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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14183127 No.14183127 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>14163336

Current LoV Event: Idols' Festa 2

Current Osawari Island Event: Sapphire Vacation (Ends Oct-9)

Current Angelic Saga Event: Capture the escaping Cat Sprite


Lord of Valkyrie links:
>Game link:
>English wiki:
>Jp wiki:
>/jp/ player list:
>Grind table by an anon:
>Required strength for explorations and their rewards:

Millennium War Aigis links:
>Game link
>Jp ULMF thread:
>English ULMF thread:
>Jp Wiki #1:
>Jp Wiki #2:
>English Wiki
>XP chart
>Vid anon's channel:

Angelic Saga links:
>Game link:
>JP Wiki
>English Wiki

Osawari Island
>Jp Osawari wiki
Eng Wiki
>Osawari chat
>Alchemy Page
>Osawari Friend Code List

Miscellaneous links:
>Staff Twitter:

>> No.14183185
File: 246 KB, 694x594, 0555eef34a37ede21c76ee3ca26635bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Randomly did a 2k gold roll and got this guy. Is he any good?

>> No.14183213

Heh I rolled him yesterday too. He's all right for a male-only team.

>> No.14183418

He has a niche as a hyper range archer.

Until they decided Nanaly is going to be the best at everything. He's still got 10 range on her though.

>> No.14183444

So Nutaku made the wikia for Osawari Island according to their facebook. Did they do this so that they can control whether or not pics of unedited eromon are pictured on their site in an effort to reduce outrage? Or maybe I'm too cynical of them. Did they create the Lord of Valkyrie one too?

>> No.14183476

Dear blog, so far I've had 4 days in which shiho didn't drop a single time for me. The 50% drop rate is a lie. I am sick of farming this dumb map for a dumb unit that I'll never use.

I bet she can't even help me get past war of magic.

>> No.14183526

Correspondence to the illegal acts
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon
- Change of the system due to the renewal of shop menu
*For details, please see "Change of the system due to the renewal of shop menu".

- Level 300 unlocked
- Other newly implemented features and system changes
- We will change the Unit acquirable from Events in the Tutorial
The Unit which will be summoned in the Event after clearing the "Goddess Shrine"
Story Mission for the first time, will be changed from the Gold rarity Valkyrie "Lancer Kerry"
to the Platinum rarity Archer "Supersonic Archer Bashira" .

*As for the "Supersonic Archer Bashira" ,
you can exchange using Demon Crystal only once at the Trading Post for a limited period of time in future.
We will make an announcement as soon as the dates and other details are decided.
We appreciate your kind patience.

This comes tommorow too, not bad.

>> No.14183529 [SPOILER] 
File: 230 KB, 965x540, 1444051119900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good?

>> No.14183533

>Other newly implemented features and system changes
Is this auto complete? Please let it be auto complete.

>> No.14183540

Neat, hope they give us the free Bashira soon, gotta get dat cost reduction

>> No.14183541

How much did Bashira cost on DMM, was it 50 demon crystals?
Doesn't look like we get her tommorow but that may just be bad translations.

>> No.14183546

>She's a Hamster in a band with tiny breasts who sees it as a good thing.
Well then.

>> No.14183547

- Implementation of Commission sortie
*For details, please see the in-game Help section on "Commission sortie".
*Only usable in Story Mission.

This sounds like auto complete. Also new stamp cards for whales.

>> No.14183552

So long my last 3 Silver archers, guess I'm gonna need to farm more on the next event.

>> No.14183561
File: 9 KB, 228x251, 1408094679594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 4 Shihos and 4 Somas from grinding ONI Extermination
I guess this is the benefit of being too weak to clear Charge; sometimes quantity over quality works.

>Bashira and auto-clear
Oh gosh, I've been waiting for this. As long as grabbing her's affordable and Nutaku follows up on their implication that they'll eventually add the loli characters, I may never have to go back to DMM.

>> No.14183698

They've added Shiho who is almost the smallest and quite loli so i'm not too worried there.

Doesn't seem like there are that many things that are different between the nutuku and DMM with auto complete and the whale cards added other than content. Maybe this means they can work on desert maps and awakening next?

>> No.14183773

It was 100, iirc.

>> No.14183841

It's not a lie, it's just randomness fucking you in the ass. I got similarily screwed for Odette, and this event I'm lucky.

And yes, Shiho is not a mage nor a witch, so she's not availabe in War of Magic.

>> No.14183854

Cost Reduce, you little bitch.
That's five of yourself you've eaten without CR, I'm getting sick of it.

>> No.14184099

I probably did more than 20 runs too, just ranged it between 20~25 because there are probably times where I overslept and missed out on runs.
But still.
0.000095% chance of getting no Shihos
And I managed to do it.
I better get some blacks from the 2K for this.

>> No.14184119

Someone else is gonna steal your 2k blacks :(

>> No.14184289

When does the timer(Day) reset for PST?

>> No.14184370

3am PST.

Watch out though, events end at midnight PST.

>> No.14184439

Spoils of 6 times spirit rescue extreme:
1 platinum fairy
(end of list)

I'm not here to complain about RNG being random, I'm here to complain about why they scrapped the 100% or at least high% drops they had on the previous difficulties. Would it really be op if an 80 vit 6 stamina mission gave a high chance for a single platinum fairy? If yes, could they at least keep in the 100% gold fairy they gave out on the easier mission?

Every other extreme tier daily was a huge, immediate upgrade, but this one just FEELS shitty to do. Even if the odds for the rare fairies are probably a lot better, there's just nothing more frustrating than an expensive map that most of the time gives you literally nothing.

Ok, enough rage. On a related note, does anyone know the drop% of extreme? Can't find info about that on the jp wiki.

>> No.14184542

I'm praying for the lolis to be implemented, missing the cat witch and the loli Valkyrie is leaving a big hole in my silver team that even copies don't really help with.
>No 12 cost, 500 atk Valkyrie producing unit points early game while being able to heal itself.
>No extra range witch for force concentration during difficult stages.

If they don't implement Niel and Rosette when the time comes I'm going to be pissed (and entirely unable to complete many maps with the silver team).

>> No.14184555

Are you sure? I'm almost 100% positive it's not 3 a.m. I was doing my daily quest on Osawari Island at 10 p.m. and right now it is next day 2 p.m. and my daily quest has not reset yet.

>> No.14184568

... I was answering for Aigis, sorry. No idea about Osawari.

>> No.14184818

Osawari resets at the same time as Saga, 8 PM EST.

>> No.14184954

ded thred ded games ded nutaku

>> No.14185023

stop this meme
if you don't like it, go to another thread/site

>> No.14185081

Come on now, Nutaku is probably swimming in money.

Money that they don't deserve because they're doing an awful job, but money still.

>> No.14185134

Did anyone encounter the legends in Oswari Island? I spent last 2 days stamina on the event map 10-12 and never encounter the legend wave. Am I unlucky or are they THAT rare?

