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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 408 KB, 733x1200, 51216430_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14120097 No.14120097 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>14111366

Current LoV Event: Idols' Festa

Upcoming Event Pero Pero: Elite Guard 3 (Morning of Monday Sept. 21)


Lord of Valkyrie links:
>Game link:
>English wiki:
>Japanese wiki:
>/jp/ player list:
http://pastebin.com/URgv8JPA (embed)
>Grind table by an anon:
>Required strength for explorations and their rewards:

Millennium War Aigis links:
>Game link
>Japanese ULMF thread:
>English ULMF thread:
>Japanese Wiki #1:
>Japanese Wiki #2:
>English Wiki
>XP chart
>Vid anon's channel:

Angelic Saga links:
>Game link:
>Japanese Wiki
>English Wiki

Osawari Island
>JP Osawari wiki
>Osawari chat
>Osawari FAQ
>Osawari Friend Code List

Miscellaneous links:
>Staff Twitter:

>> No.14120191

That's not too bad then. Too bad Natsumi ended up getting one of those edits. She was cute in the JP version.

>> No.14120212
File: 344 KB, 758x482, sonoda kakao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody escapes the edits, anon. Nobody.

>> No.14120238

ill admit the chest detail in that one seems improved at least

>> No.14120254
File: 380 KB, 402x519, qt potential.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14120265

I want to play one of these games but I only have time for one.

Which one has the cutest girls and best art?

>> No.14120266
File: 57 KB, 480x613, Hideki_Tojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been grinding Noa since level

Im now level 19 and all my units are maxed

I still haven't even started stage 3 yet

just end me

>> No.14120278

osawari everything else is a grindfest

>> No.14120279

level 9*

>> No.14120282

Osawari is the biggest grindfest of all

>> No.14120285


I think angelic saga has the best art.

>> No.14120288

just do the rest of the maps and come back to it later

>> No.14120289

Aigis is the best out of them all but the Nutaku version is slow as shit

>> No.14120291

I'm level 23 and in the same boat as you.

I'm grinding for the legendary though, not the boss.

>> No.14120295

after all these runs ive seen her twice

I hope youre having better luck

im probably never getting either

>> No.14120304
File: 134 KB, 599x535, 5629200061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

played the jp version here
no it isn't anon

>> No.14120324

Not true at all, I've played all of Nutakus games and at least right now osawari is the least grindy. That may change in the future but right now it's far from grindy.

The edits though, those fucking edits.

>> No.14120325

Aigis down again?

>> No.14120340



>> No.14120342

I'd recommend Angelic Saga. It will devour least amount of time.

Aigis is a heavy grindfest and you need to use your time wisely or you'll miss event units. Art varies heavily and is very inconsistant.
Osawari is probably the second best choice. Has a bit of grinding if you want everything and the best art (which nutaku ruined).
LoV is basically a clicker. Pretty good art though.
Angelic Saga is a card game you can play mostly at your own pace. The art is decent and consistant.

>> No.14120346

>(which nutaku ruined).
How did they ruin it?

And I guess I'll consider angelic saga, thanks everyone for the help.

>> No.14120356

Just look at the edits >>14120212

this is only one of many (many many many).

>> No.14120359

Edits. Bad ones. See >>14120212
A lot of faces got fucked with.

>> No.14120361

Whats the worst edit so far?

>> No.14120366

Worst? Hard to say, they are all fucking terrible.

>> No.14120370


anyone got a picture of Noa

they fucked her up bad

>> No.14120372
File: 429 KB, 722x463, noa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toss up between this one, complete with being poorly saved so it's all jaggy

>> No.14120373

Some gems from the last thread:
>>14116848 (original: >>14117043)
Hard to say which is the worst because of the sheer number of edits.

>> No.14120384

dmm aigis is the only one worth playing in my opinion

>> No.14120386

Oh god what the fuck
These are so bad its funny. I thought it was a R18 game and not a comedy gold game.

>> No.14120387

god damn they fucked her up so bad, she would've been my favorite if it wasn't for this edit

>> No.14120388
File: 320 KB, 702x487, hametena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I take great offence at Hametena's edit because she's perfect before it

>> No.14120394

loli = better.

>> No.14120396

Bad photoshops: the game.

>> No.14120398

The shape of that head is horrible.

>> No.14120399


Am I being to hopeful if I think they'll fix it

>> No.14120404

I think they said they'll revert some of them over time, but some will stay as they are.

>> No.14120409

You'll probably eventually get some better faces. The bigger tits are here to stay though.

>> No.14120411

So are there whales on osawari island already?

>> No.14120424

true love kek

>> No.14120426

General rule of shitaku is expect the boobs to stay huge but if we are lucky we might get the faces reverted.

>> No.14120431

Are all nutaku games edited or just Osawari?

>> No.14120434

fuck boobs, as long as those piece of shit faces get reverted

>> No.14120437

I'm sure there are some already, but the only time you'll notice whales is if you try to compete for the top 500 event cards. There's gatcha cards that improve EP gain and basically ranking is going to mostly rely on who spams the most potions.
It shouldn't really matter to you if some random fag wants to spend 50$(wtf is with that price) to spawn a legendary or 3$ on masterball.

>> No.14120438

>fuck boobs
Well a paizuri is pretty good so I'd be up for that

>> No.14120442

All of them. For some reason, they are unable to sell lolis because credit card companies or some shit, even though other companies can do it fine

>> No.14120447

I voted to just leave the faces alone, because I feel that is the most detrimental thing to alter and mess up. I already know it won't work to ask them not to alter anything, since they are dead set in their ways.

>> No.14120448

Guess its DMM then, no point in bothering with censored/edited shit.

>> No.14120461

At least with Osawari it was only edits, in Aigis they just flat out didn't add the characters at all

>> No.14120466

I'd rather not have the character at all than have some of the shit they've done in Osawari

>> No.14120470

Is Pero even edited? It sounds like more and more lolis have been trickling in these days.

LoV's probably gotten away with a few non-edits these days too. I wouldn't know though, Idol Festa lottery has been amazingly shitty for me.

And Aigis doesn't have edits, so much as outright removed chars with the supposed promise that they'd be added back in edited later. But we all know that's not happening anytime soon, if ever.

