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14276187 No.14276187 [Reply] [Original]

who /hikki/ here?

>> No.14276304
File: 68 KB, 578x547, 1323497568001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a hikki friend

>> No.14276312

I /hikki/ here, though I used to like going out at night to get my cigarettes and sit at the park. My family hates me, I have no friends, online or otherwise.

>> No.14276319
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>> No.14276320


>> No.14276350

Same, I think I'll go out for a smoke...

>> No.14276366

I'm jealous. My parents said I can't smoke anymore. They don't like the smell, and say it's killing me. Little do they know I embrace the thought of death, I'm just too lazy to actively try and end my life. Anyway, enjoy your smoke, anon. I'd join you if I could.

>> No.14276531

me too

>> No.14276576
File: 141 KB, 724x347, 46099758_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would think so but you don't actually.
There's usually a reason people are hikkis and one of them is being unable to handle friendships. If anything you'd be hurting them

>> No.14276593
File: 185 KB, 333x547, 1391561260265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hikki life is freedom

what's the alternative? slavery, labor, servitude

>> No.14276607

Oh look another thread filled with fake hikkis.

>> No.14276626
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What's the point in saying you are?

>> No.14276630

thats ironic

>> No.14276642
File: 697 KB, 900x1147, 2715d49311c81e9eaaed1906643afe8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only left my house about 10 times in the last 2+ years for family birthdays/christmas

about to run out of money though

>> No.14277005

>only left my house about 10 times
How is this possible?

>about to run out money though
Where'd you get money in the first place?

>> No.14277011
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It's okay. I get free money.

>> No.14277055

who is that cute animu girl?

>> No.14277078
File: 96 KB, 300x300, img_p_08_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but I'm a neet. surely that accounts for something

>> No.14277110
File: 1.05 MB, 1334x1887, 67fdc388d854f7f4b8fd735dd6b9b2e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is this possible?
I just order all my groceries online and get them delivered to my door. Nothing else has really come up that would require me to leave.

>Where'd you get money in the first place?
I somehow managed to hold a decent job for about 7 years. I could sell my house and keep going but the place is pretty fucked now and I can't even imagine trying going out to find somewhere to rent especially with no job

>> No.14277119

It would be much easier and cheaper to be a NEET.

>> No.14277124

NEET here. All I do is smoke weed, watch hentai/anime, listen to j-pop playlists, or play vidya all day every day. This has literally been my daily routine for months with little variation.

>> No.14277135
File: 793 KB, 800x738, 711c7e664a9b2307f3888c94e697a78f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a hikki thread a few days ago that was nice and anons were briefing a sigh of relief over nazi mods relaxing their iron grip over us.
And then the thread gets deleted.
Save us Hiro

>> No.14277148


currently making a tv dinner atm

it's almost 5am

>> No.14277153

If you leave them alone too long they just become shitty blog threads.

>> No.14277210

I like hearing about how jps live. My life is so boring I'd rather see how people here live.

>> No.14277220

TV dinners make me feel very sad but I'm not 100% certain why. I think it's because it's something like a symbol of lovelessness, a person not caring for themselves nor anyone else caring for them.

>> No.14277231

that's sad. have you ever thought about doing your own cooking?

>> No.14277260

I actually like TV dinners, I always cook my own food or eat home cooked meals so it's a nice change of pace.
But it's quite expensive compared to home cooked so I rarely eat it.

>> No.14277266

hikkis don't go out stop calling yourself something you are not to fit in with the crew being a hikki is disgusting I have been a hikki and every REAL hikki I have talked too thinks the same way

>> No.14277284

TV dinners are like 5 bucks for a tasty ass lunch or dinner, but hardly enough to keep me satisfied as a proper "meal" which is my only complaint. I can get two chicken sandwiches from a shithole like burger king (that is likewise tasty as fuck) for $5, or I can go get a bunch of ingredients and cook something up that will take an hour or more for like more than 10 bucks.

most of these people aren't stressed out hipsters that think their world is falling apart and nobody understands them, most are socially retarded assholes that have no real problem with not being able to be social other than not having a gf. thinking about some guy being a hermit and living in filth because his daddy doesn't love him is too cringy for me to believe. I was always under the impression that it was a comfortable lifestyle

>> No.14277295

You can go outside if you don't see another human being.

