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13895081 No.13895081 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain why Koishi got first place in the fan polls this year?

I'm not complaining I just want to know how she beated Reimu.

>> No.13895085

because secondaries have bad taste.

>> No.13895092


>> No.13895111
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>> No.13895207


>> No.13895244
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>> No.13895287

Touhou is ded

>> No.13895292

I voted for her as second favorite.

>> No.13895430
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>> No.13895442

Cos she is a vulnerable, closed off EX boss

>> No.13895453

This has been insightful thank you for your vast knowledge /jp/

>> No.13896946


Google: irregular verbs

>> No.13897088


Reimu is boring. I can't believe she won every poll so far.

Koishi is pretty much the new Flandre. A "crazy" and sexy as fuck "evil" loli.

If Flan ever becomes playable in a fighter she's going to win the poll.

>> No.13897098

>A "crazy" and sexy as fuck "evil" loli.

What the fuck? So even Japanese Touhou fans are secondaries?

>> No.13897115

Reimu a shit.

>> No.13897135


The phone Anon-san.

>> No.13897146
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Wrong. That is a thing for years.

It's the fighters. They developed her and a ton of people loved how she turned out.

>> No.13897149

Yes, something that people completely misinterpreted because of this stupid "yandere" fetish that everyone and their mother has. The question is, what is with all these mothers with a yandere fetish.

>> No.13897181


Does that even matter? She's a youkai. She eats people. They are all evil monsters anyways.

>> No.13897192

Nobody eats anyone in Touhou because of spell card rules.

>> No.13897210
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she's the most interesting character
Reimu is just a boring shrine maiden

>> No.13897218
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>> No.13897222

Does anyone actually play these fighters? I doubt it.

>> No.13897229


Bullshit. Go read SoPM. People still die in modern Gensokyo.

>> No.13897233


Can't wait for C88. She's getting so much great porn these days.

>> No.13897258

Many more people play the fighters than the shmups, because fighters are the more popular genre.

>> No.13897267



I you are an Outsider, it's fair game until you become a member of the Human Village

>> No.13897272

>I you are an Outsider, it's fair game until you become a member of the Human Village

Nice fanon, secondary.

>> No.13897276

Because Koishi's great.

Documented human deaths in Gensokyo: 0
Documented youkai deaths in Gensokyo: 1
Canonfag status: blown the fuck out.

Dude, she has no consciousness. She's crazy by fucking definition.

>> No.13897280

Like some anon said I don't understand why Reimu is so popular in the first place.

She's not even sexy.

>> No.13897285

>Documented human deaths in Gensokyo: 0

Cute fanfic.

>> No.13897289

>She's crazy by fucking definition.

Really, cockfuck? What is the "definition" of crazy in your twisted world where the sky is striped and trees are popsicles?

>> No.13897296

Dude, Akyuu's gimmick is that she has to die before she turns 30

>> No.13897310

>I don't understand why Reimu is so popular in the first place.
Gee, I wonder why the main character would be popular...

>> No.13897312
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This should be law for all women.

>> No.13897314

It's "human deaths caused by youkai" and "youkai deaths caused by humans". Should have been obvious though.

>cra·zy (krā′zē)
>adj. cra·zi·er, cra·zi·est
>a. Mentally deranged.
>b. Informal Odd or eccentric in behavior.
It's like /jp/ is populated with mentally retarded people.

>> No.13897322

>I think Reimu is boring therefore everyone else should think so too!

>> No.13897350

>"human deaths caused by youkai"

Read SOPM.

>> No.13897359
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Yeah, Gensokyo is so nice and peaceful.

>> No.13897360

>It's like /jp/ is populated with mentally retarded people.

Indeed, there are certainly a ton of people such as yourself here.

Having no consciousness doesn't make you crazy. It makes you nothing. You fucking moron.

>> No.13897368


He's right though. It means her mind is working in a way it shouldn't. She is by definition mentally ill.

>> No.13897374

So why can't you quote it, Mr "primary"?

