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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 160 KB, 1280x720, まいてつ ハチロク02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14250412 No.14250412 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14226761

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.14250417

While we're at it

Also the emote movements in the game look like they could need a strong PC. I hope for good optimalization.

>> No.14250425

I was going to say that 2D movements aren't that expensive but I remembered japs suck terribly hard at optimization. Although I remember the Monobeno engine being not that bad in that sense.

>> No.14250434

Monobeno uses Kirikiri, I believe. So Lose probably programmed all the effects on top of it. But yeah, it wasn't so badly optimized. But this time they're adding e-mote.

>> No.14250443

Can't wait.

>> No.14250468 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1456x2592, 1445408043181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something you won't see on the website.

>> No.14250471

Oh I see, I didn't bother to check. It still depends on them as KiriKiri is just a framework, I've seen games that work pretty smoothly on Kikiri and others that run like shit.

Also are they banning IPs or is it down? I'm getting Forbidden, which is weird since the rest of the site works for me.

>> No.14250481

I think it was discussed before, that some people were getting 403s on Lose's site.

It's definetly not down, I can access it fine. But I'm in Japan.

>> No.14250512

A-am I going to jail now?

>> No.14250536

Just tried a Japanese proxy and it works. So they are banning some gaijin ranges.

I remember the whole site being actually down (no response) several hours ago, they probably did it as a countermeasure since it's that directory only. Doubt they'll lift it though.

>> No.14250622

Seems like *someone's* weeping about scripting reached even SCAJI.

>> No.14250627

>What is she saying
can't understand?

Even stil japanese young boys?
Have some shame!

>> No.14250630

Somehow I doubt that's the reason they're making such patch.

>> No.14250637

> loli in military fashion uniform talking about true yamato masculinity
I can already see it being my favorite game of 2016.

>> No.14250639

T-train uniform

>> No.14250674
File: 11 KB, 240x320, 1412836541025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a train uniform, I'm sorry miliota. You still have Kancolle though.

>> No.14250677
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>> No.14250683

I'm happy that good game is ahead of sakuuta crap.

>> No.14250695
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>> No.14250711
File: 130 KB, 466x705, だいしゅき.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof Primal Hearts is good Mr. q***.

>> No.14250717

I'll rage if it's garbage.

>> No.14250719

Do japs just get paid a shitload or something? How do people afford to buy these regularly at that price?

>> No.14250724

>I'll rage if it's garbage.
The routes will be, only good for masturbating.

>> No.14250725

I'd suck the dick of whoever designed that uniform.

>> No.14250739

People who have a regular job will earn enough money to afford several of these every month assuming they don't have any other hobbies, which is the case. Otaku don't use their money on partying, eating out with friends, fashion or any of the standard normalfag money sinks, so they can afford these, overpriced anime blurays, figurines, manga and all other otaku-related stuff.

That, or NEETs enabled by their parents.

>> No.14250742

It'd be a little more reasonable if these ever underwent price drops, but no, it'll stay that price for years.

>> No.14250743

It's worth noting that Sakura no Uta has been ranking high on the preorder charts for literally months now. The total sales will probably blow away just about everything else this year.

>> No.14250744

For standing at a metro station and annoucing trains etc., you can get 1000 yen per hour. I think it was 8 working hours a day. So one day and a bit and you can buy a VN. Only problem is that you only get one free day a week. At least that's what the job offer poster I saw at my local metro station says.

I presume more specialized jobs are paid better.

>> No.14250758
File: 673 KB, 1780x1589, Emperor_Shōwa_Army_1938-1-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it great when your pedo-eroge lets you inform the world about your tastes with single click right from the game itself?

>> No.14250764

Didn't even notice that.

>> No.14250770

Holy shit.

>> No.14250779

I'll destroy you.

>> No.14250799

Nobody really expects any of these games to sell a significant amount past their first week after release.

>> No.14250803

This kind of thing is best enjoyed in secrecy, lest you want to be scorned by absolutely everyone who isn't into it.

>> No.14250815

Didn't their twitter account also get banned recently as well?

>> No.14250817

Yes. Also happened to some artists' accounts.

>> No.14250824

In Twitter you end up getting followed by people with the same tastes as you. Japs use Twitter a ton, I've seen a lots of eroge players there.

>> No.14250974
File: 1.28 MB, 2560x1440, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope for good optimalization.
You can predict the optimization if even the company's own promotional videos run like this.

>> No.14250996

Wow, that's pretty bad. Not to mention, they only have like 1,000 views each...

>> No.14251002

I now finally have an excuse to overclock my toaster and set the entire house on fire! Thanks Lose.

>> No.14251007

Let's hope it's just an encoding issue.

>> No.14251009

Site has only been up for what, four hours?

>> No.14251014

Jesus that hachiroku cg looks awkward enough but in motion it looks downright awful.

>> No.14251022

That body is disgusting. Should've kept the clothes on.

>> No.14251023

These don't sound like very good first impressions.

>> No.14251069

That voice isn't fitting at all for her, and that animation is janky and awkward as fuck.

Hopefully they can at least fix up the latter.

>> No.14251075

It would actually look alright if it was smooth.

>> No.14251093

Disappointment of the year.

>> No.14251219

I was on 5,000,000 yen a year when I entered my current company as a graduate.

Not sure how my company compares to the average in terms of pay, though.

>> No.14251229

So yeah gonna need some help
i wanna get rid of some VNs as i download and played them for a while and can't really get into others and end up with a ton of incomplete VNs. I forget the stories and names and its troubling.
so yeah which ones should i get rid off?

Drakoi (think i got the true end but kinda want to see the other ends)

Leyline 1 (just got done with the teddy bears)

moyoerufutari up to the seeing the skeleton in the lab

tonakoi (finihsed rina's route doing blondy now)

workspring (finished hikari's route and kinda want to try her true end but hate the rest of the girls)

soshiteashita (just got to yuuhi's restuarant)

silverio vandetta (just met his rich friend)

hanachirasu (sekihan jut met the girl in the shop)

renai (finished blue's route , kinda want to do pink's)

The two mangekyu games that aren't the blue haried girl

love equation doing spika's route kinda want to do chisato's route

kanojou no seiiki (they finally did it)

drucu riot (about to do it with miu did elina's route but that was in english i wanna do it in jap)

I have some others but these are the one's i remember now.

>> No.14251232


it's beautiful.

>> No.14251240

Leyline's sequels are much better than the first game and it's worth reading solely for those. The games are pretty short too and you can skip the non-canon side heroine routes.

