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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13878664 No.13878664 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13870516

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.13878697


>> No.13878715


>> No.13878720

Looking forward to Sakura no Uta and Hanahime Absolute. I haven't really followed the discussions in these few weeks, but are there any other big or otherwise noteworthy releases this year that I should be aware of?

>> No.13878766


>> No.13878938

Has anyone here read Shitagi wo Arau?

>> No.13879091
File: 296 KB, 800x490, product_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do so many eroge have the same boring cheap art style?

>> No.13879100

It sells.

>> No.13879140

I hate this style.

>> No.13879146

It's both popular and easy to produce, so it's used often.

>> No.13879734

The better question is, why do you still play moege at all?

>> No.13879853

To fill my empty heart.

>> No.13879926
File: 45 KB, 640x480, やっぱり神様なんていなかったね.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started and finished this. I feel like my lifespan shortened considerably thanks to the system..

>> No.13880021

Why do people still smoke? Why do people still binge drink and come home late? Why do people keep abusing their children?

Why does he still play moege? Well, some things are better left unsaid. At least playing moege doesn't lead to traumatic memories.

>> No.13880061

That shit seems too depressing, but if she has a happy ending I might try it.

>> No.13880076

Missing out on a potentially good game because "wahhhhh its too sad" is one of the most retarded excuses ever.

>> No.13880096

I'm a moege player dude, I'm playing them just for relaxing and feeling happy. I'm not searching for some good or deep stories.

>> No.13880103

Not as retarded as your complaint. I'm not that guy, but why force yourself to play something you won't enjoy?

>> No.13880137

Wow, the shitposter is trying hard from the very beginning of the thread. 偉い

>> No.13880255

What is this?

>> No.13880264


>> No.13880267

Thank you.

>> No.13880314 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1438821220577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get happy endings, if you can survive the system and the bad endings that is.

>> No.13880437
File: 3.18 MB, 1920x1080, Chaos;Child Screen Shot 2015-07-27 11-05-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still mad how xbone got the better package and better opening in comparison to playstation.

What's with 5pb and their boner for microsoft anyway?

I fucking swear if YU-NO goes to xbox one first....

>> No.13880705
File: 264 KB, 1280x720, Hatsuyuki.Sakura.full.1007739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah i finished Hatuyukisakura, and well the atmosphere was amazing i mean amazing. I haven't even touched snow irl, yet felt it. I actually liked all the gurls and normally for me there always one gurl i don't like but it wasn't really the case for this, although i did get somewhat annoyed with a few at times.

The main problem is that yes while the deaths are tragic, it feels stupid.
The MC gets into fights and threatens people regularly, but during the climax he does nothing and I mean nothing, not even defend himself.
I mean i get maybe he was overpowered but all he says is don't get in my way and takes a beating,

Whats more Aya does this as well when she fights and she's a prodigy swordwomen her sprite even holds a sword but she doesn't even use it to fight back and save herself.
Did they just take out text of them fighting? I mean its makes no sense, i get sure when writing there may a contradiction or maybe a mistake but this them doing nothing.

The fuck kind of bullshit is this?

>> No.13880721

also what the fuck does the king of ghost even do?

All it does is scare people boo!
Yet everybody is searching for it, even even high school children take it out

>> No.13880889

Nijima can't write fight scene.

>> No.13880918
File: 51 KB, 394x379, 1409258874864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll never forgive them for this

I'll never forgive anyone for this

>> No.13880959

I was in boot camp from June til now. Any notable titles/interesting titles for June and July?

>> No.13880966

The new One Up battleship game.

>> No.13881026

I'm sorry if this unrelated but why did she use past tense?

>> No.13881040

To encourage you to learn Japanese.

>> No.13881094

Currently playing Kikouyoku Senki Tenkuu no Yumina FD -ForeverDreams-. I was actually have expectations especially in the music department just to find out they only added a single song. I guess should not expect too much when it comes to fandisks. Anyway, are the games under Eternal(Will) good?

>> No.13881384

Who would ask that question except someone trying to learn Japanese, anon? You can't learn Japanese by ganbare-ing at a blank wall. You gotta ask questions about what you don't understand, which he did. If you can't answer the question, leave it be. No need for dumb, snide remarks.

>> No.13881388

The question isn't even about Japanese. He understood the Japanese (given that he recognized it as past tense), he just lacked basic thinking skills.

>> No.13881392

This is not a Japanese learning thread. Please take such questions elsewhere.

>> No.13881403

Seems like it's about Japanese to me, Anon, considering he's asking about the usage of the language and the meaning behind it. Unless you want to say what the Japanese means is not related to Japanese itself.

>> No.13881410

Asking what something means does not inherently make it a "Japanese learning" question. Unless you want to say that no one can ask why an author says something, and no one can ask about the meaning behind certain bits of prose, etc.

>> No.13881411

The same sentence would be past tense in English. There's nothing tricky there.

Anyway >>13881392

>> No.13881427

Would it be, anon?

>> No.13881437


>> No.13881442

Let's not get off-topic now.

>> No.13881473

Let's not respond to thread derailment now.

>> No.13881475

Should I read the Acta est Fabula or Amantes Amantes version of Dies Irae?

>> No.13881482

Acta est Fabula and then the extra content in Amantes Amentes. If that's too much trouble and you only want to read one, go with Amantes Amentes.

