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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13996027 No.13996027 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>13900634

- Osawari (R-18)
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=196663/
Wiki: http://seesaawiki.jp/yukeyukeosawari/
English FAQ: http://pastebin.com/hm92HU91
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Osawari_pc

- Kanpani Girls
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=181259/
Wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/kanpani/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kanpani_STAFF

- Aegis "Aigis"
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=156462/
Wiki #1: http://aigis.gcwiki.info/
Wiki #2: http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aigis1000

- Flower Knight Girl
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=329993/
Wiki: http://フラワーナイトガール.攻略wiki.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/flower_staff

- Shinken (Sword Girls)
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=319803/
Wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/sinken/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pub_snkn

-Chouginga Kantai (Mages.) (Requires Nijiyome account) (No IP Block)
Game Link: http://nijiyome.com/app/top/226
Wiki: http://gwiki.jp/choginga/?FAQ
Wiki 2: http://xn--4bs902ckhpqkkf6f.xn--wiki-4i9hs14f.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/choginga
English Beginner FAQ: http://pastebin.com/1zb7Me2K

Shooting Girls
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame_s/shooting-girl/
Wiki (EN): http://shootinggirl.wikia.com/
Wiki (JP): http://wiki.kanmuryou.com/shooting-girl/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/sg_staff

>> No.13996268

> forget shooty girl event ends today

> event ends with me being 1k away from the 4* snipper

oh well

>> No.13996363
File: 134 KB, 311x224, best transportation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A worthy rival for Segway and Rocket Hammer has appeared.

>> No.13996690

And she's a gunner instead of a crushing-type too.

Slashing and piercing types better catch up as well. Waiting for a lance girl that drills underground like a Graboid.

>> No.13997226
File: 296 KB, 960x640, yyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 golds
Fuck yeah, got the two new ones too. No kitsune but such is life.

>> No.13997244

There is a FAQ or english guide about FKG? Since recently most of the talk is about FKG, it piqued my interest.

>> No.13997273

the last event freebie's sprite is kinda cute.

>> No.13997293

I don't think there is any english guide out there, but the game is pretty simple so you shouldn't have any problem picking it up.

>> No.13997770 [DELETED] 

just started playing kancolle, it's normal to have all the servers full?

>> No.13998071

Yes, in the past there was a lotto go get a slot. What can you expect from a shitty flash game developer/publisher?

>> No.13999394

Exactly what >>13997293 says

However, what I'm interested in is a google doc of the story translation. But I doubt anyone would do it.
If there's a transcribed version of it somewhere, at least I can get some help from shitty machine translation for some words.

>> No.13999541

You lucky bastard.

Saving up my stones waiting for Daria to be featured, she's the gold I want most and hope 2-3 50 throws would be enough to get her.

>> No.13999691

How does defense work in FKG? I was wondering whether to give defense or attack equip to my Suiren

>> No.13999864

Suiren has a dodge passive so prioritize offensive gear.

>> No.13999872

attack for eeeeeverything

>> No.14002411

Nice, can't even pass the loading screen in FKG now.

>> No.14003175
File: 157 KB, 548x512, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad i didn't pick AR at start or i would've had another lookalike.

>> No.14006239

I wish there was a guide mostly because I always end up finding a shitload of errors.

>> No.14006357

Wow, Lavender h-scene is crazy. I didn't expect her being that do-M.

>> No.14007453

Please remember that Flower Knights are not human and do not think like humans.

Do not give into the advances of your Flower Knight. Do not feed your Flower Knight human blood or other bodily fluids, especially after midnight. In the event that your Flower Knight reproduces, immediately contact the nearest knight headquarters. DMM.com accepts no responsibility for monetary or bodily damage resulting from improper maintenance of Flower Knights.

>> No.14010539

So FKG mission runs are done entirely on client side (server sends map layout with enemy/ally unit stats when map is loaded, and once it finished, client reports what enemies were killed and so on; no communication during mission), and all communication happens in JSON. Its so easy to abuse.

>> No.14010653

Oh jap programmers never change
People cheated in aigis thatway so much

>> No.14010781

At least drops are decided server-side, so you cannot hack some rainbows like it happened in aigis.

>> No.14010955

I'm happy I got that reference

>> No.14011548
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bring it on bitches

>> No.14011553
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these bullets are weak

powerful weak

>> No.14011560
File: 812 KB, 1099x619, raifu bring it 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my panties are showing that means I win

(also how do I do proper screenshots and not just prtscn and cropping)

>> No.14011576

>each battle with equal side = multiple 30 mins downtime.
Yeah, i haven't touch this again since the event ends.

>> No.14011626
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New girls again.

>> No.14011715

Oh god I want to lick the mage.

>> No.14011727
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Someone has to ruin my perfect bronze roll.

>> No.14011767

Did some test runs trying to figure how much stats matter in FKG.

Test 1 (5 runs):
Base attack 6758 + 30% buff; Enemy defence 75.
Average damage to enemy: 4322

Test 2 (5 runs):
Base attack 6758 + 1000 item bonus + 30% buff; Enemy defence 75.
Average damage to enemy: 5061

Test 3 (6 runs):
Base attack 6758 + 1000 item bonus + 45% buff; Enemy defence 75.
Average damage to enemy: 5276 (~5% increase compared to test 2)

Test 4 (6 runs):
Base attack 6758 + 45% buff; Enemy defence 75.
Average damage to enemy: 4870 (~13% increase compared to test 1)

So, apparently,
1. Its non-linear as hell
2. Item bonuses are not buffed??

>> No.14011894
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This new chapter is designed just to fuck over your soldiers.

>> No.14011900
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My soldier was paper in front of these

>> No.14011903

The red route bosses hit like a truck, too.

>> No.14011911

Something something about reducing server load and better experience for user.

Yo that's lewd anon

>> No.14011919

They are all equipped with their character weapons now, which just makes thing worse.

>> No.14011922

2-2-4 hard was some crazy shit. I had to do the easy route. And just a 2* ronin as a reward for 7th map, stingy as usual.
This maint means they're nerfing the maps, rright?

