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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 510 KB, 1284x724, car ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14102971 No.14102971 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14073000

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels/eroge.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.14103036

One day, a naked girl appeared in hikikomori Naoto’s room. She stripped off his pants and declared: “I’ve found you, son of the demon lord! Now die!” She swung at him with a sword that she pulled out of nowhere, but it was stopped by another naked girl. “I will definitely protect you…” On top of that, his osananajimi is an idol and his imouto is not just a chuuni, but secretly a powerful magician!?

>> No.14103059

>his osananajimi is an idol
I have no problem with maous, holy warriors, or any other kind of cliche character type. But, for some reason, idols are unbearable. Even in Satsukoi the main heroine having the niconico idol status was really irritating in the brief moments it came up.

>> No.14103252

Took them 2 weeks to fix that shit. Finally.

>> No.14103566

>What the hell is going on?

That's what I want to know. How high do you have to be to come up with that stuff.

>> No.14103607

Oh come on, that premise is very common. I think I saw at least 4 VNs with exactly same opening.

>> No.14103873

Can anyone who's played Primal Hearts tell me how much of the common route is left after the decision to go with turkey rice?

>> No.14104020

There are 4 chapters I think? One for each girl.

>> No.14104031

Oh wow, I hope they're short or else I may lose interest. Right now the common route is alright enough to keep playing but so far it's just extremely average

>> No.14104081

Is anyone else going to play Utawarerumono 2?

>> No.14104170

Well, I decided to skip through Chapter 2 to see how long it is and it was just too long and my interest in reading it died.

Not a bad moege, but the characters are pretty flat and nothing interesting happened in Chapter 1 and I can't imagine much changes in Chapter 2. I'll do the character routes because I love ichaicha but that common route was just too lengthy with not enough support. Kind of like Daitoshokan but without the exceptionally good writing. The worst of both worlds, so to speak.

>> No.14106184

>I'll do the character routes because I love ichaicha
That's a bad reason to do them, as they are basically porn with stupid moege drama in between after an hour.

>> No.14106315

Anyone up for a good recommendation of a chuuni VN?

>> No.14106323

お隣の黒人夫に抱かれて啼き悶える最愛の妻。 その引き換えに味わう黒人妻の肌。

>> No.14106324

Dies Irae

>> No.14106330

What the fuck is this


>> No.14106353

Well, I'll get good study out of them I hope. At the very least I won't just abandon the emotional investment I put in the common route.
Game in the OP is pretty alright if you haven't read it.

>> No.14106408
File: 333 KB, 1269x717, I asked him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the best part of the common route though.

>> No.14106529

Mushi no Me

>> No.14106566

He asked for something that's good.

>> No.14106583

Famous parody of otome games

>> No.14106599

Does anyone have clue where I could find alive download links for the PC version of Polyphonica Black? The nyaa torrent is dead at 96% for months already.

>> No.14106608

Then he shouldn't have asked for chuuni

>> No.14106631

I think it's BL, not otome. At least that's what it says on getchu.

>> No.14106644

I wrote "Yaoi" first but instinctively changed it to otome for some reason.

>> No.14107127

I can't get the NoDVD patch for Leyline 1 to work on Windows 10. Anybody know of a fix?

>> No.14107139

>windows 10

>> No.14107142

What are you memearrowing about?

>> No.14107149

It should be obvious.

>> No.14107153


>> No.14107200

It sounds like a waste to get Windows 10 if you're into eroge because I imagine many of them will run into compatibility issues. It already happens with 8, and even 7 for some older titles.

>> No.14107206

As soon as it's uploaded. Holding onto it being the savior of the month since other games I was looking forward to ended up being disappointing and Sakura no Uta got delayed again. I'm just hoping it'll run with CFW.

>> No.14107211

Honestly, I have not seen anything of the sort, but then again I've already played most of the old games I wanted to play.

If anything gets to the extreme where I can't run it natively, I'd just VM the rare one if needed.

>> No.14107214

Uninstalling Windows 10.

>> No.14107267

I think I'll just keep the ISO around and double click it first, rather than revert 6 years back in software.

>> No.14107271

Geez dude, you could at least go back to just Windows 8/8.1. Anything but Windows 10.

>> No.14107284

Windows 8 and 8.1 suffer from the same issue. What's with all the hostility against Windows 10?

>> No.14107295

Windows 10 has keyloggers and other spyware pre-installed.

>> No.14107309

Fuck off Microsoft shill.

>> No.14107317


>> No.14107318

he's saying windows 8 and 10 both suck, which is true

>> No.14107319

The power of the press, mass media and 4chan.
People absorb popular sayings and regurgitate it without actually forming an educated opinion based on experience and experimentation.
Windows 10 is pretty fucking bad when it comes to privacy issues. But for playing eroge? There's a few hitches here and there but it's about the same as the hitches you'd encounter in Win7/Win8.

If anyone really cared, they'd be running their *nix setup. Oh wait, it's even harder to play eroge there, too. Whoops.

>> No.14107321

The free upgrade does.

>> No.14107333

Then if the eroge playing experience is about the same as it is on 7/8, why would anyone upgrade?

>> No.14107337

So we can all agree that Rance 03 is the best in the series, right?

>> No.14107346


>> No.14107351

I asked my tech friend and he said "windows 10 is better, that's it".

>> No.14107362

That's up to the individual's criteria. Maybe he wants future proofing for DX12. Maybe he's stuck with it without control over what OS the machine is running. I don't know why and I don't really care either way, the important thing is that it's not very different from running eroge in Win8 or 7.

>> No.14107369

Your 'tech' friend is an idiot.

>> No.14107372

A minor boost in performance isn't worth all the trouble honestly, it's basically just 7/8.1 + 1 and there's no reason to upgrade unless you really want that minor boost. There will be a reason once people start producing games that can only run on it but that's still quite a few years off

>> No.14107425

Rance 03 is a fun enough game, good characters, good character interactions, amusing and with a pretty good cast of villains.