>> No.13881487

If only they can make an ultimate version with the H scenes AND extra contents.

>> No.13881645

And a native resolution that takes up more than a quarter of a modern monitor.

>> No.13881702

"God didn't exist" just feel weird to me. That's why I'm asking. Why past tense?

>> No.13881725

no native english speaker would say that

even if you ask why, all that can really be said is that that's just how it is. maybe you could say that with the やっぱり, it's referring to a previous thought about the existence of god, and that when she was thinking that, there was no god. if she was just telling someone else that there is no god, she wouldn't use past tense. it's the やっぱり

>> No.13881727


>> No.13881746

I see, thanks for the explanation. I'm just curious about the weird usage of past tense but shitposter like >>13881040 just keep spouting his shitty meme and shitting up the thread. I wish /jp/ have more people like you.

>> No.13881769

that's nice but I also too would prefer if this thread was more focused on eroge. what are you reading?

>> No.13881775

You're wrong, but I answered in the DJT thread where this discussion should have been from the start.

>> No.13881782

Give it up already

>> No.13881785

You have the nerve to come into threads, start off topic discussion, and then call the people who don't like your off topic discussion shitposters? Seriously kill yourself.

>> No.13881791

Jesus fuck, just stop arguing about stupid shit and talk about eroge.

>> No.13881794

Why would anyone want to talk about eroge with the crossboarders in this thread?

>> No.13881797

What's /vg/ like nowadays?

>> No.13881801

Because if you don't talk about eroge, there's no reason to be here.

Or do you want to argue about stupid shit with crossboarders?

>> No.13881806

Right now you yourself just help him with shitposting. Want to discuss eroge — do so yourself, post about things you read, comment about things other people read and don't reply to veggies no matter how stupid is shit they post.

>> No.13882358

Does it count as becoming impure if heroine is raped by already dead enemy?

>> No.13882369

Is she a virgin?
Yes - Pure
Did she give her virginity away willingly?
Yes- Impure
Did she willingly have sexual relationships after losing her virginity?
Yes- Impure
No- Pure enough

I guess.

>> No.13882580

I am going to play the trial for 天気雨 now, cute fox girls and inaka atmosphere. The latter I know I like.

>> No.13883890

Starting the complete version of Saihate no ima that just came out, wanna see if I get more out of it in a re read, I had to read quite some stuff the first time just to get what happened, especially the whole Fueko thing.

>> No.13883965

Habluka said that game isn't very good.

>> No.13883978

Truly the most truthful opinion

>> No.13884059

Thanks for reminding me. I was going to start Saihate no Ima but put it off because I heard the definitive version was coming out. Didn't know it was already uploaded.

>> No.13884118

I said that parts of it were very good but I hated a lot of it.

>> No.13884169

How would you know if you machine translated the entire game?

>> No.13884205
File: 2.36 MB, 1920x1080, Welcome to Chaos World.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the Over sky ending of chaos;child

really good game

I wish the writers learned proper English though

>> No.13884443

Literally who?

>> No.13884479

some guy who drops games based on them using fonts he doesn't like even for just a few lines

>> No.13884573
File: 221 KB, 1024x768, ランス03 体験版_20150806_113242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rance 03 trial is out, Sill has the best voice so far.

>> No.13884586

How is it compared to Chaos;Head and other installments so far?

>> No.13884633
File: 274 KB, 1920x1080, Chaos;Child Screen Shot 2015-08-06 12-39-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen all the endings yet but

as far as 「妄想」科学ADV. goes it's shaping up to be my favorite

>> No.13884641

It's better than Chaos;Head than a wide margin and too different compared to Steins;Gate to be compared.

There was a review in egs that basically went "it's like a puzzle you put back little by little where the image pictured gets uglier and uglier with time" which is pretty appropriate.
I don't think it's a masterpiece myself but it's definitely pretty good

>> No.13884650

I hate that there's no C;C PC version.

Fucking 5pb.

>> No.13884652

They'll release it, eventually.

>> No.13884654

I hope.

>> No.13884656

I appreciate your opinion because I wasn't planning to read it based on how terrible Chaos;Head was. Now I'm interested.

>> No.13884658
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, Chaos;Child Screen Shot 2015-07-30 07-29-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was definitely worth the money I paid for it.

I wish 5pb made a Chaos;Child theme for playstation with "WORLD" (C;C's main theme) as the theme music.

I'd love the hell out of that. Utawarerumono's theme/theme song is pretty good though.

>> No.13884664

Have they even released robotics;notes on PC?

Just buy the game you faggots, support the industry.

>> No.13884668

I don't own nor want a fucking console, dude.

>> No.13884678

buy the game and make a friend who owns an xbone
fuck sony.

>> No.13884681

Yeah it was worth the money, I didn't mind having to go through some hoops to get it.
Very well made game in general in term of production values/voice acting/ soundtrack too which is always a pleasure

I don't think most people would like it more than Steins;Gate since it's less cathartic but I would say that thematically it's more interesting

>> No.13884685

>Make a friend
>who owns an xbone

>> No.13884688

No dude, that's almost like saying "it's ok not to make games for PC anymore I'll just buy the console version."

>> No.13884699

Some of the bizarre things he complains about really has me questioning his reading comprehension, frankly.

