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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14035174 No.14035174 [Reply] [Original]

Should I become an otaku?
I'm a failed normie kv loser and I hate my life. Does posting images of cartoon girls make anyone here feel god inside?

I've never seen a more positive and confident person than a full on weeb and I'm already a shut-in so... how do I become one?

>> No.14035179

I found god through otaku.

>> No.14035185

What's a kv?

>> No.14035187

The pleasure of feeling god inside.

>> No.14035198

kissless virgin (in my case at 18)

Could you describe the feeling a little more? Also where do I start? 2hous do nothing for me, actually I don't even know what to feel. Am I supposed to be sexually aroused?

>> No.14035248
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You're only 18. You've got time. People say that once you hit 20s you're fucked but they're wrong. Get a job, a real job, even manual labor, not walmart or a food joint, there's always something, and your life will come together.

No, it's not about sex at first. It's about being entranced by how cute it is. Some series are different though. LoveLive is for pedos, for example.

When you look at the character or the art you should feel calm. You'll know it when you see it.

>> No.14035277

So it's like a stoned feeling? When Ilook at that image all I see is a girl in a peanut suit. I feel nothing. Actually the only thing I feel is emptiness and longing, like I'll never have a gf like her.

And yeah I really am fucked
>2/10 face
>anxiety that almost makes me pass out in college

>> No.14035287

>Does posting images of cartoon girls make anyone here feel good inside?
No, get out.

>> No.14035302

Just start lifting brah, it is literally a magic potion that will solve all your problems.

>> No.14035312

No the peanut girl suit was something entirely different that I just like to post because nobody (still) has a fucking translation and I helped the guy find the book on /r/ a few years ago, and I only recently found the raws about 6 or 7 months ago.

And money+confidence trumps looks. Having a job gets you both.

Also lose your virginity to a whore and learn how to eat out. A dick can only do so much. You don't want your first time with somebody you actually care about to be unimpressive and awkward. This also is good for confidence.

It's all about confidence.

But if you believe the captcha it's all about cabbage.

>> No.14035336

I have a 2/10 face, please stop this meme.
I just want something to distract myself from feeling empty. All my hobbies are in the garbage.
Can't get interested in music
Cant' get interested in videogames
Can't get into sports
Don't want to do drugs
Can't get a gf
Can't get friends so here I am.

You all seem to have so much fun animeposting

Just give me something to latch onto. I'll devote my soul to it. Anything just name it

>> No.14035348

Is that you, Viscant?

>> No.14035354

Get a job then. Latch onto that. Even a shitty 10/hr job makes a lot when you're still living with parents.

But you don't seem to get it, that yes, it really is about confidence. Sure the face gets you through the door, and a lot of doors are going to be slammed on you, literally and figuratively, but confidence gets you to the next door. And eventually you'll find a door that stays open. Life is only short if you let it be.

But you don't seem interested in doing anything. So why bother helping you if you don't want to even help yourself? We can't tell you what to like. Personally I spend all my time shitposting on /o/ and /jp/, watching races or reading Touhou most of the time when I'm not working.

>> No.14035357

You just need to lift and lower your standards to 3d pig disgusting. Maybe a fat girl with a 1/10 face.

>> No.14035360

>Just give me something to latch onto. I'll devote my soul to it. Anything just name it
Religion. I suggest Sunni Islam.

>> No.14035366

And don't discount us, we're not trash like /a/. This isn't animeposting.

/jp/ is only for the most refined in weeb taste.

>> No.14035453

>But you don't seem interested in doing anything.
I'm interested in Japan and anime. I just want the opinion of some knowledgeable folks. >>14035366
This is exactly why I'm asking you guys.

Take 2hoo threads for example, what the fuck is the big deal? I just don't get it. I feel like there's this great big beautiful otaku world and I'm passing by it with black sunglasses.


>> No.14035488

Touhou community is less about the games and more about the doujin, but the people that actually play the games will deny this. Go read some of the (nonH) doujin and watch the videos (like the m1 manzai) and listen to the music. If you don't understand why we like the characters then, then you're not going to understand any 'otaku' community.

>> No.14035493

What you need in your life is some sort of progress.
What you are asking about is hobby shit, the two don't mix.

Again, I strongly reccommend lifting, you can get into it very easily and it will make you a more useful human being in general.

>> No.14035499

Give up on this "girlfriend" shit, it's gay and retarded. Anyone who wants a girlfriend is either confused or diseased.