>> No.14011932

Nope, they fucked up the new accessory and this maint was to fix it.

>> No.14011978

Extended maintenance, let's hope a nerf is included.

>> No.14012006

Be careful. She seems crazy.

>> No.14012033
File: 525 KB, 896x576, kurum4i2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are on to something, anon.

>> No.14012113
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Just got annihilated on 2-2-8 so I guess no changes?

>> No.14012148 [DELETED] 

Oh god, those rape parties in 2-4-4 hard.

>> No.14012157

Oh god, those rape parties in 2-2-4 hard.
2-2 seems to be absolutely ball without having OP soldiers and clerics.

>> No.14012210
File: 187 KB, 942x558, I got this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay second try went better, took a bunch of turns though and used attack up skill on second fight with healer banshee. The magic aoes gave me a scare at first.

>> No.14012248

Managed to finish it myself. I love seeing 2 soldiers poke each other for 30 turns before one goes down.
And crappy 2* ronin for all this effort. They could at least reward us the episode 2 3* poster ronin instead, but nope.
Farming these maps for new weapon recipes will be a pain.

>> No.14012344
File: 1.27 MB, 948x559, clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On mine, I used defence up on the final fight to hold on while waiting for the banshees to die.
The cleric I used is fairly weak though. Level 72, +3 weapon, only 321 defence. Everyone in fire armour of course.

>> No.14012434

Are we supposed to get the actual event girl while playing the event gacha? I got 2 5* flowers, and I've resetted 3 times already. Am I even done with this event?

>> No.14012449

Not until you finish all 8 boxes and get all her skill/equipment slot upgrade.

>> No.14012456


>> No.14012459

You should have rolled her ticket before the first reset so she'll be given to us after the event, while her skill/slot flowers are taking up space for some reason.

>> No.14012502

Man, if they were going to give us a 2* ronin, at least make it Rin so she would have been become part of the main story.
Her design is that of a 5*.

>> No.14012513

I just found it's funny that they picked the worst looking one from all these 2* ronin to give us as reward.

>> No.14012660

OHHH so that's what that ticket is all about.... So what I'm doing right now is basically trying to get her flowers for upgrading her skills + slots?

>> No.14013139
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>> No.14013159

That doll is planning something.

>> No.14015908

I think it's doing exactly as intended? I mean, it's a doll. Of course she has the same expression.

Unless you assumed this doll is like Shanghai or you expected at least some torn clothes.

>> No.14017508
File: 158 KB, 242x248, christmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ronins are fairly good for 2-2-8, mostly if you have a christmas katana though.

>> No.14017563

Bronze girls are cancer

>> No.14017622
File: 319 KB, 950x585, 005533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new weapons are quite mediocre, high stat, meh skills. Almost the same as the royal weapons but with flame element.

>> No.14017631

Alstroemeria, Blue Lotus and Jasmine are still some of the cutest girls in the game.

I really like Marigold too.

>> No.14017826

How significant is the improvement when doing evolve in FKG? I'm just starting about a month and thinking about max-leveling all girls in my squad first while stocking money before evolving them.

>> No.14017840

lv1 evolved have roughly the same stats as your full level unevolved girls, so yeah, it's like a huge improvement. Also gold and up girls get their 2nd passive ability.

>> No.14017920

1 evolved and maxed out gold is better than 3 maxed out unevolved. If you have rainbows, focus on them first.
Silvers get their 1st ability improved too.

>> No.14018900

Was a thinking of buying sc on aigis but does anyone know if they take foreign cc or PayPal?

>> No.14018907

I bought DMM points with my non-japan debit card w/out any problems.

>> No.14018919

Thanks anon

>> No.14019132
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Curse, Adelina's biggest weakness.

>> No.14019302

Just got Epidendoram and Snapdragon. I was aiming for fox girl, but are they good as well?

>> No.14022925

Snapdragon has very nice abilities and decent stats/skill. Epidendrum is similar, except that she has a single-target skill (worse than 2/3 target for most situations) and gets the very coveted dodge ability.

They're both cute though and that's what matters. Every gold is worth using anyway, just pick the ones you like.

>> No.14028025


Fucking finally. Best update for me.

>> No.14028040

Hell yes, finally.

>> No.14028092
File: 17 KB, 196x215, RPNS646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New sprite for Royal Princess.

>> No.14028207

Will the ads fuck off for good now?

>> No.14028215
File: 708 KB, 963x637, fkg_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for Nazuna to be added as playable character. I'm sure she's gonna be craziest of them all.

>> No.14028344

She looks so pure, how can she be crazy? She's behind me isn't she?

>> No.14028365
File: 1.01 MB, 931x1365, 5355625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometime, she can get angry.

>> No.14028886
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Last event gacha is nice one. Evolution dragons, ampules and tons of gold.

>> No.14029624
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1st Year Anniversary event soon.

>> No.14030624

There's a rough guide at flowerknightgarden.blogspot

>> No.14032115

Affection bonuses get doubled after evo, so your level 1 evolved girl usually has better stats then she had at max level before evo.

>> No.14032895

Does using a postbox increase the chance ot getting a 4*/5* from the guaranteed black envelopes?

>> No.14032934

No idea, but I think I will save a gold post for it for maximum placebo.

>> No.14033042
File: 1.04 MB, 960x640, Suiren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New unit I got from 10+1. Looks kinda cute, with a side of potential crazy personality.

>> No.14033056

She's the Perfect Maid, anon.

>> No.14033069

>Perfect Maid
... Oh god, this girl is Sakuya in disguise isn't she.

>> No.14033086

Just look at her skill then you'll know.

>> No.14033091
File: 52 KB, 525x449, perfectmaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.

>> No.14033100

Yup, I just saw it. Damn.

Sakuya what are you doing here.

>> No.14033223
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Are the servers dead?

