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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 366 KB, 1000x1000, tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13921475 No.13921475 [Reply] [Original]

Where is the /jp/ OC thread?
Well I guess I'm making it. Spent the last 6 hours drawing this. Please make warm comments and please tell me areas I could use improvement.
Also post your ORIGINAL CONTENT as well, If you'd like.

>> No.13921561

THIS took you 6 hours?
Please be joking.

>tell me areas I could use improvement
All of them.

>> No.13921575

It's my first day trying to actually draw. Borrowed a tablet yesterday. This is day 2.
This wasn't a warm comment either.

>> No.13921645 [DELETED] 

>Where is the /jp/ OC thread?
They're only made every few weeks because people don't create stuff that quickly. Go somewhere else if you need them to start faster or just make a thread to show off your work without trying to pass it off as an OC thread.

>> No.13922172

haha this is pathetic

>> No.13922489

You need more curvature on her body. Thin waist, wider hips that really gives her some style. Maybe a bit thinner and longer arms. Her clothing is also looking a bit too stiff. You should really make is move around the body instead of just being there. Get some air between her clothes and her body

>> No.13922499

When drawing ladies you can really give her some crazy angles on her spine and hips. It gives the subject a nice energetic pose

>> No.13922525
File: 106 KB, 500x750, 1377990962557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at these lovely eyecatching hips

>> No.13922544


>> No.13922563


>> No.13922923

Looks like a cross dresser.


>> No.13925257

Arm length and thickness is fine, it's just the shape that is wrong.

>> No.13925528
File: 693 KB, 3035x2149, ganbare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13925601

Youv killed something inside her... wrong face?

>> No.13925640

What program do you use to draw?

>> No.13925659

I think its SAI

>> No.13926852
File: 216 KB, 400x400, 1439178795692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake japanese

>> No.13929326

Thank you for the advice! I will apply it for my next drawing.

I see, I see! Thank you very much for your assistance. I will use this as reference. 愛の漢字を忘れた。恥ずかしい。


Thank you all for your help. I will practice and improve for the next time we meet!

>> No.13929456

Please be kind to have a good day and working your best!

>> No.13930117

This thread makes my sides hurt.

>> No.13931039

ur mum makes the sides of my penis hurt

>> No.13933151
File: 9 KB, 201x251, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13935263
File: 1.41 MB, 2000x1800, exploitable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newhu is exploitable

>> No.13935930
File: 113 KB, 800x429, 0879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have time to draft the new characters on time 'cuz of work.
Just drew one afterwards.

>> No.13937004
File: 194 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello OC thread, I made an instrumental Touhou music album with my good friend denshuto. My tracks are track 4 and 5.

(it's free listening and download)

The CD for this album was actually sold for real in Comiket yesterday. We still have some left, so if you happen to be in Comiket tomorrow for Day 3, come and meet up with us and we'll give you one for free! In the meantime, please enjoy!

>> No.13938180


>> No.13938186

You know your shit.

>> No.13938274

I liked your tracks more than denshuto's, but nothing catched my ear in the first minute of each track to keep listening, sorry.

>> No.13938630

Woah, that's lewd man

>> No.13938671

i didn't know shill is allowed in /jp/.
but eh nevermind me it's the oc thread.

>> No.13938708

It's fine, he's only posting the stuff he's made.

>> No.13939681
File: 29 KB, 816x725, hecatia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13940794

That's cool. I wish you'd at least skipped through parts of my songs since it doesn't really start until a while, and there's a lot going on in there, but it's over-indulgent as well, so that's fine! Thank you for trying it out!

Technically I only made half of it though!

>> No.13942271
File: 61 KB, 374x621, 1439189209904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is great! Awesome sound. Constructive criticism would be 3/5 tracks had the same instrument/effect for the ``guitar", but I dig the emocore sound of the leads. Refresh, Restart, Repeat and Magical Thunderclouds and Lightning were my favs. You also show width and skill with the instrumental piano. Congrats on the Comiket, definitely would pick up!

Also, whoever posted this in the last thread, I think it's neat.

>> No.13942648 [DELETED] 

>I will practice and improve for the next time we meet!
Hope to see something else from you as you progress. All the best!

>> No.13943720

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! However, the album was made by two people. Track 1-3 is by denshuto, and track 4-5 is myself (fumo), which might explain why the two sides sound rather starkly different.

The instrumental piano bit is also denshuto's part, and he's got a better ear for awesome atmospheric sections like that than me. Though I'm confident myself when it comes to rhythm and beat!

>> No.13944577 [DELETED] 

Hi, denshuto here. Thank you for listening and for the feedback. Sorry about the chunky metal nonsense. I had been listening to a lot of Old Man Gloom, Ocoai, and Neurosis at the time and thought it'd be fun to throw some sludge metal into my arranges instead of just post-metal.

The reason behind the stark contrast is that the idea to do a split was pretty last-minute, as I'd originally been planning to release a full album on my own at Comiket but was running out of time due to other commitments. Thankfully fumo asked me if we could do a split EP and, well, here we are today.

お疲れ様でした! Have a safe flight!

>> No.13944583

>>13942271 #
Hi, denshuto here. Thank you for listening and for the feedback. Sorry about the chunky metal nonsense. I had been listening to a lot of Old Man Gloom, Ocoai, and Neurosis at the time and thought it'd be fun to throw some sludge metal into my arranges instead of just post-metal.

The reason behind the stark contrast is that the idea to do a split was pretty last-minute, as I'd originally been planning to release a full album on my own at Comiket but was running out of time due to other commitments. Thankfully fumo asked me if we could do a split EP and, well, here we are today.

お疲れ様でした! Have a safe flight!

