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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.69 MB, 1600x1600, vivace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13969227 No.13969227 [Reply] [Original]

Comiket 88 music discussion.

Old thread: >>13951558
Upload spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fuoDlITwjaPEAhZtBAus1_GMe2pHgsaZYveC-hyDRG0

>> No.13969580

This thread is as slow as the album uploads.

>> No.13969613

Was there a Tutti Sound?

>> No.13969704

Name your favorite album so far and the song you like the most along with the song that disappointed you in that same album.

Name a album that's disappointed you.
That isn't HS9 or Pop Culture 4.

My favorite album so far is definitely AD:Piano
Strongest song being Feryquitous 蘭 since I'm a huge fan of An style(99% convinced he's An).
Not really disappointed with BlackY but felt he could have done better but is forgiven since he made a solo piano album that was great.

Feels so easily forgotten.

The /jp/ threads get slower every year.

>> No.13969786

I don't know if you're still around, but here you go.

>> No.13969936 [DELETED] 

Not that anon, but thank you.

I'm pretty sure Feryquitous is An, too. I liked Innocent better this time, sakuzyo vs marasy completely slayed me. But my favorite album this event is 砕夢 and World Trick for now, it's really solid as opposed for FELT's ~4 previous albums.

>> No.13969951

Not that anon, but thank you.

I'm pretty sure Feryquitous is An, too. I liked Innocent better this time, sakuzyo vs marasy completely slayed me. But my favorite album this event is 砕夢 and World Trick for now, it's really solid as opposed for FELT's ~4 previous albums.

>> No.13970017

Friendly reminder: No thanking

>> No.13970208

>music scene dying
>upload scene dying


>> No.13970230

...Stop using twitter memes on /jp/.

>> No.13970251

All good things come to an end eventually, anon.

You can keep the upload scene going by ordering albums off sites or pay people going to events to buy albums for you and upload them that way. There are some albums I know will probably never get uploaded and I'm going to purchase them as soon as I can.

>> No.13970327

>There are some albums I know will probably never get uploaded and I'm going to purchase them as soon as I can.

From 2 Planets never.

>> No.13970420

Thank you, it's cool.

If I can do the opposite, I really liked Endless Summer, but I wasn't so keen on HS9 overall.

>> No.13970430

Why would the upload scene die? I haven't really experienced anything like this before so I don't know. Do fewer and fewer people buy albums or something?

>> No.13970516

Seriously stop spamming, no thanking.

>> No.13970550

Maybe in the future copyright laws will become more strict and actually enforced, and that would scare people from uploading shit.

Be careful saying the t phrase, it can cause threads to turn into 500 post shitfests.

>> No.13970564

Wasn't a new Cafe de Touhou supposed to come out this Comiket?

>> No.13970600

>implying they can afford lawyers
>implying it's woth their time
Not everyone is against piracy.

>> No.13971008

Thank you, /jp/

>> No.13971023

Yes DDBY released Cafe de Touhou 7 along with くつろぎタイム6 and シンセ デ トウホウ ロ.
Can't wait for them to get uploaded.

>> No.13971032

Stop it, you're being too spammy. You are.

>> No.13971046
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, YUUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its aran - stone caves


>> No.13971053

No one wants to be a balding small penis'd faggot. You could be Yu but I'm fine being me.

>> No.13971058

who genuinely cares. If there's no news there's no news, there's no limit to posts.

>> No.13971066

The anti th*nk brigade, that's whos! It's tradition.

>> No.13971192

Requesting for Demetori FLAC rip.

>> No.13971205

Now that the dust has settled, I think sprout intention is actually quite good an album.

>> No.13971246

It really is. I just wish I knew what the hell they were thinking when they made the tracks on Nostalgic Breeze.

>> No.13971325

I guess this isn't very related, but does anybody know if there's ever been a circle that's produced something akin to the Western rock/metal avantgarde (I really have no idea how to call this, sorry), like TesseracT, The Contortionist, Animals as Leaders and the like?
I'm talking about a mixture of genres and signatures, (atonal) poly-rhythms, and "unintuitive" melodic progression like this:

>> No.13971342

Herbivora had a song that was pretty much an Animal As Leaders rip off.

>> No.13971345
File: 164 KB, 706x940, cpnpjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which should i rip, and how should i go about doing it

>> No.13971349

Everything, please

>> No.13971357

h o w, exact audio copy doesnt recognize track names or artist/album to add to the songs metadata

>> No.13971358

>/jp/ tells people to stop thanking uploaders
>uploaders cease their thankless, benevolent uploading


>> No.13971359


>> No.13971360

Thanks for reminding me anon

>> No.13971372

doing it now, but dont expect track names

>> No.13971375

Futon, I always love listening to those. Also lossless or v0 would probably be preferred by all.

>> No.13971382

>doesnt recognize track names or artist/album

Upload them with or without and if somebody cross references the songs with crossfades or scans of the album's track lists, they might be able to put two and two together.

>> No.13971388


>> No.13971415
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>> No.13971431

confetto_denpa_thing.zip 10% 49MB 528.8KB/s 12:54 ETA

>> No.13971441
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1000, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AAC: https://mega.nz/#!X5QUzJgS!yoPgvrEa1JYJX3zMEJdhMW-QAYIEjK31uY2OgPxx5I0

>> No.13971501

Yeah I've got the wavforme release on order. Wasn't too excited by the crossfade but I'll give it a chance. Just wish I'd known about From 2 Planets earlier so I wouldn't be stuck lurking the shops and hoping it shows up.

Wouldn't mind Lost Garden since my order got delayed.

>> No.13971509

Everything LOSSLESS
Otherwise you're literal waste of time.

