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File: 279 KB, 830x726, ibq4jqtYuJik6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13994712 No.13994712 [Reply] [Original]

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.13994775

nukige = nuke gay

>> No.13994814

The last thread dying early was kinda weird.

Anyway, playing through a collection of Shining Star I picked up from Nyaa

>> No.13995247

Still waiting on the ChibiDol upload that may never come.

Also working on finishing Hajimete no Ourusuban. It's really fucking tedious but there's a definite charm to it, and Asari's loli voice is cute as fuck.

>> No.13995251

Nukige is my favorite eroge genre!!!

>> No.13995877

I'm reading Torikaekko Shiyo, and enjoying it so far. It's a sad state of affairs when you have to read semi-NTR nukige to find characters who actually resemble human beings, as opposed to the retarded, oversimplified caricatures that plague everything else.

>> No.13997688

I'm planning to check out Gyakushuu 5's updated/animated edition, although it was disappointing compared to 4.

>> No.14003387
File: 139 KB, 472x780, 0741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished kyonyuu fantasy novelization a while back so here's my impression and feeling of it for the other anon who also read it and wanted to hear mine; note this is all spoilers for the novel version and original kyonyuu fantasy series so uh avert your eyes everyone else

First two books: all the rushed stuff was whatever. I was really, really sad to see moteru deleted but I guess it was necessary evil since there is just no scene time but ehh. It's a wash on how I feel about it since I liked his character.

Gaiden 1: It's also all just rushed development and stuff but all that is overshadowed by holy shit yes my boy Kuvie remaining alive. He was easily my favorite male villain in the original and gaiden 1 just because he was the first to immediately recognize Ryuuto as a threat even without meeting him in person. It wasn't like he was originally an evil or straight wicked character or anything, everything he did was for the purpose of restoring his country's former glory and unfortunately in the original canonical ending it involved him in failing his plot to overcome his biggest perceived threat. I always wondered what it would be like if he worked under Ryuuto and if nothing else, this novelization helped fulfill that fantasy.

Gaiden 2: Eeh. I very much enjoyed the initial buildup/first twentyish chapters on this because it is infinitely much more interesting to see a world where everyone knows ryuuto is missing and seeing how everyone reacts around it. The second half was kinda of a bummer and ends it in a bit lowkey. Ultimately as soon as Ryuuto secures the marriage with notFrance and notEngland he wins the game of being the ruler of notEurope but you still would want the reminder of the players of the boardgame to give him a good last challenge. I very much enjoyed that Kuvie and the minster of notHansa was alive. I liked the idea of introducing notRussia as a real player into the scene but

>> No.14003401

the lack of real characters on the enemy side and the time to develop them made the finale taking place in notRussia a real bummer. I mean you essentially replaced the notSpain king with the much less interesting and capable notrussia king and replaced the combined armies and generals of both sides plus zombies with just Sharu.

I'll write up the rest of my impressions in a bit

>> No.14003547


I didn't like the changes revolving around ryuuto's true identity. I understand that the cat is out of the bag at this point but they made his identity known early but added nothing in thew writing to replace that element of mystery. In fact revealing early made much of the writing worst since almost every conflict ended up getting resolved by that power instead of ryuuto's wit, and this was made worse by all the condensed development so there was very little spots to even showcase ryuuto's famous boke, which is by far much more interesting to read than some deux ex power.

Adding Sharu in was erm. i'm happy for Shamu for reuniting with her mum. Sharu was my favorite character in the original kyonyuu fantasy 2 despite being a do all deux ex machina. Her character was made worse in the 2if and she's much worse written here. It wasn't even an exciting conflict because you know I know everyone knows as soon as she sees her daughter, probably in danger, she would immediately switch sides.

Overall I didn't like the novelization very much. If I were to recommend this to someone who read all the kyonyuu fantasy series prior to this i would just tell them to skip to the gaiden 2 novel and that the only important changes to the world state was that moteru is dead and kuvie is alive. The main takeway and reward imho for reading the novelization would be to see a world in which Kuvie is alive and see how he reacts to Ryuuto and to Ryuuto becoming the king of notFrance and also other countries. I really liked Kuvie so I wouldn't say I completely wasted my time but it would be a hard recommendation to anyone else who don't care much for him.

Also that feel when Serebria gets a short scene with the fucking king of notSpain but Estoria only has one scene total.

>> No.14005237

Hi guys, im an EOP that needs help in a game.

I want to get Maylene (Dark Elf) and the sisters individual (The happy ones not the lust ones) endings in https://vndb.org/v2297 but so far i have only been able to get the harem and both Linna endings.

I found this guide on the net and i dont get anything using google translated so i ask help from you japanese speakers.


Thanks in advance.

>> No.14006169

Thanks for getting back to that and it's rather unfortunate that you didn't enjoy it that much despite Kuvie being alive and the changes to Gaiden 2 plot. I got enough enjoyment while reading the Gaiden 2 part myself but the butchering of the characters in general was rather hard to read. Easily the weakest entry in the series even taking the horrible Majo harem route into account

The mother daughter reuniting scene was easily my favorite part of the novelization despite it being really predictable with how it played out.

I do wonder what the next entry in the series will be, maybe the previous Sacred Mazoku and his "fight" against the Tyrant which was mentioned back in the original game?

>> No.14007563
File: 314 KB, 749x318, sei shoujo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 down, 3 to go
I don't plan to do the idol since I expect it to be bad, but I do want to do all 5 girls to get the principal ending. Debating on whether to do the athlete or the quiet girl next. I'm interested in seeing how he "captures" the quiet girl, given how pliable she seems. Seeing the athlete's corruption will probably be more arousing though. Ah, choices. I love a game this good.

>> No.14007591

I looked up a guide. Title + 攻略
Since you're using google translate I assume you're also looking at the original Japanese and can tell what choice is what. When it says 【セーブ#】it means save there and don't overwrite it ever since you'll be coming back to it. The purple star indicates the choice is purely for CG collection. If you need any help deciphering the walkthrough let me know.

>> No.14010546
File: 197 KB, 1024x576, 64264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing Nyan Cafe Macchiato.

They're not actual cats are they. Sigh.

>> No.14011967
File: 589 KB, 932x443, seishoujo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished quiet girl. I skipped through most of her "prostitute" scenes as normal because those aren't as interesting. Overall a pretty good route, maintaining the trend of an 8/10 game. Lots of good porn. Her swimsuit only appearing once is a sore spot. I liked pretty much everything else though, especially her tits.

I'm gonna skip through the Idol route now. I was considering actually doing it, but I want to read the principal scenes asap, and her body type doesn't vibe with me.

>> No.14014184

My only problem is that i cant figure out which is talking about what action to take (like say choose to who to interact to) and what is talking about the choices after i choose who to interact to.

I can live witouth the sisters ending but i really want the dark elf ending (My fav character).

Thanks for the help.

>> No.14014217

I haven't played the game so I struggle to know what you mean.
This says "Train Wiran (Willan?)". So I imagine that this choice represents choosing to train Wiran.

>> No.14014236

I think is just how google translate it that makes it harder to understand.

>> No.14014256

Why even google translate the guide? Like I mentioned just compare the Japanese text in the game to the Japanese text in the guide, even if you don't understand it, visual should be enough.

>> No.14014266

When the guide mentions what to do its where i have a problem.

>> No.14017940

Luxury's new game was pretty good. Both of the church sluts were my favorites.

>> No.14017979

I have my doubts about how good it can be, if you don't even remember its name.

>> No.14017988

Hi, name autist. Always lurking, huh? Don't worry, I'm not gonna argue with you, so you won't be able to make a fool of yourself in front of everyone again.

>> No.14017998

Hi, no-name autist. It's okay, you showed you can't last time, no need to embarrass yourself further.

>> No.14018005

All you proved last time is that you have the insane expectation that people are more likely to know an arbitrary VN name than any given company.

>> No.14018011

I thought you weren't going to argue?

If you think remembering a few titles per month is "insane", then you have problems, of the serious persuasion.

>> No.14018014

>I thought you weren't going to argue?
That guy was a pussy.