> Select all images with peanuts.

>> No.14035542

Only good response so far.

OP you care too much about shit that doesn't matter.

Stop striving for what society deems as "success" in the first place and enjoy your life on your own terms. You'll be much happier in the end. Forget about girlfriends, having a respectable job, being attractive, confident ect. That's all a bunch of bullshit noise and you should tune it out. Ignore the advice here suggesting you conform to it, because even if it helps at first, it's just going to cause major disappointments later on.

>> No.14035572

What were you into when you were a kid?
Go dig that.

>> No.14035575

You mean like the disappointments from when your parents finally die and you have no money to buy food but you're 40 and have no work experience to find a job and have to end up at Taco Bell? You're setting him up to destroy himself.

>> No.14035581

>tfw friend-zoned by weebs
Does my autism reek through the computer or something?

Yeah I'm trying to replace it with otaku, I want to find salvation through anime.

Lol if I ever stepped foot in a gym I'd pass out no joke. I really can't tell if this is some sort of ruse or you people really don't like outsiders.

I promise you guys I never shitpost. Ever. I only pretty much lurk and ask the occasional retarded question. Please I'm not newfag cancer I am one of you.

What's the best doujin comic? Don't go easy on me I can handle even the weirdest shit.

>> No.14035582

Then just kill yourself, you'll have lived more of your life in happiness then most people who waste away their lives focusing on all this and die at 80 do anyways.

>> No.14035613

Listen, you know what your problem is? You are taking all this way too seriously.

Remember the first rule of /jp/ which is to take it easy. I'm not trying to meme at you, I mean it literally. Relax, there is no value in a hobby you force yourself into.

I have a suggestion, though. Why don't you try a lot of different things until you find something you enjoy a lot? For example, have you ever tried speedrunning a game? A lot of work goes into that and when you get good, I can only imagine it must feel really satisfying to know you have reached that level of skill or knowledge.

I'm not really all into the Touhou stuff so I can't really recommend anything there, but have you tried actually playing the games? A new one got released recently, find it online and give it a shot. Seems to me like a perfect in to the community.

Ultimately, you are sounding pretty pathetic. Sorry, but that's how its coming off. Do what makes you happy.

>> No.14035624
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Utsuho of the Void. It's good and shows you a side of Touhou that not many people bother with.
Then play the games. The games are the fast track to learning each of the characters and their themes.

You don't need to go to a gym to lift.

And get a job. Being an otaku isn't cheap either.

>Does my autism reek through the computer
Well we all found our own ways. Why couldn't you? That's why I don't think you can really understand why we enjoy what we do, otherwise you already would. We can't tell you what you like.

>> No.14035640

Thanks man, will check it out.

Stop making this about me, I'm just asking for directions here. My life is now anime forever and always.

>> No.14035687

You made it about you when you came for help, when there is none to give.

>> No.14035960

Also read official print works

>> No.14035962

I think you should not want a girlfriend, but want someone to BE your girlfriend, you know? If you meet "the one," you know you have without doubt.

>> No.14036037

>Should I become an otaku?
No. You should try becoming an hero instead.

>> No.14036355
File: 486 KB, 454x600, CWXycEf7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Touhou games, read Touhou doujin, listen to Touhou music.

>> No.14037159

>Get a job

Fuck off.

>> No.14037251

Buying figurines and fumos for your own hard earned money (or not), self-earned part matters, makes you feel much more fulfilled than simply borrowing it or leeching of someone, you can buy more pricey things more often to enjoy.

>> No.14037328

You don't know what the word means. kill yourself

Go to >>>/adv/ with your blogging.

>> No.14037425

>Chatting shit about Love Live
Nigga I'll cut you

>> No.14037493

You should have devoted yourself to this path willingly and early, not because you failed at living as a "normal" person.

>> No.14037868

>Love live is for pedos
They are all old hags, what are you talking about.

>> No.14037889

How silly, confidence has nothing to do with weebs. Up to you.

>> No.14037937

What's with all these abbreviations lately, why can't people just type shit out?

>> No.14037952

It's ok OP, girls aren't the most important thing in life at all. I've never touched a girl, kissed a girl, had sex with a girl, or even asked one out before. I'm not exactly upset by that, I can live without it.... but then again I am gay so....

>> No.14037957

Which abbreviations are you talking about?

