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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13822437 No.13822437 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13810103

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill

>> No.13822459

Damn, that guy looks cool. What's he from?

>> No.13822475
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>> No.13822505 [DELETED] 

Nah you he won't fuck you in the game, forget it.

>> No.13822531
File: 486 KB, 549x1285, ch04_img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, the old thread got pushed down because of some fuckass spammer throwing unrelated threads into the board.

I'm looking forward to every December if Azarashi is going to give us new Amakano. Site for new game is up now.

>> No.13822558

Why is the thread so gay?

>> No.13822581

Please use cute girls pic as OP next time.

>> No.13822582

>nameable protagonist

Fuck yeah!

>> No.13822776

Why do you act like the previous one didn't have it?

Dude, we used cute girls 99% of the time, there's nothing wrong with using a gaybro once.

>> No.13822787

Make me, fuccboi.

>> No.13822788 [DELETED] 

Bump yeah?

>> No.13822823

>一色 ヒカル

>> No.13822837

Fuck off.

>> No.13822919

Another new company it seems

>> No.13823025

No i was just worried, One-Up and Xiguratt Works new games dont have it so i was just glad this one is gonna have it.

>Heroine on a weelchair.

Oh boy i hope they get creative with her H-scenes.

>> No.13823047

>Oh boy i hope they get creative with her H-scenes.
When was the last time any non-nukige got creative with h-scenes?

>> No.13823066

The art looks decent. Where did you find out about this anyway?

>> No.13823160

How many wheelchair Heroines you find on VNs?

>> No.13823181

Doesn't matter what the girl's gimmick is. H-scenes, especially in moege, are all written the same way regardless.

>> No.13823196

> H-scenes, especially in moege, are all written the same way
Shows you was reading only low-quality monthly fodder.
Try games from decent writers, like Maruto or Onikage. They write interesting h-scenes, with near-zero percent of usual moaning/screaming.

>> No.13823224

Thanks for proving my point. When was the last time either of them wrote an eroge?

>> No.13823256

Maybe this is diferent.

>> No.13823329

The screaming near climax is one of the best parts if done well, it's part of what separates it from a unvoiced doujin.

>> No.13823937

Who's ready for Sekai to announce they'll be doing a kickstarter for Dies irae?

>> No.13823951

Literally who?

>> No.13823983

Wrong thread.

>> No.13824105

Just don't reply

>> No.13825198

They said at twitter that they'd like to make an FD for amakano & amakano 2 after this, so we might see it at the 2016 december.

>> No.13825581

Amakano sounds like Avacado

>> No.13825689

This art looks pretty unattractive to me.

>> No.13825703

Thanks for telling us.

>> No.13825706

no problem

>> No.13825719

What are you spoiling?

>> No.13825721

His feelings

>> No.13825775

It looks like one of the heroines (the Mimori Tougou lookalike) is the little sister of the first game's miko heroine.

I sort of remember the first game's MC noticing someone when he visited the library once in the game, so I'm surprised they expanded on that bit.

I'm almost sure that it's the same setting as the first game, but at least the MC isn't staying in the same inn from the last one. What I'm not sure of is time when the second game's story takes place.

>> No.13825927

Do you guys actually read everything in a moege? I usually get bored after I finish my favourite girl's route and move on to something else after.

>> No.13825951

I tend to just read the routes of the heroines I really like, and if I didn't like any heroines I drop the moege.

>> No.13825957

Get one route done and then download a save data.

>> No.13825972

I usually like most heroines so I usually do, if I just can't give a fuck I mostly speedrun the route (skip over narration).

>> No.13826030

If I liked at least half of them I'm bearing with the 1-2 boring ones too and finish 100%, otherwise just drop it.

>> No.13826035

>and then download a save data.
For what?

>> No.13826060

To see the H-content and some CGs. Though using a save data from other anon allowed me to play Hoshi Ori girl route witouth slogging through the common route.

In some Nukiges it even comes with some contexts before and after the H.

>> No.13826077

I'm a completionist.

>> No.13826105

Yes I do.
We all have different ways to enjoy works, anon. If I liked it enough to finish one route I probably will end up playing it all.

I know people shit on it because kek Shimokura but Totono reminded me of a point I always subconsciously followed before reading it anyways: call me weird but if I'm interested enough in them, I like giving the characters a chance to live out their purpose in the install in my computer.

>> No.13826123

You know that the eroge industry is dead when games don't even get pirated in a timely manner.

>> No.13826131

That's more indicative of the player base being fairly cheap.

>> No.13826146

Kill yourself already.

>> No.13826379


Just finished アオイ route on 君と彼女と彼女の恋。
I was not ready. Fucking hell...
Time for the meta route.

>> No.13826405

It's a stale month for a lot of people, 仕方がない.

>> No.13826421

Don't you mean なんでもない?

>> No.13826448


>> No.13826576

\This still makes me smile.

>> No.13826727

Is there such thing as a chuunige nukige? I'd love to read one of those.

>> No.13826744
File: 1.10 MB, 1044x638, 未来戦姫スレイブニル_2013-12-01_10-40-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like Slavenil?
I hate to categorize it in something so black and white as the term you're using though.

>> No.13826745

I don't get it, what's the reference?

>> No.13826755

I thought I was reading chinese for a second there

>> No.13826764

Picked up.

>> No.13826767

Some Clock up games would probably fit, depending on your definition of chunni.
https://vndb.org/v5100 is the first one to come to mind.

>> No.13826774

Yeah, there is. https://vndb.org/v1433
It was okay.

>> No.13826823


>> No.13826894
File: 129 KB, 420x635, 主様あぁ!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13826906

Hidden gem of last year.

>> No.13826912

Did anyone has tried 妄想コンプリート here? I know I shouldn't expect something great from it, but is there a reason for getting 50 at EGS?

>> No.13826934

Just Japanese people getting mad about something trivial and votebombing, as usual.

>> No.13827053

>getting mad about something trivial
What happened? Was a heroine not a virgin or something?

>> No.13827065

>Was a heroine not a virgin or something?

That's not trivial.

>> No.13827077

What >>13827065 said

>> No.13827099

Why? I just thought it was shit.

>> No.13827187
File: 19 KB, 306x261, 1431551116119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13827249


>> No.13827251

Just some weeb who put なんでもない when it didn't make sense.

>> No.13827281

Ah. Thanks. Or as they say in Japanese, なんでもない。

>> No.13827290

How is it not trivial? Not everyone has sex with only one person. And to be quite honest, I am sick and tired of seeing virgin blood.

