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14015546 No.14015546 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14000217

Summer Event Patch Notes:

Event Details:
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Summer_2015_Event
EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net/wiki/Summer_2015_Event
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C8%BF%B7%E2%A1%AA%C2%E8%C6%F3%BC%A1SN%BA%EE%C0%EF

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EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com
EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net/wiki/Kancolle_Wiki
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates:

KanColle STAFF Twitter:

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/4Wk2hy0B

Air Superiority Calculator: http://aircalc.net

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs:

Equipment upgrade values:

Voices, Sprites, Furnitures Preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/KCV-Localisation/KanColleViewer/releases
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/FreyYa/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/silfumus/logbook-EN/releases

PS Vita Game was delayed to 26 November 2015: http://kancolle-vita.com
Dengeki Online article about the KanColle Kai trailer: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/964/964096

-Registrations for the new server have now reopened.
-Summer event receives an extension, now ends on 9/7 1100JST.
-Seven new ships added - Kawakaze, Hayasui, Mizuho, Umikaze, Libeccio, Kazagumo and Teruzuki.
-New plane experience system implemented.
-Shoukaku and Zuikaku will get kai 2 after the event.
-Killing minibosses at X,Y nodes in E-7 reduces the main boss's armor. Debuff resets at 2400JST.
-Cranes requires a special catapult item to modernize into Kai Ni. Catapult is obtained by clearing E-6 on medium/hard.

>> No.14015597

That's a big Taitei-chan.

>> No.14015930
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>> No.14016848
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>> No.14016861

On closer inspection, her clothes make no sense.

>> No.14016873

Looks fine to me.

>> No.14016898 [DELETED] 

They should've at least doubled the drop rate for hard mode. Removing the ship lock after clearing the whole event works too.

>> No.14016902

They should've at least doubled the drop rate. Removing the ship lock after event clear works too.

>> No.14016906

Or just let people that get the hard-only medal change the difficulty of maps after they have beaten them.

>> No.14016907

Anyone else considering ringing Shoukaku? Depending on how cute her k2 CG art is.

>> No.14016910

Do I need AACI for E-6 medium?

I'm getting my shit kicked before I even reach the boss.

>> No.14016912

>I want both the e-peen medal and get rewarded for it with easier drops!
you are the true kusos

>> No.14016915

>castrated OP
no thx

>> No.14016916

Not sure if you need it, but it definitely helped for me while I was clearing it on hard.

>> No.14016917
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Make no sense how kuso mode can be S rank easier and has almost the same drop rate.

>> No.14016918

Fleet and comp?

>> No.14016919

Easier farming access is a lot better than shitty drop rate. Spring E-4 farming was comfy as hell.

>> No.14016920

I farmed hard with Maya AACI and route support.
Maya AACI/DA is good enough to double tap CVhime and BBhime in hard. It is an easy map.

>> No.14016922

I hate you so much Ne-class
So very much

>> No.14016925

Devs are too lazy to change rates for specific difficulty. Probably a flat one for the entire map.

>> No.14016927

How are her tits so huge?

>> No.14016931


>> No.14016932

Maya-sama was the MVP of my E-6 medium. She's a godsend against Wo.

>> No.14016937
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Day S ranks all day on hard. Didn't even need a full powered fleet.

>> No.14016941

Clearing the event on hard on the 4th day is suffering.


>> No.14016945

Cleared the event in 2 days flat, even got Roma for the clutch.

>> No.14016949

Statsfags confirmed to be a minority.

>> No.14016950
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>> No.14016955
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I stupidly locked Maya AND Bucky to e-1/ e-2. I used a fire director AACI setup on Akatsuki, and I was able to make it through, so just stick that on one of your escort DDS. Sparkle your ships beforehand if you're still having trouble.

>> No.14016959

Next event better not have this event's DD, except gold.

>> No.14016971
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It was too easy to be honest.
Pretty much 100% encounter boss rate and you can sortie with paperboats. Current event has just right the difficulty but the drop rate is literally worse than hitler.

>> No.14016975
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Nice meme, my friend

>> No.14016985

but hitler wasn't a bad person.

Why is there two threads?

>> No.14017005

>hitler wasn't a bad person.
alter bist du nazi?

>> No.14017017

>hitler wasn't a bad person.

Go back to posting about Bismarck, Prinz.

>> No.14017022
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Ah yeah, time for a permanent spot in Tokyo Express.

>> No.14017059

How many ABKM should one keep?
Ex21, Ex37, Ex38 and sometimes Ex40
2should be enough right?

>> No.14017068

Farming E-5 for forever, why won't Hiryuu and Souryuu come to me. I got a bunch of Kagas and Akagis.

>> No.14017074

Really only 1 since she takes a blue print. Just use one of the Cheetos.

>> No.14017076

Is it even worth the blueprint and leveling cost?

>> No.14017078

If you have the slots, 3 is ideal. I'm not even going to sortie her ever because I hate her that much.

>> No.14017085

Abukuma is so fucking loud like holy shit

>> No.14017086

2-3 if you have a bunch of spare blueprints and daihatsu

>> No.14017089

Considering she can torpedo during preemptive strike while being a CL, yes

>> No.14017093

I meant having multiple copies of her.

>> No.14017107

Kuso mode. Even if I had the HQ level required for hard mode, I certainly don't have the equipment or girls.

>> No.14017108

I have like 15 Souryuu and 5 Hiryuu as drops from E-5 before getting my first Yuu.

>> No.14017109

Whoops, that was meant for >>14016819

>> No.14017114

Is there a way to check my girls' morale without using KCV?

>> No.14017117

Calculate the morale in your head.

>> No.14017118

What difficulty? I'm on Easy and all I get are tones and fusous.

>> No.14017119

No, that's the only reason to use KCV.

>> No.14017120

No, but at least you won't get you banned.

>> No.14017124

Accuracy bonus from upgrading your guns helps a lot in combined fleet maps. Other than that just use fit guns and pray.

>49 = sparkle
40-49 = Mamiya icon dimmed
30-39 = Mamiya icon dimmed
<30 = orange face


>> No.14017125

>kcv gets you banned
ebin meme

>> No.14017140

Well I'm already using fit guns, so there's nothing I can really do without Akashi. Already praying.

>> No.14017143

Just got Hiryuu, what should I expect?

>> No.14017146

Smiles and optimism gone.

>> No.14017158

The best CV. But seriously, she's the only good one and Souryuu, everyone else suck so much personality wise.

>> No.14017164

Kaga is the strongest CV with 46 plane slot.

>> No.14017166

Post your fleet setup.

>> No.14017174

Yeah, she's very fun to use. Very lively.

>> No.14017182
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>> No.14017188

Under what circumstances is it acceptable to scrap your Mutsuki/Fubuki class for slot space?

>> No.14017194

Buy some slots, retard.

>> No.14017196

>non-drei Bismarck in escort fleet
Don't do that

>> No.14017198

Pretty much when you finish all their quests.

>> No.14017200

Since you needed to ask, none.

>> No.14017202

You can be sure that Kikuzuki special routing will be repeated.
Feel free to scrap her.

>> No.14017203

Don't be a Jew and but some slots.

>> No.14017204

What's with the potato DDs? Why is your BB flag? Did you put your FCF on your BB? You either use 2BB1CV2CVL1CA or 2BB3CV1CA. Non-drei Bismarck are worse than Kongou classes in escort fleet. CAV is not that useful, you might as well level any bobship to Kai Ni and replace the CAV.

>> No.14017205

His lack of good cut-in ships is a worse offense than Bisko. I cleared kuso-modo with a bongo in the escort.

>> No.14017206

Well what would you suggest instead? I haven't actually used Bismarck yet, but I was using Kongou before because I have no high-level CA.

>> No.14017210

Can you beat easy mode without cut-in ships?

>> No.14017214

Yes, but you need to optimize your fleet first if you want to have an easier time with it.

>> No.14017222

Maybe, but having consistent CI means you have a better chance at getting a good RNG roll and clearing the map, and saving yourself a lot of time and headaches.

>> No.14017224

OK, I swapped out Ryuujou for Hyuuga, put Chitose in as flag. I can't really do anything about the DDs, because all my DDs are lower level than those and I have no Kai Ni DDs.

>> No.14017226

Do you have a Yukikaze at least? Though to be fair I found DD to be utterly useless for closing the deal. A touch from the boss and they go into the red.

>> No.14017229

Primary fleet with Kaga, Akagi, crane sisters, Kongo and Yamato

Escort fleet with Jintsuu Kai, Haruna, Poi, Shigure, Maya Kai and Myoko Kai.

My Jintsuu is horribly underleveled though.

How many Reppuu's should I have? I only got 5 and 3 Shidens. I lose nearly all my bombers before I even get to the boss.

>> No.14017231

That doesn't redirect to Y?

>> No.14017232

I do not. Would Shimakaze or Amatsukaze work as supplements? I'd have to level them up to Kai though.

>> No.14017236

Not really. They can't do the big bursts of damage for getting kills. Looks like you need to quad stack Myoukou with torps and pray to the RNG.

>> No.14017240

Yes, definitely.

>> No.14017242

Except all my Myoukou-class are level 1. Besides, that's not going to help me avoid Double Wo.

>> No.14017251

Double Wo is the easier path.

>level 1
You can get any ship heavier than CL to at least 40 or so in a day with 3-2A.

>> No.14017253

I ran with 2BB4CV. Got directed to Y maybe 3 times but that's something you can live with

>> No.14017254
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This week was the worst but now it has all been worth it.
Never give up my fellow TTKs

>> No.14017261

Congrats. How many runs if I may ask.

>> No.14017273

424. I was about to quit before she made it all worth it.

>> No.14017281

You have some abysmal luck. Other people got her in under 50 runs, it's crazy you break the 400 mark.

>> No.14017283

You are one persistent bastard. That's over nine times the runs I needed. How many devmats did you end up with and what route and composition did you use?

>> No.14017289

Congrats. Got her clearing E-5 and I didn't even want her. Meanwhile Umikaze still nowhere in sight.

Wish we could trade so I could give her to some TTK who would actually appreciate her.. She's taking up a ship slot.

>> No.14017291

I meant avoid getting murdered by them. I'll try levelling Myoukou some during the week maybe.

Did manage to actually make it to the boss this time, in spite of being routed through the BB node.

>> No.14017297

Jesus christ. I got her on my first clear, and I did not appreciate how lucky that was until I saw that.

>> No.14017300

I did north route 1 CAV, CA, 2 DD, CLT, CV.
Got 800 dev mats in all, will be handy when I get to LSC after the event.

I guess it was revenge for me getting Mizuho while clearing E-3.

>> No.14017308

Yes, Shimakaze is a lot better than either of them.

Use the aircalc to check how much FP do you need for AS. Reppuu and Shiden Kai Ni are almost identical now with chevron ranks. Put bombers only in the biggest slot. Make sure you're going north if you aren't already.

Are you using route support?

>> No.14017309

How did you not run out of buckets?

>> No.14017314

How many Yuus did you get?

>> No.14017317

I am currently 100% NEET and did Exp. 2 and 5 all day every day.
I left my room max 2 hours a day.
I don't recommend emulating this.

>> No.14017320

>Exp. 5
I meant Exp. 4 of course.

>> No.14017321

Roma better suck your dick on demand after all you sacrificed for her.

>> No.14017325

Yes. It usually fires, too, it just almost never does anything worthwhile.

>> No.14017335

>Make sure you're going north if you aren't already.

Oh wow, I actually wasn't.

I just looked at the fleet comp and noped as soon as I saw 2 wos.

Turns out south is actually a lot harder ahahahah...

>> No.14017346

You'll eventually get through it, just hope that the BB in your escort fleet actually APCIs the Wo Kai.

>> No.14017349

Are there any E5-G farming setups? Thinking of using 3CVs 2BBs 1SS

>> No.14017352
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>> No.14017361

Can you even get Akashi from E4C if you have her already?

>> No.14017367

Did you run any support?

>> No.14017373

Doesn't 46cm guns hit enemy planes?Why isn't there any AA animation of them?

>> No.14017382

Please stop sending me to B, RNG. It's bad enough that you decided that passing J is not allowed anymore, but at least give me the false hope of being able to reach the boss.

>> No.14017384

Okay, next run you'll go to Y.

>> No.14017402

How many CVL confirm J to M.
I've been sent to Y so many times.
This has got to be the most frustrating event.

>> No.14017407

Only 3 (BB + CV) allowed.
Also, I noticed that I never went to Y when I had 1CL2CA3DD in my escort fleet, even though I had 1CA2BB2CV1CVL in main fleet. When I had fBB in escort I got redirected to Y twice or thrice.

>> No.14017409

RNG pls, I run the CVL comp, you can't send me there.

>> No.14017413

>twice or thrice
Hah, I've been at last dance for 5 days now.
If my memory serves me right I've hit Y over 15 times.

>> No.14017416

Ah, that's why you can't get past J.
Out of curiosity - how many CVLs and how many bombers on which slots?

Anon, this is unhealthy. Can I help you in any way? If you don't have Bisko, just use three cut-in DDs. I recommend Maya in main fleet too.

>> No.14017420

I do have Bisko.
My fleet has both equipment and levels. But that doesn't mean anything in the face of RNG.
I've used 150k Fuel already and I plan to use the remaining 90k. Hard mode or I'm not finishing this event.

>> No.14017423

Sounds like you have better fleet than me then. Stay strong. I support your determination.

>> No.14017435

Oh please.
I ran a CVL composition and got to boss everytime as long as I got sent E instead of B.

>> No.14017438

And B again, I'm starting to loose hope on the whole clearing today thing.

I got through J while chipping just fine so it's not the girls fault. 2CVL1CV, 2 bombers in their biggest slots, rest are fighters for AS. Kaga's 46 slot more or less guarantees that she isn't a sitting duck at the boss and depending on my luck, or if I get send to M, at least one of my CVL or both are able to target someone too.

>> No.14017445

And of course I meant L and not M, my sanity shouldn't already be slipping that much.

>> No.14017449

Just go easy mode. Teruzuki is more important.

>> No.14017454

My pride doesn't allow that. If I don't clear hard mode then I won't claim Teruzuki.

>> No.14017479
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>> No.14017481

To those who cleared E7 hard, how many times did you kill XY and how many resources did you use?

>> No.14017491


50k fuel 50k ammo 300-400 buckets. Pretty average

>> No.14017524
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>> No.14017536

What's the most efficient type of boss support? Have yet to use it, but I think I need to now. Wiki seems to say Support Shelling, but doesn't spoonfeed me much besides saying to use 2 CVL's and 2 DD's. Should I just slap 2 hotels and just put the normal equip on them? And do I just slap reds unto my DD's? Doing E4 if that matters.

>> No.14017542

>farming blue background trophy DDs

>> No.14017545

I usually pump them full of radars. Not sure if it's just placebo, but they need every bit of acc buff they can get.

>> No.14017548
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6 times in a row now. It's okay. Not like I wanted to get raped by Wo and choke at the Boss again anyway, but So might get annoyed by my constant visits.

>> No.14017556
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Fuck. Last dance or not? Must be 1 fucking pixel...

>> No.14017557

Nope, you need more than 1 kill with that.

>> No.14017558
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Well, zooming in on it...

>> No.14017575

It's actually Silver>Gold (normal>Kai), you pleb.

>> No.14017576
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Anyone ringing ABKM?
Mine just hit 99.

>> No.14017610

When she hits 99, of course. Right now she's at 96, and in just a few thousand more xp she'll pass KTKM and Ooi. The age of CLT is over.

>> No.14017611
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Holy shit, it fucking was. Good fucking job, girls!

>> No.14017613
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fuck this map

>> No.14017618
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>> No.14017620

So you cleared the last dance on your first try? Congrats, but I hate you so much.

>> No.14017627

Rabaul base here.
Did they still not fix the server problems?
Still getting catbombed.

>> No.14017632
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Fucking hell, I'm shaking a but. A damn game shouldn't have such effects.

I could feel this was my lucky run after an opening like this. Then they even S-ranked it for me.
No sparkle apart from what they picked up and on route support.

>> No.14017640

If I haven't managed to chip off another kill's worth by tonight then I'm giving up on the event. 20k fuel and steel and 100 buckets for one kill's worth of gauge damage is not an acceptable tradeoff. I'll have to hope that the Autumn event has an Akizuki-class drop.

Try clearing your cache. I'm getting perfect connection and I'm on Rabaul.

>> No.14017656

I've only been to the boss 2/10 times with full sparkling using surface fleet. Only 1 Hayasui barrel used. I've killed X and Y around 6 times. Should I just go back to carrier fleet?

>> No.14017659

Jesus fuck no. Can you imagine waking up every day to that disgusting voice?

>> No.14017687

Still getting catbombed.

>> No.14017694
File: 503 KB, 750x2880, easy gameplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking hell, I'm shaking a but. A damn game shouldn't have such effects.
It is because the current event is actually difficult compare to the last event which was disappointingly too easy and universally panned.

>> No.14017706

That was 'walk in the park' but this is 'requires the sacrifice of a newborn child'. What the hell's the point of the difficulty system if Easy is impossible without a full fleet of Kai Ni and Hard is nightmare mode? Why can't they just make Easy easy and Hard hard?

>> No.14017711

It is though.
E1 easy-->Easy
E4 easy-->Medium
E7 easy-->Hard

>> No.14017716

>What the hell's the point of the difficulty system
Easy mode has no ship lock. Big-ass difference.

>> No.14017718

E7 easy is really easy though.
Single BBhime, low AS requirement, easier red DD etcetc.
Any hard E7 fleet will easily smash E7 easy.

>> No.14017724

EOs aren't supposed to be completed by everyone.

>> No.14017744

That's because idiots on wikia arbitrarly used "easy medium hard" for the settings.
Remember that 甲乙丙 means 1st, 2nd and 3rd class, meaning that even 丙 could mean normal at best.

In fact, the devs advised new admirals to do the normal first instead of rushing the event so that they can clear the -first 2 maps-.

丙 isn't supposed to be really difficult, but it isn't a freebie either.

>> No.14017759

The thing is, I beat the last event with time and resources to spare, and I barely prepared for it. To go from that to stalling at the final hurdle is just frustrating. It's a massive jump in difficulty where a middling one would have sufficed.

>> No.14017760

Not really. Where it really matters (E-7) you can use all ships apart from E-5.

>> No.14017771

That's why devs announce in advance the type of the event.
Not only they mentioned it was a large scale event, but they also stated it was difficulty and warned TTK to have plenty resources and girls ready for that event.

There were tons of warnings about that, and it is your fault for not preparing for that event a month prior its beginning.

>> No.14017782

Still, then turned the difficulty knob one too many times. When it gets to pure RNG, it's not "difficult" anymore. Like, is winning the lottery difficult? No, but you can overcome it by repeating the same thing enough time.
Well, apart from those with some extreme luck like above

>> No.14017792

Ho don't get me wrong, I also agree E7 is a major bag of bullshit RNG, but that's really for 甲.

丙 is by far more manageable with the drastic stats drop of the enemy fleets. The RNG hell is vastly less aggravating in that difficulty setting, except the frigging compass at the start of the map.

>> No.14017816

Well I'll admit it's my fault for not having spent enough time grinding and stockpiling, but can you blame me? Spring 2015 is the only other event I made a serious attempt at and it was a cakewalk. Even though I knew it was going to be harder than that, I figured I would need double the stockpile I had before, not quintuple. I've already burned more on E-7 alone than I did on that whole event and I'm not even close to done.

>> No.14017839

Does logbook still work?

>> No.14017846

0.9.3 doesn't work for me, so I'm still using 0.9.2.

>> No.14017849

As hard as this event was, 甲E7 was at least manageable with a decently prepared fleet and enough resources. Sure, RNG can up your costs by twofold, but even that's within the realm of possibility for most TTK that have been playing for a bit.

I feel like the real bullshit of this event is the drop rates for event ships. I've had events where I've exhausted all my resources and had to wait for regen and expeditions to be able to finish the event, but that was always due to my own inadequate preparation, rather than the event.

This time, the event ships just won't drop no matter what I do, despite the fact that I had 290k in resources ahead of time just in case of bad farming. I've been down to nothing multiple times now. I'll keep trying till the event's over, but I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth it.

>> No.14017864
File: 304 KB, 877x602, E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the event ships just won't drop no matter what I do
Keep it up anon. You are almost there.

>> No.14017883

Event ship farming has always been bullshit, I don't understand why people are willing to put up with it.

Doing E-7 hard at least gave you a tangible measure of progress, even at the last dance, you could gauge how good or poor your fleet performed against RNG.

But event ship farming is just complete crapshoot.

>> No.14017889

the worst thing in that event is that all 3 drops are in hardly farmable maps, and only 1 of them can be dropped outside of boss node.

Umikaze is the most annoying one due to the yasen RNG crap.

>> No.14017899

>Event ship farming has always been bullshit
Event ship harming has never been this difficult.
In past events, they always drop in multiple nodes and is easily farmable maps
This time we are looking at E3, E4, E6 and E7.

>> No.14017903

Where did you get your Kazagumo from?

>> No.14017904

That's why you farm E-4 on easy then switch to hard to clear it.

>> No.14017905

How low is Mizuho drop chance?

>> No.14017909

This is also the first time we have 3 new ships that are drop only.

Last summer had the same amount of new ships, one less map and yet only 2 ships were drop only.

>> No.14017911

Pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as the other two.
That image with the exact db droprates should be somewhere in this thread or the last.

>> No.14017916
File: 137 KB, 394x907, mizuho drop rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E6, I ran the south route with route support and she dropped from the boss node.
Took me 1week and 50k resources.
I ran it so much all my E3/E6 carriers and ABKM are 99 now.

She has highest drop rate among the 3 new ships.

>> No.14017917

I don't recall you have to go through as many nodes a possible in combined fleet mode before getting to boss node in past events either. This bullshit puts a huge strain on your resources.

>> No.14017944
File: 26 KB, 78x164, E-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I think of E-8.
Fuck you, Tanaka.

>> No.14017946

I was told saiun with double chevron could increase chances of green T, is that true?

>> No.14017950


>> No.14017955

Yukikaze pls stop getting hit


what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.14017963

Drill a hole in her

>> No.14017965

If you consider that she's basically fetish bait it'll start making more sense.

>> No.14017974
File: 156 KB, 701x128, Screenshot 2015-08-29 14.10.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a happy reunion

>> No.14017980

>Submarine kai ni when

>> No.14017981

I guess it's time.

>> No.14017983

They both lack noses.

>> No.14017985

Why would you upgrade subs anyways?

>> No.14017989

You have U-511 Kai Ni

>> No.14017992

You've married one, but how does Teruzuki feel? Will she feel left out if she isn't getting that same love as her neesan?

>> No.14017995

I'll love her just as much, anon.

>> No.14017996

I never managed to make it work but other people do use it.

>> No.14017997

Increased armor, evasion, torpedo damage, equipment cuteness

>> No.14017999

How do we fixed subs?
How do we get them back to their arpeggio and 5-3 heyday?
What went wrong?

