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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 228 KB, 846x1200, shoggoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13862458 No.13862458 [Reply] [Original]

Its nearest comprehensible analogue is a vast, onrushing subway train as one sees it from a station platform? The great black front looming colossally out of infinite subterranean distance, constellated with strangely colored lights and filling the prodigious burrow as a piston fills a cylinder.

But we were not on a station platform. We were on the track ahead as the nightmare, plastic column of fetid black iridescence oozed tightly onward through its fifteen-foot sinus, gathering unholy speed and driving before it a spiral, re-thickening cloud of the pallid abyss-vapor. It was a terrible, indescribable thing vaster than any subway train? A shapeless congeries of protoplasmic bubbles, faintly self-luminous, and with myriads of temporary eyes forming and un-forming as pustules of greenish light all over the tunnel-filling front that bore down upon us, crushing the frantic penguins and slithering over the glistening floor that it and its kind had swept so evilly free of all litter.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com/

>> No.13862465

So which writefag is it that's planning to write about yanderes? If you don't tell, you're an even worse attentionwhore than Alp and Nega after a fusion dance.

>> No.13862467

>not using best maid for OP
And so, OP was a faggot once more.

>> No.13862468

Aww man

>> No.13862469

Yeah, she's a pretty good maid.

>> No.13862471

At the Mountains of Mamono?

>> No.13862473
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x1020, 0bae0f074cf6a036756cbf1a1b666533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you kicked sand at elves today?

>> No.13862474

I'll get back to you when somebody draws an Alp Maid.

>> No.13862476

Society has no hope.

>> No.13862479

Remove abominations.

>> No.13862484

Shoggoth-chan is kawaii! KAWAII!!!

>> No.13862487

>I'd still call you an animalfucker.
And you'd be wrong, because you're assuming things. I'm simply trying to make heads or tails of your reasoning after reading that post chain from earlier.

So by your definition a taur-shinx is A-OK as long as it has a human pussy around the pelvic area of the human upper body?

>Isn't cloaca just asshole?
Common body cavity and opening for the intestinal, urinary and reproductive, and tracts.

>> No.13862489
File: 280 KB, 750x940, 1437446193845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that best maid will punish all the betrayers.

>> No.13862491


>> No.13862493

But he did. Iä! Iä! meido fhtagn!

>> No.13862494

I want to be a lazy master and get papered by her!

>> No.13862495


I don't know but I know it's not Castrato

>> No.13862501

Pic unrelated, I assume.

>> No.13862502

There's got to be some people here who have read Terry Pratchett, right? People who know that being a town watchman ain't easy. Now imagine a story about some town watchmen in a Monster Girl setting.

>> No.13862503
File: 136 KB, 800x1000, 1433959690391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"H-Hey baby, did you know cunnilingus is revered in Taoism? Why don't we reach heaven together?"

"Wait, where are you going? Ah jeez,I'll never get laid"

>> No.13862504

>KC confirmed for reading Lovecraft

He's alright in my books.

>> No.13862505

>So by your definition a taur-shinx is A-OK as long as it has a human pussy around the pelvic area of the human upper body?
Eh. It's A-OKer, as the cat half is no longer the sexual focus. At that point it's fine I guess, as it's at the same level as arachnes, which I love, but still, you already had the bipedal version, asking for the actual cat version is odd. If you'd read it you'd have seen where I said I recognise it's a spetrum. I'd put human pussy on the human up the 'ok' end of the spectrum.

>> No.13862506

But that's wrong anon.

>> No.13862507

Slav go and stay go

Kiki will never be best maid until she is drawn drinking vodka while squatting in a track suit after having kicked a Jinko into a ditch.

>> No.13862509

You two stop. All maids should be united for their master.

>> No.13862510

Agreed. Someone should write one.

>> No.13862511


>> No.13862516

You know what they say about assumptions, don't you?

>> No.13862517

Peny. Don't trap me like this, mang.

>> No.13862518

I want to lock a kiki and a shoggoth in a room together until they settle their differences, and tell them I'll be doing all the chores until they can play nice.

>> No.13862520

/pol/ pls, at least kikis are white.

>> No.13862521

If only we had someone with a grasp of wit and the ability to make fun of fantasy tropes while still being able to write an interesting story with sexy happenings.
Your senpai would be ashamed of you if he knew you were playing hard to get like this. Luckily he doesn't.

>> No.13862523

Eh, not necessarily. Lovecraft's influence has seeped into various nerd hobbies enough that he may have encountered it somewhere without reading anything by him.
That said, I like that he made them maids on account of the originals being created and used by the Elder Things as servants and laborers.

>> No.13862525


Gee, I wonder who the one faggot in these threads is who uses a word as their handle that can double for male genitalia.

>> No.13862528
File: 127 KB, 596x1000, THIS DEIFIES THE DONG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to be cruel, having someone WANT to be your slave, now that is the expander. Having them entrust themselves to you completely, to have their body ache without you, to lose control of themselves when you're near, to long to be held by you and make them yours. Now that's slavery I can get behind.

>> No.13862533

>Awesome maid vs abomination that splooshes with every touch

This will be a short battle.

>> No.13862535

And then some asshole comes along and tries to permanently fuse them both together.

It's still not enough of an abomination at this point dammit.

>> No.13862537

I actually can't think of anyone.

>> No.13862538
File: 146 KB, 752x940, 1429891157834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abominations are literally perfect.

>> No.13862539
File: 994 KB, 160x240, remove shoggoth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki > Shoggoth

>> No.13862541

She will be the ultra maid,
the alpha and omega of maiding.

>> No.13862542

You are literally wrong.

>> No.13862546
File: 739 KB, 1327x629, Shoggoth-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literal perfection.

>> No.13862549
File: 190 KB, 1124x919, 1438538905660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to find out which is the superior meido, the Kikimora or the Shoggoth, by putting this in front of them and seeing how they'd react.

The meido that does the correct thing will be the superior meido.

>> No.13862551

Fuck it, I would lock myself in with them too.

>> No.13862552

I wish to lick her.

>> No.13862556

This maid war bullshit is really annoying holy shit.

>> No.13862557

See >>13862539

>> No.13862559
File: 122 KB, 494x500, d8f02444e00986eb20d87535b444f050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiki and Shoggoth fighting again.
>Master comes home with pic related.
>She starts doing they're jobs and calling master husband.

>> No.13862562

>Kiki and Shoggoth watched horrified from behind an impact resistant panorama window as the master tries to clean, knocking down things while dusting, spilling the wash bucket, leaving out corners.

>> No.13862564

>superior zip waifu
If only she wasn't a slime thing.

>> No.13862565
File: 91 KB, 207x257, Dark Sylph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final time this will be posted
>Sylph in lead

>> No.13862566
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, And she likes what she sees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slimes are the masterminds behind countless conflicts.

>> No.13862570

You do realize that a Shoggoth can turn into a kiki right? Sure her skin would be soft and slimy, feathers damp and her talon-scales would be solid enough to deflect bullets, and she'd have pink-tinted heart pupil eyes all over her, but she can still do it. Face it. Best meido has arrived.

>> No.13862573

We all have a Shoggoth on the roof here.

>> No.13862574

Nureonagos are woefully underrated.

>> No.13862576

I still want both.

>> No.13862577

>has to turn into best maid to be best maid

>> No.13862580

>If only we had someone with a grasp of wit and the ability to make fun of fantasy tropes while still being able to write an interesting story with sexy happenings.

Well we fucking don't so lets just hope the next best thing happens and one of our writefags gives it a go.

>> No.13862583

Yandere Shoggoth when?

>> No.13862585

But she is making a mess in the floor.

>> No.13862587
File: 14 KB, 275x183, REMOVE SHOGGOTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki maids are awesome
To kikis we must fap
Shoggoths must all perish
Craftheads cannot stay
Crucify the starfags
Slay them where they stand
Holy war for kikis
With the werfer in my hand

>> No.13862589

I'm a poor guy and the only maid I could afford was an Alp one. But she's lazy and just eats my food and lounges around in her stained underwear.

Fuck you guys, you all lied to me, maids fucking suck. Your kikis and shoggs are shit.

>> No.13862590

Okay, but you're going to hate it if I try it, so it should be someone else. Someone with a good track record, someone we all trust.

>> No.13862591

So Shoggoth is a slime doppelganger? The fuck is KC thinking?

>> No.13862593


>> No.13862595

>Alp Meido
Spank her and take away her Xbox.

>> No.13862596

A big monster like that, on such a pointed roof? How does it stay up there if it's so difficult?

>> No.13862597

There's your problem mate. There is no substitute for quality.

>> No.13862602

I like having some resistance before enslaving something. Remembering each time she tried to kick the chains away, each time she bit my hands makes it all the better when the only sounds out of her mouth are stifled moans.

>> No.13862603


>> No.13862604


>> No.13862605


>> No.13862606

She was already best, she just wanted a complete victory. Maybe the kiki though, 'well, at least I'm the best maid a kikimora can be! surely master would still love me!' And the Shoggoth just wanted to assert dominance in the most potent fashion and beat the kiki at the one thing she had left. Before whispering into master's ear that he should keep the poor girl, and singlehandedly guide the three of them to a loving if competitive relationship.

Sure if you're dense enough to be fooled by the sticky purple slime and hundreds of glowing eyes.

>> No.13862607

Start disciplining her. >>13862595 is a good start.

>> No.13862608

>Not wanting to kiss her mouth filled with rows Of razor sharp teeth
>Not wanting to stick it in her squirming tentacle pussy
>Not wanting to empty your seed into jer gaping maw
>Not rubbing her belly aš her spawn nove around

>> No.13862609
File: 748 KB, 1000x800, 4a9f1e163098afe3719a38c0a9fd4e18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"H-hey, uh... we've been traveling together for a while now, a-and I know it's gonna sound weird and all... but... c-can I hold you? Just for a few minutes? I know my claws look scary but I won't hurt you, I promise!"


How do you respond, /mgt/?

>> No.13862610

Double voted because fuck Sylphs, figuratively!

>> No.13862612
File: 581 KB, 768x768, 1432047903568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who's behind this post, and most likely behind the maid war...

>> No.13862615

Remove shoggoth.

>> No.13862616

Hold her.

>> No.13862617


It's tsunclops or tsunshoggoth

>> No.13862618

>She was already best
Opinion discarded.

>> No.13862619

Sure, why not?

>> No.13862621

Death to abominations.

>inb4 that which is dead

>> No.13862622

>"H-hey, uh... we've been traveling together for a while now, a-and I know it's gonna sound weird and all... but... c-can I hold you? Just for a few minutes? I know my claws look scary but I won't hurt you, I promise!"

>I haven't held her yet
Immersion broken.

>> No.13862624

I'm going to get gutted, aren't I?

Well if she's going to rip me to shreds and probably eat me I hope she let's me kill myself first.

>> No.13862626

Damn it, I never should have moved to Arkham.

>> No.13862628

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.13862629

Only if she carries me

>> No.13862630

>that which is dead
Dude, don't mix ASOIAF with Lovecraft.

>> No.13862632

Glomp her.

>> No.13862633

Shush, accept your schekles and a tubby tanuki and be on your way.

>> No.13862634

Lovely. Come the fuck on stars, align already.

>> No.13862637

No, the goyim shall rise.

>> No.13862639

Abomations are nice girls that want love

>> No.13862642



>> No.13862644

I want them to burn. Why don't they care about what I want? It's always about them, isn't it?

Typical, selfish abominations.

>> No.13862645

Learn from your mistakes, anon.

>> No.13862647

Damnit this sounds good. To that anon writefag: I'm still waiting for those hounds!

>> No.13862648

How about the goyim get a free medio to keep them company?

>> No.13862649

>Not wanting to be driven insane watching her pussy tentacles gently set your spawn down after they're born
>Not wanting to play peekaboo with your spawn
>Not wanting to read bedtime stories to your spawn and have her fall asleep between you and her mother

>> No.13862650


>> No.13862651


Which one?

>> No.13862655

>this coming from a star spawn fucker

Smug sane man.jpg

>> No.13862657

Oh man. Abominations are so nice.

>> No.13862662

I had no part in any of that, but if you're going to try to quote Lovecraft, don't quote George R.R. Martin. Please.

>> No.13862664

I like where this is going.

>> No.13862666

I was playing Fallout 3 and got a bug in my brain for Fallout monstergirls. Warning, shitty greentext ahead.

>You know that bit people say? About War never changing?
>The same could be said of the Wasteland.
>No matter where you go, no matter how far you wander it's the same old shit.
>Monstergirls, Raiders, people trying to scrape out a living after the end, and assholes trying to take advantage of them.
>Even after hundreds of years spent wandering it hasn't changed one bit.
>Some days you wish that when the door to the Vault you took shelter in failed to close, you had died in the torrent of nuclear fire and demonic energy.
>But no, you got a far worse fate.
>You were an Incubus now. One of the many residents of Vault 12 that had been flash-corrupted during the final days of the Contact War, where man and monster practically bombed each other to the stone age.
>And now, here you are, trapped in this undying body.
>You hate every minute of it.
>Your skin is too smooth, your face is too perfect, your body is too muscular.
>There's barely anything of the original you left.
>Your corruption even changed your eyes from their original color to yellow on black sclera.
>You liked your eyes. They reminded you of your mother.
>Really, the only thing about you left is your mind, and your experiences.
>But honestly the worst part was the fact that girls always proposition you for sex almost every single time you talk to them.
>One of the exceptions is a Gecko girl who joined you during your travels.
>Says she got separated from her tribe and wants your help getting back to them.
>Sometimes she asks you what it was like before the war, and you answer.
>One time, when you were looking at a picture on your Pip-Boy, she asked you who the man and woman in the picture were.
>Her next question is why you started to cry.

I just wanted to do something a little sad.

>> No.13862670

Oh, I don't know.
Just tell us a few you'd want some day and one just may be 'persuaded' to come work for you.

>> No.13862676


That faggot Bollocks

>> No.13862678
File: 1.41 MB, 288x198, 1404692307598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13862680

Nigga needs to find a ferocious widowed deathclaw and put some steam into the healing train.

>> No.13862681


>> No.13862682

>implying he won't betray you after dicking his maid once.

You can't trust a goy.

>> No.13862683

That's awesome, I really like your stuff too. Especially that Dullahan train molestation smut.
Would your potential yandere story have lactation and forced breastfeeding by any chance?

>> No.13862685

There is no better maid than a kiki, despite what your propaganda says.

>> No.13862686

Oh, don't worry, the goiyms maid's are paid through a certain company and will listen to us.

>> No.13862687

>All these people arguing over Kikis and Shoggoths.
>Not hiring both and giving them both equal love and headpats.
I don't understand.

On an unrelated note, does anyone have any pictures of Paladin girls?

>> No.13862688

I bet you'd like her to invade your mind with her abominable eye beams and tell you she loves you every night, you cultist!

>> No.13862689

Depends, if it's a mother/protective figure, probably. I don't really know dude.

>> No.13862691

maids a shit

>> No.13862693
File: 114 KB, 800x600, 1392005744324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A paladin in her natural habitat.

>> No.13862695
File: 22 KB, 320x320, 11337155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13862697

But maids don't care about money, not after tasting the D.

>> No.13862699

Dude, calm down.

>> No.13862700


>> No.13862701
File: 694 KB, 1200x890, 51b51fdd661fa2d8ca7bdd50904c0f46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paladin girls?
You know any image of a "Paladin" girl that's posted here is just a chick in armor.

>> No.13862702

Yes. Yes, I think I would, actually. I want a being slightly beyond my comprehension to truly love me and only me.

>> No.13862705

>Cleans your shit
>Can't nag at you because she ain't the wife
>Has to wear the uniform
Bro, you need to git gud.

>> No.13862710

Is that so?

Well, I guess one MAY find her way to your home soon.
I'm sure she'll love you.

Oh well, I'm sure they wouldn't mind one of our 'collection specialists" may pay him a visit.

>> No.13862711
File: 192 KB, 707x1000, STOP RIGHT THERE SHIT TASTE SCUM!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove shoggots! Monsters may be shit but abominations are even worse!

>> No.13862714

We've been over this.

>> No.13862717

This is my fetish. I'd give her a sweet kiss after taking her virginity and cumming inside.

>> No.13862718

As expected of jewnukis, can't even collect your own shekels.

>> No.13862719

Whatever it'd be, I look forward to it.

>> No.13862721

Yes, we know you like men.

>> No.13862726

>not trembling at the thought of the hidden and fathomless curves of strange life which may pulsate in the gulfs beyond her nightgown, or press hideously upon your skin globe in unholy dimensions which only the dead and the moonstruck can glimpse

>> No.13862727

Stop spamming.

>> No.13862728

>paying with money
u wot

>> No.13862732

Well, I know a couple guys who can straighten her out.

Just give them a day or two and she'll be a nice, soft meido who listens to your every command.

>> No.13862733

I want to kiss her butt.

No semen involved.

>> No.13862734

That maiden appears to have fallen for a dastardly monster trap! Fear not, for the brave and incorruptible paladin ranks will soon bring glorious judgement on those wicked demons and free their virtuous sister from the monster's perverted hands!

>> No.13862735

Well, since alps are chicks, I think you may just be retarded.

As such, I will stop picking on you.

>> No.13862736

Shit nigga, stop biting empty hooks.

>> No.13862739

Oh, nice. Looking forward to if you get to some Yan stuff.

>> No.13862740

Spamming? I've posted a grand total of two pictures, suck my dick.

>> No.13862741

We have people for that.

>> No.13862742

In non-chuuni speak, this means gangbanging her until the white covers up her wickedness.

>> No.13862745

I'm really hungry though, and there "could" be something delicious on it...

>> No.13862746

>M-My Lady, please! You aren't even wearing armor! Why did you come out here?

>> No.13862750

I tried that. She just told me "I didn't know you were into that. I'm a masochist but I can be a sadist too if you want." Fuck training alps, I don't know how they do it.

Real maids are fucking expensive, all the local maid dealers charge outrageous prices. I though going cheap with an Alp wouldn't be that big of a deal, but now I'm just wasting money on her with nachos and beer for her to consume. I don't even drink beer and the person I bought her from won't take refunds.

>> No.13862752

>anything a not!gayfag says
>meaning jack

>> No.13862754
File: 252 KB, 421x481, 60a56933687bd20d5c0ade367341e88d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sun is at it's highest peak.

On side a note: Why do we like Ammy?

>> No.13862760

That'll do. Thanks.
I love how no-one asked what I need the picture for.

>> No.13862761

Just kick her out. As long as you haven't dicked her, you should be good to go.

>> No.13862762

Just sayin', it'll be a while. From what I gather, it's an involved process, and after ghoul I wanna get back into rusalka.

>> No.13862763

Ammy is fluffy and playful, willing to try new things in the bedroom.

>> No.13862765

I don't. She's a slut like your picture shows.

>> No.13862767

Her nature as a humanized Okami character really bugs my autism. I still like her design though.

>> No.13862770

She's cute! Cute! Cute! Cute!

>> No.13862768

What happens if you had dicked her?

>> No.13862771

Just dick her, ransom further dickings for household chores.

>> No.13862777

>not going hyper mode with Flyinn's Ring and Red Tearstone
>not rolling everything
>not realizing demon realm silver doesn't make your health go down to zero


angry paladin points at you.jpg

>> No.13862779

Then she won't leave, idiot.

...Tell me you didn't.

>> No.13862780
File: 153 KB, 660x1125, Nanashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know whether the girl on the left is future Nanashi or her mom, but either way she's really hot. Best Wolfu.
poorly cropped because for some reason there were also monsterboys, furries at that

>> No.13862782

She's lewd, but also genuinely friendly and kind.
Also she's cute as fuck.

>> No.13862783

>Not shivering with the sensation of the alien geometry behind her inky hole as you penetrate her
>Not holding her close to you, her teeth upon teeth digging into your shoulder as you ejaculate inside her nameless horror
>Not falling into dreamless sleep with her still in your arms

>> No.13862785

>All monster girls not being sluts.
Oh, Anon do I need to get Hellohound to teach you?

>> No.13862786


There you go. No need for thanks.

>> No.13862787
File: 333 KB, 704x1292, 35369308908619b942852874379090f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's clearly bumping uglies with Dante.

>> No.13862790

Yes, I would dick them/her, how did you know?

>> No.13862795

What are you gonna do anon?

>> No.13862796
File: 65 KB, 422x422, 1437930714851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>TFW we'll never have a story of this where she gets captured trying to covertly enter a Demon Realm where she'd try to kill a lesser Succubus Lord
>TFW she'll never get fucked in public in the stockades by an Incubus, the Succubus stimulating her from beneath by rubbing her clit
>Telling her to give into her womanly desires
>To submit herself to the dick
>TFW the Paladin will never fight the fire ravishing her body as he dumps a fresh load of semen into her
>Her skin turning a blue color as horns begin to sprout from her head and the spade tail growing slowly
>She'll never tell the Succubus to go to Hell to her captor's amusement as he continues to pound her with never-ending virility and stamina
>The Succubus will never ask her what she truly is, the corruption seeping into Paladin-chan's mind
>Isn't it obvious?
>She's a lewd hole to be fucked
>TFW you'll never rescue Paladin Convert-chan

>> No.13862797

>I-I'm so lonely, bite my bait plz

>> No.13862798

Because she is fluffy, happy, and cute

>> No.13862803

>her teeth upon teeth digging into your shoulder as you ejaculate inside her nameless horror
This made it for me, I have a real fetish for odaxelagnia.

>> No.13862805

>DA tier Dante.

>> No.13862808

If all monstergirls were sluts you wouldn't waifu'd any of them

>> No.13862809

Can't we just put paladins to the sword. Like, only once?

>> No.13862814

Think about it.
It's sunday, and I asked for a Paladin Girl.

>> No.13862815


>> No.13862816


Fire burns and alps are guys, deal with it.

>> No.13862824
File: 232 KB, 1500x1020, IMG_20150802_211817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god what the fuck is that supposed to be ?

>> No.13862825

If my waifu dies you get slapped.

>> No.13862827

I wonder where's the waifu wars anon

>> No.13862829

Anon you're implying I wouldn't waifu a slut something I can and would if I loved them.

Plus I'm into ntr.

>> No.13862830

Double ass?

>> No.13862836

So you're a cuck

>> No.13862837

No promises.
Working on some custom arena events. I hope at least one shows up.

>> No.13862839

The super ass.

>> No.13862840

Wait, is that image going to be used for the next Paladin-chan?
I await with great anticipation.

>> No.13862843

You literal cuck.

>> No.13862845

Ooooooooh. You asshole.

>> No.13862847

Well one time I was laying on the couch and she climbed on top of me saying she needed to grab something, ended up slipping and accidentally fell on my dick and we accidentally had sweaty neet sex for three hours.

But that doesn't count right?

>> No.13862850

Oh, right. So she's probably the next in line to die, huh. That's too bad.

>> No.13862852

I want to have a haughty, plump Kiki

>> No.13862854

Deviant Art.

>> No.13862856

Plump haughty monster girls are a gift from the Demon Lord herself.

>> No.13862859

You may as well put a ring on that, cause she's there to stay.

>> No.13862861


Needs more Yidhra forcibly alping a guy.

>> No.13862862

>gay sex stories

Are you lost?

>> No.13862863

I know that.

>> No.13862866

The ass indeed being too phat
just the way I like 'em

>> No.13862867

You're a practically average dweller of here, sadly.

>> No.13862871

Isn't this the Daily Japanese Thread?

>> No.13862874

>tumblr "You are what you think/choose you are" logic
>not bait

>> No.13862876

>likes NTR
>average dweller of super vanilla funtime land


>> No.13862878
File: 334 KB, 624x800, 1438106255769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be princess carried by my waifu!

>> No.13862882

I want to princess carry you're waifu!

>> No.13862883

I do too.

>> No.13862886

I will princess carry my waifu, and she can't stop me.

>> No.13862887

I want to sunblast your waifu and toss you down in the wilderness where your choices are man the fuck up or die!

>> No.13862891

So what would happen in a story like this? Cute MG criminals doing cute crimes while a guard commander who is getting too old for this shit smokes cigars and drinks cocoa?

>> No.13862893
File: 111 KB, 340x500, 1431982738125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, it wouldn't be a monstergirl thread without shitflinging.

So, what is the general consensus on the Giant Ant?

>> No.13862896
File: 359 KB, 800x1529, 517c74a28fcfbc78d1f6268bae43ce5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too!

>> No.13862898

Is she a sub or a dom?

>> No.13862902

Brown is better.

>> No.13862903

No, I get the dominance boner, but I guess I like sweet in the end. I'm very particular about those I want to break.

>> No.13862906
File: 47 KB, 317x500, AntofChocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WRONG, that not a gaint ant
this is

>> No.13862908

Why would you ask that anon? The Giant Ant in that image is clearly an energetic, hard worker.

>> No.13862911

>Giant Ant
>posts the fake one

>> No.13862912

They are,
Ah what it would be like to have a maid like that, utterly professional, her wide hips swaying whenever she walked, her too small skirt, something you asked her to wear, barely covering her plush bottom while her top strains against her soft, doughy breasts and her belly presses out a bit, a little fluff for you to tease and squeeze.
She'd ask that you refrain from touching her too much while she works, mostly saying that it's most unbecoming for her master to do such a thing with the help, but never struggling too much, remaining dignified and perfect while you tease her.
She'd keep track of your schedule and make sure that you go about it, although you'd note that she has quite a few "recreation" times planned throughout the day.

>> No.13862913

>giant ant
Is this some sort of trap or something? That is, very clearly, not a giant ant. Please stop trying to trick people, Spiderbitch.

>> No.13862914


Had a silly idea of a guy spilling Rosé wine and getting tag team bullied by three Giant Ants once.

hadn't written it because raisins

>> No.13862919

I aint falling for it again.

>> No.13862920

I can respect your tastes.

>> No.13862921

But is she a sub or a dom?

>> No.13862925


>> No.13862927

Dom of course, every monster girl is.

>> No.13862929

My Giant Ant a lazy shit! All she does is lie around in her underwear and shitpost online! I wanted a productive member of society!

>> No.13862933

Than she's shit. I fucking hate dom girls, they're trash.

>> No.13862941
File: 357 KB, 599x404, Ant Monochrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are probably subby Ant Arach-er, Giant Ants and dommy Giant Ants.

>> No.13862942

Maybe monster girls aren't for you.

>> No.13862943

Careful not to fall for it.

>> No.13862948

Oh damn, that's the stuff, a nice soft girl to cuddle closely, rubbing her belly, fondling her thighs, and nipping her ears.

Though I think I'd rather a haughty plump mistress instead. Imagine her demanding to sit on you, or massage her back or foot. Or even clean her whole body with your tongue.

>> No.13862950

Do Giant Ants have adhesive panties?

>> No.13862951

Yo, this is actually really funny. First time I've laughed all day. You really want it, huh.

>> No.13862956

Fucked if I know man. She's got some sticky shit down there. And that reminds me! I asked her to do something about this spider invasion, and she just looked at me like an idiot! I mean, sure, I haven't seen any, but where else are these fucking cobwebs coming from?!

>> No.13862958
File: 81 KB, 600x942, female_satan_by_dantewontdie600_942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, do Monster Girls need semen to live (being succubus), or can they survive on other stuff?

Where do they get their daily intake from when they are toddlers?

>> No.13862962


>> No.13862963

>or can they survive on other stuff?

>> No.13862965

>Where do they get their daily intake from when they are toddlers

Their fathers

>> No.13862967

MGE's can survive and take it from the ordinary food apparently, he mentioned it somewhere.

>> No.13862968
File: 104 KB, 1038x1000, you're not living your life correctly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13862971

This explains everything with Dhampires and incest.

>> No.13862972

They can eat normal food too if they need, or want, to. Not that the last bit is really all that out of the ordinary, I guess, if they have a loving father.

>> No.13862974

>tfw everyone's a cuck.

>> No.13862979 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.13862980

No, they don't need semen to live, that's silly.

>> No.13862982

>not wanting to be chained up in your waifu's basement
>not wanting her to gaze into your teary eyes as she violently rapes you
>not wanting to develop stockholm syndrom for your waifu
>not wanting her to finally free you after you've been thoroughly broken
what a weirdo

>> No.13862983

Not if I dick the daughter who gave birth to me I'm not!

>> No.13862988

Semen isn't a requirement to live, and they still need to have a diet of normal foods.
>Where do they get their daily intake from when they are toddlers?
It was something stated in Lanternons story, but I'll assume they use their fathers residual Spirit Energy. That'd only apply to demi-elementals, undead, and succubi though.

>> No.13862989
File: 191 KB, 373x1105, aw yisss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13862990

...You know, I'm finding myself preferring this to them having 10.000 quickfucks before proposing offering themselves to a hubbie.

>> No.13862993

I'd rather drown.

>> No.13862995

Time travel doesn't count.

>> No.13862997

You gonna make me pretty boy?

>> No.13863000


>> No.13863001

>wanting used goods

You're fucking pathetic.

>> No.13863002


>TFW you'll never wear your Giant Ant waifu's sweat and pheromone ladened panties like a Bane Mask

>> No.13863006
File: 76 KB, 197x224, Dark Undine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure about that?
>Sylph in lead still

>> No.13863009

In her juices as she rides your face?

>> No.13863012

No, in a lake.

With no monster girls nearby.

>> No.13863013
File: 268 KB, 550x600, 29447d1edc062b6b12f8ce1dbde05aec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13863016

Gentlemen, place your bets.
Heads up, I might have to take a break around 2:00 PST for a couple hours, but I'll be back if that happens. I doubt this will take that long anyway.

>> No.13863018

with your luck an undine would save you

>> No.13863021

You disgust me.

>> No.13863022

No she wouldn't.

>> No.13863023
File: 727 KB, 700x990, aa4a79857356514bc57f68c74d9d9677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13863024

Can you two just get a room?

>> No.13863026

>Dark Elf
Mistress please.

>> No.13863028

Well not to that extent, but the idea of your waifu being a virgin when you meet her, a sex monster with fucking fucking on the brain since they can string together a thought, is fucking stupid.

>> No.13863029

hmmm Salamander or weresheep

>> No.13863030

Oh great, this again.

Can't wait for all the funny and clever posts that are sure to follow.

>> No.13863031

Dragon and Kraken. Let's rock.

>> No.13863037

Palading chang kawaii

>> No.13863038

You suck, go have unfun somewhere else.

>> No.13863042
File: 726 KB, 700x921, Sierra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really faggot?

>> No.13863043

Dragon knows what you did Mindflayer.

>> No.13863044

>Shoggoth is in but no Kiki

What's the point?

>> No.13863045

>implying this isn't /No fun allowed General/

>> No.13863048

>No Kikimora
Vampire wins.

>> No.13863049

I've said I'd rather this over that other second choice, what do you want from me? Sloppy seconds' better than sloppy thousands, eh?

I'm actually content with canonning Encyclopedia's world anyways, where two thirds of them are virgins before meeting and settling with their only one the way you look at it.

>> No.13863052

Oh sheeeit.

>> No.13863054

Wow, that was quite the start.

>> No.13863055

Getting into the body count early it seems...

Not allowed to have an ace in the hole.

>> No.13863059

We can continue the whole day if you want, domfag.

>> No.13863060

Never trust a knife ear.

>> No.13863063

Can you two just fuck off?

>> No.13863064

Bring it..

>> No.13863065

>starting shit

>> No.13863066

Jesus fucking christ kill yourself you waste of oxygen.

>> No.13863070

Hey, hey guy, let's reply to this fucker >>13863063

>> No.13863071

He's not the one that started, in his defense. But yes both should leave.

>> No.13863073

Elf surprised me.

>> No.13863074

I actually was going to put in Kikimora, but then forgot. Oh well, there's always next time.

>> No.13863075


>> No.13863077

They're dropping like flies here.

>> No.13863078

But a plump, haughty kiki mistress?
Her family would probably disown her.

Still, a meido could be demanding.

After a day of hard work she'd probably demand that you give her a nice reward, a massage to help her aching muscles.

She'd strip down and lay down on a bench so you could get to work on her, soft breasts mashed against it while her big, bountiful bottom is there for you to see.

You'd get to work by finding and getting rid of those knots she has, content sighs slipping out as she orders you higher and lower towards each location.
Of course you'd probably go a little lower than intended after a while, your hands kneading her ripe rear end and drawing a gasp from her, eyes going wide at you savoring her supple flesh.
She'd try to command that you stop but there'd be no real strength in her, little whines and gasps slipping out as she bites her bottom lip, cheeks pinkening as you give the soft flesh a light slap every now and then.

It wouldn't just end there though as soon enough the maid would sit up and turn to face you, uncaring that you can see her grand chest, rosy buds showing her excitement.

She'd frown and go on about how you'd done it now, taking your head and leading it down between her thick thighs so that you could give her needy womanhood some much wanted attention as she locked her legs around you, keeping you nice and snug until she's satisfied.

>> No.13863079
File: 89 KB, 877x620, 5fce73b9e50c002e468532ff0fceb936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both my bets are dead

>> No.13863081

That Holst, man. I think every time I've actually paid attention to one of these the cows are killers.

>> No.13863082

He did start with the name-calling, which is what usually starts the big storms.

>> No.13863085

This is a fucking bloodbath

>> No.13863087

>bets dead

tis a sad day

>> No.13863090

>Sheep shot by accident

Sounds like a bad Monty Python gag.

>> No.13863091

Can you fuck off?

You have plenty of other dominant monster girls, go have your fucking mistress fantasies with one of them and leave one of the few sub girls alone.

>> No.13863094

>Elf protects the plant girl
How fitting.

>> No.13863097

[Posting my reaction to what is happening, even though nobody asked]

Am I doing this right?

>> No.13863098


Let him have his fatass kiki, that way we get to completely domesticate hellhounds.

>> No.13863099

All monster girls of a species have to act the same?

>> No.13863100

Don't forget at least in MGE they're likely content with the first catch, if don't instantly fall for him even, and after getting used to his SE other stuff tastes like shit to them.

Plus, during that time period they're separated from the most of humanity, and where they aren't there is a more or less harsh shortage of males since they quite naturally breed them out of existence.

So surprisingly, an average MG there might have less sex than you 17-year-old western girl has today.


>> No.13863101

REMOVE KNIFE EARS remove knife ears

>> No.13863102

Fuck off

>> No.13863103

Now that sounds divine.I want to ruthlessly cuddle a girl like that.

But Kiki's aren't the ultimate sub girl. That would be Alices, which actually make people rape them.

>> No.13863105

He's right, you know?

>> No.13863106


>> No.13863109

>Alice makes people rape them.
Don't you mean Dormouse, Anon?

>> No.13863112

Sometimes miracles happen.
Sometimes we can get through the first night without any hand holding.

>> No.13863115

Are you telling me to fuck off because you don't want him to have the kiki or because of sub hellhounds?

>> No.13863116

About what? I don't support dom kikis either

>> No.13863117

Also, Dormice.

>> No.13863122

At least that'd make you feel special because she dumped someone to be with you.

>> No.13863123

Poor Holst.

>> No.13863125

Both do. Read the profiles sometime you mong.

>> No.13863126

Paladin-Chan quietly humming her battle hymn of wrath.

Such a good girl.

>> No.13863127

Steaks for everyone.

>> No.13863128

>Cow dies from hunger first night
My sides hurt

>> No.13863129

Stupid fat cow.

>> No.13863133

Well, so much for a killer cow.

>> No.13863132

So Alices and Dormice. That's two.

All things considered I don't understand why Kikis are viewed as the ultimate sub girl when their profiles don't really evaluate on that. Especially when there are other girls that are far more submissive.

>> No.13863134

Yeah they do if I can't have what I fucking want.

>> No.13863135

Oh, I'm sure that after she gives you a reward of your own that she'd be more than willing to cuddle.

>> No.13863136

She came in with a bang, and left with a whimper.

>> No.13863137

It doesn't matter what you support. Word of god says we can have both, end of argument.

>> No.13863140

It doesn't imply they have feelings for their dad.

>> No.13863143

Let's go Team Scale!

>> No.13863144

>few sub girls
Somebody post the list.

Anyway I agree with you with kikis being subs, not because I care about kikis, but because I don't want hellhounds to be subs.

>> No.13863145

Who keeps sending the Elf Hatchets?

>> No.13863146
File: 109 KB, 544x771, Paladin Imouto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Troll thinks about winning.
I died laughing. Paladin all the way bitchs.

>> No.13863147

>is a maid
>will happily be raped
>takes care of your every need

I wonder why myself, I just can't see it.

>> No.13863148

>If they leave someone for you, they'll leave you for someone else

Could you be more beta?

>> No.13863151

>Troll eats toxic berries
kek. I thought trolls were good with this?

>> No.13863152

>dies from poisoned berries
What is this I don't even?

>> No.13863153

>they'll leave you for someone else
Stop projecting your insecurities onto me, thanks.

>> No.13863156

>troll eats toxic berries
is she alive or dead? i dont know

>> No.13863157

No fuck it just fuck it, someone should go and edit all the sub girl profiles and make them doms.

Fuck it have them all I don't give a fucking shit.

>> No.13863158

>Yeti cries herself to sleep
Making a Yeti cry should be a capital offense.

>> No.13863160

But hellhounds are subs anon.

>> No.13863161

>Troll unknowingly eats toxic berries
What the actual fuck?

>> No.13863164

Whatever you say, tumblr. Everybody knows bitches ain't loyal. Especially those that prove it to you beforehand.

>> No.13863165

Not if I don't suck, though.

Get good.

>> No.13863168

Paladin-chan V confirmed for impure and lewd.

>> No.13863169

Oh hi bait kun, you really suck at this you know.

>> No.13863170

There's a difference between "Kinda sub" and "The ultimate sub".

Baphomets are kinda dom, Hellhounds are The ultimate dom. Kikis are kinda sub, Alices and Dormice are The ultimate subs.

>> No.13863172 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 904x1080, 1438546546488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Kiki/Shoggoth Maid Wars, I think we all know who the clear winner is. Whoever has this bitch on their side.

>> No.13863173

Oh lord, the buzzwords!

>> No.13863175

Oh, false-flagging again, are we?

>> No.13863176

God dammit Paladin-chan.

>> No.13863179

Go Mistress, go! Corrupt that tin-can!

>> No.13863180
File: 14 KB, 490x276, 1375668468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13863184

Dumb cat.

>> No.13863185

These bitches can't aim for shit.

>> No.13863187


>> No.13863188

so the troll is defineitly dead, also ha the paladin gets to cuddle

>> No.13863189

>using le insecure meme
I don't know what you expected.

>> No.13863190

Paladin confirmed slut, like all the other paladin girls.

>> No.13863192

Tentacle's days are numbered.

>> No.13863194

I'm sorry did you say something? I have a habit of tuning out stupid shit that has no effect on anything in the long run.

>> No.13863195

How do you miss a stationary plant?

>> No.13863196

>Ultimate dom
>Not amazon

>> No.13863197
File: 76 KB, 620x877, True Paladin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paladins are human and it's cold at night. In the morning the elf dies.

>> No.13863198

You're immediately assuming they're gonna leave you. That's the definition of being insecure.

Also stop typing like a retard, even if it's intentional.

>> No.13863199


>> No.13863202

Who's ready for the Feast?

>> No.13863205

Amazon's can be dommed.

Unless you have powers greater than a god you aren't domming a Hellhound.

>> No.13863206

Wow, that was a cool comeback Anon-kun! Bad ass!

>> No.13863209

Go tentacle team!

>> No.13863210

Go team tentacle!

>> No.13863211

>Dragon dies of iinfection

>> No.13863212

The end is nigh.

>> No.13863214

>Implying the best predictor of future behavior isn't past behavior

>> No.13863216

I'm tired of these power level discussions.

>> No.13863217

We're in the clear. We just have to avoid the sudden localized cluster of catastrophic planetary altering events.

>> No.13863220

>Amazon's can be dommed
Says you

>> No.13863221
File: 232 KB, 599x821, 1430035157354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we just report all the sub vs. dom slappyfights? This shit's fucking cancerous.

>> No.13863222

Elves die God laughs

>> No.13863227

>ignoring KC hyperbole
But only when it suits you, right?

>> No.13863228

And now the calm before the storm.
If there aren't any arena events I'm gonna be pissed.

>> No.13863231

>Yeti and Elf die together
Well, I guess that's that then.

>> No.13863234

>Team Scale BTFO
I guess Paladin-chan or Dark Elf for me... ;_;

>> No.13863235

>Amazon's can be dommed.
They have been safe from the bitchslap until now and I prefer if we let them this way.

>> No.13863237

Do it, mods will probably give you a warning for wasting their time.

>> No.13863238
File: 114 KB, 600x578, 29331421_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Paladins Unite.

>> No.13863240

Tentacles being bros I see.

>> No.13863242


>> No.13863245

im cheering for the tentcales now

>> No.13863246

>Amazon's can be dommed.

>> No.13863247

Anon, when your parents told you not to touch the stove, did you touch it anyways because it's hyperbole?

>> No.13863248

If you want a safe space, leave.

>> No.13863249

Guys, that seems a little excessive.

>> No.13863252

Shoggoth can't be trusted.

>> No.13863253

But you can touch it if it's not hot.

>> No.13863260

Fuck man. What happened to team tentacle? I thought they were best friends all the way through!

>> No.13863261

the fuck happened with Artorias' sword

>> No.13863262

>false equivalence
Well anon, you've activated my trap card.

>> No.13863264

THE betrayal

>> No.13863265


Oh, we don't get sarcasm do we? Were you seriously expecting me to engage you over meaningless shit for the next hour or so?

I apologize, not every retard can read but just look at you go! You hang in there cupcake, cause you're special to me. Look at you smiling at your screen, you crayon eating motherfucker.

>> No.13863268

Cheering for manticore!

>> No.13863269

This isn't about safe spaces anon, its about you not being such an insufferable fucking simpleton.

>> No.13863270



>> No.13863271

No one getting tentacle raped tonight.

>> No.13863272

>paladin cuddling and cooperating with monsters
Impure slut!

>> No.13863273

>he pretends KC hyperbole isn't a thing

You're a funny guy.

>> No.13863275
File: 815 KB, 1196x946, 1408181653756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jolly Co-Operation before certain victory.

>> No.13863276

Oh goody. My favorite part.
The part where everyone's fighting and NO ONE'S KILLING.

>> No.13863279
File: 4 KB, 210x120, this-kills-the-shitposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do this and be done with it.

>> No.13863277

>Unless you have powers greater than a god you aren't domming a Hellhound.

Yes I am.

>> No.13863281

Filters with stubs off and recursive hiding enabled would essentially nullify the existence of people who say shit you don't want to see and the people responding to it.

I'd almost forgotten about its existence entirely up until I noticed the thread was basically split 50/50 in a nonsensical argument and the war game.

>> No.13863282

>its about you not being such an insufferable fucking simpleton.

You know, you whiney shits annnoy me a lot more than the shitstorms.

>> No.13863283


>> No.13863287

I want chuunis to leave

>> No.13863291
File: 124 KB, 650x638, 33792412_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanity will never lose to cosmo monster girl scum.

>> No.13863296

>shoggoth lives
YES win my maid

>> No.13863300

I want liars to stay out of the way.

>> No.13863301

Best maid gonna sneak a victory, I can feel it in muh bones!

>> No.13863302

Anon, is it really necessary to quote so many people? It makes your posts unnecessarily large in terms of screen space given it's just a one-line link. Just quote your last post rather than the douzen or so replies.

>> No.13863303

>in a setting that lets you be god-tier through grinding

Well then.

>> No.13863306

Where's Kars when you need him?

>> No.13863307

>If some of it's hyperbole, then it's all hyperbole!
So if the encyclopedia says that Sirens were harpies, would you say that's Hyperbole because they're actually wolf girls?

>> No.13863310

shoggoth waht are u doing

>> No.13863311

can someone kill that manticore already?
her suffering is making me too hard

>> No.13863312

Oh shit Shoggoth, what are you doing?

>> No.13863313

I would say stop this shit already.

>> No.13863317

>I can pick and choose what is and isn't hyperbole

Fuck it, we've had this argument way too many times already.
Think what you will, It doesn't even matter.

>> No.13863318

I want to hug that manticore.

>> No.13863320

I agree with >>13863302 . Well, not so bad now, but when you've got 10+ replies, it can come off a spam-like to take up so much screen space for a single link.

>> No.13863322
File: 760 KB, 1079x1440, Victor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paladin kills all for the win.

>> No.13863323

At least delete the unrelated images if you're going to reply to the results of every round with one, please.

>> No.13863324

That's what I said a while back.

But apparently, I have to "Fuck off for hating fun". Go figure.

>> No.13863328


>> No.13863332


>> No.13863333

My slippers shall be fetched and daintily placed on my feet by my hellhound. My hand will be licked and nuzzled and plaintive whimpers shall announce the need for walkies, the bitch shall be leashed and warmed up before I mount her and pump her full of seed like the cumdump she is, to later be ignored the rest of the day, so sayeth King Giga Nuts.

>> No.13863336


>> No.13863337

Paladin-chan is hardcore.

>> No.13863338


>> No.13863339

Down to three.

>> No.13863340

>the paladin might actually win

>> No.13863342
File: 618 KB, 1896x2668, Welcome to Law, now get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeer

>> No.13863343

Holy shit. Yes.

>> No.13863344

>to later be ignored the rest of the day
You were doing so well anon! How dare you ignore her?

>> No.13863345


>> No.13863346
File: 1.44 MB, 1693x1361, 1438388474915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woof woof

woof woof

>> No.13863347

Not sure if bait, but I approve.
Except the part about ignoring her, don't be that guy.

>> No.13863348

>screen space
Are you serious? In a thread that will stretch on for thousands pf posts?

>> No.13863349

That's not a monstergirl.

>> No.13863352

>Yfw this was based on the Terminator

>> No.13863353

Final Three, here we go.

>> No.13863355

Humanity is stronk.

>> No.13863356
File: 35 KB, 136x182, 46537358358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then you wake up

>> No.13863359

Are you a retard? Stop spamming.

>> No.13863360

Whatever, Mr. No fun allowed.

>> No.13863361

Just no floods, and no pitfall traps and we're home free.

>> No.13863364

I know the beginning of the threads are always shit, but damn.

>> No.13863368

Maledoms aren't allowed to have fun or else they'll ruin everything.

>> No.13863369


Neither are >>13863275
>>13863238 >>13863197 but you don't see anyone bitching do you?

>> No.13863370

I'm not him you chode.

>> No.13863371


>> No.13863374

>There are many men who are fixated on taming them, believing "a dog should always be tamable." There's no end to the number of men who approach them to try to train and discipline them only to end up conversely yielding into submission themselves.

>> No.13863378


>> No.13863379


>> No.13863380

I'm the guy who posted previous pics about paladins, and I didn't even post that pic.

Humanity lost, fuck.

>> No.13863381

>Paladin-chan goes out like a bitch

>> No.13863382

Good job.
Good Job the lot of you

>> No.13863383

「Incoherent Rage」

>> No.13863384

Good. Good.

>> No.13863385

Anon why do you even bother

>> No.13863388

I wonder who's behind this post...

>> No.13863389

To my hellhound with her hind in the air tearfully begging for my dick. How did you know? Are you a peeper?

>> No.13863391

Way to go Mistress! I knew you could do it!