>> No.14251243

Kinda got bored with the teddy bear route but the fairy tale world was pretty cool and a nice change of pace.

Does really it get better?

>> No.14251245

Where do you guys buy your eroge?

>> No.14251259

Yeah, the first game's more of an introduction to the characters and setting, plus I thought the main twist at the very end was kind of cool.
The second game introduces entertaining new characters, has a more coherent plot (the separate cases tie better into the main story and serve to foreshadow coming twists) and especially the last chapters are a real emotional roller coaster.

>> No.14251310

Online duh

>> No.14251314

Why so racist?

>> No.14251320
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>> No.14251340

That's just a low frame rate encode.
Look at the text. It isn't smooth either.

Also her voice doesn't sound like a loli at all.

>> No.14251354

>Also her voice doesn't sound like a loli at all.
My thoughts exactly, it's so unfitting

Hopefully the framerate is better in person. I don't have a toaster so it should run fine.

>> No.14251391

I like her voice, fuck you fags, It has a mature loli feel.

>> No.14251396

I've quite enjoyed her voice. Its not too loli, but neither is her character. Will not make me feel like dirty pedo as well.

>> No.14251461 [DELETED] 

Judging by his latest tweets, dovac is now planning to switch to smaho app vns with microtransactions.

>> No.14251462

>403 Forbidden
Any decent japanese proxy services so I can check this out?

>> No.14251466

If you're concerned about not feeling like a dirty pedo, Maitetsu may not be the game for you.

>> No.14251474

He can always say he's playing it for one of the three older girls. Kinda like saying he's reading a nukige for the plot, but to each their own.

>> No.14251476

I love hachiroku design, character and voice => this is game for me. You don't like her voice, so seems like its you who is not its target audience.

>> No.14251504
File: 1.63 MB, 2560x1440, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the guy you were talking to and I don't mind her voice. I'm just not sure how you could possibly expect to play this game without feeling like a dirty pedo every step of the way. That is, in fact, kind of the point.

>> No.14251529

Best game of the year confirmed

>> No.14251530

As if it had competition to begin with. This year wasn't particularly strong at all.

>> No.14251535

Whats an example of strong games from previous years?

>> No.14251541

Hello Lady and Senshinkan from last year.

>> No.14251552

Well there was a senshinkan this year. Did it do that much better last year?

>> No.14251557

This year we had Fairytale Requiem and Neyuki no Gen'ei but no one gave a shit.

>> No.14251561

>Neyuki no Gen'ei

That was good? The art kinda drew me away.

>> No.14251569

Its good that hipster sakura shit is failed.

>> No.14251580

I guess it started out as an idea for a nukige, hence the art and the high amount of porn, but they ended up with a nice horror story. It's short, though. NanaRin was better I guess, but it still seems they're actually attempting to write good scenarios. I have hopes up for Silky's Plus.

>> No.14251582

Hmm, can you spoil it? Just the general concepts, no need to write each details.

It's unlikely that I'll play it, but I'm interested to know what they did with it.

>> No.14251585

What the fuck are you talking about? It's going to be a massive success.

>> No.14251600

Optimization and fixing the robot arms would solve almost all the issues.

>> No.14251757

Does /jp/ like 饅頭顔?

>> No.14251881


>> No.14251929

>fixing all the issues would solve all the issues
Well, yes. Why we all are not living in paradise yet then? Because in this world issues are not fixable by wishful thinking.

>> No.14252013

Whichever store has the bonuses I like most of course.
Half the point in buying it is the "free" stuff you get with it.

>> No.14252596


It's not like you can even finish more than an eroge or two in a month if you have a full-time job and something resembling a social life. 9000-18000jpy a month is nothing even if you take into account shipping and customs. Are you guys 13 or something?

>> No.14252671

>9000-18000jpy a month is nothing
100-200 bucks is most certainly something.

>> No.14252702

The median salary in Japan seems to be around $3500 a month pretax, cutting a few hundred out of it for your only hobby is entirely manageable.

If you're poor it's a big deal but the average Japanese person is not poor, he's average.

>> No.14252732

What's the cost of living, though?

>> No.14252926

It seems you seriously lack class consciousness. /jp/ is a socialist board, please consider other people's environments.

>> No.14252935

Only if you live in a police state like Canada or Australia!

>> No.14252972

You know that law wasn't pass in Australia right?

>> No.14252984

Not that anon, but which law? Is it really possible to go to jail over a random pic on the internet? I thought that did not happen even with real CP.

>> No.14252994

There was a law that would basically make looking at naked flat chested women illegal, Thing is that it wasn't limited to young women so the law was rather stupid. I don't remember the rest of the details other than It didn't pass

>> No.14253010

So, the whole thing about not allowing flat-chested women in porn/viewing of such isn't true? How do I know you're not just a shill?

In times like these, it's best to use Tor/other encryption on a Linux distro of your choice to prevent the globalists & various government agencies from tying your activity back to you. If they need you in jail, they can dig up something about you & have you incarcerated.

>> No.14253027

Anon, remove your tinfoil. If you're not in Canada or the UK, viewing loli is legal.

>> No.14253032

I said flat chested women, not lolis. Under 18 is still asking for trouble regardless if it's drawn content

>> No.14253044

>How do I know you're not just a shill?
We're on /jp/ not /pol/. Hell you could probably ask /pol/ about what happened to the law

>> No.14253047

>If you're not in Canada or the UK, viewing loli is legal.
Viewing loli is illegal in many states (USA), I forget exactly which ones but you really should look up your local laws.

>> No.14253189

Fortunately I don't live in the land of freedom.

>> No.14253194

Well the post said "if you're not in Canada or the UK" which is not true.

>> No.14253202

You are right, my mistake.

It's actually technically illegal in most countries, just never enforced.

>> No.14253461

Lose wouldn't be dumb enough to not allow you to turn off e-mote. Even if it turns out bad I doubt it'll be game breaking, just wasted effort.

>> No.14253483

> 本作にはヒロインたちを狙う男性キャラも多数登場。寝取りだけでなく寝取られシチュエーションも豊富に用意されている。さらに、寝取られが苦手なユーザーのため純愛モードも搭載! ライバルたちを気にすることなく、一途な愛を満喫できるのだ。

>> No.14253492

Source? Is that for 妻みぐい3 ?

>> No.14253569

That's state level. I thought that at the national level, loli is protected by freedom of expression (as it's somebody's art work), so long as it's not deemed "obscene" by the jury.

>> No.14253575


>> No.14253585


>> No.14253590

AmiAmi because I don't care about 店舗特典 and they ship directly without a proxy.

