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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14190032 No.14190032 [Reply] [Original]

Human-san, finish the cycle of eternal return.

>> No.14190034

It's been a while, lewd elin anon.

>> No.14190044

its been dad dad, lewd dad dad

>> No.14190362

What is the cycle of eternal return?

>> No.14190374
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I miss playing TERA but playing on 250 ping was too torturous for me and it was never fun. Soloing BAMs was kind of nice though.

>> No.14190583

Fight a dragon, fight god, become god.

Then kill yourself.

>> No.14191440

What is the point of that?

>> No.14192020

Why do people spam random song lyrics on /jp/ all the time?

>> No.14192690
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What MMO are people playing now?

>> No.14193058 [DELETED] 

I like your attitude, Anon

>> No.14193173

Elite Online

>> No.14193507
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The combat isn't as active as Tera, but the content is way more fun.

>> No.14193516

Does it have cute lolis? That's all the content I need.

>> No.14193531

Not really. They're just kind of chubby shorties.

They're still cute though.

>> No.14193724

They aren't lolis at all. Just midget elves.


>> No.14193876

Why doesn't like 30% of all people want to become an Elin? It is an amazing ideal.

>> No.14193918

Elin are horrible beings with gross porportions. Thank goodness anime style can fix anything.

>> No.14194092


Dragon's Dogma online.

>> No.14194226

That's disgusting.

>> No.14194936

I want to become an Elin, where do I apply?

>> No.14194968

I wish PSO2 had cute little girls. Flatties just look terrible in it...

>> No.14195047

Ugly as shit

>> No.14195258
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Waiting for DD2, not DDO

DD was one of the best adventures I've ever had in a game

>> No.14195293

Reminder that Tera will have new content in a few months so better start saving (in-game?) money, loser.

>> No.14195299

The hands are awful. Just terrible. Also the narrow shoulders are moe but completely wrong.

>> No.14195305

Tera died 3 years ago.

>> No.14195323


Why does this happen to all MMOs? Why do BRs like them so much? Why are they so cancerous?

>> No.14195325

Brazil has nothing do with it. Mismanagement from Bluehole killed it. As expected of Koreans.

>> No.14195333

The game's still running, meaning they are still making money from it. Exactly how is that mismanagement? How can a game with cute lolis and expensive clothing even fail? It's impossible. BRs killed Tera, but that doesn't mean there aren't some ``whales'' left who happily spend thousands of dollars for a random chance at Super Special Meido Outfit X.

>> No.14195336

Disregarding their respective games, am I the only one preferring Blade & Soul's Lyn to Elins? Elin art is cute, but their game models are kind of eh. Not one for chubby thighs, even on lolis. Maybe it's just the character creation?

>> No.14195349

Will you all be playing Tree of Savior with me? There might be a lot of BRs though.
Next beta this month, supposedly.

>> No.14195351
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I went on an MMO tryout binge recently, TERA among them. I couldn't deal with that fucking combat. It's just so flat and boring. And people treat it like some kind of crowning example. What the fuck?

About the only game I've tried that had combat that felt remotely good was C9. TOO BAD ABOUT THE REST OF THAT PILE OF SHIT.

>> No.14195354

The first couple weeks are NA servers only, so yes. Beyond that, I guess not, if you're worrying about BRs. Did you play in the first ICBT?

>> No.14195358

I'm the guy who had 10 keys, so yes, I did. I got a pretty terrible bug at the mines and couldn't leave the area nor progress with its quest. It was pretty sad...
I do have very high hopes for the game. Development seems to be going forward at a very good pace.

>> No.14195359

>How can a game with cute lolis and expensive clothing even fail?
Like Aika and ECO?

>> No.14195362

It's because you only played until level 10 (moron), which absolutely does NOT show the intrinsics of combat in Tera. Given that you only get most of your relevant skills at level 30-40, anything below that is a joke.

>> No.14195372
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>ugu it died because I stopped playing and it's not a cool fad anymore

Kids on internet...

>> No.14195373

Lyn have too big ears and stand like animals on their feet, so they have issues too. Too few games just have a small race that is just small without any other bullshit. They should forgo that kind of thing and just let humans be flat. When will feminists complain about over sized busts in MMOS until they make flat girls standard options?

Is there a way to sign up, download, and play the game without needing steam, facebook, and google? If not, then no.

It kinda looks not spectacular anyway. Something about it bothers me. I wish the focus on raids in MMOs would die out too. Raids are dumb. I'd even take PVP focus over that. I just want to play Peria Chronicles and catch pokemon and be cute, but I know Nexon is busy keeping it chained down somewhere so MapleShitty 2 can get going.

>> No.14195384

The game's initial beta distribution is Steam. You don't need facebook, I'm not sure what the problem with having a google account is (no, I'm not interested in hearing your tirade about privacy, thank you). I'm not sure what you mean by raids, as there are only a few instanced dungeons with limited entry per week. The focus seems to be levelling and eventually a party struggle over field bosses, at least according to dev interviews.

>> No.14195392

I thought ToS was the game I was waiting for, then I played the last closed beta and it changed my mind completely.

It is nothing at all like a spiritual successor to RO. The visuals are somewhat similar, but the environments are lame in comparison, the OST sucks, and worst of all its just a cookie cutter modern MMO with a weak "action combat" system.

>> No.14195397

>I'm not sure what the problem with having a google account is

I don't want to make another one, and I don't want google trying to log me in on my main one. Why can't I just sign up with them like a normal distributor? I hate how google wants to you connect everything together already. I don't need it doing it with MMOs.

Raids are in general and is not a comment about ToS.
>eventually a party struggle over field bosses
This is still a raid though.

>> No.14195422

Since that field boss thing isn't really in the game yet we'll see how well they make it.
The developers wanted to be independent in the game's development and not have to worry about being pushed around like Peria Chronicle or something, so they went with existing distribution and account systems/APIs. It's essentially the cost of the developer's freedom and focusing on actually developing the game. The only thing the ToS site gets from your google account is your email to verify you, I don't think you should worry about stuff being shared to your google whatever.

The problem with the last beta is the experience rate was too low to let you get a feeling for what the game really is later on in the game. It's harder to judge it at level 50-60 just like it's hard to judge Tera, for example's sake, at level 30.

>> No.14195466

Why do you have to be near max level to get a feel for the game? You don't have to be level 99 to get a feel for RO.

Also what are they going to do for money? If it's not a pay to play system, it's going to come down to paying for fashion or paying to be OP. Which is it? (this is important because I play games for fashion and if they're going to gimp that by making you pay to cute, then the game is in the garbage already.)

>> No.14195481

It's running, but it's a shell of what it was, and Bluehole forgot what made it good in the first place, and started tearing all that down.

It's a skeleton.

>> No.14195483

They're oily as HELL and also a disgustingly obvious "we want the elin audience" response from NCSoft who are still angry Bluehole released Tera without them.

Also, B&S combat is shit.

>> No.14195486

>B&S combat is shit
How so? I enjoyed it when I tried out the Chinese version and I didn't even get past level 20. The only reason I quit was because the latency was really unbearable. I can't wait for the NA version.

And this is coming from someone who loved TERA combat as well.

>> No.14195488

I loved TERA combat and tried B&S as well, for quite a bit. I hated all of it.

>> No.14195496

I meant it more in the way that the game gives you many more options at job ranks 5 and 6, and you could get to 3 or maybe barely scrape 4 with hardcore grinding for the time we were given. Plus, max level in this game is something ridiculous like 500.
Money seems to be stuff like instant-revive stones and stat resets, with some fancy dresses being cash bought and most customization being locked behind relatively fun achievements. The devs didn't mention they would want those items to be buyable in the player auction house, as well as the actual in-game auction house. I think it should work.
None of that matters if you don't like the gameplay though. Give it a shot I guess.

Could you elaborate? I'm kinda like the other guy, I quit because of the latency.

>> No.14195560

Blade & Soul certainly has it's share of issues, but I too found the combat really nice. The latency to any of the eastern versions is just unbearable, though.

>> No.14195615
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The mmo I play makes me want to kill myself...

>> No.14195639

I have yet to meet an Elin player that didn't dress his character like a harlot.

>> No.14195652

The only proper outfit for an Elin is Devilicious considering the sluts they are.

