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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 178 KB, 636x400, /jp/.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13949450 No.13949450 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13921614

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.13949454

Cutting it close there

>> No.13949463

I'm playing 晴のちきっと菜の花びより

it's probably as average as it gets but the girls are pretty cute

>> No.13949474

What are some lesser appreciated chuuni-ge?

>> No.13949532

I've started reading KKK (all ages version) and am deeply disappointed by the lack of white dudes dressed in bed sheets. Am satisfied with the amount of Nazis though.

So what does the choice at the start of the game do? I'd assume it just makes the 天魔s lines readable, and if that's the case will the skip stop for those lines on my second playthrough?

>> No.13949620

Does the all ages version have more content like dies or something?

>> No.13949661

Well I haven't read the original version so I can't say for sure but there are a ton of side stories that I've unlocked and I'm fairly sure the resolution was upgraded or some crap

>> No.13949726

Can someone spoil to me what happens in Fairytale Requiem?
I read to the end of the common route and I'm curious but I'm also not in the mood to read something this dark

>> No.13949734

Just go read it, dude.

>> No.13950150

Should have used a cuter image OP

>> No.13950161

The dialogue makes it fitting enough, I laughed.

>> No.13950166

He is kind of a cute boy though. I'm totally not gay.

>> No.13950187

No, fuck you.

>> No.13950270

Moebuta are the cancer killing the industry. Go away.

>> No.13950362
File: 176 KB, 640x400, timhomolustroutewhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kakyuusei is very cute.

>> No.13950374

Why is Navel making 10,000 Tsuriotsu games? It makes getting into the series really confusing.

>> No.13950375

What's the best moege to come out this year?

>> No.13950376

It's their new shuffle.
>really confusing.
No, this is because you are mentally challenged.

>> No.13950380

>he says he doesn't like you
What? Or is ティム the protagonist speaking?

>> No.13950382

Hana_____ _____Spring

>> No.13950396

They're all the same cookie cutter bullshit so who cares.

>> No.13950786

Tim is clearly just being tsundere.

>> No.13950802


>> No.13950866

Is there any moege not set in highschool?
Maybe college students? Soldiers in standby? Anything?

>> No.13950883

Have you played Gun Knight Girl? Not exactly what you're looking for (some highschool elements) but they are soldiers in standby.

>> No.13950889

Pure x Connect came out this year and has university characters.

>> No.13951039

That game was basically a nukige and was only good for Spica.

>> No.13951040

How is it compared to fureraba?

>> No.13951287

Nope. Japanese only want to fuck 17- girls

>> No.13951295

Nanairo Reincarnation did a really standup job of fucking 18+ girls while still maintaining a moe school girl to romance.

>> No.13951377

Worse than fureraba ( definitely dont have any heroine who is better -or even close- than misaki) but its not bad.

>> No.13951426

Why wouldn't you want teenage heroines?

Adults aren't cute.

>> No.13951436
File: 183 KB, 715x597, kyoko-winter-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because widows have been moe for over 30 years.

>> No.13951438

In Japan's case it's only because moebutas are obsessed with virginity and no one is going to believe a girl over 16 is still one.

>> No.13951464
File: 214 KB, 1280x718, usedgoods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No used goods please.

>> No.13951480

An adult protagonist and high school girls is always the best mix. Too bad there's so few games like that.

>> No.13951563

Not even side characters can be non-virgins

>> No.13951636

Maybe if it's a nukige. I don't think it works for moege.

>> No.13951640

双子座のパラドクス was pretty good.

>> No.13951659

By moege, do you mean "game built around falling in love with girls and deitoing them with no non-relationship drama/plot"? Because if so, it can totally work.

>> No.13952052

It does if you make them a teacher.

>> No.13952064

Are the developers of Nekopara making millions? Will they soon have their own cons and stuff.

>> No.13952103

No it's too slutty. Only girls in nukige do that.

>> No.13952130

Google around, lots of teacher busted for banging students.

>> No.13952345

This could actually fit really well in a moege
>innocent teacher doesn't realize she is falling for the protag
>keeps making excuses to meet in private, to talk about grades or whatnot, acts stern and tsun tsun
>eventually the protag gets fed up and confronts her about it, asking what her problem is
>she can't think of a good answer, and apologizes and stops trying to meet him
>after not meeting for a week and finding herself constantly thinking of the protag, she starts to realize she likes him. Protag also finds himself thinking about the teacher
>they run into each other and the teacher confesses

I'm quoting your mom

>> No.13952357
File: 84 KB, 794x593, 1439850744540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13952369

I would kill for a teacher romance like this in moege.
Sorry it has subs, couldn't find a version without

>> No.13952546

>not playing on pc98

why bother?

>> No.13952586

Is Kakyuusei still worth playing?

>> No.13952588

Some of us are on a modern OS.

>> No.13952598

Every elf game is worth playing.

>> No.13952606

You'd have to emulate it anyway, wether you run Windows 10 or XP.

>> No.13952648
File: 222 KB, 1296x760, AHN9ILI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit, Never stick your dick in crazy.
Also 恋歌 route is good i'm enjoying this.