>> No.13948866
File: 984 KB, 1449x2740, 51987282_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this guy post here? I feel like I recognize this art style

>> No.13948907 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 700x546, 1323443936401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actually fuck? I got that album just two days ago because I liked it. Funny seeing it here.

>track 4
I should say that track 4 was broken, l had to rename it so it was a readable .flac because of that annoyingly long name but I liked the album.

>> No.13948985

That's shindol dude he doesn't post here man

>> No.13949646

Just make another OC thread following the model from the previous 160+ threads, you fucking attention whore.

You can even use your disgraceful drawing as an opening image. I can't post OC nor feedback in a thread like this.

>> No.13952982

Okay so I have the shamisen up on my MIDI and learned the scales from old kabuki type recordings. Trying to somehow fit this in to the Brood War Zerg soundtrack as an influence and play off of that. No recordings yet, I'm still new and things are rough around the edges still but it's really fun! I hope to someday post a .flac for your all's enjoyment!

>I can't post OC nor feedback in a thread like this.
Please forgive the OP, it was a while before the new thread started so they may not be accustomed to the standard procedures of making a thead yet. Please, be kind to post your OC!!

>> No.13953037

Warm comments led to stagnation. Git gud

>> No.13953131
File: 56 KB, 540x473, marisa sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, autist.

>> No.13953171

>tfw using black magic to steal bkst talent

>> No.13955888

>Please forgive the OP, it was a while before the new thread started

yeah pretty much
what number are we even at anyway

>> No.13955948 [DELETED] 

Your music doesn't sound like it'll be very /jp/.

Speaking of that, what happened to the third music compilation? The leader of that gave up after lack of interest or something?

>> No.13956061
File: 123 KB, 800x660, go to bed with a ponytail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay dry, /jp/. Maybe if I sleep we'll all get gud.

>> No.13956480

He's drawing boring stuff now though.
oc threads are in complete disarray
what the hell happened in the last 365 days?

>> No.13961939

Sorry for my horrible naming sense! If it makes you feel any better, I myself am aware that my naming sense is garbage, and I'm trying to change my ways.

And thank you for listening!

>> No.13962037
File: 251 KB, 535x808, 081815 pop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats more impressive than anything i could draw, seems like a waste
what is interesting to you guys anyways?
>what the hell happened
jp got even shittier

>> No.13964411

I find most of your work interesting. Sometimes it feels a tad empty on stimulating content though.

>> No.13964480

what's your problem? does every single piece of art need to stimulate you? maybe you should draw your own shit for once

>> No.13964512

she looks like tenishi in an alternate outfit. 1/10

>> No.13964720

Cute as HELL, dude.

>> No.13964745

>what's interesting
dunno, I looked at the stuff you did lately and seems kind of half assed confronted to what you used to draw

>> No.13964846

I don't really get art. 2deep things fly over my head. I like your colors, forms and some of the shock value things, really most of what I can see, but feels kinda empty when it gets too much. No space to think about things.

That face on the triclops tummy, those clumps of hair make it more than a pasted face. It's neat. If it was technicolor and being put into a meat grinder, it'd just feel edgy.

>> No.13964888


>> No.13964938

Don't tell me how to live my life.

>> No.13965059

why are you posting this in every thread

>> No.13965324
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, sadhu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13965328

Don't tell me how to post my posts.

>> No.13965905

I suddenly had a lot to do recently, so it slipped from my mind. Bt, well, since I'm here now, I'll jsut post the update.

I think all of the people still pending submissions have submitted their works, so we're going to find an artist for the album art now. I remember receiving an email from a prospective contributor for the album art,but we haven't been in contact for a while, so I will assume that it won't be happening.

Due to the small number of tracks of this new one, it will be specifically called "Mini-Album", but as for what we need, nothing has changed - just a front cover, and, if possible, a back cover (that may just be the front cover with a filter or something) with the tracklist.

And, well, since we haven't actually released yet, if anyone still wants to contribute music tracks, it would be very welcome.

For any sort of submission, you can email me at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com, or post it these OC threads with a note of your intention to submit. I'll probably be able to find them.

>> No.13965967
File: 454 KB, 732x1104, スクリーンショット 2015-08-20 0.53.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate everyone's drawings and I like you all <3 you guys are silly!

>> No.13966285
File: 379 KB, 755x1007, nue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this...

>> No.13966461
File: 81 KB, 1048x787, 261b5897e0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Here.
Here is a WIP. I got tired today but I'm going back at it tomorrow to try and draw Poniko riding on the back. Tell me what you think! Please make warm comments. Also I was having trouble figuring out how I would place Poniko, I want her facing towards the front but wasn't sure how to make her sit properly, so if you could give me advice on that then please do so, and thank you in advance.

>> No.13966486

you could make her in a picnic in the background with some other guests!

>> No.13966535

you're improving OP!

>> No.13966546

I'd appreciate any kind of criticism, and like, knowing what I did correct and whatnot, too. I got too excited and posted to quickly.

>> No.13966558

Don't forget to draw her white kneehighs in its her charm point

>> No.13966576

Oh boy, how good do you have to be to post to OC threads? Or is being mercilessly mocked the norm?

>> No.13966607

Ah! How could I forget. I will make sure they are in the final.

>> No.13966655 [DELETED] 

If you want to be loved/popular in the threads, just draw giant dicks on everything. Your talent doesn't matter then.

>> No.13966672
File: 244 KB, 1012x1100, 47224243_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good they're a pretty important aspect I wanna draw something too now but idk what maybe my waifu from this recent VN I've been playing recently

>> No.13967789
File: 111 KB, 378x556, asfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew something

>> No.13967807


>> No.13967823

It's also because of faggots like me who said they'd contribute but end up dropping and doing their own thing instead (this has happened twice in a row with me with two consecutive Comiket releases). Sorry...