>If you think remembering a few titles per month is "insane"
No harder than remembering a few companies, except with companies you don't have to actually follow current releases. It remains easier and your assertion that everybody who identifies games by companies is some sort of elitist hipster retard (or whatever it was) is still astronomically fucking stupid.

>> No.14018020

Hey, I'm not a pussy. I just remember what happened last time: he had the entire thread calling him an idiot, and he still thought he was right and everyone else was either trolling or samefagging.

I've got better things to do than waste my time on repeating that.

>> No.14018033

Whatever you say, m80.

You do, because companies don't make the exact same thing, different titles are different. Your assertation that omitting the name of what you're talking about is anywhere near sane is the only stupid thing here.

>Y-yeah, everyone agrees you're an idiot, so I don't need to prove you wrong!
k, m80.

>> No.14018037

>better things to do
I was going to make fun of you for this but then I realized that it's true for me too.

I'm still not going to do them, though.

>> No.14018040

It's already been uploaded?

>> No.14018043

Yeah. Check mikocon.

>> No.14018053

>You do, because companies don't make the exact same thing, different titles are different.
No shit.

>Your assertation that omitting the name of what you're talking about is anywhere near sane
Except we all agreed last time that it makes sense for music and therefore your statement is full of shit. Try stating it again, with qualifiers, to make sure you're not statements that are objectively false garbage.

>> No.14018061

Nobody cares, stop yammering on about something so stupid.

Huh, I must have missed it somehow.

>> No.14018063

Exactly, so there's no point in naming them by company, omitting the name of what you're talking about. Which is sheer idiocy, no matter how you think about it.

And music is an entirely different affair from VNs, unless you think thousands of new VNs come out every month, making them hard to remember. Given how idiotic you're being, I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.14018074

>Which is sheer idiocy, no matter how you think about it.
Except we all agreed last time that it makes sense for music and therefore your statement is full of shit.

>And music is an entirely different affair from VNs
So add qualifiers to your statements and try again, since you failed so miserably the last time at making statements that aren't trivially false.

>> No.14018085

Yes, you agreed it makes sense for music, but VNs aren't music.

So you do think thousands of new VNs come out every month, making them hard to remember? Go on, tell me.

>> No.14018091

>Yes, you agreed it makes sense for music, but VNs aren't music.
And what you said is that it never makes sense to omit the name of what you're talking about, making what you said dead wrong.

>So you do think thousands of new VNs come out every month, making them hard to remember?
No, but not everybody follows eroge news, and often "X's newest game" will be more informative to a passing reader than the name (or god forbid, the 4-kana abbreviation which you suggested it's perfectly fine to use).

>> No.14018109

When it comes to music. VNs, I as I'll repeat until you understand it, are a different affair.

You don't have to follow eroge news to know a few names per month. The abbreviation was a suggestion for the anon who said he was too lazy to write the full name, which makes his posting here a waste of everyone's time anyway. And as we already established, companies don't always make the same thing.

>> No.14018121

You have to be autistic to remember 10-20 names of things you don't care about per month, much less considering doing so mandatory.

>> No.14018129

>When it comes to music.
You made a statement that it never made sense to omit the name of what you're talking about. This statement is false. Your statement was garbage. Now, if you'd like to restate it with qualifiers to make your statement something other than trivially falsifiable garbage, be my guest.

>You don't have to follow eroge news to know a few names per month.
Upwards of 25 can easily be released in a month.

>The abbreviation was a suggestion
Which means you find it acceptable behavior.

>And as we already established, companies don't always make the same thing.
Bands also don't always make the same thing.

>> No.14018135

>You have to be autistic to remember 10-20 names per month
You do realize how idiotic you sound right now, don't you? You're just baiting, right? I mean, this is screencap-level idiocy.

>b-but muh qualifiers
I'm still waiting for an answer, do thousands of VNs come out per month?

See above.

Laziness isn't acceptable, what I said is that even that is better.

Bands do, most of the time, with very few exceptions.

>> No.14018136

Name scenario 1: Guy knows name of the game, nothing more happens.
Name scenario 2: Guy doesn't know name of the game, he checks it out if he cares.

Company scenario 1: Guy knows which eroge are coming out this month and knows which game is being referred to, nothing more happens.
Company scenario 2: Guy doesn't know the game, he checks it out if he cares.
Company scenario 3: Guy likes the company mentioned and didn't know they were putting out a new game, so he checks it out.
Company scenario 4: Guy knows he's not into what this company usually puts out (because some companies are consistent) and ignores the post.

As you can see, there's no downsides whatsoever to using the company method, and it has the chance of having additional benefits which the name method does not. Company method is, objectively speaking, superior. The only reason to prefer the name method is if you have some personal, illogical reason for thinking it's the "right way" or something.

>> No.14018138

Everyone who doesn't consider it mandatory is actually the same poser faggot, didn't you get the memo?

>> No.14018144

Or if the name of the brand is more well known than the company itself like say Rance.

>> No.14018148

>I'm still waiting for an answer, do thousands of VNs come out per month?
I answered this question 11 minutes ago in a previous post.

>See above.
Your utterly contentless answer was very enlightening.

>what I said is that even that is better.
Do you shitpost at everyone on 2ch who uses a 4-kana abbreviation?

>Bands do, most of the time, with very few exceptions.
Lots of groups change shit up all the time. A group like IOSYS has tons of random shit out there. But "IOSYS's C88 album" is still informative to more people than the title would be unless you knew every album being released at Comiket.

>> No.14018165

Except knowing a few titles per month is the first step, and learning companies comes after that, as you get accustomed to the VN medium, so your non-argument falls apart at the first step.

You apparently forgot about it, since you keep bringing music into this, possibly as a smokescreen attempt.

Idiocy doesn't deserve a better answer. You'll have to come up with something better than "I'm too thick to remember 20 titles per month".

This assumption is just as silly.

Very few exceptions, as I said, few enough to be notable.

>> No.14018178

>Except knowing a few titles per month is the first step, and learning companies comes after that, as you get accustomed to the VN medium

Who decided this? You? That's what I thought.

>> No.14018186

>Except knowing a few titles per month is the first step.
The vast majority of people's introduction to eroge (around here, at any rate) is by playing well-known "flagship" eroge by well-known makers, not randomly picking something that came out last month and jumping on it.

>You apparently forgot about it, since you keep bringing music into this, possibly as a smokescreen attempt.
I keep bringing it in because you still haven't managed to correct your original assertion into something that isn't trivially falsifiable garbage.

>You'll have to come up with something better than "I'm too thick to remember 20 titles per month".
Is 20 a "few" now? Is someone who's 40 a few years older than someone who's 20?

>Very few exceptions
There's a shit ton. I didn't even have to work for IOSYS, they're the probably the most famous group that releases anything at Comiket.

>> No.14018196

Yes, I'm sure a newcomer to the medium memorizes all the companies first, and then starts reading VNs. Sounds legit.

In which case the name still comes first, see above.

No, you're just trying to lure the discussion away from your blinding stupidity by regurgitating "muh qualifiers".

Yes, 20 per month is a few, unless you have serious memory problems. A side effect of autism, perhaps?

When was the last time Iron Maiden released a pop song?

>> No.14018209

There's a big difference between reading VNs and memorizing the names of each and every one that comes out every month.

In the end you've failed to provide an actual argument. You've basically just said "this is my way so it's the RIGHT way!!" as if that would convince anyone.

>> No.14018219

If you care, that's what you do. If you're a complete casual, you neither know about companies nor follow new releases, you just know what you've played. Memorizing companies comes last. Common sense, m80.

>> No.14018223

WHY are we having this argument AGAIN? WHY??

>> No.14018224

Who decided this? You? That's what I thought.

>> No.14018229

Common sense, m80. You'll have to prove the opposite.

Because some people insist on showcasing their autism, despite knowing that it will only get them ridiculed.

>> No.14018230

Something illogical doesn't actually become common sense just because you say it's common sense.

Just a tip that I think could serve you well out in society. Consider it a gift.

>> No.14018234

Actually, burden on proof would be on you. Still, my proof is that no one in the last discussion or this one thinks what you're saying is common sense. Ergo, that must mean it's actually not common sense, and just nonsense.

Now it's your turn.

>> No.14018242

I just explained why it's logical, you just keep repeating yoursel(f/ves). Will this end like last time, with my actual arguments left unchallenged?

