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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 600x328, stand-by-me-doraemon-movie-still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14175102 No.14175102 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever gets a bit depressed from nostalgia?

I had my huge Japan-phase from 2000 to 2008 in which I discovered and consumed all kinds of Japanese music, trash, movies etc. When I look at stuff from back then, I suddenly realise how much time has passed and how old everyone got (including me).

Can we share memories/feels? Also post vids to go along if you want.

>> No.14175105

Starting with a song I used to listen to a lot with headphones on while drawing anime characters in my shitty room.

It's Kotoko - Re-sublimity. At that time I had never heard such a thing.

>> No.14175122

The first truly Japanese thing I remember running into was Ai Otsuka's Sakuranbo. It had an extremely high energy that I fell in love with immediately despite not understanding a word of it. I don't remember when or where. It was at the time in my life when I thought Megatokyo was hot shit and spent time dicking around random graphics forums trying to show off my l33t graphics skills and anime girl photoshops.

Five years after that (which is five years ago now) I came to 4chan and my life ended. Checked back on those little forums and seems like they all died a few years back.

>> No.14175135
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with this one. I remember being really attracted to Tomiko Van back then, because I loved her voice. Seeing her aged and having kids made me feel really old.


>> No.14175151
File: 107 KB, 600x600, love_jam-cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah me too. I remember being so hot for her, I actually jerked off to the cover of 'love jam'. They obviously aimed at the bukkake comparison with that cover. My friends smirked at me for listening to this quirky China music.

I think this is her latest tour before she got pregnant. You can see the 'Asian granny cheeks' forming on her face and she lost a bit of hair too. Why is it so depressing to see popstars age?


>> No.14175158

KOTOKO is wonderful. I wonder how many people she converted.

>Why is it so depressing to see popstars age?
The passage of time is always depressing.

But even as I grow older, fictional characters and high school girls will both continue to stay the same age, so I'm safe! Safe...

>> No.14175168

I didn't watch basically anything from around 1998 to 2004 that wasn't on TV, plus a few DVDs I bought, so I don't really nostalgia over anything people on the internet nostalgia about. Just about everything old 4chan and so on talked about was from that period.

I miss the old 80s and 90s style of anime and Japanese video games though.

>> No.14175181
File: 14 KB, 338x194, please fuck me shinji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I came to 4chan and my life ended. Checked back on those little forums and seems like they all died a few years back.
I was a regular on neo-tokyo forum to leech pics of anime girls. It seems the website doesn't even exist anymore. I was so obsessed and fapped to normal artwork of EVA and co. When I discovered doujins for the first time, the real insanity began.

>> No.14175187
File: 80 KB, 494x648, d551b1bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you remember this, you're childhood was literally awesome

>> No.14175222
File: 63 KB, 271x267, you are here forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KOTOKO is wonderful. I wonder how many people she converted.
She definitely converted me. Turned from casual anime watching normie kid to full blown weeb in a matter of a few songs.

>didn't watch basically anything from around 1998 to 2004 that wasn't on TV
Me neither, but you do realise 2004 is over a decade ago? Most of my old school mates are married with children now and I'm still sitting in my cave in my parents' house, watching anime and sneaking through university.

>> No.14175226
File: 722 KB, 1258x676, screen-shot-2013-05-27-at-14-32-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem small perky tits

>> No.14175228

>you're childhood was

*your childhood was

>> No.14175230

Um, quit acting like your my english teacher, dude! :/

>> No.14175234

>your my english teacher

*You're my English teacher

>> No.14175238

Now see, that right their is why nobody likes you. I literally could care less. Fuck off!!

>> No.14175241

>that right their

*that right there

>> No.14175242
File: 260 KB, 640x960, Neon-Genesis-Evangelion.Asuka-Langley-Soryu.Rei-Ayanami.Shinji-Ikari.640x960-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I saw Evangelion for the first time, I felt like a member of a club of enlightened gentlemen. In reality I was just a greasy haired loser who spent his parents' hard earned money on Chinese pirated anime DVDs.

>> No.14175243 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175244 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175247 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175249 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175253 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175256

I don't remember which was my first subbed anime I watched, it was either the Tales of Eternia anime or the Air Gear one. And at the time, I thought "yeah I'm not gonna watch AND read something I don't really understand" ((I didn't speak english as much as I do now)
I wasn't fond of japanese music very much, a lot of fangirls gave me some music to listen to, but I didn't find it particulary interesting. Not bad, but not good either.
Japanese movies eh... I like japanese horror but that's much more recently. Like a couple of years ago.

But I didn't had much exposure to jap media until I got the internet at home when I was in high school, in 2004. I guess it's not that old compared to some people here.

>> No.14175258 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175262 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175265 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175271 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175273

Stop spamming
Either put your links in one post or don't post at all

>> No.14175276 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175278 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175282 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175284 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175285
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, 415-boa13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /BoA/ here?

Technically not 100% Japanese, but OMG was I crazy for her. Literally the biggest obsession I ever had in my life. Now she looks like a tired hag selling noodles on the night market and her career is in the gutter.

>> No.14175286

Jesus christ, fuck off OP.

>> No.14175289 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175290

This. Either post them together or at least share a story with each vid.

>> No.14175295

Spamfag is not me. :(

>> No.14175296 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175301 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175302
File: 80 KB, 267x412, 231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-my bad, dude

>> No.14175307 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175311 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175315 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175316 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175321 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175329 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175335 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175339 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175342
File: 321 KB, 1280x960, AgentAika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In my country there was little anime other than kids shit. But one broadcaster in the late 90s showed subbed/dubbed anime every Monday after midnight. I stayed up and watched Aika, Blue Submarine No.6 and sometimes they even showed hentai. :^)

>> No.14175343 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175347 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175349 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175354 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175357 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175360 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175364 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175366 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175367 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175370 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175371

You're sad dude.

>> No.14175373 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175375 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175376

Just file a feedback for spam. Reporting individual posts is hard because there's too many of them for any one post to get stacked up and there's no context.

>> No.14175381 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175383 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175384
File: 79 KB, 640x369, index1-Golden_Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they first showed Golden Boy, I was really naive. Neglected school, smoked weed and thought I could just head out into the world like Kintaro. This mind set is probably responsible for the predicament I'm in now.


The story aspect was always belittled, but I actually thought it had some nice values in terms of romantic comedy. Still wish sometimes I could travel and switch work places here and there, meet cute girls...

>> No.14175385 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175388 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175391

Not worth the effort I guess. But thanks.

Hope you're happy spamfag. This could have been nice.

>> No.14175392 [DELETED] 


>> No.14175393

>Not worth the effort I guess.
If you neither report nor ignore then you will never have anything nice.

That's basically the story of /jp/, so see you never.

>> No.14175395 [DELETED] 


>> No.14176067
File: 54 KB, 551x553, 1151660426629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you do realise 2004 is over a decade ago
Yeah but basically everyone is nostalgic about that time period I mentioned. I should go actually watch some of the shows(besides Azumanga Daioh, when I saw before in Japanese with subs and only recently heard the english version). Even though a lot of stuff has probably passed on and out of mind, I still sort of want to see what the big deal about all those shows like Mahoromatic, Digicharat, and Love Hina, and Chobits was though.

I'm kinda glad 2004 is so long ago though. I can call Nanoha an old school classic. Also I'm glad we're finally mostly past the shitty later 2000/early 2010s.

>> No.14176073

Every time I look back at anime I watched long ago, I am repulsed by how badly drawn it is, how corny and cliche, and how stupid the plot. To summarize, I'd rather not look in the past for any reason.

>> No.14176074

Well duh, it is one of the earlier 4chan meme song.

>> No.14176114

>basically everyone is nostalgic about that time period
Back in the good old days, people were nostalgic about better times.

>> No.14176547

very first.


>> No.14176928

>I still sort of want to see what the big deal about all those shows
I think (as with most nostalgic notions) that this particular era of anime inhabits a kind of unique quality which people miss in current media. The early 2000s were a breaking point in the industry, both in terms of art style through establishment of fully digital produced anime and in terms of economics with the emergence of wide spread internet. A lot of smaller studios rose to fame quickly during that time, because a lot of small fishes with great ideas suddenly had the chance to manufacture their product in a relatively cheap way and also market it to a worldwide audience. I'm not saying that the shows from this era hold more value than any other, but at the particular moment in time, people took them as a new messiah generation. From the shows you've mentioned I only watched Love Hina (mainly because I fapped to the girls) and Chobits, which IMHO was a really simple but nicely portrayed story. Would I rate them amongst my personal GOAT shows? No. But compared to the sheer mass of mindlessly produced, dull and repetitive no name productions you get today, I'd gladly take them.

>Also I'm glad we're finally mostly past the shitty later 2000/early 2010s.
Not sure what exactly you're referring to (feel free to elaborate) but I assume you mean the 'transfer era' from cell animation to (actually decent) digital. It's clear to see that all the early pioneer digital productions looked like shit compared to cells. Colors seemed lifeless, outlining contours had all the same boldness without any feeling of an actual pen being set in motion. It took them a long time to perfect digital and some may argue it still needs work.

>Every time I look back at anime I watched long ago, I am repulsed by how badly drawn it is, how corny and cliche, and how stupid the plot.
corny and cliche, depending on the show/movie. same for plot. but badly drawn? I'd say it's pretty even.

>> No.14176955
File: 39 KB, 225x350, brown ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Kaolla Su start the whole brown fetish on 4chan?

>> No.14177333

why do I even like that show. I really like it a lot but I don't know why. I even went to see the movie (and I don't go outside often)

"Pierce the heavens!"

>> No.14177558

I really miss niconico's prime, back when akuryou taisan, ryuuseigun, tomitake-flash/ウッディ, futahenokiwamiaaa, etc... were all the rage. Yes, it's stupid looking back, but everything was fresh and felt amazing to me back then.

I also miss when mainstream media didn't really touch the internet. I was pretty taken aback when I first saw キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! show up on Japanese television out of the blue as a subtitle on some stupid variety show.

装甲悪鬼村正、素晴らしき日々、Dies Irae, MuvLuv, etc... aren't as old (except MLA), but they're over half a decade old now which is making me feel old in turn.

I think the biggest thing that gets to me is the disconnect between myself and the younger people when it comes to what's fun. I'd hate to admit it, but I'm no longer a part of the "majority" of the internet. Closer to one of those old grouchy people that would bark at me back in the day of my personal internet golden age.