>> No.14120474

If the edits were going to be this poorly done that was probably for the best.

Technically everything on dmm has censorship, but I assume most people who consume JP media are so used to censored genitals it's not a big deal.

>> No.14120481

Depends how bad the censorship is.
Sometimes they completely white out the crotch area while sometimes its a little black bar on top of the dick and a little black bar covering the clitoris.

>> No.14120485

DMM uses mosaics on pretty much everything.

>> No.14120489

Mosaics aren't that bad, they're the most common censorship.

The black bars are my favorite because you have a incredibly lewd scene and they think a small black bar will censor something or make them not offended at the picture.

>> No.14120502

Honestly I don't find Mosaics to be that bad after years and years of hentai.

Editing characters and or flat out removing them is awful.

>> No.14120504

A note on DMM games though, unless you speak japanese, limit yourself to the games that have a healthy english community. You might have trouble figuring anything out otherwise

>> No.14120510

The only edited card I know of is Ruri Kotoba's lv5. The rest is still there (despite being loli)

>> No.14120514

The level of censorship they have to go for depends on where it's published. The general rule tends to be that the more readily something is available the heavier you need to censor it.
Personally I think mosaics are the worst because it's ugly and messes the picture up completely. I looked for the Aigis futa angel yesterday to figure out what made people freak out so much and I have no idea as the whole crotch area is just jumbled pixels. Coloring the genitalia white is ok because while you can't see it you can at least tell what is going on, but any kind of censor that's just transparent or tiny is of course the best.

>> No.14120516

>aigis futa angel

>> No.14120521
File: 653 KB, 959x537, OmvGeLd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this sorcery.


This after hours of grinding and not finding shit.

>> No.14120526


Fuck you

>> No.14120527

are you fucking serious

it took me 2 fucking days to get 1 noa

>> No.14120529

glitch dont report it kek

>> No.14120530

Save dem master balls for the event nigga

>> No.14120532

There is a girl with a dick on DMM Aigis.

>> No.14120545

is there any way to get free masterballs or am I just gonna gave to git lucky

>> No.14120557

I asked this yesterday, apparently no.

>> No.14120587

Guesses on when we get next Aigis event?

>> No.14120594

~2 months

>> No.14120664

Is that accounting for the delays?

>> No.14120807

Wait, can someone explain what's so bad about these? Do you really hate bigger tits that much?

>> No.14120816

The major problem is the faces here.

>> No.14120825

If you need explanation why their faces are ugly as hell now, there's something very wrong with your art taste or you are nutaku shill.

>> No.14120834

Head shape, eye size and position and in some cases mouth shape were modified on a lot of characters, most of which actually did have breasts of decent size.

>> No.14120843

How do you use the internet when you're blind?

>> No.14120844

I agree the faces look weird now but in some of the art the eyes were way too big to begin with so it's more of a sidegrade. Noa's eyes are falling off the side of her face. Key pls.

>> No.14120846

Even with tits alone, problem is not size, but very terrible quality of edit. You can see that it was done in 2 minutes by some retard who cannot draw and just learned some photoshop tools.

>> No.14120859

> eyes were way too big to begin with
Are you the guy who was doing edits for nutaku?
Do you even know anything about anime style?

>> No.14120869
File: 35 KB, 602x376, 1442098784083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending this shit
is nutaku paying you for this?

>> No.14120871
File: 335 KB, 622x465, mamoru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree anon, eyes too big, elbows too pointy, would not fuck

>> No.14120880

Lol, and they didn't even edit her breasts. I guess edit guy is just anime hater and was doing to piss off nutaku customers.

>> No.14120883

I've seen enough anime to tell apart good looking anime art from funky looking anime art. Anyway, not defending Nutaku, but just saying the original art looked pretty weird as well. And for instance the new Hametema doesn't look so bad, so it's not like they screwed up everything.

>> No.14120885

Are there any Ns and Rs that I should leave aside, or I can dispose them all indiscriminately?

>> No.14120889

probably liked western "hentai" too

>> No.14120895

> original art looked pretty weird as well. And for instance the new Hametema doesn't look so bad
You can't be serious.
Original Hametena is eons better than this shit.
Sorry man, but you cannot persuade people that black is white, we believe our own eyes rather than shills.

>> No.14120904

Hametena has quite possible the worst boob job across any Nutaku game
They just hit it with the smudge or blur tool and they're just flat ugly circles. She's not even that loli to begin with.

>> No.14120930
File: 67 KB, 193x278, ScreenHunter_32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's not even that loli to begin with.

Everything is a loli to Nutaku until they look like this.

>> No.14120932

Tried to fill support ticked for some osawari mistranslations. Know what? Their system didn't accept my ticket because you cannot use japanese there.
There goes my attempt to be helpful, heh.

>> No.14120935


Made this to show the edits between DMM and Nutaku. If you have one of the edited girls, please take a clean screenshot of her album page. I'm still slowly progressing in Nutaku' s version, so I only put girls I had in both versions.

>> No.14120939

Shizuku had collar and chain and they removed it? WTF??? She's not fucking loli you fucking bigots.

>> No.14120951
File: 124 KB, 419x510, nia_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.14120952

I'm guessing it's because of feminism or slavery. Nutaku pls.

>> No.14120961

I just cannot imagine how the fuck nutaku is going to run TABA. EVERY girl there is subjected to rape and various BDSM stuff, including stomach punching, tentacles and other shit.

>> No.14120974

Yeah, that's good. Updated.

>> No.14120981
File: 8 KB, 121x89, get away from me nutaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14120989

Some others I don't have but have seen posted are Ellis, Seira and Flora, in case anyone happens to have them

>> No.14120996

I have Flora, but she seemed unchanged to me. Can post after I finish this quest.

>> No.14121000

Should be eyes and cross shoop

>> No.14121010

There's been a big enough outcry that they'll stick to their word and fix these, but I think there ought to be a bigger outcry if we want to ensure edits like these never happen again. Might be a good start to spam their FB/Twitter with it.

>> No.14121018

I think its better to join this stuff into single pic that can easily be shared around, and then post it everywhere where nutaku/osawari is discussed.

>> No.14121021

ill post Seira

>> No.14121029
File: 553 KB, 946x488, ”Ultra Adventure! Go Go - Osawari Island” - Play Online And Download Nutaku.net.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14121030
File: 134 KB, 768x485, 896364497f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14121034
File: 481 KB, 701x536, WSPVkAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Base Ellis.

>> No.14121035
File: 547 KB, 930x485, ”Ultra Adventure! Go Go - Osawari Island” - Play Online And Download Nutaku.net (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R variant

>> No.14121039

Ugh, this is so terrible. I can't believe they are censoring cleavage in PORN GAME.

>> No.14121041

See the first cross-thread link in >>14120373 for the original.

>> No.14121047
File: 237 KB, 959x539, ellisssr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SSR Ellis.

>> No.14121050

Did they actually remove the boob window?

>> No.14121052

They removed the boob window, in a hentai game.

>> No.14121058


What gets me more is the arbritrary pentagram

>> No.14121060

She is only showing allegiance to our dark lord.

>> No.14121062

Looks like Nutaku got scammed. How hard can it be to find someone with a bit of business sense to warn you of a mistake you're about to make?

>> No.14121063

Apparently contract between nutaku and their payment processor includes "merchant must randomly add pentagrams to nuns in their products" clause. These damn payment processors.

>> No.14121068

The fine print will get you every time.

>> No.14121082

While there's no clean image yet, still worth it to add Mamoru and Hinata Natsumi from event banner.

>> No.14121085

Am, I the only one who thinks Nomi's edit was an improvement?

>> No.14121090


>> No.14121102

Honestly I think Flora's cuter with smaller eyes, but would still look better with ones bigger than what we got.

>> No.14121106

Edited Flora's beady little eyes give me fucking nightmares
They're not even remotely the same style as the original, obviously since you can't have crosses even in eyes.

>> No.14121109

nutaku stop posting already

>> No.14121124

Shit I never even saw the eye crosses, that's adorable.

Not even if they gave me all the whales' money.

>> No.14121126

Yes, you are.

>> No.14121131

How many shekels is Nutaku paying you to post that here?

>> No.14121202

Did they seriously remove her lollipop and replace it with a paintbrush? This is 4kids-tier.

>> No.14121208

The other one by her face is a pencil now.

>> No.14121211

osawari.chatango com/
mod is in here at the moment

>> No.14121221

Talking with these bigots privately is pointless. They would back down only if there's strong enough public uproar.

Speaking of which, someone should post that collection to hongfire too,

>> No.14121227
File: 294 KB, 957x535, osadmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any other 1k power nuke skills in game at the moment? This slut has let me taste power and I want more.

>> No.14121233

gatcha in 3rd tier stones drops a few nukes

>> No.14121397

How good of a team is needed in Immortal Beast? Never attempted it, basically ignored it after 3* everything else and just grinding DH like everybody else. I think I've a team good enough for it (got an assload of CC + max level units of all rarities, bunch of min-cost etc etc)

>> No.14121402

You need 3 maxed out healers and someone who can receive 3 liches alpha. Otherwise its easy.

>> No.14121404


Nutaku knows they're shit. Due to deadlines, they had to outsource and didn't have time to react by the time the art came back. They want to fix their mistake. But that doesn't mean you'll get a revert to the original art. It just means the edits will be redone to not be horrible.

>> No.14121406

This doesn't explain why units like Seira were sent to editing to begin with. There's nothing wrong with original art, and nutaku should be forced to revert it to original state.

>> No.14121407

What do people use as a lich tank? Maxed out Valk or Heavy? I suppose you could use Karma at the very end, if they all spawn at the same time.

>> No.14121408

I use Cellia.

>> No.14121436

Crazy idea: what if we do the edits Nutaku so needs and ask to be compensated with Nutaku gold?

>> No.14121457

>normies find out about this deal
>they proceed to make bad edits
>nutaku approves it
no thanks

>> No.14121462


Please kill yourself

>> No.14121465


That's a point, the tasteless will swarm over this. Bad idea indeed.

>> No.14121469

Oh, look, normie got offended.

>> No.14121473

Plebbit pls go. "normies" sounds like shit but it's a word to describe people like you. Unwelcome dickheads that's the cancer eroding away this community.

>> No.14121479

What's it like being a newfag?

>> No.14121481

Dunno, you tell us, normie.

>> No.14121484

You're the expert on it. Share it with us.

>> No.14121487

>hi guise its my first day on 4chan am i fitting in yet

>> No.14121489 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting, /v/-kun?

>> No.14121490

>hi guise its my first day on 4chan
Don't worry, normie, few years and you will be like us.

>> No.14121493
File: 125 KB, 1224x1445, 1439681814818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you serious

>> No.14121500

The fuck is even going on right now.

>> No.14121504

Newfags trying to fit in

>> No.14121507

Random normie trash is throwing a fit for being called out.

>> No.14121508
File: 1.99 MB, 448x252, 1437266765019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ellis lost her cleavage because of nuketaku

>> No.14121511


Please kill yourself

>> No.14121512

The first of many losses, just wait.

>> No.14121513

someone got offended and started shitposting

>> No.14121515

3 good healers, 2 if you got Karma and Odette, a lightning rod standing behind main tank and another duelist or 2.

>> No.14121516
File: 198 KB, 958x639, Chloeupgrade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean "if"? We already did tons of Nutaku quality edits.

>> No.14121519

you are just as bad anon follow your own advice

>> No.14121520

Normie, put your trip on.

>> No.14121521

What's a lightning rod? A term that rarely gets used.

>> No.14121522

What's it like being a newfag?

>> No.14121523

but I thought nutaku was anti pettanko

>> No.14121526

Dunno, you tell us, normie.

>> No.14121527

now you are just spamming

>> No.14121530

On the contrary my friend, I'm simply informing newfags that they should off themselves.

>> No.14121531

Please go back to tumblr, you are not ready for 4chan yet.

>> No.14121532 [DELETED] 

>hi guise its my first day on 4chan am i fitting in yet

>> No.14121535

Nope, try harder, normie.

>> No.14121541


2$ say it's all the same person.