>> No.13884703

you would just pirate it anyway

>> No.13884727

I'm more pissed that I can't play Steins;Gate 0 because I'm not a console peasant.

>> No.13884730

Yeah, the feat that steins managed to do was to make what could be very complicated science and physics themes and create a very easy to understand and digest story.
Steins is a very science adventure game, but C;C is a very "delusion" science adventure game.

I myself enjoyed the setting and the atmosphere of C;C more than steins', but as far as "delusion" science adventure goes, it definitely beat steins.

It's not better than steins as just "science" adventure though.

>> No.13884731

>a friend who owns an xbone
I can't associate myself with such peasantry.

>> No.13884765

The real peasants are the ones who limit themselves. If you own every console plus a good PC you can choose to play any game on any of its available platforms.

>> No.13884804

I'm sure it mainly comes down to money. If I could have a free xbone, I'd take it, but I definitely don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on one. I guess that kind of poverty is "peasant"-esque.

>> No.13884820
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, kabegami_moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a cousin who is a huge xbot.

I really almost got his xbone borrowed to play chaos;child if the port didn't happen by now.

He'd get my ps4 to play the last of us and bloodborne so we'd be even

>> No.13884822

Transliterate it weebs

>> No.13884904

I will buy it when it comes to PC.

FUCK consoles.

>> No.13884918

I don't believe you.

FUCK you.

>> No.13884919

Most eroge are on PC. If you don't play any games, there's no point in buying a console just to play 1 or 2 exclusives that 5pb decides to release, which will most probably get a PC port next year anyway.

>> No.13884931

Fuck me?

Well, I will fuck you first.

>> No.13884947

Ok. But calling other people peasants when they're the ones playing games and you're not is a bit silly.

Also, I doubt it'll get a PC port.

>> No.13884963
File: 67 KB, 960x544, 2015-07-08-193741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And down goes senpai's heart

>> No.13884966

steins gate pc sold horribly, probably the worst sales of any ADV ever

even the vita version sold more, hell even the us version will sell more

there is no way they are making another pc game ever again

>> No.13884973


>> No.13884994
File: 563 KB, 1920x1080, 1434148580362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a shame they're making an anime of C;C

Sharing this and Dies with /a/ plebs gives a very sour taste in my mouth

>> No.13885000

Dies Irae is pretty much Naruto anyway, so who cares.

>> No.13885003

They made an anime of Steins Gate too.

It's nothing new.

>> No.13885006

The epic memes never end.

>> No.13885011

steins already got translated to the plebs anyway, so nothing of value was lost

>> No.13885022

I see.

>> No.13885053

I see a bunch of faggots trashing Chaos;Head because they think the anime was a good portrayal of the VN.

The VN/dual is actually pretty alright, it just happened that the anime cut some very important parts from the VN so it ended up being horrible.

Hope the same doesn't happen to C;C, but I can understand why one wouldn't want to include that cancer of an audience that is animefags

>> No.13885077

People trash Chaos;Head because of the retarded genre shift from suspense to laughably bad action battle shit. It was terrible.

>> No.13885101

情弱. The cancer of the new age

>> No.13885156

This is the untranslated thread and all, but I hope 5bp realizes how the US version sells and makes a PC port.

Fuck playing eroge on consoles.

>> No.13885174

>Fuck playing eroge on consoles.
Because you can't texthook them, right?

>> No.13885183

Oooooh, sick burn

>> No.13885187

You can't play eroge on consoles in the first place.

>> No.13885195

I hate playing eroge on couch, hard to fap.
Oh yeah, I meant ADV in this case then.

>> No.13885199

When have you ever played an eroge on the couch? Using a TV as a PC monitor?

>> No.13885202

I never have but I imagine it's like playing watching porn on a couch.

And I don't like that feeling.

>> No.13885220

You're probably not fapping to console games anyway, plus you can always hook up consoles to your PC monitor if you prefer sitting at a desk. Unless you're a filthy laptop user, I guess.

>> No.13885236

I'm a desktop user, but yeah, at that point, it's better to have a PC version.

>> No.13885319

I'm not buying a console just to play 1 ADV, asshole.

>> No.13885548


Do us a favor and never make a thread again. This is fucking 2015.

>> No.13885709

I happen to be an expert on this subject and after many rigorous tests I've concluded that laptops make for a much superior masturbation platform.

>> No.13885738

If you don't like Muramasa then take your shit taste back to /a/.

>> No.13886116
File: 15 KB, 487x35, 03082015_152640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ the game

>> No.13886125

What is that from?

>> No.13886183
File: 601 KB, 862x2032, cg01_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13886212

That perspective is pretty hot.

>> No.13886315

It's a pretty good nukige as well, but keep in mind it's 100% vanilla.

>> No.13886320

It's a pretty hot game even if it's not your fetish.

>> No.13886341

i dunno, i think making people go unconscious to have sex with them is rape

>> No.13886345

was for >>13886315

>> No.13886354

Such kind of rape is within "vanilla" too.

>> No.13886361

I very much disagree, and would even go so far as to say that the body switching itself would negate the vanilla.

>> No.13886362

What a waste of a good idea.

