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13947728 No.13947728 [Reply] [Original]

I can't moonrunes

can anyone summarize the stuff to me?
Apparently Junko tried to purify the moon and fucked everything, that's it?

>> No.13947745

Please read /jp/ beforehand.


>> No.13947746

Chang'e caused the death of her family (husband and son) and is imprisoned in the Lunar Capital. She went there to get revenge but the lunarians refused to let Chang'e free. She threw a fit and got her friend Hecate to help her terrorize the capital. Hecate sent her subordinate Clownpiece to help instead, causing the lunarians to flee into the dream world. Once in the dream world, Hecate kept tormenting them. They eventually fled to Gensokyo and, because Gensokyo is unpure, tried to purify it so they could live there.

LoLK in a nutshell.

>> No.13947750

The goddess of the moon had a husband who killed Junko's family. The husband is long dead because he famously failed to obtain immortality, so Junko instead took on her revenge on his wife, who was separated from her husband long ago and had nothing o do with what hew did. But in the end the grudge was misplaced and enough time has passed that even Junko wanted to call it quits. The player defeating her was the excuse for her to pack up and cancel the war.

>> No.13947772
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I still don't get why Lunarians used their technology and powers to try to purify gensokyo a land full of fairies instead of fighting back if they were invaded by....fairies?

>> No.13947801

Hell fairies are stronger than Gensokyo's fairies, not to mention Clownpiece and buddies are supercharged by Junko's power.

>> No.13947803

Because Lord Tsukuyomi said so.

Brace for next 2hu where he will actually turn out to be an even more ridiculous looking main boss.

>> No.13947823

so why is Hecate in the party?

she don't have anything against anyone

>> No.13947834

L2read the omakes newmanlet.

>> No.13947839
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>Ran and Yukari conversation on Cage in Lunatic Runagate.
What is implied there says much, if it's true then ZUN fucked it up. If not, Yukari was trolling as always.

Waiting counters for this post, put please bring sources.

>> No.13947860

>so why is Hecate in the party?
She is a good personal friend of Junko, mostly. There is some side argument about how she didn't approve of the killing of the 9 suns, but she mostly just want to help her friend and lend her troops to Junko.

>> No.13947871

she probably never knew hell fairies man, I mean, no one from Legacy kingdom was from earth

>> No.13947896

yet native gensokyo residents could defeat them, this implies other Youkais from Gensokyo couldn't? I mean we know there are a lot of insanely strong youkais. The formula is simple:
Lunarians(implied) > Youkais > or = Hell fairies.

>> No.13947947

Why are the lunarians fighting under the spellcard system?

>> No.13947957

why all the bosses are in first place? SC rules were only enforced beetwen the boundaries of Gensokyo. ZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN

>> No.13947962

>Yukari says residents of Earth can never defeat the moon.
Just nuke the damn moon into nothing. Victory achieved along with a shit load of causalities on the Earth.

>> No.13947981

It's implied that LoLK bosses try to kill you for real. Marisa's ending dialogue with Yukari said that it was a miracle that she was still alive.

>> No.13947994

while we got thousands problems from hell, the only thing we got from heavens was tenshi

goddamint ZUN

>> No.13948010

Oh jesus.

Don't tell me Raymoo is actually an alien or some shit and that's why Yukarin doesn't give a shit about everything anymore.

>> No.13948021

Isn't heaven supposed to be very peaceful?

Tenshi was the biggest problem because she was one of the only radicals to ever exist up there.

>> No.13948031

Does someone knows anyone who translated the endings already? This struggle is seriously killing me.

>> No.13948041

>It's implied that LoLK bosses try to kill you for real. Marisa's ending dialogue with Yukari said that it was a miracle that she was still alive.
Junko's spell cards all boil down to "the spell that tries to do nothing but murder you".