>> No.14177575
File: 677 KB, 500x400, ffuuuuu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remembering the stupid hiatus from the Earthquake incident that lead a long ass drag for the last two episodes?

I really hated that, I was about to visit Gensokyo early learning how it was close to cancellation.

>> No.14177645

I got really big into Visual Novels for a time a few years ago, the more nakige the better.

It feels kinda lonely when youre the only person within probably a 50 mile radius who has played a VN, let alone 20 of them.

Atleast there's anime nerds you can talk to sometimes , even touhou has gotten relatively popular , but VN nerds are rare.

>> No.14177653

Don't feel too bad, I've only met a person in the US that played VNs and he didn't even know what Muramasa or Baldr Sky were all he did was rave about Key games.

>> No.14177716
File: 160 KB, 600x956, you're to anime to drive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel
My anime phase was from 1997-2010
First thing I remember was Akira and Lensmen, granted these where 80's shows and I got them on bootleg VHS but on about 08 is when moe shit started to get overwhelming I only occasionally watch anime now because most of it is generic pandering harem moe garbage.

>> No.14177741

I'm nostalgic for the 90's-00's Internet.

I would trade the speed and technology that we have now to change it back, without a doubt.

>> No.14177754
File: 35 KB, 589x607, the internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes miss the screech of analog couplers,

>> No.14177760

Running in the 90s
Nightmare City flash
Kikko Man
No embedded flash videos only downloads
Mice with balls that clog up all the time
4chan being relatively obscure
2ch being unheard of in the west
burning anime on to CD/DVD to save HDD space

I remember it all like yesterday

>> No.14177786

Was he a short white guy?

>> No.14177791

He was half white/half japanese.

>> No.14177796

Give the old internet back

>> No.14177800

>Not sure what exactly you're referring to (feel free to elaborate) but I assume you mean the 'transfer era' from cell animation to (actually decent) digital.

No, I mean the moe dark age. They've started making anime about things other than "small group of girls who go to school" again. Look at all this moeshit, goddamn. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2007_anime_television_series

>but badly drawn
He probably means like 70s era anime and long running 70s-80s shit. Some of that stuff was pretty low quality.

Speaking of drawing, they still have to draw anime. It being digital is no excuse for poop drawing and outline unless it's full 3D, although lately they've been getting better at making 3D have a 2D look in certain games, so maybe anime will follow.

>Closer to one of those old grouchy people that would bark at me back in the day of my personal internet golden age.
>"I'm 28, I feel so old guys"

I personally only like the music and the fights from it. The plot is dumb, & weak, and I don't like the way the characters look. I'm not who you quoted btw. -

>> No.14177804

Same, I keep everything saved though so I do enjoy going through and remembering older times

>> No.14177806

God, do I really sound that old? I'm 24.

>> No.14177808

Half of those were yesterday. Go on /f/ sometimes. they still post the same shit from years ago, over and over, forever.

>> No.14177896

>The speed

Trust me, you don't wanna go back to 56kbit, ever

>> No.14178080

>10mb MP3
>Let it dl overnight
quoting my past life.

>> No.14178104
File: 105 KB, 331x331, 1429416086320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my first video game pirates, I downloaded an .exe of Worms armageddon of 600MB and had to let it download for one whole week. The fucking thing ended up being corrupted and I had to wait another week before I could play the thing.

I'm glad we don't have to deal with this kind of shit anymore

>> No.14178124
File: 124 KB, 848x960, at first, but then.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I had a 33.6

>> No.14178126

4chan is for posters between the age of 13 and 22, it's time for you guys to retire.

>> No.14178134
File: 40 KB, 428x455, dude he has a racecar bed that is so rad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it past your bedtime?

>> No.14178135
File: 17 KB, 720x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Tsukuyomi_Moon_Phase_Ep02_(7AEDDF2B).mkv_snapshot_04.30_[2015.09.20_15.22.32].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Love Hina and Rave Master back in like 2003. Hanging out with a friend and loitering in book store manga sections and cutting the 18+ stuff out of its plastic with our edgy spiked wristbands. Downloading awful 75mb .rmvb anime and loving it. It's how I watched Di Gi Charat and Mooh Phase. I remember the day when I got a 256mb flash drive, I thought I was amazing. I would skip lunch at school so I could go to the library and download anime. We even had a sort of anime club at the time, but then it was disbanded when this kid stole everyone's Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

>> No.14178147
File: 14 KB, 125x225, mZwqbJQ5EgDJbE95Vh3zENA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hanging out at my friends house back in 1999, watching dubbed Tenchi on VHS after school.

>> No.14178266

Physical media pirating used to be a thing. Imagine those 14 part rars on mediafire or something, but with floppy disks.

I remember when the proper internet was mostly college ages and kids stuck to their chatrooms, cybering with each other or making shitty shrine webpages and stick figure flashes.

Tenchi series is like the only harem series that should be allowed to exist.

>> No.14178287

What about Ah, My Goddess?

>> No.14178296

I have literally never experienced anything about that series except through erodoujins. Tenchi is a better series about goddess girlfriends though, and doesn't have a troll ending like what happened a few years back or whatever that fuss was about.

>> No.14178301

At least watch the OVA.

>> No.14178312

Is that loli goddess in it? Does she do loli stuff?

>> No.14178327

Yes. Yes.

>> No.14178328
File: 237 KB, 300x100, dont_copy_that_floppy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Physical media pirating
the sneaker net

>> No.14178346

>shitty shrine webpages and stick figure flashes.

Yeah, I too used to make shitty stickdeath animations in flash back when explosm was called sticksuicide and let you upload, with green day and sum 41 songs too. I spent most of my middle school years doing that or playing pc games like counterstrike religiously

>> No.14178379

How is it that companies can literally promote "DON'T SHARE THINGS WITH YOUR FRIENDS" and not be thought of as absolute pure evil?

>> No.14178395
File: 66 KB, 482x600, capitalism, ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14178402

what the fuck is this piece of shit thread
fuck you

>> No.14178458
File: 36 KB, 500x389, childhood-nostalgia-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you be in bed, don't you have school tomorrow?

>> No.14178556

Toke up Vicki.

>> No.14178557

My Japan crush dates from mid 90's.

If I begin to think, it would be devastating.

>> No.14178655

What's up with old TV? All those magic girlfriends that drop out of the sky and loli robot maids that people spite anime for started with shit from old America.

>> No.14178668


>> No.14178805
File: 29 KB, 451x600, 451px-Gendo_Toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression from nostalgia isn't that different from the depression I feel at any other time. For other people they look at good parts of their life, but I've always escaped from reality into fantasy and it doesn't change. Although I guess that's not entirely true;I do miss the old internet communities of the late 90's/early 00's.
Overall, though, my life is one grey blur of meaningless nothing.

>> No.14178896

When it talks about a bunch of stuff that wasn't shown, it sounds like it's just a malfunctioning robot babbling.

>> No.14178922


No it doesn't. It sounds like someone describing memories of their past. Do you really need the androids past "shown"?

>> No.14178927
File: 61 KB, 412x600, 1313155388165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may not live long. What bug me is i still don't know who is the girl in this picture. She was my first crush. There are so many reposts these days, it's impossible to find the original source.

>> No.14178935
File: 7 KB, 250x187, 1440354290337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same here. 2008 is when I got really disillusioned with all this Japanese stuff. I had a more personal reason to "break up" with Japan. I wasted years on a Japanese studies course in uni which I regret now.

As for music, I remember Mr Children was the first Japanese band I got into, this album from 2002. I used to pirate Japanese music from IRC, lol good times. But then I got quickly into X-Japan and become a visual kei weirdo.


>> No.14178941

Everything spiraled downhill once Naruto/Bleach picked up speed in the late 2000's and exploded. It's sadly how many, many people really became introduced to anime/manga and Japanese culture since stuff like Dragonball and Sailor Moon were just those "weird and/or cool cartoons" they saw as kids and not what turned them on.

>> No.14178942

It's a movie about rebellious malfunctioning androids. I don't believe anything he says, especially as he's dying and his mind is fucking up.

>> No.14178949

I liked Dragonball, but it's not really different from Naruto/Bleach. Even while watching them, what made me like anime was all those weird movies and ovas from back then. Heads exploding, detailed guts coming out, naked boobs, technology, all kinda stuff. DB actually technically has all that but not in the same way. There's no invisible naked chick running around killing dudes.

She's probably an idol, so the idol threads will probably know.

>> No.14178968

No fuck off with your depression blog to /r9k/ or kill yourself.
/r9k/ culture is NOT otaku culture.

>> No.14178973


Ninja Scroll was such an eye opener


>> No.14178976

awful blog threads were a /jp/ cultural institution from its inception up until the staff finally annihilated the NEET threads for good

though all the people who posted in those old threads are dead or gone or both

>> No.14179031
File: 58 KB, 620x350, gits-feat-image-620x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no invisible naked chick running around killing dudes.
Oh man... when I first got the original GITS on VHS, I felt as if god himself touched me. Getting anime on VHS as a kid was nearly impossible. Not even most video rental stores had them. I remember there were small mail-order niche shops who sold them for horrendous prices.

>> No.14179044

I was one of the first people (perhaps THE first) who posted this exact pic on 4chan. It was around 2006/7-ish and I can assure you she is an idol. This picture is part of a series where she is doing stuff in the kitchen.

>> No.14179048
File: 66 KB, 488x506, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a 28.8 which theoretically does at least 3kB/sec but the speed I usually got was 0.9kB/sec

>> No.14179053

I remember the first time someone put stuff on the internet behind a paywall and I was like "Is this guy an idiot. That will never work."

Why couldn't I have been wrong?

>> No.14179074
File: 708 KB, 2048x1536, 1209823178048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else been around since 2003? I don't know any other kind of life anymore than coming to this site.

>> No.14179085

I've been here since after the first time the site "died". I used to go to other stuff alongside 4chan, but everything became rotted and shit and I'm unable to bring myself to post on forums you have to reg for because of their shitty communities.

I'll probably have to go meet real nerds and gather in their basements like in caveman times after 4chan dies, or just pick some MMORPG and never log off. Maybe I'll surf the japweb. There's still all kinds of interesting treasures to be found there. It's too late for America, too many old services have shut down.

>> No.14179164
File: 199 KB, 1152x864, this nigga eating grass for real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me I guess. I lost track of time, but I was pretty much on 4chan since day one. I think the site's peak was in 2006 and it only got worse after that. All of 4chan had this Jap flavour to it, because it was mainly used by weebs and social outcasts who had a strong liking to anime. It served as a safe haven we were all seeking for throughout the 90s.

Now it's the cool place to hang out after school for edgy kids. Ironically the posts on /b/ back then tended to be edgier than nowadays, it's just that nobody gave a shit.


>> No.14179220
File: 112 KB, 632x474, nadia-imagen-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do brown girls get automatically sexualised?

When I was a kid, I used to love Secret of Blue Water. But I was really hesitant to watch it when my mom was around. Even at that age I sensed the adults' discontent for what was shown on screen. Now in 2015 you find shitloads of doujins and fetish cosplayers who all centralise on Nadia.


>tfw watching anime as a kid
>tfw you consciously notice nipples on an anime character for the first time
Fucking Gainax man.

>> No.14179265

First thing I remember from here was /b/ being the anime board and seeing a bunch of Azumanga pics in there. I think it was really early on.

>> No.14179352

Azumanga and Tsukihime. It's kind of weird that people got tired of Azumanga but still talk about Tsukihime all the fucking time.

>> No.14179355

literal shit taste

>> No.14179478

I watched that clip about 10x it's fucking great.

>> No.14179886

I remember the last two episodes came out on my birthday. It was fucking magical.

>> No.14180164

Tsukihime is part of a setting that has quite frequent new releases, attracting spergnerds from the eroge, anime, and gaming crowds, and even promises to be remade. I don't see how it's weird that people still care about it.

>> No.14180248

>Tsukihime is part of a setting that has quite frequent new releases
Like what? Melty and Carnival Phantasm? Please.

If you're lumping it in with Fate and KnK or something, that's just stretching.

>> No.14180306
File: 17 KB, 916x438, 1093450045793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I dont remember when exactly but my oldest pictures are dated late 2003. At least I remember when most people on the site were on a username basis with each other.

I used to go to lots of forums, but net 2.0 killed them all off. This site is getting worse and worse to the point where i'd be happy to see most of it deleted, but you can find some good niche corners still.


This is accurate, I have a metric truckload of guro from back then

>> No.14180313

What's with this thing recently where some sites will say "checking your browser before continuing?" Is it some particular service doing that or what and what for? It makes me feel like they're scanning my history to check for loli or something.

>> No.14180467

It's not stretching when Arcueid is actually in Fate/Extra. And even so, the reality of it is that new people are getting drawn to type moon because of stuff like the ubw anime and grand order, and some of them end up reading Tsukihime. I really don't know why that would be hard to grasp.

>> No.14180474

DDoS protection mainly, I think.

>> No.14180537

I find it hard to believe many of them would read Tsukihime, mostly because I never see people talking about how they just read it. It's just the same old stuff as always. Even if they get drawn into Type Moon, it doesn't mean they're going to read all the games, or do you really think Prism Illya is giving people a taste for Tsukihime?

>> No.14180596

Of course not everyone who likes new type moon stuff reads Tsukihime. But even if 0.01% of everyone who watched a fate/whatever anime read Tsukihime, that's pretty significant.

>> No.14180721

I used to remember when most of the weeb internet and much of the FOSS community were moderate leftists and it was the height of enlightenment to attack Bush for invading Iraq for its oil.

Even 4chan used to not really give a shit until feminism suddenly became a thing. Who cares, it's not like your shitposts are going to change much.

>> No.14180730
File: 189 KB, 1024x768, saintseiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that opening gave me chills each time as a kid. The singer is kinda cute too. Back when idols didn't have leek hair and plastic smiles.

Although I've never seen the show, IMHO this is the most epic opening I've ever seen.

Is Saint Seiya any good? It seems to have a large fan base and even got a new movie not too long ago.

>> No.14180763

>tfw I joined the internet in 2008 because my family was poor and we couldn't afford a computer

>> No.14180798
File: 90 KB, 750x600, lulzsec-lulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not like your shitposts are going to change much
that was never the point.

>> No.14180801
File: 48 KB, 300x225, prodigy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that makes me feel old. I've been online since 89.

>> No.14180815

Been on since about '98
These days I hate this net 3.0 garbage. I'm considering limiting myself to rendering five non-work related webpages per day, see if I would be any worse or better off. Guess I should start now.

>> No.14180837

A worrying number of /pol/kids actually believe that they're making a difference, though. This is in addition to drawing more mainstream media attention to us. Although it doesn't matter at this point, 4chn is already normalfied.

>> No.14180851

I think Chanology was the turning point, before that it was all prank calls and "not your personal army" now everybody has a cause they are fighting for.

>> No.14180882

Which is hilarious, because most of these causes are mostly opportunities for media parasites like Milo or Anita to leech money and pageviews from dumb teenagers.

>> No.14181089


I never listened too much to Kotoko or the others, but Face of Fact was a favorite of mine in StepMania pre-2010 (roughly when I stopped playing). And obviously all the big songs from shows like Onegai Teacher (which I've yet to watch completely tbh.)



I remember a birthday party at my friend's where he played the Jpopsuki stream. Can't remember whether BoA was played at that time, but that video sure reminds me of the feel of a lot of stuff that was shown. (Come to think of it I haven't seen that guy for two-three years, I'll have to check up with him whenever he's back in town.)


Golden Boy's awesome, though I watched that pretty late in my career (4 years ago I think.)


With most of those shows the main thing was that they were anime. Love Hina and Chobits, for instance, a dreadful bore. They are the predecessors of current harem-service-moe -shit.


My god, I played this video all the time in secondary school. Come to think of, I still haven't read through Heaven's Feel; they'd just translated UBW and then I sort of lost interest in translated work (I do own a limited edition copy of F/SN which I bought back then as well).


I listened to this song from time to time, but never watched the show. Have to check it out sometime.


X Japan was the first serious band for me. Before them I mostly listened to random anime and radio tunes. I remember crying while listening to Endless Rain and reading of hide's fate. And also the surprise and excitement when I notice that YouTube had introduced HD streaming and watched a Silent Jealousy live performance in HD for the first time.

>> No.14181154


I'm still sort of glad I dropped out of the Naruto bandwagon around the time Sasuke left the original gang for good (the last fight I remember reading was with that cool bone guy), and with Bleach I dropped pretty soon (like 5-or-so episodes of the anime, manga a bit further). I'll have to check those shows one day. Naruto is also the first thing outside of my own life during which I cried (when Haku died in the manga.)


The AMVs man, the AMVs... I used to watch them all the itme. Stuff like Blue (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5lcu6ekfi4)), Engel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OeHrNdK43E)) and Insomnia (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9zSMKep1o0)), among many others. They were my first touch with many different kinds of musics,


Outlaw Star was very dear to me back in 5th or 6th grade, but I remember being very embarrassed with Aisha's bust, and I couldn't even watch the damn pool episode due to boobs (our one computer was in the living room). Even after I got a comp of my own to my room I remember being very fidgety about watching 'serious' stuff like Ao no Rokugo with its syringes and mermaid boobs in the first episode.


I don't follow the discussion as much as I used to, but Azumanga is still the stable in slice-of-life comedy. If it's no longer mentioned at all t is most likely due to people believing that everyone has seen it than not knowing about it. Though I guess that's possible as well, better keep reminding comedy fans of AD and Exile Saga etc. just in case.

Tsukihime is also getting a re-release (the new designs were released what, a year ago?), so obviously people are still into it. Not even taking Nasuverse as a whole into account, which itself has already shown itself to be very popular among weebs.


I actually ended up buying the MAKE-UP memorial box, and we did play a Saint-Seiya game on PS2 with my brother a lot.

>> No.14181229
File: 85 KB, 1049x650, AngelLinksNoH6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Outlaw Star
Did you catch Angle Links?
It was a spin off set in the same universe

>> No.14181245


Never saw that one, thanks for the tip! Here's an AMV-blast from the past: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcCCb3MgpKw

>> No.14181295

>I never listened too much to Kotoko
Like some anons already suggested, she's highly infectious. Holy shit, I was such a huge, incurable weeb at that time. I just sat in my room all day, drawing on my Wacom tablet and listening to her and other I've sluts all day. No friends, never went outside. To be perfectly honest, now when I think about it... I was actually happier back then rather than in my current 'adult life'.

>birthday party at my friend's where he played the Jpopsuki stream.
Ah Jpopsuki. I was a regular there before for some reason they kicked out a lot of members and you couldn't use your old log-in anymore. Good place. But LEL your friend must be pretty bold to show his weeb-level like that in public. (if he's not Asian I guess)

>X Japan was the first serious band for me.
Their old stuff was pretty damn awesome. I actually think no band, Wester or Eastern, has ever managed to merge classic orchestra with rock this good + Yoshiki is an insane drummer and composer.

>> No.14181392


I could definitely see the appeal of Kotoko, but I just never got around to her stuff with all the random VK and metal shit I was listening to at the time. I'll eventually check an album or two of hers in the future.

My friend was definitely among the boldest guys from our group (first to get laid etc.), but it was a small town with few people so most guys were either pro-anime or neutral, nobody was really anti-anime. We were sort of outcasts, but not outcasts at the same time. It was a bit weird to be honest. I don't remember what happened at Jpopsuki, I just managed to be there at the right time to renew my account for the 2.0. I have an invite if you want one.

X Japan is hella awesome. I like their entire oeuvre even though I don't listen to it as much as I used to, and I'm going to see them in London next year. I was a bit too young when they first got back together, but man, one of those shows would have been awesome. And this guy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw5vN-hfwl0qf2cJhDmozew)) really inspired me with my bass playing through his vids. Damn, now I also remember watching Young Guitar vids on YouTube all the way till dawn...

>> No.14181426

>No friends, never went outside. To be perfectly honest, now when I think about it... I was actually happier back then rather than in my current 'adult life'.
This is what gets me the most. Those halcyon days when I first got that high speed internet connection in my house in 2005. Watching things like Evangelion and Lain for the first time, being forced to make the switch to headphones when my sister and I switched rooms; that was when I started to get really into music. Buck Tick, X-Japan, L'Arc~en~Ciel, I thought it would never end. It didn't end, I've just been super depressed for the past couple years. Even anime, reading and games are hard to do and those are things I enjoy. I do hold out for a day when I can finally get myself together, because I've got loads of catching up to do.