>> No.13827296

>Not everyone has sex with only one person
Stop destroying my dreams and hopes.

>> No.13827309

> Not everyone has sex with only one person
Not in my eroge.

>I am sick and tired of seeing virgin blood.

Get a hooker.

>> No.13827329

I don't care whether a heroine is a virgin or not, but blood is disgusting.

>> No.13827336

You're disgusting.

>> No.13827353
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, 2DJGAME0259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like the face of a girl who would have sex with more than one person?
If that thought would even cross their mind, they're low tier trash anyway.

>> No.13827357

I've been meaning to play that game because of Hikari.

>> No.13827369
File: 301 KB, 1366x768, best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because of Hikari.

Nah, play it for her.

>> No.13827372

here we go again....

>> No.13827379

処女厨 are pathetic and honestly the cancer of the industry. If you care about virginity then go back to /a/.

>> No.13827398

Please not do this again.

>> No.13827401

Argument resulting from that can be summarized as my fetish is better than your fetish.

>> No.13827411

覆面選手 route when ;_;

>> No.13827417

In this case it's more a complaint against People who force their fetish on every character of every game. Nobody is complaining that games have virgins in them, just that every game has only virgins even when they are 25 year old hotties.

>> No.13827427

Please don't do this again.

>> No.13827434

You're encouraging them by saying that.

>> No.13827439

The result will still be the same argument of how do people dare to enjoy things I don't.

>> No.13827444
File: 670 KB, 813x609, Sera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting disgusting 3dpd traits on our clean 2d environment.

Disgusting as fuck.

Wow what a cuck.

Well thats because in Japan a girl being above 20 is considered not worth dicking.

Also if you want sluts there are literally thousands of Nukiges you can play.

>> No.13827447

I'm just going to say the otaku hold the market and they pay for games so they have their sway and leave it at that.

And there are plenty nukige and chuunige with non virgin heroines.

>> No.13827456

>Also if you want sluts there are literally thousands of Nukiges you can play.
I know, but I don't just want sluts. I want better writing and characters of good games to not be constrained by an autistic audience.

>> No.13827462

These autists pay so they win.

And sorry, virginity isn't even an issue most of the times.

>> No.13827464

It was so fucking stupid in Sera's case, her main attractive was being a confident adult woman, but noooo.
The game got away with creepy yandere rape to the first girl, they could have made Sera a non-virgin.

>> No.13827466

>I want better writing and characters of good games to not be constrained by an autistic audience

Are you implying that being used goods makes a character more interesting? Virgins can also being interesting.

Also most people dont play VNs for good writting if it compromises the VN escapism.

>> No.13827468

I don't care about virginity or realism or whatever, I just hope we got more adult heroines.. It's just sucks when they make sexy teachers or 熟女 in general but unfuckable.

>> No.13827476

Confident adult woman doesn't mean you can't be a virgin.

>> No.13827486
File: 1.25 MB, 1019x765, Maki best girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The game got away with creepy yandere rape to the first girl.

Because it was the protag, if it was someone else a shitstorm would ensue.

Doesnt matter if she is a virgin?

>> No.13827489

Confident AND sexually proactive adult woman, she just gave off the 'I'm mature and experienced in romance' aura.
And then she was a kissless virgin, big turn off.

>> No.13827491

Don't worry every scenario-centric game will soon goes all-ages only so you don't have to care about virginity anymore.

>> No.13827500

>Are you implying that being used goods makes a character more interesting?
No I just don't want writers to feel like they have to fit characters into a specific eroge character mold where they just choose one from the list of "Osananajimi who has loved protag her entire life", "supernatural girl who didn't exist until yesterday", "sporty girl who has never paid attention to boys before" or "shy girl who has never talked to a boy"
Virginity is part of that.

That's not very reassuring.

>> No.13827503

Do you dislike her because she's a kissless virgin or what?

>> No.13827509

>Confident AND sexually proactive adult woman
Again sluts can be found in Nukiges.

Why? The whole virgin stuff just happens in the first sex, think of Wakoto from LxC 2 that was a virgin but she was sexually active like many sexually experience girl in nukiges. I dont think virginity plays that huge of a role really.

>> No.13827515

Betrayed expectations.
Before and during more than half of her route she's this incredibly secure, mature, proactive woman who behaves as if she's experienced in relationships, sex and stuff.
Then it's revealed she's a extremely shy kissless virgin who's never held hands with a boy.
I could buy it from Misasa, which made her adorable, but from Sera it was simply annoying. If the game didn't make you pursue her as a mature, experienced woman, it wouldn't be as bad, which is Misasa's case.

>> No.13827518

This. If you don't buy games you have no right to complain.

>> No.13827527

You can be experienced in all things but sex, especially in work place where everyone keep their private life in secret.

But I'm not going to defend that game since I didn't play it.

>> No.13827529

We are really doing this again, aren't we?

Let's hope it doesn't end up as gas all virgin losers as last time.

>> No.13827533

>Doesnt matter if she is a virgin?
At this point, yes. I don't care anymore. I'm sick of only able to masturbate to fully clothed sprites, holy shit.

>> No.13827535

>>Wanting disgusting 3dpd traits on our clean 2d environment.
I don't care about the distinction between 2D and 3D because I'm not a pathetic faggot and actually read VNs for their story.

>> No.13827536

>Why? The whole virgin stuff just happens in the first sex, think of Wakoto from LxC 2 that was a virgin but she was sexually active like many sexually experience girl in nukiges. I dont think virginity plays that huge of a role really.

Well it affects the suspension of disbelief sometimes. It's not so much about the virginity here, but when they have to make up reasons why the hottest and most popular girl in school made it to her senior year without ever trying to go on a date or kissing a guy it gets pretty ridiculous. I think that's what annoys me more than whether they have had sex or not.

>> No.13827539

>actually read VNs for their story
Nice one.

>> No.13827540

Well, please suspend your disbelief then.

Because virginity is really a case of randomness, even IRL. You can find hot girls who are virgins, or ugly girls who are not virgins and all sort of this.

>> No.13827543

>Let's hope it doesn't end up as gas all virgin losers as last time.
Well with this >>13827535 it looks like it's already going that way.

>> No.13827544

>I'm a pathetic faggot and actually read VNs for their story.

>> No.13827551

Archetypes exist because they are easy to write, and even then moege has shown that these archetypes can be written into a variety of characters.

>> No.13827561

If you still think VNs are in any way connected to anything resembling reality, you have a problem and should go outside once in a while. More so if your comparison is connected to your understanding of reality because it comes across as something out of an american movie, which are equally removed from reality.

