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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 157 KB, 800x450, cg03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13921614 No.13921614 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13903752

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.13921668
File: 95 KB, 523x758, 437460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

『機関幕末異聞 ラストキャバリエ』

>> No.13921681

Kasumi, is that you?

>> No.13921690

I hope its not another shinsengumi glorification fanfic.

>> No.13921754

You might as well change the name to /vn/ at this point.

>> No.13921789
File: 68 KB, 311x775, 8ef49935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so its indeed Sakamoto and his friends vs shinsengumi.
Why historic eroge is always about most overrated and overused, but actually unimportant persons?

>> No.13921804

Excuse me?

>> No.13921813

Just ignore shitposter.

>> No.13922204

So, nothing good released this August or should I expect anything from Hooksoft 15th Anniversary product?

>> No.13922232

Read Rance 03 like everyone else.

>> No.13922263

>everyone else


>> No.13922328


>> No.13922580 [DELETED] 

Not all of us are 13 years old like you.

>> No.13922608

So what eroge do mature readers such as yourself enjoy?

>> No.13922766

I'm planning to read 塔の下のエクセルキトゥス (Art is too good to ignore), 天気雨 , Hooksoft's new game and of course 英雄譚 2. If PH 2 didnt get delayed it'd be awesome, but still a pretty good month for me.

>> No.13922890

but the rance fanbase is 50 year olds who only care about eroge anymore to finish the rance series they started 25 years ago

>> No.13922895

Muramasa and Cross Channel.

>> No.13922901 [DELETED] 


>> No.13922903

oh wow

impressive man ;^)

>> No.13922912

Well, Rance is still pretty much a role model for middle schoolers since he's "badass" and shows women their place or whatever by raping them. He also uses dick jokes which kids love.

>> No.13922928

I hear treating other people like kids is a sign of insecurity.

>> No.13922936
File: 239 KB, 1024x768, ランス01_20150811_103124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a sense of humor my man

>> No.13922943

Rance is a joke. I don't think I've ever seen someone take him seriously outside certain circles that hate fun.

>> No.13922981

>Caramel Box
Picked up.

>> No.13922995

Have you actually played a rance game?

>> No.13923058

>shit-English-kun calling others shitposters

>> No.13923102

Reminder not to respond to posts that contain ad hominems against someone's tastes, mentions of English VN community's "celebrities" or people supposedly sucking up to them, mentions of /vg/, talking about translations and using smilies or words like "meme" or "moebuta" unironically, not to mention overuse of greentext just to rile someone up and the resulting "who are you quoting" posts.

It's most likely the same shitposter and you guys keep taking the bait every fucking time. You can always recognize him from the same inane no-content posts that only exist to trigger a reaction. His current "trick" is to try divide the thread into different camps loathing each other (f.ex. chuunige vs. moege vs. scenarioge) and facilitate an environment where everyone argues about the most trivial things just for the sake of arguing and no one is allowed to actually like anything out of fear of disagreeing with the actually nonexistent "common consensus".

I kind of miss the time when we only had to deal with the one dedicated Christine Love spamming autist. At least his posts were easy to filter and ignore for most of /jp/ and less harmful to the overall quality of the thread.

>> No.13923125

Should add this to the OP.

>> No.13923135

Or maybe you're just paranoid and some people simply don't like certain things.

>> No.13923152

Obviously not.

>> No.13923161

Um, why was someone spamming Christine Love here? What purpose could that possibly have served in a thread about Japanese VNs? Serious question, I wasn't here for that so I'm genuinely curious why that kind of shitposting even happened.

>> No.13923188

Any good releases from spring or summer? I could use something with a nice atmosphere to read. Last year there were Nanairo and Astralair that I really enjoyed

>> No.13923197

Hanasaki Work Spring.

>> No.13923215

>some people simply don't like certain things.
I said it in the previous thread and I'll say it again. It's one thing, a completely okay thing to dislike something.

What on the other hand is not okay is being unnecessarily hostile about it. Instead of saying "I dislike X game because of Y and Z reasons" you get posts such as "people who like X are obviously manchildren who suck up to this supposed e-celeb" or something along those lines with words like "meme" or "LOL" thrown in for good measure. Or just short zero-content posts with those type of words. That type of posting always ends up in shitflinging from both sides and floods the thread with inane drivel. This thread didn't use to be like that until relatively recently so it's obviously one or more posters generating bad blood just for the sake of riling people up.

>> No.13923245

>you get posts such as "people who like X are obviously manchildren who suck up to this supposed e-celeb" or something along those lines
Welcome to 4chan

>> No.13923293

>Rance 03

>> No.13923297

You mean welcome to rest of 4chan. Like I said /jp/ or at least this thread wasn't like that. I really don't want to be that "it's popular so now it sucks" guy, but it seems the flood of new blood from other boards bringing their posting style and memes is really bringing down the overall quality of discussion judging by the last few months, at least from my viewpoint. Also I'm sorry for this rant, let's discuss VNs instead.

>> No.13923300

If you can't take the heat, get out of the エロゲスレ

>> No.13923304

Clever. I like it.

>> No.13923306

I've been on /jp/ for a long time and this board, while cozier than others, has never been "above" the rest of 4chan... do you not remember umineko threads?

>> No.13923308

As I've said before, this thread still has a good quality compared to the rest of /jp/. The board has been abandoned, these idiots don't get banned anymore, shit bait threads stay up forever. We might've hated moot, but the new administration sure isn't doing shit.

>> No.13923322

"Umineko threads" in the sense you mean them still happen. It's horrifying.

>> No.13923405
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1080, Chaos;Child Screen Shot 2015-08-13 12-01-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn almost cried on real sky end on some parts

>> No.13923429

Nono's route and the true end rival each other for me, both are definitely the best part of the game and the best thing that team has done

>> No.13923443

PC release when?

>> No.13923448
File: 333 KB, 1271x760, 2015-08-13_16-12-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcot opened the Tonakoi Rape teaser page.
By the looks of it, it seems there's going to be a new character, and the imouto as a heroine (saw that coming).
Coming out on November.


>> No.13923452

Go back to /vg/ or /a/?

>> No.13923455

texthooker go and stay go

>> No.13923462
File: 633 KB, 648x600, 2015-05-23 02_20_34-キミのとなりで恋してる!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the imouto as a heroine
Going from siblings to lover is going to be pretty uncomfortable but she's too much of a QT not to fuck. Well, I hope she has H-Scenes, anyway. Maybe I should do Blondie's and Nagisa's route too, I quit after the red-head.

>> No.13923464
File: 165 KB, 500x707, 1438794034011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest dude, if I knew C;C was going to be this good I'd have bought an xbone for it.

If I knew for sure it wasn't going to be ported too, that is.

>> No.13923480

>new character
Ryouka's sister?

>> No.13923497

So I decided to install 黄昏のシンセミア as recommended by a good friend, but I'd like to ask if anyone in this thread has a crack or serial for it?