>> No.14181445

And speaking of X I just remembered this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmarB5nH4_U
which was my absolute favorite around 08-09.


Man, B-T and Laruku are other big favorites of mine. Particularly Laruku hit me hard once I got a decent 2.1 system. Sorry to hear about your depression, I have no advice in that regard. Take a nice Laruku gig from the 90s instead (my favorite song of theirs btw): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dVxGbqIg3k

It saddens me that I was supposed to see them in London back in 2012 but I ended up not going due to superficial financial reasons (I could have just gotten a small loan).

>> No.14181552

Thanks for your kind regards, anon. This thread introduced me to I've Sound, so that's lifted my spirits a bit.

>> No.14181954

If you like that, you may also try a few of Ayumi Hamasaki's remixed songs. It's also has a trance flavour with a similar vibe, just not as cute voice.



>> No.14181977
File: 22 KB, 500x332, 166316_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crazy L'arc is still around and surprisingly bigger than ever. I sometimes feel they only want to do their solar stuff and just do a world tour every few years to make money and soothe the fans.

Also WTF Hyde is either a genetic freak or he has seen the surgery room more often than the toilet. Not a single wrinkle or anything.


>> No.14182038

He'll be the next Joan Rivers.

>> No.14182090 [DELETED] 

tokyo hotel?

>> No.14182138

This was nice as well. Thanks again.

>> No.14182454

Second song is reminding me of Thousand Arms(the original was used for the game OP).

I can't believe I played that entire game with its shitty battle system and huge eyes that bordered on being creepy and my still inability to watch the girls kiss the screen, but fuck the story and characters were entertaining.

>> No.14183465

>These days I hate this net 3.0 garbage
I agree even if I haven't lived in first person the old web.
I've been playing for years an old 2004 online game called O2Jam, now closed, and I browsed all the old forums and sites to 'study' the history of that game. I could see how much better everything was back then, making me sad of nowadays.

>> No.14183566

I wonder if this thread would like this song I made many years ago...

>> No.14183820

can't access without account :(

>> No.14184082

Who doesn't have a nicovideo account?

>> No.14184095

I still cry at night when I realize TOTSE is dead.

>> No.14184255

>Find Kumikyoku on youtube
>Holy shit this is awesome
>Spread it to a select group of internet circles
>Enjoy this secret club feeling for a month or two before it gets really popular in English web
>Parodies like the Yaranaika version start popping up

Same thing sorta happened with seven colors of nico nico douga, but it got popular on youtube much faster. God I miss those days.

Were there ever anymore medleys like that? I basically fell out of niconico culture after 2010.

>> No.14184287

God I remember sticking that on an old Zen Stone mp3 player when I first heard it.
Listened to it over and over on a coach trip to Bristol.
Those were the days. I wish I was still neet.

>> No.14184321

Huh, Isaji's original has been copyrighted from nico. By Studio Ghibli no less.


>> No.14184362

This, this so much.
The days when someone would make a website instead of use facebook.
The days when FTP was known by all to be better than sadpanda.
The days when people used email and IRC instead of Skype.

Plebeians kill technology.

>> No.14184377

>The days when FTP was known by all to be better than sadpanda.
Maybe if you set up a large network of FTPs around the world that continually synchronized stuff between them to make sure new uploads circulated quickly and data wouldn't be lost if a server imploded, then it might be the technically superior option.

But that's not what it actually looked like. Everybody had their own server, mirroring was manual (or nonexistent), and when servers went down all the files died.

>> No.14184415

That feel when Tamura Yukari and Horie Yui are almost 40.

>> No.14184457

I only started using 4chan in late 2010 but since I delved so much into archives and history, I feel nostalgia even for things before my time.
I wish more people had respect for the fact that everything has a history and a culture.
Even things like system administration and operating system studies have a culture, often but not always stemming from Bell Labs.
>y u surpris box ur text
>whu u quot

>> No.14184469

I'm right there with you

I've done pretty much the same thing, however, I started in 2012

I really wish I could have been there

>> No.14184478

I remember before Touhou got popular, I found it out because I was scouring the web for more STG to play. Couldn't find anyone to talk to about it. Even 4chan was still newish at that time(This was before IN came out.) I think only that project shrine maiden forum was around although that might have been later.

Back in that day, I was only able to find demos of EoSD and PCB and I played them over and over until I could do them on lunatic. EoSD had some weird thing going on where I couldn't see the middle of the screen, except my character, so I got real good at that game.

When it finally started picking up in western popularity, I was happy to be able to have such privileges as being able to obtain and talk about the games. This eventually started going wrong as all kinds of cancerous stuff started popping up, from iosys to "touhou hijack".
I also got a new PC eventually, and realized my old one had been running the games at half speed.

Nowadays, I want to just report half the Touhou threads I see and sort of hope Heero Yuy makes a NSFW /jp2/ - 2hu/Random board for them to go and shitpost about fat feet giant mommies all day.

I miss the wonder at the pretty patterns and hearing the nice music for the first times. I also miss the English loading screens. They felt so quaint and nice. The newer games are too hectic. Also ZUN hasn't learned how to make a non-boring stage in all this time, so I keep hoping he'll make more StB and Phantasmagoria type games.

>> No.14184486

Mirroring should always be manual.
If your server admin is a good person, he can choose the large percentage of what he wants to mirror, and leave some space on his server for his own personal hobbies he wants people to see.
It's kinda like RAID or Freenet, but with the generosity of individual humans working together as a community against capitalism.
Servers do go down, that's why you need to convince every person to buy a server, no matter how small or slow.
The number of people hosting servers as a percentage of people using the servers needs to be high.

>> No.14184507

>The number of people hosting servers as a percentage of people using the servers needs to be high.
You can say that, but it doesn't make it true, and it isn't going to be true. In the world we live in today we can't even stop old torrents from dying for lack of a single person in the world who wanted to seed it. And the amount of setup work necessary to keep that going is basically zero.

>> No.14184509

I first came here around the end of 2008, I feel nostalgia for the way things were at certain points over the years in content.

But overall I feel nostalgia for the websites were, everything worked so much better. Even as far back as 2010 websites weren't as overly flashy, garbage loaded, slow moving trash. It seems almost everything has went downhill design wise. Little has been made more efficient, they just made it worse and gave it a more modern appearance.The internet today absolutely sucks with the only good thing being how much more content is available if you know where to look.

I miss those days too, facebook may be a simple way of hosting a business page with pictures and info but it looks so sterile and boring. No personality to anything anymore.

>> No.14184510

>realized my old one had been running the games at half speed.

Jeez, that must have been a huge bummer

>> No.14184529

Some people still host their own websites, you know. It used to be a thing.
And even if you couldn't host your own website, sometimes an online friend with extra bandwidth and space would donate a subsection of his website to you.
Nonworking example:
It only needs to become popular again. But it won't become popular until Facebook, Google, etc get DDOSed or bombed.

>> No.14184537

>Some people still host their own websites, you know.
I have a website. It has its own wiki and imageboard. Nobody visits except me.

>But it won't become popular until Facebook, Google, etc get DDOSed or bombed.
Might as well wish for a communist revolution or the second coming of Christ.

>> No.14184544

I was already concerned about Haruko Momoi, Tanaka Rie, and Mizuki Nana's ages, but damn. Everyone I like is ollllld. Even I am old. (but still younger than every one I like.)

Hayashibara Megumi is a granny. A GRANNY.

>> No.14184551

>Nobody visits
Link it, I'll visit.
>wish for a communist revolution
I do, as I believe anarchism and communism are one and the same.

>> No.14184554

In the sense that I got wrecked hard until I got better, yeah. But like I said, I played the games over and over until I could do lunatic mode because I liked them so much, so double speed normal wasn't THAT bad, but I noticed something was a bit different when I started playing again.

>> No.14184559

>Link it, I'll visit.
I have linked it in /jp/ before, but only when it was relevant to the discussion (which has happened before, but very rarely). I'm not interested in pity visits.

You'd better wish hard.

>> No.14184565

>thinking I'd visit from pity instead of curiosity
You should have higher expectations for your fellow man.
If people don't meet your expectations, it will make you a stronger person.

>> No.14184567

I want to see it tooo

>> No.14184570

That sounds kinda weird. Clarification: Normal seemed a bit off but I got wrecked beyond that (and realized what was going on,) until I got better, but it's not like I can 1cc above normal now or anything. (or even normal on most of the games because I barely play them anymore since around SA's time.)

>> No.14184575

I made a boatsluts website; it's embarassingly shitty and hasn't been updated in a year and a half. If you can find it in the archive, happy hunting.

>> No.14184580

>Maybe if you set up a large network of FTPs around the world that continually synchronized stuff between them to make sure new uploads circulated quickly and data wouldn't be lost if a server imploded

Like torrents? Provided they stay seeded. Why do people even use E-hentai anymore when you can just download and archive? Also E-hentai is old as shit, now that I think of if and is nostalgia worthy along with EZmanga. Does the normal old E-hentai site even still exist?

>> No.14184591

>The days when people used email and IRC instead of Skype.
People still use e-mail, IRC, and Skype. Be nostalgic over AIM or ICQ or MSN or something.

>> No.14184592

>Provided they stay seeded.
They don't. Half the point of the retarded, gamified system that e*hentai manages is that it incentivizes people to keep hosting shit that they (and 99% of people) don't care about.

>> No.14184595

People laugh at me when I mention the idea of using email or IRC, rather than Skype.
Don't lie. Go on a university campus, ask people if they use IRC. You won't find a single person.

>> No.14184618

>Even as far back as 2010 websites weren't as overly flashy, garbage loaded, slow moving trash.
Sites have been awful since Javascript was invented. It's just gone from shitty floaty things to shitty entirely flash based pages, to whatever crap they use today.

>> No.14184635
File: 36 KB, 600x375, hlogo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>start thinking about hentai nostalgia
>check some old sites out of curiosity

Well I'll be, it's still up

>> No.14184638

go to bed hiroyuki

>> No.14184661

I won't find a single person who uses Skype either. They use like kik and facebook based messengers and whatever phone based shit. Even a few years back when I was in college, people didn't use Skype, though I did use e-mail a lot to talk to people. Skype seems to be weird on phones and I can't imagine them using not-the-latest hot shit to hit the normiephone to message each other anyway.

On the internet, things like subber groups and other nerds use irc though. Some people use Skype, but I actually can't say much because it seems to be becoming less popular. I should have just said people still use e-mail and irc, BUT they don't use it on their phones, because as far as I know, it's a hassle/they can't. You just need to stick with people who still use PCs.