>> No.13952665

Your mouse curser is in the middle there, bro

>> No.13952674

Don't listen to this guy.

>> No.13952685
File: 247 KB, 1275x718, lesbianbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always love the girls who have a screw lose.

>> No.13952699

That's why you should date atheist.

>> No.13952703

Hello, ladies.

>> No.13952714

I don't get it.

>> No.13952730

I was making a joke; I'm an Atheist, and you said "you should date atheists", so I said "Hello, ladies", implying people here are ladies looking for dates.

>> No.13952732

I think he's tipping his fedora.

>> No.13952743

>I'm an Atheist

Are you euphoric too?

>> No.13952751

Only when pretending to have an anime girlfriend.

>> No.13952831
File: 752 KB, 640x400, 20140615_055812_capture_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm completely serious here.
I played them all and even the worst of them are at least decent at what they do while the best ones are the pinnacle of their particular genre.

Kakyuusei is a good dating sim and was pretty innovating at its time like its predecessors. Kakyuusei 2 is better, though.

You really can't get wrong with elf except if you don't like old school eroge at all.

>> No.13952845

Shame that PC98 emulators are such bullshit. Tried playing Dragon Knight but it just crashed after the opening cutscene. Not to mention there's 0 interest, almost, in the west so no one to consult.

>> No.13952873

For those really old games, you need to also emulate old PC98 hardware.
For example, with Neko Project 2, use the PC-9801VM architecture.

>> No.13953077

>except if you don't like old school eroge at all.
I feel tremendous sorrow for these people.

>> No.13953078
File: 484 KB, 1280x720, Ogata.Rina.full.1074233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Rina's route in White Album 1. She is best girl and after watching a couple episodes of the anime adaptation, I found out they butchered her character. Well, I may be wrong, but it's just weird how different she acts in the two formats.

>> No.13953130

Where can I find the complete save for Your Diary + H? Is there a site I can generally go to to find eroge save files?

>> No.13953132

I feel really bad for everyone who doesn't like the same things as me, too. I mean, seriously, what pitiful people.

>> No.13953151


>> No.13953169

Yeah thanks, I found it by searching "your diary + h" and セーブ.

>> No.13953172


>> No.13953208

She looks like a Setsuna clone.

>> No.13953212

>Kakyuusei 2 is better

Not when the main girl is a non-virgin.

>> No.13953241

Well, I guess that the remake was done to boost the popularity of its sequel, hence the similar designs.

>> No.13953381

I really hate this "atheists are edgy" meme.
4chan used to make fun of christians until conservatives took over this place.

>> No.13953391

More like until the "euphoric" meme utterly destroyed open support for atheism, simply because it became extremely easy to mock them. I'm in fucking awe that some teenage redditor with a dumb quote managed to so heavily impact internet religious discussion all the way to the VN thread on /jp/.

>> No.13953404

But atheists are edgy. Have you met one of those fuckers? Reminds me of the guy who used to walk around my area with an upside down cross painted on his backpack.

>> No.13953407

It's not about Atheists are edgy. It's about "look guys I'm an Atheist!!".

>> No.13953412

The discussion turned to atheism and I just made a little joke off that, sheesh. I only went into so much detail explaining it because I assumed from the other poster's grammar that he wasn't a native speaker. (dropping the article before "atheist").

>> No.13953417

>I'm in fucking awe that some teenage redditor with a dumb quote
It wasn't just that. It was an enduring trend that turned everyone against them.

>> No.13953428

できない私が、くり返す。Was my favourite eroge last year. Although every route beside Shino's was shit. What's your thoughts on it anon?

>> No.13953431

Just shut the fuck up, fedora tippers.

>> No.13953439

Well, I'd rather see this than the non-virgin argument for the nth time.

>> No.13953449

It was? Not that anon but from reading the VNDB page it seemed to be one of those, "MC has a special power that's ultimately meaningless to the plot, yet the writer tries hard to make it seem interesting anyway" situations.

>> No.13953458

What about non-virgin atheists?

implying such a thing could exist

>> No.13953472

>muh vast right-wing conspiracy!

fuck off hillary go campaign

>> No.13953514

Go back to /vg/?

>> No.13953540

I wouldn't. At least that argument at least pretends to be related to eroge.

>> No.13953582

You're not the boss of me, bully-kun.

>> No.13953618

Posting about Gun Knight Girl makes me want a new military VN.

The last one was either the AXL game or Bradvon Veda.