>> No.14033325

I think it is, I am trying to connect since 3 4 hours ago, need only 2 more flowers to 10 gacha and this waiting is killing me, even knowing i will only get bronze girls again

>> No.14033490
File: 671 KB, 1095x619, shooty girl boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Shooty Girl event

you fight this thing several dozen times

at least it looks a bit better than the turtle things

also they changed how the basic robots look like

>> No.14033947

FKG is still lagging as hell for me, seems like they didn't fix it properly.

>> No.14033965

Well, all the better. Already depleted stamina and we'll get more flower tokens if the server goes haywire again.

>> No.14034238

Man, not even one gold, again, this kinda makes me wanna to stop playing, only shit free girls now, gacha don't give me shit, when are they going to make a super event with gold tickets?

>> No.14034243
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forgot image

>> No.14034277

Oh koume pls

>> No.14034281

You already get 1 more silver than my latest 50 gems pull, anon. I fucking hate this game gacha. 6% to get gold my ass, more like 0.6% for gold and 0.1% for rainbow.

>> No.14034289

so you were the guy above right? if you get my chances with your chances it's easy to get two rainbows than drops such shit drops, don't know why but I got better things when I single pull, but since I am not that desperate I wait for a bigger disappointment.

>> No.14034316

Maybe I should try single pull when I get 50 gems next time. It's not like I have any use for 1 extra bronze girl anyway.

>> No.14034321

do it and post results, I will do the same

>> No.14034351
File: 117 KB, 720x600, 3030090000_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is busy slaying monsters in another fantasy world.

>> No.14034670

Rolling 1x is much kinder on your sanity because you get so many tries, waiting for two weeks to get an 11x roll and then obtaining nothing is nasty compared to a steady stream of hope from 1x rolls.

Events are a reliable source of golds and event golds are cute if nothing else, so I guess that's some consolation for unlucky gacha rolls.

>> No.14035425

fkg grenade girl turned out quite strong.

>> No.14036608

Yeah, i will start single rolling just because why not? But I will get back to 10 roll after getting at least a gold with singles

>> No.14036633

Losing 1 extra roll for such silly reason is ultra-stupid. Its much more smarter to accumulate ~200 stones and use them when good unit is highlighted if you absolutely need to feel satisfied.

>> No.14036678

>when waifu unit is highlighted
Man I probably should start saving up for my Anthurium, her chance up might be in a couple of months if they go in order?

>> No.14036681

Sound like a good way to quit the game when 200 gems all turn out to be bronze/silver.

>> No.14036732

about time yay

>> No.14036741

i've got 5 50 rolls in a row without golds already.

>> No.14036749

Anon maybe the game hate you or you need to start fresh again because the account you are playing is cursed

>> No.14036821

I have 3 gacha golds, 1 from single pull, 1 from 50 gems pull, 1 from gold ticket pull, after half a year playing this shit. Does this mean the game hate me too?

>> No.14036832

I usually get 1 gold every 10+1 roll I do, except the very first one I did. So yeah, I guess the game semi-hate you. I've been playing this game since the lavender event though

>> No.14036918

gachas that i got :
kuroyuri, tsubaki, suzuran, hadoken girl, licorine, (fucking) gerbera x2

>> No.14037347

Hanamomo, Nadeshiko, Lupine, Queen of the Night, Camellia, Rose, Gerbera, Foxtail (x2), Violet (x2), Cosmos (x2) and Toadlily (x2) here.

I considered my gacha luck to be average but damn, looks like I've had it much better than some of you folks. Here's hoping for more golds for you from now on.

>> No.14037373

>Does this mean the game hate me too?
Looks like that.
I've got 1 rainbow and 5 golds, playing since june.

>> No.14037479

Just started Kanpani, at a lost as to what should I be doing. Any tips for me? Seems like I'm getting destroyed totally at Chapter4.

>> No.14037518

Class up your employees even if they're only 1* and try to keep your equipment up to date. Could also be bad team composition, so what are you using?

And if possible, try to clear the 3rd quest of the current event so you can unlock the good recipe. Should be possible around level 50, but I'm not sure.

>> No.14037542

If you are using Monique as leader, switch to someone else. She has awful tactic for early game.
Ronin is pretty bad early game too, it's better to replace them with soldier instead.

>> No.14037565

FKG: 王佐の力を求めて revival started.
Ugh, yet another thrust attribute gold. Still zero slash rainbows/gold, and its going to take months before they reach slash revivals.

>> No.14037575

Just got enough for an 11x, third in a row with no golds. A pity, Epidendrum is a real cutie.

I'll just do 1x now, too.

>> No.14037595

I'm using that 5* Assassin, Vinora? as the leader; managed to get her from a lucky daily draw. Think her tactic is to aim the leader so I thought it was pretty neat to use.

My composition currently is the 5* assassin?, a 5* samurai?, Monique, a 3* mage and healer. But yeah I have to say my equipment is pretty crappy, the recipes I have are the basic ones.

Is there a place I can grind at for recipes, or a wiki to refer to for grinding spots of these recipes?

>> No.14037601

How do I access her maps? her banner isn't among the rotating ones like the other revival girls.

>> No.14037603

Set your time to JST.

>> No.14037683

1 rogue and 1 ronin for front line is a pretty bad idea. They can get knocked down easily in 1 or 2 hit at low level. Replace the ronin with a soldier and place your rouge into the back line, give her a daggers with poison attack. Even the basic daggers get it at +2.

For weapon recipes, you can run the current anniversary event for event weapon recipes.
Mid game recipes can be found in Phantom labyrinth and end game from character stories or Episode 1 chapter 9-10.
Japan wiki for weapon names and skills.

>> No.14037745

Is there a trick to getting it +es? I recall reading about needing to place certain type of characters in the equipment development building to get the RNG to tilt in my favor.

>> No.14037851

There are crafting hammer that will improve your crafting results, but you will still see mostly +1 and +2. Characters with high Dex and Luck increase the stats bonus from crafting, but the actual chance for +3 is all RNG mystery.

