo

>> No.14289877

There are more than 1 person here in case you're too dumb to notice.

>> No.14289879

>video games

I'm just in it for the waifu collecting.

>> No.14289887

Another irrelevant and random point based upon nothing.

Pretty much. The game is totally useless outside of that. Soulless and deprived of any other sort of content. Much like some people here.

>> No.14289886

Then you don't need to play it, pay Aigis and she will throw waifus at you.

>> No.14289888

If you're going to mincost her prepare to spend at least 40 crystals.
The god tier map in the second week usually has better rates, but you want to spend your crystals on stamina during the first week to take advantage of your natural charisma. During the second week you'll need to spend some crystals on charisma as well.

>> No.14289892

>Another irrelevant and random point based upon nothing.
Of course it's nothing since I was replying to a shitposter.

>> No.14289901

You sure post some obscure things, anon. You should try painting.

>> No.14289907

huh? you mean Girls Kingdom?
I'll take a look at it myself, I didnt get far in the DMM version, but maybe I wont notice the censorship

>> No.14289909

No, Kampani Girls is not GK, its all-ages game with no h-scenes.

>> No.14289962

Now y'all niggas just moving goalposts.

>> No.14289977

So they are going to improve Louise's ability next week.
+4 cost and +20% defense for all units?

>> No.14289983

Or +1/+10

>> No.14290018


>> No.14290020

Stop talking about football you're getting me all confused!!

>> No.14290031

Nice strawman.

>> No.14290086
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Post best class.

>> No.14290189
File: 77 KB, 960x540, 12122889_443551022495139_7128533735777104973_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then.

>> No.14290200

It's shit

>> No.14290207

Good for the noobs, and a fuck you to the long-term players.
At least

>> No.14290223

Im super happy they didnt mess with her face
maybe I'll start this game now

>> No.14290231

Gave her a shitty balloon tit job though

>> No.14290261

I'm more than happy with two Gomas.

>> No.14290293

So I stopped playing osawari when I got the last event girl and fell from rank ~300 to ~1452.

I guess there's not much reason to be active after the top 500, but figured the game was new enough that I would drop further after 6 days of not playing.

>> No.14290359

Kurito stabbed me in the heart again. Never got the SR of last batch. Made one final attempt, but realized too late that it wouldn't be done until after the maintenance.
When I opened the acorn, it gave me the N and SR of the new batch. Fuck me. At least the SR of last batch was a low SED card, but it irked the collector side of me.
Now let's see if it keeps the R card from me.

>> No.14290362

What were you using? I got the SR first try with 10 Card Reveals.

>> No.14290366

To be honest, for a while I was trying to be conservative and used a table I saw that only required three R gatcha tickets. I was able to get the first batch using this.
Near the end I was using about 6 R gatcha tickets, etc.
The one I used this time was 10 R gatcha tickets.
Lesson learned though. Just go heavy on the offerings, I suppose.

>> No.14290407

Katia is a good SR but I already have her. I hope I can get a meaningful SR tomorrow.

>> No.14290411

I gave no shits about the event and now I'm getting a free Goma? Niceu.

>> No.14290444

She's the only new card I've gotten this whole event. Regardless, I appreciate that they're doing something new and giving everyone some much-needed variety in rares without having to pray to RNGesus.

>> No.14290486

So what's the strat for Lynn's map 4? Spam rogues and hope for lucky assassinate?

>> No.14290489

2 heavies, 2 bandits, katie and prince is enough for me.

>> No.14290492

We already know her skill and ability though.

>> No.14290495

We don't know her awakened skill.

>> No.14290497

Cuterie can be surprisingly useful here, thanks to her self-heal.

But yeah, either RNG dodgetanks or lots of switching out. Or both.

>> No.14290501

What if you have a thief?

>> No.14290505

I don't so I don't know. Besides, fuck doing these pumpkins with thief.

>> No.14290517
File: 367 KB, 773x523, Spoofy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for aigis, I just unlocked dragon hunting, What is the best stage for grinding Exp/Fodder units and affection items, currently using phalanx 2 for affection

>> No.14290523

Rogues or lots of spare units.
Ninjas are a godsend too.

Phlanx is the best for affection.
Dragon Hunting was preferred b/c of easy afking, but now that we have autocomplete you may want to do Return to Ruins, since it's really cha efficient.

>> No.14290540

I dunno, pumpkin parade doesn't seem that bad with a thief, you just have to know where to put your units to not get hit by the pumpkins that veer into the ranged spaces at the wrong time.

>> No.14290543

Why would you want thief for parade? Parade has souls as certain drop already.

>> No.14290549

... for the DC?

>> No.14290562

Phalanx 1 or 2 ? I was always doing Armor of the dead so i'll try return to ruins

>> No.14290563

Bothering with thief just for slight increase of change getting 2 DC is too hardcore.

>> No.14290572

All I want from the AS event right now is a Caldo, she's cute.

>> No.14290606

I got used to it that way and now it's too easy without. Probably helps that I have an awoken Farune.

>> No.14290691

Phalanx 2 - it has the possibility of dropping an extra ruby, so the AFF per stamina is much better than any other map.

Hope you got witches.

>> No.14290754

Finally got that second barracks!

oh boy was it suffering holding onto so many crystals when all those delicious blacks were on there before they were removed and only brought back at limited times

I really really wanted to try one last time for nanaly but I just couldn't. I was sitting at 1 free space with barely any fairies.

>> No.14291172

Low Cost Battle is actually quite a bit better than Phalanx 2 for Affection, unless Nutaku stealth nerfed the rates on it. You have to settle for crappy Silver Fairies instead of Gold and Plat though.

And if you want to include Dailies, Skyfallen Gift completely shits all over Phalanx 2's Affection rates, But again, Fairies from Phalanx 2.

>> No.14291337

Low cost battle is actually a tiny bit worse than Phalanx 2 since flowers only have a 30% chance to give to 2 affection. Still go for whatever fairies you need more.
Phalanx 2: 1.856
Low Cost Battle: 1.846

Skyfallen H is at 2.99 but you're giving up a lot of exp and some fairies. On nutaku I never bothered with it, and dmm I only did it to get affection early on.

>> No.14291447

Ah, just realized, I was using the numbers with the assumption that you had Cuterie I think, (since Low Cost Battle has 6 affection drops per 3 stamina, the % increase gets stacked 6 times compared to the 4 from Phalanx 2). Yes, you're right, normally the affection rates are for all purposes identical.

I personally do Skyfallen quite often on JP when there's no Event going on / Trial Event / Unit Farm where I've already mincosted. Farming 100% affection for Awakening is quite stamina consuming otherwise.

>> No.14291610
File: 677 KB, 771x1540, greaterFailAttack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen an attack as bad as this one.

1) Those are Lv 1 towers in the corners, that I built off my freshly upgraded castle.

2) That's 3 Selma dying to my witches. An archer ball took a couple AoEs too before my Noels went down.

3) Divas in front of walls, right where the howitzers can shoot them!

4) Unleash all skills in desperate attempt to make this 50% destruction. Fail to kill my archer tower.

>> No.14291852

So, just got Koromo in peropero, and it says limited next to her face picture. Is she any good?

>> No.14291857

Shes not bad but not in top 5 of current strongest moe's.

>> No.14291978

I've been taking that advice, and my results so far have been:

1. Crave
2. Lynn
3. Nothing
4. Lynn

Which isn't a big sample size yet, but it's kind of silly how I already gotten the same amount of drops as my ten tries on the 7 stamina one...

>> No.14292841 [DELETED] 

Anyone having problems loading games on Nutaku? And for that matter certain websites in general?

>> No.14293107

new thread