>> No.13971517


flac happy nerd

>> No.13971523

I'm not allowed to disclose my emotional state.

>> No.13971527

You're an even bigger waste of time, oxygen, and your dad's sperm. I'd devote myself to time travel research just so I can go back in time and abort you if I had the resources.

>> No.13971535

>wasting time travel on me
Literally a bigger waste of time than leaving me be

>> No.13971546

And the thread is better because you know the limits.

>> No.13971562
File: 149 KB, 416x416, tumblr_nm2kfzmqFu1slitoto9_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely do not notice any difference.

>> No.13971566

Is this the new [powerlevel arguments]?

>> No.13971572

no, stop trying to fit in.

>> No.13971577


Would love it if you uploaded Lost Garden. Not fussy about the encode.

>> No.13971586

will shibayan ever put out a better album than kokoro vibration?

>> No.13971592

Without love, it cannot be seen. In an alternate time line you would have triggered extra posts.

>> No.13971607

Bossa Nova is better.

>> No.13971621

Thanks for nothing, anon

>> No.13971627

2 and 3 were good but they're too different to be called better

>> No.13971634

Yeah it was called Magico Catastrofe

>> No.13971640

that other poster is not me, do not fall for his schemes on petty wordplay.

>> No.13971645

Stop spamming REEEEE

>> No.13971661

Thank you

>> No.13971663

That spam though

>> No.13971667

Don't be a pussy anon, rise against the thank-nazis

>> No.13971669
File: 414 KB, 616x800, 98c6aa6bf52bf3addd369764d8c49b6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 great as well, but too short.
The best song is still Fraud, I promise from the first one, however. It's full of liebe.

>> No.13971673

I'd rather keep the peace instead

>> No.13971684

Wasn't me, thanks for keeping me in mind though

>> No.13971686

Is this the best 2hu album of all time? I vote yes.

>> No.13971687

compare fall in the dark and clockup flowers to 月齢11.3のキャンドルマジック or 荊の城 and see the error of your ways

>> No.13971693

Don't thank me with your filthy fingers or else.

>> No.13971708

11.3 candle Magic lunar blahblah is probably my favorite song ever but Magico catastrofe is still the better album overall

>> No.13971713

They're standouts but we're talking overall.
Also Musou Materialize

>> No.13971714

Doesn't mean every single song on that album is good

>> No.13971718
File: 417 KB, 1927x1952, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AAC: https://mega.nz/#!TwAAlBLa!hFZvnS6XEIefDcnQI7AIJsnUChNAfJJJqEo3c3qKaMU

>> No.13971725

Hell yeah, Getsurei no Candle Magic is the best shit ever, but I still think Magico Catastrofe is overall better.

I would probably put Retro Future Girls in third place tied with Musou Materialize.

>> No.13971737

Oh wait I meant Musou Materialise, never mind

>> No.13971740

i guess you're not wrong if average quality is your metric, i'd just rather have a few extremely good songs along with some filler i can remove from the playlist

>> No.13971748

Then can I say please?

>> No.13971767

Well I don't see how you can thank someone by using the word please...

>> No.13971772

No, you're definitely in the wrong. We're talking about albums here, and the album as a whole itself is the message. Maybe when you've graduated high school and develop a mature taste you'll understand what we're talking about.

>> No.13971774

Ok always figured they were one and the same but will do, thanks

>> No.13971780

Please let me suck your cock for uploading that album I really wanted dude

>> No.13971787
File: 32 KB, 233x192, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13971789

>spamming the thread

>> No.13971791

Some tracks on Nostalgic Breeze were good though. I really enjoyed Amadeus and Poison Rain. Atom was okay.

>> No.13971797

Thanks for misusing the quote function anon, we really needing this shit on here

>> No.13971798

haven't seen anyone say anything about it yet, but PLANET SHAPER is pretty disappointing. definitely the worst album he's put out in 3+ years, at least for me.

>Retro Future Girls
Musou Materialise > Kokoro Vibration > Magico Catastrophe > Kiseki Impulse

>> No.13971801

Raspberry was the shit.

>> No.13971803

I just love Ready-made City Life and Desert Years so much I can't help but like it.

>> No.13971804

I'll also misuse this surprise box too!

>> No.13971814

thanks for making it even worse

>> No.13971821

What's with all the hate regarding Nostalgic Breeze? I can't remember people bashing it back when it came out.
original scenery, dignity and visionary were a bit boring, the other tracks are alright though, and overall the album was just a bit worse than Zykotine's.

>> No.13971824

just want to let you know that this post was really hurtful and i'm never going to post on /jp/ again as a result of it

>> No.13971825


>> No.13971827

I actually quite liked Hardcore Syndrome 9. I can't be alone with that...

>> No.13971830


>> No.13971831

Yeah I didn't know if it was just me or if Camellia's changing his style a bit

>> No.13971833

Raspberry and visionary were my favorites personally. Maybe I love Tsubaki too much...

>> No.13971836

I don't know. I saved more tracks from Nostalgic Breeze than their previous two albums. It was pretty nice overall.

>> No.13971847

Jumping! Jumping!! makes me happy. I haven't gotten around to listening to the other tracks though.

>> No.13971853

I liked the Shimamura and Genki songs but the rest didn't really stick with me

>> No.13971863

his post didn't even make any sense. i wouldn't get too strung up about it.

>> No.13971874

Whoops, I meant Smoke!, not visionary.
The non-vocals just seemed like filler that time.

>> No.13971878

Goodbye sweet prince

>> No.13971895

Thanks for replying to everything I post loser

>> No.13971898

I don't see how something that might possibly maybe happen in the future with a certain probability or chance could affect people now.
I think the actual reason is that Chinese people were all killed.

