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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, notaslut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13839193 No.13839193 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13822437

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill

>> No.13839205
File: 292 KB, 1277x715, 浮気ワークスプリング!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for slut.

>> No.13839212

Why don't these whores go be the plaything of a group of niggers if they want their holes stuffed all day long instead of starting a relationship with MC.

Fucking nympho sluts.

>> No.13839230



>> No.13839237

More like, the entire fucking internet stretching back an entire decade if not more.

>> No.13839240

Using vibrator is considered as slutty behavior now? Why I don't see anyone bashing the silver haired slut from Sanoba?

>> No.13839247

This one is using vibrator specifically because MC's cock isn't enough for her. Maybe I'm just being an overly zealous massive virgin otaku, but the way she phrased it she sounded like she'd rather have more cocks than a vibrator but since she's already in a relationship with MC she'd make do with vibrators instead.

>> No.13839254

Sanoba girl was cursed with random arousal, so she at least has an excuse to use when since it can't be helped.

>> No.13839267

>Sanoba girl was cursed with random arousal
Does this mean she gets hopelessly aroused at inappropriate places and she has to endure it or escape to relieve herself? Suddenly I'm interested in this game.

>> No.13839285

I wouldn't recommend reading a moege based on a sexually arousing concept. May as well just read a nukige, eh? I know I've been burned and wasted like 10h just to satisfy a boner.

>> No.13839293

I know, I know, but maybe the game is worth playing by itself and covering one of my fetishes is just a bonus.

>> No.13839325

>hopelessly aroused at inappropriate places and she has to endure it or escape to relieve herself?


>This one is using vibrator specifically because MC's cock isn't enough for her

Source : Thine anus

Please don't talk anymore if you don't even play the game.

>> No.13839372

Why did her route sucked so much? I really did like her in the common route, I guess the writer didn't have any idea for her except for being the best bro tomboy.

>> No.13839545

Can we get over Hanasaki cuck spring already?

>> No.13839634

Not until /jp/ admit that Wakaba is the best heroine that came out this year.

Hikari = boring slut.

>> No.13839653

Alright, I admit it, Wakaba is the best heroine.

>> No.13839667

That came out this year.
Besides, you just said that to try and get us to stop talking about the game. You haven't truly admitted it.

>> No.13839693

Do you think it's only 1 guy who keep bringing Hanasaki?

>> No.13839834

Its not that, when people ask for a PC port they ask for an H-scene version.

I still dont get it, doesnt people play VNs for the story?

No, devs has to know that moeges are played because of moe, sluts are okay in Nukige but not moege.

The game. Are you the faggot that tried to pass this slut >>13839205 as something fanmade?

Fuck off.

>> No.13839843

>Maybe I'm just being an overly zealous massive virgin otaku
Yes you are. I'd actually find it weird and unappealing if a heroine didn't masturbate at all.

>> No.13839846

What the fuck is wrong with your English? I sure hope your Japanese is better.

>> No.13839854

>when people ask for a PC port they ask for an H-scene version.
What ?

>sluts are okay in Nukige but not moege.
What ?

>Are you the faggot that tried to pass this slut >>13839205 as something fanmade?
What ?

>> No.13839871

Simply eric.

>> No.13840131
File: 386 KB, 1040x630, slavenil_quicksavecrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick save doesn't work in Slavenil. Half the time it crashes outright, and when it does 'work', the save isn't accessible.
Oh well, at least regular saving works.

>> No.13840303 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1438114748052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaos;Child has some scenes that just give me agonies

>> No.13840312

I felt most of the delusions scenes just slowered the game rather than adding something to it

>> No.13840327
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, Chaos;Child (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on which, the positive/negative ones sometimes I was kind of "ugh let's get this over with", the ones that he sees for seeing the seal are actually pretty creepy.

Plus pic related was nice, and some of them are pretty funny

>> No.13840342


Teaser site is up, what is it gonna be this time?
Seems like it will have guns at least from the staff blog.

>> No.13840478

Recently finished Kusari Hime. The ending seemed unnecessarily convoluted but it was so good otherwise. Definitely one of the best Imoutos of all time.

>> No.13841769

Has anyone here played Sorcery Jokers yet? It's apparently really good according to the EGS reviews.

>> No.13842027

I'm downloading it right now. 7.5 GB is pretty big.

>> No.13842140


OP, how are you doing the borderless screenshots? I've had to go crop out all the borders by hand

>> No.13842149

Uhh...go full screen and press the screenshot button?

>> No.13842166

Or just Alt-printscreen without going fullscreen

>> No.13842185

You get the windows borders around the picture I was talking about if you do Alt-printscreen

>> No.13842504


>> No.13842535

Are there any VNs with a girl with eyes that are closed all the time? And that on its own would be easy to just look up, so what I mean is ones that don't even open them when they're being menacing or want to use a magic power or something like that. Just always closed.

>> No.13842549

Yukiuta, but she's blind.

>> No.13842553

That counts.

>> No.13842577

She's shit, as well as the rest of the gurls in hatsuyuki sakura.

Hakari's the only good one, and i dont even like her type of characer really but it really works for her, the others just suck in comparison even though they have traits i really like.

>> No.13842594

my bad i mean hatsuyuki workspring...

>> No.13842783
File: 38 KB, 148x190, 1425794825956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out monobeno accepts xInput so you can play with a 360 controller

More games need to do this

>> No.13842912

Could you screencap the lines that made you think that?

>> No.13843088

Holy shit, 90 median sure is something. The size is pretty big too. I hope it won't be disappointing,

>> No.13843092

Trial was good, at the very least, it should be better than gensou no idea.

>> No.13843095

It's ステマ. Most of the high votes are from people with like 2 or 3 votes.

