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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14261297 No.14261297 [Reply] [Original]

is it true that if you're seen talking to a loli in japan the police can arrest you?

>> No.14261312

w2c the left one's hat
why do japanese lolis dress so much better than western lolis

>> No.14261330

i got talked to by and asked for photos by lolis a few times when i were in japan. i really fear the japanese police because i don't want to get deported. should i run away the next time?

>> No.14261395

japanese police arrest gaijin for literally anything. they will release you though if they don't have evidence of an actual crime.

>> No.14261400
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Their clothes are more interesting but I wouldn't call them better.

There's no such thing as a loli in the real world.

>> No.14261426


Yeah, release you after holding you for weeks

>> No.14261490

Get arrested at the end of your stay and you can be in Japan for longer than you're normally allowed.

>> No.14261517

They dress the same way here, are you from some african country?

>> No.14261555

Then you're gonna get arrested again, when trying to leave with an expired visa.

>> No.14261572

If you can keep getting arrested for 5 years, you can just stay in Japan forever.

>> No.14261578

If he was from Africa, he'd be asking why they're wearing clothes.
>You will never be a young African boy watching his childhood female friends bust develop day by day

>> No.14261609

the dream!

>> No.14261610

Be careful when talking about lolis. The new 4chan mods do not appreciate triggering things.

>> No.14261658

fuck off.

>> No.14261918

Explain with details your lolis encounters. Where they curious about your dick? Why adult gaijin is novty for them?

>> No.14261924

Tell me more. No bra? Too poor to biy them? Tell us more nigger mate

>> No.14261939


>> No.14261945

Go look up African girls the net. It's hot there, so tribal types didn't wear tops until the Whites brought civilization to them. Some still don't. Haven't you ever read National Geographic?

>> No.14262148 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14262158


>> No.14262169
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Making V signs while having sex!

>> No.14262206


>> No.14262531

I want to commit a crime.

>> No.14262558

Its not a crime anon!
Its pure!

>> No.14262570

Next time some fag on /a/ asks "do lolis really dress like this in Japan?" Imma show him these

>> No.14262604

is this some fetish picture or do they really always have those rape alarms

>> No.14262624

Pictures of some idol?

>> No.14262641

But /a/ doesn't like 3DPD.

>> No.14262676

lolis don't dress that way here in Murrica, pop star or no

They are asking for it whenever they post "do they really do X in Japan?"

>> No.14262755

Love is not a crime.

But maybe you meant rape.

That's bad anon.

>> No.14263397 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14263813

Is it true that single men aren't allowed to adopt children?

>> No.14263868


No. It's just ridiculously hard.

>> No.14263873


No idea who that is, but she's super cute. Painfully cute even.

>> No.14263912

My mother's Chinese coworker's sister recently went through a marriage breakup. She was extremely well off as she was married to a millionaire, and due to some of the laws in China, divorces are very clean cut and no nonsense. The sister has a daughter about 13 or 14, who sounds like a delinquent; she leaves home at 7:30am to go to school, and doesn't come back until 10pm at night. Apparently the sister intends to move to this country, so I might be able to talk to a cute pubescent girl.

Thank you for reading post post /jp/.

>> No.14263967


Can delinquents be cute? I'm not so sure. Besides, if she's a delinquent, why would she ever want to talk to a beta like you?

>> No.14265537

>Can delinquents be cute?

Only if you can reform them.

>> No.14265591

The intention is to move away from China to have both a better life, and to get her away from whatever she's doing; I forgot to mention she refuses to tell her mother where she is or what she's doing.

>> No.14267409

Is she still a millionaire?

>> No.14267433


She's getting the cock nightly.

>> No.14267442

With such an overabundance of men, I wonder how much one would make doing enjo in China.

>> No.14267635

I live in Japan, and I haven't heard any horror stories from any of my fellow gaijin in my area.

If you're a gaijin, then lots of people will want to take a picture with you because you're interesting.
I've been to a few festivals where I, myself, take a lot of pictures of the events and traditional outfits people wear, and nobody even looks at me strange for taking pictures of underage girls. It's nothing lewd, obviously, and it's a public place; Japanese don't overreact like a lot of the cucked West.
Hell, I'm not even interested in super young girls, but I just want pictures of my time in Japan, and girls outfits are part of the spectacle, especially at summer festivals.

BTW, good luck with the language barrier.

>> No.14267658

Yes. Apparently in China things are more or less a clean 1:1 split, regardless of how much each person brought to the relationship in the first place. I'm not 100% sure how it works, but I believe they're very well off. The father pays child support too.

That's the concern. I think there was something about how she receives an allowance that doesn't sound like it's enough for 6 or 7 days worth of dinners, so she's probably with someone that's giving her food.

>> No.14267677

Sweet Potato Loli.

>> No.14267724

>so she's probably with someone that's giving her food.

Well, that might be totally reasonable and not sketchy at all. I would certainly feed and take care of someone without taking advantage of them, especially if they have kind of a shit life.

>> No.14267855

Boys have those too.

I'm in Japan but I look like a generic Asian. Japanese people think I'm Japanese some Chinese think I'm Chinese and so does Koreans. So nobody sees me as anything special.

>> No.14267866

I think they gave her a low allowance so she would be forced to come back home for dinner instead of stay out all day, but the girl probably found other ways to fix that.

>> No.14267874

So, basically, her mother wants her to have foreign dicks to racemix with instead of just various flavours of Chinese dick?

>> No.14268280

Give her the dick. No condom please

>> No.14268282

They also crave for dick

>> No.14268283

stay away

>> No.14268285

Will you fuck a cute 13 or 15 girl? She will ve also a virgin. My dick

>> No.14268286
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>> No.14268305

why do you post this in all the loli threads instead of /lit/ or /x/ or something

>> No.14268308

Trying to scare people. Also if someone says that likes youngs girls does not meam that we are rapits criminals

>> No.14269606

Is this the pedo thread

>> No.14269835

I think you mean board.

>> No.14269848

There should be an /fl/ - Flat board.

>> No.14269938 [DELETED] 
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/jp/ - repressed fatherly instincts

>> No.14269982

>Japanese don't overreact like a lot of the cucked West.
I like this sentence. Alot.

In the American police state, normalfag cunts assume that anyone who talks to a child that is not their own is a pedophile. Personally, I'm afraid of children, so I don't (and vocally can't) speak to them.

Relating back to >>14263912 situation, it must be nice in China compared to the feminazi-run, immigrant-infested police states of America, Sweden, and Germany where society is leaning towards a more gynocentric stance, resulting in divorce/rape laws heavily biased in favor of women. Try divorcing in America. She'd get bank, the house, & more access to the offspring (that's worst case though).

Is there any hope left for this world? Or are we doomed to an NWO globalist-run future?

>> No.14270004

Why would they want to father some 3D girl when they could raise a son to be proud of?

>> No.14270010

Because they aren't normies, or gay.

>> No.14270051

They are incredulously gay and wish they were the little girls.

>> No.14270237 [DELETED] 
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Only so that they can play with them better

>> No.14272207
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>> No.14272219
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I just want a loli to hug and be sweet to

>> No.14272281

Lock me up before it's too late

>> No.14272304


You will be hugless for the rest of your life. Just accept it.

>> No.14272335 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14272345

Is there a way for a man to legally bask in the affection of cute little girls without being persecuted?

>> No.14272366
File: 595 KB, 1652x800, lolisaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot hug a 2d being.
Also Tsukasa is an 18 years of age high school graduate.

Actually most of the girls in this thread are teens who probably have pubes and stuff. Looks like the trupedo "loliz r < 10" crowd fucked off.

>> No.14272375

I was watching a psychology video on pedophilia and according to the researched, pedophilia is "cross wiring" in the brain. His explanation was, paraphrasing
>When a mature male talks to a mature female, their voice becomes deeper and they try to play up their masculinity
>When anyone talks to a child, their voice goes up and they try and sound more encouraging and friendly
>When a mature male pedophile talks to a young girl, their voice becomes deeper
>When a mature male pedophile talks to a mature woman, their voice becomes higher
I can't remember if he said that last point, actually, I watched this video a few weeks ago. Still interesting, he said it's difficult to learn about this stuff because people are frightened to come into a clinic and discuss it.

