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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 225 KB, 779x1085, FoxDroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13819327 No.13819327 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>13758307

- Osawari (R-18)
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=196663/
Wiki: http://seesaawiki.jp/yukeyukeosawari/
English FAQ: http://pastebin.com/hm92HU91
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Osawari_pc

- Kanpani Girls
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=181259/
Wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/kanpani/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kanpani_STAFF

- Aegis "Aigis"
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=156462/
Wiki #1: http://aigis.gcwiki.info/
Wiki #2: http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aigis1000

- Flower Knight Girl
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=329993/
Wiki: http://フラワーナイトガール.攻略wiki.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/flower_staff

- Shinken (Sword Girls)
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=319803/
Wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/sinken/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pub_snkn

-Chouginga Kantai (Mages.) (Requires Nijiyome account) (No IP Block)
Game Link: http://nijiyome.com/app/top/226
Wiki: http://gwiki.jp/choginga/?FAQ
Wiki 2: http://xn--4bs902ckhpqkkf6f.xn--wiki-4i9hs14f.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/choginga
English Beginner FAQ: http://pastebin.com/1zb7Me2K

I apologize, I only have Chouginga Images

>> No.13819333

Oh god that's cute. I want her.

Is she hard to get?

>> No.13819367

A29, and now that you ask for fucks sake I forgot to add the chouginga spreadsheet to the OP
A29 is not easy but not ridiculous like A30. All her parts are from 10, 11 and 12 star maps.

Chouginga Info Material

>> No.13819373

Oh okay, I'm still kinda new, so that's probably gonna take ages for me to get here.

Well, at least she's not limited edition or anything.

>> No.13819388

The only partner you cannot get anymore is a palette swap of mutant 27 that was a prize during the Team 3 Intro event.

Honestly, it doesn't take /that/ long to get to 12 star maps
13, 14 and 15 star maps take a long time though

>> No.13819411

Okay, finally found a way to get the large size images from chouginga without screenshot stitching
I have to save the .swf that the girl image in the library is then strip the images from said .swf

a huge pain in the arse

>> No.13819424
File: 360 KB, 800x1000, A29 Normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better than OP

>> No.13819433
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So just the mimics got replaced.

>> No.13819499
File: 327 KB, 800x1000, A30 Damage 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a real qt

She also has a speech tick where she has to talk in questions. No exception.

>> No.13819510

Hilarious. So there's now there's no way to tell which one you're about to fight?

>> No.13819532

Anyone? The buttons just don't link to the actual game at all.

>> No.13819538

Maybe try disabling your addblock? I think that worked for me.

>> No.13819546

it's a known issue
Iirc, the solution was to go back to the main DMM page, then to netgames and try to access the game from there after clicking the big button
DMM registers you as playing the game when clicking the button but fails to re-direct you.
Adblock has nothing to do with it.

>> No.13819551
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>> No.13819555
File: 380 KB, 688x539, screenshot.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So repostin.

Can anyone confirm what this is? I'm guessing it's just a daily log-in thing but the rewards seems too good (Sure UR which is the highest rarity). Or is it some sort of ranking?

>> No.13819558

Didn't mean to reply

>> No.13819704

This worked perfectly, thanks.

>> No.13819862

How nice of them to give out the girl I picked during prereg.

>> No.13820076

I don't know much japanese, but since the words ログインボーナス are there and I got two presents by now I assume that is a login bonus. And I assume that you have to login 60 days to get the UR.

>> No.13820934

It's a campaign to celebrate them getting 250k users. You'll get multiple copies of the card as login bonus over the course of 30 days.

That's a different card than the SSR Megu you could get via prereg. There's several girls in the game that got multiple cards with different outfits (Yuria for example).

>> No.13821307

I was undecided between Megu and the blue SSR girl who likes cats during prereg. If I had known they'd give out a version of Megu for free I would have picked the cat lover.

>> No.13822258

That's pretty goddamn generous of them, a free UR if you log-in daily.

>mfw too lazy to prereg the UR back then
I still don't really regret it though

>> No.13822394

Well, they gave a lvl 80 SSR before, probably for tutorial purpose, but still.

>> No.13822413

Like a handful of people got the UR in pre-reg gatcha. Lots of people didn't get it even after something like 2000+ tries.

>> No.13822595 [DELETED] 

Spam can't beat the jay

>> No.13822608

They're also giving away, I believe 4 of the cat girl SR for the bingo. And who knows if they're gonna do past 4 bingo squares (I'm only at the third one though)

>> No.13822931 [DELETED] 

I'm not involved in these threads enoygh. Just no time for games.

>> No.13822966

Well what are you doing here then

>> No.13822970 [DELETED] 

You are not the jay, shitty browser game player

>> No.13823709

Looks like the FKG 80 stam event map drop stat fodders sometimes.

>> No.13825054
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It ends after you got enough copies to three-heart the catgirl, though I think it'll reset periodically with a new reward.

Prereg card was one SR (4 copies so you can SSR her) and one SSR (single card, need to get more via premium gacha). As >>13822413 wrote, the UR was virtually impossible to get. I lost count of how often I rolled without getting her, but 2k+ seems about right.

>> No.13825129

All map does that equally. You can even get them from regular map.

>> No.13825590


Chouginga Image gallery of all 30 mutants, 5 variants of each (2 Normal, 2 Damaged, 1 Robot)
Includes Library number, Japanese Name, Japanese Nickname, English Name and English Nickname.
These are ripped straight from the game.
Mutants later, Pilots possibly tomorrow

>> No.13825863

In Kanpani, what's the required level to be able do a 3 star character's story quests? I need the character weapon.