>> No.14185142

>draw a naked girl
>color the skin like it's clothes

why is this allowed? Bellybuttons do not show through loose clothing.

>> No.14185189

because it's not trying to be like your boring life, nerd

>> No.14185205

I saw the event one on 2-15 a couple nights ago, didn't capture her of course. That was only the second total I've seen since I started playing.

>> No.14185307

The clothes are sticky inside

>> No.14185338

Fuck you nigga, navels visible through clothes are my fetish.

>> No.14185388

Guess they don't call it "Legendary" for nothing. How do you guys deal with the fact you'll never get some of these cards since they are so rare.

>> No.14185397

You don't play games like this if you want to collect everything.

>> No.14185688


You roll with what you get. It's part of the fun with random games like these. If there's a card you absolutely must have, then you consider whether you want to spend money for it.

>> No.14185703

Why would you want all of them? It's not like you'd use all of them, and if everyone had everything it would be boring.

>> No.14186112
File: 402 KB, 960x540, Why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I used my Sexy Scene Guaranteed Ticket in Osawari Island.
My luck is something else.

>> No.14186189
File: 7 KB, 248x200, Feel me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same exact unit for me too.

>> No.14186298

Where is the place where I can find amount of EP is needed to unlock the correspond rewards? I remember seeing it but I can't find it right now.

>> No.14186305

Click on an event area and then click Check Rewards, and in future use your brain and click around rather than ask to be spoonfed.

>> No.14186437


Mine ended up being my 3rd Natasha. Ok at least it's not Seria but still... dupesssssssssssss.

>> No.14186508

>Nutaku Aigis maintenance

>> No.14186511

End of event and changes in details

>> No.14186555

Its nice to be able to farm IB with single click, but with lack of other things to do, its going to kill nutaku aigis. They should add desert story maps ASAP

>> No.14186566

> - Level 300 unlocked
> - Other newly implemented features and system changes
> - We will change the Unit acquirable from Events in the Tutorial
> - Level 300 unlocked
> - Changed the Unit acquirable from Events in the Tutorial

Development Tea doesn't even bother to proofread things they post.

>> No.14186626

eleven being eleven after all

>> No.14186701

>Plat Armor drops
>Greeted with maint. screen after mission


>> No.14186719

>mfw spear girl drops but lose it due to connection

>> No.14186732

How did you even manage that? Maintenance started several hours ago.

>> No.14186754

Does Nutuku host 1 event per month for aigis? Or is there a chance for more events per month?

>> No.14186762

1, check their twitter reply

>> No.14186764

Well Odette and Shiho were within 4 weeks of each other.
Odette's event was delayed by a whole month, but Shiho had no delays.

Roll a dice

>> No.14186768

There's been 2 in a month twice, they said they'll aim for atleast 1 though.

>> No.14186772

>Aigis still in maintenance
I'd have enough stam for another Oni rage but no. Why does maintenance take so long for these people? They do next to nothing yet take lots of time for it.

>> No.14186794

Anyone at rank 500 or lower atm? How much ep do you have?

>> No.14186805

I'd like to assume most of it is testing. Hell, I'd wager half the time is like crunch time during the last big of game development.

>> No.14186830

Adjusting the eye size of all the new lolis in ms paint takes a while.

>> No.14186887

Auto complete in Nutaku Aegis?! Am I dreaming?

>> No.14186890
File: 14 KB, 431x50, ss+(2015-10-06+at+08.07.41).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha they actually added this scam.

The comission? Looks like it. About fucking time.

>> No.14186893

Just did my first commision sortie for Immortal beast, feels good we no longer need dragon hunting.
Wish I had SC to try and get Cellia, one of the few plats I want.

>> No.14186909

Aigis devs the only shining light in a horrible Nutaku world. Now they just have to give us events more often.

>> No.14186917

New Aigis update thoughts:

+Yay, now we can get to level 300! That's great since Immortal Beast can be cleared by level 120. I'll grind another 180 levels using it :)

+ Auto-clear! Except, it's not auto clear, it's the magically translated COMMISSION SORTIE! Complete + Mission = ComMission Sortie? Is this their thought process?

+ Stamp card shows SP crystals, but there's no summon available for them yet. Reckon they'll add this or just give us useless crystals?

+ No Bashira! Hooray! I didn't need to spend any demon crystals in the stale trading post anyway.

+ I can now get two more boxes for units that I don't have because there's still so few characters & free crystals given out :)

+ We can now grab all items in the present box. Sweet :) I can use this button when they give out compensation for the 6 weeks with no events (approx Januaray 2035)

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go farm the new event (in 2 weeks).

>> No.14186921
File: 1.15 MB, 909x709, Whalecard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these green crystals for? I thought they were for a different summon but I don't see where we could use them.

>> No.14186927

the SC cards really are just a little consolation reward for blowing all of them on gacha and failing to get the unit you want.

no one would use 35 just to get the new card.

>> No.14186931

Dank :) blog :) post :) mate :)

Large incentive to use gacha a huge chunk at a time. And you need to spend what, 100 SC in a month to get the tier where you get that new unit?

>> No.14186935

Anyone got the link to Nasu's Immortal Beast?

>> No.14186938

They ported stamp card with SP crystals but forgot to port SP summoning. Dev Tea is very forgetful, don't be so harsh on them. They will fix it in a year or two.

>> No.14186944

There are no units in stamp card bonuses.

>> No.14186947
File: 5 KB, 67x66, ss+(2015-10-06+at+08.21.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this then? Another thing they've added with no use (again)?

>> No.14186955

Its just usual omni fairy. Can be used as exp/cc fairy of any type.

>> No.14186958

that's the multi purpose fairy.

>> No.14186960

Those are what you get from subjugation maps. The ones with 1000+ enemies.

It gives you slightly better rewards than 2000g gacha while being essentially free.

Yeah, but that's generally what you do. You wait until a unit you really want has increased chances and blow everything trying to get them.

The stamp cards do have some fairly nice stuff so even if all you get are silvers from gacha, it wasn't a complete waste. Not worth it just for the card though like I mentioned.

She's a fairy that works as any rarity. Silver, gold, platinum, black, or the only fairy that works with sapphire units to get the same rarity bonus.

>> No.14186962

Fairy that acts as any rarity

>> No.14186964

How many barracks can you buy?

>> No.14186979

Yeah but its for Nov stamp card. They might add it in by then, who knows.

>> No.14186981

Basically another model for black fairy because they're so rare that you wouldn't really want to use them on any other rarity anyway.

>> No.14186982

How many crystals are needed each summon?
Next months normal card gets 14.
Implementation of the second and third barracks is in the patch notes.

>> No.14186989

It wouldn't be much of one if they had events as much as DMM or gave out as much SC as DMM.

>> No.14186993

5 each.

>> No.14187001

I've used black fairys on other raritys with bronze mages, sucks having over 20 black fairys and no black units to spend them on and no unit space.
I've since fixed these problems though.