>> No.14038529

Seemed like there was enough outrage from players that they had to remove the key purchase from Kanpani 1st Anniversary event, increased the drop rate and refunded all the gems people spent.

>> No.14038648

Wish people did the same when they said they were going to remove the furnace from the coins exhange.

>> No.14038676

It was too cheap for its own good, but I wish they would just increase the price instead of removing it.
And then they added a temporary version back for short period of time, x5 the price and halved the duration. It was quite a dick move they pulled there.

>> No.14039536

do we get any freebie from the kanpani event?

>> No.14041639

What's kind of freebies? They usually hand out shining stones, crafting hammers, magic furnace and random items in events. But if you expect free characters then nope. You are supposed to pull them out from the gold/silver post they give you.

>> No.14044443

some game i can play with the console edit from the wiki, but some games i can't play

is using a proxie the only real reliable way

>> No.14044590

ignore this, i am an idiot

>> No.14046672

Seriously these past FKG event maps are insanely hard to 3-medal.

>> No.14046690

Only the last one is worth to 3 medals. And it's the only one you will have to spam
The rest give no gem, so they only worth to run once.

>> No.14049116

This reprint thrust/yellow girl have different mats needed for evolve?
Last i remember a gold need 3 huge dragons.

>> No.14049338
File: 779 KB, 1068x508, kill me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me so much, I caved thinking I could get one of the new girls since all my scout tickets did nothing, I hate myself so much right now.

>> No.14049857
File: 168 KB, 634x569, FKG1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean I miss the event girl?

>> No.14050156

You'll get her after the event, anon.

>> No.14050743
File: 177 KB, 960x647, nyan nyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She need only 1 huge dragon

and for the people 10 rollin, I said I was going to single roll till I got a gold, sine my last 2 10 rolls were shit, and in the first try look what I got again

>> No.14050750

Dammit I want her, since getting tempted in my last six single rolls I got nothing but one silver.

>> No.14050754
File: 46 KB, 391x504, that hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's my third of her, she is hella strong with a skill that blocks all damage, sometimes she fights alone against bosses for 4 turns without taking damage, I just didn't like her ascension art cause she has more clothes than her normal one

God, what is that hand?

>> No.14050759

You can always switch her art back to normal if you don't like her awaken art.

>> No.14050761

hmm, didn't know about that, I am gonna take a look

>> No.14050783
File: 23 KB, 203x189, 5535222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only works if you set her as your secretary though.

>> No.14051207

> imma use some of my tickets and spite this fag
> MAC-10

>> No.14052470

>tried 4x single rolling
>4 silvers

>> No.14057088

Any of the girls in the new gacha good? The all thrust one

>> No.14059123
File: 179 KB, 962x639, again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are delusional thinking that single roll will get you better girls

My second roll after>>14050743

and another gold

>> No.14060632

All my jelly. I want this girl too. She looks kinda like the typical cute cat girl, but that dodge skill is something else.

>> No.14060830
File: 454 KB, 960x640, banner_event_0016[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14060921

Yet another thrust unit? Fuck them. Fuck them.
I have 15 red gold spirits and dozens of bronze, waiting for some gold red unit.
I have 1 rainbow and 6 gold yellow units, stop giving me yellows you fuckers.

>> No.14061180

So Oncy gets a rainbow gacha version with a nicer sprite while my old one stays the same? shit sucks.

>> No.14061199

Dats a boi tho

>> No.14061211

Cactus get a 5* version with a nicer sprite so it isn't all that bad.
Suck for Tsubaki though.

>> No.14061258

Robinia looks really good, though, and Monotropastrum is a flower I never expected they would use. I can definitely forgive more piercing event golds if they're all this good.

She has an enormous rack, which is kind of disappointing because her outfit is great and you just know that it'll get skimpier once you evolve her. New Oncidium, Cactus and Camellia are looking sharp, too.

Speaking of Oncidium, they should add Ionopsis as well, I want to see Inps x Onc yuri with Ionocidium as their IPS daughter. Besides, Oncidium clearly needs a responsible girl to keep her in check.

>> No.14061269
File: 165 KB, 947x631, 1441613380568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they all get bridal dress as their awaken forms.

>> No.14061302

Yes, she looks great.
Also, new versions of old flowers look super-cute too, I'm tempted to spend racked up stones now instead waiting for Daria.

Don't know how to feel about "more of same char" way they went. I guess its nice if they keep personality and taichou-relation as single continuum between old and new, so new is like next chapter in the story, but it would get weird for those who got only new version.

How many distinct enough flowers there are anyway for them to add?

>> No.14061321

>Ondicium is now 6*
As expected of the devs, their long and drawn out plan has finally come full circle

>> No.14061328

>enormous rack
I can't tell based on that image because the supposed rack is blocked by that orange orb. Dat face though. Not sure if want, honestly.

>> No.14061358
File: 14 KB, 167x225, 86r8ur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She even has her pet ant now.

>> No.14061393

Too bad you need to spend ~5000 stones to get rainbow with decent chance. And then it will be wrong rainbow.

>> No.14061443
File: 1.54 MB, 399x256, 1441615095054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is why she doesn't carry her weapons.

>> No.14061465

WHAT. She turns into a 6* now? HOLY SHIT.

So in the end, after so much 10+1 rolls, I'll get my first rainbow from Oncidium instead.

>> No.14061468
File: 1.35 MB, 166x226, 1441616089879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky bastard.

>> No.14061491

She is one of my favorite girl, despite being called a brain-damaged flower. So my love for her pays off somewhat. Now I just need to increase her slot, that would b

>> No.14061496

These three got their new versions because of a popularity poll event, so this is likely to be an one-off thing.

>How many distinct enough flowers there are anyway for them to add?
Orchids alone can keep them going for a century, especially since they're willing to add hybrids. This isn't like Kancolle where Shinano and Ibuki are delayed to eternity because they're the only capital IJN ships left, you virtually have infinite flowers to pick from.