>> No.14018007

Give them 90hp, more armor, and a supergravity canon.

>> No.14018008

With the advance of all those elite/FS late model DDs, we don't

>> No.14018009

That's no fun.

I wish waifu gets super gravity cannons, but only on one of them so no polygamy.

>> No.14018012

Give them the same stats as So-class

>> No.14018015

Iona was just hilariously broken.

130 torpedo and firepower, more armor than Nagato, 70 hp and 50 luck to top it all off.

>> No.14018019

>How do we fixed subs?
We don't, they're fucked forever.
>How do we get them back to their arpeggio and 5-3 heyday?
See above.
>What went wrong?
Everything. Nips can't into subs.

>> No.14018026
File: 111 KB, 1433x460, Screenshot 2015-08-29 15.50.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to let the sanity go on E-8

>> No.14018035

At least it was easy to clear 5-3 with her

>> No.14018045
File: 592 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150829-22522444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I go to sparkle my own morale?

>> No.14018056

In the city of Abukuma

>> No.14018059
File: 94 KB, 800x750, 1440542008715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MEGA ABKM SAMA @ position 6
Put her at flag or some irrelevant position like 3 or 4

>> No.14018065
File: 86 KB, 409x225, nano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't these be Maruyus?

>> No.14018070

How do I efficiently farm Kazagumo? Does she drop on node Y E7 easy?

>> No.14018076

>efficiently farm Kazagumo
You don't. You just get lucky.

>> No.14018080

Feels like ABKM is the secret mvp of this event

>> No.14018083

E6 easy boss kills.

>> No.14018084

Don't bother, the drop rate in E7Y is complete shit.

>> No.14018089

Since everybody puts her in the first slot with torpedo cut-in she's bound to get a million boss kills.

>> No.14018095
File: 106 KB, 272x850, E7Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14018101

He asked about easy, which it should be pointed out, is even worse.

>> No.14018104

Opening torpedo air strike+Route support+ABKM+Bisko Daytime Cutin all contribute to getting through pre boss nodes unscathed.

>> No.14018122

Trying to do the EOs before reset and I'm sitting here getting red over and over by these fucking ta's at 4-5. This shit is unbelievably annoying what the fuck? I remember getting 5 S runs in a row when this shit opened up and I can never remember what comp I ran to do it.

>> No.14018125

>Bisko Daytime Cutin
What loadout?

>> No.14018127

Ta is critting everyone left and right. I'm putting the final run till tomorrow because it's like, 10 fail runs in a row thanks to her.

>> No.14018128

>he didn't do it before the event
are you literally retarded?

>> No.14018130

The only (good) cut-in you get during the day is AP shell.

>> No.14018141
File: 69 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150829-07102217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prinz please. You have 2 +10 quints, 1 +6 quint, and a skilled lookout. I want out off this ride.

>> No.14018150
File: 7 KB, 147x66, unb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I ready for E7 hard?

>> No.14018156

Why do you even ask?

>> No.14018157

How the fuck do you end up with that ammo?

>> No.14018160

How do you have so much fuel with so little ammo.

>> No.14018181

Did you get Kazagumo from E6 easy yet? Reminder to get first before clearing E6 hard. It is a hard life getting her from hard.

>> No.14018185

Crafted and leveled Musashi before the event

>> No.14018188

2bisko guns
yasen plane
ap shell

>> No.14018190

Yeah, got her when I cleared E6 on hard

>> No.14018194

>leveling ships
enjoy your placebo.

>> No.14018207

If this event taught me anything, it's that I really need to invest more in equipment upgrading.

>> No.14018208
File: 20 KB, 350x318, 1440634959312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no roma
>no unryuu
>no suikaku's catapult
>no teruducky

Why live?

>> No.14018212
File: 340 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150829-23102073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fucking happened. I'm in a daze.
Video here: https://goo gl/dhb3LI
(Failed runs: NZoCaj)

Funny how Oigen doesn't even cut-in with lookouts despite replacing Myoukou/Choukai with her. I was worried that this would be my first failed event since Summer 2013, but Bisko's DA delivers.

>> No.14018215
File: 53 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150816-18180109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you not clear E6?
It is a super easy map even in hard.

>> No.14018220

That's what you get for not bringing jintsuu

You bring abkm when you have a 50 luck cut-in option. Her opening torp blows ass without 2 additional torps equipped and her double attacks are inferior. Jintsuu allows a 3stack nightplane too

>> No.14018228

>using pasta gun

>> No.14018233

>pasta gun
they're great when upgraded

>> No.14018246
File: 332 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150829-23271691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can finally feel elite again.

>> No.14018249

Jintsuu is yesterday's trash. No need to get butthurt about it.

>> No.14018252

>still no special event symbol

>> No.14018253

Unless you fed Jintsuu a couple of mry, how would she have 50 luck CI?
Also, ABKM's opening torp is rather strong with 2 quints.

>> No.14018254

Kai3 when.

>> No.14018260

Read my post again

>> No.14018262
File: 178 KB, 800x800, f554bfec3a503aa707ab33f51dd3e988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ABKM squadron is the strongest

>> No.14018263

Pretty sure he's saying ABKM is only a good cut-in option (as non-flag) if she has 50 luck.

>> No.14018265
File: 3 KB, 48x41, KanColle-150829-23435173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about those who joined after winter.

>> No.14018268

Yukikaze > Shigure

>> No.14018269

I did. What I mean that you'll stack her with torps anyway, so "her OP is weak without torps" is kinda moot. I'm more interested in the "50 luck option". Or you mean that with skilled lookout which you can't put on ABKM because minisub?

>> No.14018270

46cm>pasta gun

>> No.14018271

Enjoy your misses

>> No.14018278

>suijou butai

>> No.14018279
File: 527 KB, 700x988, 50413637_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, you win. I give up. You have slain me

>> No.14018283

You blind or something?
Pasta gun come with -1 accuracy.

>> No.14018288
File: 21 KB, 315x310, [Revving intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its coming

>> No.14018289

35k, 170 buckets.

>> No.14018290

I just want it to be pretty
A footnote number is just ugly

>> No.14018293

There is no better candidate at flag position than ABKM. Both the DD can use FCF so they are wasted at flag. The 2CA has thicker armor to survive shelling damage so they can be put elsewhere.

There is literally no reason not to put ABKM at flag position unless you don't want to waste exp on a lvl99 ABKM.

>> No.14018304

Being this ignorant.

41cm are more accurate than 46cm on hotels, and Pasta guns are pretty much upgrade versions of 41cm guns, sidegrade to 41cm protos, while being upgradable.

Well, I'm not arguing against that. It's just that the image that started this conversation had ABKM as non-flag.

>> No.14018310

All guns are neutral on hotels

>> No.14018311

>41cm are more accurate than 46cm on hotels
Are they? Fucking hell, time to educate myself again.

>> No.14018313
File: 210 KB, 455x602, 49130480_p16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me again RNG. I thought I could finally break free from you today but it was not meant to be. Back to debuffing while I stare at my pitiful steel and fuel numbers again.

>> No.14018318
File: 71 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150829-07563287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another week of massing up resources while butt heals from the rape.

>> No.14018327
File: 7 KB, 505x331, 1440503215071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasta guns are shit m8.
51cm and bisko are the best gun to upgrade.

>> No.14018331

after 5 retreats I finally got to the boss node

only to deal 5 fucking damage while the enemy raped my entire fleet

fuck this shit

>> No.14018332
File: 675 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150830-01011960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to get Umikaze and Mizuho 1st try hunting for them. I guess all the luck went to this as I took a while to finish E-7. I am done with the event (E-8) faster than I thought. Cant be bothered to go into E-7 waters for Kazagumo.

>> No.14018342

Nothing but failed runs today for me as well.
Godspeed comrades and may RNG bless you.

>> No.14018345

I already do use those two guns, upgraded. I'd use more Bisko kai guns, except I only have 2 of them. The screws required for upgrading the non-kai to kai are also better spent on other equips.

Also, that very chart shows that Pasta guns are, in fact, not shit.

>> No.14018347

So Teruzuki wants me to touch her? What a lewd little DD.

>> No.14018348

fuck you congrats
treat them well you lucky cunt

>> No.14018351
File: 71 KB, 800x480, abukuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who dropping to easy mode here?

>> No.14018354

Fuck. You didn't even manage to disable the DD.

>> No.14018361

Does it worth the time to level a second ninja for a second night recon?

>> No.14018362

You do realize you need an additional level of STARS to compensate for pasta gun -1 stat right?
Even 41cm is better than pasta guns.

Hotels will always roll with 51cm+46cm and if you are going to sortie for the final map, you bring the best.

>> No.14018367

Thanks. Good luck.

>> No.14018368
File: 2.49 MB, 798x474, 2015-08-29-2357-50.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, her armor resets if you start the night battle after midnight.

>> No.14018373

That was hard to watch.

>> No.14018378

That was going to be a super easy clear if you did it before 0000 JST.

>> No.14018381

Poor girls did their best though.

>> No.14018384
File: 358 KB, 493x382, KanColle-150829-23161849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14018386

Yeah, he has more cut in than my last dance fleet.

>> No.14018387

Yes, that's the ideal setup. However, it's far easier to get one or two more stars on Pasta guns. At least I sortied with the Pasta guns because they were better upgraded than my 46cm.

>> No.14018388

For what reason

>> No.14018396

Mass Scout CI

>> No.14018399

You lucky motherfucker, I never had Antizuki to target already taiha'd ship. She always killed one or two of escorts in shelling and another one in yasen. Every single time in fourteen times I met her.

>> No.14018402

>You lucky motherfucker
>fourteen times
You're the lucky one here buddy.

>> No.14018411

>only fourteen sortie
yeah fuck you too.

>> No.14018489

What's wrong with fourteen?

>> No.14018490

RIP your ears, anons.

>> No.14018507

twenty sorties here and still didn't reach last dance yet.
Man, maybe I just bad at this event

>> No.14018512

Strawpoll time:

>> No.14018517

Is there a strawpoll for event progress?
Just curious how many others are stuck on E8.

>> No.14018524

I feel like I would vote for Umikaze if she existed.

>> No.14018526

Couldn't be bothered counting anymore after 80. You got pretty lucky buddy.

>> No.14018530

Not sorties, times I met her. Number of sorties was 31.

Not necessarily. I can easily see 20 sorties to not be enough for reaching last dance.

>> No.14018535

I'm not him though but I didn't have much troubles reaching the boss.

>> No.14018555

> 31
Well fuck, I have to sparkle my sanity then. Still didn't reach halfway yet
I didn't neither. It was the boss node that kill my support fleet, I can only reach yasen with 2 ships intact if I'm getting lucky while having to deal with Battleship Princess. Not to mention my gals just keep choking while sparkle + NB gears

>> No.14018557

There was one a while ago, but I'm not going to mine old threads to find the link. Have a new poll:

>> No.14018559

Anyone who got Umikaze, did you get any DD drops at all while trying? I'm trying to consider what I might be doing wrong, but after 50 runs now, I haven't gotten a single DD drop out of E4. Does fleet composition affect drops or something?

>> No.14018568
File: 698 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150829-10304336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you know, Akashi really does drop from 3-5.

>> No.14018578

E7 Hard done. Not a single rare drop, despite spending more resources on E3 easy than E7 hard. Maybe Teruzuki will bring me some luck.

Fleet composition never affected drops.

>> No.14018581

5 Hayashimo, 3 Kiyoshimo and 2 Yuugumo.

>> No.14018582

yeah, but amatsukaze is a lie.

>> No.14018585

Depends how you define "reaching the boss". If it's "not getting taiha'd at E, J and L/M" then yes, it is easy. The hard part are nodes B and Y.

>> No.14018586

Nothing improves luck-wise post E7 hard. It's just an endless hell of resource drain and shitty drops.

Good luck regardless.

>> No.14018592
File: 284 KB, 877x602, 1440820783672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Template for you.

>> No.14018593

I wish I could trade the 12 Tanikaze drops I got for a Kazagumo.

>> No.14018598

I got one last month, together with two Maruyu from 4-5 in span of two days. However Akashi is a lie, even if >>14018568 got her.

>> No.14018609
File: 78 KB, 680x510, 1437491615722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4-5 sucks I'm done I don't even want the medal anymore. I'm getting trolled harder here than at E6. Literally out of resources doing fucking EOs and getting fucking maruyu from lsc. HQ level is the worst shit in this game.

>> No.14018611

I will never have maximum number of medals because Winter E5 was too much for my 60-80 lv fleet. Spring was such a disappointment, I can't believe they gave out e-peen medal for that event. If only they were reverted...

>> No.14018613

wanna trade? 2 of my spare Akashi for your spare Amatsukaze

>> No.14018614

How depressing. I would say Tanaka is toying with me, but that implies that he intends to give her to me in the end.

>> No.14018615

4-5 has nothing to do with HQ though?

>> No.14018618
File: 309 KB, 877x602, does not exist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14018626

Sure. I really need third and fourth crane.

>> No.14018636
File: 64 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150829-14141441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for Umikaze?
I am locked to hard.

>> No.14018637
File: 1.10 MB, 877x602, summer 2015 bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14018644
File: 420 KB, 877x602, no_fucks_given.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14018649

I'm getting a ru kai and ne class in the boss and I don't remember having to kill the evolved installation on earlier runs. All my sanshiki equipped ships are getting red by bullshit every run. The boss walks away with practically full health every attempt.

>> No.14018650
File: 366 KB, 877x602, e8pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send help.

>> No.14018658

Use the yasen route. RNG getting to the boss is worse, but the boss node is pretty much a guaranteed S rank with support once you get there.

Any tips for Kazagumo?

>> No.14018661

Oh. In past months I think I failed to kill the boss only once and got A rank two or three times. Getting to the boss depended mostly on Ta-chan's mood though. Use AP Shell on one or two BBs.

>> No.14018667

Do the MZ route for E6
M is a guarantee S rank
Z is about half and half if you dont run boss support.
Route support is practically a must.

>> No.14018673

So time based RNG is the trick to event drops. I should have known.

>> No.14018677

I've been running that very setup for days now. Thanks anyway though, and good luck to you with Umikaze.

>> No.14018691

Some dude at futaba spent around 100k and 200sorties to get her. E8 proving to be the final boss after ducky.

>> No.14018704

>100k and 200sorties
How can you run E6 or E7 at 500 resources per sortie?

>> No.14018708
File: 458 KB, 878x901, Event natsu15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This being my first event I'm pretty happy with the results. I really hope the next event is on par with this one difficulty wise so I can prove myself with the E-peen medal now that I'll actually have time to prepare for the next event

>> No.14018718

Hotels, combined fleet, support.

>> No.14018725

You can get rid of just one, one thing from /jp/ event time.

>kuso mode blogging, pretending kuso mode blogging has been acceptable in /jp/
>the people with 100k+ resources, 1000+ buckets, who then ask "A-Am I ready for last map gaiz?"
>idiots who still ask what compositions to do after two weeks have passed and every information is available to them on wiki and archives

>> No.14018726

Yeah, that's more like 1k per sortie minimum. My point is that 500 resources per run is cheap for those maps.

>> No.14018746

This is pretty hard.

>> No.14018755

God damn.

>> No.14018758

I guess the one good thing about all this farming is that I've finally ringed Taihou and I'm likely to ring two more ships.

>> No.14018759

The second option. I really can't stand that.

>> No.14018760

First one, not even a question.

>> No.14018766

The real sad part about this is that we can't really get rid of any of those.

>> No.14018781

First one. Kuso mode blog shaming has been a thing since Isokaze, it is a /jp/ heritage at this point. Unacceptable to be honest thinking you are hotshit blogging over kuso mode cleared

>> No.14018793

>people who rationalize their inferiority
>people who flaunt their superiority
>lazy people
Always the lazy people. Every single time.

>> No.14018801

Option #4
Fuck off with your metamemeposting.

>> No.14018885

I am in the same situation.

>> No.14018892

All of the above.

>> No.14018897

Kill Kancolle.

>> No.14018905

Kill me.

>> No.14018909

>small c

>> No.14018912

Kan Colle

>> No.14018913

Kill Tanaka.

>> No.14018915
File: 66 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150830-02212964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this quest

>> No.14018917


>> No.14018920

A shit. Taiha magnet.

>> No.14018924

Definitely the first group. They constantly shitpost. I have no idea who let those retards in.
Second group are just a minor annoyance and third can be somewhat excused.

>> No.14018926

Admit it, you love her voice

>> No.14018934

...でも... このまま負けるなんてイヤ!

>> No.14018939

Fuck retards like Abukuma.

>> No.14018941


>> No.14018954

>RJ special routing has been repeated
>Akitsu Maru special routing has been repeated
>Akashi special routing has been repeated

What are we seeing here

>> No.14019014

What about those being assfucked for resources due to 甲E2 and 甲E3? I remember so many people crying over it.

>> No.14019017

>double line
There's your problem!

>> No.14019026

Wasn't it that historically, submarines were tasked with recovering downed pilots?

So, after each node you get a chance to recover your lost planes when a submarine is in your fleet?

>> No.14019027

What's the worst someone expended on those two? 70k?

That's still nothing compared to how much E8 is costing me.

>> No.14019031

What do you suppose I use then?

>> No.14019033


Oh, I definitely will.

>> No.14019036


>> No.14019042

Line ahead, do you even master race TTK?

>> No.14019043

>friend fleet system is now up
>Having FatalPulse/Konishi/Fujita Saki as your backup/team carrier

>> No.14019046

And watch my entire fleet hit the sub for two shelling phases while I watch everything go taiha?

>> No.14019047

Downed pilots can be recovered, but downed planes can't.

So maybe what the subs can do is have a chance of reducing or even preventing rank down if too many planes are lost from a slot, even if all the planes are lost.

>> No.14019050
File: 113 KB, 1011x450, 2015-08-29_12-52-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to clear E-7 easy but I can barely do anything to the boss. Am I doing something wrong? Can I have some advice?

>> No.14019051

So trading for this game is pretty much out of the question.

What do you think the friend system will even do? Would they really implement friend fleet assist?

>> No.14019056

That would be amazing, but how do you compensate for subs tanking bosses and event maps to make them viable for pilot recovery aka "reduce rank down"?

What if you equip them with rescue equipment, but the tradeoff is entering the battles with one ship less from the formation, since they're somewhere behind the fleet doing recovery?

>> No.14019062

Where are your night scouts? Skilled lookouts?

Put Maya at the bottom of your formation or put her in the main fleet instead.

>> No.14019069

Hmm, there's nothing really wrong with your fleet or your equipment (save for maybe the low level of Yukikaze). Frankly, E-7 is just that much of a nightmare.

>> No.14019070

Only one Reppuu? Is it enough for AS+?

>> No.14019078

I'd think recovery would only be done once the battle ends.

>> No.14019079

How many XY? Was S and K placebo real?

>> No.14019081
File: 281 KB, 2002x462, E-7 Easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up and uploaded the wrong picture, sorry. This is only for chipping runs. Should I switch Sendai for Ooyodo and put her the Star Shell instead?

I have a Yuudachi at lvl 82, should I put her 2 torps and the skilled lookouts and take out Yukikaze?

>> No.14019085

>OTO on Choukai


>> No.14019087
File: 17 KB, 336x94, taitei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to make Akitsushima suck less, maybe equipping Taitei-chan could be that he appears as an extra on the fleet formation, similar to a summoned backup?

>> No.14019088

>Ayanami torp cut-in damage with 99,9% chance of activation
Pick one.

>> No.14019093

He's only using one OTO.

>> No.14019101

Recheck your AS at aircalc.net, because the AS you need for boss runs tops out at 306.

Then put Maya in your main fleet at the bottom slot.

>> No.14019119

>Then put Maya in your main fleet at the bottom slot.
She worked quite well for me at top slot with AACI + FCF

>> No.14019145


>> No.14019173

The point of not using the top slot is that the second shelling phase is top down.

>> No.14019301

Feels good for your waifu PvP fleet to win for once. They always lose.

>> No.14019312

I go for AS only.

>> No.14019315
File: 290 KB, 984x1028, CTF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me improve my chance for E7 Easy? I kept missing the boss with 20~ hp.

>> No.14019321

AP shells on Nagatos.

>> No.14019326

Give your BBs AP shells and put them at the top.

And even without that your fleet should be more than enough for kuso mode.

>> No.14019329

If you have the OTO, you should also have the 90mm to give to Maya, also give the FuMO to Maya, it's more effective. Air radar on non-AACI ships is retarded, use AP shell on Mutsu and Nagato. Start crafting those observation seaplanes. Take out Skilled Lookouts and give it to Myoukou torpedo cut-in, Yukikaze has more than enough to cut-in by herself.

>> No.14019342

I don't know where to begin.

Why is Murata not on the largest ship slot?
Why is the FuMO on Mutsu and not Maya?
Why is Nagato 5th?
Why do your BBs have AA radars instead of AP shells?
Why put a searchlight on Jintsuu, when flagship Shigure has a star shell?
Why does Yukikaze have skilled lookouts?
Why aren't you using a CI setup on Myoukou?
Why aren't any CIs at the bottom of the escort fleet?

Then again, this is kuso mode so maybe I'm thinking too much about this.

>> No.14019348

Searchlight on Jintsuu is perfectly valid.

>> No.14019353

How should I setup CI for Myoukou?

2 torps, Skilled Lookout and?

Sorry, overall I'm just retarded. I'm trying to salvage whatever I can.

>> No.14019372

When flagship Shigure is carrying the Star Shell?

>2 torps, Skilled Lookout and?
+ red gun.

Or if you are feeling lucky, flagship Myoukou with 2 torps + red gun + whatever.

>> No.14019375


Maya can trigger AACI with FuMO?

Also, only have 1 AP shell. To Nagato it is.

>> No.14019383

>only have 1 AP shell

You better change that then.

>> No.14019389

FuMO has AA stat and is an air radar too. You can also use it like a surface radar, but you don't need to on E-7.

>> No.14019394

AP shells are ultra cheap, you'd waste more steel and ammo in one failed run.

>> No.14019395

>When flagship Shigure is carrying the Star Shell?
Sorry I don't understand this. Can you explain?

If Shigure is not flag, then I suppose I should go

Myoukou (CI + Lookout)
Jintsuu (Searchlight)
Shigure (Star shell)
Yukikaze (Star shell)
Bismarck wherever?

Is this fine?

Ah Ok.

I tried.

>> No.14019396

What made you think using all your AP shells to upgrade one AP shell is a good idea?

>> No.14019400

But it doesn't use other AP Shells until +3?

>> No.14019402

It doesn't until +7

>> No.14019404

>I tried.

Try again.

>> No.14019411

Yeah, nevermind. My bad

>> No.14019413

Wasn't it debated before that the FuMO isn't a air radar, despite its AA stats?

>> No.14019415

FUMO behaves as air when for AACI setup

>> No.14019416

It is air radar since it has the same penalty to accuracy like all other air radars.