>> No.14184667

Not really. For a lot of the university clubs I've tried joining, having both Facebook and Skype was nearly mandatory.
I absolutely agree, people who use phones are incredibly degenerate.
I also agree that online, IRC and email still exist.

>> No.14184699
File: 64 KB, 640x480, az-hot075[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found stuff from the last century on my hard drive, there's even Xing player! Here's a picture from 2001, I remember fapping to it.

>> No.14184796
File: 152 KB, 872x707, ringo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for ancient images to post but then I saw this and now I miss this visualizer.

They also made that old Osaka Sim. I wonder whatever happened to them.

>> No.14184826
File: 183 KB, 1024x768, wanwanwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also classic engrish

>> No.14185045

Goddamn the internet used to be so good. I'm sad I was too young to appreciate it until the mid 2000's.

>> No.14185061
File: 328 KB, 1024x768, dir_en_grey_by_rinsohma[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a wonderful j-pop j-rock webradio station called sick onion that I loved very much. I really regret never downloading any of the music it played or even writing down artists and song titles. I've tried to find a tracklist but the more time passes, the less I can seem to find. I can barely even find reference to it anymore.

Listening to old dir en grey and miyavi makes me happy sometimes. I don't much like their new stuff, though.

>> No.14185074

I was a huge weeb 2006-2008
But around 2010 I calmed down but was still into Jap shit, just not as much of a faggot about it. I watched a lot of good anime both old and new and I think it was probably my golden age in terms of anime and manga. Looking back I guess I was kind of pretentious but who cares, Tatami Galaxy and Trapeze were masterpieces

After Yuru Yuri things started going downhill for me for several reasons and I haven't had as much fun as I did back then.

>> No.14185093
File: 63 KB, 275x377, rei_ayanami_winamp_skin_by_rum_and_ginger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you weeblords had some grotesque winamp skin with your favorite anna mays on it?

>> No.14185190

I still listen to Okui Masami songs from 20 years ago.

I always liked her more than Mizuki Nana.

>> No.14185234

>I think the biggest thing that gets to me is the disconnect between myself and the younger people when it comes to what's fun.


It's hard to meet a Japanese person my age online who isn't obsessed with League of Legends. I just want a classic otaku Japanese friend ;_;

>> No.14185241

>Japanese Person
Why? 日本語しゃべれるの?

>> No.14185248


I'm listening to a Japanese woman who is over 10 years older than me snore on Skype right now. I love me some 熟女 pussy.

>> No.14185285


ただ、classic otaku Japanese friendと言う言い方から察するにげんしけんみたいな感じが言いのかな?俺もそういう奴らがいたら友達になりたいと昔は思ってたけどもはや絶滅危惧種だろうね。アキバやコミケに行っても古参を除いてかなり柄が変わっちゃったしね。まぁ、アメリカに住んでる俺なんかはそもそもそんな奴らと出会う可能性なんか皆無に等しいってとうの昔に諦めたけど。

tl;dr - I get you, bro.

>> No.14185299
File: 49 KB, 529x799, DSC_0077.jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys seem cool. This thread seems to bring out a lot of good shit.

>It only needs to become popular again. But it won't become popular until Facebook, Google, etc get DDOSed or bombed.
Remember MySpace? (the old one) It was actually a pretty nice social network and dimensions better than FB. You could basically design your profile to look whichever way you like. The only thing it lacked was a chat function. What I liked was that there was no constant updates for anyone, so it actually encouraged to check up on people you're interested manually and didn't give this depressing feeling of constantly seeing how wonderful everyone else's life is and how shitty you are. I personally believe that with the emergence and monopolisation of FB, MySpace was bought and intentionally run into the ground.

>That feel when Tamura Yukari and Horie Yui are almost 40.
>Hayashibara Megumi is a granny. A GRANNY.
God no... it's so depressing to see these people age. Though Horie Yui hasn't changed all that much. But at the same time I believe it won't change much. They are not loved for their looks, but for their work and continued effort to give everything for their fans in an industry for which they're probably smirked at by most people from their age range.

Just take KOTOKO. She started as a young woman and now reaches mom/granny status. Granted she was never a beauty even back then, but she's still does gigs around the world and sings Chinese cartoon songs.

>> No.14185383
File: 333 KB, 1600x1466, sexually frustrated ninjas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude if you like that you might love this kind of shit too. All female band from the 80s.


Funny story: I was a huge metal nerd a decade ago, played guitar in a shit band beside my weebdom. I was afraid hearing this in the car would reveal my power level to the outside world with rolled down window until I realised the average normie has no clue what Japanese sounds like, so they just thought it was some random filthy foreigner music that I was native to.

>> No.14185628


Did I ever tell you about the 1980's?


>> No.14185740

There's a ton more, but I think the original artist only made like 10 medleys.
This may help you http://kumikyoku.rintaun.net/wiki/Main_Page

>> No.14185858

That was a pretty cute medley. I never heard it before but it sure felt really nostalgic, good job.

>> No.14186101

So, is it okay to bash modern anime now or am I still gonna get told I have nostalgia goggles? Last time I tried that back when Komeiji and his faggot ass crew were around on /a/ I was flamed. So, I'm guessing with a nostalgia thread and now that the generation that got into anime around the digital fansub boom is tired of it. We can finally acknowledge that Japanese popculture has been shit since the mid millennium.

>> No.14186134
File: 83 KB, 600x430, old ass anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get no argument from me.

>> No.14186145


Mines ended in 2009. I'm still recovering.
I was hardcore weeb from about 1998 to 2009. I was crazy back then, even wanted to go to Japan and develop vdeo games. Then I dunno, everything went to shit. But, I couldn't let go. I spent years as a shut in. [I finally went back to college at 28.] I spent 6 years nit working and just staying inside because I couldn't move on with my life. Even now, I'm still having trouble. I took a Japanese language course as a language requirement in uni. Thank God the intermediate course was cancelled because lack of interest, because I signed up for it. I'm still trying to pick up the pieces of my life post weeb. Hard as shit. I'm almost 30 and I socialize like a 19 year old.

>> No.14186187

Well, this is concerning. It's ok if it's just a hobby that you don't even like to make public, right? It's okay if you're studying for/have a real job, right?

Your posts worry me. I don't want to become a burnout.

>> No.14186232
File: 335 KB, 1600x1200, 1125780628684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born too late to be old enough get in on the interweb business bubble or invest in apple/google/amazon
>born too early to be young and hip enough to develop/exploit social media and streaming services

>It's okay if you're studying for/have a real job, right?
I'm not ashamed of my hobbies, I completed college, expanded on learning Japanese from courses I took early on as part of language requirements, don't give a fuck about Japan itself, and I have still been a worthless, jobless shut in for 3 years.

4chan is the cancer that ruins your life and destroys productivity. They should rename this fucking site cottoneyejoe.org.

>> No.14186240
File: 64 KB, 720x480, 1272726506634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss finding extreme enjoyment out of every single little thing I consumed. It sucks going into everything nowadays and only thinking about how I can pick it apart and find shit complain about. Is it because of depression, or just a part of growing up? Oh well, who cares.

>> No.14186247


I don't even like anime anymore, but I still diligently study Japanese out of habit. Becoming a weeb was the biggest mistake I've made in my life. Literally set myself back half a decade. The worst thing is you won't recognize it when you're just outta highschool. No. you'll only realize it when you're almost 30, have no job and live off your parents.

>> No.14186252

Same, I'm several years in and still going strong, my greatest fear is I'll burnout one day and be left with very few things to entertain me since most of my free time is taken up doing j-subculture stuff. I have never really understood growing out of your hobbies so I think I might be safe, but these past few posts are frightening to me. I don't really care about Japan, but I love the stuff that it produces so I think not being a complete weeb is part of the safeguard from burnout.
4chan really is a double edge sword for me personally. I like talking to people about new stuff and to share experiences with, but at the same time I have become very lazy because of it with my only saving grace being able to put forth the minimal amount of effort to get by in life so it's not all bad, I just wish /jp/ hadn't become so dead.

>> No.14186284


Let these idiots find out the hard way. There are still people on here who believe the Japanese stem major gaijin who watches anime and post on /jp/ inbetween fucking his hot japanese wife.

>> No.14186295

What do you even do for a living?

That last part is obviously a lie though, we all know that sex stops at marriage for the Japanese.

>> No.14186304


Why is /jp/ filled with autistic liars. Who believes this shit?

>> No.14186310


>> No.14186311

Why is /jp/ full of obnoxious faggots who will bring their crusade even to threads that haven't mentioned what they're talking about in any way?

>> No.14186316
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>> No.14186321

I wish Alice was my lovely wife.

>> No.14186345

It's because everything is actually shit. At least for me. Whenever I go consume something that happened in the past and is in my interests, I enjoy it, but newer shit still fills me full of blah.

There is only slow /jp/ and shitpost filled /jp/.
(and every page deleted /jp/ whenever we had decent janitors)

Alice isn't Japanese.

>> No.14186407

People who bash modern anime for being modern will always be rightfully ridiculed, and you have the additional problem of being a refugee from neo-/a/ crying on /jp/ after losing a flame there. I, for one, will show you no sympathy whatsoever. Take them goggles off.

>> No.14186420

It may or may not be depression. Please get yourself checked out as soon as you can.

>> No.14186448

Trying to convert being an adolescent weaboo into a respectable career. If you guess what, I'll be surprised because it's out of the ordinary

>> No.14186468

I had a weeb STG fan friend who showed me PCB and IN maybe a year after they came out, made me play PoFV, even linked me to Pooshlmer and the wiki every once in a while.

Then suddenly it was all over 4chan and I was like, damn, I know all this shit (well not all actually, for a long time I didn't know who Suika is because nobody told me about the fighters), is it really this huge?

If only I listened to him. I could have been one of the pioneers, now I'm forever secondary.

>> No.14186576

"Angry Anime Nerd" is not a respectable career, no matter how much you curse.

>> No.14186581

Secondary just means someone who hasn't played the games and just indulges in memes.

>> No.14187418

That wouldn't be a respectable job, now would it

>> No.14187485

Maybe I'm still in that stage. I went to Japan twice last year and absolutely love it. I'm trying to go back right now.