>> No.13863392

That dark elf laughs her way out of the arena, I know it.

>> No.13863393

>paladin and yuri plant ded

>> No.13863394
File: 103 KB, 736x574, fb18e7dc9b952cf9049f4e6107b42d38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elf wins

Fuck this I'm leaving.

>> No.13863396

Because I'm IRL butthurt as fuck about delusional retards posting maledom shit about the one monstergirl where it isn't possible.

>> No.13863397

Please welcome your Supreme Waifu: Dark Elf!

>> No.13863398

So you admit you're a shitposting faggot? That's very mature of you.

>> No.13863399

>reverse shitposting

>> No.13863401

>the truth

>> No.13863403


Polite reminder that KC has stated numerous times on twitter that basically any MG can be sub or dom, loli or fit or CC, sado or masochist, etc, etc. The profiles, according to him, are just generalizations of the most common traits, and so MGs that are the exact opposite as stated in the profile are very possible.

So yes, a subwoofer is possible.

>> No.13863405

Anon, I'm actually autistic, and I've gotta say that's the most autistic thing I've ever heard in my fucking life. Grow some thicker skin.

>> No.13863406

I love how I always get the same type of answer

Pfff I stopped caring time ago.

>Being angry about something posted on the internet

>> No.13863409


One day Paladin-chan will win.

>> No.13863410
File: 505 KB, 800x1219, 9d0b235acd2ed14125618cb95ade2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I had a feeling that she'd win.

>> No.13863415

Paladin-chan code name '六' will win for sure though.

>> No.13863416

>this means anything in the setting made to cater to one's whims

Cry the fuck more, I'll have my hellhound wipe your tears with a hanky.

>> No.13863417

See >>13863403
Also yes, if you post things to stop others from having fun/making them mad, you're a shitposter.

>> No.13863418

Polite reminder that I don't give a fuck and KC is a faggot for trying to please everyone at the same time

>> No.13863420

Ahahaha. Nice going yuriflower and paladin.

All hail the delicious brown dominatrix!

>> No.13863421

I'm okay with this. We have a break now?

>> No.13863422

Still not going to allowed, normally sub doms are perfectly fine to most of this thread but normally dom subs is shitposting apparently and causes slapfights.

>> No.13863423

And now, a moment for the Fallen.

>> No.13863425

Reminder that your opinion doesn't matter. He wrote it, he makes the rules.

>> No.13863426

But it won't be today and it won't be this paladin.

>> No.13863429

>Commiting suicide

>> No.13863430



>> No.13863433
File: 404 KB, 800x800, 1437904606306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forced gender bending with tentacles from Yidhra that mind flays the poor bastard into believing they were always a woman and turns them into a perfect little Mindflayer-chan to spread the gospel of the Chaos Demons

>> No.13863436

Gee, I wonder what demographic could be responsible for that...

>> No.13863439

Didn't we have an aquatic monster drown in the first or second war?

>> No.13863442

Yeah, I'm probably going to take another two week break and be back Sunday after next.
Unless you guys want to do Waifu War VI later tonight.

>> No.13863445


>> No.13863446

>forced gender bending
That's my fetish

>mind flays the poor bastard into believing they were always a woman
ya blew it, where's the humiliation? Th awkwardness?

>> No.13863447
File: 301 KB, 600x847, 1438232260179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good.

>> No.13863449

>I love how I always get the same type of answer

As opposed to muh godhood, it's all a dream ones, and muh canonically untamable monster? pls

>> No.13863451

you can keep going if you want

>> No.13863452
File: 14 KB, 353x101, Herp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I guess.

>> No.13863454

Another one later tonight pls. Very deep in the night.

>> No.13863456


The humiliation comes before the mind flaying.

>> No.13863457

RIP doggy

>> No.13863458

So I finally got a weekend free, and decided to put off some of my other writing projects in order to piece together more of my paladin story. The end result: a paladin double-feature! That's twice as many monsters, twice as much angry paladin, and three times as much of me wondering where all of my copious free time went.


And by all means, let me know if my tiredness has resulted in any more weird copy-paste errors as before.

>> No.13863459

I need to take a break for a bit. But if people want to, I'll have Waifu Wars VI later tonight.
I'll need another Paladin-chan though....

>> No.13863461

Nice paint skills.

>> No.13863463

Fuck off inari.

>> No.13863464

With the one that won you would be the one on your kneels though.

>> No.13863466

Well meme'd.

>> No.13863468

Yeah, I'm not into that.

>> No.13863470

>Yeti no kills
Too nice to kill anyone

>> No.13863471

Hey, thanks.

>> No.13863474

But there's no suffering or shame, or humiliation. Nothing long standing like it would if you kept his mind unflayed.

>> No.13863475
File: 547 KB, 1021x569, 2b6226363e0a1edef2d55b7193a3cdf5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ever being in charge

You're funny, I kill you last.

>> No.13863482
File: 483 KB, 529x470, 1435116373730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fighting please

>> No.13863484
File: 106 KB, 638x670, 1437420976925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind that one bit.

>> No.13863485

Suck my dick, Tenshi.

>> No.13863488

Ah yes, I forgot, all the elves are rapebait and not even the canon doms can be doms.

>> No.13863490


>> No.13863493

Now you're getting it brochacho.

>> No.13863522

Fuck you.

>> No.13863528

I want a fat dark elf to bully and tell her she's fat and dark skinned! She'd never get a skinny white boy like me!

>> No.13863530

Write it.

>> No.13863534

Pillories are such a great tool for sexual exploitation. I want a bed frame with one designed into the foot board, for private use with mai waifu.

>> No.13863535

>You'll never be part of an SF mercenary unit who're hired to do the most brutal of black ops around the world
>You'll never mistake some weird creature for an enemy during a night op and accidentally kill it
>You'll never find out in the news later on that MGs came to the public out of the blue and that they're under international protection while they adapt to our world
>You'll never have to hide the fact that you broke the law by killing one of them by accident for the rest of your life and avoid deploying in areas where MGs might be residing in at all costs to prevent it from happening again
>Your life will never become more difficult when you find out a few Kunoichis and Girtablilus have been recruited by the company you work for
>You'll never shit your pants figuratively when the news channels report the finding of a body of an MG filled with bullets
>The same one you killed by accident during that op

>> No.13863539

wow, nice to see you alive

>> No.13863543
File: 61 KB, 572x800, VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet Paladin Chan VI. Humanity will win damn it!

>> No.13863546



>> No.13863550

I want to tell my Paladin onee-san that I like Monster girls and I think they're cute and deserving of love and kindness!

>> No.13863553

>"Accidentally kil an MG"
>Not intended

>> No.13863555

I want a Jinko to shove my face into her crotch and hold me there with her muscular thighs!

>> No.13863557


>> No.13863563

Would meat, sponsor, and send explosives.

>> No.13863566
File: 146 KB, 450x351, 145387964534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You there. Round ears. Bring me my wine and be quick about it."

>> No.13863568


>Thinking i'm Inari

Well meme'd. I don't even live in England.


Transformation into Mindflayer without the mind flaying then? Or perhaps a Shoggoth.

>> No.13863569

It wouldn't matter if your MC was a blind quadruple amputee who fell off a ambulance after having four massive heart attacks. If a MG went after him and slipped on a banana peel left by some slobby kakuen and broke her neck, it would still be edgy because she was killed because of a human.

>> No.13863571

>Would meat
Would you also pork your heart out to her?
Alcohol is shit, and bad for you. This bitch is getting a Yoohoo and she'll like it.

>> No.13863572

Ma'am I'm the ambassador to the human lands.

This is why I wanted the Zipangu job, they treat you with respect.

>> No.13863577

>Unzips gun, puts three between its eyes

Fucking slaves and their comedy routines.

>> No.13863578

Knife ear pls, stop being delusional.

>> No.13863586

shes gonna get diarrhea at the first swamp she crosses and die

>> No.13863591

I'll just assume you're joking.

>> No.13863593

Fuck off to /d/ either way, you want to be the monstergirl and take dick you're in the wrong thread.

>> No.13863603

I am, "edgy" memers would not be.

>> No.13863610

Joke or not, he's not wrong.

>> No.13863612

Prepare your anus.

>> No.13863613


>Fuck off to /d/
>Alps exist

You're pretty easy to fluster, aren't you?

>> No.13863617

And who would be at fault in this particular situation?

>> No.13863624

>send explosives
inb4 Paladin-chan VI blows herself up.

>> No.13863632

I'd say Shoggoth. All things considered Mindflayers are pretty powerful so he'd be given the tools to fight back, and pretty powerful tools since he could now alter minds. Shoggoths were a slave race, and even now exist to serve. They'd be more humiliating to be, and something I'd turn an enemy or someone I didn't like into.

>> No.13863636

Alps are willing, whether they know it or not. They're still shit though.

>> No.13863639

Aww, poor Nightmare.

>> No.13863645

Does it even matter? They won't stop, and neither will I.

>> No.13863647

Oh sure, all smiles and politeness, but one faux pas and the cute Nureonago attendant will be quickly switched out for an Uhi-Oni.

>> No.13863654

I have no idea who you're talking about. I'm tired as fuck

>> No.13863655
File: 120 KB, 671x1000, asc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who undid that merchandise's chains?

>> No.13863657

I'd be willing to risk it after being near these stuck up Elves.

>> No.13863658

Let's just call them the "No fun" brigade. Nobody will get triggered by that, I hope.

>> No.13863662

It's your pelvis.

>> No.13863663

Ok Anon, its that time again.

After years of thieving and general nere-do-welling, it's time for you and your crew to hit the big one!
The Final Score!
The Motherload!

Once you and your crew complete this you'll be sitting pretty on a private island somewhere, living the high life.

Or sharing a communal sell in Reiker's island for the rest of your life.

You and three monster girls are going to be doing the heist on TanuCorp's Mega Bank, getting past guards, traps, and one particularly drunk hobo to get what you want. Your the generalist by the way, filling gaps (HAH) wherever they may be.

Roll 3 monster girls, remember their order as it may be important


Anubis/Nightmare/Dragon Modo: Pick your girls, can be the same type or different however you wish, you pick the order

Normal Mode: Roll three, re-roll all Cait Sith, Roper, Mantanago, Devil Bug rolls

Hard Mode: The above but with all MGs on the table

Special: Your actually trying to stop the three, if all of them are stopped then you get a pay raise and, if you so choose, can place them under house arrest at your house, they won't be happy for a while though.

Failure means you're their butler, no real shot a them for one year.

I hope you are because here we go!

1. A former gang tough who loved nothing more than to pick fights, she's the muscle of the group and it shows

She stands a full head and a half more than other members of her species and sports enough scars and muscle to make it quite obvious about how she deals with problems

Although she isn't the nicest person in the world, normally quite course and gruff when it comes to speaking, deep, deep down she's quite caring, having carried you home after you've had one drink too many or patched you up after a nasty scrape with some other gangs, a skill she's picked up from all her fights

Secretly, she wants to dress up in a fancy dress and go out with you

>> No.13863668
File: 592 KB, 691x873, 2478311d2416897aaae5acc7a6fb7e1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an Elf to rape and forcefully sire daughterus with me,

>> No.13863669

Oh that's just a stereotype.

I heard of one that showed the ambassador the various works of art in the region during his stay.

>> No.13863673

I want to walk by an Elf on the street and say "hi" to each other as we pass by.

>> No.13863675

Yidhra's servants are supposed to become more and more like her, so end it with the new Mindflayer-chan turning a wholly different man into a girl and initiating her into the cult.

Identity death is a good part of forced gender bender too, don't knock it off until you've given it a spin. You just need to make it slow, like all corruption. "Oh no, some demonic energy got on my dress, there go my morals then" is bad, a shy childhood friend being converted to an Amazon and slowly going from a tiny wallflower to tall domineering onee-san is good.

>> No.13863679

>Kappa, Parasite Slime, Succubus
Aww yeah?

>> No.13863687

No anon, you will forcefully make her bear your children.


>> No.13863690


It could work. Although the only one I'm interested in is the Cupid, we'll see how that turns out.

>> No.13863694

>abominationfags are actual faggots

Who knew. Get out.

>> No.13863697
File: 433 KB, 578x800, 1be89fafaab8755ef147e41e0d3c52dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, she's going to tie me down and break her hymen on my dick whether your memeing self likes it or not.

>> No.13863699

If you don't rape her, she will reject your weak ass. So rape her or go get pelvicerated by an Ushi oni, you coward.

>> No.13863700

What, you don't want Yith-oneesan to swap minds with you and rape you with your own penis?

Why are you even in monster threads?

>> No.13863704

She's the one raping me, memester.

>> No.13863708

Well, the Lizard is nice so far.

>> No.13863709

Nope, any sexual relation between a man and a woman is rape, even if she consented.

>> No.13863712

Oh, it was bait.

>> No.13863715

Polite reminder:


Using this link limits all random results to the mamono profile pages rather than the entire wiki (and thing such as items, books, fanfiction, etc)

>> No.13863717

Dworkin, pls.

>> No.13863718

>anything that isn't my fetish is bait.

Now ignore the bait so that we can discuss it in peace.

>> No.13863728

No. You aren't welcome here.

>> No.13863730


2. A certified technological genius, girl 2 is more at home on a computer than on the streets, entering a life of cyber crime after she hacked a dragon's bank account on a whim and swiped $3,000, a paltry sum to the scaled mistress.

Since then, she's spent her time hacking companies, stealing credit cards, and pirating games, along with getting all the dirt she can on celebrities and governmental figures. In addition to this she's been working part time for you guys to hack security systems and take out cameras, along with scrambling the police's lines while the crimes are going on.

A bit chubby from all the time she spends on the computer and snacking, it settles in her rear, it goes without saying that she doesn't have people skills, all interactions with you being little more than jumbled syllables and stuttering.
She's got a bit of a crush on you, seeing as you are the only real male companion she speaks with, but so far can't seem to get the words out, her stomach doing flips whenever your near.

3.She's the woman who makes it happen, a leggy woman who's thought up every scheme and plan you guys have done.

After growing up on the streets, she learned that the best way to get money is to get it from others, using her quick wits and silver tongue to fleece people of their wares, quickly amassing a respectable amount of money to spend and live off of.

This plan is her ultimate plan, the big send off for her career before she finally calls it quits.

Her hair's going silver and age has given her a tired, mature air about her, along with an impressive chest (hips for lolis).

Although she's played the confident seductress for more than a few people, she's long since given up on getting a partner, figuring herself too old to appeal to anyone anymore.

But who knows, after this is all over she may have the time to finally find someone.

So Anons, how does it go? Are you sitting pretty or in a cell?

>> No.13863732
File: 328 KB, 800x1000, 6803b055b5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is lacking in sexy anubutts

>> No.13863739

Does the profile even says something about the butt or it is shitty threadcanon again

>> No.13863745

Threadcanon. Just like pelvisceration and snusnu.

>> No.13863746

>Dark Priest

Fuck yeah badass preacher.


Not sure how the chubby part works but okay. It'd be cool if she could hack by dripping into the system or something.

>Red Oni

Oni as a seductress...might work?

I have no idea, could work could be a disaster.

>> No.13863747

Not even an Anubis-fag, but dayum.

You could, uhh, try reading it to see?

Why would you even care if something is threadcanon or "pure" canon if you don't care enough about pure canon to actually read the profile?

>> No.13863749

So is anyone willing to place new bets in death game with many monster girls and two guest players? https://static.dyp.im/aetmG7f7xZ/d80e22ec361055e5befde643381d0630.png

>> No.13863751

I like big butts and anubises, so why wouldn't I like anubutts?

>> No.13863756

She's got excess water and stores it down there.

>> No.13863757

Placing bets on the Anon. He will become death, the destroyer of worlds.

>> No.13863759

I think we don't need more than one death match in a day, anon.

>> No.13863764

Ah I see.

>> No.13863769


>> No.13863770


>Why would you even care if something is threadcanon or "pure" canon if you don't care enough about pure canon to actually read the profile?
I read it time ago, but since it has been pushed too much I can't even remember if it is canon or not.

I do like anubis, but every time there's a discussion about them is either the butt or the legos, and I'm pretty tired of it.

>> No.13863773
File: 896 KB, 1732x800, DRK Yeti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Yetis make good Dark Knights?

>> No.13863775

Hey, oni can seduce a guy, have you ever seen one in a fancy dress?

>> No.13863777

Who are you to question 800,000+ years of elf raping? You think you get to be some special snowflake and be the only man with an elf bride that didn't rape her? You can't go against nature. More importantly, you can't go against her nature.


>> No.13863780

>Lesser Succubus
That's quite a team.

>> No.13863782

Yeah this is gonna be a bust.

>> No.13863783

They'll cuddle your soul out of you.

>> No.13863788

>Macho Familiar
>Tech savvy Inari
>Smoth-talking Chochin-Obake

Quite an unusual team we've assembled. I like these odds.

>> No.13863789

Note sure if it's been posted yet, but seeing this picture reminded me of a CYOA about an office anubis.

Yes, there is even a buttslut route.


>> No.13863790

>Muscle-head Khepri
>Tech genius Orc
Interesting subversion of their stereotypes there. But more importantly:
>Criminal mastermind Christmas cake Cupid
All my yes. Fuck the operation and special request, all I care about now is fucking/marrying her.

Ideally I'd like to play both sides in this to get the most money. But instead I'll probably work to set-up the Orc and Khepri so I can make off with their share after we pull off the heist, also I'll be making off with the Cupid as well.

>> No.13863793

2/3 ain't bad.
Unless you have some sort of hobgoblin savant.

>> No.13863798

Soul Eater doesn't really absorb that much health though, does it?

>> No.13863801

It does if you're getting hugged.

>> No.13863805

we have reached peak internet
we can only go down from here

>> No.13863808

If memory serves me correctly, and I could be wrong here, but that picture ( >>13863732 ) was actually a commission of Sable, which is actually the office anubis character from >>13863789

>> No.13863813

Why would she even use it on people that aren't her enemy?

>> No.13863817

An AnuMILF is fine too.

>Anubis/Nightmare/Dragon Modo: Pick your girls, can be the same type or different however you wish, you pick the order
Awww, you remember my old habits. Might as well, for old-times sake.

>Huge, scarred, Thugdere Dragon
>Fat-bottomed, chubby Anubis Hacker
>Aging Nightmare Plotter

I'd say we make it out nice and pretty. And some gaps will be filled, oh my yes...

>> No.13863818

Don't be so autistic anon. It's a CYOA story about an office lady MG, who cares if it's on an "uncool" website? It's great fapfuel.

>> No.13863819

Sparring, although she could just try to hug her enemies until they give in and become friends.

>> No.13863820
File: 207 KB, 800x1000, tumblr_nq4x3pc6iJ1tmjr83o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What facet of anubutts would you like to discuss?

See, the thing with MGs is that they can have nearly any personality, level of intelligence, interests, etc. Due to this, attributing a species or ace with a few 'identifiers' is one way to make each race unique without considering the individuals.

>> No.13863824

Monster girls are not playing around. https://static.dyp.im/EF8003BKiZ/237ebbbe15af11be0355ae888c0cd98d.png

>> No.13863826

This is correct.

Based off the dead-end route where you got to the beach.

>> No.13863831

seriously though, we already had one today, and, we know your not the guyv who did it

>> No.13863837

Go away, we already did this today.

>> No.13863838
File: 351 KB, 933x1000, space-anubis_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, as the single greatest, most obsessed Anubis fan here, what appeals to me is their frequent characterization as structured. The idea that they would get into engineering disciplines, as depicted in that fantastic picture, and things like that.

>> No.13863844

I'll never forget your regular selection.

>> No.13863845

Are you Zana(sp?) the guy who blew what little savings he had on all those anubis commissions?

>> No.13863848

>single greatest, most obsessed Anubis fan here
We'll see about that

>> No.13863851

How did she fit those big meaty paws through the sleeves on that suit?

>> No.13863856

>Personally, as the single greatest, most obsessed Anubis fan here
Oh please, you'll get burnt out on them just like .less did with Manticores, Zhana.

>> No.13863859

I'm obsessed, not stupid. Well, not that stupid anyway.

I pace myself and my spending.

I defer only to Trachyon.

Hasn't happened yet.

Alternatively the not-magic of the plugsuits in Evangelion, that start out really loose, and go skin-tight at the push of a button once you've got it on.

>> No.13863861

Remove Reyvateil

>> No.13863863

>Amazoness bruiser
Works well enough. With that head and a half and extra bulk on her, she'd be a tank on legs. Finding a frilly dress in her size might be an issue.

>Lich hacker
A digital wizard, waylaying unfortunates on the information superhighway with the relentlessness only the undead are capable of. Not bad.

>Cheshire conwoman
She will be laughing still, at the end.

They're well suited for their roles, that's for sure. If we managed to pull it off, I'd cop a feel of those old fat cat tats.

>> No.13863867

We need more fat-bottomed Liches.
Agree? Yes or yes?

>> No.13863869

Well, they're supposed to be bossy, when was the last time we had an anubis like that?

>> No.13863871

>We need more fat-bottomed Monster Girls


>> No.13863875

Why would you want a bossy woman? And yes, there's a difference between a gal who's assertive versus a bossy one.

That aside, why do you say they're supposed to be bossy?

>> No.13863876

>Thugdere Lizard
>Tech savvy Shirohebi
>Conwoman Mindflayer
I think it goes pretty well, if I may say so.

>> No.13863877
File: 290 KB, 1000x1000, 1419531534737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13863880


>>13863871 has the right idea.

>> No.13863884

The fattest of bottoms

>> No.13863885

>why do you say they're supposed to be bossy?
Did you even read the profile

>> No.13863888

1. Ex-Pink beret Cupid, highly trained in archery, unarmed grappling and love.

2. D@RK @NG3L. Master hacker and online reverse pedophile.

3. Busty Ara ara~ Kappa conwoman, known to smuggle wild cucumbers around the world.

Sounds like an A-Team to me.

>> No.13863890

Probably because their profile describes them as at least being quite strict when it comes to their very structured, over-scheduled preferences.

Some people dislike this. Personally, as I am horrendously bad at scheduling myself, I find it a very attractive series of traits.

>> No.13863891

Well, mostly I was hoping you'd present a reason or argument that wasn't due to KC and MGE.

>> No.13863893

>Talking about a MGE girl
>Not expecting it to be mentioned

>> No.13863896

>Reverse pedophile

So, what, someone with a grandpa fetish?

>> No.13863898

>Why would you want a bossy woman?
Seriously, I mean, you know a part of the femdom fetish is about that right

>> No.13863900

If a pedophile is someone who is attracted to young children or those who appear such, then presumably a reverse pedophile is a young child attracted to adults?

>> No.13863906

Anon, I just told you there's a difference between bossy and assertive. They can be assertive without being bossy, and they can be bossy without being assertive.

>> No.13863908

Pretty much this, it would be a little girl who goes online pretending to be an adult woman. She would then seek out men aged around 20 to 50 and start flirting with them, trying to win their trust so she can meet them in person and molest them.

>> No.13863909

Why, don't you want to give her the grathnode crystal?

>> No.13863911

But do you take them on the island?

>> No.13863912

>molest THEM

Faceless man raises eyebrow.gif

>> No.13863919

Dark Angel magic.

>> No.13863921

She has learned the dark secrets and can now defeat the faceless men.

>> No.13863923

Dick of evil powered by the hymens of 1,000 enslaved virgins, tempered by the tears, saliva and ahegaos of 2,000 disgrace wives.

>> No.13863932


what about wizard dick, powered by the chafing of a single hand

>> No.13863940

>he doesn't know about faceless wizards

>> No.13863945

Faceless man pls go

>> No.13863947

The most dangerous form of wizards.

Only the MG Sorceresses can protect us.

>> No.13863953

Those fat-tittied sluts? I doubt it.

>> No.13863955

So, do you prefer third person or second person in stories? I'm trying to decide before I start this time rather than figuring out halfway through and having to re-edit.

>> No.13863957

Well someone just talked themselves out of protection from wizards. Don't come crying to her when a bunch of long bearded/pointy hated bastards are partying on your lawn.

>> No.13863961

Typically, second. I don't think I've actually read a decent third person story from here.

>> No.13863963

Second person is really awkward and you wind up having to do a lot of shit to make it work if there's no way for a reader to input their name or some such. Not to mention as soon as you write dialogue that isn't what (you) would say it becomes rather jarring.

Third gives you a lot of flexibility.

Seems like you haven't read much, then!

>> No.13863966

2nd for greentexts or simple stories, 3rd if you're giving him a personality or backstory

>> No.13863980

>3rd if you're giving him a personality or backstory
I find I can do this with second just fine, but that's just my preference.

>> No.13863982
File: 302 KB, 1414x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good points from both of you. I've done greentext before but want to move away from the medium.

Let's hope I can change that, then.

>> No.13863985

Nah, I have. It's more that the stories that try to go for it just never really caught my interest. But, hey, if you like them, more power to you. I likely wont ever actually read stories with that form though, not that it should matter.

>> No.13863987

Who might you be, if you mind me being a nosy intrusive faggot.

>> No.13864003

I find that interesting as the overwhelming majority of fiction is done in third-person. I think you're doing yourself a disservice by avoiding third-person material here.

Then again, I can understand if you're just looking for smut.

>> No.13864004

I don't like namefagging, but I'm Gauf, I guess. I want to actually write again rather than just read.

>> No.13864007

Oh shit dude, I thought you were burnt out. I loved your Jabberwock onee-san and yandere dragon stuff.

>> No.13864012

Nice to see some more of your writing although I can't help but feel sad for that kiki

>> No.13864015

Your alive?
Happy days!

>> No.13864016

Eeeeeeh man. Liked your greentext stuff, like the Pharaoh/Apophis one, or the Dragons, etc. etc.

Lookin' forward to what ya might conceive with proper writin's.

>> No.13864021

>I thought you burned out
I did. I un-burned out. I'm willing to give it another go and not try to do two stories a day. And hopefully people still like some femdom around here.
>I loved your jabberwock onee-san and yandere dragon stuff
Y-you too...
But seriously, hold the praise until I actually produce something. I can't coast on what I've done forever.

>> No.13864035
File: 346 KB, 902x977, Space Anubis Doodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though I haven't found my monster girl favorite monster girl I'm glad you're a big fan of Anubis, and Anubis is your waifu.

So have a space anubis doodle while I get back to my stuff.

>> No.13864042

Neat sketch.

>Text in image
I'd make her mine and mine alone alright.

>> No.13864043

Do you have a gallery by chance? I really like your stuff.

>> No.13864051

>That text
For fuck's sake woman, I'm busy doing the routine checks on the spaceship's hull. How many times have I told you that sex in space is fucking impossible?

>> No.13864053

>And hopefully people still like some femdom around here.
I still like it, although I wonder what you have in mind.

>> No.13864058
File: 25 KB, 1052x239, Cozy in Space with Anubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not cuddle-fucking in the tight embrace of a sleeping bag
I have my dreams.

>> No.13864059

Sorry mate I don't.

>> No.13864060


>> No.13864061

Why is sex in space impossible?

>> No.13864062

You're probably gonna see a Yan Anon gathering your stuff sooner or later.

>> No.13864064

As much as i like the setting, MGC would be hell for a slightly anti social guy with a tech job wouldn't it?

>> No.13864065

It's too hard to make blood flow through your dick enough to make it hard due to low gravity. There's also the issue of your jizz not coming out at all since it's a liquid and it's affected by the same factors as your blood.

>> No.13864066

I'm now imagining MGs calling into a Tech Help Line, just to flirt with the poor unfortunate souls on the other end.

>> No.13864069

For a slightly anti-social guy period. All those things out there wanting to savor the taste of your loins. All that unwanted attention from those who get wet from you just being in the same room as you.

>> No.13864070
File: 591 KB, 1365x2100, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I wanted to do a piece with an Amazon as favor has turned their way over the last, oh, hundred and fifty days. Other than that I was considering restarting the paladin and manticore buddy cop story, or perhaps something with a sandworm, finally, or maybe even a Shoggoth even if that'd probably be maledom. No promises on what gets done first, though.

>> No.13864076

>Amazon femdom
Yes please

>> No.13864081

Go for it, Amazons need more stories and content.

>> No.13864083


>Anything involving an Eldritch abomination

... I'm not even mad.

>> No.13864085
File: 120 KB, 383x699, Kitsune Mother1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised that didn't happen since I've been lurking in MGT since it was in /a/, and putting in only a few doodles here and there.

Besides most of the stuff they'll probably collect will be doodle designs for monster girls for a mini-monster girl game I'm making.

>> No.13864088

>"Sup kid, you like tail pussy?"
"I-I'm sorry?"
>"Mines pretty big, you wanna see it?~"
"This is a tech support li-"
>"Ay boy, you want sum fuk or not?"
"S-S-Sorry I have to go."
>Beep Beep Beep.

Oh boy.

>> No.13864091

What's her number?

>> No.13864093

Sounds like MGCs version of the Battletoads thing.

>> No.13864099

Just tell them you're married.

>> No.13864100

This makes me hard.

>> No.13864104


>> No.13864106

How would MGs know that you're married over the phone? (In KC's hugbox.)

>> No.13864107

Is it a metroidvania?

>> No.13864108

Thanks for calling gamestop how may I help you?
>Do you have battleboys?

>> No.13864110

Fuck, I just want my lonely Manticore.

>> No.13864112

This is why I'd go hard looking for a cute submissive loli to date/kidnap so the bitches stop bugging me.

>> No.13864115

Oh come on, im sure you can find some inari who wants nothing more then to spend her days lazing with you at home.

>> No.13864119

Monster mojo, man. It only does everything.

If push comes to shove, they can send their MAMONO MANA over the line so that your phone turns into a busty girl and rapes you in their stead.

>> No.13864121

>Audio-Erotica is a thing
>Obviously, voices can carry an erotic element to them
>Monster Girls, being the magical fuck-machines they are, can tell if a guy is married or not just by the tone of his voice, and whether they get aroused by it or not
Best I got.

>> No.13864127

I can only imagine the horror Phone-chan would be. God I hate talking on the phone.

>> No.13864133

Well if you're anti social you're not going to leave your house too much so there's that.

>> No.13864136

>PRW won't continue Mini Ushi

>> No.13864139

>TFW when reading about Yidhra
>TFW her absorbing aspects of everything she's ever eaten could make her into Nrvnqsr-chan

>> No.13864141

I shouldn't have said mini, the game is basically dungeon crawler x harvest moon involving monster girls and waifu's.

>> No.13864143

A manitcore and an oni take turns make catcalls at passing by humans while they're on lunch at the construction yard. Baphomet foreman tells them to get back to work.

>> No.13864147

>dungeon crawler x harvest moon involving monster girls and waifu's
that sounds wonderful

>> No.13864155

That sounds pretty cool.

>> No.13864157

Has semi incubized vet been updated yet?

>> No.13864162

Most recent event in the story was the Cheshire loli asking to stay at the veterans house since her mom's a depressed abusive drunkard.

>> No.13864169

yes, twice since PRW stopped writing

>> No.13864176

No you don't. You couldn't handle the clinginess, especially once she gets to stuff her tailpussy with something that's not a dido.

>> No.13864182

Depends. In MGC the majority of men are either accepted into a job because of the novelity or being rapebait and soon to get a wife and quit.

However there is a small amount that work a proper job and are valued because they ignore any advances and keep a place running.

Your only options are either to be that small amount of people that keep places from crashing down, or to work from home.
You will likely be better off working on your own from home. Consultancy is probably more than welcome since most MG will not have a very high productivity.

>> No.13864187
File: 10 KB, 325x172, 1389822870476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Continuation never

>> No.13864189

It's been a year too ;_;

>> No.13864190

Clingy in both a personality related and literal sense? Count me in.

>> No.13864191

I'd think that since most jobs are taken by Monstergirls, the majority of MG would assume that any male that still has a job would be single. It certainly would lead to amusing situations when some Manticore tries to flirt with a man married to a Dragon.

>> No.13864193
File: 36 KB, 649x530, lovecore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her tailpussy would be clingy all right.

>> No.13864196

I'm waiting for the Mob Goes Wild to continue. But I doubt that will ever happen. A shame since things were building up to a climax.

>> No.13864197

>implying everyone would be a househusband

>> No.13864198

>most jobs are taken by Monstergirls

>> No.13864199

I bet I could nerd.

>> No.13864205

>It certainly would lead to amusing situations when some Manticore tries to flirt with a man married to a Dragon.
I remember that in RS' Gretchen story it was mentioned that a Manticore nearly made a Dragons husbando OD on her venom or something.

>> No.13864206

>But I doubt that will ever happen

>> No.13864209

You say "Sorry but im married" and the words are carried across space in the form of waves until they are received by the person holding the other phone.

>> No.13864216

>I'd think that since most jobs are taken by Monstergirls
What makes you think this? Don't a good portion of monster girls fantasize about being housewives?

>> No.13864218

Men are inferior to monstergirls in strength and intellect, so they're useless beyond minor housework.

Besides, any man going outside to "work" is just asking to be raped.

>> No.13864219

Eh, no. That story was shit.

>> No.13864220

>Don't a good portion of monster girls fantasize about being housewives?
It's the first time I hear this but probably almost all the subs, yes.

>> No.13864221

Gender role reversal.

Though many anons take it to American 50's extremes.

>> No.13864223

I seriously doubt anyone will fall for this one, Anon.

>> No.13864227

That's cute

>Monsters can sense when a man is strongly stained with “demonic energy” or a monster's scent, and they can tell that that man is a “monster's husband” and whose husband he is. Among monsters, there is an implicit understanding that when a human man is already another monster's husband, he belongs to that monster, and they shouldn't assault him at random, so men who have become a monster's husband basically don't get assaulted by monsters. However, in the case that the monster really feels strongly about the man, or in the case of races that are fundamentally polygamous, that's not necessarily true.

>If a monster feels so strongly about a man that her instinct has recognized the man as her “husband”, and she's already begun to change into a female exclusively for him, then there's no way she’s going to be able to ignore her intense desire merely because of something like an implicit understanding. She'll give in to the urge, assault the man, and fuck him. After that, the monsters who share a “husband” will end up living together, cooperating at times to milk spirit energy from the man, and at other times, fighting over who gets to have sex with him longer and more often. Once this happens to a man, he'll have to catch all the desire of multiple lascivious monsters with his one body. He'll end up having to keep offering them large amounts of spirit energy, everyday switching off, or perhaps doing all of them at the same time.

>> No.13864228

>Men are inferior to monstergirls in strength and intellect
>Besides, any man going outside to "work" is just asking to be raped.
Also no, MGs don't go for guys that are taken.

Like, what is wrong with you?

>> No.13864229

>Men are inferior to monstergirls in strength and intellect
Thats MGQ, in encyclopedia monster girl physiology isnt assumed to be superior to human physiology unless stated otherwise, like say salamanders are obviously stronger than most humans but not any given succubi.

>> No.13864230

I really enjoyed writing that part. The absolute horror of her master eating so poorly, and her reaction to it. It was entertaining to me, anyway.

Of course I'm alive. I haven't finished writing about how absolutely morally superior humanity is to those vile monsters that we've rightfully subjugated.

>> No.13864234

I wouldn't be so sure about that. I mean, having a Manticore constantly glued to you at home, with her big meaty paws rowing over you and getting your ears nibbled and sensually blown into, getting the crook of neck pecked at the most distracting times? Having that tail wrapped round your waist when it's not pumping you? Also a constant stream of saucy comments.
And that's not even taking into consideration if you left home alone.

Nope, no way you'd want that.

>> No.13864236

Of course they will, because he may very well be serious about it.

>> No.13864239

>MGs don't go for guys that are taken

Swear to god I'm surrounded by burgers.

>> No.13864240

I want to ask an adventuring Amazon if I can be her healslut!

>> No.13864241

I want it, I need it.

>> No.13864244

>Suddenly we weren't talking about MGE
No anon, this move is not legit.

>> No.13864245

Pretty much as >>13864218 is saying.
Monstergirls tend to be superior to regular humans (not in intellect, but in agility and strenght), making them much more interresting to hire. In addition, if we are talking MGC: There would be few men to go around. So the majority of jobs would naturally be taken by MG.

It's strongly going to depend on your headcanon. Myself I follow the idea that the average Monstergirl is simply stronger than a human, making them better suited for working.

That said, they might be faster, quicker and have better responses. They can still be outwitted.

>> No.13864250

That's probably why it isn't being continued, too much dislike. Which is a shame since some people such as me liked it.

>> No.13864251

>Pretty much as >>13864218 is saying.
I already told you, I have no interest in your filthy headcanon. Because that's all MGC is.

>> No.13864256

MGC is just MGE a hint darker.

>> No.13864257

I would be the healslut to an entire party of monstergirls.

>> No.13864259

Exactly my point.

>> No.13864263

Then your point is meaningless, just like MGE, we don't have a universal canon, outside of structure maybe.

>> No.13864266

I want to go to a bar with other adventurers and gossip with the fellow healsluts about each other's parties!

>> No.13864268

And structure is what I'm talking about. Unless of course, that is also up for the headcanon chopping block.

>> No.13864269

Tank Monster Girls would fight each other for your healing!

>> No.13864270

There's also the fact it was kinda shit just in terms of writing, nevermind the whole cheating and ultra-edgy bits.

>> No.13864278

I'm talking the city itself, not its...culture. As for is it up for the chopping block, you don't see a set of rules written down anywhere do you?

>> No.13864280
File: 217 KB, 764x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for gods sake let's stop this fucking argument from cropping up again.
If you had to choose, what monster would you take as your wife? Setting can be contemporary, actual medieval, or fantasy.

Pic related.

>> No.13864281

I'd heal them all at the same time!

>> No.13864288

You really are a healslut.

>> No.13864291
File: 184 KB, 301x428, 1427655612278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Werebat in a fantasy setting, complete with comfy cave homes that neighbor Dwarven and Giant Ant communities.

>> No.13864297

>I'm talking the city itself, not its...culture
So, you're talking about a bunch of buildings? Because culture is the only thing worth talking about when it comes to MGC.

>you don't see a set of rules written down anywhere do you
>What is the world guide
Actually, I do. And "MGE a hint darker" implies that the basic rules are still valid.

>> No.13864299

Vampire, Kraken or Amazon on any setting

>> No.13864313
File: 244 KB, 469x600, Thunderbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most definitly thunderbird, any setting good for me

>> No.13864314

Nothing makes me happier then supporting strong monstergirls and making them happy, whether it's healing and buffing them in a dungeon or helping them relax after a long day.

>> No.13864315

Meant for >>13864278

>> No.13864317

Remember to treat your healsluts with care!

>> No.13864318

Crow Tengu in a more modern setting with magic.

>> No.13864319

With wide egg-laying hips?

>> No.13864322

mmm yes

>> No.13864324

Anon, this is a monster that would pester you with often clumsy and crude, if in her own way affectionate messages when you go out. Hell, other monsters would think you're carrying around a tiny Dark Matter in your pocket from all the needy lewdness radiating from your phone that's getting flooded with messages and images. A month into the relationship you'd have a more thorough knowledge of frilly tailpussy accessories and how creative someone with two genitals and some toys can get than you ever thought possible.

I'm not sure you comprehend the situation properly. We're talking about a Manticore that would try to make up for years worth of emotional and sexual fulfillment at a breakneck speed. Every time you came home you'd be greeted, well, more like tackled, with a beaming smile and some home made isotonic drinks, because you'd better believe you'd be dehydrated by the time that slavering tailpussy had it's fill. And that'd be only the prelude, the preparation to mold her pussy into a perfect form, customized to provide as much pleasure as physically possible while her forlorn womb finally gets what it's been craving.
Which brings us to to all this getting kicked into overdrive once she's good and packed full of a litter of Manticubs.

You really should think more carefully about what you wish for, anon.

>> No.13864327
File: 12 KB, 154x177, 117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, you're talking about a bunch of buildings?
More really, but let's go with that.

>What is the world guide

And we follow MGE to the letter right? There are as many MGC as there are anons. Some have gated communities with only kikis and and werecat maids in sight. Others are littered with roach motels and you can be raped walking out your door, but there is no one MGC.

>> No.13864328

Already posted the relevant image at >>13863838

Also just to say, that Short-haired Glacies is adorable and you have good taste anon.

>> No.13864335

That would improve my day so much if that happened.

>> No.13864342

I know what I want.

>> No.13864344
File: 278 KB, 850x800, 1397379788099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either as a childhood friend from the rural districts, or via arranged marriage in the desert regions.
It's all good.

>> No.13864348

That's why MGC is dumb. We already can't be asked to follow the rules of MGE.

Why we even bother with that headcanon cancer is beyond me.

>> No.13864354

Because not everyone drops something because it's not exactly as they want it.

>> No.13864357

>elf muscle
Wonderful. Just wonderful.
>chubby techie hobgoblin
So we've got the smart race as the one who beats people up and the beats people up race as the smart one. I'm completely fucked. Who's in charge of this whole operation?
>christmas cake nightmare
Well, that's not too bad.

>> No.13864358
File: 97 KB, 475x712, 1427577613094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13864359

You obviously don't if anything described above appeals to you. You'd regret your decision the first morning you'd wake up utterly drained and unable to untangle yourself from the Manticore snoozing, draped over you.

>> No.13864361

Thanks, I couldn't find it in my woefully unorganized folder.

>> No.13864366

Curious as to why you think headcanon is worth "picking up" in the first place.

It should stay where it came from.

>> No.13864373

Do you even have a point?

>> No.13864374

The paint community frowns upon the first box.

>> No.13864375

I'd pet her in my dazed out state while she chuffs and purrs. then I'll huff some Manticore mane.

>> No.13864377

muscle elves are nice

>> No.13864382
File: 745 KB, 1500x1500, 3Y1xQ82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't make it.

>> No.13864384

I did, but you lost it, and now it's gone.

...I miss it so.

>> No.13864387

Elves are one of the less interesting races to me, mostly because they're just smug pricks with pointy ears. Muscles would make them maybe a bit more interesting to me, but my guess is most sex with elves is painfully vanilla.

>> No.13864392

I know, but it still bugs me. Even after all this time.
Pay no attention to my autism, I guess.

>> No.13864395

You could fix it yourself

>> No.13864396

Aw crap. I'll go get the butter.

>> No.13864408
File: 112 KB, 475x712, SomewhatFixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you can't make me...

Shit, What happend?

>> No.13864412

When you get raped in the dream you get raped for real!

>> No.13864415

That's cool, I love Nightmares.

>> No.13864417

much appreciated, that one's replacing the original in my folder

>> No.13864420

Was that King Crimson's true power?

>> No.13864422

Nightmare, please no. Unless you can fill my mind with things I actually like.

>> No.13864423

Eh, I'm fine with it. I love Nightmares anyhow

>> No.13864426

>nightmare raping you in the dream world
>other monster of your choice raping you in the real world

>> No.13864428

Well, I know one who lives on elm street if you want to meet her.

>> No.13864429

>huff some Manticore mane
But that's just serves as encouragement. You'd end up with your head getting nestled in her bosom as the scent from her skin and mane fills your nose to make it easier for the rumbling purrs, soft cooing and her big, meaty paws combing through your hair to distract you from her tail slowly creeping up on it's target.
If you gave her an inch, she'd take a mile, and you'd be stuck there for hours as the tail goes to work on you with painful slowness again and again.

>> No.13864431

Clever, you used my own autism against me.

Played like a damn fiddle.

>> No.13864435

Mantis Stabbyarms? Ehhh.... she's a bit creepy, isn't she?

>> No.13864439

She's a nice girl once you get to normal.

>> No.13864446

Last but not least, we'd become Hathorites while also joining the Onee-Sabbath.
For maximum wish-fulfillment ;_;

>> No.13864448


puu dot sh/jnah5/bc63b7d3a5.jpg

Gotta torture myself looking at fit women for references.

>> No.13864452 [SPOILER] 
File: 397 KB, 800x600, 1438563342882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's monstergirls in your basement right now.
>go look.

yfw some dumb bastard goes to look

>> No.13864455

Joke's on you! I don't have a basement!

>> No.13864456


Hound, pls.

>> No.13864457

Coming along nicely, although the way Loen drew her chin still leaves a lot to be desired.

>> No.13864459

Hathorites are the breast.


>> No.13864461

>MAX HEALTH oppai loli manticore
Living the dream

>> No.13864462

Nice try, fucker. I live in Florida. The water level's too high for anybody here to have a basement.

>> No.13864464

Such a shame Cyc and Arachne didn't have kids.

>> No.13864467

Onee-Sabbath anon, not that I mind oppai loli.

>> No.13864468

Imagine how that 2017 idiot will react once nothing happens. Do you think he'll kill himself?

>> No.13864470

I'm going to tickle right's eyeball

>> No.13864472

Eh, it's your fantasy. I'm not one for the whole Onee-Sabbath stuff.

>> No.13864473

Hey Florida, you afraid if the brain eating amoeba girl they found in your water?

>> No.13864476

Why isn't that monoeye getting bullied? And why are those bells on her horns so adorable?

>> No.13864479

I don't live near any waterways myself, but I'd rather not run into her. I've heard rumors that she's the result of breeding a Slime using Mindflayer DNA.

>> No.13864482

When will those idiots learn.

>> No.13864487

nice try, Im already there and theres no one her-

>> No.13864493

It's Florida. Nobody here ever learns. Everything outside of Disney World is a stew of rednecks, racists, racist rednecks, crazed ignoramuses, pornographers, charming serial killers, and semi-nude drunks.

>> No.13864495

And if I get hugged and comforted instead?

>Why is the floor moving?
>Didi, come quick! The gerbils have reproduced!

>> No.13864496

Don't know

In other news, I've merged an Apsara and tentacle.

>> No.13864500
File: 288 KB, 750x750, 1436121628792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say, having experienced OT, it's fun for about five minutes before it's just agony. Not the good kind, either.

>> No.13864501
File: 615 KB, 1055x1490, 314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be assaulted like this by a pair of mature manticore twins

>> No.13864504

Jesus what is that thing on your pic. Purge it.

>> No.13864507

Must not have done it right.

>> No.13864508

>manticore twins
Too many holes for me to handle.

>> No.13864509

Then you wake up with a happy heart.

>> No.13864510

>milk tentacles

No curiosity, just sickened.

>> No.13864512


>> No.13864515

Surely they wouldn't ambush me by hiding in my tent, right?

>> No.13864516

Orgasm torture.

>> No.13864517


Don't you want to see the tentacle dance of her people?

>> No.13864519

They're clever girls.

>> No.13864520

>This entire doujin/series
No boner can ever compare to the diamonium hardness it was when I first read through it

>> No.13864530

>milk spilling everywhere as she moves
>by the end of it you look like you ended up on the wrong end of a bukkake party


>> No.13864531

"Painful" was a hyperbole, but your naughty bits have my condolences nonetheless.

>> No.13864532

Can I get a link? Image search isn't helping.

>> No.13864537

It was kinda sad. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak.

>> No.13864542

Artist is Tatsunami Youtoku, do the rest yourself.

>> No.13864543

I'm glad I'm not you.


>> No.13864544

That should be enough to find their work. Thanks.

>> No.13864547

Nope, they would ambush you by telling you some clever excuse to get by THEIR tent. Because their tent is bigger.

>> No.13864548

Guess I'll have to go make my own tent innawoods.