>> No.14187002

How many unit capacity upgrades are there before can buy the barracks?

>> No.14187004

Till you get ~240 slots in main space.

>> No.14187012

k thanks, got a way to go then lol, only have 114

>> No.14187017

So I bought this barracks. The fuck is it, exactly? I was hoping for more room.

>> No.14187023

Its separate storage with 250 slots, you need to move units there manually.

Its actually handy this way, you dump ingredient silvers, fairies and so on there, and they don't clutter your main units space.

>> No.14187031

So you put all of the trash in the barracks? Wouldn't you actually keep your good units/units you want to keep forever in there? Less moving about. Or am I wrong?

>> No.14187044

Not trash, but stuff like silver units which you would need later for cc or awakening. I have like 20 pirates, 20 ninjas and so on there.

>> No.14187372

Thank fuck for 'commission' sortie

>> No.14187377

Where is bashira at? Wasn't she going to be in the trading post?

>> No.14187389

No, they said she will be added somewhere at further time.

>> No.14187392

They said it would come to trading post in a future patch, she replaced Kerry already though as first summon.
I would bet she'd come on the 27th along with the green crystal gacha.

>> No.14187396
File: 464 KB, 558x447, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who should I awaken next? My primary candidates are Yurina and Miranda, since I need good melee tank, but neither of them are ideal for it and I would need to raise better HA later anyway.

>> No.14187426

Lacking a good melee tank, I'd go for a good duelist, maybe a healer.

>> No.14187432

>do a premium roll
>get Cyrus
I thought you couldn't roll faggots that are in the trading post?

>> No.14187435

Cyrus is the only one in the trading post and the gacha so far.
I've gotten him from gacha too.

>> No.14187978

>Almost mincost Shiho
>Go to War of Magic
>Shiho is illegal for War of Magic

>> No.14188065

It says Witches and Mages only mate.

>> No.14188093

Why would you even want her in War of Magic?

>> No.14188223

So I did one premium summon and got Liana, wasn't sure if I should be happy or not, did she ever get rebalanced or is she still the worst Nutaku black? If only that was loli Iris instead ;_;

>> No.14188291

She's better on maps that actually have status ailments. Can clear paralyse and such (I think).
She can't be worse than Berna anyway.

>> No.14188424

Auto complete finally added.
Now I have no reason to not fully level my units.

>> No.14188565


Rank 300 is around 400k EP right now.

>> No.14188639

$100 down and not a single black, only two platinums, and one that I already had.

Welp, that's the last time Nutaku gets any money from me. I've got a barracks now, I never need whale again.

>> No.14188683

Is this a meme where people don't know what commission means?

Commissioning someone to run the sortie for you seems legit for a prince who doesn't have time to kill immortal demons all day.

>> No.14188690

At least you didn't get the gold 'summon rate increase' unit over and over. Having 5 copies of the gold samurai and no platinum samurai sucked.

>> No.14188715

>Commission Sortie
>Some random general pops in to fight against immortal beast for you.
>You notice the affection of your female units slowly reducing
>sudden you're NTR'd by the general you commissioned.

Remember Princes, if you want to keep your harem, you gotta go to the field of battle yourself.

>> No.14188752

now I want to make a Japanese waifu game where your waifu will leave you if you don't give her affection in the form of premium currency
I'd make millions

>> No.14188856

What do you guys do with black copies? Keep them or feed to each other? I got 2 Altairs after buying 150 sc.

>> No.14188867

Anyone have a video with just Calliopes for War of Magic? They're cost-reduced by 5 all together AND I paid 1 SC for the extra unit points and I'm still losing to those damn dogs.

Nutaku only, I think they changed witch aiming for DMM.

>> No.14188907

Since I got 2 extra copies of Farune when I tried to get the Black bandit. I used one on her and the other I've kept. I'm not sure whether to level it up or try for another SU/CR. Farune already good but leveling up her skill would make her a god.

>> No.14188956

Besmear myself with them and masturbate.

>> No.14188976

Make videos where I feed them to Iron units and post it on Niconico.

>> No.14189062
File: 14 KB, 337x98, AliceTwoFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4M'd Alice. Her duality voicework is amusing.

>> No.14189275

I know plat can + 3 correct fairies gives you 8k exp, but how much is that, exactly? How high would it get a level 1 or level 50cc1 character?

I'm so close to CCing archer slut i can taste it, and then i can forget that that 30cc soma happened

>> No.14189284

Different rarities have different exp thresholds, but in general, 8k exp will take a unit from level 1 to level 40, or level 40-ish to 50 (40 for silver/gold, 41 for plat/black).

Doing the former obviously gets more stats in one boost, but doing the latter is recommended to save gold.

>> No.14189382

Are they giving us Bashira for the people who started before this? I still can't farm demon crystals.

>> No.14189403

This and I hardly use the valkyrie anyways is there a map in the future where she is absolutely needed?

>> No.14189429

They're not giving her to old players you'll have to buy her from the trading post.
And why can't you farm demon crystals?

No unit is really ever absolutely needed. Kerry is pretty bad for her cost, but becomes somewhat decent after awakening.

>> No.14189461


>> No.14189493

Because I can't kill any of the flying eyes and fail the stage. Granted I haven't tried again recently but if Bashira comes soon and only sticks around for a while I won't be able to get enough in time.

>> No.14189667

Level an archer. There isn't any reason you shouldn't be able to do normal after like a week of playing. And if you know what you're doing you can get a team together for hard by your 2nd or 3rd week.

If you're newer than that you might as well just reroll.

>> No.14189706


just place 2 silver archers at 50cc40 100%affection (or whenever they can 2-shot the eyes)
if you place the bottom healer first, you can manage with two silver healers
and the prince is there just to boost stats

>> No.14189745

Is this a meme where people misuse the word meme?

Of course I fucking know what commission means, it's just a weird ass choice of word for auto completing a mission.

>> No.14189865

Another try, another failure - those fucking dogs just ran past, I take out the imps no problem, but the targeting fails.

>> No.14189889

It might have to do with timing more than anything else. I have had problems using a 15 cost maxed level Belinda and Mincosted Max Level Caliope. Though I didn't use the +5 UP just yet.

>> No.14190030
File: 686 KB, 960x639, god of luck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run one last spirit rescue E with the last of my stamina before bed
>tfw i actually needed the silver

>> No.14190264
File: 94 KB, 510x489, CQrsMZLU8AEscjV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharlotte revival at weekend.

>> No.14190287

Too bad I just got the best magic fencer.

>> No.14190298

What, it's only for a weekend? Weak.

>> No.14190306

All drop revivals last 2 days.

>> No.14190313


FINALLY - the long nightmare is over.
I followed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07rmh6fzp7U and 2*ed it.

>> No.14190491


>> No.14190564

Except the last few?

>> No.14190593

Yes. Yurina and Kloe were only exceptions, all drop revivals before them were 2-day long.

>> No.14190867

Quite crazy way to 3* last event map with just silvers.