>> No.14019418

wait, accuracy penalty for AA radar?

>> No.14019420

It's the same as a surface radar, the only one without that penalty.

>> No.14019423

It has penalty though.

>> No.14019428
File: 97 KB, 565x318, IX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your waifu PvP fleet
>They always lose.
You need more faith, anon. Faith and grinding.

>> No.14019430

Either it does or don't notice it because of the max level red guns, level >> seaplane and level 121.

>> No.14019440

I trust nip tests.

>> No.14019453

Seriously, why do you people call easy mode "poop mode"? Are you like five years old?

>> No.14019454
File: 256 KB, 920x950, CTF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got 2 more AP Shells for the Nagatos. Is this fine? I'm confused on the escort fleet arrangement.

>> No.14019459

I can't believe those crazy girls actually won.

>> No.14019461

>"poop mode"
I don't think I've seen that specific phrasing even once.

>> No.14019465

>best thing about debuffing was I can do it at around 9am

I pity those who live in the third world.

>> No.14019467

That's the power of love.

>> No.14019476
File: 569 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150829-14342374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave her a test drive, she's even more annoying than before despite looking more mature. I thought you guys were exaggerating.

>> No.14019485

They're all Akebono.

>> No.14019486

>Can you explain?
There is a risk, however small, that the enemies will wreck the ship equipped with the searchlight. In order to mitigate this risk, typically the flagship is equipped with the searchlight, because they will always go first in yasen, it won't matter if they get wrecked because they've already taken their shot.

That being said, as >>14019348 already mentioned, it's perfectly valid to throw a searchlight on a non-flagship Jintsuu. But you should be gaining something from that slot you just freed up from your flagship. Maybe a 3rd torp for yasen extra damage, or if you were running Abukuma Kai 2, the 3rd slot would be reserved for the Kou-Hyouteki, so the search light would NEED to be on another ship if you wanted Abukuma to be useful at night. What you did instead, was throw in another piece of night battle equipment, which could have easily been on Jintsuu instead, giving her the possibility to survive till her turn and possibly (?) take out any remaining boss escorts.

tl;dr You'll never know what will happen, so you want your girls to be in the best position to deal damage at all times.

If you fed Choukai a few Maruyus, you could use something like

Myoukou CI
Choukai skilled lookouts CI

Or you could try

Choukai DA
Myoukai skilled lookouts CI

>> No.14019487

Can CAV launch seaplane bombers from escort in combined fleet?

>> No.14019489

Follow her instructions.

>> No.14019493

I don't know why they decided to make her attack lines three times as long and at the same time higher pitched. They were okay before.

>> No.14019505

Thanks for the explanation. I don't have Maruyus to fed around atm, so I'll try Choukai DA.

My reasoning for non-flagship searchlight was because of flagship protection issue. Is that non-existent in rengou kantai?

>> No.14019511

>attack lines three times as long
Overlapping lines, huh? Try fighting something with Kawakaze in FS position, it's almost as bad as Arpeggio Maya.

>> No.14019519

No, it was never debated. There was just one fucking moron who for no sensible reason thought that FuMO isn't air radar. Just like there was one idiot who claimed 15.2cm boost CL damage. I have no idea why you people pay attention to such posts when they're immediately corrected, proven wrong or at least rejected.

>> No.14019524

It would help if you actually learned basics of Japanese or at least lurked /jp/ before posting.

>> No.14019555

>Just like there was one idiot who claimed 15.2cm boost CL damage
I still have no explanation for how Yura was able to hit red Ru for 73 damage in dokousen with 2 15.2 kai 1 T32 but extra gun damage.

>> No.14019582

No, he's right. "Poop" is a perfectly valid translation for "kuso".

>> No.14019584

Have tests been made on fit CL guns?

>> No.14019586

>several dozen runs of E-4-C and E-5-G, no Maruyus

Time to either farm the combined fleet maps, or give in to farming Roma.

>> No.14019594

Fairy magic

>> No.14019600

It may be valid, but "kuso" is better translated as "shitty" or "crappy".

If you're looking for a word that carries the more childish connotation of "poopy" (which is what that poster was invoking) something like "unko" would work better.

>> No.14019607
File: 956 KB, 877x602, Summer 2015 event bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kazagumo? What is that? Is it tasty?

>> No.14019624

I somewhat remember that. Unfortunately I no longer remember contents of my reply which I wasn't able to post. It's strange that you're the only one who reported such ocurrence though.

You're an idiot for even considering translating "kuso" in this context.

Not as far as I know. What we do know is, CA guns don't give any penalty to CLs so there's no reason to not use them. Nobody cares about CL damage anyway outside of occasional happiness when Jintsuu crits someone.

>> No.14019652

Is there some recipe to use to get Tenzans to scrap for the quest?

>> No.14019670


>> No.14019681

Try to craft Reppuu.

>> No.14019684

She's very cute.

>> No.14019690

>It's strange that you're the only one who reported such ocurrence though.
You answered it yourself, nobody bothers with small guns so results like this are extremely rare.

I'm much more interested in post-cap chevron shelling bonus. Have japs done any rough approximations?

>> No.14019692

>See Haiyasui in pvp
>Every opening air phase lights her on fire and instant K.O. her.

>> No.14019710

>on fire

She's an oil tanker after all.

>> No.14019841

Why the hell is there no option on aircalc for node M in E7?

>> No.14019850

Just go to wikiwiki.

>> No.14019862

Finally over ;_;

And here I was ready to call it a day before Choukai randomly decided she won't stand up for this shit again and killed Hime.

>> No.14019909
File: 294 KB, 877x602, 830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14019923

Today is the day. Tonight is the night.

>> No.14020022

Are fighter bombers more useful now with the experience levels

>> No.14020035

They die too fast to gain levels.

>> No.14020036

Who do I even give the expansions to? I don't really like the hole right on the card.

>> No.14020058


This is simple stuff.

>> No.14020060


Why would you want to ruin your shipfu's card art?

>> No.14020068

The dykes. It's not like ruining their art matters, anyway.

>> No.14020072

Looks fine during ship selection and they'll probably change it in the equip screen. I hope.

>> No.14020079

cum on game gimme yuu already ;;

>> No.14020093


>> No.14020097
File: 22 KB, 141x1079, Screenshot-2015-08-30_00.17.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is Umikaze?

>> No.14020100


>> No.14020121

Under my table doing work.

>> No.14020171

I'm fondling her breasts right now.

>> No.14020175


>> No.14020186
File: 291 KB, 877x602, checklist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14020217

But that's Hayasui's spot.

>> No.14020225

She needs breaks sometimes.

>> No.14020230

Damn it, Teruzuki, stop tempting me or I'll start touching you for real.

>> No.14020237

Alright, what about the CVL's? Searching around seems to say that I should use a Red, Blue, Green, and Radar.

>> No.14020239

Teruzuki is built for sex.

>> No.14020245


What have you been reading? put 2-3 dive bombers on them to hit firepower cap and the rest of the slots with radars.

>> No.14020246

How can she do work when she's a ghost like Akitsumaru?

>> No.14020262

I was googling it and the only thing that really came up were Reddit links. Figured I would ask in the thread to make sure.

>> No.14020266

E-7 node C kills is it necessary? how to I node C?
On last dance with boss hp always left with 10.

>> No.14020274
File: 391 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150829-18572613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what purpose?

>> No.14020287

Well. they were supposed to be submarine motherships after all...

>> No.14020289

Yeah why would anyone ruin Yuu you should know their original class by now.

>> No.14020316

>diamond formation
Nothing wrong with it, free xp.

>> No.14020324

Ro is more pleasing to look at.

>> No.14020335

Remember when ships other than SS can use 53cm, but can't trigger CIs? Good times.

>> No.14020340

Not true at all for me, wetsuit>just another swimsuit.

>> No.14020410

A submarine sandwhich?

>> No.14020411

3-2A spam?

>> No.14020427

For E6, Yamato or Nagato for first fleet? Is she worth the expense, and should one of the battleships in a 4CV2BB formation be AACI setup or both AP shell?

>> No.14020437

What's a good go to E5 fleet?

That doesn't lock out any important ships.

I hear it's pretty easy to complete on hard.

Using Akitsushima here is a bad idea right?

Save her for E7?

>> No.14020441

Do you have Akitsumaru?

>> No.14020460


>> No.14020463

Then use her in E7 instead because she can be a Reppuu mule and do the same thing.

>> No.14020488
File: 664 KB, 798x476, umikaze and more poverty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like complaining on /jp/ worked again.

After 350k fuel, I'm done with this event.
Now to marry Yukikaze.

>> No.14020490
File: 847 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150830-08563174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly forgot she was on the E3 drop table, I've been looking for Shoukaku and Mizuho all day

>> No.14020510

Did you go north or yasen?

>> No.14020518

Yasen all the way, north on hard sucks.

>> No.14020521

Use either 1CA 2BB 3CV or 2BB 4CV. If you want bonus AACI in your first fleet, use Maya. Both BBs should carry AP shells. Hotels are more efficient than other BBs, their gluttony is justified in this case.

>> No.14020553

Thanks. No Maya so will have to keep the AP shells and hope destroyer cutins work

>> No.14020583
File: 127 KB, 796x479, best in worst class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with that, at least I now have all necessary ships from this event.

Time for trophy DD hunting.
I need more Shiratsuyu-class DD.

>> No.14020600

Anything work if you aren't doing hard.
It is an easy map.

>> No.14020607

If Tanaka bans me for refreshing when I get sent to B with a carrier task force 4 times in a row, I'll kill him.

>> No.14020612

Sure you will.

>> No.14020613

Any casualties this event?

>> No.14020619

Probably on Himeuta.

For how much the board complains about this event's difficulty, no one has really resorted to sinking their ships.

>> No.14020624

Those days are over ever since people amassed an arsenal of upgraded and rare equipment.

>> No.14020627

All right /jp.
I'm now ready to do E4 farming for Umikaze. I cleared it on hard, after failing to get her during easy mode farming, since I got paranoid about not being able to clear E7 hard. Do you need both supports for this shit, and do I go the day battle route with CVL?

>> No.14020631

One Whobucki and then the usual indos on wikia and himebuta.

>> No.14020635

The consensus is high retreat rate at yasen route but low S rank probability for CVL route.

>> No.14020641

Is "I really didn't notice because I wasn't paying attention/tired" still the most used excuse?

>> No.14020643

Which poison do most people pick, and for day route boss support is mandatory right?

>> No.14020646

It is going to be getting less and less with devs handing out damecon and damecon expansion like candies.

>> No.14020653

Yes, although "I thought I had a damecon on her" is getting more popular now.

>> No.14020659

I think nearly everyone picks the yasen route. You only need boss support that way as well.

Be prepared for the worst though. It took me 30+ runs and I only got S ranks about 1 in 3 of those runs. I didn't even have it that bad compared to some TTKs here.

>> No.14020661

That excuse is somewhat valid due to the debuff reset.

>> No.14020665
File: 19 KB, 713x79, kcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using KCV bloatware
You only have yourself to blame.
What is the excuse? Your toaster of a PC?

>> No.14020667

Fuck. Maybe I should just go for Harusame instead, though she drops on 6-3

>> No.14020675

4X 3Y. All the failed runs had similar number of XY S ranks, though, and I only did 3X 2Y during chipping and worked fine. I don't think K and C nodes changed anything, but they are easy to S rank, so if you've been having trouble with final kill and have resources to spare, may as well try that for a change of pace or something.

>> No.14020678
File: 143 KB, 1024x819, puddin sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same boat.
I thought E7 hard was going to super hard so I gave up on E4 easy and went to save Teruzuki first.

In the end, the last boss was actually the shitty drop rate for E8 and not evilducky.

>> No.14020680

I'm sure there are retards that would "accidentally" sink their ship even if the screen started blinking red and an air raid siren would go off.

>> No.14020681

No it's not.

>> No.14020683

The final boss is line ahead torpedo squadron and super Wo.

>> No.14020701

Super Wo can't aim for shit.

>> No.14020745

The only thing more useless than boss support is fucking route support.

>> No.14020771

IIRC there is an increase in firepower but it isn't worth your trouble.

>> No.14020772

Man why is it so hard to get Maruyus from E-4 and E-5 holy shit.

>> No.14020774
File: 422 KB, 1434x727, fleets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I make improvements anons?

Am I not complaining enough for RNG to go my way?

>> No.14020777

Is it even worth it when you can just do min LSC?

>> No.14020782
File: 295 KB, 912x1164, E7 fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your plane setup is shit

>> No.14020784

Why are you using 2 BBs in your escort fleet? Take one out for a CA.

>> No.14020793

I'm afraid to ask, but what are you running?

>> No.14020796

Yeah I was wondering what I should use for my planes, thanks

I've never taken out BB hime on boss node, thought I lacked firepower, thanks though


>> No.14020799

Forgot to add that I'm running it on Easy, I'm not good enough yet.

>> No.14020800

How long have you been playing for, two weeks?

>> No.14020807

Yeah I'm fairly new still reading the wiki and stuff I'm surprised that I even managed to make it this far in the event

>> No.14020822

Every event, everyone always gains a ton of levels from failed farming runs. I filled 2 pages of +96 girls.

>> No.14020871

I've married 4 ships while farming. I might have 4 more to marry soon.

>> No.14020893

I swear, upgraded torps must also give extra ASW in addition to extra torp stat.

>> No.14020922

Something about Kasumi, bring it on.

>> No.14020927

I know that maruyus are good and all, more luck, etc.
But I'm really getting tired of her. I want other rare drops, damnit.

>> No.14020933

Damn, here I was hoping for a K2 for her.

>> No.14020937

Me too, but sounds too good to be true, at least we are getting free stuff I guess.

>> No.14020942

google translate:
The next "can this" running all server group common maintenance is scheduled to be allowed to practice in [9/7 (month)]. The updates that are associated with the same maintenance, [updates to the fall furniture] your list of goods's furniture store and, we plan the implementation of the [autumn limited season voice] to what ships or ship daughter was beginning to "haze".

Just maintenance info and autumn furniture and voices. Does Beginning to "Haze" mean a certain class or group of ships?

>> No.14020961

Akachan level nips here, they are probably saying that they are implementing the voices starting with Kasumi

>> No.14021010

So this means swimsuits are gone? I wonder if there would be autumn sprites.

>> No.14021017

The upcoming server maintenance will be on the 7th of September, Monday. Alongside this maintenance, the furniture ship will be updated with Autumn Themed Furniture, and a few shipgirls including Kasumi will have Autumn Voice Line.

Also Fujita Saki finished the event, no info on what difficulty this time however. She may have not been able to get her 3rd epeen medal and is ashamed.

>> No.14021032

>Shoukaku and Zuikaku will get kai 2 after the event.
>after the event
Was this shit ever even confirmed?

>> No.14021043

Yes, it was suppose to be sometime during the event but was moved to after.

>> No.14021048

>it was suppose to be sometime during the event
And was that shit ever even confirmed?

>> No.14021049

At this rate, it's obviously going to be after the event.

>> No.14021054

They confirmed? Shinano somewhere too, people stil fall for Tanaka's lies, shame on you, guys.

>> No.14021057
File: 2.48 MB, 2400x1719, shitnano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinano confirmed for Fall 2015.
They were just testing the refuel mechanic with Hayasui. Shinano will be able to resupply your carriers during mid sorties.

>> No.14021059

He just loves to take his sweet, long time.

>> No.14021062

Remember how the fukous took a whole year to get their kai 2? This is why I don't trust info until a given date is confirmed.

>> No.14021076

If only the green was white and had thicker glasses frames, she would be perfect.

>> No.14021087

I hate that look. I want her to look cool not like a nerd.


>> No.14021093
File: 70 KB, 620x439, 1439219471716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this some days ago on futaba, I guess after so long, you get used to her and she looks cute now, I hope she's voiced by Yui Horie.
When did that one appeared first? I stil lremember the escort carriers one too.

>> No.14021107

Is it normal to get fucked up less on node L than node M in E7?

>> No.14021108

What if in the end the prototype catapult isn't for Shoukaku or Zuikaku at all? What if it's actually used to remodel Yamato or Musashi into Shinano?

>> No.14021112

For some reason that makes sense, fuck, we are doomed now.

>> No.14021116

Have you even looked at who the fairies look like?

>> No.14021119

Is Kawakaze not enough? There isn't even a lot of nerds, most are cute or confident.

>> No.14021120

What if Tanaka decides to change his plans and have CV Kaga remodel into DDH Kaga?

>> No.14021123
File: 52 KB, 600x800, 1440813876337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memecarrier bias is real.
The cranesluts will be forgotten.

>> No.14021137

Then the game becomes real JMSDF propaganda.

>> No.14021139

>E7 node E crits 2 ships to red
Fuck this shit.

>> No.14021141

>getting a boner over a machine
A true otaku.

>> No.14021161

>enough for you

How could the worst Shiratsuyu be enough for anyone?

>> No.14021166

So guys, just how effective is sending a fleet of 4SS 2 lv 1 DD to 5-3?

>> No.14021192
File: 631 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150829-17151644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Wo is the cancer killing KanColle.

>> No.14021195

how the fuck do you beat E-6

the battleship princess is impossible to kill before night battle so all my ships just target her in night battle and do nothing to the boss.

I don't even care about E-7 I'm only playing this event for zuikaku kai ni but it looks like I won't even get that...

>> No.14021198

>worst Shiratsuyu
I'm sorry for your shit taste.

>> No.14021199

Have you tried getting gud?

E-6 is easy, everyone who thinks it's hard are joke kuso admirals.

>> No.14021203

I don't know why you're in a rush to level subs.

>> No.14021208

So guys, Summer event was supposed to have ended today. How many of you were able to clear before original deadline?

>> No.14021210

Pray to RNG, that's all there is to it.

>> No.14021211

>Kawakaze not worst Shiratsuyu

Why don't you tell me who the worst is, if your tastes are so good?

>> No.14021212

u wot m8

>> No.14021214

Trying to clear 5-3 so I can burn through 5-5 before reset.

>> No.14021215

I'm a pretty joke kuso admiral I didn't play for 6 months before playing the spring event and then stopped playing again until a week ago just for this event. Most of my girls are underleveled for my HQ level, my Maya isn't even kai ni yet. I'm basically awful at motivating myself to play this game outside of events.

>> No.14021218

Real life just keep throwing shit at me and there's only so much I can procrastinate so no.

>> No.14021226

If you can't get through 5-3, 5-5 will take you even longer.

>> No.14021233

Idk man, I went full out on E-6 and had quite a bit of trouble with it. Just because you got lucky doesn't mean it isn't hard.

>> No.14021236

>burn through 5-5 before reset

>> No.14021239
File: 422 KB, 582x850, 307ab8c875eadd0f37bae1e2f25f07fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5-5 in 1 day
Do you want to be raped that badly?

>> No.14021246

I'm pretty sure you just suck. Every veteran admiral I discussed E-6 with found it an easy break after E-3 and E-4. Post your composition.

>> No.14021250
File: 202 KB, 850x601, 1437119859769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no bad Shiratsuyu, faggot. Now go and get some better taste already.

>> No.14021252
File: 579 KB, 1599x959, typical E6 run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because you got lucky doesn't mean it isn't hard.
>got lucky
Say that to my 50 Srank at E6. It is an easy map where you can Srank even without boss support.

>> No.14021254

>Kaga's 46 slot was wiped
It was fine 17 other times, that's fucking bullshit.

>> No.14021262

Can't be worse than getting my E-peen medal in one day.

>> No.14021265
File: 628 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150830-12311484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot, Maya.

>> No.14021266

If only it actually worked that way for me. I had several runs where Bismarck got taiha'd on the sub node. MY BB WAS TAIHA'D ON THE SUB NODE.

I hate that god damn map.

>> No.14021267

Yeah, you got lucky. My fleet was better than yours and I had to use FCF almost every single sortie before the final kill. For the final kill I had to retreat quite a few times as well. Unless you want to call me unlucky, with the way E-7 is going for me I'm fine with that.

>> No.14021280

>my fleet was better than yours

You just got called out

>> No.14021281

Your fleet is unnecessarily expensive.

>> No.14021285

Considering I spent 1week there farming for Kazagumo, I doubt you guys are actually playing the game correctly. I have a big enough sample size for any RNG shenanigan and I actually do the much harder southern route with weaker ships due to all better ships hitting lvl99.

>> No.14021289
File: 222 KB, 805x945, laughing potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I doubt you guys are actually playing the game correctly

Yep you got me I'm not playing the RNG-based game correctly. Don't worry I'm off to kill myself now.

>> No.14021300
File: 974 KB, 1420x731, I must have done something wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /jp/, my boss support has always been doing ridiculously piss poor damage, what am I doing wrong? Is it the lack fo good radar?

>> No.14021301

Use Ducky instead.

>> No.14021306

Good taste. As for what's wrong with your support fleet, probably just really bad luck.

>> No.14021310

Most likely. I had 5 Type 32 surface radars and prototype guns, I always took out at least 2 enemies unless they hit the meat shields.

>> No.14021315

It is E6.
It is either them or Nagatos.
Nagatos performance are just not comparable when you want to kill the boss.

>> No.14021316

>41cm on bongo

>> No.14021317

Thanks, I really like her. Too bad her stats make her a burden for the event, thus she's relegated as support.

As for bad luck, the only thing consistent is dishing out low damage or the occasional high damage against a ship (usually the BB Hime, so it's not that high after all).

Well fuck me, those were the best radars I have.

>> No.14021327

Nagatos with a pair of +5 guns and a +4 type 91 still hit the hankousen cap. Hotels have no real advantage in combined fleet aside from being durable and reaching the cap when chuuha.

>> No.14021332

>41cm on kongou class

why does anyone actually use waifu ships

grinding them for fun/bragging rights is one thing but there are better options for crucial missions like events.

>> No.14021335

>DDs in support fleet

>> No.14021336

What would you suggest to replace Shirainui then? Last time I asked on /jp/, other anons are telling me that DDs don't contribute much to support so they should be stacked with radars.

>> No.14021339

Because it's more fun than cookie-cutter fleets. All they need is luck modernization and a ring for survivability.

>> No.14021346

Please do it. No one wants you retarded ass around.

It's so fucking retarded when you dumbfucks who wait a week or so to start events because copy pasting wiki is all you can do call people who have made correct compositions, have upgraded their equipment, have experimented and discussed information at the vanguard lucky because you blast away a hundred thousand resources on a map like E-6 by being an idiot.

E-6 is fucking easy. Pre-boss can be a bitch but you have FCF. Even with FCF and ships retreated you can clear the boss because it's CV Hime who can get absolutely destroyed by Hotels during the day and easily one-shotted at yasen.

>> No.14021347

>reaching the cap when chuuha.
This is important. The second shelling round is useful when you aren't bringing support. You need all the damage that you can do before night.