>> No.14018256

You haven't explained anything. "It's common sense" isn't an argument.

You're the one who has yet to provide an actual counterargument to >>14018136. I mean, I certainly hope you don't think "nuh uh that's wrong" actually qualified as a proper counterargument?

You are just repeating yourself at this point. Are you going to prove how your method is common sense and refute my proof of it not being common sense, or are you just going to say "b-but my arguments" again? Last chance.

>> No.14018274

I suppose you didn't read my previous posts, or the response to the one you're quoting. Or maybe it's selective memory.
I'm waiting for an actual response to that (as in, not "b-but ur an idiot") but I'm not keeping my hopes up.

>> No.14018287

Well, I see you're just going to keep saying "b-but my arguments" and hope that'll magically make some appear to save you. I should have known, considering that's also what you did last time after you were backed into a corner.

>> No.14018296

I don't need to hope, since they're right here, and you're trying to make a smokescreen to evade them since you know you can't counter them. Which is amusing, but won't get you anywhere.
Funny you should mention "last time", since the exact same thing happened, my final arguments were left mysteriously unchallenged.

>> No.14018307

Actually, you guys are both wrong. The only right way to discuss eroge here is by writing the names of each game backwards. You HAVE to do this, or you're just a poser trying to be cool by not conforming to thread etiquette.

It's just common sense, you know? Go ahead and prove it isn't.

>> No.14018323

What are some nukige with lots of super vanilla sex: hand-holding, leg-locking, lots of kissing, etc? I mean it's easy to find games with just normal vanilla sex but a lot of them are boring for me if they don't have these things.

>> No.14018324

>In which case the name still comes first, see above.
Yes. Nobody refers to non-recent games with "X's 5th game." As people play well-known games, they'll often check out other games by the same maker.

>No, you're just trying to lure the discussion away from your blinding stupidity
You made a false statement. The one taking us far afield from that is you.

>Yes, 20 per month is a few
Maybe if you think it's been a few years since the Soviet Union fell.

>When was the last time Iron Maiden released a pop song?
When was the last time Pulltop released a guro game?

People challenge them plenty. You simply ignore them, usually by pointing two or three posts upwards in the conversation or flatly lying about it.

>> No.14018366

That happens after people have become accustomed to the medium, as I said. Memorizing companies comes after that.

More "b-but ur an idiot". You're not even trying.

So you do have memory problems? I can't say I care about that, maybe a doctor will. 20 names per month isn't much, especially if it's your hobby.

You're still insisting on comparing VNs with music? How desperate are you to smokescreen your way out of it?

Do point out where they were challenged, and keep in mind that your "b-but ur an idiot" doesn't count.

>> No.14018395

It's only worth remembering the name of a game if it's good or if the name itself is short, remembering company names is easier overall. Expecting people to remember the names of titles like Ama Ane Maid to Tsundere Iinchou no Ouen Ecchi ~Iyashimasu! Hagemashimasu! Hurray Hurray Tanezuke Ganbare~ is just asking too much, It's easier to just say Norn's latest release

>> No.14018400

>That happens after people have become accustomed to the medium, as I said. Memorizing companies comes after that.
Checking out other games by the same maker of games you liked comes out long before following monthly releases, much less knowing all of them.

>More "b-but ur an idiot".
What you are is factually wrong.

>So you do have memory problems?
20 isn't a few. Period. This is more about pointing out how you're a filthy liar than claiming that 20 is a huge number.

>You're still insisting on comparing VNs with music?
You were the one talking about music in this case.

>Do point out where they were challenged
Pretty much every post. You respond mostly with shitposting, redirection and obfuscation. And sometimes blatant lies, like when you claimed that you were still "waiting for an answer" in >>14018135.

>> No.14018421

Remembering a title isn't exactly a daunting task, unless you have memory or attention issues.

Checking out new information is a far lesser task than reading a number of new VNs. Your turn.

Yep, more "b-but ur an idiot".

20 is very few, especially if it has to do with something you enjoy. I repeat, since you're the kind of autist that needs plenty of repetition, that I don't care about your memory issues. You can pay someone to care.

I was pointing out that they aren't the same, but you keep comparing them anyway. Good job.

I'm not seeing any specific answers here, just smokescreening. And I'm still waiting for an actual answer to that, since you keep comparing music to VNs.

>> No.14018440

>Checking out new information is a far lesser task than reading a number of new VNs.
But it's not what people do. Generally, when newcomers look for games to play, they look to other games by the same makers of games they liked before the list of monthly releases.

>Yep, more "b-but ur an idiot".
God forbid anyone ever call you out on your lies.

>20 is very few
You said "a few games." 20 games is not "a few" games. It may be relatively few compared to very large numbers (in the same way that Sweden has few people in comparison to the rest of the world), but if you said that "Sweden has a few people in it" you would be a liar.

>I was pointing out that they aren't the same
You said something about Iron Maiden.

>I'm not seeing any specific answers here, just smokescreening.
If you want specific answers you need to ask specific questions.

>> No.14018445

>Remembering a title isn't exactly a daunting task
People don't tend to commit things like that to memory unless they like it or hate it

>> No.14018448

And where's your proof of that? I gave you a rational argument, you're just continuing your autism.

Calling you defective for being unable to remember 20 names per month isn't a lie.

I repeat, once again: I don't care about your memory problems. 20 isn't a lot to begin with, and even less so if it has to do with your hobby.

Yes, you can re-read that part if your memory issues are acting up again.

Yep, more smokescreening. We've reached the stage you see in every 4chan argument, where the loser is trying to bullshit his way out.

#3 applies to this, too.

>> No.14018451

Not only do you need to memorize every monthly release (which is every release, really), you should also expect everyone else in /jp/ to have memorized the entire list of monthly releases.

To do otherwise makes you an insane, idiotic poser with both memory and attention issues.

>> No.14018455

So how was Luxary's game anyway?

>> No.14018459

>Calling you defective for being unable to remember 20 names per month isn't a lie.
Calling 20 "a few" is a lie. Period. Make as many pointless accusations as you like and it still won't change the fact that you're a proven liar.

The only real enigma remaining is why you're so dedicated to shitposting this issue into the ground.

>> No.14018463

If 20 names per month is too much for you, then yes, you have issues, sorry to break it to you. It's not hard for non-defective people, and no amount of whining will change that.

>> No.14018464

Because he's autistic.

>> No.14018465

Newcomer here. I recognize companies first for the simple reason they're written out in english on most of the forums and torrent sites I visit.

I don't instantly recognize moonrunes upon reading.

>> No.14018466

Which one?

>> No.14018469

The new one, I've played all of their previous titles but I'm a tad anxious on the setting they've chosen this time

>> No.14018470

If you really are a newcomer and are having trouble with reading, then you're limited to the translated material anyway.

>> No.14018471

The real indicator of an issue here is that I bothered to argue with a proven liar for two hours while he arbitrarily made shit up.

>> No.14018473

I'm a dirty peasant that uses machine translations. Given it's nukige, it's enough to get me off. Don't actually need a full translation.

>> No.14018476


>> No.14018477

Fuck off. There's a place for you. It's /hgg/ on /vg/.

>> No.14018482

Just because you can't respond to something doesn't mean it's made up, m80. I suggest getting your memory issues checked.

Putting aside the matter of half-assing it, there's always Rikaichan.

>> No.14018483

/jp/'s nukige thread has always been full of people either using machine translation tools or simply plowing through games knowing not much more than ちんぽ and 気持ちい.

It was actually spun off from the VN thread in the first place by someone who was afraid of offending all the elitist faggots.

>> No.14018484

>The new one
And it's name is?

>> No.14018488

What I'm Made Of... by Crush 40.

>> No.14018491

*its name

>> No.14018494

All the namig shit aside, [エレクトリップ] 爆乳女将 ~癒され人妻孕ませの湯~ WHERE?

>> No.14018495

There's nothing to respond to your blatant lies (20 is "a few") with than pointing out that you're a liar, and dropping the conversation if you can't even acknowledge that much. Even if I were an amnesiatic goldfish it still wouldn't change the fact that you're a proven liar.

Arguing with people who will lie to win arguments is always a dead end.