>> No.13886375

I'd call it rape if the girls acted like it was when they found out, most of them don't give a shit and tell him to keep thrusting. Hell, he even uses the possession to improve the life of one of the girls

The company essentially makes exclusive vanilla, wasn't a smart idea to expect anything else from them. But Yes, I'd like another proper possession nukige that goes into darker aspects of it

>> No.13886390

The company is really known for making nukige with wacky hijinks/gimmicks, and darker themes don't fit with that so well.

>> No.13886481

Is hating moege considered cool now?

>> No.13886513 [DELETED] 

moege and people like you are what's killing the industry

>> No.13886516

What if I like both chuunige and moege equally?

>> No.13886523

Then you'd spend all your eroge money on chuunige to try to save it from dying and pirate moege.

>> No.13886538

>chuunige to try to save it from dying

Just let it die. Shit genre for shit fanbase.

>> No.13886555

Hey man, this is a hypothetical as to what to do if you like chuuni.

>> No.13886560

Is Umineko actually worth reading?

>> No.13886564

Yeah, it's pretty unique, and despite it's many failings is an overall pretty good game. Especially the soundtrack.

>> No.13886567

Why don't more protagonists use 僕 instead?

>> No.13886568

>and despite it's many failings

>> No.13886573

Fairly bad pacing at many parts of the story, but that's counteracted by the great pacing at many other parts of the story. That kind of thing.

>> No.13886576

I guess I'll have to get chaos;child at the end of this month. I really appreciate hearing everybody's opinion on it.

>> No.13886609


It has flaws, but those are far far outweighed by the many positives.

I went to a con recently and bought the physical copy from a dealer who said it would be getting an official english version somewhat soon but I don't know how true that is so it is probably not worth waiting for.

>> No.13886624


No. Starts out okay but turns to absolute garbage.

>> No.13886662

>umineko is garbage

Just say you hate anything translated.

>> No.13886689


Oh no, you figured me out. Clearly my dislike of it has nothing to do with the direction the story took and the ridiculous, asinine twists, and everything to do with the fact that it has been translated. Well done, you certainly showed me.

>> No.13886691

Umineko being garbage is consensus on EGS and pink too, and they don't even know about translations.

>> No.13886721



The majority of people on EGS rated Umineko somewhere between 70 and 90, except for the last episode which is extremely varied.

>> No.13886741

The finale retroactively shits on the rest of the series, so no wonder.

>> No.13886820
File: 1.37 MB, 860x1106, top_chara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Taimanin Kurenai site is up.

>> No.13887006

Only netorare protags use 僕.

>> No.13887054

Is there a ranking/list of the best moege somewhere? I've seen many for scenarioge but I've never seen one for moege, and I wanted to give some of them a try since all I've read since I learned japanese so far is chuuni/action/heavy plot stuff.

>> No.13887060

Damekoi and Sayooshi weren't NTR though.

>> No.13887063

Try Hanasaki Work Spring.

>> No.13887069

Memes aside, from what I've gathered from the thread, it isn't that good. I do have it downloaded, though.

>> No.13887071

'Best moege' is whatever moege had the cutest girls for you. There's no other way to determine their quality aside from I guess art and music.

>> No.13887074

They're too subjective for such a list to really be useful. Most people seem to like Daitoshokan and the Cation series, so you could start there. I'm fond of Magical Charming as well.

>> No.13887076

It's good.

>> No.13887088

Noted. Thank you for your inputs.

Ok, I'll give it a try.

>> No.13887095

No point in cute heroine if quality of ichaicha and sol/comedy scenes is too low.

>> No.13887109

Goes to show most of this thread is now daft in these matters.


>> No.13887110

Fine. What's your favorite moege then?

>> No.13887116

Because the website name is moegameaward doesn't mean it only list moege you fucking retard.

>> No.13887146

Going through this page, it seems it list all sort of eroge, not only moege.

>> No.13887167

No one is interested in this?

Oh well, I do.

It looks interesting.

>> No.13887171

I don't play nukige m8.

>> No.13887185

I've tried some taimanin games, but too much NTR and lack of sluttiness despite situation. Pity because Yukikaze 2 CG set separate from story is absolutely delicious.

>> No.13887224

Well, these girls are ultimately good girls after all.

>> No.13887268

Has anyone played Soranica Ele?
I'd like some impressions on it.

>> No.13887300

It's shit.

>> No.13887324

Are these the only things that exist? What happened to scenarioge? The latest I can mention is Neyuki no Genei (even though it has high amounts of ero).

>I've seen many for scenarioge
Could you link to the ones you know? I'm interested.

>> No.13887390

Of course not, nukige also exists.

I prefer nukige > chuuni > moege but I enjoy all three.

>> No.13887399

No, I don't like Lilith. Their mindbreak sucks, Bishop is a lot better in that aspect.

>> No.13887406

Taste and all, but Lilith mindbreak is probably the most brutal and scientific since it involves physical and mental modification.

>> No.13887407
File: 2.98 MB, 640x360, Twinkle Crusaders PSS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try out Shigeta's games.
-Twinkle Crusaders and its fan disc are great. Both have enjoyable gameplay portions and the production values are pretty good. The fan disc has much more refined combat system with many more usable characters and each character having more than one special attack.
-Princess Witches is much, much heavier on plot than Twinkle Crusaders, but it's also a good game from the same team. Some might not like the abundance of random H-scenes in the beginning parts though. The protagonist is a great chuunibyou.
-Magical Charming is from different studio, but same writer. Apart from the short true route there's really no big plot and the heroines are really cute. The card system where going through different routes unlocks new choices in other routes is pretty fun to play with and there's tons of joke bad ends.
-Hanahime Absolute is an upcoming gameplay moege a la Twinkle Crusaders. Same team save for Shigeta as a writer.