I do have a track half done for this, but I couldn't bring myself to finish it since it's so different from my usual style. Again, sorry...

>> No.13968560
File: 248 KB, 447x717, 081815 miku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was going to say i feel like my art has gotten bland too but >>13964846
i didn't think content wise it ever got 2deep, whatever i end up trying to imply in a picture ends up being too vague (and usually was pretty shallow anyways).
i've always half-assed but i get what you're saying.

>> No.13968604

What is she doing? Why is she falling over?

>> No.13968747
File: 604 KB, 1300x600, asfdsdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have the time to finish...

>> No.13969941
File: 388 KB, 735x546, flandrejump .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a flandre. I think I started getting the feeling of using copic. I hope I can do more stuff like these in the future.

>> No.13972593


Warning: NSFW.

>> No.13972620

we pandain now

>> No.13972651


>> No.13973953
File: 421 KB, 900x1899, trojan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.13974047

Cute as HELL, man!

Zombie Nue? Not bad.

>> No.13974655

Whatever happened to the simloli guy?

>> No.13974771

Arrested, jailtime.

>> No.13974785

Hopefully dead

>> No.13975779
File: 143 KB, 550x800, 0884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's cheerleader time

>> No.13976458

"Give me an O for oppai, girl."

>> No.13976474

If she opens her mouth will her bikini bra thing fall off?

>> No.13976569

Yes, that's why you need to tickle her belly.

>> No.13976893

>Your music doesn't sound like it'll be very /jp/
No, it wouldn't; yet. I started this seriously, two weeks ago. Classically trained instrumentalist to digital recording. MIDI sequencing, taught by orchestra conductor. Jazz, folk, and solo singer-songwriter outfits: multi-instrumentally. Theory and memorized the circle of fifths. Pop music history. However, I am terribly lazy and my diet consists of potato chips and cola when I'm not lifting.

>> No.13977701
File: 17 KB, 362x370, temp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love it

>> No.13980976


>> No.13981658
File: 167 KB, 634x800, it&#039;s okay there&#039;s always tomorrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13981776

Well that confirms ny suspects that you were pretty shitty under all those layers of color

>> No.13982527

That looks better than pretty much everything else he's done, though.

>> No.13982772
File: 178 KB, 306x715, 2015-08-22 Sera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13983073 [DELETED] 


>> No.13983350

Satorin is growing!

>> No.13983354

Got a Pixiv?

>> No.13984362

Yeah: 15324593

>> No.13984637
File: 214 KB, 495x981, kimono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads

>> No.13984872
File: 139 KB, 1052x744, 2015-08-16-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally started this a week ago, I just botched a third coloring attempt, ready to kill myself now.

These threads on the other hand seem to be pretty cool. A question to drawfriends around here, in what way and how often do you actually practice instead of just drawing 2hus?

>> No.13985716

I think you might have my same condition, the can't draw anime right syndrome.

>> No.13985776
File: 34 KB, 800x600, 012345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must you always be like this, /jp/-kun? All cold shower and no towel.

>> No.13986329

Well, that would be a problem since I can't draw anything else. Can you tell me what makes you think so? Faces? Anatomy? Lineart? Any insight would be appreciated, I'm having a hard time judging how good or bad my stuff looks.

>> No.13986349

weird, but cool.

>> No.13986359

Freakishly small heads.

>> No.13987482

You must be blind to not see what's wrong in the picture

>> No.13989011
File: 1.25 MB, 852x965, FEX small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look like I still got a lot to work on, thanks for the suggestion!

>> No.13990506
File: 662 KB, 623x466, walk into candy store.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like a candy store?

>> No.13990537

Looks plain as hell.
Make a huge sign above the door with a couple of huge lollipops and candy canes on it. You can also make inside of the store more "candyland-like": pale pink and blue, fancy decorations, etc.

>> No.13991390


I was going for a more upscale European chocolate-maker kind of thing I guess. Although I don't know. I don't think I've ever been in a candy shop before.

>> No.13991490

So when do we get to see his balls clench hard during his ejaculation?
I need it for research.

>> No.13991552
File: 106 KB, 540x540, lazy doodle 15524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13991565

I love to see people used drawing in digital being absolutely shit with traditional.

>> No.13991569

red line it

>> No.13991588

I love to see people used to drawing traditionally being absolutely shit with digital.

>> No.13992477

>i didn't think content wise it ever got 2deep, whatever i end up trying to imply in a picture ends up being too vague (and usually was pretty shallow anyways).
I mostly get a wierd people being casual vibe from your stuff.
Sometimes wierd people being horny while being casual or people doing casual things lewdly.

>> No.13995144

I'm not that anon, but I feel like the placement/position of the right arm, right leg, and eyes are strange. It could just be me though.

>> No.13995752

So I can show him his mistakes and make it easier to fix them? no way buddy.

>> No.13996271

Cute as HECK

>> No.13997469

I like it.

>> No.13997558
File: 628 KB, 1052x1625, poizun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first Sai project!

>> No.13998361

Well, it does say "candy shop"...

>> No.14000680

I like the belly part.

>> No.14001676

Rough Ran sketch.

>> No.14001685

this actually looks really cute. I don't even like lewds

>> No.14005520
File: 308 KB, 905x821, Koishi and Kokoro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your coloring and shading style.

I haven't drawn in a little while, but I finished this today.

>> No.14008880 [DELETED] 

How was Koishi's cord able to wrap around Kokoro's leg?