>> No.14037965

what does this fuckign me&er want fyuck

>> No.14037971


Nobody seriously cares you have a 2/10 face, and if they do it's not your fucking issue, so just act like it.


>> No.14037972

You are so bad about fitting in that even /jp/ doesn't want you.

>> No.14037987

In this thread I think there was only kv, and lol, but lately I see people type shit like tbh.

>> No.14037995

tbh you should give less of a fuck about abbreviations anon-kun

>> No.14038000

Kill yourself kudasai

>> No.14038011

I've been thinking about that recently. There is still some hope left, so I'm not that close to doing it, but if life gets any worse I'm going to seriously consider that.

>> No.14038017

is this a feel thread cause i am

>> No.14038027

Like, what's the point in saying it anyway? Were you not honest before hand? More than anything, it's anonymous image board if you lied I'd never know.

>> No.14038029

Objective rating?
>distract myself from feeling empty
You can't just run away forever from yourself, few can do that completely once and for all. Otherwise distraction won't fill the emptiness.
If you truly say that, perhaps you should try something else, not some hobbies, consider a major life style change and finding yourself, dreams and so on.
It's likely that anime posting going to give you good things such as damaged health and more disappointment, if your attempted hobbies are anything to go by. It can be fun, but it's rather dull.
You're going in the wrong direction, also since people can be biased, looking for advice here can be tricky if you're gullible and want to latch on to something, misguided and delusional cynism isn't always good for you.

>> No.14038041

That's not terrible advice, kiddo. You can't just take it easy all the time, most brains cannot function that way. Easy becomes the norm, and then even easy becomes difficult. Feel the pain for a bit, and if you do it correctly the pain will dull and no longer be perceived as negative, but perhaps even positive. I'm not saying get a job, though, it's not always the best first step.

Life doesn't get better without any sort of effort, so give it your best try for as long as possible. Never get angry, rinse, and repeat.

>> No.14038044

Nothing wrong with anger.

>> No.14038049

Getting a job is probably the first step. He might fail his first or even his second job, but that's valuable learning experience. Plus the extra money is nice to blow on things like manga and drugs.

>> No.14038053

Anger clouds judgement, prevents learning from mistakes, and taking criticism like a man.

Anger is like a primal response to show dominance, are you truly dominant in all of life?

>> No.14038067

Fuck off, I'm not getting a job.
I'd rather die than work.

What's with all these fucking normies in this thread?
Where are my NEET bros?

>> No.14038075

normie gen.

>> No.14038076

>pain will dull and no longer be perceived as negative, but perhaps even positive

If pain means getting a job, no thanks.

>pain will be perceived as positive

And why would I want that?

>> No.14038080

Considering the audience and negative responses, telling someone to "never be something" may cause them to misunderstand the point.
You don't just "never" or "easy", especially when you sat through all your life, unless you're specifically that kind of person.
It's like doing nothing for half of your life and then suddenly try to abruptly exercise.

>> No.14038093

>Where are my NEET bros?
I gave up the NEET life. Being a NEET was comfortable and easy, and I had zero stress and anxiety. I got a job cleaning dishes in a restaurant. It's stressful, scary, and my anxiety has come back stronger than before. It was worth it however. I have my own income to spend, and the anxiety has been getting a little better now that I'm more used to being around people. I also don't feel like a useless piece of shit that just sits in a room playing video games and watching anime all day every day anymore.

>> No.14038095
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I had a hallucination that, my waifu told me I shouldn't live my life the way I was. After that I quit drugs, and other bad habits and joined the military.

>> No.14038102

Busy playing games instead of doing something needed like making food and maintaining the computers you're using right now. Get over your ego quickly please.

Why do you dislike pain in the first place? Because your perception of it is negative. Change the perception and pain is no longer an issue. This also applies to stress, those who actually perceive stress as a positive thing are happier, live longer and have less ailments.

Good point. You do indeed need to be angry to learn from it and stop being angry when you're not in a dominant position. The funny thing though is that by not getting angry you learn quicker and actually reach that position of dominance.

>> No.14038110

Happiness and suffering are necessary parts of life, one doesn't go without another, both can be percieved differently. Find a job that you want, do something you like.
If you don't care in the first place, then your reply about how you dislike a choice looks like it's only for the sake of replying.

>> No.14038162

I don't mind a little pain and suffering, but I refuse to work.
I won't work no matter what.