As the other anon mentioned Cation series dating sims are also good. The main draw is LovePlus type "lovely call" system where the heroines use your preferred name when calling out to the protagonist.
-Lovely x Cation has some shitty drama at parts, but cute heroines nonetheless.
-Lovely x Cation 2 has the best production values in the series, does away with the drama and focuses entirely on dating and lewd stuff.
-Pretty x Cation 1 and 2 feel like a big step down from LxC2 quality wise, though PxC2 has emote's moving sprites.

>> No.13887714

It's always good to see someone admit their biases.

>> No.13887793

I'm at around the branching for routes part in Nanairo Reincarnation, was there a recommended playthough order? It seems like it could be important for this game.

>> No.13887812

Kotori is basically the only relevant route in the whole game, basically do hers and the other routes which are still about her.
Iyo's is basically a side end by the way.

>> No.13887826


>> No.13888181

Played a bit of Sorcery Jokers
It basically read like a LN so I stopped, the writing itself doesn't repulse me like Fortissimo but the whole thing feel so damn cliché it's annoying, especially everything including Haruto

>> No.13888784

Be careful with that edge young boy.

>> No.13889230
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, Chaos;Child Screen Shot 2015-07-31 02-10-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To other dudes who bought C;C
Any of you got it on the vita?

I heard you get an exclusive theme with the limited edition, did you try listening what song comes with the theme in case you got it??

I wish they released a theme for the PS4 with the main theme as bgm

>> No.13890187

Nekoneko games

>> No.13890201

>I've seen many for scenarioge
Care to share? It seems to me that recommendation / ranking-lists are pretty sparse for VNs.

>> No.13890231

There's no consensus because everybody taste is just so goddamn different, not to mention the varied skill of japanese mean they experience different things altogether.

>> No.13890237

I'm not asking for a consensus, I'm asking for... anything. It's easy to get lost in a sea of games. You can follow a list for a bit and see if your taste matches it.

>> No.13890241

>varied skill of japanese
We're all fluent here.

>> No.13890247

Just read EGS reviews.

>> No.13890254


>> No.13891629 [SPOILER] 
File: 155 KB, 1366x768, 1439026000780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is Sorcery Jokers major spoiler. Don't open it if you are planning to play the game.

Anyone else literally laughed at this scene? It really pleases me seeing this faggot suffering.

>> No.13891665

Is it worth getting through Haruto's pov to get to the story?

>> No.13891797

Kinda, he gets less annoying, somewhat, and Asahi and Riku are good heroines, Asahi is more of a MC than him.

>> No.13891844

Asahi is too good for Haruto.

>> No.13891845

He agreed he was her heroine.

>> No.13891868

Well I'll try to go a bit farther

>> No.13892094

Since people here can most definetly speak Japanese, let me ask again.

Can someone please look up in Japanese if there is any voice patch available for the PC version of Fate/Hollow Ataraxia? I would be very grateful.

I already made a thread, but I think it will 404 soon.

>> No.13892111

Why does it just say A A A A A A A A A A A A A A?

>> No.13892155

If patch exists, it would be mentioned on vndb.

>> No.13892173

There's currently no way to decrypt Vita games, which is required for such a patch to be made.

Besides, people who know Japanese and want voices would just play it on Vita.

>> No.13892199

It's really sad to see the Vita being neglected so much by the hacker scene and the West, it's a great machine and there are plenty of great games to play on it, if you understand Japanese, that is. I think they can dump Vita games by now, but the dumped files could not be decrypted (yet).
There is a patch in the works which involves recording literally every single line of voice in the VN, but I do not think it will release any time soon.
I was just wondering if something similiar was already done in Japan, wouldn't it be weird if non-Japanese would get Japanese voices first?
Anyway, sounds like I have to stick to no voices for now.

>> No.13892748

PSP has tons of good jp only games (Shining Hearts, Busou Shinki) but damn if I can find any westerners talking about them ever. Can't imagine too many people care about jp only games.

>> No.13893021

>It's really sad to see the Vita being neglected so much by the hacker scene and the West

It's always the west that hacks consoles and there are in fact people who work on Vita (you can run your code), it's just that Sony actually did their homework this time so you can't just get kernel access using some trivial exploit. Damn, people are so ignorant about hacking they think hackers just need to perform the same magic every time a console comes out and that's it, free games for everyone. Copy protection got so advanced these days you better expect less things getting cracked, not just consoles.

>> No.13893129

Starting Fairytale Requiem, I'm impressed Liarsoft still hasn't updated their clunky engine.

>> No.13893329

It's serviceable enough.

>> No.13894618

Has anyone played this? Dead End Junction.

>> No.13895131

Not that that's a good thing, Sony was braindead retarded thinking that their shitty proprietary memory cards would do the Vita any favors.

>> No.13895518

That and the engine that May-be Soft uses (which is surprisingly still found in a lot of different titles) REALLY needs to be upgraded.