>> No.13826155

Really? I never got one until now, even from event maps and suddenly today they give me three in a row.
The best surprise i got was probably a flower coin from those seed run.

>> No.13826188

35~40 if you want to be safe. May need to use PR skills though.

>> No.13826299
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Some nip fixed Calla's face.
She could have been pretty cute.

>> No.13826306

Much better.

>> No.13828227
File: 81 KB, 618x224, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Idol wars only work in chrome? I get this message when I'm not using chrome.

>> No.13828695

the pre-reg gacha at least worked in firefox fine

>> No.13829679

I gave up. This game hates opera and I don't really like games that doesn't work on opera.

>> No.13830019
File: 124 KB, 815x211, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you and your idols are getting ripped a new one

By the time the self heal finished loading, I was already down again. Not fun.

>> No.13830069

I don't play it either.
It's all automated bollocks so what's the point.

>> No.13830338

I know that feeling man. Sometimes you just get absolutely demolished in Dreamfes.

It's more fun, like in the last match, where my prod just lost by less than 100K. It was really neck and neck

I'm actually the fifth highest attacker but msot of my attack skills are shit and I work best as support considering I got a heal skill worth 5P with 15 uses. Well, I think it's a heal skill anyways.

>> No.13830374
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Second battle today wasn't much different. We even tried a timed group revive, but everyone was down again by the time we hit our attacks.

Oh well, just gotta hope we don't get matched against more whales in the future.

On an unrelated note, it was probably obvious but upgrading a N card to R does not add any h-scenes. Pic related.

>> No.13830720

Oh, and finally, since someone in the previous thread complained about it, for the h-scenes only the first two are "imaginary", the third one isn't.

>> No.13831066

That's honestly the best compromise for me.

>> No.13833268

That is the look of a yuri fangirling all over, right there

>> No.13833538
File: 1.27 MB, 960x640, banner_event_0013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13833862

At least her sprite is not as fat as her face.

>> No.13833889

Nice, finally an event girl I really want again.

>> No.13833942

Interesting, new daily quests that ask you to bring specific flower type to enter.

>> No.13833949

Help, i can't change the front girl back to her standard look.

>> No.13833962

I can't either, seems like they messed up something again.

>> No.13834060

Rolled 50 flowers, no gold again. This is my 3rd in a row.

>> No.13834074

Took me 5 tries to get 1 gold from those rolls. Just keep going.

>> No.13834129

5 tries 50 coins each? Sometimes i wonder if it's not better to just do single rolls.

>> No.13834156

Single pull or 50 coins pull doesn't increase the chance for gold and rainbow anyway. You just do 50 one because the extra 1 bonus.

>> No.13834315

Cute and multi-hitting skill, nice.

Is it worth leveling Ichigo for her character quest? What are the rewards?

>> No.13834646
File: 49 KB, 802x514, 2015-07-27 225314-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is new
some sort of amalgamation I guess
but the sacrifice of a rainbow quality? I guess the whales can do this comfortablly

>> No.13834653

Character quests.

>> No.13834674
File: 89 KB, 816x486, 2015-07-27 231251-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I tried clicking on a character quest and I get this msg

>> No.13834676

The character must be the party leader.

>> No.13834814

Seems like the only reward is a piece of equipment which can only be used by the specific character. Ichigo gets atk+205 def+60 earrings.
If that's all I guess it's only worth bothering for regular party members.

>> No.13834876

Would be interesting to know if that piece of equipment counts in the total number of your equipment storage.
If that's the case I would only bother getting them for my regular party members. No way I'd spend crystals to expand my equipment inventory.

>> No.13835103

they havent fix it yet.
I want my armor Tsubaki back, i don't like her amazon musclegirl mode.

>> No.13836080
File: 145 KB, 793x278, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To change between the 2 illustrations click the button right above her sprite.
You can also use that button to set your secretary, it's not necessary for her to be the leader of your first team anymore.

>> No.13836904


Also neat is the fact that they started doing character stories and "characters from X location only" maps. They probably realized that Kancolle's jerkass event maps aren't for their audience, so they moved to better ways to make people spend more time/money on the game. Good for them.

>> No.13838200

To be fair, most people just want to have fun raising cute girls in this game, not bashing their head against a keyboard and cursing the devs everytime they do a new event like KC.

>> No.13838365


has/when does this game start? Twitter seems to say something about a lottery and when I click to start it says something about not being logged in

>> No.13838639

It's still in pre-reg
Otherwise it would be under 'new' in the netgame section, not under "soon"

>> No.13838708

Just got a 3* girl from a red chest in the Banana Ocean maps in FKG. Is it a recent update or is it only for those maps?
Unlikely they'll ever drop 5* though.

>> No.13838902

2 silvers, 9 bronze for 50 medal run. No gold for previous 50 run too.
Seems like I've used up year-worth of luck on my first rainbow.

>> No.13839392

Still no 6* in FKG

There is no such thing as loyalty bonus in this game, is there.

>> No.13839420

I don't think it exists in any games that doesn't ask you to open your wallet.

>> No.13839425
File: 34 KB, 279x293, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking about kampani again.
I already leveled no 38 as my leader and am thinking of leveling another soldier. Is there any difference of the 2 stars? or should i just use whatever?
Also, should i just use all soldiers as my front line? Seems like they're the only class that won't be downed by a couple of hits. I'm around lv 30-40 on 5th stage btw.

>> No.13839478

Just use whatever girls you feel like, the equipments matter more than their stats.
>Also, should i just use all soldiers as my front line? Seems like they're the only class that won't be downed by a couple of hits. I'm around lv 30-40 on 5th stage btw.
Depends on maps, but having 2 high level soldiers is recommended for later chapters anyway. Just don't neglect other front line classes like fighters or warriors.

