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14120978 No.14120978 [Reply] [Original]

Why even live?

>> No.14121073


Well, if you die you won't be able to experience anime anymore.

>> No.14121136

dude like if you tried to fuckt he miku then you would literally be electrocuted to death because she's full of circuits and shit

>> No.14124277

Fool!! Was never been to throw her out, It's always been to finding a way to get in.


>> No.14125393


I'm waiting for fully immersive VR that safely hijacks the signals from your brain.

>> No.14125413

And if it was, why would it matter to you?

>> No.14125446

I know this is a feels/waifu thread, but damn it: Look at that tea set, damn if that ain't a really nice tea set.

>> No.14125454

Current VR is plenty immersive as it is. Brain hijacking sounds too risky for me anyway.

>> No.14125463

What kind of fag actually likes miku.

>> No.14125506
File: 695 KB, 1500x1328, 1429852095765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone but you it seems.

>> No.14125594

>brain hijack

Enjoy getting lobotomized just because you refuse to shower and get a job.

>> No.14125651

Not making her with several silicon "stress release" places.

>> No.14125666
File: 276 KB, 872x872, silicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silicon will just tear up your dick and make you cry. Did you fail chemistry class in high school?

>> No.14125678

That doesn't mean you can't start a crusade in her honor.

>> No.14125754

My fault, I meant "silicone" sorry.
Also, those are some nice photoshop skills.

>> No.14125766

I got the image from google but thanks for the compliment anywyas!

>> No.14125781

>Brain hijacking sounds too risky for me anyway.

Maybe, but imaging the payoff. You'd swear your actual body was there, present in the world, and all of your senses would be present. Just imagine the warmth and stress-reliving comfort you'd gain from cuddling with your favorite girl.
If cuddling with soft warm girls isn't your thing, imagine being able to kick ass. Seeing it's a simulation, the software would be able to fool your brain into believing your body is capable of far more than it really is.

Speaking of simulations. How do you know you're not in one right now?

>> No.14125810

>you're not in one right now?
Because it can't be this shitty. I can only imagine a expelled from paradise kind of thing where money would play a big role in the amount of stuff you get since it would need a lot of storage and processing power.

>> No.14125917

I just can't see this level of tech happening, brain-hijacking virtual reality sounds like the 21st century version of flying cars. Assuming it's even physically possible, there are just too many factors that can go wrong and nobody willing to take responsibility for them.

>> No.14125939

You get the best experience if your life but now you are stuck in that false world that a company owns and has now made you their slave. No way out because your real body is perfectly safe and prigrammed to work while you are trapped inside your mind having to do more work or else you dobt get your reward that you are now highly addicted to. You can kill yourself over and over and experience it everytime but you will not be harming your actual self.

>> No.14125980
File: 321 KB, 364x1021, 271709b9f79b86d53ed41824c50e836d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This absolutely exists. Such a device requires millions to get. It can fully cause tactile hallucinations, as well as auditory and visual. I am one-hundred percent certain this already exists, and there is almost zero news coverage of it.

>> No.14126705

Newfags and con-going idiots hardly count as "everyone."

Nice epic meme pic though, as expected from a mikufag, waifu-memeing bitchboy.

>> No.14126970


Probably not worth it.

Apparently VR headsets trick the brain to a degree - it's not just having your entire field of vision filled, but the brain interpreting the image as reality. Hence why people scream and fall over when they're subjected to sudden "falls" when wearing them. Apparently the ability to move the head and have the image move as if the head is also moving is what makes the difference.

Maybe it's bullshit, but the brain can be tricked by optical illusions and can invert an inverted image (continuing to inverting reality when the inverter is removed), so it probably has a degree of truth.

>> No.14127685

It's not bullshit, I've used a DK2 and can confirm it tricks the brain. The most dangerous aspect of current VR isn't brain tricking, it's that after taking it off you get a strong sensation of 'I want to go back'. VR with the right games can become very addicting very quickly, and I fear for the future when companies realize that.

>> No.14128898

I'm still waiting for V.R. on par with nervegear from SAO and not some overpriced set of goggles.

>> No.14129061


>it's that after taking it off you get a strong sensation of 'I want to go back'

Sounds like something that could get it banned.

>> No.14130342

>VR with the right games can become very addicting very quickly
That's already an issue with most mentally-stimulating pastimes. One can get psychologically addicted to pretty much anything. Interactive software is just easier to make addictive. Companies know that too, and certain ones capitalize on it (MMOs, social mobile games) or use it humorously to market themselves (CivAnon). I assure you as soon as realistic VR becomes viable in the consumer market there will be a huge uproar about people investing a lot more time than is healthy into it. Remember the WoW addiction hullabaloo? Think that, but a hundredfold.

>> No.14130351

Oh it'll be much more than that my friend. A hell of a lot more.

>> No.14130376

But we'll make it. We'll make it and we'll thrive and we'll never have to suffer this terrible reality again.

>> No.14130477

I think i would kill myself it was real