They haven't even finished using well-known flowers like mallow, chamomile, saffron, cinnamon, azalea, heather, forget-me-not, peony, primrose, echinacea, chrysanthemum, hyacinth, buttercup, rosemary, goldenrod, snowdrop, bamboo, all ivies, all carnivorous plants...

She actually uses her ant to attack? I'm tempted to roll for her now, even though I'm sure not to get her.

Now all this game needs is a boss-summoning flower. A Yucca that summons one of these small moths from last event as regular attack and the huge blue boss moth as skill would be swell, moth summoning is what yuccas are all about.

>> No.14061497

*that would be nice

Fucking touchpad ruining my typing.

>> No.14061536

Old gold oncidium does NOT turn into new rainbow. These are two different units, and you can use both in same team.

>> No.14061579

>Old gold oncidium does NOT turn into new rainbow
... Oh

Well fuck me and my lack of 6* then. I guess that no 6* curse is still going for me.

I still can't access the game yet, so I didn't know they make it into a completely different unit.

>> No.14061590

It was a given that they would be new units, but I was hoping for Oncidium to be an event reward.

Let's hope that Nazuna at least will be obtainable from events instead of being a gacha rainbow.

>> No.14061599

Nazuna will be the first 7* girl

>> No.14061600
File: 64 KB, 311x457, オンシジューム.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also disappointed 'cause there's no way I'll get her new form.

>> No.14061619

Its only ~2500$ to get her, don't be so cheap. You sure can sell kidney or two for your waifu, right?

>> No.14061641

Maybe in the future when they perfect mobages and have virtual reality where I can interact with her in-game, sure.

>> No.14061642

Go back to your abyss, Flower Knight dev.

Still, I like this new gacha because now I have an actual chance to get Cactus. I don't really care whether the girls are gold or rainbow anyway, it's okay as long as they're cute.

>> No.14061646

As long as they're 5* at least, you're good. Some 4*s are almost 5* tier even.

>> No.14061653
File: 451 KB, 112x171, 1441618748394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her art looks quite meh but at least she has cool sprite.

>> No.14061660

The sprites just keep getting better and better.

>> No.14061666

How good are the new silver haired event girls, by the way?

>> No.14061675

>virtual reality where I can interact with her in-game
Orchid seedlings are all more or less parasitic, so you could even impregnate her and have your cute daughters drain you into a shriveled husk from within after she implants her seeds into you!

The best part is that she wouldn't even notice that doing so is somehow wrong or undesirable and be as doting and cheerful as ever with your festering corpse! Isn't marrying a flower knight great?

>> No.14061681

Sounds great. Sign me up for the beta access of that virtual reality please.

>> No.14061694
File: 90 KB, 207x430, 1441619231051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monotropastrum seems pretty mediocre, meh single target skill and attack stat but high HP and defense stat.
And I don't understand what's her deal with ghosts.

>> No.14061739

Yandere ghosts? how terrifying.

>> No.14061751

>Ghosts behind her
What the fuck. That's creepy.

>> No.14061770

I find it's funny that she keeps turning her head around to see if anything follows her even during battles.

>> No.14062875

>I don't understand what's her deal with ghosts.
Her flower is also called the ghost plant, since the entire plant is pale white.

I don't know how they went from "ghostly plant" to "plant that is haunted by ghosts" but I'm glad that they did because it's really cute.

>> No.14066199
File: 242 KB, 957x637, converted to the single roll side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bride get, I guess this will be the closest I get to sniffing a rainbow

>> No.14066263

>dat filename
I probably do it if I have less than 20 gems, but now I'm sitting on 44, so I'll just be patient

>> No.14066590
File: 286 KB, 748x655, 455845933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long till Nazuna snaps and murders Oncidium?

>> No.14067844

I want to see a desperate Nazuna dress up in Oncidium's outfit (despite it being two sizes too small in the chest department) in an attempt to regain her rightful place in the game icon.

>> No.14067860

To be fair, it's either her own fault (or more likely, the dev fault) that she isn't playable.

>> No.14067897

She still had to beat Oncidium in the popularity poll, or else nothing would be changed even if she was a playable flower.

>> No.14067906

Fair enough, but problem is, you can't even choose her in the popularity poll, so who knows how much vote she will get if you can choose her.

>> No.14068179
File: 1.15 MB, 960x640, onshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14069932

All my jelly. Take it.

>> No.14069994

sitting out on current fkg event.
kinda bored, and butthurt for another 50 coins down the drain.

>> No.14070075

you fucking lucky bastard

>> No.14070518

Alright /jp/ or /dmmg/, what's your top 5 wishlist in FKG?

>> No.14070532

1. Nazuna
2. Darian
3-5. New bride units.

>> No.14070575

1. New Oncidium
2. Hanamizuki
3. Hanamomo
4. Katrea
5. Enokorogusa (aka Catgirl)

And Chocolate Cosmos, I guess. Since she makes chocolate fountain appears on map.

>> No.14070610

Anthurium, Sangobana, Green foxtail and I'd be happy with most of the rainbows.

>> No.14070620

I was so happy when I got Sangobana. She doesn't seem crazy, got twin blades and her attack skills are good too.

>> No.14071022

1. Nadeshiko.
2-5. Anything that isn't a dupe.

>> No.14071262
File: 1.12 MB, 950x586, tlrdIR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here tried TLR:D Idol Revolution?
There are probably many similar and better games like this but considering how popular the TLR:D manga is, I'm quite surprised so few people play this game.
The only English source I found, is a small Indonesian facebook group.

>> No.14071270

1) New Onshi
2) Saboten
3) Hanamomo
4) Higanbana
5) Lupinus

>> No.14071454

Golds: Cymbidium, Iris, Dahlia, Otomeyuri, Suiren
Rainbows: Black Baccara, Red Ginger, Yamabuki, Anemone, Dendrobium
Things that don't exist but should: School swimsuit+white thighhighs flower, glasses-wearing office lady flower, gloomy shut-in flower, drillhair ojou-sama flower (Jasmine has blonde drills but she doesn't count because she's a glamorous elder sister type rather than being rich and haughty), flower that has an oneshota scene for the h-event (by transforming the knight captain into a little boy or something, should be drawn by Shuz). .