>> No.14009018
File: 233 KB, 1110x604, ss+(2015-08-27+at+05.44.24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a commission.

>> No.14009509

What program is that?

>> No.14009538

clip studio or manga studio as it formerly was.

>> No.14009547
File: 49 KB, 917x1221, 335px-ClownpieceTH15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting back into digital art so everything is rough

>> No.14009671
File: 343 KB, 818x741, pram small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clip Studio Paint.

>> No.14009840

It goes behind Kokoro's back, then down behind her skirt, wraps around then goes back underneath Satori.

>> No.14010033

where's satori?

>> No.14010116
File: 368 KB, 1051x749, 082715 sunnyd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14010276

i want to punch her!

>> No.14010913

Whoah. You've outdone yourself. Keep at it.

>> No.14011139

These are all really great. They could all be technically nuhus, besides Shimakazehu.

>> No.14011159

You know, they.. fit the criteria.

>> No.14011272

ITT niggers complaining about other people not contributing and the scene "dying" whilst simultaneously backtracking and making excuses for why they can't contribute themselves _(:зゝ∠)_

>> No.14011518

ah I meant Koishi...

>> No.14011630

W-what's wrong?

>> No.14012490

awesomely bland.

>> No.14012527

I don't think skirts fold that way, especially if there's no wind.
Also, her top looks like a really stiff armor/cardboard.
Just go to google for references.

>> No.14013317 [DELETED] 
File: 937 KB, 2480x3507, mokou-fullsize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this today - any kind of feedback would be really nice!

>> No.14013322
File: 190 KB, 620x877, mokou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this today, any kind of feedback would be really nice.

>> No.14013378

tumblr nose

>> No.14013426

It's an ugly, weird nose, but that is not a tumblr nose

>> No.14013439

Nice, clean, crisp. But that nose.

>> No.14013462

gorillaz type nose feels out of place with the generic big anime eyes. looks stiff and a bit stale, but that's probably due to the super clean vector look. her right upper arm is a bit short. shadows dont make sense, figure out where your light is coming from. that line for te bottom lip is really low unless she has huge lips, in which case you should add more detail to make that clear.

>> No.14013473
File: 187 KB, 620x877, nosejob mokou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this? I'm not good with noses

>> No.14013491

I did go for a "super clean" look, not a dynamic one (I didn't use vectors though, just an ink type brush) so I can see where you're coming from. Didn't notice the arm thing tho, but I can see it now so thanks for pointing that out. I'm not really good with shading whatsoever and I couldn't be assed to spend that much time on it so I'm aware it's pretty bad.
I think with bottom lip line you mean the chin dimple I gave her? Because I intended the mouth as just one line.

>> No.14013516

pretty good nose

>> No.14013606

make her left eye a little bigger

>> No.14013643

will do sometime soon if i don't off myself first

>> No.14014343

Much better.

>> No.14015022
File: 1.48 MB, 1949x1305, 20150828_192535-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idea stolen from this post

>> No.14015181

>shitty boring drawings
>Views 2475 ratings 118
what the fuck

>> No.14015987

Cute lolis drawn with sexual tones are popular
Stop the presses

>> No.14018356
File: 191 KB, 729x720, asdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14018450

So cute! Girl on the left's legs feel a bit off, but it could just be me. But I'd love to see it colored!

>> No.14018963
File: 581 KB, 743x889, remi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remilia is a fairy

>> No.14019034

I won't let her in!

>> No.14021343

What is a good brand of watercolor for this type of drawing? I've been thinking of either getting:
Winsor and Newton Cotmans
Kuretake Gansai Tambi
Sakura Koi Travel set

I'm looking for something that isn't "chalky."
I've been using tons of random student-grade ones and I'm comfortable with them. Id like to get something a little better.

>> No.14021354
File: 786 KB, 1472x1344, KappaReisen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew some 2hus.
Nitori is from yesterday, Reisen and Baka are from a bit ago.

>> No.14021479

<desperate for money
<people asking if i do comissions
<turn them down
whats wrong with me

>> No.14022690

You have no confidence in your drawings, that's your problem

>> No.14022788

>no confidence
>same boat as >>14021479
>Does free commish instead
Please tell me whats wrong.

>> No.14022792

Post ur art

>> No.14022801

I will never stop loving this

>> No.14024097

>tell me whats wrong
stop giving a fuck. or better, man yourself to swallow bad opinions and anxiety keeping a smile on your face, because drawing and being afraid of showing your drawings to others is like cooking and throwing what you cooked in the trash

>> No.14024680
File: 401 KB, 800x600, minotard king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14026137

>drawing and being afraid of showing your drawings to others is like cooking and throwing what you cooked in the trash
Without going into the being afraid subject:
You think everyone draws just to show it to others? Do you even draw, oniichan?

>> No.14026160


>> No.14026186

I sympathize with your posts. It's similar to performance anxiety. Your problem is that you don't know how much you're worth. Of course, if you charged or if someone offered you $6,800 for something you swipe up on your Wacom in a couple hours, then you might have some reservations about the transaction.

At first, charge what others offer you. You can also try to keep them updated on progress so you are gentle with them and not full-force surprise mode when you give them the finished product.

>> No.14026196

>You think everyone draws just to show it to others?
they do. when you're a kid you show your shitty drawings to your mother to receive gratification. if adults don't give feedback, the kids stop drawing soon.
if someone tells you otherwise is just lying, possibly to himself too
cut the pseudo-philosophic bullshit about self improvement or whatever, you draw to receive gratification from someone that isn't yourself. its as simple as that

>> No.14026319

I'm not the person you were talking to originally so I don't know what posts you're sympathizing with. But I draw for myself, not for others, and I don't show most of my drawings. In my opinion, if you draw only to receive validation, you have issues. But not like I'm telling anyone why they should draw, like you, mind you. Do whatever.
Sometimes it's nice to get feedback and feel appreciated, but everyone has their motives. You're probably very young or not much into drawing, or projecting really hard. Nobody said anything about self-improvement.
Your ``advice" about anxiety is completely absurd and useless too. Being blunt, your ´´motivational" post just plain sucks.