>> No.13895549

Quick, let's discuss Subahibi before the EOPs get it.

>> No.13895554

You're five years too slow anon.

>> No.13895556

We have time. We have plenty of time.

>> No.13895608

five years later and you still don't understand ありふれた風景

>> No.13895617

Sorcery Jokers is better than Subahibi.

>> No.13895618

If only my nihongo were stronger...

>> No.13895672

If you haven't already read it ages ago then you're just as bad as EOPs.

>> No.13895677

There's no rule against discussing old stuff, especially with works that are actually worth discussing. People discuss stuff they read years ago all the time.

>> No.13895685

Can we agree that anyone who learns / learned Japanese after 2014 is still considered an EOP?

>> No.13895712

What if I started in 2014 but already read difficult stuff like Dies Irae?

>> No.13895714

Sorry, you're locked into EOP status.

>> No.13895748

Conversations about old stuff around here usually consist of one post asking about X and one or two replies about X, and then the discussion ends.

>> No.13895795

So, what's /jp/ favorite eroge in 2015 so far?

>> No.13895847

Fairytale Requiem.

>> No.13895880

>liarsoft shit


>> No.13895886

The Sakura no Uta trial was better than anything else I read this year.

>> No.13895887

The Sakura no Uta trial.

Yes, just the trial is already better than anything else I've played from this year.

>> No.13895901


>> No.13895904

Sorcery Jokers.

>> No.13896506


>> No.13896518

Not him but it's good.

>> No.13896889

What exactly is so great about Sakura no Uta? I'm downloading the trial now but from the description alone it sounds bland.

>> No.13896920

How do you NOT know what's so great about it?
Anyway, look in the archive. People have asked this question before.

>> No.13896939

Usual denpa shit.

>> No.13896944

But without the denpa.

>> No.13896953

Did you even read it past second chapter?

>> No.13896961

It's the spiritual successor to SubaHibi, for one.

Plus the ending of the second chapter was already amazing and the full game is bound to be miles better, so myself and others are excited for good reason. Maybe you won't feel the same way. It's not like opinions are objective or anything so just go in and judge it for yourself.

>> No.13896995

It ain't good. People only hyped that shit because of Sca-jI.

I don't understand /jp/ taste sometimes.

>> No.13897002
File: 344 KB, 1280x720, capture_003_04082015_135956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best eroge in years, might even be worth not pirating.

>> No.13897013

>I don't understand /jp/ taste sometimes.
I would say the same, except I'm capable of basic empathy and ergo can understand that other people like different things quite often.
>People only hyped that shit because of Sca-jI.
If that were true, the trail would have erased hype after people played it, but instead the hype is still strong.

>> No.13897020

The past couple years have been shit so that's not saying much.

>> No.13897030

Question: Why is his name SCA-Ji? That's kind of an unusual name.

>> No.13897036

sca is abbreviation from scatology.

>> No.13897041

Ah, yes, my favorite. In that case, the ji must refer to staring, indicating that he likes to stare at it.

>> No.13897045

No, it's from jiji.
He's a kuso jiji.

>> No.13897051

That makes no sense. Some obscure samrai war cry, perhaps?

>> No.13897056
File: 980 B, 60x24, doot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ji must refer to staring

>> No.13897066

SCA自 = Scatological自殺

>> No.13897069

He must prefer fulfilling his scat fetish by himself. Wowwee what a deviant

>> No.13897082

Is this scat thing really serious, or am I being taken on a ruse cruise?

>> No.13897089

He talked about his name on his twitter a while back, but I can't remember what he said about it.

>> No.13897113

Only played Bansenjin and the final Ley Line. Both were a bit disappointing considering how much hyped I was for them.

Ley Line's twists weren't as great and well foreshadowed as in the second game and I personally disliked so much of the game being spent with the convenient magical flashback diary thing, which felt like a cheap way to drop exposition on the player. Maybe I would have like it more if I had read the side story light novel. The story events themselves were just mostly about the characters doing the same things they did in the last chapters of the second game and the twist in the second game about the protagonist being a homunculus turning out to be a red herring felt pretty cheap and to me it retroactively ruined the impact it previously had.

Bansenjin had great new heroines, even better OST and great production values like the previous game, but the story itself was a bit disappointing. I know Nobuaki not being a rosei was supposed to be a big twist, but to me it felt more of a hype killer. I didn't like most of the game consisting of the protagonist's group fighting old antagonists, who weren't even proper characters this time around and Nobuaki & Nanten's parts mostly being flashbacks and exposition rather than them actively confronting Yoshiya & co. The real main antagonist also felt like a Hajun rehash.

Hoping that Sakura no Uta or Hanahime saves the year.

>> No.13897184

Is Bansenjin the final entry or does it look like there could be a followup?

>> No.13897231

It has a proper, conclusive ending if that's what you mean and I can't really imagine how they would handle a third game. The first game didn't really leave any hanging plot threads either, but they still managed to create a sequel out of the same setting.

>> No.13897399

I noticed ラブだくしょんっ! was just uploaded recently, for people who like doujin works. I've heard it's pretty funny.

Neyuki no Gen'ei mostly because it attempted a cohesive mystery/horror story, and because there hasn't been anything very remarkable this year. The problem is that it's too short and has too much porn for its length, so it feels like a nukige. Nanarin was better.

lol SCA-ji. He said years ago that Marxism was a fantasy and laughed at Marxian economics then years later said that he didn't finish Das Kapital because he didn't understand it. He should just dedicate himself to write denpa.