>> No.13864549

Delete this.

>> No.13864551

>implying she isn't as skilled as her twin-legged cousins,
>Implying she won't weave the milk between her tentacles expertly, hips waving side to side before wrapping you up in a great big hug.

>> No.13864557

Too pissed for this right now.

>> No.13864563

Cue catcalls from the Manticores about helping you erect a tent.

>> No.13864566

Oh, it kept going in other ways, but I just couldn't take stimulation anymore. In fact, even 30 minutes later I still couldn't shoot again.

Getting old really sucks.

>> No.13864568

Some biased drawfag should really edit that panel on the lower right into a couple of manticores.
Just the thought makes me diamond.

>> No.13864571
File: 35 KB, 400x534, 1436576621518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never hunt monstergirls in your territory

>> No.13864576

>She nuzzles up against you, a small smile on her face.
>you fell her many tentacles wrap around you a little tighter like a she's leg locking you with her many legs.

>> No.13864579

Should I start waifu war VI now, or wait a couple more hours?

>> No.13864582


>> No.13864585

Do it now.

>> No.13864586


Now you must confess.

>> No.13864588

I wanna healslut too!

>> No.13864589

Confess what?

>> No.13864591

Gazer and Shoggoth

>> No.13864595

Ushi-Oni, maybe? I haven't been around for the recent waifu wars and I can't remember if you used one before.

>> No.13864600

I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.13864602

Short pace or Medium?
Girls are already locked in.

>> No.13864605

>Girls are already locked in.
What are they?

>> No.13864611
File: 132 KB, 285x290, Dark ignis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sylph has retained the lead all day

>> No.13864612

Your age.

>> No.13864614

They're right here.
Place your bets.

>> No.13864618

Nureonago will win

>> No.13864619

I'm rooting for Ushi and Amazoness!

>> No.13864620
File: 352 KB, 606x777, 1404039003190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age ain't nothin' but a number.

Until you realize you can't cum every 15 minutes like you could ten years ago.

I sure wish something like Manticore venom actually existed. The refractory period is such a bitch.

>> No.13864624

Amazoness or oppai loli

>> No.13864625

The demonic water spider cannot lose.

>> No.13864631

Ushi-Oni or Amazoness!

>> No.13864633

Rooting for Amazon

>> No.13864641

Go write it.
Don't forget Kikimora this time.

>> No.13864642 [SPOILER] 
File: 187 KB, 774x950, 1438567024284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has insulted your monstergirl waifu. If she's a centaur, someone called her a whore without a single scrap of honor. If she's a Lizardgirl, someone told her they're surprised she managed to marry the one person on the planet who's weaker than she is. This person is awful. How does she respond? Hard mode: attack descriptions are detailed and insults are elaborate. Pic related.

>> No.13864645

>no one rooting for Wyvern
More Wyvern rooting for me I guess

>> No.13864646

I'll place bets on the district 1 pair

>> No.13864647

To be honest, I don't think an ushi-oni would give a shit about being insulted.

>> No.13864652
File: 295 KB, 448x336, somethingtohoraabout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All or nothing on Scylla, please.

>> No.13864655

My Jinko waifu would probably challenge them to a duel with fists. And then pound their face in.
Alternatively, I'd try to beat the person up, get my face pounded, and then have a beautiful fluffy muscled tiger lady to patch me up.

>> No.13864657


>That cycle of mediocrity isn't due to some obstacle. It's who you are.
>The thing standing in the way of your dreams is that the person having them is you.

Whats that suppose to mean?

>> No.13864660

And here we go.
Praying for an Arena event or two this time.

>> No.13864662


It means the person she's addressing is black.

>> No.13864666

Kiki no!

>> No.13864667

>saying this when the greatest country on earth has a black president

>> No.13864668

welp the kikis dead
>its raining outside, literally

>> No.13864670

What the shit, Dark Priest?

>> No.13864673

Wurmchan again?
Can't she rest in piece?

>> No.13864689

Mothman, fighting her instincts hard.

No one gets to rest in peace as long as I'm in charge. Except Jinko. I can't put her through this again.

>> No.13864691


>> No.13864697

Wyvern, no!

>> No.13864702
File: 1.23 MB, 500x281, Ij1wUG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either she isn't insulted and doesn't care, or is extremely offended and beats the shit out of whoever said it.

>Implying a Jinko Waifu would let someone hurt her husband.
She'd still patch you up and heal you, but you wouldn't be kidding if you said "you should see the other guy."

It means the person thinks they've figured out why they haven't reach their dreams, but they're wrong. They can't reach their dreams because they aren't good enough to reach them. It's like the speech Freddy gives his kid in House of Cards about how he won't be president.

>> No.13864719

You hardened her Anon, no longer is there the innocent love of the wurm, now there is only darkness.

>> No.13864721

Funny you should mention Wyvern.

>> No.13864725

>Mothwoman, resisting her urges even further
She really wants that bonfire, man.

>> No.13864726


>> No.13864729

>Wyvern died
>Yup Still raining outside

>> No.13864731


I got high winds too.

>> No.13864743

Really hoping for an Arena Event right now.

>> No.13864749

Same here. Think a storm's a brewing

>> No.13864750
File: 90 KB, 800x749, moths rule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moth can't set up her fire
>gang raids her camp
I blame the butterflies and their bitter lies.

>> No.13864752


This is what I find funny about you folks. On one hand you have the majority that says "FUCK OFF" but then a few deviants go "write it".

Fucking pls.

>> No.13864755

She gets upset, and I demand they apologize.

>> No.13864757

>All this Mothman bullying
I've seen it before. This leads to death by massacre

>> No.13864759

Just fuck off to Word and write it.

>> No.13864767

You reap what you so, crying-wyvren-anon. They're now the punching bags of MGE after Cyclopses, thanks to you.

YOU did this. The blood is on YOUR hands.

>> No.13864773


I dunno how monstrous to make Yidhra's real form though because she's kind of an enigma.

>> No.13864781

>tittymonster defeats unstoppable nightmare of rape and destruction

>> No.13864783

Mothman just can't catch a break.

>> No.13864788

>Ushi oni and wurm hold hands
way too fucking lewd

>> No.13864789
File: 769 KB, 1600x1600, nure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best slime needs to win this

>> No.13864793

Could this be wurmchan re-opening her cold, dead heart?

>> No.13864794
File: 245 KB, 640x1440, butterflies drool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this moth bullying

>> No.13864796

>All this Moth bullying.
Please stop.

>> No.13864801

This reminds me of a commercial for this DIY book which had a picture of a kid with wasps/hornets photoshopped all over.

>> No.13864813

The Pharaoh's curse lives on.

>> No.13864821

>Ryu questions her Sanity

>> No.13864822

Has moth finally found an ally?

>> No.13864834
File: 442 KB, 895x637, 1424755520046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Anon and I'm a slut for big, fat tailpussies.

>> No.13864836

What about little itty bitty tailpussies?

>> No.13864838

No, Apsara was the one who destroyed Mothwoman's supplies. She's confronting her about it.

>> No.13864841

Maybe things are looking up for Mothman.

>> No.13864842

I want to lick that lizard girls abs

>> No.13864843

You can fix shit taste, but you can't fix tailpussy without 'corrective' surgery.

>> No.13864847

Nureonago deserves this win

>> No.13864853


That Scylla is in dire need of a hug.

>> No.13864855

>Wurmchan healing imp

It's happening! she believes in friendship again!

>> No.13864856

But she's a white knight!

>> No.13864860

She'll be even whiter when I'm through with her

>> No.13864861
File: 187 KB, 720x1062, 1435674376845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't fault his taste, Lizards have some pretty nice butts.

>> No.13864864

Oops. Never mind.

>> No.13864871

I want dat Imp.

>> No.13864879


>Still no Yandere Manticore oneesan with a shit ton of otouto porn stories

Fucking please, Thread. PLEASE.

>> No.13864880

>Paladin leads a raid on succubus with four other girls and kills her

>> No.13864883

Thread here, write it yourself you fucking faggot.

>> No.13864884

How about fuck off, why you don't you write it if you need it that bad?

>> No.13864892


I can't articulate words for shit, though.

I mean if I tried to write dialogue it'd be worse than Alp's localized video game shit.

>> No.13864893

Okay, that makes sense I guess.
God, when are we gonna get a Arena Event?

>> No.13864908

Why must the slimes suffer?

>> No.13864909

I liked these two girls more than the others for some reason. They're just two bakas pretending to be bodyguards while taking it seriously.

>> No.13864913

>Two mermaids work together to drown someone
Holy fuck.

>> No.13864921
File: 162 KB, 728x1065, 19438543432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liz is my most favorite character since Polt.

>> No.13864922

>i cant write it good enough so i want someone to write my tastes
fuck off

>> No.13864930

We're finally getting some more blood!

>> No.13864939

>best girl died trying to go home
Will it ever stop raining?

>> No.13864940


>They can't even read katakana


>> No.13864942

Everybody's supplies are getting wrecked.

>> No.13864944

Hang in there Imp!

>> No.13864945

Go wurmchan! Achieve peace for yourself!

>> No.13864951

>tree ushi-onis
Nowhere is safe.

>> No.13864956

Something's on the horizon. I can just feel it.

>> No.13864972


>> No.13864975

And the dancer is toast.

>> No.13864977

Where's the bloodshed?

>> No.13864978

It turns out this thread consists of a number of people with differing opinions. Shocking.


>> No.13864981

Oh good, the Imp got the medical supplies I sent.

I hope she's okay.

>> No.13864984

Fuck off Bollocks

>> No.13864985
File: 308 KB, 860x1200, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week I told everyone about a dream where a bat was knocking at my window and you told me I might have a Vampire waifu coming up. Well just the other night I had a dream where a bunch of bats were flying around in broad daylight and doing a very butterfly-like mating dance. In light of this, is it a Vampire that's after me, or a Werebat who's friends with a Nightmare?
I don't usually dream of bats.

>> No.13864986


>Majority is against an idea
>Only a few deviants want it
>Telling the person to write it anyway

Are we witnessing the birth of a new InariKitsune?

>> No.13864991

I'm not sure what they were expecting to happen.

>> No.13864992

>I don't usually dream of bats.
Hmm, I think you want to fuck your mom.

>> No.13864993

Freud-sensei is useless, as expected.

>> No.13865000


I didn't have anything to do with it but okay Anon, whatever your prerogative is.

>> No.13865002

Bollocks is InariKitsune 2.0 now I'd assume.
He'll probably bitch about it and bring a pity party to himself later though before hugging it out with Bob.

>> No.13865005


>> No.13865012
File: 111 KB, 1024x1024, 1435108376834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13865013

leave the thread forever

that'll show them

>> No.13865014

Doomed friendships are absolutely hilarious.
Good luck stopping me.

>> No.13865015

What do you do with a bunch of kids who don't know how to do anything but bang their heads all day?
You start a revolution Lars.

>> No.13865018

>Brutal Legend
I'm so glad I'm not the only one here who liked that game.

>> No.13865019

I sure hope Paladin-chan makes it out of this one alive. Sixth time's the charm.

>> No.13865020

Leave her Johnny leave her

>> No.13865021

Mah niggas.

>> No.13865022

Considering the common link, I'm opting that a werebat is trying to reach you.

Kinda reminds me of my first MG dream where I was hugged and comforted by an arachne with a kind, ara-ara personality.

>> No.13865023

These mermaids, man.

>> No.13865024

Anyone would like it if only they knew it exists.
>dat Tim Curry and his BDSM Demon faction
I don't know why they made it, but it's wonderful.

>> No.13865025


Can we not start pointless writefaggot drama for people who're inherently irrelevant to begin with and enjoy the fact that an Ushi-Oni can't even start a fire?

>> No.13865027

It's simple: We put Captain Martin Walker into the games. That'll certainly "end" them for good.

>> No.13865030

I want to make half-breed babies with Emperor Succoria.

>> No.13865031

But Captain Walker is the game.

>> No.13865032

What kind of monster is the perfect waifu for Johnny Bravo?

>> No.13865034

Make that 3 people.

>> No.13865035

Holy fuck Ignis.

>> No.13865036

...I...I've got nothing...that spoiler'd image...it just hits me way too hard. I feel broken, just reading that...thanks anon, I'mma go look into a noose now...

>> No.13865037


>> No.13865038

Muscle loli Oni

>> No.13865039

Johnny Bravo doesn't need a waifu, if he were real 3DPD would be creaming themselves over him

>> No.13865042

Holy fuck indeed.
She's fucking hardcore.

>> No.13865043

>Wurm injures herself

>> No.13865046

I admit to getting a few slightly shameful boners over the ladies of the Tainted Coil.

>> No.13865048



>Black Sabbath trailer

>> No.13865049

Walker isn't the game, Anon. He destroys them.

>> No.13865050


>> No.13865051



>> No.13865052


Oh wait...

>> No.13865055

No anon. You were the Walker all along.

>> No.13865056

That doesn't apply to you! It's talking about manipulative pick up artists. It's abusing a commonly held fear, and being afraid something is true doesn't make it true.

>> No.13865060

Poor, Poor Wurm-Chan.
Someone buy her from that Lich I keep sending the bodies to so I can get a new one to replace her.

>> No.13865061


>Paying attention to any writefag that isn't LDR, RS, YBA, Penywise, Harblador, and Quicksilver

>> No.13865070


>> No.13865077

Fuck off

>> No.13865078

I'll do it!
I'll give wurmchan all the pie, headpats, and gundam she could ever want!

>> No.13865082

I don't follow.

>> No.13865087
File: 528 KB, 707x1000, 1427693315268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not on that list

>> No.13865089

Hell, the last three and PRW are the only ones I really think are worth bothering with all that much. Them and the cute puppy girl thing and maybe panther from Nyanon. Those are really it outside of random greentexts.

>> No.13865090

I know that feel

>> No.13865091

About time that little mutant died.

>> No.13865092

You fell asleep?

>> No.13865095

InariKitsune let an unpopular fetish define multiple stories and fell for Liquid Inari's bullshit

>> No.13865096

>Ignis sees a fire
What, did she look at her fucking hand or something?

>> No.13865097


Writing for attention or acclaim literally makes you worse than NegaWalker, InariKitsune, Bob, Bollocks, and whatever other shit-stirrer writefag you can think of like Nyanon with his once-in-a-lifetime lasp of judgment with "WHO AM I???" game.


>> No.13865098

I died inside.

>> No.13865099

Wurm really isn't hanging with the right crowd now.

Hi there, o' Leader of the Sabbath.

>> No.13865102

I was so disappointed when the bat didn't get dicked.

>> No.13865103

It's not my fault...

>> No.13865104

I seem to recall one of the episodes he finds the perfect girl for him, who actually likes him back. But at the end of the night it is revealed that she is a spy and wipes his memory of the entire night.

And she actually seemed to regret it.

>> No.13865105

>fuck what anyone thinks of your writing, just keep doing it and ignore all criticism!

>> No.13865106

thanks Shia

>> No.13865108

>Everything must appeal to everyone
Are you going to tell maledom stories to fuck off too?

>> No.13865109


>> No.13865111


Knowing z-ton's recent bullshit it'd be NTR anyway even though the Bat and priest had some very good chemistry.


>Ignore all criticism

If you're not going to write about your waifu because the thread doesn't like her then you're a bigger faggot than the most insecure NEET who has a dakimakura collection in his bedroom.

Write about what MG you love and DO IT.


>> No.13865113

Just remember anon, don't ignore criticism.
Also remember the fact that "Fuck Off" isn't criticism, and you can ignore it. If they don't explain what's wrong with what you're writing, just ignore them. Unless you're writing futa or some shit. In which case, yeah fuck off.

>> No.13865116

There's a difference between writing because you want to and writing because you want to while at the same time ignoring anybody's criticism on it.

>> No.13865118

Anon. I'm not going to force shit on people who don't want it.

>> No.13865120

HEY! Do not lump us in with those tg/tf faggots.

>> No.13865122


There's a difference between a legitimate fetish/sexual scenario like male or femdom and contrived bullshit like TG+TF and tentacles, which are heavily ladened within the spectrum of /d/.

>But all Monster Girls by proxy are /d/!

The door is over there.

>> No.13865123

Oh no, Wurm.

>> No.13865124

I'm going to shut up now.

>> No.13865126

That's cold.

>> No.13865127

Wurm's smile is gone forever.

>> No.13865130

Wurm, you fuck. Poor Fuzzy Spidercow.

>> No.13865132

Guest what time it is?
The Feeeaaast!
But seriously, how?

>> No.13865135

Note to self: poison kills Slimes.

>> No.13865139


Every time I see somebody tell me to "Fuck off" I just smile and ignore it because they're not even worth giving any iota of attention to if they can't form a coherent argument.

>> No.13865140

Don't worry wurmchan! Even if you lose I'll be there for you! I won't let that darn lich throw you back into the fray again!

>> No.13865142

I want to teach a Wurm a fun song I like to call nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, I'm 100% nigga

>> No.13865145

Nice job you three. Seriously.

>> No.13865146

Every time I see somebody tell me to "Fuck off" I realize just how little I matter if people can't be bothered with forming coherent arguments to get rid of me.

>> No.13865147

Here we go pally, here we go, uh-uh!

>> No.13865148

Houtengeki Paladin putting those thick thighs to use evading an ambush.

>> No.13865149

>Ignis starts a forest fire

>> No.13865151

Mothman is Avenged.

>> No.13865154

Wurm is going to win this, huh?

>> No.13865158

Not yet.
Now it's a four-way struggle between Wurm, Burngirl, Tentacles, and Houtengeki.

>> No.13865162


>> No.13865163

I'm rooting for Wurm tho.

>> No.13865164


There's bound to be somebody that likes your shit. But the thread is mostly a bunch of easily flustered people anyway so who cares.

So long as you don't force shit fetishes down their throat and actually warn them before hand with tags in a post so they don't click the pastebin link.

>> No.13865168


>> No.13865169


>> No.13865170

I don't do shitty fetishes, I can barely handle vanilla.

>> No.13865171

probably a vaginer infection from her inferior humanpussy

>> No.13865176

Go wurmchan!
Go! Earn your freedom!
Come back to me!

>> No.13865177

Good, good. Just as planned.

>> No.13865178

They say Anon's sides were never seen again

>> No.13865179

No Jason, you can't have Wurms.

>> No.13865182

Come on ignis you're my last hope, burn the retard to a crisp.

>> No.13865187

It's time for the Final 3.

>> No.13865189

No Anon!
I want to bring back her smile! Her joy!
This zombie wurm is going to experience love again!

>> No.13865191

>Ignis quietly hums
>While the forest burns around her

>> No.13865192

Does Scylla think she'll be spared if she helps her?
Her smile is gone for good. Never to be heard from again. And no tickling, that's cheating.

>> No.13865193
File: 333 KB, 792x825, 1436123567562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well again, write what you want to write and ignore any criticism that isn't valid or unwarranted like "YOU DIDN'T WRITE ABOUT MY MG". Different strokes for different folks.

That and

>"Fuck off" will never be legit criticism. Ever. You'd be laughed out of WST on /tg/ for posting that.

>> No.13865195


>>13865189 , did you do this?

>> No.13865198

>girl made of fucking fire dying to poison

>> No.13865201

Go Wurmchan! GOOOO!

Never Anon! If she can smile from a tickle than her smile isn't gone! It's just waiting for the sun to make it bloom again!

>> No.13865202

Anon, just give up. I'll never feel that sense of accomplishment that goes with being one of the big, important people.

>> No.13865203

I'm still waiting for the game where a lamia or wurm sprains her ankle.

>> No.13865204

It was water, nigga.

>> No.13865205

Wurm's smile is dead as fuck.
You've got your work cut out for you anon.

>> No.13865206

A Wurm WOULD sprain her ankle.

>> No.13865211
File: 104 KB, 500x281, 139354267545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She won...She won.
But at what cost?

>> No.13865213


>> No.13865214

Knew it. Wurm-chan has snapped, crossed the line. She has become the game itself.

>> No.13865215


Then wallow in your own pity like a shitmonger. You don't get anywhere by accepting the status quo, you do it by pushing it to the limit and walking along the razor's edge.

Why do you think I can still function while being hated by virtually 99.99% of the thread, or at least the more vocal people?

>> No.13865217

The cost was her smile.

>> No.13865219

Can we please retire wurm... she's been brought back so many times, I don't think she could take another.

>> No.13865221

Don't worry, I'm going to bring back wurmchan's smile!

The first thing she's going to get is a good long hug.

>> No.13865225
File: 282 KB, 744x619, 1400190041765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13865227

Given that >>13865221 is buying her from the Lich I give the corpses to, the next time a Wurm fights in the Waifu Wars, it'll be a different one.

Oh yeah, and anon. Good luck bringing that Zombie Wurm's smile back.

>> No.13865228

>forgetting Nieb
But I like Nieb

>> No.13865229

Because you're so full of yourself you'll never need anyone else's approval.

>> No.13865230

I don't know you anon, how could I hate you?

>> No.13865233

And now, a tribute to the fallen.
If you have any respects to pay, now's the time to pay them.

>> No.13865237

Because you're a faggot that gets off on shit stirring.

>> No.13865242


There's a difference between doing something because you enjoy it, I know, shocking thought and doing it for the approval of others.


You can hate something without knowing what it is.

>> No.13865243

Because you've yet to get a baseball bat to the back of the skull.

>> No.13865247

I hate this game and this fucking planet!

>> No.13865251

Did your waifu lose anon?

>> No.13865252

>doing something because you enjoy it
And if people disapprove of what you enjoy, why put it up for people to read?

>> No.13865258

No, but reflecting on it on a semi-frequent basis sure does. And while I try not to let it get me down, hearing it aloud, or just reading it put in plain black and white like that, is depressing as fuck.

>> No.13865261


Not everything you write has to go into the thread. I know several writefags who have stuff that the thread would throw a tiff over and they keep it under the lock and key shit in pastebin. That and spoiler tags exist for a reason.

>> No.13865263

>Knowing z-ton's recent bullshit it'd be NTR anyway even though the Bat and priest had some very good chemistry.
And that is why I'm increasingly glad Schizanthus never received a continuation. It can forever remain a perfect little gem, unsullied by changes to its creator's demeanor.

Don't want him goin' all George Lucas on us with it.

>> No.13865264

Again, why put it in the fucking pastebin if it's going to piss people off? If you wrote it for your own enjoyment, you wouldn't put it online, you'd keep it hidden in the depths of your hard drive.

>> No.13865267

Yet here you are encouraging that faggot to track shit into here. You suck at subversion.

>> No.13865269


It's because there are people that exist with different fetishes than you? You may hate a person's story but somewhere out there somebody may like it.

>> No.13865271

So you are doing it for someone's approval?

>> No.13865274


Z-Ton's shit used to be fun like Snowman. But then he went full retard with shit like...

>Samurai NTR Futanari Tentacle Armor Horsepussy Bonanza


>Bat-Ninja NTR Defloration Monsterboy Childhood Friend Fat Tengu Motherfucker Wet Dream

>> No.13865282
File: 48 KB, 650x365, 1407373511879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that first sentence

>> No.13865285

>Limb Legion

>> No.13865286

Out fucking skilled

>> No.13865287

>Samurai NTR Futanari Tentacle Armor Horsepussy Bonanza
I have no interest in reading that stupid shit, but oh man that sentence is just hilarious.

>> No.13865288
File: 1.12 MB, 1447x1360, 1411348117070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the White Worm of Ouroboros!

>> No.13865290

To be entirely fair, at least they had more-or-less happy endings. Though the former of those stories was more just bad from the fetishistic standpoint of this thread, while the latter was just awful with the disgusting fat guy.

To elaborate further, his other two recent stories don't seem nearly as bad at first blush. One is a "Cow Girls as Live Stock" which seems fairly vanilla. Far better than ShindoL's turn at it at least. And then the other is this alien-tentacle-parasite-armor thing that's...well, it's not the Ninja Story at least.

Hey man, Limb Legion was great.

>> No.13865292


>> No.13865293

>writer of netori__ cuckquean bad ends
The man has DIED for me. Some of his other stuff is much olev indeed.

>> No.13865295



>> No.13865296

Those dot eyebrows piss me off.

>> No.13865299

I like his old Anubis story.

>> No.13865300



You literally cannot make this shit up.

>> No.13865302

>It's over
>That's all the zombie wurm knew as she slithered back towards the Lich as the confetti fell and the cheers came, little more than hollow accolades to the dead dragon.
>How many times had she done this? How many fights had she gone through to get here?
>She remembered drowning, she remembered the feelings of betrayal as her friend had stolen her supplies, she remembered the white hot ash burying her, all so she could get this? A medal and title of "Best Waifu"?
>How many held that now? Did anyone even care for them?
>She didn't care any more, no one would remember her a week from now.
>She found her master at the place where they'd first met, a large, white room holding the bodies of the fallen.
>Currently the undead sorceress, a former participant herself, was working over a charred pile of cinders, trying to coax a false life back into the fallen ignis.
>A fire quenched by water, if she cared, the zombified wurm would've found it poetic.
>"I've returned, mistress," the dragon said in a voice as dead as herself, face an expressionless mask "do you want me to do anything?"
>The lich's eyes only briefly turned to her, almost bothered by the interruption.
>"No, you've been purchased by the young man in the corner." the sorceress intoned, immediately turning back to her work, "You're his now."
>She'd been thrown into the fight again and again and this was her payment? Sold just like that?
>She should've felt rage at being sold like this, a cold fury at such a fate but she found no such emotion, just a black void.
>After all, why should she have expected anything more than this happening to her?
>She turned without a sound and slithered to the man in the corner, his expression serious as he eyed her, a truly unremarkable man on all accounts.
>"Hello, master." she said, her voice devoid of any warmth "what would you have me do?"
>The man jumped slightly at her word, obviously expecting her to remain silent until she'd been spoken to

>> No.13865303

She's pretty chuuni for a yansnake

>> No.13865308

>To be entirely fair, at least they had more-or-less happy endings. Though the former of those stories was more just bad from the fetishistic standpoint of this thread
It was fucking disgusting futa, say it.

>> No.13865311


Whether you like it or not isn't a problem to me, so you tell me.

>> No.13865315

Not that dude, but you're pretty hilarious.

Though in general, this thread gets its panties in a wad over the dumbest shit. Then we've got wonderful chaps like yourself that think every fetish you don't approve of is some dark, evil thing that must be kept away from the world.

People make shit for many, many reasons. Attention and approval is nice. Writing something and having someone go "Thanks op 10/10 came on cat she hiss at penis" can make someone feel a bit better about themselves. There's nothing wrong with seeking validation, especially through an enjoyable hobby.

It's also a nice way to share your thoughts and ideas. Build a little sense of community that, for some reason, you folks are so eager to tear down.

>> No.13865321

So a picture of wurm with sad dead eyes and a yandere smile?

>> No.13865323

>let's all be friends!

You're from /d/ aren't you? Also, NO.

>> No.13865324

>chaps like yourself
What the actual fuck? Where did that come from?
>you folks are so eager to tear down
I think there's been a fundamental misunderstanding here. I'm not the one saying people shouldn't get criticism or approval or disapproval. The guy I'm arguing with is the one saying he doesn't care about that, but still puts up his stories online.

>> No.13865326

I'm sorry anon, but I thought that threesome part was hot.
Would it make you feel better if I thought the subsequent vanilla caught-clothes-sniffing followed by love-love sex was better?

>> No.13865328

But we are already a community, and we are protecting it.

>> No.13865331


>> No.13865332

Let's say I've written some nice smut. I'm happy with what's been done and think some other people might like it too, so I upload it. Some read it and don't like it. Others don't really care, but a few are happy as well.

Rather than specifically seeking approval, it's more about sharing.

>> No.13865336



>> No.13865338

Oh, anon, I'm just an hypocrite. Yes, we are friends again.

>> No.13865341

>Protecting it
Now THAT'S hilarious.

>> No.13865342

What this nigga said.

>> No.13865343

And when most people don't like it, and tell you not to post that stuff anymore, and you still do it?
That's the kind of thing that started this whole discussion you know. Putting up stuff that isn't wanted. Not because of shitty fetishes or triggery stuff, but because it just isn't good enough.

>> No.13865348

The fuck are you people on about

>> No.13865349

I kinda want to see more too.
I actually feel kinda bad for what I've done to Wurm-chan.

>> No.13865350

Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

>> No.13865351

/d/ is banging against the door again.

>> No.13865355


>It isn't good enough

Not everybody can beat out quality works without fumbling through it at first. But hey, these threads hate OC anyway.

>> No.13865357


>> No.13865358

We are just very afraid. We've been hurt a lot.

>> No.13865359

Those nitro-burning funny cars?

>> No.13865362

>I talk about writing and posting something I think may have create divisive opinions from anon to anon
>Initial feedback to the idea seems to bear these concerns out
>Write it and post it anyway
>Nothing. Couple mentions of people liking it. Some light criticism. No one screaming bloody murder. No one crying out how it'll be the end of the threads. No one throwing up a shitstorm over it.

And the lesson is...?

>> No.13865363

>all OC is good no matter what it is

Afraid not.

>> No.13865365

And some people can't do it at all. And that's the kind of people I'm talking about.
That the Right People didn't read it?

>> No.13865367


It's Bollock's daily whining hour. No joke.

>> No.13865368

What did you post?

>> No.13865373

Do you think everyone produces something great on their first efforts?
Writing well is difficult and like anything, requires practice. A few words, neither kind nor scathing but of simple criticism can be a boon.

I'd say it's that the majority of the loud-mouths don't actually read anything but just shout down ideas they don't like.

>> No.13865374


>> No.13865378

>on their first efforts
Stop that. See>>13865365

>> No.13865381

You're so irrelevant, they even spare their hate on you.

>> No.13865384

>Zombie wurm
Oh, right. Average, you ever gonna continue that story, or are you just out of ideas for it at the time being?

That is generally what does happen with writers here. They either get ignored or light comments about it. Straight up, the only time I see people getting hate is when they actually deserve it, for one reason or another.

>> No.13865387

Actually that's probably more correct than anything.

>> No.13865394

>An easily startled master? She should've expected such a thing, why would she have gotten one who was strong?
>Perhaps he through her back into battle again, sending her back into that horrid war over an empty title.
>The thought made her tail thrash angrily, and an angry growl to rumble from her.
>She was going to need to kill again in that blood bath, all because this...MEANIE couldn't fight hime-
>A sudden, warm feeling spread through her as the man wrapped his arms around the zombified wurm, interrupting her dark thoughts.
>"Master?" the undead asked as the man just stood there, embracing her without a word "W-what are you doing?"
>Again, nothing, the man's hug continuing without a sound, his hammering heart reverberating in her.
>It made the wurm feel strange, almost like she was choking on something.
>I-it had to be a trick, the new master doing...something to her. Yeah, that was it.
>"What do you want me to do master?" she tried again, her insides twisting and turning as awaited his reply "A-anything, just give me an or-"
>The first noise she got from the man was a simple "Sssh," as he started rocking her side to side, holding the undead dragon tight.
>His heartbeat was like thunder to her, each thump sending vibrations through her as the sickness in her stomach spread.
>W-what was he doing? Surely he was going to tell her to do something now, h-he wasn't going to stand like this was he? It felt too strange, too wierd, too...
>"C-come on master! W-what do you want?" she pleaded now, trembling slightly as he just continued to sway with her, eyes closed and a smile on his face. "I-I'll do anything! Is there something you want broken? Someone you need ki-"
>The order was iron clad, a small frown forming and the swaying slowing.
>"You don't need to kill anyone now," the man told her, looking her in the eye for the first time, "You're done with that. If you need an order, than just accept the hug."
>No more..killing?

>> No.13865396

Heehee, people probably didn't give a shit about his stories subject matter either.

>> No.13865401

>This kills the writefag

>> No.13865404

Eventually I will, weekend was busier than I expected and I spent a lot of time working on something new.

>> No.13865405

Fair point overall, but
>Writing something and having someone go "Thanks op 10/10 came on cat she hiss at penis" can make someone feel a bit better about themselves.
we aren't comfort general to be honest, nor we are help-aspiring-writers-find-themselves one.
Problems essentially start when someone decides to deviate from the main subject, that being in the name since forever.

>> No.13865410

MANSWINE! More P'Orcs when?

>> No.13865414

Oh come on, I of kiddings. Probably you just didn't quite cross the line with that one, or/and it was a dead/night thread with no 'particular' individuals to go complete nuts over it.

>> No.13865416

It's nice to see stuff where Wurms aren't retards for once.

>> No.13865422

You don't need to lavish praise. A simple "Hey this was pretty good, write more." is often enough.

>> No.13865424

Well great, now I need art of Zombie Wurm-Chan and her new loving master.

>> No.13865425

When we get more cuhrayzee twins.

>> No.13865428

Though when you're starting out, some criticism on points of concern is appreciated.

Just people pointing out things they did or did not like, and why or why not.

>> No.13865430

But that's useless.

>> No.13865436

>There was silence as the two stood there, the man still holding the wurm and gently rocking her side to side.
>Then the trembling started, the draconic girl shaking as her claws curled into fists.
>The man continued without a care, just holding her tightly.
>A hiccup escaped the girl, quickly followed by another and another as she began to shake like a leaf, tears at the corners of her dull, gray eyes.
>"R-really?" she asked as she looked down at the man hugging her, her tone fearful, "I-I'm done? Y-you won't make me fight?"
>"I'd rather die," the man replied, looking up at her with a warm smile, "you're done. No more fighting."
>Claws flashed and the tail whipped around, wrapping the man tightly as the wurm let out a long, wailing cry, pathetic sobs escaping her as she returned the embrace with tears freely flowing.
>She was done now.
>She was free.

>> No.13865437

Alright. As long as you know there is still interest in it. I tried asking before, but I guess you weren't around then.

Yeah, I tend to give that for decent greentexts, since encouragement may lead to more. I don't bother with pastebins from people I'm not aware of though, and definitely not people I know aren't worth a damn.

>> No.13865439
File: 109 KB, 553x640, Dissidia012-WarriorConcept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of Job classes presented in writefaggotry, Paladins have received the most attention.

What are other Job classes that should be featured more often?

>> No.13865441

Depending on if I get comped for the six hours of over time I pulled friday/Saturday than this week, otherwise it would be the weekend.

Wait, people want more of that?

>> No.13865443

>aren't worth a damn
So once you decide someone sucks, they will always suck and never get a second chance?
Bards. They get the most pussy, so they should be in more MG fiction.
And Town Guards. Those guys need more appreciation.

>> No.13865445

Dragoon, White Mage, Thief, and Black Mage

>> No.13865446

Fighters, assasins.

>> No.13865449

Thief, assassin, priest

>> No.13865450

Are she and Jinko going to become drinking buddies?

>> No.13865452

You don't see an Anon being forced into an offer he can't refuse to help save the world after trying to steal valuable jewels these days.

>> No.13865454

Sorry if I missed it.
Interest is there, I just need to sit down and write it and not something else.

>> No.13865455
File: 309 KB, 1920x1080, 1436231984579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then she becomes a Wurm-Wight after several special hugs with Master-kun?

>> No.13865456

No, just the alp.

>> No.13865457

Magic users, thieves, ambassadors.

>> No.13865458

Merchant, Soldier, Scout

>> No.13865459

She needs to do a lot more to earn Wight status, I'm sure.
She needs to become "A True Hero."

>> No.13865460

Yeah Average, that was some good shit.

>> No.13865461

We have a story where a thief tries to rob a Dragon and ends stealing her heart instead.
Or we would have if Alp actually wrote it.

>> No.13865463

Always need more cuhrayzee

>> No.13865466

>So once you decide someone sucks, they will always suck and never get a second chance?
I've found this happens often; usually for petty reasons. Then again, it's a kind of thing that happens on 4chan as a whole: One artist or writer is well liked, but then they do something that offends a person. That person, rather than simply appreciating the rest, writes off the artist/writer they formally liked completely.

>> No.13865467

I want a loli Hellhound to lick my face!

>> No.13865468

Yes, I imagine that most of the winners keep in contact as a support group, although a zombified wurm may put some of them on edge.

I'm sure that master will eventually help her become a wight.

>> No.13865469

I want to punch you until you get Parkinsons.

>> No.13865470

Oh well.

>> No.13865471

Thieves and Swashbucklers

>> No.13865472

I want to watch alps' spadetails shrink as they hit stage 3!

>> No.13865473

Dragoons. Says the guy supposedly writing a story about 'em...

>> No.13865476


>> No.13865477

I guess I will put it on the ever growing list of things I need to write.

Sorry if I've been a bit irregular with my writing.
My schedule's been screwy this week.

>> No.13865481

>So once you decide someone sucks, they will always suck and never get a second chance?
Not completely, but it might as well be the case. It's very, very hard to come back from the shitlist for me, but I read most replies to the thread, which means I see what people have to say about them if they get brought up, and if it's consistently improving over a few months, then maybe. It hasn't happened yet, but it's possible.

Not the case. There are only a handful of things I really write people off. Hell, they could be complete faggots in how they act, but it's the subject matter that really matters, and the things I dislike tend to lead to other things that I just can't justify following someone for anymore.

>> No.13865482

>Wait, people want more of that?
What gave you the idea to the contrary?

>> No.13865484


>> No.13865485

Don't forget the part where they inevitably complain that very little decent content is written.

While my sole story was well received, I haven't bothered with writing anything new. I see someone post a new story and a couple idiots slam it for "shilling" or /d/, or something.

>> No.13865487

>end up on shitlist
>nobody bothers to comment on your shit
>stay forever on the shitlist
Well it's not like I've improved anyway.

>> No.13865491
File: 552 KB, 1000x2000, Hellpup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to grow up with a tomboy Hellpup childhood friend.

>> No.13865492

>You will never be a knight with a harem composed of an Apophis, a Shirohebi, and a Wurm
>All three of them want to bring you back to their home and let you learn how to fight like their people do
>As either a Mystic Knight, a Samurai, or a Dragoon

>> No.13865494
File: 108 KB, 423x600, 064f432c5f209251966919964b1c083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who might you be? Average?

>> No.13865495


I want to punch you for what you did to Dante and Vergil you ass

>> No.13865498

I think believe people have sexualized Dante and Vergil into cute girls way before the time Average wrote smut about them.

>> No.13865499

Oh, understandable

No, I'm not doing dragoons.

>> No.13865501

I want to play "Got your nose" with a nopperabou!

>> No.13865505

No, I'm just a no-name loser.

>> No.13865506

Yeah, it can be unfortunate. Truthfully, though, if you end up on mine in particular you really, really fucked up, and at that point there are new and pretty different communities you are welcome in, so it's not like you couldn't share your work with people and get replies. This all said, it shouldn't really matter who's list you end up on so long as your stuff doesn't cause problems as a whole, which is why I don't bother berating writers.

>> No.13865508
File: 525 KB, 630x1080, Unassuming_STALKER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blowout soon, fellow Stalker!

>> No.13865510

Shut up Nugget.
>different communities
This is the only community worth being in.

>> No.13865511

What's that even mean?

>> No.13865512

Is that a Skellington?

>> No.13865513

Boner soon, fellow Stalker.

>> No.13865515

Are you still talking, holy shit just fuck already.

>> No.13865516

It was a failed guess at your identity. Nyanon is nicknamed Cheesenugget. But I know better. I know you float.

>> No.13865517

I want the skeleton inside me to be yandere!

>> No.13865518

A...It reference?

Now you're just being confusing.

>> No.13865522

So where does /d/ MG writing belong?

- I don't even want to see it in your pastebin
- Just don't advertise it here on /jp/
- It can be in your bin but don't mention it and tag that shit to be sure

Genuinely curious

>> No.13865526


>I've been with you since the beginning. Whenever you needed to eat something I was always there to help you break it down so you could digest it easily. I always loved it when you brushed my teeth every night before bed. When you tripped and broke one of your bones we suffered together. I know you better than some whore ever would.

>> No.13865527

Don't bring it here.

>> No.13865531

Just mention it's a thing on your pastebin, let the thread know what to expect, and be ready for them to shitpost regardless.

Haters gonna hate, but someone's bound to click on it.

>> No.13865532

Dammit, then who the hell IS supposed to be writing about Dragoons?

>> No.13865533

But I don't want to. I can't imagine it would be very fun.

Based on that list, unlisted on /d/ itself, in a relevant. Granted, there is always a chance someone from the thread you post it in posts it here, but still. Really, I don't give a fuck, as long as things are peaceful here.

>> No.13865536

This. Quit trying to shill ham to jews.

>> No.13865537

Give up, there will never be dragoons.

>> No.13865541

Like I said. No name loser. No need to strain your head, you'll never think of the name I go by. You'll know if you're around for whenever if ever I wind up posting the first chapter, I guess?

Odds are...

>> No.13865543


What do you mean unlisted and relevant ? I think I'm missing some terminology.

>> No.13865545
File: 507 KB, 840x1080, stalker-call-of-pripyat-1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, really? When?

>> No.13865546

>unlisted on pastebin and on /d/ itself, in a relevant thread
Jesus christ, I guess I shouldn't be awake still.

>> No.13865547

Post /d/ stuff on /d/, is it really that hard?

>> No.13865548

The second you go /d/ this thread will hate you, take that as you will.

No I don't want to see it even in your fucking pastebin. But I can't really stop you, so just keep it out if here. To to /gfd/ if you want to advertise /d/ shit.

>> No.13865549

At all.

>> No.13865551
File: 1.56 MB, 630x1080, The_Zone_has_claimed_another_husband.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13865552

The skeleton's face reminds me of Terminator.

I want a skeleton to walk up to me and say she needs my clothes, my boots and my motorcycle!

>> No.13865553

it was more about whether or not I should worry about shitposters stumbling upon it from another thread.

Having two pastebins is dumb.

>> No.13865554
File: 108 KB, 795x540, Ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, /d/ maybe?

>> No.13865555

I forgot a few words. See >>13865546 but basically keep it unlisted on pastebin and find a relevant thread on /d/ to share it with them. Of course, this is if you care enough about the thread to try and help keep things peaceful. Some don't, and that's on them and their own reasons. Up to you, friend.

>> No.13865556

Eh, every girl who's ever died in a Waifu War was brought back as a zombie.
Even the first winner Chimera, after she fought and lost in Waifu War II.

>> No.13865558

So what even defines /d/-tier stuff for you all? I've seen people writing some damn kinky greentexts on here lately.

>> No.13865560

>skeleton inside me
But anon, you are inside the skeleton

>> No.13865561

Probably stuff like futa.

>> No.13865562


>Whenever you needed to go somewhere I was always there to ease your journey. Haha, escape? You can't escape from me. I'm a literal part of you. Without me you'd be a pile of flesh with nothing to support you. It'll be easier if you just accept my love.

>> No.13865563

tf/tg, futa, vore, farting, diapers, etc...

>> No.13865564

Anything that's not consensual sex in the missionary position.

>> No.13865565

Why don't you lurk more if you're really new, which I doubt.

>> No.13865567

Pfft, wasn't it like two weeks ago a slime story involving butt-stuff got up on MGC?

Yet they happily scared off that bloke from gfd and his one paragraph of pegging.

>> No.13865568


It doesn't even mean /d/ exactly when people say it. It means "only /d/ would put up with this shit"

>> No.13865569

Not him, but even when they're not being used?

>> No.13865570

Vore, monsterboys, sounding, pegging, weight gain.

>> No.13865571
File: 733 KB, 1400x1400, 1412755001362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel the heat of Red Dragons, anons.

>> No.13865572

Anything that isn't a fetish anon likes.

>> No.13865573

>Zombie Wurm and Chimera talking about how being undead is going, the former's husband wrapped up in her tail.
>Jinko's drinking water as her husband tries to help her with alchoholism.

>> No.13865574

>wasn't it like two weeks ago a slime story involving butt-stuff
He got told to fuck off too.

>> No.13865575

I for one want to pat you on the shoulder for what you did to Dante and Vergil you magnificent bastard.

>> No.13865576

That was one for one particular autist that had been begging for that story for over a year, don't think for a second stuff like that is the norm here.

>> No.13865577

Here we go again.

>> No.13865581

Her arms are too damn tiny.

>> No.13865582

I'd honestly be amazed if none of them hate me.
But hey, it's nothing personal. Just doing what I've gotta do.

>> No.13865583

You're getting a bit ahead of yourself Skele-chan. Who said I wouldn't accept your love? I'm going to take your love and return in one-thousand fold.
Forever and ever and ever and ever

>> No.13865584

Glad you liked it.

And it's time for me to hit it Anons.
Have a wonderful evening and don't burn down the thread, the sabbath scouts will be angry if you ignore proper fire safety procedures.

>> No.13865587

I'll punch you too you fucking penis.

>> No.13865588

The Sabbath Scouts are already asleep anon, it's time for their mothers to take turns pegging me!

>> No.13865589

But does she love you for who you are or just what you are on the inside?

>> No.13865590

>They all give you death glares when you walk in
>all except large mouse who's cowering under the table, murmuring something about the evils calling her.

>> No.13865592

Why would you even need to be a namefag to write, just be anon and nobody will tell you to fuck off.

>> No.13865593

/d/ is somehow more prone to autistic tantrums than this place. Just mention that it's in your pastebin, with a proper warning.
Don't let the fetishes in the piece define the rest of your work and people will eventually forget about it.

>> No.13865596

It doesn't matter. She can't get away from me.

>> No.13865598
File: 477 KB, 600x869, 1428506617408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm dissapointed that you didn't use stuff like "Vergil used her judgement cunt to thrash Anons pelvis", or "Anon initiated stinger when forcing his way into Dante's eager folds" or something.

At least you used their DTs for something.

>> No.13865600


Well she already has your heart.

>> No.13865603

>just be anon and nobody will tell you to fuck off.
Pretty sure people are more likely to tell some nobody to fuck off. Besides, I'd bee too scared that people would recognize my writing style.

>> No.13865606
File: 139 KB, 1752x340, You can't say you werent warned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So maybe it hasn't come to pass like this, but /d/ certainly seems fixed on setting shop here. You think we got another fight in our hands?

>> No.13865609
File: 409 KB, 752x1176, 46881388_p7_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick word on this whole /d/iscussion since someone emailed me about it (really guys?)

As an FYI there is a very similar movement going on with /tg/'s Weekend Smut Thread. Whether or not that movement is "genuine" or not only the 4chan staff knows. But what I do know is that the timing of this is very very suspect especially given that some faggots brought up /wst/ earlier. So take that as you will and call me paranoid as you are want to do. I just know that I won't be tracking a second "/d/ list" unless people specifically ask or point it out to me.

Have a fluffy thing from Sanzo.

>> No.13865613

No, calm down. There is no conspiracy around you.

>> No.13865615

Fuck off.

>> No.13865616

How many crusades have occurred while my games go on?
Is it two? one? or is it Zero?
If I have to ensure peace by sacrificing 24 individuals, so be it.
I even give them all extra chances at life thanks to the Lich.
I don't mind being hated. Be alone for the rest of my life is a price I'm willing to pay.
I just wish it didn't hurt like it does.

>> No.13865618

>ELH appears to weigh in on /d/
Are you faggots happy now? Are you prepared to accept just how lunatic your conspiracy theories are?

>> No.13865619
File: 347 KB, 700x800, 1403654800737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to stick my penis, in that things vagina.