>> No.13827562

They also exist because they are easy to advertise visually. You can determine a lot of traits by just a glance on the heroine designs, and if you end up radically changing something you end up with dissatisfied people like >>13827515

>> No.13827566

"This medium could be so much more" version 2.0

>> No.13827568

This, gonna stop arguing.

Medium is fine.

>> No.13827583

what game is that?

>> No.13827595

It's written on the image and the post accompanying it.

>> No.13827596
File: 23 KB, 250x300, Mifuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Well i too vouch for more adult virgin heroines.

>actually read VNs for their story.
What a ruse.

>but when they have to make up reasons why the hottest and most popular girl in school made it to her senior year without ever trying to go on a date or kissing a guy it gets pretty ridiculous

Well for one their popularity is always a source of fear for potential love interests, also the fact that most student characters are portrayed as betas. Though there are many valid reasons for a girl no dating like say the Boss in PurexConnect were she had other priorities than love.

Im okay with non virgin heroines (I like Milfs) but i would take a virgin over a non-virgin (More if she is an slut) any day.

Its a totally feasible scenario thats portrayed in moege while Nukiges cover the other spectrum.

>> No.13827600

>Medium is fine.
Not for long if this year is any indicator. Only a handful of titles that were or might be interesting.

>> No.13827614

At worst it suffers from stagnation. But that's better than super drastic change that alienates everyone.

>> No.13827686


>> No.13827829 [DELETED] 

It only takes one post to ruin the entire thread. You knew what you were doing too, you fucker. This discussion isn't any more interesting or convincing the 7th time.

>> No.13828628

Can somebody please upload the older Majikoi A timed limited wallpapers on mega? Missed out on them, thanks

>> No.13828722

It could be. You remind me of the idiots who make fun of "not all men" when we're just trying to help you out.

>> No.13828742

It's still stupid that people votebomb games because they can't deal with a girl being "impure." That's kind of really fucking sexist, when you think about it.

>> No.13828770

I know they had a 100,000 with Seiso and now the 150,000 with Yoshitsune but were there any other ones?

>> No.13828787

> sexist
> 男性向け
You SJWs don't have even tiniest bit of common sense.

>> No.13828794


Kinda funny to think the medium is dying in Japan while it's just getting better and better everywhere else. Although, it makes sense, since that's how it's been happening for video games in general, too.

>> No.13828799

I can't read that but I assume it's some privileged cis shit.

>> No.13828832

I think he meant muhsogynist.

Well if the game is a moege and you like a lot the heroine and results she is an slut then they basically wasted money and the game deserves to be panned for that.

Like i hate games that is funny and vanilla, then at some point trows me some edgy shit with gangrape.

>> No.13828865

Better everywhere else?

The West is just getting games Japan got a long times ago.

>> No.13828869

I assumed with the file name as hawkeye 11 there were 10 more wallpapers I was missing

>> No.13828876

If we didn't care for the story we'd all be playing nukige here.

>> No.13828882

I play both you fucking nigger.

>> No.13828887

We care about cute girls, Nukiges (Besides Lolis) focus on just girls with any range of personalities.

>> No.13828899

The nukige shaming must end.

There's literally nothing wrong with liking nukige.

>> No.13828922

Who said otherwise?
What I meant is that wouldn't be playing non-nukige if we didn't care about stories, and we wouldn't have learned Japanese in the first place.
If I want to masturbate I play an eroge, but when I play a proper galge I prioritize the scenario.

>> No.13828926

There is story in nukige too.

And knowing it makes nukige hotter.

>> No.13828931

Galge´s are eroge too.

>> No.13828932

I know, but the story is secondary.
Read my post again, I said "prioritize".


>> No.13828934

Oh shit, I meant to say

>If I want to masturbate I play a nukige

My bad, I'm sleepy as fuck.

>> No.13828935

You masturbate to galges too.

Dont know why were you trying to make a distinction.

>> No.13828941

I simply look for something else when I play non-nukige.

Moege for drama.
Chuunige for battle.
Utsuge for the scenario.

But in any cases, story and context matter to make thing hotter or exciting to read.

>> No.13828950

>I simply look for something else when I play different kind of eroge*

>> No.13828984

Because the main point of nukige is masturbation, unlike non-nukige.
I do masturbate to galge too, but ero is secondary. Some of them have so little ero it's obvious they include it only out of obligation.

What makes an eroge good and interesting is the scenario. Even in a moege, or a charage, if the scenario is boring there's barely any value or entertainment in the game, no matter how good the art is.
In fact, you said that a story makes nukige hotter, so it applies to all eroge.
That's why it's silly to ridicule people for caring for the story. After all, it is a novel.

I don't see how "drama", "battles" and "scenario" are separate or different things.
You're focusing on the story on all 3 examples.

>> No.13829005

Technically, sex scenes are story too, so there.

There are just different expectations to different kinds of games.

The problem is when people start to dismiss and alienate nukige.

>> No.13829017

>but ero is secondary.

Not when your game bombs or is a success depends heavily on the presence of ero.

Im not the same anon, i can easily enjoy Nukiges witouth reading much story.

VNs are played because its the perfect medium for escapism wich is why Otakus run the industry, sure i can understand seeing the story as very important but im just saying escapism comes first and Otakus dont want to deal with impure girls because thats a real world trait.

Thats why VNs are no more than waifu simulator nows, when was the last time a non-console VN was out that didnt involve around fucking a girl? If the girl is trash then your VN is already sunk.

SO the mock of this post >>13827535 is that girls and thus ero comes first and story later. So story is still secondary.

>> No.13829046

I agree with you and would even support the otaku's stance on this, but why is VN the perfect medium for "escapism"?

>> No.13829053

>Not when your game bombs or is a success depends heavily on the presence of ero.
I'm not sure about that. In EGS a lot of, if not most, games with good ratings have the おかずに使える状況 very tilted to まったく使えなかった, which means the ero isn't very good, which in turn means the game is being rated not by its ero but by something else.

>> No.13829072

It doesn't matter that much if the ero is good or not, but it has to be there. All-ages VNs sell like absolute shit unless you're talking about Key or Type-Moon.

>> No.13829076

That's a pretty good thing, all things considered.

We need some fucking ero in eroge. The medium started with it, now fucking stick with it.

>> No.13829077

EGS is mostly pirates, so EGS ratings don't reflect the opinions of the people actually buying these games.

>> No.13829080

> All-ages VNs sell like absolute shit
Unfortunately that's pre-steam epoch.
Nekopara broke 100000 mark, so Purple Software, Frontwing, Yuzusoft and many other companies are now prioritizing cheap all-ages shit.