I should really stop reading old tweets of artists I like. He's also friends with Shiro-tan, I don't know what to feel.

>> No.13897484

>he didn't finish Das Kapital because he didn't understand it.
You have to be a special kind of stupid to understand marxist economics anyway, you don't need to have read all the propaganda to realize that the entire concept is a childish fantasy.

>> No.13897503

it's 自殺 actually

>> No.13897505

Have you read Das Kapital? Don't lie now, anon.

>> No.13897518

I can't read that, it's in Japanese.

>> No.13897531

then why are you here?

>> No.13897546

VNR and Atlas let me read with the best of ya.

>> No.13897554

Fuck off, you aren't me.

VNR and Atlas let me read with the best of ya.

>> No.13897584

Then get rikai so you can keep up in browser too

>> No.13897589
File: 56 KB, 811x153, FUCKING DROPPED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13897610


>> No.13897613

What? She's just being 素直.

>> No.13897614

Used goods, I also ctrl'd forward a bit and saw no blood during penetration.

>> No.13897623

I've become so used to virgins that if there's no blood I assume the girl has been using dildos.

>> No.13897627

I've just realized why some people here loathe chuuni games, it's because you dense fucks can't read any of it, isn't it?

>> No.13897628

Most people who shit on things haven't read them/tried them. It applies to everything, not just Das Kapital or books for that matter. In fact, we can see it all the time in this very thread.

>> No.13897630

Marxian economics is based on ricardian economics so is not hard to understand that part.
The concept is not a childish fantasy though, there is really an inherent problem with capitalism.

>> No.13897632

Some artists don't like drawing blood even if the girl is a virgin. It doesn't mean they're used goods.
Also, some girls are born with different hymen perforations and some bleed significantly less than others, sometimes it isn't even visible.

>> No.13897662

I can confirm this, I shit on everything I haven't read yet and praise everything I have read.

>> No.13897708

oy vey, sounds like someone has never read das kapital
buddy, even for me, an islamist, it was enlightening in many ways

>> No.13897762

Too much bait in one post, my friend.

>> No.13897763

Check the VIRGIN DB to see if she's a virgin, cherryboy.


>> No.13897785
File: 5 KB, 258x57, 保留.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13897798

Anyone have a page to check what games flopped or have a sales record for each company? I'm quite interested.

>> No.13897814

I'm so sorry.

>> No.13897819

Is this that eroge that has that nationalist girl (Shino?)? Or am I confusing it for something else...

>> No.13897822
File: 68 KB, 1423x794, kurukuru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was honestly expecting a link that goes nowhere or leads to a joke website or something. Holy shit.

>> No.13897829

Me too, I wish I heard of this site sooner.

>> No.13897854

This is pathetic.

>> No.13897858

It doesn't look like it is updated too often.

>> No.13897867

Yea, I was curious about 根雪の幻影 and tried looking it up but they don't have it.

>> No.13897873

Main heroine is a pure virgin.
Maid is a virgin (experience with handjobs and sucking)
That's about it, they're the ones that matter.

>> No.13897887
File: 150 KB, 564x716, 円.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright thanks.

>> No.13897893

The maid was perfect.
Meimei's voice is perfect, too.

>> No.13898086

So I want this VN. Direct download sites all use awful ghetto download sites like rapidgator and all the links get deleted anyway. Even craneanime stopped using mediafire and their links are dead too. I'm downloading with a Nyaa torrent but it has 1 seeder and is going at 1 kb/s. Am I fucked or is there a better alternative?

>> No.13898110

Not much we can do if you don't even list the name anon

>> No.13898116


>> No.13898120

Buy it from DMM, they're having a huge sale.

>> No.13898413

Is there any other place to discuss untranslated eroge other than here and IRC?

Reddit is pretty dead and I Fuwanovel is never an option.

>> No.13898427

Perhaps people just can't stand unreal power fantasies and how such games treat themselves very seriously? Is that so hard to grasp?

>> No.13898430


>> No.13898435

But Moogy said sca-ji is the smartest motherfucker among eroge writers.

>> No.13898446

Use Share. Maybe there's enough people still seeding it on there

>> No.13898693

Natsu no Iro no Nostalgia. Was it just me, or was it really bad? It has a 73 on erogamescape and about the same on VNDB. More people gave it an 8 than anything else. So naturally you'd assume it's an alright game. But for me, it wasn't at all. Boring MC with no personality (and a completely irrelevant power). Kind of interesting setting, wherein nothing interesting at all happens. Though the "nostalgia" CGs were pretty to look at, and the romance (while pretty... bad) was a bit heartwarming, it was a thoroughly unpleasant game to read, because, honestly, I think it was just really poorly written. I was tearing my hair out from boredom near the end. What did you all think when you read it?

>> No.13898702

If you had checked the archive you'd have known it's a bad game.

>> No.13898724

I wouldn't know it's a bad game until I read it.

>> No.13898763

I wonder if anyone knows of one link that was posted in these threads about Saihate no ima spoilers after completing the game, I remember it even having full charts detailing if the events happening before of after ima5.
I'd like it to give it a read since it was pretty nice but I can't seem to find it in the archive.