>> No.14018496

Look it up. Are you so lazy you want it spoonfed or something?

>> No.14018500

Exactly why I don't care to learn japanese, cause most nukige has a flimsy excuse for a plot mostly to string sex scenes together. I've actually picked up a few words here and there just being exposed to the language so much but I'm not going to actually study it.

>> No.14018501

The chinks at mikocon are holding on to it for a long time. I wish they'd release it too.

>> No.14018506

It seems the fact that you have issues was a major blow, given all the denial I'm seeing, but I assure you that for healthy people, it's not hard. Especially when it comes to their hobby. You're just defective.

>> No.14018511

Where are all these people, then? If it's SO easy that only this one, defective idiot would be against it, how come you've been utterly alone both times this argument has happened?

>> No.14018520

Arguing that /jp/ is made entirely of defective idiots is actually a step up from most of what he's been arguing.

>> No.14018531

>utterly alone
Nice evasion there, m80, but you can't evade your issues. Healthy people memorize far more than that, along with details, for their jobs.

And amusingly enough, I still don't see any arguments. I guess my prediction in >>14018296 was right.

>> No.14018533

Arguing with people who will lie to win arguments is a guaranteed dead end.

>> No.14018538

You: The sky is green
Me: No, it's blue
You: No, it's green!! Prove it's blue!
Me: I'm not the one who has to prove anything, but fine. Look outside.
You: IT'S GREEEEEN! Hahaha, you can't even refute my arguments! I'm still waiting!
Me: Whatever, retard. I'm off
You: Yesss, I win! Another noob destroyed in debate!

>> No.14018542

Repeating "b-but ur lying" doesn't make it true, m80. Again, I don't care about your defects, but don't bring them here.

Except anyone who actually reads the thread can see that you're the "you" in that case, given that my arguments are still unchallenged, just like last time. Autism 乙.

>> No.14018546

Uh-huh, that's why everyone else is saying I'm the autist, and not you. You're so delusional, it's hilarious.

>> No.14018548

There's nothing to respond to your blatant lies (20 is "a few") with than pointing out that you're a liar, and dropping the conversation if you can't even acknowledge that much.

Even if I were a defective, amnesiatic goldfish, it still wouldn't change the fact that you're a proven liar with whom conversation is impossible.

>> No.14018558

...he says, after insisting that 20 names is "too much". Autism 乙. Also, you're not everyone.

>B-but 20 titles is too hard for me! ;_;
How long does it take for a teacher to memorize their students' names, which is both far harder than VN titles and not about their hobby?
Yep, you have issues. And "ur a liar" won't help you avoid them.

>> No.14018567

>Yep, you have issues. And "ur a liar" won't help you avoid them.
I could be a defective, amnesiatic goldfish with all the issues in the world and it still wouldn't change the fact that you're a proven liar with whom conversation is impossible.

>> No.14018577

As I said multiple times, spamming "ur a liar" won't get you anywhere. It's like I said at the end of >>14018448. Enjoy your issues.

Also, it's amnesiac, not amnesiatic.

>> No.14018584

Calling 20 "a few" is a lie. Period. Make as many pointless accusations as you like and it still won't change the fact that you're a proven liar.

>> No.14018587

>spamming "ur a liar" won't get you anywhere

As opposed to spamming "u have issues"?

>> No.14018590

>>B-but 20 titles is too hard for me! ;_;
See >>14018558. I know you can't respond, but I'm waiting to see how you'll bullshit your way out of that one.

>> No.14018596

Arguing with people who will lie to win arguments is a guaranteed dead end.

>> No.14018604

1. Actually claiming that memorizing long and stupid VN titles is easier than the usually short names of human beings is utterly ridiculous.

2. They have to do that as part of their job. The onl reason I'd have for memorizing all the names of VNs when I could use the superior company method is to please you. I think I'll manage without that.

That was such a poor argument I'm not sure why you posted it.

>> No.14018617

Can't even respond, I see.

VN names are strikingly different most of the time, students' names can be similar, plus you need to remember more things about them. Yes, it's their job, not their hobby. If it was their hobby it'd be even easier.

Enjoy your memory defects, and thanks for proving that no-name autist(s?) have their roots in mental deficiency.

>> No.14018623

>Can't even respond, I see.
Arguing with people who will lie to win arguments is a guaranteed dead end and a waste of time.

>That was such a poor argument I'm not sure why you posted it.
If his goal were to completely discredit what semblance of a point he might have had it would make sense.

>> No.14018628

My hobby isn't memorizing VN names, my hobby is playing the few that interest me. You seem a bit confused about that.

>> No.14018632

Human beings also happen to have several distinctive traits that make them easier to remember, unlike a bunch of shitty VNs I don't care about.

>> No.14018633

If you've fallen so low that you're just spamming the same denial-filled phrase, I guess I can let you keep proving me right with your autism. Enjoy your defects.

Being informed about your hobby is part of your hobby, and the fact that I have to point this out shows that you either have massive issues or you're just pretending to be stupid to dodge the point. Either way, thanks for proving me right.

>> No.14018642

Teachers rarely care about all of their students, but they still memorize their names. Learning their individual traits comes after that. And that's for their job, not their hobby. You just have issues.

>> No.14018645

>If you've fallen so low that you're just spamming the same denial-filled phrase, I guess I can let you keep proving me right with your autism.
You're a proven liar. Arguing with people who have the sheer dishonesty to lie in order to win arguments is pretty much guaranteed to be a complete waste of time.

>> No.14018651

I am informed about my hobby. That's why I use the superior company method when I discuss VNs, because logic and efficiency matter more to me than what some autistic guy on /jp/ thinks is proper.

You are the one who lacks dedication to their hobby, preferring to use an inferior method of identification solely because you consider it proper.

>> No.14018657

There's a difference between being informed about your hobby and being obsessed with it. What you suggest is the latter.

>> No.14018665

Yep, more of the same. "ur a liar" isn't an argument, son.

Being too defective to vaguely remember 20 titles per month automatically makes whatever method you use inferior by association.

>B-but 20 titles is too hard for me! ;_;
No, you just have issues.

>> No.14018672

"ur defective lol" isn't an argument. Please try again. The points in my previous posts have still gone unchallenged by you.

>> No.14018690

>"ur a liar" isn't an argument, son.
Indeed; it's a proven fact.

>> No.14018732

>B-but 20 titles is too hard for me! ;_;
Parroting what I say won't get you anywhere, m80. Enjoy your defects.

You do realize that by spamming that, you're only proving >>14018448 right, don't you? If yes, keep spamming it.

>> No.14018741

Yep, same "ur defective lol" insult without any substance. You're just trying to shift focus away from the fact that you've yet to provide a counter to the last several arguments of mine, because you're unable to.

By all means, keep repeating the same non-argument to demonstrate how thoroughly you've been out-debated.

>> No.14018763

Your only (non-)argument is "bawww 20 titles per month is 2hard4me". As long as you insist on that, you're just advertising your defects. I'd suggest making an actual point, but you've proven you'd rather resort to smokescreen spamming.

>> No.14020556

Pissed at Raidy 3's scenes

How the fuck did we go from soft bdsm yuri to hardcore tentacle rape which result in death/vegetative state ?

>> No.14020936

This thread needs more images. Post images

>> No.14021168


>> No.14021185
File: 408 KB, 532x399, system_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it looks like the Taimanin Kurenai site got updated, 9/25 release. And they're using a modern engine.

The "about" page extols the scenario writer and calls it a new world / return to the foundation of the Taimanin series, but it still has Yomihara and other Taimanin heroines so it doesn't sound like a parallel setting. I guess we'll have to see what's so amazing about it.

>> No.14021357

It has guns and hot bitches.

>> No.14021772

Just make a new thread.

>> No.14021933

>other Taimanin heroines
Isn't that just a line from Yukikaze 2 that they're using to showcase the new engine?

>> No.14022180

Anyone is exited about the new tsurumiku's nukige ? http://www.turumiku.jp/product/tetsutora/

>> No.14025300

Ah, you're probably right and it's just some demo screenshot. I suppose they didn't want people to pay close attention to it and just threw together random text.

>> No.14025998
File: 436 KB, 950x712, Sleeping Sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleeping Sakura.