>> No.14195697
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>> No.14195711

Are there non slutty Elin outfits? I don't play it so I don't know.

>> No.14195735
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It's older than WoW...

>> No.14195749

What, Everquest? RO? RunEscape?

>> No.14195754

Well of Souls?

>> No.14195776

Ragnarok Online.

>> No.14196075
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>> No.14196121

"Elin" means penis in Finnish.

>> No.14196147

>finish the cycle
Are you suggesting that I should kill myself!?
Actually I'll consider

>> No.14196156

While not an MMO, are any /jp/sies playing Splatoon?

>> No.14196173

Wii has no games.

>> No.14196236


>> No.14196253

I have a Wii U but I don't have and can't afford a TV.

>> No.14196429


If you live anywhere near Guilford, CT I have a spare TV you can have. It's a Vizio LCD with garbage speakers, but it's something.

>> No.14202746

There will never be another good MMORPG, will there? The old ones will just continue to decay for another decade.

>> No.14202772


Bullshit. TVs are stupidly cheap these days.

>> No.14203000

Honestly, I couldn't afford a TV either. and I mean don't have enough money combined to buy one without trying to sell stuff I already have.

>> No.14203008
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Not him, but I'm touched that you would offer a /jp/sie something like that.

You couldn't hook it up to your computer monitor? The WiiU just uses an HDMI cable and a power cable.
I play on a second monitor I have.

>> No.14207318

Mabinogi is going to get a VN making/trading system soon, as well as the ability to raise young women into strong warriors, and even take them out on dates and stuff. I hope /jp/ will play it again then.

>> No.14207502

You're a gigantic retard.

Development team for Bluehole illegally stole all the assets of Lineage 3 after it got cancelled, Lyns were already planned before B&S and TERA even existed, for L3.

I've gone way past that in the Russian version and I can assure you it gets so much better and much richer in content.

The lag though, they need to make it bearable in global version to justify a release like this, the game is very responsive by itself but I expect severe lag.

A system that plans to phase out other kinds of partners in favor of a free one, making everyone else's hard earned partner look like shit, also brings no new Skills and has been out for months in Korea(dead game).

Way to go I guess.

>> No.14207513

Elins are still better as Lyns, so it doesn't matter who existed first.

>> No.14207545

>derp face girls with no way to change their tail color are better

>> No.14207644


This is the only point to the existence of Elins. (kemonomimi ero)

Are Lynns even lewd?

>> No.14207695

Yeah, they have some incredibly cute emotes.


>> No.14207726

What the fuck, they even stole the pay2cute outfits. What a piece of shit game.

Also, those Elin-loook-alikes are UGLY! I wouldn't be caught dead playing a race like that.

>> No.14207772

what the fuck is that planetoid stuck on her ass?

>> No.14207815
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I've read the lawsuit. It was stupid.

>> No.14209193

Ultima Online?

>> No.14209426

Why is it that that game is still running but modern games basically disappear in a couple years? What happened to that Warhammer game? To the LotR game? To Star Wars TOR? To APB? What happened to Darkfall, AKA the game that was gonna save MMORPGs? What do new MMORPGs fail to do?

For actual Eastern ones, most of them are made knowing they'll die soon and are just quick crash grabs, but a lot of them seem to have faded out too. Besides PSO and FF14, does Japan even have any popular newish MMORPGs? And I mean Japan made ones, not Korean/USAn ones with JP servers.

Is the MMO market just too saturated or have people given up trying to make decent ones?

>> No.14209758

they all tried to be wow

>> No.14209806

Didn't killing yourself break the cycle?

>> No.14210702

That's not really true though

>> No.14210755

Waiting for the second Tree of Savior beta and rotting away

>> No.14210876

99% of the disposable mmos were wowclones

>> No.14210914

Like the other guy said, they tried to be the "WoW Killer". What they do not understand is that WoW is already killing itself. As of this moment, it has devolved into a Facebook-esque thing. The problem is, that new games must compete with WoW in terms of content. But this means that they are struggling against a decade of development and a limited budget, versus Blizzard's vast resources.

When new developers learn to not try to defeat WoW, things will improve. One of the games that is actually succeeding, slowly, is FFXIV. So long as it manages to keep dishing out content, it will endure.