>> No.13953636

I, for one, am glad that atheists are rightfully ridiculed

>> No.13953672 [SPOILER] 
File: 235 KB, 1281x718, 1439866810145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lets see, Miki's route was shit. I enjoyed Airi's route because of how strange she was and her humor. I didn't really like Yume, her character design looked strange to me, but all is forgiven because absolutely loved Miyu. I didn't really enjoy Shino's route since she was pretty much confirmed for not being able to saved because the MC wasn't really able to change shit in the previous routes. It was just painful seeing her deteriorate each visit to the hospital. Not only that, the MC betrayed the shit out of her with the whole thing with Ren during the first time reversal. Also I didn't really like Ren, so I didn't enjoy the Re:call part where Riku goes further back in time and meets Ren again and still ends up fucking her instead of saving his virginity for his true waifu Shino. There is really nothing more to be said about what happens after but FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

>> No.13953743
File: 908 KB, 1586x1266, スクリーンショット 2015-08-17 23.08.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha I'm not waking up you jerk
when do I get to pick my girl to romance up

>> No.13953790
File: 129 KB, 420x635, 主様あぁ!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13953844

Yes the time travel is irrevelent to the main plot and it was only there as plot tool to support the writer main idea on facing your regrets. The writer didn't push the clock power to be interesting but he did bother with expanding it on other girls routes. All the routes expect the main heroine were bad and only existed to show of the MC's power, But other than that the game is great. The drama was well written and had a great message behind it, the MC also received a great character developent at the end. The game is a love story between a young adult who is a traveler that helps others with his power and a girl with terminal illness that have regrets. I highly recommend it to you anon.

>> No.13953865


>> No.13953880

Remember /jp/, 孝行したいときに親はなし.

>> No.13953887

Remember: 弱いままでも、いいんだよ

>> No.13953901

Remember 人は殺されれば死ぬ

>> No.13953904


>> No.13953915

Romeo > Nasu I'm afraid.

>> No.13953936


>> No.13953971


>> No.13953975

I really liked Yume, her character design was weird but I like bright and cheerful girls like her and not to mention she is an Otaku. Her lesbian bitch friend had to ruine the whole route for me though.
Shino is my favourite route because she the most adorable girl I met in eroge, her route was pure suffering but Iam glad the writer didn't give us an asspull after going with all the trouble about how much that the future can't be changed I liked Ren but not as girl I wand to romance, her character was great as an adult that have experience on life.

>> No.13953978

I wish it would be actually true in VN-verse. Whenever you kill antagonist, you can be sure he will come back alive in chapter or two.

>> No.13954182

>Her lesbian bitch friend had to ruine the whole route for me though.
I thought she was the best girl in the whole game. I fapped furiously to her extra scene.

>> No.13954296

Ah, good ol' Shinji. Teaching him how to masturbate was what elevated Kentarou into an actually good person.

>> No.13954302

Maybe it's because I don't like angry lesbian friends, I don't why writers keep putting them in.

>> No.13954309

You guys should go play Flutter of Birds!

>> No.13954676


>> No.13954695
File: 447 KB, 640x480, nanasemuseum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real main heroine is Nanase anyway.

Dithering makes my penis too hard to actually read and play.

>> No.13954720

Dithering arouses you?

>> No.13955002 [DELETED] 
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x720, きみと僕との騎士の日々‐楽園のシュバリエ‐-2015-08-18_02-29-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is time to relive my high school knight life! Let's hope it's as moe as I remember it being.

>> No.13955048

I hope these are bait.

>> No.13955081

what's wrong with the first one?

>> No.13955241


>> No.13955277

That works as well, but neither are incorrect.

>> No.13955283

You're wrong, but I'm not here to teach Japanese. Go ask your teacher.

>> No.13955301

>You're wrong, but I can't say why

You don't have to try so hard.

>> No.13955328

You are likely confusing or misapplying some conception of the verb+じゃねえよ structure

>> No.13955338

Oh I see, you're holding 4chan posters to perfect grammar standards like that's actually how people converse.

>> No.13955346

Go ask your teacher since you clearly won't believe anyone on the internet even if they know more than you.

>> No.13955394

I certainly won't listen to people who have no idea what they're talking about

>> No.13955564

Or maybe you should stop pretending to know Japanese? That's basic shit nigger.

>> No.13955579

If people in this thread stopped pretending to know Japanese there'd be like three people left.

>> No.13955612

I love EOPs telling people about Japanese

>> No.13955624

To be honest I can't tell who is arguing with who anymore.

>> No.13955676

We only have three EOPs?

>> No.13955679

Clearly one of those isn't you, since you can't understand english.

>> No.13955683

If you conjugate いい it always turns into よい. You can apply the じゃねえよ after a quote but it just doesn't work how that anon didn't use it as a refute to a quote.

>> No.13955688

Excuse my poor English near the end there, I'm tired and it's late at night.

>> No.13955705

You can't refute a quote without quoting the whole thing?

>> No.13955715

You certainly can't just quote 「いいん」
The most natural amount to quote here would probably be 「いいんだ」, although that way of refuting a quote is usually done in response to short really short marks so the whole thing actually is quoted.

>> No.13955720

You don't have to quote the entire thing, you can just say 「いいんだよ」じゃねえよ in this case.

>> No.13955725


would you mind taking your /jp/ rejects back? Thanks in advance.


>> No.13955729

Ah I forgot the original line, いいんだよ as this guy says >>13955720, not いいんだ

Basically, you can start at the verb/adjective, but you should try to go through the end of what they say

>> No.13955734

Only if you faggots leave first.

>> No.13955739

I'm pretty sure there are plenty of crossposters anyway.