>> No.14021359


>torpedo sluts
I just summed up 80% of player's fleets, that shit gets boring to see every time. The CL used to be anything goes, but now with Abukuma, every statsfag wants her now.

>> No.14021365

Add more guns.

>> No.14021367

what about people who don't have a full fleet of level 99 ships and akashi and infinite resources.

it's not like this game requires skill, whats the point of having this sort of attitude? nobody gives a shit how much you grind just to brag about how 'easy' the events are.

>> No.14021374

each ship type has like 10 different options worth using due to shiplocking; you aren't gonna be using hotels and abukuma on every single map.

it makes me actually appreciate shiplocking for keeping fleets interesting.

>> No.14021376


>> No.14021380

So don't argue about how people get lucky you fucking retard. If you're a new player buck up, learn the mechanics, see what veterans are doing, and shape up for next event. Stop bitching and pretending you're doing every right summarize the efforts of others as "lucky."

>> No.14021387

But then you have people who keep dupes.

>> No.14021393

>I have the right to whine about easy maps because I did not prepare
>Those who prepared don't have the right to call me out factually because they grinded
>Veteran admirals have such toxic attitudes!

>> No.14021395

Actually, I had in mind the final operation maps. Every fleet is like that, which makes other people's clears more impressive to look at.

>> No.14021394

Truly scum.

>> No.14021403

I'm not the guy who called it lucky, I don't think it's possible to fail any event with a fully modernized lvl 99 fleet with fully upgraded weapons but at the same time it doesnt sound very fun since struggling with your girls to reach that point is more interesting. The journey is more important than the destination etc.

does anyone actually do this? that sounds incredibly boring. hell even if you cap out your ship slots with $$$ there isn't really much room for very many dupes once you have every single ship.

>> No.14021404

You aren't a true statsfag unless you have dupes.

>> No.14021405

Farmed E6 till I ran out of resources. Built up to about 17k fuel and farmed till I ran out again.

Is there any real advantage to wait till I have a bigger stockpile to farm with? It's real frustrating to only get in 10 or so runs per session, but it's also really frustrating to wait for my stockpiles to build up for so long.

>> No.14021412

those statsfags are gonna be so buttblasted when the devs remove the dupes loophole from shiplocking.

>> No.14021424

What if they let dupes but of different models so delicious green outfit Kitakami and Ooi see action.

>> No.14021426

The only advantage is having to build the combined fleet less often.

The disadvantage, however, is that if you get the ship you want on the first run you spent more time doing nothing but hoarding than you needed to.

At least that WOULD be a disadvantage, if there were other things to do besides hoard anyway.

>> No.14021431

With 163 ships and 260 max slots you can comfortably keep way more than 50 dupes.

IIRC the locks are tagged to the ship IDs and the devs are lazy bums so I doubt that'd ever happen.

>> No.14021434

They're statfags, most of them will definitely not keep all DDs.

>> No.14021438

I'm a statsfag and do keep dupes but a statsfag who does max out slots will also know to keep at least one of each ship in case of specific ship branching rules.

>> No.14021442

Because when you do E7 hard, there is no space for love. People have been clearing E7 easy with mutsukis and there is even E7 hard with a pure destroyers fleet outside of the requirement

>> No.14021443

>E7 hard with a pure destroyers fleet outside of the requirement
Is there a vid of the final kill?

>> No.14021450


>> No.14021460

Not only a ton of destroyers, but Zuihou too?

All I can say is... wow

>> No.14021464

I'm in doubt about the existence of a lot of max slot statsfags anyway. Most I have seen and talked to are jews, their min-max mind probably makes sure of that, and they would rather grind a random common DD or use it as a sacrificial lamb if it becomes a branching rule instead of having her take up slot space they had to pay for.

>> No.14021471

Fair point, most statsfags are only so out of necessity.

>> No.14021485

What the fuck am I watching here? Truly he is a prophet of RNG sama himself.

>> No.14021490

I accidentally sank a Maruyu and Arashio on my fourth hour of sparkling after going to B for the seventh time.
Prinz missed the the DD on the first node and taihaed Maruyu.
I didn't notice until I spun the compass. It was too late.

>> No.14021497

Should have F5

>> No.14021500

If you noticed after you spun the compass you should have hit the tactical retreat button. F5.

>> No.14021502

it's just a maruyu who gives a shit not even worth f5ing

>> No.14021511

It's a luck potion worth 2k steel.

>> No.14021523

I've stopped fapping to Teruzuki but now Umikaze is in my rape fantasies.

How do I make it stop?

>> No.14021524

>Not saving Maruyu for your waifu
Kuso TTK

>> No.14021527

How can anyone have such terrible tastes?

>> No.14021529

>Feeding Maruyu to your waifu
Are you autistic?

>> No.14021531

I'm not sure if it was due to no formation selection or I did it too late but I tried.
If it works before the ship icon made it to the node then I'm going to feel even more anguish than I already do.
I was on KCV muted so I was caught off guard. The refresh button was on a different tab.

It's unforgivable for myself to sink ships. Disregarding how unimportant they are. Which is why I mentioned the torpedo decoy Arashio as well.

>> No.14021575
File: 191 KB, 797x478, mizuho get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That took a lot more runs than it should have. Shame I didn't realize I could put weaker ships to level them until I had done 2/3 of the runs.

Is she good for anything that Cheetos class aren't?

>> No.14021580

No, just scrap her after getting her sprites.

>> No.14021582

>no formation selection

Yep, that was it. Maruyu was doomed as soon as you spun that compass. RIP

On another note, there have been so few casualties despite this event being so much harder than last event. This is disappointing.

>> No.14021594

I just lost morale in PVP, what the heck.

>> No.14021609

You'll lose morale if you don't S rank day battle.

>> No.14021619

Going to start E-7 hard. Is it worth it to go through X and Y for chipping runs or just brute force Antizuki and her shitty armor?

>> No.14021620

Just bruteforce it, trust me lots of players cleared it without debuffing the boss.

>> No.14021629

I finally got 4 subs, time to begin my Orel cruising career.

>> No.14021635

Why would you do Orel with 4 subs? 1 is most efficent for resources and 3 is most efficent for farming kills and boss kills without having to select formation every time. 3 also still lets you gain resources on average, although it's mostly just turning your ammo into fuel

>> No.14021637

Goya should be your flagship.

>> No.14021640

Because they can kill enough ships in the opening salvo to survive the nodes? If I just send one in she will get taiha instantly.

>> No.14021644
File: 16 KB, 143x63, resources.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I just have to keep faith on my girls then.

>> No.14021645

Debuff them, or something like >>14018368 will happen to you

>> No.14021648

Fuck that was painful. I'm convinced now even for chipping runs. Gonna use this time to gather more resources for now and start on the reset tomorrow to maximize my day.

>> No.14021652

You can easily go +5 runs on single sub and sparkle them for expeditions while at it. Sometimes you can get taiha on the first node but that can happen with 4 subs as well. Most nodes aren't dangerous and if the sub is sparkled and has engine(s) it should dodge almost everything. I've had a single Imuya defeat the boss node in diamond formation 3 times in a row.

>> No.14021654

Am I the only one who refreshes the game when I'm doing XY?

>> No.14021656

For what purpose?

>> No.14021660

Like EOs.

>> No.14021662

I don't even do that for EOs.

>> No.14021674

>went B with a CTF in E7 3 times in a row 4 times today

Someone please end my fucking suffereing

>> No.14021680

Holy shit E4 hard farming is fucking hard.

>> No.14021684
File: 219 KB, 805x465, This is not a fair trade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading my SANS point for this medal doesn't seem fucking worth it. At least my girls will be proud of me in my autistic delusions.

>> No.14021706

Just go through yasen and bring boss support only and get umikaze first try.

>> No.14021709

What nodes should you do with an Aerial Fleet on E-3?

>> No.14021714

The one that makes sense to do, after reading the wiki.

>> No.14021717

Too late. I've only made it to boss 1 time today, and I didn't get her. Sparkling everyone in the fleet is mandatory right

>> No.14021720

30 runs of E-5 and no Roma in sight, please come to me.

>> No.14021721

So what?

>> No.14021728

She was way easier to farm last event but with an even lower drop rate.

>> No.14021732

I didn't sparkle but I had easy formation in all of my 5 runs. Maybe just your CVL.

>> No.14021743

> D
For what purpose? Just bring 2 CVs or less.

>> No.14021752

I don't know. That's why I'm asking.

>> No.14021776

I'm stacking air radars to my support expeditions, but now I think about it do I get accuracy penalty?

>> No.14021784

Accuracy is a placebo. Don't even bother about it.
There is no penalty.

>> No.14021789

So there is a penalty.
Maybe I should stack 41cm's to BBs and Suisei's to the CVs.

>> No.14021791

I can't wait until the event ends so all these high powered fleets can fuck off.

>> No.14021793

If you're going to be like that, why even post here? Why would there be something stupid like an an accuracy penalty?

>> No.14021794

Since when did scrubs become so entitled?

>> No.14021800

I meant PvP, I'm trying to level Mizuho without her getting her face blown off.

>> No.14021807

You speak as if your SANS points weren't fully restored and sparkled to 100 the moment you got it.
Stop lying anon.

>> No.14021818

Quick question. If I didn't upgrade any 51cms or 46cms, would it still be wise to equip Yamato with them? Or accuracy guns?
Last dance now. 2 51cms on hand.
I'm also using Nagato but I don't think 51cm works well on her right?

>> No.14021822

Better than idle days with lvl 1 fleet.

>> No.14021823

All I want for Christmas, is Mutsu.

>> No.14021826

He's wrong about pastaguns, but check out the chart.

>> No.14021831

I gave Nagato 51cm and 41 prototype. Fuck upgrading the 51cm, that's endgame right there.

>> No.14021832

Oh fine, I admit I my SANS point did recover. Enough SANS points to realise I just spent 3 weeks of my life planning and scheduling my life around a pachinko simulator with cute girls. Is it worth it? I have no idea but I do know that I think i will just fap to Teruzuki exclusively for a month. That would be worth it.

>> No.14021840

51cm come with +1accuracy and it is the best gun. A 1star 51cm basically give +2accuarcy

>> No.14021841
File: 136 KB, 795x475, ss+(2015-08-30+at+03.19.13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck? This happened more times than I can count.

>> No.14021842

What's do the numbers/colors and nd mean?
The number of misses or hits?

>> No.14021847

Abyss AP shell doesn't fuck around.

>> No.14021856

You can still clear it at night
What is the problem?

>> No.14021858

I have 2 Bismarck guns on +9 though. Usually I just used those on her so she'll 'never' miss.

But there's the engagement, formation and health modifier.

>> No.14021861

New thread


>> No.14021863

The boss will disable two girls while the Ru will disable another, or two. Fuck this shit.

>thinking the girls will aim the boss

>> No.14021864

You need more MNB.

nd = no data, presumably.
Colours are just for colour coding,
What I'm unsure about is if accuracy displayed there, for example, "3" for pasta guns on BBVs is before applying the -1 accuracy from the guns or not.

>> No.14021885

Too quiet, no one's working on E-7 atm?

>> No.14021887

is 15.5 secondary better than t21 radar on support fleet?

>> No.14021893

Everyone cleared it or coping with the fact that they will not.

>> No.14021899
File: 14 KB, 183x250, umikaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people are either at E-8 or suffering from post E-8 depression.

>> No.14021900

Read the OP.

>> No.14021922

I just did, now I'm basking in the afterglow. Is this how gambling feels?

>> No.14021929

No, I'm waiting for resources to come back so I can continue with E-8.

>> No.14021931
File: 278 KB, 467x315, yamatos_pair_of_guns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already running out of everything. I don't think they'll be ready for the next event.

>> No.14021954

I'm working on E-2

>> No.14021958
File: 2.82 MB, 600x360, out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone is getting the ring.

>> No.14021962

I wasn't imagining things, there indeed was a new thread.

It's here now >>14021947

>> No.14021963


Must be nice having a Eugen without choking.

>> No.14021970

You almost got Beav'd there in yasen.

>> No.14021975
File: 814 KB, 1067x813, 1440604762183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted I took a half-week break after my initial run on Wednesday, so fuel was more around 170k. I reset the gauge and did it all today.

>> No.14021989

Bucket nat regen when?

E-8 is so painful without buckets, have to wait four or five hours for one sortie.

>> No.14021991
File: 578 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150824-22365458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fleet's Prinz Eugen did a clutch kill at E7 final dance. I was in killzone for only 4 sorties.

>> No.14021996

Too OP.

>> No.14022004

It's called buying buckets at the item shop.

>> No.14022008

A bucket an hour up to a 100th of the resource limit would be nice,

>> No.14022009

>buying buckets at the item shop
You get way more out of your money by buying screws instead.

>> No.14022012

Modernising buckets when? Buckets at max stars have Mamiya effect as well. The devs will be rolling in cash when that happens.

>> No.14022022

I want to upgrade drum cans for super barrels or something.

I have so many and nothing to do with them.

>> No.14022026

If anything, you'll get the Hayasui barrel as a result.

>> No.14022027

I wish there is an exchange system for buckets or resources in general.

All these dev mats and flamethrower laying around.

>> No.14022031
File: 190 KB, 381x657, 1431966142745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really like that. I haven't tried that mechanic yet because of consumable hoarding.

>> No.14022045

Another preboss T-green raping my fleet

I'm losing hope

thanks for reading

>> No.14022046

That looks absolutely terrible, I hope her design will be entirely different

>> No.14022049
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1424486994903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've going at it for a week now.
It only gets more depressing watching others clear /blog

>> No.14022052

Don't lose your sanity. You are running with both support expeditions right?

>> No.14022054

Yes. I also have both levels and equipment.
80~ Tries on last dance so far. 70k Fuel left.

>> No.14022056

>full radar on DD
I see more and more people do this. I usually go with 2 +3 guns and one radar. Does it make a difference at all?

>> No.14022063

Wiki says stars don't count in support. Which would you rather have, +6FP +2ACC or +16ACC?

>> No.14022067
File: 31 KB, 128x155, Kiyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They removed the gauge recovery, but replaced it with daily debuffing so you're pretty much doing the same thing by rushing it in a day.

>> No.14022072

>Wiki says stars don't count in support
Please tell me they are bullshitting. I've been hoarding these Type 22 surface radars for upgrading for nothing.

>> No.14022073

> pretty much doing the same thing by rushing it in a day.
No, not really. I wouldn't have been able to save up 30k and then come back for a rematch with gauge regen.

>> No.14022074

24 hours is still plenty of time.

>> No.14022080
File: 1.09 MB, 1490x1528, Hopes and Dreams..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then here's for the final battle.
Does anyone have anything to complain about?
Other than Isokaze, Sendai and my shitty cropping. I do have Abukuma and Ayanami/Yukikaze but I couldn't get there with stats. So I'm trying something else.

>> No.14022083

I want 2 Taihou in my fleet too.

>> No.14022084
File: 1.08 MB, 1490x1528, Hopes and Dreams VERSION 2!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taihou appeared twice.
Yeah I just realized that. Had a good laugh.

>> No.14022085

I'm surprised you have two Taihous, at the same level no less, but it won't let you use both of them at the same time.

>> No.14022086

>max quad
What the hell?

>> No.14022090

What's wrong with max quads?

>> No.14022091

Where is your Tomonaga? You've got Isokaze at 97, but couldn't be bothered to level Hiryuu? Also, it might be better to give Junyou one of Taihou's bombers.

>> No.14022092

>Two Taihou

Okay, I laughed.

>> No.14022093

Whats up with Nagato.

>> No.14022097

She wants all the loli DDs.

>> No.14022102
File: 2.69 MB, 2828x1000, 1427963676169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't upgrade quints every day so I was upgrading Quads during those days.

Hiryuu and Souryuu are at kai. I leveled the cranes, Kaga, Taihou, heck even a little Akagi and all the other CVLs but not the Dragons.

Wasn't really fond of them. I also got Hiryuu rather late.

So did I. I laughed for a good few minutes. This is a good start.

I don't use Nagato and Mutsu for the same reason as Hiryuu and Souryuu.
Normally I'd use either the Kongous or Fusous but..well that wasn't working out very well this time.

Decided to give Nagato a go this event.

>> No.14022108

It's still useful for upgrading to T32 radar kai though.

>> No.14022109
File: 226 KB, 803x721, 034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kako had 3 OTO 1 quint. Kako did double attack. Kako shredded the boss to death. Double attacks really work much better against Negaduki. But it was Maya, even though she was in orange, who removed remaining BB Hime with her cut-in and paved the way for other girls to bring victory. Asashio tanking all the hits during day and Demon Lord's attack at night deserves special praise too, as well as RJ who hit BB hime for record breaking 117 damage.
Once again, love is the only stat you need. Time to save Mizuho, the only girl I really want from this event.

>> No.14022112

>liking Tenryuu
Shit taste there m8

>> No.14022113

How do you hoard T22 radar? Where do you get them from? Is there a good DD to level to get both T22 an 10cm gun?

>> No.14022118

Which of those Abyssals is the purest?

>> No.14022119
File: 1.41 MB, 1249x1266, 0ababbbf2f32f068b9173ea4b3957735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fleet
It's about time someone doesn't follow the standard, boring fleets posted here. This is what people should strive to accomplish.

>> No.14022121

*Not included in this pic: Max leveled with maxed luck

>> No.14022125

Congrats. How much did E-7 cost you?

>> No.14022128

>Once again, love is the only stat you need.
You mean Maruyu.

>> No.14022129
File: 710 KB, 800x480, sushi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently cleared E-7 in easy, got Teruzuki and celebrated LSC with her. She's late.

>> No.14022131

You give luck to the ones you like, obviously.

>> No.14022134

Full sparkles at node E. CLT down, CA down, Ne down.
Shigure gets taihaed by DD shelling.
What did I do wrong?

>> No.14022137

Honestly I don't know. I started event with ~50k and ~1k buckets. Ran out of resources mid-E6 in the first week of event, since then I was sleeping in 1,5 hour intervals running expeditions and sparkling everything. 124 buckets left though, this should give a good approximation.

>> No.14022138

Sending a girl in a swimsuit into battle.

>> No.14022144

>I started event with ~50k
Wo was right all along.

>> No.14022155

Wo turned into an insufferable cunt.

>> No.14022168

CI DDs. In Akatsuki's case it looks like she's holding the hammer so it isn't that bad.

>> No.14022176

Save it for the next event final map.
Who know what other branching rule we will get next time.

>> No.14022244

>spend hours sparkling
>b node
fun and exciting game mechanic which adds to the enjoyment of the user.

>> No.14022245

Just buy mamiya and get irako from presents

>> No.14022247

The game is only trying to make the reward that much sweeter at the end.

>> No.14022264

Still no Mizuho after 100 E3 runs and 7 cranes.
Does she drop in X or what is Henderson doing there?

>> No.14022272

Mizuho drop rate for hard seems pretty high, just bad luck?

>> No.14022273

She's playing mahjong with some Kagerous.

>> No.14022284
File: 135 KB, 395x887, mizuho drop rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the 5% drop rate is to be believed, Mizuho probability of dropping after 100runs = 99.41%.
You should just buy the lottery with this kind of luck.

>> No.14022285

It's only making it more frustrating.

>> No.14022287

How much better are Aerial Supports now that we have chevron planes?

>> No.14022289

Good luck having it do anything against elite Tsu, Wo Kai IV and AA Hime.

>> No.14022304

>perfect s rank node E/J
>y node

>> No.14022305

Using it against fleets with carriers is suicide, the plane loss is atrocious. I used plane support for boss during E7 chipping though, 4x double chevron A12 Suisei on 4 fully sparkled CV/Ls. Hit rate was high, not enough damage to outright kill shit but little red fuckers and Ne were always at orange or red after support. Plane loss was minor, merely 250-300 bauxite, 3 plane slots always survived.

>> No.14022307
File: 240 KB, 1152x932, laughing shoukaku katsuragi rj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using more than 1CV

>> No.14022311
File: 617 KB, 800x480, !Inbox 6802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 CVL 1 CV, anon.

>> No.14022316

>75% B

>> No.14022321
File: 73 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150822-11583075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill X and then retreat.
What is the problem?
CVLs are good enough.

>> No.14022322

I don't have enough resources to spend on two dead support expeditions 75% of the time

>> No.14022324

Literally what.
Kidou with 2CVL 1 CV will go 75% E and 0% Y thereafter

>> No.14022326
File: 115 KB, 1355x543, Screenshot 2015-08-29 14.07.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Route log of fleet >>14022311

>> No.14022331


5-5 race started

>> No.14022333

Someone please save me from E-7. I am dying here.

>> No.14022335


all three made it to the boss on their first try.

>> No.14022338

Yeah but two of them got taiha by elite Re. It's not hard with damecon.

>> No.14022339


what I meant was no one went east.

>> No.14022352

Doesn't feel like me at all

>> No.14022355


Marlowe's pretty much out now failing to kill the boss twice in a row.

>> No.14022365
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some crazy aerial phase and support shelling results.

>> No.14022368

Does streaming gets you more luck? Most streamers always get really lucky. They do get unlucky, but the lucky bits always overwhelm the runs with no luck.

>> No.14022369
File: 3.67 MB, 2480x2500, !Inbox 6803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys are taking good care of your Teruzuki. Give her a lot of sweets, she loves it

>> No.14022373

I would forcefeed her my homemade warm and bitter yogurt.

>> No.14022376


both Ren and RD failed to kill the boss on their last kill, its still anyone's race

>> No.14022377
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>> No.14022380
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>> No.14022384

E kaze.

>> No.14022385


RD won.

>> No.14022386

Amatsukaze please.

>> No.14022387
File: 70 KB, 445x138, 1440935643419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hell you are walking into.
I'm almost there too.
When is it time to drop difficulties? Or do we just, fail the event?

But I like to hoard Mamiya/Irako tickets.
I'll at least promise to raise her right if we ever manage to defeat those abyssal scum and rescue her though.

>> No.14022388

As expected of Taihou.

>> No.14022389

You drop when you're at 20k and time is running out

>> No.14022391

>carrier overcrits in streams

>> No.14022396

Do i need to change formation for E-7 last dance? After consistent north route with 2CV 1CVL now that the boss is killable iv been sent south twice in a row

>> No.14022397

Where have you been the past 3 weeks?

>> No.14022402
File: 190 KB, 1123x675, 2015-08-30_21-03-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spending those two hours sparkling all my ships sure was worth it

i love this hot dank "sparkle" meme it's very epic xd

>> No.14022403

Maximum of 1 CV to not get sent to Y

>> No.14022404
File: 167 KB, 394x518, 1440936297176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you current using? I'm curious.
Routing you just have to pray.


>> No.14022405
File: 13 KB, 141x57, mJmbPi5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped awhile ago

>> No.14022407
File: 125 KB, 664x401, 1440761514988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey at least you got to the boss instead of B.
Image is what happened to me after 2 hours of sparkles.

>> No.14022409
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>> No.14022413

I'm out of sparkles because that was the one run out of three I wasn't sent south.