>> No.14026353


>> No.14026362
File: 136 KB, 545x504, epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this **** a few years ago

>> No.14026641

Hi, I am:

I'm really confused. I totally disagree with what that other anon said, about drawing to receive gratification. That's a pleb move, in my opinion; and those ``artists" never get far unless they are a sociopath, which in many cases, is true of them. They are fake, hollow people that ironically, think only of themselves when they feign kindness to others.

I actually agree with you. I am a live performance musician myself and if you think visual artists have performance anxiety bad then imagine your commissions as having to speed draw with no eraser, live in front of the patron. Add pouring your soul and emotions out to them as if you were completely naked both outside and on the inside and that's what it is like. I still am barely able to approve of what I record. It feels like being a whore. The magic isn't there when it feels contrived, and often the thought of "they're listening" is distracting so I don't get the same results if I were playing alone for myself. A major distraction. I have abandonment / rejection issues where I sometimes scorn the approval of others if I feel what I did wasn't good enough. I've never learned to be comfortable with people complimenting me. I would prefer constructive criticism instead, but I rarely get that.

>> No.14026769


>> No.14026834


>> No.14027144

baka is cute but the lack of bow bothers me. please give her a hairbow

>> No.14029570

If someone were to make comics and start posting them here regularly, would they receive a lot of hate, just for being comics? I'm not talking about trashy 4chan comics nor top tier ero doujinshi btw, just goofy 4koma level shit or maybe a step up from that.

>> No.14029664

If it's tasteful oc, it should be okay. I posted my shitty doujin some time ago. It was just shitty sketches that I went over with my dip pen because I was bored. I was hoping for others to call me shit and laugh negatively at it but all I was a small endearing thank you.

>> No.14029669

*but all I got was a small endearing thank you.

>> No.14029689

as long as it's jp related or original i dont see a problem with it

>> No.14030969
File: 36 KB, 753x1272, tenshiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my own terrible take at op's pic

>> No.14031186

Well it's way less terrible

>> No.14031953

Looks like it came straight from the 90s, love it.

>> No.14035472

Friends, can you post examples of your own process for drawing/painting?

Here is mine (NSFW)

>> No.14035589
File: 574 KB, 2075x1024, today&#039;s hard work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14035605

i'm not sure why everything is so jagged but it looks like the start of something very nice

>> No.14040030
File: 274 KB, 800x600, asdgsaddadad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew something

>> No.14040048
File: 279 KB, 580x638, 090215 oni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14040158
File: 31 KB, 800x600, parsee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14042212
File: 2.16 MB, 800x640, movement.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was convinced to return to my jellyfish game. I also felt bad about not finishing it after putting so much time into it. I thought I would start by making the jellyfish move better. Now he uses WASD and rotates based on his velocity and the animation for swimming is automatic when you go up.

Hopefully this time I will finish it. I learnt a lot about programming since I last touched it.

>> No.14042428

i was hoping you'd still work on it.
do you post your landscapes/game stuff anywhere now?

>> No.14043040

I'm glad you're still around!

>> No.14043080

No one will ever say this to me. maybe I should get fatter

>> No.14043101

but then you'll only get
I'm glad that you're still round

>> No.14043114

Well its enough. I would be satistfied even by polygons with finite number of sides

>> No.14043425


No. Ever since the tumblr witch hunt I have been wandering.


>> No.14043432

what tumblr witch hunt?

>> No.14043444


People on tumblr tend to send mass reports to accounts they don't like and recently they decided to turn their attention to artists.

>> No.14043471

but as far as I know he had two accounts, one with only harmless stuff.

you could post your pixels in pixeljoint or wayofthepixel. The community is decent, very good when you compare it to others. Don't know about your other stuff through. Why not pixiv?

>> No.14043512


I suppose I could use pixiv. Although I wouldn't want to merge the two contents together.

>> No.14043523

I'm pretty sure you can make two accounts.

If you still do pixel art, you should check out the other two sites I posted. They can give very good critique when they see someone is serious.

>> No.14043794

People that started to treat tumblr as an art community deserves this treatment. it was beyond obviouvs it was populated by a bunch of subhumans, way worse than any deviantart poor autist

>> No.14044456
File: 385 KB, 500x350, tumblr_mjv0eeJnxv1qh8rq6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see how Peach's dress gently flows up as she floats down in this gif? You should try something similar for the jellyfish. The current float down movement looks a bit stale.

>> No.14044547

I wish I could be as determined as you, but I gave up on trying to make my game.

>> No.14046108
File: 129 KB, 540x842, 48a73211ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just planning things up, everything is still scribble-ish. Still got lots of work to do.

>> No.14046168
File: 467 KB, 1936x2592, R9Sz5AZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incomplete piece of shit due to missing equipment

also wanted to make her lashes and brows colored but some asshole tried to "help" and ended up making the lines too thick while inking with a pen, forcing me to cover that up by shading them entirely

>> No.14046210

What did Mario see?

>> No.14046217

Oh, you're still here? That is very good news.

I'm very much looking forward to seeing the finished game. Best of luck to you.

>> No.14046306

>also wanted to make her lashes and brows colored but some asshole tried to "help"

Good. Colored lashes are trash.