>> No.14210999

What were ABP and TOR and Darkfall doing to try to beat WoW?

>As of this moment, it has devolved into a Facebook-esque thing.
What's everyone's problem with MMOs being social?(assuming that's what you mean) Being social is like one of the reasons to even stick with an MMO, unless you really love grinding in those long term grinding old school KMMOs. 4chan seems to want MMOs to be PK simulators, but then Darkfall failed and basically no one sticks with Eve online.

>> No.14211020
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but I did finish the cycle

>> No.14211068

It's him!

>> No.14211082
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I mean garbage like garrisons. I simply realized how dull it was now. People complain about how other games are too "casual", but no decent raider goes out without mods to help him or herself through it.

And after a lot of top players got banned for using interrupt and dps addons, I realized that the difficulty is artificial. Raids are closer to a choreography than a game where you have to react using your own judgement and knowing how to play the game.

>> No.14211127

>Where you have to react using your own judgement and knowing how to play the game.
What MMORPGs are even like that?

>> No.14211600

I suspect you forgot your trip.

>> No.14211729

I guess you missed the meme

>> No.14211739


So Dark souls?

>> No.14211758

No, I really didn't

>> No.14211900

Skip to 5:30 if you're so inclined.

>> No.14211949

So it's just generic combat but you also circle around the enemy? I thought there would at least be knockback like in Mabinogi or RO. How can they still make games where your attacks don't knock the enemy back/down in this day and age? Looks like all your doing there is dodging telegraphed attacks at best.

Speaking of Tera and RO though, is Tera a solo game? The best thing about RO is it plays much better with at least a couple of party members. Something MMOs forgot about entirely.

For those playing ToS, are parties useful? Is the combat at least as involved as RO with knockbacks and ground targeted skills and hitting large groups of enemies at once and a need to buff and heal others?
Most important question about ToS: do skills have cooldowns? I mean stupid long cooldowns. I can't play it at all if you have to wait to use special attacks all the time and aren't a mage slowly casting. Also do you craft lots of stuff to use in attacks? (like the gems certain RO spells need/arrows/being an alchemist in general)

>> No.14211981 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14212015
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MMOs will never get combat done right at this rate because they still haven't gotten rid of the ancient mechanics such as the global health bar, among other archaic video game features from the 1980s. There have been some creative uses to simulate more realistic combat with a global hp bar (monster hunter's hitboxes and weapon types, including how the system of critical hits and glancing blows are handled) but MMOs aren't even close to adopting that kind of system yet for their games, by and large every enemy is a bag of hp with a few gimmicks to take less or more damage at certain time periods. It also never made sense to me that someone at 1 HP fights exactly the same as if they have 100% HP. "HP" just simply needs to go.

All MMO combat will be exactly the same boring shit until somebody innovates in that department. Not likely until the next 20-30 years maybe. But MMOs aren't only about combat.

The other issue with MMOs these days are there's way too many fairness and convenience rules to guarantee everyone "has a good time". These always restrict players from creating their own "content" or getting immersed in the game. By content I don't mean players make their own dungeons or some stupid shit like that, I mean players get to make real decisions about what to do in game that affect them on a deeper level and thus gives them a greater rewarding feeling upon achieving it, or a greater feeling of despair upon failure. Currently the only way players can get those feelings is by obtaining a really rare item and upgrading it to a ridiculous level (RNG), which is pretty cheap to be honest, an online casino simulator isn't exactly what I had in mind for mmorpg fun.

>> No.14212050

>It also never made sense to me that someone at 1 HP fights exactly the same as if they have 100% HP. "HP" just simply needs to go.
No. Do you even understand the concept of games? There is no game if the match is decided in the first blow because you or the enemy are too crippled to continue.

Mabinogi actually has a few boss type enemies that have multiple hitboxes, but Mabinogi is a unique game in itself. Something MMORPGs just ignored altogether.

MMO combat needs to be engaging if it's anything. A lot of games have fighting take too long for various reasons. (e.g. Too much HP, too much dancing around, too many cooldowns) Whatever the system, battles should be interesting and not a chore. There's still a balance between aggression, defense, footwork and such that games haven't really gotten right yet. Thinking about it in terms of one player is bad though. Group play needs to be stressed more.