>I was always under the impression that it was a comfortable lifestyle
Depression is almost as /jp/ as hikikomoring is.

>> No.14277327
File: 799 KB, 1121x714, 8602e6a5315a4ca0ad62c8eb0ca2b4ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was always under the impression that it was a comfortable lifestyle

Yes, it's the latest craze. Throwing away your humanity and living a non-existence because you can't enjoy real life is fucking wonderful. Isn't that what otakus love more than anything- real life?
Anyone that admires or desires hikkidom is a delusional pubescent ignorant of mental illness or those with other abnormalities.
I'm envious of you as only someone blissfully simple-minded could be so wrong.
I am not happy. The other hikkimoris are not happy.

>> No.14277356

apathy is not simple minded

I have assessed, acknowledged, and now appreciate my conflicts and life in general. I am not a hikki because I still have to go outside and make money and buy shit, but that doesn't mean I'm not socially retarded.

instead of stuttering and blushing and tearing up in a conversation, I simply stutter until they go away or my business is done. I couldn't be a hikki despite being a awkward and afraid loser, so I became apathetic instead and focused on the joys of finally going home to be a shut-in.

complaining about being a shut-in makes you seem like a pubescent cunt. all I see is "you do not understand my suffering.." while you're the same as me, just seemingly unhappy with indoor, shut-in fun rendering you a boring individual who can't enjoy real life or shut-in life.

basically kids are starving in africa first world fuck you problems

>> No.14277365

/jp/ I need your help. I want to rent a gun at a shooting range to kill myself but they won't rent guns to single males so I'm looking for someone to go with me. I have some cash I can give you. The shooting range is Lock and Load Miami. My sister lives nearby and since im going to spend the holidays with her family this is the best chance im going to get to kill myself for some time. Post your Skype or email and I will contact you

>> No.14277374

Just jump in front of someone that is already firing

>> No.14277382


A note to any anon thinking of doing this.

You will be investigated by the police for helping to provide the means of anon suicide, and since he paid you to help kill himself that's might be a straight up murder charge.

Also do you not think how horrified would you sister be when she learns that she helped you do that?

>> No.14277383

NEET threads show the underlying nature of this board by and large

They disappear for a while but when one resurfaces all the anguish, loneliness and apathy just pours into it until it disappears once again and people go back to their generals or image dump threads.

>> No.14277386

>once again and people go back to their generals

I doubt the people here even visit any general, the community in those threads gives me the vibe they're all crossies that don't know shit about /jp/ but since they have nowhere else to go they have to deal with having a general here, so they do nothing in /jp/ but talk in that general.

>> No.14277394
File: 21 KB, 259x327, 1415169237202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw borderline hikki NEET for years now
suicide seems like the only dignified end now

>> No.14277468

This ruins gun range's reputations and makes it harder for everyone to get and use guns safely
Just fucking save up to buy your own gun or if nothing else, go to a payday advance place and do it, if suicide is that meaningful to you, you can wait to do it, otherwise it is just an act of impulse that you'll regret

>> No.14277499

Couldn't he just kill himself some other way?

>> No.14277538

I'm not entitled to purchase a firearm because of my history. Also I've thought about this a lot and come to the conclusion that shooting yourself is the least painful way to go. Using helium is also a possibility but I heard it makes your lungs implode

>> No.14277541

Why talk in a general when you can lurk? I'll bet there are 25+ hikkis lurking in this thread alone that have no intention of contributing.

>> No.14277544

Same here. Hearing other people's problems gets me through the day.

>> No.14277547


I wish I had a hikki girlfriend ;_;

>> No.14277552

Reginald is a dick.

>> No.14277598

>Using helium is also a possibility but I heard it makes your lungs implode
Because of the low density? No, that's not true at all, you''d have to outright try sucking the air out of lungs to make them implode. Or do you mean if you set the pressure in the tank too high? Because that's pretty hard to do as well, just don't turn the thing up full blast.

>gun range's reputations
Can't be helped. Besides, the idea of a gun range restricting access to singles is enough to make me want to kill myself in one out of spite.