>> No.14046441

well nevertheless shit would look better drawn on a tablet

>> No.14046517

Are you that guy from that horrible art blog filled with 4chan renegades?

>> No.14048252

oh man, glad you're still around. The jellyfish's animation looks a little too fast though, try s lowing that down? (Also maybe bumps when it hits the rock edges)

>> No.14048269 [DELETED] 
File: 2.63 MB, 1748x1556, bgp2-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, any idea what's up with this?

>> No.14049057
File: 278 KB, 650x572, cannot_defeat_clownpiece_even_when_drawing_her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried drawing a pose but it didn't came out so good, couldn't figure how to position the head/face correctly and the rest is off too.
Well, it's one of the hardest poses I've tried drawing yet. Into the trash it goes!

>> No.14049577
File: 102 KB, 697x849, add2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14049597

Do you have a pixiv/tumblr?

>> No.14049599

Just draw a :) for the face and write it off as a piece of art you were clowning around with.

>> No.14051373 [DELETED] 
File: 530 KB, 800x712, bgp2-8 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea what's wrong with this?

>> No.14051386


The tree. everything else is fine but if the tree is the focal point it will have to look more refine than that. right now it's very blobby.

>> No.14051448
File: 521 KB, 1980x2800, 1439523448695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made Suika pregnant, is that considered an OC?

>> No.14051490

pregnant girls in bunny suits are the best

>> No.14051600

Great taste right there.

They are only surpassed by pregnant girls in school swimsuits.

>> No.14051671
File: 1.26 MB, 6000x3628, ayanope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this quite some time ago, in the process of colouring it now

i tend to have a habit of having very large canvases, is it wrong to do so?
*This one was originally 9500 x 5700 iirc

>> No.14051714


>> No.14051841

It can be okay if you know how to use the whole canvas compositionally.
Also, not sure about other programs, but photoshop has an option to resize the canvas. (AKA crop the image)

>> No.14051951

yep Clip Studio Paint has it too

composition is something i'm working on, just applying some bits i learnt here and there

>> No.14052432

No, take responsibility

>> No.14052591
File: 1.24 MB, 3264x1836, P_20150906_031214_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think im improving /jp/

Gonna try drawing full bodies next

>> No.14052836

>I think im improving /jp/
Too bad the hordes of /v/tards will make it shit no matter what.

Wait wh

>> No.14053199

Does the art i post itt need to be stylized (anime)? I did some watercolor sketches of areas in japan I found online

>> No.14053208

No, anything goes.

We had a couple other landscape artists posting here, and they were pretty good.

>> No.14053326

You are, keep at it!

Yeah go for it, nice to see a fellow watercolor painter

>> No.14053423
File: 463 KB, 683x1097, dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing poses is hard even looking at references
and these arms are terrible I don't know what to do with them
next time i'll draw something cute and less realistic

>> No.14053430

cute dork dweeb

>> No.14053449

this is very cute :3 I do have one suggestion for sure, make your lines cleaner. Use one stroke or maybe two for the forearm, those types of things. The only reason I mention this is because my boyfriend draws like this and he got carpal tunnel. It is really sad to see him in pain when he wants to draw :c

Anyways, for the hand I suppose I would have made it a fist since she seems kind of angry. Not in a "I'm going to punch you" kind of fist but something more like... hmm... think tsundere? Maybe. Or clutching her skirt. I think it's okay how it is though. Like I said, super cute :3 just be careful of your wrist to not get carpal tunnel and preferable use a medium or large tablet. I love the face especially

>> No.14053528

This is really cool dude, love it

>> No.14053627

Your lines look a little jagged. Are you using a mouse?

>> No.14053659


I like it. Definite improvement over your previous stuff

Except the slightly odd thing going on with her hips and ass

>> No.14054362

I feel like I am behind in art for my age. Do you think it is bad for a 18 or 19 or 20 year old to not be good, even though they started to draw a year ago?

>> No.14054682

There is no age to draw
1 year of art is nothing. Don't expect to be good before minimum 3 years of real work, as in constant practice and studying.

>> No.14054709
File: 207 KB, 1000x1500, Tewi m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst rabbit

>> No.14056403

I was drawing stick figures at 24 and got "decent" (as in, what I draw doesn't make any sane human cringe anymore) in a few years, even though I didn't practice much. I wish I had the time to draw a lot more, then I would be pretty good right now.
Drawing is just a skill you learn and improve. You just have to draw like shit for a while, which is depressing, but there's no way around it. People who draw great at 20 probably did a truckload of drawing hours during their teens, even if it wasn't serious. Just drawing on the side of your notebook at class counts, and if you add some proper training to that, you can get pretty good.
Just think of it like exercise. You are not going to squat 500 lb on your first day at the gym after sitting on your ass eating doritos for 15 years straight.

>> No.14056506

better than reisen and the new rabbits

>> No.14057890

It makes me really sad that we probably won't get any rape doujins where she mindbreaks herself by saying things like "No, stop, I don't want this!" and "It hurts!"

>> No.14061104
File: 49 KB, 600x400, clownpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14062351
File: 4 KB, 300x300, jay pea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew /jp/

>> No.14064667

nice shadow

>> No.14064817 [DELETED] 

If you gave up or suspended this project you would join the countless amount of /jp/ers who started a project and failed to bring it to fruition. I was hoping you would be different. You were supposed to be the chosen one. Show us that it is possible to complete a project. Please do not fail us!

With all seriousness your game has a lot of potential. It looks gorgeous and its gameplay seems to be very original. Take my advice, if you take this project more seriously I can see you one day winning indie awards and getting a lot of media coverage for this game. You're only 1 or 2 years from being rich and e-famous. Don't give up yet.