>> No.13898783 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.08 MB, 1281x4314, 1439157136350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was pretty average. It initially pulled my interest because of the 霜月はるか OP. I liked Ayane's route though.

>> No.13898786


>> No.13898807

Miu has the worst route.

>> No.13898815

I honestly can't imagine any other route being much better, considering Kure wrote every one. The archive comments seem to back that up too. I have some interest in doing Ayane's route but remembering the intense tedium of the common route / miu route just kills it for me.

>> No.13898836

Miu's route was so bad I barely remember a thing from it. The other routes left a better impression on me.

>> No.13898903
File: 583 KB, 716x1024, coverImage_1087520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is geared towards fujos, right?

>> No.13898923

Not really, it's pretty omnipandering
I mean look at the pic you posted, do you see anything that could attract fujos in that?

>> No.13898945
File: 118 KB, 800x442, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new game (or episode, or whatever it is) looks otome-ish as hell. Maybe it's just the art though. Makes everyone look fabulous.

>> No.13898963

Is that yaoi?

>> No.13898970

It's yaoi, but with girls.

>> No.13898976

Then it isn't geared towards fujoshi.

>> No.13898979

It's geared towards tolerant fujoshi who don't mind the few extra curves.

>> No.13898985


>> No.13899005

I think he might be talking about TITS and ASS.

>> No.13899080

Pretty sure there's a lot of dyke fujoshi out there, I don't know who else could appreciate all the talking and buildup in yuri doujinshi.

>> No.13899820

Do any eroge or VNs ever feature capsule hotels in the story?

>> No.13899900

I sure am glad I gave up on reading it and just downloaded a save game as that would've spooked me the hell out of me.

>> No.13899936

There seems to be at least 1 guro CG per route, representing each girls trauma.

>> No.13900024
File: 484 KB, 1280x720, Ogata.Rina.full.1074233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played WA 1?

Damn. I want to cheat on that Yuki bitch so hard. I'm totally diamonds for Rina-chan.

>> No.13900044

When I first read it, it was in the middle of the night and I knew something was coming but it still made me fucking jump.

>> No.13900100
File: 57 KB, 715x1024, 1388788662451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, even replaying it skipping parts the present box scene in C;C kills my soul

>> No.13900107

Jackson did.

>> No.13901366 [DELETED] 

No new thread :(

>> No.13901464 [DELETED] 


>> No.13901469 [DELETED] 


>> No.13901471 [DELETED] 

No new thread :(

>> No.13901590 [DELETED] 

No new thread ; (

>> No.13901683 [DELETED] 

No new thread ; (

>> No.13902119 [DELETED] 

No new thread ; (

>> No.13902243

Can we talk about フェラ顔 or should an another nukige be started?
Which is the title has the lewdest audible fellatio in your recent memory?

>> No.13902251

You might as well just talk about it here, the thread is autosaging anyway.

>> No.13902290 [DELETED] 

No new thread ; (

>> No.13902316

Recently I finished Sapokano and that fits the bill for both.

>> No.13902453
File: 424 KB, 715x500, c867748package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this a repeat of Da Capo yet?

>> No.13902466

No, it's the new shuffle, no need to search for other companies when navel is incredibly guilty of that.

>> No.13902479

thanks, that's been on my back log for a while now, along with the other gyaru prostitution games.

Any with back view of 種付けプレス? it's abit harder to find leads since there isn't a proper sadpanda tag.

>> No.13902488

Where do you download your VN's? Torrents are not seeded properly, when it comes to older VN's.

>> No.13902494

Animesharing, brand bundle torrents, rutracker, pornolab.

>> No.13902498

If that means what I think it does, then same game has one scene with it.

>> No.13902548

Well at least that series is actually good

>> No.13902665

speaking of prostitution, is there a game (a non nukige one) which have prostitute heroine? Like she is forced to do, then mc saves her etc.

>> No.13902680

Crescendo comes to mind.

>> No.13902756 [DELETED] 

No new thead ; (

>> No.13902821 [DELETED] 

No new thread :(

>> No.13902826

Yeah, I'm searching something similiar to it.

>> No.13902836

A profile.

>> No.13902959 [DELETED] 

No new thread ; (

>> No.13903203

Porn games are declining

>> No.13903493
File: 419 KB, 1500x1500, boxshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the 時計仕掛けのレイライン-series?
Can anyone here recommend it?

>> No.13903496

The fact you know of it means you should probably know it's reccomended

>> No.13903502

I can recommend it from the second game onward, the first one is pretty crap.

>> No.13903626

The first game is fine.

>> No.13903704

Pretty good mystery series.

First is okay magical school game if you don't go in expecting too much from it. Most of the chapters are self-contained cases and the game mostly serves as setting up the world and characters and has bit of an abrupt ending.
Second has much more coherent overall story and fantastic last chapters. Great twists and turns that keep you at the edge of your seat.
Third game was okay too, though in my opinion not as great as the second game. See >>13897113

The side-heroine "routes" in the games are not worth doing (they're extremely short, add nothing to the overall story and lack proper endings). Make sure to get the main heroine's after-credits epilogues in both the first and second game. The third game treats them both as canon and the epilogues can be missed unless you pick some pretty specific choices during the common route.

>> No.13903754