>> No.14253621

I know its not a japanese learning thread but do you guys run into new words when reading?

Do you actually look up the meaning and stuff or just guess/assume the meaning and move on. I mean i run into some words i don't know i don't really bother looking them up but i might miss out on some information or get the word wrong..

>> No.14253623

Viewing loli is not illegal in canada

>> No.14253628

Little bit of both, looking it up is always better for comprehension but guessing is a lot faster so it's a balance.

>> No.14253676

Is there a way to stream stuff to an ipad?

Don't you get tired of reading while sitting in a chair?

I mean I sometimes just lay down with a laptop but still it kinda gets annyoing as a laptop isn't that small and can get hot. Plus most of my stuff is on my desktop.

>> No.14253729

But I'm using a windows 8.1 tablet so I can just start the games normally on it.

>> No.14253737

tablet, yeah that would be convenient.

I got a laptop a few month ago i had a choice for a removable, should've gotten that.

>> No.14253754

There comes a point where you've spent 90% of your day in a chair for many, many years, and at that point you will no longer care where you read things.

>> No.14253761

yeah but i get if its games or computer stuff but i mean reading for hours?

>> No.14253771
File: 176 KB, 327x326, senmon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to read for hours everyday on the bus so I'm used to it. This relaxing computer chair is prime sitting material compared to the hard board of schoolbus seat.

>> No.14253913

so its coming out tomorrow right?

is a crack necessary is there a waiting time?

>> No.14254098


>> No.14254101

Sorry, images can't be hooked so no one can machine translate it.

>> No.14254106

But with that is Japanese male youths?
Insert shame!

>> No.14254116

Are most people here text hook users i thoight there was only a few

>> No.14254162

Read this, I would do so to summarize but it's blocked for me.

>> No.14254175


>> No.14254176

I think you mistook "text hook users" with "hookers." There are only a few hookers in this thread (I'm one of them).

>> No.14254182

Well, in short 日ノ本 is a place.

>> No.14254184

All I want is a hooker to read eroge to me.

>> No.14254190

what's your favourite type of gurl

mine is the loyal type by that i guess i mean deredere
like hikari from workspring
the friendly girl next door type
aya from hatsuyuki sakura

>> No.14254194

You're in luck, I only charge $50/hr on Wednesdays.

>> No.14254208

I really like girls that are pretty apathetic or even hostile to you, but slowly come to love you; in short tsundere/kuudere. When it comes to deredere (see: osananajimis) the love just feels fake because from day one it's obvious they're in love with you for god know's why. Seeing a gradual process of a girl falling is very enjoyable so I like those girls the most, they feel much more real.

>> No.14254221

What do they write under "detailed description of goods" on the dispatch note? Any mention that it's an adult item?

>> No.14254227

Okay i guess i know what you mean but i guess some past scenes help in establishing that.

Also do you mean gurls that still act hostile to MC after falling in love or just turn complete deredere.

I like tsundere but kinda get ticked when its the MC constantly being bullied

>> No.14254244

Definitely turning complete dere dere, I was referring to classic tsundere, these modern tsunderes are often just plain obnoxious.

>> No.14254252

If only I didn't blow all my money on Sakura no Uta.

>> No.14254261
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Quick post fav girls

>> No.14254268
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>> No.14254271
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>> No.14254293
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>> No.14254294
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>> No.14254311


>> No.14254314
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>> No.14254315

never mind 「紙の上の魔法使い
i had it ages ago i think

>> No.14254319

Video game.

>> No.14254320

月社 妃

>> No.14254329

she looks like the type of gurl that will tease your dick

>> No.14254336

i found a cg with her in a wedding dress and another had a kid.

is there some after story im missing?

>> No.14254348

Go to extras and then go to side stories.

>> No.14254356

I remember there being just a bit where shes at a nursery didn't know there were more

>> No.14254360

Yeah it's just optional, well, side stories. They give additional scenes, mainly fan-service. I'd say the main routes ended the "narrative" but there wasn't a lot of narrative, haha.

>> No.14254432
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>> No.14254465

Like ikinari, I don't understand eroge where the main character is subject to torment of an extreme like this.
Is it funny?
Am I missing something?

>> No.14254476

You don't know what torture is. MC is surrounded by cute girls and gets to fuck them, how is that torture?

>> No.14254486

He still gets treated like shit, made fun of, I get a little comedic relief but this is too much.

Purple wants him to substitute the guy that left
White wants him to substitute her brother
Red wants him to substitute her vibrator

>> No.14254619

MeiMei's voice fit her character so well.


>> No.14254624
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>> No.14254655

Isn't true end that he didn't actually fuck anybody and left alone forever?

>> No.14254678


>> No.14254702
File: 329 KB, 1280x720, フェアリーテイル・レクイエム_2015-08-16_20-44-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This strong and resolute girl.

>> No.14254712

but best gurl still winks at him, indicating something>>14254271

>> No.14254722

> indicating something
"Hey, loser, what's the feeling being inferior to vibrator? Please hurry up and kill yourself, you are chou kimo wwwwwww"

>> No.14254723

i meant hikari fuck >>14254432

>> No.14254754

I don't think Inori treated the mc badly though, yes she always calls him annoying because he alway make a contact with her when she prefers to be alone.

>> No.14254757
File: 750 KB, 1272x2149, fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14254765

Why shitposters like uwaki workspring so much?

>> No.14254768

It's kind of unsettling that people are only posting girls from forgettable flavor of the month VNs.

>> No.14254771

This is moebuta general, and only worst kind of posters respond to these endless "wut ur fav <xxx>" surveys.

>> No.14254774

Fuck yes. Her 毒舌 was top-notch. It's been a while an eroge heroine made my dick hard without me even touching it.

Now every time I hear Kusuhara Yui's voice it reminds me of Towa and my dick gets hard by itself.

>> No.14254775
File: 1.99 MB, 1674x4070, 1436969867991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14254776

Everyone else is too old and busted. Therefore, forgotten.

>> No.14254780

>This is moebuta general
Oh fuck off, these threads have been exclusively Sakura no Uta + shitposting for the past several weeks.

>> No.14254806
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>> No.14254820


>> No.14254825

whos the meme gir at the bottom always see

>> No.14254833

just hikari really its nothing that special though i haven really done aroutes other than hers.

>> No.14254836

Implying sakuuta is not moege.

>> No.14254837

Let's be real, so many years have passed that all of them most likely already have boyfriends or husbands. Yuuma is the only kissless virgin in his group of friends.

>> No.14254845

It's real deal moege.

>> No.14254854

All we need now is waiting for digitalized voice actresses who sound just like the real deal and we can create our own NTR IF stories of popular moege.