>> No.14277603

I'd rather have a nice oneesan who pampers me.

>> No.14277610

But you don't get to do lewd things with oneesan.

>> No.14277616

Then I want a possessive oneesan type girlfriend who wears the pants in the house.

>> No.14277623

How hikki is hikki? I can't remember the last time I set foot outside besides to check the mail but I know it's been over several weeks now.

>> No.14277627

I can approve of this pipe-dream.

>> No.14277630

I don't live in a country with more guns than people so I was going to go with hanging

>> No.14277635


I personally don't really like firearms as a suicide method.

>> No.14277636
File: 44 KB, 266x398, 1441265623765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so hikki, were I to walk outside all not hikkis within ten square miles would evaporate by my mere presence.

>> No.14277638
File: 893 KB, 1060x1510, sepia_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a hikki NEET, Patchy is my favorite 2hu because she's reclusive and Reimu a second favorite because she's poor.

How does the rest of /hikki/ compare?

>> No.14277639



I plan to suicide by Skydiving (without or just not opening a parachute) and hitting the Earth at terminal velocity from several thousand feet / meters in the air.

>> No.14277651
File: 625 KB, 1000x803, 55d829b9bb7a4ae09c62ff56b567763d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno is everything I'm not and that's why I like her so much

>> No.14277657

If she is a 9, then you are a...?

>> No.14277659


geddit? Xddd

>> No.14277660

a zero

>> No.14277661

nice nine
check mine

>> No.14277663

>Failure at getting satan trips
I'll just hang me head in shame

>> No.14277664

kill yourself /v/

>> No.14277669


>> No.14277696

I wish i could be a hiki forever

>> No.14277704

Gonna have to start stopping soon?

>> No.14277719

Have fun surviving it, & breaking every bone in your body then taking 6 months to recover while your muscles atrophy & your poor family has to wait on you hand & foot (moreso than they already do), Peggy Hill.

>> No.14277733

Shooting yourself is the best way to go. Death is instant. Some people fail because they do it while drunk and aim at the wrong part of the head (mouth, eyes etc)

>> No.14277741
File: 845 KB, 849x1200, 279bc6491d2440d364387ad45da7507c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not really a hikky, I sometimes have to leave the house to do grocery shopping

But I like how things are...

>> No.14277745

I wish I could be a hikki, and make yummy cakes all day long.
But it isn't that simple, no?

>> No.14277751
File: 361 KB, 580x900, 1243952955602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be a hikki if I had the dosh to afford it. Unfortunately, I need to work to earn my shit.

Being hikki wouldn't be any fun without food, electricity, internet and water heating

>> No.14277765

Imagine hacking a drone and then using it to steal presents from a warehouse.

>> No.14277846
File: 278 KB, 681x681, Screenshot_2015-10-27-10-26-13-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patchy best 2hu. (In my opinion at least.)

>> No.14277877

I used mine to peep.

>> No.14277884

I can never understand this mentality. I may be a disgusting, lazy, worthless shitpile of a man, but I'm still a man, and having someone else take care of me would make me feel even worse. Does it tie in with that degradation/humiliation fetishism thing?

>> No.14277908

So glad I have a painless and quick method at hand.

>> No.14278085
File: 87 KB, 960x716, carne asada fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /carne asada fries/ here?

>> No.14278098
File: 51 KB, 600x800, CRMlTapUAAU5WwH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can hear your impending heart attack from where I am standing, anon.

>> No.14278114

Are you anywhere near Miami FL?

>> No.14278140

It's good stuff, though this one place around here puts the fries next to the pico and avocado which makes that shit get cold fast.

On a side note, if there's any NEETS (since you hikkis won't leave your house) who are in the Huntington Beach/Westminster area of SoCal, we're having a house party next week and you're invited.

>> No.14278167

>On a side note, if there's any NEETS (since you hikkis won't leave your house) who are in the Huntington Beach/Westminster area of SoCal, we're having a house party next week and you're invited.
This sounds like a rape/murder invitation.

>> No.14278195

It might be

>> No.14278208

Are you the guy who wants to rent a gun to off himself?

Just get one through a private sale