>> No.13839491

Okay, levelling warrior is hard, they died easily.
Also should i also level one of each backline classes?

>> No.13839531

Low level warriors are pretty crappy, but high level ones with +2 labyrinth axe or +2 bardiche are pretty devastating.
>Also should i also level one of each backline classes?
Cleric is self self explanatory, archer is good for taking out flying targets and high HP/def mobs with their crit attacks, mages are for dealing with banshee or enemy soldiers. Rogue with poison attack is required to clear some certain map later so keep it in mind.
Though you should focus on your main group first, and try to unlock 7-3 as soon as possible, it will be your grinding spot.

>> No.13840994

You could just wait for the first anniversary for rainbow Nazuna event.

I wish.

>> No.13841551

Assuming Nazuna is even a rainbow unit.

>> No.13842245

More gold farming then

>> No.13842381

Hime Gun is one of those "you need dupes to max out cards"
And you need 3 fucking dupes here.
Girls don't change ranks either, they just get +'s behind their rarity.
A maxed out SR is SR+++ for example.
That pretty much means UR, and mostly SSR, are paid category only.

Add all of that to it being just unbelievably hackable and it's not a good game at all.

>> No.13842416

Been trying to clear 5-7 for a while now, using 1 fighter (750+ hp 340 def) 1 soldier (380+ def upgraded 2 star) backline: 1 mage 1 cleric 1 ronin. They are all level 50 and leveling is really slow now even during exp hour (at most 1 level?).

Problem is the final fight, the archers wreck my back line while all my units take too long to kill the soldier. On the other route rose is too tanky and 2 shots everyone.

Is it a problem with equipment, units or levels?

>> No.13842452

Ronin is worthless as backline unit, just put her in frontline and hope for the best.
For Rose fight, she always target your leader first, so you should have 3 frontline, 2 backline for that fight, set the soldier as your leader, and don't put anyone behind her. For backline, you can go for 2 clerics.
If your soldier still can't tank Rose's attacks, it's time to craft some better equipements for her.

>> No.13842692

MOTHERFUCKER. Angelic Saga now gets english translation on Nutaku (http://www.nutaku.net/games/angelic-saga/))

On one hand, I'm happy one of the game I play is now in English.
But on the other hand: MUH JPN VERSION PROGRESS. :(

>> No.13842706

I thought i'm the only newb here, i'm currently at 5-5. What's this exp hour you're talking about?

>> No.13842709
File: 32 KB, 469x242, Timetable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday, in Kanpain, you have an hour-long map for exp or gems. See image

>> No.13842731

So it will start at 12.30 and 20.00?

>> No.13842765

Blue is rare gems hour, pink is exp hour.
For today it's 12:30, which already passed.

>> No.13842851

Nobody stops you from playing the game in japanese and doing english on the side

Isn't angelic saga just another card collection game like lord of walkure

>> No.13842866

>Nobody stops you from playing the game in japanese and doing english on the side
Well no, but it sure does feel very redundant to play both version at once.

>Isn't angelic saga just another card collection game like lord of walkure
Yeah it's card collecting, but instead of just looking at atk value and strike your enemy randomly, you battle in TCG style, very similar to Yugioh. So the gameplay is the main point of this game.

>> No.13842880
File: 726 KB, 800x600, AngelicSagaBattle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot of battle

>> No.13842888

Man, the servers must be having emergencies non-stop if they have to record every single action for every single battle
What happens if you F5 during a match? How much does it save? I might take a look at this yet in regards to possible cheats

>> No.13842899

During story mode, you just start over from beginning again. Not that you lose anything anyway since battle in story mode is literally free of stamina usage.

During a match with player image, the your match progress is saved, so you can get back to it again exactly where you left off.

During a match with actual player, you are forfeited from the match.

>> No.13844279
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No idea how I did it ... but suddenly, I started hitting for 800k - 1m damage in the first DreamFes earlier. In the second one, my Production was about to lose when someone did two 12m damage hits and we ended up winning after all ...

>> No.13846933
File: 130 KB, 1024x640, CLJdBNlUMAA6wC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The android version has pretty nice looking menu.

>> No.13847574

That really does look nicer and that's a fucking qt. I want her.

>> No.13847753

any way to get it to run in the background so it doesn't use the screen and alot of battery?

>> No.13847781
File: 231 KB, 960x540, Trap Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else trying out Murder Simulator?

I stupidly took off Armor Break from my Pendulum and now I have none. Does anyone know how to get the required stuff for crafting one?

>> No.13847842

Oh nevermind. It seems that I get stuffs from winning battles.

>> No.13848006


>> No.13848258

where to download?

>> No.13848285


>> No.13848720


>> No.13851420
File: 78 KB, 600x400, CLOMI9JUkAAL9_Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New girls + summer festival time.

>> No.13851555

time to abuse with new twitter accounts till an SSR drops?

>> No.13851562


>> No.13851781

how to play this event?

>> No.13851786

By doing event maps and getting those event drops for crafting and purchasing stuff.

>> No.13851792

Are the crafted equipments good? Looks like they're equippable to every class?

>> No.13851800

Event equipments are randomized so which class you get is up to RNG mercy.
They are usually mid tier with special skill, a decent alternative for people who can't never get an end game +3 to save their life.

>> No.13851813
File: 74 KB, 358x506, Untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the stat random too? I got a soldier weapon with just 5 attack but it have +16 agi +5 luk which sounds huge.
Looks cute.

>> No.13851819

>+16 agi +5 luk
Those are bonus from crafting, every equipments can have them.