>> No.13971902

I can't HELLp it because you're triggering me, bully!

>> No.13971937
File: 63 KB, 220x220, tmp_14751-j_s_WAV-001-577336468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered newwav, can up flac when it arrives

>> No.13971948

Thanking is hell

>> No.13971952

Worst newhu.

>> No.13971962
File: 96 KB, 539x876, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the reminder

>> No.13971965

Goddammit. Can the owner of the spreadsheet make it so that it can be saved to drive please?

>> No.13971979

Desert Years is love

>> No.13971998

You're love, anon.

>> No.13972017

You can use ExactAudioCopy and rip to FLAC.

Lost Garden is more popular than I thought.

>> No.13972044

I'm tagging this right now, anyone lazy want me to re-upload when I'm done

>> No.13972104


You make my kokoro vibrate, among other things.

>> No.13972138

Magico Catastrofe was great, but I consider both Kokoro Vibration and Musou Materialize to be better.

>> No.13972149

Upload them without the tags and just the album name. Someone else can tag them for you.

>> No.13972183

It'd be great if you could reupload it anon.

>> No.13972200

Last track was the only good track in it.

>> No.13972208

Seconding the request, a reupload would be great

>> No.13972277

Hey this isn't too bad a deal. I've got a couple of albums. though they might not suit /jp/'s taste, I wouldn't mind uploading them if you guys tag them for me in return.

>> No.13972344


Considering Comiket 81 has close to like 14 threads, either because of how many uploads/uploaders, or just general interest. Or both. Every Comiket past that has been slightly more of a letdown.

>> No.13972352

I remember that one. A good third of that length is shitposting.

>> No.13972383


Yeah now that I think back, a lot of it was shitposting. C81 being my first comiket though, I didn't mind because I had no idea what was going on so despite all that it was still pretty amusing to me.

>> No.13972397


Just look online for a tracklist and copy/paste.
EAC even splits it up into separate fields for name/artist/etc.

Are you guys really that lazy? ;_;

>> No.13972398

C79 was my first one and it was utter chaos back then. It was like a Windows release where every other event thread was utter hell.

>> No.13972424

I figured as much, I've often wondered whether the ones before C81 were even more of a clusterfuck, or if that one was just particularly bad for whatever reason.

That said, the current "declining popularity" trend (for lack of a better term) is really disheartening. I kinda liked the chaos.

>> No.13972428

But then I have to go around finding a tracklist! And then copy and pasting it into each track! And into each field!

>> No.13972439


>> No.13972445

No. I upload, you tag.

>> No.13972449

Well I already tagged my copy so whatever guys

>> No.13972477 [DELETED] 

Denpa! Denpa!

>> No.13972494


>> No.13972509

Post what, you have first anon

>> No.13972520

When I get, home anon

>> No.13972664

Downloading it now, shouldn't take too long to tag it and reupload it.

>> No.13972682

but it's literally my retagged version of the original, I mean you can go ahead if you want

>> No.13972692

It's already tagged

>> No.13972701
File: 636 KB, 800x600, ev00011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long it be delivered? Where are you from?

>> No.13972709

Oh, now I'm feeling silly. I just saw the generic track names and assumed it wasn't tagged.

>> No.13972838

Thanks man.

>> No.13972937

ded musik

>> No.13973121


Ready-Made City Life is by far the best song from Retro Future Girls especially once you realize that half the fucking song is in English.

>> No.13973130


I loved it and it was the first album I heard of this artist so far. I guess the others are godlike then.

>> No.13973221


>> No.13973751
File: 37 KB, 615x401, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed this, but seems taishi is considering DL or another version for from 2 planets. Wonder if it will actually happen.


>> No.13973888
File: 31 KB, 538x305, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13973892

Wtf happened here?

>> No.13973909

I think I pulled it from the last thread since I don't see it on the spreadsheet. Fucking chinky encoders.

>> No.13973931

There's a better version somewhere

>> No.13973963

Actually I just figured out what it was.

The 320k link on the spreadsheet for
[凋叶棕 / Diao ye Zong (RD-Sounds)] 喩
is that beyond-mojibake garbage, but
the v0 link is just fine.

>> No.13974036
File: 194 KB, 500x368, joltik.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downloads from hikari no jew
Can WE stop using that site? It's all that ever shows up on Google anymore.

>> No.13974059

Agreed. As shitty as DS is sometimes, at least they don't have ads all over their links like every other site.

>> No.13974069

Again I just got the link from the spreadsheet.

That and i'm real sick of that guy shilling for 9tensu and other chinky monetized upload sites on DS.

>> No.13974078
File: 269 KB, 500x476, 1437951889412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hikari pls

>> No.13974089

>actively complaining about a shitty upload from a shitty site
>you must be the owner of that site!
Are you actually retarded, or is that a side effect of your furfag denial?

>> No.13974096 [DELETED] 

who are you quoting?

>> No.13974099

The three albums I've downloaded from there (that weren't hosted anywhere else) had the same unreadable filenames but the titles in the metadata were correct, so you might want to check those.

>> No.13974100

But that Hikarinowhatever link is also the one posted on DS. I guess people there just stopped giving a fuck (not that I'm sure if they gave many of them in first place) and now 9tensu and that other piece of shit is all they use.
Remijam please come back.

>> No.13974106

Yeah, it just depends on the person posting the links. The mod and a few of the other regular uploaders are good, Nemofelia and his buddies are the ones shitting everything up.

>> No.13974157

>that Blue Sea of 53 Minutes in World Trick
my dick. I wish more circles would try to come at this song.

>> No.13974185

If you're into djent look for ELECTRIC RED. Guys are fucking legit.