>> No.13843107

EGS really should have a system where you can't vote on new games unless you have a certain amount of votes, or unless several days have passed after making your account.

>> No.13843111

It's easier to just disregard the score given until a certain period of time has passed/certain number of votes have appeared on a game.

>> No.13843115

>It's ステマ

Most voters on EGS are pirates.

>> No.13843134

There's some program that lets you only save the foreground, I forget what it's called.

>> No.13843148

Couldn't you just say it's marketer accounts or something?

>> No.13843157

He's one of those faggots that love to flaunt their newly learnt vocab

>> No.13843159

What's the point? ステマ is faster to type and gets the point across better.

>> No.13843164

This is an English forum and ステマ is a slangy net term so slangy that most sites I found regarding it on google are Japanese people asking what it is. Know your audience, man. It don't get the point across if people don't know what it means.

>> No.13843173

You are technically right, but why not look at it as a chance to learn a new word instead? Now next time someone uses it, you will know what it is.

>> No.13843179

I look at it in many ways, and one of those ways is a guy being needlessly cryptic on an English forum.

>> No.13843182

Sorry. I guess I was wrong in assuming people here knew Japanese. I'll be more careful next time.

>> No.13843183


>> No.13843184

Why are you so mad about it?

>> No.13843185

This is not a forum, though.
>Needlesly cryptic
Come on, Rikaichan told me what it was by just hovering over it. You know what is truly needless? This sting of posts.

>> No.13843193

I'm not mad.
Don't make that mistake again, buddy.

>> No.13843196

No, you should assume everyone here knows japanese.

>> No.13843198


>> No.13843199


From what I'm seeing, it's only you who is so autistic about it.

>> No.13843201

Because it's the untranslated VN general, obviously. Untranslated means it's in japanese. Why would anyone be in the untranslated general if they don't know japanese? That would be silly.

>> No.13843205

Silent majority nods in agreement with my every word.
I imagine most people use texthookers like >>13843185

>> No.13843208

>I imagine most people use texthookers like >>13843185
This is not true. And before you try to disagree, I have a big silent majority backing up my words.

>> No.13843212

>Silent majority nods in agreement with my every word.

Simply eric. Let me guess...You're the "who're you quoting?" anon right?

>> No.13843214

This is a great new meme.

>> No.13843216

My silent majority disagrees with your silent *minority*.

>> No.13843221

The "Silent Majority" wants you to either talk about the eroge you are playing or shut up.

>> No.13843231

The silent majority disagrees

>> No.13843236

Who are we talking about?

>> No.13843318

otome riron.
Not really a heroine but she has a big part in the game and fits your description.

>> No.13843320

She opens them though.

>> No.13843342

2 routes in fairytale requiem. Snow queen was pretty disappointing but swan lake delivered.
Don't know if I'm really looking forward to the true end anymore.

Hopefully the other routes are good because I'm kind of already getting tired of the game.

oh misread that. Thought he said "opens them when ...."

>> No.13843354

Not a VN but in Jinkou Gakuen 2 you can make a girl who permanently has her eyes closed.

>> No.13843373

What's the difference between 初回版 and 通常版? I'm assuming that the first edition has all bonus materials?

>> No.13843378

The first is the one you spend the money on.

>> No.13843457

I thought it was good.

>> No.13843518

Lurker here. The answer is: To get a feel of what new VNs are popular and whether they're well-received or not.

Not sure if lurkers are a majority, but this is correct.

>> No.13843527

So long as you lurk it's fine, but you have no right to complain if people in the thread decide to use japanese for whatever reason, like that guy did, because the thread topic warrants it.

>> No.13843594

Made this thread

If you find a game that doesn't work with win10 post it there.

>> No.13843610

I was under the impression that if it works under windows 8.1 it almost certainly works under 10. Parfait didn't work without byte patching the executable in windows 8.1 so that could explain that.

>> No.13843618

apparently it doesn't work even with the hex edit that got it to work on w8.1.
I'll try and post in the thread if I get it to work though.

>> No.13843636 [SPOILER] 
File: 259 KB, 1283x717, 1438184657218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, さくらにかげつ was such a shitty game. All of heroines were really shitty and I didnt like any of the routes, yet still played all of them just for the "true route", expecting something good from it. But of course, even that was shitty and only 5-10 minutes long. So in the end MC will live with the heroines while still loving the dead childhood friend? Also what the fuck is "Its okay I will just disappear since he seems happy", why the hell is she giving up even though both of them loves each other? At least try something for gods sake. I know you guys are just trying to make a sad ending, but this is just makes it dumb.

>> No.13843674
File: 1.25 MB, 1366x768, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear this faggot has been repeating this line for more than 10 times in 5 minutes.

>> No.13843681


>> No.13843691


>> No.13843800

You get character development for that.
His kind of character can't go a novel without breaking his line of thinking.

>> No.13843924

I find it ironic that this thread shifts between shitting on people who use Japanese and defending them.

>> No.13844111

Is there an ending guide out for Fairytale Requiem yet? I googled フェアリーテイル・レクイエム 攻略 and got nothing, but I know Liar's games can be pretty nonlinear with their systems so I really don't want to go into this blind.

>> No.13844121

If you raise every single flag in the 'common route', you can access the five heroine routes from the get go.
They are pretty intuitive in that regard, read the books in the library just in case you don't know/remember the fairytales.

>> No.13844181

Any good trap/femboy VNs?

>> No.13844200


>> No.13844654

Tsuriotsu 1-2

then a bunch of okay ones and ensemble games which are shit but if you really want traps they have them.

>> No.13844744

I played Parfait in Windows 10 just fine after manually patching it.

>> No.13844765

Except Ruitomo isn't good.