>> No.13851856

Don't craft the 1st recipe, only craft the 2nd one that costs 1100 resources and 2 of the event materials.

>> No.13852087

Got her on my 5th roll. I dunnow bout you but I'd actually prefer an SR Yami or Momo

>> No.13852090
File: 103 KB, 480x640, 61_20150727120424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, isn't this game already available to play?

>> No.13852097
File: 175 KB, 480x360, 10_ss_5_20150731112504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. The desktop version has a goddamn rhythm game?

Time to try it out.

>> No.13852185

the recipe in the shop is for a summer hat and glasses accessory

>> No.13852223
File: 13 KB, 212x101, Recipes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event weapons have always come in 2 recipes.

The 1st recipe gives extremely weak weapons that no one should ever craft unless it's for collection purposes due to being too new to unlock the 2nd recipe. Or if the game forces you to craft it for the 2nd recipe, which is what happened for the spring event.

The 2nd recipe is the good one, which gives weapons that are actually usable.

>> No.13852239

Oh i dont know that.
>tried 2nd recipe 3 times
>3 rogue blades

>> No.13852287
File: 86 KB, 1024x576, CKHjPDfUYAArBFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rogue girls are beautiful anon.

>> No.13852430

I quitted kanpani few months ago but then I saw this >>13846933

Damn it, time to try it again. At least it's on my phone, not browser.

>> No.13852557

tried with 5 accounts and none of them had an SSR, gratz

heaps of SR though

>> No.13853183
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>> No.13853209
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>> No.13853212
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>> No.13853215

Event weapons actually go to +4.
Event +3 is just equal to normal +2.

>> No.13853226

oh. it's still a huge boost from my character weapon though.
i also like that the bonus stats are somewhat relevant for a soldier.

>> No.13853254

One more to the "I will never get her" wishlist.

>> No.13853307

Do higher starred characters have big gap in strength? Should i ditch my 2 star characters if i got 3 star of the same job? Or does it only matters for 4stars above?

>> No.13853370

Different girls have different stat gain but you will only notice it when you reach their last class change. And the character exclusive weapons are also an important factor to choose which one to use.
Just stick with the highest level girls and grind the other girl slowly through battlefield until they can catch up with the first group.

>> No.13855176

Ak okay. I was thinking since this event takes the character weapon factor away (the crafted event weapon is stronger), maybe i should be leveling the 3 star ones instead.
I only have drops of 3 stars that i already have though, (a fighter, a ronin, 2 clerics) except that one rogue.

>> No.13855575

Is there a way to disable these popups in FKG? They are getting more and more numerous, and are annoying as fuck.

>> No.13855607

when it shows, click the box bottom left

>> No.13855620

I can read japanese and know this much. But it would still appear next day.

>> No.13855642

do it once per day then

>> No.13855691
File: 142 KB, 310x497, tier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do event items compare to story or lab ones? Is this +4 stronger than laby/chapter 8?

>> No.13855734

You can compare by checking the wiki.


Pick which class you want to look at at the top. In any case, ronin's event weapon this time around is the strongest in the game, excluding Tsukiyo and Rei's.

>> No.13855778

ah thanks, haven't been got a single laby weapon after 10 runs, still on chapter 7 and didn't know jp wiki was so up to date

>> No.13855980

I hope they change this next, they've been really good with improvements to basic stuff.

>> No.13856008

I guess someone has to complain first. Do they have any support contact besides twitter?

>> No.13856724

>crafted +3 of event equip
>no extra stats

>> No.13856945

Holy crap itou kanae what have you done

Next thing you know saten's in an eroge

>> No.13856952

I see a gargantia game in dmm, is it good?

>> No.13856964

But this is all-ages game. High-profile seyuu are doing voices for kancolle for a long time already.

>> No.13856967

Kanpani Girl isn't a R-18 game so I don't see how is that related.

>> No.13857082

She's dropped off the radar in mainstream anime

Next thing we know she's another mizuhashi kaori

>> No.13857228

What kind of girls do you guys put in the forge?
I was trying with my main party (lv 66-70) + hammer and got nothing above +2. Then I removed everyone and got 2 +3 without hammer.
RNG is fucking with me hard.

>> No.13857265

Girls with high dex and high luck.
They only affect the bonus stats and have nothing to do with your +3 chance anyway.

>> No.13859874 [DELETED] 

FKG died?

>> No.13860011

Just upgraded the new freebie gold in FKG, she's cute.

>> No.13860097

What do you do with tier-1 spirits and dragons in FKG? I'm getting clogged up with them, but using them as levelup fodder is just too expensive. Should I sell them off?

>> No.13860874

She's also amazing in terms of stats/skill/ability, probably the best event girl after Lavender and Edelweiss.

I use them on low-level unawakened girls. Dragons are sold outright.

>> No.13863695
File: 514 KB, 1000x750, 50114504_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those fucking silver posts never work.

>> No.13863794
File: 228 KB, 600x485, 50069250_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shinken has an event, finally
>It's just the real money metal has better gambling chances than before

Jesus fuck just kill me now, this is the worst.

>> No.13866253

Revival event at FKG launching at august 6.

>> No.13866257

Freebie? Which one?

>> No.13866355
File: 186 KB, 806x516, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the event one, this one

Really? I still think southern cross is stronger.
She's better than the last 2 freebies though.

>> No.13866364

Help said you can use limited amount of ampules on single char in FKG.
Is limit per ampule type or just total ampules?

>> No.13866385

Did it says how many is the limit? I've been piling the ampules on my single rainbow and the game still haven't given a limit for me yet.

>> No.13866514

Why flower knights are such sluts? Kanna sells her body for money, Dipradinia fucks every man around for free.