Gameplay is pretty meh.

Of Alicesoft's two games this year I'd say it's an inferior game to Evenicle

>> No.14107447

It is by far in my opinion, but I can see why people would prefer some other games. I'm having a lot of trouble bringing myself to finish VI at the moment, which a lot of people seem to consider the best one.

>> No.14107456

VI is possibly disadvantaged by the fact that you're playing it 11 years after release and after playing the remakes.

plot wise and setting wise it's better than the other games.

>> No.14107469

VI > SR/KR > 03 > IX > Magnum

>> No.14107476

Kichikuou Rance
Vanilla Quest
02 Kaikai

>> No.14107523 [SPOILER] 
File: 132 KB, 1082x724, 1442526719805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that surprised.

>> No.14107528

>untagged spoilers

>> No.14107545

The biggest disadvantage it has is that you need to grind those colored orbs for events and it starts very slow, which is not helped by the sheer amount of padding the game has. It's starting to get interesting now after few days of playing it, but the combat still feels slightly unpolished. So far the comedy hasn't been that great and some of the new characters have been kind of uninteresting. The dungeon crawling mechanics are also a bit hard to swallow (what kind of dungeon crawler actively discourages exploration?) but that too is getting slightly better as the number of available characters grows.
I do think I was spoiled by 01 and 03, which remain my favourites as they have a lot better content to padding ratio.
Setting-wise I think VI is better, but I also feel like that setting has yet to be used to it's full potential. I'm only at the point where you get the chance to do the optional quest to fight Apostle Yuki at the mansion where you got Copandon (is that how you romanize it?) and you join forces with the terrorist organization the name of which I can't remember.

>> No.14107546

Not really a spoiler when it's an advertised CG on their website but fair point, It's from the Go Eiyutan release out.

>> No.14107554

I mean you spoiled it yourself. I didn't click on it myself because since they are untagged I have no idea what the image might be spoiling.

>> No.14107568

Uzra is great though.

You're getting closer to the stages where the game gets good.

The new characters you have at this point (mostly the ice flame guys are shit)
Urza and Abert are pretty good though

>> No.14107569

Pentagon is the name of the organization and yes it's Copandon with a C

I get the point. The content of the CG however is something that I would normally consider to to be a spoiler thus the use of a spoiler

>> No.14107604

Probably the only gag that has made me laugh in the whole game is Megadeath. Other than that, Urza has potential as a character but she is still stuck moping around in that wheelchair. Most of Ice Flame is just filler characters for the early game and seem to be pretty quickly forgotten about (most of them didn't get more than couple of scenes anyway). Abert had some kind of fun scenes.
I have to continue playing it and maybe it'll get better once I manage to kill Yuki. Bitch keeps 1 shotting everyone but Rance and Patton, both of whom go down with two hits.

>> No.14107612

Getting Patton again is nice though

>> No.14107626

What have VNs taught you about life?

>> No.14107630

Nothing I didn't already know.

>> No.14107647

Girls make a lot of noises when you stick your wiener in them.

>> No.14107659

You must truly be a sage.

>> No.14107673

It's pronounced "sah-geh."

>> No.14107755

I have it together with IX and VI as my favorites.

>> No.14108252

> which a lot of people seem to consider the best one
VNDB has 03 rated higher, EGS has 2 point difference between two. There's certain very loud internet celebrity who loves to praise 6 as "best JRPG ever", and plenty of people parrot his opinion without any second thoughts, but they are not the majority.

Plot-wise 6 is absolutely retarded. Its inconsistent, pure absurdity-for-laughs kind of """plot""". Every actor there is brainless moron, and you simply cannot force yourself to believe that its something that could actually happen.
03, on other hand, manages to be both funny, deep and realistic enough at same time.

>> No.14108292

you don't like VI but that doesn't mean nobody else does

people who complain about realism in this shit are annoying though, nobody believes rance could actually exist and do what he does in real life

>> No.14108338

Hating VI is fine and all but don't think you are the majority in the discussion, VI/SR/KR are considered the top games by the very large majority. 03 is very good but it's gameplay holds it back from being in the same tier as those three, however it's story and characters are certainly in the same tier as the three listed above.

>Score on EGS
Use that as a argument when it's been in their long enough for the score to stabilize. 124 votes and being out for under a month is lacking to say the least even more so when it's from a very popular series

>> No.14108366

I see gameplay as nothing but hindrance so simplification in 01/03 is actually positive thing. And their new scenario guys are better at writing VN-like texts.

>> No.14108377

VI's gameplay is its weakest point imo

>> No.14108379

>I see gameplay as nothing but hindrance
Well, maybe hold back on commenting so strongly about a gameplay-focused series?

>> No.14108386

I didn't say I hate 6. Overall, it was fun game, but it doesn't deserve the hype around it. And much less for "best plot in JRPGs ever".

>> No.14108418

Even if that was the case it'd still be a league above Magnum, IX and 03 in terms of gameplay.

>I see gameplay as nothing but hindrance
I see bad/not enjoyable gameplay as nothing but a hindrance. 01 wasted too much time with the poor gameplay and 03 while much better was still lacking which is why I got right royally sick of it by around the Hyper building. Certainly didn't have that problem with VI/SR/KR

I certainly think it's worth the hype of being one of the best Rance games but "best plot in JRPGs ever" is just a laughable statement to make about VI.

>> No.14108482
File: 299 KB, 1286x745, aa663bc344[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started the game and a girl fell down on top of the protagonist, flashing her panties.

I'm aware that it's redundant to even think about these things in the horribly self-cannibalistic, masturbatory industry of eroge, but I can't help but wonder if the developers do this kind of thing in some kind of attempt at comedy or satire. Like, 'isn't it funny that we're using this tired trope?'
Or is it just a comfort zone standardized fiction event that nobody thinks too much about? I can't tell.

>> No.14108496

Well if you don't care about gameplay then yes, I can see why you rate 03 and IX highter.