>> No.13865624

Fuck you!

>> No.13865625

What manner of crazed, chuuni rape rabbit have I encountered on this day?

>> No.13865626
File: 67 KB, 600x577, 1404098533057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/d/ is somehow more prone to autistic tantrums than this place
Thats a fucking joke right? You honestly cant be serious about a statement like this right?

>> No.13865629

Yes, hurt me! Abuse me!

>> No.13865630

True, but many of them are broken or dead (maybe both.)

Some don't even have husbands, I think large mouse is still alone.

>> No.13865634

You want me to calm down, when we've been debating with a bellyaching /d/ for 2 hours or so, people are encouraging them coming here, and it's becoming more frequent, and you say nothing's going on?

You must really take me for a fool.

>> No.13865637

The Futa spammer of 2012 come to mind.
Those were the dark days.

>> No.13865639
File: 36 KB, 600x338, FUCK YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13865640

>muh /d/ boogyman
This isent your safe place

>> No.13865647

>someone emailed me about it
What the actual fuck? Like, how invested can some people get into inconsequential shit in these threads?

>> No.13865649

Nobody's brought up anything worse than pegging. The horror.

Seriously, I'm all for being against a /d/ invasion but I couldn't give two shits about occasional butt stuff.

>> No.13865651

>safe place
Oh anon, you can only use that word so much before it becomes a buzzword.

>> No.13865652

We literally had a thread long shitstorm about yuri one of the tamest most vanilla fetish. These threads go above and beyond autistic spurging.

>> No.13865655

Fuck you leatherman!

>> No.13865656

That's none of my business anon.
Now give me my drink. I need to forget.

You mean it isn't already a buzzword?

>> No.13865658


Dunno but Heen says she'll TL it whenever she has time between T-Rex chapters


You really really don't want to know.

>> No.13865660

>not knowing that these threads are from /a/ and have hated yuri since that time

Don't even start.

>> No.13865662

Don't bite the bait anons. It's tempting and juicy, but don't bite the bait.

>> No.13865665

The guy that Anon was talking about was responsible for /d/ being all futa all the time for the better part of the year, bumping futa threads near death so that other stuff could die.

That shit lasted for a year or so before he either stopped or got banned.

>> No.13865666


Eeeeh, no my thing. Would probably still read a story containing it as long as there's other stuff that might be more my speed.

>> No.13865669

You're not fooling me Satan.

>> No.13865670

But anon, I want to write about diapers and pegging!

>> No.13865671
File: 194 KB, 1817x1285, They knew and deserve no fucking sympathy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you

And you, pretending to be aloof, you're just another one of them, I bet you're among the one that says to just ignore what you don't like, ignore monsterboys, fuck you as well.

>> No.13865672

Finally managed to beat my writer's block, thanks for the help whichever anons gave me advice on that. Private Eye in MGC is back on track, a bit more laid back from the last update. Newest portion is on line 65.

>> No.13865673

I do hate to admit it...
But there kind of has been an increase in /d/ stuff on other boards too.
Like /v/, for example. Tons of futa requests over there. One guy asked for a girl, got a futagirl instead, and then told to go to /d/ to get it edited out when he rerequested for the girl without a dick.

And on /a/ as well. Not as bad, but still requests of futa and other /d/ things.

>> No.13865674

Don't worry Anon, you'll find love one day.

>> No.13865675

>Heen says she'll TL it whenever she has time between T-Rex chapters


>> No.13865677

He's a pretty sorry satan. The devil is supposed to tempt you with stuff you actually want.

>> No.13865678

Stop joking around and talk about monster girls.

>> No.13865679

Shut up Alp, men are talking.

>> No.13865682

What is that picture even trying to convey? Delete that pointless shit

>> No.13865683

Monster boys can rot. They invalidate the whole premise. Same for futa, and all the other shit.

But I fail to see why tentacles and pegging get a bad rep when there's a monster written more or less for that fetish.

>> No.13865685

Okay, I want to make an Anubis wear a diaper while she pegs me with a strapon!

>> No.13865686

But i'm a-- wait I'm a girl! I don't want another shitstorm...

>> No.13865687

I want to love shadow Yuuko!

>> No.13865691

Don't forget the pooping back and forth

>> No.13865692

She's too spooky and mean!

>> No.13865693

It's because most people here don't understand what the term homosexuality actually means and assume that a tentacle in your butt means you like men. We've been over this and over this, don't start it up again. PLEASE.

>> No.13865696

>I fail to see
No. You do. You just want to have an argument about how a big penis-shaped toy fucking you in the ass isn't gay. Maybe someone else will oblige you though.

>> No.13865698

No anon, poop is gross. I'd only let her wear the diaper if she promised not to use it!

>> No.13865700

Poor guy had a single paragraph of pegging as one of four CYOA endings.

Someone wasn't aware that three kids on /jp/ would go apeshit about it.

There goes another potential author.

>> No.13865703

Im glad the autist are slowly killing these threads maybe one day we can all be free.

>> No.13865704

He posted another smut after that. It was okay, but kinda risky.

>> No.13865705
File: 233 KB, 1040x1308, 1393317462867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've dreamed dreams of a better /mgt/, one where we don't argue like this.

>> No.13865708

>that healing bit at the end of the update
Keep up the good work btw.

>> No.13865709

So, uh...I'm thinking about commissioning something else. But I'm torn between a few things.

>Boxer Apophis
>Pharaoh with Cobra Rapier/Swordarm
>Both Apophis and Pharaoh with hieroglyphic tattoos of Apep and Wadjet's Eye on their backs respectively

Not a lot of option, I know, but I like the ideas.

>> No.13865710

And yet this shit is tame compared to the warzone that's the MonMusu threads on /a/.

>> No.13865711

I missed it. Shame.

>> No.13865712

We are not really arguing, this is a debate.

>> No.13865713

>pretending to be retarded

Proof of what I just claimed, people, from HERE, are inviting /d/fags over to stir shit. They have no reason to when they can get what they want in /gfd/.

>But I fail to see why tentacles and pegging get a bad rep when there's a monster written more or less for that fetish.

Because we have enough faggotry already, we don't need any more, see above.

>> No.13865714

>Threads 30% bigger than they were when they moved here last year

>Slowly dying
>Muh autism when you're an autist trying to shove every unwelcome fetish in here

Kill yourself

>> No.13865715

>Both Apophis and Pharaoh with hieroglyphic tattoos of Apep and Wadjet's Eye on their backs respectively
Do these, I like seeing Yakuza-esque back tattoos.

>> No.13865716

You know, I bet if an established writefag with a good reputation so far did something /d/ tier people wouldn't really care.

>> No.13865718

I dreamed that people just ignore shit they don't like and that doesn't actively work against the established premise of the thread.

Then I woke up and realized I was on 4chan

>> No.13865719

>someone wasn't aware

Read the cap, they all knew exactly what they were getting into.

>> No.13865720


>> No.13865721

Yeah, because that worked out so well for Bob. AHAHAHAHA!

>> No.13865724

Nah, the board itself is moving faster. We aren't anywhere near dying. Once summers over things should slow back down.

There is no actual argument going on right now, friend. This is just a discussion with a couple people trying to start an argument because they are unhappy.

>> No.13865725

I was wondering where you went.

>> No.13865726

One guy warned them. The author and reader were naive. Do you really see conspiracies in everything?

>> No.13865730

>he doesn't know about bob and nega

>> No.13865732

Yeah, tell that to bob.

>> No.13865733

No, I meant someone who doesn't act like an insufferable faggot already.

>> No.13865734

>He doesn't know about the downfall of Bob and Nega

>> No.13865735

The ones who told them to post on /jp/ are from here, so they clearly knew, read the last block on the bottom, there was no ignorance from either party.

>> No.13865736

But what you described is exactly what Bob did though. It's like you don't remember who he was before Truckercore.

>> No.13865738

That was him? I remember reading this. Not really my kind of romance though. I liked the yeti bit more.

>> No.13865740

>MonMusu threads on /a/
I still remember that back when were /a/ no one shitflung over "secondaries" and shit like that, nor did we put Crabman on a pedestal.
That, and for all the shit they give us, they're pretty identical to us in more ways then one.

>> No.13865741

Glad you enjoyed it.
Death in the family and getting used to new medication. Updates should be more regular if I don't meet writers block again.

>> No.13865743

>Miiafags acting better than everyone else because Miia was first girl, calling Cereafags horsefuckers and Papi in general a retard
>The constant argument about how anybody who could like Cerea MUST either love /mlp/ or NTR
>Smithfags simply spamming pics of Smith
>Rachneefags always having to answer to accusations of "Rachnee is a liar/murderer," while being equally venomous towards every other girl
>Papifags just off to the side, trying to talk about monstergirls
I like Miia and all, but damn, it's crazy there.
Still, this place as just as many faults, and we need to get better too.

>> No.13865744

I thought people hated Bob and Nega because they're shitty people, not for what they wrote.

>> No.13865745

The pickups at last got a laugh out of me

>> No.13865749

Go ahead, I want to see you burn.

>> No.13865750


>> No.13865752

Superwurm Origins?

>> No.13865753

Yeah, it's some kind of weird vanilla. He has actual writing skills anyway.

>> No.13865755

Super Wurm: The Last Daughter of Crypt-One.

>> No.13865756

I recommended he tag it. It was my ignorance in how far the shitposters were willing to go.

>> No.13865757


>> No.13865759

Why do you mean by shitty people? You mean someone knows them personally IRL and they did something bad?

>> No.13865760

Both actually.
Bob is a snooty faggot that called any hatred he had towards himself "meta" while spamming the same 2hu pictures over and over, and Nega is Attentionwhorius maximus.

>> No.13865764

any hatred had towards him*
I wish I was blessed with the ability to proofread.

>> No.13865765

>guy gets off to the idea of his waifu fucking other people
Literally cuck

>> No.13865767

Let's not forget wan wan
I used to like hellhounds, too.

>> No.13865768

That RP pic still brings a smile to my face.

>> No.13865769

>Over pegging

Nah. Nega himself with his constant pegging arguments forever made him the poster child for that fetish. It's forever tainted and hated by proxy. If you don't know that, you haven't been here long.

>> No.13865772

That shitshow hasn't really affected their reputation for me fortunately.

>> No.13865774

Actually I haven't. had anybody actually bothered to mention that some idiot ruined the whole idea, I probably would have dropped it. It's like Bob ruining manticores.

>> No.13865777

It's not my thing, but you should actually read it, because it's not like that.

>> No.13865778

>implying it's just cause of nega
>implying pegging has ever been okay

>> No.13865782

Even if it did for me at first, Quicksilver is doing a damn good job at redeeming them in my eyes.

>> No.13865783

It's not as forced as futacats, but man is he trying.

>> No.13865784

I wouldn't say smile, he was trying to force .less to be the little girl, bob was a creep, who knew?

>> No.13865788

Meh. Went straight into the bin after the last turn of events. It started off cute though.

>> No.13865789

No, shadow Yuuko is cute!

>> No.13865792

Nega destroyed any chance of of the people going "just ignore it and it will be fine" to ever get their way. It's forever on the shit list now.

Pegging was never liked. And it wasn't really tolerated either. But it was on the lesser evil end of the unwelcome list. Nega dropped it down to the stone cold bottom.

>> No.13865793

While I am unable to grasp your opinion, you are fully entitled to have it.

>> No.13865795

You are right, "chuckle" is a better term.

>> No.13865797

why can't there be more of this.

>> No.13865798

She's ugly and smells like death!

>> No.13865800

Well, it's not like he really deserves any better. They were made for each other, I guess.

She is. She has nice teeth!

>> No.13865802

So you are in fact a newfag and are rolling the welcome mat for /d/, the fuck do you think you're doing.

>> No.13865804

Newfag here, someone please educate me on this.

>> No.13865808
File: 575 KB, 1440x900, .less roleplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save it and read it for your amusement, since I'm going to delete it soon.

>> No.13865810

I said I don't have an issue with pegging. I didn't say anything about /d/, whether or not pegging is /d/ tier, or whether or not /d/ should even be here.

At least read before you try to put words in my mouth.

>> No.13865813

She is beautiful and you are a mean person!

>> No.13865814

Bob was trying to assfuck .less who was roleplaying as laska in one of their session. He didn't want to, and bob was being really creepy about it, telling him to try new things and expand his horizons. Just like he told us a few times. So did the other one who shall go unnamed.

>> No.13865817
File: 533 KB, 1200x1645, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>harpy butler doujin

>> No.13865818

She's EVIL and she'll be mean thing to you!

>> No.13865820

You don't even know that pegging is /d/, so why don't you spend a few more years here before you open your mouth you fuckhead.

>> No.13865821

>no arm wings

>> No.13865823

Thank you senpai, but I wish I hadn't read that.

>> No.13865824

>implying she isn't just angry that she was left to die in a hole

>> No.13865826

That butler appears to have forgotten her pants.

>> No.13865827

Exactly! She'll leave you to die in her hole!

>> No.13865828

Dragons, Lizards and Snakes pegging you with their tails.

>> No.13865830

>Both Apophis and Pharaoh with hieroglyphic tattoos of Apep and Wadjet's Eye on their backs respectively
Sounds snazzy. I'd say go for this one.

>> No.13865831

I remember he took an idea for a story that I did as a greentext and then did a chapter of it. He then proceeded to act like he came up with it to begin with.

Which wouldn't be a terrible thing at all in my opinion if he hadn't dropped it completely.

>> No.13865832

How do you think we feel? Be thankful you weren't here when he and nega buddied up. God that was shit. Fire everywhere.

>> No.13865834

Awww, is anon throwing a tantrum? Nobody brought up /d/ but you. I merely sated that the concept of pegging doesn't offend me. Not once did I bring up it's inclusion in this thread or anywhere else.

Try spending some time educating yourself before you make an ass of yourself.

>> No.13865835

>That Valkyrie thing
No, bad anon, bad. No, really, stop using words you don't know the meaning of anon. It degrades us all.

>> No.13865838

Hey man, the guy is new and pretty reasonable. Just leave him be instead of starting a fight. Continuing the reply chain when he was talking to me, makes it look like I'm being a dick too.

>> No.13865839

Too big, they will break me.

>> No.13865840

Oh my.

I have a dream! A world where all monstergirls will be cosplay as fuck.

>> No.13865842

Close enough to a Kikimora.

>> No.13865843
File: 36 KB, 500x342, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean...you mean like that Jellybean King from Rick and Morty?
What. The fuck.

>> No.13865844


>> No.13865847

>Stolen ideas
>One chapter
>Abandoned and forgotten

You were definitely Flavor of the Nega

>> No.13865849

Good job anon. You sure showed him.

>> No.13865852

How far can a writefag go taking ideas from the thread before it becomes Nega tier?

>> No.13865853

>alled any hatred he had towards himself "meta" while spamming the same 2hu pictures over and over
Is there any proof of this, or is this just assumptions based on Bob being viewed as the lovechild of Hitler and Satan?

>> No.13865854

Yep, just like that fucker, what do you know.

>> No.13865855

Was it the one about the purified succubus?

>> No.13865856

I'd die in her hole

>> No.13865857

The really twisted thing is, .less doesn't really RP characters. He just uses their names as fall-backs, and they get constantly shuffled around because of his shit net.

>> No.13865860

Yeah, I don't know about that stuff but you guys are still awesome. Better than other sites at least.

>> No.13865861

It indeed was.
I would definitely like to see more of that, from someone else.

>> No.13865862

That's gross!

>> No.13865865

If you were actually around for it you'd think otherwise.

>> No.13865868

Assumptions then.

>> No.13865869

Aw shucks anon, don't say that. You'll hate us in time, it's inevitable.

>> No.13865870

You have do several things

>Strike while the FoT is fresh
Like if someone did a cute mini monster story right now it would be too late.
>Pretend it was your idea all along
>Write one chapter
>Argue about pegging for more words than your chapter itself when you post the chapter in the thread

There you go.

A Guide to Being Negawalker: Please Don't by Anon

>> No.13865871

Please don't die in the ghosts hole. It's not very pleasant.

>> No.13865874

No, faggot.

>> No.13865875

You're welcome to sift through the archive.


>> No.13865876

I don't think I could ever sink that low. And I've crashed a hindenburg of stupidity. Twice.

>> No.13865877

I think, in the end, this place survives, nay thrives, due to its transient nature.

Other MG communities stagnate, bogged down by their own politics, people holding grudges, shitflinging all around...

Sure, /mgt/ has all that in spades too, but due to the fact that it's a singular thread, which is routinely scraped for a new one, it lets discussions be freed of previous shit. Except when we spend entire threads bitching over our supposed "Rules".

But those are mercifully few and mostly far between.

>> No.13865881

>not wanting to get your soul sucked out via ghost blowjob wooo woo

>> No.13865882

>Like if someone did a cute mini monster story right now it would be too late.
I disagree, completely.

>> No.13865883

Still not seeing any reasoning besides "I hate Bob, it must have been him."

>> No.13865886

If he had been around for it, he wouldn't be asking for proof.

>> No.13865887

Oh god, no.

>> No.13865888

It's not flavor of the thread right now. It's gone the way of fond thread culture like Charon or Moth-chan. People would like a good story from it, but it's not the hot new thing. And it's got to still have that new car smell to be Nega.

>> No.13865889

Well then, you are welcome to NOT hate bob for that one.

>> No.13865891

>He doesn't cuddle Grudge's chan warm, sometimes seething body to him every night
>He doesn't shit talk anons to her while she listens intently
>He doesn't feel all tingly inside when she talks about taking people who piss him off, tie them to the back of a van, and driving around until they're nothing but a pelvis

You poor, ulcerless bastard.

>> No.13865894

Oh. Right. My bad. I took it the wrong way. I guess that's about it for me tonight then.

>> No.13865897

>If he had been around for it, he wouldn't be asking for proof.
More like I haven't been playing attention to people flipping out over Bob since Truckercore and Laska.
I saw that what he has is irrelevant to what I'm looking for and stopped concerning myself with him.

>> No.13865898

Not him but bob admitted to posting fat foxes in here and the aural sex thing. Don't know about 2hu. He used to use the thread as a petri dish to see if a new idea he was writing in a story was popular by spamming it until it either caught on or burned and then he'd pretend to be giving the people what they wanted when he published the story he was working on anyway.

>> No.13865899

Ew. No. No no no. Fuck no.

I have an irrational fear of onryo.

>> No.13865900

I mean, I could show you, I have caps of the old days, it's just, my /mgg/ folder has about 800 I need to sort through, and that's just that folder so...maybe some other time.

>> No.13865902

I don't mean sadako, I mean the embodiment of your hate given waifu form.

>> No.13865905 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 728x960, 1438585874692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Allow me to sit here and spitball...

>An aging, scarred and disfigured warrior, wearing an antiquated suit of armour.
>Gruff, brusque, but goodhearted.
>Hates marauding barbarians and the Holy Church with equal measure, fighting with experience, machine-like efficiency and raw martial-discipline instead of the fanatical zeal of a Paladin.
>Wanders the countryside and lends his sword to those in need, just trying to do the right thing after outliving both his Emperor and Empire robbed him of both his sense of purpose and pride.
>His name is unknown, only his title.
>"The Last Praetorian."

>> No.13865906

Alright, thanks.

>> No.13865907

Okay, that sounds a bit conspiracy-ish.

>> No.13865908

>800 threadmade screencaps
Holy shit. I need to see this someday.

>> No.13865909

He is an evil genius. Somebody should make a monstergirl version of him and have super-Wurm kick her ass.

>> No.13865911

Not that guy, but that's surprisingly accurate to what he did, looking back.

>> No.13865912

Not really. IRC used to pretend they were the monster meme thinktank and try to bring it here. Classic example is stuff like pringle manticore which you can look up in the old /a/ archive.

All that went away after they started TFT though.

>> No.13865913

Pff, I have 1,380 screencaps, including a folder dedicated to yandere stuff

>> No.13865916

It's not bad, but predictable as fuck.

>> No.13865918

I like it.

>> No.13865920

I remember when we were talking about an armored asshole wielding two tower shields.
Monstergirls trembled before THE WALL.
That was goofy. I liked it.

>> No.13865922

And this is something to brag about?

>> No.13865924

I like what I'm reading.

>> No.13865925

I-I think it is.

>> No.13865928


I actually liked that, too.

We oughta bring that back sometime.

>> No.13865930

Sounds kind of boring.

>> No.13865931
File: 266 KB, 858x800, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy if it makes you happy.

>> No.13865935

Yeah, those 800, I'm not counting the ones that have been sorted

>> No.13865937

It's alright, anon. A Crow Tengu would admire your dedication to preserving information.

>> No.13865943

You have my war hammer.

>> No.13865946

You mean someone who gets aroused by the idea of his waifu fucking around is not a cuck?
Then what is a cuck?

>> No.13865947

I seem to have this block when it comes to names. More accurately, when it comes to naming people and especially places in my settings. Can I just use stuff like "paladin A" and steal city names from vidya or movies?

>> No.13865950

She probably would save her favorite posts from /hbg/ as well.

>> No.13865951

Except he never did aural sex

>> No.13865955

Well, I'd take some time to at least think of character names, but stealing names from vidya should be fine. Worst case scenario, ask the thread for a name. That's what I do. Granted at least one person will suggest Squidward.

>> No.13865957

I have the exact same problem.
I usually go fire up the random fantasy name generator, mash it until something pops up that I like and doesn't look ludicrous, and maybe adjust it so it sounds a bit better.

Might not be the most elegant solution but it works.

>> No.13865963

Last time that happened, I had my hopes up for a Yeti and Anubis cabin story. A bit of my soul has died each day since it never materialized.

>> No.13865964

I don't know if he wrote any, but he spammed earfucking all the time along with foxes. Those poor fenecs.

I'm still traumatized over that one pic.

>> No.13865966

Please don't share

>> No.13865968

Are you suuuuure?

>> No.13865971

I like to wrap in way too much meaning into names. Everything is some sort of reference or pun that I only get.

Use baby-name sites when you have trouble. You'll toil away endlessly for the right one, but it'll get the job done.

>> No.13865974

Please share.

>> No.13865978

well I for one am curious, post it

>> No.13865979

Please DO NOT.

>> No.13865980

Post it

>> No.13865981

You should upload that somewhere.

>> No.13865982

>that one pic.

Do share.

>> No.13865983


>> No.13865984

Oh no, I'm sorry, I don't have it. It was a fox woman being bukkaked. Nothing wrong there. What offended the eye was faggotcat's disturbingly detailed barbed penis.

>> No.13865985

This will be useful, thanks guys.

>> No.13865987

So how could he spam aural sex to promote his aural sex if he never did it?

>> No.13865988

Fuck you anon. That's not okay. Fuck you.

>> No.13865991

First of all, that's not what occurred in the story.

Second, also no. Cuckold has 2 given definitions. The literal definition, and the fetishistic definition. For our purposes, we're looking at the fetishistic. A cuckold is not someone who gets aroused by the idea alone of his significant other fucking around. A cuckold is someone who gets aroused by actually watching their significant other fucking around.

>> No.13865993

Like I said, I don't remember him having any in his pastebin, but that's me. What I do remember, was the faggot derailing countless threads by spamming fat foxes, aural sex, and pseudopenis along with nega. Just random comments and unrelated replies about earfucking.

>> No.13865998

I want to watch an Elf eat an entire chocolate cake even as she insists she hates it.

>> No.13865999


You asked.

>> No.13866001

>fat elf

>> No.13866002

Is a fat minotaurus forcing her to eat it in front of the whole school?

>> No.13866003

>A cuckold is someone who gets aroused by actually watching their significant other fucking around.
No, I'm pretty sure many of them enjoy the idea and sloppy seconds after their wives' dates without watching the sex itself
I visit /pol/ sometimes

>> No.13866004

Leave mindflayer-chan out if this.

>> No.13866006

Still shit-tier. Will purge

>> No.13866009

Who said she was fat?

>> No.13866011

This is true. To be more specific, a cuckold doesn't necessarily have to bear witness to it, though that is what the majority of them like, but they do at least like evidence of it. That's what a cuckold is. Someone who gets off to their partner fucking around on them. Not simply the thought, fear or worry of it, but actually knowing that they are.

>> No.13866012

Can't hear you over the sound of my FLAMMENWERFER!

>> No.13866013

Don't worry it's a special Holst cake so she'll only get fat in certain places.

>> No.13866015

I want to make a werewolf eat a chocolate cake!

>> No.13866016

She will be if she eats cakes whole

>> No.13866019

Anon no! Think of their poor little tummies!

More seeing-eye puppy when?

>> No.13866020



>> No.13866021

B-but I prefer my MGs toned and modest

>> No.13866022


>> No.13866025

>Dat scene from Matilda but with a chubby werewolf loli instead

I'm sure that's somebody's fetish.

>> No.13866028

See, this guy got it.

>> No.13866029

Then go to the gym. I'll stick to the Hathor cake shop.

>> No.13866030

On the topic of cake, costco has a delicious triple chocolate.

>> No.13866033

Eh, not a fan of too much chocolate myself
But it is pretty good

>> No.13866034

Get the fuck out of my thread you heretical bastard.

>> No.13866038

Hey hey, whoa, hold on there friend. I just said I didn't like too much chocolate. Doesn't mean I hate chocolate as a whole
Chocolate in moderation. Too much of it and it's overkill. Too little and what's the point of even adding it

>> No.13866050

"Too much of it and it's overkill"
No waifu for you.

>> No.13866052

How about the Dragon Cake Shop...

>> No.13866053

Yeah chocolate is nice.

Especially on monster girls.

>> No.13866057

My friend, I think we both got off here on the wrong footing
Why don't we just agree to disagree?

>> No.13866062

Of course. However, I wonder how many MGs would say the same thing about men.

I'll let your transgressions slide this one time.

>> No.13866066
File: 962 KB, 1200x2000, Of course it is, you bwaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13866069

What's that like?

>> No.13866074

It's got standards, for one. Did you know Junko got fired from there?

>> No.13866079

Which monster belly is best for using as a pillow to nap on? To make it more accurate, which for each category?

>> No.13866081

I'm a little late but that was brilliant.

I'm a little worried Victor will go soft on the monsters at some point, all the hints are there like him putting food out for the Nightmare he exiled.

Isn't Caithness correct about Victor's nation? They spared the monsters after the last war, so something fishy is going on behind the scenes. I wouldn't be surprised if a monster secretly was in power.

>> No.13866083

Soft is best for napping, but muscled is best for pouring things on.

>> No.13866084


>> No.13866088

Oh snap! I didn't even check today. I feel so spoiled this weekend

>> No.13866089

>However, I wonder how many MGs would say the same thing about men.

Quite a few I'd say.
I like my monsters like I like my chocolate. Dark, creamy and very sweet.

>> No.13866092
File: 116 KB, 588x566, Into the trash I go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I too late to join the discussion on writefagging and why some people suck while others don't?

>> No.13866096

Maybe? Fuck if I know, I got here after it ended.

>> No.13866102


>> No.13866112


Ushi Oni

>> No.13866115

>you will never get to play card games on motorcycles with a monster girl.

>> No.13866122

>toned Moth
>soft Ushi Oni

>> No.13866125


Well I mean we've all 'mired Moth-chan's abs, haven't we? And an Ushi Oni's fur would be nice and soft...

>> No.13866127
File: 2.44 MB, 1440x1728, Modest Moth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen Moth-chan's abs?

>> No.13866128


>> No.13866130
File: 671 KB, 750x1061, I challenge you to a mamomo game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say card games?

>> No.13866133
File: 84 KB, 1200x625, 1434068347401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get to play card games on motorcycles against a monster girl in order to protect her smile

>> No.13866135

Pharaoh is kind of a boring girl.

I'd rather have a huge cuddle pile with her mummy guards!

>> No.13866136


Would foreplay with her consist of her trying to charge your pelvis while roaring to get inside her? Because that's what a normal Akantor does. Kinda.

>> No.13866137

>All those hyper sensitive undead bodies shivering and shaking from overstimulation against you
You're one lewd, glorious fuck

>> No.13866138

I like the tone, but I really hope he was lying about being willing to kill an innocent man.

Otherwise I'd lose all respect for him as a character. He'd go from a character I'd wish a good ending for, to edgy shit that needs to be purged.

>> No.13866139
File: 47 KB, 720x540, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boring girl
Okay, she wasn't a Pharaoh, but she was definitely the closest to being one within the series.

>> No.13866141

I'd cuddle every single one of them!

Even going so far as to cuddle three or four at a time, maybe even give the well behaved ones headpats!

>> No.13866144

He's always been an edgy shit that needs to be purged, he's a fucking paladin.

>> No.13866150

I wish there was a Duel Monsters Tag Force game so you could waifu her.

Hell I just wish there was more Tag Force.

>> No.13866158
File: 136 KB, 480x272, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new Tag Force Arc-V lets you partner up with her and waifu her, yeah.

>> No.13866165
File: 85 KB, 707x1000, 1393413211786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new school year will soon start...

>> No.13866166

I tend to agree with the paladins principles to some extent. It's just KCs dumb cannon that makes them into mindless hate-filled killing machines. He essentially just cranked the religious-zealot knob to 11 and created the "heroes" to fill the void.

It would be nice to see a story centered around a Paladin splinter group that focuses on peace. Some green realm where the monsters aren't rape machines and Paladins defend them as they would a human.

Meh. Maybe I'll turn this into something

>> No.13866170

>religion says monsters are evil and have to die
>zealous followers of religion trained in combat don't kill monsters
Does not compute.

>> No.13866174


No he just reflavored the Japanese Work Culture as a "religion" to make the Order. Not by going hurr zealots.

And what you've described, a neutral third party, has been tried and discussed before. Said characters/settings get called stu/sue-ish and/or too noblebright. Course, if you can get past that (or not give a fuck), there's plenty of potential there.

>> No.13866176


Not to mention isn't the religion in actual contact with angles and shit?

I mean it's one thing if you're just interpreting ancient scriptures, but it's very different if you have manifested divine beings that can actually tell you what the scriptures mean that.

>> No.13866178

Good translation never ever.

>> No.13866179
File: 360 KB, 650x700, b2c35d6d5f80e5de8eed06c45e39e478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you live in a country where you harvest wheat as your main feudal agricultural product! Like me.

>> No.13866181

Not when both paths lead to the same result: kill everyone who is different because they are infidels and pagans and monsters and then you will get 72 virgin Angels.

>> No.13866182



Oops. Angels, you know what I mean.

>> No.13866184

Not to mention they used to be right. Monsters were just a bunch of murdering people eaters.

When they suddenly got all cute and rapey, the paladins just looked at each other and went "It's a trick. Get an axe."

>> No.13866187

In the absence of religion man are far better at thinking for themselves. Sure some will blindly follow the faith, but KC makes each and everyone of them seem like blind fools.

Seriously, how long would it really take for some of them to begin questioning whether or not they should be killing the MGs?

This is a fair point.

I'm sure someones brought it up. I'm not sure how I would make it interesting and my own while avoiding the pitfalls. I'll think on it.

>> No.13866188

And this is why paladins are the bad guys now. I'mma do indecent stuff with Dragons and you can't slay them while I lay them, so how you like them apples?

>> No.13866192

>how long would it really take
Around 1600 years or so?

>> No.13866194

Actually that's our dumb canon.

In KC's dumb canon, the Order's Paladins and Heroes are all good-natured fellows who've been misled by dogmatic propaganda, and who pretty well all defect for a monster waifu when they actually meet one.

>> No.13866195

You know what the solution to all this silliness with the factions is? Because the whole world is split into a couple of factions. That's dumb. The world is too big for that. We should reflect that in our writings.

>> No.13866199


It's indoctrination. They don't think about it because they've been conditioned from birth to not think about it. It can lead to a quite vicious cycle if it's ingrained hard enough.

>> No.13866200

>Lilim sitting on her throne
>Giving a climactic speech to the heroes who have come to try and vanquish her
>In the middle of her speech, her husband shuffles into the throne room in a bathrobe and slippers
>"Honey, where are the batteries? The AAA's, for the remote. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know we had people over, are they staying for dinner?"
>She tries to shoo him away, her face getting redder with every passing second
>He pays her no mind and calls for the maids anyways
>Finally she snaps
>"God dammit Anon! These aren't guests! they're the heroes! You know, the ones here to kill me?!"
>"What?! Over my dead body!"
>Anon has one of the maids bring him his sword
>His bathrobe flies open as her charges at them
>The heroes flee, more afraid of the dong that's flapping around than of the sword

>> No.13866204

>Leroy Jenkins gets married

>> No.13866206

In Lanternon's story monsters almost wiped out humanity. I'd say in that world Paladins have a right to be pissed off.

>> No.13866207

>Guts hangs his absurdly large dick over his shoulder.jpg

>> No.13866209

Which is even more dumb when you think about it. People taught to believe something secondhand have been demonstrably shown to believe it much more than people with experience.

That's why first generation converts to a religion are often the most zealotous and racism gets more powerful as it gets passed down.

By all accounts, paladins should be more extreme.

>> No.13866210

I think he was lying.

His sword didn't even let him kill a monster for attacking him, and by the laws she was actually guilty.

>> No.13866212

I've never seen someone try so hard to be funny, yet fail completely.

>> No.13866215

>No chubby fujo cyclops to tease
>You'll never watch cute human boy anime with her

>> No.13866217


I'd say that the monsters would have just as much reason to be worried.

After all driving humans to extinction is the same as driving themselves to extinction.

It's like mutually assured destruction, except it only goes one way.

>> No.13866220

He was only trying to scare the Illegal Wurm off. He knew she was stupid, but would still be horrified with the idea of watching a man die, so Victor used that to his advantage.

>> No.13866222

Putting aside the rape thing as a fetish, you'd think after a century or three of a relatively peaceful and rape-free existence, someone would begin to question things. Obviously the average person is generally happy with the situation.

The whole rape monster thing seems like a self fulfilling prophecy. Would anyone give a damn about the church if the MGs treated humans just as well if not better than other humans? People would be throwing themselves to their new wives.

>> No.13866226


The main pitfall you have to be careful of is how this third group exists in the first place. Are they just some randoms or are they perhaps an entire nation? Who's backing it? How powerful are they? These are the sorts of things you have to be ready to answer at least in passing and be willing to back up. If there's an angel/lilim/w/e behind them, give a good reason why even if it's as simple as "she thought differently."

The problems come when you just throw powerful beings at a problem without any justification. Or when your third party has no downsides whatsoever. Finding flaws might be hard outside of size but they should have a few.

>> No.13866230

I never got that part myself. During the last war only a few cities and forts remained with humans, but surely if the monsters won then both species would die out quickly?
Human victory was the only way things would work out for both species and without a crazy demon lord demanding all men become husbands to her people, I guess Mamono became saner for it?

One thing I don't get though, if there isn't a Demon lord anymore, why are the monsters still sexy women? Why aren't they in their natural forms, is there a Lilim still hiding out somewhere?

>> No.13866233

Its only set 15 or so years after the war that almost wiped out humans. It's going to take a while for people to forget that, and as harsh as the laws about tossing out rapist monsters sounds I think its the only real way of handling the situation, but who knows, maybe Lanternon will go further into all this later.

>> No.13866235

Yeah, that makes sense. Still. What an asshole. I'm not sure if I want the guy to die in a fire or have a cliche ----

wth is that trope where they have an epiphany and ride off with their former enemy? It's late.

>> No.13866236

I'd rather not have any interaction with a species of sluts who only want a husband so they can have a private food source.

>> No.13866241

Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.13866242
File: 1.09 MB, 850x1062, 1376852515823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading Greystorm I find myself thinking about what types of modern weapons monsters would be able to use.

I can't get the image of a wurm picking up a complete Pak 40 anti tank cannon and using it like personal rifle, or a dragon acting like a bomber dropping 500 kg bombs.

>> No.13866243

Well for starters, they'd have to be facing prosecution from their former comrades. Lack of former resources. I may be able to think of a few things. Thanks for the input.

>> No.13866250


So you want one of the monsters that doesn't have semen as an important part of their diet? Lots of those.

>> No.13866259

Or he can just write his own head-cannon.

>> No.13866262

Its implied he's been through a lot with monsters. His adopted mother did something he can't forgive and he was probably around to see the end of the war. Even in Lanternon's other story with a pro-monster MC it was shown that there are many asshole mamono who think nothing of trickery and outright rape, so guys like Victor are needed there IMO.

>> No.13866263

They're all a bunch of dumb sluts.

>> No.13866266

Well I wrote something because inspiration slapped me in the face. Not sure if I like it or not. I'll let you all tell me.

>It looks suspiciously like a living room.
>Heck, it might be a living room. It might even be THE living room.
>You don't know, though.
>You don't know where anything is in this house.
>Or condominium, whatever this whole living space is you don't know.
>There are no windows, you can't look out and tell.
>You don't even know if you're in the city anymore.
>But you are in a room. Thankfully.
>In some type of room that is possibly a living room.
>Your trembling eyes glance over everything.
>It's a decent sized room, but it's on the wrong way.
>Everything is on the ceiling except the couch.
>Or maybe, you, the couch, and the door are all on the ceiling and everything else is on the floor.
>This isn't the first time you've been somewhere like this.
>This place would make Escher ruin his pants.
>Hell there's a few of prints of his works lying around somewhere in these mad halls.
>The couch feels comfortable, but you don't remember sitting.
>You breathe in deeply, your head is scrambling to get a hold of something that makes sense.
>Behind you, a wonderful portrait of Wonderland hangs.
>You're glad it's behind you. Looking at it makes you want to vomit.
>It was like staring at madness itself.
>You've got enough insanity at the moment. You don't need more on top of it.
>You grope for a remote for the TV. You find it under the cushion.
>She likes to put things where people usually lose them. Says it helps her remember.
>She does a lot of things like that.
>You press the on button. Whatever is on the screen, it isn't cable.
>At least, you pray to whatever god that didn't already abandon you it isn't.
>"I'm giving this to you to help you remember me while I'm gone," your wife whispers sweetly to the camera.
>"Don't stop watching until it's all done," she coos. You can hear it, next to your ear, even though the recording said it, not her directly.

>> No.13866268

>But you still heard it like she just breathed it into your ear, even feeling the warmth of her breath and the faint touch of her claws on your back.
>Your thumb sits frozen over the power button on the remote.
>As much as you want it to stop you can't.
>The sensations you felt means she could be there.
>You can't tell when she's gone and when she's here anymore.
>She's gone some times, and she's back some times, but time doesn't mean anything to you anymore.
>You can't risk her being there, this could all be a mad test of faith, the moment you turned off the TV she would be in your lap, wrapping her arms around you.
>You can see it, her sitting there, her fur against your cheeks as her grip slowly tightens, as her claws glide over your skin, not cutting, not yet…
>Someone from the video moans. It's you.
>Sweat beads on your forehead.
>You're tied up on the bed. You're gagged, your expression is vacant.
>She must have put you on some kind of drug for you to look for that, unless that's what you really look like.
>You actually shiver at the thought.
>You don't know what exactly you look like anymore, so you can't be too sure. You see something different in the mirror every time.
>There are burns in your arms from the ropes. Not just in the movie, right now.
>Your sweaty hands run over the red marks.
>How long ago was this? You don't remember it happening.
>Something dawns on you. Is that what it is? Another grim and ironic statement from her?
>She gave you something she intentionally made you unable to remember so you could remember something else?
>Whatever the answer is, you can't ask for it. If you said you forgot anything about her she'd give you a new scar.
>The bedroom you're both in, in the video, is like everything in this place; it's a nonsensical arrangement of… things.
>There's a fishbowl full of water on the wall, the water's surface is the same angle as the wall it's placed on.

>> No.13866271


>There's a globe, floating by a string like a balloon even though it looks like it's made of glass.
>There's a cuckoo-clock behind the bed, turned upside-down. The mechanism is sprung, a little bird sitting out that you figure goes back inside once every hour.
>Speaking of clocks there's three in this room right now.
>You've already partially solved this riddle, but it changes just a bit every time to throw you off.
>Each clock individually is wrong, but if you account for all of them, they're right.
>But you don't know how to find it out, you don't have the algorithm.
>It could be one has the hour, one has the minute, one has the second.
>It could be you need to subtract or add them from each other.
>It could be they're all telling you where you could find where the correct time is, based off of some coordinate system you don't know.
>What is sure is that all four of them are ticking at slightly different intervals.
>You don't know where the fourth is coming from.
>You walk up to the TV, now standing on the same level as it, and pressing your ear against the speaker.
>Loudly, you hear her moans, and your breathing.
>You can hear details, like how your breathing hitches, and her claws tear through your skin.
>Instinctively, you press your eyes shut and try to stifle the sensation of skin parting and blood flowing.
>You try to pick out some form of ticking, if it's coming from there.
>Though the more you focus, the more it sounds like it's coming from your head.
>Bump, bump, bump, bump, forming just slightly off-beat to the other clocks of the room.
>Your heartbeat. You're hearing your own heartbeat. It's off from the clocks.
>Somewhere a door opens and closes. The beat picks up.
>The sound of little paws shuffling, you cannot quite place where they're coming from.
>"Hey dad!" cries your daughter, joyfully.
>She is usually not far behind.
>The TV is only static now.
>You smile at your daughter.

>> No.13866272


That's not even necessary. Even "mainstream" monsters like lamias have a conventional diet instead of a semen diet.

It's the ones that do need to feed on semen that are usually the dumb sluts, like succubi.

>> No.13866273

That's what I like about lanternon. Yeah, he follows some of the familiar aspects, but he includes enough back-story and detail it separates itself.

>> No.13866274

>A Mamono is actually worried about her personality being overwritten from marrying

This is a pretty interesting development. Until now, I always assumed the monsters in your story were mostly instinctual and wanted a man no matter what the consequences, like that bullshit they did to that guy's human girlfriend in the last story.

That Mantis actually made me sympathize for them a little more.

>> No.13866275


>If you could see yourself, you would know you look like a wreck, but little Madeline knows no better.
"Hello, my little wonder."
>The words come out of your chafing throat.
>Maybe you're thirsty. Maybe you had finished screaming at some point. Maybe you haven't spoken in a while.
>You delicately run your hands through her soft hair.
>The sweat from your hands makes you stick somewhat to it.
>She starts talking about something, something distant.
>You smile and listen.
>Listen to her talk, listen to the noise of her voice rather than the words she's saying.
>You don't know why you're standing, she keeps talking.
>Mechanically your limbs move themselves out of the room, climbing out of the door that is sideways.
>Your head swirls as you walk through the halls. Today they are checkered, and only go straight.
>You are in the kitchen with your daughter now.
>She's eating something but you can't see it under her paws.
>Why are you reaching for something? This is wrong on two levels.
>You're a tall man, almost as tall as your wife, and… you don't really know what you're reaching for. Maybe you've forgotten.
>Your daughter appears in the cabinet suddenly, grabbing a kettle and giving it to you.
>For a moment, the beating in your ears stops.
>Shaking your head rapidly, you speak to your daughter.
"Get down from there."
>In an instant, she's behind you wrapping her arms around your shoulders.
> Your heartbeat stops again.
>You quickly stifle what displays of your mounting fear you can, but it is becoming difficult to conceal anything from your daughter.
>It's said that kids can just instinctively tell there's something wrong no matter how well you hide it.
>Like they're born knowing you.
"Madeline," you speak sternly.
>She gives off a disappointed but playful sigh, as she slips off from your shoulders.
>Silently, you place the kettle under the faucet and turn it on.
>Purple water that smells like roses begins flowing from the faucet.

>> No.13866278


>You catch a bit in your hands and take a sip.
>Basil or rosemary, either you can't tell or you can't remember which taste like which.
>You stop the flow of water and bring the kettle to the stove, twisting the knob to give it gas.
>Placing the kettle down on the white flames, you turn and lean on the counter, to look at your daughter as she watches you from the table on the far wall, next to the door.
>Try as you may, you cannot meet her eyes.
>You hope that this doesn't upset her.
>You wonder if this hope is based on paternal love, or simple fear.
>A wave of self-loathing washes through you as you as you find yourself unable to answer that question, or maybe it's that you don't like the answer.
>You do love your daughter.
>Maybe you should tell her.
>The kettle begins to blare orchestral music.
>You scramble at the suddenness, quickly turning off the stove and moving the kettle over to an unused burner.
>Releasing a shaky breath, you begin looking through the cabinets for tea leaves, or tea bags, or something you can use to make tea with.
>You look through just about every cabinet you can reach, brushing over pots, and pans, and glass replicas of castles, and little antique clocks, before sighing and looking at the counter, where your daughter sits.
>A box of peach tea is in her arms.
>Your wife may like that.
>Like her mother, she seems to understand her surroundings easily.
>While you scatter like an ant cut off from its trail, the cheshires can traverse the mad halls with ease, even standing on the walls they need to without so much of a thought about it.
>You have a… semblance, of this ability. Incubisation does have its benefits.
>Sometimes, when you're not paying any real attention, you'll just… wind up somewhere you intended to be, or needed to be… or she wanted you to be.
>Like now, in an office.
>The room is relatively normal, but, to the trained eye, you can pick out little things that are a little off.

>> No.13866280

I believe this is why most of the anons I see comment seem to like his writing. There's always something interesting.

>> No.13866284

Oh wow this is shit.

>> No.13866286


It doesn't even have to go as far as prosecution.

At the risk of causing people's autism to flare, consider Ilassa and her "faction," which might arguably be one of the first attempts to do a third side. Originally people didn't like her because she did come off as too sue-ish. She had the ideas there, sure. Letting people choose their own path, love, cooperation, all that jazz, but it wasn't properly presented the first time. The focus was too much on her and not the "why's." And what drawbacks were there weren't properly balanced.

Nowadays it's a little better. As it's currently written we know she has this little nation-state thing in the middle of a desert somewhere. People from all walks of life are welcome there, but they don't do any real active recruiting, raids, or similar. They (as an entity) seem to be reclusive which is a perfectly acceptable downside in the global scheme of things. But there are still things missing from the picture. Why does Ilassa think this way? Did she maybe meet up with Eros and fancy her line of thinking? Why would anyone leave an organization like the Sabbath to go there? What do they have to offer that's so different than the other sides?

Hopefully you can see where I'm going with this. In order to sell what you're thinking about you have to break down everything until you're satisfied with the "because's." And it's perfectly fine if a few why's are literally "just because." Just don't use that sort of thing for the big Why's and be okay with some people maybe not liking your reasoning.

>> No.13866292

>Wurm with a Davy Crockett
>Slithers out of the crater with a smile

>> No.13866296


>It is easiest one is clocks. There's at least one clock in every room, and each one has something different about it.
>The clock in this room, which hangs just slightly tilted over your desk, is ticking backwards.
>There is some sort of method to this madness but you're always left feeling as though you're on the cusp of a breakthrough yet never arrive at a conclusion.
>You sit down on the cushy chair, fluff spilling out from claw marks, and attempt to figure out why you're here.
>Blinking, you try and think of… something.
>Maybe just start doing things and see what happens?
>You reach out for one of the pens that sits in a mug on the desk. Right as the thin rods of ink, plastic, and occasionally metal, brush against your hand, a paw comes down on them and it's all gone.
>Your hand darts back to you, your eyes widening.
>Another one of her games.
>Your wife loves games.
>She loves to laugh as you stumble through her insane puzzles.
>Many times they take sexual undertones, but sometimes you think she just does it to hurt you.
>The numerous claw-marks and the rare scar that can survive your demonic-energy-enhanced healing capabilities are a testament to how much she enjoys her games.
>Trembling, you look over the room.
>There is… really no particular feature that sets apart the room.
>Just simple flowery, aged-looking wallpaper, a mahogany desk with nothing on it, and a clock that's stopped ticking.
>For some reason, all of this terrifies you.
>It's off. It's not like how the games usually are.
>You move as quietly as you can, in the near imaginary hope that your wife will not be able to detect you if you move in such a manor.
>Slowly, you open the door to reveal your daughter smiling up at you.
>You feel like ice is moving through your veins.
>With a happy motion, she lifts up a pen towards you.
>"I wanna' play a game!"
>You slam the door closed and press your back against it, and see your daughter sitting on the desk.