>> No.14121542
File: 195 KB, 510x346, 1435210620869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14121547
File: 25 KB, 385x237, dsfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be out 2 bucks mate

>> No.14121552

How about adding warning about osawari censorship to next OPs? >>14120935 contains referral code so clean version is needed tho

>> No.14121555

Cool photoshop there, samefag.

>> No.14121556

I could get behind this, there is no reason to not let people know how fucked it is.

>> No.14121558

Moments like this make me glad I'm a coward who only bets with miniscule amounts of money.

>> No.14121564

The only safer option is not betting at all.

>> No.14121576


>> No.14121680

A lightning rod is someone behind the main tank that is there to take ranged hits from the liches when withdrawing the main tank/duelist, generally they won't need to attack anything so magic defense and health is most important for them.
3 liches magic attack can hurt a lot and could kill a healer if they were put down last before the tank.

>> No.14121797

Ah right, I understand. Makes sense.

>> No.14121841

>put down last before the tank
>so after the tank

>> No.14121862

>so after the tank
Not sure what you mean by that, where are you quoting that from?

>> No.14121866

>if they were put down last before the tank.
If the healer was put down last, before the tank was placed down, the healer will get attacked next.

>> No.14121869
File: 247 KB, 488x364, ”Ultra Adventure! Go Go - Osawari Island” - Play Online And Download Nutaku.net (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so damn ugly without mask now.
And what the hell with these weird "seam lines" at her ears?

>> No.14121870

Also, having F-cup she cries in that scene that her boobs are too small. Nutaku are worst.

>> No.14121872

It looks a lot like something was just cut out there. Were her eary longer in the original artwork and they edited them to be short?

Do payment processors hate long bunny ears?

>> No.14121878

Meant ears

>> No.14121880

Big shop changes for aigis bringing it in line with the jp shop I think?
I don't quite understand some of the wording but i get i should have waited to use 5 SC for the +5 UP bonus. I got 9 days left on it and no need for it.


>> No.14121882

The other one is not much better, what the hell is with that nose?

>> No.14121887

> The Millennium War Aigis Development Tea
That's it. They finally confessed that English side is handled by fucking herbs. No wonder that everything is so slow.

>> No.14121888

I believe this is the changes that happened in the JP version as well.

>> No.14121894

I sure hope its not the only change they implementing. There's even no maps to use these buffs on, everything is damn too easy already, wtf are they thinking.

>> No.14121895

If this is the 'big changes' the twitter spoke up they should just kill themselves

>> No.14121899

They'd better give us an event rather than updating their fucking useless shop

>> No.14121906
File: 2 KB, 224x46, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already implemented toogle speed button
already gonna implement +5UP for 1SC
still no auto-complete
still no new story maps
well... i guess we can't hate the Dev Tea

>> No.14121916

>We are working very hard to provide smooth, uninterrupted service.

Well, it was certainly uncontaminated by content so far. Guess that counts as 'smooth'.

>> No.14121934

Working hard in all the wrong places, but then what can you expect from the development tea?

>> No.14122002

Tsunako nose.

>> No.14122076

>big changes for Aigis!
>it was actually shop changes that no one needed or wanted

>> No.14122083

In line with Nutaku's tradition of excellence.

>> No.14122113

Implemented by sentient tea with very terrible English.

>> No.14122150

It just means that next update will be bigger and more useful, I'm betting on witches cost being reduced to jp levels (since I just got past war of magic by spending 5 SC).

>> No.14122169

Oh, never realised dmm had different prices since I wasn't really interested in the blessings, but 1 crystal for 5 cost sounds like a pretty useful deal.

>> No.14122202

Yea, DMM just got the prices changed 2-3 weeks back. Kinda surprised we are getting that too so soon.

>> No.14122219

It was top priority on their list, obviously

>> No.14122491
File: 175 KB, 669x492, kotobuki yasuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found another for puush anon

>> No.14122504

She was a cheerful lewd loli.
Edit has made her big-boobed and small-eyed Yandere.
Help us save the world from accidents like this.

>> No.14122621
File: 164 KB, 472x259, ASPCL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the arms of an angel

>> No.14122633

These are not the big changes nutuku talked about, maybe there's still some hope?

>> No.14122845

The one on the right looks a lot sexier tbh. Probably one of the good edits.

>> No.14123098

Here are the actual big changes for Aigis
1 event every month, maybe 2

>dragon hunting intensifies

Also buy more SC to support glorious devs and Nutaku

>> No.14123110

Nordland on ulmf:
> I have received an email, while the event will not be coming out this week, we do know that the next event will be ""Oni Summoning Sorceress" .

1) More delays
2) Nutaku/Aigis actually translated miko as "sorceress"
3) Loli editing sensor is beeping loudly
4) Our mysterious poster is someone who works on JP side of Aigis?? He knew about event and had banner before nutaku staff.

>> No.14123161

nutaku pls

>> No.14123170
File: 412 KB, 642x621, Nexteventfullbanner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our mysterious poster is someone who works on JP side of Aigis?? He knew about event and had banner before nutaku staff.

Possibly, but I wouldn't automatically assume that nutaku didn't have any knowledge. What they said is that they can't comment on it until the devs confirm, that just means the decision isn't final yet, not that they don't know anything about which events are being considered. We had a similar situation with the Karma event where they revealed "either vampire or monk" as a hint, but ultimately didn't know what the dev will decide on until much later.

Either way, I'll be interested to see what they do with Shiho.

>> No.14123183

Considering what they did with Osawari, i'm not really looking forward to see what they will do with her

>> No.14123214

>Our mysterious poster is someone who works on JP side of Aigis?? He knew about event and had banner before nutaku staff.
They were "running out of time" and "outsourced" banner editing to India.

>> No.14123296

Nutaku is giving out quite a number of shekels to shills for them to come post this shit here. It's clearly worse and you know it.

>> No.14123346
File: 246 KB, 959x542, Nutaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


currently at 0 uses

please, I just want 10 people to use it for the SSR QT.

I have no friends so I'm asking /jp/

>> No.14123349

make dups

>> No.14123360

Make a dummy account with a throwaway email, use your code. Do this however much you want as it takes all of like 2 minutes.

