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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14046766 No.14046766 [Reply] [Original]

What do you like about Touhou?

What got you hooked on it?

Was it the actual games? The fan games? Maybe the fan art and doujins?

I don't really get the appeal of it so I'd appreciated it if you could help me out and tell me how you see it.

>> No.14046770 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14046772

The lore, the characters, the music and the fan games.

Still, explaining why you like something is so retarded, if you like it, like it, don't like it then don't like it.

Don't be a busy body.

>> No.14046773
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That is not what I asked for but I don't mind.

>> No.14046778

>Still, explaining why you like something is so retarded, if you like it, like it, don't like it then don't like it.
God forbid someone shares something he likes with someone else.

>> No.14046786

This is not sharing.

This is explaining why I like some certain things. I don't actually need any reasons to like any piece of entertainment.

>> No.14046789

So you're some sort of magical free spirit who likes things at random without any rhyme or reason. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.14046791

Thank you.

Trying to justify your hobby is fucking retarded. It's not a bill of need.

>> No.14046794

>Trying to justify your hobby is fucking retarded.
Nobody is painting it as justification except for you, because you are insecure and possibly fucking retarded. If I ask what you like about a restaurant it's not because I'm subtly insinuating that you have shit taste. Christ.

>> No.14046799

You are asking me to explain to you "how I see it".

I'm saying I don't need to.

And I don't really care if I have shit taste, it doesn't matter or hurt anybody.

>> No.14046802

>You are asking me to explain to you "how I see it".
I'm not OP. I'm just calling you a retard.

>I'm saying I don't need to.
Then don't respond to the thread, you fucking toolbox. Nobody made you do it.

>And I don't really care if I have shit taste, it doesn't matter or hurt anybody.
It does mean that everybody has to read your ludicrously awful posts shitting on everybody who might want to help other people appreciate the things they appreciate.

>> No.14046805

There was so much art coming out on danbooru and I didn't know anything about it, eventually I got fed up with that and started playing.
The games are hard but fun, the music is great, its take on mythology and folklore is pretty interesting and rich. The community is active and produces a lot of good stuff too. Most people will probably say the same things.

If you did play the games (shooting or fighting, doesn't matter) or read some of the official literature but it still doesn't have any appeal then it means that 2hu just doesn't click with you, it's nothing strange.

>> No.14046806

I don't care if you call me a retard either, who are you to even make me care.

Nobody has to read my post, if you don't like it, don't read it. But these things are things I gotta say.

>> No.14046809

>But these things are things I gotta say.
So you have a compulsion to arbitrarily shit on other people while refusing to take any criticism yourself. Gotcha.

>> No.14046812

Yeah, I do. As said, it's not a bill of need.

If you don't like anything, keep on not liking it.

Don't ask people to make you like it.

>> No.14046814

>Don't ask people to make you like it.
Why the fuck wouldn't you, other than the fact that you might offend some hypocritical retards who insist on ordering everyone else around?

>> No.14046815

Because why would you?

It's a waste of time for both parties.

>> No.14046817

>Because why would you?
So you can learn more about aspects that are worth looking into and perhaps gain a greater appreciation of it yourself.

>It's a waste of time for both parties.
You don't seem to have a problem with that yourself.

>> No.14046818

To be honest, I take more pleasure in saying these things than learning more about these aspects.

I'm content with what I learned and I don't need any reason to like things, perhaps you should go learn yourself instead of asking other.

>> No.14046823

>To be honest, I take more pleasure in saying these things than learning more about these aspects.
Awesome, but OP, not being you, has the chance that he might prefer learning to shitposting.

>I'm content with what I learned and I don't need any reason to like things
This is the fourth time you've said this now. You can hold your reasons secret as much as you like. I was merely pointing out the fucking disgusting hypocrisy involved in ordering people around while accusing other people of being "busybodies."

>> No.14046831

Well, he can learn anything he wants, just as I gotta say the things I gotta say.

It matters to me because I need to make it clear that you don't need to justify/explain anything to anyone else regarding your fucking hobby.

And don't be busybody is not an order, it's a suggestion.

>> No.14046834

>I gotta say the things I gotta say.
If you literally can't stop yourself from shitposting I guess it can't be helped, we have a lot of those posters.

>I need to make it clear that you don't need to justify/explain anything to anyone else regarding your fucking hobby.
Literally everybody in this thread knows this.

>And don't be busybody is not an order, it's a suggestion.
You're trying to set a standard you think should apply to the board. I'm pointing out that your standard fucking sucks. If you actually wanted people to keep to themselves you would not share (because you didn't want to share) instead of subtly insinuating that everyone who does is some sort of retard.

>> No.14046835

I'm not interested in Touhou, but I like the porn.

>> No.14046844

It might be shitposting to you, but it's not to me so whatever.