>> No.14072424

Anyone have better information about the DMM twitter event? Something about tweeting and getting free points

>> No.14073478
File: 640 KB, 1104x651, wa2k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw yiss, my first 4 star gatcha. Good times are headed my way.

>> No.14074597
File: 639 KB, 803x339, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanpani nubie here. I read the wiki but can't find it. What's the middle building supposed for? I know the left one is for equipment and the right one is for resources.

>> No.14074607

Middle is PR Department, you can increase the rate of rare girls appearing, eventually being able to increase the chance for specific classes.

>> No.14075535

are the girls placed there affect anything?

>> No.14075538

They seem to influence what class is more likely to appear as well, based on personal observation. Higher level the better.

>> No.14076059

thanks kind anon

>> No.14078943

I wonder what they'll do with Patterson's Curse.

>> No.14078981

I'm expecting them to add kudzu sooner or later, so you have a good chance of getting a super-invasive flower knight. Maybe they could give her a camera and make her really nosy or something.

Robinia is also invasive but they focused on the false acacia thing instead, which is good because her design is superb. I wonder if we'll see the actual Acacia anytime soon, or even a bullhorn acacia with an ant swarm attack.

>> No.14079013
File: 73 KB, 600x400, COmjnvmUcAEv2CO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14079795
File: 54 KB, 463x297, statfairerieseiises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the max value for them stat fairies?

>> No.14079803

You have a limit of 100 of each. This corresponds to 3000 HP, 1000 attack, 400 defense.

>> No.14079809

Oh, so I'm halfway through then. Thanks a lot.

>> No.14082227

Time for 10+1 roll in FKG. Time for despair or hope.

>> No.14082319
File: 1.09 MB, 960x640, DespairTasteDelicious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, what do I expect

>> No.14086944

>finally at 1-40 in shooting girl event

These bosses have gotten ridiculous, literally hundreds of thousands of hp.

>> No.14087904

It got fixed?

>> No.14091765

I'm an avid player of FKG, but now I'm thinking about trying out Aigis too. From what I see, there is affection system like FKG in this game too, but where do I farm for it?

Also, any general tips for new players in Aigis?

>> No.14091839

> where do I farm for it?
Challenge Quests.
> Also, any general tips for new players in Aigis?
You will learn ropes as you go, just don't do anything stupid like wasting silver and above units (they should be used only as ingredients for CC/Awakening), or wasting Sacred Crystals pointlessly.
Also, its better to post about Aigis at nutaku thread, we discuss DMM version there too.

>> No.14091847

Oh, and another important thing: while its possible to CC (class change, analogue of shinka in FKG) since level 30, you should never do it before level 50, as you are going to permanently lose stat points from these 20 levelups and its important.

>> No.14091903
File: 628 KB, 881x528, finished2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /event complete/ here?

I really want to know how they plan to balance money at some point, it seems that they have just been throwing it at us. Overall I really like this style of get item X and cash it in for event girls instead of farm a map 1000 times and hope said girl drops.

>> No.14092162
File: 229 KB, 777x510, gib all of your money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if FKG will ever get second sprites for their evolution art like Aigis.

Oh and gacha page now has featured girls chibi animations.

>> No.14092163

Nice way to rub in the fact that you will never get them.

>> No.14092175

This is what I was thinking when I saw them.

>> No.14092281

>Oncidium's hip shaking
This girl is too erotic for her own good.

>> No.14092347

Why did they put banana ocean summer background just after summer ended and during different country event?

>> No.14092369

I hope not, I usually prefer the not evolved art.

>> No.14092413

I want to lick her thighs.

>> No.14092444

Uh, I've been doing several challenge quests. Am I bound to only get roses from this map, or will I get better drop later on on the challenge maps?

I guess the good this is that the maps only require 1 stamina, whereas FKG uses shitton of stamina to get affection items.

>> No.14092462

Just read wiki. Nutaku thread has links to both english and japanese wikis.

>> No.14092463

Oh neat, I didn't know Nutaku has em. Alright thanks.

>> No.14095802


Got two FALs, didn't get past map 20 though so I could get the shittons of money you get for reaching higher levels, should level an AMR or a third sniper, too bad I only have 2* to choose from.

also got jack shit from scouting

upgrades to the crafting hut cost a lot of money, though I have no idea how I'm supposed to use it

>> No.14097896
File: 514 KB, 1000x750, 50114504_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost time for all black envelopes event in Kanpani. Hoping this will wipe all the bad taste FKG gacha and daily disappointment silver posts have been giving me.
Who I am kidding, this will be another fluke.

>> No.14097937

Tomorrow's daily, right? Bracing for 4 girls I already have.

>> No.14097959
File: 66 KB, 600x400, COmkEynUEAAcn4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, going to throw a gold box and maybe all the shining stones I have while I am at it.

>> No.14101486

There's new game on DMM, "Crime busters", with focus on kemono-girls.
Did anyone try it yet?

>> No.14101580

yeah, can't figure how to H girls yet though

new aegis events, anyone know what the missions under story mission are for?

>> No.14101625

You'd be better off asking in Nutaku thread (which is pretty much DMM/Nutaku Aigis thread).
Anyway, currently there are: TGS special missions (you get sapphire unit if you play at TGS booth, and nothing but 1 SC for 3* if you play remotely); Fallen Angel Kloe revival; undead subjugation.

>> No.14101794

Seems like another LoV-style zero-interactivity game. Too bad since I kinda liked girls designs.

>> No.14101873

Yeah, I got lucky and got the UR catgirl from the gacha tickets I got.

I think you need dupes to evolve your girls and only SR+ get H-scenes when you evolve them.

How's LoV's H-scenes? Was thinking of starting it since it's #1 on R-18 DMM games. Hopefully playing catch up won't be too hard too.

>> No.14102109
File: 571 KB, 948x589, Time to choose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are all 3* btw.

