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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13869644 No.13869644 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13861220

This thread is for the discussion of Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill

>> No.13869656

Please post in /vg/ if you're an EOP.

>> No.13869664


nice meme

>> No.13869679

What is the international market you are speaking of? Minecraft?

Minecraft might sell a lot but it's just one game compared to FRANCHISES of doujin games in Japan.

I would argue that while smaller in budget, Japan doujin games have a lot of variety compared to everywhere else, and they do all this shit before the booming of Kickstarter.

>> No.13869680

Im okay with non-virgin heroines but only if they are milfs, otherwise they can fuck off.

I like that recently Nukige companies like BISHOP and Lune are now not adding NTRs or girl sharing on their games so now only mothers or widows can be non-virgins.

So im glad that now i dont have to worry about that in my nukiges.

>> No.13869690

God, please don't start this shit again.

>> No.13869719

If someone brings up the virgin/non-virgin thing again, IGNORE IT


>> No.13869725

Fuck off.

>> No.13869730

Will do.

>> No.13869740

Wow, you guys are fine with this thread? I give up. This place is beyond all help.

>> No.13869745

What is the problem? Is /jp/ really that petty that doesnt allow an OP just because it has a translated VN on it?

>> No.13869755

Just using it as a medium, bro.

>> No.13869756

>just because it has a translated VN on it
It also forgot to mention in the text that the threads here are for untranslated VNs only.

>> No.13869773

Thats still petty but i can see the problem there.

>> No.13869776

There's no problem, the usual OP will start his thread and we will just go there.

>> No.13869778

Step away from the internet, why not take a walk in the fresh air?

>> No.13869835

>go read a VN for couple hours
>come back
>old thread has 200 more posts
>people arguing about virgin shit again
>burst out in laughter

>> No.13869842

Who ye quoting?

>> No.13869856

If you're a sane human being with a functioning brain you'll wait for a proper thread instead of bitching on this one. Ignore and move on.

>> No.13869858

>Mine was 300 more posts.

I laugh too because im okay with virgin heroines dominating the market.

>Being such a lzay shit that doesnt make the thread himself.

>> No.13869859


>> No.13869881

Someone kind enough to make a real thread?

>> No.13869890

Not you apparently.

>> No.13870210

is this the visual novel translation status thread or the untranslated eroge thread?

>> No.13870216

I'll make a refugee board with Japanese captcha and everyone will be happy

>> No.13870232

Read the thread.

>Implying you arent a lazy fuck.

No you wont.

>> No.13870287

I hope you're not as lazy as that other guy thinks. Please make one.

>> No.13870294

How can you expect that from him if people had rather stay on a thread they perceive as s troll thread than make a new one?

>> No.13870299

I actually finished Mizuha's route in G-senjou a few days ago. It felt like a pretty pointless route, honestly. Not that much happened besides Mizuha begging for Azai to date her, then we got a timeskip and suddenly it was over.

Honestly, I did enjoy it, but the first two routes were a lot more exciting than this.

>> No.13870497

Oh look, the lowercase idiot talking about memes again. Fucking subhuman.

>> No.13870501

Just let it die.

>> No.13870503

>Wanting thread to die.
>Helps keeping it alive bumping it.

Nice jobe breaking it anon.

>> No.13870505

What's The Matter Friend?

>> No.13870507

It sounds like you don't read VNs for character development, so why are you even reading VNs?

Whatever. I doubt you fully appreciate what G-Senjou does, but if you want action, you'll like Haru's route.

>> No.13870508
File: 122 KB, 1068x983, 452q345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No route in S

Fuck this game

>> No.13870509

That actually doesn't annoy me at all. I wish all lowercase typers just typed like that instead.

>> No.13870513

Why is the Majikoi series art so shit?

>> No.13870521


For untranslated VN thread.

Translated VN discussion can stay here.

>> No.13870525

Majikoi is fine, it's Muv-Luv that's shit. The art too.

>> No.13870539

At least you cant attribute age to that, Majikoi has no excuse.

>> No.13870543

Majikoi's is just a unique style, where Muv-Luv's is shit and ugly. Completely different things.

>> No.13870554

SO making unique shit artstyle is an excuse?

Dont fucking think so.

>> No.13870567

Friendly reminder that art is opinionated and arguing about it is stupid,

>> No.13870570

Joke's on you, I already added a Japanese captcha to Wakaba years ago.

>> No.13870576

Stop shilling.

>> No.13870581

It's a great art style to some people, unlike Muv-Luv's which is just objectively bad no matter how you look at it. Better to please some and displease others than to please nobody.

>> No.13870583

Shilling what?

>> No.13870636

I believe a shilling is an old form of British currency. He's saying to stop because nobody uses those anymore, it's all about the Euro. You can't buy anything with shillings.

>> No.13872430

She has a route in A-1 tard.

>> No.13872507

Before the Euro, Austria used a currency named Schilling.

>> No.13873164

I finished Steins;Gate, only question I got is who did Rintaro see time leap from outside the window

>> No.13873175

I need some good short VNs that are... either subtle or appropriate enough that I can play them on the train.

>> No.13873208

Saya no Uta.

>> No.13873299 [DELETED] 

This thread is for the discussion of Japanese visual novels.

>> No.13876225
File: 49 KB, 401x379, 1438411264454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't read MLA
>Is shit because is my opinion

>> No.13876272

Go go nippon, Tokyo School Life, Gaokao.love.100 days.

>> No.13876494

Is majokoi actually good?
I saw the first ep and it seemed cool but then went down hill and was just dick jokes and lets me constantly know how mary sue steroid gurl is

>> No.13877188

Is that how you say "gakkou" in Chinese? Chinese sounds so fucking stupid.

>> No.13877211

Most East Asian languages sound really bad. Japanese is pretty much the only decent one. I really doubt I could have gotten into Japanese stuff if the language sounded like Cantonese, for example.

>> No.13877471

Are you 19? Fuck off.

>> No.13877529

Korean doesn't sound too bad, either. Only Chinese is known for how obnoxious it sounds. Hearing Chinese up close is like having a giant duck squawk right into your ear. How can one language sound so nasally, I'll never understand.

>> No.13877545

Calm down.

>> No.13878787
File: 1.45 MB, 1600x1067, tahoe-og-medical-marijuana-weed-strain-macro-thcfinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there more VNs where the MC smokes weed beside Sharin No kuni?

>> No.13878794 [DELETED] 


>> No.13878964


Funny as fuck, just that. Also Mayucchi and Kokoro best girl

>> No.13879352

subahibi doesn't have an MC but it does have hard drugs

>> No.13880146

Korean isn't as bad as Chinese, but it certainly doesn't sound good. SEA languages are all awful as well.

>> No.13886950 [DELETED] 

Don't die ;(

>> No.13886993

Kill yourself out of /jp/, retard

>> No.13890661

Is Gaokao.love.100 days.worth it?
Any impressions?

>> No.13891175
File: 153 KB, 1001x848, vn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this bundle a week or two ago, which do I play first, \jay-pee\?

>> No.13891193

Sagara if you have never played VN before.

That's usually the first one the older generation played.

>> No.13891290

Sagara Family was written by Mareni and Sakurai Hikaru so it must be good.

(Really, though, they're all trash. My Girlfriend Is the President is probably the least bad, but it's still bad.)

>> No.13891942

Wasn't it Nae? Don't quote me on this though its been about a year since I read it