>> No.13844774

Just finished Lovely x Cation and enjoyed it a lot. Which is the next best game in the series? Kind of scared about PxC because of the ratings.

>> No.13844785

LC2 is the best.
Then the PC games have a couple of decent routes each.

>> No.13844791

LxC2 is fantastic. PxC1 and 2 are only decent and the second game has moving sprites.

>> No.13845467

Why was 星空のバビロン uploaded so quickly? Within 3 days. I thought it takes months.

>> No.13845473

The chinese couldn't kidnap it, probably.

>> No.13845482

Somebody else uploaded it first.

>> No.13845497

Greetings from the land of the EOP. Have you read Tsukihime yet? What are your thoughts on it?

>> No.13845502

Not on Sukebei, at least. Not sure where else these things get uploaded.

>> No.13845518

Girlcelly uploaded it on Nyaa first, who knows where he originally got it from this time

>> No.13845677
File: 449 KB, 495x575, Sakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 is the best though it loses points for no teacher heroine.

PxC 1 is worth to play at least for Sakura, cute as fuck.

PxC 2 is good and uses emote, Suzuka is pretty good.

>> No.13845798

Satsukoi is a game that keeps on giving. By which I mean, the first route was pretty bad, the second route was surprisingly good, and the third one (is cementing) the game as a really well handled deal. It seems to be copying the Fate/Stay Night method of story telling - three routes, in which the protagonist grows in each according to the girl he falls in love with, gradually becoming more mature. The themes, as best I can tell: Being free to choose how to live your live. Loving those who hurt you, and know that love may be in the hearts of those who hurt you. And finally, listen to your heart in order to live a live without regrets and be able to die happily. This may not be a high-brow literature-tier kamige, but honestly this work is very competent and I'm enjoying it a lot.

>> No.13845824

If by first you mean Ruri's route, I liked it the most, mostly because it infodumps you a lot of stuff. Nao's route was meh especially for that open ending epilogue. What the fuck?

>> No.13845834

I liked the hand job scene in Nao's route.

>> No.13845844

By first I meant Nao's. It was like, the bastard child of all routes, wherein all the plot shit happened offscreen, as in Izumi dealing with his mother, potentially dying for his sister, Kano falling ill, etc. I particularly enjoyed the porn in Ruri's route, though holy shit that fucking CHOMP scene. I'm glad Yuu died off screen because I couldn't handle the PTSD of seeing that firsthand.
The porn in general is pretty good. Not excessively large tits or exaggerated sex excluding that part where you fuck both of your sisters from behind out of nowhere or anything.

>> No.13845903

Thinking about actually buying a few of my favorite eroge now that I have money.

Anybody ordered from AmiAmi before? I need to know if their packaging is discreet before I go through with it.

>> No.13845911

Do you really think you're going to get a box that has "NASTY PORN GAMES" all over it? Come on, man.

>> No.13845920


Well I'm shipping it to my parents' house since I live in an apartment in the ghetto and the package will for sure be stolen here. It would be nice if it wasn't obvious I'm importing... questionable material.

>> No.13845957

Haven't used AmiAmi, but most places ship in brown, nondescript cardboard boxes labeled as game or DVD or adult only cartoon child porn.

>> No.13846142

I raised both of the swan lake flags yet keep getting the bad end after only one option showing up at the party.

>> No.13846158

They send stuff in label-less cardboard boxes. Boxes inside are stuffed into several layers of wrapping paper, so unless your parents will unpack everything, its safe.

>> No.13846162


Thanks, just placed the order. I'll fuck off back to lurking now.

>> No.13846199
File: 1.57 MB, 1295x777, 2015-07-29 23_46_08-サツコイ~悠久なる恋の歌~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13846284
File: 313 KB, 1280x720, capture_004_29072015_161405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it ever mentioned how Naoya's mom died?

What if she died in a car crash with Naoya also in the car, and that's how he lost his memories of Shizuku which is why he only had a faint remembrance of her name? Also the car crash would have something to do with art, maybe his father too as that would explain why he doesn't do art anymore and isn't particularly fond of his father.

I'm sure すかぢ is a better writer than that, but that's what I can come up with at the moment and doesn't sound too far off from the typical anime/eroge plot.

>> No.13846297 [DELETED] 

That is the dumbest theory.
Obviously there is something going on with the Natsume family and Shizuku had her name changed, so that's why the name Shizuku is emphasized when saying she doesn't know Naoya.
Naoya clearly remembers her, but is just a bit awkward at first because it seems like it's been a while since they met.
Kei hinted at that shit by saying that he's doing well as Natsume Kei.
That is the dumbest theory.
Obviously there is something going on with the Natsume family and Shizuku had her name changed, so that's why the name Shizuku is emphasized when saying she doesn't know Naoya.
Naoya clearly remembers her, but is just a bit awkward at first because it seems like it's been a while since they met.
Kei hinted at that shit by saying that he's doing well as Natsume Kei.
And The Happy Prince pretty obviously refers to Naoya, so I'm guessing that him giving up art has something to do with helping someone else, most likely Rin because he reacted when Makoto asked if the reason he stopped art had anything to do with Rin.

>> No.13846302

That is the dumbest theory.
Obviously there is something going on with the Natsume family and Shizuku had her name changed, so that's why the name Shizuku is emphasized when saying she doesn't know Naoya.
Naoya clearly remembers her, but is just a bit awkward at first because it seems like it's been a while since they met.
Kei hinted at that shit by saying that he's doing well as Natsume Kei.
And The Happy Prince pretty obviously refers to Naoya, so I'm guessing that him giving up art has something to do with helping someone else, most likely Rin because he reacted when Makoto asked if the reason he stopped art had anything to do with Rin.

>> No.13846309

Also, IIRC, in the old trial, she just died of some sort of sickness.
not sure if that's the case in the new version though.