>> No.13829081

What do you want, amazon ratings?

>> No.13829087

Just because there isn't a better alternative doesn't mean your argument is meaningful.

>> No.13829089

We're talking about the Japanese market. No one uses Steam in Japan.

>> No.13829091

Otaku might be idealistic fools but steam users legit do not give a shit about quality at all.

>> No.13829092

Yeah, that's why I said they often include it out of obligation, and I'm fine with it because I like ero obviously. But what ultimately makes it good or bad, interesting or boring, is the scenario.

>> No.13829097

The scene is international now.

>> No.13829105

>Nekopara broke 100000 mark
I really wonder how they did that. Marketing to foreigners from the start? I don't think it was as near as popular in Japan.

They're basically giving the western market some leftovers of what the Japanese consumed years ago to see if it works. Where everything happens, and where a dozen of new eroge come out each month, is in Japan.

>> No.13829108

VNs are being developed for Steam first, domestic market second, so whether otaku are going to buy it or not is not relevant anymore.

>> No.13829109

The problem is that soon the west will soon cater to those western fools considering shit sells now.

>> No.13829111
File: 496 KB, 1920x1080, 20130429190943745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best visual played for the calm and beautifull story Q_Q HINA-CHAN!!!!!!

>> No.13829113

> They're basically giving the western market some leftovers of what the Japanese consumed years ago to see if it works
Chrono Clock is newest Purple software work, what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.13829126

Mainly the protag and how the format allows you to get to know the girl deeper, the whole faceless and unvoiced protagonist is popular for a reason.

Well i dont think you can use EGS as a way to measure the target audience enjoyment, considering most of the consumers dont seem to go post their impressions there. In all the game needs to advertise "we have ero content" so people buy their game. Story is good and indeed helps a game but first and foremost the medium is all about getting on girls panties.

Think about what are the features that sells consumers to purchase a game? Girls and thus ero, you can only give a sinopsis about the game but you dont really know what to expect thus your selling points has to be the girls and thus the ero.

>> No.13829131

> but you dont really know what to expect
There's a reason why scenario writer is specified along with genga on all shop pages and promotional material.

>> No.13829132

>Mainly the protag and how the format allows you to get to know the girl deeper, the whole faceless and unvoiced protagonist is popular for a reason.
Hmm, that isn't a bad thing at all.

I can support this kind of escapism.

>> No.13829171

But what if you dont know the scenario writer? What if its a new writer?
The appeal of the game will again fall into the girl and/or art and again the ero. Considering how moege dominates the market and the ero isnt exactly remarkable then this is an easy thing to market, just say these girls can be banged and thats it.

I prefer nameable/unnamed protags.

>> No.13829177

> But what if you dont know the scenario writer? What if its a new writer?
You download trial and play it before deciding.

>> No.13829179

Ryu07 made it.

And even then, there's nothing wrong with using ero as a selling point.

>> No.13829195

Yeah, and they're the good games from Japan. So while Japan has to wade through a bunch of shit to find the good games, we simply get all the good games. Who do you think is the true victor here?

>> No.13829220

The real victor is japanese companies who get money from both sides.

I would rather get all the games, good or bad, if only for uncensored CGI.

>> No.13829223

You can't say that for Nekopara though; their PR twitter has stated how much high their foreign sales are and the numbers don't lie.

The answer is Steam. Steam users are retarded and throw money at everything. It doesn't matter the quality of the game.

>Where everything happens, and where a dozen of new eroge come out each month, is in Japan.
And you can't say this anymore either, as pained I am to admit it, because Chrono Clock did just that; planning a steam release from the get go and panning the ero. Frontwing's new title is also all ages.

Chrono Clock was complete shit though by all accounts including my own, they're putting it on Steam because they know it'll sell anyways because that's how Steam works. Honestly if you thought that the eroge fanbase had bad taste it'd only get worse with Steam users who will buy anything with a Flash Sale tag on it.

>> No.13829232

All ages isn't purely for steam, it's also often for consoles (which also prevents pirating)

>> No.13829241

But we're talking about Frontwing here, who has received overwhelming support for Grisaia from gaijin. They're undoubtedly more aiming going to try to cash in on a Steam release than they are console ports.

>> No.13829248

The only flaw with Steam, aside from the userbase lacking any sense of consensus, is that it forbids explicit content which might damage the ero of eroge.

We need explicit 18+ version of Steam.

>> No.13829256

I don't really care if games start being all ages as long as the characters still have sex (and it just isn't shown).

I never fap to scenarioge anyway.

>> No.13829260

I'd rather have more than less.

>> No.13829271

All-ages doesn't mean that sex scenes are removed. It means ALL possibly-inappropriate content is removed.
Just look at what they did with all-ages Eustia.

>> No.13829287

If you want a more extreme example, If My Heart Had Wings, which is pretty well received on Steam.

They removed sexual references, panty shots, various other censorship fare. They got rid of kissing CGs. In a romance game.

>> No.13829289


All-ages can refer to either.

>> No.13829292

There's no "either". To qualify as all-ages, game must not have any of offending content, which is not limited to sexual.

>> No.13829295

That game was butchered more like it since even the japs didn't got that All-ages version.

>> No.13829297

That's wrong. The all ages PSP version of Himawari straight up had sex scenes.

>> No.13829308

I think we're getting closer and closer to that with games like Hatred making it on to Steam. Eventually there will be no need to dance around it and we can just have one version of a game.

>> No.13829310

There is shit all-ages version, good all-ages version and pointless all-ages version.

Point is the costumers should be given a choice to buy 18+ or all ages nonetheless.

>> No.13829312

Porn is bad. Especially a Japanese cartoon one where all girls look young and innocent.

>> No.13829338

>we simply get all the good games. Who do you think is the true victor here?

Elaborate yourself please. We? Good games? LOL

>> No.13829356

I know the latest Purple Software game have separated ero-scene and upcoming Front Wing game will have too. But Yuzusoft too now? Sanoba Witch is far, far away from "All ages".

>> No.13829434

Finally the system page updated.
Card game huh...

>> No.13829443

And the voice sample too it seems.

>> No.13829462

This is not really the best place to ask this so I'll have you guys forgive me but

There's a video on niconico that puts together two different versions of the same song with some small editing and this upload wasn't on youtube

I downloaded the video and uploaded it on my channel, but I really have no sense of this should I give any credit to the dude who made the video in the first place? Like, linking the original video on the description? It's very niche.

>> No.13829463

Oh it's a VN song which is why I thought of asking here. Forgive me if it's too offtopic though.