>> No.14065113
File: 723 KB, 1656x910, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still facing difficulty over making the scenes feel underwater. Hopefully adding some bubbles here and there will help. I want to add wobbling but ecco didn't have that so I think it should be okay. this add-on for unity allows for wobbling stuff.

>You're only 1 or 2 years from being rich and e-famous. Don't give up yet.

Hopefully my family tolerates me until it's done. Even if no one ends up liking it I think it would be good for my health to actually finish a project. I'm always anxious about their thoughts of me.

>> No.14068219
File: 751 KB, 1509x834, 45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now with bubbles.

>> No.14068500
File: 655 KB, 474x733, shinkiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with the coloring, now drafting for the next drawing. Hope I can finish the next drawing soon.
You will see him when I feel horny. Maybe I will do it when I am done with my work this year.
Not sure if there is an art blog fill with 4chan renegades. But no, I am pretty much alone in my art blog.

>> No.14068811


>> No.14069437 [DELETED] 

>I'm still facing difficulty over making the scenes feel underwater.
You've probably already done this but try googling for videos of 2D games with water levels. Borrow whatever underwater animation tricks you find and add it to your game. Another thing that might help is showing the surface more often. I noticed with games like Sonic they made you go in and out of the water a lot. The contrast of land and water environments definitely makes the player think they are seeing water.

Please ignore the annoying youtuber commentary:

>> No.14069463 [DELETED] 

I have probably said this before but you should definitely play the doujin game Holdover if you haven't already. An interesting game mechanic would be making the Jellyfish have to go up for air. Holdover's entire gameplay was about finding places to catch your breath. The fear of drowning is always on the player's mind. Actually, now that I think about it. Most underwater maps in 2D games use the threat of drowning as a gameplay element. Keep up the good work and good luck!


>> No.14069787

>An interesting game mechanic would be making the Jellyfish have to go up for air

That makes literally 0 sense. Also you should reference Ecco, instead of some fetish game, when talking about tense moments looking for pockets of air.

>> No.14072175

Enjoy your pixiv stars I guess

>> No.14073339
File: 31 KB, 512x384, new graphics 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatever happened to the simloli guy?

I'm still alive.

I got someone to work on art too.

>> No.14073360

>I'm still alive.
Looking forward for the day you'll stop breathing

>> No.14073366


>> No.14073411

you're mean for no reason

>> No.14073596 [DELETED] 

I like lolis very much but you've always come off as a weirdo to me. I too look forward to the day when you get busted for kiddy porn. Good luck with that game though.

>> No.14073617

ow is he a weirdo?

>> No.14073646 [DELETED] 

Are you still coding that game in C++? I remember when I used to be a young and foolish developer like you. No indie games should be coded in C or C++. It is just a waste of time. An indie game should be like water. An indie game must be shapeless, formless, like javascript. When you pour javascript in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour javascript in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour javascript in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Javascript can drip and it can crash. Become like javascript my friend.

While low level language devs are wasting time writing header files and worrying about primitive data types, a high level language dev is creating. Maybe it is just me, but I can't invent and explore new ideas when I have to worry about header files. Trust me, for any C++ devs out there. Just try making a game in a high level language and it will change your life. Also, learn about this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_repeat_yourself

>> No.14073653

Nigger what?

>> No.14073689

Had a hearty chuckle m8

>> No.14075273

No, the reason I'm mean is that I'm a dick
I wholeheartedly approve
Lolicon isn't something creepy and vulgar like pedophilia like that fuck apparently believes. its like saying that liking war movies means you enjoy pictures of people getting shot to death, or outright killing people.
lolicon is the longing for an unattainable purity lost before the realization of its true value. its an ideal that pushes you in fighting everyday and never let go your impossible dreams.
lolicon is utopia, not pornography

>> No.14075293
File: 70 KB, 781x1000, gHZu88y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty ballpen can't ink properly so i'm sticking with a pencil

>> No.14075362

Oh shit he's back. I thought you died squid anon.

>> No.14075457

Stick it up your ass.

Daily reminder that I jerk off to your "pure" loli every nights.

>> No.14075573

I jerk off to them too. to me it seems that you're not intelligent enough, or even worse, you don't want to understand the difference between lolicon and pedophile.
people like you, that took japanese media and its now extinct subculture as something vapid and ironic is just pitiful in its emptyness.
you are the real normalfags.

>> No.14075607

>the difference between lolicon and pedophile
One is child porn you like, the other is child porn you don't like.

>> No.14075640

dude what

>> No.14075652

For the record, I never like loli ironically, I like them sexually, not "cutesy".

>> No.14075704

poor-ass nigga so gonna improvise shit

>> No.14076112
File: 106 KB, 625x700, agaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time didn't drew Happy

>> No.14076122

post full

>> No.14076542

And there's nothing wrong with that. but you must recognize that there's difference from lolicon erotica and child pornography. first of all, the main focus being the characters themselves and not the criminal context.

>> No.14077852
File: 607 KB, 724x1023, madotsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew vomitgirl

>> No.14077916

her eyes are too open

>> No.14078671
File: 2.78 MB, 800x640, bubbles.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used the same pooling method for the player. Now he can make bubbles too! This video also shows towards the end a serious issue I've been having with unity's animation fade function because it won't go back to the default idle animation sometimes. and sometimes it wont play swimming when you move. I don't know how to solve it but it's not game breaking thus far so I can ignore it.

>> No.14079928

he's moving real fast

>> No.14079948


her eyes are too closed

>> No.14080133
File: 158 KB, 619x900, 0892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, instead I'll post something different here in-exchange

>> No.14080518
File: 301 KB, 800x1244, Youmu butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When in doubt, draw a butt.

