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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13874446 No.13874446 [Reply] [Original]

Mado is a sleepy head

>> No.13874513
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>> No.13874568
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>> No.13874599 [DELETED] 

Is this the NEET thread?

>> No.13874746


>> No.13874771

I actually only came back here today to see what you guys are doing now.

>> No.13874803

i can't speak for the others but i failed at doing stuff

>> No.13874886

i wanna kill myself

>> No.13874929
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I realized that I can mix my meds with alcohol to almost completely space out. It's pretty rad if you don't want to feel anything.

>> No.13874939

Where'd you get that cool sample from, friend?

>> No.13874956

I never change the file names because I know it annoys you. You're welcome.

>> No.13875068
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Sleep forever~

>> No.13875705
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>> No.13875771

/jp/, when will you go to Gensokyo? I pussied out again today.

>> No.13875843


>> No.13876259

achtung – pansy!

>> No.13876301

When was the last time you brushed your teeth /jp/? I haven't in years.

>> No.13876955
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it's raining

>> No.13876965

decade and a half.

>> No.13879193


>> No.13879200

I managed to delete my save file that was 75% complete

>> No.13879209

All the better to experience the experience again.

>> No.13879569

If you don't want to do it you shouldn't try to convince yourself you do. You'll feel better.

yume nikki really doesn't seem like a game that would be near as good the second time. Finding shit is pretty much the entire game and once you know where everything is, what next? I've avoided playing again in fear of ruining it.

>> No.13879584

I've played it multiple times, due to switching computers after being mostly done, and I still enjoyed it. The atmosphere is really nice.
Also the same poster of the other post: I really do want to do it, I'm just scared of failing.

>> No.13879609

I'm going to track you down you little pussy and fucking bury you

>> No.13879610
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I would recommend a second playthrough, especially if you only got to 75%.

I played YN a year after I first completed it and it was pretty fun, nothing compared to when I first picked it up and marathoned it in a single night but it was neat finding certain random events that I had never seen before.

It's still my favourite Japanese game by a mile though.

>> No.13879648

Why is everyting so difficult.

I just want to die already.

>> No.13880291
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Everybody says 2kki is absurdly large and I just can't get over the idea replaying YN would ruin my memories of it, so if anything I'd just start playing all the derivatives I could scrounge up. I wish that a few of the effects had been just a little bit easier to find ( sitting on a train exactly 7 seconds then getting off, what the fuck) cause it was the funnest before I had to start looking at the guide for shit I simply couldn't find.

Also, here ya go I guess. I'm sure there's at least one or two you've got access to. Looks like the mado knew what she was doing. I've been trying to pull things together and wrap them up so I could do it but even for that I can't muster up enough motivation. Somebody should just patent a sudoku booth already.

>> No.13880348

What a shitty chart. Overdose on illegal drugs... 5.25 Agony? Does that factor in the -100 from heroin od?

>> No.13880379
File: 174 KB, 728x1175, it's all right to die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shotgun to head
>1.7 minutes
>5.5 agony
Pretty sure if you aim even a little bit, the entire back of your head will be missing before your body can even send you a pain signal. 1.7 minutes my ass.
The important part is the lethality, which looks relatively plausible and is what he was talking about. Maybe they factor in how shitty you feel before actually doing it,, which would make jumping a 20 even though you often die on impact because of the potential adrenaline rush and panic you feel after you've taken the irreversible step.

>> No.13880447

My point was just that lumping all illegal drugs together is really stupid.

>hit by train
>17.92 minutes

>> No.13882106

I think this is counting in preparation.

>> No.13882119

same here. no one wanted to be born into this shit pit of life or whatever. i fucking hate it. 95 percent of life is full of unpleasant things, ranging from a mild annoyance to severe. the other 5 percent an be classified as enjoyable, in degrees as well. not worth it.

shits fucking stupid. and only gets stupider.

>> No.13882776

How much longer, /jp/?

How much?

>> No.13883883

Pretty much all of my online friends have got lives now. There's only one guy remaining that is on more than a few times a week and all he wants to talk about is politics. Feeling really lonely.

/jp/ - my blog

>> No.13883980

anyone in or near Miami FL hace a gun I could borrow to shoot myself?

>> No.13884544

Firearm to the chest is desirable. I have shotgun shells but no shotgun.

>> No.13884558

That's desperation right there.
You can definitely go to a pawn shop and get a gun in Miami.
Source: I've been to Miami.

>> No.13884616

Yume 2kki updates when

>> No.13884644

Why the chest instead of the head?

>> No.13884649

The brain is kinda sacred. It's the majority of who you are.

>> No.13884738

> I have shells but no shotgun
Yeah me too. I tried making a shotgun from some pipe but after doing all the cutting the small pipe won't fit in the big one, and filing it all is going to be too hard.
So now I've thought about cutting a semi circle into a mouse trap, gluing a nail onto the lever, then gluing it to the pipe just right so that the nail will hit a shell in the pipe. That sounds like it'll work at least once.

>> No.13884799

I've thought about hitting the primer with a swiss army knife really hard, but I want some sort of pipe around the shell. I don't want to blow up my hand instead of my chest.

>> No.13884909
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I don't know what you fags are talking about.
Whenever I feel depressed and am in pain I just bury myself in work.

Today I took my mind off of things by going to the bank in the afternoon. Then I spent three hours scraping paint off clapboard.

Shit's hard and boring and my shoulders are stiff but I feel a general calm when plowing through mundane work and I feel at ease after having done a day's honest work

>> No.13885095

I thought that was the one out of them all updated most?

>> No.13885175

Have you had any cavities? I assume you don't go to the dentist.

>> No.13885649

I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in
it keeps my mind from wondering
where it will goooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.13886859

>Whenever I feel depressed and am in pain I just bury myself in work

That sounds even more miserable.

>> No.13887025

That's because it is, and it all comes back to you anyway. I sure as hell couldn't sleep after a day of pretending that everything is fine while it isn't.

>> No.13887048

Post steam profiles you neet fucks

>> No.13887056

Looking for someone to play LoL with?
Get lost.

>> No.13887059

Who are you to tell me what to do with my life?

>> No.13887078

I'm the wizard king.

>> No.13887096

Well wizard king I just want to make some friends, there's no need to be angry.

>> No.13887815

Anon, there was an update three days ago.

>> No.13891688


/jp/, you still here?

>> No.13891752

What are you doing?

>> No.13891775

What are you supposed to do when you play a game of something and someone adds you as a friend, even though they were nice and pleasant to play with? I usually get scared and reject their friend request, then feel awful.

>> No.13891791

Is that the puke girl 笑

>> No.13891808

Is there an alternative link for 2kki 0.103g? Official one went down...

>> No.13891964
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>> No.13891972
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Heroin OD is bliss, to bad there was narcan laying around both times.

>> No.13893452

Seroquel is what I think does it, though I'm taking other things as well. No benzos though.

>> No.13894598

That would make sense.