Whoever has it installed that is.

>> No.13923533

Check holyseal.

>> No.13923780

So its going to be low priced, I guess we'll just have a short imouto route with even shorter after stories, maybe one h-scene with each of them.

>> No.13923796
File: 31 KB, 296x192, 1432775238390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is girlcelly really a girl?

>> No.13923804
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 1428764535817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe

>> No.13923831

No, the original account owner was however,

>> No.13923833

'She' spams emoticons, 'um' and ellipsis wherever possible. Do you really think 'she' is a girl?

>> No.13923884
File: 79 KB, 960x544, 2015-07-08-172117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still had the link in my history, I played it about 4 months ago

Here you go man

>> No.13923904

One h-scene per girl is really all you need anyway. Anything after is just filler.

>> No.13923909

Thanks bro

>> No.13923989
File: 635 KB, 1282x752, プライマルハーツ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading Primal hearts, it's fun, but every time I see this sprite my neck starts to hurt.

>> No.13924016

It's pointless to use any other crack than the official DRM remover released by Applique. Well, first you should use the 1.04 patch and then the DRM remover. You can find both on Holyseal, like this guy told you >>13923533

>> No.13924041
File: 61 KB, 557x220, holy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you blind nigga.

>> No.13924061

Man I can't read that

>> No.13924071

Let's all reply to this and ruin this thread.

>> No.13924075


>> No.13924083

5/10 For good timing.

>> No.13924087
File: 167 KB, 507x512, tendo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tendo-kai represent!

>> No.13924090

So far it has the best girls, being Hime and Bitch, Kanakana is a bore.

>> No.13924282

I was searching around holy seal but I had no idea how to get around that site since it was my first time there, after searching all it was giving me was an entry for the psp version

The patch that anon posted worked fine though

>> No.13924288

Actually I really liked Kanna's personality, but her route was just awful. I still cant understand the point of that shit; So you'll fuck with mc almost every day, make meals, almost live with him, be jealous of other girls but dont want to say "you love him" because he may get bored of you and words chains people. Seriously? Are all of those shits dont chain? Even the solution of that was too easy and shitty. If you cant think a proper theme for route, just make ichaicha and sex, its definitely better than this.

>> No.13924298

Search あっぷりけ and not applique or whatever you should be able to find it

>> No.13924300

>just make ichaicha and sex, its definitely better than this.
Aren't all routes basically this? From what I've heard at least they are basically full on sex with some icha icha and super short.

>> No.13924349

You see, this is possibly one of the few reasons this thread justifies its existence. Piracy. I get shit from japs for even emulating PSP games.

I wouldn't discuss Japanese games on English boards though, unless it's a game that just came out and I don't want to be spoiled by the slanted eyed demons

>> No.13924355

That holier than thou attitude is funny considering they are the primary clients of pirated sources.

>> No.13924369
File: 107 KB, 413x646, 。。。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Yuzuki's route was the worst. I liked her the best during the common route and ended up doing her route first but was disappointed when she turned into a major horny slut that would fuck whenever she got the chance then again all the other girls were somewhat similar but Yuzuki just stood out for me.

Anyways Sera>Haruhi>Kana>Yuzuki

>> No.13924377

Yeah 70% of routes are sex, but all of them have some kind of subjects in them, like the one I spoiled in >>13924288.

>> No.13924540

As you said all of them become suddenly lewd though. Even Haruhi who dont know anything about love or sex suddenly started masturbating in front of mc's face because who cares about reasons. They definitely have some problems at writing heroine routes, but its not as bad as Asa Project at least. Hot h-scenes are kinda saving them for now.

>> No.13924556

Yea the heroine routes were pretty bad, but I have to say the common route was really good.

>> No.13924631

Can anybody who's more savvy than me find videos of somebody playing 逆転裁判? I just finished watching somebody playing through case 1 on youtube, and figured I could find more on nico, but I can only find others playing through case 1.
I just wish the 3DS was regionfree.

>> No.13924653

>was disappointed when she turned into a major horny slut
Weird. That's what turned her into my favorite heroine. Mhm.

>> No.13924889

>she turned into a major horny slut that would fuck whenever she got the chance
I just started Sera's route and that's what I was thinking.

Not that I should have expected anything different, Koi Iro Marriage was the same shit.

>> No.13924925

If your 3DS happens to still be on 9.2 firmware or lower, there are ways to get around the region locking.

>> No.13924979

As a vitafag, I drink your tears. Research the products you're buying. As a /jp/ goer, you should never have bought an American region-locked device when it has so many Japanese games.

>> No.13925570

This. The 3ds has a ton of good jp games.

>> No.13927558


>> No.13927772

That's the opposite of taking it easy, the only board rule for /jp/

>> No.13927858

This is neo-/jp/

>> No.13927863

Your imaginary "rules" don't matter. Global 4chan rules (esp clauses 3 and 6) make it clear that his recomendations are on spot and along with general 4chan gudelines and rules.

>> No.13927920

You sound like you would be more at home on a forum elsewhere. Then you can have your strict rules enforced.

>> No.13928042

He's right though. Follow the rules or get banned.

>> No.13928069

You'll find that works better in a place where somebody's account can be properly banned, and they don't just come back 2 minutes later

>> No.13928073

Natsuki Hayami is an ordinary college student who lives with his sister-in-law. Just when he was confused with his boring college life, he ran into Hinata, his teacher, he once had a crush back in high school. For the sake of the sweet feelings he once had with Hinata, Natsuki ended up taking the job offer at her little coffee shop. He also accepted the offer to live with her. Natsuki started his new life where he shares the house with a couple more of beautiful attractive opposite sex;

Hinata’s sexy twin and their pretty little sister. All of a sudden, he has a new problem; He can’t decide which one he wants!!

>> No.13928101

Yet another reason why 4chan needs accounts and forced usernames. People are so desperate to preserve their "cool" anonymity, but you cannot deny that this place would be improved so much if we knew EXACTLY who was shitposting and could just ignore them.

>> No.13928120

Are you being ironic?

>> No.13928161

The only people who don't want that are shitposters. But they make up the majority of the board, so.

>> No.13928174

Hell, I'm a shitposter and I still want it. Because I know from experience what scum we are.

>> No.13928180

You're kind of missing the entire point of 4chan there, but yes there would be less shitposting.

>> No.13928199

There is no point to 4chan anymore. It has outlived its purpose. No reason not to just turn it into a normal discussion board.

>> No.13928215

I seriously can't tell if this is a serious discussion

>> No.13928237

I am completely serious. The only reason it doesn't sound serious to you is because you find the idea to be ridiculous. But that does not make it less valid.

>> No.13928249

Seems pretty serious to me. Infact it's been the least shitposty discussion here in ages

>> No.13928277

Normal discussion boards is a valid idea, they exist and many are fine. The ridiculous part is turning 4chan into one. There's no good rationale for that.

