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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 823 KB, 564x643, newhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13926460 No.13926460 [Reply] [Original]

wud u the newhu?

>> No.13926489

What is she, a crane?

>> No.13926491

This is the first time I saw a Touhou with tats

>> No.13926495

Is she a kishin?

>> No.13926497

yeah tbh

>> No.13926504

I think she's wearing a jacket thingie
I don't think those are tats

>> No.13926519 [DELETED] 

She looks even more OC than Nue.

What a shit.

>> No.13926528


Nah that's just her name too for a completely unrelated reason.

>> No.13926534

More birds.

>> No.13926544

If Zun's art wasn't so shit maybe I would notice

>> No.13926551

Cloaca y/n?

>> No.13926566
File: 12 KB, 301x430, TOHO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The very first Fanart of her, never forget it 4chan.

>> No.13926574

It's kind of obvious.
Maybe your eyes are shit.

>> No.13926580


>> No.13926599

Her jacket has the same color as her skin,but it is my fought for not clicking the image at first.

>> No.13926665

They aren't the same color either you goof.

>> No.13926698

They're both grey tho

>> No.13926765
File: 901 KB, 762x643, white and gray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eye problems.

>> No.13926780


>> No.13927030
File: 40 KB, 487x688, sagume kishin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13927057


>> No.13927135


>> No.13927175

looks so jojo here

>> No.13927199


>> No.13927260

Better than the slut. Worse than everyone else.

>> No.13927274


>> No.13927346

>not hat
shitty 2hu confirmed

>> No.13927544

Without a doubt the best 2hu from LoLK.

>> No.13927562

Then play more because there's plenty.

>> No.13927568

Get on with the times, the slut is the best.

>> No.13927762

She's the only one I feel positive about.

>> No.13927816

She's actually the only one I find appealing of all the new 2hus from the game.

The cast was really a disappointment, but we did at least we got this new 2hu which does look nice.

>> No.13927846

Why? She's the ugliest if you ask me.

>> No.13927896


She looks cute. Nice coat and dress, nothing too silly going on. Clownpiece, I knew she would have a silly outfit from her name alone. Junko is okay I guess. Hecatia is just ridiculous. I have a limit for how silly a character can look, and she's it.

>> No.13927905

I like girls with short/medium long hair and her design look overall good for me(except the pointy thing at the end of her dress).

And for me it REALLY REALLY beats an America clown and trashy emo rocker girls and suck

>> No.13927940

>except the pointy thing at the end of her dress
That's what really ruined it for me. I don't like her hairstyle, either, and her wings look silly. Though now that I think about it she's really the type of character to vastly improve once fan artists get to work on her so my opinion will probably change soon.

>> No.13927963

>she's really the type of character to vastly improve once fan artists get to work on her

You just described literally every 2hu except for ones not drawn by ZUN

>> No.13927983

say that to my face fagot

>> No.13927996

I meant relative to other ZUN characters.

>> No.13928014

I did but I guess you didn't see it.

>> No.13928085

God damn. She and Junko look fine, pretty good in fact, but the clown and...other girl are the most god-awful designs in the entire series. 160ish characters and not one that looks out-and-out bad, then these two come along.

>> No.13928170

I agree 100% with this one.

The other designs on the characters just feels so over the top, like it was a kids first character designs or something.
They just stand out so much from rest of the 2hu cast and it really feels like they do not fit at all, especially the new "trashy rocker girl"

>> No.13928182

People thought Okuu and Satori looked ridiculous when SA came out.

>> No.13928221


>> No.13928271

I know, I know, but...I remember looking at Okuu for the first time and thinking "Wow, she's so over-designed." And now I'm sitting here looking at Clownpiece(UGH.) and other girl and thinking "I cannot believe how bad they look."
Especially other girl. She doesn't look ridiculous, or overly-designed, just...shitty. Really, really shitty. I'm stunned.

>> No.13928282

She and the EX boss are the only ones I don't like.

>> No.13928285

She's the one winged angel.