>> No.13846324

To go further into this, I suspect that Shizuku is actually not blood related to Kei or Ai.
She hinted that Naoya committed perjury in order to help her, and her stage name has Kusanagi, to which Naoya was shocked at, thinking that she has really few fake names.
Maybe she's actually a half-sister or sister to Naoya.

>> No.13846436 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.64 MB, 1295x777, 1438234187398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit! This is hype! This justifies all the bullshit in Yuu's route! Haha geez this is great.

>> No.13846472

Moogy said it's a very personal(?) game and that it's a kamige though.

>> No.13846478

A guy called Justice on Freenet, the only Japanese uploader left.

>> No.13846484

Moogy-sama be praised

>> No.13846487

I can't remember exactly what it was anymore or if it was even stated, but in any case, I don't think it's safe to assume that anything from the old trial is still relevant. Naoya's relationship with his parents in particular appears to be considerably different now.

>> No.13846489

He's a true ally of justice. Respect.

>> No.13846527
File: 321 KB, 353x686, 2015-07-30 01_55_04-サツコイ~悠久なる恋の歌~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, finally finished Satsukoi. The third route had a lot tedious irrelevant stuff, so I didn't enjoy it as much as the second route, but I really enjoyed the thematic conclusion that was reached with the main antogonist. Really tied well into the narrative. I concur with vndb here, a solid 8/10, though it'd fall down to 6 or 7 if you don't like many of the girls. My favourite parts of the VN were, respectively, every single time Nao spoke and every time the author actually tried to write something meaningful. There were a bit too many tired gags but the good outweighed those. Nao's voice actor was pretty fantastic, I now understand the seiyuu appeal, since I definitely want to read every game with her voice. In conclusion, TL;DR, pretty OK game do recommend.

>> No.13846555

"First for" rather than just first is a meme that sprouted up with /vg/ and appears in every general for some reason. It's pretty horrible but until they start banning for it the only option is to filter it.

Also what's up with that girl looking like a ninja anyway.

>> No.13846573

You sure showed him 2 days later.

>> No.13846606

Are you retarded?

>> No.13846613

Are you?

>> No.13846616

Nope. So you are?

>> No.13846622


>> No.13846713

You're so fucking stupid.

>> No.13846718

Kurashiki? Not sure how I feel about that with Silverio Vendetta and Electro Arms.

At least there's Hamashima art.

>> No.13846755

What's the worst eroge you've ever read? Something you would rate a 1/10 without hesitation.

>> No.13846758


>> No.13846759

Stuff that bad I can't even finish it.

>> No.13846760

Harukoi Otome.

>> No.13846766

I dunno about a 1/10. If it got to that point I just wouldn't keep playing it.

The worst I've managed to finish a route of is probably Qualiaffordance. It's a special kind of clusterfuck.

>> No.13846785

Agreed, Qualiaffordance was really bad. An honest-to-goodness kusoge.

>> No.13846789

I want to know which games you bought.

>> No.13846793

I never encountered something I could rate 1/10. I guess OELVN shit could reach that level of horrible, but I don't play them.

>> No.13846955

Agreed, it's a shame too since the start was pretty interesting.

>> No.13846979

I don't think I've ever run into a eroge so atrociously bad that I would survive long enough to give it a 1/10 and still remember it's name.

>> No.13847015


>> No.13847089

The smugness and red hair remind me of Ignis.

>> No.13847119

Hatsukoi 1/1

There is nothing salvageable there, the MC is so annoying and terrible that i even hate the girls for liking such a piece of shit.

>> No.13847121

He's such a not piece of shit in Kyou's route for some reason.The timeskip hits and he behaves like a normal guy with a spine.

>> No.13847223
File: 151 KB, 1436x836, CLKThs2UsAAOdN2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck.

>> No.13847233

What's wrong with it?

>> No.13847234
File: 1.27 MB, 2892x1828, 7677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13847237
File: 1.50 MB, 2892x1828, 7879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13847271

holy shit is that kirito

>> No.13847301

He doesn't really look like kirito at all outside of the colors.

>> No.13847347

you missed the library event.
Go do the route again and make sure you visit the library before you go to the final party.

>> No.13847370

Holy shit.
I thought they are already dead.

>> No.13847420

Light, debonosu, and studio ego? What?

>> No.13847442

Is that Koakuma?

Joke aside, this shit looks like stuff I would be interested in, hope it turns out good.

>> No.13847737

So...how is Sorcery Joker?

>> No.13847762

Try it, it's faster. I'm enjoying it so far, the plot is good.

>> No.13847786

"フェアじゃな "doesn't annoy you? I swear that nigger keep using that word in every fucking ocassion.

>> No.13847812


>> No.13847944

Definitely not expecting much from this.

>> No.13848346

So the game will have 3D models. during battle scenes while reading the text they say it's almost like watching a movie. This is actually great, now we know why did it take so long in development. Is this the first eroge to use 3D models?

>> No.13848358

Nah, Illusion titles exist.

>> No.13848404

I'm yet to see japs do anything well with 3D models.

>> No.13848417

GUN KNIGHT GIRL has some mech action shorts (very short) that are pretty swell.

>> No.13848508

Anyone have an upload of にゃんにゃこにゃん? Couldn't find it on Clubbox or Baidu-- but I have no fucking idea how to search on Baidu so that may be my fault.

>> No.13848533
File: 366 KB, 461x860, chara_3_ov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They don't have great things yet, like certain collision detections and nVidia HairWorks would be for something like this instead of having hair clip through the body, but they're slowly working on it imo. I have good expectations for eroge, 3d modelling and VR.

>> No.13848545

There have been eroge with 3D models for a while now. Look at the Eden series.