>> No.14123361

Was thinking about doing that but figured I'd ask first.

>> No.14123508

gtfo refferal cunt.

>> No.14123565

Why would Nutaku waste time shilling here? Delusional.
Anyway, you can see that the edit on the right is more womanly and sexually attractive. The one on the left has eyes big enough to be from a 70's anime, and she is so flat she could basically be a little boy. Anyway, this edit wasn't like the others that turned a nice looking girl into a mentally handicapped one. Not all edits are equally bad despite the memes.

>> No.14123633

This edit is pretty bad too. You are either blind or have shit taste

>> No.14123636

Fuck off Nutaku go shill at Hongfire.

>> No.14123682

You must enjoy western "hentai' as well.

>> No.14123694


I'm a weab playing a weab hentai game from japan. I want my big bug eyes on my anime girls, dammit.

>> No.14123726

> Why would Nutaku waste time shilling here?
You know, this "rebuttal" doesn't work too well after you announced that you would increase forums shilling staff.
Also, we already have solid proof that nutaku employees post here, >>14123110>>14123170

>> No.14123755

Actually, that just shows that there is a hacker going through Nutaku assets.

>> No.14123766

Would that hacker be named 4chan?

>> No.14123810

How would a hacker find a quarter of a banner?

>> No.14123856

Quality of edits aside, I'm not sure how to react to the fact that the forces demanding Compliance only care about the artwork. Take for example, Osawari boss 3: voice and lines make it clear this is a case that moralists would throw a fit over ("omg sexual grooming of a vulnerable orphan") despite the not-loli looks. LoV's Titanne is worse, a boobjob doesn't censor the kindergarten motif.

>> No.14124031

Just give them time, they have already started removing things from the artwork that could be "offensive" such as chains and crosses. It's only a matter of time until they start to edit the text as well.

>> No.14124038

They just didn't have time to properly censor everything. Few maintenances later, they will remove all this dirty sex altogether so you could enjoy your pokemon game with your whole family.

>> No.14124083

Anyone capture the map legendaries without a masterball?

>> No.14124203

Beaten like 7 of them so far, never had them appear for capture. Even if they had I probably would have not gotten them anyways due to the like 5% chance.

>> No.14124219

All of those (except Olivia) looks fucking hilariously bad.
I'm trying to imagine being the original artist for this and seeing your stuff being mutilated this bad.

>> No.14124251

Wuch, AS tournaments really are a time sink. I stopped at 100 points to get EX-Jill. Somehow ended up rank 103 so far, not going to push harder as an extra 200 medals is not enough motivation for me.

>> No.14124372


Does the $50 banana guarantee that they'll be up for capture, or just show up for a fight?

>> No.14124395

Just makes them show up at a 100% chance, you still have to catch it. Granted if you are spending 50 dollars on that shit I assume 3 extra dollars for the masterball is nothing.

>> No.14124404

and by show up I mean it shows up to fight, I assume it's still up to RNG if it appears at the end of mission catch chance or not. I have not and never plan to waste 50 dollars on that to find out.

>> No.14124431

I was under the impression that there were two bananas; one that increases the chance of rare eromons showing up, and one that was a banana and a monster capsule rolled into one.

>> No.14124432

Conspiracy theory here. Nutaku intentionally made the shitty ant sized eye edits so we would lower our standards and be glad that they only do loli boob jobs in the future.

>> No.14124447

Nothing wrong with loli boob jobs tbh. Pedophilia shouldn't be normalized even in a porn game. It's a disturbing Japanese trend that has even leaked over to mainstream games like Fire Emblem where you can pet and impregnate your 10 year old sister.

>> No.14124448

The cheap Banana only raises the chance of the rare to spawn, the expensive banana is a 100% chance. I don't think the expensive one changes anything in terms of capture rate or it's chance to even appear to be caught.

I've beaten about 7 or so of them so far and I have yet to see any appear at the end of mission catch, so I can only assume this stays even if you buy the bananas. Again I can't confirm as I refuse to buy them to find out.

I would say it's a better deal to just buy masterballs and farm them out, there is no real use for stamina right now anyways and it's a fuck of a lot cheaper.

>> No.14124457

If you fight a map legendary, banana or not, she'll always show up for capture for that run.

>> No.14124464

Mine game must be broken then, I beat the forest one about 4 times whilst farming for the foxslut and I never got the option to catch her.

>> No.14124473

>Being against fucking females in an ero game.
I suppose you support adding gay characters for diversity right?

>> No.14124478
File: 129 KB, 500x374, Legal age.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing wrong with loli boob jobs tbh.

Anon please they are legal aged adults just like you and me.

>> No.14124485

You guys need to stop taking all the bait ITT.

>> No.14124489
File: 88 KB, 300x256, nick-young-confused-face-300x256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He'd rather have pedo shit in a game then gay shit

>> No.14124496

Please go back to reddit where you belong.

>> No.14124499

Low quality bait.

>> No.14124511

They are already making moves to legalize pedos get with the times gramps.

>> No.14124521

Mind telling me more about yourselves

Im not the FBI or anything

>> No.14124529

>The boss of the 4th stage rarely shows up to capture


>> No.14124540

The same rate as all the other bosses, just RNG being a bitch.

>> No.14124550

Not in civilized countries. Look at Australia. Banning all flatties is going too far but they have the right idea.

>> No.14124552

I would actually disagree for 4th boss, I finally got her after like 50 plus runs or so but she only showed up for capture around 10 times.

All other bosses have showed up a lot but capture rate fing me over lol. On the bright side, just 5th boss to go.

>> No.14124583

>the big news Nutaku had for Aigis was new moot

>> No.14124593

5th boss gave me about as much trouble as the first, only thing that made it better is the final map in the final area is a great place to farm pretty much everything.

>> No.14124670

Who has heard of a coup in a civilized country?

>> No.14124699

It feels like by the time you catch the 5th area boss and the other ones without 100% catch rate you'd be rolling in hearts, free exp's, gacha, and money......

>> No.14125154

Assassin on the Loose for tomorrow in Angelic Saga.
Is she already on DMM or do we know nothing about her?