>> No.13866530

what, really?
Then Im glad I cant read nip

>> No.13866533

Dipradinia literally talks about other men who fucked her in the past during sex scene, comparing them to protag.

>> No.13866567

But Dipradinia is trying to find true love!

Anyway, looks like they buffed some skills. My Red Tulip went from doing a pathetic 1.6x damage to 2.1x. Oncy's got even better too.

>> No.13866973

Looks like pretty much every single-target skill was buffed, except the super-good ones like Yamabuki's.

Hanamomo does 3.6x with her skill now. With some attack buffs under her belt, she should be able to hit for 30k on crushing-weak enemies.

>> No.13867117

Did they nerfed anything?

>> No.13867197

Lavender? Finally, I always regretted missing her and I've just got a huge stock of purple fairies all for her.

>> No.13867237
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Shitty bonus stat.

>> No.13867249
File: 806 KB, 720x1007, B8mWGVICcAU2ps4.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Def is a relevant stat for fighter.

>> No.13867922

Hope so. Even if you already have Lavender, she's definitely an unit you want two of.

I'm done with the Dipladenia event anyway, still need to raise foxtail for purples though.

>> No.13867955

Yeah, that's her event's name. They mention the acquiring method will be different from before, so maybe it'll be farming.
I hope they add story scenes. I want to see Lavender vs Suzuran yandere fight.

>> No.13868200

Well, Lavender is a fragrant herb that is harvested by the ton, Suzuran is horrible poison. Suzuran even has a component to its smell that naturally attracts sperm, so she also has an edge in the inevitable "tie up the knight captain and rape him unconscious" contest. My vote is on her for any kind of yandere brawl, as long as we don't get belladonna or oleander or something.

That aside, an added story would be cool.

>> No.13869270

Is anyone excite for shooting girl? I am still bummed I did not get one of the top tier gatcha as pre-reg ends soon, but at least I got one I like. I have not seen much talk about this yet either.

>> No.13870295

I'll try it out when it comes out I guess, got a FAMAS from gacha like ages ago.

>> No.13870658

I am jelly of your FAMAS, I never have much luck with these things.

Also the game is live! looks like only one free scout a day though....

>> No.13870711

Did they do something? I'm suddenly getting area errors on the general DMM site. Not that I've cleared my cookies.

>> No.13870791

Something went wrong. Direct access to the games still works but if you go through the DMM page then click on them you get the region error.

>> No.13871497

Its very sad they are so stubborn at blocking gaijins. At same time they accepted my gaijin cc and allowed to buy and use dmm points. This just doesn't make sense.

>> No.13871522

More like some monkeys at DMM fucked up the page script and throw the access into some kind of loop which results in region error.
You can still play those games with cookies, as long as you know the game id so you can bypass their shitty website check and go straight to the game server.

>> No.13871537

I know about bypass, but this means you cannot signup for new games anymore. And no guarantee they wouldn't patch up direct links too tomorrow.

>> No.13871542
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>> No.13871554

There is no guarantee this is their way to prevent gaijins access either.
For all we know this may just be a side effect of whatever website update they had earlier. Some people can access the website again after they reapply the cookies and some can't.

>> No.13871593

Holy shit that person in the intro is literally the boss from metal gear solid isn't she.

>> No.13871602

Uh, didn't mean to link to that post. My bad.

I was talking about shooting girls.

>> No.13871632

I like the girl who can't hold a pistol properly.

>> No.13871667

Interesting, each girl in Shooting Girl apparently has some unique ability on the field.

>> No.13871876

Is it me or does special training implies sexy cannibalism time?

>> No.13871912

What's the app ID for shooting girl?

>> No.13871914

That's what happens in Kancolle too, right?


>> No.13871944

At least they never explicitly show the girls go into a shack and having a rumbling good time.

That said, at least there's no permadeath like kancolle. Not sure whether that's a good thing or not.

>> No.13872024

I can play KC fine but when I type that into the gadget app id field I get the error screen again. Does this game require a separate sign-up function or something weird?

>> No.13872036

Nope, not at all, not sure why that happens for you. What error screen?

I thought in kancolle, the girl's equipments get removed and disassembled, and then transferred over to the base ship.
I thought someone told me that was canon.

>> No.13872039

Sign up using VPN, then play the game normally with the app ID and cookies.
We have to deal with this until someone figure out what is going on with DMM.

>> No.13872046

According to the dev, yes. The girl also returned to a normal life however, that means there is a nation of Nenohis due to how common they are.

>> No.13872054

A nation of DDs, especially 6th Destroyer division, suddenly feels like my ideal heaven.

>> No.13872064

Nenohi Day is Everyday
Are all the SMG/HG girls in SG inaccurate, is it just because they're all still level 5, or is there some mechanic I'm not quite understanding? Sometimes they get 90%+ hitrates but mostly they're at 25% or lower.

>> No.13872102

Weather makes a lot of difference I think. I'm on 2-1 now and the rain is making my girls inaccurate. But still, SMG and HG has lower accuracy than AR apparently but SMG can hit multiple targets.

>> No.13872116

That error message where they link to some educational service and there's a dating service at the bottom. I'm trying VPN now.

>> No.13872127

Ahhh that one. Yeah I got that too, but after using VPN and then killing the VPN, I can refresh the page just fine without getting that error message again.

>> No.13872137

Alright thanks. I haven't found a working VPN connection yet, I'll keep trying.

>> No.13872140

Are you using softether? Because if you are not using it, you should. At least just to bypass the page for the first time.

>> No.13872161

Yep, I'm just having trouble finding a working connection. I probably set it up wrong, I uninstalled it after doing the lottery for KC.

