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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13960595 No.13960595 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just this guy or does all japanese comedy revolve around a single skit and a set number of catch phrases?


>> No.13960630

godammit i hate that guy

its not even a fucking good joke, i used to think japanese humor was pretty good

>> No.13960699

There are many Japanese comedians who operate like that. Others make a variety of skits, though, but I think this is the norm.

>> No.13960702

The actual bit about kanji not making sense from it's parts, I think that's kind of cute.

But yeah, he needs to stop yelling.

>> No.13960780

I don't know how he maintains his voice yelling like that every night.

>> No.13960817

why does "Why japanese people" sound so awkward? Wouldn't Why japan be better?

>> No.13960891


>> No.13960918

Why are japs so bad at humour? Everytime I'm flirting with a jap girl, they literally giggle at every shitty joke I made.

>> No.13960927

Their language is so filled with puns that they just can't fucking resist.

>> No.13960978

It's not them, anon. They're not laughing at your joke, they're laughing at *you* and how big of a loser you are.

>> No.13960988

Why don't they laugh when I'm pounding their hairy jap pussies than?

>> No.13961008

disappointment duh

>> No.13961117
File: 222 KB, 1273x717, Excalibur_Reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Japanese people anon, that's just women.

Women literally have no concept of humor, they only care if the guy telling the joke is a hunk. Some fat beta manlet could tell the funniest joke in the world, and this would be their reaction.

>> No.13961280

All in the pheromones, eye contact, and confidence, m8. The lamest pun ever from a confident mouth is still bound to get someone excited in some way.

>> No.13961442

No one is laughing, it's laugh track.

>> No.13961821

Pretty much all of them work like that, especially those owarai standup comedians who compete in the R-1 Grand Prix. Sometimes their routines are enough to get them really famous and gain all sorts of promotional contracts, but when the novelty wears off they just disappear without coming up with anything new.

Most of these comedians don't really rely on puns anyway, they rely on silly catchphrases like Nippon Erekiteru Rengou's "Dame dayo", or 8.6s Bazooka's "Rassungorerai"

>> No.13961927

>The actual bit about kanji not making sense from it's parts

I'm pretty sure Japanese, like Chinese, are at least told that on more complex kanji, one side suggests the pronounciation (phonetic side) by presenting a similar-sounding kanji as a radical, while the other suggests the meaning (semantic side). 
銅 makes sense because 金 is the semantic (it's a metal-related object) and 同 is the phonetic component (it means they're both pronounced どう). 薬 makes sense because the grass component is semantic (due to medicines being made from herbs in antiquity) and 楽 is the phonetic component (がく sounds like やく).
Why Japanese people my ass.

>> No.13961983

I can't watch the video but comedy/SoL anime have all the same stock jokes, just a bit reskinned to fit the characters. Now that I noticed it's haunting me since SoL is the only genre I watch.

>> No.13961999
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid] Gakkou Gurashi! - 01 [41249C22].mkv_snapshot_18.26_[2015.08.17_10.18.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like SoL too, m8. This one is totally sweet, from the main character's perspective.

>> No.13962094
File: 228 KB, 2229x720, milky ippatsuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite from R1GP 2015 was definitely this.
Too bad his second skit in the finals wasn't that great. On the other hand, the Honda Keisuke impersonator's second skit was much better than his first, so I was fine with the results.

Comedians who rely on ippatsu gags are terrible by default. Even if the public tries to hype them, it doesn't usually take even a year before the public gets tired of them and they'll stop getting work, especially if they don't have the talk skills.
That being said, some of them remain in the business because they either love it so much, can't find any other kind of work and/or have found a special niche where they are barely able to survive (like Kojima Yoshio, who nowadays targets pre-school children).

They actually have studio audiences. And if not, then they force the filming staff laugh and use that.
Pure laugh tracks are really rare in owarai.

>> No.13964521

>muh confidence

But you have to be attractive to be perceived as confident in the first place. If an unattractive person acts "confident" people just find that annoying.

>> No.13964617

Not true. It might seem true if you're young and inexperienced. Only thing is that you should look clean.

The funny thing is, for women there are indeed pressure about looks: their "value" goes down as they age. For men, it's pretty the opposite. You just need to get your shit together and you're good to go.

Women can curse the stars for not getting the beauty gene. Men can only blame themselves.

>> No.13964621

*pretty much

>> No.13967976

Stop pls no.

>> No.13968168




>> No.13968198
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, 1430076478579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you took me for nerd? /v/?

I have a good knowledge about chinese cartoons, kid.

>> No.13968462

No no, of course not. Just making yet another indirect more slice than life joke.

>> No.13968550

That fake Gaikokujin accent causes me pain.

>> No.13968662


>Women can curse the stars for not getting the beauty gene. Men can only blame themselves.

Men are measured relative to each other. It is a competition which can be heavily skewed by the person's biology and their personal experience to date.

There are also make up tricks to fix almost anything, so biology is not the sole determinant in females either. Most are pretty hideous to be honest.

>> No.13968822

Yes there are many factors that can set up the game easier for one man compared to another, not even getting to things like family wealth.

I guess I was just bothered by the Rodger thread, that guy had it all but just never managed to grow up and stop pretending.

>> No.13970966


You can expect a deluded and/or mentally deranged person to realise their own errors.