>> No.14187586

Are there even any sites left like 4chan was in the "glory days"?. I wonder what it would take to make a website that had the same feel to it

>> No.14187654

Sometimes I like to remember times when I was younger and all these Japanese stuff was so amazing and magical to me. Now I realise how low quality Japanese media is, how most of people involved in this industry is barely making any money, how they are pandering to the target audience that consists mostly of lonely men or schoolboys and how they bring almost nothing new to the culture.

I'm actually happy that I don't have such a shitty taste anymore though enjoying it time to time.

>> No.14187730

>After Yuru Yuri
I wonder if you could actually pinpoint the moment where the fandom hit peak moe saturation. I know that I abandoned YuruYuri S2 after one episode even though I watched S1 throughout.

I don't think I've actually really enjoyed an anime since 2011.

>> No.14187749

I'm not sure whether the problem was with your weeb interests or just you as people that you're currently in such situation

>> No.14187763

You can still find some pretty good anime if you keep an eye out for it. But yeah, 90% of the industry has moved to the moe artstyle. It's just the way things evolve i guess

>> No.14187767

I also wonder whether people feel similar resentment towards other nerd interests like video games and all

>> No.14187771
File: 393 KB, 500x500, anime is awesome rite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The general consensus seems to be some time between 2008-2011.
Moe shit really ruined it for a lot of us.

>> No.14187791

I thought the ``````official''''''''' division was:
- Primary: Plays the games and/or reads the official media (manga, books, music CDs)
- Secondary: Only consumes fan-produced derivatives of canon material (dojinshi, h art, walfas)
- Tertiary: Meme indulgence

>> No.14187797

I only watch moe anime these days. Even so, I didn't really appreciate the first episode of Yuruyuri S3 - no creativity, only recycled jokes. Hope that GochuuUsa won't disappoint, or else this season is already over.

>> No.14187800

>2008 is when I got really disillusioned with all this Japanese stuff.
Sound like me.
I was way into the hobby from early 00s to 2007. That was when the nico boom happened, watching niconico medley everyday, got into 2hu with PCB, played my first VN like tsukihime, planetarian, clannaids, Ever17, utawarerumono and then spamming UBW with message avatar.

I think 2008-10 was when I got burnt out and went full normal and gradually stop doing anything /jp/ related. I barely watch anime anymore and there wasn't any new interesting stuff @ nico anymore. I think nico never recovered after the initial boom, the creativity just died out.
Where are the new Iosys flash?
Where are all the current gen meme video like tsurupettan, mou ikkai, buri hamachi and fukkireta?
Sharing my 2absolute medley.

I only got back into the hobby around 2011.

>> No.14187810

I'm not liking the OP/ED of YuruYuri S3, but I thought the show itself was ok. The cooking class part was fun

>> No.14187815

Ironically it was the opposite for me.
I am >>14187800 and I only got back into anime thanks to Yuru Yuri and stuff like GuP. I think I got too old for action chuuni anime or try hard intellectual anime. Slice of life is all I read or watch now.

>> No.14187829
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, is this cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>moe anime
I don't know man, I just can't get into it.
I can appreciate cute girls doing cute things but at some point it just gets I don't know just uninteresting, especially if they use the same stale things over and over.

>> No.14187842

did you ever go to zoklet? it was the spinoff forum from totse.

last time i went there was what, probably 5 years ago+ people started posting illegal shit so who knows if its still there (no energy to go)

id be a little hesitant in checking it out either way

>> No.14187852

Do you guys have any actual good 4chan memories?

I remember when I posted how I embarrassed myself in a job interview and found out when I got back to my laptop that the thread blew up over the course of an afternoon with anons making edits of my story.

I really regret not saving the thread to disk because this was back during the era of god-awful third-party archivers that would sometimes crap out for hours. I've looked for the thread and have never been able to find it. Reading the replies made me real giddy and warm and fuzzy because I was feeling pretty down at that point.

For the record, the crux of my story was where I noticed that my interviewer had some Gundam figs on her desk; I tried to suck up by complementing her as I finished up the interview where she informed me that they were, in fact, Transformers
of course, I didn't get the job

It's depressing to know that in this year of our lord 2015 such a thread would be frogposted to death

>> No.14187857

god yea.. every site i make is still basic HTML/CSS with a frame and thats about it. back in about 2012 on probably when things started turning into flashyweb 2.0 with the 'super clean' grey white with a bright pop of color webdesign and flash everywhere sort of look it really just took the aesthetic of the old web away.

when geocities died it was a big blow to that too and now the weird old geocities style website with a badly tiled background and somewhat random content is an 'aesthetic' for tumblr kids who like vaporwave and posting pictures of plastic bags.

i still love that old aesthetic but from the POV of someone having been there.

theres no age limit to loving internet history, but so much of it has become a fad that its almost sad to think about. this thread is definitely making me feel things.

>> No.14187868

I really shouldn't be surprised, but I always kind of marvel at the fact that the author of KnJ actually finished the series with Daisuke fucking Rin. I know it was a partial cop-out with the timeskip and all, but still, the final chapter was basically a hardcore loli H manga at that point (not that I'm complaining)

>> No.14187876
File: 140 KB, 660x706, 1152404440414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specify what you mean. You mean a site for weebs that post image macros and say zomg and rofl only semi-ironically?

>> No.14187896

I guess it's hard to say since i wasn't around back then, but it seems like people fawn over those times a lot, and act as if it had a certain specific culture to it. Surely there are still forums out there that are very similar to what 4chan was like back then. Or maybe its true that 4chan was always shit

>> No.14187970
File: 10 KB, 200x215, panda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is meme indulgence different from indulging in fan produced derivatives? Those are the main proliferators of memes.

>Where are all the current gen meme video like tsurupettan, mou ikkai, buri hamachi and fukkireta?
What do you think all those gayporn meme videos are?

It's the next season already?

lol fag

Old 4chan is literally everything people on modern 4chan hate. It's only real benefit is that
A: There were no worksafe boards
B: Loli wasn't as much of a grey area(although it still prevented the site making money)
C: It wasn't full of non-nerds who can only contribute porn and whining about their lives instead of making interesting cultural comments.

I honestly miss comics. I mean people probably still make them, but /v/ and /b/ were the main producers and they are just crapholes nowadays.(/b/ is probably better off since they're too busy making dick threads to raid sites and act stupid offline anymore.)

I don't know if there's anything like old 4chan, but here's some random thread. Make sure the html and the folder with the thread thumbs are in the same directory. http://a.uguu.se/pudews_thread.7z

>> No.14187975

Thank you! She seems awesome for learning Japanese.

>> No.14187994
File: 96 KB, 1000x690, 1173803349228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that image wasn't supposed to be there but whatever.

>> No.14188003
File: 427 KB, 1025x3190, 1183034600226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this tripfag and investment banker and pedo ever killed themselves.

>> No.14188046


You are all autistic retards seeking something external to blame for your really shitty lives.

There is literally no relationship between a hobby centered around japan and what you do with your life, your job, your studies, nothing.

>Becoming a weeb was the biggest mistake I've made in my life. Literally set myself back half a decade.

Being you was the biggest mistake of your life. It's got nothing to do with hobbies.

>> No.14188056

>that thread
I used to have a crush on dakota fanning.
Seems that if there's one thing that hasn't changed about 4chan, it's the obsession with young girls.
Thanks for that though anon

>> No.14188090

I hate how fucking cynical 4chan is lately. At least back in the old days I could act like a complete retard and have fun with other idiots spouting stupid shit like "POOLS CLOSED DUE TO AIDS AND FAIL" and all the other shit that's considered "cancer" these days.
4chan got way too fucking big, and it has not handled the popularity well at all.
People don't even use 'orz' or ':3' anymore.

>> No.14188108

Weren't they the same person? That guy seemed like a good troll, at least one that actually put some effort into his writing

>> No.14188150
File: 46 KB, 400x300, get off my lawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn, we sound like a bunch of grumpy old men.

>> No.14188160

you could go be a retard on /s4s/ as much as you want

>> No.14188283


Keep telling yourself that. I bet you're one of those retards who believes half the shit /jp/ spouts. Good look with your STEM field.

>> No.14188286
File: 268 KB, 972x972, thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly, I don't know nor have any way of knowing.

Everything is ruined nowadays. But it is the fate of everything to grow old and decay. This is even why threads get purged after time. (Generals are like liches spitting in the face of death, while eternally rotting)

It's just a result of "memes" becoming popular. They aren't cool anymore because some site will monetize it and you'll sound like you're part of the "us internet users, huh?" bunch. Somehow it's become this rampant elitism and trying to disassociate yourself from whatever enemy site of the year. Even here, you've got the people posting "Ohnoes!! crossboarders!1!11" to everything they don't like. It's sad you can't use pics like this any more, even if there was a reason to.

> I could act like a complete retard and have fun with other idiots spouting stupid shit like "POOLS CLOSED DUE TO AIDS AND FAIL"
Raids were always cancer, the very cancer that drove people to the site and killed it(even though they did sometimes produce funny things like "muddy dicks"), but that kind of idiocy was sort of harmless compared to how people are being aggressively intentionally idiotic lately.

This is true, but /s4s/ is so creatively dead. Also a board founded on dubs posting is kind of a bad first impression.

>> No.14188307

Now that I think about it, this insularity is also why this site isn't as creative and free anymore. It was just a place where shit from the internet drifted in. Stuff from Something Awful, stuff from 2ch and futaba, stuff from Newgrounds, stuff from YTMND, stuff from other random forums, stuff from the internet culture in general. Nowadays everyone's afraid to be associated with some other site, or only browse facebook and reddit besides 4chan, or don't even watch anime and play video games anymore and so are out of touch with online culture. People are getting stuck here and unable to go anywhere else to harvest fresh content.

>> No.14188316

I'm >>14185074
I tended to also watch a lot of really comfy SoL stuff like Aria and sketchbook full colors. It was cute but it was also very slow, maybe even contemplative I guess? You would sit back and just look at the world. There hasn't been much SoL like that lately aside from I think NNB at times. A lot of SoL shows are much more fast paced and focused on comedy as well as whacky antics that you of course did see in the old ones but not as much. I think the decline of shows like Tatami Galaxy as well as YKK (the manga), full colors started sometime after 2011 but I don't think Yuru Yuri was to blame or really any show in particular.

However, I think Hidamari kind of sold out the SoL genre by becoming more and more moeblob-ish.

>> No.14188327


SOL went to shit when garbage like K-on and Hidamari sketch destroyed it. Stuff like Aria is where it was great.

