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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13957551 No.13957551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Reminder that this is okay
>Reminder that nothing'll be done about this
>Reminder that if you wanna be a cool kid, you have to be into Kancolle

>> No.13957565

>using bump order instead of last reply for the catalog
Who am I quoting? I'm quoting OP.

>> No.13957570

nice hand drawn red circles just kidding

>> No.13957577

This place stopped being a 2hu-only board about 3 years ago, when 2hu died. Deal with it, 2hufag.

>> No.13957583
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>> No.13957587

>when 2hu died

>> No.13957598

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13957603

>small c

>> No.13957659
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>> No.13957781

Just deal with it by either ignoring or filtering.
Those guys must have some brain disorder of some sort, no kidding. After all this time and yet they can't learn plain basic stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if they were actually monkeys.

I'd rather have more stuff like JAV and Monstergirl threads than them, while completely unrelated to /jp/ at least those guys have the brain to keep their corner tidy and organized.

>> No.13959333

It's just one shitposters spamming new threads when old one reaches bum plimits.
Do some research before talking, you goddamn morons.

>> No.13962017

You're missing the point.
Touhou's a real game while Kancolle isn't.

Touhou's a labor of love while Kancolle isnt.

There's a reason it has alot of threads.

>> No.13962067

Shouldn't you guys be thankful to Kancolle? I mean, think about it.
With the Kancolle sluts being cumdumpsters, Touhou can stay pure.

>> No.13962072
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>> No.13963340
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>> No.13963482


>> No.13963490

Kancolle has one thread because Kancolle was spawned during the general era of 4chan.

Also because /jp/ shitposts any auxiliary Kancolle threads into the ground.

Let's all pour one out for Alice no Takarabako, who migrated his rape festivals over to Kancolle.

You probably made half of those yourself.

>> No.13963498

>Reminder that this is okay
It's not, you can clearly see them fucking up only making one new thread twice. And they don't even have the decency to delete their dublicates. Next to that they still can't learn to make a new thread only when the old one is about to fall off. Threads can easily stay 2-3 days after bumb limit and they haven't reach image limit either. Kancolle is a thing for so long and they still haven't learned a thing. Monster girl threads took like 4-5 days to adapt, but kancolle can't because they are mentally 12 year olds.
>Reminder that nothing'll be done about this
This is the bigger issue, they will probably never learn. And honestly I'm unsure they mentally can. Mods wont act against this either. No idea what we could do against this /a/ type of behaviour.
>Reminder that if you wanna be a cool kid, you have to be into Kancolle
Only when being cool is now "acting like a retarded kid".

>> No.13963513

>only making one new thread
Most of those are made by a singular retarded troll.

>decency to delete their dublicates
You haven't been able to delete threads in /jp/ for years.

Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.13963552

So it's even the more retarded thing of people making competing threads because they want their slutship in the OP.

>> No.13963553
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>> No.13963698

Im assuming youre a Kancolle fag, then?
Control your offspring. Kancolle barely has a place in /jp/; why the fuck do you need a general thread? Does Touhou have general threads that are constantly running with links to a wiki and a place where you can play the game? Do they remake the thread the second it hits 300?
No. Fuck off, go back to /a/ or /v/.

>> No.13964973

where does this come from again

>> No.13965316

>Does Touhou have general threads that are constantly running with links to a wiki and a place where you can play the game?

This is a good idea, actually.

>> No.13965326

>kancolle can't because they are mentally 12 year olds

That's like the average age group outside of the VN generals.

>> No.13965330

Don't tell me how to live my life.

>> No.13965364

No, it's not. If you don't already know what you're doing you don't belong here.

>> No.13965372

Why not? Most Touhou threads are youtube comments tier horrible, it'd be nice if they stuck into one thread.

>> No.13965413

So you want this to be /jpvg/ - /a/ users who are too high-and-mighty for /vg/?

>> No.13965445

>it'd be nice if they stuck into one thread
So you admit you aren't the primary userbase of this board? Then why are you here?

>> No.13965706

Because he's too much of a retarded KCfag /a/shitter to understand.

>> No.13965808

Are you retarded?

>> No.13966275

And yet somehow they're much better than your KC fuckshit generals that aren't even properly operating as general threads. That's really saying something.

>> No.13966402

How can you seriously not know that you can no longer delete threads? Fucking retarded.

>> No.13966472

He's calling you a badmin.

>> No.13966769

Just to make things worse, it's not even a real game!
I really looked into it, why it was so popular. I thought the game was good, but no, you just pick the ships you want and the game just plays itself. Mindblowing.

Kadokawa are geniuses. Make a shitty f2p "game" have as much waifu pandering as possible. This also effects the non-Japanese, because they just follow what the Japanese like. Then use that dedicated, sheep-like fanbase to make them money through endless figures, merchandise, and animes and movies (Yes there's a movie).