>> No.14026014

Sakura's my favourite girl in the series, shame she's part of the main games so she just gets beaten up a lot.

>> No.14030986

I've actually never played one of their titles before. Looks good. Any other titles by them you'd suggest?

>> No.14031035

Yeah, she seems to get exceptionally brutal H-scenes. For a while I was hoping that Lilith would do small spin-off game with her, featuring slightly more vanilla content, but it seems that they've moved onto other characters.

>> No.14032958
File: 346 KB, 1024x768, a_t002k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad Deuteragonist will never get spin-offs.

>> No.14038925

is that new shota jrpg parody game any good?

>> No.14039595
File: 447 KB, 2146x1429, 1439633588461[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whose this? Image search returns nothing, checked a bunch of heroines via trait in vndb as well.

>> No.14039819

kusoheroine on kusoge
good va though

>> No.14039912
File: 104 KB, 1200x675, typicaljapanesecooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off, she was the best in a pretty decent eroge

va was mediocre at best, as always

>> No.14044928

Is Blue Gale gone? No new game since almost 2 years, which is pretty unusual for a company which had a regular release frequency.

>> No.14045938

Most likely yes.


>> No.14051770
File: 3.22 MB, 4946x3538, 1420931390673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14053360

Choco Chip needs to do more blood-related sibling incest nukige.

>> No.14053493

Is there a specific term for this kind of position:


I blew mega-loads to that scene.

>> No.14053503

Isn't that a form of symmetrical docking?

>> No.14053542

I believe they are scissoring
I believe that in Japanese they often call it "making a W shape" or something like that, they used some kind of shape analogy.

>> No.14053716

VNDB calls it Tribadism on Penis

>> No.14053942

It's not really Tribadism in any way though, their focus is the penis.

>> No.14058117

That feeling when you encounter a scene that lines up perfectly with your fetishes and you can't outlast the scene itself

>> No.14061410

I just did all the scenes for アン in "Maou no Kuse ni" and now she's greyed out and I can't choose her final scene. What do I do? Do I need to bang her maid?

>> No.14061434

Nevermind, I had to get the normal end first for some reason

>> No.14061862

How do you guys complete nukige when you are blowing your load after every scene? I feel like I will never finish any game at this rate.

>> No.14061901

I want to know this too, it feels like a waste not fapping to a scene just so I can make progress.

>> No.14062047

Edging is the answer. Make each session last at least a couple of hours and then pick a really good scene to finish on.

>> No.14062315 [DELETED] 

metal gear solid 5. ending was a real boner killer, though xDDDDD

>> No.14062358

Still waiting for Maro. Coming summer 2015 my ass, we're well into autumn already.

>> No.14062594
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, 19052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over a year since Swan made a game and nearly 4 since they made a good one. Are they finally dead?

They found their niche, incestuous impregnation, and they abandoned it. Nobody's fault but their own.

>> No.14062598

Anyone who doesn't cum at the same time as MC should just stop reading nukige forever.

>> No.14062637

I just try to land the CG on an image where the girl is smiling, which is crucial to my fetish; there's no guarantee she'll smile after the cumshot so I can't wait.

>> No.14062708

I guess their formula didn't sell anymore.

>> No.14065303

was on 2ch thread on 2nd page of search results

>> No.14065330

>Childishly Violent Heroine

>> No.14065671

Oh hey, I just randomly saw that game.

>> No.14065751


Their website has had a page up looking to hire a programmer/scenario writer for a long time now, listed under "Urgent recruit".

Meanwhile, according to Getchu, the artist who did a lot of the old SwanEye games hasn't done anything since 2013, and according to Erogamescape, many if not all of the voice actresses from earlier titles haven't done anything recently, either (unless they're using a different name).

Not only that, but the seldomly used twitter account has been defunct since February, when they announced the (digital only) release of their latest title, under a new brand.

All signs seem to point to a lack of staff and/or lack of money. Lack of interest in their niche might be a possibility, though that seems odd considering it'd been keeping them afloat before, and no new company has really stepped in to rival them.

>> No.14065913


Sounds like they got into deep debt and the yakuza came calling and collected all their staff

>> No.14067039

Damn, they were good once too.

>> No.14067224

It hurts, Japanese are cruel as fuck.

>> No.14069606

Does anyone have a save for xxな彼女のつくりかたハプニング?

I really enjoyed the group scenes (couple kissa etc) in 2, so decided to go back to the previous game to try and find more scenes like them. Going through the rest of the stuff to unlock them is a bit of a pain, though, and I feel it would be easy to miss scenes.

>> No.14069937

Has there been any 異種姦 or 獣姦 stuff released lately?

>> No.14070281
File: 11 KB, 171x189, 1398600506755s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marathoned the quiet girl five hours straight on ice, held my load five hours straight too until the first sex scene. Kinda disappointed about that or maybe sleep deprivation but what the hell I'll go on.

>> No.14070902

Each of the girls have different styles of Ero. The serious girl is a "gradually succumbs to lust"-type, and the quiet girl is a "gradually comes to embrace lust"; the nuance here is pretty different, in that Quiet never really resists and is corrupted so much as she just starts accepting lust in positive way.

Point being, I fapped like CRAZY to the Serious girl (silver hair naginata girl) but didn't think the Quiet route was really especially erotic, except in the swimsuit scenes. Sensei/Teacher was nice, the Idol had really bad scenes. I plan to read the athlete route in the future.

>> No.14071000

Are you Australian?

>> No.14073347

What do you guys wish was made?

I wish for a slave trading game. Collect slaves in the field or buy and resell them from other characters, break them in, train them to be magnificent whores, save your favorites. Use money to expand your dungeon to hold more girls, buy toys, hire servants to take care of them. Sell them to fat merchants, nomads, trolls, whatever.

Keep your favorite girls, treat them like pets, dress them however, impregnate them and enslave the children too.

Sigh. I can wish.

>> No.14073353

Slave Maker is the best you're gonna get probably. Have you played the custom reido games? Not what you're looking for but they exist.

>> No.14073357

Yeah slave maker's pretty old though and wasn't top of the line graphics even when it came out.

>> No.14073361

Given that 99% of Slave Maker's graphics are just fanart taken from danbooru I don't really understand why you'd mention graphics.

>> No.14073368

really? I didn't know. I never got that far in it.

>> No.14073407

Has anyone played 催眠クラス here? It seems to me that it's a pretty massive game (only played a little, but it seems to have 15 heroines). Is it really long or does it just very shallowly interact with each heroine?

>> No.14073954

I played some of it. From what I remember, half of the girls are sub-characters who get maybe one individual scene and show up in some group scenes. The other girls get more scenes. It's got a good amount of content, but probably not as much as you're thinking.

>> No.14073993

Yeah. Ultimately I just ended up dropping it. The writing and characters are really really boring, which is a shame because the art is so so good. With great animation too though I only saw two such scenes before dropping it. Beign able to turn everyone's skin brown (with optional biki tanlines) was so fucking brilliant and erotic but unfortunately, like I said, I found it a bit too boring. Which is a shame. Still fapped though, so all in all I think of it positively.

>> No.14074180

That's pretty much how I felt about it, too.

>> No.14074322

I'm glad you thought it was boring; I thought maybe I was just getting tired of nukige in general which would be a shame.

>> No.14074488
File: 27 KB, 410x91, scenario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty funny option.

>> No.14074794

I wish there was a game where you could train a girl to be an exhibitionist. she would start out shy but then you could coerce her into doing more daring stuff like peeing in the men's bathroom or entering swimsuit contests. also you could buy her trampy clothes and make her get piercings and stuff so by the end she's turned into a maso pig who gets off from being seen.

>> No.14074920
File: 277 KB, 879x2531, 1487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have any recommendations for stories with petite characters that succumb to lewdness like Asahi from Mesu Kyoushi 4 or Yumi from Jutaijima?

>> No.14074947

The Idol in Sei Shoujo is petite and succumbs to lewdness. Her route is kind of hit or miss though in my opinion, and every other character in the game is fairly busty.

>> No.14075430
File: 883 KB, 960x1695, 1425861037737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the only one thing I didn't like about 聖娼女, imbalance of petite and busty heroines!

>> No.14075658
File: 1013 KB, 884x668, Alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should really replace the writer. What wasted potential from the illustrator.

>> No.14078253
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, 2015-09-11 04_25_13-Kagami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit. 20 minutes into the game and the protag confesses to his mom (in the most retarded way I've ever seen). Game doesn't seem bad though, but I really wish they wouldn't rush the events that fast.

It's いつでも息子のままじゃいられない if anyone is interested.

>> No.14078284
File: 508 KB, 1280x720, いつまでも息子のままじゃいられない!_Ver_1.00.00-2015-09-10_04-10-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing literally the same game. Is this fate?

>> No.14078290

Yeah, I also feel that it is really rushed. The mother is adorable though so I'm still enjoying it.

>> No.14078298
File: 185 KB, 1296x758, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd person playing it here.

>> No.14078319

It's a good night for some mom action.

>> No.14078380

Just noticed it's getting a sequel somewhat soon

>> No.14078441

Teacher heroine... I hope it doesn't degenerate into "ripe, knowledgable women "teaches" her son about sex". But that's probably how it's going to happen.

>> No.14078591

This game was made for me. Count me as one that doesn't care much for the whole "build up" part of the relationship. Not enough games focus on the relationship after the confession.

Wonderful news.

>> No.14078727
File: 27 KB, 250x300, 20984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokubetsu Jugyou 3 SLG. I'm usually into big boobs, but she still ended up being the best girl. Probably because she has some of the best facial expressions.

>> No.14078806

There's probably a Yami no Koe character like that.

>> No.14084453

so has anyone here played the new sexy beach? I spent all afternoon on it yesterday and only managed to fugg one girl.

>> No.14084488

What do you think is more important in nukige: h-cg quality or overall game quality (presentation, sound, writing)? h-cg seems like the obvious answer but I find it harder to nut when the game is low quality, it's really paradoxical.

>> No.14085101

I hope it does.

>> No.14085128

Completely depends on my expectations when starting to play a nukige, if the game is presented as having a proper story them then overall game quality is more important (Eg Kyonyuu Fanatasy). If I just picked up a game due to it's type of sexual content then I expect that the decent h-cg quality and good presentation is just a bonus that could endear me to a title/series

>> No.14085334

Scenario determines if I look at the game when I check up tags.
Good CG determines if I even decide to get the game later on.
Good sound determines if I'm laughing out of my chair at music choice, or considering muting the music.
Good sound effects determine if I enjoy a good climax scene, shitty sound effects can ruin a sex scene or climax completely. I'm looking at you Dieselmine.

Scenario and CG really matter the most though. That and not having a shit CV who's cycled moans sound like a dying cat. Atleast with music and sound effects I can always turn their volume down and put something less awful on.

>> No.14085472

I played Demon Busters a few months ago, and despite the high quality art, what got me really turned on was the mood of the imouto's route.

>That and not having a shit CV who's cycled moans sound like a dying cat.
This, so much. It's like the industry is afraid of doing anything except the disgustingly fake tortured mouse squealing that otaku are used to.

>> No.14085500
File: 97 KB, 700x886, 1441911406015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Nukige with heroines with messy hair?
I'd ask /hgg/ but they are caught up with sexy beach.

This was the only one I happen to find.
But mpreg

>> No.14086352

It's all about finding the VAs you like, and knowing which type of ero voice acting they are good at (or at least appeal to you). For me there are VAs who are 10/10 at BJ / kissing etc but are shit at penetration moans. Meanwhile there are others with great regular moaning but their BJs are slurp city

The writer of the ero scenes also comes into play. Some love to have the heroine talking non stop while others just overload with moaning and sucking

>> No.14086822

I don't think there are any heroines in that game anon.

>> No.14086918
File: 194 KB, 1366x768, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14088666

Biggu newsu dess. Gated Community has been uploaded!!!!

>> No.14088839



>> No.14088892

As in "whose cares"?

>> No.14090387

おお勇者よ、イってしまうとは情けない! was really good.

>> No.14090404

Same artist and developer as 魔王のくせに so I'm not surprised.

>> No.14090606

Is it just me or does Gated Community run really slow and use like 90% of my CPU?

>> No.14090714
File: 299 KB, 1280x720, chr0620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. Because I was the one who originally wrote the quoted post in the first place and wanted to correct my mistake.

>> No.14090729

>and wanted to correct my mistake.
Don't worry about it, no one minds. If everyone corrected their mistakes half the thread would be garbage correction replies.

>> No.14090756

It runs fine in my pc using windows 7.

>> No.14090761

I really need to get off of Windows 8 then. I would assume that is probably the issue.

>> No.14091069

>correct my mistake.
No need to do so unless the mistake changes the intention of the post or makes it a grammatical mess

>> No.14094647
File: 152 KB, 800x600, 1144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's 駄作 even about?
The only thing I can work out is reverse trap futa murder rape spree.

Why is it tagged reverse NTR and yuri NTR?
Does the heroine grow a dick or has she always had one?

I want black cyc back

>> No.14098871
File: 76 KB, 350x263, 7320_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nukige ded.
Is there really nothing to wank about?

>> No.14098876

>Hajimete no Ourusuban

Oh dear god. This game ruined me for life. I was so innocent and untainted before 2002.

>> No.14101062

Too busy wanking I guess

>> No.14101332
File: 965 KB, 1040x614, nene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is Blue Gale going to make another Papalove game? It's been over two years

>> No.14101349

RIP >>14044928 >>14045938

>> No.14101384

I asked in the very thread the question was answered. How unlucky.

What does that site say anyway? I can barely read moon which is why I play nukige instead of regular VNs

>> No.14101433

I have no idea, I'm not too hot myself and it seems like that 90% of that article is just copy/pasted nico nico comments. What I could tell was that the company owner froze production on the new game, saying "I have made over 50 works and 16 years have passed". Though I looked at their VNDB page and they don't have 50 games. Hopefully a nihongo master can pop in and decipher the nico nico garbage below it.

>> No.14101579

Somewhat interested. Their last release was somewhat meh and was more of a parody involving some of their girls in previous games.
I found it boring.

Their next title might be exciting.

I would recommend you to check out 逆王道.

The problem with Tsurumiku is that there is an excess of jargon with business, how it operates, huminizing the characters, date scenes, etc, all before you get to kidnap and rape them slowly.
It's great but holy fuck is there a lot of text to skip if you're not into that.

逆王道 is possibly the best because the setting is in a school so you still get the Tsurumiku experience of kidnapping and raping girls but without any of the jargon.

If you like it, I would tend recommend that you read basically everything else by them. They're possibly the best in this type of fetish.

>> No.14101655

>90% of that article is just copy/pasted nico nico comments.

They are quotes from the company president on nico live, not random comments.
He's basically saying it's not possible to keep making games with the current sales they get. (They keep getting worse)

>> No.14101696

>They are quotes from the company president on nico live, not random comments
Yeah, I figured, but I couldn't follow them at all.

>> No.14102244

Uhh what
And then I did some googling and
holy shit info coming this friday. What do you guys think the setting is going to take place this time? If it's in the same world as 1 and 2 then it's gotta be set before 2 right, where there are more subhumans existing

>> No.14102403

Two guesses on my part. Either in another country prior to the rising of Bakachin or near the end of the Renaissance

>> No.14102802
File: 1.81 MB, 1300x782, merumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swan dead
Blue Gale dead
If anything happens to Sakuranbo Shougakkou I think I'll die.

>> No.14103531

>Sakuranbo Shougakkou

Their last two games before the current one (which I haven't played yet) were pretty disappointing. At least there is always Tanuki.

>> No.14105136

It's strange considering Poro keeps churning out Oni Chichi's like it's fucking chicken McNuggets. You'd figure with that series' popularity Blue Gale would still be putting out nukige. I guess that's why Poro's become Bishop's bitch now.

>> No.14106055
File: 1014 KB, 1040x614, papalove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the Oni Chichis. Daughters should be slowly loved and corrupted, not rudely raped until they're broken.

Maybe Japan disagrees ;_;

>> No.14106157

I, for one, agree with you. You should treat your family kindly.