>> No.13929382

Who is the EX boss?

>> No.13929413

>yfw she's somehow related to eirin

>> No.13929469

The slut.

>> No.13931925

The black pattern in her jacket looks like the one in tenshi's dress. Any reason?

>> No.13932159

Holy fuck my eyes.

I couldn't find a way to capture her 3rd spellcard (the one where she uses a lots of yellow orbs that release 3 yellow talismans when destroyed) as Sanae, so I just let it time out, and when it finished my vision was all wavy and blurry, like after you see these kind of optical illusions:


And her stage reminded me of Ichirin, and then her non-spellcards have the MOKO trademark

>> No.13932183

Well aren't you contrary.

>> No.13932202

That spellcard has a safespot directly underneath her unless your character's shot type has explosives.

>> No.13932349
File: 801 KB, 579x906, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reminds me of a guy.

>> No.13932381
File: 217 KB, 600x800, 51984416_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck a slut

>> No.13932719
File: 163 KB, 471x312, could this be the work of a stand user.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13932752

What happened to her in the ending? What happened to the spider and gensokyou? Is this the first Touhou game with a cliffhanger?

>> No.13933219

it resolved off screen
the end

>> No.13933299

What guy?

>> No.13933690
File: 164 KB, 638x676, coloured sagume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13933737

Its easy you just stay unfocused and let the frog explosions damage her

>> No.13933749
File: 979 KB, 1518x1074, 1439416805528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That joke was fucking clever. Here. A big hug for you.


>> No.13933769



No it is definitely shit. No hope for that character. It will be hated and forgotten. Just like shitga erh I mean seiga.

>> No.13933835 [DELETED] 

Is 4-3 routing really random? I've done it hundreds of times and have gone to J 80% of the time.

>> No.13933912

looks like my grandma.

>> No.13937702

Her power is for the world to make the reverse of what she says true

So yeah, it's really Jojo

>Menacing stare
>"There's no way I can beat you"

>> No.13937822

For those who didn't read/watch Jojo can you explain? Is there someone with similar power?

>> No.13937856

The spider apparently was Land Rover or something.

>> No.13938824

Can I fuck your grandma

>> No.13939430
File: 414 KB, 600x800, 51998419_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No it is definitely shit
I disagree

>It will be hated and forgotten.
You are aware that she is the Extra Boss, correct?
She is guaranteed to be remembered by default.

>> No.13939512

>She is guaranteed to be remembered by default.
You're right. I mean, look how many fans Raiko and Nue have!

>> No.13939530

Who's that?

>> No.13939547

She is really cute! But why always the hand on the face?

>> No.13939660

If girl looks slutty - she is clean and modest actually.

Kishin should be real slut. Her austere style is just for rising her price.

>> No.13939702

She is summoning her stand

>> No.13939841
File: 684 KB, 775x637, 76543635374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely /jp/ noticed as well, right?

>> No.13939882 [DELETED] 

Yes and no.

She's a Lunarian fairy.


Sakuya is just a Lunarian.

>> No.13939892

I'm just surprised to see a character with such a powerful ability that isn't the final or EX boss.

>> No.13939909 [DELETED] 

It's a very limited power though.

>> No.13939918

>She's a Lunarian fairy.
Sagume is goddess

And that's Seija

>Sakuya is just a Lunarian.
Go sleep, anon.

>> No.13939920

How so?

>> No.13939928 [DELETED] 

Why do you think her power is literally about the same?

Amanojaku came from the moon.

>> No.13939976

But Nue is remembered in gets pared often with Flan who is easily one on the most popular 2hus and/or Koishi who just took the #1 spot from Reimu herself.

>> No.13939979

>Amanojaku came from the moon.
That's something new. I'm not expert on japanese folklore, but I checked wikipedia and didn't find any mention that Amanojaku are related to Moon.
Can you give any source to your claim?

>> No.13939990

15 came out already?

I got too busy with Kancolle but damn, time sure flies.