>> No.14102137
File: 67 KB, 256x275, 1441034885787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 3 from the black black envelopes too, only 1 dupe but the other 3 aren't really the ones I want either.
At least I got the elf cleric after spending 40 shine stones. Could have been better, could have been worse.

>> No.14102140
File: 603 KB, 950x590, rei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other one was a 3 star. I was really afraid of them being all 3 star dupes, but it turned out okay.

>> No.14102170

The black envelopes is for the daily only or is a boost for the whole day? I used a item for another chance and got me only 1* and 2*.

>> No.14102251

Only once.

>> No.14102599

tfw all black envelopes i got are ugly.

>> No.14104593

It being the upgrades? They just improve quality of life.

>> No.14105616

Fkg devs had issues publishing the tgs serial codes so they posted one for everyone as an apology.


3rd option in the office for serial codes

>> No.14105648

Thanks for heads up, redeemed mine.

>> No.14105712

Heh, there's "DALE" and "DORK" in the code. I wonder if that's intentional by any chance

>> No.14105758
File: 164 KB, 737x127, fkg_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this guy in list of helpers. Don't even want to imagine how much money he blew on it.

>> No.14107030

11 gacha, got 2 4star and 9 3star ;_;

>> No.14107166

Just a normal day in FKG gacha.

>> No.14108311

So has anyone seen the upcoming Mon Musume game?

>> No.14108997

I don't think you could hack summon in Aigis ?

>> No.14109006

Did you miss huge uproar when some 2ch guy posted video of drop hack he used, where he changed dropped units from iron/bronze to all blacks of his choice?

>> No.14109068

Honestly, I never knew about that. Link to the video pls ?

Now that i got banned after stamina/charisma hacking for more than a year, it came of no surprise that this game have many security flaw

>> No.14109099


>> No.14109118

Woah, That is crazy.

So he did not hack the summon but hack the map drop.

But i wonder how that even possible, i tried to hack the drop once because it think the battle is client side so most of the date is being calculated on sv. All i got is bunch of dummy drop that will be delete as soon as i restart the game.

>> No.14109192

I tried one of them. I suspect that all these games want to suck out all my money and fuck me in the ass. Here is your R-18 CG, want some more, motherfucker? Pay.

>> No.14109253

Most popular ones like Aigis and FKG don't require money to get h-scenes. Every girl you manage to get can be easily fucked.

>> No.14109284

Yeah, they're more like pay2waifu.

>> No.14109295

fucking is free, but you have to pay to marry her? That's an interesting concept...

>> No.14109296

I dunno about Aigis though, farming for the affection items takes quite a while for me. But then again, I'm not even that far in this game compared to FKG.

>> No.14109300

Extreme and Kami affection items daily showers you with rubies and diamonds. If you have awoken Cutie, rubies rate at extreme crosses 100%, so you always get at least 2 rubies from each run.

>> No.14109314
File: 1.44 MB, 1629x1080, Screenshot_2015-09-08-12-47-25~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I don't even feel like awakening Cuterie, though maybe I should just to have a good rogue.

>> No.14109327

Yeah I'm still pretty darn early with this game, so I thought that's probably why. I'm rank 18 right now

Damn. That's a lot of affection items in a run.

I suppose I need to eventually increase dudes affection too to maximize their stats. Ugh.

>> No.14109372
File: 453 KB, 960x640, banner_event_0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 grinding events on at the same time, they sure want to suck your stamina dry.

>> No.14109381

Is the current repeat event girl any good? I just want to skip her, honestly.

>> No.14109382

Nice, she's actually pretty cute

>> No.14109389

not really

>> No.14109390

Better than the last few at least.

>> No.14109396

She looks pretty good compared to the last two or so.

>> No.14109407

Pretty crappy, pretty much a Red Tulip with even worse skills.

>> No.14109429

> 今回はデイリークエストでも月見団子を獲得可能です!
Huh? Do they mean these country defence dailies or evolution/powerup dailies too? I don't need dango instead my fairies.

>> No.14109437

They added new daily quests for completing each stage of the new event a few times.

>> No.14109444

Ah, I see now. Kill 5x highest-tier bosses for 25 dango sounds retarded tho.

>> No.14109512

Whoah, moving enemies. That's interesting, although calculating moving speed is going to be even more annoying.

You should get your tastes checked, she is very cute. Probably cutest out of all event girls we had in last half of year.

>> No.14109561

not used to these graphics, I prefer monochrome and with less colors. Not a player, just passing by.

>> No.14109618
File: 68 KB, 600x400, CPKc7G5U8AAWvxX.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They seriously just introduced a new reborn/promotion system in Kanpani girls?
Bracing for even more insane story maps later.

>> No.14109640

Disappointing that those medals are only available for shinestones.

>> No.14109648

We basically get one medal every 2 weeks so it isn't that much of a problem. Getting the girls to cap is more of a pain itself, especially the 5* ones.

>> No.14109700

>Getting the girls is more of a pain itself, especially the 5* ones.
Now this I could relate to.

>> No.14109843
File: 426 KB, 1197x797, ss+(2015-09-18+at+09.40.56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Kancolle, minus the fucking.

What they mean is that in most games you have to pay (or get very lucky) to get your favorite girls from the gatcha.

This one is me getting lucky. Fuck yeah oppailoli bunny.

>> No.14109848

Damn jelly, I want her the most out of the new ones

>> No.14110193

They just gave a free one from login bonus.

>> No.14110339
File: 99 KB, 673x806, CPE1M2tU8AAmTb2.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good timing, I should use it on my best cleric and see what it does.

>> No.14110349

You get reset to Lv1 but your base stats are half of your original max level stats. Promoted units are capped at Lv30, but leveling is slower and you gain more stats per level. Mine is Lv10+ and is already as strong as the Lv80-90 units.

>> No.14110376

Wonder how would it affects the PR department.

>> No.14110762
File: 34 KB, 319x460, ss+(2015-09-18+at+09.40.56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14110977

So Japan was right on the spot about there being a moon festival event. I wonder if they're right about a Halloween event too.