>> No.13966794
File: 361 KB, 1000x939, Remilia.Scarlet.full.1700141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many 2hu artists jumping ship and only drawing Kancolle, you get used to it. But what's worse is that this also applies to figure companies. Look at Ques Q, they've had Touhou prototype statues for years (Including Shingo's Remilia which I kinda want), and in those years they've released maybe 6 Kancolle statues.

>> No.13966826

He could be an AKB idolfag or a doll guy, you know.

You don't need to assume that he's either into Touhou or from outside.

>> No.13966846

It's a singular retard making a whole lot of deliberately shitty OPs for the purpose of trolling the Kancolle threads off /jp/.

Because back in the day a bunch of retarded users shitposted everything that wasn't the general thread into oblivion, and then even more retarded moderators started randomly deleting non-general threads.

The VN generals are made of people who are mentally 12

>> No.13966860

Or, you know, visual novels, which both you and our spectacularly retarded friend have both managed to ignore.

>> No.13966908

Point to the portion of my post where I declared my two examples to be an exhaustive list.

>> No.13966938

One would imagine you would choose /jp/'s other flagship when thinking of things that are /jp/ but not Touhou rather than minority niche topics.

Though I guess recently VNs seem like they've actually made it into /jp/'s minority niche category.

>> No.13967730

>Because back in the day a bunch of retarded users shitposted everything that wasn't the general thread into oblivion, and then even more retarded moderators started randomly deleting non-general threads.
As far as I remember, relatively soon everything that wasn't a "touhou vs. kancolle" thread ended up with less than 10 posts half of them bumps. And every new thing spams the board with "touhou is old and busted, X is the new hotness" anyway. Surely the right way when you want to be shitposted on.
I don't even get why it's still popular, it's probably all porn. Atleast it keeps people that do only what is popular away from touhou.

>> No.13969126

Double standards at its finest.

>> No.13969624

The fuck you saying double standards? Kancolle's just a fucking hollow franchise. Touhou has heart, has been around for a long fuckin' time.
There's more to talk about, that's why there's many threads.
What do you talk about for Kancolle, huh? gameplay? which soulless, pandering boatwaifu is the best? or the fact that many are drawing it only because it's popular? Tell me.

>> No.13969676

>because Kancolle was spawned during the general era of 4chan
isn't it from mid '13 tho?
this site was nearly 10 years old by then.

>> No.13969691

get out you fucking boatfucker, this board was better without you lot

>> No.13969695

Daily reminder you can always just not go into KanColle threads if you don't like 'em /jp/. :3

>> No.13969705

How come you didn't circle the garbage generals as well?

>> No.13969707

Fuck that shit, i only come to the jay for muh/bmsg/ fix. Idgaf about your past, i currently use you for my needs only.

>> No.13969736

He means the era of making continuous "general" threads on 4chan.

>> No.13969766

Ah, yeah.
I remember from before then, monhun generals all over /v/, the discussion was split up into 2-3+ threads.
I dislike the change it brought to /v/ though, I really miss those creative writing sleepover threads etc.
Those were the best days.
I'm glad 2hu got it's place on /jp/ at inception though, since I really didn't want the /v/ crowd in there.

>> No.13969783

I never really liked 2hu, so this is refreshing to see.

>> No.13969834

Fuck're you doing on /jp/, then?

>> No.13969835

>elatively soon everything that wasn't a "touhou vs. kancolle" thread ended up with less than 10 posts half of them bump
Well, yeah, but the janitor deleted those too, which was inexcusably retarded.

Nobody actually did the "Touhou is old and busted thing" other than people going out of their way to stir up shit anyway because it simply doesn't make a lick of fucking sense for an actual Kancolle fan to antagonize the entire board.

Doujinshi and characters, same as Touhou... except the /jp/ threads never actually do that and are just a continuous chain of game discussion.

>> No.13969843


>> No.13969846

The board name is Otaku Culture, not Touhou.

>> No.13969877

That's the name, the board culture is touhou though.

>> No.13969905

The dominant topic in /jp/ these days is Touhou alone but it wasn't always the case.

Liking whatever board culture happens to be dominant at the time has never been a prerequisite for posting anyway.

>> No.13969926

It's been mainly touhou since the start, friend.
It's always been like this.

>> No.13969939

It used to be one of many things that people would make a million threads about and there were always people who didn't give a shit about it.

>> No.13969966

And now it's not. Suck it up or fuck off.

>> No.13969993

Whew calm down anon, no need to get upset and swear!
Currently Touhou is still the dominant interest, otherwise there wouldn't be so many threads about it. :3

>> No.13970022

It is too perfect in ways. They have all my favorite things in girls. How did this happen?