>> No.13955740

/jp/ rejects?

>> No.13955747

I'm sure I've seen sectional quotes like that before, but I'll keep that in mind. Though I wasn't the original poster.

>> No.13955761

Maybe some sectional quotes are allowed, but again, definitely not 「いいん」

>> No.13955782

You gotta remember いいん isn't even a complete phrase. At shortest you just quote 「いい」

>> No.13955837


>> No.13955857


>> No.13955863


>> No.13955867


>> No.13955924


>> No.13955949


>> No.13955969

How do you guys get used to yee old jap text to play stuff like muramasa?

>> No.13955990
File: 48 KB, 256x363, Hatsuyuki_Sakura_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever read a VN that you like all the heroines?

For me its this

although the ending is bullshit, its like they took out some pretty important text and also put in a bunch of ideas for different endings into one.

>> No.13956015


>> No.13956022


>> No.13956084
File: 214 KB, 1280x724, 048d1e0e7f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I wanted to play the このみ route, thought I made all the right choises, now I get this screen, her name appears but this stupid game won't even let me select it, what the hell.

>> No.13956116
File: 242 KB, 640x480, ss (2015-08-17 at 02.19.12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried Baldr Force recently. Is it possible to make it run in windowed mode?

>> No.13956122

There's obviously something you didn't do. Have you tried restarting your computer?

>> No.13956123

You need to set it to 16-bit colors.

>> No.13956130

>Have you tried restarting your computer?
no but I don't know how that would make a difference, I don't think it's a bug.

I just think it's weird, why would they even give me the option if I can't click on it, eh oh well, guess ill play the other route first.

>> No.13956148

Do you have a multiple monitor setup? Try dragging it to your primary monitor.
I have played a couple of eroges that's not responding to mouse controls when they're not on the primary monitor.

>> No.13956150

nah, I'm playing on my laptop.
I also tried selecting it with just my arrow keys but didn't work either, I'll play the other route first then try to figure out what's wrong I guess.

>> No.13956172

The only thing that happens is that you are locked out of her route until you do the other 3.

>> No.13956179

oh really, I kinda thought her route would be the main one, since she's the 幼なじみ and she was the closest to the MC, seemed kinda strange to me but oh well.

>> No.13956560

Just finished Aselia route in EnA, does anything interesting happen lorewise in the other route or can I just consider this over ? I'm not that motivated to do 7-8 other route again. Thanks!

>> No.13956632

Play the PS2 version instead.

>> No.13956642

Is it better in any way? I usually prefer 18+ versions.

>> No.13956645

Voice actors I guess, otherwise standard edition is the same as the ps2 version but with the original cast+Tohru, Ishida is so good.

>> No.13956991

The protagonist being voiced adds a lot more to the game than h-scenes in my opinion, but it's up to you.

>> No.13957023

The H-scenes don't even matter in this type of game.

>> No.13957044
File: 526 KB, 1282x751, 月に寄りそう乙女の作法2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading tsuriotsu 2, done with Lumine and Sakuri, who was absolutely great as a heroine, entertaining and filled with love to the very end, really original in some regards and her degree of perversion was extremely fun. The confession scene and the lead up to it were great too.
Now onto Est to finish, I have high hopes for her route even if I don't expect her to be better than Sakuri, character-wise.

>> No.13957066
File: 1.45 MB, 1024x768, ワルキューレロマンツェ[少女騎士物語]-2015-08-18_12-31-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to play Valkyrie Romance here, but it really feels... cheap somehow? Not sure how to explain it, but I'm getting vibes of "this is a bad game" before I even really have played it. Has anyone played it? Did you like it?

>> No.13957104

I played it and enjoyed it, albeit Mio being really bland.

>> No.13957180

I fucking hate games that use this resolution since I can't play them windowed on my laptop.

>> No.13957184

Thanks, I'll try to look past my bias, wherever it comes from.

>> No.13957207

>playing VNs windowed


>> No.13957220
File: 164 KB, 640x400, 010_0008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you know what is funny? The previous Kakyuusei had Minatsu, who was leading quite the shady lifestyle, and nobody, ever, complained. Not one word. Nothing.

>> No.13957229
File: 150 KB, 640x400, 010_0021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, fuck.

>> No.13957234
File: 181 KB, 640x400, 010_0022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, Minatsu. Quit this lifestyle before you get yourself killed.

>> No.13957237

You can't compare her to childhood friend who is fucking your former best friend.
That is properly rage-worthy.

>> No.13957244

That's because she isn't the childhood friend and main heroine

>> No.13957249
File: 169 KB, 640x400, 010_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. It is not that the heroine was non-virgin. None of that matters. Tamaki just asserted herself as a slut who was using the protagonist as a rebound. Hell, she didn't even love him.

Tamaki is not just someone who made a mistake. She is just a terrible person as well.

>> No.13957263
File: 28 KB, 480x288, Kakyusei_and_SP_Disk_1297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is completely unimportant. And you know why? Because the protagonist isn't a virgin either. She was a poor excuse for a main heroine, that I must agree. Maybe in a NTR oriented game, sure, she would fit.