>> No.14125196
File: 232 KB, 320x480, 韋駄天『ヴァニラ』.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny accessories are apparently banned on nutaku too.

>> No.14125238

>like Fire Emblem where you can pet and impregnate your 10 year old sister

Woah woah woah, hold on here, I suddenly became interested in Fire Emblem.
Is this a hyperbole or just completely made up?

>> No.14125253

Is this your first time hearing of Imouto Emblem?


Elise > Sakura

>> No.14125262

>bunny accessories are apparently banned
Oh COME on.
What are her stats?

>> No.14125269

I wonder how they'll edit that for the west.

>> No.14125270

Okay, I can understand the breast size increase because it's Nutaku being racist against loli, but why did they remove the bunny accessories?

>> No.14125272

pet and impregnate your 10 year old dog

>> No.14125274

People will relate it to Playboy maybe? Who the fuck knows.

>> No.14125277

they remove those cus it makes her look younger/ in those year when a little girl still plays with fluffy bunnies; instead of a fully grown legal-aged woman

>> No.14125280

>Been farming stage 4 all day
>The boss only showed on the capture screen twice


>> No.14125282

Why would you remove a sexual reference in a hentai game?

>> No.14125289

m-muh payment processors

>> No.14125319

On a different topic, how's everyone's armor hunting going?

Only got 1 plat for DMM, but 2 plats so far for Nutaku.

Gonna CC my new Fedora for Nutaku and go for Immortal Beast - I managed to wipe everyone except for the 3 liches last time, and even they were almost gone.

>> No.14125358

>playing anything on Nutaku

>> No.14125370
File: 12 KB, 212x204, EHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being on this general to post this

>> No.14125377

>supporting DMM with your shekels when they don't even want you playing their games
I support Nutaku in the hopes that they'll bring even more games over

>> No.14125380

I just don't understand why they stick with this fucking probiller shit if they're so restrictive on what they process

Do they just not want to spend the time, money and effort to get with a better processor?

>> No.14125387

Kind of makes me want to start up my own payment processor!
Although, sadly I'm sure the process of doing so would be long, tedious, and expensive.

>> No.14125388

Probably cost. Nutaku probably doesn't make much money and they have a good deal or they're too lazy to pay an intern to find a new one.

>> No.14125403

There's a JP wiki in the OP. It's not that hard to find HR cards and look for her yourself.

>> No.14125409

>probably doesn't make much money

They would make obscene amounts of money considering how little work they put in

>> No.14125412

osawari is getting the rabbit accessory back on hametena due to complaints

>> No.14125415

Depends on the agreement with DMM. I doubt they keep all the revenue

>> No.14125426

Can't tell if shills or whales

>wanting Nutaku to bring more games when they literally fuck everything up and it only gets worse

Enjoy your dragon hunting, 1 event a month and poor edits

>> No.14125435
File: 92 KB, 600x662, Enjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeps posting in nutaku general despite hating it

>> No.14125437

Better than no game at all. Or did you forget that most people don't live in japan and can't always set up a proxy?

>> No.14125443

I never needed a proxy to play DMM adult games. But at the same time, I'd prefer playing in English so I can understand what is going on. Sadly, that means I have to sacrifice a few things, but at least I get to play.

>> No.14125444

>Standard 7 cost with the standard 300 ability
So more of the same useless bullshit?

>> No.14125451

Would be nice if you faggots would stop arguing amongst yourselves all the time and used that energy to complain directly to Nutaku instead.

>> No.14125456

As a whale, I want them to port more stuff over for Aigis. I blew a few hundreds already, I nearly had a meltdown from regret during the month and half long break.

>> No.14125458
File: 620 KB, 500x739, Nutaku userbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just here for some desperate damage control :^)

>> No.14125468

>DMM Angelic Saga is shutting down
>Nutaku Angelic Saga isn't
DMM shill go back to your kancolle board

>> No.14125473

Let's be honest, a lot of the arguments here are people either intentially shilling for the purpose of baiting, and/or people responding to said bait.

>> No.14125476
File: 659 KB, 960x640, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how's [...] armor hunting going?
well i'm sure i just burned out my luck for the next year
worst drop was a 4 golden, and that happened only twice until now

>> No.14125482

DMM does want you playing their games though.

>> No.14125492

If everyone wants to migrate to the DMM thread for discussing Aigis, I'm fine with that. Not like there's much to discuss in the Nutaku version.

>> No.14125497

If they actually get to the point where they start adding new content(maybe two years from now with the slower pacing) that might be impressive.
Nutaku is eventually going to have games that aren't successful get shut down to.

>> No.14125504

iirc the reason people who plays DMM Aigis is here, is bc in the DMM thread they harly ever talk about it and here it has been relevant since it launched (even in the time with no updates, people were talking a lot about its lack of communicatio)

>> No.14125509

Did DMM Saga have weekend quests? Those seemed like a decent plus already.

Now we just need money sinks and better HR rates from the gacha and more h-scenes, and we'd be pretty golden.

>> No.14125515
File: 796 KB, 1600x900, Monday Daily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this happened.
The rest of the day was nothing but golds, as usual.

>> No.14125516

But if everyone discussing it here just discussed it in the DMM thread, wouldn't that work best? It's a DMM game, after all. Maybe if there were actually events on Nutaku it would be different, but I see no sign of that.

>> No.14125529

well yeah, i see your point

>> No.14125531

You either do a proper service or you don't do it at all.
With this kind of mentality they can simply get away with anything and people will gobble anything they shit out no matter what as long as at least a few whales are hooked on.

Aigis was supposed to be their flagship game with decent hentai and decent gameplay instead we are stuck with this abomination where you do the same shit for a month before anything new happens.
Instead of doing anything Nordland pretty much confirmed that 1 event a month, maybe 2 is completely fine.

Spending money on something that turns to shit hurts but being in denial doesn't solve anything.
Stop supporting Nutaku and hope someone more competent decides to publish jap games.

Time to do your job shills.