>> No.14108796

Can i ask anyone that have play through all Kyonyuu Fantasy series give me a summary of all the series and how each game ties with each other ?

>> No.14108901

Too much effort for a full summary but I'll do a basic write up. Doing this in the order of release and expect massive spoilers

Original game (Kyonyuu Fantasy) takes place during Spain sending (Iberia as it's called) expeditions to the new world (America).Follows Ryuto's (MC) path to becoming King of Edelland (Not sure which country this is referring to)

Second game (Kyonyuu Majo) takes place in Modern Japan with Ryuto's descendant as the MC and his rise to power within the Mazoku head family. Not really connected too much to the other games and has out of date canon

Third game (Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden) follows off the harem ending of the Kyonyuu Fantasy and how Ryuto deals with Ringobalt, Bakachin (Catholic Church) and Fronce (France obviously).

Fourth game (Kyonyuu Fantasy 2) follows Ruin's accent to power in Northland (England) about 200~ years before the Kyonyuu Fantasy. He father's one of the main heroine of overall series as well being a ancestor of 2 of the heroines in the game below.

Fifth game (Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden 2) Continues off Gaiden 1's harem ending with Ryuto and has him deal with Northland and Iberia, Also the last game in Ryuto's story

Sixth game (Kyonyuu Fantasy 2 if) is an alternative version of Kyonyuu Fantasy 2 and is changed to fit better with the canon. Overall better than the original but they are different enough to justify playing both

Kyonyuu Fantasy Digital Novelization is an alternative version of Ryuto's entire journey but it's quite a bit worse than the original games and should only be played by a fan of the series.

And finally Kyonyuu Fantasy 3 which isn't out yet. Time to take a look at the site.

>> No.14108917
File: 1.41 MB, 1260x820, heroine5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14108927
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>> No.14108930
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>> No.14108935
File: 1.38 MB, 1260x820, heroine2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14108938


Can't wait. Never thought I would like a series with a silly name so much.

>> No.14108943
File: 1.49 MB, 1260x820, heroine1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on anon at least let me finish posting them

>> No.14108952

Me too. Could not wait to conquer a harem full of big boob. Hopefully there would be more lactating this time around.

Too bad that there are no new one the anime adaptation of the series.

>> No.14108960 [SPOILER] 
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, 1442558607195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and the release date is 2015年12月11日

Here's >>14108917 preview CG as it's not shown in her profile.

>> No.14108966
File: 517 KB, 1100x1350, story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14110066


This main heroine sounds like a lactating fucking dishrag. Polite and shy wow, how do you go from shamu and zebia to this boring ass character. Where's the series defining haughtiness and sexiness.

>> No.14110205

>Where's the series defining haughtiness and sexiness.
The Angel? Having a passive main heroine won't be good though, Well as long as she isn't a Sill clone it should turn out alright.

Never really got the appeal of her, just seems like a inferior Elicia to me. Shaharu and Nadine are tier's above her in terms of sex scenes as well which leaves her little purpose in my eyes other than being cute which she certainly excels in

>> No.14110367

>The Angel? Having a passive main heroine won't be good though, Well as long as she isn't a Sill clone it should turn out alright.
Yes the angel obviously is but my point was that having the female lead be this way is not good and very unlike the series so far.

>Never really got the appeal of her, just seems like a inferior Elicia to me. Shaharu and Nadine are tier's above her in terms of sex scenes as well which leaves her little purpose in my eyes other than being cute which she certainly excels in
She's cute but still retains being a strong character

>> No.14110734
File: 451 KB, 1280x712, tumblr_no7f9nPBac1uvqq1po1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a non-fantasy multicultural nukige where you can fuck girls of all races?

>> No.14111523


>> No.14111544

Please don't confuse race with species. Elves and humans are different species, that would be interspecies porn if they fugged. Interracial would be a white elf and a dark elf fugging.

>> No.14111560

Best bet you're going to get is the stereotypical foreigner heroine and even then they're normally half-blooded.

>> No.14112440

You can't fuck girls of all races in japanese nukige, because asians are indistinguishable from caucasians there. I don't think I ever seen any VN with heroine being asian-like in appearance.

>> No.14112718
File: 758 KB, 1280x720, elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isekai Lovers actually has pretty nice production values, I think... well, not really, but it has sprites for side characters, a couple "monster" CGs for orcs, lizardmen, dragons, etc. which is a nice change of place. Voice acting for them too, though I suspect the Human King, Elf King, and other male characters are all voiced by the same guy. Overall I'm pleasantly surprised by this game, even if it is kind of stupid at times, and is actually kind of bad when I think back on it. Well, it's not good, but it's not bad. Good in some ways bad in others. Got a fap out of it for sure.

>> No.14115188


Anyone found a legit dl/torrent for this?

The fucking search (and finding fakes) is blueballing me for the entire day.

>> No.14115235

>I don't think I ever seen any VN with heroine being asian-like in appearance.
Kanae in Muramasa because she's squinting all the time

>> No.14115582

Imouto Oaradise. It does not disappoint.

I really want to play Hara Min!! because... well pregnancy fetish.

Ultimately VNs really aren't for me. Everything takes to long, even when the fap to story ratio is 1. You can only describe the inside of a vagina so many times.

>> No.14115630

> Imouto Oaradise

Oh yeah, best girl. Uhhh... no idea. I've done Hiyori but I'm not into overly submissive girls. Working on Koharu right now but she comes off as stupid. Michika is cool but I'm no sub and I KNOW that's what I'll get with her. Rio is also cool but tsun is just self-delusional. Aya is really plain.
Rio, Aya, and Koharu kinda tie for all having weird trade offs. Rio probably wins because her tsun nature seems to exist because she's legit ignorant love/sex/ect., not because shes trying to cover up another personality.

>> No.14117696
File: 872 KB, 800x600, sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigen Debris. Maybe not strictly speaking a nukige (I'm not all that sure of where eroge ends and nukige begins) but it's hot as all fuck anyway. Story is fucked up in the best possible way, plus Ichikawa Sashaa art and most/all scenes are animated.


My poor balls.

>> No.14117863

>no sexual context
What the everloving fuck

>> No.14117893

I have a problem fapping to elf's works, shit always goes so fucked up and depressing that forget about getting a boner, it's even hard to read.

>> No.14117966

>The only thing I can work out is reverse trap futa murder rape spree.
That's the common route. Then you got into the heroines routes, the fun thing is that every heroine have a twist to her personality, the game still kinda deliver if you are a fan of gore nukiges. I still have preferred if the mc wasn't a reverse trap futanari though.

My favourite work from Cycelt is still 鎖のカンケイ.

>> No.14123562

I need a good scat game, I'm so tired of seeing Amazonian warrior beasts used for this fetish. I want to see cute girls taking a shit, vulnerable and embarrassed and showcasing the one thing they're never supposed to do in front of anyone.

Is there even one eroge like this out there? Been looking around for a while and havent had much luck.

>> No.14128370

Has there been any news about Marina no "Netorase" Houkoku series? It's one of the few NTR-stories I have enjoyed so I'm hoping for another sequel.

>> No.14130537 [DELETED] 


>> No.14131521

R-18 version soon. I hope.

Any word on the squeal? is the title you mentioned some sort of guro NTR gang rape? I did not buy a copy of Gun Katana: non human killer and Gore Screaming Show to support this sort of shenanigans.

>> No.14132687

Anyone advice on how to make playing nukige feel better?

I have ona hole designated for certain scenes (fellatio, nakadashi, ect). The problem for me it is feeling too good and I blow my load just clicks away from the climax.

Also how do you guys 100% a game if you cum in every scene. And why do some scenes have two cum shots? That's misleading and I don't know when I should climax.

>> No.14132706

>if you cum in every scene.
I usually don't, sometimes I just stroke during some scenes. When a good one comes up that's when I finish. As for 100%ing, I rarely do that as there are too many nukige to play. Don't wanna be held back playing routes I'm not interested in.

>> No.14134009

I don't think I've 100%ed any big nukige. Small 2-5 hour long ones are more bearable, as not every scene will make you cum and you can do all of scenes in 2-3 days.