>> No.14080520


I want to smack it!

>> No.14082144
File: 19 KB, 634x554, sisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14083189
File: 390 KB, 768x768, puke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14083519


Is she related to Venera/Kate?

>> No.14083758

I like it

>> No.14084017
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, 2x new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Increased the road size, added thicker sidewalks, rewrote the towngen algorithm to take into account these things instead of hard-coding for 4-wide roads and 1-tile sidewalks so that if I ever change this in the future it won't be a huge mess anymore...

the artist will probably do some less intrusive / noisy grass for the lawns and keep that grass for somewhere else (parks? outside town?) since it's a bit too long for a lawn. Although maybe I could keep it for the abandoned houses since they wouldn't cut their lawns.

(pic was at 2x - since there's now an option to toggle from 1x, 2x... all the way up to whatever ceil(min(width/monitorwidth, height/monitorheight)) would be)

>> No.14084029


I assume you're lolidev from /agdg/? (sorry for bringing it up) The only thing that niggles me is the sign that I assume means to say "home"? seems a tad misaligned and the 'm' in home looks kinda fucky, but apart from that keep on doing it dude.

>> No.14084048
File: 9 KB, 512x384, Image610000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The artist actually re-did that too, I just haven't integrated all his art assets into the game yet as I spent a lot of time adjusting towngen as mentioned in the previous post / fixing other stuff from changing tile size (most of the game was passing around tileSize, but there were some places that would hardcode 16, 32, or 640/480, but I removed those places now.)

As you can see I also need to put the new traffic lights in (the old ones' offsets were fucked as you can see from the tilesize/res change though)

>> No.14086357
File: 525 KB, 1600x900, 47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now you can push a crystal. For puzzle solving! I still have that animation issue. I don't get unity's crossfade function.

>> No.14086363

Why is the crystal magically stationary at whatever position you push it to? It should float or sink, unless it's just magic anyway.

>> No.14086380


Magic. There will be rocks that work in a similar fashion that will actually sink. Also moving them would be kind of tedious if they kept sinking.

>> No.14087444

The way the jellyfish always points upwards is triggering my autism. I think it'd be better if, in addition to WASD movement, the player could control the jellyfish's direction with the cursor. This'd also open up the possibility of using left/right click for some sort of added function (shooting bubbles, charging forward, idk).

>> No.14087516


Whats wrong with it always being upright? Most sea life still have a concept of 'up'.

>> No.14087556

It is kinda really weird. It really should be pointed in the direction it's headed.

At least if it were a fish it'd be pointed left or right when it was moving, which is generally where you'd be going, but imagine the fish was always pointing upwards, even when going sideways.

It's kinda weird to be pointed up like that, but be in a primarily sideways moving game, especially so if you aren't sinking whenever you aren't moving upwards.

>> No.14088619
File: 79 KB, 800x640, 195344452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to cause problems.
Speaking as an experienced stupid person, so many puzzle pieces will be lost you'd think it inconceivable.

Also, I really like the soft, slow glow of the crystal! It looks so relaxing.

>> No.14088961
File: 628 KB, 556x1360, sketch_thin_man_at_laocoon_group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14088996

i dig how you did the boxes
lovely, in particular the legs and feet

>> No.14089027

This nigga >>14088619 has a point. Maybe make it so that the crystal's glow goes through that layer?

>> No.14089533

This looks really neat.

>> No.14089547


I intend to do something like this.


>> No.14089605

its kind of saddening that, after all, this is still the only decent thread on all 4chan to post your stuff. on /ic/ the more you are shit, the more you receive positive feedback it seems.
is there even a decent place to show your drawings on internet, or you're forced to put up a tumblr, blogspot or something? damn

>> No.14090779
File: 163 KB, 1025x683, DSC03050.0.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just received two of these (middle and right) for my birthday.

I have no experience with synthesizers, so I'm trying to learn them now. Is it possible to make touhou arranges on them? It seems improbable given how the sounds loop, but I'm probably missing something.

The model numbers are the PO-12 and PO-16.

>> No.14090837

Those are expensive. I only know how to use open-source synths.

>> No.14090913

I want to shove my face in it.

>> No.14092280
File: 150 KB, 800x1220, 48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some background fish that I am learning to do with the flocking behaviors and steering I learnt but they get weird and I'm not sure how to make them steer to avoid each other without doing something like ray casting a hit box which I don't think is possible and would be costly for just a background effect.

I think next will be trying to get some sort of speck/dust effect to have particles drift around to help convey the underwater some more.

>> No.14093780
File: 316 KB, 800x640, 49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed the jellyfish like someone mentioned so now he turns to face where he is heading

>> No.14093787

Don't forget to open-source your game some year after you release it!

>> No.14093792


Can you even do that with unity games?

>> No.14093808

First time I've commented on your game, but that's muuuuuch better than before.

>> No.14093950

It's a particular, unhurried environment. You'd probably need to set something up personally to get a similar effect.

Thank you for your interest.

>> No.14094104
File: 16 KB, 420x534, lain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14094588

Looks 5x better. Good job!

>> No.14094631

while it does look better and more natural to play, it reminds me more of a squid than a jellyfish now. that's probably just me, though.

>> No.14094635
File: 22 KB, 711x978, yuyusquare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14094638
File: 23 KB, 772x1224, reimond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14094749

>it reminds me more of a squid than a jellyfish now. that's probably just me, though.

It's shaped like an octopus rather than a jellyfish to begin with. Because it moved like a UFO rather than a jellyfish, you probably ignored it.

>> No.14094865
File: 475 KB, 669x832, 091415 youmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youmu is a boy!

>> No.14095180

what a nerd.
