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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.13808584[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Does japan have any homeless people /jp/

>> No.13808650

Yes, but everyone of them I saw was mentally ill. Japan has no mental disorder nets in place to help these people.

Its said that many 60 year old men who've lost their jobs and with their wives divorcing them set up camps in the parks living in communities together. There are a few movies on this topic too.

>> No.13808704

Homeless people are often misfits or deviants, so it's no wonder that a lot of them have mental diseases (this happens everywhere, not only in Japan). To the "normal" Japanese, they are no longer human. Just a piece of trash by the sidewalk. It really is sad.

>> No.13808710

>that pic

reminds me, one time I saw some homeless faggot with a sign saying "THE GAME" and I got legit pissed. he probably wasn't even homeless

>> No.13808955
File: 591 KB, 722x525, 1437461335146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you anonymous.

>> No.13808959


This video is pretty saddening and a little heartwarming. I would advise not watching if you feel sad easily.

>> No.13809121
File: 43 KB, 613x617, 1197960787766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a homeless otaku? Do you walk around and take pictures of homeless people? What's your favorite kind of homeless person?

>> No.13809135

I'm quoting the homeless guy.

>> No.13809384

I knew of a homeless woman with a long ass hair, she could fold it in a square shape like it was a blanket. That was possible for the years she didn't wash it, Disgusting but amusing.

Another hobo I met lived with 12 stray dogs, he would go around trashcans getting food, he said that dogs could tell him which leftovers were good and which should avoid, when people gave him food he didn't hesitate to share with his dogs, he appeared in the news once aparently he was becoming schizophrenic cause he was talking about being some guys reincarnation and was being hunted by aliens.

>> No.13809548

>hair folds into mattress
>food-sniffing dog pack
So shonen heroes really exist in real life, but instead of using their fancy superpowers to fight each other, they're using them in daily survival.

I bet there's some guy with super-stretchy limbs too, but instead of piracy he's using his talents to get spare change from under vending machines.

>> No.13809618

By "long ass hair" do you really long hair or literally long ass hair?

>> No.13809641

People who think their radio stations

>> No.13809694
File: 598 KB, 722x525, 1417493165569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior translation

>> No.13809886
File: 323 KB, 800x1143, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strongest Man Kurosawa had a pretty great subplot about homeless people. I'm reading it again and it's impossible not to get moved by it. Damn.
(If you haven't had the chance to read this manga yet, you should)

>> No.13810929

there are homeless everywhere

>> No.13810956

There was an autobiographical manga about some alcoholic mangaka who became temporarily homeless because he hated his life. I can't remember its name, though. Something about a diary, maybe?

>> No.13810959

Yes. Next question

>> No.13810969
File: 445 KB, 1024x768, ichigo-mashimaro-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I'd seen that doge before... it's a shame what people do with images. Cropping to make it into a shitty desktop background, removing the loli and adding shitty jap text...

>> No.13810979

I like you. You have an eye for detail and are willing to waste your time searching for an image you think might exist.

>> No.13810994

The ones you can find in Venice Beach CA

>> No.13811039

Found it. Shissou Nikki by Azuma Hideo. It's worth a read.


>> No.13812508
File: 43 KB, 319x310, 1436677290118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a nice thread

>> No.13813702
File: 35 KB, 400x476, kamidana, emperor, god shelf, ise shrine, kami, sacred mirror, shinto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Japan has no such things as homeless shelters or viable charities.

If you want a little bit more of a look into this I suggest reading the manga titled homunculus.

Japanese even consider it bad omen or the loss of your own spiritual as well as worldly status if you associate/help these homeless people.

In Japan today people still look down upon and shame people who are trash-men, butchers of cows/pigs, leather makers, and worst of all funeral/burial servers.

In Japan you can be a vital part in the sustainment of the entire society and still be hated by everyone.

Japan is a so called "miracle" country, but they destroy lives to do so. Many artists in Japan today and that of intellectuals believe Japan will not go on much longer this way. They think Japan will utterly collapse or they change or even abandon many of their still prominent traditions that they believe or only impacting Japanese human life negatively.

>> No.13814404

In Osaka you can catch them sleeping near JR station in Umeda, the entrances to subways after last train or near the riverside.

They don't beg or bother anyone as far as I can see, one dude has built a pretty neat fort that he would construct near JR underpass every night.

Never seen the homeless during the day.

I always feel sorry for them, a lot of people look down on them or dismiss them as junkies or drunks. To live homeless and not kill yourself takes a lot of strength, so I always throw a few yen there way or drop off water when I pass.

>> No.13815088


You say this like it isn't the same in the west with unskilled workers.

They're often treated as servants to be commanded or verbally abused if they're in retail, fast food, a waiter, etc., or treated as uncouth, dirty, or even dangerous if it's a traditional working class man's job, like dustman, builder, sewage worker, etc.

Almost everyone ignore the homeless in the west, and most have the impression that they'll spend the money on drugs if they give it to them so you should only give them food because they can't do anything wrong with it.

I don't think it's so different.