Feel free to reply to this, because I know you will, but I'm going to stop meta-posting here. More than anything else, the constant whining and meta-posting is causing a decline in quality.

>> No.13928327

Actually, I won't reply to it.

>> No.13928499
File: 1.93 MB, 3500x2437, konachan-com-190739-blue_eyes-braids-breasts-cleavage-clouds-drink-green_hair-kantoku-long_hair-pink_eyes-pink_hair-ribbons-scan-skirt-swimsuit-tree-twintails-waitress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday i cry myself to sleep knowing i will never play Your Diary +H

>> No.13928526

>i will never play Your Diary +H


>> No.13928542

My Japanese isn't good enough

"never" may be a lie, but it's going to take several years before my jap is good enough. I doubt it will ever be translated

>> No.13928555

What is the genre? It sounds like generic moe, which is the easiest genre to read by far.

>> No.13928556

>My Japanese isn't good enough

The new girl is the best girl btw.

>> No.13928557

It may be haram but you can read it within a year or two if you just use a texthooker. It's not a big deal if you do it properly.

>> No.13928572


Is this a meme i'm not familiar with?

>> No.13928632

Nah, just a single idiot in this thread who spams "Epic" whenever someone says something that slightly bothers him. It's supposed to be ironic since epic is well known for being a painfully overused word, but in this case it just makes him look dumb.

>> No.13928673
File: 536 KB, 1024x1152, 1436636877664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta ask this, and this is quite important.

When did you notice these kinds of posts from this person? Like, from what period of time if that makes sense

I don't want to stretch the thread any more on this, but this may be important.

>> No.13928724

There have been shitposters here for years, if that's what you mean.

>> No.13928752

I want the answer from that dude who claims its one dedicated shitposter.

If it is one I want to know from when did you notice this fag trying to stir up shit. A period of time you first noticed his style of shitposting

>> No.13928769

If you know who it is, just say so.

>> No.13928780

It is Anonymous

>> No.13928787

I dont want to jump into conclusions and accusations

If I cant have that clue than I cant say anything for sure since it's already a guess just with a time period as it is
Depending though it would make a lot of sense

>> No.13928794

That bastard

>> No.13928795 [DELETED] 

Nice surprise box XDDD. Upvoted!

>> No.13928802

Here, this is the guy he means >>13928795

>> No.13928840 [DELETED] 

>muh shitposter

>> No.13928868

I'm very certain he's from /vg/, a place where anonymity goes to die.

If his shitposting is annoying and forces to derail the thread, the question then lies in what anonymous from what board would want to be a dedicated shitposter here.

You see, people who do this shit often have a reason or angst against the posters or the subject of matter.

Which is why I have a somewhat solid idea where he is from, I'd just need a time period and we'd be golden. If it's anything from around half of 2014, or maybe january this year

Though that wouldn't help too much since he would shitpost anyway.

>> No.13928885

As someone who frequents /vg/ unless you're talking about ti9 I have no idea who you're talking about.

>> No.13928889

There definitely was an uptick in the amount of shitposting around that timeframe.

>> No.13928896

>As someone who frequents /vg/

>> No.13928921


There is a certain general in /vg/ who saw quite a bit of shitposting and was overwhelmed.

This shitposting was believed to be from people who were Japanese fluents, maybe they were Japanese themselves.

There were a few posters there that was particularly humiliated by said Japanese fags.

It makes a lot of sense these people would try to retaliate on a thread they think these guys are lurking in.

The problem is, it's unlikely they did.

>> No.13928933

If I had to guess, it's Taedirk. Fuck that guy.

>> No.13928942

>The problem is, it's unlikely they did.
The problem is: it's unlikely they are lurking here*

>> No.13928964

>I'm very certain he's from /vg/,

Please don't lump /vn/ with the whole /vg/. I goes to /vg/ too and I always restrain myself from posting meme such as "eric/epic/ebin" and greentext story here because I know it will trigger someone autism.

Sometimes when I'm bored I take a peek at /vn/ and posts like "fuck EOP", "why don't you learn Japanese yet??" and Dies Irae/untranslated eroge SS are quite frequent there. I'm not surprised if it's the same guy who keep shitposting here.

>> No.13928977

I'm not talking about /vn/

That's the interesting part.

>> No.13928991

last post in this thread about VNs

>> No.13929002

By an EOP no less

>> No.13929004

If he's talking about the general I'm thinking about

It's a general that was *literally* massacrated by Japanese speakers maybe one of the posters from there think these guys play VNs. It makes sense they would want to shit this place up.

If we can mark dedicated shitposting it makes it easier to ignore it. Take this as necessary investment for future スルー

>> No.13929188

It's on 9.9, currently waiting on Ironhax, already got the game.

The vita doesn't even have 大逆転裁判 so I don't see how it would be an improvement.

>> No.13929211

My implication was that he should have bought a Japanese 3ds.

>> No.13929305
File: 129 KB, 960x544, 2015-06-26-053713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a vitafag, I drink your tears
I laughed more than I care to admit

>> No.13929389

>When did you notice these kinds of posts from this person?
Just look up "mememasa" in the archives.

>> No.13929484

Have you ever seen him type ANY kind of Japanese or is it just senseless and very low tier shitposting?

If it started june than its too soon, if it was january or around that it would make much more sense...unless he lurked here enough for sometime to learn how to tip this thread off

In fact, the place where I think he is from got shit on so hard it would be very very weird if the regulars there would not retaliate

I know a single regular from there who hates Japanese speakers enough to do this. In a general where there are roughly less than 60 posters, it doesn't make any sense to be a dedicated shitposter here unless you hate the people in this place for some reason

The chances are quite high I'm spot on on this, it just makes a lot of sense if I am, it may not be though.

I'd just say it's a very salty EOP who has his general burned by people who don't even come here and is mad at anonymous people.

Yes... if he is from there he is that much of a manchild.

>> No.13929517

Please leave and take your autism with you

>> No.13929524

Do you think it's the same person who was having that whole argument about non-virgins and the industry?

>> No.13929901

has anyone here played chrono cock?

who should i give the chrono cock to first?

>> No.13930051

/vg/ is the place to go for EOP games.

>> No.13930131

Why does there have to be only one chuuni VN for every 50 moe ones? I just want some good powerwanking.

>> No.13930172

Because chuuni doesn't sell.

>> No.13930179

Yet again japs have no taste.

>> No.13930191

Is the Rance 01 remake good or should I play the original?

>> No.13930260

>japs have no taste.

Nah. Chuuni is trash genre.

>> No.13930355

The original is a crappy, buggy game from the 80s which is actually about a quarter of the length of the trial of Rance 01.

The remake is superior in every single way

>> No.13930369

Thanks. I'll play the remake then.