>> No.13829468

Looks like they're just reusing the gameplay system from Verethragna.

>> No.13829470

Hey this looks pretty good

>> No.13829472

Yeah, do it.

>> No.13829477

Doesn't hurt. I think you should just put the original link on the description.

>> No.13829522

I burnt out on vn's a year ago and haven't read anything sense. Can someone tell me what the best non-moege/nukige game is of the last year?

>> No.13829531

Search the archive.

>> No.13829541

I dont really like card games, but characters & art seems too awesome. I'll definitely try it, and hope for a harem ending.

>> No.13829542

Depends on your preferences.

>> No.13829548

>hope for a harem ending
Do any of astronauts's games even have routes/heroine specific ends?

>> No.13829549

Bansenjin, Evenicle.

>> No.13829553

I'm only familiar with Demonion but that had harem events

>> No.13829555

nanarin for me

>> No.13829559

Astronaut Spica games do.

>> No.13829681

Dunno, I never played anything except あおぞらストライプ from them and it was just a moege. So they dont? デモニオンII has a harem ending tag but then again, since I didnt play it I dont know if its true or not.

>> No.13829709

Are there any seeded torrents for the Angelic Serenade? I've always wanted to know the story of the VNDB background girl and didn't hate Symphonic Rain.

>> No.13829755
File: 322 KB, 1030x1270, totono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished 君と彼女と彼女の恋。
Enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

Went in pretty blind so I was actually shocked by the whole ntr thing.

The brute force thing was kind of over the top in my opinion but I guess it fit the story.
Pic related. Took me 6 fucking cycles to get it right.

Still, I'd recommend it to everyone who hasn't played it yet. It's pretty short anyway.

>> No.13829762
File: 232 KB, 1280x720, nandemonai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13829788

For some reason I can never get myself to finish side stories after I finish the main story of the VN.

>> No.13829948

>even the japs get なんでもない wrong
That's pretty funny.

>> No.13829963

People who are interested in that kind of meta story should just play Suisenka.

It basically tackles the same shit as Totono without being shallow and boring

>> No.13830138

What's the strangest eroge OP you've seen? For me it's this.

>> No.13830166

O nice.
Added to backlog.

>> No.13830249

Anyone else saw the opening for Tokyo Necro at Wonfes?

>> No.13830256

Didn't The Witcher have sex in it

>> No.13830267

It's a thin line. As that one judge said, "I know pornography when I see it". And I believe that the consensus is that the sex in The Witcher/Far Cry isn't pornographic.

>> No.13830276

The Witcher sex isn't explicit, there's no dick or vag in there.

>> No.13830332

I think BISHOP Kuro no Kyoushitsu was the first Nukige in their top 20 eroges so that one probably.

>> No.13830347

Not really. Hatred is just basically the new Postal, and the western side doesnt really mind over the top violence.

Problem with eroge is that most designs looks like prepubescent characters so that is more controversial than gore stuff.

Basically 2D porn is the devil while 3D porn is fine.

>> No.13830356

3D porn doesn't get on steam either. As >>13830276 said the 3D nudity that exists is pretty much non-explicit. There aren't an 3D fucking simulator games on steam.

>> No.13830482

Yeah but you can show nudity wich is still slightly pornographic and gets a pass, 2D doesnt. Huniepop has been the only one pushing it to extremes but none of those girls look prepubescent except maybe Momo.

>> No.13830490

Show me a 2D game with tasteful nudity that's non-porngraphic that wasn't allowed on steam.

>> No.13830496

>tasteful nudity
I've yet to see that in any video game

>> No.13830507

I basically mean "tasteful" as in what's present in Witcher 3.

>> No.13830964 [DELETED] 

It's a little scary thinking what will happen if all-ages games become more successful than eroge due to Steam. Financially it wouldn't be profitable continuing to release 18+ versions (except for nukige).

>> No.13830974

It's a little scary thinking what will happen if all-ages games become more successful than eroge due to Steam, which is entirely possible due to Steam's large user base. Should that happen it wouldn't be profitable continuing to release 18+ versions.

>> No.13830980

To me it doesn't matter either way. I almost never fap to the scenes in eroge anyway. Nukige on the other hand is a different story.

>> No.13830990

Steam eroge is only for translated title....

>> No.13831112

I wouldn't be surprised if chuunige ended up being more of a western thing in 10-15 years (releasing in Japan and steam, all ages), and Japan kept making their own moege with ero.

>> No.13831174

Uploads this month are so depressing.

>> No.13831210

Same. Moege h-scenes are boring as fuck so I wouldn't even care if they stopped existing.

>> No.13831271
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>> No.13831278

Wait, they actually used a condom? Weird.

>> No.13831315

I always thought that I wont care about non-nukige H-scenes till I played PrettyxCation2. Is this game actually a nukige? because there is 10 scene per heroine and they are actually good and long. This is the first cation game I played and Iam actully kinda disappointed, the build up to the confession is really great and then it turns full nukige after they start going out, I wanted more ichaicha events with the heroine.

>> No.13831323

Do LC2 if you want more of that.
In LC1 Yuuki probably has the best ichaicha:fuck ratio.

>> No.13831470
File: 943 KB, 1280x720, 54_AA_CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the artist really.

>> No.13831537

Can't get off to vibrators

>> No.13831578

For me it's a combination of the art, voices and dialogue, and I tend to like moege voice actors more than nukige ones.

>> No.13831582

By that I mean their casts in general, there is overlap obviously but I'm generalizing.

>> No.13831583

Good art is lost on boring writing though

>うん、大丈夫。 xxxくんなら我慢できるよ

Insta skip.

>> No.13831597

To be honest I don't mind cliche dialogue as long as there is dialogue at all. It's only unforgivable when dialogue composed of 90% moaning like Monobeno. That shit is just so boring.

>> No.13832090

I'm the opposite. I prefer monobeno because there is no talk and no moaning so I can just fap to it, and it's what's that moment made for anyway

What kind of nerds read these scenes anyway

>> No.13832094

>there is no talk and no moaning
and just moaning*

>> No.13832105
File: 905 KB, 1044x830, sadder than yasu backstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how in NTR nukige they often give you a choice at the start to just avoid all the bullshit. I intended to fap to this but the misery is too great.

>> No.13832116

Are there any games like that where the girl isn't a big breasted slut? Seems like all the flat chested women are more faithful.

>> No.13832127

The amount of DFC ntr I find is both troubling and horrifying. Loli love nukige are at least heartwarming. Loli rape is just terrifying. It's not that big-breasted women are sluts and therefore suitable for NTR. It's that loli and DFC NTR are terrifying and despicable.

