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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 41 KB, 599x555, 143882037725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13880401 No.13880401 [Reply] [Original]

No, there’s no visual trickery at hand here; you are seeing that image right: a person really is walking into a giant, inflatable butt. At a children’s event held in Saitama City, just outside of Tokyo.

If you are wondering what a giant inflatable butt is doing at a family-oriented event, you’re not alone, as the scene has a number of people concerned for the future of Japan.

This rather graphic scene is actually a part of an exhibit geared towards children about bodily functions, called Karada no Fushigi Daibouken (Mysteries of the Body Adventure), which you might better know as Grossology, an attraction that has gained popularity at science museums across North America.

The biology-themed event is aimed at teaching kids the science behind all the gross things about our bodies, like boogers, burps, and yes, even poop.

Of course we all know that everybody poops, and it’s also important for kids to learn about how our bodies work. Teaching science in a fun and exciting way that keeps kids interested and entertained is crucial to building a love of learning, and Grossology does just that. However, the verdict is still out about whether walking into a giant butt-crack is entirely necessary for that.

If you’re in the Tokyo area and would like to do some, um, learning for yourself, the Karada no Fushigi Daibouken will be at the Saitama Super Arena until August 22, open from 10am to 5pm (last entry at 4:30). Tickets for adults are 1,600 yen (US$12.87), and 900 yen for children. Don’t forget to bring your sense of potty humor!


>> No.13880409
File: 35 KB, 595x445, sexist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anus is of a male
wtf japan
they don't even have vagina festivals, just penis festivals.

patriarchal homos.

>> No.13880412

Hopefully this means more scat nukige in the future.

>> No.13880419

No, it means more analvore fetishist.

>> No.13880421

....that's cool too.

That's a pretty niche fetish even in the VN world.

>> No.13880429
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Meanwhile, in Sweden

>> No.13880439

Japan still got a lot to learn.

>> No.13880444

What the flying fuck did I just watch? Why?

>> No.13880477 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.60 MB, 406x720, 1438823415235.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude, Japan so strange LMAO XDDDD

Meanwhile, in France (where this is considered a legitimate street artist performance)

>> No.13880542

This was in australia, not in sweden.


>> No.13880586

Wow so funny

>> No.13880587

>the scene has a number of people concerned for the future of Japan
No it doesn't.

>> No.13880603

is that moot ?

>> No.13880611

thank you for the nightmare fuel, i was running low on it.

>> No.13880618

You are kidding me? Why was this man not arrested?

>> No.13880639

Because people like seeing men stretching their junk.

>> No.13880646

Yes he's raising money for his next project

>> No.13880676

nudity = sex, duh

>> No.13880689


I am obsessed with K-pop and anime, specially yaoi. I like ulzzang fashion and reading books.

>> No.13880704

Everybody is a giant 26.5m human puppet with articulated, detachable and interactive body parts and organs. Ambitious in scope and subject, it is the largest human puppet on the planet and represents the essential humanness of everybody.

Everybody‘s build is experimental; it’s kind of unimaginable, so big and complex but without high-tech design. Its creation is brute, rough, handmade. Everybody is all genders and multi-racial.

Everybody lies down indoors in theatres, outdoors in parks and in open public spaces. In repose, Everybody sleeps, breaths and stirs. Everybody is not just one puppet but a multitude of independent, roaming human body parts and organs; they are characters in their own epic tale of human existence.

Everybody is an immersive experience. Audiences can walk around, sit on, lie against, get inside, and cuddle up to Everybody and all its beautiful body parts. The giant human puppet is viewed in 360 degrees. Everybody, the experience, is a six-hour interactive art installation, or a 90-minute stage show.

The piece begins with the death of the giant human puppet via a brick thrown at Everybody’s head. The head cracks and its brain oozes out. Everybody watches its life flash before its eyes, from birth through life and ultimately death. Everybody’s now independent body parts and organs perform the journey of its life stages. Everybody is in 4 Acts: Everybody’s Born, Everybody Cries, Everybody Shits, Everybody Dies.

Human performers play audience members or passers-by who find themselves transported into, then flung out of, the brain of Everybody. Everybody is made up of: Mouth, Eye, Poo, Foot, Ear, Nose, Brain, Lungs, Baby, Penis, Vagina, Bum, Skin, Heart, Hand, Guts, Breast and Hair. And with guests, Pig and Brick.

>> No.13880719

The wording here sounds strangely similar to the foreverially delitized kopipe.

>> No.13880729

Murder all chinks.

>> No.13880735

are you a retard

>> No.13880786

Most of it is crappy western shit, but unfortunately the concept is very arousing to me.

>> No.13880797


>> No.13880801

out of a cute japanese girl it is heavenly gold

>> No.13880833

Took me a while to realize you were saying "anal vore" and not some fancy borrowed foreign word.

>> No.13880876

Oh my god an anus!
Outrageous! Dirty! This generation is DOOMED!
Go back to bed, grandpa.

>> No.13880911

omfg we should remove everybody's anuses

Seriously chill the fuck out. If you were a 5 year old you'd find this hilarious, and its not a bad thing to desensitize people to natural functions.

I know this is bait, but I just wanted to throw in my opinion anyways.

>> No.13880920
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Yeah, man - It's 2015 already oji-san! Get with the times!