>> No.13866300


>Slowly, her smile fades as you stare at her in horror.
>"I-is there something wrong?"
>Keeping your eyes on her, you slowly move away from the door and carefully, silently, open it.
>With cautious, deliberate motions, you do not take your gaze away from your daughter, who has leapt off the desk onto the floor.
>As much as you try to repress the fear of your daughter, at this point you see too much of your wife in her.
>The moment your foot arrives in the hallway you turn and run.
>Your heart is pounding in your ears again, louder and faster than it has ever been in a long time.
>Checkered walls blur past you into long gray tube.
>You wonder briefly where your wife is. You haven't seen her since… you don't know when you've last seen her.
>Time doesn't make sense anymore, but somewhere in your shattered mind, something registers that your wife hasn't shown up when she should have.
>Usually, she arrives when Madeline does.
>More fear and adrenalin burst through you, but something else you had never felt in a it was stamped out by your wife burns in your chest once more, and makes you pour more strength into your run through the halls.
>For the first time in what must have been years, you feel the faint flicker of hope.
>You don't think, you don't do anything, you just run.
>A light comes from a door at the end of the hall.
>You move faster than any human could.
>Bursting through the door, you stumble, panting, into a simple office.
>Your daughter looks at you, frightened.
>You look right back at her.
>The clock on the wall bursts, papers, pens, and a glass mug all clattering down on to the desk.
>In the next moment you're aware again, you're violently bursting open any door you can.
>Your right shoulder is in immense pain, and your throat burns.
>You wonder for a brief moment why that is as you ram your shoulder, screaming, into another door.
>With desperation filling your eyes, you glance around the insane structure of the room.

>> No.13866302

Since we seem to be in a logical mood tonight, what do you all think about Kumiho? How can they be written about right? How do you make them interesting characters and avoid the 100% vicious predator all the time thing? How much would other monsters hate and revile them? Are people even interested in them?

>> No.13866305


>Seeing this is not the exit, you turn from this door and run down the hall again, for the next door.
>Unbeknownst to you, your wife is just dragging herself up from a small office party that took a slightly more wild turn when someone had secretly spiked the punch.
>Blearily, she takes the lampshade off her head looks around her surroundings.
>Thankfully, she hasn't done anything to embarrass herself too much, as all of her clothing is on.
>She seems to have fallen asleep at her desk.
>Glancing at the little clock you made for her when you first started dating, her eyes bulge out.
>She was supposed to pick up Maddy and head home hours ago.
>Panic wells through her as she teleports rapidly through her office building, just as you ram your shoulder into a door that's different from all the rest.
>Unlike the other doors, this one holds.
>You step back and ram into the door again.
>Still doesn't budge.
>You take a few more steps back, and with all the might you can muster, throw yourself against the door.
>Your shoulder splinters as the door's hinges give out, and you rip it from the wall.
>Crashing down to the floor in a hallway you barely recognize, you scramble to your feet and sprint for the elevator, rapidly mashing the elevator down button.
>You practically squeal with glee as the doors sluggishly grind open.
>Gracelessly, you shamble in to the small wooden box and slam your finger into the lobby button, then press the door close as many times as you can.
>Door close door close door close door close door close door close
>The doors slide shut as the smile of someone who has lost their mind entirely splits your face.
>You stare at the lights above the sliding doors, watching as the elevator makes the agonizingly slow journey down.
>With a happy ding, the doors open on the ground floor. Tears pour down your face.
>Bruised, right arm hanging limply at your side, your bloodshot eyes stare at the glass doors leading outside.

>> No.13866306

>How can they be written about right

You can't.

>> No.13866308

Interesting. It seems to me that the most difficult part would be presenting these pieces in ways that don't seem forced. There's a lot of information that needs to be given in such away that it not only builds upon itself, but doesn't come across as a wall of back-story or exposition.

>> No.13866312


>The wererabbit doorwoman is quickly at your side.
>She chitters something about you being hurt and grabs you by your left arm.
>You turn to her and ram your forehead into her nose, sending the petite woman stumbling back, grasping her bleeding face.
>Quickly turning back to the door, it takes you two swipes at the handle before your hand finally finds a firm grip.
>You open the door as your wife frantically tries to find the fastest route home.
>For the first time in years, you feel the sun on your chalk-white skin.
>You take a moment just to revel in it, before you turn down the sidewalk and run as fast as you can force your exhausted body to go.

>>13866284 Yup, that's what I expected.
I'll wait for criticism before I toss up a pastebin. This was a big experiment, and frankly I still want to edit the shit out of it.

Comments, criticism, and calling me a fag are welcome and appreciated.

>> No.13866313

Not sure what's being talked about, but it sounds like something irredeemable and deserving of an instant binning.

>> No.13866314


Well I remember one story I liked about a kitsune that was pretending to be one as a prank, does that count?

>> No.13866317


And that, dear anon, is the secret to writefagging (after not giving a fuck). I can no longer help you from here. Godspeed.

>> No.13866322

That's worthy of a fucking divorce and restraining order.

>> No.13866324

thanks friend

>> No.13866325

I don't even know what the fuck I just read.

Maybe I'm just tired, but please, explain it to me.

>> No.13866326

Yeah, the liver eating foxes aren't that popular.
Maybe? Not really.

>> No.13866329

The whole abused prisoner thing makes me sad.

>> No.13866330


Honestly? I think it was just the average MG greentext. Nothing terrible or amazing, but a light read and a welcome thing for a monday morning.

>> No.13866331

Garbage, you read nothing but pure garbage in greentext form.

>> No.13866341

Isn't that most greentexts? We get some good ones but most of them are "flavor of the month monster does something cute but nothing interesting happens".

>> No.13866346

Now that's just not true.
Just the other night I wrote one that could be described as "Red Oni does something cute but nothing interesting happens"!

Pretty sure Red Oni ain't FotM anymore.

>> No.13866347

This one was worse, I was half tempted to tell the faggot who was writing it to put on a trip so I could filter him.

>> No.13866352

I'm like...80% sure it is shit anon, but still, shit is just shit, why're you getting so mad about it? What about this one triggers you so?

>> No.13866357

I'm a fucking angry person at all times.

You would not believe how many times I've punched, kicked, spit or yelled at something in my sleep.

>> No.13866362

Your MG waifu better be as tough as nails.

Or like it rough.

>> No.13866365


I think he deserves that spider girl that goes full sadist at night with an attitude like that.

>> No.13866369

I would rather slowly cut off my testicles, deep fry them and force feed someone them than have a spider girl wife.

>> No.13866370

Or a Yeti to calm him down.

>> No.13866372

Yeti is love

>> No.13866373

Yeti is life.

Yeti can turn the most staunch paladins.

>> No.13866376

Amen. Adorable, cuddly, and not rapey. It's like love's physical manifestation.

>> No.13866377

you bastard, you better make an epilogue for the nightmare and the wurm! and it better also include the giant slug from the first story

>> No.13866378
File: 1.06 MB, 1300x1500, 1408116260263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick and have a bit of a fever.

Someone roll a Monster Girl to be my nurse and take care of me.


Am I in good hands/paws/tentacles/claws?

>> No.13866380

Kill yourself anon.

>> No.13866381


You'll do okay.

>> No.13866382

>Dark Valkyrie
I really don't know about that.

>> No.13866386

Cheshire. Good luck.

>> No.13866387

Sounds nice. Thank you.

>> No.13866390

Yeah fuck Eros the Church of Yeti is the way to go.

>> No.13866395

That picture is lewd. And possibly hinting at naughty things. 10/10

>> No.13866396

Yes. This. We need more Nightmare stuff. Preferably without frontgina.

>> No.13866401

There's nothing naughty about penis inspection day.

>> No.13866402

A thick, rubbery tentacle shoved deep inside your pants.

>> No.13866404

Im going to get tortured by being forced to read horrible texts

>> No.13866407


Well, as long as you don't live with your mother I'm sure you'll be fine.

>> No.13866408

Careful anon. Anons are known to become violent at even a vague possibility of butt-stuff.

>> No.13866415

What what, up the butt?

>> No.13866418

EGAD MAN. Show some decency.

>> No.13866420


>> No.13866424

The Nightmare was exiled into the wilderness, she did try to sleep rape the MC, so it was justified
The Wurm is just another example of a wild monstergirl trying to kidnap a guy, only she was being stupid about it
The giant slug was probably captured by the feral protection guys, and I guess they also just exile the dangerous ones.

Sometimes I wonder just why the humans tolerate the monsters when they can be so powerful and dangerous. Its no wonder the other country is afraid they've been taken over. I get a bad feeling the human only country will get its shit stomped and be forced to take monsters in. Monsters are ok, but humans should have their safe place too.

>> No.13866430
File: 17 KB, 179x162, 1391774745430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Alright, so now, I'm going to stick my hand in your pants."
>"Just turn your head and cough for me."
>"Relaaaaax~. I'm a doctor."

>> No.13866431


>> No.13866434

Why did I hear carnival music just now?

>> No.13866437

>W-what's this procedure for exactly?

>> No.13866438

>she turns you over and slowly slips a thermometer in your ass
>at least you hope its a thermometer

>> No.13866440

I don't think she's a qualified medical practitioner.

>> No.13866444

Don't worry about it, anon.
She just needs to feel your balls a little bit for any sign of lumps.
It's going to take a little more than five minutes to really make sure, so just sit tight and remember, she is a trained professional at this.

>> No.13866445

I'm fine with butt stuff. But I'll admit the whole futa-cheshire thing is one example of things going too far into /d/ realm.

It was a fun few posts, but I do make an effort not to push it.

>> No.13866446


>> No.13866450

Witch Doctor is still a doctor. Ooga booga!

>> No.13866451

Oh jeez, I hope I don't accidentally...fire.

>> No.13866452

>"Um... are you sure you're medically qualified?"
>"Uh... I think I'll just go and see a proper doc-"
>she just throws you back on the bed and starts doing a sacred striptease ritual to ward off evil spirits
and to appease the fertility goddess

>> No.13866454

Bad mojo come out one way only!

>> No.13866455

Maybe I'll just go see an Elf healer...

>> No.13866456

Woah. I was thinking like, a day or two in the Yeti pits.


>> No.13866460

>Elf healer
You can't, like, hurt the germs, man! They're one of, like, Mother Earth's creatures!
You were supposed to run with the joke and say that I should be stoned too because I said Jehova.

>> No.13866461

But.. stoning. That's not cool.

Why you be so mean?

>> No.13866463

Are you pretending to be retarded for shits and giggles, or have you really not seen Life of Brian?

>> No.13866464

>Witch Doctor
Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang

>> No.13866466
File: 63 KB, 540x720, 1400047322352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13866467

I can't say that I have...

I'll just leave now.

>> No.13866468

Don't worry, in the event of an accident, she's also trained in clean-up. She's a cat you know.

>> No.13866469

Come on Anon, I know she got her ear pierced, but you don't need to treat her like that.

>> No.13866470

Anon, did you come here from some other reality where Monty Python doesn't exist?

>> No.13866472

It was a bit before my time and I'm not one for cult classics

>> No.13866474

So you're refusing to watch a good movie because of that?
Kill yourself. There's no hope for you anymore.

>> No.13866477

I'll just add it to the list of other classics everyone tells me I'm terrible for not having the time to watch.

>> No.13866480

It's okay anon, I haven't seen it either. Or the Godfather.

>> No.13866482

You have the time to watch it, you're on 4chan. Also, here it is, go watch it:


>> No.13866484

What is wrong with you people?

>> No.13866485

Her tongue might be rough though.

>> No.13866486

Don't pick on the cavemen anon. They don't have cable.

>> No.13866487

Oh the horror.

>> No.13866490

We're slaves to work and commitments rather than lust, love, and pursuit of actual happiness?

The only reason I keep 4chan open while I work is because its amusing and alerts me when someone replies.

>> No.13866491

Weeeelll, growing up I only had two things to watch. Disney animated movies (like 4 of them) or outside. Naturally I kind of got a weird mind that prefers animation to live action stuff.
Oddly accurate.

>> No.13866493

>growing up
But you're an adult now, and I just posted the link to the move on youtube. Come on man.

>> No.13866498
File: 606 KB, 1000x750, 1411341212197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now for something completely different.

>> No.13866499

Alright, in the morning though.

>> No.13866501

I think there is a succubus hiding behind this succubutt.

>> No.13866502

Great, another one of my co-workers has been replaced with a Succubus.

>> No.13866507
File: 565 KB, 600x848, 1428916554078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heads I win, tails you lose.

>> No.13866508

Replaced? She was one of your co-workers and now she's a succubutt.

>> No.13866510

W-What happens if I lose, dangerous-looking Minotaur with a gun?

>> No.13866512

You'll just have to drink milk from the skull.

>> No.13866520

Just too bad about the giant, goofy paws.

>> No.13866525

I disagree. The most staunch paladins would sooner freeze to death while all their travelling companions went to Shangri-La with the Yetis.

>> No.13866527

The Yeti's wouldn't let them.

>> No.13866528

Yes they would, because this particular paladin is mean and armed to the teeth.

>> No.13866532

But Yeti STRONG.

>> No.13866535

Oh, he isn't putting any food out, he was referencing the fact that there's a Kikimora leaving food outside his door.

This guy has the right of it. He thought the wurm was retarded, so he made a threat that any citizen would know he couldn't do, but a wild monster might actually take seriously. It was 100% bluster.

My in-house explanation was that, in the absence of the chief god's powers, and his desire for monsters to eat humans, there was no longer an opposing force trying to make them revert, so they simply remained as they were when the battle ended.

But yes, there's one Lillith remaining. That's important for my next story.

>> No.13866536

Would a Shoggoth make use of all her transformation powers in the bedroom, or would she be more on the vanilla side?

>> No.13866537

Yeti be stronk, Yeti be nimble, Yeti be swift.
Yeti find bullet quicker still. The paladin will sooner die as a martyr than be warmed by something ungodly. That's the end of that.

>> No.13866540

I guess it varies from Shoggoth to Shoggoth.

>> No.13866545

It's MGE, so vanilla. They're more about the intimacy of feeling your bodies melting together, than about freaky dick-milking sex organs.

>> No.13866550

>They're more about the intimacy of feeling your bodies melting together, than about freaky dick-milking sex organs.
Why not both?

>> No.13866564
File: 31 KB, 642x677, Ogre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playtime is Ogre!

>> No.13866571

remove husband beaters

>> No.13866572

Boo, that was bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.13866575

Ogres don't beat around the bush tho.

>> No.13866581

Tell me about that ruff 'n gruff chief of police or captain of the guard, anons. You know the one, the one who keeps the rapey MGs and the paladins and the slave drivers all in line and makes sure the regular folk can sleep as easy as anyone can in a town full of AWOOO~!

>> No.13866585

But it would leak out.

>> No.13866591
File: 78 KB, 203x232, Dark Gnome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 have voted
>32 of use be adventuren with sylph
Ya'll made the right choice

>> No.13866592

Do you even skål?

>> No.13866599

Ignis as best


>> No.13866601

>Oh, he isn't putting any food out, he was referencing the fact that there's a Kikimora leaving food outside his door.

Cool, thanks for clearing that up

>there's one last Lilim about
Interesting. I love your work, so I look forward to it.

>> No.13866606

I'd play with that Ogre.

>> No.13866607

Why is Gnome so worst spirit?

>> No.13866610

Would you peel her layers?

>> No.13866613
File: 448 KB, 500x647, 1420387266114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a dark, stormy night, but inside the cabin, it was always hellishly hot.

>> No.13866616

But Miss Krampus I've been a good boy.

>> No.13866618

That's why you're inside the cabin and not chained in the yard.

>> No.13866624

Oh...will she at least be gentle?

>> No.13866627

Whatever does this word mean?

>> No.13866629

Oh dear.

>> No.13866630

How sadistic is she actually supposed to be?

>> No.13866634

I'd at least peel off her garments.

>> No.13866637
File: 247 KB, 1066x1008, 1405321163974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As sadistic as you deserve.

>> No.13866640

If I'm a good boy do I get Santa Succubus?

>> No.13866642
File: 387 KB, 1135x1578, 1392570524019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get something.

>> No.13866645

Yay, it's Santa Kaiju!

>> No.13866650

Anon, that wikia has a script for


But not just for "Random/Mamono". It just rolls a regular (site-wide) random.

>> No.13866653

>Giant Slug
Oh dear. I'm sorry, anon. I'm so very sorry.
that picture is making me question whether or not i have a nurse kink

>> No.13866656

You wont be sick for long

>> No.13866661


She'll try her best!

>> No.13866674

So did the anon who started the greentext with the Jinko and Onis ever continue?

>> No.13866678

Is she going to REALLY hurt me?

>> No.13866683

Depends on how much discomfort and powerful sensations you can handle until you consider it agonizingly painful and say the safeword.

>> No.13866693

Safeword is Otorhinolaryngologist.

>> No.13866694

I don't think punishments usually involve safe words.

>> No.13866699

They do when you're fooling around with your girlfriend. What, did you think she's some kind of nutjob?

>> No.13866702

I want to molest a lewd kitsune.

>> No.13866703

Different guy, but with those eyes and grin she had in >>13866613 I actually kind of did.
and i'm not sure how to feel about that tongue

>> No.13866718
File: 86 KB, 298x257, 1438344320491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes? I mean, look at her. I'd sooner trust this smile.

>> No.13866732
File: 607 KB, 850x1086, 28199793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not molestation if she wants it.

>> No.13866736

She's not such a bad girl, anon.

>> No.13866738

but what if i have a thing for bad girls, just so long as they don't seriously hurt me and respect my boundaries to some extent

>> No.13866742
File: 43 KB, 717x930, 1420393719231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tongue's kinda big.
Then she's bad to the bone, baby!

>> No.13866752

Okay so a man started dating a Cheshire, slowly turned mad in the years and is now trying to escape. Seeing the way his wife acts, she might not be doing this deliberately.

You can continue it if you want, it's something different than the usual stories.

>> No.13866758


>> No.13866761

Honestly, very long stuff like that (especially posted in a relatively short time frame, and not over the course of multiple hours) should be dumped in a pastebin and just linked in the thread. Otherwise it can come off as a bit spammy.

>> No.13866763

The super kinky bad girl Krampus and the also super kinky embarrassed virgin. This sounds like it would be an award-winning sitcom if it didn't have so much fucking in it.

>> No.13866765

I saved that image from here, go fly a kite kid.

>> No.13866770

Yes I agree. It's a tad too long to be posted here. But i'm letting it fly because it's an experiment of his writing. He should just update the pastebin in the future.

>> No.13866773

On MGC Public Access, every show has a ton of fucking in it.

>> No.13866778

How would my yan skelly feel about cybernetic prosthetics? What about transfering my brain to a fully robotic body?

>> No.13866779

That's just because most of the time the shows are literally just monster girls fucking their boy in front of a camera without any context or storyline.

>> No.13866787

You only say that because you don't get it. You should go see their live performances. Come alone, and don't tell anyone. It's very exclusive stuff.

>> No.13866793

>live performances
So does this mean monster girls use performance art as an excuse to do incredibly kinky things to their boyfriends in public?
>"Sweetie, why am I tied up upside-down by my ankles while wearing nothing but nipple clamps, a leather jock strap, and covered in honey? In the middle of Times Square?"

>> No.13866874

So has anybody done any good Krampus smut stories yet? I looked around on pastebin, but couldn't find any.

>> No.13866900 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 236x386, 1438607987585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want someone's smile to stay innocent and pure and do evil to protect it
>tfw they are forced to lose their smile forever anyway

>> No.13866902

It means you'll get fooled into some dark basement and forced to perform in some porno that is filmed and then uploaded on the internet.

>> No.13866905

Valkyrie. Salve Maker.

>> No.13866908

I'm ok with this

>> No.13866909

The sensible part of me says "You don't even know what types of monster girls are in there, how are you going to make it out alive?"
the slightly exhibitionistic and very masochistic part of me thinks it's a great idea

>> No.13866911

Become Orgazmo.

>> No.13866916

They could just ask.

>> No.13866917


>> No.13866918

But that's not how the game is played. The surprise is part of the thrill.

>> No.13866926

>You'll never be an expert street fighter who's member of a secret you don't talk about it and has beaten all your peers in town at least once
>You'll never come across a cocky Ogre who takes a liking to you
>You'll never easily beat the shit out of her
>She'll never stop following you around ever since, demanding you to tell her your secrets
>She'll never find out about the you do NOT talk about it you're member of, forcing you to take her in and join it
>She'll never ask you to at least give her some tips on fighting
>You'll never eventually give in and tutor her, as she look genuinely interested
>You'll never watch as she beats her opponent with considerable difficulty in her first fight
>You'll never tell her she might have a chance of staying
>You'll never become her mentor and give her moral support as she joins fights and succeeds
>You'll never be there to see her rise to the top and become a true fighter, being only second to you
>She'll never eventually challenge you, the strongest, to a fight
>You'll never reach a draw after a long arduous fight
>You'll never congratulate her for growing up and getting strong enough to manage to fight you on equal ground
>She'll never give you a bearhug and thank you for being her sensei through the entire thing, shaping her into a powerful fighter just like you, with a big silly smile on her face

>> No.13866928

What makes a man, is it the woman in his arms, just because she has big titties?
Or is it the way he fights every day?
No it's probably the titties!

>> No.13866929

I'm a relatively good-looking guy and all, but there's no way my sex appeal is so great that I can become an orgasm-based superhero.

>> No.13866934

What kind of monsters? This is imperative.

>> No.13866935

Neither was Trey Parker's. It's the tights, the cape and the orgasm-ray.

>> No.13866938

I dunno. Sometimes it's Manticores, sometimes it's fujoshi Cyclopsi with tasers who force you to do gay stuff, sometimes it's plain old Elves looking to bukkaked.

>> No.13866942

Well, I don't have any of those, either. And besides, if I became an orgasm-based superhero, wouldn't Super Wurm get pissed at me for stealing her schtick?

>> No.13866945
File: 2 KB, 120x125, 1390020558711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be a bishie tricked into doing a porn with a pair of manticores, a hellhound and an ogre

>> No.13866949

Super Wurm doesn't give orgasms to bad guys, she throws rocks at them.
Writefags please.

>> No.13866952

Somebody write this! Anybody.

>> No.13866955

too many holes for me to handle.
But seriously, somebody please write this.

>> No.13866956

Even... Alp?

>> No.13866958

It's right up his alley, so why not?

>> No.13866960


If you want gangrape, what about that one blind slave shota with the Hellhound waifu?

>> No.13866962

Then so shall it be. Not today though.

>> No.13866971

Oh, it was you. Looking forward to it. I'm expecting great thing with poor a little bitchboy and the big monster girls.

>> No.13866972

>right up his alley
How exactly?

>> No.13866977

This time I'm going to write it all before posting anything, so you're going to need to wait a while. Sorry about that.

>> No.13866981
File: 2.36 MB, 1500x2140, FallenBrides_cover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's another 5,000+ words of Fallen Brides translated, which brings us within five pages of the end of Mimiru's chapter.

Sorry for the long delay. I've been busier than expected while in Japan with important work like research for my masters thesis and reading 5,000+ pages of Ninja Slayer.

You can expect the rest of Mimiru within the next two weeks (I already have the whole translation in draft; I just have to type and edit it), and I'll get started on Sasha's chapter, and maybe a few shorter stories from other books, shortly thereafter.

As always, the version on the blog (link in the above pastebin) has better formatting.

>> No.13866983

I see tentacles. Hello little tentacles.

>> No.13866984

Alp likes femdom, or at least that's the impression I've got of him. So a group of big and/or predatory MGs roping an unsuspecting bishie into 'staring' in an amateur porn flick sounds like something he'd have fun with.

>> No.13866986

Soon, a boy will become a man.

>> No.13866990

Oh, nice. Thanks for doing this.

>> No.13866995

So who will victimize the bishie? Let's hear some more suggestions. He'll need something vanilla to be lured into that trap.

>> No.13866997

Take your time. That way you have the luxury of figuring out how you want the whole thing to go and don't have to worry about how to connect episodic parts as they come.

>> No.13866999

A nekomata? An elf?

>> No.13867004

A Dark Elf who has put on make-up and is pretending to be a regular Elf?

>> No.13867009

Maybe a Succubus in disguise as a human? An incredibly sexy human?

>> No.13867011

Would her name be Miss Smith?

>> No.13867014

How about an Alice masquerading as a lost girl?

>> No.13867015

Out of the four outlined above?

You could have the Ogre chat him up in a bar and get him drunk enough to be pliable. Or have the manticores pretend to be artists and would you look at that, they just found the perfect model for their newest piece, they must have him, he simply has to say yes.

>> No.13867017

Goddammit Anon.
New episode tomorrow! We get Mero!

>> No.13867025

No, no, there's plenty of room for all of them to appear, but I just need something non-threatening to act as bait.
Murdertits is not as exciting for me as Tanned Dumpire or more Papa Bones.

>> No.13867027
File: 270 KB, 1697x721, I am a sex machine ready to reload Like an atom bomb about to Oh oh oh oh oh explode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never enter the Amazon capital with a boombox
>The Man Hunt call / horn will never go out after you make it towards the center of their "city"
>You'll never be surrounded by younger Amazon warriors, slightly confused by the events
>You will never non-chalantly set down the boom box and hit play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp0rQNJn0S0
>There will never be stories, tales, and legends of your glory
>The day a man fought back against tyranny of Amazons
>The day a man knocked together so many Amazon heads that he gained the supreme ire of the Amazon Queen
>The day the Lilim Amazon Queen lost her virginity, gained a husband, and became pregnant in one fell swoop

>> No.13867030

Wait, is this One Piece fanart?

>> No.13867036

>tfw Heracles

>> No.13867037

>you will never do the same by going into a Gandharva city and pissing them all off by playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCYcHz2k5x0
>you will never face the wrath of dozens of Gandharvas trying to claw your eyes out while screaming "THAT'S NOT REAL MUSIC!"

>> No.13867039


>> No.13867040

Kejourou? Youko? Tanuki?

>> No.13867042

Well now I'm sad.

>> No.13867044
File: 47 KB, 465x657, Dark Elf in non-SM gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking I'll go with the Dark Elf ringleader. Or maybe a Vampire posing as a human.

>> No.13867047

>tentacles on male
god I hate MGE

>> No.13867051

The guy is poor and the tanuki tells him about an easy job with lots of money

>> No.13867052

So I'm not the only one who finds this to be more horrifying than arousing, right?

>> No.13867053

This is turning into Starless now.

>> No.13867055

>coin lands standing up

I take her gun and skull and, then vigorously play with her ears and tits for an hour or so before leaving. As always, your god wasn't there.

>> No.13867056

Also works. I didn't want to recommend Vampires because most would probably be cautious about them if not disguised. What would be her motivation for shooting back room porn flicks, though?

Dark Elf sounds like she'd lend herself well to the scenario right off the bat.

>> No.13867059

Business and pleasure in one, what's not to like? Dark Elf it is though.

>> No.13867063

>what's not to like
It's not about likes, I just picture a Vampire doing something like running her own club if she wants to mix business and pleasure.

>> No.13867065

Not every Vampire is some rich noblewoman, but I get your point. Dark Elf it is. Still.

>> No.13867068

True, but I'd imagine most of them being driven enough to climb to the top if they didn't start out there.

>> No.13867072

Well, Vampires are for someone else to worry about.
Right then, Dark Elf, Ogre, Hellhound, Two Manticores (twins?), what else do we need?

>> No.13867073

I want double paizuri from a minotaur and a holst!

>> No.13867078

Onis, maybe?

>> No.13867079


>> No.13867082

>random guy batting off amazon after amazon off him to this song, the smile of the combat junkie on his face

I am fucking laughing. Very enjoyable.

>> No.13867083

That's some nice bait there, anon.

>> No.13867084

Sharks? Maybe a buff lamia?

>> No.13867088

Buff sharks!

>> No.13867093
File: 430 KB, 756x1000, 1429146797065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do monstergirls with animal ears wear glasses? Do they have custom glasses?

>> No.13867095

Oni, Minotaur, Dark Priest, Dark Angel, Cheshire, Dark Slime, Succubus

Any of these is fine

>> No.13867097

Lotion, whipped cream, padded cuffs, rubber duckie, ball gag, that pool.

>> No.13867114

I'm not putting in Onis since they're basically drunk Ogres. A Minotaur and a Dark Priest it is.
Oh I can handle that stuff on my own.

>> No.13867121

So to recap: a Dark Elf, a Dark Priest, an Ogre, a Minotaur, two Manticores and a Hellhound vs one bishie.
This is going to be the longest night of his life. I'm off now. You people keep doing whatever you were doing.

>> No.13867125

>a Dark Elf, a Dark Priest, an Ogre, a Minotaur, two Manticores and a Hellhound vs one bishie

I smell a blockbuster.

>> No.13867126

Looking forward to seeing this.

>> No.13867127

Modern Pince-nez if they're required otherwise they would just use contacts.

>> No.13867129

Can't wait to read it

>> No.13867132

I want a Hellhound to molest me in a dark alley!

>> No.13867134

If this one works out maybe we can pester Alp to write a follow-up where the Dark Elf directs a Jaws remake with a buff shark girl.

>> No.13867137

Or a Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus porn parody with a buff shark girl and a buff Kraken.

>> No.13867138

http://pastebin.com/SZa575rq Thief

This is just a thing set concurrently to Rusalka. No flesh eating mermaids or anything, though the setting is the same. Just a nameless thief and a blushing bulwark of an ant girl.

>> No.13867142

Thanks a lot, now I can't do what I'm supposed to be doing.

>> No.13867143

>wanting seven feet of horny hellbeast to trap you against a wall and rub herself all over you while she gropes and nibbles

You are weird.

>> No.13867148

That's one of the things I really like about mantises. Before the instinct really kicks in, they're just people living their lives. They aren't hiding anything or suppressing any hidden desires; they're effectively asexual for the first 15-20 years of their lives. Then, bam, sex drive.

That one of them is worried that it'll go from living its own life contentedly to being a sex-demon is reasonable, though calling it a personality overwrite is going a bit far. It's more like suddenly getting the backlog of five years' worth of built up lust in five minutes. They're the same people as before, just with needs.

>> No.13867150

Would it be weird if I wanted her to do even more than just that?

>> No.13867164

Okay, I liked that somewhat after finishing and getting the whole image and would like to see where it goes. So here goes my half-assed subjective critique attempt.

First, the whole bad-trippish part of him roaming around the house seemed way too big and overextended to me. It isn't bad for being detailed, but it's heavy. Trying to grasp something illogical and surreal is always harder than reading normal narration, so perhaps you could disseminate it with something lighter and more coherent, like maybe add more action or flashbacks into his past, or maybe start that whole part with Cheshire heading back sooner. The last one might also make it more tense and give it a better sense of a chase.

The ending where she appears also kinda dissonances with what we've read. From the way their house was described it looked like some nightmare-ish pocket dimension and she as some overpowered Cheshire straight from MGE land, but later she turns out to be a simple white-collar. So unless it's part of the plan and you've got a plot twist regarding dude's insanity, maybe you should either tone one of the things down.

Those are what made it harder for me to read I guess.

>> No.13867168

That'd barely be the start of the foreplay, it's to cover you in her scent. But to answer your question: yes.

What kind of remotely sane man would want their pants wrenched at the same time as the towering monsters breasts are freed from the confines of her top, only to have his member trapped between the soft orbs of flesh and stroked as a long tongue slathers the infernal womans cleavage and the twitching rod between them with hot saliva in equal measure?

>> No.13867171

But am I really that crazy, anon? I'm sure there are many more people who'd enjoy that.

>> No.13867180

I'd like a huge Jinko to corner me and nuzzle me all over with her soft hair.

>> No.13867182

Hellhound paizuri sounds like an awful idea, she has a hairy cleavage

>> No.13867183

Jinkos are wonderful, too. The perfect balance of buff and fluff.

>> No.13867186

Yeah, I wouldn't be so sure. You seem like the kind of nutjob that'd encourage a Hellhoud already slathering all over him with moans and sinking his hands into her thick head of onyx hair and pinch an ear between his fingers, slowly massaging the quivering appendages.
Crazy stuff like that gets you pinned against a brick wall in some out of the way alley with a huge, darks she-beast slamming her hips back against yours.

>> No.13867192

I'd encourage the hell out of that.
Does anybody know any good Hellhound smut stories? Haven't been able to find too many.

>> No.13867196

The tuft of hair seems to go about half way or less down the sternum, there's still plenty of smooth surface to make it work and that not taking the more generously stacked ones.

>> No.13867202

Still, she'd have to be careful that your dick doesn't touch that tuft and the whole experience ends up ruined.

>> No.13867215

Besides PRW's nothing comes to mind right now, but I'm also open to recommendations.
It'd spare me and others from my clumsy attempts of trying to clobber my harebrained ideas into a crude mockery of something erotic.

>> No.13867222

Can I have a link to the one you mentioned?

>> No.13867230


Blind shota and Hellhound bruiser a bit on the healthy side.

>> No.13867231

>tfw PRW will never finish Alex and Eris

>> No.13867233

How does a bit of fluff ruin anything?

>> No.13867236

During a titfuck, I want to feel soft, smooth skin, not rough, bristly fur that'll chafe the shit out of my dick.

>> No.13867239

True enough. Though I've noted how many anons who like the monster girls with tufts of fur on the upper chest tend to treat it like something that would be softer than a baby's freshly powdered bottom, so I usually consider it as such when talking about them.

>> No.13867252
File: 253 KB, 1200x1697, 1427573662177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to feel gross, slimy SKIN during titfucks
Ahaha desu wa, Mastah~

>> No.13867255

Robutt buggerer, please.

>> No.13867257

>Not putting your golem maid together correctly
>leaving her in the dark while you go out.

The nerve of some people.

>> No.13867259

So you'd want your tip to be buried in her fluffy tuft as her breasts bounce up and down around your dick?

>> No.13867260

Her forearm onahole needs to dry out, anon. It'd get moldy if I just let it stay wet after washing it.

>> No.13867266

If we assume it's really so fluffy. Sure, why not?

>> No.13867269

Come on man, three screws is all it takes for it to come off.
You could just set it on a paper towel or something so she can go do other things around the house while it dries.

Also, I think that's a mana caster, not an onahole.
May want to see a doctor/wizard if your dick starts casting magic missile

>> No.13867273

>not using modular parts, so she can switch them out while the freshly cleaned one dries
So how old is that model, grandpa?

>> No.13867291
File: 708 KB, 800x1090, She knows exactly what I like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those ammo belts

...I'm so turned on right now.

>> No.13867295

>Modular golems
>Company's start making mod packs for golem

>Robot wars becomes a literal waifu war
>/m/'s Gunpla threads are now filled with golems built to look like Exia and Zaku's.

I've always wondered why golem's don't get more love.

>> No.13867302

7/10, thin thighs, would still intercrural.

>> No.13867303

So, the worst has happened.
You know that beautiful monster girl who you've been in a relationship with for a year or two now? She apparently somehow seriously pissed off a Lilim a few years before she met you, and a bunch of Succubi have literally dragged her to hell.

Obviously you're not going to take this lying down. It's time to assemble a team of fighters, rip the gates of Hades off their hinges, and get your girl back.

Roll http://monstergirlencyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Special:RandomInCategory/Mamono to see who's helping you out.

>First roll: your team's muscle.
She's got a personal vendetta against the Succubi who took your waifu, mainly because they did the same to her husband years ago. She's incredibly strong and prefers to fight mamono a mono (i don't apologize for that pun) with hand-to-hand combat, but she's got a massive club that she's nicknamed Eleanor. Don't touch Eleanor. You'll regret it.

>roll 2: the magic
Your magic expert was your old Magical Theory professor from college. She's kind of a Christmas cake, and an absolute genius in battle magic, and a pretty good healer to boot. And she's always had an interest in what sort of spells she could steal from the Underworld.

>roll 3: the brains
She's the one who's in charge getting you in and out of the Underworld. She was imprisoned there for life for somehow managing to kill a high-ranking Succubus general, but thanks to elaborate planning, she's busted out. And she knows the inner workings of the prison where your waifu is being kept like the back of her hands. Unfortunately, she's not exactly a good fighter.

So do you manage to get your waifu back and get out intact, or are all of you going to be sitting on hot coals forever?

Optional: Post your theme song for when you're fighting your way through the Underworld. Hardmode: set one of your playlists on shuffle and hope the song you get is good.

>> No.13867310

>Anubis waifu is the COO of a large investment firm
>You've visited her at work before, met her underlings and her boss
>All were nice people, though a few of her underlings asked you if you could get her to loosen up a little
>Apparently she's a slavedriver
>She's an Anubis though, that's pretty standard
>Her boss sings her praises and tells you that whatever you're doing as her husband, keep it up, because she's the hardest working person in the company and much of their success is attributable to her
>You always chuckled about all that though, because you knew better
>She might be exceedingly strict, orderly and proper at work, but at home she's the laziest person you know
>Spending every night and weekend slumped onto the couch, wearing nothing but a pair of panties and one of your shirts, watching crappy movies on the Syfy channel
>You love your wife

>> No.13867316

1. Dryad
2. Arch Imp
3. Ignis.

Well then. Seems like the flames of Hell want me to win, I've got a pretty decent magical CC and my muscle has some serious force of nature going for her.
Our theme song is Sign, because it sounds neat.


>> No.13867318

>Muscular Jinko
>Magical Ignis
>Genius Kraken

Cue the Ghosts & Goblins theme.

>> No.13867323

>Jinko Muscle

>Unicore magician
Got our white mage, good considering we are hitting hell.

>Amazon Brains
>Not a good fighter


Let's do this

>> No.13867325

I wanna headpat Doll-chan and see what happens.

>> No.13867326

>Vanilla Lamia Fighter
>Dark Matter Mage
>Really smart Giant Ant
Well, this is a pretty interesting team. The Dark Matter has enough power that if she can focus on the mission long enough we should get along alright.

>> No.13867327

Baby making

>> No.13867333

I want a 1:1 Doll-chan doll.

>> No.13867335

She exists to serve, so she would probably be pretty happy to receive some recognition.

>> No.13867339

But I wasn't planning on that! Is Doll-chan that straightforward?

>> No.13867344
File: 201 KB, 651x1200, El viento me despeina Sube el aroma de colita Luna, luna de nadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giant Ant

...You know what, I think I'll just go alone Dante's Inferno style instead.

My friend owes me like 10 solids so I'll use a couple of them to borrow his Baphomet wife's scythe. If he refuses...well you know how solids work.

Hard Modo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwxWe22ZUOw&t=0m39s

I've got this shit handled.

>> No.13867354

Muscle lamia with a club. Average roll, it'll take more than this. Could work out well.

Mage cait sith. Other than my dislike of them, they were pretty decent mages. What does a christmas cake loli cat even look like?

Brains demon lord. What? Punishing the daughter?

Chances good just for the Demon Lord herself siding with me instead of her daughter. Gonna stroll in being welcomed celebrity style. No one will fucking lift a finger against the DEMON LORD.


>> No.13867359

That armored Arachne was pretty cute, although we didn't see that much of her.

>> No.13867363

>Blue Oni muscle
There we go. That's what I like to see. Here's hoping she can stay sober enough to kick succubus ass.
>Mimic mage
Perfect for sneak attacks! Holy hell, I'm on a roll so far!
>Chimaera brains
Hm. I think I have this down.
>theme song
Either https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15JCb6P60Vw or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKggnBh2Mdw

>> No.13867371

>Warrior Sahuagin
Don't know how effective she'll be out of water, and I'm pretty sure she can't swim in lava.
>Cakey Beelzebub mage
Great, now I gotta bring a can of febreeze.
>Genius Dark Valkyrie
Okay nevermind. I had my doubts, but hell is fucked.

>> No.13867377

Well, I can't complain about it stylistically.

>> No.13867380

What do people even like about trolls? Is it just the T&A? Because other monsters have that too.

>> No.13867383

Trolls are down-to-earth girls who make good stew.

>> No.13867394

Muscle: Arch Imp. hopefully the legions of Hell are all sexually frustrated
Magic: Chimaera. Would probably have been a better pick for the muscle, but I'll take her.
Brains: Undine. I guess if you're going to have an undine in your party, this is a good position for her, right?


>> No.13867395

need more incubus veteran story now..

>> No.13867402

>demure homemaker with a raunchy side if one takes sunbath
>booty handle
>either floral scent or arousing musk
>cute complex
>herbs, spices and aphrodisiacs alway within arms reach
>fecund bodies

They're the ultimate lovely country girls you can live a calm life and raise a large family in peace with.

>> No.13867404

But how would you make her not touch you with those disgusting hands or feet without hurting her feelings?

>> No.13867409

I don't know how my family would react to some of the monster girls that I like (probably anything from "AHH GIANT HAIRY SPIDER GET IT AWAY" to "well that tiger seems like a nice girl" to "You're going to hell if you keep dating that demonic abomination"), but I know for certain my dad would like a Troll waifu. He'd be glad I found a nice, quiet Scandinavian girl to love and support me.
And even though Trolls are not in my top 5, they're adorable.

>> No.13867417

Why would I not want one to touch me with her lovely hands and feet?

>> No.13867418

My dad would approve more of the most exotic things, if for no other reason that so he could laugh about it.

>> No.13867420

>Dark Priest
Sister in law then.

Buffs for everyone along with debuffing enemies and fucking them over with status effects,

>Dark Elf
I'll be keeping an eye on her, hope she doesn't betray us.


>> No.13867429

My dad would be an ass and never stop with the puns about a monster girl's monster parts. Which is still infinitely preferable to his singing.

>> No.13867432

Just no.

>> No.13867434

Puns? Singing? Are you my long lost brother or something?

>> No.13867435

>Mimic as muscle
>Devil Bug as a magic
>Bubble Slime as brains
Can I just go alone and make it into an epic one-man quest instead?

Is time for chuniiness? I sure hope so!

>> No.13867437

Your dad did monstergirl puns?

Are you Charon's son?

>> No.13867441

>make her not touch you with those disgusting hands or feet without hurting her feelings?
But I want her to gently grope around my body with those hands!

>> No.13867446

Ssssh. No hate now, only charming Troll hands and feet.

>> No.13867448

My dad would probably be freaked out and/or tease me by most waifus in my top 5, but so long as they're supportive and not a goddamn liberal, I think I'll be fine.
But he's a huge nerd about everything Scandinavian (his great grandfather was a Swedish immigrant), loves vikings, and gave me and my brothers Swedish names (despite the fact that we've never been outside America in our lives). Since the MGE Trolls are clearly inspired by trolls from Scandinavian mythology (big hands, feet, ears, and hairy tail, not to mention a dress that looks like it's from that region), he'd probably guess that she's from Norway or something and be cool with her.

>> No.13867451

I enjoy making puns and singing with my dad too. But we sing good.

>> No.13867453

You people are disgusting.
Thank god that a Troll would be way too embarrassed and awkward to ever attempt anything like a handjob or footjob with those grotesque appendages.

>> No.13867454

>Swedish names
Poor bastard. I will now taunt you by making fun of swedes.
Jag tycker om Lennart, och han tycker om mej~
Vi måste ducha fem gånger i dag~

>> No.13867456

>you will never tear down a troll's self esteem with precise, stealthy jabs about her hands and feet

>> No.13867458

All she'd need is some careful, loving nudging and encouragement. You'd better believe it would happen.

>> No.13867462

I don't speak a word of Swedish, so the joke is lost on me.
At least I share my name with a metal drummer, a badass Tekken character (at least I assume he's badass. He looks badass), and a douchey sarcastic convenience store worker from a Cartoon Network show.

>> No.13867464

Why would you encourage her to do something horrible?

>> No.13867465

But that's wrong. I'll steadily build up her confidence by consistently telling her how much I like them and how I would like it if she would use them on me. Well, the hands anyway. Feet in general aren't really my thing.

>> No.13867467
File: 107 KB, 714x652, PUNCH THAT POWER STEALING BLUE NERD RIGHT IN THE FACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insulting trolls

Someone get this hothead out of here.

>> No.13867470

Well Lars, you have a good time now.

>> No.13867473

I'd encourage her to do something so great because it would increase her self confidence and feel good. It's a win-win.

>> No.13867476

>actually wanting to get jerked off by man hands/feet

>> No.13867478

I'm still wondering what that Swedish thing translated to.

>> No.13867480

>not wanting to get jerked off by scaled up woman hands/feet

>> No.13867481

Pretty sure I've never seen a man with hands like that, except maybe Popeye.

>> No.13867484

It means "I like Lennart, and Lennart likes me, we have to take a shower five times a day". It's from a Finnish comedy show where it was a part of a song performed by "the Swedish band". It lampoons Swedes and how they're gay.

>> No.13867491

Those don't look womanly at all.
Huge man hands are still man hands.

Go fap to Tomasu yeti or some shit.

>> No.13867493

Thanks for the translation. I'm sure my conservative gay-hating dad would take umbrage with that joke, but honestly since I've never been anywhere near Sweden, I couldn't care less.

>> No.13867498

>Your adorable troll daughteru will never laugh like this when you tickle her

Why live?

>> No.13867499

>conservative gay-hating
That's the exact opposite of everything Sweden represents. Hilarious.

>> No.13867505

Remove alps.

>> No.13867506

>tickling troll daughteru
>that laugh comes out

>> No.13867509

I want Pharaoh Woman to punch me!

>> No.13867510
File: 855 KB, 846x1200, The Best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall now attempt black magic.

>> No.13867515

Iä, Iä! Tekeli-li! Byakhee, byakhee!

>> No.13867517


>> No.13867522

It's a miracle!

>> No.13867523

>Implying I wouldn't cuddle her and feed her spinach so she can beat up that that werewolf thug trying to steal her beanpole bishi

>> No.13867525

Oh wow. Now the question is how do I save it like that. Nohow ;_;

>> No.13867526

I hope you step on a lego and in your scramble to escape the pain, kick a table leg full force, with your little toe, faggot.

>> No.13867533

Sorry, Kikis. Shoggoths are just too good.

>> No.13867538

Only if you're a lazy fuck.

>> No.13867539

I want to brutally irrumate her lowest mouth.

>> No.13867542

What about a buttjob?

>> No.13867545

>You'll never enlist and be deployed overseas in order to protect your waifu and daughteru(s) back home from the evil that lurks on the outside world

>> No.13867550

That'd be fine. Just nothing involving those vile extremities.

>> No.13867554

That's Kikis. Fixing up sad sacks is their thing.