>> No.13940011

Yeah, we got a new character which can save Touhou and and start a new golden age: >>13929625.
Also we got a 2hu to compete with your fleet of sluts and whores: >>13929752

>> No.13940028

>Yeah, we got a new character which can save Touhou and and start a new golden age.
use your hands to type anon, not your dick, both are the worst character desings ZUN ever made (don't come with the satori crap, not that kind of desing)

>> No.13940044


Hell to the fucking yes.

>> No.13940543
File: 195 KB, 540x476, 57467606f99288fb91be413702bec970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13940570

Oh fug I can't wait for the 音MAD.

>> No.13940600


>who just took the #1 spot from Reimu herself.

As legit as an election in Morroco or China.

>> No.13940640

Not quite, but it sounds a lot like something a character from JoJo would have.

>> No.13949192


This series should die already.

>> No.13949208

Daily reminder even if she said she loved you, she would be forced to be a liar.

>> No.13949212

And here I thought Seija had it rough

>> No.13949222

tumlr pls go

>> No.13949269


She literally cannot say that she loves you or else her power would probably force her to hate you.

>> No.13949286

It's the fucking weird designs that make Touhou Touhou. I bet you would have complained about the shower/pajama hats in EoSD/PCB had they come out recently.

Clownpiece is a fucking great design, it is firmly in so-bad-it's-good territory, thanks in no small part to the fact her outfit has both a very silly hat (essential and yet notably lacking from many recent touhous) and has skin-tight leggings going all the way up.

>> No.13949297

I really don't think anyone complains about clownpiece because of the clown/jester outfit, because that outfit really is good.
But I think the main complain about her is the whole "'merica!" thing, if Zun would just have screwed that her design would be really great.

>> No.13949299

I'm not as emotionally or physically attracted to them, tbh
Id rather stick to the oldhous

>> No.13949310
File: 321 KB, 1280x720, 1439707051339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you have yet to realize how hot Clownpiece's leggings are. I cannot even think of a rival to them at the moment among Touhous. ZUN did good, real good.

>> No.13949320

Now if only her name wasn't Clownpiece.

>> No.13949328

Imagine having to describe her to another person and then having to tell them her name

>> No.13949330
File: 805 KB, 755x1118, 52030567_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her leggings are certainly unmatched.

Give her a nickname, then. Maybe you could make something really cute out of her name.

>> No.13949344

I did have to describe her to my non-Touhou friends. They had no words.

I'm just going to call her Clown, and she is really cute. But people are going to forget her wings and draw her not as a loli.

>> No.13949346

You mean mismatched

>> No.13949348
File: 156 KB, 260x187, 1391653705650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loli porn doujins incoming
>ZUN wants to help the feds crack down on cp
>they look for doujins with cp in the title and bust the lolicons

>> No.13949355

I'm guessing the nips will come up with something soon (if they haven't already) as she has a foreign name that must be odd-sounding to them to begin with.

>> No.13949357


>> No.13949359

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13949365


>> No.13949367

クロッピー or something maybe. Sounds even worse to me.

>> No.13949379


>> No.13949395


>> No.13949405

Look at that and tell me that she's not designed for sex.

>> No.13949417

Unless you are a fat fuck or have STD, you are designed for sex by the Lord.

>> No.13949430

She's not designed for sex. She is a fairy. It's extremely likely fairies lack any of the things required in order to have sex. Additionally, she has no drive.

>> No.13949535

>lack any of the things required in order to have sex
Nice headcanon. If we were talking about a literal doll (of which there are a couple 2hus) I'd be inclined to agree, but there's absolutely nothing to indicate that fairies don't have human anatomy.

>> No.13949540
File: 623 KB, 600x800, 52032242_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I've never seen youkai that survive purely on fear or gods that survive on worship and not been able to eat. And even the human body has parts it doesn't need. Since fairies seem to be humanoids I'd bet they had the parts necessary for sex, even if they didn't need it for reproduction.