>> No.13974188

Shut up anon I want to forget the djent

>> No.13974285

tta.cue please go

>> No.13974330


>> No.13974338

> still no Massive New Krew or USAO

>> No.13974348

Looks like I'm not the only one waiting for their albums.

>> No.13974359

I'm pretty sure at least like 4 people on DS bought those albums, so you're pretty much guaranteed a rip in a week or two.

>> No.13974369

my dick

>> No.13974574

Just stick to Plini, Sithu, Jakub and whatnot man.

>> No.13974593

When was all the good music booths up? Sunday?

I have some touhou music i got. Touhou Hana, which i got because it looked pretty good and it good. Also have Mystic Rythm Extra turbo. I cant really scan the art, but i can do the rips if you want it.

>> No.13974635

I think Friday was Touhou stuff, Sunday was mostly original stuff. Depends on what you like.

>> No.13974735

She is dead mate.

>> No.13974763
File: 1.93 MB, 886x1246, c7f952d70a98d2baad7329d8c25c7536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for being so blunt, but after looking them up, my impression is that they sound rather boring.
I appreciate your recommendation a lot, however.
Also, obZen was their most conservative album, with the exception of their very early work maybe.

It looks like I'll have to do just that.
First time I hear about Jakub, great stuff.

>> No.13974991

Anyone got the new signum/ii album ?

>> No.13974994

Has there been an upload of Sound CYCLONE's トウホウファンクラブ anywhere? I went skimming through the spreadsheet and Doujinstyle's upload thread but didn't see it anywhere, did I just miss it or is it one of those albums I'll just have to cross my fingers and wait and hope someone uploads?

>> No.13975075

What are some good instrumental albums that /jp/ wants uploaded that probably aren't going to be?

>> No.13975303

Taishi can English? Huh.

>> No.13975355

His twitter does say "English and German ok"

>> No.13975920


>> No.13975938

where is YASSY

>> No.13975967

I'd buy that.

>> No.13976120

暁Records is up. Now I only have to pray that 会場限定おまけCD will get ripped.

>> No.13976135
File: 63 KB, 241x271, 1354338878597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13976269

sasakure? yessss finally

>> No.13976380


>> No.13976395

Pretty sure this is already uploaded. I have it at least.

>> No.13976517

wait what, where? It's not on the sheet or the ds music download thread.

>> No.13976589

Splash from Massive Circlez is out now.

Apparently, MNK performed in Chicago or somewhere. Their set was mostly Western hardstyle, though.

>> No.13976614
File: 203 KB, 428x620, 1439586207077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know some good /folk/ songs?

>> No.13976687

does mamyukka count or is that completely different

>> No.13976702

So going through my backlog I can't help wondering but are there any good Evening Star~Night Falls covers?

I can hardly seem to find any or I'm not looking in the right places.

>> No.13976742

Mind providing a link? Can't seem to find GQ+ on DS.

>> No.13977279

Wow, Taishi is ridiculously awesome.

>> No.13977291

Does everything by Machikado-Mapoze count?

>> No.13977310

Foxtail grass studio

>> No.13977318

I don't know, will tell you within time

>> No.13977319

Grasssssss tastes bad.

>> No.13977785

CROW'SCLAW had a very mediocre one in his recent Touhou album. That's all I remember.

>> No.13977813


Could you upload Colory Starry? I'd be really thankful.

>> No.13977814

I really hope ham's album gets uploaded at some point. なつねいろ。's crossfade was lovely.

>> No.13978025

Citla re:verse is so fucking good, god damn. It sounds like Ar tonelico's hymmnos.

>> No.13978247

But it's still complete trash as compared to their release last year.

>> No.13978271

Which release?

>> No.13978303

xi-on's arrange of The Dream Palace Great Mausoleum is quite pretty, actually. Granted the base melody is beautiful, which helps.

waiting warmly for foxtail-grass

>> No.13978451

ヒストリアス. It was a bit of a collaboration, so it's under the circle name ALSTROeMERIA, but it's WAVE goodness.

Way better than Citla.

>> No.13978825
File: 79 KB, 396x573, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is my collection looking?

>> No.13978856


>> No.13978860

I don't really have mine consolidated, but if you're aiming to have every album, you're missing quite a few.

Also yeah please rename all of those.

>> No.13978896

shit, because you don''t buy anything yourself

>> No.13978907

Sorry I've been meaning to.

Im saving for C89 when I go there later this year.

>> No.13979171

A radio station aired TOHO DUALITY the other night! (・∀・)イイ!!

>> No.13979219

What station?

>> No.13979398
File: 919 KB, 1366x768, holyshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That first 35 seconds of Demetoris Grief of Resentment

10/10 vidya game lobby music right there.

>> No.13979548

I haven't liked anything Demetori put out since Offering, but they finally started doing good again.

Shame they only did good twice on the album, but it's an improvement.

>> No.13979575

空中に沈む輝針城 ~ Counter-Clock World is a poor man's 彼岸帰航 ~ View of The River Styx though.

>> No.13979960
File: 59 KB, 358x253, hopeless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no good rip of Demetori's album

>> No.13979971

Historias was amazing. I wonder if they'll ever release something like it again.

>> No.13980017

I'll upload it tomorrow or something.

>> No.13980160

A community station down in Sunshine Coast.

>> No.13980164


>> No.13980165

V0 not good enough for you?

>> No.13980189 [DELETED] 

The last one I found was that in AAC on DS, apparently I didn't notice the guy who posted it on the last thread because he didn't make enough noise about it.
Thank you for restoring my hope.

>> No.13980192

He said the T word!!!!!