A pumpkin girl could be nice, and they could also go for things like Dracula orchids and skeleton flowers. Monotropastrum and lupine would fit too, but they're already released.

>> No.14111088

Halloween for Japan always means witches and black catgirls.

I can't wait.

>> No.14111708
File: 48 KB, 229x123, All I know is that they're flowers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are exactly these things? I have them for some time and I'm new to FKG.

>> No.14111711

Wanted to roll for the new FKG girls, but their abilities are so boring, give me some skill percent increase girls, please

>> No.14111715

Those are skill/equipment slot flowers for a certain flower girl. They're available from events to max out the event girl, you feed them to the event girl and that event girl gets skill ups and equipment slot ups, they only work for that event girl

>> No.14111724

I see, thanks!

>> No.14111954
File: 225 KB, 936x625, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's about goddamn time you show up.

>> No.14112021

Everyone is getting lucky and I'm still stuck with my gold flowers

>> No.14112092

What is better: wait until you have enough for a 10 roll or single roll? Or it's just placebo?

>> No.14112098

How can you even ask this? Obviously 10 roll is better because you get a free roll

>> No.14112110

Sorry, I read a few days ago that it was better to single roll for some reason, I ignored it back then but the thought popped in my head just now.

>> No.14112125

That's just random superstition that people have. 10 roll gives you free roll, so it's always better

>> No.14112126

tbh, i think 10x roll is better since it gives you one extra roll but i've done at least 5 10x roll without getting anything so i was trying single rolls.
i got that one after more than 20x single rolls though.

>> No.14112430

> but they're already released
They always could re-release new ones.
There's a trend to do v2 and even v3 of same girl on some DMM games.

>> No.14112448

I was freaking how 2 ten rolls didn't give me shit and in two single rolls I got goldies, but that was RNG playing with me

>> No.14112814

>it was better to single roll for some reason
It's less "single rolls give better odds" (they don't) and more "single rolls spread your disappointment across a couple of weeks". I'm doing single rolls for that reason, an extra bronze is not worth the pain of collecting 50 tokens and seeing them all go down the drain for nothing at once.

I'd rather if they didn't, honestly. It's nice seeing what kinds of new designs they come up with.

>> No.14113035

TGS 2015 was nice. DMM booth had a lot of games you could try out (and a kancolle private showing about the new anime/vita game/arcade/android version, shit was cash), but sadly, no FKG or Onshi cosplayers as promised. There's also a bunch of codes for free shit, a friend of mine will post them here later.

Also using the kanpani account with infinite gems was so fun. The sample team was too weak for the map but nothing beats using your president skills every single turn.

>> No.14113047
File: 7 KB, 98x119, gyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come to give out free serial codes I obtained from TGS. I don't know most of these games so I think I won't be able to answer anything about them.

Swordboys Online : EJRVN-4VWZ6-3JSQQ-KLJGK

Chrono Chronicle : zzv5667g3kkamyfx

Magic Library Qurare : R969-VDHT-5AD8-B2Q3

Granatia Eternal : GRATGSEVENT

Shooting Girls : GN3ZE-FLB4Y-ZN8TH-3J6A4

HOUNDS : 76jb2eg575j9pu9v

Kanpani Girls : 0008-R5VM-KH7V

Monster Hunter Frontier G : SERVICEITEMDMM

Princess Panzer : EJN-CC64-E31E-C27Y1

World of Walkure / Battle March of Walkure (not sure which or maybe it's the both of them) : 8345018725581740

Ninmu-something (I don't know how to read the other kanji) : TGSNinmu

Idol Wars : mefk7fuukn8b

Success Heaven Rebellion R : xtg01acejagjvdmtgc9j

Kamen Rider something : TGS2015MEGASMA001

To Love Ru : 5561-5046-2584

99 Hime : 3333BH7H33335CGV

OreTower : oletsppresent002

Also, as part of their promotion, if you install the DMM Android app and login your account there before tomorrow ends, you can get 500 DMM Points on October 10. Go to here to start:

I think you can use BlueStacks for this (although I have no idea how to bluestack)

Enjoy your freebies! They're not much but they're still freebies.

>> No.14113048

Apparently DMM is releasing muv-luv browser/mobile game this winter.

>> No.14113059

>tfw don't play any of those either
What if I already had the DMM app and am logged in already?

>> No.14113069

Thank you anon.

>> No.14113095

Wow, I just downloaded the app a few hours ago to try out Kanpani mobile on a whim. What a coincidence. Thanks for the codes, now to figure out where to add them in each game.

>> No.14113103
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I just noticed that most of the games aren't even out yet.

>> No.14113109

For Kanpani, there's a serial code box above the announcements, it's outside the game window on the bottom. "シリアルコード"

>> No.14113120

What? Isn't the only one that isn't out Success Heaven Rebellion R?

>> No.14113124

Isn't Battle March of Walkure, Princess Panzer, Granatia, Chrono Chronicle, Qurare not out yet? I can't find them in the DMM store.

>> No.14113139

Oh, my bad then, just assumed the ones that weren't on the preregister list already existed.

>> No.14113316
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New titties monster voiced by Kana Hanazawa. She looks like a cleric, maybe another 5* one.

>> No.14113456

It's actually October 5, and you get a code for 500 pts in your registered email address.

>> No.14113597

I won't be fooled this time, she's going to be a 3* just like Lottie.

>> No.14113616

Apparently I'm an idiot. How do I find this app?

>> No.14113647

But now if you promote them, they can be stronger than a 5*!

>> No.14117580
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Didn't know this was possible.

>> No.14117606

Yeah it can happen. They are uber rare though

>> No.14117690
File: 473 KB, 1296x751, 252524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monique won the popularity poll this time.
As for NPC, the blacksmith girl won, though it's pretty obvious.

>> No.14117694

Last page, new thread is needed.

>> No.14117713



>> No.14117720

woops forgot the thread title.