>> No.13848555

That's pretty bad.

>> No.13848616

Muramasa had a few parts done in 3d

>> No.13848647


>> No.13849307

There's a scene from Tokyo Necro here

>> No.13849340

This looks like PS2 graphics. I wish they would either stick with 2D animation or actually hire someone who can do 3D properly because this halfassed 3D just makes the game look cheap.

>> No.13849351

>This looks like PS2 graphics.
No it doesn't. It looks like meh PS3 graphics. Don't revision history like that.

>> No.13849440
File: 31 KB, 853x477, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's at the level of PS2 graphics, just with higher polygon count. The mist in the background look like flat sprites. The muzzle flash is a sprite too and doesn't leak light to the surroundings. It doesn't use any of the lighting effects modern games use.

>> No.13849451

Lots of modern games use sprites as muzzle flashes.

>> No.13849475

Indie games, sure.

>> No.13849492

Indie is pretty meaningless distinction to make, anon. We're talking about PS2 vs PS3. And lots of PS3 games have sprite muzzle flashes. Ergo, calling it a PS2 game is meaningless. Beyond that, the main thing is that the resolution (and as you said polygon count) is way higher, so it legitimately looks nothing like a PS2 game. It looks like, as I said, a meh PS3 game.

>> No.13849500

>And lots of PS3 games have sprite muzzle flashes.
This is bullshit. Name me one that isn't a low budget game.

>> No.13849510

>low budget game.
Why does the budget matter, anon?
>Beyond that, the main thing is that the resolution (and as you said polygon count) is way higher, so it legitimately looks nothing like a PS2 game. It looks like, as I said, a meh PS3 game.

>> No.13849531

It's PS2 level graphics because it uses graphics effects found in PS2 games and none of the new effects found in PS3 or more modern games.

As for the muzzle flash thing, when was the last time you saw a PS3 game use a 2D muzzle flash sprite? In indie games, which have low budget. That brings us back to my initial comment about how this 3D makes it look cheap (ie. low budget).

>> No.13849535

It's fair to call the graphics cheap, because they are, but it doesn't look like a PS2 game at all.

>> No.13849722

>makes the game look cheap
It's an eroge. They're made on shoestring budgets.

>> No.13849788

Has anyone released a patch to fix the Angel Beats 3rd day loop?

>> No.13849796


>> No.13849807

Where can I download it?

>> No.13849813

You'll have to fly to Japan, I'm afraid. Support the industry you love!

>> No.13851101

Just find it on sukebei. A patch was made in like a day. Shows how effective DRM is.

>> No.13851156

Who cares, the game sucks anyway.

>> No.13851160

> the game sucks anyway.

Did you play it yourself?

>> No.13851886
File: 257 KB, 1281x716, shshst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my fetish.

>> No.13852047
File: 90 KB, 415x545, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13852057

Your fetish is annoying girls?

>> No.13852122
File: 421 KB, 1280x720, fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished Fairytale requiem.

Really unique art style, suitable BGM and OK writing. It's obvious that a lot of money went into this game.

A few parts dragged on too long but in the end the game delivered.

At first it looks like it will be a murder mystery game but it turns out that's just a minor side plot.
I also liked how they made a proper "bad" ending for requiem route.

This game is probably going to get a lot of positive reviews but I'll say that it isn't for everyone.

>> No.13852216

What VN is this? I looked up her name, 志乃, but didn't find anything.

>> No.13852282

Gun Knight Girl.

>> No.13852288

Haha, wow. I saw the GKG entry on VNDB but assumed it was a different character without thinking. I really fucked up.

>> No.13852501

New Shumon Yu game.

>> No.13852503 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 316x202, 1408986785365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chaos;Child chapter 8

Motherfucker played us like a fiddle

>> No.13852536

Learn what that means

>> No.13852561

Why not just explain the mistake instead of pointing it out?

>> No.13852574

I think it's something like a mock up.

>> No.13852583

>New Shumon Yu game.
Learn what that means.

>> No.13852612

Anyone have experience running eroge on shitty systems? I'm going to have to deal with running games on a really shitty low end laptop with I think like 1 GB of RAM. Would that be unreadably bad? Can't be without my eroge.

>> No.13852617

I know Demonbane lagged on an old laptop of mine. And you'll definitely have to avoid games like Lovely Cation 2. You might be able to run older 2000-era games, I don't know if 1GB of is so low that it'll choke out the OS or something.

>> No.13852621

Don't ever get close to yukiuta.

>> No.13852623
File: 115 KB, 500x375, 1435096768780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me at least 10 minutes to process and accept what happened

That was too fucked up. Like, "holy shit" fucked up

>> No.13852632


its a book tho

>> No.13852638

What? You didn't like the wonderful present?

I thought the scene itself wasn't as shocking as it should have been, it was extremely fucked up but the execution wasn't too good

>> No.13852656

Learn what that means.

>> No.13852664

I don't claim to be fluent; I'm reading that "the preparation book for my first new game in 4 years".

>> No.13852717

Yeah, so at least it's implying a new game is coming. I wouldn't assume >>13852501 thought that the game itself was being sold at comiket

>> No.13852719

It's beyond me how someone who read Shumon's stuff can't comprehend a simple tweet,

>> No.13852725

Are you guys serious?

>> No.13852728

Dude, eroge are supposed to be able to run on shitty systems. You might have issues with the new high res games though.

>> No.13852732

Why are you being so condescending?

>> No.13852742

It's not being condescending, this is a tweet by Shumon, if you are interested in his stuff you should know japanese and if you can't understand a tweet that simple you obviously doesn't

>> No.13852752

You aren't very convincing when you don't even speak English properly.