>> No.13872227

You can try using something like dotVPN perhaps.

>> No.13872934

Could someone post direct link for all-ages FKG?

>> No.13872974


>> No.13874439

>guns as modern as the KSG

Oh baby, I want my PMR30

>> No.13874741

Is anyone playing Yoroihime? How the fuck do you get money in that game?

>> No.13874757

mail in jewbuxxx

>> No.13875271

Can you get the other starter girls later on in Shooting Girl? I chose the pistol girl by accident, I wanted AK-47-chan.

>> No.13875428

I want antique guns though. Maybe those girls can become an event reward?

>> No.13875640

Via money rush daily.

>> No.13878312

Sorry for the lame question, but.:
How does the Gacha works in DMM?
You can only keep the one where you stop?

>> No.13878323
File: 1.36 MB, 960x640, banner_event_rep_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the farming event to reacquire Lavender is here.

>> No.13878816

It's surprisingly easy, too. The devs are fine fellows as always.

Even people with a copy of her should get a second Lavender, she's amazing for the daily equipment dungeons.

>> No.13879739

How do you level up the building on shooting girl?

>> No.13879895

When you get to a certain level you can start upgrading some of the buildings. I think you can start upgrading one of the buildings to lv2 at level 4.

On a side note, anyone have tips for 3-3? I got destroyed by those snipers.

>> No.13879914

How did you solve the error area problem? Did you use VPN or reapply cookies? This is getting annoying.

>> No.13879920

Read this, should work for any DMM game http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Dragonjet/DMM_Cookies:_August_2015

>> No.13880300

I finally get in Shooting Girl only to walk into maintenance. Any idea what time it ends?

>> No.13880376


>> No.13880392

12 jst, around 2 more hours after this post.
i still don't know how to play without vpns.

>> No.13880431

Thanks anon. For playing without VPN, cookie method still works, just differently now. You need to have the direct link to the game. What I do in Chrome is to log in at the net game page then open a new tab and access the game directly there using a bookmarked link.

>> No.13880476

You mean bookmark this kinda link? >>13872974

>> No.13880505


>> No.13880543

Strange. It worked for kanpani but didn't work for fkg.

>> No.13880566

From what I understand, the only effective way to play is using links like >>13872974. I tried to use the cookies that some people posted, but didn't work.

And from what I see, the origin of the trouble is probably the cklg cookie.

>> No.13881378

Some of the art in shooty girls sucked.
smg is pretty much the only acceptable one out of the starting girls.

>> No.13882299
File: 80 KB, 812x359, daily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, please. What are these dailies?

>> No.13882483

I'm not sure about the first one.
I'm guessing it's either do 8 missions with AR in your party or beat up 8 AR soldiers.
Since I see "enemy" kanji, I'm think it's the latter.

The second one is easy. Do 3 pvp training battle.

>> No.13882500

That's weird, i already finished the pvp lists and it didn't increase one bit.
There's also a bug where i unequipped a glove but it stays equipped at the item recycle page.

>> No.13882570

Oh wait a second, shit. I misread that one.

Yeah, I'm not sure about this one either. Sorry.

>> No.13882572

I got it now! It's special training. You know, the one that consumes your other unit like modernization in kancolle.

>> No.13882729

>need 500 dollah for each
i think i'll skip it.

>> No.13882760

Understandable. I really wish they didn't put cost for special training.

That being said, how are you gonna get fodder units anyway? I don't think you can craft one easily like kancolle, and map drop is kinda unreliable...

Also, can you use dollar bills to buy gunpowder? How do you even get those>

>> No.13882845

I thought Lavender is a cute soft loli, but after I tried reading her story, I think she's either yandere or wanting to kill MC.

What is her story about anyway?

>> No.13882853

> how are you gonna get fodder units anyway?
Gacha. Some maps drop specific type of girl as well.

I always assume that it's regeneration since I always hit the regen limit, but now I'm not too sure. Through quests perhaps.

As for my impression of the game, man, it can get pretty grindy but the tactical play is there. Changing formation and placement can make a huge different. Logistic wise, it's terrible though.

>> No.13882858

I feel like most of gold FKgirls are crazy. Well, loli yanderes are cute, so I don't care.

>> No.13882861

>cute soft loli
She always looks like a crazy yandere to me, especially her awaken art.

>> No.13882870

If you had her and audio was on, it's pretty obvious that she's a little...obsessed. I'm pretty sure her and Suzuran in the same room can only end badly.

>> No.13882899

Yeah it's only gacha i think.
Same here, i fail to see how i'm going to get the money needed to upgrade the crafting building.
Also, my handgunners kept dying.

>> No.13882927

So about that gacha. I think we need 10 envelopes, yeah? How do I get them?

>> No.13882945

From missions i think. The non resource ones that started with スカウト. I dunno what the other items are though.

>> No.13882947

Oncidium seems pretty vanilla... I think. But yeah maybe most of them are crazy.

I thought she became a wizard or something. And her face doesn't look that yandere to me at all. I guess I got fooled.

I almost never played with audio on, maybe I should try listening to her H-scene, since I can't repeat the story conversation.

>> No.13882956

I mean the rewards for those daily objective things.

>> No.13882974

>Oncidium seems pretty vanilla...
She ranks quite high on the brain damaged department.

>> No.13882991

Well they're flowers, that kill bees. Bees pollinate flowers.
We probably have a new MC everytime any H scene is over.

>> No.13883003

I was wondering why this game isn't about insect sex. But then I remembered that not everyone is into insect sex.

>We probably have a new MC everytime any H scene is over
So you're saying everyone is Alraune in disguise.