>> No.14188341

>/s4s/ is so creatively dead.
Does this imply that there was a golden age of /s4s/?
>Also a board founded on dubs posting is kind of a bad first impression.
I disagree, for a while the board was a brilliantly subtle metaparody on the board culture.

>> No.14188371

What was your favorite /jp/ moderation?

Permissive, pre /q/ and /vg/ style before all sorts of topics got cast off and only really cared about spamming.

Lazy moderation that showed up once a day and deleted 7 pages of shit, and everything else that was posted in the next half hour.

Heavy post /q/ moderation, with occasional bouts of insanity, but allows any thread with a Touhou character in the OP

Near 0 moderation we have now.

>> No.14188388

>decline of shows like Tatami Galaxy
Thank God

>> No.14188393
File: 73 KB, 313x382, 1354733557876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you buddy

>> No.14188395

Pretending there was a golden age of /s4s/ is /s4s/'s past time.

You're even suggesting there was.

And no, I don't think there was a golden time, I think it was just stillborn.

>> No.14188402

I don't find myself sympathizing with old anime fans. Anime has always been a medium of bastarding other works with subpar animation. Learn Japanese and a brand new world of manga (I realize quite a bit of manga is translated but most translations are quite terrible), VNs, LNs, and novels will open up to you.

If you're 100% fluent and literate in Japanese and still feel this way I'm not sure what to tell you.

>> No.14188410

I'm >>14180815 and I'm surprised how little I actually missed 4chan when I banned myself from here for two days. For once I was able to form my own opinions and didn't need to run to the big Jay for instant validation.

I guess there really is nothing new here left for me to enjoy, huh?

I used to remember a time when Hidamari had lese majeste and anons who insulted it went to the guillotine. I'm not disagreeing, I haven't even bothered to watch the graduation arc or read the latest chapters. The series should have been ended or at least spun-off. A new series with Nazuna and Nori could have taken a different direction away from moeshit.

Since the thread is already going to cap soon, I want to sincerely ask: am I the only guy who didn't find Madoka interesting? I remember watching half an episode and thinking "what overdramatic, predictable tripe"

So anyway, what is the reigning genre now?

>> No.14188411


sorry, I meant bastardizing.

>> No.14188413


Alot of these guys aren't old fans, though. Just guys from the bubble era where there was alot of money and alot of stuff was being made. The money stopped and people moved on and yes, you're right. There is alot more better stuff. I mostly mess with Doujin games, specifically horror ones. Hell, the biggest otaku works aren't even anime anymore.

>> No.14188416

This is Yuko Ogura.

>> No.14188418

>So anyway, what is the reigning genre now?

I dunno, the LN and SOL period is over, that's for sure. I don't really follow, but there doesn't really seem to be any type of show that is dominating.

>> No.14188419

How is this LN period over?

>> No.14188428

you are like those cartoon vs comics jackasses

>> No.14188429


I see more manga adaptations than anything else.

>> No.14188435

Look at any anime chart and over 90% of it is adaptations. It's not like the anime adaptations are ever better or more enjoyable than the original work so why even bother with it?

>> No.14188439


There are honestly people who enjoy these awful adaptations, I shit you not.

>> No.14188461

VNs are shit tbh. Either moeshit, chuunishit, or plain old bad porn. LNs aren't really much better, just young adult novels with pictures. Manga tends to be more to the point than anime, but it isn't always better. In fact, anime is like a filter: No matter how shit it is, a lot shittier things are being filtered out. Also you can expect anime to be drawn to a certain standard even if the original artist cannot draw well at all.

>So anyway, what is the reigning genre now?
Yurishit and yaoishit.

>am I the only guy who didn't find Madoka interesting?
Yes, you're the only one, ever, anywhere.

I don't believe you couldn't enjoy neither the music nor the fight choreography nor the character designs nor the style of the witch worlds nor the style of the city. There's a lot of different things going on that if not even one of them appeals to you, it might be a little strange. I don't really like it myself but I love the fights and music.

>I mostly mess with Doujin games, specifically horror ones.
"Horror" games are such tripe though, and a lot of them aren't even horror.

I've always liked doujin games, but I've been getting into the ero action game subgenre. Too bad it doesn't get as many entries as the shitty RPG & CG set games. And about half of them have shit gameplay. Yet, I think there's potential for ero as a game mechanic.

>> No.14188466
File: 112 KB, 1600x1093, 11838625_1480134945631045_3629609335692803070_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also you can expect anime to be drawn to a certain standard even if the original artist cannot draw well at all.


>> No.14188475

Nice filename.

>> No.14188490

Those are not key frames and that is not based on a manga.

>> No.14188521


That entire fight was shit, who cares?

>> No.14188530


That's some retarded logic. Those awful 1:1 adaptations that have filler, censored, off-model characters, and rushed endings filter out what exactly?

>> No.14188572

When did this thread become /a/ for ancient special-snowflake faggots?

>> No.14188592

Yeah, It was funny and all until the people they were making fun of started using the same jokes

>> No.14188595

Oh god, so Shooting Star was by Kotoko after all. I've been listening through her songs for past two hours while thinking that some of them remind me of Onegai Teacher's opening and now this one hit. I'm not gonna forget her name ever again. Thank you, guys.

>> No.14188630

Thanks for the read anon, it was great

>> No.14188656

>>if you remember this your childhood is awesome

>> No.14188664

>>could care less

>> No.14188731
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>> No.14188748
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>> No.14188765


anime of childhood

>> No.14188788


>> No.14188802


But then you go to an anime-con and there are tons of people with girl friends, and people tend be with packs of friends.

>> No.14188814

Why the hell has anime become the new normalfag hobby anyways? Compare cons in 2005 to 2015. In 2005 they were all the autistic faggots who sat by themselves at lunch, wore cat ears and ended every sentence with "nyaa" but in 2015 they're all faggots with social lives and girlfriends

>> No.14188829

well at least they're not weeaboos.

>> No.14188832


Because then they had shitty personalities and so were socially excluded. They needed something to kill time with.

>> No.14188844

>VNs are shit tbh. Either moeshit, chuunishit, or plain old bad porn.

So sci-fi/fantasy doesn't exist?

>> No.14188880


Can you name one socially successful person who decided to get into weeb hobbies and suddenly transform into an autist?

Because they're getting into it now and they still have their friends and girls.

>> No.14188931

I hacked ur internet :^)

Better watch your back!

>> No.14188995
File: 56 KB, 706x540, gunsmith_cats-046-rally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the time of being a little shit with no internet, staying up at night and watching subbed anime.


>> No.14188998

Pretentious guy again, I really really did not like Madoka. I watched it as it was airing and it was so boring that I hardly remember anything about it even while it was airing. Then the nonsense at the end just turned me off the show completely.
I guess the only stand out point in the series was Mami suddenly dying which I guess I didn't expect. It wasn't even good or interesting though, it was just "hey fuck you viewer we killed your favorite character please keep watching"
Good luck saying so on /a/ though

As for the reigning genre I couldn't say to be honest I watch so little anime these days. The last show new show I really enjoyed was Shirobako and season 2 of NNB.

>> No.14189029
File: 16 KB, 250x187, rosetintedgoggles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what anybody says. 2000 - 2010 was literally the golden decade of the Internet if you were an anime fan. It's the equivalent of an 8-year-old loli (2000) who grew to a beautiful, perfectly crafted adult woman (2010). Then, that woman went to college, got AIDS, flunked her major, and is now street pimping in Las Vegas for drug money.

Think about that.

>> No.14189033
File: 223 KB, 640x360, 2015-08-09 05-08-24.298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, Thats the stuff

>> No.14189037

Nice analogy. You're a poet.

>> No.14189103

Oh no! Crossposters?!?!?!?!!

>> No.14189113
File: 40 KB, 349x396, brother of Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was crossposting before it was cool

>> No.14189137

Stuck in a mmo game.
Reincarnated/transport into a fantasy world with mmo mechanic.
1boy joining a new battle academy in some alt/future world setting with a bunch of girls lusting after his dick.
The nips are creatively bankrupt.
Just look at age and TM. They just keep making spinoff of MLA and FSN.

>> No.14189150
File: 78 KB, 958x717, rainbowgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone help me find the Rainbow Girl song that was popular at that time? I'm pretty sure it was the first. It used the pic related video and was sung by a very emotional and very ronery male otaku. All I can find now are Hatsune Miku ones.

>> No.14189155

this one?

>> No.14189159

it was sung by a guy though

>> No.14189160

I think you missed the requirements being it sung by a lonely male otaku, bub.

>> No.14189173

Ok ok ok, I think this is the one.

>> No.14189193
File: 15 KB, 561x469, silly rabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off hiroyuki

>> No.14189200

He doesn't sound lonely or otaku enough, but at least the singer is male.

>> No.14189215

All of you normalfags and non-NEETs are a fucking disgrace to this board. If you really feel "regret" about your hobbies, you should go blog about it on /r9k/ or /soc/ or some shit and not here.

>> No.14189216

yeah that's the one. I thought it had a lot of heart compared to the other covers

>absolutely. 3D girls are impure and evil Women shouldn't be allowed to sing this. My favorite version of this song :)


>> No.14189218


Anime Cons are mixed fandoms anyway. They aren't exclusively or even predominantly about anime. One of the most popular cosplays at one point was Heath ledgers joker and one of the most popular games was Halo.


Depends what you mean by getting into anime. Alot of these just watch AOT or two shows and the rest of their hobbies is normal fag shit.

>> No.14189246 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 500x330, 9d01169d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many years ago /jp/ convinced me that the highest calling in life was to be an otaku and a shut-in with no friends. It's not what was promised. I want a refund.

>> No.14189258

Many years ago /jp/ convinced me that the highest calling in life was to be an eroge-obsessed shut-in with no friends.

I want a refund.

>> No.14189306

Sorry to say that life ain't no visual novel, chump. You can't just go reload a save or rewrite the script however you want.

>> No.14189332
File: 53 KB, 496x560, have you ever ben so nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14189350


>> No.14189365

no, the true path is to be out in the world all day and play eroge all night

>> No.14189414

eh, i thought hidamari was pretty cute but i also watched it .. ugh probably 7 years ago.. didnt realize it had been that damn long.

i liked azumanga daioh pretty well but i agree with what ive been told that the manga is better.

sketchbook full colors was nice..

i think the super dramatic super violent super intense anime of today are kind of emotionally draining.. honestly, i just prefer a good SoL or old school space opera. i still get a lot out of sailor moon and dragon ball too.

too tired for this other stuff, moeblob included.