I'm never fucking sparkling again fuck all of you

>> No.14022414

Kaga, Taihou and Chiyoda

>> No.14022415

Mamiya Irako

>> No.14022417

>4k fuel
>284k ammo


>> No.14022420

This is what happens when the only expeditions you've done is 2 5 and 3 since the moment you started playing.

>> No.14022430


>> No.14022441
File: 625 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150831-00213060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow complaining on /jp/ magic is real
Taihou just got the daytime last dance kill

>> No.14022447


Very good!!

>> No.14022453

Don't be a bully. He's obviously a new player who started playing last month. Why else would he be doing easy

>> No.14022455

Because hard is bullshit.

>> No.14022464

>Haruna kai 2
>Maya kai 2
>Tone kai 2

>> No.14022465
File: 373 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150830-08310306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took half my buckets and a third of my resources, but i did it.

>> No.14022468

Are you saying you didn't have those after a few weeks of playing?

>> No.14022474
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Embarrassing to be honest.

>> No.14022476
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>Hipster scum

How do you live with yourself

>> No.14022478

They weren't even in the game back then, scrub.

>> No.14022485

>a few weeks
Lets see.
I started playing in October, it took me until February to get Yamato. So around 5months.

>> No.14022486

Are you saying you're not a time traveller?

>> No.14022489

You can time travel all you want, but the game won't go with you.

>> No.14022490

Let me list several reasons:
- he's a new player,
- he doesn't want to waste his time on hard,
- he's lazy,
- he's a casual,
- he claims hard rewards just "aren't worth the effort",
- soon he's moving to Mzimba or some other shithole in the middle of nowhere,
- his facebook friends convinced him that hard is impossible to complete without 300k resources, 3k buckets, a speedhack and an aimbot,
- all of above

>> No.14022496
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>> No.14022498
File: 193 KB, 432x699, Italy_paradox_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the coat of arms? Kingdom of Italy flag looks had small coat of arms on it. Liberal application of fascio or imperial eagle was also common, like this. Why there is just modern Italy flag if the artist was going for WW II poster feel?

>> No.14022502

I was wondering what the point of SCAMP was until I found out how thoroughly Tsu rapes your carriers if you just put divebombers in small slots for FP.

Too bad I still don't have Shoucock so my quest line is raped.

>> No.14022503

I have to question: Does sparkling even do anything in combined fleet? Sparkling's effects are known in normal fleet but I believe it has yet to be tested in combined fleet, unless I'm mistaken.

>> No.14022504

>looks had
Shit, I really should proof-read after editing.

>> No.14022508

SCAMP is to give Tone 10 extra FP.

>> No.14022510

Put a max ranked Reppu if you need AS. Seriously, this plane experience system is the best thing that have come out of this event, the glorious age of CVs are back, /jp/.

>> No.14022511

Cleared E7 hard with ease without sparkling.
It would be retarded to sparkle when your ships get dropped to 22morale each time you use FCF.
You only need to rotate the ship carrying FCF and all of them would sparkle naturally.

>> No.14022512

Any chance for another event extension based on all the server issues?

I'm still stuck in E8 with one ship left to go and I'm at rock bottom with regards to resources.

>> No.14022513

Yeah, carriers finally got the damage buff they long needed.

>> No.14022514

I have always believed it worked. I debuff with a non-sparkled fleet and most often than not, some ships will be in Taiha at Y. Sparkling seems to make them hardier but not invincible.

>> No.14022515

Yes, sparkling increases your chance of being sent to node B.

>> No.14022518
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Well. This is spectacular results from sparkling.
Any bets?

>> No.14022521
File: 300 KB, 800x960, TY BASED ABKM SAMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always bet on ABKM

>> No.14022522

Sorry accidentally quoted.

>> No.14022524

Yup, I already have enough for AS+ at E6 Wo Kai and was looking to fill a Kaga slot. I just went with torp bulge, fuck it.

>> No.14022529

What's Isokaze doing there?

>> No.14022530

Type 2 recon supposedly helps with contact or you could really add a SCAMP. 46 slot bombers with +10 FP means someone is getting T'd pretty badly.

You send a trophy DD to get another not-so-trophy DD.

>> No.14022532

Abukuma shoots a BB Hime and Antizuki promptly disables Myoukou.

>> No.14022537

Well, I'll have to get them both before next event, haha.

>> No.14022538

Anon already has 5 of the strongest escort fleet ships. A good TTK fills out their fleet with love stat too.

>> No.14022543

Good TTK would not waste his resources on some retarded love, he gets shit done instead.

>> No.14022548

A wise and doting TTK will always sortie the girls he trusts and when they can't do it, send in the A-team.

>> No.14022555
File: 636 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150830-22083500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BB Hime hit Kaga like a truck, can I have a crit bulge instead?

Luckily ABKM is putting in work with her heat-seekers, because I forgot boss support this run.

>> No.14022562

See you next event with Wo kai XI and 1000 AS, faggot

>> No.14022568
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>hitting warships in open ocean
This imagery is dumb...

>> No.14022570


>> No.14022571

>star shell
>night plane
>skilled lookouts
>boss on 32 health
>final shot
>fails cutin and shoots a clutch torp for [miss]
So this is the power of German steel...

>> No.14022574

Scrap her and get a new one.

>> No.14022576


>> No.14022577

The Russian bias is real.

>> No.14022578

Sorry for being stupid anon, a truck is rather unrealistic imagery to use in the context of our anthropomorphic-warship browser game.

>> No.14022582

Better get that Hayasui flag to replenish ammo.

>> No.14022584
File: 584 KB, 696x800, 51785892_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The clutchest
2. Beaver
3. Bismarck

Most unclutch
1. Fubuki
2. Myoukou
3. Prinz

>> No.14022586

Why is Fubuki even on that list?

>> No.14022599

Fubuki transcends the realm of jobbers. You won't even reach the boss node with her.

>> No.14022603
File: 2.68 MB, 1754x1085, IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou磯風.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope Abukuma choked and did nothing but she did bring me this far so yeah.
Words can't express how in love and how much joy I feel right now. I always always, always wanted to win with a love ship and this happened.
She's the only one with a goddess too. Abyssals really are rigged to sink your ships when they can it seems, too bad it backfired this time.
I actually started with full on elite ships. We just couldn't do it.
Then I started depending on Sendai and Isokaze. After half a day though, I decided to bring Abukuma back and move Sendai aside.
Wouldn't have made much of a difference in this case though.

All in all, another medal for my fleet! 252 buckets and 46840 Fuel used.

>> No.14022604

Please, she's the biggest choker of all

>> No.14022608
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This couldn't have ended any better.

>> No.14022609
File: 479 KB, 500x300, E7 finish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry lad, your Yukikaze is Torres. Get a Robben one.

>> No.14022612

Prinz chokes again
why do I even bother with this kuso

>> No.14022616

Use double attacks, Luke. Cut-ins are the past.

>> No.14022617

She's been choking a lot this event. Did the devs secretly decrease certain ship's invisible luck?

>> No.14022620

That sum's for E-7 right? That's not bad at all. Grats.

I had megami on Yuki, and she was sank during the day, only to come back and send the last remaining Dyson back to the abyss, so that the remaining ships could take the boss out. I almost wouldn't be surprised if using megami gives better RNG or some shit.

>> No.14022622

>242 crit
I wonder what's her actual armor after all this debuffing. I hope Tanaka delivers when the event ends.

>> No.14022623

The game most probably thinks you spent money so it gives you better luck, or something.

>> No.14022626

I doubt her armour actually decreased at all. All the X/Y debuffing did was to decrease her crit resistance.

>> No.14022627

Why are there times when this game speeds up 2x?

>> No.14022629

'cause you're moving your mouse real fast.

>> No.14022631
File: 749 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150830-22274750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to think I would have cleared this on Easy if Akatsuki didn't leave the boss with a mere 10 HP left. Thanks for believing in me, Lady.

>> No.14022633

Oh fuck I never realized this.

Holy shit how many time could I have saved if I had just done this? God damn it.

>> No.14022636

If you want to do that you might as well speedhack the game using CE.

>> No.14022638
File: 269 KB, 800x959, beaver did it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doubting Yukikaze
Literally picked up the fleet mess and leftover for me on my first final attempt with 4enemies alive. You can't get anymore clutch than this.

>> No.14022641

Desire sensor is real.

I got Umikaze on literally first farm run of E4... and all other rare DDs that drop there soon after.

Except Takanami... which I'm actually after.

>> No.14022644
File: 595 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150830-22390555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not doubting Yukikaze

Haguro sank the BB with her first attack, Shigure did a cut in (she had a star shell though) which dealt 30 damage and Yukikaze's full torpedo cut in dealt amazing 61 points of damage.
This map is bullshit.

>inb4 hurr durr kuso mode
Yes, fuck you, I don't have any super rare premium oldfag event ships or neat LSC ships since my luck is fucking shit.

>> No.14022649

I'm looking at some wiki stuff and it the engine apparently has possibilities of bans but not using things like KCV?

Not that big of a deal to risk getting banned over. But this makes tedious orel runs much better.

>> No.14022653

>super rare premium oldfag event ships or neat LSC ships
Is more about upgraded equipment than "rare" ships.

>> No.14022656

>implying I could ever get Akashi
Nice joke m8.
Been trying to get her for at least 3 months.

>> No.14022658

>choking at kuso mode
Seems like the problem is at your own end.
Kuso mode armor is literally made of paper compare to hard mode.

>> No.14022660

Maybe is divine punishment for being a crossie.

>> No.14022662

You don't even need really rare premium ships. Don't did yourself a grave with cut-ins, double attacks work the best against Negaduki.

>> No.14022664

I think you need more Kongou in escort fleet. You obviously are lacking in firepower

>> No.14022665

>Kuso mode armor is literally made of paper compare to hard mode.
100% true. I accidentally completed E7 ezmodo without support and cut-ins. I thought I'm one kill away from the final form and, well, I was wrong.

>Inb4 haha faget kuso mode e7
Yes, I'm a lazy casual.

>> No.14022667

Since when?

>> No.14022670

Since you only need one lucky crit to sink her and double attacks proc 99,9% of time.

>> No.14022676

You don't need cut-in to break kuso mode armor.
The armor is only like 190 isn't it? or was it 233?

>> No.14022679

Oh, she we were talking about kuso-mode

>> No.14022682

Plenty of streamers did upwards of 150 damage combined with double attacks on hard mode too.

>> No.14022685

>ABKM sparkled and flagship
>crit before the boss node 5 fucking sorties in a row


>> No.14022686

>People will definitely say Summer 2015 wasn't that bad and that only Kusos had a hard time
Black Re Shooter when?

>> No.14022687

Flagship can't sink anyway.

>> No.14022689

As a TTK who's probably going to give up on E-7 Hard after 80+ failed last dance sorties. I can assure you that Summer 2015 is one of the hardest events.

>> No.14022693

Artificial Biomechanical Killing Machine

>> No.14022697

Tanaka saving the best for the last.

Re appearing in Battle of Leyte Gulf with abyssal combined fleet. Calling it now.

>> No.14022698

Abukuma is over hyped. It's getting mildly annoying.

>> No.14022702

I was talking about hard mode though. Look,DD torp crit on average, judging by streams, is about 180 damage. Most CA's double attacks are only ~20 points less, they would crit for about 130 damage. All you need to do is get lucky, and getting lucky with cut-ins on top of crits is less likely. If cut-ins had bonus crit rate sure, they would be better, but they have the same crit chance. You're just incurring unnecessary risks.

>> No.14022708

Uwahh 4-5 is hell

>> No.14022709

obviously because she's the only pseudo torp cruiser for this event

>> No.14022711

Of course. CA has higher FP+torpedo numbers than DD.
You should compare CA cutin with CA double attack. They aren't even the same.

>> No.14022719

She got 3 oneshot kill on hard E-7 boss, including the last one.

>> No.14022728

Does node K increase cut-in chance at the boss node?

>> No.14022731

Double taiha on first node of E7 that were both sparkled ships after getting sent south.

I'm done, I'm fucking done, 24 hours and I couldn't finish this terrible fucking game. I regret ever spending any time playing this horrible RNG grindfest for idiots.

>> No.14022732
File: 483 KB, 1200x800, 52263354_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to marry her during the next API monthly refresh and break my monogamy belief. She is worth it. ABKM a cute.
>minna san, atashi no shiji ni shitagate kudasai

>> No.14022734

E-7 boss is shit when properly debuffed.

>> No.14022736

git gud faggot

>> No.14022743

Judged on the amoun† of people who keep suffering on E-7 hard, it's not such a walk in the park. Plus she can be fucking useful removing some small fry before shelling.

>> No.14022746
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>> No.14022747

Where's your e-peen medal?

>> No.14022748
File: 2.63 MB, 1680x1260, Isokaze_Aya2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it couldn't have. Except for S rank I guess but there was no way I could have sunk both BB hime. Maybe if Abukuma didn't choke.
I'll take a clutch waifu kill over that though.

Yup that's solely for E-7. It's almost half of what I started with so I was already panicking.
E1-5 barely cost 10k and my buckets were increasing, E-6 took 20k to finish in one go.

I never actually used any expensive consumables like megami until now. It's extremely worth it.

Now to leisurely start E-8. I didn't actually get a single new event drop ship on the way here so that's probably payment for clearing it.
A kuso mode friend got every single one while clearing on the other hand. Currently walled at E-7 heh.

>> No.14022749

See you next week loser.

>> No.14022756

I'm talking about the boss, specific abyssal unit. Stat-wise, she's shit in comparison to, let's say, BB Water Demon. People are struggling because double cockblock is bullshit, not because the boss is particularly tough.

>> No.14022761


ABKM choked both times she aimed for the boss in yasen. She could've made lasdan much shorter, but Tanaka wouldn't have any of it.

>> No.14022762

4koma author's ABKM just 1shotted the boss.
Can't wait for the summer event chapters.

>> No.14022765

It helps that antizuki's escort is shit on Easy mode and you essentially get guaranteed BB shots on her.

>> No.14022768

I don't hate her voice like other TTK, but her battle quote makes her sound like she just got chuuha'd and it makes me panic whenever I'm alt+tabbed.

>> No.14022769

Fuck retards like Abukuma.

>> No.14022770

Nice comeback, there was another admiral a few days ago who had the same thing happen with Myoukou

>> No.14022771

I don't know, a non. She has better accuracy than Dyson, will torp one of your escort fleet girls to taiha almost without fail, eats your torp bombers for breakfast and has highest armour ever. Even with the XY buff, getting a crit on her is quite difficult.

>> No.14022772

I don't see how that changes the point. With a torp cut-in, she could oneshot other bosses and her opening torp is fucking useful en-route as well (especially on E but once she managed to orange BRS wo as well) when you're not allowed to use CLT.
Plus, I find her voice cute

>> No.14022775

I'm having a far harder time with E-7 than Winter's E-6
The preboss nodes back then were a complete joke; here I constantly struggle to make it to the boss, even excluding compass fucker
Boss node itself is harder too in my opinion, though I don't know if that's due to having low evasion from getting all my fuel drained, or the actual difficulty of the node itself

>> No.14022777

Actually, people have been speculating that it's a crit buff, not an armor debuff.

>> No.14022784

I have to agree with that as non-crit attacks usually do scratch damage even from hotels, meanwhile crits can do a rather nice damage.

>> No.14022785

It's because CLT aren't allowed.

>> No.14022786

Maximum fox

>> No.14022789

Random compass is the worst enemy this time. Due to power creep dysons are more or less manageable now but because of fucking compass you spend shitload of time sparkling route support.

>> No.14022798

The carriers buff more than made up for the lack of CLT. Carriers+support+ABKM pretty much decimate half of the node by the time Bisko take her first shot.

>> No.14022803

Congrats, I never got mine to sink the boss but at least she did some great damage while chipping.

Maybe next event.

>> No.14022805

It's not so much the time spent sparkling as it is the obscene amount of resources that gets wasted from support fleets for me. And with how hard the nodes are, support is an absolute necessity

>> No.14022809

No, it's a crit resist debuff which affects only AA hime.

>> No.14022810

Just bring them to pvp and pop mamiya + irako and they're good for a day's worth of attempts.

>> No.14022818

That's why I said random compass is the worst.

>> No.14022821

Support fleet is honest to God meaningless.
They won't sink the things that need to be sunk.
They can't sink the Wos that will taiha you. They can't sink the BB Himes that will soak up your hits.

It's much better to just save the resources and spend them on retrying as many times as it takes. That allows you to run 2 expeditions while your resources burn as well.

>> No.14022828

>Stat-wise, she's shit in comparison to, let's say, BB Water Demon.
>Antizuki.....BB Water Demon
>HP: 255 500
>FP(Day Cap): 157 160
>Yasen: 300 255
>Torp: 95 0
>AA: 420 105
>Armor 333 200
Are you even playing the game? A DD with 10HP and 500 Armor is better stat-wise in comparison to BB Water Demon if they are both required to be sunk to clear a map.

>> No.14022831

They can sink the elite Ne and Ni-class
That alone is good enough since it'll help keep you from getting slaughtered by the closing torpedo

>> No.14022832

>They won't sink the things that need to be sunk
Neither will your escort fleet before getting torpedoed.
>They can't sink the Wos that will taiha you.
They can. I've seen many times blue Wo going orange or even red.

>> No.14022834

I think the little red cunts at the boss are worse than BB Hime because they dodge everything and then torpedo you.

Meanwhile BB Hime is just 400 hp meatshield.

>> No.14022836

>They can't sink the Wos that will taiha you
They can chuuha them, but Wos miss often anyway. And sinking the DDs is important.

>> No.14022840
File: 78 KB, 967x636, qwer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is the crit modifier in actuality?
Her armor is 333 and I have seen screenshot of ABKM dealing upward of 300+ damage. How is that even possible?

>> No.14022841
File: 614 KB, 810x486, FUN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E7 is such a tanoshii place

>> No.14022847

Crit modifier is generally agreed to be 50% more damage.

The armor debuff is hidden though, just like Akashi upgrades.

>> No.14022848

What calculator is this?

>> No.14022850

Ayanami did 426 with even less effective FP.

>> No.14022851

I've seen Ayanami hit her for 400+

>> No.14022855

Instead of an armor debuff, it might be that it increases crit modifier on Antizuki only.

>> No.14022856

Is it because of doing XY more than 3 times?

Debuff refresh has come and I'm desperate,plz send help.

>> No.14022860

If I put a 46cm triple gun mount or a 46cm twin gun to Nagato in a combined fleet, will she suffer accuracy penalties? Should I stick to 41cms?

>> No.14022861

The total XY S rank should be 2+ for armor debuff to start to be meaningful.

>> No.14022866

>46cm twin gun
Those are shit. Stick with double 51cm. There's no overweight penalty for those.

>> No.14022868

Yes, but 51cm is fine for some fucking reason.

>> No.14022872

Well fuck, I don't have 51cm. 41cm it is.

>> No.14022874

It is hilarious how there were some people that avoided getting the 51cm and went for the pro46cm guns back in the last event.

>> No.14022876

>for some fucking reason
Fairy magic dude.

>> No.14022879

I could have done E-7 Hard but decided to switch to kuso mode because I thought I won't be able to make it. Then for some fucking reason they decided to extend the event. I want to kill myself. At least I have Teruduki now r-right?.

>> No.14022881

Is there a debuff cap?I've done 3 times till this far and maybe I should do more XY.

>> No.14022882

Dex entry.

>> No.14022884
File: 75 KB, 287x430, Prototype_51cm_Twin_Gun_Mount_128_Character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this cutie.

>> No.14022888

First they can chuuha / taiha them rather often.
Second, they'll clean some/all of the small fry which then won't soak all your damage then torpedo the shit out of you. Plus it means your torps will have a chance to once again taiha/chuuha the wos. Then your heavy hitters can focus on surviving (if any) wo immediately. During my E-7 hard, I received more taiha from the little red cunts than from the wo's opening strikes.
BRS wo becomes really dangerous if you let her have two rounds on your main fleet. And that's what you risk when you skip route support.

>> No.14022889

51cm is the end game gun.
46cm is pretty much useless except for hotels so you should just cannibalize the 46cm to upgrade the 51cm.

>> No.14022893

You just have to believe in her. Beaver just got me the win a few minutes ago, ignoring everyone else in yasen and just critting the boss into oblivion.

>> No.14022894

Serves them well for being theoryshitters instead of checking things themselves.

>> No.14022911

Shit, doing 3-5 with all those grey little fuckers is so relaxing. They are so fucking harmless compared to those mad reds.

>> No.14022916

I await the appearance of the flagship versions next event with great fear.

>> No.14022923

After E-7 it's almost like my ships learned from all the bullshit and now regular Wo Kai and late-model DDs can't even scratch them.

>> No.14022938

My ships did the opposite. They seemed to have gotten PTSD and have gotten accustomed to missing DDs on 3-5 and getting taiha'd by their torps in return.

>> No.14022947

I finished this week 3-5 weekly by going 5/6. I cannot thank ABKM enough. She made 3-3 obsolete

>> No.14023036

3-5 is goddamn easy now. Like >>14022923 said, it's like they learnt how to dodge torps or some shit. Even the CLT hit a DD for 3 damage which is pretty hilarious.

>> No.14023037

Wrong quote, meant to quote >>14022923.

>> No.14023041 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 388x313, Slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let go shitpost on /a/ together, anon

>> No.14023055
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>> No.14023060

Does repair goddess increase the chance for CI and/or revenge crits?

>> No.14023063

>level 52
You hate her or something?

>> No.14023064

Well, it's not like he needed these parts, you know. He's an OP after all.

>> No.14023065

Line ahead squadron should be dead before torpedo phase if you know how to play this game and are good at it.
Wo rarely taiha someone.

>> No.14023069

>implying that's me
>not looking at the loadout

>> No.14023073

>revenge crits
I'm pretty fucking sure there is such thing. It happens way too fucking often to me, someone hits abyss filth for some scratches and it taihas the one who attacked all the time.

>> No.14023076
File: 151 KB, 1000x1865, 52157538_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I've come to hate Takao.
Whenever I ned to farm an event drop, all I get is her and her useless titty monster sister.

>> No.14023079

Wait, I think I saw this loadout somewhere before...

>> No.14023081

You can go with AV for exp 38, you know. So 2.

>> No.14023090

I don't understand. Who is this retard?

>> No.14023096

Of course. Only BB Hime is alive after main fleet shelling and your bombers deal a lot of damage.

>> No.14023108

Yes, since chances are during events you'll need to set up at least 2 separate combined fleets.

>> No.14023114

Everyone's going to think lowly of you when they see you have less than 3 flyswatters.

I know I do every time I check practice partners.

>> No.14023125
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>baby mode

>> No.14023132

It's finally the last day of the month. I sure hope the ranking rewards will be worthwhile

>> No.14023147

>it's not like this game requires skill
Only retards who think this have problems with events. You excuse your lack of skill by calling other "lucky" when in fact it always turns out you're using fucked up ships, compositions, setups, formations or positioning. Seriously, leave /jp/ and go to himeuta where people will pat your head after another failed run at E6 easy with yellow gun cut-in on BB in sixth slot.