>> No.14190950

>implying Prince isn't just sending random men off to battle while he's fucking all the women at base

>> No.14191261

>most of each team comp are women
Anon, do you even play Aigis?

>> No.14191379

>not knowing how autocomplete works
>taking a joke seriously

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.14191383 [DELETED] 

>make up random shit
>get called it
>j-j-just a joek! XD
Your joke doesn't even work. So go fuck yourself.

>> No.14191400

Maybe you should actually look at the quoted post and realize there's no such thing as losing affection from autocomplete.

And then kill yourself from failing basic reading comprehension.

>> No.14191405

Holy shit you're delusional, anon. Why are you so angry over useless, soon-to-die browser games?

>> No.14191410

>thinking I'm the mad one

Oh wait, you're just another shitty troll hoping to start shit.

>> No.14191417

>ask a small question
>you start to sperg out
It's okay, anon. Not everybody here plays a Nutaku game. I understand. This happens in every general. Every general has readers that don't participate in the game.

>> No.14191427

>not having best Jerome with you


>> No.14191428

Most =/= all.

>> No.14191436

>act like a joke poster doesn't play the game properly
>"j/k I don't play the game either!"

Fuck off, troll.

>> No.14191438

Could you both please shut up?

>> No.14191439

It's clear you don't play the game. Nor do you know how to read or communicate. No need to lash out on other people. Just learn to improve yourself. I understand though. 4chan attracts total dipshits. Only issue being, people like you feel like you can post. Just stop posting, it'd be better that way.

>> No.14191462

yeah let's go back to bitching to Nutaku about pointless censorship instead

nice b8 fgt

>> No.14191463

Why are you using two forms of quoting for the same line?

>> No.14191467

Either is entertaining. Reading people bitch about censorship is amusing. Watching you squirm about for being a cock-sucker is also amusing.

Win win for me, anon.

>> No.14191474

It seemed appropriate.

>> No.14191481

People aren't bitching enough about the censorship, tbh. Too much friend code spam on Facebook, not enough complaints on Twitter.

>> No.14191489

So you admit to being the dipshit you are.

Might want to take your own advice and stop posting.

>> No.14191512

It isn't. You really don't know how to read at all. Or post. Or communicate. Or anything. What are you actually competent at?

>inb4 le getting u to le reply! :DDD

>> No.14191514

I tried Osasomething Island but if half the girls have downs its just not worth it. So im voting with my shekels.

>> No.14191533

Nutaku is drowning too much in shekels to notice your lack of shekels. I mean, people actually bought the $50 banana.

I think the complaints need to be more vocal.

>> No.14191584

>50$ banana

>> No.14191612

Guarantees a legendary will appear. Once. Several people tested it.

It's the same price as in DMM, but Nutaku gave it a misleading description and people took the whale bait.

>> No.14191955

>if half the girls have downs
>have downs
What does that mean?

>> No.14192059


>> No.14192192

Some of them look better without those giant eyes.

>> No.14192265

Nice try, nutaku shill

>> No.14192275

Olivia and Nia look a little better.

Some are absolutely awful.

>> No.14192289

Olivia at least doesn't look that changed but
your serious?

>> No.14192309

I'm going to have to agree with >>14192289
New Olivia looks fine, I wouldn't even argue if someone said they liked the new one better. Nia is fucking awful though.

>> No.14192317

Nia's original looks like she has a disease or is literally retarded. Neither are good. but Nutaku's isn't as beat.

>> No.14192355

Nutaku's version of Nia looks worse than original. But yeah some of the Nutaku version are better. Rivet original version is horrifying.

>> No.14192359

Nutaku took away nekomimi and gave us ugly cosplay chick.

>> No.14192445

Like Mamoru. Holy shit, how did that pass. She literally looks like a retard.

>> No.14193497

>nutakubosho (10/7/15 2:42:25 PM): Can you give me a link with the complains?

Keep sending in those "complains".

>> No.14193597
File: 210 KB, 960x640, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After days of trying, I finally 3*d this shit just in time before maintenance. Seriously, fuck these High Orcs.

I couldn't for the life of me understand why my Leanne could tank a High Orc until I realized I needed at least SL3 to survive. I had to give up a few rainbow fairies out of desperation.

>> No.14193613

God damnit. I always forget that there is maintenance on Wednesday.

>> No.14193631

Did they erase the cleavage on Ellis?

Why in the fuck

>> No.14193854

Starting on Nutaku Aigis since its better time management with the sortie. Rolled a Daniela and Garania for my first two. Keep them and run it, or try again?

>> No.14193864
File: 270 KB, 961x681, Gelbooru.com ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nutaku is now advertising for the game using some of the loli character scenes.
Confirmed for false advertising.

>> No.14193867
File: 63 KB, 448x111, GuysICant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have Nanaly, Bashira and spent Demon Crystals for a Spica
>Prepared to have a doom squad of Archers when Awakening comes to Nutaku
>Rolls on Gatcha for the hell of it

>> No.14193994

Whom are you quoting?

>> No.14194152

Keep it, but keep on trying - ideally you want a black. I usually stop on a gold + good platinum.

>> No.14194253

Valkyrie Emilia added as revival bonus to second part of event.

>> No.14194343

Anyone feels burn out from Osawari Island? The game require an absurd amount of constant attention compare to the collect cute girls phone games I play. I did not play other Nutaku games.

>> No.14194356

I'll admit, there is a large degree of burnout from having to check in on the energy you have to expend when you're on, and actively switching for any stage you can't faceroll or afford auto-switches in, and it will only get worse if they end the event without introducing daily missions

>> No.14194387

It's certainly the most taxing of Nutaku's offerings, especially now that Aigis has autocomplete. I use x3 liberally though so I'm not really near burnout, even with the event commanding my attention every day.

>> No.14194397

I'm up to level 50 and I still feel like the game doesn't have enough of a break to let stamina recover. It's really odd compared to other games where the exp:stam curve is so ridiculously high that it takes days to level/refill stamina (Pero, Saga), or the quick level ups are only for the first 30 levels or so (LoV, Aigis).

>> No.14194471

40/4 gets kinda hectic with 4 areas to protect, but pretty easy and nothing too special.

new 70/6 map is kinda rough. 10 cost start, two orcs, two different directions, barely any ranged slots, then a sizable goblin wave. I leaked one and couldn't figure any way I could've done it better. Outside of that it's fairly easy.

100/2 enters fuck you territory with 3 black orcs at the same time, but gives you a lot of time to wither them down while they stand there long before they reach your armor. It's also got a huge rush wave immediately but you only have to focus on one lane, two awakened paladins are on each of the sides and can handle themselves with zero problems.

>> No.14194484

Know the feeling well, before the auto complete, I didn't even bother leveling anymore outside of events and some dailies. Doing extra zone in Pero sucks.

>> No.14194488

40/4 has 4 exits, but only one entrance. You have room for plenty of units to guard that entrance, so that may be a better option.