>> No.13852756

Two things. One, there is a degree of knowing Japanese such that you can read a novel but still misunderstand a tweet if it uses unfamiliar vocabulary. There's not a binary "know Japanese / don't know Japanese" state of being. Two, I have not read anything by Shumon and didn't claim to be interested.

>> No.13852769

Condescending because you were all "are you guys serious?" instead of just explaining the misunderstanding. Again.

>> No.13852773

If there is a misunderstanding, it is likely on his end.

Not necessarily a misunderstanding of the Japanese, but at the very least a misunderstanding of what other people are understanding about it.

>> No.13852778

To set all this in stone: There is apparently a debate on the meaning of >>13852656 , and I put forth my understanding here >>13852664 , to which he said "are you serious" here >>13852725 . I took the "are you serious" statement to mean "do you seriously believe it means that" which would imply I misunderstood the Japanese. If so, I'd like him to just explain what I misunderstood instead of being condescendingly taken aback, especially since I explicitly stated I wasn't fluent and could be making a mistake, hence posting my understand so that it may be corrected.

>> No.13852799

The tweet is about a draft book for a fictional game that will never be released

>> No.13852803

That's what I said but that one guy just told me to learn Japanese.

>> No.13852806

But it is in preparation for a real game draft, no?
Plan for a fictional game project
Done in preparation for the planning for the first game in 4 years

>> No.13852812

You didn't actually say that, you just said "learn what this means", which is confrontational and passive-aggressive.

>> No.13852819

You don't parse the line in a good way

>> No.13852822

You clearly haven't been following the whole conversation.

I trust myself more than you.

>> No.13852831

Yes I have.
Prase it correctly, then. I'm getting kind of frustrated with all this "you're wrong" and "you can't be serious" stuff. If you disagree, explain your thoughts and why so the discussion can actually finish. Make like >>13852806 and at least be concrete about what you think.

>> No.13853202
File: 717 KB, 815x659, actually not really nihilistic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humour. just the way I like it.

>> No.13853275

>but the execution wasn't too good
nah it was.

>> No.13853335

Sounds like a cuck game from the description.

>> No.13853599

the protagonist never was in a relationship with the main heroine, and it seems more to me that the scenario is about wrecking her, but I'm not very far in so I can't say for sure.

>> No.13853899

Depends more on the CPU than the RAM. Use Windows XP and stick to the 800x600 era and 1 GB ought to be sufficient. That's what I use for my XP VM and it works OK. But some games may lag with a weak CPU.

>> No.13853903

Does Sorcery Jokers really deserve the 90 it has on EGS? It just looks like generic chuuni crap.

>> No.13853986

Most of the high votes were cast by accounts with 10 or fewer votes. Draw your own conclusions.

>> No.13854044


>> No.13854067

I'm calling the Japanese police on you buster

>> No.13854095

If you're gonna steal my joke at least do it right.

>> No.13854106

That typo is a huge blunder, I shall commit sudoku to atone.

>> No.13854113

Don't worry, it's なんでもない.

>> No.13854680


>> No.13855862


>> No.13855925

That's because you dirty gaijin become too used to writing in romaji.
Get used to type the ん as 'nn' in the IME.

>> No.13855957

Holy shit a post apoc setting?

And guns? Hyped.

>> No.13856199

is it gonna have high schoolers tho

>> No.13856283


>> No.13856376

That's fine with me.

Juicy high schooler pus and guns and blood do mix.

>> No.13856448

Chaos;Child more like Suffering;Child


>> No.13856535
File: 170 KB, 686x619, ss+(2015-08-01+at+02.25.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought buying the Tsuyokiss Festival at first, just for the sake of original after stories, but seriously with this design I'm not going to spend my money on this shit.

I wasn't expecting something great and I know the game itself will be shit as well, but at least work a little harder at the character design for gods sake. None of them feels like they are older versions of originals, they are just different heroines with same names.

>> No.13856553 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1438429337927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too true

>> No.13856570

I don't play the original but I don't see the problem with that design. Do you want them to have wrinkles or something?

>> No.13856681

This looks interesting. Is the scenario writer any good?

>> No.13856769

Did those credits have a scenarist listed? I skipped through but didn't see one, maybe I missed it.

>> No.13856773

Yeah. Apparently all the titles the main writer (昏式龍也) worked on have been 70+ so it might not be too bad.

>> No.13856780

Ah, I see. That was on the top left, where it blended in with the sky when I looked at the thumbnail.

>> No.13856790

So it's this guy https://vndb.org/s2092?

>> No.13856791

Dude as I said the problem is they dont feel similiar with their originals at all, They fucked up with all of their characteristic atmosphere.

Yes their design would be okay if they were some kind of not related persons, but definitely not as 10 years older cast at all.

>> No.13856797

No, it's another scenarist named 昏式 龍也.

>> No.13856816
File: 319 KB, 1278x720, why;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These girls tickle my 保護欲 so much.

>> No.13856818

Most of those are pretty mediocre.

>> No.13856819

In the same way your post tickles my 自閉症.

>> No.13856829

Do you have a 問題?

>> No.13856839


>> No.13856843

I think you mean どうでもいい.

>> No.13857158

Is there any particular reason why Hanasaki Work Springs got 100~ votes on vndb? That seems above average for games of its type. Was it particularly hyped up?

>> No.13857163

The controversy makes everyone play it.

>> No.13857166

I guess the cg set was popular

>> No.13857175

It's currently the best moege this year.

>> No.13857176

I never thought of it like that. I guess people who read VNs based on CG sets do exist. Or are you implying people voted based on the CG set? That's interesting too.
Wasn't it a bad as a moege though? Something about none of the girls actually liking MC or something.