>> No.13832130


>> No.13832175

Please keep the sex scenes "kudasai".

>> No.13832188


>> No.13832209


>> No.13832345

Anyway, just finished this. I usually like these kinds of "girl turns into slut" stories but this one just had gross and wet CG art. The nukige thread is dead

>> No.13832351

Some moege have good ero-scenes. Primal Hearts for example.

>> No.13832422

I never played that one, but I did play 墜落人生. I really liked it in the beginning, but by the end it became too gross and disgusting for me. I felt very sick when I finished. Like I had a very bad taste in my mouth.

And it's probably a good thing that the nukige thread is dead. That last thread was a major shitfest.

>> No.13832447

All I remember from the last thread was that dude who talked about a lot of slut games, which was nice. 墜落人生 is also a pin-point game, so I'll probably avoid them in the future.

>> No.13832484
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x717, 1422160704156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Pin-Point is hilarious.

>> No.13832496

I don't get it, if the game doesn't sell they won't have money and jobs? Is that breaking the fourth wall?

>> No.13832516

maybe if you learned japanese you'd get it

>> No.13832537

Extend an olive branch, ryuuchou-sama.

>> No.13832561
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, サツコイ~悠久なる恋の歌~_2015-07-26_22-53-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13832606

I thought drugs were completely taboo, even in jokes.
I remember seeing a screenshot where they censored LSD (L〇D). I guess that in itself was the joke.

>> No.13832623

What's taboo about long slow distance running?

>> No.13832632

It doesn't seem like they're making a joke about drugs. Though iirc they do them in game.

>> No.13832647
File: 22 KB, 381x385, 2015-07-26_23-10-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13832691


>> No.13832696
File: 242 KB, 379x422, 2015-05-18 11_24_20-キミのとなりで恋してる!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13832712

>completely taboo

They really aren't, but they tend to overblow the dangers of drugs massively. Like in that Pin-Poin game where smoking weed was the path to ruin.

There is also グリザイアの果実, where Amane explains how to take heroin. But yeah, drugs don't happen often in eroge.

>> No.13832719

You know, fuck me. My nihongo wasn't strong enough.

>> No.13832800

Any good recent nukige?

>> No.13832871

BISHOP new game though no harem ending. Soon Honky Tonk Pumpking and Shoujo Ramune (Tanukisoft new Loli Nukige).

This month Lune last game (Chikan) was released to the public recently.

Also this https://vndb.org/v17058

>> No.13833384


Yep, it's Teito Hiten all over again.

>> No.13833422

You can buy digital download version from DMM and receive it right now.

>> No.13833466

maybe if you played subahibi you'd know all about drugs after all those drug infodumps

>> No.13833521

That sounds neat. I wasn't gonna play Subahibi because of all the rape but now maybe I will.

>> No.13833850

I don't like rape either, but that's a bad reason to avoid playing Subahibi.

>> No.13833947

Thats enough reason to not play it. Also seems like its tied to the story so its not like i could avoid it so fuck that.

>> No.13833973

you'll never be an eroge master if you can't laugh off a silly rape scene or two

>> No.13833983

>not liking rape

>> No.13833991

Does anyone here really want to see some dude's massive cock? I know I don't.

>> No.13833995

What about some girl's massive cock?

>> No.13833998

That's even worse because it's usually some ridiculously unrealistic thing that's half the size of their body and looks more like a mutated banana than an actual penis.

>> No.13834015

Gladly i dont plan to ever become that.

Its okay if its the protag but NTR or Gangbang rape, or any dick that isnt the protag is not allowed on my eroge. She can give handjobs and there i draw the limit.

>> No.13834026

But what happens when one can only enjoy rape scenes?

>> No.13834027

Don't worry, you aren't missing anything worthwhile. it's Subarashiki Meme we are talking about.

>> No.13834037

Then you're just as bad as the shitters who avoid any form of rape.

>> No.13834041

back to >>>/v/

>> No.13834043

subahibi is actually full of memes so it makes much more sense to call it that than to say mememasa or meme irae or whatever

>> No.13834160

Consesual NTR is perfectly fine.

>> No.13834162


>> No.13834218

Damn...I tried Luna after in Tsuriotsu 2 and Yuusei's voice is weird as fuck. Instant mute.

>> No.13834253

Doesn't NTR have to be consensual at some point? If the girl never enjoy it she is not stolen, hence not NTR, no?

>> No.13834685

Talk about something /jp/.

>> No.13834690
File: 100 KB, 795x594, koibumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow what a fucking slut.

>> No.13834696
File: 250 KB, 1280x720, へたれ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sakura no Uta trial was cool.

>> No.13834718

Type C never become consensual.

>> No.13834748

The rape in subahibi is well written in that rather than lusting for more, the girl does the right thing after coming to the realization that she is no longer a pure maiden.

>> No.13834762

You're a terrible person. And I agree with you.

>> No.13835121

Are you new here? Eric surprise boxes you got there.

>> No.13835135

Take it easy!

>> No.13835138

Is Yuumi going to get a route in the full game?

>> No.13835150

She most likely will, and the last one, going by the op.
It'd be weird to have six girls in the voice settings and only give routes to five.

>> No.13835263 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1295x777, 1438020962374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got a clear winner for "Mom of the Year" awards. (Satsukoi Spoilers)

>> No.13835283
File: 1.49 MB, 1296x1556, mother of the year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13835513

Is there any way of running Dies irae -acta est fabula- with a text hooker properly? It keeps dropping characters.

>> No.13835528

If you need a text hooker for Dies Irae then you aren't at the level where you should be reading it at all.

>> No.13835572

Try to set up text speed at max.

>> No.13835581

The Ruri route in Satsukoi had a pretty abrupt ending from a plot standpoint, but I really liked the philosophical conclusions it came to - that humans are capable of loving even those who they hurt, and vice versa. It seems to me that this will be expanded upon in the third route, with the imouto + protagonist forgiving their mother rather than killing her. She's a bitch about it, but as far as I can tell, she's just living as per the mermaid society - killing weak children, leaving alive the strong ones, etc. Anyway, the childhood friend route in this was really, really bad and tacked on. Definitely not worth playing, but it was pretty short, so I guess it doesn't matter.

>> No.13835588


Thank you.

>> No.13835896

Type C is just plain rape. It's beyond me how people categorize it as NTR at all.

>> No.13835906

Netori > netorare, anyway

>> No.13835925

Would it count as Netori if the girl ended up coming back to her husband/boyfriend after you rape her every single day and never enjoyed it?