I don't think anyone ever made that comment. Save for one shitty bloggy where someone who obviously MTed the games claimed it was better than FF12.

>> No.14108515

I think it must be a really painful job to have to write h-scenes, especially for a game with loads of them.
At some point, it must feel like you're just repeating yourself every time with different wording here and there.

>> No.14108547


>> No.14108552

He's a moron who has no idea what he's talking about, so who cares.

>> No.14108553

My favorite theory is that there's secret "how to write eroge" guidebook, and it has checklist append for such stuff, so they just go in order and check out things one by one. "Falling on protag panties on face style" check, "walking in while she changes", check, and so on.

>> No.14108577


Do you think I'm retarded enough to open that link?

>> No.14108595

Why make this worthless post
"eceleb" hate is just as bad as eleceb fanboying.

>> No.14108622

>Or is it just a comfort zone standardized fiction event that nobody thinks too much about? I can't tell.
Maybe thinking too much about is a thing you never did on your life for even wondering things like that.
I was actually surprised at Exercitus having pretty solid dialogue and presentation, at least making the horrible gameplay less of a matter.

>> No.14108643

That same checklist can be applied to pretty much any otaku works. Anime, manga, LN, etc.

>> No.14108654

PV for Frontwing's new work.

Any expectations?

>> No.14108656

I'm pretty sure the MC is a right wing nationalistic who died in a heroic kamikaze attack, so...

>> No.14108696

People die when they are killed.

>> No.14108736

The protagonist is way too DQN for me to take anything in the story seriously.

>> No.14108804

I hated how they handled fights. Its done in RPGMaker style (no gameplay, just aestetic), enemies are zombies (killing humans is Wrong), and it has "we are not serious, this is comedy violence, don't mind it" all over it.

>> No.14108909

Does anyone know where did he get this information? Hatsumira site, twitter, frontwing twitter, amazon, getchu and so on all list it as october, and there are no news of delay.

>> No.14108915
File: 77 KB, 1024x576, grisaia_kokubou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Grisaia writers right-wingers? Kimoi...

>> No.14108922

I'll play it but I hope it flops.

>> No.14108949

Its doing quite well on getchu preorder rankings.

>> No.14108974

Tsurumiku is making eroguro VN with fantasy setting, 鉄と裸
Aren't you guys excited?

>> No.14108979


>> No.14109222

Primal Hearts 2
Lovely Cation 2
Pretty Cation 2

can a fellow moege connoisseur rate these titles?

>> No.14109233

Dengeki Hime and PUSH are both dead now, this is not a good sign. I really hope this industry will improve at the end of year or next year.

>> No.14109240

>Save for one shitty bloggy where someone who obviously MTed the games claimed it was better than FF12
It is though

>> No.14109426
File: 154 KB, 700x990, game_keyvisual-2_top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delayed, also trial is out.

>> No.14109440
File: 320 KB, 1920x500, top03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14109447

Primal Hearts 2 is not even out yet.

>> No.14109449

Milf autist would piss himself from joy if he would know japanese.

>> No.14109476

Will Shimokura deliver this time?.

>> No.14109479

That doesn't sound good, probably will be not better than his previous work.

>> No.14109501

Shimokura always delivers. The problem is that what he delivers isn't good.

>> No.14109506


>> No.14109761

Did they always include CG count or did they start doing that because of Juukishi?

>> No.14109770


>> No.14109776

Mmmm I can fap to this.

>> No.14109786

Speaking of which.

>> No.14109803

I like these armor designs. Hope they walk like that all the time, would be nice twist to their boring setting.

>> No.14109811

Moogy, pls.

>> No.14109836
File: 86 KB, 800x565, fff41d57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wait will actually be over.

>> No.14109847

Hopefully this is the start of a new era

>> No.14109904


>> No.14109911

Fuck that art. No one is going to play that shit.

>> No.14109931

I will.

>> No.14109950

Not playing it when half of the reason I bother with their games is gone.

>> No.14109951
File: 996 KB, 1024x576, big_head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14109960
File: 453 KB, 800x600, るいは智を呼ぶ -フルボイスエディション-_2015-09-18_15-29-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished るいは智を呼ぶ.
Pretty good but the pacing gets really bad at some parts.
The unique writing which I really liked disappears completely after the prologue.

Oh well. I'll still play the FD since the game is apparently properly finished there.
Hopefully it has at least a bit more of that writing style.

>> No.14109986
File: 212 KB, 1024x768, アマカノ_2014-12-26_09-57-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more telling about the demographic that buys magazines for scoops and reporting, and the demographic that gets their news tidbits from the internet from the magazine buyers, reporters, and industry insiders.
Running a serialized magazine is hard if what I've seen randomly and Clockup Team Anise's Eromanga is anything to go by from.

PH2 aint out yet, but I'd say LxC2 > Amakano > PxC2 myself. Amakano works best depending on the season while LxC2 can be enjoyed anytime.

>> No.14109994

Don't forget to read LN after FD.

>> No.14110002

>Amakano works best depending on the season
Having to wait 6 months to play it was rather difficult.

>> No.14110061

You tell me.
My country doesn't even have winter, but I played it to counter the sweltering December heat.

>> No.14110126 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 500x309, 1442588071251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This foursome scene with three sisters will be awesome as fuck (from go eiyuutan), I actually always wondered why didnt they make something like this at original game, but I guess this works too.

>> No.14110168

Hell yeah, I really wanted it, but I thought it'd never happen.
It'll be so sweet, until the extreme sexual assaults start and she commits suicide

>> No.14110295

>Hopefully it has at least a bit more of that writing style.
No, it hasn't. And having read everything searching for it, that crazy minimalistic verbose never appeared again on any Hino game. Although the Ruitomo LN and Hanafubuki has some remarkable bits.

>> No.14110508


>> No.14110527

Can anyone share a copy of 空の上のおもちゃ? Can't find it in usual places.

>> No.14110551


>> No.14110575

So.. that's dorothy, right?