>> No.13857181

>Or are you implying people voted based on the CG set?
This is vndb, of course they did.
Most just rate with the CG set or use machine translation software

>> No.13857186

It's an example of difference between charage and moege. It wasn't particularly bad story, it just wasn't the kind of moege people expected.

>> No.13857188

>Something about none of the girls actually liking MC or something.

That's just a meme. Inori and Wakaba were great. Yeah, the invidual routes kinda flopped but it's still pretty enjoyable for me.

>> No.13857193

>Most just rate with the CG set or use machine translation software
I really wish there was a verifiable way to know how many VN fans "actually" know Japanese. That'd be really interesting to know considering this niche.

>> No.13857236

Because Uwaki Memespring. Its like you missed last ~30 threads.
UVN general alone has 100+ unique posters, so I wouldn't be surprised if majority of votes come from here and affiliated communities.

>> No.13857240

I don't actually think this thread has much clout. /jp/ in general is pretty quiet.

>> No.13857248

I really doubt we have 73 people in this thread.

>> No.13857494
File: 73 KB, 492x500, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jp can i have help

I'm at the stage when my comprehension is enough to converse fluently with 11s, but my reading is still lacking.
i wish to play untranslated vns next to a machine translation, so i see both the japanese and english. i'm assuming there're auxiliary programs already set up for this, but i have no clue how to find them.

>> No.13857510

Machine translations will not help you learn Japanese, and will in fact hurt you.

>> No.13857520

Do not use MTs if you actually want to learn the language. It'll harm you more than help. I'd recommend learning at least common kanji before even trying.

>> No.13857585
File: 107 KB, 480x472, dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no no no

i'm competent, alright, dw about grammar at all
i just want the machine translation as an aid so i can easily get kanji, like using google translate (as a dictionary) rather than a holistic solution

>> No.13857589

Eric, simply eric.

>> No.13857594

Are you english-second-language? Machine translation won't help you with kanji. I don't know why you think it would, can you explain?

>> No.13857601

Avoid machine translation entirely. No buts. Don't even consider it as an option or a tool.

>> No.13857619

whose eric

i'm assuming it'll help by way of providing romaji as well as meaning. won't this let me verse myself with the kanji? english first language
perhaps i have a bad grasp of what exactly mt entails
i'm also assuming here that my grasp of grammatical constructs is advanced enough to differentiate a bad mt from a decent one (that is, only pick out the vocabulary)

i'm burning through kanji and a certain textbook quickly, but this is dry
anime is ok for aural recognition but it won't help the reading aspect

>> No.13857623
File: 19 KB, 229x173, you-can't-learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13857629


hopefully anyone who posts this isn't srs
languages aren't difficult

>> No.13857631
File: 13 KB, 445x215, chiitrans lite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Machine translations are very bad and you wouldn't even be able to pick out "decent" ones because they're all bad. That said, allow me to explain. Look at pic related. If you notice, the text output lets you see both how the kanji are read and their meaning. This is how you should be learning them - get used to their readings and what they mean in words. A butchered English translation really wouldn't help at all.

>> No.13857640
File: 96 KB, 692x594, ffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok let me clarify

rikaikun, a chrome web app, it's great
i want the equivalent for vns so i can enjoy them raw

>> No.13857645

That is not machine translation, that is automated dictionary usage, and as you can probably tell, that it precisely what chiitrans lite (pictured >>13857631) provides. In the end you really didn't understand what machine translation is, I guess.

>> No.13857649



let's go again, is there a utility available to select text / kanji in vns and check the various usages / readings?

>> No.13857654

Yeah, copy pasting them into a dictionary. The *primary* function of texthookers is to let you quickly copy/paste kanji and words in order to investigate them.

>> No.13857666

I hope to god you're an ESL.

>> No.13857683


Nope, not an ESL, but typing properly / communicating fluently over the net is tiring.

Broken english is sufficient, isn't it?

stop caring about things

>> No.13857694

>Broken english is sufficient, isn't it?
Not when you're a native speaker it isn't. There is nothing hard about typing properly. There's no excuse for not doing it on this site.

>> No.13857700

>stop caring about things
A very wise and insightful way to solve all of the worlds problems. Good going anon.

>> No.13857707
File: 55 KB, 485x364, beads on brow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we actually going to do this

>> No.13857711

Nope. It seems your question has been answered; good luck with reading VNs. A good start would be any moege that looks cute to you. I've heard good things about Hanasaki Work Springs~

>> No.13857722


>> No.13857724

Stop anon. Stay on topic. No bullying allowed.

>> No.13857731

>No bullying allowed.
This mentality is what's killing the site. I can't call an actual retard retarded anymore without the anti-bully squad attacking me.

>> No.13857733
File: 1.86 MB, 1231x695, Options.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upon players’ requests, the H scenes are more numerous and intense, also adds a toggle for certain CGs
Where's the toggle /jp/?

>> No.13857738

You can't read Japanese? Fuck right off.

>> No.13857739


rather, the points seem so obvious they dont even require refuting

im out, anyhow

best to all of you

>> No.13857743

Call people retarded all you like, but do so while actually discussing VNs. Continually ragging on people in a series of off-topics posts is harming the site more than any perceived anti-bullying sentiment.

>> No.13858222

Chaos;Child questions for those who have played.

I don't really want these spoilers to be abused, so I substituted the names with letters and made all the gender pronouns male. It should still make sense to those who've played and who can answer my questions.

1. A and B are the murder culprits. A's power is reading, B's power is controlling. B says he's using A because his power is convenient to him. Did anyone else find this kind of odd? Couldn't B just make someone tell him anything he wanted, by just controlling them to do so? Why would he need A to read them?

2. C is the 委員会 mole, which is revealed in K's route. In the scene directly following when A breaks the club room window, why does A ask C what his intentions are, when he could just read them using his power? And why does A let C put the protagonist in danger when that's against his interests?