>> No.14038182

Define work.
If your definition is employment overseen by the government, then exchange services with people instead.

Employment isn't the only way to live without hurting your parents/loved ones, but I'm sure you'll figure it that it's one of the easiest in 2015.

>> No.14038189
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Heh, yes join the military fellow unemployed friends :)

>> No.14038190

Do you even have an idea of what you want and need, or don't even want to think about it and just write things in such a dispirited meh manner instead?
Shortsighted too, people can change over time. You don't sound like someone with the spirit to not do something no matter what either.

>> No.14038219

I won't work for anybody, government or people.
>I'm sure you'll figure it that it's one of the easiest in 2015
I don't care, I'm not going to work.

>Do you even have an idea of what you want and need
An internet connection and food to not die, that's about it really.
Although the latter is optional.
>You don't sound like someone with the spirit to not do something no matter what either.
I don't care what I sound like, I already said it said multiple times; I will not work.

>> No.14038226

Then don't, what's the problem?

>> No.14038230

All these people in this thread keep bullying me and telling me to get a job.

>> No.14038243

That's a problem?

>> No.14038256

Don't pretend that work only goes one way, if that's what you're doing. When you work for someone, they must also work for you.

Right now you're working to waste your time edgeposting on /jp/, and we're working to post back to you. The only difference is that your work is not contributing at all to anything meaningful. Why is it that you will only work to edge on others, and not help them?

I don't think "work" is your core issue, so you should probably stop thinking about that topic for now and figure out what's actually bothering you.

>> No.14038261

Now that I think about it, it really isn't.

>> No.14038264

It's /int/ posters who write "tbh".

>> No.14038272

Why don't you fuck off to /adv/ and preach there? Take OP with you.

Fucking crossies, I swear

>> No.14038279

>figure out what's actually bothering you

Nothing is bothering me, other than the "you need to get a job" replies.

Which really shouldn't.

>> No.14038296
File: 422 KB, 1920x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to be an otaku just......... Do it. I couldn't care less wether you have a job or not.
But you want to be one then stop arguing about jobs and go watch some anime or something geez.

>> No.14038305

Then why reply?

>> No.14038312

All you want to do is bitch and not listen? Stop getting angry at words, make a real argument and grow up quickly please

You need to sustain yourself somehow. Also, if you're really a hermit like you seem to imply, try your best to become one. Go live with monks. No internet allowed.

If you want services like internet, you'll have to deal with people or be evil and steal from them, that's life.

>> No.14038333

You're right, I'm done with this thread.

>> No.14038337

You can't run away forever.

>> No.14038341

Irrelevant really.

>> No.14038350

How so?

>> No.14038359

It's his choice, he'll reach some end regardless.

>> No.14038370

I predict you'll run out of stamina, fall, and die, wasting the little time you had left as an animal at the top of the food chain. What fear can you really have when you understand how to maneuver around other people?


>> No.14038373

Doesn't mean it'll be a good end though. Avoiding your problems is easily the worst thing you can do.

>> No.14038386

>I predict you'll run out of stamina, fall, and die, wasting the little time you had left as an animal at the top of the food chain.
>What fear can you really have when you understand how to maneuver around other people?
I've missed your point. Elaborate? Are you talking about futility of running away, impossibility or something else?

>> No.14038404

The futility of running away. It's counter-intuitive to face your problems without running, but in the end you can take life really easy and happily by not taking flight.

Running away is not impossible, just unfortunate to see.

>> No.14038439

Depends on your stance on problems and views on life. If it's not a problem in the first place, why even bother? Same for good ends.
Running away isn't always uneasy and sad, though, likewise if you don't know what to do and stall instead of running, you may dig yourself deeper in hesitation or lack of knowledge and ideas.

>> No.14038480

A hero of justice!

>> No.14038485

Hey. that's hell you're walking into.

>> No.14038487

Yes, running away isn't always uneasy and sad, but for a human who normally doesn't need to, it's typically not the optimal strategy to improve conditions for yourself and others.

The problem is perhaps not running away, but the way in which some people run away. If isolation is what you really desire, there are many groups of people who practice isolation both alone and with others. /jp/ is not one of those groups, /jp/ is often like a battle of ideologies when /jp/ isn't busy being self-deprecating, self-masturbating and self-humoring.