>> No.14110580

If you were to judge by the book she is carrying, yes.

>> No.14110581

The wonderful Wizard of Oz as bible.

>> No.14110731


>> No.14110745


>> No.14110897

I have been waiting for this. Akabisoft3 is on roll lately. Does that mean we will see Taiyou no Ko soon?

>> No.14110899

Why did it take the Rance series 26 years to finally put in voices?

>> No.14110900

>Does that mean we will see Taiyou no Ko soon?

Maruto's too mainstream to write eroge now.

>> No.14110907

It's old and Alicesoft was really nervous about giving iconic characters voices at this point as they feared it would alienate fans. Also, it was cheaper to make them mute.

>> No.14110959

When VNs started to have voices the series and it characters were already established so they were worried about how the fans would take voices for characters they already were used to and had their own mental images that should be unique for each person. Also part of the old fans are players from that time that never got used to voices and don't like them in VNs.

>> No.14110993

>Also part of the old fans are players from that time that never got used to voices and don't like them in VNs.
Luckily just about every VN lets you mute character voices.

>> No.14111016

The question is more if the investment is worth it. It does well even without voices, so it's fans either don't like voices, don't care, or still like the series enough to play it without them. So is there an potential fanbase for the Rance series who would only buy it if voiced to cover for the costs of adding them?

>> No.14111026

Considering all the modernizing and remakes Alicesoft is doing, I assume so. It was for a long time really intimidating thing to get into due to being old and some of it not having aged well which has kept some people from really getting into it despite having interest.

>> No.14111217

First Persona5 and now This. Well, at least we have the the trial.

>> No.14111495

Has anyone played Naisho no Yorimichi on Windows 7? It keeps crashing for me and compatibility mode doesn't work, would I have to play it in a VM?

>> No.14111920

This is great news, thanks for the heads up. I hope the good old heroines show up though, since it looks like it will be a prologue.

>> No.14112231

His recent anime apparently hasn't been doing too well. Maybe he'll come back.

>> No.14112423

The presentation in the Tokyo Necro trial is fucking weird.

>> No.14112434

How so?

>> No.14112562
File: 159 KB, 1376x804, t2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game itself is treated as a program in a really meta way (if you played Totono you probably know what I mean), and the combat scenes are presented like an FPS video game. Oh, and some scenes are rendered with actual graphics rather than sprites/CG, so you'll need a decent computer if you don't want it to lag to death.

It's really hard to explain. I'd take a screenshot of that stuff but it's all animated. It's definitely the most "visual" visual novel I've played, anyway.

>> No.14112688

Can anyone share https://vndb.org/v1546?

Been looking around for a while and haven't been able to find it.

>> No.14112737


>> No.14113128


>> No.14113234

>Hシーン数 55シーン(各ヒロイン8シーン+α)
very good

>> No.14113237

Not sure if this was mentioned before, but the YU-NO remake is confirmed for PS4 and PS Vita. Release is 18.02.2016, if I remember correctly (definetly February next year, not 100% sure about the day).

Played the Vita version on TGS.

>> No.14113276

From that title I was expecting a lolige.

>> No.14113283
File: 156 KB, 1280x758, sasuga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga Shimokura, I guess?

>> No.14113308


>> No.14113310


>> No.14113408


>> No.14113460

Impression please

>> No.14113482

Pretty small on the Vita.

>> No.14113497
File: 276 KB, 1440x1080, yu-no_001_cs1w1_720x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14113503

There also was a selectable slightly lewd scene.
https://vndb.org/c35128 lying on a sofa and MC partially undressing her to wipe sweat off her.

>> No.14113551

Ir's on Clubbox.

>> No.14113633
File: 848 KB, 800x600, Forest_2015-09-19_14-42-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Forest.
I'm on the 5th chapter and am confused as fuck.

Hopefully things start to make sense in the later chapters.

>> No.14113640

>Hopefully things start to make sense in the later chapters.
It doesn't.

>> No.14113645

Kinda does, kinda doesn't, you just need to accept the plot as it comes.
Chapter 5 was the game I think, it was great.

>> No.14113854



>> No.14113864

Why link to retarded memeblog when you could just post official site?

>> No.14113867
File: 25 KB, 784x677, ss+(2015-09-19+at+05.08.57).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, about Tokyo Necro, the trial starts with a command line terminal and because I'm retard the first thing I did was write "fuck jap" and welp, seems like I found an easter egg. On "fuck" input terminal answers with "my boss" picture. Not much reward for his head as you see.

>> No.14113869
File: 23 KB, 783x689, ss+(2015-09-19+at+05.08.30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once in a while terminal answers with another face and "top" name. I guess by top here goes another kind of a boss.

>> No.14113888



>> No.14113906

Let this be the nail of the coffin for lump of shite.
They aren't even real kodomos.

>> No.14113939

This is actually pretty cool.

>> No.14114029

Oh god the crab girl in Kami no Rhapsody, my heart.

>> No.14114045

My biggest problem with Eushully's newer stuff is that the side heroines are better than the main ones.

>> No.14114064

can someone give me some suggestions for an english vn with traps as the main heroines?

>> No.14114071

Yeah, the main two seem pretty bland so far.
If only there was some sort of database for visual novels that had tags you could search for.

>> No.14114074

You need to understand English to search database, and he's not good at it.

>> No.14114080

>Untranslated VNs
Well, here you go anyway. Learn from this link to use it yourself in the future.

>> No.14114261

There is no "Translated VN General" in the catalog. Take it easy.
Sometimes the db isn't updated. I was checking.

>> No.14114278

That's because translated VN general is on /vg/

>> No.14114329

Then make one or fuck off to /vg/. Lack of thread for your shit doesn't permit shitposting here.

>> No.14114408

most vns other than oelvns seem more jp territory than vg even if translated
thanks mate

>> No.14114410

>Take it easy.
People still say this?