Perhaps worst of all, it is that she did not respect herself.

>> No.13957288

>Because the protagonist isn't a virgin either.
There's a difference between not being a virgin and fucking another guy while you are in a relationship/using him as a rebound.
It's just wrong and more fitting of female-oriented stuff than anything.

>> No.13957307

That was my point, yes.

>> No.13957426

Nah but I'm still on my first VN

>> No.13957458

Are you sure fans still wouldn't have freaked out if you took that out? 'Non-virgin' alone is enough to cause otaku suicide.

>> No.13957471

Man, I just think it's weird that they almost always have all the virgins bleed on their first time when that only actually happens like half the time when a girl loses her virginity. Especially if it's an athletic character.

>> No.13957482

Hey is つよきす guy here can you give me your steamid so I can add you I wanna have someone to talk to about this game if you dont トサカに来るよー

>> No.13957650 [DELETED] 

My id is xiao3, have a grave picture in my avatar.

>> No.13957658
File: 838 KB, 1920x1080, fullscreendoshikuro;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13957663

http://steamcommunity.com/id/burnal/ here the link.

>> No.13957706

I still don't understand why their hair is purple. It just seems so... dissonant. There's the black hair patch, yes, but... that's a patch. Why wasn't it black from the start?

>> No.13957717

Because in anime hair, black hair can look purple.

>> No.13957725

Which is fine for most games, but I can't give that a pass in a game with "black hair" literally in the title.

>> No.13957730
File: 272 KB, 1278x719, sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These three girls have black hair.

>> No.13957751

for the same reason all these asian characters look white

>> No.13957767

If the title was "Why do you love women with distinctly asian facial features so much" then that would be an relevant but it's not so it isn't.

>> No.13957769
File: 774 KB, 1296x1522, 黒髪パッチ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks a bit jarring when it's actually black. The only styles I've seen do it well are the 130cm games.

>> No.13957775

See, it blows my mind that they actually had to release a "black hair" patch for a game literally about black hair. I can't be the only one baffled by that.

>> No.13957780

But it wasn't about black hair.

>> No.13957789

Well, in which black hair was in the title. I haven't played the game so I can only extrapolate on its relevance.

>> No.13957802

The MC has a black hair fetish, yet the heroines have it blue and green.

>> No.13957809

If you stuck any of those heroines in a game that also had pink and green haired heroines I think pretty much everyone would say they have black hair.

>> No.13957831

It's a little bit relevant since it's the MC's fetish, and he came to like it because one of the heroines saved him when he was stranded in a mountain as a child but it's not at all the main focus of the story.

>> No.13957841

I don't see it.

>> No.13957852

Dark blue hair counts as black in anime, it's not rocket science

>> No.13957874

Has anyone here played 鬼うた or 眠れる花は春をまつ? I remember someone posting a screenshot a while back.

>> No.13957889

I have played 2 routes from 眠れる花は春をまつ?, actually that was pretty good I'm not sure why I didnt finish it completely. Also most likelty those screenshots were from me.

>> No.13957909
File: 495 KB, 1280x720, capture_004_10042014_174951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played most of nemuhana. It wasn't that good, but I had fun with it. I should probably get back to it at some point.

>> No.13957932

She has nice purple hair.

>> No.13957957
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, OMEV0850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what it is about 130cm's artist but their art is really comfy for some reason, even if it isn't the best.

>> No.13957991


Well, you know, reverse rape's gotta feel comfy.

>> No.13958006

The title is the most misleading aspect of that eroge, by far.

>> No.13958285

This, it's a really great hidden gem from last year.

>> No.13958497

You know you can fix that in the engine settings, right?

>> No.13958515

I actually just laughed at the "childhood friend is bad at cooking" trope, I'm totally blindsided. She put wasabi in a pie-thing and for some reason the word "wasabi" made me actually laugh. There's not a point to this story, I was just surprised.

>> No.13958581
File: 512 KB, 1920x1080, fullscreendoshikuro=).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I just never bothered since I played it windowed anyways.

>> No.13958592

It's the only way to play older games without stretching the shit out of it.

>> No.13958743


I like black hair

>> No.13958757

Me too, but it depends on how it's implemented. From my expierence it doesn't suit your typical moege 60lbs Christmass tree ornaments hairdress.

Also, I'm reading the VN corner on 2ch, are they just meming or is it really full of fake-Kansai-ben speaking slutlovers?

>> No.13958760
File: 250 KB, 1286x752, onimari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oniuta/mari were quite fun, but the endings were really out there

>> No.13958767

Too bad these games probably failed and there won't be any new games with the same artist doing the same black hair style.

>> No.13958799

Didn't どし黒 sell pretty well? Thought I saw it on the upper places in the Getchu charts last year.

>> No.13958829

I'm talking about the 130cm games. But どし黒 didn't do that hot either

>> No.13958846

Holy shit, so many games costing around 10,000円 . That's ridiculous.

>> No.13958864

Uh, are you new to VNs or something? That's the normal price for a full-length eroge.