>> No.14023162


>> No.14023176

You forgot
>trash talking wiki and himeuta because muh /jp/ superiority

>> No.14023179

Why are you replying to old posts?

>> No.14023185


>> No.14023189

Where's your epeen medal?

>> No.14023193

>implying /jp/ contributes to the whole event progression or any contents at all
There you go.

>> No.14023201
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>> No.14023207

>less than 100% expedition success rate

>> No.14023212

Kill yourself.

>> No.14023219

Fuck you, wish I had 5 repuou 2 weeks in.

>> No.14023220
File: 144 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150827-20404426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3medals should be a norm for anyone that started before winter 2015.

>> No.14023224

Show your fog furniture too.

>> No.14023228

>92% PvP win rate

>> No.14023234

Are you really trying to brag about having participated in the easiest event in the game

>> No.14023236

>Implying everyone cares about e-peen medal

>> No.14023239

Show yours too.
Started late January so I don't have it.

>> No.14023243

Don't know about you, but I've pretty much frontlined the whole event and blogged my progress halfway through E-7.

>> No.14023250

>implying people use your info here on /jp/
I'm sorry but you've wasted your effort in blogging your experience.

>> No.14023258
File: 17 KB, 357x179, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing. I've actually had to worry about not dropping below the percentage that allows me to participate in events. I doubt there's anyone more kuso than me in here

>> No.14023260

Stop projecting.

>> No.14023266

If he's that tinfoil/e7 blog guy he certainly helped me at least.

>> No.14023315
File: 25 KB, 357x187, ss (2015-08-31 at 02.26.16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them but here's mine.

>> No.14023338

>17k expedition
>5.6k pvp
>41k sortie
You scripted orel or what?

>> No.14023348

What X and Y do is increasing crit damage on whole E7.

>> No.14023352

>scripted orel
No way he'd have so little losses.

>> No.14023358

I'm a retard who comes to the threads once in a while or after clearing something, reads the entire thing and replies to something sporadically. I didn't blog about clearing 3-5 for the first time yesterday though. Maybe my condition is getting not as severe.

>> No.14023371

What? 340 dmg to boss in air strike + support?

>> No.14023379
File: 312 KB, 385x415, Screenshot 2015-08-30 18.42.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord, why is she so lewd.

>> No.14023386

Is she unable to find the toilet?

>> No.14023391

I think she's too horny

>> No.14023394

Why not?
It isn't some stupid forum where necrobumping is bannable offense.

>> No.14023401

Maybe for the first 6 months of playing it was a combination of doing orel for something like 10-12 hours a day and doing sparkled exp 2,5 and 6 before I got burned out from playing.

>> No.14023402

I wish her voice were better, at least as good as Akizuki's.

>> No.14023410

/jp/, is having a fourth repair dock worth the money? I'm thinking of buying another slot expansion, but third dock is proving to be so good, I can repair my subs much better...

So, yeah, 120 slots or 4 repair docks?

>> No.14023411

I'd understand if it was to discuss something worthwhile but if it's just to insult people or replying to cancerous posts, don't bother.

>> No.14023419


>> No.14023420

Both, but if you can afford only one, I'd buy +10 slot expansion.

>> No.14023444

Don't be a stingy TTK and buy both. 2K isn't even a week worth of lunch.

>> No.14023450

I bought 3k points, already spent 2k.

>> No.14023460

>2K isn't even a week worth of lunch.
It's enough for nearly 3 weeks in my shithole.

>> No.14023464
File: 418 KB, 808x490, umikazeget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, E-4 kuso mode! And it only took me about a couple dozen tries too.

>> No.14023476

Repair dock is worthless.
You will always have more than enough buckets compare to resources. For example, 500/3000 buckets used up but consume up to 150k/300k resources for this event.
Go for slots. 120 isn't even remotely enough if you want to keep those qt destroyers.

>> No.14023495

I'm living in third world shit hole and that moneys are only worth five days of food, wtf

>> No.14023506

TTK, you should really be eating healthier than several hundred Yen per week.

>> No.14023516

Food is unnecessary
Kancolle is the only form of sustenance needed for a truTTK

>> No.14023528

Are you frigging serious?
I can max resources without any trouble, but buckets is infinitely more annoying because you have to babysit a 30min expedition. Maxing resources only take something like 3 months at worst, while buckets need way more than that.

>> No.14023529

Fucking shit, help me guys.. should I be quitting E7 hard?

I'm on the fucking last kill for a week and still havent cleared the shit out, having 4 hours to to kill XYK node, fucking 2hour sparkle 4 fleet, and the fucking compass just wont take me to the boss. for the fucking whole week I'm down from 200k to 130k left oil.

What the shit is going on?

>> No.14023547

You quitting E-7 Hard is spending another 40k resources for a Teruzuki. An Akizuki ship that can't even upgrade Akizuki guns and is now overshadowed by Maya. Why would you do that rather than get back on expeditions and go one final push for the medal that will be your only brag right?

>> No.14023550

Stop sparkling and using supports.
Just maximize your attempts. It'll work. Probably.

A somewhat unrelated question. Would any of you recommend going back to E-7 hell to attempt to farm for Shioi?

>> No.14023557

You grit your teeth and push on. That's the only way.


>> No.14023570

Stop doing K. X and Y kills are easy to farm with Akitsumaru surface fleet and shouldn't take more than an hour or so even if you are unlucky. If all goes well you can get 3x and 3y in 35-40 minutes, and then you're ready for the boss. K is just a waste of time.

>> No.14023588

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYzMYcUty6s this version is better.

>> No.14023591

Is the difficulty on which ships (or boats, in this case) drop listed on the wiki accurate? I accidentally E-5 on easy and I want Yuu.

>> No.14023597

>Repair dock is worthless.
You're a fucking moron. Only people who have already trained all the ships they wanted don't need repair docks.

>> No.14023598

Yes, you're fucked.

>> No.14023606

It can't be helped.

>> No.14023615

Maruyus have repair time over 4 min?

>> No.14023616

Considering the state of threads recently, I'd say the subject is worth discussing.

>> No.14023632

I'm losing my sanity meter.. all those sparkle and the compass either goes B or Y node for a week. I just lost my hours.
I still need to farm umikaze and kazegumo.

Will not sparkling works? I mean I've been to the sparkle cult for a while.

I tried anon, I'm still trying. Thanks for the support.

That's true, X-Y are very easy to get done.. 4 times kill each right?
Are you sure I dont need to bother node K? its not hard but I node subs are bad for my liver too

>> No.14023638

At higher levels, yeah. But one Maruyu is enough for 1-3 sorties depending on your setup so you can sometimes spam 3-2-A with just two docks.
If you actually play the game, additional docks are definitely worth the money.

>> No.14023640

Yuu drops on easy too, she's just insanely hard to find. The wikia is inaccurate this event.

>> No.14023642

While I dislike this event I'm not looking forward to going back to boring no-event mode.

I hope we get 6-4 or another EO.

>> No.14023645

Please back this up.

>> No.14023655

5-6 when
5-5 is a joke now with the new plane mechanics

>> No.14023660
File: 196 KB, 400x400, Fragezeichenmädchen 11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At higher levels
Maruyu can level above 20?

>> No.14023676

Time to do 5-5 with a CL/DD fleet.

>> No.14023686

It's been done already
I was considering doing drum route 5-5 before too. Now it just feels like a waste

>> No.14023696

The only ships you should sparkle are route support fleet and flagship of boss support. Escort fleet enjoys sparkle but they aren't really a must-have if your setup is good. You still need a lot of luck at boss node to not have your escorts raped, sparkle or not. If you have damecons, you can give them to your CI ships, this works pretty well on E7, at least in theory because I fortunately cleared the map soon before getting the chance to test it out.

I did 3XY kills, it should be enough for debuffing runs. I guess you can S rank X and Y one or two more times when compass trolls you, to retain some of the morale. I refreshed though. Never bothered with K, I see no reason why should it affect anything. And even if it does affect anything, it's probably AA related = worthless.

>> No.14023705

I'm pretty sure lv15 Maruyu has repair time over 4 minutes.

>> No.14023708

Sparkle or not sparkle, the results doesn't differ much.
I have had overwhelming success with sparkles but I also had incredible failures like 7 taihas, 3 chuuhas and 2 shouhas with full sparkles.

Not sparkling got me to the boss at a decent rate. I have had better runs and worse runs without sparkles so all I can say is sparkles won't save you.
What you need are attempts. If you make a single attempt every few hours, you won't make it.
Without sparkling, the most you just need to wait for 12-15 minutes in between every sortie. Sparkling tilts the rng in your favor ever so slightly but more attempts at a rigged scenario will probably give you more chances of actual victory.

>> No.14023722

There is only reports for hard and medium, not easy, so I got it wrong. Oops, my bad.
Still, I've seen people comment her dropping on easy in /jp/ threads, but I'm not so sure anymore of them.

>> No.14023728

I never even looked at the drum route before.

Double Re in a yasen node what the fuck is this?

>> No.14023730

His resource consumption for events:
14春 40000
14夏 170000
14秋 15000
15冬 140000
15春 25000
15夏 200000
Yeah, Winter 2015 sure was easy.

>> No.14023733

Figured. Thanks anyway.

>> No.14023768

My resource consumption for winter: <40k.

>> No.14023773

On the bright side, you just have to dodge Re twice, instead of having to deal with its airstrike, opening torpedo, double shelling, and closing torpedo
It's the first node too, where evasion is the highest

>> No.14023782

You started with 40k and finished in last days, right? That's not how calculation works.

>> No.14023801

Thanks to E3 I now have 4 of every Kongou class and 5 KTKMs. No actual, desirable drops, but hey, it's the thought that counts. Thanks E3.

>> No.14023817

You already have a head start in upgrading those quints.

>> No.14023838

Well fuck, E-5 is the map to farm submarines. If only it also had 401.

>> No.14023888

3 Medium S ranks, 6 Hard S ranks, 48 Easy S ranks at the beginning. Now that I've cleared all maps I can do E8 Hard.
How many sorties until I get Mizuho?

>> No.14023908


>> No.14023914
File: 897 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150831-02540613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, my first time complaining on /jp/ and it worked. Thanks guys.

>> No.14023916

Got her in 80 runs including retreats.

>> No.14023935

Statistically speaking, 10-20 runs should do it.

>> No.14023940
File: 431 KB, 731x1000, bfb0af4d39a75b759a3163c36b976733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get the crane item.

>> No.14023951

I'm so glad my first event was the relatively easier Spring 2015 and not Summer 2015, to help ease me into how events work. I probably would've quit the game by now if this was my first one instead.

>> No.14023961

Congrats. Got mine from E2 10 days ago and already grinded her to 83 in preparation for the K2 upgrade. It's time for you to get to work as well

>> No.14023973

Now that I finished E7, nothing else scares me anymore.
It feels like I leveled up inside.

I wonder what the next thing to cause me this kind of despair will be.

>> No.14023979

What the fuck. I sent my Ro-chan vs fleet with Akashi, BB and two CVs. She hit one of them for 1 point of damage in opening torpedo and missed closing torpedo. I go a D rank.
Seems like 1 point of damage isn't always enough for B, you probably need at least 1% of HP.

>> No.14023984
File: 45 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150830-15022912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand Fusou, but why Mutsu ?

>> No.14023989

Please no.

10 runs left then.

I wish it worked like that. E3, here I come!


>> No.14023993

Ara ara.

>> No.14023996
File: 33 KB, 305x54, Pyaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just don't know.

>> No.14024004

Mutsu has grown to be my probably favorite battleship. At first it was kongou but Mutsu keeps delivering just as much if not more and is so loveable. Nagato performs well but can't compare to cuteness of her sister. I thought maybe Yamato would overcome the snail but it seems unlikely. Mucchan is love. If I ever marry a battleship, it's probably gonna be her.

>> No.14024007
File: 709 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150831-03051140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you usually equip Akitsumaru with? I never used her outside of exp 38 before.

>> No.14024010

He's referring to the fact that she's not remodelled.

>> No.14024012

Mine was Winter after spending a lot of NEET days raising everyone's levels. It wasn't enough to save Yuu and Katori on hard, so I quit. My biggest regret is scrapping everyone, Nagato was even holding the 51cm reward and Akagi the Reppuu air group, I only left my waifu standing alone. 2 weeks later, I realized I made a huge mistake and did it out of anger. I recovered everything lost and ironically gained more by doing it, but never play Kancolle angry.

>> No.14024014
File: 2.87 MB, 696x400, Carriers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dawn of a new age.

>> No.14024020

Oh shit. Maybe it's his second Mutsu?

>> No.14024021

and Reppuu

>> No.14024029

Yeah, I started farming because I got it. I could do E7 but there are too many drops to justify blowing everything on Teruducky.

>> No.14024035

Holy fuck.

>> No.14024036

How? That event was pretty easy.

>> No.14024041


>> No.14024042

What a truly glorious time we live in

>> No.14024046

Is it bad I tried wanking my mouse on the video to try and make it go faster?

>> No.14024047

What the fuck did I just watch?

>> No.14024052

No, it wasn't. Stop with this meme. It's third hardest event out of ten.

>> No.14024060

A Repe.

>> No.14024068

BB Hime cockblock on E-3 with no FCF. I advanced with Hiyou on red and she got obliterated. That was the breaking point.

>> No.14024069

Please say you were joking.

>> No.14024071

>Ironbottom Sound
>AL/MI E-6
>This event's E-7
Winter 2015 was easy.

>> No.14024076

I spent 70k fuel then and 100k during fall.

150k this event as comparison.

>> No.14024081

>I advanced with Hiyou on red and she got obliterated.

What exactly did you expect was going to happen?

>> No.14024103

Ironbottom Sound was easier than Winter 2015. The only reason people glorify it is because it was the first event of all veterans in English-speaking community, back when they didn't understand the game well.

Fall 2013, I assume, including Yahagi farm? Because in 2014 it would only be possible with terrible luck during farming.

>> No.14024112

You're a retard who deserved everything that came to you

>> No.14024117

I saw a video of someone advancing with a married Taihou and was not even touched.

>> No.14024119

It's 2014, and yes. That's incredibly unlucky, but I still did it.

It's still not hard, along with winter.

>> No.14024124

More like cancer.webm.

>> No.14024129

Is there any point in upgrading radars?

>> No.14024135

Rings give your ships automatic sink protection, you should try it.
However, damecons will still trigger.

>> No.14024145

Well, farming normally isn't included in event consumption tables because it's far more RNG based.

Accuracy, LoS, AA

>> No.14024151

Only air radars and the Type 32.

>> No.14024159

Nope. T22Kai4 definitely deserve upgrading.

>> No.14024163

Guys help. Whaling on E-2 is so tedious, please just let it end.

>> No.14024167

>Accuracy, LoS, AA
That sounds like a pretty good deal. Too bad I used all my screw to power up my quints.

>> No.14024171

If you cut off your penis and mail it to Tanaka, he'll guarantee any one drop you want.

>> No.14024184

Firepower is more important than passive stats anyway.

>> No.14024186

Giving your most used radars a few stars can't hurt but maxing them is way too expensive.

T22Kai4 eats itself past +6.

>> No.14024188

But I need that!

>> No.14024200

E-7 XY kills are only about killing the flag there right? not about getting S rank?

>> No.14024206

But what if you don't have a penis?

>> No.14024212

Are you sure? Is it really more important than Taigei?

Use someone else's.

>> No.14024214

Too bad.

>> No.14024220

Mail your breasts.

>> No.14024230

It's hard to not get the S rank.

>> No.14024231

>Is it really more important than Taigei?

>> No.14024236

What if you're RJ?

>> No.14024238
File: 456 KB, 763x422, Screenshot 2015-08-30 20.35.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duckys stronk

>> No.14024250

If you're not even willing to lose your willy, you shouldn't be surprised that Taigei doesn't want to be part of your fleet.

>> No.14024253

He might still like the effort or mail him your tears or something. I'm sure he has a fetish for that too.

>> No.14024256


>> No.14024260

There are times I get just A rank, so I was wondering if that counts.

>> No.14024271

>Fleet 1

>> No.14024273

Agano class is starting to grow on me. What's going on, I didn't like them before.

>> No.14024280

Agano class is great, how did you not like them before?

>> No.14024284
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>> No.14024301

Is anyone using KC3 for instant update during sortie (i.e not waiting after compass roll)?

That sole feature seems to make it better than using KCV.

>> No.14024304

Why does she like ramen so much?

>> No.14024318

Star shell + night plane + searchlight and all my girls still scratch the fucking boss, even bismark hit 10 dmg twice. Just kill me.

>> No.14024338
File: 69 KB, 800x480, now I&#039;ve lost it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want this nightmare to end before my resources run out.

>> No.14024340

Because Agano looks like shit, but it was until I got Noshiro where I realized she was kind of cute.

>> No.14024341

Who exactly? This is important.

>> No.14024346

kill x and y three times respectively.

>> No.14024351

Not him, but I only have Agano and the Yamato lookalike. Their looks are nothing special and their stats are nothing to write home about. Maybe Noshiro will change my mind about the class (if I ever get her), but for now the class is nothing but some Kantaidex entries to me.

>> No.14024357

Noshiro, her red hair and pose is so good, I think I might have to get another expansion just for her.

>> No.14024374

>Yamato lookalike
>Their looks are nothing special
>for now the class is nothing but some Kantaidex entries
Maximum pleb taste, Yahagi is very cute.

Great taste, Noshiro is also very cute. She's worth the expansion, anon.

>> No.14024387

Thanks god KCV doesn't have this option.

>> No.14024389

That's supposed to be red? It looks like chestnut to me.

>> No.14024392

>the Yamato lookalike
What the hell is wrong with you people? Aside of the ponytail, Yahagi doesn't look like Yamato at all. They don't have the same aura nor the same personality either.

And basing everything on looks is stupid beyond belief in this game.

>> No.14024409

Damn, farming Kazagumo is many times worse than Roma farming from last event, I'm starting to think she doesn't really exist.

>> No.14024412

Why? It actually helps you to know if you have red ships or not.

I mean, how many admirals out there who mistakenly proceeded with red ship simply because they didn't pay attention to the previous battle?

>> No.14024421

Why are you comparing it to Roma farming at all? Roma farm was the second most comfortable farm in history of KanColle.

>> No.14024432

Knowing battle results since the start kills all the fun.
KCV is good precisely because it's impossible to accidentally sink someone, as the KCV alerts you about taiha, I don't know what are you talking about.

>> No.14024433

Woah there, no need to get so buttblasted. Yahagi is just so nondescript that I completely forgot her name. Her voice is ill-fitting and her damaged sprite makes her look goofy, but not in a funny kind of way. I can't believe that I was excited when I finally got her; what a let down.

>> No.14024438


>> No.14024440

I don't think mentally handicapped whose memory span is shorter than 1 minute can exist.

>> No.14024448

Why do anything with your free time you're not having fun doing it?

You're in for a surprise.

>> No.14024452

Not when you alt-tabed straight after you click the battle formation and not watching the whole battle until the result screen.

>> No.14024454

I forgot an *if there.

>> No.14024456

I actually stopped using KC3 after a few sorties because of that feature.
It kills something major/essential to the game. I might as well be playing a text game if I want the cold unchanging results to appear instantly.

You won't have any clutch kills or sudden surprises because of that. You'll know from the beginning what happens no matter how it looks like it's going.

There's no point watching the battles then.

>> No.14024457

Yes? You don't like red DDs, takoyaki Kai or armor higher than damage cap?

>> No.14024464

I also love crafting radars, very fun mechanic.

>> No.14024474

>people actually does this
What the fuck? What's the point of playing the game then?

>> No.14024482

I use KC3 and I actually disable that.

Watching the fight is more fun and/or frustrating.

>> No.14024483

I know someone who does this because to him, his ships always seem to be performing worse when he's watching them.

>> No.14024485

What's the point in getting AS at node L and M when the opening strike gives you at least 1 taiha'd ship. Fuck this.

>> No.14024490

I know, right? The feeling when you finally get a piece of cardboard with drawings on it can't be described with words, it's better than ecstasy.

>> No.14024492

>Her voice is ill-fitting
Check her quotes and history, and you would realize she isn't just a battle hardened girl. I blame konishi for giving her a stern expression, but she is by no mean supposed to be a hardass or anything.

Her damaged sprite is basically what made nips calling her an ikemen, especially how it match her quote and actually resilience (6 torp to sink her and whatnot). I will give you that her right arm looks funnily too small, but that's it.

It is as if you don't care about the girls personality and just judge on the cover of the book. Truly superficial here, anon kun.

>> No.14024495

I do this during chipping runs after a while to save sanity and my ships always seem to perform better when I'm not scrutinizing them.

>> No.14024499

Sometimes you alt tab to change the BGM or because you got a message from someone or because it's 100th time you attempt a map.

>> No.14024500

I do that for 3-5, works most of the time, also combined fleet its not fun at all, its worse than grinding some shitty korean mmo.
The difference is that I get nothing, not going to touch that shit again until they implement recipe queue.

>> No.14024502

Now that's a placebo.

>> No.14024515

I always do that. Doesn't stop AA Hime and her double slut Hime escort from constantly aiming at my Beaver and Prinz.

>> No.14024519

>Being autistic enough to watch dicerolls instead of just alt tabbing

If you do this, please fuck off to himeuta.

>> No.14024521

>Woah there, no need to get so buttblasted.
I'm sorry guys, my 12yo brother somehow got on a computer.

He plays Call of Duty and so he thinks that when he acts like a toddler to piss people off it's somehow an accomplishment. Please excuse him.

>> No.14024523

>The difference is that I get nothing
You aren't trying hard enough. Git gud.

>> No.14024548

Use expansion and load goddess onto Yukikaze/Eugene.

Full sparkle all fleet.

Place your hard hitters at the top.

>> No.14024555

>not playing the game is way to go

>> No.14024557

The only good ship of Agano is Sakawa, Prove me wrong, faggot

>> No.14024569

>not Yahagi
You had one job.

>> No.14024574

She's the best, but every one of them are good, no need to lie, anon.

>> No.14024578

I would, but I don't know who Sakawa is, so I think you're making this up.

>> No.14024600
File: 119 KB, 461x441, Laughingkuso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not have ramen

>> No.14024605

You just had to choose her. Any Agano would have been great, but you just had to pick Sakawa.

Sakawa is the ugliest Agano ship. Stupid ass Konishi monkey ears, ugly fucking haircut, that retarded derp face of hers. Another idiot character that has to have some sound catchphrase to make her interesting, yet the sound is pretty much just Uzuki's pyon. Clingy ass fucking cunt except that unlike Kongou she's irritating than cute. Her stats are overshadowed by other light cruisers. Doesn't come with any good equipment even though her sisters come with type 22 radars for 32 radar improvements. It make no fucking sense that she was the last reward for Spring 2014 when Akashi is 10x more useful than her and Amatsukaze is 10x cuter than her. Even Tone remodels were more interesting than Sakawa as a rewrd.