>> No.14114412

only EOPs

>> No.14114425

It's an eagles song for pete's sake:

>> No.14114478

Reading the trial of Tokyo Necro
All the action scenes are in a FPS mode so they should have just made it an actual game rather than leaving that awkward as fuck narration, it could have been pretty cool.

>> No.14114520

/jp/ uses it because of the ゆっくりしていってね! meme

>> No.14114530

My mom says it too. It's common vernacular in the English speaking country. I'm aware of the yukkuri meme but it's weird to say "people still say this?" to what is a very common phrase.

>> No.14114565

Sure it's weird if you take it out of context, what isn't?

>> No.14114986

You're the one associating a common phrase with a meme. Is words like "dude, chill" also banned because of recent normalfag slang?

>> No.14115005

This discussion isn't in the mystical land of "common" English, it's on /jp/, where the phrase has a clear history and context. If you're new here you might not know about it, but then don't act like you know it all.

>> No.14115246
File: 511 KB, 648x906, a0ace72111ed145711882f0401852029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a VN with a Russian heroine that actually sounds kind of Russian? Like Anya in Idolmaster CG.

>> No.14115280

/jp/ isn't disconnected from the real world, you know. 'Take it easy' as a thing far outdates the /jp/ meme and is often used in different context.

>> No.14115321
File: 130 KB, 689x688, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go bro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1D8LfENh94

>> No.14115349

It's like my ears are being raped.

>> No.14115354

Thank you, I will add that to my list. I want more rolling Rs though.

>> No.14115637

Looks really nice. I want to try it too.

>> No.14115639

Only five girls ? That's a letdown since 逆王道.

>> No.14115657
File: 219 KB, 500x715, Raidy3.5cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many months before the download version?

>> No.14115913
File: 52 KB, 256x348, 24746[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this shit any good?

>> No.14115947

I have only played Nene's route, but I thought it was written well. Can't say anything about the other routes. I would recommend it.

>> No.14116016

More like it should have just been an anime instead. Eroge industry doesn't have the money for cyberpunk gameplay.

>> No.14116066

Nothing is any good.

>> No.14116254

meguru is cute as fuck

>> No.14116290

Is it worth reading 終の空 if I've already read subahibi?

>> No.14116311

It's just a shitty, old version of what happened in SubaHibi.

>> No.14116607
File: 45 KB, 256x368, 23181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just played this. How was its reception on /jp/?

I rather enjoyed it, but the sex scenes did get somewhat repetitive.

>> No.14116651

It's a nukige.
I fapped to it.
Pretty good art, but too vanilla for me.

>> No.14116699

I thought it was pretty hot.

>> No.14116709

2.5 a shit
Renge as main heroine never

>> No.14116738

>Renge as main heroine never
I was actually looking at the other games to see if there was a renge route in any of them. Gave up after seeing the cg 2.5. Guessing it won't happen now.

Did you think it was an easy read? I recently played Reminiscence and found it much harder to read than this; from a beginner Japanese learner's perspective that is.

>> No.14116746

If you still pay attention to how hard or easy something is to read, you'll probably find it hard like most eroge out there.

>> No.14116935
File: 1.35 MB, 1275x678, 52930012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14117035


>> No.14117041
File: 261 KB, 1281x718, 7778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking slut, things like that should only be done after marriage.

>> No.14117120

More new OPs.

>> No.14117410

For a second I read that as Samidare Groin up.

>> No.14117795

Is there a way to find out how far I am into a VN? I'm reading my first long untranslated VN and I need to know if I'm making any significant progress.

>> No.14117860

Keep reading through to the end, then you will know.

>> No.14118671

http://www.foolmaker.net/ click on ゲーム攻略 and find the guide for your VN. Then you can see how many choices there are and you can get a very vague idea of how far in you are.

>> No.14118999
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>> No.14119061
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>> No.14119109

I wish she wasn't such a childish retard.

>> No.14119201
File: 464 KB, 1028x772, capture_017_20102014_132101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, the drama considering her being adopted was pretty bad and the way the protagonist handled the talk awful, though luckily that part was also quite short. I really liked that most of the common and her route was both her and the protagonist acting and talking about being asocial loners who like games. Really rubbed me the right way on a personal level.

>> No.14119672


>> No.14119676

Man these heroines all look pretty good. I'll probably play it soon considering I like the writer.

>> No.14120074

Isn't it the other way around? Your girl is selling herself for marriage (i.e. slut), thus until you pay you get nothing, but that other girl is loving, thus giving unconditionally.

>> No.14120088

You're confusing sluts and whores.

>> No.14120093

And that's not even getting into harlots, trollops, and hoes.

>> No.14120223

Ah, yes, sorry.
But still, it doesn't change the whole picture.

On the one hand we have girl having sex with one person, therefore she can't be slut because if she likes only sex, she will do it with everyone, which is not true. In such case there is no other reason to have sex besides love, therefore she is not slut, but girl in love.

On the other hand we have girl saying: "Marry me first, everything else is after that". Marriage have nothing to do with love or sex, it is contract dealing with money and work (every kind of caring besides pure money is work), therefore she is whore selling her body.

So, between girl in love and whore >>14117041 prefers whore.

>> No.14120241

>it is contract dealing with money and work
To be fair there are methods that can remove money from the equation.

>> No.14120257

So whats this vn from? Google search doesn't give any shit.

>> No.14120283

Not unless you treat your spouse like a roommate and even then you are legally responsible for the well-being of your spouse in the same way you are for your child.

>> No.14120284

Gun Knight Girls

>> No.14120309

Not the method I was talking about, Isn't there a legal agreement that both sides can agree prior to marriage that ownership of items (including money) can be restricted to the person that earned them instead of being shared property?

>> No.14120349

Thanks mate, I had it in my backlog I guess I'll try it after the september releases.

>> No.14120637

Warning: It has extremely hetare and completely useless for plot protagonist and slutty heroines who talk about cheating on him because he's too bad in bed.