>> No.13867562

Excellent. But would a nice country girl like a Troll be into that?

>> No.13867563

>the evil that lurks on the outside world
"evil" monstergirls?

>> No.13867572

What would a troll even be into?

>> No.13867573

Any evil that endangers your beloved family, Anon.

>> No.13867576

I dunno, missionary?

>> No.13867580

Well, that's okay.
As long as she doesn't expect us to hold hands. Keep those things as far out of sight as possible.

>> No.13867582

Maybe. Almost guaranteedly if we're talking about a Troll that was recently out in the sun.

>> No.13867583

At least with a Kiki, she's trying to make you to be something more than just a sad sack. With Shoggoths, it's just fucking but without any self improvement.

Then again, I could be missing something on this. Plus I admit that I'm a little biased on this. Trying to better myself and become something that can do things other than fuck, and I feel that Shoggoths would just enable a lazier lifestyle.

>> No.13867586

Soft, cuddly sex with her on top.

>> No.13867587

>Almost guaranteedly if we're talking about a Troll that was recently out in the sun.

So she comes in from an afternoon working on her spice harden ready for it?

>> No.13867595

Really, trolls would be great with normal human hands, feet and ears

>> No.13867597

I want to cuddle a stinky troll!

>> No.13867601

Downward dog/head down-ass up?
Her feet would be behind you and she could hide her hands in the cover of her torso all the while giving you full wiev of her swaying rump. Seems like a good way to make use of some of her expansive assets while keeping her appendages she's embarrassed about out of sight.

Also conductive of the previously mentioned hot dogging.

>> No.13867602

Wouldn't you rather an Oomukade?

>> No.13867605

While that sounds just about perfect, we'd have to come up with other positions as well.

>> No.13867606

No, a troll is big and cuddly! She doesn't have a flat chest but a huge tits and ass! I want to hold her big hands, massage her big feet, smell her armpits, and fuck her!

>> No.13867607

That's the idea.

>> No.13867611


>> No.13867617

Wouldn't a troll give pretty awful handjobs/footjobs anyway? She'd have fuck all precision or dexterity.

>> No.13867619
File: 93 KB, 307x600, Dark Priestess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the feathers on a Dark Priest wings or just decoration?

>> No.13867624


>> No.13867626

That doesn't stop me from forcing her to give me a footjob.

>> No.13867632

Right then. 2400 words on bishie becomes involuntary porn star, introducing Dark Priest now

>> No.13867633

But what would be the point? It wouldn't feel very good, or look all that arousing.

>> No.13867637
File: 791 KB, 477x675, Oomukade_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I would.

>> No.13867641

What if I like girls with big feet though?

>> No.13867643

The hype is real. Can't wait to see this, anon.

>> No.13867645

I think they're pretty great for that. In the morning you have a sweet, demure girl. In the afternoon, a sultry lover for copious amounts of baby making. By the evening/night again a sweetheart.
Though after typing that, I'm not sure if their appetite for getting you to sow your seed in the fertile soil of their bodies would decrease, more likely just their approach of expressing their desires.

>> No.13867647

What's the point when you know who it is?

>> No.13867650

Why do you have such shit taste?
Small, dainty, feminine feet > all.

>> No.13867652

>Yaoi managa with with giant hands and tiny heads.png

>> No.13867654

>She'd have fuck all precision or dexterity.
Citation needed.

>> No.13867658

Compare the size of those hands and feet to the size of an average dick.
The fuck is she gonna do with those?

>> No.13867663

Unless you have a micropenis the difference really isn't that great even if you assume Trolls to be around 7 feet.

How big are they supposed to be anyway?

>> No.13867666

Not him, but she's going to have to use those hands for gardening and shit, so she's bound to have good motor control
That, and she'll have to maneuver around things with her feet.

>> No.13867671

From the front or embracing you from behind and wrapping her legs around your waist?

>> No.13867677

>the difference really isn't that great
Each one of her fingers is almost as thick as an average dick. Her hands are wide enough to almost fully cover a reasonably sized dick.
Her fingers are also very short and stubby relative to hands' size.
She's not going to be doing much precision work.

>> No.13867683
File: 86 KB, 656x900, 052b544f962b2b69b92603d7e01f58fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So based Korea is making this garage kit a thing, apparently. Why are more of you not signed up for the Gathering version?

>> No.13867690

I want a Jinko to molest and cuddle me at the same time!

>> No.13867691

She's a fucking succubus, like everything else in the MGE. They're experts at anything related to your dick.

>> No.13867694

Because GK

>> No.13867697

I want to carry a pygmy jinko and scratch her ears!

>> No.13867698

I collect robots and stuff.

>> No.13867704

Not everything in MGE is meant to be used on your dick, Anon.

>> No.13867707

Nevermind, I forgot that Gathering's stuff is prepainted

>> No.13867724

tfw no cheshire therapist with a silly accent

>> No.13867730

My Lilim rapist just keeps telling me I need to let Monster Girls have their way with me, that'll make me fulfilled.

I tried telling her I'd rather talk about my feelings but then she just rapes me for the rest of the session.

>> No.13867735

I want to date an MG with a cute stutter or a lisp!

>> No.13867736

>Each one of her fingers is almost as thick as an average dick.
>Her fingers are also very short and stubby relative to hands' size.
Yeah, not seeing it. The Troll's hand in the profile picture is just scaled up and the fingers seem stubbier because you can't see most of the backs of her hands from the flowers. You might also note that fingers are partially curled up, adding to this.

>Her hands are wide enough to almost fully cover a reasonably sized dick.
In no way stops handjobs either with the full hand or not using all fingers to stroke a dick.

>She's not going to be doing much precision work.
If they were that clumsy they couldn't even put on a corseted dress and choker like in the profile picture. Besides, dicks aren't Swiss watches.

>> No.13867737
File: 291 KB, 800x800, 1429146923775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit, apparently dwarf tiger species exist.

>> No.13867738

Right, so why not sign up for the Gathering version? Those come painted at least. Just sign up and click the button. Lie for me.

>> No.13867744

That's just how you know it's working anon!

>> No.13867745

Want me to repost that Cheshire therapist thing?

>> No.13867746

I'm not too into loli, but that's adorable.

>> No.13867747

With how soft her hands most likely are, wouldn't her lubing up her hand and enveloping your dick with it like some kind of hand-pussy feel better than a human hand?

>> No.13867749

>shortstack jinko with breasts and abs
>Can carry her around with no trouble
>She got this tiny frown on but the blush and rumbling purr let you know she enjoys it.

>> No.13867751

Wait I didn't type rapist I typed therapist

I swear this is the second fucking time this has happened and I know I typed therapist how did it happen again

Oh God what's wrong with me

>> No.13867753

Nigga look at that thumb. Her fingers are stubby and gross as fuck.
And how are you not seeing that those fingers are really fucking thick?

>> No.13867755

Sure anon. Sure. Dr. Freud would say you're just asking for it at this point.

>> No.13867756

I thought you were just making a silly joke.

I guess Freud as right

>> No.13867757

It's alright, anon. Freudian slips happen.

Wanna talk about it?

>> No.13867758

That's perfect, although wonder what factors allow the existence of Pygmy monstergirls.

>> No.13867761

The same one that allows dire monster girls.

>> No.13867765

What would a Dire Alice be like?

>> No.13867770

Freud was wrong! I don't want to be raped by my Lilim therapist! She's old and scary!

>> No.13867772

Looks sixteen, is /fit/, and has some budding breasts but still calls you oniichan.

>> No.13867774

Possibly. Add some warm lubricant and you have an onahole with adjustable tightness.

>> No.13867776

>Muscle-Harpy who can dive-bomb with a club
>Magic-Theory Expert CC Blue Oni
>Cheshire Cat Escape Artist
Aerial superiority, a magic-user who's probably just as good in a scrap, and an escape artist who can literally disappear? Putting aside how a Judge of the Underworld might be trapped in Hell, I think we'll do alright in our rescue.

That sounds fantastic. Cuddling up on the couch, massaging her body after a long day at work, while watching crappy SyFy Originals.

>> No.13867780

I am anon. Have been since their listing went up.

>> No.13867784

>bitching about a graceful mature Lilim helping you confront your fears and conquer them
Talk about a whiner.

>> No.13867791

You'd just have to close your eyes and pretend you're fucking her pussy, and not her disgusting hand.

>> No.13867792

No, I am anon.

>> No.13867797

What? N-no, I was saying "I am [signed up for it,] anon."

>> No.13867802

But then you can't see her profuse embarrassment that you're seeing every single movement her lovely hand makes during the lewd act.

>> No.13867803

I am Anonymous!

>> No.13867807

Is raping someone who's afraid of rape and trying to make him into a house husband really confronting your fears?

>> No.13867809

Her hands are not fucking lovely, stop claiming that they are.

>> No.13867814

Her hands are lovely, but you're welcome to disagree all you want. Wouldn't want to ruin your fun.

>> No.13867817

No, I am signed up for it, anon.

>> No.13867818

1. alp
2. nightmare
3. troll
a very unusual combo but with such an unexpected team at our side, this lilim stands no chance.

>> No.13867821


>> No.13867825

No, I say "kay", anon.

>> No.13867830

She's clearly pushing him to show her that he has overcome his aversion to proactive dating. The logical option is to start the next session by pushing her down on the counseling couch and take her vigorously and at great length like no Lilim has been taken before.
Foolproof plan.

>> No.13867842

What's "lovely" about them then?

>> No.13867843

Since Jinkos are generally assumed to be big, how short would a shortstack tiger be?

>> No.13867851

5' tall or so, very petite.
She'd get mad because her husband always teases her by calling her a housecat.

>> No.13867895

Would scratch behind ears

>> No.13867898

Closest she'd get is him awkwardly on top of her as he fumbles with her business suit trying to expose her breasts, fails, and awkwardly sobs into her chest.

>> No.13867916

I want to see a Jinko scurry up a wall in fear during a Lightning Storm!

>> No.13867919

He needs more counseling then. Luclily that Lilim seems very passionate about her job.

>> No.13867920

I want to have her try hanging from my arm while I'm lifting for her.

>> No.13867923

Why are paws so great?

>> No.13867937


The better to hold you with, my dear.

>> No.13867948



>> No.13867951
File: 257 KB, 850x1202, 1421822002546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a name for the "bishie becomes an involuntary porn star" story so I can put up the first bit. I know I said I'd write it all first, but my word isn't worth anything, so I'm putting up the first 4.7k words now.

>> No.13867956

And the next thing you know I'm big in japan.

>> No.13867960

The title should be his pornstar name, suitably faggy since he's a bishie. How about Sparkle Seduction?

>> No.13867961

Fabio Anonzoni.

>> No.13867963

I don't think so.
They're going to call him Taro whether he wants to or not, though, and that just sounds like a lame title.

>> No.13867965

Sparkly Bubble?

>> No.13867967

>Missing the obvious
>Poor Little Human Boy

>> No.13867968

>4.7k words this fast
Not to be an ass, but stop for a bit and go over it once more.

>> No.13867969

Fallen star?

>> No.13867970


>> No.13867974

That's not how Alp works.

>> No.13867976

Thorn Roses? Stick Sparkle?

>> No.13867982

What's up with all these MLP OC names?

>> No.13867983

Slim Twighands

>> No.13867987

I'm calling it Endurance, then. Feel free to let me know what's wrong with it for now so I can fix things up tomorrow, or the day after that, or some other time.


>> No.13867989

Most of them are making fun of the classic bishie traits, which involve sparkling, flowers, and very angular faces.

>> No.13867990

If you want suitably faggy for something like this the MLP track is the first one to come to mind.

>> No.13867991

how about a bishie who's tired of being raped and becomes bara?
he changes his name to Flint Rockbeef
or Bolt Vanderhuge
or Slab Sizzlechest

>> No.13867993


>> No.13867994

see >>13867960

I agree that it's stupid though.

>> No.13867997

>this fast
But it's been ages since I started. It wouldn't have taken this long if I wasn't so easily distracted.

>> No.13867998

I know what bishie traits are (two of my internet friends have perpetual ladyboners for long-haired prettyboys of any kind), but all these names sound like fanponies you'd find on deviantart.

>> No.13868002

Why the fuck are you waring a goddamn chainlink on your tail, woman?

>> No.13868003

Blast Thickneck
Slam Squatthrust

>> No.13868005

Do you not know how terrible pornstar names work?

>> No.13868009

>That URL
Getting some red flags here already

>> No.13868011

So what? They aren't actually ponies and the name format is perfect for retarded pornstar/stripper names.

>> No.13868012

That is not my fault, no bully pls.

>> No.13868014

Then he's not a bishie

>> No.13868018

>made me look
Fucking keked

>> No.13868019

I know how terrible pornstar names work too, but seriously. I can't shake an MLP vibe from these names.
my name suggestion is Sparkles McShavedNuts

>> No.13868021

>ara ara, we put our faith in Blast Hardcheese
Dirk Hardpec
Flint Ironstag

>> No.13868027

Blitz Inner
Lift McBulkan
Oats N Squattson

>> No.13868031

Shyknee Shayvednuts

Can't forget the terrible spelling, no sir.

>> No.13868033

Dick Spacesplooge, the Asstronaut whose mission is to destroy Uranus

>> No.13868037

With a name like Flint Ironstag, he must be popular with Golems.
Splint Chesthair

>> No.13868038

Slappy Spankalicious

>> No.13868041

>Oats N' Squattson
Don't forget Bench GOMAD

>> No.13868045

>Bishie having problems to score

>> No.13868046

>Spanky Sparkles

We've done it gentlemen. We've found the perfect faggot bishie name.

>> No.13868049

Human women want baras so they can make stronk paladin sons.

>> No.13868051

Best part? His initials are /SS/. Too bad you can't be a bishie and a shota at the same time.

>> No.13868052

I assume girls would associate Bishies with Alps and think he's gay.

>> No.13868056

Buff Plankchest
Hack Blowfist
Roll Fisslebeef

>> No.13868057

Who cares about human women, I'm talking about monstergirls.

That doesn't make sense, bishies have always been associated with dom girls, not with alps.

>> No.13868058

Inner Cosmass

Grunt Curlin

>> No.13868062
File: 1.57 MB, 2000x1925, hellhound_pants_on_200dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a thing from Neryumo.

>> No.13868065

Bee Mirin

>> No.13868067

I wish to find these paladin women, and give them all the brawny hairy loving they can handle.

Armored sex is my fetish.

>> No.13868068

Please stop nitpicking, I needed to get him into that situation somehow and I'm not a good writer.

>> No.13868069

So does that mean there's a pants off version?

>> No.13868071

I can't titfuck that.

>> No.13868075


Yeah on their tumblr.


Not with that attitude you can't

>> No.13868076

>bee Mirin
>Not Ulyssese B. Mirin

>> No.13868077

Her pants are already off. Unless it's like a circuit switch.

>> No.13868080

Not a question of attitude. I'd need some hedge shears to trim that bush.

>> No.13868084
File: 7 KB, 217x168, 1379181073301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13868086

Does that mean it works?

>> No.13868097

At least for me. I can't wait for the rest of the girls to get their way with him.

Don't start with your insecurities.

>> No.13868100

Just checking.

>> No.13868118


It's probably really really soft anon. So much so that every time you'd thrust up into it it'd be like wrapping your dick in pure satin silk. And since she's a Hellhound it's probably nice and toasty too. So double bonus there.

>> No.13868134

Fur and silk do not feel much alike.

>> No.13868150

So something like chinchilla fur?

>> No.13868152
File: 99 KB, 516x1074, 1413192274994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come everyone's so quiet all of a sudden?

>> No.13868155

Sorry, meant for.

>> No.13868156

>The URL

Oh, how unfortunate. And hilarious.

>> No.13868161
File: 1.02 MB, 850x1201, 1438476636744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jerking off.

>> No.13868163

I'm reading alp greentext stories and I also ran out of stuff to shitpost about.

>> No.13868164

I hate God. And myself.

>> No.13868165

It's good. More please.

>> No.13868167

We still having catpcha shenanigans?

>> No.13868168

Re-reading Alp's story to formulate some criticism.

>> No.13868169

>even pastebin insults Alp now

My sides.

>> No.13868170

He thinks satin and silk are the same material. Just forget about it. It's the same silky silky silky people use in descriptions here all the time, when a lot have probably never felt real silk. They're the DaS2 Crows.

>Yeah yeah, give us smooth!
>Give us silky!

>> No.13868171

To sheep girls?

>> No.13868174

What did you shitpost about until now?

>> No.13868175

Then what would that tuft really feel like? Coarse and unpleasant?

>> No.13868176

Watching stuff

>> No.13868177

Oh god, this is going to be so bad, isn't it?

>> No.13868178

I was told to select wheelchairs and I added a picture of a sportscar in the selection for a laugh. It accepted my answer.
Captcha can be pretty funny sometimes.

>> No.13868180

No, just regular ol' /ss/. But now I'm in the mood for them.

>> No.13868181

Not just regular sheep girls Anon.

Fluffy genki black sheep.

>> No.13868183

I think my last post in the thread was about wanting a yandere skeleton? I haven't made a post at all this morning.

>> No.13868185

Before I read Alp's thing, there isn't much dialogue is there? I don't know if I can stand reading smut about a monster saying stuff like "Gee willickers, that shlong sure looks fine and dandy! I'd like to have some how's your father with that old chap!"

>> No.13868187

Fur feels nice and soft until it gets wet. Which it would when you stuck your dick in it after awhile. Then it would be like grinding your junk on a wet felt pool table.

Cloth is the same way, even silk. When those things get wet, they chafe.

And a dick leaking precum will cause that every single time, even more in insulating fur where your dick will sweat and make the whole process happen faster. And the girl being on fire on top of that...

>> No.13868188

Pretty nice. 7/10. I like the thong.

>> No.13868191

Leave it to Beavergirl when?

>> No.13868196

Yeah, picking an ashlar wall as food is also mildly amusing.

>> No.13868197

Fuck you too.

>> No.13868198

So basically, anything like pawjobs, tailjobs or fluffy thighjobs is just not gonna happen?

>> No.13868203

99% of monster parts aren't fit to be touching dicks. This isn't really anything new. That's what the human parts are for, dummy.

>> No.13868204

About the same time we take a trip down to the Sahaugin hole.


>> No.13868207

Don't deny it, I've seen you using all those phrases in your stories.

>> No.13868212

The key to remember is skin+liquid=good, fur+liquid=bad. So you have to keep it dry. The real world solution without mamano mana bullshit would be some kind of dry lube. Talc is the obvious since it's the most common and you can find it everywhere as baby powder. But even things like graphite would work.

>> No.13868213


Wouldn't her being on fire fix that problem? Or isn't there a thing where they (mgs) regularly use such moisture for skin care?

Fuck if I know. Manamo Mana.

>> No.13868214
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Would you a loli Chaos?

>> No.13868221

What about scales?

>> No.13868222

No abominable enough.

>> No.13868224

I'd tell her no desert until she release the souls she's torturing in the infinite planes of hell.

>> No.13868225

>I'd like to have some how's your father with that old chap!"
Care to show me where that one was? Also congratulations, you just got me off of writing forever, and now I'm going to slice my wrists with a banana. Is that what you wanted?

>> No.13868226

Sure, I'd pat her head.

>> No.13868227
File: 984 KB, 723x1023, >Touch Fluffy Wings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd a full Chaos.

>> No.13868231

Ok, fine I made that one up but it sounds like the other shit your characters say.
Off writing forever? Please. You quit writefagging almost as much as you've written stories.

>> No.13868232

Thats a nice bonus

>> No.13868237

Yes, yes, we all see you're a big tough guy when you bully Alp, now stop it, you're going to read it anyway.

>> No.13868238

I can see you using that in the future

so to >>13868207:

>> No.13868239

>slice my wrists with a banana

Leave Banana-sama out of this!

>> No.13868240

Scales are basically super thick overlapping fingernails when you scale them up to monster size. They're protection, and for that they need to be the opposite of soft. That being said, there's two ways to go about it.

1. You can treat the scales with chemicals that will soften them. This completely takes away the protection and makes it very easy for her to get cuts and infections as her skin is very thin and delicate compared to a leathery mammal. That's why she has scales in the first place.

2.Do all the scalejob stuff right after a shedding when she's still soft and squishy.

All this won't help dick if she's got subdermal scutes like a dragon or a croc. Because that's straight up bone armor under the scales and skin, and there's no softening that.

>> No.13868244
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I hope you enjoy getting purging

>> No.13868248

Right, so what you're getting at is, stick to the human parts only?
I think I like monster girls a litle bit less now.

>> No.13868249

I would.

>> No.13868250

Alright, fine. Just because you asked so nicely, I'll use it.

>> No.13868253

Yeah human parts are best. Unless your some kind of degenerate and are ACTUALLY attracted to monster bits.

>> No.13868256

What I'm getting at is you have to be creative

It's just a bunch of real world prep stuff that gets glossed over most of the time. I mean, imagine if all the stories here had to go through the proper prep for anal.

You use as much realism as you need.

>> No.13868257
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Well I'm going to bed now, and I'm going to go to bed sad because of how mean you are.

>> No.13868264

Wouldn't lamias' scales be okay though? Or the "scales" on MGE lizards'/dragons' palms/soles/underside of their tails which are basically meant to be soft and pleasant.

>> No.13868265
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>focusing on specific parts
>not appreciating a monstergirls body as a whole

>> No.13868270

You seem to have missed /pol/ by a mile.

>> No.13868275

Your first mistake was being Alp in general
Your second was seeing the URL turn out "GAY" and still just going with it
Your third is kind of rushing everything you do. Chill out, man. Take your time.

>> No.13868277

Most of that was describing lamia type scales since they don't have scutes, and they're drawn with scales 30x the size of those on an anaconda.

And the soles of anything that walks around barefoot all day will never be soft.

Honestly, imagine human hands and feet without all the spas and babying, hard and calloused. Now imagine a creature that doesn't get harder skin and callouses, but has to rely purely on unchanging scales over super delicate skin. Those scales will be built to take that punishment.

>> No.13868285

Wouldn't having a lamia coiling around you feel terribly uncomfortable then too?
Please stop ruining monster girls for me.

>> No.13868292

>And the soles of anything that walks around barefoot all day will never be soft.
Now that i think about it wouldent the undersides of lamia's be fucking gross and dirty because they have to slither to move? I wouldent want to be coiled around by a dirty lamia.

>> No.13868307

It would feel like being wrapped in a room temperature thirty foot long piece of meat covered in fingernails the size of your palm.

Things don't have to be super soft or warm to be pleasant. It can even be nice to pet an alligator. You just wouldn't rub your dick on one.

Or sharks. Their skin is literally made of microscopic razor sharp teeth. And they're not bad to pet the right way.

Snakes are actually pretty good at only making a small part of their body contact the ground at a given moment. And the smoothness of the scales helps keep dirt from sticking. So they'd be a little dirty but not as bad as like the bottom of your shoe.

>> No.13868312

>the randomly generated url is his fault

>> No.13868321

>It would feel like being wrapped in a room temperature thirty foot long piece of meat covered in fingernails the size of your palm.
That frankly sounds awful.
You're going to make me hate everything except succubi/vampires/wights at this rate

>> No.13868337

>You're going to make me hate everything except succubi/vampires/wights
Then you'll have some actually good taste.

>> No.13868341

If you want some soft long squishy slimy thing to curl up and fuck you, then why not an earthworm girl or an eel mermaid? They'll still be cold but there you go. You just have to think about what you really want then find a girl that will have it.

Differentiation is really a good thing though. Because if everything is all soft and silky and cuddly and warm, then there's nothing special about any of it. It's nothing but dress up. Yetis giving the best and warmest hugs? Who cares. Everything gives a nice warm silky smooth hug.

>> No.13868352

The thing is that once you start thinking about monster girls with any amount of realism, they quickly become incredibly unappealing, or at least less appealing than the most "cosplay-tier" girls.

>> No.13868361

go back to /mgqg/

>> No.13868364

But doesn't that give you a bigger fearboner? They still want to rape you, only now you don't fucking want it, so you get the thrill of the chase too!

>> No.13868368

And people shit-talked cosplay-tier.

>> No.13868369
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>letting that stuff affect your enjoyment of monstergirls
>talking smack about succubi/vampires/wights
Someone call the tard wrangler.

>> No.13868373

People shit-talked virtually everything by this point.

>> No.13868380

Not to me. But I grew up around animals so there's no real fantasies to break regarding mg animal traits. I know what rabbit fur feels like, coyote fur, racoon, wolf, bear, turkey feathers, and pheasant, etc etc.

Rattlesnake girl? I just have to close my eyes and I can hear the sound. Just have to take my boots out of the closet and touch the papery scales and imagine them lamia-sized.

Seems like a more realistic picture is more involving to me than offputting.

>You'll never have your lamia wife make you play hooky on her shedding day so you can lay in bed getting tailjobs and intercoilal, cumming all over her again and again, until her skin dries. But that's just the beginning of round two, penetrative sex. Better call in sick tomorrow too.

>> No.13868389

But I don't like squishy and slimy.
What if I like soft, warm and smooth, but also want a girl that's capable of exotic things that humans can't do?

>> No.13868391

I want to accidentally find a Dhampir's hat collection, and then make TF2 jokes to tease her!

>> No.13868392

But "realistic" animal features would just mostly feel highly unpleasant. And look unattractive, too.

>> No.13868396

>But I don't like squishy and slimy.
The Scylla family frowns on your shenanigans.

>> No.13868399

Get one of those fancy four armed girls or an elemental or any number of other creatures.

>> No.13868400

Isn't that why people like monster girls? Because they're both highly attractive, but with their own, unique imperfections and troubles?

>> No.13868405

>Get one of those fancy four armed girls
>or an elemental
Sylph's a loli, and I don't like lolis.
Gnome's hands look terribly unsafe and awful to be touched by. And she probably has a mud pussy, and that's gross.
Undine is wet and cold.
Ignis is too hot.

>> No.13868411

Your waifu is smelly, but she doesn't want to bath. What do?

>> No.13868413

Highly unpleasant to rub your dick on until orgasm, but not highly unpleasant in general. And hell, humans are no different. Ever had a skinny girl try to give you a handjob and all you can feel is her hard bones and cartilage in her hands? Zero percent pleasant.

Also this >>13868400

There's stuff like a mythological scylla I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole if it was real, or a rotting corpse like a zombie. But a girl with a snake tail? Fuck yeah. I don't need to be able to fuck her snakebelly to like her and find her exotic.

>> No.13868415

>Not to me. But I grew up around animals so there's no real fantasies to break regarding mg animal traits. I know what rabbit fur feels like, coyote fur, racoon, wolf, bear, turkey feathers, and pheasant, etc etc.
>Rattlesnake girl? I just have to close my eyes and I can hear the sound. Just have to take my boots out of the closet and touch the papery scales and imagine them lamia-sized.

Well, that's great and all.
But could you really imagine any of those on a girl, and think they'd be in any way preferable to just plain normal skin?

>> No.13868416

Time to get the garden hose.

>> No.13868417

Jinkos probably just lick themselves clean, so I'm good. She can take care of her own hygiene.

>> No.13868419

Pray for it to rain

>> No.13868422
File: 540 KB, 1600x1200, l-lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contributing to the thread with a caption

>> No.13868423

is your rusalka story finished?

>> No.13868424

Yes. The fact that she's a monster is sexy in itself. If I wanted human girls, I'd go get one. Fangs, claws, horns and other sharp and pointy bits come with the territory. That's part of the attraction, not the pure physical pleasure.

I think a good number of other people would agree on that.

>> No.13868425

Your waifu now gets nervous around hoses. Do you tease her with them?

>> No.13868426

You forgot Glacies, but she's probably too cold.
How about Dark Matter? There are some very intelligent and eager dark matter out there, and one even comes with all four base elementals!

>> No.13868429

Are there people here with waifus? Like actual waifus? Full blown entirely devoted kind of waifus?

>> No.13868431

Dark Matter is just kind of boring. Also falls into the squishy and slimy category, most likely.

>> No.13868433

Nah, I say that a certain type of MG is my waifu but I can't delude myself into that sort of thing. I know the best I'll do is find a human girl with her body type and a good personality, but that'd be like hitting the lottery.

>> No.13868435

I just can't see myself enjoying something like a lamia coiling around me when she'd have realistic scales, and I'd have to endure them scraping against my skin. Yes, they'd still look exotic, but "Look, don't touch" seems hella lame.

>> No.13868436

Depends on what pure demonic energy actually feels like I guess. Considering where it comes from... yeah, squishy and slimy sounds about right.

>> No.13868440

There's Canadian Anubis guy, but he's not full blown carry his daki into a restaurant waifu crazy.

>> No.13868442

Yes. Mine is the best

>> No.13868452

Despite the angle, Wakasagihime's hips are quite large

>> No.13868453

I have favourites that I'm quite fanatical about but at the end of the day I'm a slut.

>> No.13868457

There are too many species that I like to have a full-blown waifu.

>> No.13868461

I do, because it doesn't bother me. Her squeezing me tight enough to make it hard to breathe on the other hand would drive me nuts.

For me, a real monster is about a dangerous uncomfortable woman who loves you so much and wants to be as close to you as she can. She could tear you into pieces if she's careless, but instead she's as careful as can be just so she can hold you and whisper in your ear how happy you make her.

It just flips all my switches.

>> No.13868463

I prefer it when monster girls' monster parts are both dangerous and feel less than pleasant. It makes them a lot more interesting than just supernatural sex fiends. Putting up with scratches, chafing burns, etc for the sake of your waifu is kind of romantic. Loving your monster girl waifu enough that you won't complain about her scales hurting you, or her coiling too tightly around you, and just taking it in stride.

>> No.13868464

Yes I have a waifu.

She's not a monstergirl though

>> No.13868467

Yep. Been going for years. She's not MGE though.

>> No.13868468
File: 235 KB, 600x835, 1435750171834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you enjoying swimsuit season anons?

>> No.13868470

This. People who go out of their way to sexualize the monster parts don't get the true charm of monster girls.

>> No.13868471


>> No.13868473

I think this thread revolving around species more than specific characters helps shy away from that.

>> No.13868479

Sure, but I'll never tell you my true power level.

>> No.13868485

this exactly.

>> No.13868486

no, ive been a shut-in for the past 3 years

>> No.13868488

It's not my fault anon, I found her way before these threads were a thing.

>> No.13868490
File: 175 KB, 720x1040, 0b173795697dc5df81c46641e779e9f9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the sun.

>> No.13868491

If there are, I'm not one of them. That being said, I kind of consider all the female MCs of the stories I write to be my waifus to some extent.

>> No.13868500

Don't let Ammy hear you say that.

>> No.13868501

So did I, but luckily mine IS a monstergirl.
I guess some things never change.

>> No.13868503

Who is she then?

>> No.13868504

My comrades

>> No.13868507


The lesson is to ignore the shitflingers because if they're too busy throwing shit they're not producing OC for the thread, no matter how questionable the quality is.

Just don't go full BobInarillocks

>> No.13868508

>fetish elitism
Come on, anon.

>> No.13868516

>replying to a 17 hour old post

>> No.13868521


>> No.13868524

Is this bait?

>> No.13868526

So can you guys narrow it down to a Top 3 or 5 favs?
My personal favorite girls are

>> No.13868529

Someone likes their snusnu.

>> No.13868533

I don't mind Bollocks. And does Bob even visit these threads nowadays?

>> No.13868538


There's this thing called work and sleep. You should check it out sometimes.

>> No.13868539

I think it's just a bit poorly worded. Maybe more like "you don't have to be able to fuck every part of a monster girl for her to be sexy" or something.

>> No.13868540

Hell, I'd settle with something simple like a Werebat or Werebat over a Dragon although I like those species.

>> No.13868542

Werebat or Werecat*

>> No.13868543

>no hole for the tail

alrighty then

>> No.13868545

I prefer not to say it.

>> No.13868547

I know, it bugs me too.

>> No.13868548

That does sound better.

>> No.13868549


>> No.13868553

I'm a masochistic sub. I also enjoy Manticores.

>> No.13868560

Well, I'll give the top 4 that don't change I guess.

>> No.13868563


>> No.13868564

Fine then, blueball me. I can take it.

>> No.13868565

I take her to the ranch and tie her to a post, and let the holstaurs lick her clean!

>> No.13868569

I can get behind that. For example I don't find hooves titillating despite some of my top favorites having them.

>> No.13868570


>> No.13868572

>Waifuing a nuke/evo mats

>> No.13868574

In no real order
>Red Oni
>Cheshire Cat
>Blue Oni

There's more, but I'm not gonna post them all.
I have too many waifus, it's ruining my laifu.

>> No.13868576

I need more oppai.

>> No.13868577

You're like me. I can't even list mine because there's just too much
They're all just too good

>> No.13868579


Good thing polygamy is common in KC's hugbox. Harems a best.

>> No.13868580

No, but here's 10, in no particular order because I'm an indecisive fuck.

>Living Doll

>> No.13868582

Oni (Any kind)
Cait Sith

>> No.13868583

>Do you tease her with them?
There is nothing I would not tease my waifu with. That's the kind of person I am.

>> No.13868584

>That's the kind of person I am.
A based one?

>> No.13868585


>> No.13868586


The last spot varies. Usually between arachne and anything with scales.

>> No.13868587

I would describe myself as a "lovable jackass," but I'll accept "based," sure.

>> No.13868588

>Zombies/Wights (perfect if there are undead versions of the below species)

>> No.13868589



>> No.13868590

Forcing myself to be decisive and pick only 3.
1. Inari
2. Ryu
3. Werewolf

I am a man of simple tastes.

>> No.13868591

In no order

>> No.13868592

>fags on 4chan

Breaking news!

>> No.13868597

Kiki, holstaur, dark priest, succubus, kraken/fire rat varyingly. I am the king of cosplay.

>> No.13868598

>Blue Oni

>> No.13868600

I mean, as far as everyone is concerned, Bob is either deder than ded, or simply doesn't come here anymore.

>> No.13868601

I'm just very open about how I'd go for quite a few races.


>> No.13868602


No he's a fag for not having a problem with one of the most incorrigible faggots in these threads

>> No.13868604

What, you don't want to waifu an eldritch shadow that can convert a whole continent into magical sex land overnight? You must be loads of fun.

>> No.13868606

That's some odd tastes.

Would you sit on an CC Blue Oni's lap while an alp and lizardman awkwardly tried to hit on you?

>> No.13868607

In no particular order:

>> No.13868608

He's secluded himself in Fort Fluffy Tail. And that's fine with me since it means he doesn't start shit here anymore.

>> No.13868610

Consider the following:

Charb > Jin of the Jar > Mimic

>> No.13868611



>> No.13868612
File: 824 KB, 1590x1566, 1436670589765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a better Genie girl than Pot Devil.
Nobody cares about Pot Devil.

>> No.13868613


>> No.13868615

You're not wrong, but they're still meh as MGs go.

>> No.13868616

So, you've got the perfect prank.
Next time your waifu comes home, you're going to ask her to sit down and play video games with you. But you're going to play a game with her that's either scary, awful, or both. Anything that will result in you being able to tease her.
What game do you make her play?

>> No.13868619

>You'll never be a boss in a Monstergirl beat 'em up game and actually kick the players' asses most of the time

>> No.13868620

Consider this

Wishmaster girl>>>>all other djinn

>> No.13868621


>> No.13868622

I don't play videogames and I don't want to tease anyone.

>> No.13868623

Blue Oni because office ladies are my fetish.
Alps because my fetish again.
Lizardmen because their awkward attempts to woo you without relying on mamono mana is something I find to be incredibly endearing.

And yes I would, especially if there is beer and shishkabobs involved after a hard day at work.

>> No.13868627 [SPOILER] 
File: 203 KB, 700x525, 1438639222449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cruel man.

>> No.13868630

That one with all the wolves. Mofu hate wolves and dogs.

>> No.13868632

Fatal Frame. All the sad backstories for the ghosts plus the horror will lead to maximum overcuddling that night.

>> No.13868634

Cry of Fear since I feel like being excessively cruel.

>> No.13868635

With my luck, I'd probably end up akin to Bob the Killer Goldfish...

>> No.13868636
File: 1.41 MB, 930x1315, 2f4fabb8733f3864490a79b50e792bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fatal Frame
It's rare to see that series mentioned here.

>> No.13868637

Oh, don't...
Don't do that.

>> No.13868639

Do I get a tommygun and laugh whenever I knock the player characters down?

>> No.13868640

And why shouldn't I? Just imagine watching a Jinko get flustered and/or confused with that game!

>> No.13868641

There's teasing, and then there's torture anon. Jesus fuck.

>> No.13868643

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem or Persona 3: FES
Instead of a scary or bad game, I'll make her play one that I like, or have wanted to play for a while with me.

We could play Dead Space 2, but then we'd just both end up getting scared and cuddling each other.
I'm weak as hell to jumpscares.

Another idea would be to play RE3 with her and then after we're done, stealthily make her ringtone Nemesis' "S.T.A.R.S..." quote.

>> No.13868644

I only ever played the first two when they were new. Left a real good impression. Still have them sitting around here somewhere with my other PS2 stuff.

I heard there was more but I don't play games much these days. Just some PC releases once or twice a year.

>> No.13868646

I don't get it. How bad is this game?

>> No.13868648

Maybe I'm a bit sadistic. I'd never inflict actual pain on my waifu, but I'd enjoy making her watch shitty movies/play shitty games and seeing her reaction. I'd mock them right alongside her, but still.

>> No.13868649

>The work is NEVER DONE.

>> No.13868650 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 800x600, 1438639599137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image related.
I'm probably going to tease her at some point after I stop crying.

>> No.13868651

My only wish is her hand in marriage

All Senrans best girl

>> No.13868652

All the tommyguns you want, mate. I'd get me a baseball bat and a mask.

>inb4 Anonymous Evil Bosses Association

>> No.13868653

How about a christmas cake alp office lady who awkwardly attempts to hit on you with beer and shishkabobs?

>> No.13868654

Keep in mind that this game is made in America.

>> No.13868655

Sonic 06

>> No.13868659

Are there any writefags the thread unanimously likes? We all think Nega and Bob are faggots, but there must be the opposite side to the spectrum too.

>> No.13868661

Is 7 seconds a record? I feel like it may be a record.

>> No.13868663

This may sound stupid but is that from Streets of Rage? I used to play the shit out of that on Sega as a kid. One of the best co-op games for the thing.

>> No.13868667

If she's drunk then I just poked a hole in the ceiling. Would take home and awkwardly fall asleep on the sofa since she won't stop clinging to me.

>> No.13868668

heheh, I'll have to use that the next time bait is posted.

>> No.13868670
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Well, I watched all of it.
Definitely not impressed.

>> No.13868671

Yes. My love for that series got reignited after playing Streets of Rage Remake.


Soooooo gooooood.

>> No.13868673

Only the old ones that don't post anymore.

>> No.13868675

The dialogue is hilariously cringeworthy, too. If you can make it through this entire 62 seconds without laughing your ass off, you win.

>> No.13868677

Don't think so, it's easier to be hated than liked

>> No.13868679

>Fatal Frame

Unfortunately, it's not nearly as trendy here as Metal Gear, Dark Souls, and Devil May Cry. I would make a snide remark about taste in video games, but this isn't /v/

>> No.13868680

You poor, insane fool.

>> No.13868682

Siren: Blood curse

Especially the hospital level

>> No.13868683

Prepare yourself for angry tiger noises.

>> No.13868684

I fucking hate you

>> No.13868686

I kinda wish the Yakuza series was a bit more trendy here.

>> No.13868691

It doesn't actually look that bad. Granted, it SOUNDS terrible since Murrican VAs are almost universally shit, but hey.

>> No.13868692

Is the entire game like this? Because if so, I would actually play it with pleasure.

>> No.13868695 [DELETED] 


>> No.13868699

That dialogue makes Alp look like Shakespeare.

>> No.13868700

It's a game where your goal is to get in as many girls' pants as possible by a combination of dating sim style interactions (asking questions, going to different locations, etc.) and a Bejewled/Candy Crush-style game (although as the game goes on, it actually gets harder and harder). Also there's nudity. Lots and lots of nudity. And an official patch that bumps said nudity up from ecchi to straight-up hentai.
Yes, the entire game is like this. And it's a trainwreck of the most glorious kind.

>> No.13868703

That's six, you slut.

>> No.13868704

I'm dying. The worst part is this isn't terribly far off from how a verbal fight between two angry and unintelligent girls actually sounds.

>> No.13868705



The best Djinn of all time. I fucking love the first two.

>> No.13868707

I won, but that was more out of confusion why people wanted to play a game featuring the worst examples of real women.

>> No.13868708

Oh come on, stop picking on Alp.

>> No.13868710

Pretty much. The only reason I played it was for the alien Succubus who wears a latex catsuit that PINCHES HER NIPPLES.
That aside, the 'dating' minigame was surprisingly addicting. 6.5-7/10 from me.

>> No.13868713

I wouldn't know, the very few girls I know aren't very angry or unintelligent.
In the playthrough I was watching, the guy playing it actually got up and left for a minute while that fight happened, he was so confused. He never finished the playthrough, either. He stopped playing when he accidentally unlocked one of four hidden characters: a loli neko

>> No.13868715

I need to play this. I'm not paying for it, mind, but it needs to be played for the love of camp.

>> No.13868724

Hearing them do such a Japanese character with an american voice creeped me right the fuck out at first.

>> No.13868725

It's $10 on Steam if you end up wanting to play it, but steam version is censored. There is an uncensored version, though.

>> No.13868727

>the achievement you get for unlocking spoiler character is entitled "ayy lmao"

>> No.13868734
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>> No.13868735

Yeah, they really went full memelord at times. That slutty fairy, jesus christ.

>> No.13868736


I don't know or care. I feel like i'm one of the most universally hated writers (Implying implications about writing) and i've learned to just deal with it and roll with the punches because I've still yet to even plumb the depths of true depravity and gone straight /d/.

Which I still have no interests in doing whatsoever because /d/ can stay on /d/ so you people get shitty generic one-shots that are hammered out by microscopic apple trees from Wizard of Oz while Brownie guards go OH EEE OOH

>> No.13868739

>steam version is censored.
Yeah... I went for this for Nekopara then patched it because I actually thought the game was going to be quality, but this? I guess we'll see. I really wish Steam would take the stick out of their asses and allow the uncensored version straight on the site.

>> No.13868742


so, these people that buy the game on steam are put on a special list of people who are dumb as fuck, right?

>> No.13868746

The creators put the uncensoring patch in a sticky on the game's community forums, but yeah.

>> No.13868748

I liked your Wightmom thingie

>> No.13868751

Bollocks, please.

>> No.13868753

Quicksilver maybe? Dramanon too. People who are new enough to not have gone too far but old enough to have done some really good shit.

>> No.13868758

That seems to be the only reason to want to play it, so I'm right there with you.

>> No.13868764

Best of luck getting through it without laughing your asses off, Anons. Godspeed.

>> No.13868768
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contributing again!
what's your preference for monstergirl height?

>> No.13868769


Die by getting shoved into Mantorok-chan's sputum covered orifice.

>> No.13868777

I'm not that picky. As long as it's within human height parameters.

>> No.13868778

So its a Tyrone simulator, if Tyrone was autistic and played tetris in his head during sex?

>> No.13868780

A big Monster Girl that'll coddle me and let me sit on her lap.

Big, tall, and chubby.


This here is the perfect size comparison.

>> No.13868782

I also like screencapping your stuff, with the Ushi-oni and Umi thing being the earliest.

>> No.13868784

I don't want your luck. I've had one game slay my nutbladder recently, with any luck this one will massacre my sides. All it took was the first "bitch" in >>13868675 to make me laugh so hard my head almost hit the desk, so I know I'm in for a wild ride.

>> No.13868785

Around my height or taller

>> No.13868788

A head or two shorter or taller than me.

>> No.13868789

Four to five feet, though I do get the occasional urge to lay my head on tall girl abs.

>> No.13868792

Any height, but I have a weakness for girls taller than me (6').

>> No.13868793

Alright, so where do I go to dowload this monstrosity and get whatever patches/full version shit?

>> No.13868794



>> No.13868797

Smaller, up to 6 or 7in tall. Taller, no preference. I love me some giant tier girls. Like with that one size chart, the mountain troll, I think it was, was so good.

>> No.13868800

1 head shorter, equal height, 2-3 heads taller, or anywhere inbetween compared to myself

>> No.13868803

Depends on the monstergirl. An Oni would be taller, but a weregirl would be my height or shorter.

>> No.13868804

>game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/339800/
>uncensored patch: http://www.teamhijack.com/huniepop/patch/uncensor.html
You'd better have a place where you post your reactions. I want to see you go through this shit.

>> No.13868806
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Way taller than myself, between 2.5-3 m

>> No.13868811

Something within about a head shorter/taller than me. It's also part of the reason I'm not into lolis; there's only so much you can do with someone that small without it getting even more awkward.

>> No.13868813
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Short enough that oppai is at groin level.

>> No.13868815

>what's your preference for monstergirl height?

I really don't have a preference.
>Small enough to get lost in my bed
>Loli sized, perfect for using as a daki
>My height for face-to-face cuddles and nose rubbing
>Taller then me so she can drape her breasts across my neck while I'm the little spoon
>A lot bigger and chubbier than me so I could use her as a bed if I wanted to
All are fantastic, I am unable to choose.

>> No.13868817

Google's giving me something about a Valentine's Day edition? Is that important? Also I don't really have a place and I'm not gonna shit up this thread.

>> No.13868820

I always see these kind of girls and wonder how they don't trip at the slightest bump being so topheavy.

>> No.13868824

Oppai loli is the worst meme to christen the Earth.

Yet I find myself liking it more and more everyday.

>> No.13868825
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Their onii-chans help support them!

>> No.13868826

Quicksilver just does average greentexts and I don't remember Dramanon at all.

>> No.13868829

The Valentine's Day Update was just that, an update. It added something of an ending scene to give closure, 100% completion bonuses, an endless freeplay mode, art updates, achievements, stuff like that, nothing too too big. It's included with the steam version.

>> No.13868833

Also, you could always use pastebin or wordpress or blogspot or something to post your reactions to this monstrosity.

>> No.13868834

Alright then, off to do this shit and probably crawl to the booze cabinet.

>> No.13868836

Its a shame that's the only good picture of her. A shortstack in a dress like that always looks amazing. Back in college there was this goth chick with massive tits who tried to pull that kind of shit off, but the dress was always too tight and it squished her tits to the point where it looked silly. So it looks awful in 3D.

>> No.13868838


>> No.13868840

I feel like video or at least audio would be required here.

>> No.13868841

Teacher Anon I guess?

>> No.13868846

>People in this thread are actually about to buy Honiepop

Jesus Christ, just fucking download the lewds off the boorus or Sad Panda and save yourself money that could be spent on good games next sale.

>> No.13868849

>Buying games in the first place
All the devs now are shit, why support this industry at all? Let it burn.

>> No.13868850

>Found it on ULMF and downloaded it for free months ago
>mfw it's still sitting in my downloads folder unopened

Maybe some time next year

>> No.13868851

True. There's always Bandicam.
Just downloading the lewds doesn't give you the glorious awful hilarity of the dialogue and writing. It's like not actually watching The Room and just getting its plot through IMDB reviews and reaction gifs.