>> No.14194527

It is.

I use a largely ranged setup as my general team though, so I only had one soldier and prince as low cost melee. That's the problem I had with 70/6, but I did take two soldiers and a mincost valkyrie into it. Don't have a lot of spammable units like rogues or silver soldiers which made the goblins after the orcs an issue.

Of course it's for this exact reason that I had it so easy with 100/2. You win some, you lose some.

>> No.14194580

How good is she? Worth spending crystals on to get her cost low during those 2 days or is she just a situational pick?

I never had a rune fencer, so I don't really know how good they are and whether you would use them a lot.

>> No.14194593
File: 18 KB, 533x88, laws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Nutaku complying to ALL the laws.

>> No.14194602


Yeah, I'm never ranking in Osawari again. Doing a mission once in a while is fine, doing several back to back because of a level up? So draining.

>> No.14194652

They never can stop lying, even for something this simple, eh?
Porn is completely illegal in many countries.

>> No.14194670

Eh. They're basically ninjas that can do some magic damage with their skills. Not that important, and I think the other two platinum ones are both better.

>> No.14194767

Shiho would be banned in australia, too.

>> No.14194848
File: 120 KB, 940x415, Pornography_laws.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe nutaku staff are those people who think that there are no countries outside north america.

>> No.14195100

x3 mode

>> No.14195225

I've been stuck in the 600s for days now. Do I have to forgo sleep to get to the next ranking? Do people really do the mission that gives stamina potions daily?

>> No.14195239

Eventually you'll be able to store 8+ hours of stamina, but yea you can't waste much stamina if you want to rank.

No one knows if people will get bored/ burnt out from rankings on our version, but the JP version is like 10months old and you still need to spend nearly all of your stamina for a top 500 spot.

>> No.14195256

For me personally, I'm going to avoid ranking as much as possible, doing it just this once, and I don't feel like doing it again, and I'm not even certain I'll be guaranteed a spot in the last minute rush.

>> No.14195275

what do you guys think of the LoW translations? do you have any favorite scenes?

>> No.14195403


I currently rank around 250. I've been using the no life method for the event.

Wake up at 5:30 in the morning, spend stamina, go back to sleep. Go on office computer at around 10:30 in the morning, spend stamina.

Go on at 2:30 in the afternoon again, spend stamina. Go on at around 8-9 in the evening, spend stamina. Go to bed at around 11-12 at night, spend stamina before bed.

I started playing at 8 in the evening on the day when the event came out, so I missed out on around 8-9 hours worth of stamina in the beginning, but have spent most of what I got afterwards. Did not use stamina potions.

I do not recommend doing this and I probably will not do this again in the future either. Not sure what came over me to make me do this.

>> No.14195409

Ranking in these games just for 1 more fap girl is a horrific waste of time, effort and more most.. money.

I have always played games like this almost exclusively for free, Never been a top ranked but I have always managed to get most of what each event has to offer.

In this current event for example, I managed to get all 3 event stage girls and 1 of the rare legendarys, but the real prize came from the ranking rewards gained from not shooting or top 500. Did a bunch of 500 material 3* Alchemys and got decent girls, Saving up my R/HR tickets and Sexy tickets for the next event, so I can try for the exclusive Gacha event girls.

I think the key to enjoying these games is to not get swept up in the ranking grind, Unless you're willing to abbandon all real life and still deal with the possibility that the top 500 spots are reserved by paying whales.

>> No.14195410


The JP version appears worse. The people who barely make it to around 500 rank end the events with around 500k EP. The top ones have like, 5 million based on a screenshot someone posted once.


For your reference I'm this guy, and I have around maybe 440k right now. Even getting the 500k girls that will be available in the future will require some cash shop spending.

>> No.14195440

New PeroPero event. Colliseum, but you choose a girl out of three and it is basically your team. I chose poorly and picked the one currently in last. In my self interest I would like to propose that everyone chooses Ayame Nanase (chose her because of the booze, really.)

>> No.14195450

I'm sitting at rank 177, 500220 EP with zero cash spent. You're clearly not being autistic enough.

>> No.14195474

How many event and super legendary girls have you caught without paying?

>> No.14195476

And it already broke.

>> No.14195479

Not possible to reach 500k without leveling up everyday and u won't be getting levels after lvl ~50 if u want to run the event maps exclusively.

Well, unless they increase the exp gains in future events, of course.

>> No.14195505

Name game has everyone leveling up at least once a day.
New games has relatively few whales compared to months from now.
New game is still defeating people who can't beat the last boss of the event, can't catch certain Eromon, lots of decent rank players are realizing it's not the game they want to play every day. Still, look at the longest lasting microtransation games. Games like Rage of Bahamut, the top several hundred slots in each event are reserved by people who have spent $1000s per event. Osawari Island is only just being noticed by people with that kind of mindset. Future events will only get harder to stay top 500 so enjoy it whiule you can. At least in OI there's no cash shop exclusive girls that are so strong they blow everything else out the water. It keeps things fair, apart from once people start buying stamina potions.

>> No.14195552

I haven't even seen any event legendaries, let alone caught them.

>> No.14195561

>At least in OI there's no cash shop exclusive girls that are so strong they blow everything else out the water

Look forward to the future gacha girls that give you shit like double EP then

>> No.14195589

That's fine. As long as they arent twice as strong and take no damage. I don't give a fuck about ranking. 1 extra fap per event isn't worth halfing my lifespan... we'll see. Maybe there's a character I just HAVE to get. But a Reindeer girl in a summer beach event.. I don't think I could care any less.

I've seen 2 and caught 1, with a monster gem.

>> No.14195707


That's the thing dude, I don't want to be that autistic.

>> No.14195721

PeroPero back up. Third place (Ayame Nanase) close to taking second (Kusumi Ogura).

>> No.14195863

Hard to say since I haven't 4M'd anything lately and I broke my login streak two weeks ago. Last scenes I read were Beach Girl Marin and w/e Mei Yo. Both were cute, I guess.

Marin still best LoV loli waifu (since they ruined Titanne).

>> No.14195892

Man, the new dmm maps are hard
I can probably 2star the 100/2 map if I try, but I just cant kill the black orcs, not even a single one, so I can't complete the drop bonus

>> No.14196518

Is LoV sorta unstable for anyone else? It freezes on the start screen frequently and I have to kill Flash.


It's more like: x3, x1, full pot, x3, level up, x3, x1

The full pots aren't just for ranking, they're also to meet the 500 stam quota for 2* books. Gonna give up on getting those books too once this event is over, not worth continuous hemorrhaging.


Chocola is the new favourite. Delta is the old favourite. SR Alice is a good contender.

Translation quality? Eh... not the best but not cringe-worthy. Some moments you just nod "yep, there's no easy translation for this that non-weebs would get".

>> No.14196532

you can do it even with just silvers


>> No.14196564

Sure, mincost maxskill silvers.