And the same can be said to this standard, instead of making new contents, new music, or even discussing the lore, you end up discussing WHY I/you like things, it's stupid and pointless. If you don't like things, leave it as it is and let the people who like things have in-depth discussion instead of wasting time explaining themselves.

>> No.14046850

dBu and similar music back around 08. yeah im a secondary. i came here for the comiket threads for 2 years before posting anything.

i've played the games and fapped to the porn, but music is still the main draw.

>> No.14046851

>It might be shitposting to you, but it's not to me so whatever.
Every shitposter on earth.

>let the people who like things have in-depth discussion instead of wasting time explaining themselves.
He is not interrupting anyone's in-depth discussion; nor is he wasting the time of anyone who doesn't want to explain themselves (except possibly the several seconds it takes to hide his thread).

>WHY I/you like things, it's stupid and pointless.
So is lore discussion. The vast majority of everyone's waking hours are not spent producing Touhou OC so don't act like this thread is somehow crippling everyone's productivity.

>> No.14046861

The mainline games (they actually are pretty good), then the music. A small part of the lore interests me too.

>> No.14046871

Lore discussion is not pointless for me because I occasionally discover new things/re-translation.

This thread on the hand is pointless because it's asking me a question I don't need to answer.

What's worse, it's more like a survey and I really hate these datamining threads.

>> No.14046880

Up until now I thought you were a retard but apparently you're just some sort of massive egoist who thinks /jp/ needs to revolve around him.

Hard to argue with that.

>> No.14046885

/jp/ doesn't need to revolve around me.

I'm just another voice in /jp/ and this voice hates this kind of thread.

>> No.14046905

What a coincidence - I hate you and think you are an unnecessary annoyance. Get lost.

>> No.14046911

Oh well, see ya then.

I would stop talking to ya.

>> No.14046973

oh wow guys nice fight xDDDDD

As for OP, probably IOSYS


>> No.14046984

You shouldn't fight!

>> No.14046990

I found out about it because I saw Cirno. She looked cute. I looked her up to see if she was from a show. I saw she was from a game. I played eosd and ulil. I liked them both. I am really good at ulil and ok at eosd.
Then I saw there were some books. I read CoLA and Forbidden Scrollery. Now I am reading the manga about reisen and tewi (I just finished th8)

There are animations but I haven't watched them.

I like the lore

The song bad apple is nice. I like the music in the games

I played a casual fan game from c88 (someone posted it) that is like the doodle jump app. You are either reisen or tewi and you hop up onto platforms. You are chibi. Very cute ^-^

I read three short doujin things. One was bad and it was about yuyuko and youmu. They made a cake for yukaris bday. It was kind of boring and the art was not great. The other was very short about koakuma and patchouli. Koakuma messed up a drawing for patchy and patchy was mad. They made up though. It was cute. The last is the charm series. I don't like any others.

Fan art is nice.

The only thing I do not like about touhou... Hmm... I don't like when people sexualize them, mostly because I'm not interested in girls and i am married. So i don't read those things. Second, I do not like wriggle nightbug or miko(i think that is her name. Has hair like mandy from Billy and mandy)
I also do not like when people say they like touhou a ton but have never played it. I don't really get it.

Patchouli is my favorite. Then it's a tie between marisa and cirno and remilia and reimu and yuyuko. The rest are all tied under that. Then wriggle and miko under that
End blog

>> No.14046992

Thank for the kind words.

But I part on good note so don't worry.

>> No.14047019


>> No.14047035

For me it was being a filthy secondary who accidentally downloading a bunch of arranges from various people, then getting into a bunch of doujinshi before I realized that all this was actually a videogame.

I still don't listen to the original music tracks and I'm still awful at the game.

>> No.14047185
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I got here through one of the Flandre routes (not Ronald McDonald thank god), then slowly became more familiar with things as I poked around YouTube for music. Found Nitori Kappashiro's previous channel and got a healthy expansion to my music folder from that and other similar channels. Eventually I got EoSD, and I'm still not fantastic but I generally don't embarrass myself. Ended up 1cc'ing hard with Marisa before I even beat normal with Reimu. I started looking around the wiki not long after I got that first game and went through pretty much all of the doujins they had on there (the official stuff too, but it doesn't have quite the same character), and now I have a folder of those in addition to my new music. Good stuff.

Touhou at its core is simple but inspired enough to make it attractive, and the community has filled it out a lot with things that most fans take for granted (like Koakuma being a character instead of just a sprite that shows up once in the entire series to shoot at you for a few seconds). Of course, so many of these things not being canon means you can largely make of the lore what you like and work out whatever kind of headcanon appeals to you.

If anything bums me out, it would be the porn. Touhou doesn't sell itself on teasing fan's dicks with character designs (have you seen ZUN try to draw) or splashes of fan service in the games and stories because it really doesn't need to. However, this does always make it funny when doujin artists try to sexualize characters and have to throw pretty much everything about their identity/powers out the window so the story doesn't end in faceless man murder. I remember seeing one where some random found Remilia beaten up and muddy outside Gensokyo, so he took her in, then one night she walks in on him fapping and pretty much says "oh lemme help you out with that".