>> No.13883035

If I'm gonna die while having sex with a girl in FKG, I wish for ゼラニウム to be my partner.

Who would you choose, /jp/?

>> No.13883066

It makes sense now why MC never speaks and we never see any males around — he's actually one of those 害虫, and that's only kind of males that exist in their world.

>> No.13883211

The truth is that this is just some guy growing flowers and he imagines everything in his mind. The hscenes are him jerking it to the flowers. You know, for pollination.

>> No.13883239

She's trying to kill the "female pests" (other flower girls) by sending them on dangerous routes.
Unfortunately for her the MC follows them instead of going with her.

>> No.13883376

I knew it. That's what I guessed too when I tried reading the story with my limited japanese understanding.

Feels good that I can translate them somewhat.

>> No.13883758

who is the purest flower girl you're read so far? Like, love scene included.

>> No.13883760

MC should've been a girl too, honestly. I don't want men in my pure fluffy flower girl game.

Good taste, but I'd go with Black Baccara.

Still waiting for shuz to draw actual oneshota for this game, though.

>> No.13883841
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All those milk just went to her boobs at the end.

>> No.13884188
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10 scout tics aaaaand ...

>> No.13885136

Would be Oncidium, I think. But then this anon comes in and reminded me of Oncidium's flaw >>13882974

Also, I haven't 100% 2* flowers, and I haven't really tried reading all of the h-scenes except for few ones when I'm really in the mood of reading and listening to ero voice.

>> No.13885139

>girl MC
>yuri on yuri
B-but t-that's forbidden love, anon.

>> No.13885775

More like a bunch of black widows

>> No.13886158

>yuri on yuri
Why limit yourself to two girls? A yuri FKG would clearly have a special lily collection scene that is unlocked when you place Otomeyuri, Himeyuri, Yamayuri, Toad-lily and Casablanca on the same team and involves all five girls ganging on their gardener onee-sama.

>> No.13886427

Okay now you are just making me wish even harder for actual lesbian sex content in the game

>> No.13886489

Hand guns kinda sucks, they all die in a hail of rifle fire before closing in. Dunno how it will be when at high levels.

>> No.13886649

Anyone else having problems with loading maps in Shooting girl? I have to refresh every time I do a map to play.

>> No.13886655

Why do my girls kept dying in Shooting Girl?

>> No.13886737

I played some of these games on nutaku and recently moved to dmm for Aigis, thats the only game I liked so far
Are there any other games like it? That aren't complete kusoge?

>> No.13886793

Have you tried all the games mentioned in the OP yet?

>> No.13886860
File: 369 KB, 461x486, fkg_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why evolved flower knights are so ugly?

>> No.13886889

I dunno man, Lavender evolved art looks better for me, at least.

>> No.13886951
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Some look worse, some look better.

>> No.13886970

I feel like they designed the standard one well then just throw everything out of the window and make em naked-er for the evolved one.

>> No.13886976

The event ninja and osaka girl evolved by simply dropping their pants.

>> No.13886982

Dat easy access.

>> No.13887066
File: 116 KB, 666x410, fa05aeedd8020630325a31f2d2f209c67bc96a05_w=666_hs=8edc52e2294deccba8c65871c2481565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I can call magicians weak anymore.

>> No.13887091

I hope that's not some lvl 1 mobs, devs
But I'm happy that the best looking 3* mage got a good weapon.

>+3 never

>> No.13887140
File: 128 KB, 666x414, 7597c7d1988d14a4ac4b7d183c6823ed709b603f_w=666_hs=d5bda8390295ef74bb74a07021434bd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's most likely in her character story.

Besides, don't forget about what happened last time they previewed a skill doing damage like that.

>> No.13887318
File: 49 KB, 464x387, 005 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drops from the new ticket map.
2 new recipes for accessories.

>> No.13887453

Why do i have the feeling that shooting girls will be a very p2w game?

>> No.13887631
File: 35 KB, 283x230, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw it in the shop for 2.5k, 15 minutes, but is the thing in the pic the same thing without a time limitation or just a bundle of items

>> No.13887641
File: 103 KB, 945x254, tlr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone plays dmm's to love ru, are normal, rare (and HR) girls just food for SRs

>> No.13887651

Use it and then Monique appears with a yukata in your office if she's your secretary. dunno if it's just for this event

>> No.13887658

How difficult is it? Would a level 70 warrior/archer/ronin/rogue/cleric party be enough or should I swap my rogue and ronin with a soldier and archer/mage?

>> No.13887675

Bring a soldier. Last fight on the hard path is always the rival, and they target highest hp.

>> No.13887709

You can also get the festival tickets in that rigged shooting game.

>> No.13887730

i'm still trying to lv50 most of my girls.
I'm still wondering whether i should let go one of my 2 star soldier and level a 3 star one from scratch.

>> No.13887748
File: 86 KB, 823x651, 8fca797c37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are huge differences between 5* and the rest but for 2* and 3* they aren't that noticeable.
And it's way easier to max awaken 2* girls. You can beat all the story quests with just that 2* soldier the game gave us.
The only times you start seeing them lagging behind are those level 90+ battlefields.

>> No.13887749
File: 661 KB, 1106x649, Bloody close fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is. Unequipping items require a paid items. The only way to get more resources is apparently though quests, regen and some sort of present. Pity really, I kinda dig the art design and I really like Daito's works.

On another note, never bring HG or SMG to a sniper fest.

>> No.13887761
File: 81 KB, 825x621, 60d4cad711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, cropped wrong page.

>> No.13887777

>Unequipping items require a paid items.
So, since i equipped that fukken glove to all my girls, they're all shit now?