>> No.13958872

Why yes I am. No wonder VNs are dying, if they cost $100.

>> No.13958903

They usually come with goodies, and that's the same price as a limited edition console game so it's not like they're unusually expensive. Plus lower priced non-nukige typically don't sell as well so everyone pretty much standardized on that price.

>> No.13959085

>No wonder VNs are dying
Don't tell me you actually took Dovac's grab for sympathy for real. Stop that.

>> No.13959096

Who is Dovac?

>> No.13959102

minori said it too.

>> No.13959105

The same as Dovac, they want sympathy point for e-begging.

>> No.13959112

Minori has said a lot of things that are complete bullshit.

Eroge is dying, but so is everything else otaku-related. We had a good run, though. My backlog should last me a very long time to come.

>> No.13959118

It's "dying" but it will take a long time before it's dead.

>> No.13959139

Bad example. Their production costs are around ~$1000000 per game, so of course their profit margin is small as fuck.

>> No.13959158

It's not as much dying as it's in decline and I doubt it will fully die in a long time as VNs are becoming more 'mainstream' in the west.

>> No.13959162

Yep, still looking forward to Sakura no Uta, Akikuru (and Fuyukuru?), Sen no Hatou, Hisei no Vulthoom, and Kouya, at the very least.

Eroge ain't pushing up the daisies just yet.

>> No.13959184
File: 806 KB, 1835x3263, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VNs are becoming more 'mainstream' in the west

What a terrible thought. I can already imagine cries of the offended.

>> No.13959319

>I personally dislike currently airing anime even though it's now more popular and well produced than ever and there's not enough deep plot in my porn games, therefor otaku culture is dead. Die moebuta.

>> No.13959335

Older anime has a very different atmosphere than modern anime. Not saying harem or moe is new (because it isn't) but you can't watch a bunch of 90s shows and then say "yes this feels exactly like currently airing shows".

>> No.13959340

Different like Violinist of Hamelin where they barely moved.

>> No.13959367

The only thing worse than people who get offended are the neckbeards who get offended at them being offended.

>> No.13959369

That just means you grew out of a hobby or are trying to hard to be a pretentious hipster over a medium targeted towards virgins who like looking at cute things.
Either way, it's wrong to say that otaku culture is dying just because you personally dislike what's coming out.

It's not surprising coming from this thread though, where chuunibabies and jaded moogy drones reign supreme. Even Moogy manages to have more fun.

>> No.13959374

How is it worse? The first tries to shut down what they don't like while the other is just complaining about it from their basement.

>> No.13959375

I'm not saying it's dying, just that it's different. In older anime for example nudity is all over the place, but now it's censored for blu ray sales. The whole atmosphere is changed. I'm not trying to be pretentious; I like new and old anime, it's just a fact that old anime feels totally different most of the time.

>> No.13959378

>Eroge is dying, but so is everything else otaku-related.

There's no backpedaling out of this one, buddy

>> No.13959379

Because people are always not going to like things. The neckbeards complaining about others being offended from their basements also have things they personally don't like.

>> No.13959384

No, it's not just that. How many shows over one cour long do you see coming out these days? Not fucking many, regardless of what your tastes are. Just look at BD sales trends over time and you'll see why.

But this isn't /a/ so I won't keep arguing.

>> No.13959386


>> No.13959389

I didn't say that, I was replying purely to the implication that only dumb caricatures would like old anime but not new anime.

>> No.13959391

Not liking something is different from forcing people to change it. Remember that stupid Higurashi fag from tumblr who went all over the internet complaining about that one towel scene?

>> No.13959398

Wow, look at all this arguing about off-topic subjects.

>> No.13959402

>How many shows over one cour long do you see coming out these days?
Honestly a lot, I'm watching several sequels right now and last season was basically all second or third seasons of stuff.
Usually adaptations get put off because they are waiting for more manga chapters to be finished, and anime originals are a mixed bag in terms of quality. Stuff like Madoka still managed to be a big hit even though it was only one season.

>> No.13959403

That's an exact quote.

>> No.13959408

Being offended is one thing, trying to censor shit because you're offended is entirely different and a good reason to be angry about.

>> No.13959410

Welcome to anonymous image boards where more than one person can post under the name "Anonymous".

>> No.13959414

Looks like somebody hasn't seen the newest, funniest, and lewdest anime this season: Shimoneta.

>> No.13959422

The neckbeards whine about people who get offended do the same thing. If a comic book movie adaption isn't made perfectly they'll boycott it in hopes it goes off the air. We see this every time from the purist nerds when a superhero movie comes out.

>> No.13959424

Shit, that was for >>13959375

>> No.13959425

Let's not talk about anime in this thread, "onegai".

>> No.13959426

I can't watch lewd anime without happy end. Teasing is the worst.

>> No.13959428

Never seen that happen. They just complain that it sucks and stopped watching.

>> No.13959435


>> No.13959436

Well, one of the girls had a happy end.

>> No.13959437

Has this ever happened?

Please provide example.

>> No.13959450

Sounds like you've never been to IMDB forums before.