>> No.13948050
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I'm down for it if it means getting stepped on figuratively or literally by moonbitches

>> No.13948088

The Lunarians probably thinks it's easier to fought the residents of Genoukyo than Junko, considering they already defeated them like 2 times it's actually makes sense. Someone said that Junko is almost as strong as Eirin so yeah it probably is actually the best idea at the time, don't ask me what the hell Watatsuki sisters are doing

>> No.13948124


It's also pretty directly implied in PMiSS that Yukari can end all existences real or imagined with a flick of her wrist, and just as easily create new ones.

>> No.13948248

I like how LoLK's extra is pretty much a homage to LLS's extra where you fight a dual boss in the dreamworld.

>> No.13948266

No, it's not power levels like that but rock paper scissors.

Lunarians > Youkai
Youkai > Fairies
Fairies > Lunarians

>> No.13948269
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>LLS and LoLK both features a dual battle in the extra stage located in a "Dream World"
>After LLS came the last PC-98 game.


>> No.13948291

Tenshi is so fucking cute. I love spoiled girls like her!

Only in 2D though.

>> No.13948316

Anyone know what Doremy was saying in the extra stage?

>> No.13948327

''suck my cock dude''

>> No.13948337

"this giant gum egg, guess where im going to insert it?"

>> No.13948355

what are doing Ringo and Seiran in Gensokyo then?

>> No.13948369

Wouldn't you go to Gensokyo if you had the chance?

>> No.13948604
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Sagume gets mentioned a lot by characters in the endings. How important is she to the story?

>> No.13948706

I like how people hyped this game to be "wow man things are really gonna happen this time we're gonna get a full on lunarian war" and then it ended up being fucking nothing.

>> No.13948728

I think the coolest thing from LoLK is that thers's probably other sealed-off worlds like Gensokyou because of the existence of Hecatia. Who knows, maybe in the USA there are loli Bigfoots having a danmaku fight with a loli Mothman.

>> No.13948773

She's one of the last lunarians that stayed behind. She also apparently created the occult orbs in ULiL (or at least the one that allowed the lunarians to enter Gensokyo).

>> No.13948779

So where are the Lunarians now? Are they still in the dream world?

>> No.13948782

At the very least, Ringo decided she was going to say in Gensokyo. She was really chill after the player defeated her, compared to Seiran who freaked out and called the other rabbits telepathically for help.

>> No.13948844

>So where are the Lunarians now?

This is my concern. Most of LoLK's characters have zero reason to be Gensokyo, which really limits their ability to interact with the other characters.

>> No.13948879

Ringo visits Reimu's shrine in one of her endings. Who knows, maybe she could be another freeloader like Suika.

>> No.13948932

The player saved the Lunar Capital, if anything they should be indebted to Gensokyo for that and they should be on good terms and might visit eachother.

I wanna know where the hell the Watatsukis are. I know Yukari appears in Marisa's ending but not sure what she says. She also had no reason to interfere because the moon people are not allies.

>> No.13949397

Yeah, because fanartists totally care about how a character normally is when they construct their rape doujins.

>> No.13949404

Please don't be so harsh-sounding.

>> No.13949409

>Apparently Junko tried to purify the moon and fucked everything, that's it?

Even if you can't read that's a fucking stupid assumption, secondary tier since it implies you know shit about the Moon.

>> No.13949415

That's why Eirin gave the humans a drug.

>> No.13949416

>I wanna know where the hell the Watatsukis are.
This, god damn! Where the hell are those two?

>> No.13949420

It may actually not be the case this time around, specially since Eirin gave you a medicine just for this.

For example Mokou's fight also haf at least modified rules since your danmaku, supposed to be non lethal, killed her so many times.

>> No.13949423

She was basically the Moon's last resort.

>> No.13949429

being too pussy to fight

>> No.13950467

Only two of the LOLK characters are Lunarians, though. The rest are anti-Lunarians and chthonic spirits, who might visit Gensokyo after giving up on operation Gas the Rabbits.

>> No.13950644

>, who might visit Gensokyo after giving up on operation Gas the Rabbits.
What makes it bizarre is that Junko just wants to attack one person and had no reason to hut down the rabbits. While the Lunarians were literally prepared to KILL EVERYONE in Gensokyo. Junko might have started the war, but the Lunarians are the ones who behaved the most badly. I end up becoming even less sympathetic to them than before.