>> No.13930623

Why not just a scenarioge instead? You can tell cool stories without relying on waifus or powerlevels.

As someone who never played a Rance game before, I started 01 a day or two ago and have been enjoying it a lot. Definitely recommended. I feel like it'll take me ages to get all the way up to IX though.

>> No.13930890

why do you care so much

>> No.13930946

Is there a recommended route order for the first Da Crapo?

>> No.13930997

I see him typing ステマ all the time.

>> No.13931084

The remake makes it a lot less painful, but there's still a lot of confusion as to where to go or who to talk to if you aren't using a walkthough.

>> No.13931190

Are there any eroge seiyuu that are in so much stuff that you just feel like they're phoning it in? On the flip side, are there any that have managed to avoid that despite being in so much stuff?

>> No.13931482

Because I've seen threads getting self obliterated out of lack of awareness of dedicated shitposters.
If a community recognize the few posters that shitposts constantly it makes it easier to ignore them.

This community also was in denial that it was target of dedicated shitposting from a user, they're gone now though. I'm gonna apologize for dragging this long enough, but I'm quite sure he's from there

Best is just ignore this manchild angry at people who had nothing to do with what happened there.

>> No.13931522


>> No.13931547

All I know is that I'm getting tired of Haruka Sora being in a gigantic portion of releases now when she's cast in basically the same part of her range almost every time.

>> No.13931705

Hey guys, I just got told that if you're anonymous, you can't possibly understand Japanese. What's up with that?

>> No.13931826
File: 43 KB, 301x371, 1424884668536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here played my merry may with be? Is it okay if I play the psp version and not the ps2 version?

>> No.13932261

I never get tired of Kirihana or Haruka Sora. Aoyama Yukari and Kawarino are almost everywhere and they're suck.

>> No.13932277

I never liked みる from the beginning but she's everywhere. Her lisp really bothers me.

>> No.13932320

小倉結衣 suddenly started getting a lot of roles (or her nukige alias 佐倉もも花) at one point. At first I liked her but her unchanging voice started to feel a bit old.

Her chupa sounds in fellatio scenes are crazy dirty though, I'll give her that.

>> No.13932408

>Aoyama Yukari
Oh no you fucking didn't.

>> No.13932621

Ps2 version looks better by virtue of not needing to fuck over backgrounds/sprites to fit.

>> No.13932887
File: 100 KB, 960x544, 2015-07-07-031021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so glad this didn't happen with amagami

>> No.13932915
File: 109 KB, 1296x758, leyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was kind of cute

>> No.13932923

Ushio gets cuter by the game, especially in her route in the second one.

>> No.13932978
File: 945 KB, 1140x1600, 32278322_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys have any suggestions for learning really casual expressions or phrases that you wouldn't find in textbooks like genki?

>> No.13933297

Doing the female detective route in Nanairo, saving Kotori for last since it seems like she's gonna be the "true route". They just said that another girl from the murdered Gyaru's grade went missing... and I haven't seen Kotori since then. If she's dead I'm going to be fucking devastated.

>> No.13933323

You should at least do Kotori before Iyo, she's basically her side end and has too many events from her route.

>> No.13933340

I actually plan on skipping Iyo because she's easily my least favourite character, and I'm not a lolicon.

>> No.13933422

I recommend doing Kotori first and Yumi's last. The other heroine routes don't really matter.

>> No.13933471

Well, I'm already knee-deep in the Detective route; I imagined she wouldn't matter which is why I did her first. I was going to do Yumi's next because I assumed she didn't really matter either.

Just wondering, how long are the routes compared to the common route? I just checked the CG page and I have 2 / 6 pages complete. Are the routes just CG dense or are they equal in length to the common route? If so I'll abandon detective for Kotori, since I liked her more anyway.

>> No.13933530

The "routes" are really really short. The common route makes up most of the game which is why I recommend doing Kotori's route first.

>> No.13933537

I see, sounds good to me. I imagine it's something like Muv Luv Unlimited, wherein the only difference is the very ending scene?

>> No.13933621

The only thing that changes depending on whose route you choose are a few small scenes during the common route, who you fuck during the common route, and of course the final scenes which are really short. Azusa's and Iyo's are especially short if my memory serves me correctly.

>> No.13933659

Alrighty then. Thanks for the guidance. I kind of like this style, a solid story in a common route, without getting "split up" and disorganized due to various heroines.

>> No.13933892

You are one of the most recognizable shitposters.

>> No.13933952

You people discussing shitposters realize that's just as offtopic as the shitposting, right?

>> No.13934049

Fucking believe me it's important to isolate and identify dedicated shitposters within a community. If all it takes is a few offtopic replies to identify and isolate the shitposter then it's worth it. If one user lurked enough to identify one single sad dedicated shitposter, it's worth sacrificing a few replies to warn other posters who do not lurk this thread as much.

>> No.13934059

I've identified the shitposter, it's fucking you. Fuck off with your shitstirring.

>> No.13934140
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, kabegami_moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a muv luv fan getting batshit angry at me for calling muvluv a rip off of gunparade march (it's true though). Unsurprisingly, he didn't know that.

Are western muvluv fans all ignorant of the series that spawned muvluv/muv luv alternative?

>> No.13934150

Japanese Muvluv fans are also pretty terrible.

>> No.13934153

Yes. I've never heard of Gunparade.

>> No.13934187
File: 132 KB, 1026x691, pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend here in a thread. I have find it. After a long years of searching many games I finally encounter a game that have the hetare man who do his thing that I am looking for. This the game who I speaking about. https://vndb.org/v15300..

The hetare man in the game have the same personality from the start to an end. He does not become a different man at all. He just take all thing the bully woman give him. The girls makes him clean the dirty period pad and panties with a tongue. The girls piss on him and his mouth. The girls shit on him. The girls makes him clean a shit off the asshole with piss he hold in his mouth. And this hetare main character man take all of it with the same hetare way for the entire game. Even in a end when he get all them pregnant he stay just a hetare man, he dont change. You give him name at start but everyone just call him joshiben-kun anyway, he have no objection to this, he just a hetare man to the core who doing his thing in a eroge. I cum so many times on this game already, I get a pain in a dick every morning. If another man reading the post here and want a hetare man game this what you look for. A thanks for the help my friends here, I post more when I cum more.

>> No.13934189

If it's not translated or doesn't have an anime adaptation, most people will have no idea it exists.

>> No.13934190

Gunparade has an anime.

>> No.13934199
File: 217 KB, 1278x719, ss+(2015-08-15+at+02.40.28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell they never make a route for those "single and want to marry as soon as possible" characters? They definitely need some.

>> No.13934205

Congratulations, anon.

>> No.13934211

I threw up in my mouth a little

>> No.13934215

Whoops, my bad. Well then I have no idea.

>> No.13934225

That's small time compared to some other stuff. Take it or get out.

>> No.13934230

I still don't know how this game still gets novels to this date.