>> No.14254864

You DO realize that the moe in moege refers to falling in love with the girls? Obviously people will predominantly post girls from games designed around immersing the player into a heartfelt romance with them. And even if people posted plotge, do you think Saber fanboys have more refined and intelligent taste than "moebuta"? Didn't think so.

>> No.14254865

wouldn't they bring them to the gathering?

>hey guys look at my husband
>these are my friend from school, hubby

>wow times sure have changed never thought x >would get some love

>also these are my kids

seriously though she winked at him on the day they after all those years, still kinda feel bad he doesn't get anything.

>> No.14254880

havent finish workspring dont like the girls except hikari should i CTRL their routes do the have any thing interesting?

>> No.14254884

I can imagine MC wanting to kill himself that very moment.

>> No.14254887

imo if you've reached the point of skipping you should probably just stop playing.

>> No.14254889
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, 2DJGAME1138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by the picture:

Red is probably still in the bro-zone with protag but what you can't see are the two vibrators penetrating her under her clothing.

Imouto is probably still in love with protag but he's too donkan to realize it but she's still one of the most likely love interests for him at this point.

Black is probably still a maid or something.

Inori is sticking her arse out like a professional probably meaning she fucks about 50 guys a day to satisfy her.

Protagonist's friend is probably still banging all the hot MILFs on a regular basis.

Hikari may or may not have the hots for Yuuma, but if not she at least seems the type to settle down with one man at maximum.

Purple has severe psychological issues and probably got around a lot at her college taking whoever's dick reminded her of her old boyfriend.

>> No.14254916

>may not


>> No.14254924

why she giving that blind man a fullnelson?

>> No.14254927

what the fuck is inori meant to be doing in this pic

>> No.14254942

Have you guys tried drakoi, I liked it.

>> No.14254953

It was probably nitroplus's best work because haganeya's their best writer and it wasn't long enough to have a bunch of shit thrown in to bring down an otherwise decent game.

>> No.14254965

I know what you mean I kinda wanted it to be longer but at the same time it might of messed up the story.

>> No.14255066
File: 694 KB, 800x600, Noname2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14255083

Didn't expect this one

>> No.14255101

The artstyle is super recognizable, you should be able to tell.

Also what's "meme" about her? At lease use retardspeak with some reason to do it.

>> No.14255105
File: 341 KB, 1448x856, azunyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14255108

I see her all the time
theres also a bit where she laughs like crazy in a classroom

>> No.14255115

but yeah seriously name?

>> No.14255118

姫野 永遠

>> No.14255120

Towa, like it was mentioned here >>14254774

>> No.14255135
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>> No.14255148

though it was a different girl

>> No.14255154
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>> No.14255177

what it was a trap?

>> No.14255356
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>> No.14255442

Scaji confirmed on twitter it's going to use Denuvo.

>> No.14255817


>> No.14255844

As expected of clock up.
Looks really edgy and has nice art.
Will fap to probably.

>> No.14256017

Male characters are especially nice, good to have story and not self-insert shit.

>> No.14256043
File: 103 KB, 1200x1646, subahibi_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14256057

Sounds good. Finally we get to play his magnum opus!

>> No.14256063

reminder that if you came from /vg/ you should kill yourself

>> No.14256067


>> No.14256069

Not its not. More philosophical fun for everyone!

>> No.14256070

Really on the fence about this one. Looks good though.

>> No.14256075
File: 333 KB, 1269x717, 1443677342505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vn/ was here.
We run this shit.

>> No.14256079

How many eroge did you complete to date, /jp/?

>> No.14256082

Not as high in my country. I live in singapore and shit is waaaay expensive here.

>> No.14256085

Too many to count. Am I normal /jp/?

>> No.14256087


>> No.14256090

So is this set in the cthulu mythos?

>> No.14256091


>> No.14256092

36, since 2010. But I dislike almost everything.

>> No.14256096

>I dislike almost everything.
Are you green guy?

>> No.14256109

I'm a more optimistic version of green guy, because I look forward to games and tell myself they are going to be great.

>> No.14256173

69 in total so far, 41 after I learned japanese.

>> No.14256235

18, and I only started reading VNs in February 2015. Being holed up in your basement w/ 10 ft of snow outside sure does give you alot of time for escapism via hobbies. I hate living up North.

>> No.14256243

500+ probably

>> No.14256266
File: 1.13 MB, 1453x2115, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visited the August exhibition in Akihabara. Pretty nice thing to see if you're an August fan, I'd recommend it. Picked up some small stuff.

>> No.14256270

Is this going to be similar to Eustia or a just a typical August moege in an exotic setting?

>> No.14256271

The interviews usually mention it being something between, so we need to wait and see.

>> No.14256419

You sound like a masochist.

>> No.14256425

Do you have a vndb?

>> No.14256443

150 completed, about 200 in various stages of "playing". Both consist mostly of nukige though.

>> No.14256450

Actually, if to consider ALL eroge and not only vns, I've completed about 300 titles, including stuff like rpgmaker games and flash animation games.

>> No.14256479

On the prologue to Big Library Shepherd and it's quite enjoyable so far. About the student council prez, though. Will I ever get to take the wind out of her 真帆s? She might be kind of a manipulative bitch but it seemed like they were setting something up.

Maybe one of the fandisks?

>> No.14256488

Yes friend, she has a subroute.

>> No.14256492

Sweet, thanks. I'm off to climb those mountains first, though.

>> No.14256498

what are the chances that Sakura no Uta will be released?

>> No.14256507

100%? Discs are already printed, doofus

>> No.14256511

Shops already confirmed on twitter that boxes are distributed across branches and prepared for sale.

>> No.14256517

Only Katawa Shoujo

>> No.14256525


Great, now I'll have to skip for an hour before playing if I want to play with the patch.

>> No.14256544

Where is the torrent for sakura no uta? It's midnight in Japan already

>> No.14256550

What's the patch for?

>> No.14256569

Those HCGs are fucking atrocious, what the fuck.

>> No.14256584

Nobody is playing this for the porn. I hope. There's a truckload of better things to play this month if you want to fap.

>> No.14256651

>The story of the struggles of a transgender man
>the world seems him as a woman, but he sees himself as male
>he creates a fantasy world to try to patch up the discrepancies.

>> No.14256656
File: 126 KB, 1146x980, akeiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14256666

sakura no uta is out praise the gods!!