>> No.13951926


Jojo characters tend to have one gimmicky power like "the ability to erase time" or "the ability to make everyone turn old". This is like something they'd have. Its probably where Zun got the idea of Touhous having one special ability like the ability to control fate or create darkness.

>> No.13951942

LoLK is one of the few Touhou games where I wanna fap to the whole cast. Most of them have that one character I couldn't give a single fuck about but not LoLK.

ZUN is truly god

>> No.13951948

True. Fairies are made to be abused and punished. Even Akyuu says so in her book and encourage fairy abuse.

>> No.13951949


>> No.13951957
File: 728 KB, 800x600, 1439790551401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13952029

Then we will teach them the pleasure of human sex. Simple.

>> No.13952055

Official Theme Power Rankings
Patrician Tier:
Stage 2 & 3
High Tier:
Clownpiece, Ringo
Mid Tier:
Stage 1, Seiran, Doremy, Extra Stage
Shit Tier:
Sagume, Stage 6, Stage 4, Hecatia
Absolute Pleb Tier:
Sariel's Theme, I mean, Junko's Theme

>> No.13952150

You forgot stage 5

>> No.13952496

Do we know if that's really a wing? Looks like a ponytail to me.

It just doesn't make sense for her to have one wing given her species.

>> No.13952534
File: 25 KB, 1119x252, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure those are wings

>> No.13952536

It's high tier

>> No.13952542

*that's a wing

>> No.13952800

Shit forgot about that. I heard some other guys on this board mention that and it made me think.

But it could be a ponytail that's meant to look like a wing. It's the exact same color as her hair.

>> No.13952821

Song names still don't mean anything. ZUN could just decide to make her hair look like a wing and then put few allusions in song names.
I hope it's a wing. But it could be just another case of ZUN's trolling.

>> No.13952933
File: 567 KB, 740x1176, 1439614478255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Reisen: Well, it's true that fairies are a symbol of impurity, but I don't think they have the intelligence to invade.

I'm pretty sure that "symbols of impurity" would be very keen to erotic activities.

>> No.13953095

Suddenly it all makes sense.

>> No.13953109

And then watch it turn out to be knives floating around behind her. Or part of her dress.

>> No.13955647

Nothing 30 minutes of spanking can't fix.

>> No.13955694


>> No.13955741


Theres no evidence supporting either case.

>if we were talking about a literal doll

As opposed to a figurative doll?
I suddenly understand why no one likes Medicine.

>> No.13955846


>Theres no evidence supporting either case.

Then it is not "extremely likely fairies lack any of the things required in order to have sex.", ergo headcanon.

>> No.13955858

It could be worse.

Imagine if her name was "Milk", like, Sunny Milk. That'd be horrible.

>> No.13955875
File: 742 KB, 723x1024, 1429525861900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Sunny Milk, Star Sapphire and Luna Child are great names, especially for fairies.

>> No.13955891 [DELETED] 

Star Sapphire kind of feels like they didn't try to think of a better last name.

>> No.13955893


>> No.13955901

She has the best last name of the fairies.

>> No.13955907 [DELETED] 

You probably think Lapislazuli is a good last name.

>> No.13955909

No that's terrible.

>> No.13956134

Meh. I saw worse.
Remember the red chaos emerald in that old Megadrive game?

>> No.13959824

She's a Lampade, which is a type of nymph, so that makes her lewd as fuck by default

>> No.13959827
File: 299 KB, 868x1228, 52052050_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13959833

Yes. I want to stain her with my impurity

>> No.13959875

No, she's a fairy. She's BASED on a lampade, but she's still a fairy.

>> No.13959887

Yes, she's a fairy, but a nymph is pretty much the same thing (generic female nature spirit pretty much)

>> No.13963406

>Song names
Aren't those her spellcards?

>> No.13968021

Hell yeah.

>> No.13968345

Greek mythology shits should go back to where they belong

>> No.13968841
File: 216 KB, 393x600, 1440063696182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13968852

>Stop discussing relevant topics

>> No.13969443


>> No.13969504
File: 752 KB, 1920x1200, 52097663_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone noticing Aioi Aoi is starting to get obsessed with this touhou?