Sakawa a shit. Konishi's later works a shit.

>> No.14024606
File: 1.21 MB, 1290x960, e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know she can do that, also Chitose killed a BB hime with a 104 crit while Yukikaze came back from death only to get critted again.
E-7 done in 47k/37k/39k/11k/178, almost same cost as E-3.
150k/110k/95k/27k/520 spent already and not a single rare drop yet, this is a fun event.

>> No.14024614 [DELETED] 


Let me guess, in your autistic mind you also think you're playing My Little Pony and Disney movies?

>> No.14024620

Who's your favourite overall?
You should have failed for ever doubting goddess Myoukou, but congrats.

>> No.14024628

Someones upset they didn't beat Spring.

>> No.14024644

>E-7 done... and not a single rare drop yet
Can I join your club? This situation is hell.

>> No.14024649

Can't help but agree. I was so disappointed when I got her instead of dupe Yuu from Spring E6. It was even worse when I got another one, without getting a single Maruyu, Yuu or Roma.

>> No.14024654

I don't care for Aganos, but if I had to choose one Noshiro for actually being a tolerable siscon unlike most of Kancolle's siscon ships and her funny sec line.

I got fucking dupes of Sakawa mate. I kept her for a month as a torphy ship before I realized how autistic it was to keep a level 1 ship that didn't even do expeditions like my other trophies.

>> No.14024657

>this choice of examples
I was right, /v/.

>> No.14024666

Count me in as well.

>> No.14024681 [DELETED] 

>"M-mom look! I'm playing Can Coal!"
>*Clicks on KCV and starts mashing keys during battle*
>"I'm playing so much right now!"

>> No.14024696
File: 258 KB, 687x225, aganos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the others are pretty great as well.

>> No.14024703

You know what? I'm stuck on E-3 and I'm double majoring this year so I'm not gonna have any time to play with boats so I'm gonna easy cheese it from now on.
I no longer have any self-respect anyway.

>> No.14024716

I've done 35 runs at E7 kuso mode. I use both route and boss support. I've only reach the boss 6 times without finishing her. I can't belive this.

>> No.14024722

Post your fleet so I can laugh at you.

>> No.14024723

You really think this constitutes for a successful trolling?

>> No.14024724

>lv 45, 35, 35y
No yon don't like them, you just like your kantaidex

>> No.14024727

Did you S rank X & Y at least three times?
Because it sounds like you didn't.

>> No.14024728
File: 265 KB, 1800x1085, 44454581_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titty cruiser is best cruiser.

>> No.14024732

Can't help it if the game almost never allows multiple CLs.

>> No.14024734

>literally walking meat

>> No.14024737

You mean Isuzu?

>> No.14024738

4-3 allows multiple CLs.

>> No.14024750
File: 662 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150827-13014037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My main problem are J and M nodes.

>> No.14024752

He said he reached the boss only 6 times. Meaning his fleet his shit.

>> No.14024755

Not him but I did Y once and I was doing just fine damage wise. I had Mutsu nearly one shot the boss from daytime cut-in critical with default 41cm guns. If he's doing on easy he probably doesn't have any of the ships that give routing to Y node

>> No.14024759
File: 133 KB, 800x501, Konishi vs 3-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nod really, maps where you have to use light fleets always have some leeway.

>> No.14024763

If you have so much trouble then just run 4CVs and load them up with bombers. You might go Y node every now and then but it's only like 20% of the time

>> No.14024767

I did 7 S ranks in XY nodes before attempting for the boss.

>> No.14024776

Doesn't this get sent off-course?

>> No.14024778
File: 2.85 MB, 2622x3878, 51476174_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isuzu is also delicious.

>> No.14024785
File: 501 KB, 644x902, Quest4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do our best this week as well!

There's still a little more than a week left so don't give up on that 甲.

>> No.14024790
File: 84 KB, 809x496, Konishi vs 3-5_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only at first spin and very rarely. No hoppo fun times guaranteed.

>> No.14024795
File: 61 KB, 524x479, Yang sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're 48 seconds late, megane-chan

>> No.14024813

I've already given up.

>> No.14024841

Come on, anon. All you need is a lucky cut-in on the right Hime.

>> No.14024851

Im mad that everyone forgot her, so sweet and lovely, she's the true ichiban for me, fuck this game and its gay meta.

>> No.14024854

There's a 50/50 chance it'll happen: either it will or it won't. Don't give up!

>> No.14024857

Unfortunately she's useless.

>> No.14024859

Oh man, having more slots feels so good. I can finally hold all these old ships I was going to scrap for the new girls.

>> No.14024868

Devs doesnt like her, you need aa gun and radar to do the new aaci, she's too good for this game, fuck them.

>> No.14024880

Am I just really late to notice that DMM changed how their cookies work?

>> No.14024887


>> No.14024888


>> No.14024896

She has solid stats, far from useless.

>> No.14024914

Is it worth checking the archive to get more information about it?

>> No.14024925

>solid stats

Is it 2013 again?

>> No.14024930

She's in lower half of CLs stats-wise.

Not really. Anyone who has common sense shouldn't even notice the change unless trying something new/entering KanColle from different computer.

>> No.14024933

What's the best comp to pass through J and M without getting taiha'd?

>> No.14024936
File: 176 KB, 1376x686, 51237261_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you forgotten them, /jp/?

>> No.14024939

So, for E-7, is this going to suffice?

Myouko Kai NI (2x SKC34 20.3cm, Seaplane, FuMO25)
Zuihou (Reppuu >>, Shiden Kai Ni I, Shiden Kai Ni, Saiun >>)
Shoukaku (Reppuu 601 >>, Tenzan Model 12 Murata Squad III, Ruusei 601 \\, Skilled Type 21 Zero Fighter \\\)
Zuikaku (Reppuu 601 >>, Reppuu >>, Skilled Type 21 Zero Fighter >>, Ryuusei 601 I)
Mutsu (2x basic 41cm, Seaplane, AP Shell)
Nagato (2x Proto 41cm, AR196 Kai >>, AP Shell)

Haruna Kai Ni (35.6cm camouflage, 35.6cm Proto, Seaplane, AP Shell)
Prinz Eugen (2x Quint Torp, Lookout, Searchlight)
Maya Kai NI (20,3cm No.2, 90mm HA Single Mount, 25mm AA-Gun concentrated deployment, FuMO25)
Ayanami Kai Ni (2x Quad Torp, Starshell)
Shigure Kai NI (Triple Oxygen Torp, Quad Torp, Starshell)
Ooyodo (2x Agano-Class 15.2cms, Night Scout \\\, Searchlight)

>> No.14024946

Proper plane setup + ABKM + route support.

>> No.14024948

Chitose is my 2nd highest level CVL, of course not.

>> No.14024953

Oh course not, I used then during the event.

>> No.14024973

>Myouko Kai NI
Why not Prinz?

Why not Ryuuhou?

Why not Unryuus?

Why not Ise? Oh wait, composition rule.

Why not Akizuki?

Why not Katori? Oh wait, composition rules.

>> No.14024976

>Myouko Kai NI (2x SKC34 20.3cm, Seaplane, FuMO25)
Stopped reading there.

>> No.14024980

They're still quite strong, why would anyone forget them?
Kai 2 art update when? They would be glorious with Kuro's shiny style.

>> No.14024981

Chitose is my go to CVL and Chiyoda will most likely stay as my go to AV considering my luck with farming.

>> No.14024983

Please swap Maya and Myoukou.
Also probably not bring Ooyodo. Someone else who can actually fight might be better.

>> No.14024989

Why's that? Just curious.

Cause I need Prinz' Cut-In in yasen?

>> No.14024993

I cleared E7 with both of them.

>> No.14024997

Such as? I thought I'd use Ooyodo for the two Yasen-Equips she can carry.

>> No.14024998

>Cause I need Prinz' Cut-In in yasen?
Most of your fleet is telling me you desperately want to fail so I tried to get you closer to that goal.

>> No.14024999
File: 555 KB, 738x900, 1078ce7828b106a41eda1170a696e8a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use her every month for 1-5, 1-6 and 3-5.

>> No.14025011

I guess. I like using mine for ex21.

>> No.14025013

If you had any basis on why I seem to want to desperately fail other than you being a douche, I'd be grateful.

>> No.14025018

Because you put a yasen monster in your main fleet instead of your escort fleet. Looking at your compositions again, you can remedy this by swapping Myoukou with Maya (why was she even in the escort fleet).

>> No.14025024

I want to say Abukuma kai ni but I'm not sure if you have her.
Sendai class kai ni is solid but of course I never really used Ooyodo in combat so I wouldn't know if she's usable.

Also if you are going to bring all the night battle equipment, you might want to set Myoukou to CI as well.

Lastly please get Haruna out of flagship and put the one with the searchlight there.

>> No.14025025

Thanks for the help, I also had no problems until I tried to access Kancolle from my new computer like 2 hours ago.

Good luck to those still clearing the event

>> No.14025036

>If you had any basis
Because you haven't done your research and your fleet looks like it was thrown together haphazardly.

>> No.14025050

They are my favorite CVLs, looking at them makes me smile.

>> No.14025058

Oh, right. That.

Nope, don't have Abukuma Kai Ni.
Well, I only have Quad torpedos left and I already have three cut-ins, so I'm quite hesitant.
Yeah, just did that, I put Prinz as Flag.

I was told to use the same fleet I used for clearing E-6, so I did just that.
Well, not exactly, I dropped two CVs for the CA and the CVL.

>> No.14025065

The ChiChis (well, Chitose at least) are a miracle of the universe.

>> No.14025069

>TTKs in pvp showing off their Umikazes
Fuck them all

>> No.14025071

But I told you. Read my post again.

Myoukou is fucking terrible choice for main fleet. Only Prinz, boobie monsters and Furutaka squad are worse.
Cranes are fucking terrible choice for E3, E6 or E7 do to their shitty stats and small slots meaning their bombers will have problems surviving.
Zuihou sucks compared to Hiyou and K2 CVLs.

Nagatos are fine if you don't have Hotels, that's why I didn't comment on them.

Haruna is the worst BB you can use in escort due to her shit stats. The only reason to use her would be gun cut-in but you aren't using it. Bad setup but the only working on her.
AACI Maya in escort fleet makes no sense, she has ~20 yasen firepower less than strongest CAs with proper setups.
Ooyodo has terrible yasen stats. Use someone who can actually penetrate Himes.

>> No.14025077

>I was told to use the same fleet I used for clearing E-6, so I did just that.
It's a miracle you managed to clear E6, even though it was a rather easy map.

>> No.14025080

I've seen a few Mizuhos but no Umikazes. Which is expected because she doesn't exist.

>> No.14025090

>do to their shitty stats
due to their shitty stats

>> No.14025092

>Plus, I find her voice cute

Stop lying. Nobody could find that cute.

>> No.14025104

I swapped Maya to the Main Fleet.
The only Unryuu I have Kai'd is Unryuu herself. Guess I'll swap my cranes to Kaga and Akagi (if possible, not sure I locked one of them on E-5).
Will swap Zuihou to Chitose Kai Ni.

Yeah, don't have hotels.

What other BB than Haruna? I have no Bismarck and the pasta BBs are still stock since I have a dire lack of fucking blueprints. what Kongou-sister should I use?
And what other ship than Ooyodo? I already told that other guy I like the fact that I can have two Yasen-equips on her.

>> No.14025133

Give 1 of the yasen equip to a CA or DD and use Kuma, the best CL. Kuma~

>> No.14025140

Keep Ooyodo, she's great.

>> No.14025144

>Best CL
impeccable taste.

>> No.14025149

Listen to this poster, they know what they are talking about kuma.

>> No.14025172
File: 363 KB, 1843x2111, 52283728_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever gotten a slightly rare ship and thought you've never gotten her before only to get the sinking feeling that maybe you did get her once before and just used her as mod mat without even thinking about it?

>> No.14025174

The reason some people play on Easy is because they have jobs and don't have time to do the RNG that is Hard.

>> No.14025184

No, not really.

>> No.14025204


I don't know what that is, some kinda disease?

>> No.14025212

Do you have autism?

>> No.14025213

Stop reverse trolling. I work a 40 hour week and I cleared the entire event on 甲 with 57~63k starting resources, no hotels and no ABKM.

>> No.14025214

Eh I like it. I still have the nerves before the results pop up and I like to guess what damaged what or what taiha'd what and kinda work it out back wards. I thought I'd hate it but I actually really like it now.

>> No.14025220

Unryuu part was sarcasm. Unryuus are the only CVs weaker than Cranes. Even Souryuu is better than Cranes because she has big slot for bomber.
>What other BB than Haruna?
Doesn't matter. Each fBB is better than her. Kirishima or Roma would be the best but honestly, I would rather use a third DD - Hatsushimo, Yukikaze or Yuudachi (last one with DA). Much more power in yasen and clearly better evasion. BB is guaranteed to die on sight at boss node and even if it somehow has green health, it can only scratch Himes most of the time.
You don't need Ooyodo to have all yasen equips. Abukuma > Jintsuu > Kuma, Nagara > Sendai, Naka.

Seriously, learn how the Combat works.

>> No.14025221

That makes no sense and you know it.

>> No.14025234

I have a full-time job in a big city where I have to drive for an hour to work, work 8 hours and 1 hour break, and then drive back another hour and I still beat it on E-7 hard. Stop making shit excuses. E-1 through E-6 can all beat beaten one at a time a day, E-7 can be beaten on your days off.

>> No.14025240

Is the improvement bonus applied post-cap?

>> No.14025252

KanColle isn't that time consuming. Probably a lot of people play it really casually, these (job or not) are the ones who take the easy difficulty.

>> No.14025251

Chitose is the wife Ill never have, of course I love her.

>> No.14025254

I cleared whole event on Hard despite working 8 hours a day and having all weekends away from internet.

>> No.14025257

I actually was thinking about using Souryuu for her big slot to fill with Reppuu 601's.

Could I also swap the fBB for a third CA?

>> No.14025267

>I actually was thinking about using Souryuu for her big slot to fill with Reppuu 601's.
God fucking dam it. Where have you been over past three weeks? Read old threads.

>Could I also swap the fBB for a third CA?
Read the wiki as well.

>> No.14025269

I'm a NEET and I cleared event on easy. 5-4 is not going to subslave itself.
You know it says a lot about event when fucking ranking rewards are better than all the crap you got from event itself

>> No.14025272
File: 9 KB, 250x243, f59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't being NEET anymore.
>tfw can't poke my ships all days every days anymore
>tfw staring job next two weeks

>> No.14025275

With that fuel?
Shit, even leveling all of my CVs CAs and several BBs I'm lower on fuel than ammo.

>> No.14025277


>> No.14025290

I wasn't present, I was on vacation. Malta's quite nice this time of the year.
Anyway, I'm quite in a hurry to finish the fucking event.
So, why is it a bad idea to use Reppuus instead of bombers on Souryuu's big slot?

>> No.14025295

I'm going back to class tomorrow. I'll probably end up sitting in my car playing KC on my laptop between classes instead of doing anything productive.

>> No.14025297

Read the wiki if you aren't going to read the threads.

>> No.14025298

Im a neet but I actually sleep and I like it, so only E-7 ez, also I only had one memedal, so no point in trying this since I will have only 2.

>> No.14025299

Murata squadron is okay. Only time will tell if the crane item was worth it.

>> No.14025310

The wiki's big, you know?
What section?

>> No.14025323

I'm done with spoonfeeding. Fuck off.

>> No.14025324


>> No.14025329

I'm dead serious

>> No.14025330

>The wiki's big
There are barely 10 relevant pages to playing the game. Stop being obnoxious faggot already.

>> No.14025333

being an*

>> No.14025336

Good bait.

>> No.14025340

Planes now get experience levels, so they are more effective with >> rank. On the other hand, Tsu now perform AACI and can kill all of your bombers if they are in the smaller slots, and since fighters don't get shot down this way, they can be put in smaller slots and still perform as effectively. >> rank is assumed to be +25AS than not experience planes.

See the New Aircraft Skill System section for more info.

>> No.14025341

Now I feel bad for replying to him in the first place.

>> No.14025345

I like her voice too. And Nenohi voice, and Natori. There's something really cute in that pitch, isn't it?

>> No.14025372

If this event taught me anything it's that I need to scrap Shigure Kai Ni. She got taihad every time I went to E-6 despite being lv67 fully modernized and sparked most of that.
She cost me the event, and when this is all over, she'll never see another sortie again. I'll feed her to BB-hime on the way out.
I've had it with her failure.

Fuck off.
Fuck you, fuck your catapult, fuck you entire fleet (except your waifu, I won't be that mean),
fuck this event.
I did 15 runs on medium, I got to the boss 3 times for a total of 15%, and everyone getting taihad each time. The past 5 runs I tried using support, and taihad before the boss, burning out everything I had left.
My next course of action to to hand everyone one of those damecons I've been stocking up, and chuck em at the boss, and fuck em if they can't do it. No Ooyodo, no Akashi, no chance.

>> No.14025380


>> No.14025385

Me too, they are really cute for me since Im a cutefag.

>> No.14025390

This event taught me that Yukikaze is truly the night battle messiah, and I should rely on her for clutch kills.

>> No.14025392
File: 661 KB, 800x480, !Inbox 6804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, fuck you too.

>> No.14025398

Sorry for the dumb question, but are screws supposed to be fucking rare or is there a way to farm them and I missed it?

>> No.14025402
File: 574 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150828-16582502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shigure smirks at you.

>> No.14025408

It's pretty clear your Shigure hates you because you treat her like shit. My Shigure took half the kills with 150+ cut-ins on my E-7.

>> No.14025412
File: 588 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150821-23555091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But seriously, even on medium it's easy. The only problem is the Wo kai nodes. Though, I'm still farming Kazagumo and she still wont drop at all.

>> No.14025413

Post crazy comp pics, Im tired of seeing the same shit in every post.

>> No.14025421
File: 721 KB, 1920x720, 1432787753633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The daily for using Akashi's Arsenal also rewards a screw.

>> No.14025423

I gave up on her after terrible chokefest during Winter 2015. All of E3, E4 and E5. Since that time she only ever gained exp on 2-2 dailies, a bit of 5-1 helping and expeditions. Only Fubuki is worse than her.

>> No.14025431

Do your weeklies and upgrade only once a day if you don't want to run out.

>> No.14025437

When will people learn that the game is 100% different for every player? I actually had troubles for E-5, everything else went smooth. Im tired of seeing this "if you cant, you are shit" meme.

>> No.14025441

You first.

>> No.14025447

You can't farm them and they're only available from weeklies, monthlies, one time quests and events.

>> No.14025453

>the game is 100% different for every player
No it's not. We're all playing under the same rules.

>> No.14025458


Thank you.

>> No.14025462

Take Maya, the boss is easy unless you get red T or some shit.

>> No.14025465
File: 220 KB, 510x311, Screenshot 2015-08-30 23.26.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ABKM stronk

>> No.14025468
File: 98 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually had troubles for E-5
Fucking kuso.

>> No.14025470

You forgot the cash shop.

>> No.14025477
File: 124 KB, 425x426, 48982224_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just farm for 2-3 days and try again you pussy.
The event ends on the 9th.

>> No.14025479

Dumbest post so far.

>> No.14025484

This event taught me that Yukikaze loves eating torps and I should get a 2nd trophy DD to 50 luck instead.

>> No.14025485
File: 663 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150824-01170183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But E6 isn't hard. If you have problems with that map, it's your fault 99,9% of the time.

I refuse to buy things other than repair docks, ship slots and rings.

>> No.14025492

Im not him, I already finished the event, I just was telling the truth.

>> No.14025503

Is E-7 doable with a surface fleet on last dance? How should my fleet look like?

>> No.14025513

I believe you.

>> No.14025522

But Im not Tanaka.

>> No.14025540
File: 13 KB, 134x55, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the end for me.

>> No.14025549

How far are you?

>> No.14025551


>> No.14025553

You have a week left. But you'll fail anyways.

>> No.14025560

What shipgirl doesn't love eating torpedoes? Hayasui never stops eating mine.

>> No.14025563
File: 68 KB, 833x471, LEVELS DONT MATTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14025568

I have what looks like 3 full kills left on E7. Spent 25k just to chip E7 so far.

>> No.14025583

That's normal. Restock back to 50,000 and finish it you kuso.

>> No.14025591

You aren't doing bad then. I wonder why you didn't prepare bigger stockpile before attempting E7.

>> No.14025618

I already knew about that, but Its like they were trying to sing escape from choke city, somehow I didnt get a lot of full clears.

>> No.14025619

I was hoping that 25k would be enough for everything but last dance since stocking over 25k prevents me from getting natural regen. Wo wasn't kind to me though.

>> No.14025646
File: 989 KB, 822x3680, Soldiers that fight in the day and the night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.14025665

I already knew of your adventures, I meant someone else, also I didnt know you were the nopvpfag autist, thats kinda special in its own way I guess.
Everyone targeted my wife this event, so it only gave me sadness, thanks for reminding me that Im shit.

>> No.14025679

What was your E7 main fleet? Sorry if you

>> No.14025681

If it helps you Hatshuharu never did a single cut-in during E-7.

>> No.14025685

Oops. Sorry if you posted it before

>> No.14025689
File: 464 KB, 1040x1477, 1440824482862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You failure. Drop to easy and accept the mockery.

>> No.14025700

RJ flag with pasta green gun and FuMO for AACI in two bottom slots, Shouhou, Shoukaku, hotels, Nachi with 1 red 1 yellow seaplane T32. Yellow gun/radar cut-in is super accurate, Nachi removed red little fuckers with peerless precision when they were left alive.

>> No.14025703

Who are you going to ring?

>> No.14025708

You don't aa cut-in on anything not duki or maya. Planes shot down are measly by any other ships

>> No.14025712

>Red DDs chuuha two of my CVLs in hankousen

this event just gets better and better by the minute

>> No.14025715

I wish luck didn't take forever to modernize. Would make things a lot more fun.

>> No.14025730

It clearly worked anyway.

>> No.14025732

Ducky was released from naval base long ago and Maya had torp cut-in. Bombers would get slaughtered in those small slots, there was no need for more fighters, at least those things are better than yellow planes or no AACI at all.
It's just 7~9 weeks, not that long.

>> No.14025752

>Nachi with 1 red 1 yellow seaplane T32
I had a somewhat similar set-up on Ooyodo and she took them down with ease. Maybe that's the secret to actually sinking them.

>> No.14025772
File: 379 KB, 700x1000, da700f28b2a34ebd6b978cc1a4aff1a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look guys, I got her!

>> No.14025776

Stop daydreaming and go back to E-7.

>> No.14025780

No ducky bullying is allowed. Repent, heretic

>> No.14025795

No TTK, I have her already. Did you even look at the picture?