>> No.14256671
File: 104 KB, 319x806, jk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dig the OL and milf but pic related just looks bad, I think. Same face as Kotori from Nanairo but a way worse uniform.
Definitely a day one purchase though, Nanairo didn't let me down at all, though I still haven't played Neyuki.
By the way, there's ALREADY a vndb page? Nanana sure worked fast.

>> No.14256672

i think they look fine hes just hating

>> No.14256677

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.14256679

Oh god that pink haired one is amazing.

>> No.14256699
File: 76 KB, 645x363, image_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14256715

Sakura no Uta out yet?

>> No.14256724

Yes. In any eroge shop of your preference.

>> No.14256725

This late into the night?

>> No.14256763

yes its open.

>> No.14256764

gtfo with that all-ages nonsense

>> No.14256785


>> No.14257142

Thanks for the heads up, this certainly makes it easier to stand the couple days' wait before Sakura no Uta is uploaded. Assuming my download finishes before then.

Speaking of Romeo, does anyone happen to know if Saihate no Ima Complete (the version released last August) also has the "loop" DRM? I'm a little ways into the older version and wondering if I should switch.

>> No.14257180

To add a clarification, it's a DRM which only takes effect a ways into the game. So if you completed the game without running into it, then it's not there.

>> No.14257205

>couple days' wait
It'll probably be up by tonight.

>> No.14257260

>also has the "loop" DRM?
Nope, works fine.

>> No.14257284

Please be true, because it's amazing.

>> No.14257285
File: 354 KB, 1024x576, capture_048_22102015_203822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured out I'd play at least one route of Fureraba while waiting for Sakura no Uta. The protagonist is pretty great.

>> No.14257299
File: 119 KB, 1024x641, 05022015_010947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.14257307

I read that exact scene 5 minutes ago, what a coincidence.

>> No.14257347

where did you hear about that?

>> No.14257355
File: 285 KB, 600x600, c2b6af2cc6aa7af104b5332962b4c6104672e913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14257747

Where is Sakura no Uta?

>> No.14257783


It's up!

>> No.14257787

It's real. Get in here.

>> No.14257909

In 10 hours it will be in my hands. Sadly I have things I need to do, so I can't just camp the store and get it as soon as it opens.

>> No.14257958

>Downloads: 481432

>> No.14257985

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is there a CG rip from the Android version of Dies? It's supposed to be of higher quality than the PC version, but it might be too much of a bother to rip it from Android. I got the game, but have no idea how to do it, myself.

>> No.14257999

What's the big deal about Sakura no Uta?

>> No.14258012


>> No.14258019

Nothing, just some hipstershit with bad art and boring writing.

>> No.14258044

Apparently Kouya is getting an anime adaption

>> No.14258048


>> No.14258103

I play any eroge for the porn.

>> No.14258110

Great, thanks. I'm looking forward to Silky's Plus new works.

>> No.14258681

booooo all ages piece of crap

>> No.14258682

best game of the year by a country mile

>> No.14258683

Yeah. I wanted to see what these threads are like and people are loosing their shit over that game that's barely even out. Looked it up in VNDB and I see nothing particular that I know will hype people up.

>> No.14258690

How can you know when even early adopters probably aren't even halfway true?

>> No.14258691

Well, be aware that you're at least the 10th person to ask that, it's getting kind of old.

>> No.14258696

Sorry, but I did look in the thread and the closest thing to an explanation ("it's the most preordered game since forever") just adds to my question.

>> No.14258701

Sakura no Uta has been particularly abuzz for the past few months and it's over those long days that people keep coming in and asking. In any case, it's just that sca-ji is a good author that blew it out of the park with subahibi, so naturally people are looking forward to another such game, and in the meantime the trial of sakura no uta was generally well recieved, adding to the hype. Not to mention that the moe trend has gotten particularly strong recently so a break from that is always welcome.

>> No.14258702

I saw several people already gave it a 10 before it was released.

>> No.14258704

>Not to mention that the moe trend has gotten particularly strong recently so a break from that is always welcome.
But SakuUta is a moe game.

>> No.14258710

That happens for like every game, and in sakuuta's case I believe those people are probably rating the trials.
You know what I mean, games with no literary merit, blah blah blah.

>> No.14258714

But why are you talking about taking a "break" from modern moege, when most probably you don't play them at all? I'd be willing to bet people hyping it up don't even play eroge anymore or are busy replaying 10 year old games.

Not trying to be a sarcastic asshole here, I just ask because we already got shunned for posting girls from those "forgettable" modern games in this very thread, I'm pretty sure you don't play them.

>> No.14258717

Oh, that's nice I guess. Don't really know how to look who has written each VN though. I haven't seen that feature in neither vndb nor erogamescape.

I'm actually interested in this. What other games released after 2010 would you consider to have literary merit?

>> No.14258721

>literary merit
Kill yourself lads

>> No.14258724

When there are slim pickings people are happy to get anything. That said I do play moege I'm just parroting what people have said, "ah saku-uta is like the only non moebuta game this year" etc etc.
Don't ask me, ask moogy. I only said "literary merit" because that anon was being a jokester about "moe", in short there's a whole lot of games that focus mainly on just dating girls and the subject matter never really goes beyond that and so games like Sakura no Uta which promise to be DEEP are celebrated.

>> No.14258728
File: 96 KB, 1178x582, staff_all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't seen that feature in neither vndb nor erogamescape.

>> No.14258732

Why are you using eyecancer for your vndb skin?

>> No.14258740

I picked a random one and haven't changed it. I don't use it that much.

>> No.14258746

Didn't say I looked thoroughly. Erogamescape in particular is a complete mess.

I'd also like to stay away from moege with terrible story, which is why I'm asking.

>> No.14258750

Ehh, it's not like moege have terrible stories or anything, it's just that their anime is to make you doki doki and have a fun romcom time.

>> No.14258754

That's a new one. Is it different from SD原画?

>> No.14258762

I'm talking about stuff like the usual character routes in Key VNs, where the drama is just there because the game needed drama.

>> No.14258767

Woah hold the fuck up, Key VNs are top-tier games, and to boot those are utsuge not moege in the first place.

>> No.14258781

>and to boot those are utsuge not moege in the first place.
I know, I'm just using them as an example of what I like to avoid.

>Key VNs are top-tier games
The main stories, probably. The character routes are many times very dumb and/or poorly handled.

>> No.14258785

You quite obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.14258801

I don't know if you can actually find "literary merit", but I guess Senshinkan (if you like chuuni), Hello Lady (semi-chuuni), or Fairytale Requiem or Nanairo Reincarnation (no chuuni) are fairly nice recent works. And depending on your tastes, I guess we could also mention Byakko, Kami no Ue no Mahoutsukai, Aokana, Majo Koi Nikki.