>> No.13934258

God damn, spoiler that shit.

>> No.13934665


They didn't fuck up the sprites or anything but it is downscaled from the PS2 version, only slightly and does widescreen support really really well.

Still, the Vita version is the best with the 960x544 resolution.

>> No.13934819

Iyo's end is pretty good from an emotional stand point.

>> No.13934860

She eats everyone's ice cream even after promising not too. That's not cool, and I don't forgive her for it.

>> No.13935093

>Aoyama Yukari and Kawarino are almost everywhere and they're suck.
What? There are worse ones than those like Maki Izumi. I still don't get used to her voice.

>> No.13935136

Thanks a lot fella. Seems something i will love to fap

>> No.13935149

There is a lot of nukige with cake heroines.

>> No.13935580
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, ガンパレード・マーチ Screen Shot 2013-07-16 01-31-45 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GPM isn't even on vndb, barely anyone in the west knows it exists. EOP or whatnot.

>> No.13935589

>GPM isn't even on vndb
It's not really a visual novel as far as I can tell

>> No.13935611

It's as much as ar tonelico is or baldr games is or other games in vndb.
It has real strong gyaruge features, but also a monster level combat system.

I dont see much reason why not to add it there, not that it would be missed if it wasn't though.

>> No.13935633

It would be quite odd to add it due to how non linear/free it is

I guess you could play it as a gyaruge/VN or not play it as such and just play it as a combat/gameplay centered game. The freedom of the game makes it hard to put it somewhere

>> No.13935670

The fuck is she saying?

>> No.13935683

I guess you have a point.
I'd vote for it though, you have a true end to go for and character routes in the game.
You could play it letting everyone die and ignoring everyone on the other hand

>> No.13936140
File: 1.15 MB, 1098x713, main_ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagamama High Spec anime adaptation got announced.


>> No.13936167

Just imported Itou kanako's singularity single CD for the vita theme

I regret nothing

>> No.13936508

Maybe it's just me but making an anime adaptation of something before it even proves it has the legs to carry such a thing in the first place seems kind of short sighted.
Hell, is Mado Soft even really popular enough for this to be a good idea?

>> No.13936538

It has boobs, I'm sure it will do fine.

>> No.13936593

I fucking hate how accurate this is.

>> No.13936677

Didn't Aokana do the same last year?
Although sprite/fairys has experience with Koichoco anyways.

Maybe they just feel that gambling on anime is worth it by observing things like Grisaia, Ushimirai and Fate.

>> No.13936680

reading tokei leyline,

Forgot her name but the dere pink gurl was so cute, i kept going for browny points and in the end fuckboi doesn't hug you and you don't get slapped, while if you don't go for her that does happen.

Why does the heroines route come into the main story common route? Hatsuyuki sakura/workspring did it well I guess

>> No.13937026

On the contrary, the anime may boost sales of the game. Is not the other way around.

>> No.13937116

I could never understand claims that anime is used as advertisement for game. Anime costs much more than game, and extra sales of game are not going to cover even cost of single episode.

>> No.13937121

Yet most adaptations come just at the same time as whatever port/sequel thing is being released.

>> No.13937236

at least the girls have the legs to carry those tits

>> No.13937317

>Anime costs much more than game
How come? I think is cheaper.

>> No.13937332

You're overestimating the cost of anime. Those guys get paid dirt cheap. Illustrators get paid more than animators. Also there are more voiced lines in eroge than anime.

>> No.13937342

>VN adaptions

>> No.13937356

30-minute anime episode costs 10-15 million yen, full-price VN costs less than 10 million yen. So for 1 cour title, anime costs at least 10-13 times more than game.

>> No.13937366

Okay, actually I see some claims that VN costs may be up to 40-50 million, and simple sanity check (5000 copies x 8000 yen) shows that these numbers may be not so off.
Yet, 1 cour is still at least 130 million, i.e. almost 3 times more than expensive, minori-grade VN.

>> No.13937688

do you guys know any good dating sims VNs?

>> No.13937736


>> No.13937779

dies irae

>> No.13937810

LxC2 has fantastic art and heroines and the other games in the series are also pretty okay. The sim parts are pretty minimal though.

>> No.13937863
File: 326 KB, 1279x717, confirmed slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13937897

In modern healthcare all girls visit gynecolog regularly starting from teen age. And it would be even more true for someone in military service, health checks there are mandatory.

>> No.13937917

Do they even exist in non-nukige or super drama games?

>> No.13937943

Well, it's because she's a cyborg

>> No.13937994
File: 157 KB, 806x625, dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this new heroine they added in from the PS2 is shit. She has absolutely no place in the story and you can tell they just forced her in to add another character.

>> No.13938014

The real question is why are you playing Da Capo in 2015?

>> No.13938018

Because it's a solid moege even now. People like to shit on it because of how much Circus milked it but I find it more fun than most of the moege released now. Newer moege have better art but the contents are worse.

>> No.13938029

Fuck you i liked Tamaki.

>> No.13938038

Picked up. Normally i dislike meganeko but if she is one that's another story.

>> No.13938043

Beware, its ultimate hetare feast. Protag is so bad that he cannot even fuck heroines properly.

>> No.13938382


New information about Sen no Hatou, I guess? (I haven't been following the game very closely)

>> No.13938457

Some of it was already revealed before.

And I agree with the article, look very interesting, looking forward to it.

>> No.13938610

皇国 = Japan
共和国 = China


>> No.13938682

No, 共和国 = USA.

>> No.13938701

I want to fuck Elsa.

>> No.13938819

But... the colors of the flags, dude.

>> No.13938830


I wonder if it's just because the anime/LN audience is easier to impress and we're already spoiled with certain standards.

>> No.13938838

Workers go where there is money, maybe.

>> No.13938845

>I wonder if it's just because the anime/LN audience is easier to impress and we're already spoiled with certain standards.
That's definitely not the case, because all of the good writers went to LNs and you're still reading eroge.

>> No.13938848

I'm sure they also get more recognition there. Eroge is kind of looked down upon, by the general public.

>> No.13938853

At least eroge end, without dragging stuff for volumes and volumes and introducing new characters while teasing plot developments.
It's probably what I like the most about it, most LNs would work better either as eroge for those terrible harem or manga, with some exceptions, evidently.

>> No.13938861

>At least eroge end, without dragging stuff for volumes and volumes and introducing new characters while teasing plot developments.
I agree, which is why I don't read LNs either (or non-complete plot manga) despite not really being interested in the modern eroge scene.

>> No.13938869

>or non-complete plot manga
I don't mind this as much because with a weekly/monthly release schedule they are at least fun to follow and discuss.

>> No.13938882

Scenario, albeit important, is not the one and only reason I read eroge though.
If I end up getting good LNs as a result, I'm happy as a consumer anyways. But I have not seen that yet.