>> No.13959458

I have never been there.

>> No.13959468

He's probably talking about the moral crusaders who complained about the last Marvel shitfest for being misogynistic and shit. Incidentally, those are the exact same people who want to remove things like freedom of expression entirely so he's harming his own point.

>> No.13959480

Anime is the shittiest medium in existence so please don't mention it ever again.

>> No.13959488

Great post

>> No.13959489

Anime are literally just VNs on autoplay but with more CG

>> No.13959492

What medium is deep and mature enough for a scholar such as yourself?

>> No.13959495

VNs are anime with 1 fps and subtitles.

>> No.13959498

We just need to calm down and stop posting for awhile.

>> No.13959501

If you remove the narrating, maybe. VNs without narration are ass though.

>> No.13959504

Or just play VNs. I will do so now. Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.13959513

Yes, thank you.

>> No.13959515

Anything is better than anime or LNs, which are bottom of the barrel shit for manchildren who want to sniff used panties.

>> No.13959522

I want to sniff used panties.

>> No.13959528


Do you know where you are?

>> No.13959541

Mio was my favorite. Maybe I'm bland

>> No.13959556

She seems to be dere dere which is a charm point for many people. I myself am leaning towards Celia for the mature charm and big tits, or else Noel for the impish, friendly... charm. In short just about every character is charming so there's nothing bland about any of them.

>> No.13959585

Do you have to play all the Rance games before IX?

>> No.13959610

You may as well for the best experience. Very self referential games with a somewhat consistent cast.

>> No.13959674

You don't have to do anything, but you'll be a bit lost if you haven't played the other games.

>> No.13959692

Might as well, since a lot of them are better anyway.

>> No.13959757

I agree about LNs but some anime isn't even that bad.

>> No.13959781

Romeo Tanaka writes LNs.

>> No.13959786

Good for him, I guess.

>> No.13959795

And so does Nisio Isin. If you're going to make exceptions for anime, you've got to make exceptions for LNs too.

>> No.13959805

Fair enough. At least the writers you mentioned have merit.
What I should've probably said is, I just don't understand the LNs that focus only on cute girls or harem shenanigans. Anime and eroge do it so much better.

>> No.13959818

The best example I can give is from the chuuni harem LN-turned-anime Inou-Battle. In the anime, there's a 1-2 minute scene where they all write their own short story, which is very brief and used for character development on the main girl. In the LN, the same scene lasts for like, 40+ pages (it's quite long) and it extensively covers what each girl wrote and there's tons of jokes in it. Harem anime generally cut down on nuanced humour and for the most part stick to physical comedy and ecchi to carry themselves. This is expected and I don't begrudge it, both the show and LN were enjoyable in their own ways. And that's my point. They both were good in different ways.

>> No.13959834

Adaptations always have some things out. But to me it doesn't make sense reading something for the cute girls when the writing is also terrible, especially when it would be so much better to watch it animated and voiced. Eroge are different because they have visual and audio components instead. The only thing LNs have to fall on is their writing.

>> No.13959839

Well, it's not like LN writers are half bad. Like the inou LN I mentioned was fun to read so the writer clearly is accomplished to some degree. Also, for the most part VNs fail pretty badly on audio, and many VNs have mediocre visuals. IMO average-budget VNs rely mainly on writing too.

>> No.13959902

Why the fuck people keep thinking eroge or anything otaku related are dying? Shit, just fuck off to reddit with your dovac shit please.

>> No.13959908

The games I like don't sell well

>> No.13959945


>> No.13959958

There are a lot of reasons to indicate that it is.
It is getting *too* "nichefied", if that makes sense.

>> No.13959982

So the guy who keep spouting eroge industry is dying is the same guy who keeps mentioning this e-celeb? Why am I not surprised? By the way I'm not opening or reading that shit

Give me a solid and OBJECTIVE reason. I don't need your opinion, I need facts. If you don't have one just shut the fuck up.

>> No.13959991

Don't feed the troll.

>> No.13960012
File: 23 KB, 420x225, eroge_sales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13960040

Source on that image?
Is the guy who make that credible?
I see that shit posted lots of times but I never see anyone bother to posting the source. Go on, I will wait.

>> No.13960043

The fuck did I just say?

>> No.13960052

That's not even sales ranking.

>> No.13960056

Source is right in the graph caption, dear EOP. Come back when you learned Japanese.

>> No.13960081

Speak for yourself.

>> No.13960143 [DELETED] 

Guys I really really 好き anime and 可愛い少女s

>> No.13960178

Are you sure you're not the EOP that should learn Japanese?

>> No.13960199


>> No.13960258

Your obsession with identity over content makes me think that you're the redditfag here.

>> No.13960283

Any VNs where the heroines get tied up a lot?

>> No.13960299


>> No.13960323


Nice man nice totally didn't know this site existed totally wasn't asking for the opinion of people on here, you know maybe someone has played one they really liked and wanted to let me know how good it is or maybe to avoid a certain one. But ya I'll just click on every one of these and dl them based off the tags and one line descriptions. Not to mention the majority of these aren't even about bondage they just get their wrists tied behind their back at one point in one h scene or something.