>> No.14258808

Yes I do. I'm sorry your favorite games aren't perfect masterpieces, anon, but they in fact do have tons of flaws.

>> No.14258816

I do indeed like chuuni shit quite a bit.

I'm gonna look these up. Thanks, anon.

"Literary merit" for me just means the story is interesting, smart and subtle enough for me to believe that it isn't there just as an excuse to see all the cute girls interacting.

>> No.14258817

Ignoring the chuunishit, byakko and aokana were pretty meh.

>> No.14258828

No, I agree with you to a degree. I am saying you're talking about something you don't know about. Most Key games don't really have a main plot.

>> No.14258845

Most of these games are the complete opposite of anything resembling literary merit. The word you (and >>14258816) are looking for is "plot".

>> No.14258848

I agree with Aokana solely because it wasn't my taste (it felt more like a VN adaptation of an anime; they announced the anime adaptation way before it was released so my guess is they wrote it as an anime in mind), but it had a lot of CGs and fairly well-done action scenes (sports). The production values seemed pretty high. As a galge though, it's shit. All the best girls being secondary characters is unacceptable.

I liked Byakko but it's a bit overrated, the true end had some impact so that alone must have upped the ratings.

>> No.14258849

The action scenes were good because watanabe wrote them. Too bad he didn't write the rest of the game.

>> No.14258850

Yeah, I acknowledged that in the very first sentence of that post.

>> No.14258861

Not that guy, but I would rephrase what he said to "the routes not written by Maeda".

>> No.14258863

Yeah, you're probably right.

I only used that world because that anon also used it.

While I'll admit I haven't played Kanon, Rewrite nor Angel Beats!, Clannad, Air and Little Busters! most definitely do.

>> No.14258869

Yeah, that's a good way to put it.

The whole games are clearly build around Maeda's stories, so it's hard not to call them "the main plot". The other characters' routes are almost just add ons, a lot of which aren't very good.

>> No.14258872

>that world

>> No.14258894

> The main stories, probably. The character routes are many times very dumb and/or poorly handled.
It is not about Key, stupid. In any vn with resemblance of plot anything aside from main plot line is garbage, because story is linear by definition. The better story is the harder is to make 'parallel' story lines properly.

>> No.14258902

>because story is linear by definition
That is not true

>> No.14258919

>In any vn with resemblance of plot anything aside from main plot line is garbage
Yeah, I'd like to avoid stuff that does that after experiencing it with Key.

>story is linear by definition

>The better story is the harder is to make 'parallel' story lines properly.
No, the additional routes should add to the story, not be completely unrelated hack jobs just to say you gave all heroines their own story.

>> No.14258933

Oh, come on. Take Gteins;Gate for example. Chara routes are all premature fanservice branches, if I'm forced to say seriously - filler bullshit. Go, complain.

>> No.14258942

I think the main issue is, without your, uh, analogy there, is that you said "story is linear by definition", when in fact it is not linear by definition, you just made up a lie on the spot to back yourself up.

>> No.14258958

Found out about http://projectwritten.com/ after seeing fault -milestone two-. I saw they have Linux and Mac releases on Steam. Are they really Japanese? It's so rare to see Japanese making multi-platform anything.

>> No.14258964

No. Story is written by human. It is pretty hard work (and luck required) to make even one good thing. If you say another then making unrelated story from scratch is way easier (although harder than the first success). Taking good thing and making it into several on the same level is almost impossible difficulty.

>> No.14258970

You making up nonsense qualifications for something does not change the definition of a word.

>> No.14258983

You're not making any sense.

>> No.14258987

Routes in S;G literally mean you abandon the plot to stay with your heroine, I'd the way they branch out is pretty good for VN standards.

Also, this is almost unrelated to your original post.

Where are you from?

>Story is written by human.

>It is pretty hard work (and luck required) to make even one good thing.
Luck is not required, it's just a factor that may play in your favor. Not even hard work is required, as someone may just be an exceptionally talented writer, but I digress.

>If you say another then making unrelated story
It doesn't have to be unrelated.

>from scratch is way easier
Nobody said this.

>(although harder than the first success).
I don't even understand what you're trying to say here.

>Taking good thing and making it into several on the same level is almost impossible difficulty.
No, any competent writer should be able to better flesh out his story by looking at it from another angle. It might be harder, but not in any way impossible.

Also, nothing of this has anything to do with the definition of story.

>> No.14259071


>> No.14259291

So is it kamige?

>> No.14259344

Isn't this what they release for damage control after releasing an unfinished product for forcing a release date?

>> No.14259359

It's been like a fuckin decade or something, I don't think they'd release something unfinished after all this time

>> No.14259368

You'd be surprised.

>> No.14259422

They delayed it twice this year, they were struggling with it at the very least.

>> No.14259426

because its that good anon

>> No.14259427

white album 2

>> No.14259437

Yep, apparently their scripters ran away and they had to hire new ones in hurry in the end of summer, so there was only like 2 months to script everything.

>> No.14259440

> they were struggling with it
In other words game is below the line, therefore they are struggling to make it passable, but can't quite make it, all this years and even right now after going gold. Iron proof of kusoge.

>> No.14259656
File: 267 KB, 900x507, 001_66d3065e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ブランド フロントウイング

>> No.14259702

easy there. lets wait until we actually play the game before we be brash.

>> No.14259744
File: 71 KB, 599x335, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is amazing so far.
thank you based scaji

>> No.14259750

finally after eight years!! himawari was great

>> No.14259761

Whoah, not even single nukige from today's release on torrents/anishare yet.

>> No.14259780

It's dying.

>> No.14259839

You're the faggot. It looks like an old man's body. This guy doesn't know how to draw lolis apart from faces.

>> No.14259874

Chaos Child

>> No.14259877
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1445593491114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sexual content

Fuck off with this bullshit

>> No.14259883


>> No.14259887


>> No.14259889

Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.14259930
File: 1.41 MB, 2592x1456, sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it's not on torrents yet. But it exists.

>> No.14259940
File: 1.35 MB, 2592x1456, xtraes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some more extras.

>> No.14260104
File: 999 KB, 1296x758, sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Title screen is little different.

>> No.14260117

It also has music this time.

>> No.14260121

Yes. Normally I'm kinda ignorant to music in games, but I noticed it's there now.

>> No.14260168

Could one of the anons who bought it upload the game? Shouldn't take too long.

>> No.14260175


Seems like we shouldn't expect any philosophy this time.