>> No.13938890

From writer's point of view this is actually a positive thing. It means they have a job as long as their series is serialized while game companies rarely keep writers and artists on payroll unless they're working on a project.

>> No.13938901

Guess I'd have to add anime/manga to that as well-- Classroom Crisis, Chaos Dragon and Gakkougurashi have all been lackluster so far. Charlotte is somewhat decent but what you'd expect from Key.

This is true though, I guess. As long as they're popular, that is.

>> No.13938903

It also means they are willing to whore out their work for as long as the company wants them to, and they obviously won't complain. So much stuff that should have ended way before it did.
Same as manga, but at least it takes some more skill to get one serialized and keep it running.

>> No.13938909

Gakkougurashi was written by an eroge writer? Also reminds me I still need to watch it because MOSAIC.WAV is doing the music.

>> No.13938919

Scenario is probably the most important thing for me buy far. Once you read one shitty game you've read them all, and every subsequent one is just plain boring and repetitive. It all comes down to the scenarists skill, imo. Even in moege, a bad scenarist makes a bad game (looking at you, Natsu no Iro). Art is important too, of course, but I wouldn't enjoy a VN just because the art is good (barring nukige). Same for sound and pretty much anything else.

>> No.13938930

Well, one thing is writing a good dramatic development, and another is writing good characters. I end up not minding as much if the "drama" sucks when the characters can be endearing for certain types of games.
If the drama sucks in a scenario-oriented game, well, then there is little a good character can do, though. But again, that is why I don't play eroge just for the scenario/drama.

>> No.13938935

>Well, one thing is writing a good dramatic development, and another is writing good characters.
I think that kind of falls under the umbrella of "scenario", given that the "scenarist" is equivalent to "writer" when referring to VNs. Correct me if I'm mistaken here.

>> No.13938939

What program are you using to take screenshots of the inside region? Judging by the resolution, are you just cropping with greenshot?

>> No.13938944

You are right, but some can write nice characters while sucking at writing actual dramatic development, is what I mean.

>> No.13938961


Shit, you're right. I'm getting sensitive about this lately.

>> No.13939374

I just prtscn and crop it like a pleb. If you want to take screenshots without the hassle use Irfanview or something https://vndb.org/d13

>> No.13939393

I recommend doing something like that; now that I don't have to crop images I take so many more, whenever something even slighty interesting appears. Quite fun.

>> No.13939408

Use ShareX. It's pretty customizable. I have a custom preset to take a screenshot of the inner part (client area) and upload it to imgur immediately, and trigger it with a single hotkey. It's pretty comfy and open source.

>> No.13939511 [DELETED] 
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x720, なないろリンカネーション-2015-08-15_15-37-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew! Thanks a ton man. It took 20 minutes to set up (thank god you said "client area", if not for that I never would have figured out what settings to use), but now it's objectively better than Greenshot (which has no client option as far as I could tell).

>> No.13939540
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, なないろリンカネーション-2015-08-15_15-43-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew! Thanks a ton man. It took 20 minutes to set up (thank god you said "client area", if not for that I never would have figured out what settings to use), but now it's objectively better than Greenshot (which has no client option as far as I could tell).
Yes I was embarrassed.

>> No.13939642

Did anyone play Koikano here? I forgot I even played it at all and I read the entire common route and some of Mayu's, then forgot about it entirely. Worth reading? I think all I really enjoyed was the H scenes.

>> No.13939734
File: 139 KB, 576x708, toomanydrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had an unlimited libido.

>> No.13940342

I just started playing Nanarin, is there a recommended route order or it doesnt matter?

>> No.13940353

It was discussed earlier in the thread, that you should do Kotori first, since the only significant changes are H-Scenes and the ending. I find myself agreeing; Kotori's "route" so far is much more weighty and enjoyable. It's clearly aimed for her to be the main heroine, while the other heroines are essentially H-Scene bait. The detective lady was, at least.

>> No.13940354

Kotori first, everyone else doesn't really matter as the game is basically all about her.

>> No.13940361
File: 125 KB, 1024x725, JiOqCiH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13940369

Is it just me or is that urine green? Especially on the wall.

>> No.13940389

https://vndb.org/v17941/ Disgusting, I just wanted pure loli.

>> No.13940401

oh I see, thanks guys! was thinking anyway to do Kotori first.

>> No.13940417

I am a slave of Himeka-sama and Kana-sama,

>> No.13940422

Asking about Nanairo spoilers:
Does the game end after the murder case? The one with the murdered Gyaru. Or is there more stuff after that? I don't want to know what happens, just if that's the end of the game or not.

>> No.13940428

After that you'd enter the 'character routes', more or less, basically the endings.

>> No.13940441

Okay, thank you. I was going to compliment the game's pacing, but this case is really dragging out. Good to know it's ending is the conclusion.

>> No.13940558
File: 81 KB, 420x600, 1438266433377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any good vn recomendations where you can romance up a cute tsundere girl? I tried playing Amagami but none of the characters are really tsundere and I tried Clannad but after I heard the Kyou route just a shitty continuation of her stupid sister's route I dropped it. What's a good game where I can get emotionally invested in one and feel all warm and nice at the end? I'm downloading いきなりあなたに恋している atm

>> No.13940591


o ya also bonus points if the tsundere has blonde hair, twin tails, and/or thigh highs

>> No.13940603


>> No.13940619
File: 116 KB, 1019x571, Ikikoi17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick with Ikikoi, best tsundere ever told.

>> No.13940624

パルフェ ~ショコラ second brew~?

>> No.13940630


>> No.13940641


>> No.13940824
File: 60 KB, 800x600, HG070600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsuyokiss of course, and she even has twin tails.

>> No.13940902
File: 1.47 MB, 1156x650, 2015-08-16 02_15_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow that really bugs me. What the fuck is a TKST? Translate, weeboos.

>> No.13940906


Those buruma are pretty hot will def have to give this one a dl. I noticed a lot of these are more so comedy ones will they still make my 胸 go ドキドキ whenever the character shows up?

>> No.13940908

What's the main character's name?

>> No.13940912

Probably one of the pop bands she likes.

>> No.13940914

>will they still make my 胸 go ドキドキ whenever the character shows up?
Yes, because that's the fucking point. A game can be funny and have ichaicha at the same time. Ichaicha doesn't have to be synonymous with boring.

>> No.13940917

She looks really cute.

>> No.13940923


>> No.13940925

Oh man, Tenka has really hot scenes. Loving 少女ラムネ

>> No.13940929

You mean the protag? Kiyoshi, but you can change it. Why?

>> No.13940930


>> No.13940935

Just in case something like >>13940930

>> No.13940943


woah woah no need to get so hostile dude I was just asking a question I haven't played any other VN besides Rance so I'm stlll pretty new

>> No.13940957

Sorry dude.

>> No.13940962


it's okay I forgive you

>> No.13941226

Just got to THAT part in Nanairo. What the fuck.