>> No.14120673


>> No.14121140
File: 267 KB, 1302x795, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Melty Lovers, overall mixed impressions. It was certainly better than the previous knight school style games from Efferdom, but that's not exactly a high bar. The biggest issue was the different writers: I found Frey's route much more enjoyable than the rest of the routes. Kanon's route was alright but dragged on a bit, meanwhile I thought Lil and Sefi's routes had an entire chapter too many at the end.

I did enjoy most of the common route and Frey's route as stated earlier, they felt more like Lovely x Cation 2 in a knight school with the focus on the girls and the interactions with the protagonist. The art was fantastic as expected along with some decent music tracks. All in all probably one of the better knight school games, but not exactly anything amazing.

>> No.14121261

A prenup

>> No.14121277

I though it was better than Koikishi honestly. The art is phenomenal. Reminded me of LxC2 which is a huge plus. Kanon, Lil and Sefi routes are my favorites.

>> No.14121311

Just one question about Sefi's route but if it's a huge spoiler don't answer. Is there tons of royal drama like in Char's route in Princess Lover?

>> No.14121323

It's the same artist (Iizuki Tasuku).

Guess I'll start Seikishi myself this week, Frey was the character I was expecting to like the most so that is refreshing to hear.

>> No.14121346

Oh yeah definitely better than Koikishi. The system and the art made it feel like LxC2 which was nice. I preferred Frey's route because I felt like it focused more on the relationship between her and the protagonist.

It wasn't too overly dramatic actually, I thought it was handled pretty well. I don't think it really spoils much but I'll use spoiler tags for it anyways.
The real drama is more between the MC and one of her bodyguards who tries to get in the way.
It didn't drag on too much and it showed the MC growing and learning to take on responsibility; it acted as a good arc for the MC to show his changes through the route.

Seeing Frey change from cold and distant to cute and loving was great; I love seeing how the relationship between the heroine and MC changes throughout the route.

>> No.14121359

>one of her bodyguards

>> No.14121381

Okay now it's actually spoilers.
The main teacher, アイアネス (I tried translating that but fuck it) is another bodyguard as well as an actual Holy Knight.
Lil isn't too involved in the drama.

>> No.14121390

As long as it's not Lil I'm fine with it, it would sour me to her character prior to giving her a proper chance as at this point she's the only one who hasn't left an impression on me

>> No.14121703

With those breast sizes I thought it was a nukige, guess I'll play it now.

>> No.14121717

I am so happy they made this game!! I think the staff totally redeemed themselves after the disaster that is Juukishi.

>> No.14121874

Personally I wish the Protag had more of a concrete goal in mind that he wanted to achieve across all of the routes. Otherwise it's superior to the previous titles in most respects other than artwork which I believe to be in the same tier.

>> No.14121902

Anyone have thoughts on Nekonade Distortion they could share? It was something I tried playing four years ago or so before I could read at a decent speed, and I'm thinking of giving it another try now that I can actually read at a decent pace. I would probably be going for Gizmo's route, the whole 'family pet becomes a catgirl' thing is one of my weak points.

Also, any other VN op or ed songs that are, for lack of a better word, 'edgy' like Nekonade Distortion and Whitesoft's later game Gangsta Republica? I know they're silly, but I like them a lot:


>> No.14121929

It was too deep for moogy.

>> No.14121987


>> No.14122046

Tokyo Necro trial turned out to be surprisingly short. Still liked it.

>> No.14122063

It was exactly what I expected so, something that will most likely be sold solely based on its production value. I probably won't play the actual game

>> No.14122098

>four years ago

Is that how long it took for you to get competent?

>> No.14122109

No. I just ran into the OP music again today and it reminded me of the game.

>> No.14122211 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 960x544, 1442842508426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished 1st episode of Himawari. Next part looks good with it showing events of the past.

Enjoyed what I've read so far, Aqua seems to be best girl at the moment.

It is nice to have Ginga as the "silly friend" type while also playing an important part in the story, and having the protagonist being the one defending him instead of abusing him.

I hesitated a bit at first about whether it was worth losing the ero, but the graphics from the vita version make up for it. Having a voiced protagonist is also really nice thing, not sure if that is a standard for console ports (although I suppose in Himawari's case the PC version doesn't have any voices at all).

>> No.14122221

He's voiced in the ps2 version, I don't know why he isn't in the psp version though.
Also enjoy Aqua's chapters, so damn great.

>> No.14122228

I think his voice was cut out from the psp version to save space on the disk.

>> No.14122231

Does it have a lot of CGs?

>> No.14122232

>原画: santa
Picked up

>> No.14122283

Counting the number of slots in the gallery there seems to be 69 different ones.

>> No.14122335

Looks fucking cute.

>> No.14123051

They will probably release a second proper trial in December. But man that fight scenes in the end Was great with all the animation and 3D models. Is this the future of eroge?

>> No.14123217


I so tired of view a person on a board shit on a hetare man main character. Just leave him to be himself who you to see him bad?

>> No.14123305

Is edward from baldr sky zero fully voiced? Just started playing chapter 1 and it disturbs me that he lost his voice after he logs out.

>> No.14123393

Sounds like you answered your own question.

>> No.14123394 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 256x365, 1434647823828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /jp/ I'm unsure if start this (I suppose that the girls are mute during sex because time stop) , what is your opinion? It's enough fappable?

>> No.14123410

I was expecting it to be a installation bug since kou was fully voiced. Feels rather disappointing.

>> No.14123737

I have a quick question.
For all of you who learned japanese, what did you use?
A j-j anki deck or a j-e?
Also what are easy VN?
I am now reading Tsukihime in Japanese but there are many words I do not know since my vocab sucks.

>> No.14123762

Daily Japanese thread is on different board.

>> No.14123778

Yeah I know, but since you people can read japanese I tought someone could help.
The other thread is full of shitposting

>> No.14123798

You may want to start off with something simpler. Reading something that deals with common day to day situations may be better for you as that's the stuff you'll want to know. Most moege or charage are like that so you can go for whatever you think is cute.
Eventually you should learn to recognize words and kanji in context as you keep seeing commmon ones all the time, but using something like an Anki deck can be useful.