I think...

>> No.13970028

Then OP would not be complaining about Kancolle threads if that were the case.

>> No.13970077

You should reread the thread, there are too many Kancolle threads, many more than warranted by the amount of people in the fandom.
I could make 50 threads about something nobody cared about too, right?

>> No.13970120

So this is a "I don't like this, so it should go" thread. Classic complaint from all over 4chan. I don't care if you fill the board with pointless threads, if someone wants to talk about something, they should create the thread, someone will if they want to or if they do not, the thread naturally dies. If you don't like it, you can hide the thread or own 4chan so you can do whatever you want with the website.

>> No.13970135

>warranted by the amount of people in the fandom
If all you care is the sheer number of people in the fandom then there should be around ten to fifteen Kancolle threads up at all times.

>> No.13970187

Yeah, right, and 150 touhou threads to go with it?

>> No.13970191

Nobody is stopping you from making as many Touhou threads as you want.

>> No.13970262 [DELETED] 

Nothing stops him from making as many shitty troll Kancolle OPs either, which is what he spends most of his time doing.

>> No.13970272

Nothing stops him from making as many shitty troll Kancolle OPs as he wants either, which is what he spends most of his time doing.

>> No.13970354

I don't think anyone cares if you faggots like Kancolle but please contain yourselves in ONE containment thread. You clearly don't fit in with the rest of the board so why are you even here? Is it cause you're all /a/ rejects? That's pathetic.

>> No.13970368

implying you're not the one making extra kancolle threads for the sole purpose of complaining about them

>> No.13970401

Why the fuck would I shit up the only board I browse on a regular basis?

>> No.13970416

so you can eventually troll kancolle off /jp/ entirely and declare victory

>> No.13970499

Is that what our lives have come to? Some victory.

>> No.13970502

They are secute in their position as new uber-king series of /jp/

>> No.13970531

I don't give a fuck if you're here or not but at least contain yourselves. It's bad enough that your fanbase is stealing doujin circles.

>> No.13970537


t. proud 2012er

>> No.13970586

I thought the popular thing to do was claim that all circles who moved to Kancolle were worthless bandwagoning shits.

If you like a circle you might as well read their work.

>> No.13970663

You make it sound like Touhou is some kind of a masterpiece epic, whereas there's as much substance in both and both were build up by the fans of each franchise with only difference being that behind Kancolle, there's what you want to see as a big bad, a corporation and on the other side, your saviour and righteous guardian and creator, ZUN. What's the most amusing though are desperate people who hopelessly want to shot down literally everything about Kancolle because it's treading onto their grounds and influences the long established status quo.

To answer your questions. What I want to talk about? Of course what I'm already talking about. The game, its mechanics, fan art, doujinshi, manga and other creations associated with Kancolle. What I don’t want is for it to be shot down as some sort of taboo.

Why call the ship girls soulless? What so special about your Touhou characters? Both can be brought down to being h-doujinshi fodder if you want to be an asshole about the topic. Amuse me further and tell me that many didn't draw Touhou because it was flavour of the month at its time. People change their interests. That’s only natural.

Now tell me what justifies separate threads for individual characters of the same franchise, where another one is confined into a ghetto thread.

On separate note, regarding the situation in OP. There’s one buttblasted faggot who desperately tries to establish Kancolle threads as generals and makes his own threads every time someone else tries to. It seems as of late he dropped the /kcg/ thing, but otherwise his behaviour remains unchanged.

>> No.13970696

One of the two was made by a company that seeks to make a profit.

I'll let you guess which one.

>> No.13970718

And I don't mind that at all. It doesn't automatically make things bad. Additionally, being for-profit doesn't guarantee a franchises success.

>> No.13970752

Being for profit does guarantee, however, that a company will attempt to monetize their franchise as long as it is profitable.

You can try to argue all you want that Kancolle is made with love but at the end of the day it's just merchandise meant to be marketed and sold to Kancolle fags like you.

>> No.13970775

Oh no, don't get me wrong. I'm in no place saying it's made with love. What I'm saying is that there's a huge crowd of people giving it love and there's no reason to trample on it. And I'm definitely going to enjoy it as a merchandise and the game as well as long as it won't turn into pay-to-win piece of shit.

>> No.13970872

You're going to find that nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

>> No.13971129

Someone her surely must have went to a comiket. What the hell are all those kancolle circles making? Is it really just porn?

>> No.13971277

Oh it damn is. It damn is.

>> No.13971320

>there's a huge crowd of people giving it love and there's no reason to trample on it.
I have nothing against Kancolle fans on /jp/ discussing it in the right threads. There's a difference between civil discussion and being able to shit up the boards with it. Touhou is an established part of /jp/ culture and has been from the start. Kancolle is not and should respect the rules.