I don't see any human deaths here. And how many times should we repeat that this page is mistranlated, stop posting that shitty translation.

>> No.13897377

No, it means her mind is not working at all. This fits no standard definition.

>> No.13897383

What's the actual translation?

>> No.13897392

Doesn't change the fact that she's a shitty main character.

>> No.13897400

>No, it means her mind is not working at all. This fits no standard definition.
Are you seriously that retarded? Is English not you first or second language?

>大体 この幻想郷の何処に全妖怪のお腹を満たす食料があるというのよ

>> No.13897409

Because Reimu kill a dude and also everyone dreams to go into Gensokyo, be a male youkai and live happy there.

>> No.13897414

>大体 この幻想郷の何処に全妖怪のお腹を満たす食料があるというのよ

I can't read this, it's in Japanese.

>> No.13897418

Voile guys released their own translation of that chapter, it's on touhouwiki: http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Wild_and_Horned_Hermit#Chapter_Fourteen:_Youkai_Preferred_by_Humans_.28December_10.2C_2012.29

>> No.13897422

>Because Reimu kill a dude


>> No.13897423
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>> No.13897431

Why is the shitty translation not edited off the wiki?

>> No.13897443

>Is English not you first or second language?
>not you first or second language?
>not you

>> No.13897455
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This guy. Got killed by Reimu.

>> No.13897459

Um, that's Nosferatu.

>> No.13897495
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>> No.13897716

Spoken like a true secondary.

>Documented human deaths in Gensokyo: 0

You've never read any of the books, have you?

>> No.13897725

It's a meme that she pops up in unexpected places

>> No.13897749

>Documented human deaths in Gensokyo: 0
Well, that's obviously not true.
Gensokyo needs to get enough food for all the human-eating youkai from somewhere, no?

>> No.13897775

And you don't read the thread before jumping in to show how "primary" you are, do you? See >>13897314 and >>13897374.

Hahaha, another blind retard. You should check the same 2 posts: >>13897314 and >>13897374.

Why do newfags think that if they read 50 pages of text and 40 chapters of manga they are hot shit here? Holy shit, what an achievement. Lurk fucking more. You should not post even in w2huwyf threads until you're into Touhou for at least half a year.

>> No.13897786

haha top post lmao
tbh I never even read any of the manga, it's just weird that subhumans like all the stage 1 bosses haven't starved to death.

>> No.13897816

You could at least try to read those posts.

>all the stage 1 bosses haven't starved to death.
And that's why I hate newfags.

>> No.13897820

>So why can't you quote it, Mr "primary"?
You you pretty much admit you've never read them?

Either read the books, or stop spewing your moronic horseshit.
No point in arguing with someone who has no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.13897831

lmao I'm not a fucking weeb learning an economically worthless language for video games and comics.
How about you go translate that shit instead of feeding your superiority complex?

I bet you don't even play for score, scrublord.

You do realize that nobody in their right mind would say "newfag" in the year 2015, right newfag?

>> No.13897848

Because there are now documented deaths in SoPM, you dipshit. You can post a singloe quote julist like I did in >>13897816 and youy will win your argue. You just can't.

Why do newfags think that if they read 50 pages of text and 40 chapters of manga they are hot shit here? Holy shit, what an achievement. Every single person here read that shit years ago. It was discussed here thousands of times. And yet every time newfags like you come here and tries to prove something.

Is there a new buzzword for it? Like triggered instead of get butthurt? Baited instead of trolled? Sorry, I don't visit /v/ so I'm out of the loop.

>> No.13897849

>I don't see any human deaths here

Murasa kills people. Nitori kills people. That is 100% canon and from recent stuff.

>> No.13897864

>Is there a new buzzword for it? Like triggered instead of get butthurt? Baited instead of trolled? Sorry, I don't visit /v/ so I'm out of the loop.
How about you just translate it, you fucking weeb.