>> No.14197041

Figured I'd try and test my luck on an alt account for Aigis, I get 2 Bettys, my main account first summon was Betty too.
I was thinking of trying again if I got nothing interesting but this just tells me not to.

>> No.14197344

You tried once? I made 30 accounts before picking one, and even then I was weak - you should really keep on going until you get a black, or double platinum.

>> No.14197634

>30 accounts
man... wow
i have had 2 accounts,tecnically...
first was my account where i rolled Bashira, Jerome and Lilia; then banhammer came, account got reset...
on the reset i got a Sybilla, full silvers after, not a single gold+ besides her, all my non silver are from events

>> No.14197694

Damn, I still haven't caught the firefly girl after farming constantly, 8% chance might as well be 0%. I'll be able to get a couple more runs tomorrow but it seems hopeless, gotta love the bullshit rng.

>> No.14197871

>ruined Titanne

how did they do that?

>> No.14197900

Tiny Titanne

>> No.14197949
File: 447 KB, 636x1372, edits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same way they ruined Charisma Suzaku and Beach Coo.

>> No.14197959

I can't even begin to say how atrocious the last edit is, fuck you pettanko hating shitaku

>> No.14197961

Coo isn't that bad. But holy fuck, what was that editor smoking when they looked at Suzaku,

>> No.14198001

>all the eyes made smaller
remember when they said something like they outsourced the edits for osawari and apologized for them?

yet more nutaku lies.

>> No.14198037

It's likely they didn't just do it for Osawari but for some of the other titles as well at the same time.

>> No.14198426
File: 23 KB, 233x204, one job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fuck this up?
It's right in the achievement rewards list though.

>> No.14198590

Banging my head against オークの誇り for second day and yet didn't manage to even 1-star it. Videos use mincost/maxskill units which I don't have, while I have several ranged units awakened so I need some completely different approach.

>> No.14198730

that's the second 70/6 right?

it's pretty rough if you don't have any awakened low lost melee units. I was in the same situation as you. I only have one awakened melee, a HA, and the rest are all ranged. I can do just about any boss but I'm very weak to rush.

What I had to do was get the +5 initial points. CC60 gold soldiers up top and bottom then an awakened healer middle left.

It blocks both orcs and most goblins while the healer kept my soldiers alive. Without the +5 I could only place a mincost silver healer and she wasn't strong enough to keep them alive.

>> No.14198827

I have similar problems. Ranged units unfortunately aren't very good due to the extremely limited space, which you will mostly have to use for healers. And I have absolutely no magic fencers, so I can't use the buff either.

I started by just ignoring the top ork while putting Katie and Julian on bottom (Katie in front, I have her awakened, but in my reference videos she can tank the ork even without awakening). With that I could get unit points pretty quickly. Then, I put a witch in the left middle spot, someone to block the incoming goblins on top, and a healer on the right middle spot to heal my Katie (unfortunately she died before I did that but that was just a screw up on my part). Then I put a duelist in front of each lane (Sybilla and Isabel in my case), a healer at the bottom ranged row, and later replaced the witch with a mage once I had the ressources. Got through it without any more incidents, so it would've been 2 star if I hadn't lost my Katie.

For reference, Katie is the only awakened unit I used, so my melees are relatively weak, most were around CC40.

Hope this helps a bit, there seems to be unfortunately not much you can do with ranged units, except for whichever one you put on the middle spot. And that one should probably be a mage or cannon in the later stages of the map because the number of enemies becomes massive.

>> No.14198921

Gonna try not blocking top orc too.

What did you use on top lane? My last time I was leaking too much goblins while blocking orcs there, and ran out of lives.

>> No.14199589

Ok, Osawari's next event banner is up now. Intriguingly, the rank reward is available in both EP rankings and combo rankings. That's a reasonable way to let non-whales have a chance at the reward. Just so happens the next event's rank reward isn't worth it, but this general policy is good news.

>> No.14199637
File: 349 KB, 959x539, WhodatEromon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's that Eromon?

>> No.14199647

The first event was the hook to draw in all the whales, now they don't need to care about the quality of the events or rewards because the whales are invested.

@The top 500 players, Was Lady worth it? She doesnt even have a Super Smut scene.

>> No.14199651


She's super smut in my inventory. Haven't looked at them yet though.

>> No.14199667

The game lies then, it said she was L, and L is listed as 2 Sexy Scenes, no Super Smut.

>> No.14199674

She does have super smut scene.
Her skill is an attack boost with 100 power and her stats seems good.
Didn't spend a penny for the event so i guess the hassle of timing stamina and level up was worth it.

On a different note. The new batch of girls doesn't seem to have edits in it. Am i wrong ?

>> No.14199676
File: 285 KB, 850x815, Lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic is her SR and SSR forms for the stat boxes. In raw stats, she is superior to Hotaruko in every single stat. Then there's that skill.

The actual H scenes? Generic - actually her SL H scene looks a little weird. Voicework doesn't grate on nerves but also doesn't stick to mind either.

>> No.14199680

Well that's anoying. They clearly listed her on the event page as L. So I didn't care about getting her.

>> No.14199681

Don't look obvious at least though they changed the 70k reward I think. Making a guide and saw that it's pose to be
but we are getting
I think.

>> No.14199686


As I understand, before SL existed there was L. Difference between L -> SL is animation in the 2nd H scene. When SL became a thing, every L automatically got upgraded into an SL. Nutaku just skipped the L stage but the devs didn't remove the L concept.

>> No.14199692

Cool, good to know. Question, are all the non event stage girls SSR? Jean looks nice and so does the swimsuit totally grown up girl.

>> No.14199713


Curiously, nothing is mentioned in the JP wiki on how to get Yogami. whereas Goma is available from 2 events.

>> No.14199717

Yeah saw that

>> No.14199739


Yes, all the story bosses are SSR. If you are hunting for more SLs, look to 3* alchemy. Though SSRs have served me well.

>> No.14199780 [DELETED] 

Maybe she's the first area boss ? Mamoru is also SSR iirc

>> No.14199787

She's on the gacha page as a 50% EP booster.

>> No.14199788


Hope that's not the case, I wanted Goma.

>> No.14199794

huh, then maybe they are not just showing Goma? and now need to edit guide lol was just about to be done.

>> No.14199838

Looks like they cut Goma (best healer) and replaced her with Maria (thrash)... just wow.

>> No.14199859

I'd rather them cut units than give them horrendous edits.

>> No.14199869

Um... let me repeat that: she the BEST HEALER. Even if her edits were horrible, you could still at least transfer her skill to someone else. But now our version is just officially screwed.

>> No.14199987

Top lane collapsed, front healer killed, ran out of units, but Horues at rear-center managed to kill last mage and goblin mage on top, and HA + Valk + healer somehow managed to hold out and kill everyone at bottom.
Oh well, at least I've 1-starred it. Not going to bother retrying.

>> No.14200371

You're a stupid faggot if you're already whining about BEST IN SLOT bullshit in a game that's been running for 3 weeks. More than likely they will add her in a different event, or give the skill to something else.