>> No.14125536

>With this kind of mentality they can simply get away with anything and people will gobble anything they shit out no matter what as long as at least a few whales are hooked on.

welcome to localization, this has been going on for forever

>> No.14125545

Im complaining everyday till nutaku fixes their shit and not paying a dime money talks

>> No.14125547

welcome to the westernly market for foreign games
please take a seat and enjoy the ride

>> No.14125557

>You either do a proper service or you don't do it at all.
Sorry but not everyone has the luxury if choice that you do, since you seem to be fine with playing the japanese version. I take what I can get. Something is always better than nothing unless you're an idealist, which I'm not. This is the same argument I see when people say to never play localized mobage because of less generosity. Well, it's the only option I have. You can't compare products across markets anyway. This isn't a free market.

>> No.14125583

If Nutaku hadn't come along and done such a horrible job, someone competent could have instead. But because people are willing to accept nutaku's awful quality, there's no hope of that. So no, something is not always better than nothing because that's a false dichotomy.

>> No.14125745

You DO have option to play DMM version. No proxies needed, no japanese knowledge needed, superior service provided.
You are bad at shilling.

>> No.14125746

So for Osawari Island I had no idea you could click on enemies for target selection, did I miss it in the tutorial or whatever?

>> No.14125776

I like how Nordland completely ignored issue of censorship in osawari threads. So far we didn't see even single public acknowledgement that there's an issue and they are going to fix it. Only thing we got is some anon claiming that "he talked to devs", not even logs.
I bet its just stalling tactic, they spread rumors about "working on fixing" themselves, but they don't really mean it, they just wait for people to forget it and move on, and then this will become new standard of nutaku.

>> No.14125777

I don't recall anything about it in tut and the Help section has nothing.
Nice to know, at least.

>> No.14125799

New Nordland's post:
>> Can we assume that from now on there will be one event per month in average ?
> Yes, we're hoping for 2 a month on average, but of course, things will happen to delay/postpone them that I cannot account for right now. However, I am confident in saying there will be at least 1 a month.

You see, they are HOPING for fucking 2 events per month. That's their ideal result, while acceptable level of 1 per month.
So having to spend half of each month on nothing but Dragon Hunting is future of Nutaku Aigis for a long time, there goes any hope of actual "big changes".

>> No.14125837


I can believe it.

>> No.14125840

that sounds plausible

>> No.14125856

At that rate, Nutaku will catch up to DMM in just about negative three years.

>> No.14125858

>still counting on negative years

>> No.14125894

>So having to spend half of each month on nothing but Dragon Hunting

I think you mean spend half of each month logging in for a the daily prize then closing the game.

>> No.14125895

>no japanese knowledge needed
But that is a lie. Either you need the japanese knowledge, or the knowledge of other people who know japanese.

>> No.14125896

Honestly I don't ever expect them to get to weekly updates.
Every two weeks is about the best I would ever expect so you'd generally have 3 weeks of events and 1 week off in every month.

>> No.14125902

Dialogues and everything else is transcribed on wiki. Use google translate.

>> No.14125905

2 events per month is already pretty fucking good, plus I actually like breaks between events because I play other games. Weekly events would be asking too much, with all the translations and asset editing they have to do, it'd just be a recipe for even shoddier service. I dislike the fact that events only last one week anyways. In most other games events are 2 weeks to give you more leeway to miss a day or two.

>> No.14125922

The game doesn't really need break because you can finish the two week star trial events in 1-2 days easily. If you do/don't want to grind for the rest of the duration that's on you.

>> No.14125924

> with all the translations
Events have about 30-50 lines of text total, I can translate this much text in about one to three three hours, and I'm not even professional translator, just did some VN fan-tls.
> asset editing
2 event banners. What else?
That's about one workday of person responsible for art.

>> No.14125933

Ah, actually, forgot that there are 2 h-scenes for each added unit. Okay, that would take a bit longer, up to 3 days total. Still plenty of space for non-stop events.

>> No.14125946

Just because you don't want to play the game doesn't mean everyone else should be subjected to weeks of nothing

>> No.14125948

Fun fact you will get the same level of translations we have now too.

>> No.14126039

Has Nutaku ever done anything right?

>> No.14126054

LoV was acceptable when it first came out, but ever since that every game after has been a complete shit show.

>> No.14126071

Angelic Saga 11 Gacha is pay only, yeah?
Part of me wants to believe if I saved 11 Gacha tickets I could use it but save me from hoarding them by crushing my dream here.

>> No.14126074

Honestly I think LoV is still pretty good. The gacha is the fairest of all the games, since you get a decent amount of premium currency from logins, and the events are all simple boss farming that anyone can do.
The game itself isn't anything to write home about, but it's certainly not being ran as poorly as Aigis or edited as badly as Osawari

>> No.14126138

Yeah, it's pay only.

>> No.14126247

Yeah it's a shame they got it right in such a meh game.

>> No.14126265

So, what do you do in osawari once all stages are cleared and your SSR eromons reached levelcap? Mindlessly grind for legendaries praying for that 0.000000000001 chance?

>> No.14126267

Right now yes, that is all we can do.

>> No.14126297

>trying to get Osawari stage 4 boss

Just kill me now
This bitch doesn't even show up to cap

>> No.14126335

You forgot eyes and breasts edits. To shit things up that bad must take a lot of work

>> No.14126344

> someone competent could have instead

Could. But chances are, won't. Because competent people will find more lucrative and less risky opportunities instead. What Nutaku have done is prove there is demand in this niche market. Chances are, competent people sitll wouldn't consider this a good enough opportunity.


Acceptable yes. I still remember when we were starving for new content because they had to wait and see if there was demand before proceeding. Not to mention, various UCs and Camus being absent - the grind I went through to get one of the most iconic characters in LoV.

>> No.14126357

You don't need some ultra super profitable business endeavor to be able to hire a translator who actually knows the language in question.

>> No.14126380
File: 192 KB, 641x456, logs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, if you wanted logs, say so sooner. And of course it's a stalling tactic. But don't be so quick to assume malice and deceit are behind a conspiracy - bureaucrasy and stupidity stall far more. I completely believe this dev is telling the truth but actually believing this'll get fixed is a separate issue. The wishes of the dev factor little into the way bureaucrasy works.

If anything gives me hope, it's that LoV actually had content re-added eventually. Took months, but it happened.