>> No.13897920

>Murasa kills people.
Not in Gensokyo. There are no ships and in Gensokyo to sink. And it still doesn't count as "documented death". Even if ship sink people can still survive. "Youkai eats humans" is a well known fact. Youkai eating outsiders is stated multiple times in SoPM/PMiSS too. But that doesn't qualify as "documented death". There should be a fconfirmed event e.g. Count's death or that youkai thingy that was killed by Marisa in FS. There was even a youkai in FS who said that he ate a human. That's a documented death too. But he did it outside of Gensokyo so it doesn't count towards our case.

>Nitori kills people.
Honestly, I have no idea what are you talking about.

>> No.13897930
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>no documented deaths in SoPM
>You can post a singloe quote julist like I did and youy will win your argue.
>You just can't.

Get fucked.



>> No.13897935

Not enough?

ZUN: キスメとか……普段何やってるかわかんないね。ただ、かなり凶暴なイメージです。問答無用で首を刈ってきて、桶に入れて持って帰るという。あの首もキスメの首じゃないかもしれないね。

>> No.13898089

It says that no one went missing in the same fucking paragraph. It could just a random skeleton. A poor stranger who accidentally fell into well several hundreds years ago. Even if he was killed by youkai it could be before Gensokyo was created.
Do you understand what "documented death" mean? I even gave few examples in >>13897920: Count's death, that youkai squashed by Marisa etc.

No deaths at all. And it's extremely meta.

Seriously, ZUN intentionally makes youkai eating humans ambiguous. He doesn't explicitly states anything, it's all left for interpenetration. This vagueness is a huge part of Touhou. That's why there are no documented human deaths and there will never be.

>> No.13898090

I believe in nosferatu kun!

>> No.13898115

>Honestly, I have no idea what are you talking about.

It's right there even in SoPM. Also fucking anus balls danmaku.

>> No.13898152

It doesn't say anywhere that Nitori kills people. The whole point of SoPM as in universe guide is to instruct about what youkai can do.

Lions kill and eat people. But I doubt a lion in your local zoo killed a single human.

It's "interpretation". Thank you, auto-correction.

>> No.13898227

>"Youkai eats humans" is a well known fact. Youkai eating outsiders is stated multiple times in SoPM/PMiSS too.

Wait, so what exactly are you arguing against here?
Youkai eat humans, who cares if it's "documented" or not.
You wanna see a panel in a manga or a sentence in a book where it clearly shows a youkai killing a person?
Yeah, it's probably never gonna happen, but who cares.

>> No.13898315

>Youkai eat humans
It's just a statement. But do youkai in Gensokyo really eat humans?

Akyu for example wrote that vampires suck human blood, then they become ghouls and eventually die. That's another statement and a well known fact. But we know that Remilia is a "light-eater" and leaves humans alive. And Flan has no contact with people at all.

>Yeah, it's probably never gonna happen, but who cares.
But imagine shitstorm if one day that happens.

>> No.13898323

>And Flan has no contact with people at all
Then how come she hasn't starved to death yet?

>> No.13898341

Read her profile. She's served blood in dishes.

>> No.13898390

Dolls in Pseudoparadise.

That is all.

>> No.13898398

Not sure how DiPP is related to Koishi's popularity

>> No.13898425

I think it's related to the discussion on documented human deaths via youkai in Gensokyo.

>> No.13898471

>If you get too close, she'll pull you into the river and remove your shirikodama. Humans that have their shirikodama removed die. That is a ferocious, brutal part of her so you should be careful.

>> No.13898491

His response is going to be,

But we never SEE her do that, therefore not documented = never happened.

>> No.13898576

I'm surprised that DiPP is mentioned in a discussion which is not about Alice. But why do you think people were killed by youkai?As I understood they killed each other and then the last one (the blonde girl) turned into youkai. But does anyone here really want to share their interpretations of this "wannabe 10 little niggers"?

>Lions kill and eat people. But I doubt a lion in your local zoo killed a single human.
That's indeed not a documented death.