>> No.14047199
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Cute girls
Nice music
Entertaining games
Beautiful patterns
Vast doujin scene

>> No.14047322

I got hooked on it because I wanna fug the 2hus

>> No.14047360
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I had heard very vague things about Touhou over the years, and it honestly sounded boring and messy.

Music is what got me into Touhou, but not the arranges and fan made music but the actual game's music.
Late 2014 is stumbled upon an arrange of Rumia's theme, and eventually ended up listening to the vanilla songs from the games.
After a while of listening to music alone i gave EoSD a go, then PCB and so on, ended up liking the Characters although i haven't looked too much into their backgrounds/lore. Shortly after i started visiting /jp/

I still listen to the game's music a lot more than i play the games and still have not beat any touhou game after 5 months, but i don't really play them often so it doesn't bother me.

Doujins and fan art are ok, but not the main appeal for me since i like my touhous pure and untainted and most fan works are riddled with ships/sexualization/fanon nonsense.

>> No.14047385
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I had to see what all the fuss was about on /jp/. So I played the games.

Eventually I really just came to love the mythology kitchen sink, haven't really been aware of Japanese mythology until properly researching with toho.
The characters are cute, and ZUN has been pretty great with making games that is consistent with itself and can make me cry with stage 6.

>> No.14047428

The porn.

>> No.14047494

I was sucked in by the cute characters and quickly became addicted to the games and music. They are fun as hell, and dodging ridiculous amounts of bullets feels rewarding. Also, Touhou rekindled a few of my hobbies. The characters got me back into drawing, and the music got me back into playing piano.

>> No.14047523
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I admit that I started as a filthy secondary that just started caring because of the lolsorandumb girls in the doujin music videos.

Then I played the games and the atmosphere really got me to the point I read all the written works in one go, it's something really special I can't even describe. Everything is so real and makes sense in its own universe I wouldn't be surprised if Gensokyo was actually real and ZUN just a story teller.

>> No.14047559

Came for the doujins
Stayed for the games

>> No.14047572

I like the music for the most part. I don't even listen to arranges very much. I just like the originals; they're magical. I also like the characters and the lore even though I'm not hugely into it and don't know everything like some of you I have read quite a few wiki pages.

I'm just terrible at the games and it hurts my self confidence when I constantly die to stupid shit and choke over and over. With that said I still try to play them occasionally but usually give up within an hour or so. I do like to watch youtube videos of people completing the games and read the dialogue that I didn't get to see on the wiki.

>> No.14047595

I'm not really into Touhou but I'm about as veteran as they come, I just came over to the jay when it was created. I do enjoy the cute art and such though, I wouldn't buy a figure of a 2hu but I have a few fumos cause they're cute :3

>> No.14047856

The huge amounts of varied porn it gets. Every Reitaisai or comiket supplies me with months worth of fap material.

>> No.14054525


>> No.14054542
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I've been masturbating over 3 times a day regularly over the last 10 years, Touhou is an infinite source of lewd content as well as a blooming community full of content, music, games and weebs with who I share many other hobbies, it's also easygoing and aimless, there's no edginess and no possible conclusion for the saga giving it an "eternal companion" feeling.

>> No.14054575

The music, the porn, the lore, and the endless flow of content coming from the fans.

>> No.14054651

At first it was the games that got me into the fanbase.

>> No.14054700
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First heard of touhou from little references here and there on the internet/other boards. I just knew it was a 2d game series with a bunch of girls. Didn't really care that much. Some time later I visited /jp/ out of curiosity and discovered it was obsessed with '2hu'. There were illustrations of some neat looking characters. I watched some of the videos from iosys/etc and absolutely loved them, even though I barely knew the characters or setting. Picked up EOSD, started shitposting on /jp/, and listened to more and more music. I don't even care about touhous being hot or sexy. I don't sexualize it at all. I just think they are entertaining and funny. I can't even think of one touhou that I don't like. They are all neat.

>> No.14054767
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I like the setting, the detailed lore, the music and the characters. It blends so well and no other video game series has done this to me before other than Guild Wars.

My first touhou game was IaMP which I discovered back in summer 2005 when one of my FGfag friend introduced it to me. It took me around 8 months before discovering that the main games of the series were bullet hell games and that the fighting was a spin-off of a sort.


>> No.14054791

itsits the type of a game with such open lore that fan additions, like music, artwork, fiction, remakes, parodies and so on, can flourish and be added very smoothly

>> No.14054870

i dated a girl who streamed it and was very good at it, and now i just like the characters because i was never very good at it
i wish shed come back and teach me more

>> No.14054965

Back when I was in highschool some nerdy kid who worked as the computer teacher's TA installed EoSD on all the school computers in the library.