>> No.14124140

If I were to read Oretsuba for the first time, which version should I read (keeping in mind that I don't care too much about ero)?

>> No.14124274

>With those breast sizes I thought it was a nukige
You what? Tons of charage and plotge have exaggerated breasts.

>> No.14124422

Oretsuba R. It has Kouda's route in there.
Make sure you get the After Story for Linda's mini-route.
If you have a PS3 then get the PS3's version since it also contains Linda's route.

>> No.14124467

The PS3/Vita version has all the content except for the ero

>> No.14124841

Original first, then PS3/Vita for extra content.

>> No.14124933

Visual novels that don't have per-character voice volume sliders but have a high-pitched genki girl and a quiet one are the worst.

>> No.14125103

Is there any point to the knight setting or is it just for knight/sword-moe?

>> No.14125132

Currently playing 小女ラムネ
Russian loli is best girl

>> No.14125432

Too bad she's a lesbian and never loves you back.

>> No.14125628

I guess so? I mean the knight concept and everything is pretty heavily built into the setting and plot. As an example all the backgrounds and everything are olden European style with blacksmiths and so on. In contrast to Koi Kishi, where there are modern buildings and such if my memory is right.

I assume that's what you mean by the point of the setting, then if so yes.

>> No.14125820

I hope Tanuki Soft makes more slutty heroines like Tenka.

>> No.14126127

The intro to Shapeshifter was surprisingly cool, I didn't except this game to be especially good but now I have some heightened expectations.

>> No.14126158
File: 398 KB, 1024x768, can't screenshot animation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, somewhat of a noob to visual novels so I don't know, but is there any reason why the animation in this Shapeshifter game isn't more widely praised? I'm only 15 minutes or so in and the amount of camera shifts, animations, and angles has already surprised me since nothing else I've played (40-some novels) has anything close to this except Muv Luv Alternative, another age game. I would expect this kind of stuff to get referenced frequently in hushed tones. I do recognize that writing is far more important than flashy animation and sprite movement, I'm just surprised that it isn't more... praised? I checked the archive and it didn't seem to get much discussion in the past or recently which is a surprise to me. Maybe a lot of games have this level of presentation and I just haven't played them.

>> No.14126209

> can't screenshot animation.jpg
Its time to learn about ShareX then.

> nothing else I've played (40-some novels) has anything close to this
Try Amatsukaze, nothing can compare to it regarding scripting/presentation.

>> No.14126217

They went too overboard with amatsukaze to the point where it was just distracting. I'd say Ef would be a better title for that.

>> No.14126248
File: 3.23 MB, 768x576, shareX 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, pretty nifty.

>> No.14126252

Just play Ayakashi.

>> No.14126255

Huh, that was pretty choppy, I'll (try to) upload a better example video youtube video to make up for giving a bad impression to anyone who hasn't played the game.
I didn't mean to give off the impression I was playing purely for animation, I actually just liked the character designs and went in blind, the quality of presentation in the beginning was just a surprise. I expect the rest of the game to tone it down quite a bit but we will see.

>> No.14126258

This game has terrible votes from people I know.

>> No.14126275

Here we are, video of Shapeshifter's intro being cool. I let the voices play sometimes but there isn't audio so the pacing may be off, and the quality isn't the best, but it's much better than the gif.
Yeah, I'm not expecting anything especially good, but I am enjoying what I've played so far.

>> No.14126278

And I'm not recommending it purely for animation.

>> No.14126303
File: 374 KB, 1920x1080, 1442902250262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from /v/?

Can you guys all actually read this?

do they give furigana or something before?

>> No.14126308

While I was one of the first to praise ZScreen/ShareX in this thread after years of use, a better option for something like this for 4chan is definitely grabbing a webm. You can do it with ShareX by making a custom setting for it, but there's probably guides out there for pure FFmpeg usage optimized for 4chan.
I should make a custom setting for myself one of these days.

>> No.14126313

>he doesn't know chinese

>> No.14126329
File: 2.86 MB, 1024x768, shapeshifter intro v2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally forgot a had a webm converter which I could have used, whoops.Well, no harm done I guess.

>> No.14126349

it's just buddhism shit

>> No.14126353

Yes, I read KKK. No, I didn't bother trying to understand ancient shit that natives can't even read.

>> No.14126358

So you didn't read it then

>> No.14126364

Apparently you didn't, since those lines represent like 0.1% of the total text.

>> No.14126366

So you didn't read it.

>> No.14126368

is it just a special move or something?

>> No.14126381

Ignore the autism
It's quoting ancient texts which makes it hard to read due to essentially being a different language, special moves are far more easy to read, like 震天裂空斬光旋風滅砕神罰割殺撃 which is just "Tremorous Celestial Sundering Shredding Light of Cyclonic Butchery"-type stuff.

>> No.14126395

Nah I didn't read that shit either

>> No.14126400

I'm not even good at Japanese and I can read that, kanji spam doesn't immediately equate to difficult.

>> No.14126595

How would you read that string?

>> No.14126609


>> No.14127129

>Melty Lovers
I was rather surprised with Sefi, generally main girls are awful.

>> No.14127178

"Shake Split Slash Wind Crush Punish Divide End"?

>> No.14127186

They are usually a little smaller across a cast such as this. I am a breast connoisseur so I know about these things.

>> No.14128115

Shapeshifter's writing kind of shits the bed by the end of the common route, and suffers from tone whiplash.
It's been a while but I believe the effects etc don't really live up to the intro until maybe the end of the common route.

>> No.14128137

What kind of tone whiplash? It suddenly gets very serious or suddenly gets very light-hearted?

>> No.14128316 [SPOILER] 
File: 74 KB, 640x400, 1442953043576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, gotta give ShareX a try. Hate it when you can't Fraps some engines. In the worst case you can Fraps your entire desktop and capture any game that way.