You're probably also completely missing the fact that SoPM is written for people in Human Village. People in Human Village are protected by spell card rules and they can't be attacked by youkai. So that paragraph is at least misleading. And we saw Nitori in Human village with lots people close to her and no one lost his shirikodama.

>> No.13898617

>And we saw Nitori in Human village with lots people close to her and no one lost his shirikodama
Well, dead people won't bring you profits and killing one of them in front of a crowd of humans won't help your image either. But a stray human from the outside world is a different story. Those shirikodamas from Double Spoiler card had to come from somewhere.

>> No.13898627

>But a stray human from the outside world is a different story
So why would Akyuu write a warning in a book which an outsider will never have opportunity to read?

>Those shirikodamas from Double Spoiler card had to come from somewhere.
I'll repeat Aya here, but how many hundreds of outsiders she had to kill for that one spellcard? Especially since we know that shirikodama doesn't exist in human ass.

>> No.13898632

When you have enough shirikodamas to trow them.

>> No.13898642

>So why would Akyuu write a warning in a book which an outsider will never have opportunity to read?
Akyuu is a puppet of Yukari-sama, tasked with the duty of spreading fear and misinformation!

>> No.13898644

Where did Remilia get all that blood?

>> No.13898646

>an outsider will never have opportunity to read
Yet you are an outsider and you have information about what is written in that book.

>> No.13898648

Damn, after reading this thread I had no idea Reimufags were so angry about it. I also had no idea they were so rude, calling anybody that likes a character more than Reimu a secondary.

>> No.13898649

She probably gets her own food from Sakuya or she pays some townspeople to come down to her mansion.

>> No.13898651

Too meta for me

>> No.13898653

It started with "Why did Koishi win the 2015 popularity poll" and turned into "My cute youkai girls can't be murderous beasts".

>> No.13898672


Treaty after the Vampire War.

Gensokyo youkai provide them with humans.

>> No.13898679

>The details of this contract are that the youkai will offer them humans from which to feed (*3); in return, the vampires will not attack humans living in Gensokyo.
>3: It is said these are humans from the outside world or those whose deaths are of no consequence (suicidal, etc.).

Yeah, so much for no killing in Gensokyo.

>> No.13898682

I didn't know there were people who actually believed the youkai eating humans behind scenes is something ambiguous. It's been constantly implied it happens so why would anyone doubt it?

>> No.13898697

Yet she's a light eater and humans are left alive. Quite contradicting, don't you think? Or maybe she indeed feeds on outsiders but them let them go after sucking their dicks

>> No.13898700

It's not even clear if that vampire is Remilia

>> No.13898703

>after sucking their dicks
I meant their blood, of course.

>> No.13898706


Left alive after she feeds from them. Then Sakuya kills and cooks them for Flan.

She fucking makes human pastries.

>> No.13898708

Can confirm, I was let go after being sucked off by Remi and her sister.

>> No.13898714

>and her sister

Lies. Flan always kills them afterwards.

>> No.13898721

Do you know why vampires are depicted as bloodsuckers?
Because it's considered to be some sort of life essence.
Naturally, they should get by on semen as well.

>> No.13898731


They can't survive on semen alone. But they sure love it.

>> No.13898822

How much blood does vampire need?
A healthy human can safely donate 500ml of blood every 6 weeks. Actually with good nutrition, clean fresh air and regular physical activities it can be cut to 30 days or even less.
A 9 yo human girl needs ~1.5 litres of water per day. I doubt that vampires drink blood just as water so lets cut that in half - 750 ml per day. 1500 ml for both Remi and Flan.

So 30 * 1500 / 500 = 90.
With just 90 people you can feed Remi and Flan without any deaths. I don't think it's that hard to find 90 men in Human village who'll agree to donate blood once a month in exchange for blowjob from 2 cute girls.

>> No.13898888

>"evil" loli.
I agree with the rest, but I think people like the "subconscious" part of her character as it reflects their true motives, be they lewd or not.

>> No.13901688
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Nice quads commander
Here have a Puru