>> No.13836147

So I need some stuff to tide me over until Sakura no Uta.
Satsukoi any good?
Any relative recent VN recommendation is okay too.

>> No.13836152

Do you not know what netorare is? Here you go: ねとられ

>> No.13836158

Is anything good? Is life worth living? You'll have to find out the answers to these questions and more yourself.

>> No.13836195

Satsukoi is pretty alright. It's short enough that you'll finish it before you get tired of it no matter how you like it. Plus, the sprite art is really really good. I find myself cringing a lot of the time when reading normal VNs due to awful dialogue, but Satsukoi has a legitimately good author.

>> No.13836235

Yeah, the art is looking pretty good.
Guess I'll give it a go, thanks.

>> No.13836242
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>> No.13836245

Nice texthooker, faggot.

>> No.13836252

I have no shame.

>> No.13836259

That's an actual spoiler, you nitwit. The first one is, anyway.

>> No.13836287
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, サツコイ~悠久なる恋の歌~_2015-07-25_19-47-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13836324

Scaji called her a sub-heroine, whatever that means.

>> No.13836495
File: 85 KB, 792x444, 1370124483854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VN general is accepting of all memes now. Don't bring your discrimination in here.

>> No.13836593

Dont care if its well written, rape apart of MC makes already any VN shit for me.

Indeed, Netori+Milf is the ultimate combination.

>> No.13836597

Im sorry to ask this here but I couldn't htink of a better place to ask

Does anyone remember a game from the late 90's where you work at a restaurant and try to have sex with the waitstaff?

I really want to finish it but its been years since I played it last.

>> No.13836636

Pia Carrot?

>> No.13836652

"Sub heroine" usually means they have a route but are not the singular "main heroine."

>> No.13836658
File: 89 KB, 592x426, Pia Inaba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like Pia Carrot.

No it usually means "wait for the fandisk"

>> No.13836659

>Pia Carrot
Goddamn anon thank you!

>> No.13836666

We'll die of old age before Sakura no Uta gets a finished fan disk.

>> No.13836692

Are you 40 or something? The game just took like 11 years (Assuming it releases this year) so at worst you will have to wait 5 years for a fandisk.

>> No.13836693

Do you guys kinda speed read/skim through stuff where the text just goes on and on describing something?

I mean i get whats going on and if its plot wise i pay attention when needed, but otherwise i just kinda skim through it

i also skip ero scenes but worry i might miss plot or actual interaction between the two that isn't sex noises/descriptions and describing how one's dick/vag feels.

>> No.13836702

Nope, I enjoy my purple prose.

>> No.13836708

>until Sakura no Uta

anon-kun I...

>> No.13836711

Makura doesn't do fandiscs anymore.

>> No.13836713

Please refrain from using the spoiler function inappropriately.

>> No.13836719

fine but what about the ero scenes, do you actual read all the moans and descriptions of sex.

>> No.13836722

Are you joking or do you genuinely not understand what a hyperbole is?

>> No.13836730

If it's especially boring/pointless, yes.

>> No.13836731

If I'm not too interested in the girl I just skip and skim through the dialogue near the end of the scene.

>> No.13836745 [DELETED] 

Please refrain from getting ass mad

>> No.13836751

>i also skip ero scenes but worry i might miss plot or actual interaction between the two
In "real" novels (i.e. not moege) then yes you're definitely going to miss that. My fucking god, it seems that near the end of sex every character takes it upon themselves to drop some huge revelation about their relationship. It's bullshit.

>> No.13836765

Depends on the game. Sometimes I can't bring myself to care enough to read through the whole scene, especially if it's a sex or fight scene. I read through ero when I really like the girl, the scene or I'm playing nukige, but other than tha I just click through it until something that looks like actual dialog comes up.

>> No.13836769

Are you 12? God damn. He's asking you politely.

>> No.13836768

What makes you think I'm getting ass mad? It's just that in a thread where people use the spoiler function for its intended purpose, it can be very confusing when spoilers are used inappropriately.

>> No.13836775

If someone asked me politely to kill myself or suck their dick, I'd still get pretty mad.

>> No.13836810
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, Kotobuki.Hikari.full.1855860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah why is everybody a dick to the MC

Purple is into him cause of an old love and still a prick to him, and forces him into stuff.

Uwaki, and treats him like shit until she likes him even then threatens to cheat.

vibratorslut is a vibratorslut also a prick to him.

Best friend has his back but then stabs it on occasion.

Nonoka is good little sis but still joins in when the other make fun of him.

maid is a lesbian bitch also a prick

teacher is an angry loli and gives him shit

Pick related is the exception, and to tell you the truth she isn't that amazing but putting her next to these fucks makes her stand out.

>> No.13836826

I haven't played the game but perhaps it's the writer falling into the common trap of "making characters act in a way that engenders comedy moreso than real character interaction".

>> No.13836842

It's a closet NTR game after all.

>> No.13836851

she's a sweetie

I think thats kinda true especially with comedy genres like baka to test where by using comedy theycan make the others seem like bullies.

>> No.13836858

And best of all in the true end he ends up with nobody! Wow!

>> No.13836877
File: 139 KB, 506x716, hanasaki_work_spring kotobuki_hikari matsumiya_kiseri saga_planets seifuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

though doesn't she wink at him?

>> No.13836885

Just got to chapter 2 in the Sakura no Uta trial and have no idea why people are so hyped over this. It's average as fuck.

>> No.13836897

It's too deep to be understood by the likes of you.

>> No.13836910

Anybody here use seiya saga? i found it useful when i was stuck on somebody's route in hoshizora kakaru

>> No.13836922

I tell you, the real hidden story is that Hikari is an angel who traveled in time from the future to save Yuuma after seeing his future with the rest of the heroines, that's why she confesses to him so early in the game (not a spoiler, this is known from the start).

She does. They probably fucked a lot later. Also, the rest of the heroines didn't show any romantic interest in Yuuma either from what I remember. It's like they didn't want to make a romantic story in the first place?

>> No.13836944

Because it's the writer of SubaHibi, because everyone has been waiting for it for years, and because Moogy-dono approves of it.
I personally dislike SCA-ji, but he's a good writer so I guess I'll force myself through it when it's out.

>> No.13836947

>I personally dislike SCA-ji

>> No.13836952

>I personally dislike SCA-ji, but he's a good writer
Being able to plan out scenarios and being able to throw in a lot of random trivia doesn't automatically make someone a good writer.

>> No.13836958

Keep reading. The actual interesting stuff doesn't start until chapter 2.