Also a small GIF capping utility called LICEcap has been good for those olde games. It captures gifs on the fly with correct frame lengths depending on how often the screen updates.

>> No.14128494

Why was Walkure Romanze popular, anyway? It was bad.

>> No.14128607

Maybe because it wasn't Komori Kei's fault that the scriptwriter sucked.

>> No.14129158

It was lewd.

>> No.14129442

The anon who has been playing through Rance series here. I'm just about ready to give up on 6. This is the first game in the series I'm really having trouble mustering the willpower to finish, even though I got almost to the end (From a look at a guide it seems to be just before the final mission, specifically Mission ??? after you obtain Chaos and Cell joins you, where you don't go into a dungeon and just fight a lot of tough monsters.. Is there any way to pass these encounters easily that doesn't involve praying to RNG gods for my stuns to hit or grinding my characters to high heavens? My party is a bit above 30 at this point (Rance is the highest level out of the group and he is 38).
I do have an opinion on this game already and I'm wondering if I should stop playing and share it now (like I kind of feel like doing) or if there is a strategy to make finishing this game a bit more bearable, in which case I will just finish the game and do so in couple of hours.

>> No.14129526
File: 16 KB, 244x300, mig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14129647

Well if you don't like VI then just stop it.

But it's 'grind' is fairly typical jrpg fare.

You'll hate Quest but should like IX

You have played far enough into VI to play IX. Mainly why Rance is allied with Patton and a bit on fated girls.

>> No.14129656

use cheat engine

>> No.14129753

Rance VI is a dungeon crawler with pretty basic JRPG combat where you have 3 front row fighters and 3 back row fighters. The thing is, each of your 16 characters (which is the max number of characters you will have, for most of the game you'll have closer to 8) has something called SP. Each fight costs 1 SP and once you hit 0 you have to exit the dungeon (or use a recovery item) before you can use them again. Some characters have 4 SP while others have 8 and by the end of the game Rance will have around 12. The problem with this is the sheer number of random encounters you get in long dungeons which, together with unavoidable set fights, will burn though your SP pretty fast. This often means that you will have to constantly escape the dungeon, recover then run back to where you left off with only Rance in your party as you run away from enemies. This system actively discourages exploration and filling in the map (both of which actually give rewards) if you don't feel like playing through the same thing over and over again, in a genre in which that exploration is one of the key elements. It gets better closer to the end when you get more characters and can have different party for bosses and REs, but the longest dungeons are in the mid-game, before you have that much SP or party members.

The combat on the other hand is bearable for the most part. There is some fun to be had with building a party capable to taking down certain bosses. The thing is, this game relies on you being able to consistantly paralyze some enemies (which is completely RNG) and interrupting moves that take more than single turn (another thing that is complete RNG). When I say you rely on them, I mean there are enemies that one-shot your entire party if they can get certain attack off or at the very least go through your party's health in couple of turns. The fact that some endgame enemies don't respect the battle lines and attack your back row just as easily as your front doesn't help.

>> No.14129764

Enough ranting about the battle system. Let's talk story and characters. Those are what most people play these games for, after all. First off, the first 3/4 of this game is complete garbage with the same level of plot Rance 2 had, consisting mostly of poor excuses to throw you into dungeons with bare minimal story and the little that exists is side plots that don't really play into the main one. A lot of that time was spent letting you know just how much of an asshole everyone in Zeth is and while the setting is somewhat interesting, a lot of it simply won't play a part in the story and is there just to be some window dresser. In the meantime, you get little to no real character interactions. Any that do end up happening are brought to you through an event system that requires you to grind colored orbs from dungeons to unlock available scenes. Roughly two thirds of the way into the game the plot becomes a thing, but even then you have to do bunch of fetch quests to unlock more of it. About 3/4 of the way into the game shit gets real and the story becomes actually good, interesting and it abandons most of the foes you've managed to muster some mild dislike for in favor of some demons who just show up in the plot and wreck some shit without really giving you any particular reason to dislike them beyond the fact that they want to wipe humanity out or something like that. By the that point I was not reading the dialog all that carefully. They just aren't quite as interesting villains as some charaters that were established earlier or the ones that appeared in 03 as there is so little buildup to them. Still, it's something actually good. The character interactions also pick up some speed about halfway through the game in the sense that they become a thing you may actually want to read. The comedy is still mostly bland. There were couple of scenes in this game I have played for over a week that made me chuckle.

>> No.14129769

It may seem like I'm bashing this game, but that doesn't mean I disliked all of it. There were some things that I really liked in that last fourth (or the part of it I actually bothered with). What happened to Feliss is a thing I hope will be followed up on. This game actually did very good job of giving characters from previous games some good scenes and fun times, it's just a shame the original characters ended up being pretty lacklustre with the exception of some pentagon members that managed to be fun for all of the five scenes they were in and to a lesser extent Urza, who honestly ended up being considerably more boring character once her conflict was resolved.

I'd say this game was overall pretty okay. The beginning is just shit but the endgame is actually good, which puts this below the remakes and above 2 and 5D.

>> No.14129783

Did you have to write these wall of text for such an old game?
Especially considering your opinion is pretty out there
Start a blog or something

>> No.14129789


>> No.14129790

leave him be, faggot. this is what this general is for.

>> No.14129800

Yeah, let's go back to discussing Moogy and the other hottest internet celebs.

>> No.14130337

It'll jump from super serious to super silly multiple times in the same scene. It got pretty bad at the end of the common boss right around when it was time for the "last boss".

>> No.14130348

Use Cheat Engine to freeze encounter bar, and to raise your levels to 100. No reason to torture yourself with that terrible gameplay.

>> No.14130358

This thread is specifically for posts like that. Fuck off to some chat if you don't like actual meaningful ontopic posts.

>> No.14130360

Oh, what a shame, I wouldn't have minded ichaicha-type mood whiplash since I like that kind of thing but I do like consistent moods during final bosses.

>> No.14130641

Because piss and ひょっとこフェラ.