>> No.13960365

I don't know anything but you can ask here
more nukige fans

>> No.13960375


Thanks I'll try posting there

>> No.13960386
File: 1.69 MB, 1600x1200, 36f531ca-20ad-4462-c4aa-01621047c96f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know of some really dark VNs that let you get the main heroines killed?

>> No.13960399

Well, I can personally recommed Love Bind; Sensei, Mazo Mazo Sasete; Love es M; Miko Shibari; Akogare no Onee-chan wa Choukyou Shigansha, but when it comes to fetish stuff, you would be better off by looking through getchu yourself.

>> No.13960405

Wouldn't telling you be a big spoiler? I can think of a couple but saying their names would be revealing big plot twists.

>> No.13960406

Aoiro Rinne.

>> No.13960467


I've never looked through Getchu before do I just go into the adult section and type 緊縛 or SM or 猿轡 into the search or is there a better way?

>> No.13960499

Also ty for the reccomendations I remember trying out Miko shibari before and finding it pretty hot but Mazo Mazo Sasete seems hella rad too

>> No.13960514

but I demand death
bonus points if the MC finds their death inconsequential

>> No.13961003


>> No.13961362

When I click fullscreen, every game automatically goes to my main screen. I want fullscreen on my 2nd monitor. What do?

>> No.13961370

Okay, not every game, apparently. It worked with this one game I'm playing now.

>> No.13961377

Depends on how the particular game's fullscreen mode works. For some you'll have to set your primary monitor in your display settings.

>> No.13961632


>> No.13961736

What are some VNs where girls are aggressive/proactive during the H-scenes? I've heard of Loveressive but if they just pursue MC through the entire game but not follow through on the H-scenes it'd be disappointing.

>> No.13962238

I feel bad for everyone who watched that hoping for true love.

>> No.13962245

The biggest cucks in the VN were the girls anyway.

>> No.13962250

Dithering arouses me too. It cannot be helped.

>> No.13962271

Your new love can be your true love!

>> No.13962337

What are some other visual novels that format their routes like G-Senjou no Maou? Is there a name for that kind of thing? I really liked it there but I've never seen it elsewhere.

Nevermind that G-Senjou is a translated game, I'm asking about VNs in general.

>> No.13962364


>> No.13962370

Hoshizora no Memoria

>> No.13962402

The hell...this is in my history but I don't remember it at all.

>> No.13962418


>> No.13962497

Steins;Gate, Neyuki no Genei

>> No.13962602
File: 9 KB, 293x42, dgdfdffah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone put me out of my misery

>> No.13962605

Natsu no Iro has blood-related incest. Bad game, good porn.

>> No.13962633

Nice, I'll check that out. Doesn't sound too bad from the synopsis at least.

>> No.13962638


>> No.13962676

It's pretty mediocre overall.

>> No.13962735

I'm enjoying Walkure Romanze so far, but it seems like it's gearing up for the common route to center around training Mio to fight in that duel thing. However, I've genuinely got no interest in that... I just want to do the character routes and see how they go. Is the "training Mio" plot very long? Can I skip it?

>> No.13962832

I decided to skip it just to see how things went and I'm glad I did... predictable end and everything. Would have been feel-good in a cliche but not something I'd want to spend hours reading.

>> No.13963006

Anyone knows where I can find 蟲ノ目? Last time I tried to buy from dl site it didn't work, and I didn't find it in that huge baidu thread.

>> No.13963035 [DELETED] 

I know it's a pretty old game that people don't care about anymore, but does anyone have a patch that lets you run the first ef game on non-japanese computers? What was included in the torrent I used doesn't get past that issue.

>> No.13963082 [DELETED] 

Nevermind, looks like changing the time zone worked.

>> No.13963223

I still have it, so I can upload it if you want. I don't know if the video works, but the game itself does.

>> No.13963247

I would greatly appreciate if you uploaded it. Is the video important? If so, I imagine it's probably on nicovideo so it shouldn't matter.

>> No.13963257

Just the op video.

>> No.13963444

Mushi no me

>> No.13963719

Thanks a lot.

>> No.13965318 [DELETED] 


>> No.13965712


>> No.13965846

Yeah, Mio just wasn't interesting as a main character. I thought the routes were better than common simply because you can leave her to the side.

Out of the routes, only one I didn't like was Risa.

>> No.13966163

>only one I didn't like was Risa.
Fiona's antics ruin that route.

>> No.13966184

I plan on avoiding Risa's route purely because Fiona is so unlikable. Maybe her personality is by design but it's unpleasant enough that I don't want to be near her.

>> No.13966251

They somehow make her likable in Lisa'a after route and in the fan disc but my god she's awful in Lisa's route.

>> No.13966325

Still waiting for Fiona route.

>> No.13966619
File: 2.60 MB, 459x459, 1234123123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark Sky End after credits
holy shit

>> No.13967772

did you play on PS3 or on PC?
My PC version keeps on crashing randomly while playing (mainly when date changes)... any ideas?
could only do mana and haruka :(