>> No.13980202
File: 739 KB, 720x900, 52053527_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last one I found was that in AAC on DS, apparently I didn't notice the guy who posted it on the last thread because he didn't make enough noise about it.
Thank you for restoring my hope. Please don't reveal this spoiler unless your heart is mentally prepared

>> No.13980230
File: 424 KB, 600x629, 1439502473249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organize by artist name or something. Then by date of album release. This triggers me because my past comiket folders are like this and I can't be arsed to fix it now

>saving for c89
be sure to upload flac

>> No.13980244

What the fuck does she want?

>> No.13980261

big rabbit plush

>> No.13980430

I'm so ready for that Deadly Dominance, hope we get an upload soon.

>> No.13980528

She wants me to pick her up and give her a big hug before carrying her to bed.

source: she's my wife, dude

>> No.13980820

Can someone tell me do other Massive New Krew CDs sound similar to Splash or is this only exception? I have never really tried them out as from other groups they always just sound the same, tumtumtum and repeat, but Splash just sound refreshing with their signature sound in the songs.

>> No.13980822

idk, but hardstyle, hardstyle and hardstyle

>> No.13980918


>> No.13980921

Worst Comiket ever.

>> No.13981001

>Granted the base melody is beautiful, which helps.
This is basically it. I find the sound xi~on create are generally quite clumsy when performing more classical/orchestral style arrangements.

>> No.13981040

Esquaria when? (´;ω;`)

>> No.13981046

Thanks for the warning

>> No.13981061

(In a Katze Berg voice) bitch bitch bitchy bitch you're not welcome you troll

>> No.13981160

Not him but for doujin albums I usually use event name\number\[circle] album title. It just works.

What do you guys use?

>> No.13981165

Kaguya wants up!

>> No.13981214

You're missing sasakure.UK.

>> No.13981234

Fuck I'm looking forward to this. EPIC FAITH was alright, but EMOTIONAL CHAOS was god tier.

>> No.13981299
File: 249 KB, 1000x992, 71Sg0JAgl1L._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This album art is so cute.

>> No.13981368

Confetto download links don't work for me, is MEGA down or what?


>> No.13981389

Works for me, through JDownloader2

>> No.13981408

It's also working for me in Chrome.

>> No.13981442
File: 109 KB, 500x533, tumblr_inline_n9kpaxZtoJ1sdj7iy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uninspired shit, they've all got their legs like that. Do people find that sexy or something? smh

>> No.13981461


>> No.13981468

Honestly, I think it's just because it's an easy pose to draw and it makes the artist look less "lazy". You're fitting the whole character into the canvas rather than "unintentionally" leaving out their legs/feet/whatever body part the artist has trouble with due to it being cut off by the edge of the canvas, while also not making the character fit by drawing them really small. Plus, the pose is dynamic. There's more movement happening in that than the character just standing or sitting there.

>> No.13981488

heyhey, that pose is great even though generic!

>> No.13981551

why not all post album art?

>> No.13981653

Because pre album art is easier to find.

>> No.13981670

Firefox fucked up the extensions.

>> No.13981698

What you talking about, its goods

>> No.13981704

Could you upload picolony nauts? I would really appreciate it!

>> No.13981708

I hope キリナギ will make more music someday. I miss miskyworks.

>> No.13981716
File: 57 KB, 640x548, DZnMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those legs remind me of that one guy doing all the pokemon art, just awful It's just generic album art I've seen 100s of times before. Sorry.

>> No.13981722

ピコロニーノーツ! and Colory Starry would be amazing. I can tag them for you if you don't want to bother tagging them before uploading.

>> No.13981780

But we like it

>> No.13981786

you like poorly drawn art, we do not.

>> No.13981817

You mean Sugimori? How do those legs remind you of his? It's pretty hard drawing unique legs anyway.

>> No.13981820
File: 82 KB, 178x478, Pokemon_ORAS_May.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the one in my earlier pic, but in >>>13981299
and this pic. This shows he might be able to draw pokemon, but he's really not that great at legs.

>> No.13981839
File: 212 KB, 477x647, pokemon box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to admit though, his art has improved greatly over the years. He's finally understanding anatomy and color a bit better, poses no longer look as stiff and unnatural as they used to, etc. He's kind of forgotten how to draw shoes though and really likes putting everyone in skin-tight clothing.

>> No.13981846

I still think it's awful they should hire someone competent, it's not like the games sell 10 million copies each and they can't afford it.

>> No.13981851

No Halozy this event?

>> No.13981857

Why not do all of them?

>> No.13981873

What do you dislike about it? The only thing I don't like is that he hasn't drawn noses properly since his watercolor days and probably passes the lazy single line near the mouse shit off as "it's my art style" or something. Like look how low down that thing is on that RS Box lady.

>> No.13981880

It's just bad art. Humans are an afterthought, they should have someone focusing solely on character design. It's an important aspect. And while I like the design, the ideas are nice, they're just poorly executed.

>> No.13981965

It's too late now. His art is iconic to the Pokemon brand and so if they change it, they're gonna make more trouble than good. They probably hired him initially because his stuff was good enough at the time of first print. Just be thankful that the guy is improving.

>> No.13981977

>it's too late now
He still has the role of drawing every single pokemon. Japan having a retarded honor system shouldn't get in the way of improving a company. I feel like everyone in Japan is just afraid to be critical to their superiors in risk of losing their jobs. But I, as an artist, notice my own flaws more than anyone else. How can he not have noticed his own flaws? It makes me think he either does it intentionally to create his own 'style' or he can't improve.

>> No.13982011

Probably to create his own style. As much as his Pokemon designs are iconic, so are his character designs. the only thing he needs to do at the point of his career is update it to be more "modern".