>> No.13868853


Oh, I remember that Oni story. I liked it

I guess, but he was some serious flavor of the month stuff. Plus his story was too similar to SteamyChowder's.

>> No.13868854


That I literally can't do.

I have a junker of a PC, I can't even run any good games. This seems suitable stupid to be entertaining.

>> No.13868855

I love you too anon.

>> No.13868856

Just means the dress wasn't made right. I've seen some ladies at ren fairs that really pull it off. But that crowd sews a lot of their own stuff.

>Corset+dirndl+gothic nonsense
>muh dick

Usually the problem is the opposite. Their tits look fantastic but the corset doesn't have enough boning so they wind up with some pudge in a spare tire around their middle.

>> No.13868857

Who said they actually intended to buy it? This /a-- this is /jp/, we're all used to pirating things.

>> No.13868867

Those dresses are amazing, but so disappointing at the same time. You keep hoping their tits will accidentally spill out at some point but it never happens.

>> No.13868868

There's also Peterdnzl and Semi incubized vet guy

Ay, Dietrich when mang?

>> No.13868870

Mmm yes

>> No.13868871

Is there any good monstergirl yuri?

>> No.13868872

I want to force an Alp to sit on my lap and slowly worm my dick into her

>> No.13868874

Quicksilver doesn't just do greentexts. So far he's edited all of his finished greentexts into stories, and sometimes he's even added whole scenes.

>> No.13868877

Dunno, life has been punching me in the kidneys repeatedly lately.

I'll work on it though and see if I can get something out this month.

>> No.13868881

Why an Alp of all things?

>> No.13868887

Does she go from "Half reluctant, half into it" to "Jackhammer" upon penetration?

>> No.13868888

Anon, you make me happy.

Pretty much what >>13868874 said, greentexts are really just my rough drafts. I just happen to enjoy posting them here for feedback and stuff.

>> No.13868889

a search on danbooru would tell you yes.
y-you don't have to be male to enjoy a monstergirl doujin, especially as a power fantasy

>> No.13868891

Because any other Monster Girl would be eager to just jump on it. An alp would squirm and freak out, and slowly grow to accept the dick

>> No.13868895


That's nice, Stalker-chan.

>> No.13868897
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There are cute monster girls working together without a love interest in each other, yes

>> No.13868898

Why don't you ask that somewhere else

>> No.13868900

>Because any other Monster Girl would be eager to just jump on it.
Well, there's still alice, dormouse and elves.

>> No.13868901


I miss him. He never got around to the epilogue for his story, or did the Black Lagoon style thing he was planning.

>> No.13868902


ew lesbians are gay

>> No.13868909
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>> No.13868910

Yes look on the booru's there is a lot of good MG yuri.

>> No.13868913

unbelievable, how people are willing to discuss forbidden love on a christian website!

>> No.13868914

Every time I see that picture it looks like the yuki-onna is really smugly eyeing the wendigo.

>> No.13868917

As long as you don't mind eventually ending p with your own cock craving succubutt.

>> No.13868918

More oppai loli Vampire when?

>> No.13868920


>> No.13868922

Why would anyone mind that?

>> No.13868923

It always surprises me how salty a few anons get over yuri in /mgt/. I suspect it's actually just a handful that are trying to impose their will on the majority.

For example, I've noticed in anonkun CYOA chats, one or two bans totally eliminates the shitposting in a session, which suggests that it's simply a few fanatics raising almost all the fuss. I suspect, though by no means have evidence, that it may be a similar case here.

>> No.13868924

It's been a while, but it's MGC speed dating time! We were recently shut down for various reasons, but are back with many more lovely ladies looking for love!

1. Sahuagin olympian
This little fish has big hopes of taking home the gold, but needs a way to relieve stress and enrich her life! Her manager had her come here, as she's rather to the point on everything. Be prepared to give her muscles massages and have lots of swimming suit sex.

2. Dollhouse dormouse
She loves getting dressed up in all sorts of costumes, including plenty of cosplay. She isn't a very active mouse though, so she's picked up a bit of chub. Whether you help her work that off or treat her like a doll is up to you!

3. Chocolate Kejerou
A lovely brown lady with lots of flowing brown hair, she's also a cuddledom that loves tying people up with her own hair! You'll get lots of tender domination from her, but she can tend to get rather jealous and upset if you get too friendly with other girls. Sometimes has fits of depression that you'll need to get the crying, ice cream eating woman through.

4. Giant Werebat
Being the largest species of bat, this sport lady is a good six foot six with plenty of toned muscles. She'll even be able to lift you up in the air for exercise, and would actually like to use you to help do so! Doesn't have a real preference for top or bottom, so you'll be able to switch it up and experiment with her.

5. Military Wyvern
This hard boiled, scar covered, overly aggressive woman certainly doesn't look like she's here on purpose. After spending time in the military dive bombing things with bullets flying through the air, she just wants to settle down somewhere and relax. She's extremely weak to romance and blushes profusely from something as simple as a peck on the cheek. A poem would knock her out pretty easily.

And remember, you can always pass and go home anons! Those hungry looking manticores outside might be a problem though.

>> No.13868926

Well lolis are shit, and an elf could work, but I don't know. Alps seem more awkward.

That's the plan, to make her one.

>> No.13868929
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>Having one
Get your shit taste out of here because your opinion is wrong.

>> No.13868930

>Dollhouse dormouse

>> No.13868931

>Liking yuri
>Saying other people have shit taste

>> No.13868933

Oh shit, you aren't dead.
The last time I exclaimed something like that was when you uploaded that Hinezumi short.

>> No.13868936

The cuddledom delicious brown Kejerou!

>> No.13868937

Chocolate Kejourou please! Bondage cuddledom sounds fantastically comfy.

>> No.13868938

Maybe some would miss when the Alp squirmed when pulled into their lap as opposed to having a fat succubutt plopped into it and ground on their thighs.

>> No.13868942

Well...I hadn't planned on writing more of it, but if I do it'd be after the succuvirus story.

>> No.13868943

>Peaceful thread
>Suddenly this

>> No.13868947

>Dollhouse dormouse
Totally perfect, I don't even know why I'm bothering to read the r--
>Chocolate Kejerou
Oh. That's why. I could do without the depression and especially the jealousy, but still goddamn.

If she can't still at least act embarrassed you've done a terrible job training your alp. Also, mindflayers. I wonder if some general hypno play would work as well.

>> No.13868948

Making the squirming alp into a fat succubutt eager to ride dick is the dream though. And as your pounding her pussy and ask her about her old self, hearing her react to how much she's changed would be delicious.

>> No.13868949

>hungry looking manticores outside
Time to oil up and go home.

>> No.13868950

Nobody is spurging out though its almost like only 1 or 2 autist are triggered when yuri is mentioned.

>> No.13868951

>We were recently shut down for various reasons

More like you guys finally managed to negotiate a settlement with the victims of that crazy Sabbath serial rapist.

>> No.13868952

You sound like a man who has fun with life.

>> No.13868953

Can I choose the hungry manticore instead?

>> No.13868954

>3. Chocolate Kejerou
>lovely brown lady
>hair play
>Loves ice-cream
>possibility of giving her the B

The other options ain't got shit.

>> No.13868956

>maid shitposting in the beginning with dashes of obvious bait being thrown around
>writefag drama last night
>probably a femdom vs maledom argument somewhere in there too

Were we browsing the same thread?

>> No.13868958

I'd drag that wyvern to the park and buy her ice cream.

This can only end well when one lacks dextrous hands.

>> No.13868961
File: 76 KB, 603x604, 1421721193427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hard time deciding between the Werebat and Wyvern.
Why can't a Lich just splice the two species and make a Wyrbatvern or some shit?

>> No.13868966

Anon that wasn't serial rape, it was a sequential forced conversion. You need to be more culturally sensitive.

>> No.13868968

I don't see why not.
We've been court ordered not to talk about that.

>> No.13868971

I mean right now. We are fine right now.

>> No.13868977

>I don't see why not.
Because you don't choose hungry manticore, hungry manticore chooses you.

Go, Anonymous!
Use Ronery!
It's super effective!

>> No.13868978

>She drops her ice cream
>Glares at the ground so angrily a gnome cries
>You let her suck your popsicle instead

>> No.13868979


>> No.13868987
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>> No.13868988

I'll take the Werebat

>> No.13868995

When I say I don't get inspiration to write often I sincerely mean it. I'm just actually shocked someone knows my name or cares about anything I wrote.

>> No.13868996

I'm taking mantis. I like GOESFAST in my characters. Lizardman alt.

>> No.13868998

Just as planned.

Then there is the whole 'telling her how her scars add to her looks when she thinks poorly of them and doesn't want you looking' bit to push, but that's beyond the point.

>> No.13868999

Too many clone characters, what a boring game

>> No.13869001

This thing's outdated.

>> No.13869003

Sphinx, I'm gonna piss off so many people with her question attacks and pop quiz special. Stuns everywhere!
Minotaur alt. for ultra heavy rampaging.

>> No.13869006

Ushi Oni. Remove Seal super is kinda imbalanced.

>> No.13869007

Sahuagin it is for me

>> No.13869008

>Giant Ant

>> No.13869013

So the chocolate kejerou depression eats? Poor girl. She sounds so sweet I'd probably spoil her with all the treats, ice cream, and candy I could get for her, she sounds so nice and perfect.

>> No.13869016

I still have drawfags from the /a/ days fresh on my mind, so it makes me happy to see that you haven't perished like Free_Drinks, GreedyGirls, Tarrek, etc...

>> No.13869021


>> No.13869023

Baphomet. Her short range just means a smaller hitbox with that devastating top tier attack power.

>> No.13869024

Hypno play? Like making the still fumbling Alp turn into and obedient toy and then confronting her with all she did while under hypnosis once it ends or more helplessly trapped in her own puppeteered body kind of thing? I never really considered the uses of hypnosis.

>> No.13869026


Gonna have to go with the Kejourou.

>> No.13869035

Still, it's rather interesting being remembered. I hopefully get some inspiration to write again soon, it's fun.

>> No.13869037

Well, you could do that, but for that example all I had in mind was mind-reverting your curvy sexual "stage 3" alp back to her stuttering "stage 1" days in the same way a mindflayer could. If you're using hentai hypnotism the possibilities really are endless, though it seems like a waste to use hypnotism on an alp that's still fumbling when you could bully them the whole way through instead.

>> No.13869041

I'm not a fan of hair, even though it sounds interresting. Ill go with the Wyvern, nice and relaxing romance sounds good.

>> No.13869042


>> No.13869056
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>> No.13869064

juss dew eet

>> No.13869068

Ghost. It's fun to use all of her curses and scares.

>> No.13869071

More lizardgirls from Lustria when

>> No.13869077


When Games Workshop stops being Jews and un-destroys the Warhammer World?

>> No.13869081
File: 74 KB, 640x640, 10817634_1520505114893696_1412700544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13869083

Anubis, Dragon, Nightmare - Dark Angel, Lich/Mantis...

>> No.13869085

To be fair, they do actually have different play styles. Hobgoblin has the unpredictability curve while Goblins are hard, fast hitters that are easy to read. Ant Arachne use webs to slow their opponents while Giant Ant tunnels. Dark angel uses more lewd grabs than Angel, who focuses on range with her light attack spam.

>> No.13869091

So never

>> No.13869093

Are you the Anubislut?

>> No.13869095

This! Kroxigor snu snu was delicious.

>> No.13869096

>Thomas stopped drawing monstergrills before doing a Jingai Shunman with her
>He ended on a freaking clam
It hurts

>> No.13869098


Yes exactly

>> No.13869099

A Weresheep? What the hell is she gonna do? Sleep on me? I'll just pick Anonymous, he counters her easily.

>> No.13869103


>> No.13869106

Dragonslut or Anubisfucker, is generally how I'm called.

>> No.13869108

Ah, I assumed you meant using hypnotism as part of the training from the start. But yeah, doing that would take away much from their early potential.

>> No.13869113

>Being an Anon cheeser
Anon has counters to pretty much everything, it's bullshit. What's worse is when he DOESN'T have a counter people that play him whine about "muh invincible monsters." Git gud, faggots.

>> No.13869118

Werewolf (the dominant type)

>> No.13869119

It was a short greentext by Bollocks starts at >>13522251

>> No.13869120

>Monstergirls have all kinds of crazy powers and bullshit moves
>Almost all of them have projectiles
>Meanwhile Anon only has his fists, feet and teeth to fight
Stay mad kiddo. Playing Anon is high risk high reward.

>> No.13869121

He still draws them casually every now and then.
But now it's mostly furries, boats and humans.
His art and designs were never all that good anyway so I don't miss him much.

>> No.13869122

Even realistically you could use hypnotism as part of a good alp training regimen, but what you initially suggested seems far too overt, at least for my taste.

>> No.13869124

Thanks, I'll go ahead and cap it now.

>> No.13869126

And let's not forget that every monstergirl has a special combo that they can only do on Anon that lets them rape him and end the match immediately.
Sure, every one of those combos is hard as fuck to pull off, but still.

>> No.13869129

I dunno, Anon v Anon matches can be brutal

>Anons 'Family Ending' finisher is instead replaced with Alp End

The devs think of everything.
Except how to balance ushis.

So, whos looking forward to the sabbath pack? Skins and minor move changes across the board.

>> No.13869132

>High risk
>When anything short of a lilim can be stunlocked with that OP handholding move
>The move that's comboable
Oh, he's high reward alright.

I'm waiting for the second Mist Continent expansion myself. I feel gyped for buying the first one with that little content.

>> No.13869133

Really looking forward to seeing how the sabbath changes affect jinko and dragon, hopefully their powerhouse offense isn't downgraded too much for the extra speed.
I heard Anon is getting a headpat attack that has a high stun chance and no damage, what's that about?

>> No.13869138



>> No.13869140
File: 1.65 MB, 1055x1500, tubby lovely monster girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna love a chubby monster girl! Gonna love a chubby monster girl!

>> No.13869143

Not getting hyped unless they decide to add Familar.

>> No.13869145

Chubby lolis are olev.

>> No.13869146
File: 34 KB, 427x558, 554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every monstergirl has a special combo that they can only do on Anon that lets them rape him and end the match immediately
>Every Monstergirl has her own Shun Goku Sexu move
>Meanwhile, monsterfags get mad and complain when a good Anon player scrubs the floor with their waifu
Get rekt.

>> No.13869148

I pick Alp, I always impress my friends by being able to hit Stage 3 every match.

>> No.13869149

They are, and she has a skin for every. single. species. Enjoy buying all those as dlc.

>> No.13869153

Still waiting for that "Human Heroes" pack they promised us at launch. Anon's good, but I want to play as Wizard or Barbarian.
I'm getting sick of the ETA on that pack being "When it's done."

>> No.13869157

There is no horror in the game as bad as seeing an Alp player get to stage 3. At that point you're dancing with a god and are gonna lose.

>> No.13869158


My brothers

>> No.13869163
File: 408 KB, 1300x1284, lustria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And, done.

>> No.13869164

I wouldn't really call that a loli anon.

>> No.13869166

>"I just want to go home, kick some food into a shrubbery, and go to bed."
>"Yeah. Wait, what?"

>> No.13869169

Vampire obviously.

>> No.13869170
File: 459 KB, 634x872, 445a52f2b061399f5aee4c36c6c591b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing exceptionally good, but there's yuri in Stray Little Devil, Anko-san of the Deep Sea Fish, Coolkyoushinja's new maid dragon thing, Centaur's Worries, Jashin-chan Dropkick, Nekomusume Michikusa Nikki and Heart-Pounding Excitement at Mononoke Girls' Academy. If you're into vampirism, there's also a lot of blood drinking in Akaiito and Aoishiro, and the games themselves are very solid, but they have no monstergirls with actual monster bits (beyond Sakuya and Tsudzura for part of their routes). Atlach=Nacha is what you're really looking for, Hatsune onee-sama is best onee-sama.

There really should be more monstergirl yuri, but yuri in general is kind of niche so it's a good thing that at least this much exists.

>> No.13869171

She's there, even have red, green, and yellow skins. Hard ranged type though, shit looks more like 2hu than a fighting game

Attack power, speed, and reach are downgraded to make up for the small hit box.
Head pat is actually a grab that you can chain a couple ways but looks like a stun.
Unless you include the "Unlimited Ruffle Works" super move.

>> No.13869173

Yeah, looks like a shortstack to me.

>> No.13869183

>2a handholding attack
>buffed headpats
>That fucking Proposal finisher
>Can no sale one combo per round
No. That Female Lizard aura he's got when he fights dragon is terrible too.

>> No.13869189

>red, green, and yellow skins
Heh, those three were great.

>> No.13869191

I hear that they're having trouble balancing wizard atm.
Seems that one guy found that "arcane energy" can boost melee attacks as well as ranged ones

A shame cause I wanted to play the "cursed hobo" and debuff all day every day

>> No.13869200

I wanna play paladin and go blow for blow with dragon!

>> No.13869203

Lets hope they never get around to the Lescatie update. Druella was a terrible boss to fight against, having her playable would be horrible. I don't think the skins and alternate character forms would be worth that aggravation.

>> No.13869208

The handholding combo's been removed and the proposal was nerfed in the latest patch. But the auras they added for Anon put him in an actual good spot. You're complaining about a character who's been on the low ranks for months just because he got a little buff and can pose a better challenge.

>Hating on auras

All it does is give him a bit more resistance to damage and knockdowns. This was a necessary addition because of the ludicrous amounts of "tackle" moves the MGs have in this game.

>> No.13869227

Please. I miss the days when Anon was only playable in Gangrape and Virginity modes. Good times, those.

>> No.13869228

Better go male, female just gets ruined by any of the cults.
Sabbath loli curses nerf her strength and speed while ushis have the nasty poison that lasts both rounds if a grapple occurs five seconds after the ushi is hit.

Hell, even the milkman ruins her with the constant "blessing" grab chain. Ruins your defense and speed while stacking.
If he gets four of them off your screwed.

>> No.13869229


>> No.13869233

Murder hobo is best style variant of wizard.

>> No.13869244

Anon, I think you're thinking of an older game than the one we're talking about. Male Paladin and Female Paladin haven't even been added to the game yet. They're just teasing us with the Human Heroes pack at this point.
I want my Barbarian back damn it! He was my main!

>> No.13869245

The snake cult skins do the same thing as the ushi except it's only after they grab you.
Fallen God skins and their shitty "corruption" attacks suck as well.
Nothing is worse than locking them in a combo only for the "stressed" status to pop up and she's suddenly schliking before they grab you and end it

>> No.13869246

>tfw 1v3ing monstergirl fight comps as Anon
>tfw wasn't raped once
>All those bootyblasted Gazers in the post-game chat saying things like Anon having an exploit move and being broken
Feels so good

>> No.13869254

>Anubis/Nightmare/Dragon Modo
Wyvern muscle, Medusa tech-genius, Lizardman planner. I like to think we're on this job thanks to a dragon mob boss.

>Normal Modo
Arachne muscle, nekomata tech-genius, succubus planner.
Not too shabby. They all fit fairly well, too.

>Hard Modo
Devil bug muscle, nightmare tech genius, alp planner.
not... not TOO bad, I guess...

>[the special link]
Thank you. Anons, seriously, start using this link.

>> No.13869257

Could be,
Th "cults and zealots" pack in the last game was broken.
Although milkmanning a dragon player online was a fun way to get some rage tears

>> No.13869265

I remember the first time I beat a lilim with anon it was amazing,

>> No.13869268

No items
Kitsune only
Final destination

>> No.13869269

What do you guys think is the absolute worst threadcanon? I vote smelly centipede

>> No.13869273

Anything to do with traitors.

>> No.13869274

All of them

>> No.13869279

Smellypede, abusive Amazons (that was just a few fags though), Elf rape, power of the D, traitors, etc...

>> No.13869280

>"cults and zealots"
Oh god, fuck everything about that pack. it made Succubus the most broken fucking thing in the game with that "Deruella Zealot" alt.
>Playing against a monstergirl character?
>Use Lust Overdrive and stunlock them practically forever.
>Playing against a male character?
>Absurdly easy instant win rape combo.
>Playing against a female human character?
>Corruption drive finisher OHKOs like that.

I seriously hope someone got fired over that pack. It completely killed the game.

>> No.13869281

no u ;(

>> No.13869286

Hand hold combos with Anon still worked but yeah, shit sucked.
Devil bug actually could win with swarm spam but that requires you to play devil bug

>> No.13869289

I like my monster girls 20 feet long with the circumference of a car tire.

>> No.13869295

Werewolves being dogs
Amazons beating up their husbands (or any dom girl sometimes)
Lego anubis and butt anubis
Oomukades being Tomoko 2.0

All shit and I know I'm forgetting some more.

>> No.13869300

Succubutts cucking

>> No.13869302
File: 91 KB, 620x413, iEVIW_IslFYo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst has happened. Aliens have begun invading earth. They're not even the sexy kind of aliens. They're like the aliens from Mars Attacks!. Honestly, would you want to fuck pic related? I know I wouldn't. Anyways, for some contrived bullshit reason, you and your crew of monster girls are the only ones who can stop them. It's time to roll for your partners.


>first roll: the brawn
She's an expert in weaponry and/or offensive magic, angry and hot-headed, ready to bring down alien ships with whatever it takes, and she's ripped as hell. I'm not talking just kinda toned, I'm talking bodybuilder. She's kind of a pain in the ass sometimes and doesn't take orders well, but she's a true friend when shit gets tough.

>roll 2: the smarts
She's a former internet conspiracy theorist who's been recruited by the government, and the one who knows the most about the aliens. She's also built several magical weapons in her basement, and though they're kinda risky, they really pack a punch when used right. Did I mention that she's a bit chubby and a meganekko?

>roll 3: the commander
She's the one in charge of all of your sorry asses, and she's not afraid of letting you know it, goddammit. She's the strategic genius of your team, but if the plan falls through, she's not afraid to sacrifice you guys so that she can get away and launch a new attack against the aliens. She's also a rather toned, slightly scarred Christmas cake.

>optional: post theme song for your alien mission. hardmode: set your playlist for shuffle and hope you get something good.

How screwed are you?

>> No.13869311

He still writes, though.

>> No.13869313

>Werewolves being dogs
>Amazons beating up their husbands (or any dom girl sometimes)
Agreed, that shit's infuriating.
That too.

>> No.13869316

>forgetting bonnet tipper Lizards

>> No.13869317

>Giant Ant brawn
>Arch Imp smarts
>Arch Imp commander

Not too bad, I think we got this

This will be our theme

>> No.13869321

>Brawny Devil Bug
>Brainy Scylla
>Bossy Scylla


I understood that reference.

>> No.13869322

YES, thanks you!

>> No.13869331

>Ren Xiongmao
Had high hopes till this happend
>Devil Bug
Everyone is dead

>> No.13869332

>puu dot etc
Why not just upload the image to imgur? Take out the middleman.

>> No.13869335

>Brawny Hobgoblin.
Awesome. We've basically got a juggernaut
>Brainy Werewolf
Weird mix, but I can see it.
>Commander is another Hobgoblin
Nevermind, we're fucked. At least I can hide out with a pair of oppai lolis.

>> No.13869337

I sure hope so

>> No.13869338

Everyone except the devil bug, anyway.

>> No.13869352

>Roper brawn
Umm... ok? I guess she could do some damage with the whip-like tendrils...
>Large Mouse brains
Well at least she's not in an offense role. Also does anybody else find the fact that they're just called a large mouse really boring? That's like calling a Kraken a Pale Squid.
>CC Karakasa-Obake commander
Please tell me that the eye on her umbrella wears an eyepatch. That would be hilarious
>theme song:

>> No.13869356

Fuck, meant to reply to >>13869302

>> No.13869357

Sabbath Pack is my favorite. Loli Skins look adorable, and the bonus magic damage buffs some girls get is nice.

>> No.13869364

Loli wurm top tier.
The fact that the gundam armor carries over is cute too

>> No.13869387


Specific threadcanon:
>Wurms are literal retards
They never used to be, they were really strong and slightly dumb girls before, but now the thread can't stop this shit
>Anubis plays with lego
Yes, it was a cute story but enough is enough. I blame Anubisfucker for pushing this into the ground.
>Werewolves are just playful doggies
Ok, sometimes they can be, but they also can be ferocious and powerful predators. I don't think anyone has written a story where they're actually predatory and frightening yet.
>and on the other side of the spectrum, Elves are violent rapists
Again, sometimes they can be but it was just a joke at first. If anything Elves are generally supposed to be equal to humans in strength so it makes little sense.
>Abusive Amazons
It would happen, but most of them would probably see men like how older societies were meant to see women - pretty things that need protecting. It might trigger a few people but they're meant to be the role reversal girls more than anything.
>The idiots pushing sub Hellhounds/dom Kikis
You do it solely to piss off the other side and we all know it.
I'd like it, but even as a superhero wurm has the retard thing stuck to her, so it just makes no sense.
>Mini monstergirls
Eh, I just don't get it.
>Paladins are evil
Its like you guys have never played a fantasy game before. The guys portrayed as paladins here are just bloodknights or lunatics. A true paladin would defend both innocent humans and monsters whilst fighting the bad humans and monsters. They wouldn't cut off a Holstaur's head because she shyly asked them if they wanted to come round for "coffee"

There's probably more I could bitch about, but they're the ones that spring to mind with my hot opinions.

>> No.13869405

Agreed, every monster girl should be a vicious rape machine and be able to rape you to the core of the earth.

That's always fun.

>> No.13869409

>and on the other side of the spectrum, Elves are violent rapists
I've never seen that

>> No.13869413

>I blame Anubisfucker
Hey man, don't blame me. I don't bring it up, or even relate it to Anubi that much. I do think it's fitting, and I'm not sick of it, and if someone else brings it an Anubis playing about with Lego or something, I'll still call it cute, but generally I find other things to focus on myself.

But yeah Trachyon's original story is still my favorite thing.

>> No.13869415

He wasn't saying that. Where did you even get that from?

>> No.13869418

>Kikimora brawn
Why do I keep getting Roberta?

>Nightmare brains
Well, that's alright.

>Ignis commander
Those alien bastards are gonna BURN!

I'm gonna do alright here.

>> No.13869420
File: 975 KB, 1200x1600, can-i-eat-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contributing once again f-feel free to hit me up for anything you want captioned (assuming it already has a translation)
If the monstergirl apocalypse were to happen, what kind of monstergirls do you think would show up in your area?

>> No.13869421

When was the last time we've had Werewolves doing rapey things?

>> No.13869422

That whole Hellhound and Kikimora shit would be solved instantly if the side that always starts that shit got kicked out.

>> No.13869424

>A true paladin would defend both innocent humans and monsters whilst fighting the bad humans and monsters.

And suddenly I'm reminded of a couple of greentexts and the many tales of Judge Dredd.

>> No.13869425

He's just trying to start shit

>> No.13869430

>Paladins are evil
>Its like you guys have never played a fantasy game before. The guys portrayed as paladins here are just bloodknights or lunatics. A true paladin would defend both innocent humans and monsters whilst fighting the bad humans and monsters. They wouldn't cut off a Holstaur's head because she shyly asked them if they wanted to come round for "coffee"

That could make for a cool story. A chill paladin who protects the weak, man and monster alike, and has to reconcile this with an aggressive church doctrine.

>> No.13869433

>I don't think anyone has written a story where they're actually predatory and frightening yet.
Bob did his exact thing.

>> No.13869434

Not much will beat the collossal sun gods pack. Ammy, her 13 daughters that specialize in their brush techniques, all of the Egypt girls getting new skins, Ra, Hathor and hathorite skins. Shit was top tier.

>> No.13869437

Grizzlies, Cougar Jinko's and some shithead Goose Harpies.

>> No.13869439

Mostly the common ones. Devil Bugs, Werecats (though Cait Sith would probalby be just as likely), Harpies, Arachne, and Werewolves. If I go far enough, I could possibly see some Lamia and Centaurs. Nothing too elaborate.

Sucks loving in the valley.

>> No.13869440

>about the apocalypse
depends on what monster girls would enjoy the climate of Michigan

>> No.13869443

>I don't think anyone has written a story where they're actually predatory and frightening yet.
>Telling actual fucking lies.

>> No.13869447

>Cougar Jinko's
Like, cougar the cat, or cougar the older ladies preying on younger men?

>> No.13869448


I'd probably have 50 spider girls living in and around my house.

Spiders fucking love my house.

>> No.13869450

Then came the dyke-haired not-futa Gnoll, and the organ destroyer strap-on bullshit.

>> No.13869451


Probably this for me, but there are some small farms so I'd get some holsts, centaurs, goats, and sheep girls around here two. Hawks and quails too.

>> No.13869457

Lots of harpies, lots of nekos, and maybe an odd aquatic monster or two. Also lots of dryads.

>> No.13869459


>Sex snapping a tree

I need my sides back

>> No.13869462

>Not wanting to be pegged by the alpha werewolf while all the betas in the pack fight over who gets to suck your cock

>> No.13869463

now that i think about it, would probably a good variety considering how unperdictable a.k.a. the weather stations 75%chance to be wrong weather

>> No.13869464

Maybe both.

>> No.13869465

Enjoy the winds and rain last night?

>> No.13869471
File: 37 KB, 600x308, I swear to God he's got a real name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This motherfucker. Living inna woods is weird.

>> No.13869472


>The church warns him to stop helping monsters or else he'll be exiled.
>Continues to do it even after being kicked out; albeit changing up his armor a bit to reflect his independence

>> No.13869474

>tfw no Wolfdog waifu.

It's the look of a Wolfu, but the loving nature of a Dog girl waifu!

>> No.13869475


>> No.13869480

Ok, I forgot the Bob story but it's hardly an amazing example when you see where it went.

>> No.13869482
File: 462 KB, 768x1024, 047570482_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like butt stuff and I'm a sub.

Can't she at least thrash my pelvis while forcing me to nurse from her?

>> No.13869483

As long as you don't cut off his head, he'll be your bro.

>> No.13869491

Good, I only got nicked by it so nothing more than rain and broken branches

>> No.13869494

All the rich and powerful ones like Vampire, Tanuki, Lilim, etc
All the aquatic ones like Mermaids, Sharkgirls, Krakens, etc
All the ones that love the good weather like Lamias, Alraunes, ec

>> No.13869496


Probably undead types. There's a graveyard nearby.

Aside from that whatever that would show up in a typical suburb neighborhood.

>> No.13869497

That sounds scary, I'm not sure if I'd be ready for a lonely old tough catgirl who wants a cute human boy and wants him now. This is why they invented door locks.

>> No.13869500

Average also had one.

>> No.13869501

It's rural as hell where I live so probably a Holst or centaur, or even a wheat alarune.

>> No.13869503


>Wheat Alraune
>Not weaning her on your urine and making her your bride since as a wheat/oats Alraune she's frisky to begin with

Anon do you even Xanth?

>> No.13869504

i had almost grape sized hail briefly around midday
on another note what MGs do you think would live in this state?

>> No.13869505

>he doesn't want to be stalked by a lonely, desperate Cougar Jinko while walking on a trail, then suddenly pounced when he stops to take a drink.

>> No.13869506

She'll ride you ragged and then throw you to the wolves

>> No.13869507

>that pointy-tooth smirk
Muh dick. We need more porn with that facial expression.

>> No.13869508

>its just one side
Stop that shit. You always get that one retard claiming "The subs always start the fights" or "The doms will always pick fights"

I'm still convinced its one idiot who just wants to watch an argument

>> No.13869511

>dat twisted obsession the Werewolf had

>> No.13869520

Well, I live in a big fucking city surrounded by farms and wastelands and shit.
City stuff would be devilbugs, mice, bubble slimes, nureonagos, akanames, tanukis, cat and dog girls and maybe a foxgirl or two
Other stuff would be holsts and centaurs and more holsts and more centaurs. Lamias, mantises and loads of grasshopper girls too.

>> No.13869521

Grizzlies, a few aquatic types in the lakes/rivers along with a water elemental or two. Common harpies, werecats, and werewolves and some trolls in the LP while the UP may have a few elves or dryads in the woods.
That and whatever else moves here

>> No.13869527

sounds about right

>> No.13869528

Would I be able to prevent an MG from proactively dating me if I made it so that sex and spirit energy is no longer required as her "energy intake"?

>> No.13869544


How would you manage that?

>> No.13869546

Not unless your strength is equal or greater than a god.

>> No.13869551

She's watching you Anon
YOu CAn'T rUn FroM hEr

>> No.13869554

How does one overcome writer's block without downing more shitty rum and bourbon?

>> No.13869558
File: 981 KB, 1124x1822, BBCP_Makoto_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live opposite a graveyard so those. Its a smallish village graveyard so no powerful Liches or Wights for me, but standard zombies, Skeletons and Ghouls.

Otherwise I'm in semi-rural England, so Harpies, Holsts, Weresheep, Kitsunes (not the noble types, these would be drunk and dick about in our gardens at night) Fuck tons of squirrel girls due to the local forest (Fuck yeah I get the Makoto) and Werecats. Also Succubi but they'd be everywhere like weeds all over the planet.

Also, because England has a lot of ancient legends we'd probably have Dragons, Wonderland monsters and the like. Not around my area though.

>> No.13869560

Oh I'll fucking try.

>> No.13869564

But being pounced on is rough, and I want my first time to be gentle! If she's going to be rough, then can I at least hold her paw with my hand?

>> No.13869565

If I knew I'd have written something in the last six months. I'm not dead, just out of steam for now.

>> No.13869566

try downing shitty whiskey or sake instead. or stop writing entirely like I did.

>> No.13869567

>Middle of the city
Catgirls and dog girls, devilbugs, harpies and some meese. There'd probably be an immigration of holstaurs to my area later though, and I could probably go find myself a lizardman dojo if I go in the right direction so at least there's that.

>> No.13869568

It'd probably just be easier to just say nothing strictly desert, oceanic. or arctic.
Except bullshark girls.
Bullshark girls would absolutely swim up the Mississippi and into tributaries to catch people.

>> No.13869569

Just write.

I think people get too mired in trying to make a complete script from word one, rather than start with a rough heap of shit that is built into something good. The former is much more daunting and tiresome than the later.

Lately I've taken to using almost pure dialogue as an outline, then I flesh it out from there.

>> No.13869570

Dont sleep
itll bring out some crazy ideas

>> No.13869575

Your resistance makes her wetter

>> No.13869576

It really does. I come up with some really stupid shit if I'm sleep deprived or drunk (or both) and sometimes the thread even likes it.

>> No.13869578

I want to tell a Monster Girl that's trying to rape me to please not to!

>> No.13869582
File: 305 KB, 2000x1273, 1438204359041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(Fuck yeah I get the Makoto)
Does yurope even have a base of BB players? I know you guys get fucked over with SMT games though.

>> No.13869584

You just fucking hate everything, don't you?

>> No.13869586

Depends on the MG. I can see a healthy number doing it just because they have to; (unmarried) vampires and elves spring to mind. Of course, vampires would probably kill you just for the hell of it anyway, and a number of the others would probably still take pleasure in raping you if you don't have a means to fend them off.

>> No.13869587

Maybe if you scratch her ears anon, and if you're lucky enough maybe she'll even let you fuck her at your own pace.

>> No.13869588

I want to create the ultimate cuddles by cuddling a weresheep and a yeti at the same time!

>> No.13869592
File: 298 KB, 525x287, remembering that one thing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just stop. You're going to heavily regret it all later anyways.

God fucking damn it I just want to bash my cunt head in every time it pops up in my head...

>> No.13869595

No Anon! That's a nap you'll never get up from!
Not cause you're dead, it'll just be too comfy.

>> No.13869600

My room's completely freezing and my bed is small, but I think I can make it work.

>> No.13869604

If only Makoto wasn't a slut who likes to molest little boys and girls.

>> No.13869606

>tfw so tired I could just die

>> No.13869608

Poll time!

>> No.13869613


>The warm, strong hugs from a yeti
>The sleep inducing fur from a weresheep.
>The kejourou's incredibly soft hair.

has science gone too far? or not far enough?

>> No.13869614

Godammit, this is a dangerous poll.

>> No.13869616

But anon, you should never take old creepy monster girls to your house! If you do they'll never leave and think you're married!

>> No.13869617

Finally got around to reading Graystorm.
I loved it, I'm really glad that Anubis got a happy ending. I do feel things could have been more fleshed out though, and maybe a reason given as to why he never went home just to let his family know he was alive.

>> No.13869625

I'm not reall into kejourou, but snuggles with one of them does sound nice now that i think about it.

>> No.13869628

What, Madhatter too mad for your hat poll?

>> No.13869631

I'll tell you when I discover it

>> No.13869632

Well aren't their hats technically just part of them? That's not a hat, that's a biological extension.
And I'm definitely not making up bullshit excuses because I completely forgot about them.

>> No.13869633

Good! Maybe she'll bring back a younger Cougar Jinko for me to fuck and impregnate!

>> No.13869637


>> No.13869640

With all the seashell jewelry and the little hat, does anybody else get the feeling that a lot of Merrows are pretentious hipsters?

>> No.13869643

That's racist anon.
Going through the wiki on random seems like Merrows have a hat too, but nobody ACTUALLY cares about fish.

God dammit, don't make me a liar before i finish writing my post.

>> No.13869645

They also really like dirty stories, so I hope not. It wouldn't mix well.

>> No.13869654
File: 342 KB, 1202x900, 7082f4c25641e953a89e7fe0ced3ad5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if your waifu had tattoos, would you still love her?

>> No.13869659

You're god damn right I would. As long as they're really well done and tasteful.

>> No.13869661


My problem is that no matter what scenario I think of it never feels like it's good enough because deep down I still care about what a majority of the thread thinks of my works.

I mean shit, if I were to write about something hypothetical like a Yandere X, alot of people would hate on it because it isn't Y MG or because of Monsoon using his detachable magnetic penis to shitpost at Mach 7.

>> No.13869662

At least they're not literal pothead like Scylla.

Reminds me. Sea Bishops have some nice hats too.

So long as they're tactful and make sense.

>> No.13869667

If only anon wasn't a bad person for spreading mean lies

>> No.13869670


>> No.13869674

All her species wear them so...

>> No.13869677

They're not my thing, but I can handle them so long as they look good (and are not faded as shit) and they're tasteful. Then again, everything looks better in 2D, so she could probably get away with more.

>> No.13869678

Hey remember when Kagura fucked your waifu?

Remember that shit? Kagura is the Matango of Blazblue.

>> No.13869684

Mu12 a best.

>> No.13869692

Beware the bunny mafia.

>> No.13869693

Mu 12, Nu 13, and Lambda 11 best girls.

>> No.13869701

Not my waifu, not even my favorite BB character
Bullet da best
also i always thought of Kagura as the Zapp Brannigan of Blazblue

>> No.13869702

>Christmas cake Jinko waifu with a couple of pleasure rune tattoos on her thighs from when she was young and crazy
Yes please.

>> No.13869706

I actually always put face tattoos when I make a female mage in any RPG. So yes.

>> No.13869713

Not at all, Zapp Brannigan was at least entertaining at times.

Kagura is like someone's Gary Stu self insert.

>> No.13869715


No thank you.

I don't like tattoos.

>> No.13869720

You are my comrade.

>> No.13869723

Those Hellhound and Jinko Bullet were pretty good.

>> No.13869726
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>> No.13869728

How so?

>> No.13869731


Being wrapped up to your neck in her silky hair which you find relaxes you quickly. When she finishes and you start to get used to feeling she puts her arms through her hair and hugs you, placing her hands on your chest. She pulls you closer to her, her own chest against your back. Resting her head on your shoulder, she starts to whisper words of love in your ear and quietly enjoying embracing you

It does sound nice.

And there my pro-Kejourou post for the thread.

>> No.13869733

They're hopping mad, and fuck like... well, rabbits.

>> No.13869735

Nu-13 is the best of the three, even though I prefer to pair her up with Ragna since she isn't my waifu.

>> No.13869741

Every day when I wake up I'm thankful I am not Ragna.

>> No.13869746

They can die from loneliness though.

>> No.13869748

Are they pleasure runes? Because that would be kinky

>> No.13869749 [SPOILER] 
File: 460 KB, 800x600, 1438653799904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to be a good guy?

>> No.13869753

His life is just a perpetual case of "shit happens" too, so the poor bastard could probably only find happiness in death.

>> No.13869754

No I just don't want to suffer every waking moment of my life over and over.

>> No.13869757

Well, just be sure to miss paying protection one month and you can help them with that.

>> No.13869765

Now he's gonna suffer even more by becoming a robot girl.

>> No.13869769

Only if they're pleasure runes.

>> No.13869783
File: 358 KB, 1046x500, 5e65dd86920755c0a0b537e0cf6ea645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, that's just art Mori drew. And for all we know she could just be a Murakumo Saya created in Rags image.

>> No.13869784


Of course. I don't really mind tattoos but I'd never get them personally.

Smoking would be a turn-off though.

>> No.13869786
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These girls have seen some hidden potential on you and are willing to take you as their disciple and teach you their ways of fighting.

However, once the training is over you will have to fight on a tournament against other anons who have been teached by their masters as well, to prove that you're worthy of the power you've been given and because all the girls hate each other and want nothing but to humiliate the rest

Who will you choose?

Waifu route may or may not be possible depending on your actions

>> No.13869792

The top tier Ultra Deluxe Mofu Club session, 10万円 per night

>> No.13869795

I'm going to become a weeaboo ninja de gozaru

>> No.13869797

But I don't want to fight, I want to be a house husband!

>> No.13869802

>The guys portrayed as paladins here are just bloodknights or lunatics. A true paladin would defend both innocent humans and monsters whilst fighting the bad humans and monsters.
I remember I got told to fuck off for implying this once.

I have no idea why.

>> No.13869803


I'll go with the Valkyrie.

I'm sure I could become a capable warrior under her guidance.

>> No.13869804


I'm surprised they saw something at all but I'd go with the Hinezumi.

>> No.13869805

Fuck that, I'm gonna grow stronger without them and create my own style. I'm no pokémon.

>> No.13869806

I style my facial in to a curly moustache and take the Rapier girl.

>> No.13869808

Alpha 01 a cute

>> No.13869809

I could learn kickboxing and shit.

>> No.13869812

I'm going with Hinezumi, she seems like she'd have the best style for an all around brawling approach. And I can't resist red hot mouse butt.

>> No.13869819


that's pretty steep. although I'm sure it'd be wonderful.

>> No.13869824

I'm not really that muscular, so I'm going to go with the Lich. I'll study magic with her until she's got nothing left to teach me, and then I'll take my studies a step beyond. I'll research runes of strength, speed, and endurance that I'll tattoo on myself to activate when I need them.
I'll research combat spells and defensive spells, and even spells that cause status effects!
I'll become the strongest mage for my teacher!

>> No.13869825

>no regular lizard
I am disappointed but I'll pick the dhampir

>> No.13869826

>bringing melee to a bowfight
Taking the elf here. I'm going to drop you fuckers like goddamn elks.

>> No.13869828

Question: What is the difference between stockings and pantihose? Which is the one that office ladies wear? Are thigh-highs either of those?

And which MG wears them the best?

>> No.13869832

>Sword, shield and holy magic
Valkyrie easily

>> No.13869833

>bringing bows to a magic fight
You're gonna need a looooot of arrows to drop an army of the undead.

>> No.13869837

What if they're magic arrows?

>> No.13869838

The panda, so WHEN I lose I can cry into her soft tits till we fall asleep

>> No.13869840
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Tall girls are love.

>> No.13869844

What, you think the DRAGON WARRIOR can't train someone well?

>> No.13869845

Why are you such a slut for big girls with big breasts and dark skin?

>> No.13869846


Stockings are like long socks, pantihose are like pants.

Any monster that doesn't have furry legs could probably pull them off. I can't imagine fur looking good when it's stuffed into them.

>> No.13869850

Thanks anon! Just had to be sure I wasn't fucking something up.

>> No.13869853

Thigh highs usually made of nylon, the kind you would wear a garterbelt with
Covers the entire lower half
You'll see the difference if you google them
Office ladies can wear either
>which MG wears them the best?

>> No.13869867

Pathetic, Anon. Unworthy disciple.

>> No.13869870

>no loli Wight and her legion of undead monster maids

>> No.13869874
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Brown is love man, at least as far as I can remember. Aisha, Mihoshi, Mii, and so on.

Tall is just nice in general.

>> No.13869877

I don't think that undead would make good maids.
>Zombies just shuffle around moaning 'cleaaaaann'
>Ghouls have the urge to clean everything with their tongues
>Skeletons have trouble holding anything with their bone fingers

>> No.13869879
File: 475 KB, 1000x877, tumblr_nryp26GqIT1sk31cyo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of Monster Girl would you want to be your boss?

>> No.13869880

Only if it's a tattoo of a heart on her bicep that says Mom in the center.

>> No.13869887

Usually pantyhose.

Stockings tend to be one of those clothing items that are more of a pain to wear because you either have to also have a garter belt, or they leave those pressure marks on the skin because the elastic has to be tight enough to hold them on.

Pantyhose you just slip on like pants and you're done. They don't even need to be relatively tight to stay up since they take advantage of the wider hips of women to not slip down. And unless you wear a skirt so short that you can see the upper thigh, they usually look identical to stockings (but without the fuss/discomfort)

>> No.13869895

How did she get those pantyhose on without ripping them?

>> No.13869898

The same way Chesires can put on High Heels while having big meaty paws

Wonderland magic

>> No.13869899
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A tanuki who runs a brothel.

>> No.13869900
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>tfw this never got a continuation

>> No.13869903

My dick says choose the panda, but my mind telling to learn archery with the elf.

>> No.13869905

That's a tough one, gonna take some thought. I'd like a rather laid back one with empathy for tough situations, as hard ass bosses just rub me the wrong way. A smaller boss I can't take seriously, so she needs to be about as tall or a bit taller than I am. And I guess she needs to actually be smart and competent at her job.
A kejerou or kitsune seem to fit. Heck, I'd go so far as tanuki if she weren't a scrooge. Maybe even a vampire or lich, but I don't know what their businesses would do.

>> No.13869907


>> No.13869909

She's actually a cosplay-tier MG. Those are boots, not actual dragon claws.

In Vengeance, Cheshires can use their teleport to fit into tight stockings despite their fur.

>> No.13869915


I'd rather a tall pale monster.

>> No.13869917
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I wonder if mermaids wear fishnet stockings.

>> No.13869919

Strangely enough, I recall reading there is a pretty strong correlation between physical height and leadership promotions. So tall makes for a better leader is a subconscious theme among a lot of people.

>> No.13869923

Probably just a fishnet dress, or fishnet bodystocking.

>> No.13869928

>not liking both cosplay-tier AND Toumasu/Xelvy-tier stuff

>> No.13869929
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Dumb as Hell.

>> No.13869932

I do recall something about that too, didn't come to mind till you mentioned it though.Fun to see it in action.

>> No.13869937

So a Kloah boat girl? I can agree to that.

I love this so much.

>> No.13869944

So, hellhound sports star of the school coming to you to ask for help on her studies because monster schools don't fix their athlete's grades?

>> No.13869952


More like Hellhound Auto Shop junkie who sprays Frank's Red Hot Sauce into her mouth, leaving it a bright red color as she strips buck fucking naked and yells "WITNESS ME!" before chasing Anon across the football field and fucking him bareback in a championship tackle.