>> No.14038517

That applies to imageboards in general, I suppose. As for the point, human who normally doesn't need to probably wouldn't anyway, unless something is wrong either with him or the situation that said human would end up using such a mechanism.
Then again it is as you said, the way matters, definition. Degree or an extent, "speed" of running away as well, as in isolation, seclusion, escapism, denial, etc. It depends.
What are we trying to achieve right now with this talk anyway?

>> No.14038540

I ran away for far too long. I stopped by listening and talking to someone for long enough to realize I was being fucking stupid.

For me, talking about this is entertainment in good faith.

>> No.14038545

killing time

>> No.14038590

Lucky you.

>> No.14038599

How exactly were you running away, and what did you do to stop?
I mean, after you'd talked to someone, what did you do that you consider not running away anymore?

>> No.14038644

Did you try killing yourself

>> No.14038682

It was hard work, but yes, I consider myself lucky to have done it.

I ignored opposing opinions and evaded every life responsibility I could such as reciprocating to others. I stopped in my late 20's.

To stop, I talked to somebody who though I still don't entirely agree with, had the opposite opinion on everything I had an opinion on. I realized I was narrow-minded and that there is two sides to everything, like an equation that governs the universe. My life quickly and privately fell apart, but this allowed it to be built back up stronger than ever before, free from all pointless worries.

You could say I killed my "self", or "ego" for a good while. And no, this was NOT drug induced, else I might have had the attitude that it was just the benefits of a drug.

>> No.14038706

Lucky as in it could've been worse, but good job regardless.

>> No.14038712

you'll never get good advice from /jp/
we're all ready to die

>> No.14038717

You should try killing your physical self as well.

>> No.14038724

My physical self will die when it's time.
Here's a video you might like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTNX6mr753w

>> No.14038750

I don't think I have enough motivation and will power to do what you did.

>> No.14038761

There's more than way, anyway. Build it up gradually.

>> No.14038777

Maybe you'll find a person who has enough motivation and will power to make up for what you don't. I will suggest therapy, but it can be a long process to find someone who doesn't have their head stuck up their own ass enough to properly communicate with a /jp/ NEET.

Besides, you're typing right now on /jp/, so you're showing will to communicate. I hardly had willpower either, but it ended up being the truth that I could generate my own given enough time. Besides, willpower is not an instantaneous thing, and can be extremely gradual depending on how deep you're into your own head. Good luck.

>> No.14038819

A dick can only do so much
It's all about confidence

>> No.14038860

Are you old enough to be posting here?

>> No.14039524

I just want to chime in and say money and confidence may help replace looks to an extent but I am very good looking and a lame nerd and chicks still give me looks like I am a gorgeous man. Sorry you have shit genetics OP. Just go for girls on your level and leave the gorgeous ones for me

>> No.14040038

>Where are my NEET bros?
They all left because /jp/ filled up with retards who unironically use the word "normie."

The ones who are still around spend their time talking about weeb shit instead of defending "NEET culture" because it was co-opted by retards.

>> No.14040062

stfu me*me lord fucking asiss fifcling

>> No.14040079

You're "18" (probably younger) so you're way too young to be thinking like this.
Your life hasn't even begun

>> No.14040171

I lot of NEETs left when their threads were permanently removed from the board. I'd imagine the boards they exiled themselves to such as /ota/ or /bun/ are dead as fuck by now.

>> No.14040268

OP here I can't believe so many people replied to my thread.
>You're "18" (probably younger) so you're way too young to be thinking like this.
What am I supposed to think? Am I supposed to ignore the fact that I'm sub-human bcause of my face? You people don't get it because none of you are ugly. Being fat and unkempt doesnt count either you assholes. I wash daily, shave all facial hair, have perfect skin, I'm 6'1, fluent in multiple languages and started my first day at an ivy league college today. But NONE of that MATTERS AT ALL. NONE OF IT. BECAUSE IM UGLY AS FUCK. If you don't believe my shit ife, I'll give you some stories of what happened at my first day of college.

>First class, big lecture hall
>arrive early and sit in the front
>teacher calls me out and asks jokingly if no one wants to sit with me
>no one laughs and the room is dead silent
>hold back tears, mutter I'm going to the bathroom and never come back

Story 2
>afternoon latin class
>see a dude I met during orientation a month ago
its still ringing in my head

Fuck all you normies, and I'm not trying to meme here seriously suck some cocks or something. I cant believe I'm such a fucking loser even on /r9k/ and /jp/ I get laughed at. I'm fucking losing it I swear to god.

>> No.14040289

Meh, I'm ugly too. The only person that cares about this is you, no one else cares that you aren't attractive. It sounds like you might have depression to me. Have you ever seen a therapist? I think one could really help you out, you should check it out.

>> No.14040298

If your being serious then how do you do it? How do you wake up and face the world? Please don;t be a troll I need this I feel like I should just evaporate but I'm too afraid of killing myself.

>> No.14040301

God I really want to fuck a boy in panties. Any other trap otaku out there?

>> No.14040305


>> No.14040311

whu quot

>> No.14040313

I just do it. Seriously, that's it. I don't care too much about how I look, because for one I'm not trying to attract girls or anything like that, and two because I have seen some insanely ugly as people getting married. Like real ugly. These people would make you look like a Greek statue.

>> No.14040372

>the boards they exiled themselves to such as /ota/ or /bun/ are dead as fuck by now

And what about them?

>> No.14040422

What a cliche.
Life begins the moment you're born.
Furthermore such thinking itsn't impossible even for six year olds or even kindergarten aged ones. Granted they definitely won't be normal.

>> No.14040931

Ugly or not, you put way too much emphasis on your appearance. I already posted the "spotlight effect" wikipedia page. You made an automatic action at the time to be upset, but this can be overcome with practice and emotional control. It was a nasty experience though, and girlyboys will sooth you with sympathy (though IMO that's not what you always need), but I hope you try your best to learn from it.

I, by the way, would hang out with you regardless. I hang out with ugly people with aspergers with no respect for personal boundries because they can be great conversational partners due to differing and matching views.

About the guy laughing because you looked depressed, I believe you simply badly interpreted him as malicious and jarring. Please try your best to realize that many normie men don't think before they speak when it comes to your emotions because that's how buddies who have their shit together talk to each-other. Other normies simply don't know how to approach you, so you'll need to learn the art of manipulating language. People aren't typically out to hurt you, and at their worst just want some entertainment or Facebook connections. Funny enough, even (mature) "trolls" aren't that bigoted.

>> No.14041039

Even with such thinking it's possible to not end up completely worthless. If even a sack of human garbage like myself who has been a friendless shut-in since age twelve, drifting in and out of NEET-hood since getting out of high school, can manage to get a series of manual labor jobs and make it through college to become a successful, if still miserable and loathsome, member of the middle class, then I'm sure anyone can make it. OP has it good if his main concern is being shy and ugly, and not how to not starve because even rice and beans cost more money than can be comfortably spent. The solitary failure's state of mind can remain throughout life, but hunger and desire for some sort of comforting superiority over the envied masses are much more powerful feelings.

You're absolutely right about life. It's an uphill battle from the beginning, but even the most worthless people can make it. In fact I envy OP, being mentally well-off enough to be able to so prostrate himself in front of anonymous strangers on the internet, something I would have killed myself over at his age. I hate him for shitting up the board and I hope he dies painfully, but I still envy him.

>> No.14041338

The /jp/ I knew is dead.

>> No.14041522

We'll all waiting for you in Gensokyo!

>> No.14041716

I guess It's just two guys playing, and an ex-suicidal hypocrite autistic who are/was giving advice for the OP (which is a troll, btw)

>> No.14042641

Here here, someday I hope to build up the confidence to fuck and get fucked by a /jp/sie in touhou cosplay.

>> No.14042732

>everyone who disagrees with me is a troll
Worst mindset ever

>> No.14042809

They are shitposters anon, just ignore them and report their posts.

>> No.14042865

Please go back to /r9k/ or whatever hellhole you came from.

>> No.14045552

why is this thread still up?

>> No.14047987

Because /jp/ has been dead for years.

>> No.14048758
File: 351 KB, 700x495, 1428372674423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's not a NEET or porn thread, that's all it takes to make it on the jay these days.

>> No.14053342

top kek

>> No.14053441


Are you the hikki shaman?

I miss the hikki shaman

>> No.14055959

yes my child

>> No.14063873

You dont know shit

>> No.14063900
File: 92 KB, 749x1000, 34287627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a public masturbation otaku.

>> No.14064060


>> No.14064165
File: 829 KB, 1000x1412, 6340753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with a cancerous /v/ meme like that.

>> No.14064197


>> No.14064203

fucking retarded mods