>> No.13982180

Was Telecommunication ever uploaded?

>> No.13982219

Post something with great legs. Just curious.

>> No.13982255
File: 131 KB, 500x723, tumblr_inline_n9kqybiCFP1sdj7iy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really collect pictures of legs. But what >>>13981716
drew isn't bad.

>> No.13982365

The disc has left Japan for the US, that's all I know

>> No.13982468
File: 13 KB, 300x275, th-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have TOROMI? (pic not relevant)

>> No.13982745


Now if only someone uploaded the actual album.

>> No.13983121

This. I've been waiting for any sort of upload, but nothing. Guess I'll be waiting even more.

>> No.13983211
File: 55 KB, 720x480, 1429101373005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if all of PC4 sucked, dat last remix is hype as fuck.

>> No.13983317
File: 140 KB, 1424x210, onegai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is still hope

>> No.13983319

Anyone else looking forward to Tatsh? The crossfades for Far East of East -X- and Phantasia sounded great.

>> No.13983404

what's the first and last album called? dig the art.

>> No.13983414

Last album is Taishi's but I forgot what it's called.

>> No.13983418

from 2 planets

>> No.13983419 [DELETED] 


>> No.13983423
File: 66 KB, 600x543, dragonfly_personal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was information I requested. I didn't expect such a swift response. This was highly unexpected but not unwelcome.

>> No.13983451

need to spread knowledge so people have a better chance of finding them, and then i can pirate

>> No.13983515

Taishi's contemplating a digital release, apparently.

This and the one Shibayan song are the only things I'm really looking forward to, and the wait has been awful.

I should try some other things and see if I'm pleasantly surprised.

>> No.13983545

lost garden incoming

can you tell me which position in the photo those are i dont even remember

>> No.13983550

>can you tell me which position in the photo those are i dont even remember
Just upload all of them and eventually you won't get my gratitude

>> No.13983554

What Shibayan song?

>> No.13983558

dude fuck that my upload speed is the absolute worst

>> No.13983559

use a public dns

>> No.13983563

also most of these have already been upped

>> No.13983565

Better late then never

>> No.13983594


>> No.13983639

i.largeme.me/[Lost Garden] Bayside Dreamer.zip

tried my best at tagging

>> No.13983642

better link

>> No.13983658


Electro Cute 2 sucked, I can't believe the same people did it. I hope 3 redeems itself.

>> No.13983666
File: 282 KB, 900x900, Kijin.Seija.full.1626608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank you for the upload anon.

>> No.13983668
File: 218 KB, 706x940, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these two

>> No.13983677

bottom one incoming, not tagging because its all gookrunes

>> No.13983679
File: 469 KB, 689x551, 1440090086639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dear god, how does the man pull it off every time?

>> No.13983686


cool, been waiting days for those two you're being a saviour here.

>> No.13983690

reason for using this site in particular? the downloadspeeds don't hold a candle to GDRIVE/MEGA.
just curious

>> No.13983691

you can normally just find the albums page online and copy+paste the tags.

>> No.13983695
File: 4 KB, 313x82, jatkeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its my personal upload server and its being throttled because pic

ill use mega but ill be throwing up while doing so

>> No.13983707

I hate recent mega too but gdrive gives me 12mbps speeds on a good day.

But pic makes sense.

>> No.13983729

literally just wiped my main upload server by accident give me a bit

>> No.13983807
File: 967 KB, 1818x1040, 2._MauritsCornelis_-_You're_the_sunshine(Night__2015-08-23_04-47-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat on-topic question here. Does anyone use Winamp and how do I fix my albums not going by filepath/tracks not listing in order? I tried sorting by date, but that doesn't work.

Cold Snap's 2nd track is #7 on the album. And World Trick should appear before Sevens Head.

>> No.13983812

Stop using winamp. It's fucking 2015.

>> No.13983817

Foobar always crashed on me. What´s wrong with Winamp.

>> No.13983824


Foobar's the lightest shit, how exactly does it crash when winamp doesn't, what OS are you on?

>> No.13983828

w7 ultimate. Winamp only crashes when I try to load .cues. Foobar crashed all the time.

>> No.13983861
File: 191 KB, 1562x927, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a place that I can find nice skins for Foobar? Currently using this default one that I dont like that much.

>> No.13983881


>> No.13983883


>> No.13983909

i just want 3 for the complextro because i love that shit. xfade sounded decent.

>> No.13983942


new server, fast

>> No.13983959

>not using musicbee

>> No.13983974

404 for me. Do we have to wait a bit?

>> No.13983983

im retarded, fixed

>> No.13983995

Works for me now. Do you own both of those sites?

>> No.13984004

yes, i wiped both servers an hour ago and im trying to get shit working again

>> No.13984060

I'm done tagging Picolony-Nauts, uploading the FLAC and MP3 v0 now.

>> No.13984092

gonna retag ピコロニーノーツ!for everyone again, keeping the folder name for obvious reasons

>> No.13984130

well nevermind

>> No.13984131
File: 183 KB, 1254x940, 2015-08-23_00-00-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also new mousepad :^)

>> No.13984138

telecommunication might be the easiest

>> No.13984146

Telecommunication and then Colory Starry please.

>> No.13984149

has everything else already been upped

>> No.13984153

Here's the v0, please wait a little bit longer for the FLAC one to upload.

>> No.13984157

bottom right please

>> No.13984160
File: 73 KB, 313x382, 1354733557876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

color starry or else

>> No.13984162

I don't think so.

>> No.13984204

Here's the FLAC.
Let me know if I accidentally fucked anything up.

