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14223926 No.14223926 [Reply] [Original]


2 3y-1
1 y+1

>> No.14224044


>> No.14224163

why is she blushing
does math make her horny

>> No.14224372
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1+1 = 3

>> No.14227444

is this human math

>> No.14227459

I can't solve any of these except the ones at the bottom using a calculator

>> No.14227485

what do the 2 and 1 mean

top right you can factor and find the roots, then plug in numbers between them to find values of x that satisfy the inequality so you can get the full range of x

bottom left multiply by the denominator's conjugate and distribute using foil

bottom right distribute using foil

>> No.14227537
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top left would have to be any value that approaches 4, but not 4 since 4^2 -4 -12 = 0

>> No.14227838

just factor it and you'll get (x-4)(x+3)<0
then the roots are 4 and -3, which make x^2-x-12 = 0

x = -4 would give you a positive value so that doesn't work
x = 0 would give you a negative value so that works
x = 10 would give you a positive value so that doesn't work

so the range is (-3, 4), meaning that a number approaching 4 from the right side wouldn't work

>> No.14227903

How did you solve that again? I remember that you had to use (Δ = b2 - 4ac) as a starter for = but don't know if it's the same when dealing with > or < .

>> No.14227925

the discriminant b^2-4ac is part of the quadratic formula, which you can use to find roots, but that only tells you how many real roots the quadratic has

you can use the quadratic formula x = (-b±sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) with the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0 to find both roots of a quadratic

and for testing > or < you need to plug in numbers to the left and right of the roots for x and see if the answer matches with the inequality

for example, if x = -4, (-4)^2-(-4)-12 = 12, which is not <0

>> No.14227934

>(-4)^2-(-4)-12 = 12
oops, should be = 8

>> No.14231265

Cirno's heart burns with the FIRE OF TRUTH

>> No.14231322

I assume they're problem numbers