>The other issue with MMOs these days are there's way too many fairness and convenience rules to guarantee everyone "has a good time".
This makes sense. It's the reason I can't fully stand MMORPGs besides RO: It's the only one I played that's old enough that it has stuff like you can hit other people's monsters and pick up the stuff that drops, and the monsters don't run back to their little monster spawn area.

The rest of what you said after doesn't really make sense.

>> No.14212103

Should I call an ambulance for your eyes, Elin-chan?

>> No.14212148

I THINK it's better that it's been in the last 4 years or so, at least in Japan side, where nothing was happening before, after PSO2 beta launched and everything else started dying, specially TERA and the WoW clones.

LoVA pretty much is one of the best games to ever come out in Japan recently.

>> No.14212215
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>There is no game if the match is decided in the first blow because you or the enemy are too crippled to continue.

Do you mean everyone has HP bars in contact sports like ufc, football or boxing? You're a bit closed minded for this discussion like 99% of all devs (and pretty much the entire population) which is why I'd give all you guys about 3 or 4 decades to realize there are alternatives to an hp bar. Maybe more, 5-8 decades tops for one of you to realize.

>The rest of what you said after doesn't really make sense.

If you can't make the connection it's not worth explaining. You've got the mindset of a type of person that is looking for something new but still bound by the laws of classic mmo gameplay. Pick a theme park and distract yourself for a while. Be happy these games still interest you.

I'll be here experiencing endless suffering because the kind of game that would satisfy me exists about a hundred years in the future.

>> No.14212240

sounds like you are simply tired of the genre. move on to something else, maybe indie game development to apply your cool concepts. don't waste your time on something shitty like MMOs

>> No.14212260

>ufc, football or boxing
You going to be boxing monsters? In a sword fight the first man to strike wins.

>> No.14212265

>tired of the genre

Absolutely not, I love this genre because it's really the only genre where you could be a part of a different world and you're not the only one, everyone can be in it too. What I don't love is greedy copycat devs and ceos who are in the business for a quick buck. All the risk and innovation is gone in favor of profit and the truth is that's going to be the trend for a while, as long as gamers keep eating up their games.

>You going to be boxing monsters? In a sword fight the first man to strike wins.

Way to miss the point. Oh and, no that's absolutely not true 80% of the time.

>> No.14212273

>armchair whining about greedtards and the lack of innovation on a chinese image board, expecting the world to change on their own to cater to your whims

thanks to your efforts the same devs and ceos you talked about are laughing to the bank

>> No.14212291

>laughing to the bank
>expecting the world to change on their own to cater to your whims

With other peoples money, not mine. Like I said before, the game scene won't change for at least 50 or so years, maybe more. Do you just like repeating stuff I say while pulling shit out of your ass?

>> No.14212307

>I wanna play SAO irl

Go take up LARP.

>> No.14212311
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I'll fight you

>> No.14212316
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>I wanna play SAO irl
And what's wrong with that? Not SAO exactly because their game mechanics suck and feel very jrpg from 2004 for something that should be a game in, what was it, 2030?

>Live action role playing
>as a substitute for advanced mmo gameplay

Thanks for posting.

>> No.14212330

Explain how LARP is any different from the kind of MMO you want to play, except you'll be wearing an Oculus Rift helmet and swinging around a wii controller instead of a metal helmet and foam bat.

>> No.14212333

Magic doesn't exist in LARP (except saying lightning bolt when other types of magic such as levitation or telekenesis exists), big monsters don't exist in LARP, can't enact certain game mechanics because we live on earth such as lower gravity, falling from extremely high distances, jumping really high distances, etc.

Please think before you post, but thanks for trying.

>> No.14212335

I will finish alright.

>> No.14213127
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>> No.14213486 [DELETED] 


>> No.14216772

When will they ever make an MMO about cyberpunk or ninjas? They like to add guns and robots and ninjas to games in the middle of their life, so why not right from the start?

Imagine an open PVP world about assassin and ninja clans taking on missions and fighting each other when they meet. Basically all PVPers want is to jump out of nowhere and gank people, so I don't really understand why this game doesn't exist yet.

>> No.14223729

worst meme

>> No.14223729,1 [INTERNAL] 

I miss this series