>> No.13941292
File: 662 KB, 1023x601, inb4 win10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o-oy vey...

>> No.13941330

The fuck are you doing?

>> No.13941347

What is a ユーデア

>> No.13941354


>> No.13941358

Just assume everyone who upgraded started with windows 8 so it was actually an upgrade.

>> No.13941359

Not a Muramasa Expert but I imagine that you should just play the game if you want to know. It'd be like asking "What's a wookie" before playing Star Wars. Probably.

>> No.13941371

A white elf

>> No.13941372

>Star Wars

>> No.13941373

In your DVD player, of course.

>> No.13941387

What else would you do with it? The movies are shit and who the fuck reads books or comics.

>> No.13941627
File: 48 KB, 1024x602, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, this scene is so great. pls dont turn back into your old self, pls.

a depigmented semitic dwarf

so it was an upgrade in my case.

>> No.13941835
File: 17 KB, 267x274, 1434220170426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some VNs that support Xinput? I know monobeno, are there others?

>> No.13941851

You can use joy2key and use an xbox controller with anything.

>> No.13941863

I use joy2key only for the printscreen function when emulating, but I like it best when its natively supported so I dont have to keep changing controls

>> No.13941872

You can save a different setting for each VN and load them accordingly.

>> No.13941903
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, スクリーンショット 2014-08-09 11.05.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20th anniversary next year
For the sake of love and justice, we're getting Sakura Wars 3 HD

>> No.13942188
File: 347 KB, 1296x758, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is turning out to funnier than expected

>> No.13942329
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, なないろリンカネーション-2015-08-15_19-47-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Nanairo Reincarnation. Thought I'd type up a little review, since I really liked it, even though it's a fairly old game by now.

First and foremost ,the art is incredibly good. I don't know if it was just the production values but the plentiful CGs (notably more than most games I've played) were all really nice to look at, and the sprites were also very nice, though Kotori's bulb-things were... not a wise decision. The HCGs were top-notch as well, which is no surprise considering the artist primarily did nukige before this. The character having a face, and frequently so, was also a nice tough.

The writing was fairly good from my perspective, too; I laughed at the comedy, and the game's pacing was very well done - there was a scene where the characters made food, which was funny, and the author didn't make a scene where they ate the food, because the point of the scene was conveyed in the cooking itself. This could have easily been a 30-50 hour game if the author chose to pad, but he really didn't... in the common route. Can't say the side heroine routes (only did 1, the detective) were especially good in comparison to Kotori's end, which was extremely well done, though the final choice was a bit unsatisfactory. I did cry a couple times, I will admit, especially at the end.

The most important part of the game, to me, that really sets it above most other VNs I've played, is that *each* character was well written, and despite obviously being a nukige-cliche-archetypes, each of them had fun dialogue, were enjoyable to be around, and overall felt "real", unlike more generic games where they would 1 dimensional semen canisters. The gothic loli set off some red alarms when she started using her toy to talk, but she did that rarely enough that it wasn't a bother. Overall, perhaps my favourite part of this game was the engaging dialogue with what should have been, but were not, dull characters. (1/2)

>> No.13942341
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, なないろリンカネーション-2015-08-15_22-41-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game was not without faults for me, though. The 座敷わらし was the sole exception in terms of enjoyable characters in that her antics often just irritated me, but that's probably a personal problem. Futher more, there were NO male characters with significant presence aside from the MC; which is befitting of a nukige-esque game like this, but ultimately it just made me sad, because males generally say more interesting things and do more interesting things (someone once said you could roughly judge how complex and difficult a game was by how many females there were as opposed to men, this obviously isn't always true but in this case the lack of males really did create a dearth of... something, that impacted my enjoyment somewhat). It seems the loli took the role of the "male mentor", which was made the butt of a joke, but it really wasn't the same. Overall, this is a minor grip, so no big deal.

I give this game 8.5/10 hats to keep it real. The HCGs, great art, frequent CG use (I like how they have side characters presence by giving them a CG, but not any sprites. In other VNs I've played, they just never drew the side characters). The writing is good, the characters are fun and cute, the MC is capable, the plot enjoyable with enough meat to keep you interested, overall a really solid game. (2/2)

>> No.13942470
File: 224 KB, 1321x647, sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a fetish for being voyered?

Or did you think Win 10 sending literally everything you do to MS was a "meme"?

>> No.13942524
File: 183 KB, 1145x700, 1388386347505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I think it's off-topic and no one here gives a shit.

>> No.13942618



>> No.13943375

Sakura Wars games are childish and all, but whatever, they are fun to play.

>> No.13943589
File: 39 KB, 786x92, Somewhereonharddrivefarfaraway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely anyone in the west knows it exists

Well, I think some people heard of it.

>> No.13943590

Does Tsuyokiss have any place where I can dl it or am I just gonna have to tough it out at 5kb/s off this torrent

>> No.13943597

Anime-sharing. Remember to get the full editions.

>> No.13943606


what is the difference?

>> No.13943614

More stuff, for the original it actually includes Sunao best girl best route in the game for the first one. Also Erika's second ending.

>> No.13943820

Normal version doesn't have the tsundere's route, also have more events, cgs etc so definitely get the FE.

>> No.13944850
File: 200 KB, 816x639, flyablescreen07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is fucking funny.

>> No.13944871
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, なないろリンカネーション-2015-08-15_23-51-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when protagonists have that disapproving look. Always makes me laugh.

>> No.13944905

Speak for yourself. I care.

>> No.13944949
File: 285 KB, 1224x828, 2015081416182184f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know why but I'm excited for this.

>> No.13944954

I'm not.

>> No.13944975

Your Diary and Natsu no Ame were good.

>> No.13944987

Natsu no Ame was good, but Your Diary was shit.

>> No.13945014

I beg to differ.

>> No.13945022

Your opinion is objectively wrong.

>> No.13945040

People overrate Your Diary because of the Kantoku art.

>> No.13945127


Please stop using that word if you don't know the meaning.

>> No.13945149

It's literally not a big deal.

>> No.13945154


Stop it.

>> No.13945217

Probably going to be a nukige like KuraFuta, so me and my penis and both excited.

>> No.13945246

Agreed. Cube is great when it comes H.

>> No.13945484

smh you really need to stop getting so worked up tbh.
It's literally なんでもない

>> No.13945532

Please stop bringing meme from other board.

>> No.13945550

Are you referring to tbh/smh? That's from twitter and black youths, not VNDB.

>> No.13945565

Just finished subahibi.

It's my own invention was amazing, down the rabbit hole was great, the rest was okay.

>> No.13945586

Please stop abusing the spoiler tag /vg/-kun.

>> No.13945620

himawari is better

>> No.13945679



>> No.13945753

You mean どうでもいい

>> No.13946088


Harukaze's new game. I thought they have gone bankrupt, but I'm really glad that they didnt. Their first game had a good mc, awesome heroines, pretty funny scenes and not a bad setting. I'm expecting same things from this game too.