These are the only plot holes that I picked up on. Would appreciate if someone helped me fill them.

>> No.13858620

>teacher rapes student
why does this shit keep appearing in my eroge? teachers must be horrible creatures in japan.

>> No.13858667

Wish fulfillment?

>> No.13858742

Maybe it's 天誅 for abusing the spoiler and quote functions.

>> No.13858746

C'mon it's なんでもない天誅

>> No.13858756

Yeah I'd rather see the student raping the teacher, especially if the student in question is a cute little girl.

>> No.13858787

That's not fair.

>> No.13858794

That's how 人生 is, I'm 恐れてる.

>> No.13858812

Please calm down newfriends, memes are best done in mild doses.

>> No.13859053

I found this huge Alcot collection torrent. I'm downloading it only for Kicking Horse Rhapsody, but is there anything else in there worth picking out? I already have Osadai and Tokyo Hero Project.

>> No.13859080

I was about to call Alcot garbage, because I remember Osadai genuinely being the worst VN I've ever played (thankfully), but I noticed their subsidiary Alcot Honey Comb was the producer for Tonakoi and Satsukoi. Which leads me to wonder, which of the following three things are true?
1) Alcot is garbage, but Alcot Honey Comb is good.
2) Alcot and Honey Comb are good, but by chance Osadai is hot garbage.
3) Osadai was actually good, somehow, and I'm misremembering/have shit taste.

>> No.13859099

Not all of the honey comb games are actually good though.

>> No.13859108

I mean, good on average. I'm assuming here that the staff is consistent among the games, which would bring along a somewhat consistent quality.

>> No.13859124

4) Judging a game by the writer is more accurate than judging by the company.

>> No.13859131

Osadai isn't very good but it's far from the worst. It's just kind of repetitive and meh.
Some of Alcot's other games have been good.
Some of them bad.
Alcot Honey Comb have released some awful shit.

>> No.13859132

See >>13859108, I'm assuming the writers are generally the same. Though I guess instead of being all dramatic I should have just gone through their VNDB entries and observed the writers.

>> No.13859153

Yeah, it's the repetitiveness of Osadai that got to me. Blue-hair nee-san pretending to be a superhero for like 3 nights in a row was genuinely the most boring and insipid sequence of any VN I've played. I'm sure more experience will iron out that though.

It seems that Seo Jun, the author of Satsukoi, was also a scenarist on Love Rec., a Alcot game. So the divide between it and Honey Comb seems be pretty meaningless in terms of quality, though it is true that every other game he wrote for was a Honey Comb game. This is pretty complex. Maybe I'll download that collection torrent and see what's up with this company.

>> No.13859411

>Alcot Honey Comb have released some awful shit.
I remember trying to play Aka-san to Kyuuketsuki, that thing was a yawnfest.

>> No.13859503 [DELETED] 

Oh wow, I must have hit that when I started the game like a year ago. I never saw Natsuha's old hag CGs. Wondered why some scenes she was invisible. Damn I'm an idiot.

Protip: it basically says the option there in English. Make your best guess.

>> No.13859511

By "basically in English", do you mean "it starts with 'CG'"?

>> No.13859515

Oh wow, I must have hit that right at the start when I started the game like a year ago and forgot it even existed. I never saw Natsuha's old hag CGs. Wondered why some scenes she was invisible. Damn I'm an idiot.

Protip: it basically says the option there in English. Make your best guess.

>> No.13859518

I didn't want to be that obvious, but yes, that is what I meant.

>> No.13859698

>anything else in there worth picking out
Clover's Day
Relay Broadcast

>> No.13859708

Though holding off on playing Tonakoi until the fandisc comes out would be a smart move... maybe. Do you guys play fandiscs right after the main game, or do you wait awhile?

>> No.13859770

If I really like the game, it becomes the only thing I feel like playing. So I want to play everything connected to it ASAP. But other times I can hold off on playing the fandisc.

>> No.13860200 [SPOILER] 
File: 799 KB, 935x699, 1438495614150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well thats because japanese girls are so pure that they need more intensive sex education than your usual schoolgirl.

In the end she will apreciate it if the teacher is good.

>> No.13860206


>> No.13861100

So now that Tokyo Babel is getting licensed, will we no longer be allowed to discuss it here?

>> No.13861107

No, take that shit to >>>/vg/

>> No.13861127

If you have time to shitpost and keeping up with English translation scene, why don't you use that time to learn Japanese instead?

>> No.13861131

I read it two years ago, m八十, as I implied, I just found out by chance when I checked the vndb page. No need to try so hard to play superior.

>> No.13861138

I don't believe you. The way you post looks like shitposting me. Either you're underage or just filthy EOP scum who has nothing better to do than shitting up this thread.

>> No.13861141

If only it was that easy

>> No.13861149

You know, saying that while raging around for no reason isn’t very convincing, especially after I specifically said ”no longer”. It carries out and is w.

>> No.13861157

>So now that Tokyo Babel is getting licensed, will we no longer be allowed to discuss it here?

Did we ever discuss it? Is it even worth discussing?

>> No.13861167


Eric. Is this the so-called "le you mad XDD" meme? Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.13861187


Migrate for the new beginning.

>> No.13861197

August releases: https://omochikaeri.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/august-2015-eroge-releases/
Fuck off with your shitposting thread.

>> No.13861218

These threads generally don't discuss much more than a) the moege of the month and b) Dies Irae, but there was some discussion.

Contain your meaningless asspain, "onegee shiyasu".

>> No.13861225

It's already page 9. Might as well make a real new thread.

>> No.13861230

Don't make multiple threads idiot. We already have one right here.


>> No.13861320

It's because of hatsuyuki sakura.