>> No.13869953
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Hellhound volleyball team.

>> No.13869957

>Spikes everywhere
>With chuuni names for attacks

>> No.13869961

Is this a reference to something? Spoonfeed me and my pleb sensibilities.

>> No.13869962

A-anon, please.
And now it's just funny.

>> No.13869964



Come on man.

>> No.13869967

Cut me some slack, I haven't seen Mad Max yet.

>> No.13869968

Hotspring trip with Wurm-chan!

>> No.13869970

>You'll never have a Thugdere Hellhound girlfriend who gets butterflies in her stomach whenever she talks to you.
>She'll never hug you close and try her hardest to be gentle during your first time.
>You'll never whisper how much you love her and watch her get flustered
>You'll never kiss her on the lips, causing her to lose all self control and start thrusting her hips down as fast and hard as she can.
>She'll never collapse on to your exhausted body in a satisfied heap several hours later and start nuzzling her face against yours in her sleep.
>You'll never pull the covers over the both of you and fall asleep cuddling her.
>She'll never brag about how much her boyfriend loves her to her friends the next day and threaten anyone who even thinks of stealing you from her with a pummeling.
It hurts.

>> No.13869972

I'd rather have a hotspring trip with an Alp, and have her accidentally follow me into the boy's changing room

>> No.13869975

I choose the charmander.

>> No.13869976

Oh damn, that's some nice bullying potential right there.

>> No.13869979


>Went out to visit my parents
>We ate outside for dinner
>wasps coming to check things out.and flying around us

It makes me imagine a Honeybee/Hornet inquiring what a man who is eating outside is having for his meal, flying around incessantly.

>> No.13869980

Do you make her stay and prove she's a boy by not getting caught by anyone else?

>> No.13869982


>> No.13869990

Only if the alps name is charlotte

>> No.13869993

Yep, but I'll be nice by letting her change in a corner right behind me

But she has to wrap a towel around her waist only and I'm going to poke her chest and make fun of her "manboobs" before we get in the hotspring

>> No.13869994

I'd fuck her in there in one of the stalls, and if someone entered the room watch as she tried to suppress her moaning so she wouldn't get caught

>> No.13870006

Still don't quite understand the context here. What's going on in the image?

>> No.13870010

Wouldn't they just think you're fucking some twink?

>> No.13870011

I'm guessing the hellhound smells the delicious food and is trying to beg while outside

>> No.13870013

It's a parody of an image of a dog doing the same thing.

>> No.13870014

She may look boyish but she'd still have demon horns, wings, and a tail, and a lack of a dick. They'd connect the dots.

>> No.13870021

Fair enough,but it begs the question how these other anons would sneak her in without everyone knowing and snickering.

>> No.13870022
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A BBQ hungry Hellhound that's too stupid to break the glass and get the food.

>> No.13870033
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>> No.13870040


Oh yes.

>> No.13870041

contributing one more time, before the sleeping pills kick in. (warning: nsfw)
What kind of pajamas would your ideal monstergirl partner wear, if any?
Nighty-night, anons.

>> No.13870043


Ooo, neat.

Lilim version maybe?

>> No.13870045


>> No.13870046


>Get out of the hotspring from the communal bath with Alp-chan
>She follows you into the Men's Changing Room
>Sees your Gae Bolg and freezes, giving out a small meep
>You see her frozen, staring at the pillar of flesh between your legs
>You'd always known you were well endowed at nine inches, but seeing her reaction is priceless
>Time to bully the shit out of her
>"What's this? Afraid of seeing dick in the Men's Room?"
>"You know you never had a problem before being in the nude."
>She's backing into a wall now, her face going bright red, she's begging you to stop
>She's a fresh Alp, not even having her horns or tail yet, looking like an Incubus with a pussy
>You look down, it's a pretty pink color
>She immediately covers up and calls you an idiot
>Push her against the wall and force her hand away, telling her it's cute how reserved she'd become from the tactless ape she used to be
>She blushes harder
>"I wonder what the guys would think if they saw you now. Hell, maybe we could even make you into the communal cum dumpster."
>"You used to love that kind of porn shit."
>She's practically begging you now
>You can hear footsteps padding into the changing rooms
>You and Charlotte end up hiding in a locker
>The guys are talking about how old Charlie is all girly smelling now, and how he's gone from Bulk Vanderhuge to a fucking bishounen
>Meanwhile, your dick is pressing against Charlotte's entrance
>She shakes her head no, and you mouth "bite me" back at her, thrusting to the hilt in one go
>You barely manage to cover up her moan as you feel her walls clench down on you

>> No.13870047


>> No.13870048

Lord mercy by god

>> No.13870052

You are a god damned treasure. Thank you.

>> No.13870053

Did you caption these? I like 'em.
>What kind of pajamas would your ideal monstergirl partner wear, if any?
Her birthday suit.

>> No.13870054
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Oh my.

>> No.13870059

yep (although i am following the translation from danbooru)! i'm working hard toward joining a scanlation group, since this stuff is really relaxing to do.

>> No.13870061

Why aren't there any arctic wolf girls?

They'd be so fluffy.

>> No.13870062
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Give her the B

>> No.13870063

awww yeah

>> No.13870071
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O-oh jeez

>Gae Bolg

Lancer would wreck that Alp pussy

>> No.13870075

Sweet, keep up the good work then.

>> No.13870077

There aren't any Polar bear girls or Penguins either. At least we got Yeti though. She's a good snowgoer.

>> No.13870082

Lancah would get raped by a werewolf

>> No.13870088


I don't like how she's brown, I prefer brown on girls from hot places like anubs.

Attic girls should not be brown. They should be as pale as possible.

>> No.13870105

As much as I like hand-to-hand, I'll have to take the Minotaur on this one. I'm quite suited toward berserker trances and working through the pain.

>> No.13870110
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Think of it like this, if you live there there is a lot of sun you're going to get brown genetics. The arctic is sunny half the year and has no shade. It might be cold, but that's still UV light shining down on you.
Not that vanilla yeti aren't nice.

>> No.13870112

I like the sounds of this.

>> No.13870121


You're probably the same kind of degenerate who approves of forced TG.

It's good to know you're secure in your fetishes.

>> No.13870124


Vanilla is my favorite flavor.

>> No.13870133

>a vicious, loving werwolf will never come along and incapacitate the alpha, and kill the beta werewolves before tenderly and gently raping you as the alpha is forced to watch

>> No.13870137

I knew a British Girl once who liked BB, and oft lamented how the new releases came months after their NA release.

Can you blame her? Kagura was such an awful experience that girls and little boys are all she likes anymore.

Mah nigga. Got her new Alter statue in a case in my room. Looks fantastic.

>> No.13870146

>Shota Ragna with blonde hair and heterochromia
This triggers the autism.

I do hope Alpha-01 really is a thing though. Like her design too much for it just to be misc, unused concept art.

>> No.13870154

>call to arms pack when? I heard anon would be getting alt forms

>> No.13870155

I want to team up with my Minotaur waifu and dominate the tsundere Manticore across the street!

>> No.13870161

>Lancer would wreck that Alp pussy
Would you say it's to die for, then? Because he'd probably do that too.

>Attic girls should not be brown
Actual polar bears are black under that fur, nature just looooves her some dark meat.

>> No.13870168

If Alpha somehow becomes a thing, I really hope she isn't paired with fucking Kagura.

>> No.13870178
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I like Mint Chocolate

>> No.13870181

The game's already pushing Kagura with Noel. Which I fucking hate, but still, it'll keep him off of her.

Besides, if she does turn out to be Ragna, Ragna already gets shipped with Nu/Lambda, Celica and Rachel. And given current theory is Nu/Lambda is part of Alpha too...I hope there might be some yuri service. Before he inevitably gets turned back. If, indeed, Alpha is a thing at all.

>> No.13870187
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You will never kill the alpha werewolf and make all her pack members your sex slave as the new alpha.
Why even live?

>> No.13870188

Sub MGs wearing shock collars.

>> No.13870190

I want to make a Minotaur wear one!

>> No.13870191

Does it give them convulsive orgasms when they trigger?

>> No.13870192


>> No.13870193


>> No.13870194

Why would a sub MG wear a shock color? If their already a sub they would listen to everything you say anyway.

>> No.13870197

Because they're kinky?

>> No.13870200

Dom MGs holding the controller for a shock collar

>> No.13870201 [SPOILER] 
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Do not bully cows.

Happy milk comes from happy cows.

>> No.13870202


>> No.13870203

Quicksilver is that you?

>> No.13870205

I think shock collars are a little too cruel for my tastes.

>> No.13870208

Nope, but I hope he notices.

>> No.13870214

She's an ant. Not sure spiders are buff enough to dress in Havel tier armor.
Nah, I just haven't touched it in ages. Getting back to it soon though, I hope.

>> No.13870217

No anon, I'm over here. They do sound interesting though... I may do something with them in the future. As of now, not with my current story though.

>> No.13870219

How about choke chains?

>> No.13870222


>> No.13870225

How about fluffy collars for sub MGs, and light stretchy fluffy leashes for dom MGs?

>> No.13870227

>She's an ant.
Oh shit, I guess my reading comprehension is rather poor.

>> No.13870236

Naw I mean there's not much really obvious I can do to give it away right? Though I do outright state it closer to the end.

>> No.13870240

Any particular MG you're thinking of there?

>> No.13870241

Ah, alrighty then.

>> No.13870243

None in particular. Have fun with it.

>> No.13870250

Oh I will.

>> No.13870253

Yandere Kunoichi masturbating while she watches her "master" sleep when?

>> No.13870254

When someone gives a damn about kunoichi.

>> No.13870256

So never?


>> No.13870257


When you make it.

Hop to it, lad.

>> No.13870258

What >>13870254 said.
And it sucks that that one yandere stalker Kunoichi thing was never pastebinned,. It also sucks that Gunstar won't continue that Kunoichi Onee-san smut.

>> No.13870262

But I write like a toddler that had his head smashed in by the stupid fairy.

>> No.13870264

10 bucks says I'm worse and you're lazy chode.

>> No.13870265

Well I write even worse than that so don't hold back.

>> No.13870267

Is the stupid fairy related to the Tooth fairy, the wurm-chan villain that tries to eliminate all the sugar and sweets in MGC to prevent tooth decay?

>> No.13870273
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I want to buy the 'All-day Mofu Special'.

Send that fat piece of Fox butt up to my room with some warm sake please.

>> No.13870275

I'd cuddle those soft girls.

>> No.13870279
File: 3.53 MB, 848x476, 1405748010920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I buy my own Kon?

>> No.13870280 [SPOILER] 
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Lancer tries so hard though

>> No.13870283

Oh no I'm dead serious I am completely fucking retarded when it comes to writing stories.

I struggled back when I was back in school every single time I tried to write an essay or anything like that.

>> No.13870285
File: 520 KB, 1052x1500, 1234787832432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At your local Monster Girl Familiar Outlet Store.

They also sell shortstack Imps, Sphinx packmules, Tanuki pocket accountants and much more!

>> No.13870286

Worst lanca.

Dullhan Cu Cuhlain to bro with when?

>> No.13870288

Essay writing is completely different than story writing, and uses completely different sides of your brain.

>> No.13870297

I hope they have two for one sales so I can get twins. Maybe even four of them! Why stop there? TEN FAMILIARS!

>> No.13870298

"Hey degenerates, my name is Anonymous and I want to be loved by every single one of you. All of you are horny, cheeky perverts who spend every second talking about fascinating scenarios far too wondrous for me to put into words. You are everything I need in the world.

Don’t be a stranger. Just please don't ignore me. I’m pretty imperfect. I give up on everything I try to write and my self-esteem is lower than Alp's. What have you made, other than [that one thing I loved and fapped to like ten times]? I also get straight c’s, and have a banging hot waifu (I just imagined what it'd be like if she blew me; Shit was SO rape). You are my only friends who I wish I could please. Thanks for reading the only decent chunk of text I'll ever show the world."

>> No.13870301

>All those lolis going "Oniichan!"

My heart.
They would all be cuddled.

>> No.13870304

>Tanuki pocket accountants
>"Goldberg-tan, I need you to let go of my wallet."
>"No, Goyim-sama, I've told you this store has terrible values. I refuse to let you spend your money here for your own good."
>"But I'm hungry..."
>"There's a dollar store across the street. They have fresh Spam."

>> No.13870306

You got a laugh out of me.

>> No.13870308

Cu Chulain can be a Caster in the new game, wonder if he finally escaped his E rank luck. He deserves it.

>> No.13870310

>"Ask for the receipt you BAKA! I need them to help do your taxes!"

>> No.13870311
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>> No.13870313

Well, look at what you've written down.
Is lancer a lancer?
If not then he's avoided his fate.

>> No.13870316

>"Oy vey, what would you do if I wasn't in your pockets?"
>"Buy fast food?"
>"You're welcome!"
Goldberg-chan is pushy, but she only wants what's best for you (and your finances).

>> No.13870317

Get back in your fucking tank! You're being paid to swim around erotically! Not stink up the floor with your smelly fish stink!

>> No.13870320

Would you waifu a Pharaoh who has made her Mummy guards loli's?

>> No.13870322

>Would you waifu a Pharaoh

>> No.13870323

Yes, she has good taste.

>> No.13870327

I want to feed Pocked tanuki a hamburger as a reward for helping me.

>> No.13870328

I'm gonna bully her into un-lolifying them.

>> No.13870329

I don't care for Pharaohs, but the loli mummy guard is cool.

>> No.13870331

Is it kosher?

>> No.13870332

And extremely ticklish.

>> No.13870335

Would you let her guards sleep with the two of you if one of them woke you up at night saying she had a nightmare?

>> No.13870336

It'll be delicious
For her.

>> No.13870338

I'd rather just marry a Sabbath Anubis with a legion of Mummy Assistants.

>> No.13870339

Was being a jew part of her plan?

>> No.13870340

Oh, right. That's an amusing thought. Just running up and tickling them while they try and work. They just want to be taken seriously as guards, but can't help their own reactions.

>> No.13870342

I sure as hell would. She could sleep between us so she feels extra safe.

>> No.13870348

I'd buy her some steak as a reward
Maybe some cheesecake for her as well.

>> No.13870353

Of course! Those lolis better make sure they're wrapped up tight, there's gonna be a lot of... touching.

>> No.13870355

Would you be okay if they started calling you daddy?

>> No.13870361

I want to take her to Five Guys, wrench my wallet from her tiny little racoon hands despite her very vocal protests and order a double burger and an order of cajun fries. Then I want to poke her in her tubby tanuki cheeks with a torn of section of burger until she gives in and takes a bite.

Just imagine HFW.

>> No.13870363

Well congratulations, you got herself fed! Now what's the next step of your master plan?

>> No.13870366

I mean, moving in with the Pharaoh was as good as adopting them, right? So yes.

>> No.13870368

Can I make a musical with them?

>> No.13870369

Then daddy I will be, a father to the cuddliest legion of undead this side of the desert.

>> No.13870373

Pouting and little, satisfied moans.

patting her little head before going to work, along with maybe rubbing her belly.

>> No.13870374
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>> No.13870380

No, this can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

>> No.13870385


And that's when you boop her nose and break the pocket raccoon.

>> No.13870387

Someone's getting some headpats and maybe a little extra dessert that night for being a good girl.

>> No.13870390

Do we throw her out of a plane next or what?

>> No.13870391

Mini tanuki sees an equally small leprechaun girl. What happens?

>> No.13870393

What kind of sound would she make if I squeezed her boobies?

>> No.13870397

>Shit was SO rape
I gotta remember that one.

>> No.13870399

Well, she wouldn't fly so good but her tail serves as an emegency landing pad, letting her survive without injury.

>> No.13870403

As long as we tell Wurm that they expect one of us in the wreckage sister

>> No.13870404

She's probably small enough to where she'd be mostly fine after a fall like that.

>> No.13870407


>> No.13870408

>Wurm squeals "WHEEE!" as it crashes into the ground.
>Days later a crew is sent to sift through the wreckage.
>They arrive to find a little fort built out of broken plane bits, a wurm sitting in it who quickly shouts "You found me!" as soon as she sees them.

>> No.13870414

N-no! She suffered a nasty sprain from the fall!
All because you did some unsafe things with her!
The court's ordered you to give her 200 hours of cuddling in 2 hours increments to make up for it.

>> No.13870417

Your post made me want to get a group of guys to gether, hunt down a jewnuki, tear her clothes off and throw her to the floor. I want to pin her down as she cries and begs for mercy, and spread her wallet. Then I wanna run a rape train on her slutty little notes until her wallet overflows with cum and she's an ahegaoing mess, who can't get a husband anymore. Then I wanna tape her wallet shut and take photos as it bulges obscenely with cum before dressing the racoon whore and kicking her out onto the street.

>> No.13870421

I want to shitpost on /hbg/!

>> No.13870425

Does the wallet become a MG because of this?

>> No.13870430

About what? How brown haired men are boring and plain?

>> No.13870439

You'd better hide your IP, or you'll get gangraped by autistic NEET monstergirls.

>> No.13870443

>TFW weak blonde bishie stereotype
>Would get to enjoy my pickings on /hbg/
I'd be like the fucking Kikimora or Anubis of /hbg/, beloved by all, and not the kind of human boy that would only get replies of "Go to /d/ with that shit tier husbando"

>> No.13870446

>Monsters shitflinging about dom shotas and sub baras.

>> No.13870450

What kind of MGs would like plain, brown-haired guys, with lots of body and facial hair?

>> No.13870456

Werewolves maybe?

>> No.13870462


>> No.13870464

Sub bara sounds convincing to me, many men are quite reserved regardless of their strong build or size. I believe some MGs would be into it.
Dom shotas however are hilarious to imagine.

>> No.13870467

>Anon cuddling his werewolfu
>She looks to him and runs a claw through his chest hair
>"Anon, you know you really remind me of my mother."

>> No.13870469

>monsters are 3D enough they seriously care for looks

inb4 u ugly

>> No.13870471

They probably think the same thing
>human boys don't care about your species! They're nice and will love you even if you're flat, or short, or a mushroom!

>> No.13870473

Would they tell MGs that are into healing to fuck off?

>> No.13870474

Most of us would, too.

>> No.13870477

Goddamn, MC's one dumb motherfucker.

>> No.13870479

To be fair, I would follow that elf even if I knew it was a trap. Granted, I'm a huge slut, but still.

>> No.13870481

>That feel when you'd honestly consider a matango if it wasn't for the whole plague thing.

>> No.13870484

Well, they'd be able to find SOMEONE from these threads. Yes, even the mushrooms. Some girls would have a lot less trouble than others though. Like the mushrooms.

>> No.13870485

>Monster girls descend
>yfw they don't want a suicidal depressed guy

>> No.13870486

I'd rather a Sumo hinezumi or muscle familiar though.

>> No.13870487

I know that feel as well man, I know it far too well.

>> No.13870488

"Your mom wishes she was this hot."

>> No.13870490

So they'd also be completely delusional?

>> No.13870492

If it wasn't for the whole plague thing they'd be pretty ok.

>> No.13870493

>yfw they don't want a suicidal depressed guy
Yes they do. Commit suicide by charging a bunch of p'orcs. You'll either get at least one waifu or be raped for the rest of your days. Either way you win.

>> No.13870494


Find one with a healing fetish.

>> No.13870495

There are a lot of people that would. I would imagine that it would largely be the ones that know what its like to be truly alone, and would just be grateful for someone or something. Hell, you'd be hard pressed to find a MG someone would want. Furries might want Cait, people that want to forget could get a Mindflayer, and I bet even a Manticore could find love, man.

>> No.13870498

>wouldn't want
Fuck. I'm slipping again. It's too early for this, man.

>> No.13870519

>rushing everything
So where does that rush show? What's wrong with it?

>> No.13870532

All monstergirls are plagues so I'm not really getting what makes matango different.

Replace "mushroom spores" with "MAMONO MANA" and you have every other monster in the goddamn book.

>> No.13870533

Werewolves are nice. I prefer certain variants thereof, but still, quite nice.

>> No.13870536

Then why are you here?

>> No.13870542

Werewolves of London?


>> No.13870545

Someone needs to play the Devil's Advocate.

Perfect hair and everything.

>> No.13870547

We're picky since we're basically just fantasying here, of our -perfect-, most refined situations, partners and sex, with non-existing girls too, and having their lists, averaged personalities and looks that would vary and be unique in real life.

But if they in fact appeared it would all be defined by personal cases and pure chance. Who you've met, how good do you get along, how much you share etc. How much intimacy grows between you over time. No one would actually quite bother about superficial things like her monster bits when it comes to personal experience. We're simply choosing sweets at the confectioner's shop as poor orphan kids who will never get to buy them so far the way we have it here.

>> No.13870548

You are my nigga.

>> No.13870560

Hinezumi triplets pregnant with twins!

>> No.13870561
File: 56 KB, 418x590, werewolf lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get stalked by a limey Werewolf in a track suit

>> No.13870562

I like plagues. Hail Nurgle.

>> No.13870564

I want to pound that fat wolf butt while the rest of the pack watches and whines.

>> No.13870566

>No one would actually quite bother about superficial things like her monster bits when it comes to personal experience.
I call bullshit. Those wouldn't be everything, but there's no way monster bits wouldn't play a factor in which MG get chosen by whom.

>> No.13870568

That's a lot of hot maus anon, are you sure you're up for the job?

>> No.13870571

Three fiery mice~
Walking down MGC town~

>> No.13870572

Tsundere maus too, the most challenging of maus to tame.

>> No.13870573

Always, can you imagine all nine of them snugging up to you at night, cute little snores coming out as they smile?

>> No.13870574

Quick! Someone do a Tsuchinoko Lamia story!

>> No.13870579
File: 860 KB, 1200x1600, 1438320467058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it get warm reception?

>> No.13870580

Good lord that maus

>> No.13870584

Good night Anons, have a pleasant evening and don't burn down the thread.

Amazonian Vikings may be drawn to the fire.
Just bought a Zaku I and II Gunpla.
Because I make wise decisions with my money.

>> No.13870585
File: 78 KB, 624x856, 1415609544707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been like 10 hours. What's up with that?

>> No.13870587

What if she's a lone wolf?

>> No.13870588

Classic Prototype and MP type huh? Nice choices.
What grades? Straight-forward High Grades?

>> No.13870591

Fat wolf butt

>> No.13870593
File: 344 KB, 1000x1000, 123485443534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to serve The Matron of the Maze as a henchman!

Dem tight pants.

>> No.13870595

The way we and most settings canon them they'd probably go for everything they get their hands on, like a locust wave, 'course if there are enough of them. If you however keep yourself inside 100% of time too, then there would be a problem to get one.

But yeah, personality is what probably would my weakest side too. I'm not depressed, I just... wouldn't be able to entertain someone. I'm lame as a potato sack, and just as productive most of the day.

Guess that's part of my attraction to monstergirls. MGE's number 1 interest is straight told to be sex anyways, something I'd be able to perform, and another their feature is having more male-ish kind of worldview, as in not expecting to be constantly surprised, entertained, flourished with attention etc. They're also likely more into male hobbies, and I'd definitely do nice as a game bro at least.

>> No.13870597

I want The Encourager to keep me focused!

>> No.13870598

HGUC 1/144
Nice and simple

I just saw a Gouf Custom and it is taking all of my willpower to not buy it.

>> No.13870599
File: 131 KB, 1419x1000, 1434914152898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Anon.

THIS is a fat Wolf butt.

>> No.13870600

I wanna get cuddled like a stuffed animal by a BIG Wurm!

>> No.13870608

Big how?
Soft big?
Muscle big?
Tall big?

>> No.13870610

That's also puffy vulva.

>> No.13870611

All big.

>> No.13870612
File: 626 KB, 1417x1063, 41728933_p0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat wolf tits.

>> No.13870613

I want to date a Wurm who thinks she is a mofu goddess!

>> No.13870614

Everyone knows Elves are harmless and can be fucked into submission, right?

>> No.13870618

Are you really so sure about that?

>> No.13870620

I was thinking tall big, but muscle big sounds good too!

>> No.13870621

>Tall, Strongfat wurm with tig ol' bitties, and a fat wurm butt who loves to cuddle, wrapping you up and nuzzling into you as she happily coos.

Would marry and give a big ol preggo belly.

>> No.13870622

What if I want to be the slut?

>> No.13870623

Of course I am. That's why it's perfectly safe to follow them wherever they want to take you in the car they're borrowing from their Ogre friend.
Then you follow the Elf where they want to take you in the car they're borrowing from their Ogre friend.

>> No.13870626

"M-Ma'am I need to get back to my village..."
"Why can't we just have bandits like normal villages do?.."

>> No.13870627

Yeah I'd put a ring on it before I put a baby in it.

>> No.13870628

That's exactly what I'm going to do. I'll play the role of the slutty virgin and let them all film it.

>> No.13870632

But are you man enough to handle all of them?

>> No.13870633


>> No.13870635

I'm probably not, but that's part of the fun.

>> No.13870639

Precisely. Also, that's what the Manticore Twins are there for.

>> No.13870644

Nobody said anything about some ugly manticores

>> No.13870645

>Both have side tail's in opposite directions.
>One's fit and has a killer rear
>The other's chubby with a better bust.
>Both love to cuddle.

>> No.13870649

My momma said not to trust Manticores...

>> No.13870656

She's never met any of the Hathor ones then.
loving, soft, cuddle-dom

>> No.13870657

They both sound like wonderful ladies.

>> No.13870660
File: 612 KB, 805x963, inkling3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13870662

So you didn't know what was being talked about?

>> No.13870663

They never mentioned any manticores.

>> No.13870665

You just butted in without knowing what was being talked about, Manticores are heavily involved.

>> No.13870671

Wow I'm suddenly wishing I bought a copy of this.

>> No.13870680
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, Tanned Dumpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer will soon end, how's your tan?

>> No.13870682

Everything above my collarbone is a shade of red darker than everything below it. Fucking sunscreen wasn't good enough.

>> No.13870683

You wouldn't catch me outside in that heat and that blinding sun even if you paid me

>> No.13870686

Pale as the goddamn snow because I do not tan.
I'm red or white, nothing else.

>> No.13870690

I'm not translucent. Does that count?

>> No.13870691

I'm still a little tanned from my trip to Texas when I was a kid.

>> No.13870693

Read a half so far. Kinda overdoes it with powering up Paladings and smearing down mamono to me, something even Paladin-point-of-view story doesn't necessarily has to teem with, but otherwise interesting. Would like to see more.

>> No.13870694

Bike-chan failed me. I in turn failed bike-chan. I'm the same shade as always, but at least I don't have a jersey tan.

>> No.13870695

I literally fucking glow in the summer I'm so pale.

>> No.13870723

It's honestly refreshing after the monster apologist in his first story.

>> No.13870727

>tfw no weresheep to cuddle ;_;

>> No.13870736
File: 509 KB, 860x1214, 1420843428436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no lecherous Weresheep aunt who's had too much to drink and wants you to celebrate her year with her.

>> No.13870744

I want to dive into her and never come up for air.

>> No.13870755

You'll have to come up in 2016 though, because it will be the Monkey's turn to 'celebrate' her year.


>> No.13870757

Haven't read that, I'll check it eventually.

>> No.13870762

Nope, staying with the sheep.

>> No.13870764

Would a Kakuen be offended if I asked if I could play her ass like a bongo?

>> No.13870767

Why would she be?

>> No.13870769

Maybe she hears it a lot?

I mean, monster girls are sluts after all.

>> No.13870771

A Kakuen isn't ready to mate until you spank her ass red and raw. Do you even into biology?

>> No.13870776


>> No.13870778

What, what in the butt.

>> No.13870783

We have an alp here. Get the ropes.

>> No.13870785

We're talking about a Kakuen's butt, sir! Am I in Monkey Trouble now?

>> No.13870786

>See a Kakuen one day while walking home
>The ass is fat indeed.
>Some strange impulse you can't resist drives you to give her a smack as you pass on by
>Later learn that Kakuens take impromptu spankings as date and/or mating requests at the least, and may interpret them as something as high as a marriage proposal
>Look out the window back at home
>Kakuen hanging upside down

>> No.13870788

Oh, my mistake. Carry on.

>> No.13870789

Correction: YOU are in Monkey Trouble now.

>> No.13870796

I want to be stalked by a Kakuen that thinks I want to marry her!

>> No.13870801

>you will never confess to a cheshire

>> No.13870802

Cheshire taking over the insane asylum when?

>> No.13870803
File: 116 KB, 1409x2000, Extra_c11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New T-Rex na Kanojo chapter is out. Get it at the usual spot.

>> No.13870805

This seems like a fun idea. Lewd pranks everywhere.

>> No.13870808

Anon no! The smug levels would rise to impossible levels!

>> No.13870809

Where's the usual spot?

>> No.13870810

Does that look like the face of an amused person to you?

>> No.13870814

Are you able to put it up on imgur, or am I being lazy not knowing it's up on same manga viewing site?

>> No.13870817



Via Raptor Scans. It's linked on the main Wordpress.

>> No.13870824
File: 387 KB, 848x921, Vampire and Dhampire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough mother-daughter stuff, or vampires so here.

>> No.13870828

Give the Dhampir some abs.

>> No.13870829

Neat, dude.
Just who is this unknown man?

>> No.13870830

>Both 17

>> No.13870832

Do you know what a zero is?

>> No.13870833

>You will never hear a cheshire confessing
>You will never beg her to stop

>> No.13870835

Sooooo, continue Cat & Mouse?

>> No.13870838

One's forever 17! Certainly not an old hag! Nope!

>> No.13870841

I didn't see those 0s. These old hags are getting craftier at hiding their real age, she almost fooled me! Thanks for pointing that out

>> No.13870845

Of course, of course. Can't have something past their expiration date up and about here, no sir.

>> No.13870846
File: 198 KB, 1280x1007, 1403486775228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13870849

That reminds me how I wanted to write a lewd story about a single, sexually frustrated Vampire...

>> No.13870851

Old bag! Granny!

>> No.13870853

Geez, look at those old tattered wings. And those windows look like they haven't seen a cleaning in ages!
What's stopping you?

>> No.13870854

She's old, has dumb clothing, saggy boobs, and her crotch smells like a grave. Would not serve.

>> No.13870855

I want to be an innocent young bishie who gets ambushed by a vampire, and is initially frightened, but becomes relieved when he finds out her true age, because surely an ancient old hag like her wouldn't want to rape a young guy like me right?

>> No.13870858


Shut up and take off your pants.

>> No.13870860

She's been abusing her power and deflowering virgins for centuries. She's not going to stop with you.

>> No.13870862

And so the bishie was broken in both body and mind.

>> No.13870863

That was cute. Imma git so gud at dodging it'll be like my body is made of air, and I'll cuddle the fuck out of her.

>> No.13870866

That's horrible! But the bishie is saving himself for marriage! If she won't take responsibility, then who'll want used goods like him! Surely she'd have mercy and spare him

>> No.13870868

>Dea, do you even remember how many virgins you've raped?
>Do you remember how many slices of bread you've eaten? Ohohohoho!
She won't care.

>> No.13870871

Oh, the usual. Procrastination, a few other stories I want to write first, writers block, lack of drive...

>> No.13870876

If our shittiest writer churned out 4700 last night at the drop of a hat, you can do it too!

>> No.13870877

Ah, the common writefag ailments. Not to worry man, I'm doing the same.

>> No.13870880

What a cruel mistress, if she rapes him he's going to resist, cry for her to stop, and yell for help though, and someone will be bound to come to his rescue. She's setting herself up for shame, can't she just have a heart this once? Even black dragons can be kind once in a blue moon!

>> No.13870881

>Even black dragons can be kind once in a blue moon!
Yeah, if you earn it. This guy is just another bishie for her to rape.

>> No.13870885

Would you pamper a pussy till she goes baby crazy?

>> No.13870886


What're some of the things you're trying to write anon?

>> No.13870895

Is that what she thinks of all bishies? Just another quick lay? No wonder she's an old hag who's still alone, while her sister and her sister's daughter and her sister's daughter's daughter are all married while she's still alone! She's probably bitter and full of repressed emotional issues! Even if she takes that bishie's virginity, she'll never be able to fill that empty void in her

>> No.13870902

>Evil vampire has another young virgin pinned under her
>He starts to struggle and cry about how he's saving himself for his one true love
>She laughs and takes his first for himself and rides him for hours before showing him the door
>She later adds his name to a book of her conquests, going back centuries.

>> No.13870903

Something about a cat bonding with her adoptive daughter I've only done the first part of, another with a crazy mouse scientist I haven't finished the first part of yet, a go nowhere greentext people love for adorability. Have some other ideas putdown, but nothing I'm going to do for a bit.

>> No.13870908

Hey, I know you!

>> No.13870909

Well Cheesy, that's more than I've got for sure. I have no recurring greentext to at least entertain folks with, I've not even finished the first part of the one story I really want to do, barely started on any of the more one-shotty things, and have barely touched a second part to something I wrote like a year or two ago already...

>> No.13870914

>you will never talk shit about every monster girl under the sun to a poorly disguised Lilim.

>> No.13870920

I hope her dhampir daughter is able to fight her and end her tyranny of stealing young boys virginity and not taking responsiblity. Think of all the broken hearts she's made, what monster girl would want them now?

>> No.13870923
File: 263 KB, 561x1000, Akaname.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello everyone. It's me, Murchez. I started another story about an Akaname. I don't have much going so far but I though I'd share with you what I have for the time being.

>> No.13870927

You'll get to it eventually, I know it!

Side question for the thread, is 10k words short for a first taste of something? At 6.8k words now, and it probably won't go for much longer for the first part.
Oh, I got a writing program with word count by the way.

>> No.13870928

You write about the silliest things.
>10k words
No, it's frigging long.

>> No.13870932

First issue
>Luckily I called and today was an interview.
This sentence seems a little off to me.

>> No.13870933

I think that's a pretty good amount. Generally when I'm writing something in parts, I try to go for at least 5000 a chapter. More if I think it's better to continue for the time being, but that's the minimum I set for myself.

>> No.13870934

I do so enjoy his work

>> No.13870940

Gotcha, I have no sense for scale on these things. Thanks.

>> No.13870941

It's an idea that's been stewing in my head for awhile so there you go.


Hmm yeah. I'll have to do some edits for sure.

>> No.13870946

Don't worry, I noticed and liked your reference.

>> No.13870949

Well apart from that one, I didn't really notice anything glaringly wrong with it. Apart from the length. The sample size is too small and stuff.

>> No.13870961

You did put an extra k in walking on line 14 too.

>> No.13870996

Forever 17, and not a day older.

>> No.13870998

Have a dead thing for a dead thread.

>> No.13871008

I swear zombies get all the love.

I wish there was more ghost stuff for specterphiliacs like myself.

>> No.13871024

Ghost blowjob, whooo!
What else can we do with it? Phasing through your body to send odd chills through it? Haunting your dreams and waking hours alike with whispers? Jacking you of with her ghost tail?

>> No.13871029

But ghosts are too spooky! They use their ghostly abilities for lewd and selfish purposes!

>> No.13871037

even aka-motherfucking-name got writefagging content before madhatter godfucking dammit

>> No.13871055
File: 1.67 MB, 525x295, 1353765734597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the "only you can see her and everyone her cute playing is freaking everyone else out" angle.

>> No.13871064

Okay, that is a pretty good angle.

>> No.13871076

Yuuko is true perfection

>> No.13871077

Why so short tho?
Playing music with their chains. Doing bondage with their chains. Ectoplasm everywhere.

>> No.13871082

>Ectoplasm everywhere.
Is that sanitary? I'm actually wondering.

>> No.13871084

It's not organic matter, there are no germs in it.

>> No.13871086

Not even ghost germs? I mean, some of those germs have to have regrets.

>> No.13871088

Neat little thing off that Waifu Games shite. I quite liked it.

But honestly, more than anything...I just want a cute picture of a Lich having a snooze in mid-air, cuddling her tomb of eldritch knowledge like it's a teddy.

>> No.13871089

Germs can't have regrets, they live life to the fullest and when they die, they can stop dealing with Osmosis Jones.

>> No.13871093

Well I want a Lich with a collection of stuffed animals, most of them bigger than herself, huddled up in her Pouting Chamber because something upsetting happened and she's upset.

>> No.13871100


Which is why I want to see more ghost stories like that.

>> No.13871101

Goddammit Alp don't overdo it.

There is beauty in simplicity.

>> No.13871106

>overdo it
How is that overdoing it? What else would she have in that chamber than stuffed animals? An undead pony?

>> No.13871108

>Why are you in the pouting chamber today?
>"I made a strain of ebola that was as big as a human girl and a bunch of racists waifued her."
>That's pretty rough. Want some ice cream?
>"Mint please."

>> No.13871115
File: 82 KB, 917x871, comi10_by_p01ntless-d82ubbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply mean a Lich curled up around her book, floating in mid-air, adorable as can be as she has a little self-indulgent nap, is cute.

Girl pouting in her pouting chamber surrounded by giant stuffed animals just seems like overdoing the cute, to the point it's not even all that cute anymore.

>An Undead Pony?
Weeeeell...companionship is nice?

>> No.13871121

>not even all that cute anymore
I'm sorry I ruin everything I touch.

>> No.13871128

My sides.

>> No.13871131
File: 1.89 MB, 2400x2500, 1419974584010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for the big race, anons?

>> No.13871133

Is it time for Waifu races?

>> No.13871134

Yes, and we've just had confirmation that Dick Dastardly and his Hellhound companion Smutley are in fact joining the race!

>> No.13871154

Those nefarious fiends!

>> No.13871185

>Date smug Smutley rape laugh
Yes. This pleases me.

>> No.13871191

I wonder if there is race simulator that mimics that hunger games simulator. Can we customize the games simulator?

>> No.13871192

I doubt there is, but surely it can be made. Too bad none of us is able and willing.

>> No.13871202
File: 503 KB, 600x800, 1428307728245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A seductive Elf appears!

>> No.13871207

>Garter belt
>That ZR
>Delicious brown
Colour me seduced

>> No.13871215

Anon is seduced and cannot fight!
Elf uses kiss!

>> No.13871216

I'll pass.

>> No.13871218

It's super effective!

>> No.13871224

Was meant to be a greentext but seemed too long for one

Cheers bud. I totally did not write that part as thinly veiled drawfag bait

>> No.13871229

>too long for one
A greentext can be done in several posts you know.

>> No.13871253

Y'know, for me there are only really two scenarios in which motherdaughter is cool. The first being adopted into a family as a child by a single mother with a single daughter, or happening to meet both at the same time, and having both form an interest at the same time. Shit like, your GF taking you to her place and her mother is into you so you fuck, or vise versa, just seems too cheat-y.

>> No.13871256
File: 978 KB, 1280x720, it wasnt me it was the spooky ghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this, what do?

>> No.13871259


>> No.13871270

Kiss and hold.

>> No.13871308


>> No.13871310

Talk to it.

>> No.13871321

A mugging.

>> No.13871328
File: 344 KB, 598x680, Albedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13871343

>New episode today

>> No.13871363

HA! So if it's a light novel and not a manga like I've been told before, where is that picture from? Checkmate you cucks.

>> No.13871366

Checkmate yourself. The LN came first. the Manga is extremely behind in comparison to the LN

>> No.13871373
File: 352 KB, 631x893, We really were made for each other.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13871378

Hell no.

>> No.13871381

Did your mother drop a wurm on your head as a baby or something?

>> No.13871413

My mother IS a Wurm and fell on me a couple of times when I was a kid, but what does it have to do WITH ANYTHING?!

>> No.13871423
File: 541 KB, 598x680, AlbedoT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went ahead and made a transparent
versions cause i have nothing better to do
my gimp skill are shit

>> No.13871426

Only a Wurm plays chess without a board or pieces or knowing the rules.

>> No.13871444

Screw you, Wurm chess is best chess.

>> No.13871453

>Ask a wurm if she wants to play chess
>She says says "Sure!" and slithers off
>Wonder what the hell she said yes for
>She comes back a couple hours later with a fresh buttermilk chess pie
>"So how do we play? I LOVE pie games."

>> No.13871465

Wurm Chess = Calvin Ball.

>> No.13871468

How much longer until episode 5?

>> No.13871469

Wurm Chess confirmed for best game.

>> No.13871471

Dont ask me, i dont know

>> No.13871475

>"What do you mean there's no chess pie in chess? That's stupid. You're stupid. This is a stupid game!"
>"Want some pie?"

>> No.13871479

>"Chess is a board game, Wurmelina"
>she buries your head in her cleavage for emphasis
It's not winning that matters.

>> No.13871487


For some reason I'm now imagining a flat-chested Shoggoth using her chest as a game board.

That, or Wurm using her daughter's chest as a game board, because Wurm.

>> No.13871490

Less than 2 hrs apparently.

>> No.13871493


>> No.13871495

You mean three hours? And it depends on who your sub group is.

Not that it matters what time they say. Subs release late well over half the time.

>> No.13871498

>flat-chested Shoggoth

>> No.13871501
File: 351 KB, 1200x1000, We need MG's playing games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13871503

The human mind cannot comprehend the Shoggoths capacity for change.

>> No.13871505

No I mean how is it flat chested when she can be any size she wants?

>> No.13871510

By choosing to be flat, duh.

>> No.13871517

>"Game of kings? Don't make me laugh. We're playing a real game next. It's called rape the nerd."

>> No.13871521

>Literally a Wurm's son

Well at least you'll be happy no matter your lot in life.

>> No.13871526

I don't want to play that game.

>> No.13871527

That's the spirit!

>> No.13871532

Calling her flat chested implies that she always has been, and likely always will be. If the quality isn't constant, it's useless to use it to identify some one. No, nevermind I'm just overthinking this.

>> No.13871533

So you've played this game before. Good. I like a challenge.

>> No.13871536
File: 68 KB, 184x267, Saph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once this thread gets archived and the new thread is up I'll share the final results, so if you havent voted i suggest you vote now

>> No.13871539

You're being quite the numb-skull, yes.

>> No.13871543

But what difference will it make? For what purpose is this study being conducted?

>> No.13871547

>I'm just overthinking this.
You clearly are. Think about some butts to take your mind off this breast conundrum.

>> No.13871549

Shut up Alp.

>> No.13871550

I'm not gay, you're gay!

>> No.13871555
File: 34 KB, 284x306, Basically Tatl the Fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13871566

I don't have a spade tail, you have a spade tail!

>> No.13871570

Oh yeah, well you're a towel!

>> No.13871580

Towel MG when?

>> No.13871584

>flat-chested Shoggoth using her chest as a game board.

>Master~ how about a game of chess?
>... sure?
>Shoggoth opens her uniform to reveal a black-white checkered flat chest.

I need this.

>> No.13871601

Out of plane Curiosity was this poll conducted

>> No.13871611
File: 609 KB, 600x800, 1404842307272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, someone is so chuuni they're speaking in verse!
Ahem. Hark, what light from yonder window breaks?

>> No.13871616

>She lies across your legs, head propped up on a pillow for you to stroke as the board is in your lap
>All the white pieces have dicks and look like you, all the black are dressed lewdly and take on her most common forms
>It's a game of rape or be raped, her pieces pinning yours down when she takes one, your pieces taking hers, an endless orgy off to the side where the taken pieces are
>You're tying to actually play chess, where as she's just wrapped your junk in her abominable mass and is stroking you off while she waits her turn, and throws her pieces at yours in lewd abandon
>She's still winning.

>> No.13871620

what, was i speaking in verse? i didnt know.

>> No.13871626

Your typos actually combine to make something better than you intended.

>> No.13871631

Shoggoth chess is... weird. The good kind of weird, but still weird.
On the other hand, the amount of fun their shape changing allows is amazing.

>> No.13871638 [DELETED] 

Alright everybody, yesterday we voted on who had the snazzier hat, Dhampir or Cupids. The winner by one vote was... Cupids

Today, we will do a hat poll for two different species.

>> No.13871641

It would have ended in a draw had I known.

>> No.13871642

you should have really posted this when this thread got archived and the new thread was up

>> No.13871647

In hindsight, I probably should have. Deleting now and reposting when the new one is up.

>> No.13871649

It would have ended in a Dhampir victory had I also known.

>> No.13871651

also I'll be give out the results of that elemental poll i did next thread

>> No.13871658

So do you think if a Dhampir, Mad Hatter, Merrow, and Cupid were all friends, they'd give each other dorky hats on birthdays and christmas?

>> No.13871674


Sounds like a good D&D group. Would Mad Hatter as DM. Also to answer your question, yes, because it pleases me.

>> No.13871677

You know howA Shoggoth ca be anything? Even the pan she ses to cook with, as shown by her cleaning it in the pic. Does that imply that they make their own fire too, or does it imply that fire doesn't affect them? Or does it imply their love for their master is so great, they'd literally set themselves on fire just to cook nice food for him?

>> No.13871684

You can't burn a Shoggoth. Your flammenwerfers are useless.

>> No.13871691

I guess they can change the how the parts they transform function. Like if they make a cloth it'll be soft and absorbent, frying pans would be tough and resistant to burning, knifes and forks would be tough and not feel much pain as well.

>> No.13871705

I can't even tell if that's a wurm or a centaur.

>> No.13871710

>No reptile-hand-bras

Probably a centaur.

>> No.13871714

Which monster girl has the best thighs?

>> No.13871718


>> No.13871719


>> No.13871721 [SPOILER] 
File: 187 KB, 1600x1133, 1438696883998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13871723

Kunoichi can work miracles with those thighs, she has practiced a lot.

>> No.13871724

Cheshires. And those purple stockings help make them look even better.

>> No.13871729

Wights, lolis, and the fierce ones like salamanders and hellhounds, all for different reasons.

>> No.13871733

This guy knows it.

>> No.13871775


>> No.13871782

Gee, I wonder who is behind this post...

>> No.13871790

It's the Alp Illuminati! They control everything!

>> No.13871795

That's dumb, you're dumb.

It's obviously the Kunoichi who are truly in charge, watching from that shadows and waiting to strike!

>> No.13871798

Yeah, but who controls the Kunoichi? The Alps! They even control the Tanuki banks!

>> No.13871803

Wight. Lich. Shoggoth

>> No.13871804

But that's the genius of the Kunoichi! They'll make you think that the Alps are in charge when in reality it's those sexy irresistible Kunoichi!

I bet they even work with those equally cute Mantis's!

>> No.13871807

Someone has a kink for ninja girls

>> No.13871814

Maybe I do, maybe I like the thought of making them all flustered and embarrassed.

>> No.13871823
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>> No.13871837

Pro-tip faggots, it's PALADIN-CHAN!

>> No.13871856

I want to like 'em. The ass is fat, and they're posted all the time, they're just so damn childish and short. Sucks.

>> No.13871860

How would /hbg/ feel about Mini Humans?

>> No.13871870

That goes in /d/ along with hand-holding.

>> No.13871872

cute, but not enough semen or dick to satisfy anyone
unless you're talking about midgets, then they might be good if you're a filthy disgusting shotacon pedo

>> No.13871875

Paladin a shit, low tier stretch marked thighs.

>> No.13871882

So basically fairies?

>> No.13871883

>thighs are plump
>the ass is fat

Good enough for me.

>> No.13871894

AmaniHave better asses and thighs.