>> No.13984219


>> No.13984286

color starry: http://memeware.net/tempshit/this%20album%20sucks.zip

>> No.13984294

momobako & miko's album isn't up i dont think, nor is either zytokine but that's more likely to show up in flac. i'm unsure of what the other album is

>> No.13984314

>other album
top middle or top left?
top left was a lost garden bonus cd

>> No.13984323

nvm top left was a digital wing dvd

>> No.13984329

the blue one on the left

>> No.13984337

thats: https://soundcloud.com/mikanzil/like_a_mikan

>> No.13984358


love you anon, this album is as garbagey as I expected

>> No.13984380

Top middle. Thanks in advance!

>> No.13984431

flap+frog's latest album isn't half bad despite being Kancolle shit.

>> No.13984509

has it been uploaded?

>> No.13984541

I have no idea. I'm listening to the CD I got.

>> No.13984820


Can someone share this please? I didn't even know they released new cd... I have the one from c87 if any one needs it

>> No.13984956


>> No.13984985

It's not just garbage, it's all re-hashes.

>> No.13985266


>> No.13985508

yeah i went to that,they are cute asf irl tho

>> No.13985520
File: 977 KB, 1600x900, cumming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man,such a good album

>> No.13985584

Not C88 but does anyone have links for ginrei's past albums?

They don't seem to exist anywhere.

>> No.13985622

Try Jpopsuki.

>> No.13985634

could you link me the mousepad

>> No.13985755

idk it was at aqr9's booth

>> No.13985842


>> No.13985849

Could you upload the other one, I didn't even know they existed until now.

>> No.13985863

I can rehost them if you can't download from jpopsuki.

>> No.13985951



>> No.13986008

Why HS9? I always download it for 2-3 songs anyway and Kobaryo and t+pazolite did a great job. I'm also a big fan of Usao so i'm always satisfied.
That's me though. Is there something wrong with other tracks?

>> No.13986112


Sure it'd be nice if you could reup them somewhere.
Thanks for the responses.

>> No.13986124

>thanking for responses

>> No.13986149

Thanks for the quote.

>> No.13986175

New Foxtail-Grass Studio is up on the chink site.

Also is DS not loading for any of you guys? It stopped working for me yesterday afternoon.

>> No.13986219

Also dead on my end.

>> No.13986236

DS is dead since the last 2 days


>> No.13986304

>Progressive / Complextro / Electro(-House) / Glitch Hop / Bassline HC / DnB / Dubstep

Is there actually any glitch hop Touhou at all?

>> No.13986308

Probably those Moon-Tone EPs.

>> No.13986310

Spreadsheet being retarded for anyone else?

I try to access mega links but they're not doing anything although they look legit. The mega links posted in the thread do work however, what the actual fuck.

>> No.13986369

I can think of at least the one by Rolling Contact last Comiket: http://sp.x0.to/c87/46.html

>> No.13986388

I would love it if you could share that with the world anon. I really want to buy it but I only have so much money. If you don want the DS people to see you could probably put it on jpopsuki if you have an account.

Unrelated, but does anyone know where I can buy this? It doesn't look like its on Toranoana/Melonbooks/D-Stage/akibaoo.

>> No.13986392

Any albums have LoLK's stage 2 theme?

>> No.13986413

Cool, thanks.

Looked through their bandcamp and didn't find anything glitch hop in there. What they did have wasn't my cup of tea.

>> No.13986453


Zytokine, please.

>> No.13986528

Not this comiket

wait until m3 fall or something

>> No.13986542

But M3 is for original music.

>> No.13986724

Tagged this shit.


>> No.13986761

Goddamn, that Nanahira's track from the new MNK album is so great.

>> No.13987281


>> No.13987296
File: 1.16 MB, 1325x2000, DSC_0520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it looks like no one will make a proper rip of demetori. I am also not planning on going to Japan anywhere in the near future this year.
How do I order it from Japan to the UK?
pic unrelated

>> No.13987492
File: 116 KB, 474x328, 1216873853813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a v0 rip on the spreadsheet, it might not satisfy all your audiophile needs but it's better than what we had before.
And speaking about it, I found the tiny 2hu arrange to be pretty damn good. No dea what people were complaining about.

>> No.13987517



Here you go :)

>> No.13987522



this is how you order japan to uk

>> No.13987563

Nachi sucks so bad at singing I'm calling her Nacho from now on.

>> No.13987575

You know this was drawn by two different artist, right? The person who drew for ORAS isn't the same person who drew for RSE.

>> No.13987587

Yo Nomico sucks so bad at singing I'm going to call her Namco from now on.

>> No.13987606

Why not call her Bamco, because like Bandai Namco she can't do anything right?

>> No.13987618

Oh good call, also I hearby dub Masayoshi Minoshima just Yoshi because hes a huge fucking faggot. He is.

>> No.13987763
File: 127 KB, 320x320, desire_driver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has to have this, r-right?

Am I the only one getting wet from his voice?

>> No.13987794

You can get wet even though he only lasts 709 seconds in bed?

>> No.13988091


>> No.13988125 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 472x472, 1371466216079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much, anon!

I have not found DLLs of this anywhere, not in the usual sources (DS and C88 spreadsheet) anyways.

You've just made my night.

>> No.13988151 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 937x579, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13988310
File: 226 KB, 640x480, 1247604728079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I'd be able to use this again

>> No.13988338

What's the best site to buy phisical albums?
I need my fix of real shibayan and etcetera.

>> No.13988365

Did anyone pick up either Iron Attack albums?

>> No.13988371

you guys are mean. they're not that bad.

>> No.13988403


>> No.13988781

This is the first time he's made any non-disco electronic music since the track in white clear, right? It's been a while.

>> No.13988805

ey breh did u happen to get the lost garden fan appreciation mix card?

