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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13852801 No.13852801[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any nuclear otaku around? What's the update after 4 years of radiations at Fukushima? I've read news about restarting some other plant, also hotspots still in place in Northern Tokyo. There is also a NPO called "Inclu Iwate" helping single moms: are they friendly enough to have gaijins visiting?

>> No.13852863

Why do you want to fuck radiated old ladies?

>> No.13852902

I, a young white man, read Second Sex last week. Although it contained almost nothing that I had not read before, it did what was necessary to my head. It somehow made the position of woman as the Other imaginable by me. Reading it, I imagined what it would be like for me to live in a society that had been dominated by women for more than three thousand years, a society where almost all the most renowned people, heroes, and religious icons were women. A society where the United States of America had had nothing but women presidents and every state was predominantly represented by women, though males account for half the population. Where the predominant forms of music for the last fifty years have all treated men as an interesting and occasionally useful, but often annoying or even maddening objects, and us men run around in skimpy calvin klein-style underwear on MTV while hip-hop women constantly call us "dogs" in their raps and the classic rock section of the local used music store overflows with female lyrics that question what is more important in life, men, cars, or booze? and blame us men for breaking their poor girl hearts and for being warlocks, (...), or idiots (while the woman rock stars collect millions of dollars and boy groupies run around ready to have sex with any security guard to get a shot to have sex with the famous women).

>> No.13852908

A society where families are dominated by mothers and their husbands live in fear of having their allowance terminated, and have to do menial chores around the house to try to feel, or at least look, useful. Where a boy child realizes before he is 10 that he is a failure and, at best, a second-rate human being (if not an object)(...) A society that is obsessed by the symbol of the womb--in which musical instruments, spaceships, means of transportation, weapons, religious ornaments, political regalia, and thousands of other things are designed to resemble the shape of a womb. A society in which men are scared, brutally scared, of walking around alone at night because almost any woman can physically overpower them and rape them with a sex toy. In which the most famous and influential philosophers of all time, the ones that get taught in university classes and whose books are actually bought and read and that influence the intelligensia, are all women, mostly women who loathe and/or misunderstand men and write things such as "What is the cure for all of a man's problems? Impregnating a woman" but despite such stupidities are adored by female thinkers.

And so on...

>> No.13852969

You could just switch the biological roles around and get what this book reviewer wrote. But that would be just a switch: the female would have been the one that patrolled the perimeter and and male the one that nurtured young (he should also have womb). As you see it would be kind of pointless, only the labels we're swapped.

Of course there are matriarchal animals, and it would be interesting to see what kind of society they came up with if they reached sentience.

>> No.13852980

Women who really believe stuff like that need to kill themselves.

>> No.13852993

people who bother to read walls of text like that need to kill themselves out of /jp/

>> No.13853101

The issue with this is that men aren't in a position of power because of some magical preestablished gender roles, it's because men have always been the more competent sex. Stronger, faster, taller, more intelligent, aggressive enough to dominate others, cruel enough to subjugate them, and perhaps most importantly, have the drive to explore frontiers and push boundaries.
Men don't own the world for no reason. Men own the world because they deserve to.

>> No.13853122



>> No.13853140

>people who bother to read walls of text like that need to kill themselves out of /jp/

How can you enjoy VNs if you can't even read something like that?

>> No.13853173 [DELETED] 

people are still reading those things?

>> No.13853327

good thread

>> No.13853479
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>A society in which men are scared, brutally scared, of walking around alone at night because almost any woman can physically overpower them and rape them with a sex toy.

What's wrong with raping a man the old fashioned way?

>> No.13853550
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Can we please discuss the threads topic?
I would like to know the current state. What are the lands surrounding Fukushima like now, anyway? Stuff like this has an aura of mystery for me which draws me in.

>> No.13853625
File: 178 KB, 581x824, fukushima-caesium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does not compare to Chernobyl, that's for sure.

Last I read something about they were worried about cesium concentrating in the lakes by the rivers that connect them, but I'm not sure if it was enough to really worry about.

>> No.13853647

Silly goose, you can't rape without a penis. Surely you're not implying a woman could rape a man? Rape is, like, totally a male-only thing.

>> No.13853653

I thought Cesium reacted violently when it met large amounts of water (i.e not moisture in air)

>> No.13853663

>Pure cesium metal reacts violently with air and water, resulting in an explosion-like reaction. Cesium compounds do not react violently with air or water and are generally very soluble in water.

>> No.13853672

As far as I know, the results of the disaster:
- 0 direct deaths
- Between 0 and 100 expected cancer deaths due to radiation exposure
- Area around the power plant evacuated (~300,000 initial evacuees), cleanup expected to take decades, not sure how much area is still considered 'unsafe'
- 1600 deaths due to rushed evacuation
- Massive economic damage

The whole thing is really overblown. Nobody died, barely anybody will die (and we're talking about 'dies from cancer at 60 instead of from some other disease at 80'), and almost all of the damage is from people freaking out about 'oh no, it's a nuclear meltdown, we're doomed'.

>> No.13853867
File: 360 KB, 2480x1748, 16019577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that it's blown out of proportion. Obviously, the Tsunami itself had more of an impact than Nuclear would.

My mistake, thank you.

>> No.13854509

wow u are edgy as fuck tips fedora men master race

>> No.13854513

it's hardly a matter of ability

>> No.13855604

>1600 deaths due to rushed evacuation
Shit. How does that happen?

>> No.13855635

someone farted

>> No.13855653
File: 127 KB, 1441x1070, bigloser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VNs have cute anime gals.

>> No.13855656


thanks for posting the map
they're lifting the evacuation order for Naraha residents the next September 5th

more stories:




>> No.13855791


heart attacks, suicides

a lot of elderly didn't want to leave their houses; there are hundreds of stories like this one:


many who are visiting their old house are deciding to demolish it; thieves all over the place:

