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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13825658 No.13825658 [Reply] [Original]

What motivates you, /jp/?
Yama no Susume inspired me to take up hiking again and gave me hope that I can someday be less of a hikki.

>> No.13825659
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Although I go hiking by myself...

>> No.13825686
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Also, Hidamari Sketch and GA inspire me to do some artz.

>> No.13825997

nothing motivates me, literally nothing. i do nothing all day and there's nothing i want to do. i have no interests, no friends, and no desires.

>> No.13826057

>What motivates you, /jp/?

Pictures like that.
<unzips pants>

>> No.13826120


>> No.13826907
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Sugita doing radio both weekly (Umasugi WAVE) and biweekly (Anigera Didoon).

>> No.13827176

Gee, you sure sound like a dork
Go to dork therapy dude they'll hook you up on dorkzac

>> No.13827182

Touhou motivates me to finally pull the trigger and play danmaku with them in the after life
/jp/ motivates me to stay alive and shitpost

>> No.13827325

Why do people think that if some hikki from some random show manages to get a real life they can also manage to do the same?

>> No.13827424

i am losing motivation to do things
sometimes i start to write a post then just stop halfway through
sometimes i cant bothered to attach images

>> No.13827484


Me too. Worst part is I can barely summon up the energy to care.

>> No.13827541
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/jp/ is here for you
we believe in you
things can get better, i promise

>> No.13827621

you dont even know that yourself
how can you just lie like that

>> No.13827630
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>> No.13828097

/jp/ motivates me to give it my all when I masturbate!

I cant lose to you faggots in the one thing I'm good at!

>> No.13828107

Phantom of Inferno motivates me to learn better about guns and travel to Mongolia.

>> No.13828127
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Me too! My last trip didn't go so well, though..

>> No.13828136

Did you died

>> No.13828137

Yes... Boo!

>> No.13828445

but things did get better for me, i'm leaving my apartment and feeling healthier and positive things are happening. there's hope for anyone if nasty hikkis like me can turn shit around.

>> No.13834425
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It's 350 miles to the nearest mountain where I live, I am extremely jealous of all of you who live close to mountains and can go on real hikes. Yama no Susume inspired me to go on some nature walks in some forests nearby but it's not the same at all. It's awful /jp/, I miss going on real hikes by myself ;_;

>> No.13834458

After I was in the mountain division in the military I came to hate mountains. I would trade with you and give you those mountains if I could.

>> No.13834463

Immigrate to Switzerland

>> No.13835154
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>> No.13836018

i don't get this
after spending about 4 years as a hikki i spent a year trying to "get my life back on track"
i made friends, started going back to college, started going out, etc. etc.
i just got steadily more and more depressed
i hated people more and more the more i was around them and socialized with them
now i just want to ditch all of my 'friends' and go back to being hikki or just kill myself
being normal fucking sucks
how do you fuckers enjoy it
i can no longer be in any way aroused by 3d women, they genuinely disgust me

>> No.13838932

The problem is, most people think they need a bf/gf and tons of friends, and you just don't.
I started taking care of myself and having fun again on my own after finally getting help after 7 years or so.
(I do have a bf but it's not like it's necessary and I wouldn't be with anyone if I hadn't found someone who likes me that I actually feel comfortable around since I feel comfortable around no one but him)
There's nothing wrong with doing things alone.

>> No.13838984
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I'm motivated by trap yaoi and lewd thoughts. When I think about cocks and bodies and oral/anal sex and all my fetishes I cheer up and I'm able to do some stuff, yes, sometimes related to it. It overwrites any other (usually bad) trains of thought and allows me to focus (on dicks).
I think I might be a gay pervert, even though I'm a virgin.

>> No.13838996 [DELETED] 

I agree with you that theres no reason you cant enjoy doing things alone, but it sure helps with motivation for getting me to do things besides be lazy and play games all day. I am a lot more motivated to draw or create things if people actually see and like my artwork, but since I'm socially retarded and still an amateur it rarely gets out there any seen by anyone.

>> No.13838999

Those are some nice set of breasts and wide hips for a trap.

>> No.13839000


>> No.13839003

I agree with you that theres no reason you cant enjoy doing things alone, but having friends sure helps with motivation for getting me to do things besides be lazy and play games all day. I am a lot more motivated to draw or create things if people actually see and like my artwork, but since I'm socially retarded and still an amateur it rarely gets out there or seen by anyone.

>> No.13839015

>gay pervert

>> No.13839034

This is true. I can't even come up with something that I like.

>> No.13839043

Oh yeah hi Mr. Fucker Chad le Bro, I need some real pussy to set me straight huh? F*** off!

>> No.13839084
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The great outdoors is now your bedroom

>> No.13839118

yeah whatever friend, keep talking about how much you love dick and fucking boipussi when you've never seen a dick that wasn't your own

>> No.13839223

I'm keeping myself pure until I find someone I really love.

>> No.13839590

but you said you're a gay pervert, even if you're a virgin that's still not pure

>> No.13839602

yeah, i guess this is pretty accurate
there's just no way i'm could juggle more than a couple friends in the first place though, otaku shit takes a lot of priority and i need time for it
i do wish i had at least one friend similar to me, though, i often find that i really want to talk to someone, but there's just never anyone there who wants to listen

>> No.13839604

i'm in college and thinking about my fetishes always helps me get through boring classes

>> No.13839936
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Exactly, I tried ~having friends~ and some of those friends were making plans with other friends even while doing stuff with me, and were like "after this I'm meeting so and so and we're gonna do this then I'm going to blah blah blah with whatshisname and then..." and I was like can't you people just sit back and be by yourself and think for a while?
I do want to try to find someone like me who is willing to just do what we do alone, together. Watch anime, do crafts, go for hikes, whatever. No feeling like you have to go somewhere and do something. But I'm still too shy...

>> No.13839983

Continual, (im)moderate daily satisfaction of my desires, while not eliminate the possibility of future satisfactions as I grow older and eventually die.

The true winner is the one who enjoys his stay in this world the most.

Also cute vampire loli ojou-samas

>> No.13839993

yeah i know that feeling
i went to college every day the last two semesters and i didn't talk to anyone
being shy is hell, especially when i'm awkward when i finally do talk to someone
i guess it does save me from forming relationships i wouldn't want
but yeah i feel you a lot on that last point, the only time anyone talks to be anymore is out of obligation and the conversations are horrible and forced and ultimately make be depressed and feeling like i just wasted a bunch of time
i just want someone to hang out and keep me company sometimes

>> No.13840017
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>> No.13840091

I kinda get what you mean. Doing stuff with people is nice, but I don't want to do it with everyone. It's nice to have one friend, maybe two, who you can do everything together with. You don't feel like just another person in a group, but like an individual who spends time with another individual.
It's a nice feeling. I miss it a lot.

>> No.13840181


>> No.13840269

>less of a hikki.
That's not how it works. You're either a hikki or you're not. It's not a spectrum, it's strictly black and white.

>> No.13842029
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The idea that maybe someday I can have more than just my biological needs and some safety needs fulfilled, and actually be able start on my way to self-actualization. After a while, I started wanting to become normal. Even tried going to a church but it was just too awkward. Got weird looks. Getting lost in a forest sounds awesome though.

>> No.13842036 [DELETED] 

you will not die from being celibate

goddamn that chart is arbitrary bullshit

>> No.13842056

i think they intend it to mean fapping and schlicking and stuff.

>> No.13842124
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Practice talking with people any way you can and it will get better. You need to level up your Charisma stat and the only way to do that is to get XP, bro. Start with yourself: become /fa/ or /fit/. This gives confidence and self esteem for your encounters. Sometimes all it takes is a simple "hello". Don't try to keep up in conversations with new people that might have been to that kegger last night with each other if you can't think of anything to say. Just look somewhere else and start out with an improvised line about something interesting about them or a mutual experience like the homework or something. Don't feel bad when you fail because you just got XP! Always be positive too, even if you're hurting. Self-loathing negativity doesn't help in social situations. Also, learn to laugh and develop a sense of humor. It is like a shield against bad vibes.

>> No.13842144

Are you mixing up the concepts of hikkikomori and NEET again, Anon? Of course you can be less or more secluded.

>> No.13842329

I stop at stage 2 and never look back.

>> No.13842601

I'm a gay pervert with the heart of a pure maiden.

>> No.13842650
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Can I suck your pure maiden virgin cock?

>> No.13842662

I'm the same way. But it's depressing to have trouble doing things that anime girls have no trouble doing. Last time I went on a hike I overworked myself and got hyponatremia and almost vomited and couldn't reach the final summit. Damn the sun. There isn't much good hiking nearby either. Thank you for reading.

Switzerland is a beautiful country.

>> No.13842976
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are you still going on about that
you can't have a pure heart if you're just some degenerate

>> No.13843261

you fuckers really piss me off, there's always one of you
doing this stupid shit would just attract people i don't want to be around
and you act like you know that i've never tried any of this shit, which is bullshit because i have tried at least half, and all of them just ended up with me worse off and more depressed
in the first place, no one wants some holier than thou asshole trying to impose his bullshit on them
fucking stop, you're not helping anyone

>> No.13844108

Wow dude it's negative vibes like these that attract bad company.

>> No.13844341

He even used bro and admited to crossboarding. I really didn't want to touch that post, but yes, you are right. "Just talk to random people bro" is the worst advice ever, it's up there with saying "cheer up!" to people with depression.

>> No.13849060

Oppai loli
Poor loli
Autistic loli
Tomboy loli

>> No.13849109

There's only one loli. The rest are in high school.