>> No.13880981

>Most of it is crappy western shit
I only see japs doing it.

>> No.13881162

Did they really need to make this as hideous as possible?

>> No.13881178
File: 316 KB, 851x1384, TPP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself faggot, Japan is different from other countries in many ways, yet they manage to run a stable country where most of people have a job and most of people are living happy and calm life. Stop caring about this when it doesn't even fucking concern you, and worry about changing things that involve you. If anything pic related is something you should be worrying about.

>> No.13881197


>> No.13881200

Japan isn't stable at all what the fuck.

>> No.13881216

At least more than USA

>> No.13881279

Attack on Titan live action.

>> No.13881300

Yeah man, constant invasions by illegal immigrants, governments changing every few months or so, terrible living standards, people living in fear of jihad attacks, low life expectancy, a lot of violence on the streets...

TPP - like TTIP (don't forget that one) - is a plot to create a world government run by crony capitalists: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/06/05/exclusive-sessions-to-obama-why-are-you-keeping-obamatrades-new-global-governance-secret/

>> No.13881323

yes I know what both of those disastrous bills are, they want to pass them to make you a slave, without any rights and with ''rights'', if we don't stop it now things are only gonna get worse. Spoilered for /pol/ related post, please don't ban me.

>> No.13881334

I thought they had a AoT event in japan somewhere.

>> No.13881340
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>> No.13881347

>governments changing every few months or so
7 prime ministers have resigned between 2005 and 2011 (yes, 1 per year), how is that stable?

>terrible living standards
Their living standards are fine, but their working conditions are fucking terrible. Their slave mentality doesn't help.

>constant invasions by illegal immigrants
Trump-tier opinion discarded.

>> No.13881348

That was for the guy who should. Go back to /pol/

>> No.13881495


why is this a thing

>> No.13881530

Europe is really embarrassing

>> No.13881557

thanks to this thread I found out the whole world is fucked up

>> No.13881561 [DELETED] 

thought people liked kibe

>> No.13881621

>they want to pass them to make you a slave
They can take away my freedom but they can't make me work.

>> No.13882069

Fuck off to 8gag and /pol/ with your far right bloggers.

>> No.13882362

>Trump-tier opinion discarded.
>not wanting illegal immigrants means you support Trump. :^)

>> No.13882389

>implying Trump isn't better than any of the other candidates besides Rand Paul
We're getting Hillary because of fucktards like you.

>> No.13882399

Who are y'all quoting?

>> No.13882420

>We're getting Hillary
Which is fine with me. I'll even be voting for her. The monetary system won't last another period, and it has to be a democrat/keynesian/socialist at the rudder when it happens
It will all die with her, so cheer up.

>> No.13882422

>implying those are quotes.

>> No.13882527

That's a pretty grim way to look at it.

But maybe the end is the start of a new beginning.

>> No.13882563

Thank you for teaching children the wonders of the fetish for giants, Japan.
Hopefully you'll do something for minigirls too.

>> No.13882596

I hope you realize the depression rate in Japan is sky high, and literally everyone their is killing themselves

>> No.13882604

fkin comedy genius amirite

>> No.13882617


>> No.13884461

They're all terrible, I don't know how people can't see this at this point.

>> No.13884482

They don't live in a police state like you do

>> No.13884535

France doesn't count, they're the weebest country in the world.

>> No.13884983
File: 71 KB, 670x1191, UpkPfA5XLjiZujiUAQiMFnyk2qQdZ59XNrCBypIbE2Q=--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy is American (Frank Willens is the name), he's done the same street performance at various place in Europe through the years

>> No.13885063

>quand t'éjacules mais elle continue à sucer

>> No.13885432

It surprises me that people still vote.

>> No.13885452

If you don't vote, you don't matter.

>> No.13885455

It's not like I matter either way.

>> No.13885457

Quite a defeatist attitude, but understandable.

>> No.13885468

No matter how bad choices get, people will never vote for anyone who isn't a republican or democrat, and it won't matter who gets elected in the end, anyway. What's even the point?

>> No.13885473

Vote 3rd party.

>> No.13885530

It won't matter if they win either. Presidents don't even make laws.

>> No.13885539

kuso thread

>> No.13885578

It must suck to live in two-party dominated state.

>> No.13885585

What places haves multiple parties that regularly win leadership? 4 or more winning parties please.

>> No.13885590

Elections aren't regular.

>> No.13885611 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 577x369, 1392547277486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, this isn't otaku culture.

>> No.13885623


You americunts can't grasp proportional representation, can you ?

>> No.13885631

Many places, actually. Go read a book, burgerclap.

>> No.13885632

It's okay, I'm a political-theory otaku.

>> No.13885643

So you can't think of anything or provide any evidence. Got it.

>> No.13885732
File: 36 KB, 267x401, parliament.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in smaller countries it looks like this, so it's a bit harder to talk about "winning party". There are downsides of course, it can be hard to get anything done since decisions are hard to reach that everyone agrees with. So it might actually be better to have a left leaning term followed by right leaning term etc.

>> No.13885749


4 of the last presidents were all of different parties.

>> No.13885854


>> No.13887151

Sersly, u guize... ... Sersliy wat in the fug. What happened to the pigwolf?

>> No.13887654

This is a case of diverse parties but all are shit.

>> No.13888247

She was eaten by the mouth and converted into shit