>> No.14134101

>Also how do you guys 100% a game if you cum in every scene
I don't, I normally only fap to scenes that fit my fetishes, are extremely hot or in the case of normal eroge the first sex scene between two characters

>> No.14134141

Why do you read nukige if you don't fap to scenes?

>> No.14134178

But I do fap to scenes

>> No.14136884

Any loli nukige you guys can recommend? Yuri is acceptable too, i liked demon master chris a lot.

>> No.14136924

Did you play Kakurenbo?

>> No.14136942

Looks neat, thanks.

>> No.14140661

Marine's latest game wasn't too bad, but still a bit below their standards, I feel.

Anyway, got Candysoft's latest game coming out today, though it's just a fandisc thingy. Hope the chinks upload it.

>> No.14140873

I won't keep my hopes up for either of them, seeing how they aren't interesting enough for you to remember their names.

>> No.14140913

baited lol

>> No.14143776
File: 191 KB, 820x642, 機甲魔装少女ミヅキ -囚われの電脳少女-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played a loli rape game in a long LONG time. This one's pretty good. Loli gets trapped in a computer game virtual reality. Dunno what kind of game it was supposed to be but she gets raped by anything and everything that walks crawls swims or flies.

Only complaint is that the dicks she's being pounded with are the size of her arms and the amount of blood would kill a loli but she seems able to shrug it off and run to the next battle without permanent damage.

Guess it sort of makes sense that she's basically an RPG protagonist now. Why does Japan hate magical girls so much anyway? They're always getting themselves raped.

>> No.14143828
File: 195 KB, 820x642, loli lesbian rapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, and the antagonist is another loli

Is pretty good.

>> No.14143889
File: 87 KB, 420x319, 15219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14143925

Why was Taimanin Yukikaze never translated? Seems like a given.

>> No.14143938

Because translating VNs is a pain in the ass, both for hacking and for actually translating, and right now only one group is willing to do that (Dark Translations died, Sanity Ends took their place for awhile then just quit, Dark Initiative took up their mantle and have since finished Asagi 2 and Kangoku Senkan 2). Naturally it's slow.

That said if you're a nukige fan you better either learn Japanese or get used to looking at HCG sets because, naturally, very very few get brought over and those that do aren't always especially good. Even "given" games like Yukikaze don't get brought over simply because it takes so much work to TL vns.

tl;dr it's a lot of fucking work and nobody wants to do it, same for 99% of untranslated VNs

>> No.14143972

Seems like a given that people should put hundreds of hours of work in for no reward? That's pretty fucking entitled.

>> No.14144005

You get the reward of knowing that you've shared something you love with the rest of the world.

This motivation is usually enough to get me through a few hundred lines.

>> No.14144121

Learning japanese is easier on the long run.

>> No.14144615 [DELETED] 

>a few hundred lines.
Taimanin Asagi 3 is 131,869 lines.
Translating a VN is more like a joke where you spend an hour or so every day for like a year. And in the end, far less people read nukige than people just read doujins. That's a huge investment for little "sharing".

>> No.14144624

>a few hundred lines.
Taimanin Asagi 3 is 131,869 lines.
Translating a VN is more like a job where you spend an hour or so every day for like a year. And in the end, far less people read nukige than people just read doujins. That's a huge investment for little "sharing".

>> No.14144886

VNR circumvents the need to hack coding.

While the sentiment is there. Wouldn't the job get done more if the people that loved the media so much would work together more to see an end product? A flow translation pitches, editing, and QC through crowdsourcing material usually doesn't have great results however.

>> No.14144931

>VNR circumvents the need to hack coding.
Yeah, but I can't be alone in thinking spending a lot of time TLing for VNR is just wasted effort.

>> No.14144952

wait kangoku senkan 2 is translated? is it fuwanovel tier or an actual translation?

>> No.14144966

Ah, my mistake. I knew Dark Initiative had completed TA2 after SE dropped it and thought they did the same for KS2 but they only got halfway it seems. Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.14145004

Compared to having to TL and hack code it's a smaller worlkload. Though it's also a lot easier to extract the entire script at one time and work there than it is to go down every choice and make sure every line of text based of choice and it's variables are translated. VNR also has the advantage of crowdsourcing as well though.

>> No.14145009

A smaller workload, but it really makes you question whether it's worth it. One hand, you've got a patch that makes the game english. On the other hand, you've got a texthooking VN software thing providing half machine translation half whatever translation you or someone else provides. It's really different levels of satisfaction.

>> No.14145026

>It's really different levels of satisfaction.

I wouldn't see it as any less of a satisfaction as soft subtitles. As long as the accuracy of the translation is good (which you can actually check yourself since the original line is always there too) then it's easily acceptable. It would be prude to only accept a translation if the text was IN the game itself. Plus VNR is a nice platform for distributing translation. Less risk of C&D.

>> No.14145045

I meant different levels of satisfaction for the translator. Why both spending literally months and months of time just to "soft sub" a VN with a program hardly anyone uses? I know I'd never do that. Soft subtitles are a different beast since you can finish an anime episode within a couple hours, and there you have a finished product immediately. Well, I guess it's a moot point since someone would probably find satisfaction in it, but for most people the idea of joining a "VNR translation group" is surely unappealing.

>> No.14145130

For the same reason why games like Biniku no Kaori, Natsukuru or Chusingura 46+1 where never translated, I guess.

Waiting for the next dose in your translation methadone program is a shit hobby, though. You should rather learn Japanese and switch to reading eroge.

>> No.14145579

are there any lesbian nukige? the only yuri games I've seen are lukewarm moege. I'm looking for a game with raunchy h scenes like in a bishop or liquid game.

>> No.14145588


>> No.14145592

Pretty difficult to make lesbian sex more than just boring snatch rubbing with a blatant lack of penis.

>> No.14145645

there's fisting, facesitting, and tribadism. I'm not a purist so even sex toys are ok.

>> No.14145648

I could think of hundreds of hot yuri scenes. Too bad i can't draw any cgs, neither can i programm a VN.

>> No.14145656

>I'm not a purist so even sex toys are ok.
Whenever sex toys come into the equation I always personally feel inadequate somehow, as if the toys are better than me. I can't stand them.

>> No.14146332

No... New Candysoft game is up on mikocon's VIP section, I bet they're gonna sit on it for a month at least... no no no NO NO YOU STUPID G**KS!!!!!!!

>> No.14146609

I hope they keep it there for four months

>> No.14146641

uhh are you retarded kid? Can't figure out how to quote because it's your first day on 4chan? Haha!

>> No.14146822

Yeah, I'm the one spewing autism all over the place right now

>> No.14147803

It got upload! Hahaha! Bazingowned motherfucka >:D! HahaHAHAHA!!!

>> No.14148406
File: 88 KB, 1074x285, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's convenient.

>> No.14148564

They're back.


>> No.14148721

Lune/Marine games have been doing that for a while now.

>> No.14151962


Is there a torrent or CG rip out for this? I can't find anything.

>> No.14151983

>I can't find anything.
What? I just checked on the usual places and it's on both. Did you try looking up the romaji?

>> No.14152188

I can find
[erectlip] Gyakuten Majo Saiban -Chijo na Majo ni Sabakarechau-
[エレクトリップ] 逆転魔女裁判-痴女な魔女に裁かれちゃう-
on Exh and Nyaa, but I can't find the one I linked. Or are they the same thing and I'm just dumb?

>> No.14152198

Shit, my mistake. You're not dumb, I just mistook them for the same thing without looking.

>> No.14152208

Ah, thank you anyway.

>> No.14153162

I rate 爆乳令嬢×キモ男 lower than most of Miel's other games I've played but higher than キモメンでも巨根なら人の妻を自分のモノにできる. What it did was had 8~ scenes where the girl didn't like you, and then you mindbroke her, and it repeated those same 8 scenes except this time with her mindbroken. Interesting but most of the scenes were pretty bad/generic so I do not rate it highly.

>> No.14153695

They have a childhood friend NTR one that is sort of interesting. Since it's a story told by two different protagonists.

>> No.14154553

>Marine's latest game wasn't too bad, but still a bit below their standards, I feel.
The artist they used for the CGs doesn't stand up to their main artist who did the character CG, The difference in quality between them is rather noticeable and off putting. Basically comes off as a bait and switch.

Marine's Ane games are still the best.