They made 4 consecutive Sagume pics in a row fast, and it looks like it's not going to stop any time soon.

>> No.13969863

I don't understand this picture.

>> No.13969903

That's Kishin pissing herself after a spanking.

>> No.13974457


>> No.13974536



>> No.13974562

Of course you'd agree with yourself.

>> No.13974741
File: 693 KB, 522x1620, 853326c418ad57d59950d3ca035e0dd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit.

All the newhu designs are pretty garbage. ZUN's running out of doll designs to rip off and going into modern clothing.

>> No.13974754
File: 412 KB, 850x1512, sample-8de3ee76126f7a48072c5e4884a62fdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13974765
File: 392 KB, 603x338, Flan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clownpiece and Flandre Scarlet confirmed BFFs?

>> No.13974769

Look at these sluts.

>> No.13974775

I bet you say that to all the ladies, you charmer.

>> No.13974961

confirmed for irredeemable shit taste

>> No.13974988
File: 3.18 MB, 3149x2362, Kaku.Seiga.full.1164811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seiga is one of the best drawing zun made

she was just overshadowed by all the other religious nutjobs

>> No.13975456

Because she's a masochist.

>> No.13975508

Ye, I wud hug her.

>> No.13975515

I bet you would also h-hold her hand.

>> No.13975546


>> No.13975557

Spanking Clownpiece when?

>> No.13975563

Why yes I would. And I'd also take a lovely stroll around Lunar capital with her.

>> No.13975571

Get off my turf.

>> No.13975604

>she was so excited that she used her own powers against herself without noticing
Sasuga, Sagume.

>> No.13975712
File: 776 KB, 824x968, cea64105f93c1772e514dcdba07eea65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13975937

She's cute when she's crying.

Would still prefer spanking Clownpiece over her.

>> No.13977841


>> No.13977865

God damn it, this is so accurate. Sagume's great and important, but gets ignored for herp derp 'murica.
Why does everyone like that stupid fucking clown so much?

>> No.13977870

dank memes

>> No.13977884


>> No.13977893

Sagume's okay at best. She's the Shou/Benben of LoLK.

>> No.13978358

Their dresses keep getting dumber. I can't wait for the next toohoo to have zigzag-shaped cutouts.

>> No.13979614

She has Seija's reverse arrow thing since she's associated with amanojaku, it makes sense.

But Benben and Yatsuhashi are the best characters in DDC.

>> No.13980079
File: 312 KB, 2624x2016, NQQDrbu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just after Raiko and Sekibanki, yeah.

>> No.13980986
File: 513 KB, 720x1280, Sketch22621233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah there's always a way

>> No.13983893
File: 413 KB, 736x1024, 534c3719bc98ed02a07fd9d647dd8373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's obsessed and so am I with her

>> No.13983897

Nice, plump ass.

>> No.13983925


>> No.13983962

She can just say I hate you instead. I'd understand.

>> No.13984513
File: 434 KB, 571x784, 52139874_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still below Eirin.

>> No.13984516

I see her naked butt!

>> No.13986226

That usually happens when people are naked.

>> No.13989055
File: 496 KB, 882x622, e39c0e017e15ffe424f9221f5a4b4714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13989063
File: 213 KB, 876x634, 52160172_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13989088


This artist has gr8 taste

>> No.13993361

I bet she tastes good when grilled too.

>> No.13998728

I wonder how her tears taste like.

>> No.14006562

I want to spank Kishin.

>> No.14008972
File: 1.98 MB, 2200x1600, 52225605_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14011078

Who exactly is Kishin? She's a pushover in the game, but I've seen people calling her a goddess.

>> No.14011132

Her title says she's a goddess.

Also, she's a pushover because she's not giving it her all in her fight. You can tell because she doesn't look all beat up like everyone else does when you beat her.

>> No.14011143

What's her relation with the spider?

>> No.14011246
File: 264 KB, 780x1271, IMG_20150828_004936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