>> No.13837046

Joking. Is that allowed here?

>> No.13837073

Well I mean, usually joking has SOME kind of like comedic undertone, or at least, not an air of hostility. I think you weren't joking at all, anon.

>> No.13837225

Scaji's writing isn't amazing, but he's got a really good sense of nonsensical humor and is good at writing in deep themes without coming across as too pretentious or using overly flowery prose.
Doesn't hurt that we share a lot of the same fetishes and he isn't afraid to insert them into his games.

>> No.13837287

>we share a lot of the same fetishes
So in other words you like dicks too?

>> No.13837485
File: 152 KB, 1319x991, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did ルサルカ's face suddenly get so fucking ugly for this part

>> No.13837514

Because she's a slut.

>> No.13837721

Silver and Red >>>>>> Yellow.

So, fuck you.

>> No.13837837

フェアリーテイル・レクイエム is out for people who haven't noticed.

>> No.13837845

Nice, thanks.

>> No.13837980
File: 3.58 MB, 1920x1080, Chaos;Child Screen Shot 2015-07-27 11-12-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13838046
File: 300 KB, 1280x720, 幻のディストピア(15年07月27日 23時50分14秒).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Youko's route from 幻のディストピア. While reading it I was on the fence, mixed between good and bad, but that fucking ending settled it; a gigantic disappointment. There were so many plot holes left open, so many issues with pacing, and that giant Deus ex Machina at the end was almost insulting.

The pacing had some major issues. It felt like it could have been a good comedy with the characters, or an interesting mystery with the prologue and the setting; instead the two were mashed together and it didn't feel like enough of either. Earlier parts felt rushed, later parts felt like they dragged on a bit, and the ending was awful.

My biggest complaint had to be the protagonist though. They built up his past and he seemed to have high ambitions, but almost the entire route it felt he had absolutely no plan and no idea how to actually do anything. It was so frustrating seeing him just float along with events when he should be central to the plot. In the end I'm honestly not 100% sure what the protagonist actually wanted to do after making Youko fall for him, or what happened to the parents. Fuck.

>> No.13838104

Looks like I was right not picking it up. It didn't look like a good game.

>> No.13838153

Oh well, I heard the MC was insufferable but I hoped he would redeem himself later.
I still find the setting interesting (Utopia), though. How is it? Does it make any parallels to the current real world?

>> No.13838183

PC port when

>> No.13838187

The best analogy for the protagonist would be to compare it to Akatsuki no Goei. Take Kaito, with his self confidence and his background that sets him apart, and then remove his physical strength (the one thing that gives him that self confidence) and you have the protagonist. He's all confidence with absolutely nothing to back it up: he's not richer, smarter, or stronger than anyone. They try to excuse it with things like he's really brave or strong at heart but fuck that.

The setting is incredibly underutilized, it's disappointing as well. There's barely any mention or details of the discrimination between the various districts (each district is wealthier and more powerful than the next, with the 1st being the top). As for the parallels to over-population or things in the real world, there's absolutely nothing. They also didn't emphasize or even explain the living conditions of dystopia, those outside of the walls, nearly enough to make a contrast to the inside.

>> No.13838202

Well that's sad. I guess writers shouldn't bite off more than they can chew. It seems the writer is new.
I guess I'll avoid it then, thanks.

>> No.13838345

Do people here only play on PC?

>> No.13838362

He probably is one of these faggot who rely far too much on agth

>> No.13838369


>> No.13838375

Tool to capture text in games, most people here seem to rely on this, some to actually machine translate shit while other I guess are just not confident enough to read something without a crutch

>> No.13838397

I'm not trying to be rude but really?

I mean i get the genki childhood friend and the mysterious gurl tropes.
Tonokoi has Rina and sure mysterious gurls are fine too i get the appeal.

But as characters that do nothing but shit on the mc, threaten to cuck and prefer vibrators, pretty much paving the way for NTR, I'm confused how they can be equated to Hikari, a gurl who actually likes the MC.

Even if i don't really like her type (good cook, kouhai, air head) that much like Rio from Darcuriot.

>> No.13838405

Finished Over Sky and Deep Sky
Chaos;Child is good and well produced but for some reason I'm not really that engaged in it.
The characters are nice at least, especially Nono and Arimura

At this point I'm pretty sure I know what the final twist will be, though I hope it will deliver on developing a bit more on the council of 300 side of thing

>> No.13838414

>most people here seem to rely on this


>> No.13838424

I've played hatsuyuki sakura and well I'm pretty lost, some help?

Why is Hatsuyuki so weak when he uses the power of king of ghosts, he gets beat by everything, the only thing he does well is just boo people with the ghosts unless plot. As human he can solve almost all his problems by punching them.

In Nozomu's ending he stands on the roof and i flies off and blows up and then shows up three years later fine, no seriously what?

If hatsuyuki gets killed at the end of the year how come he still shows up fine like in shirokumas ending and almost every other ending he's like an apparation.

In nozomu's line he apparently sets off a bomb, or sommething to get her grandpa then runs off, and is tailed by police for years. Once again why? If he's the king of ghost ccan't he get all the ghosts to kill everything and why does he need a physical bomb too, what does the king of ghosts title mean other than dying at the end of the year, having a spooky CG and having a bunch of black people spook others.

>> No.13838484
File: 203 KB, 500x667, 1428281630478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could start baldr force exe on my ps2, or I could start baldr sky

which would you recommend first?

>> No.13838487

Baldr Force.
Going back to it after Sky would be a pain, gameplay-wise

>> No.13838589

Iam planning on starting this soon, but I heared that there are parts that are voice only, are these parts important? Iam not sure if I can fully grasp them without text. Also what walkthrough did you follow if you used one? I heared something about a serial number you enter to the phone to get the true ending and it only comes with your version of the game.

>> No.13838691

Prejudices are rude. Not him nut I don't like newer consoles and I don't have any.

>> No.13838705
File: 75 KB, 1030x1270, totono.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The voice only parts are really simple sentences.
The text is also very basic so I wouldn't worry about it.

I used the seiya seiga guide.
There's a part you have to guess through 30 questions and the answers are randomized for everyone. You have to remember or note down the right answers like pic related.

Also, the code is one the guide. You have to reduce and add some numbers but it's clearly explained.

>> No.13838920

Come on sorcery jokers, you are the only game I have left to download this month, even fairytale requiem is out.

>> No.13838949

Thank you very much. I have read the trial version since it came out and finally get the chance to play the full game, Iam glad I didn't spoil myself, I just know this game will be a wild ride.

>> No.13839195