>> No.14126480


No, but you do need competence to tell if the translator knows what they're doing while staying within deadlines. And to be profitable at all, you need a lot more than just a good translator.

>> No.14126482

To be profitable, you don't need anything at all, you just set up kickstarter and morons shower you with money, proven by Scam Project.

>> No.14126551

>they're raising the gacha drop rates, meaning that anyone who spent money on the gacha already and didn't get lucky is getting fucking shafted

>> No.14126561

Which game are we talking about here?

>> No.14126565

Angelic Saga where I just took the plunge for the $10 spin on the Angel gacha.

>> No.14126575

Hope you got that fire angel, it's pretty nice imo. So were they raising that rates only for the premium gacha or is the normal one included?

>> No.14126583

I might be annoyed by this, but I got both angel HRs, so I was fine with my initial roll already.

What annoys me more is that we're having another tourney already. I haven't rebuilt my deck yet, and I'm probably going to end up focusing on finishing the next story quest instead of grinding for more fodder, which will slow me down further.

>> No.14126605

A tourney right after this one? No event?

>> No.14126623

>2 days of farming beach boss in Osa with no luck
>Do a run of the last map of stage 5 to level up
>Get that boss instead


>> No.14126638

AKA "we're aiming for the original status quo that should always have been the bare minimum to begin with." Fucking classy.

Pretty much the only thing that'll restore an ounce of hope for me with Aigis is if Shiho somehow makes it over unedited. That'll be the fucking day.

Well, at least that sounds more promising than fucking Aigis.

At any rate, thanks for posting those screens.

That's what the maintenance notice says.

>> No.14126783

Having at least 1 per month sounds like a pretty big change compared to before, even if it's still terrible. Not that I care much about it anyway, got 2 blacks on dmm already and I'm close to awakening my first unit. Even if Nutaku were to achieve getting 2 events per month and adds missing features like autocomplete, it's a little too late now for me to care about switching.

>> No.14126791

I'm playing both, since it takes about 20 minutes per session max on dmm, unless I'm spending SC on stamina.

>> No.14126885

Looks like Saga's already done.

Tourney rewards are EX Jill and EX Nena again.

>> No.14126891

They need to add something new so I have the motivation to actually grind out the tournament. As is, once you've got one Ex you've got em all.

>> No.14126964
File: 22 KB, 487x116, furry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14126971

Real furries might take insult from that, ehehe.

>> No.14127000

Shit, I forgot. She's the hard mode boss of the fire daily.

If anyone beats the fire daily today, could someone take a screencap of the boss's lose quote and see if she also got censored? I just beat the dungeon and only remembered after the fact, so I can't take a pic myself.

>> No.14127041
File: 135 KB, 955x625, 150922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should fuck up and let Spica die more often.

>> No.14127057

Who's that top most girl?

>> No.14127063

Santa cutie

>> No.14127066

Pretty cute and nice sprite, I wish I had her.

>> No.14127075

Someone I really should've bought a few copies of when she was available last month...
Now it's gonna take a few months for her to rotate in again.

>> No.14127118

Some players intentionally draw out a game in AS huh? I think by the time this match is over I would finish my kanji reps.

>> No.14128114

Nice, just got Cuterie to mincost, maybe I should CC her one of these days.

>> No.14128168

Currently have 1 max Iris and one max Alyssa that i currently heal with. Looking for a third from: 2 Iris, 2 Fedora, 2 Dorca, and 4 Christopher.

Im guessing either Iris or Fedora, with Christoper as the cc bait?

>> No.14128252
File: 367 KB, 773x523, Spoofy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake up to see this looking at you, What do?

>> No.14128294


Well, if it's not lagging and the turn count is low, dragging out the game boosts gacha point returns. Surrendering too early is harmful too. If they're letting the timer fly, that's BM.


Fedora's +range is excellent utility. Never know when you might need a temporary heal.

>> No.14128346
File: 114 KB, 442x599, LimiterOff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spend all my Saturday loot in one batch. Pic related.

>> No.14128364

Nordland just announced event for Osawari called Sapphire Vacation to occur (hopefully) this thursday, so stock up on r tickets and get your units ready (probably topaz from name)

>> No.14128381
File: 75 KB, 371x507, fireHardDaily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic as requested.

>> No.14128403


Hmm, 2 weeks long. The real test of confidence for Osawari will be what happens after this event.

>> No.14128404

Fedora as 3rd healer and then christopher as 4th and male healer, also CR and skill up Iris and Fedora when you can.

>> No.14128460

Thanks. So this one didn't escape censors either.

>> No.14128863

>tfw I use darys for fetish reasons

we need more eromon with feet

>> No.14129209

Osawari event on the 24th
about time

>> No.14129886

Super curious about this, I want to see how bad events are for us non whales.

>> No.14129891

Who is better at dodging questions, Nutaku or our new admin?

>> No.14129905

Nutaku, the chink is answering literally everyone, which is why he's still on posts from the first 30 seconds of the Q&A

>> No.14130223

Apparently the best bonus from the event gatcha Eromon is about 20-30% more points.

In comparison to the 2-3X bonuses in the events I've seen in the Japanese version, this is outright tame.

>> No.14130275

The question is will this become a normal thing or is this just a form of damage control for the amazing quality edits.

>> No.14130294

The JP version only had 20-30% EP bonuses for this event too. So if the JP version has 2-3x bonuses later you can expect we will too.

>> No.14130295
File: 5 KB, 415x105, lulz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14130315

One can dream.

>> No.14130318

lets see who will win the race nutaku or him

>> No.14130330
File: 140 KB, 275x317, Konata_Escalator.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chances are good that Nutaku will scale down the pay2win aspect of later events that occur.

Surely they can event coding beyond translation and artwork right?

>> No.14130335

I don't see why they would. Peropero got extra p2w and that's a game that they are supposed to have more control.

>> No.14130343
File: 144 KB, 414x426, squids_lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nutaku finally gets the method to put loli characters in their games.
>To celebrate, a site wide event where the changed lolis are changed back to their original forms, with boosted gatcha rates for them while the event is on.

>> No.14130408

The day that happens is the day they get money from me.

>> No.14130515

new thread