>But now our version is just officially screwed.
Kill yourself

>> No.14200398

It was officially screwed since day one. Don't play this shit or play at DMM.

>> No.14200460

Fucking maximum Weeaboo, Japanese original is superior with it's censorship and lack of being able to understand that language? Take your hot opinions elsewhere, not everyone can read runes and not everyone cares about the loli girls being edited. Enjoying being a basement pedo playing your squiggly lines.

>> No.14200485

> with it's censorship
Shill, pls, go kill yourself.

>> No.14200518

Why would you even want such "upgrade" to skill?
Some of their skill awakenings make no sense.

>> No.14200530

Need some advice for Aigis
Decided to roll on the gatcha and I got four Bernices (The pink Heavy Infantry girl)

I know gold units change their skills when they CC, so is it better to CC all of them and then feed them all to the alpha Bernice, or should I just merge them all right now?

>> No.14200537

Better to CC them at 30 and feed only then.
Also, Bernice is pretty good HA, so I'd leave 2nd copy for now. If you don't get plat/black HA with def skill, I'd advice to raise 2nd one too.

>> No.14200579

Sounds good, thanks for the advice
I got a lot of Leeannes and Bernards benched because of the past few events, so CCing four Bernices shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.14200588

>not everyone cares about the loli girls being edited
Please, do try to remember where you are and rethink things.

>> No.14200609

>Have Black units.
>Never levelled them up or CC'd them.
>80% of silvers maxxed out.
>Game clear using only silvers.
I actually feel sorry for Berna and Deine as they never get used.

Am I right in assuming at some point Aigis is going to throw unit combinations at us that silvers mathematically cannot defeat (Like hitting for more HP than Mortimer has in a single attack) to force us to use the useless gold+ units?

>> No.14200613

Congrats dude. I can't even 1-star it.

My prince's level is too low to solo an orc. Then my top lane gets fucked the moment my samurai dies to the first two orcs casting lightning bolt.

I suck at this game.

>> No.14200621

I think it's viable to do a silver only run through the entire game, all events and even the new stuff on DMM. It just requires reflexes and quick micro management.
But they all seem doable.
I imagine at some point you'll at least have to use Cloris and Katie though.

>> No.14200637

Well, there are Golems who hit for like 3k-4k damage that even a 50CC50 100% affection Leeanne/Bernard can't tank a single hit from.

And things like the Pegasus Rider charge in Skyfallen Gift God-Tier that becomes even worse bullshit than War of Magic unless you have a Platinum Swordmaster.

But most things can be cleared with Silvers, if you're willing to spend like 5-10 SC to try different strategies until you barely win. Or you could raise all your Silvers to mincost 50CC50 with 100% affection and wait a few days to see if any of the silver-only run guys decided to waste SC to find a way.

>> No.14200707

For events you'll eventually run into maps where your silvers won't do enough dps(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25895538)) or can't tank a certain enemy(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivkugR-dI3M).).

Even the newest story missions aren't be done with silvers only. Monme has been working on them with only event/gold units. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27176261

>> No.14200719

Let the first two orcs go by, then jump everything after that - maybe you can 1* it.

>> No.14200814

>do the revival
>3star every map.
>Only 1 unit drop, Valerie.
>do the last two maps twice each.
>Still no drop.
holy shit I'm hurting here.

>> No.14200821

Question about Awakening. Are all gold+ units able to awaken, or only some? If only some, where would I find a list?

>> No.14200831

Every unit tha is Gold+ can
some units dont have awakening YET, but they will in the future

>> No.14200899

Also, not all units have Skill Awakenings.
My understanding is that eventually all units should.

I know you have to maxskill an Awakened unit, and then get a Skill Awakening orb from a map that only allows the Prince and Awakened units, but I don't know what else is required.

>> No.14201109

Gold, a lot gold

>> No.14201232

Like... how much gold? I'm assuming it varies per rarity?

And is it me or are some Skill Awakenings not really worth it?

>> No.14201267

Same as awakening

>> No.14201902

Seems like the retard level is too strong with this one. It's precisely because the game is 3 weeks that there are no other good options available, and getting that strong healer is so important.

Currently, the only way to get a semi decent healer is to farm 11 copies of Izanai. Have fun with that. Then, after all that effort, it's still not nearly as good as what anyone could have gotten easily with 70k EP.

But yes, everything is fine. Must be nice living in your lala-land.

>> No.14202035

Just farm 60 Jeans and put her skill on your entire party, who needs heals when everything is dead?

>> No.14202105

Osawari Island needs auto-complete for story missions.

>> No.14202231

> I think it's viable to do a silver only run through the entire game, all events and even the new stuff on DMM. It just requires reflexes and quick micro management.
Nah, you cannot do even top complexity dailies with silvers. There were also plenty of kami-grade event maps for which no silver strategy was found.

>> No.14202239

You can't 3* them. But do you need to 3* all of them?

>> No.14202359

Even before 3*, there are plenty of maps you already can't 1* with just Silvers.

>> No.14202367

>Caring this much about a flash game.

>> No.14202454

Other than majin maps, what?

>> No.14202555

I've looked through all youtube and nico videos and didn't find even single silver 1*/3* for 聖霊救出 神級, for example.

>> No.14202589

Where is the event stage to get Ero point in Oswari Island? I clear the story stage 5 and do not see event stages.

>> No.14202619
File: 34 KB, 1050x194, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14202629

I thought the new event started already and event map will only show after clearing stage 5. I didn't notice the date which is October 16th.

>> No.14202646

In addition, 空からの贈物神級 (Skyfallen God-Tier), 新魔水晶の守護者極級 (Crystal Keeper Extreme-Tier), 新魔水晶の守護者神級 (Crystal Keeper God-Tier). That's 4 maps from the dailies alone. Even before talking about actual events.

>> No.14202654

> 新魔水晶の守護者極級
It can be 3-starred with silvers, http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25667735

>> No.14202664

I'm surprised, I looked on Youtube and closest I saw on there was a mix of Golds and Silvers. Cross that one off the list then.

>> No.14202686

I wonder why silver princess is not widely used for silver 3*s yet. I thought her buffs would be very handy.

>> No.14202706

It also has the drawback of nuking the HP of all silver units after it wears off.

>> No.14202708

You could play her at endgame, timing it so skill would wear off when it doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.14202940

Aww yeah, full 3* for all Charlotte missions on the first try. Pretty doable, even with non-mincosted silvers.

Don't think I'll farm her, but the SCs are nice.

Now if I can only have such luck with the last 3 missions for Ricola's event - I bounced hard off the Blooded Berserk map the first two times I tried, but my units are stronger now...

>> No.14203028

How good is the ranger class in the DMM star event? These last maps are fucking me up, I think I can get around 22 max. I'm wondering whether I should just farm Charlotte then the valkyrie.