>> No.14189421 [DELETED] 

eh, i thought hidamari was pretty cute but i also watched it .. ugh probably 7 years ago.. didnt realize it had been that damn long.

i liked azumanga daioh pretty well but i agree with what ive been told that the manga is better.

sketchbook full colors was nice..

i think the super dramatic super violent super intense anime of today are kind of emotionally draining.. honestly, i just prefer a good SoL or old school space opera. i still get a lot out of sailor moon and dragon ball too.

too tired for this other stuff, moeblob included.

>> No.14189615

this thread is too neo-/jp/. i just want to go back and watch toonami/adult swim. i think it was the read or die OVAs that got me all hot and bothered for annie mays (before i realized that sailor moon and DBZ were actually anime).

>> No.14189647

i remember back when toonami was the only place to really regularly watch anime that wasnt pokemon.

years before that there were anime movies on the sci-fi channel either really late or really early in the morning but aside from that.. not really.

way back with the first tom, and way back when adult swim was mostly anime and toonami midnight (i think it was called? toonami after dark? idk) was where you watched slightly older stuff like cowboy bebop.

good times. i dont think a lot of this stuff is neo jp though, at least not higher up.

not talking about watching subs on vhs its not

>> No.14189756

Midnight Run? Something like that. Also TechTV's Anime Unleashed. Does anyone else prefer the yellow subs of yesteryear? They're a bit easier on my decaying eyes.

>> No.14189920


Yeah midnight run, I remember watching some gundam series late at night, I believe MS TEAM? Either way these songs give goosebumps;



Time sure flies.

>> No.14189924

tfw a decade passes and you're still figuring out life.

>> No.14189948
File: 28 KB, 540x446, It's my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw when you realize that never changes.

>> No.14190039

Seems like you guys are nostalgic for the boom era. I miss watching anime on TV too. After the anime bubble popped I slowly began to lose interest though not complete burn out like the guys on here. I'm a complete normie now, I only come here out of habit sometimes.

>> No.14190075

2008 kidnapped the anime metaphor loli and injected her with drugs to turn her into a asanagi-style brainless slab of fuckmeat

>> No.14190116

I only ever put skins on Rainmeter. Also had a few of those things that sit around on the desktop. Much time before that, I used anime themes for like windows 95 though.

>> No.14190120

They fall into those prior categories.

>> No.14190148

>the yellow subs of yesteryear?
While they're more visible, they are pure eye cancer.

>> No.14190168

What was it like to be really, really into anime and otaku culture in the early-mid 90s? Was it as exciting as it sounds?

>> No.14190197
File: 143 KB, 1280x960, This is my cyberpunk battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you where lucky, you knew a guy who could get bootleg fansub tapes or if you where unlucky you bought the official dubs 2 or 3 episodes at a time months apart. We didn't know any better and because we where kids we thought it was the best thing ever. If you where the cool kid you knew Japanese and could order tapes from Japan but they would be untranslated and making subs required professional equipment that was out of the reach or most, unless you parents worked in broadcasting and you had access to editing software. You couldn't just download that shit back then, the fastest speed was 28.8 kilobytes per second. Averaging about 15 or less, usually 5 during peak hours. if someone picked up the phone while you where online it would break your download and you would have to start all over again.

They where truly magical times.

>> No.14190199


Went through the chart and listened to the OP's and ED's of all the shows I used to watch. It was quite pleasant.


>> No.14190202


>if someone picked up the phone while you where online it would break your download and you would have to start all over again

Thats one thing I will never miss, telemarketers killing my downloads and dying a little inside when a download that took ~5 days was about to finish then.. disconnect & file corrupted.

>> No.14190239

I was able to resume downloads by manually cancelling them and then restarting them later and saving to the already partially downloaded file sometimes. It was common enough that I did it regularly but I don't know if it was just a feature of certain sites or something.

I miss Toonami's little compilations they'd use to advertise shows and the longer videos they made about what the fuck ever.

>> No.14190243

I don't miss downloading anime over dialup. What I do miss is how far I had to go for otaku stuff. I had to actually go outside and talk to people before I discovered manga scans.

>> No.14190274




>> No.14190290

>downloading Haruhi through IRC since college blocked torrents
>golden age 4chan 2006
those were the days

>> No.14190307

In 2006 I was in eighth grade. I had entered an edgy phase, and would get back into anime a few years later. I also started visiting 4chan at around that time. What was otaku culture like at the time? I remember scraps of it from 2003-2004ish, did it change much?

>> No.14190324

-rucky star vs TTGL
-touhou hijack
-TM faggotry MESSAGE
-kagami sip
-saimoe block voting against rucky star
-saimoe ripoff aka saigar
-lots of daily dose

Then the /jp/ split happened and it was also the same time I left /a/ after all the code gayass spam.

>> No.14190417
File: 20 KB, 280x440, kintaro12ja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very educational, thank you.

>> No.14190700

>Lucky Star

Has it been 8 years already? Fuck

Back than i hanged around on Demonoid's Anime forum.

>> No.14190748

I think there are only 4 things I miss
MMOs having amazingly huge social aspects where you could find someone to play with instantly on arrival and be nearly guaranteed to create a bond with them to journey to the highest of levels
Shitty websites and communities (and forums) for nearly every single thing and for every other kind of person
People actually caring about keeping their private information behind curtains while yet still managing to keep a good reputation for their screennames.
All the fun and quirky anime and weeb shit you could find just by going on insane random searches in real life or one of the bazillions of search engines that didn't tailor your search result based on information gathered on you.

4chan is kind of okay these days, I guess, I don't even visit that much considering how big this place has gotten, and somehow everything getting bigger always makes a turn for the worse.

>> No.14190993
File: 229 KB, 1280x816, Sailor-Moon-Crystal-manga-anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss about the non-internet days is how appreciative we were for anything we could get our hands on.

I remember when Sailor Moon went on TV first in 1992 or so. They showed 1 episode per week on weekends. I stayed at my grandma's house and woke up early and waited in front of the TV for it to start, because I couldn't tell the time. For some reasons I had a hard time learning to tell the time from analog clocks. Didn't learn it until I was 12. Of course no boy wanted to admit watching Sailor Moon, but secretly everybody did.

Also buying low budget shitty anime magazines (or just magazines with a small 'Japan' section). Staying up late at night on working days, because some TV channels shoved their anime to the late hours, so it wouldn't 'disturb' the normal people during the day.


>> No.14191177

I miss being a NEET in 2006-2009 and frequenting this site, such good times. I barely come here anymore to be honest, like another poster said its mostly just out of habit. Whenever I want to see discussions I'm just not really interested in going to a "normal" website so I just come here and read.

>> No.14191271

>Of course no boy wanted to admit watching Sailor Moon, but secretly everybody did.
I didn't. I thought it was dumb back then and continued to think it was dumb even after CardCaptors(the eng version) got me into magical girls. I only ever watched a bit of it after it started airing on cartoon network later(probably because I had been into porn of it), and I kind of still don't think it's that great although Mars and Mercury are cute. Maybe if they looked more their age I would have watched it. Also the OP still make me mentally vomit by even thinking of it.

>> No.14191352
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>> No.14191382
File: 34 KB, 1261x382, sis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much negativity.

This seems like much more realistic sadness.

>> No.14191425

More realistic, but doesn't apply to me as much as the other one.

>> No.14191446

Your fault for having waifus and treating your hobbies as fads and believing the myth of "childish" things.

>> No.14191499

It certainly is my fault.

>> No.14191506

Is there something like this for a guy who doesn't get married and continues living with his parents?

>> No.14191520
File: 151 KB, 1329x406, ss+(2015-10-07+at+10.25.59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14191538
File: 660 KB, 1000x2418, moeblob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14191567 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 600x633, areyouaweeaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dug this out of my old pictures folder.

>> No.14191606
File: 449 KB, 683x2830, 121143836683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to bring these back.

>> No.14191694
File: 106 KB, 683x534, 1284701117494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss /jp/ shitposting, whatever happened to wtHELLl-kun?

>> No.14191699

Holy shit that is well done!

>> No.14191924
File: 15 KB, 184x184, 1388162869195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People didn't get tired of Azumanga, it's just that it's pretty old now. Even Lucky Star which was insanely popular doesn't get mentioned all that much. It's the nature of Slice of Life shows, since they don't have that "epic" (for lack of a better word), sense of excitement people tend to forget about them more easily than shows such as Code Geass or TTGL.

>> No.14191967

If you think those two are bad then what else do you recommend watching beside Aria?
I don't know if they are planning to animate more Hidamari and I haven't really read much of the manga, but I find that the anime only got better with each installment.

>> No.14191968

Was there anything like Code Geass of Death Note since then? I stopped watching anime years ago, but suddenly decided to rewatch Geass last week and it still was pretty exciting.
And I did find JIBUN WO spam fun back then, but then again I wasn't frequenting 4chan at the time.

>> No.14192002
File: 40 KB, 400x225, CODE GEESE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Code Geass
honk honk

>> No.14192078

Sword Art Online and Shingeki no Kyojin are pretty much the equivalent of those shows today. If you're looking for something to watch then definitely watch SNK, it's pretty exciting. SAO is really horrible though, avoid it at all costs. It even surprises me it reached this level of popularity, but I guess 15 year old me would be all over it just like the rest. Too busy fantasizing about playing a VRMMO to notice all of the stupidity.

>> No.14192108

I used to think "why is SAO so popular, isn't it a .hack ripoff?", but then realized some SAO fans haven't even been born then.

>> No.14192114

midnight run yes that was it.

man the ending of Gundam 08th MS team still makes me feel things.

that show was like a gundam re-working of romeo and juliet that ended less badly.

>> No.14192117

those were really nice. the sort of 'music videos'. the one that was mainly outlaw star still gets the hell outta me.

>> No.14192125

oh man.. youre so young. enjoy your youth..

>> No.14192524
File: 197 KB, 1280x960, 1433865930651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14192629
File: 50 KB, 490x200, Karin.gif~original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man... the good old times. But seriously, who would have thought that taking a simple screenshot of a board header would make sense back then? We just took everything for granted because we thought 4chan would never change.

>> No.14193005

It's far, far too late for that, I'm afraid.