She likes it though, look! She's smiling!

>> No.14025802

I'll allow it.

>> No.14025818

It's just super accurate and those things have way too much evasion. I even started using in in place of usual 2red seaplane radar on normal maps now. Pretty much guaranteed orange against everything with very high(~90%) chance to proc. Double attacks sink filth instead of orange'ing it, sure, but they neither activate as often as this cut-in, not even close, nor have this nice accuracy.

>> No.14025840
File: 95 KB, 212x311, Samidare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like they announced a Kai Ni for her.

>> No.14025847

I wish they did, my Samidare is lv75.

>> No.14025852


Every starter deserves a Kai Ni.

>> No.14025853

Who are you talking about?

>> No.14025854

I can't wait for my favorite DDs to get kai 2.

>> No.14025859

Whatever happened to that shit about all starters getting kai ni?

>> No.14025862

They are probably cancelling everything in favour of emmecarrier kai ni, only tears now.

>> No.14025864

Everyone is going to get kai ni eventually ™

>> No.14025866


>> No.14025869

Everyone will besides Samidare because the artist disappeared.

>> No.14025871

It only applied to all Type I Fubuki starters.

>> No.14025879

I thought Sazanami was going to get hers a while back, but nope, it was fucking Akatsuki.

>> No.14025880

Lady and Bep have Kai Ni, so Raiden should get theirs eventually.

>> No.14025883

Kancolle will die before they implement a second remodel for every girl.

>> No.14025886

I feel like I should know who this is.

>> No.14025890

I'm simply parroting what devs said.

>> No.14025892

The 2chan memer.

>> No.14025895

I know, but I had to respond. Too mad to ignore this.

>> No.14025896

The best DDD Dank Destroyer.

>> No.14025897

I highly doubt it.

>> No.14025898

Fucking 4-5 is impossible this month.

>> No.14025916
File: 607 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150827-22054629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even have to bring all BBs this time, you just have to believe™

>> No.14025924

How many reppus for AS?

>> No.14025926


I did it on easy because I just don't have fun in this game outside of events. Started this shit with 50 buckets and natural regen cap, been playing this way since fall 2013.

>> No.14025936

2 Reppuu air group, 1 regular Reppuu and a Saiun. I don't remember if it achieved AS+ even with the upgrades.

>> No.14026007

>the game is 100% different for every player
How is it different? Everyone play by the same rule. There is no lottery gacha with real money.
Also RNG doesn't matter when you accumulate enough sorties to clear the same map 10times over. Yes I farmed E-6 hard over and over again for Kazagumo. I only failed to make it to the boss node 2times out of about 50+ sorties.

I have a daily 9-6job. You only need a weekend to beat E-7 hard. I seriously think the people that complain about this event has terrible time management.

>> No.14026021

I actually had a real easy time with it this month going with 2BBV 2CAV 1CA 1CV

>> No.14026035

People complain about getting sent to B or Super Wo taking out too many girls at the same time for FCF to activate.

>> No.14026052

Monthlies have been reset right?

I need to finish all before METAL GEAR.

>> No.14026056

Are you a time traveler? You still have 13hours.

>> No.14026058

Blue Wo crits my CVs to taiha fairly often, so I can only assume it's a level difference. Unless you're able to prevent Wo from attacking with your escort fleet.

>> No.14026059

>Monthlies have been reset right?
Why would they be reset in the middle of the month?

>> No.14026064

Running same comp but last dance, everyone is targetting boss and whole fleet eats shit before yasen.

>> No.14026076

Ah, my intention was to run that to last dance and then go with a heavier fleet, sparkle up and try to get through the yasen route. But they managed to one-shot the last kill

>> No.14026083

See I like cute though but it still annoys the shit out of me. Cute for me is more pretty much any of the Yuugamo's or Yahagi on some of her lines. With ABKM I just can't shake the image of a grown woman trying as hard as possible to sound like a toddler whereas I don't get that feeling with say Makigumo.

>> No.14026103

I feel like she's really young and kinda "special", I really like Nagara class in general.
Also coincidence that Makigumo is the only gumo that I dont love, I love glasses and and I love pantyhoses even more, but somehow she's not for me I guess.

>> No.14026106
File: 87 KB, 668x1000, 347274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it fits Makigumo's character and design. Abukuma looks more mature at kai 2, so her voice doesn't even fit more than before. Abukuma is shit.

>> No.14026108
File: 96 KB, 283x158, It&#039;s over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the end for me.

Cute. Get on my Kuso level.

>> No.14026116

>Blue Wo crits my CVs to taiha fairly often
How did you even let her get to the main fleet shelling phase?
Run more blue bombers and route support. They usually die before they can do anything.
The only time I failed to make it to the boss was when I put one of my DD in the flagship spot and the other DD got shot to red to render my FCF useless.

You have 9days left.

>> No.14026128

Well she is a war criminal so it's probably that.

>> No.14026131

Well it's not like I'm not going to try I'm just saying I'm not getting my hopes up.

>> No.14026135
File: 339 KB, 479x370, KanColle-150830-18491015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heresy, she was my first gumo.

>> No.14026150

>9days left
Wasn't it just extended until the 7th?

>> No.14026175

>I feel like she's really young and kinda "special"
She got the short end of the stick from colliding against KTKM.

>> No.14026176

What changed? I need to refresh my api soon when monthlies reset? Do I really need to use VPN now?

>> No.14026201

Some people still use api tokens?

>> No.14026206

API is superior option.

>> No.14026246
File: 15 KB, 142x60, X9Xfooq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even close

>> No.14026265
File: 502 KB, 1023x724, 1439850220403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Kongou could love a loser like you?

>> No.14026270

I don't love Kongou.

>> No.14026286

But we're already married, of course she does

>> No.14026293

I did it with BBV/2CA/CAV/2CV with very minimal frustration. My CAV was Suzuya too.

>> No.14026306

It is superior, you only need to update it once per month.

>> No.14026315

>Do you think you could love a loser like Kongou?

>> No.14026350

Worst lovestruck shipgirl.

>> No.14026355

Best being Haguro?

>> No.14026359

Haguro is a weird girl. Sometimes I wonder how even half the girls survive.

>> No.14026399
File: 1.70 MB, 1000x1333, 1431324024125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit I'm struggling on E-6.

I fucking swear Wo and friends, especially that Ta bitch, always find a way to rape my fleet before I even get to the boss.

Although if I get to the boss node, it's pretty much a sure kill anyway, but that pre-boss node is bull shit

>> No.14026412

You should be going south -> K

>> No.14026419

Not him but south route is awful, and only increases chance of your escorts getting taiha'd.

The aerial node in north route is a giveaway if you have AS and AACI. North route best.

>> No.14026429

Maybe if you're bad. In my clearing of E6, I was stopped on the way only once.

>> No.14026432

Is it time to panic yet?

>> No.14026437

If you're doing monthlies or EOs - yes.

>> No.14026438


>> No.14026453

Alright, I'll try south route later, thanks.

>> No.14026460

I'd use KC3 because of that but most of the shit in KC3 doesn't seem to be showing properly for me.

It seems like I'm cursed to keep on using KCV.

There's no fun to be had during this event anyway, so I don't see anything wrong.

So knowing the results beforehand makes those clutch kills no longer clutch? You disappoint me.

>> No.14026484

Having done E7, don't bother with DA on anyone except Abukuma. That's all I can say.

>> No.14026501

I thought I was the only one to find her voice cute.

But it is.

>> No.14026519

>Ducky was released from naval base long ago
Ayy lmao

>> No.14026524

I hope you have Maya Kai Ni in your main fleet. ABKM helps a lot too. If you want to be 100% sure of S ranks, use boss support.

>> No.14026528

In hindsight, she's pretty shit at everything but AA.

>> No.14026536
File: 588 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150831-03100483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please. She cleared the monthly for me.

>> No.14026539

>small c

>> No.14026544

Daily dose of autism.

>> No.14026552




>> No.14026573

Do you ever get tired of positing like a memetic idiot?

>> No.14026599

Fubuki did nothing wrong.

>> No.14026604

He gets paid to do it.

>> No.14026614

Is Mizuho actually good?

>> No.14026617

She's a Seaplane Tender. Tell me what you think.

>> No.14026622

She's the best AV and much better than Chitose/yoda AV and Kamo in combat capabilities. But she's still an AV.

>> No.14026625

Of course. Just look at her stats.

>> No.14026626

Always go south for the extra kazagumo chance. It is just as easy.

>> No.14026635

Yeah, but her stats make her better than CVL Chitoseyoda

>> No.14026636

What the heck, Yukikaze just dropped on the E4 Wo node. That was so random I didn't even turn on sound for it. Welcome to the fleet?

>> No.14026655

Max her out for the next event that will blatantly require AVs. We have 4 now.

>> No.14026664

fuck you
one year and still no beaver

>> No.14026681

I hope it only requires 1 or 2. I already remodeled the Chitose sisters to CVL.

>> No.14026685

I would've replaced Chitose A with her if she had dropped.

>> No.14026688

What? Just spam 250/30/200/30 every day

>> No.14026696

Be happy, she's the biggest choker.

It will require one or two but will be easier with three. And remember that Akitsushima is useless.

>> No.14026728

I did that for around 5~6 months before finally giving up. The rarest shit I got there was Shimakaze, otherwise it's purely Jintsuu or some other generic CA.

>> No.14026741

At worst they'd only outright require one and put in routing rules in other lockouts.

>> No.14026744

I got 3 beavers before even finding Shimakaze, so just keep doing it.

You're probably lying about how much you did it, because the chance to get Yukikaze isn't that low.

>> No.14026766
File: 249 KB, 800x940, ez e5 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamo is a good fleet cheerleader

>> No.14026780

Does E-4 revert to cancer night battle and doable Wo hellcat nodes after beating it?

Wondering if I should try for Umikaze or not. If it's fucking cancerous night battle AND BRS Wo I'm not bothering with that bullshit.

>> No.14026781
File: 148 KB, 972x770, whelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Kirei.

>> No.14026792


Fate collab when?

>> No.14026796

Just rolled and account with heracles + lancelot + 5* CE, I'm willing to trade it for a lily code.

>> No.14026801

I think I am getting spoiled by kancolle.
I cannot play any kuso mobage that have majority of the cards locked behind jew lottery gacha with 1% SR rate.
As bad as Kazagumo and Umikaze are, the chances of you getting them without paying is still astronomical high compare to those shitty mobage gacha rate.

>> No.14026831
File: 67 KB, 388x372, 1438342223875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14026841

There doesn't seem to be a lot of games that are as generous as Kancolle. Now I see the rest as waiting simulators.

>> No.14026842

Well, the Kancolle/Valve model will be always the superior one, just dont support the shit ones and we are good.

>> No.14026844

Based Bob.

>> No.14026846

Gotta give Jintsuu some kind of new stuff to stop the tide of ABKM popularity I guess.

>> No.14026853

What the hell is a "supernatural kai 2"?

>> No.14026863

What about Sendai? What about Ashigara? What about Myoukou? Pls dont fail me Bobgod, I always believe in you.

>> No.14026871

Loyal fans will always be better than bandwagon faggots.

>> No.14026881

Who's trying to stop it?

>> No.14026888


>> No.14026891

ABKM is popular?

>> No.14026895

Reminder that your shipfu will not get a seasonal line.

>> No.14026900

There is almost a daily ABKM draw thread @ futaba nowadays.

>> No.14026904

No, but Jintsuu isn't popular either if you compare her to her sisters, despite almost nobody actually sortieing them.

>> No.14026906

Myoukou's current seasonal line implies that Takao will take her swimsuit shopping.

>> No.14026921

Jintsuu deserves it. Cutest CL.

>> No.14026923

Usefulness = popularity, it's disgusting.

>> No.14026924

So is she or isn't she?

>> No.14026931

I didn't realise Shimakaze was one of the most useful ships in the game.

>> No.14026938

Thats like every game ever, we gotta deal with it.
She is.

>> No.14026946

Please explain.

>> No.14026947

Give her luck and she is.

>> No.14026955

She's the 2nd strongest DD.

>> No.14026961
File: 324 KB, 600x800, 52247502_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is arguably the best CL in the game right now and the event MVP. She is also always paired with the 2 other very popular ships in KTKM and Ushio.
She is like the only 3rd ship that get "super" moniker nickname after the two torpedo sluts.

>> No.14026974

Even though it's getting pretty close to autumn and the staff are already tweeting about autumn updates?

>> No.14026988
File: 2.28 MB, 444x250, ib0t5qctPsFsWw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All 6 ships in escort fleet are fucking green
>2 dysons and AA hime left
>Star shell and night plane and searchlight go off
>ABKM fails to cut in with luck modernization and flagship pos
>AA hime hits ayanami to red
>Kirishima and Choukai try their hardest and clear up one of the dysons for beaver and myoukou
>myoukou hit to chuuha by the last dyson
>yukikaze fails to cutin
>myoukou hits the wrong target and was chuuha anyway

i want to die
please no more of this

>> No.14026999

Ashigara has a drawing in the upcoming book, if I remember correctly.

She looks great with her hair up.

>> No.14027009

>She looks great
Yes, she does.

>> No.14027011

It's often the case but then there's for example Shiranui, Atago, Ikazuchi or Ushio.

>> No.14027020

Has anyone here ever gotten Katori from 6-3?

>> No.14027029

Someone did the day it opened up.

>> No.14027038

>small c

>> No.14027047

>small dick

>> No.14027058

Yes, we know you have a small dick, no need to wave it around.

>> No.14027068

The bitch didn't earn that usefulness or popularity, she was a literally who 5 months ago. Sometimes I wonder if I'm too emotional for all of this.

>> No.14027088

>didn't earn that usefulness or popularity
How so?

>> No.14027136

Dont worry friend, I know you are fine.
So potatosluts and memecarrier gets a freepass since they were like that from the start? Nice logic there.

>> No.14027190

How good is Kiso? I plan on going full waifu with her after I manage to make her drop.

>> No.14027195

She's shit. KTKM and Ooi outclass her.

>> No.14027198

Weakest of her class.

>> No.14027203


She's shit compared to the torpedo dykes but her art is way better.

All CLTs are shit thanks to being auto dead-ends now in event maps though.

>> No.14027213

I don't really care about them since the bias has been there from the beginning. I'm more bothered by the fact that someone not even on the majority of people's radar got popular because of her overly usefulness, even though she sounds and looks like shit to the point people are willing to put up with those negatives just to use her. This event didn't help either.

>> No.14027222

KTKM and Ooi were a mistake by devs who now refuse to correct it right?

It makes no sense for them to be low level remodels that shoot opening torpedos that already maxes at 150 damage. Ooi and KTKM should've been around the level of Kiso who actually has balance.

>> No.14027224

Considering how new the TTK must to not have Kiso yet, it doesn't matter at all. Not mention that so far it's only this event that forbids CLTs, and not even in all maps, so stop spreading half-assed information.

>> No.14027233

New thread. Anything else that I should add to the news?

>> No.14027243
File: 310 KB, 1024x723, 40624642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her fanart count barely increased after her Kai Ni and is still outclassed by Tenryuu, Sendai and Agano-class.
And before her Kai Ni she was already more popular than most of her sisters thanks to the whole Kitakami bullying thing.

>> No.14027246

Did no one care about the new ranking rewards?

>> No.14027256

That way of thinking is what I believe its wrong, I guess you also think since they have been there from the start, its fine the fact that they arent balanced, right?
Pretty much, if they were released today, their current formi would requite 2 blueprints, Kiso needs higher lvl remodel and its weaker, totally unnoticeable dev bias.

>> No.14027258

You mean the Nanzan? It's just a slightly better dive bomber.

>> No.14027279

I'm mad getting top 100 and getting shit.

>> No.14027283

How do you fix them when they have never nerfed anyone besides some girls getting lower luck upon remodeling? All they did so far was just cause them to dead end the fleet and it will keep happening unless they actually do it.

>> No.14027292

It's pretty shit, it doesn't even have any +accuracy.

>> No.14027297

Well I just got Mizuho on my second run after clearing the map. I still don't fucking have Shoukaku, that's who I was going for. I need that fucking torpedo bomber.

>> No.14027300

Has anyone used ABKM as their CL for the 5-1 monthly? What formation did you use at the boss node, assuming she had sonar+depth charge+midget sub

>> No.14027335

Stick with Ooyodo or Yuubari.
Both of them can easily snipe the sub using double line irregardless of engagement modifier.

>> No.14027350

Should I attempt Mikawa quest now? Fuck this fucking quest as a note. I want to scrap my Aoba class so fucking bad.

>> No.14027370

Sure go ahead, but don't complain when they add the inevitable Mikawa Kai 2 quest.

>> No.14027373

Just craft for her. You will most likely get a million Shoukakus before you get a Zuikaku.

>> No.14027374

The next Kancolle Server maintenance will be on the coming week on 7th of September, Monday. Alongside this maintenance, marks the end of the summer event, changing of Furniture shop to Autumn Themed Furniture, around 40 shipgirls will have Autumn Themed Voice Line, and Jintsuu Kai Ni will have a Yukata CG implemented.

bob = god

>> No.14027377

Really? I've crafted 3 Zuikakus and 0 Shoukakus. Any idea if there's a specific recipe that's good for her?

>> No.14027380
File: 94 KB, 735x645, slutkaku 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just craft for Taihou.
All of the carriers are common failure.

>> No.14027396


>> No.14027402

Default carrier recipe. Maybe put Zuikaku as FS if you believe in that kind of shit.

>> No.14027409
File: 130 KB, 400x240, 1413893989694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14027444

>5-3 with subs
>10 torpedo day strikes
>5 Yasen cut-in
>Transport FS not even aimed at
Fuck 5-3

>> No.14027491

I feel lucky having cleared it in under 10 tries.

>> No.14027571


>> No.14027576

>small c

>> No.14027615

What difficulty?

>> No.14027624
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1546179_857801197641765_4699480592959179675_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14027628


>> No.14027630
File: 621 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150831-03234424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy shit. Enemy had AS+ on all three nodes before boss.

>> No.14027635
File: 183 KB, 800x480, ripinpieces fastsuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like she was too fast for her own good.

>> No.14027637

>statsfags sinking ships
Now that's a first.

>> No.14027639


>> No.14027640

I love fake screenshots like this.

>> No.14027643

I see you weren't around back when destroyer kai nis weren't common. Shimakaze was practically the Ooi of destroyers.

Are you saying you think upgrade levels balance anything when everyone gets them to 99 anyway? That's senseless.

If you think they were mistakes, you obviously don't understand grorious Nippon damashii. Nobody else used CLTs and, armed with the superior oxygen torpedoes that set Japanese torpedoing apart from the rest of the world, CLTs where a uniquely Japanese type. Everyone knows the only reason they didn't dominate the seas was airplanes, which are faggot bullshit anyway because they ended the age of awesome big battleships, so fuck airplanes. Therefore, CLTs deserve to be supremely powerful, and every player without exception must get them right away.

>> No.14027648

I don't know if you're autistic or being ironic.

>> No.14027661

Are you denying the power of Shimakaze?

>> No.14027669

These fucking Ni-class late model elites are ridiculous.

In the past 10 E6 hard farming runs they have crit 9 CV or CAs from full to taiha.

>> No.14027670

What should my support fleets look like? 4BB2DD or is there a superior combination?

>> No.14027672

#1 Evasion
#2 Firepower
#2 Armor
She is already one of the top destroyer without a kai2.
Just wait till Super Shimakaze kai2(uses epeen medal) where she come equipped with quint and come with opening torpedo salvo.

>> No.14027690

Honestly at the rate they are raising armor levels and enemy DDs they are going to have to start giving players DDs stuff like preemptive torp to keep them relevant.

They are pretty much useless outside of cut-ins for events already, even yuudachi cant reliably bring the new Ni-late elites to chuuha after the 3rd node, assuming she even hits.

>> No.14027695
File: 231 KB, 515x443, 1439179413912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Super Shimakaze kai2

She'll still be worse than Tan Yang

>> No.14027700

Can someone give me a rough visual location on when E-7's last dance starts? My resources are in kind of a poor state and a mis-sortie, where I commit yamato or a support fleet could be extremely costly.

I'm currently at 1 bar, 3 notches and that little weird chunk on the left edge of the gauge.

>> No.14027705

Why do you care if it's the last stretch or not? You're going to use the same fleet anyway.

>> No.14027708

Why aren't you using a KCV fork with map HP viewier integrated, or using this plugin?

>> No.14027709

do it yoshinori you won't

>> No.14027723

Because I don't want to get banned.


>> No.14027729

Using two nagatos instead of hotel/nagato for chipping.

something like 60ish fuel per nagato versus 120+ for yamato. My luck with the boss node seems to be something like 1 encounter every 6-8 hours. So not gauging it right could easily blow out like 10-15k resources.

I didn't actually know the plug in existed. Thanks

>> No.14027731

Is there a site that I could stalk how many e-peens do TTKs have per server?

>> No.14027741

Yes, http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=854854/ here it is.

>> No.14027746

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.14027748


>> No.14027752

I'm serious though, you can get it from that page.

>> No.14027759

It's dead, jim.

>> No.14027763

It's always dead for a while after ranking updates

>> No.14027801

New thread


>> No.14027814

You're a little late.

>> No.14027830
File: 359 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150831-01543722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weirdest taste I've ever seen. I thought he married all the Winter event girls.

>> No.14027837

Thread is already up. You can kill yourself now /kcg/fag.


>> No.14027844

Fuck off /kcg/fag

>> No.14027849

Do you never ever get bored of your own bullshit?

>> No.14027850

> Kayanonkantai
That's a god-tier taste.

>> No.14027851

>I'm more bothered by the fact that someone not even on the majority of people's radar got popular because of her overly usefulness,
Yes, thanks for describing how positive reinforcement works. Wow, players will give more attention to the ships that reward them most for their effort? Amazing!
>even though she sounds and looks like shit
You at least were attempting to make a solid point before, but this is just grasping at straws. Anon, the world doesn't share your opinions. Hell, I myself don't think there's an unattractive girl in the bunch. At worst, my opinion on a select girl is neutral.

>> No.14027861
File: 188 KB, 1280x905, 4L_XxShTEog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good event maps to farm exp?

>> No.14027866

Summer 2014 E-5

>> No.14027867

By weirdest you mean unique and superb, right? If I wasnt a filthy monogamist scum, I would totally marry them.

>> No.14027870

Repeat sorties farming for Mizuho.

>> No.14027875

She sounds terrible. The entire world does, in fact, share that part of his opinion. Go suck a cock.

>> No.14027884

any sunk ships collage so far?

>> No.14027887

Worst Unryuu, 4th best Yuugumo (they are all best anyway), Ro > Yuu, Katori is alright, she deserves love too.

>> No.14027892

I already have her

>> No.14027900

>Worst Unryuu
Such a thing doesn't exist.

>> No.14027947

But it's not Unryuu.