>> No.14203029

>Blooded Berserk
Was this supposed to be 純血の狂戦士? 純血 is not "blooded" (what does it even mean?), it means "pure-blood", "genuine", "pure".

>> No.14203039

I wish I had my ranger CC50ed when was doing fenshui collection event, since rangers ignore weather effects, but otherwise I never used my gold ranger. Their tokens are worst tokens currently existing, and they suck as archers, and they don't receive Spica's archer buff.
That said, this plat ranger has "spy" skill, which is useful in certain cases, so if you don't have gold archer with that skill, she would be nice addition to the team.

>> No.14203058

I got Fuuka and I like her. I sadly stopped using her because there were times where a lower cost silver was much better or a vampire hunter. Especially when I got Bashira.
Still, she is a solid unit. Tokens do shit for damage but they are better used to delay an enemy over damage anyway. And I didn't even know about Rangers ignoring weather until that event, at which point Fuuka was shining as bright as Bashira, And Bashira had triple shot.

>> No.14203072

Just realized that Fuuka's tokens could be used to 3* 純血の狂戦士, put them ahead high orcs, and I should win these few seconds I so needed to deal last dmg from witches. Completely forgot about her existence.

>> No.14203089
File: 212 KB, 956x502, osawari19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did Nutaku actually stop doing the horrible edits to Osawari starting today?
All of the new event characters either didn't need edits because boobs or those edits are far better than the first batch was.

>> No.14203212
File: 367 KB, 1205x804, RealMVP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally 3 starred 70/6.

From the very beginning I was over-complicating everything. I don't need 3 units for each side. I don't need 10 low cost melee.

All I need is Dina. I felt her calling to me, but I denied her thinking it wouldn't work. When I exhausted all other options, she was right here telling me it was okay.

just put me down.

and I did. Dina. Nothing else in that lane, no ranged support, just Dina. and she completely removed that entire aspect of two lanes.

I love Dina so much. Being one of my first gacha rolls she carried me through early game, then once I hit the harder stuff I really wasn't pleased with her lack of defense, but I passed the awakening barrier that was it. Any problem I had, Dina could handle it.

and this was no different.

>> No.14203223


More like they made that decision on day 2 but we're only seeing the effects of it now. Everything for event 1 had to be ready by day 1.

>> No.14203276

do revival events have really bad drops or I'm just unlucky this time?
Cleared all the maps and haven't gotten a single unit
Can't kill the crowned lich though, does he drop anything worthwhile?

>> No.14203278

Well my first run through I didn't get anything but I ran through it a 2nd time and managed to get both units. Its probably bad RNG

>> No.14203287

It seems like it has bad drops because newer events have 100% rates the first run through.

But RNG hasn't been kind to be either. Only one drop my entire first run through all the maps. It took 7-10 more runs just to get 4 copies together. And sadly, I only got her -2 cost, and 3 Skill.
I'm probably gonna try to get another 4 and if I can't min cost her, giive up. though I do wanna farm for some other units as well.

>> No.14203311

Its same rate as always: shit for all maps, 50% for last one.

>> No.14203348

Risako has been in the game since start iirc. At the very least I got her couple weeks ago.

>> No.14204053
File: 308 KB, 360x535, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried it. 2.5 sec is just not enough.

Used bandits and HAs instead, and they won me more time so I finally managed to 3* it.
If you could at least throw tokens on same spot repeatedly it could be of some use, but right now its limited to some very rare cases when there's only one enemy, you can't just block it (over 2000 dmg?) with bandits/soldiers, and these few seconds will make a difference.

>> No.14204187

What kind of unit should I awaken first? I can probably awaken Katie and Iris somewhat easily already.

>> No.14204200

HA to tank something big or archer to kill things faster

>> No.14204202

Someone with awakening ability/class you want. Spica is great one, archers boosting as personal ability + anti-air bonus and projectile speed up as class ability.

>> No.14204253

Iris first for reduction on ailments duration, then your best archer. After that I'd go for anyone with a nice AW ability or a tank.

>> No.14204290

The only HA I have is Minerva. And I can't get Spica yet because she isn't on the post. Should I wait for her instead of doing it to my Bashira then? I'll start working on Iris for now if so.

>> No.14204301

It will take at least 2 months before Spica is back in post, no point in waiting for her, you could awaken few units meanwhile.

>> No.14204317

Minerva isn't an HA.

Bashira is a decent first AW then.

>> No.14204336

He probably means Miranda.

>> No.14204360


Yeah nurse bitch has always looked that way, she's one of the very first SRs I drew from the gatcha on my first day when the game was open.

>> No.14204375

Bashira it is then. Just one last question, I have another Bashira from a premium roll. Do I just feed her to the main bashira now? I'll be losing triple shot anyway though. Or am I supposed to also awaken her and feed her to level the quad shot?

>> No.14204386

Skill awakening doesn't work like that.
First you awaken unit. Then, once its awakened and has its skill maxed out, you do skill awakening, with different fairy and for considerable sum of money.
You cannot skill awaken untill you max out your main skill.

>> No.14204387

30cc and feed her to the main. You don't lose triple shot, quad shot is skill AW not AW.

>> No.14204388

Also, awakened skills don't have levels.

>> No.14205156

To go into a bit more detail, skill awakening costs exactly as much as awakening. Orbs included, the only thing that's different is instead of units it's the skill awakening fairy.

>> No.14205563

For DMM, are Gold healers good enough, or should I pick up the Plat fairy healer when she rotates in?

>> No.14205564

War of Magic.

It's over.

>> No.14205582
File: 166 KB, 961x639, 4AqV45V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I forgot my pic, of course.

>> No.14205655

>2 Desparas

>> No.14205803
File: 796 KB, 957x639, wt5ET2j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I don't even use the first one all that much.

>> No.14206665

So that's what a Nutaku whale looks like.

>> No.14206725

Most of the blacks I got were within the first $200 or so I spent (including both Sybillas), so it's more luck than actual whaling. Though I'm certainly guilty of both.

>> No.14206730
File: 41 KB, 559x105, ofalltheluck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could just be lucky/cursed. I didn't spend any cash in DMM and I got this.
I already had Farune before I started rolling.

>> No.14206748
File: 373 KB, 957x639, aigisalbum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is more or less the order that I pulled my blacks. And I was just aiming for lewdest princess Lilia.

Yes, I pulled Despara #1 and Sybilla #1 almost back-to-back (silver bandit popped up in between them). Then Sybilla #2 not long after.

Not pictured, a third Berna up top as my second premium pull ever, one Liana and two Deines below. And the second Despara, of course.

>> No.14207428

new thread

>> No.14207523

Have you actually tried this (or actually know what the heck you're talking about?)

A) You'll never get enough mana to pull this off. Anymore than 2 is pointless.

B) There's a comboing competition next event, which basically requires you to use weak units so that you DON'T kill everything too fast. You also have to keep those units alive or your combo breaks. Guess what you need to pull that off? Yeah, Healing.