>> No.13946140

Awesome, I kind of liked renai koutei, especially deredere blond.

>> No.13946146

How were the heroines? I'm interested.

>> No.13946223

Is backstage on clubbox, baidu or any place like that? Or, could anyone upload it? Really want to try it out.

>> No.13946232
File: 32 KB, 250x300, 27265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what to tell you, is there anything specific you want to know?

I played it when it came out, so it's been a while, but there's two main heroines and a bunch (3?) of subheroines. The subheroines are pretty straightforward (childhood friend, chuuni, neet). The main heroines are a tomboyish childhood friend, and deredere ojousama.

Seriously though, this title is worth playing just for this girl. The main route (Ichinose) was surprisingly fun too, even though I didn't really like her all that much.

>> No.13946253

Does it stay funny throughout or goes the stupid drama route in the routes?

>> No.13946272

Try the PS1 dating sims

>> No.13946294

I don't remember the details, but yeah there is some stupid drama.

>> No.13946328
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I think I'll get use to the voice eventually, but for now this is pretty freaky.

>> No.13946336
File: 226 KB, 960x540, EV_005_15_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the route, but I found most of them as pretty interesting. For example Erika's (>>13946232 this girl) confess scene was unique as hell, They also made a great job at Hikari's route They made the "lie" thing so complicated that I couldnt even understand if she is dead or not until the last scene.

The only downside about this is other two subheroine's route are pretty short and not good, its like they made those just for the sake of fucking some more girls.

By the way She is not chuuni, she is a real vampire

>> No.13946348


>> No.13946374

I'm dling it now I tried Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteru but the characters seem more like all giant jerks to the mc rather then tsunderes. They were okay and there was a few bits from the parts I watched that made me laugh but for the most part I wasn't so much into it does it get better later on? The only char I liked was the sister character and I don't really want to romance up my imouto not so much into that.

>> No.13946379

Eika is the most tsundere Ikikoi, Ryou sort of is but her route isn't as good.

>> No.13946393


Sucks that she's the mc's sister I would be 100% down otherwise, might be a bit normalfag but I don't think I could do it. Here's hoping Tsuyokiss; Sunao is the perfect girl for me

>> No.13946401

You have to get used mc's little sister / big sister type heroines, even if you dont like them.

>> No.13946406

Keep in mind Sunao actually hates the MC for reasons, she goes from that to tsundere and then dere.

>> No.13946415


They don't ruin the game for me just be virtue of being there I don't mind them but they're not characters that I want to chase after and try to romance up you know

Hmm I might like that I'll have to see

>> No.13946422

The development is great, that I can guarantee, just don't get put off because you expect her to be super tsundere or something.

>> No.13946436

Ya I won't I don't mind if they're grumpy and angry a lot of the time until the tsundere comes.

>> No.13946753

tsuyokiss is almost done dling Im so fucking psyched Sunao is gonna own bones I can tell. How early does she show up in the game am I gonna have to spend a lot of going through the intro stuff before I see her?

>> No.13946775

She almost have zero scenes at common route except a couple lines so yeah, you have to go very much intro stuff before seeing some real scenes with her.

>> No.13946778

She barely shows up until you start doing events, in which she barely shows up until you enter her route.

>> No.13946783


Always a down side...

>> No.13946788


her route is long atleast right

>> No.13946794

She didn't even have a route until the fandisk, so she's basically seen being angry at Leo on the side during the rest of the game.

Standard length, yeah, doesn't lose compared to other heroines, but can't make up on common route screentime.

>> No.13946812

Well she is kind of "hidden" heroine in the story so you have to deal with that much. But dont worry, Tsuyokiss has a really awesome comedy, you wont get bored for sure. I'm playing untranslated games for 5-6 years and I still couldnt find anyone who is as great as fukahire in the terms of humor.

>> No.13946814


Heart just sank hopefully the other characters are okay too that's hella disappointing though. Is getting onto her route hard?

>> No.13946826

Tsuyokiss routes are choosing events until you enter route, nothing else.
Game's fun anyway, Erika, Kinu, Fukahire and Subaru make for a great cast. Otome is kind of bland as a cover girl but that's about it.

>> No.13946849


I hope I find a character on the main route I like to keep me hooked, thanks for the info!

>> No.13946850

Blonde heroines usually turn me off, but after reading her summary, I'm excited. I guess this is another one to add to the backlog.

>> No.13946856

If you've read majikoi, it's kinda like that but better done, it has great group dynamics that carry it no matter what.

>> No.13946863
File: 473 KB, 800x600, image00935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah personally I like all of them. Erika is the one of few ojousama heroines in vn history who doesn't break her character when you go into her route, Yoppi is a hidden yandere , and last but not least, Otome who is my favorite.

To be honest even I dont know how did she become my favorite one even though I found her annoying at first, but as I play all trilogy she grew too big on me. Now all big sister type heroines seems too unnatural / bland , none of them feels as warm as otome.

>> No.13946883
File: 139 KB, 1000x973, 1438268922217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't read anything really beyond Rance 01 - 9, Dangan Ronpa and Gyakuten Saiban games this is my first VN really that I'm going into to romance up a cutey. I realized that most of the time through Rance I was just playing for the cute girl scenes most of the time (mainly Shizuka) so I figured I might as well try playing some games that are purely that and see if they do it better.

>> No.13947053

I hope you like it anon.

>> No.13947073

Gonna need that new thread

>> No.13947077

Not till we spend some time on page 10 you fuckhead.

>> No.13947083

Kill yourself, my man

>> No.13947095

How about you kill yourself first? You can buzz off with your "Oh no, we hit the bump limit! The thread's done, we can't post in it anymore! Quick quick quick someone make a new thread please!!!"

Or you know what, if I you don't like waiting for someone else to make the thread, you can do it yourself. It's not hard.

>> No.13947171

No bully!

>> No.13947180

And this isn't bullying? >>13947095

>> No.13947230

Just ignore & report.
Even janny prunes his posts when he gets obnoxious and doesn't receive replies.

>> No.13947256


>> No.13947271


>> No.13947321
File: 2.35 MB, 1360x768, 2015-08-17 02_31_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, please remember to make your warm up excercise before you swim, otherwise you'll drown.

>> No.13947367

Can someone spoil to me what happens in Fairytale Requiem?
I read to the end of the common route and I'm curious but I'm also not in the mood to read something this dark. I bet there's gonna be more rape and shit.

>> No.13947495

Please don't post pictures of sluts.

>> No.13947530

Every idol is a slut. It can't be どうでもない

>> No.13947556


>> No.13947576

No that's japanese.

>> No.13947580

No, American you damn commie.

>> No.13947706


>> No.13948175

I love you, thanks anon

>> No.13949441

So about that new thread