>> No.13950875

Source? Image search gives me nothing.

>> No.13951892

so, what the hell happened after everything?

>> No.13951910

Everyone laughed and had tea together

>> No.13952854

Junko simmered in her rage while Hecatia used her three bodies to play MMORPG's.

>> No.13953232

So now Ringo is another freeloader?

>> No.13953276

The very presence of Junko's fairies threatened to erode the Lunar Capital and expose everyone there to mortality, so I don't blame them for taking extreme measures.

Dunno if you noticed but pretty much everyone in 2hu is a huge bitch.

>> No.13953313
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If so, I hope she makes cameos in every print work from now on. Nothing major, just a brief shot in the background showing her mooching food from wherever the characters are.

>> No.13953545

I want her to appear in the next fighting game.

>> No.13953591
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Ringo's made me really want to try Hanami dango.
I could try selling it back at home, since it's the exact colour of my island's flag.

Also, I want to smell Ringo's smelly rabbit pussy. Eat her out and then give her my thick, impure human cock.

>> No.13954087

What happened to the fucking metal spiders or whatever?
The Watatsukis are no longer canon or why they aren't even mentioned?

>> No.13954344

Well, I guess Junko's theme is pretty metal and she kinda looks like a spider.

>> No.13954599

I'm not sure if it's uploaded anywhere yet, here

>> No.13956520

>What happened to the fucking metal spiders or whatever?
Bits of the Moon is ending up in Gensokyo because of the inverse power of that one wing girl. This includes the lunar landers.

>> No.13956522

Not fat enough, please draw Ringo properly.

>> No.13956589

>What happened to the fucking metal spiders or whatever?
In an ending it's explained that Seiran and Ringo stay in Gensokyo. The machine hides them from the perception of youkai.

>> No.13956598

Oh, also the Watatsukis aren't relevant because they were spending their time in Dream World Lunar Capital like all the other Lunarians.

>> No.13956676

They aren't. That's why the point device is a thing. If you're playing legacy and get hit even once, Junko comments on how foolish you are

>> No.13957743

That doesn't make much sense. Are you implying that the player character actually dies if struck in Legacy?

>> No.13957834

Nah, Sanae is all "eh I'll be okay it's just bullets"

Bitch is tough. All we need is her reverting to her UFO personality.

>> No.13959723

I don't get how she couldn't fight Junko and america

can't she just say ''you are going to win'' and then they lose? doesn't her power works like that?

>> No.13959759

Sagume would need to get close to them in order to talk to them. And she can't do that because she values her purity way too much, as Lunarians are wont to do.

>> No.13959768

Also because Junko has been traveling with Hecatia which usually lives in the Dream World.

That added a layer of BS to get to her as you can see with the EX stage.

>> No.13959854

Her power is pretty shitty and doesn't seem to be too reliable.

>> No.13959924

Actually no, she DID use her powers to defeat Junko, the plan to invade Gensokyo was hers, but she didn't want to do it, so when Eiren send the faggots to the Lunar Capital to see wtf was going on, Sagume used them like the fags they're, and told the "I'm going to invade gensokyo and make it our new home :v" (guess what happens whe she says that), so in a twist of fate, you reach Junko and she gives up and ends with the lunar cap saved, yay...

>> No.13960618

I just realized that Junko's plan was basically spamming fairies until the shut-in got annoyed and decided to move.
I think she's okay.

>> No.13961578

Every once in a while I'm totally with the villian. She isn't even able to kill Chang'e she just wanted pure fun like the other Lunarian.

>> No.13963017
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oh boy, I can't wait for doujins

she will be the tsundere of the decade

>> No.13963067

Too bad, Chang'e is probably able to kill her so Junko's fun might not last long, if she ever manages to meet Chang'e.

>> No.13963138


Chang'e seems much weaker in history.

I'm more concerned about Lord Tsukuyomi.

>> No.13968009

ah shit.