>> No.13988831

it's still pretty disco-y but i'll take what i can get. sounds decent. i think the answer to your question is yes, though.

>> No.13989392


There is a LoLK album on dojin.

>> No.13989703
File: 886 KB, 2519x1727, d119a2a700439563d5fa0aba266b382e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that frivolous equalisation back this very instant.
Yoshi is the cutest and I WILL fight you over this.

>> No.13990010

If anyone cares, DS will probably be down until at least tomorrow, the servers are fucked and we're moving to new ones.

If you have the MEGA plugin, try turning it off, the latest update messed it up (though it seems like it's fixed now)

I have this in lossless along with the new Pizuya's Cell album w/ Meramipop. I'll upload them in a little bit.

>> No.13990074

Anyone have a full lossless collection of FELT's albums?

>> No.13990103


>> No.13990230

I remember buying the set that came with the shirt but i fucking lost the shirt

>> No.13990246

Doesn't seem to work on mine, it says invalid torrent file. I'm using uTorrent 2.2.1. Other torrents work fine though

>> No.13990253

You need to use a torrent client that supports large torrents like that, the latest version of qBittorrent works I think, otherwise try Vuze or Deluge or something.

>> No.13990505

ah, well, good luck moving the server. Did the hard drives give out?

>> No.13990531
File: 40 KB, 597x298, 2015-08-24_03-33-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, all the files are fine, but a bunch of problems just occurred at the same time (the forum software is acting up and the mysql database isn't working correctly). Some of the things we would need to do to get it fixed, the hosting company would have to do, and they haven't responded to any of the tickets in 24+ hours, it's honestly easier to just move everything over to a new server since we've had problems with the current host before as well.
I'll stop blogging here now, if anyone wants to talk about it more I'm in #doujinstyle on rizon.

Also, currently uploading these.

>> No.13990569

This Kitsune's workshop album is so ear-meltingly good

they should do more of this

its like Cafe de Touhou series but somehow better.

>> No.13990612

Anyone gonna make a new thread?

>> No.13990643

Please upload ZYTOKINE

>> No.13990723

touhou fucking sucks ass

>> No.13990730

Kicks for Liberation 5 is now in astost!

>> No.13990756

I couldn't find the latest albums from Butaotome nor Yuuhei Satellite. SEND HELP!

>> No.13990761

reupload it

>> No.13990781

Seconding this, you would make a lot of people happy if you upload both of the new zytokine

>> No.13990806
File: 108 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[2015.08.14 (C88)][東方] AbsoЯute Zero — Absolute One (v0+jpg)

FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!aZlyVapJ!jz0TEj2hV8fQl6ub41c-BeW1s5ecVBsLgsglYzEcZHw

>> No.13990813
File: 259 KB, 706x714, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[2015.08.14 (C88)][東方] Pizuya's Cell feat. めらみぽっぷ — 花籠を照らす幻燈 -Petal & Shard- (v0+jpg)

FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!PV9WRSrC!xOUMcWqMy4mQX1p_X2E5T8FtJtINFXpqrylsdct1PrI

>> No.13990820
File: 241 KB, 800x800, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[2015.08.14 (C88)][東方] SOUND HOLIC feat. 709sec. — Desire Driver (v0)

FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!idVUiTQb!mjcl7RXBb4yOiEPzSjBpmq1_P5W8h8qorG_vEG0yhrs

>> No.13990826
File: 433 KB, 1500x1000, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[2015.08.14 (C88)][東方] TUMENECO vs GET IN THE RING — Another World 3 (v0+jpg)

FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!yU1HRLpa!cFp0nzUEZFwjeNABxEudcZEVJheiUvcGzFT367DXLiU

>> No.13990828
File: 64 KB, 800x800, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[2015.08.14 (C88)][東方] さかばと — さけのさかなのおとのうた (v0+jpg)

FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!iVMj2ASb!s33p8gmdYiSFg39-djGw6xMbPLOhFk1QFgkMWtURaTU

>> No.13990834
File: 205 KB, 800x800, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[2015.08.14 (C88)][東方] 天秤亭 — 運命の選択を (v0)

FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!eIUWWSpQ!O7rsY78ctKg0vNccNAkld_F6mPGICnGrnicSPgQ7XbI

>> No.13990841
File: 783 KB, 1654x1654, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[2015.08.14 (C88)][東方] 暁Records — LOVE EAST -to the beginning 04- (v0)

FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!zNMzWDjK!AJ0CIleFkp6Zd7si7jenZKYxTqkH431Dwy0Fxdb1RFA

>> No.13990902

That 'The rabbit has landed' arrange is a lot of fun.
I hope it's the first of many.
Are there any other albums with arranges of the demo stages of LoLK?

>> No.13990965

I see no blogging until you start discussing how you feel about your hosting company and your life problems.

>> No.13991997

We're gonna need a new thread soon lads

>> No.13992004

I need more touhou....

There's so much original stuff this time around, but all I want is touhou!

>> No.13992331


No Thank you

>> No.13992454

This album is great, even though I don't like vocals usually-

>> No.13992689

zytokine's stuff is out on doujin.co

>> No.13992728

Using that cancer site hurts me.

>> No.13992741

>No event tagging
Who thought this was a good idea again?

>> No.13992781

CHAN-CO (chanko)

>> No.13992906

Can you get Tou-Hop for free anywhere? Bandcamp has a minimum payment of 1.96$.

>> No.13992913

don't get deluge

just get qbit

>> No.13992919

It's on the #Comiket XDCC bots.

>> No.13992922

oh also here I guess: http://music.comiket.moe/C88/

>> No.13992973

Mikos song in picoroni-notes is actually so fucking good.