>> No.14260185

The one who bought it doesn't want to share publicly because in japan there's high chance of getting arrested for it. I bet chinks will upload it in a day. Gamanshinasai.

>> No.14260187

No, because I don't want to get arrested. It'll get uploaded soon enough anyway.

>> No.14260222

Someone should clarify that Tsukinon only did art for the 2008 version, AFAIK.

>> No.14260224

While waiting, what are your impressions of Kouya trial?

>> No.14260233

Pretty good, definitely going to read game itself.
Both "eroge dev world neta" and "gakenmono nichijou" aspects are done well, with interesting characters and funny jokes. Production values are high, and its very pleasant to have random nameless characters voiced.

>> No.14260238

How long it is? The filesize makes it seem on the shorter side.

>> No.14260260

People actually get arrested for piracy in Japan? What the fuck.

>> No.14260278

You are in Japan?
Looks like I will have to wait till Tuesday at the earliest myself

>> No.14260290

Yes. That's why you don't see japs uploading anything themselves, most of usual uploaders were arrested in recent years.

>> No.14260331

Only two people ever got arrested for uploading eroge, the rest just got scared

>> No.14260367


>> No.14260374


>> No.14260388

Calm down, it's probably being uploaded. Check back in 15 minutes.

>> No.14260405



Gotta love the speed.

>> No.14260408

>Chinese viruses.

>> No.14260411
File: 8 KB, 48x37, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14260413

Whole game is 5.5 GB, on the DVD too. Maybe it can be compressed well?

>> No.14260423
File: 20 KB, 604x119, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta install their botnet client to get decent speeds

>> No.14260427

I'm just waiting for someone to upload it to mega or torrent it afterwards.

>> No.14260435

Pretty short. Its like saekano but its pretty funny too. Now i kinda wish Saekano was a VN instead of LN too

>> No.14260439

It has a Vita VN. I actually bought a Vita recently and put the VN in my backlog, but now obviously Sakura no Uta has precedence.

>> No.14260442

Yeah i know but i wish it was a VN from the start. So we can get them h scenes hehe

>> No.14260456

Took 6 hours to complete for me.

>> No.14260475


>> No.14260476

Just realized it was downloading, gotta love rss feeds.

>> No.14260501

I hoped it would take longer.

>> No.14260502
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x1200, yande.re 62651 korie_riko misakura_rin mujin_shoujo pantyhose sakura_no_uta seifuku wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korie Riko >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Inugami

>> No.14260510

If you are blind and like that feeling of plastic over everything. Korie can't hair or clothes decently and that's basically Haine with a different hair color.

>> No.14260523

>It has a Vita VN.
By a different writer and with the anime artist instead of the LN one who was the good one.

>> No.14260537

Yes, I am aware. But it's still something.

>> No.14260544

A real VN would be sweet, it has some good girls.

>> No.14260553

Megumi and?

>> No.14260556

Its real!!! Brb crying... heard the game is great from 2ch and twitter

>> No.14260557


>> No.14260559

All of them except for Michiru. Best michiru is grisaia

>> No.14260565


>> No.14260568

Agreed, michiru a shit.

>> No.14260585

Wow that looks cheap, I remember seeing a really nice package somewhere.

>> No.14260592

No one has finished it yet on 2ch

>> No.14260646

No memes, is grisaia actually worth playing?

>> No.14260653

>Best michiru is grisaia
You couldn't have made it any more obvious that you were an EOP.

>> No.14260669

I would say so, most of the character routes (3/5) are disappointingly bad but the common route is fresh enough due to the protagonist that it's a step above the average game.
And no memes, the protagonist is really fresh and the best part of the game (given that the best comedy derives from him and his interactions with the girls).

>> No.14260686

Impressions are pretty good but yeah so far no one has finished it yet

>> No.14260688

I thought the MC was an asshole so it had literally no redeeming points for me.

>> No.14260695

I dunno, he's not malicious or actively hateful so I wouldn't call him an asshole under any circumstances, I don't think being apathetic towards others is asshole behaviour. That said if you didn't like him then yeah the VN would crumble.

>> No.14260697

The protagonist is polarizing enough that I wouldn't list him as a positive. Personally I thought he was great but most people here wouldn't like him because he's snarky and too direct.

>> No.14260702

Well he's all the game's got pretty much, I'm not gonna recommend anyone read the fuckhuge game that is Grisaia if they don't like the focal point around which it's all based.

>> No.14260704

>I don't think being apathetic towards others is asshole behaviour.
That's part of the definition of an asshole.

>> No.14260706

Wait, there's already a walkthrough for Sakura no Uta?! Wow. That was fast.

>> No.14260707

Who cares about these hetare-self-inserts. Yuuji was great, and we need more protags like him or Narita. Grey goo lovers already have more than they could ever read.

>> No.14260717

It depends. If someone is apathetic to the point they'd screw other people over then that's what I'd consider being an asshole. Yuuji wasn't like that.

>> No.14260718

Probably a text skipper...

>> No.14260721

I dunno, I think if you want an interesting and fun protagonist you're better off with the Akatsuki no Goei trilogy, honestly. It's worse in pretty much every other way though.

>> No.14260724

It's Seiya-Saiga. Even then, it still requires someone to have put making the walkthrough ahead of reading it. That alone is commendable.

>> No.14260725

Don't forget those donkan donkeys too

>> No.14260728

Seiya-Saiga is amazing i respect them alot

>> No.14260736

I guess at this point it's a meaningless debate over what a word means. In my opinion, someone is only an asshole if they are mean or malicious, and I don't think apathy is being mean or malicious. Ahh, to be more descriptive, it's not like he yells at them, or hatefully bullies them, there's some teasing which you could construe as bullying but it's definitely not cruel hearted. He's a bit of a dick to Michuru, but I interpreted that as a mutual boke / tsukkomi thing rather than actual bullying. I think maybe you're just so used to ultra polite MCs that someone a little more laid back seems like an asshole.
Well, it's not like you can only read one thing. And the hidden underside to my praising of Grisaia's MC is that the MC often reminiscences about his time in the military and that kind of thing which adds a lot of good flavour, not sure if AnG's MC is similar in that regard.

>> No.14260738

Yuuji is much better protagonist than Kaito. All Kaito does is just fucking around without any purpose and is complete failure as bodyguard.
Add lack of any plot and two games of nothing but completely meaningless nichijou, and Akagoei becomes something you really wouldn't recommend to general public.

>> No.14260741

Hey, I never said AnG was good. I think it's pretty terrible, but I still (somehow) enjoyed it, which I chalk down to Kaito's interactions with people.

>> No.14260745

Don't forget the "endings" that feel like a kick in the balls every single time.