All my girls are at lv 11ish and i still have trouble finishing 2nd map missions with more than B grade. The miss rate is atrocious. Also, finishing B grade means that i'm losing resource instead of gaining.

>> No.13887807
File: 181 KB, 847x553, cleric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah okay, looks like i didn't miss much. The only jobs that i have 3 star and using 2 stars instead are clerics and soldiers.
The cleric change is more tempting because cute.

>> No.13887816

What are you using that gets 6 quests done, no cleric?

>> No.13887861
File: 1.55 MB, 666x396, 1438962378842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's that debuff she does?

>> No.13887875
File: 70 KB, 654x463, 008 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got that from twitter, haven't tried it myself. This is the team he used, but his archer has purge impact bow.
The last fight has rival president and his team, all equipped with the yukata weapons, so it's better to use soldiers instead of fighters if you can't finish the fight fast enough.

>> No.13887903

Curse debuff I think. 80% of the damage of the 1st hit they deal will get reflected back.

>> No.13887996

Oh, double Purge Impact. I've already retired my Viola, so I can't go double.

All my employees are stronger than what he uses though.
Either the 2nd PI is just that significant, my game isn't running as fast as it could, or I'm losing time loading between rounds.
I was using a soldier before, so I'll try swapping it for a fighter and if that still doesn't work, I'll try getting rid of my cleric.

>> No.13889035

Shinken is running another "campaign", where using the auto-forge gives you rarer characters, already got a 3 star out of it, finished getting all the uchikatana characters. No idea how long this is going to last for though.

>> No.13889753

I'm glad I spent time rolling for FAMAS-chan. She's really cute, and I would've never gotten her seeing how she's a 4* and in the gacha those are 1% chances. Shame the game isn't that great right now, but I hope they learn from successful DMM games and not pull a Shiropro.

>> No.13891401

>3-3 sniper rapefest
This map is really frustrating. Most of often than not, I'm getting B with all 5 of my girls out of combat and a good amount of times failing the map simply because the sniper is simply ganging up against a target while my girls crawl towards them.

>> No.13891725

Am i playing this wrong?
I always got B on any map, even the 2-1 where you're facing 3 handguns and 1 smg.

>> No.13891975

You should easily S-rank Map 1. Then again, I have 4 AR which makes it easier. Part of it is formation and placement as well, you must really keep the squad together and make sure your HG and SMG don't wonder too far from the battlefield. There is also the case of weather as well, though the first 3 maps only deal with fair and rainy weather.

>> No.13892217
File: 29 KB, 327x108, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know these things increase stats but who do you give them to? I have no rainbows, started kinda recently and already regretting being too lazy to reroll.

>> No.13892245

You really want to reroll in a game that has 0.4% chance to get rainbow ?

>> No.13892293

Don't beginners get some tickets for daily login? I think the 5* ticket had a 7.5% chance for rainbow.

>> No.13892316

Yup, got my rainbow from such ticket.

>> No.13892340

Just give them to your favorite girl.

I split them between Hanamomo, Dianthus and Toad-lily.

>> No.13892343

I wonder if they updated that ticket gacha to include all the new girls or it's forever stuck with that old line up.

>> No.13893019

Put em to either your favorite girl or your strongest girl.
I pile em on my single rainbow, but after a while i started giving it to Suzuran and Tsubaki.

>> No.13893525

Def should be given to ninja loli but you probably don't have her. I'd give attack to someone with AoE skill and attack boost.

>> No.13895934

Not that guy, is it still good to give the ninja loli stats if i have her at the bare minimum (skill 1 slot 1)? I was just starting at the time.
Also, is there a way to give slot to gacha girls?

>> No.13896068

>Also, is there a way to give slot to gacha girls?
Get dupes.

>> No.13896126

I'd say do it. Especially if you are new in this game.
Gold flowers with multi target skill are generally always good. And who knows, maybe one day you get to increase her slot like current Lavender event.

>> No.13898791

I tried again and again before i realized something.
This game is hilariously unbalanced because except snipers and assault rifles, every class in this game is fucking useless.

>> No.13898824

I'd try to get Lavender from the revival event and feed the ampules to her, honestly.

Lavender has almost rainbow-tier stats and a very useful ability that is otherwise found in one rainbow.

>> No.13900199
File: 192 KB, 907x1495, 6d909edf007afa0a266c302152fccc14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SG has its place. If you're lucky, they can draw fire before the rest of the girls get to positions but yeah, SR and AR are all you need, it's like the equivalent of BB and CV in kancolle.

HG and SMG wise, they are useless after map 1 which is a pity because pic related is really lovely. LMG seems like a crossover between SMG and SG with a longer range but I had not deployed them to any map to see how they fare.

>> No.13900227

I just don't get why we even have HG in this game. It's literally shit all around, no decrease in resource consumption and nothing like night battle to prove their worth.

Just why. Or am I missing something?

>> No.13900241

High evasion stats. And that's it as far as I know. Maybe we still have some unforeseen mechanics that help HG.

>> No.13900243

Just like DD in kancolle then. But wayyyyy worse.

I hope someday they get rebalanced.

>> No.13900248

I think SMGs are more useless, HGs can act as Evasion tanks, though not that effective having to rely on the game's RNG

>> No.13900423

SMGs can at least dish out some damage when they are at range while the damage from handguns are laughable. Both are still at the mercy of the MISS lord.

>> No.13900435

I really like the starter SMG, still using her because i don't have 6 assault rifles yet, no snipers either.

>> No.13900468

SMGs miss too much, so damage is pretty much nothing anyways, so I feel like HG has the advantage with dodging tanking so your real damage dealers don't get hit. Well, it's all up to RNG in the end.