>> No.14272410

I wonder what my mom would say if she knows that i have this pic in my pc

>> No.14272413
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>> No.14272448 [DELETED] 
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I don't know. If you're a teacher, you can get a lot of fondness and admiration, but you can't get hugs and kisses probably. Plus there are gross boys and noncute girls to deal with. No, being able to freely get smiles and cuddles with cute little girls is just a position in life that you have to organically end up in.

>> No.14272465

If you don't mind being seen as a criminal and hated by every single parent for being a man you could try teaching

Adopting as a single man is so hard it might as well be illegal

>> No.14272477
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That's the thing that puts me off adoption. I'm sure there are lots of nice orphans, but you'll probably end up with the kid that's seen or done some fucked up shit. Although that girl probably just likes to show herself off or grab their dicks or something (relatively) innocent like that, that people flip their lid over, instead of being some junior rapist.

Still, imagine some Anon did manage to adopt a girl, but the agency targeted him as a pedo and gave him a child that was rescued from some human trafficking, child porn making mafia, who has PTSD episodes where she attempts to sexually assault whatever adults in her vicinity. They'll wake up one night tied to the bed, being sodomized, bitten, and then shat on by their ward.

Seriously there are kids out there who've been through some fucked up shit. They can counsel them, but there are certainly those who will act out uncontrollably in a obscene sexual way that they have to send off to -someone- who can deal with them. You can talk about being a lolicon all you want, but I don't think /jp/ is a bad enough dude to deal with homeschooling their mentally traumatized nympho daughter who has seizures if she goes too long without orgasming and breaks down into tears when she does.

>> No.14272486

Marry one. It's legal in some places and states. People problems with what you want ultimately stem from the idea of corrupting innocent virgins with premarital sex anyway.

You're too delusional/paranoid for your own good. Please turn yourself in.

>> No.14272581

I own a dachshund, and whenever I take him for walks, kids start chatting with me and ask if they can pet him. It's my guilty pleasure even though I don't consider myself a pedophile.

>> No.14272625

There's nothing pedophilic about that. It's only a problem if you're using the dog for a 'Do you want to pet my sausage dog?' *unzips penis* situation

>> No.14272628
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>> No.14272851

With all the lolis, idols, maids and so I still don't understand how the Japanese population is declining.

>> No.14272864

they spending more time masturbating to maids, idols and lolis than actually having partners.

>> No.14272867

real women are bitches and the men realized it's better to masturbate than marry some bitch

>> No.14272886

My, my.

>> No.14272922

Abortion is pretty common too isn't it?

>> No.14272934
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Oh my god is this fucking real?

>> No.14272936


>> No.14272954
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He did this with the daughter of a US senator too.


>> No.14272972
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I wish Mokou was my daughter...

>> No.14272974

Doesn't seem like it, around the same as countries like Germany or Finland.

>> No.14273070 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck a child, any tips?

>> No.14273142

But then you'd be so old! Or dead long ago.

>> No.14273147

Everyone is someone's child, so my tip is to go fuck yourself.

>> No.14273549

>You cannot hug a 2d being.
Nice (shit) meme but he's obviously talking about real live 3D human beans.

>> No.14273691
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Why are there so many pedo in Kansai?
I found this one guy who fucked different little boys everyday.
Kansai shota are a bunch of sluts.

>> No.14274476 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14274559 [DELETED] 

Fuck u normie. 13 is legal

>> No.14274575

That's the thing about Japan. You can buy and look at all the junior idols gravure legally. Attend their handshake, listen to them tell you what their favourite bikini was in that photobook.

But once you talk to a loli on the streets, YOU'RE FUCKED.

>> No.14274575,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.14274575,2 [INTERNAL] 

The 2020 Olympics will fix this.™