>> No.14260747

He is a skipper though, he has a twitter account so you can check it yourself
I repsect him for doing this for the community but he is definitely ruining games for himself

>> No.14260748


>> No.14260749

It seems Kouya will be getting a TV anime (not just an OVA) and it will be broadcast on January, that is before the game is even released (March).


>> No.14260753

Fair enough. Someone has(?) to do it I suppose.

>> No.14260766

Looks like such a generic, boring piece of shit. Well, at least I guess it can't be any worse than Anekouji.

>> No.14260779

The trial was amazing, better than Tsuyokiss, Majikoi and Tsujidou put together
Romeo can basically make anything work

Go try it, you'll laugh your ass off from start to finish

>> No.14260780

Is Takahiro even doing any writing for Kouya? I sure as hell hope they aren't just getting Romeo to write the prologue like Navel did with Jackson.

>> No.14260782

Its pretty good. Like saekano, but with decent cast of characters and interesting protagonist. Romeo's jabs at eroge industry are also interesting thing in itself.

My only regret is that its all-ages game. Which is even more stupid considering that inside game they develop 18+ VN.

>> No.14260787

I'll try it. If it isn't good I'll find you and rape you.

>> No.14260788

No, there's even special statement on game site from takahiro that he didn't write even single letter for it.

>> No.14260793

According to the official site, he came with the idea and is producing it, but he's not touching the script at all. Which is a good thing.

>> No.14260794

I like listening to Hanakana and Satomi Satou, I won't complain.

>> No.14260795

>My only regret is that its all-ages game.
Because cross-channel H was so good? Or am I missing something.

>> No.14260800

Even Takahiro knows he's shit at writing then?

>> No.14260804
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Dies Irae is getting a spinoff with Wilhelm as the main character.

>> No.14260805

People remember the totally written by Jackson Anekouji.

>> No.14260812

It is weird seeing the industry people just lined up like that. It's like seeing the man behind the curtains.

>> No.14260836

I can only see an anime adaptation of a galge being shit (affecting game sales negatively), and being in the same medium as Saekano will get it constantly compared to it. And what's the point of playing something that EOPs already saw?

>> No.14260845

>Like saekano
I hated Saekano so this kills all my interest. The anime being released before the game and the lack of ero doesn't help either.

>> No.14260848

Saekano was shit because the characters were shit.

>> No.14260850

I have a feeling that Kouya will either flop, or be a very good example of how a good writer can make a crappy concept enjoyable in a VN. It's not like Maruto is bad, but... Romeo, so, yeah.

>> No.14260862

I think Daitoshokan is a good example of good writing carrying a VN with a "crappy concept" (it would be easy for the scenario in daito to end up really boring). Though it was helped a lot by the fancy spritework.

>> No.14260894

Why is Masada such an uncreative hack?

>> No.14260906

Which one of these is Masada?

>> No.14260914

Far right.

>> No.14260933
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Did anyone else play GoD2 trial?
I wonder if these shitty upscaled tachie are problem on my end or its bug of their new unity engine.

>> No.14260947


>> No.14260975

The guy in the middle with sunglasses

>> No.14260997 [SPOILER] 
File: 353 KB, 800x600, 1445622122119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit YES. Can't wait for the fucked up double incest.

>> No.14261031

is the anime even happening lol. but still meh news more milking

>> No.14261040

b-b-but moogy loves romeo!!

>> No.14261046

eh it was only considered "good" because it was made by august. it totally bored me to death. hopefully sen no hatou is more like eustia.

>> No.14261060

Well, I liked it a lot, usually moege bore me too but Daito was so funny and the well written I enjoyed the whole thing.
Then again I read someone say they skipped through the Sakuraba route out of boredom, which was pretty shocking because I enjoyed it so much, I guess some people just didn't get into it as much as I did.

>> No.14261076

>the Sakuraba route out of boredom
It was one of the better routes of the game for me, proper length and structure, definitely my favourite of the character routes after Kana.

>> No.14261098

>eh it was only considered "good"
Posts like this is why this thread is so shit these days.
Fucking entitled retards who think only their opinion matter and that everything else is made of banwaggoning, meme and shit

>> No.14261117

pretty sure daito was popular so how is someone who didn't like it a bandwagoner?

>> No.14261122

You misread his post.

>> No.14261125

thread is auto-saging. anyone up to make a new one? sorry too busy playing Sakura no Uta right now

>> No.14261145

We're on page 7 anyway, still have a lot of time, and making a new thread would take just as much time as it took you to type that post anyway

>> No.14261208

Are there any extra scenes in the first two chapters of Sakura no Uta, or can I safely CTRL my way to chapter 3?

>> No.14261315


>> No.14261752

Since applying the patch fucks up the Sakura no uta save file, can someone who applied it and got to the end of the second chapter please upload their save file?

At least in the trial the skip function was slow as fuck so I'd really appreciate it if someone uploads.

>> No.14261891


Fourth save is the start of chapter 3 for Makoto's route.

Save on the last page is for the branch between Rin/Makoto, according to this guide: http://seiya-saiga.com/game/makura-soft/sakuuta.html

>> No.14262242

Ugh. Talk about unnecessary.

>> No.14262607

10+ years in the making

>> No.14262627

Enjoying being an autistic retard as usual, Habluka?

>> No.14262675

Nice selfposting, Habluka.

>> No.14262679

Why were people looking forward to this again?

>> No.14262682

Holy shit, what awful desings. Is this shit supposed to be kamige or what?

>> No.14262684

Habluka sure is going wild

>> No.14262735

Do people (so far) think it's necessary to read SubaHibi and then SakuUta in that order?

>> No.14262740

Haha holy shit, even that Karu Kiss CG was better.

>> No.14262742

Read Subahibi to learn what makes Sca-ji great. Sakura no Uta isn't good unless to know Sca-ji's writing beforehand.

>> No.14262762

Which one?

>> No.14262778

not that anon, but I hate depressing stuff so I avoided Subahibi. Is Sakura no Uta the same? I don't mind depressing drama but Iam sure not okay with bullying, denpa, drugs and madness.

>> No.14262783

literally who

>> No.14262785

They're not directly related, but Sakuuta builds on the ideas and themes from Subahibi. So far I wouldn't say it's necessary, but it wouldn't be a bad idea.

>> No.14262792
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>> No.14262820


>> No.14262880

I'd say subahibi is more uplifting than anything once you get to the end. It takes you down so it can bring you back up.

>> No.14262921

Not even in the same league

>> No.14263433


>> No.14263944

New thread:
