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File: 720 KB, 705x1000, 51417426_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13795733 No.13795733 [Reply] [Original]

Guess why? Succuthigh.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com/

>> No.13795734


>> No.13795739

First reply confirms Polt best girl, best ass, best tits.

>> No.13795740

That's not Zombina.

>> No.13795741

Remember that your muscled imotou and oneesan won't let anyone rape you!*

* As long as they don't beat them first or are them, they need to perform surprise health checks for you there every now and then.

>> No.13795742

>Best Girl
>Best Ass
>Best Tits
Eh, I'm not into quad-tits.

>> No.13795746
File: 249 KB, 850x1202, 309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Priest best butt.

>> No.13795747

Yeah, that's why I said he shouldn't have left in the first place if his parental "love" were so swayed. Or, he should have left on his own, since he clearly didn't value her enough to plan far enough ahead and think "what if she became like her mother?" Sure, I wouldn't want to see my own daughter caught up in such shitty fanaticism, but I would sure as fuck stick around and make sure she was alright.

Good man, good man.

>> No.13795750
File: 802 KB, 1343x1408, 1420402374309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if one wishes to safely cross a Troll's bridge, you must pay the Troll toll, using her Troll hole.


>> No.13795752

>Eh, I'm not into quad-tits.
Good, because she ain't got em. Nipples maybe. No extra boobs here.

>liking the literal walking corpse
Mmmm, hmm

>> No.13795753
File: 1.73 MB, 1000x562, c2518b9fd21a270169cce4d6c0cb40f3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13795754

>those hands
Oh god. Please, no.

>> No.13795755

>liking dark preists
>also liking zombina
The shit taste, it burns.

>> No.13795756


She has multiple teats like a dog.

>> No.13795758

Or I could just shove her aside and continue on.

>> No.13795759

kill it with fire

>> No.13795760

This looks disgusting, what's with those boobs?

>> No.13795765

No, she doesn't. That's her "distant cousins".
Exact quote.

>> No.13795769

Hey, come on now, friend. I don't like Dark Priests. What a shitty thing to say. I approve of the guy taking his daughter and running away to start with, if he disapproves so much, just not his shoddy parenting and lack of commitment to his family after.

>> No.13795770

Post the bio if you have it cause I don't believe you.

>> No.13795774
File: 748 KB, 671x927, unl28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never see the Demons of Chaos break out of their prison, overthrow the Demon Lord and turn everything even cuter after they realize the current world is much more desirable to them

Why live guys.

>> No.13795779

Good, that sounds like shit.

>> No.13795780

>Doesn't like based undead
I'm shocked at your shit taste. Or should I say, as expected of a furry.

>> No.13795782

Hey, you're the guy from the /a/ threads

>> No.13795783

That might be cool. Maybe.

Alright. So. This captcha just gave me the number variety, and the picture is centered so far above the actual numbers that they aren't visible. Google, please.

>> No.13795784 [SPOILER] 
File: 134 KB, 414x762, 1437291538118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as absolutely heretical as this is, be honest.
Would you?

>> No.13795785


>> No.13795787

Also, plagiarizing? If anything, you stole my idea, since I wrote the Fallen Church commandments before you came up with the paladin ones.

>> No.13795789

Oh. Well nevermind then
Sorry, not to open some can of worms without a can opener, but you sound exactly like the guy in the /a/ threads

>> No.13795791


>> No.13795792

I'm not a furry, but if I had the choice between being a furry and being a necrophiliac, I'd choose the former.

Dude, its on Dan and gelbooru. I'm pretty sure Polt has the extra nips, but I know she doesn't have extra boobs.

>> No.13795793

This and you never know if in their horrific inexplicable minds they'd suddenly decide to change the world into some hell dimension.

At least the Succubutt Prime guarantees stability.

>> No.13795794

No, she's still worst girl behind mero, dracosa and kii.

>> No.13795796

No, thanks. Then again, I probably wouldn't her normally either.

>> No.13795798

It don't look right.

She's still a 10/10, but it just don't look right.

>> No.13795799

Way better than the disgusting spider-centaur..... Thing she was before

>> No.13795801

I want to tell a skeleton she was bone to be wild!

>> No.13795803

Fucking yes.

This is exactly what I want.

>> No.13795804

Having extra nips is indicative of extra mammary glands there though, meaning she at least has the potential to grow extra boobs.

Granted it seems unlikely she'd accumulate enough extra fat there, given her extremely active lifestyle, but still.

>> No.13795805

You know nips go on boobs right? She's still closer to an animal than a regular dog girl. And she has a snout too so...faggot.

>> No.13795807


No, shes still a backstabbing cunt

>> No.13795808

Good uh... Good for him?

>I'd rather be a furry than fuck some moe as fuck zombies or bang a Wight
I bet you wouldn't cuddle a lich, or fuck a vamp either.

>> No.13795811

This is an improvement.

>> No.13795812

I want to pull her limbs off, give her hathor milk till she's got a squishy center, and use her as a body pillow.

>> No.13795815

The thing is those nips are said to be completely useless. Like, they're just there, with no connection to any mammary at all. They're left over from her ancestors, much like the human tailbone.

I'm fine with liches, but zombina is literally kept alive with stitches and acid. NOT a turn on.

>> No.13795817
File: 45 KB, 298x348, 1412705900830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worse than a kidnapping butch rapist
>Worse than Murderfish
Fuck you too, mate

>> No.13795819
File: 289 KB, 384x635, 1416978884810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I'd rather be a furry

>> No.13795820

Become a wizard, learn preserve corpse.

>> No.13795821

She's kept alive cuz she's a zombie, furfag. She just keeps herself together with stitches. Hey I know, maybe you can sew a snout to her face and glue fur all over her, would that turn you on? Better yet, leave the monstergirls to us and go fuck some animals.

>> No.13795823

I appreciate your determination but I'm not that talented in the dark arts.

Keep up the edge my friend. The ladies love it.

>> No.13795824

Fuck you Australia, your country is shit an only shit monster girls inhabit it.

>> No.13795825
File: 1.62 MB, 1776x2600, 14358907345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to molest a Lizard Girl like this.

>> No.13795827

There's still multiple nips and a snout.

If it has a snout, get the fuck out.


Formaldehyde burns?

>> No.13795829

...this is entirely new.

I am suddenly reminded that I haven't checked in on MM at all lately.

I'mma go remedy that.

>> No.13795830

Damn, I'd rape the fuck out of that.

>> No.13795831

Toughen up Anon.

Do you know what kind of stuff you can do with magic?
Awesome stuff!
Sexy stuff!
fetishy stuff.

>> No.13795833

>This nigga doesn't want moe redback maids

>le edge meme

>> No.13795834

Metal Slime when, KC?

>> No.13795835


And yes I was talking about formaldehyde. You ever handle that stuff? It's fucking wretched man.

Yeah I know that but I can nearly scrape up the motivation to not throw myself in front of the freight train that runs behind my yard, much less master necromancy.

Why do you think I want a /fit/ waifu?

>> No.13795838

>Haven't read MM since slutty cowgirl chapter
>"Oh it's been so long, I wonder what I've missed!"
>1 Chapter
Fuck my sense of time is messed up.

New chapter in the next couple days though eh? Guess I'd better catch up on that...one...missing chapter.

>> No.13795839

>dingo girls
>snail girls that paralyze your lungs
>jellyfish girls whose sting is the most painful in the world
>dryad girls whose leaves are covered in a sap that is said to feel like being burned with acid and electrocuted at the same time
>aggressive as fuck loli funnelwebs that can bite through a toenail

Fuck. Your. Country.

>> No.13795841

Let him make a vanilla T-800 first.

>> No.13795845

I love the fact that her tail make it impractical to wear any panties except really skimpy ones.

>> No.13795847
File: 346 KB, 1009x1017, 121436785435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never work for Talio with Liz as your fat-tailed Lizard partner.

>> No.13795848
File: 89 KB, 267x249, Heart pupils.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bi-monthly releases, man. Shit gets rough. Hell, from what I've seen we're only on raws of the newest chapter.

Still provides opportunities for decent images, though.

>> No.13795849

Nigger she clearly has a short snout don't even try to say otherwise. Polt is a furry, period, fuck off to /a/ if that triggers you.

>> No.13795852

The second best ass just behind polt.

>> No.13795854

>That double heart pupil panel
My dick couldn't handle it

>> No.13795855

>Dingo Girls
>Have an /ss/ complex where they kidnap unsupervised shotas in the outback.

>> No.13795856

> You ever handle that stuff?


Are you a mortician?

>> No.13795859
File: 852 KB, 1776x2600, MM_34_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too lazy to just crop it, but I find it hilarious that Crabman brought up Orcs loving Orc-Rape-Routes in VNs. Again.

>> No.13795861

>Chill as fuck neet redback onee-sans who just chill as home in their messy webs in their underwear
>Smug magpie harpies
>Laidback, buff Emu Harpies
>Buff Kangaroogirls
>Fucked up platapus grills
>cuddlebug sleepy Koala bear girls

>> No.13795862


And let's not forget those jumping blue ant girls that can also paralyze you and spider girls with a fetish for making webs on toilet seats.

>> No.13795867

I want to tell a skeleton she's bad to the bone!

>> No.13795871
File: 40 KB, 496x700, 1404355037720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buff kangaroogirls
I really wish someone would try to do this. Only having one image sucks

>> No.13795872

The orc and that man were just having a manly discussion about important matters and they just go and arrest them. I am the only one bothered by that?

Fuck the police.

>> No.13795874

Go back to being nobody on your prison island Hogan.

>> No.13795875

>Suu molests an Oni
>Draco develops a crush on Liz
>Lilith professes her love for Rachnee
I quite like this chapter.

>> No.13795876
File: 90 KB, 594x600, Will delete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, why are kangaroos so buff?

>> No.13795877

I am more bothered by the fact that okayado world has monster boys. Why even live?

>> No.13795878

>lesbo clusterfuck

>> No.13795879

>>cuddlebug sleepy Koala bear girls
Do want please.

>> No.13795880

Yeah this looks like a piece of shit as usual.

>> No.13795881

>cuddlebug sleepy Koala bear girls
Yes, please.

>> No.13795882

I want to irrumate her in that business suit.

>> No.13795883

At least its not more harem shit.

>> No.13795884

Keep up your babbling bro, I think it's working.

Well take it from someone who has, STEER FUCKING CLEAR.
You wanna know what Zombina's puss juice would be like? Imagine mixing egg yolk, lemon juice, orange juice and milk together, then leaving it outside in 70 degree weather for a day.
then, stick your dick in it.

>> No.13795886


>> No.13795889

But yurishit it's worse.

>> No.13795890

>lalalala can't hear you! I'm not a furfag even though I said I'd be one earlier

Okay faggot.

>> No.13795891

To be fair, Draco just comes across as creepy, muttering about "Fate" like Tharja without any of the charm. Lilith likely just likes the sexual pleasure and rush Rachnee gives her. And Suu...Suu molests everybody. Seeing her up to her usual antics is always fun.

>> No.13795895

>Imagine mixing egg yolk, lemon juice, orange juice and milk together, then leaving it outside in 70 degree weather for a day.

Pretend you're talking to someone who didn't take chemistry.

>> No.13795896

x is best girl

>> No.13795898


>> No.13795903

Now you fucked up.

>> No.13795904

Yeah, explain that to yurifags.

>> No.13795905

Please no. Not again.

>> No.13795906

But I am a yurifag.

>> No.13795907

You took chemistry? Great, then i don't even need to link you the wiki page.
And I don't have to describe the smell.

>> No.13795908


>> No.13795910

Thats my fethish.

>> No.13795911

Well that explains your shit taste.

>> No.13795914


>> No.13795918

I guess nobody here liked the new doujinn of the Lylyrune. Fucking faggots.

>> No.13795920

I'm half expecting someone to past THAT to educate you, since you don't seem to know about it.

>> No.13795923

But I at no point mentioned my taste. Only that I enjoyed the antics the girls got up to.

You keep saying that like you really think it'll have any effect.

Are raws of that even up anywhere?

>> No.13795924

If you don't judge me for liking weird shit I won't judge you...

>> No.13795925

>peddling yurishit

You lost amigo?

>> No.13795929

Worst plant girl.
Wait, I guess I don't need to know.

>> No.13795933

Yeah and for good reason.

>> No.13795934

>tfw Suu is the real alpha harem master
>she already deflowered ALL girls in EMG
>darling is a useless beta cuck boi
Prep the Suu, cuck

>> No.13795935


>> No.13795938

Liliraune, fucking yurifag can't even spell.

>> No.13795939

Maledomfag please leave.

>> No.13795941

And then we have this /b/ faggot.

>> No.13795943

Sorry i fucked up, i mean Liliraune.

>> No.13795945


This is bait.

>> No.13795946

But you cant deny the MC cant please them with his tiny jap dick thats canon confirmed by the girls.

>> No.13795948

Fuck off bait-kun.

>> No.13795949

Wait is EMG actually going down the Yuri route or is it just baiting?

>> No.13795950

>yfw NTR is viable in EMG

>> No.13795955

Yeah probably.

>> No.13795956

Shitposting goes in >>>/a/

>> No.13795957

What the fuck do you think?

>> No.13795962

The EMG fanbase is pure cancer. Also, where did you faggots spring from? The death of last thread was calm.

>> No.13795964

Fuck you x is shit, z is top teir.

>> No.13795970

>not liking y
Fucking cancerous furfags

>> No.13795971
File: 217 KB, 292x314, 1420063564489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting /a/ here

I told y'all niggas, but you never listen.

>> No.13795972

Mero confirmed for princess.

I want to be one of her suitors.

>> No.13795973

I dont want to waste space posting the image so.


>> No.13795974

>having this bad of taste
Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.13795975

How this is bait?
Did Suu deflower all girls? Yes, she did
Did darling fuck them back or tried to prevent it? No, he didn't
Is he okay with that? Yes, he is
Does he provide girls with money, house, food, clean house and shit? Yes, he is

Seems like a top cuck to me

>> No.13795977

You fucking kidding me?

It did everything but die calmly.

>> No.13795978

I'd approve if it means Darling's harem gets dismantled before his very eyes and he ends up with no one.

>> No.13795979

Fuck off.

>> No.13795980

Monster girl threads were originally /a/ and /v/ material.

>> No.13795981

I want to marry z!

>> No.13795983

>Sorry, its licensed, and not available.
Nope, no bait here.

>> No.13795984

Spotted the newfag.

>> No.13795986

>Did Suu deflower all girls? Yes, she did
But that's wrong you fucking retard.

>> No.13795987

>Sorry, its licensed, and not available.
Wonderful job proving your point.

>> No.13795991

What was he even talking about? The page works fine.

>> No.13795992

My fellow zfag

Bullshit. Twin adoption down was perfectly fine.

>> No.13795993


That's was until it stop meeting posting standards

>> No.13795995

You are really trying hard, just leave already.

>> No.13795998

Oh yeah that totally makes up for the Hellhound shitfit.

>> No.13795999

>Oh yeah that totally makes up for the Hellhound shitfit.
To be honest I completely ignored it. Was it really such a big deal?

>> No.13796001

Oh it was pretty bad.

>> No.13796002

The newest chapter just had Draco expressing interest in another lizard, Lilith wanting Rachnee to tie her up, screaming she "Can't live without her", and Suu molesting another girl. That's all.

I highly doubt it. Suu might molest everyone for her own amusement, but at this point she's more like glue for the whole group.

>> No.13796006

Well, both sides were complete retards, as usual, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Although, I guess if someone just recently showed up, it would seem as such.

>> No.13796009
File: 262 KB, 728x1066, u023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>panels shows LITERAL deflowering
>n-n-no, it doesn't count! It's totally a g-gag
Stay in denial, faggot

>> No.13796010

I don't know anon, that one guy constantly apologizing was pretty new.

>> No.13796012

I didn't want to think I was so used to this thread's bullshit, but I guess there you have it.

>> No.13796013

What a fucking idiot you are.

>> No.13796015

Wait, are you talking about ch.34?

>> No.13796018

Oh. Yeah. Him. I've seen people apologize for starting shit before, but he was pretty consistent about it.

>> No.13796019

>Posts a metaphor

>> No.13796020

He's not new, and he's not a dom, he always posts some dom thing and then apologizes when people yell at him, saying being a dom is not worth it.

>> No.13796021

Not him, but I still kind of question it.

I mean, it's undeniable what she did to them was extremely sexual, but really, how capable of "Deflowering" a girl would Suu's slime even be? And it's not like it's the first time any of them had had an orgasm either. So I am more inclined to side that it is more for the purpose of a gag, albeit a very sexual one, which is not out of place for the series.

>> No.13796022

>no blood
You are retard. An it's a gag btw.
I believe he was reverse trolling.

>> No.13796026

Yes, that's the newest one to my knowledge?

Or have raws of 35 been posted?

>> No.13796027

Oh fuck off. Is it really that bad, or do you hate it because of the epic /v/ and /pol/ meme telling you certain fetishes are bad?

It's just a fetish like any other, but over reacting. I bet you're the same person who gets uppity about sub monster girls, huh?

>> No.13796028

Where is the penetration? haha, this guy.

>> No.13796030

This word has lost all meaning.

>> No.13796032

>You wanna know what Zombina's puss juice would be like? Imagine mixing egg yolk, lemon juice, orange juice and milk together, then leaving it outside in 70 degree weather for a day.
>then, stick your dick in it.
Add some fresh cum into the mix and you've got a deal.

>> No.13796034

First panel, Miia's skirt hiked up, Suu's slime pressing into her crotch.

Welcome to the Internet, murderer of many, but language was the first victim.

>> No.13796036

You are a unique little butterfly

>> No.13796037
File: 19 KB, 158x159, x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13796038

Why you gonna try and ruin everything people like?

>> No.13796039

>Implying it doesn't taste like crisp mountain water and smell like mountain flowers.

>> No.13796040

Nope, no penetration.

>> No.13796042

Will you retards stop biting the bait? Yuri, cuck, ironic shitposting and bringing up the storm of last thread, and you still can't see it? Holy shit.

>> No.13796043

I've just thought you were talking about 35, since I assumed there are scans somewhere already

>> No.13796045

You really think they could even show penetration in a manga sold to the masses? Of course not. But it's pretty obvious. Suu's slime seeks out moisture, and it's pretty obvious all the girls would've been plenty "Wet" by then. With her slime clearly pushing up into Miia's crotch...

But even in that context, it's not like it's the first time Miia's had something up there. I'm quite certain that the time Darling accidentally fingered her came before this.

>> No.13796046

Delete that image please dont post non moster girl related images.

>> No.13796048 [DELETED] 

Go away already.

>> No.13796050

He's not going to leave of you KEEP REPLYING.

>> No.13796051

Discussing EMG is now shitposting? It's not my fault it's full of yuri, NTR and other shit

>> No.13796053
File: 905 KB, 1000x1025, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But...what's the difference.

The Demon Realm is already whack enough and invading everything, no one has control over what goes where, the caste is all kinds of fucked up and the new Chief God needs someone to explain to her what the fuck the point of having monsters really is, and why it should matter.

For all we know they might finally get rid of the insatiable need for demon energy that monsters have...

>> No.13796054

Y'know, at this point I kinda wonder how many of the posts in this whole argument you think are mine.

There's only one brief instance of kinda NTR, and no, it's not Suu's molestations.

>> No.13796055

Dude it's an ecchi manga they put it in because it's hot. Just because you don't find it hot doesn't mean others don't.

>> No.13796057


It is a rare dancing monster girl.

>> No.13796058
File: 251 KB, 1200x1200, 1415585563100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13796059

When did I ever say I didn't find it hot? Hell, I'm pretty sure I said I do find it hot at some point or another...I think you might be conflating the points I'm making with some other anon's bitching.

>> No.13796061

And they say the night threads are calm. Ha!

>> No.13796063


>> No.13796064

>one brief instance
Centaurus race chapter, Harpy race chapter, Lamia race chapter. Cowgirl NTR
How that is one brief instance?

>> No.13796065

Yeah it's not even funny how bullshit that is.

Fucking every single one is just as bad compared to the day thread.

>> No.13796066

Fake out, fake out, attempted and failed not to mention shooting for more of a threesome (or more) anyway, and correct.

>> No.13796070

Night thread doesn't start for a few more hours, chap.

>> No.13796072

It's going to be 5 in morning here, which means it'll soon be day in the only country that matters bribong.

>> No.13796073

Well, it was. Over the last few years it's leaned more towards the really early morning though. Although, it doesn't help that a few people are purposely trying to make problems. They'll be in bed soon enough though.

>> No.13796074

Dude, you DO NOT trust your everything to some outside eldritch abominations.

The Demon Realm's fairly livable, the evil Boss Goddess loses anyway and we at least know all DL wants is just the world full of snu snu.

The Fallen Godess, however, needs to stay the fuck where she is.

>> No.13796077

Morning is dead.

>> No.13796078

Look, does it really matter? The whole scenes with it all is just meant to appeal to people with fetishes, if you don't like it than don't read it.

>> No.13796079

Try lower, and more criminal. That's when it's the true night thread. And that's where it's chill as fuck.

>> No.13796082

I suck at geography and don't feel like pulling up a map.

>> No.13796084

Yeah, and that's a good thing, considering how calm things are. Honestly, I'd prefer if it were always like that and we topped out at say, 1500 posts tops like we did for a little bit, but that'll never happen for an extended time.

>> No.13796085

But like I said, I do like it. I was just pointing out why the whole metaphorical deflowering and molestation is just a gag. A wonderfully lewd gag, but a gag nonetheless.

>> No.13796087

>wanting boring ass threads with four post every 40 minutes

No thanks.

>> No.13796088

Uh, lower more criminal and on the other side of the world, and Australia

>> No.13796089

I want to rape a gazer! I may take responsablity.

>> No.13796090

You know it doesn't mean anything that the Demon Realm is livable or not when they have no control over their own desires or castes and it spreads everywhere like AIDS.

It's not any different from trusting those ''eldritch abominations'' you speak of, who might even put an order to the manhunt.

>> No.13796092

It's not a gag, the whole appeal of the scene is that it shows Suu got Miia first. That's why I and others like it.

>> No.13796093

Yeah, yeah. It'd be better, overall, but it wont happen. Go back to stirring shit up, as usual, friend.

>> No.13796094
File: 124 KB, 737x600, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Nekomata sisters.

>> No.13796095

>chaos demons

Tu que?

>> No.13796100

I don't care.

>> No.13796102
File: 1.48 MB, 1749x1363, img000013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How this is fake?
Maybe it didn't happen with MC himself, but race background and the whole chapter premise were pure NTR
And Miia was afraid her village would steal MC and rape him to death. Sounds like NTR to me

>> No.13796103

>The running gag of Suu molesting and making every slightly-wet female she encounters cream themselves is not a gag

>Suu got Miia first. That's why I and others like it.
Ignoring aforementioned fingering...
>And others
Please sound off.

>> No.13796107

Yes anon, you are a retard, go to sleep now.

>> No.13796110

Look if you want to complain about it being canon go to /pol/ or /v/ where you can circlejerk about how shit of a fetish it is

It's just a fetish for fucks sake

>> No.13796112

I guess a background example like that could count. But really, it was a background explanation involving no characters known to the reader, nor involved in the plot. And when it was related to the plot, it was quickly and entirely subverted. So eh, don't really count it.

And as for the lamiae, well, it's not like they were planning to disclude Miia from the action...of course, being made to go from Pure 1-on-1 Love to an orgy is still a form of NTR...that Miia's already living anyway...but again, nothing actually came of it.

>> No.13796117

Oh wow. I don't read this but that's fucking something. Which chapter it this?

>> No.13796118

...where do you think you are exactly?


>> No.13796123

I want /a/ to shitpost somewhere else.

>> No.13796124

Well, how the FUCK do you know they're gonna be any worse than Demon Realm anyway.

That's a rude case of misjudgement right there, they don't want to go back to prison if they come out of it, so they might not repeat the same mistakes of the past.

>> No.13796126

>forgetting about the mammal with the strongest bite compared to its body size
>forgetting about the mammal known to chew it's way out of metal traps
>forgetting about the mammal that spreads cancer through its bites
There's a good fucking reason they're called devils,

>> No.13796133

When the chief god and demon lord agree something is bad enough it should be locked away, I tend to listen. If mindflayer is any indication, fucking purge them all.

>> No.13796134

And this matters?

>> No.13796135
File: 529 KB, 1200x1731, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reminds me of this manga
I bet Crab read it too

>> No.13796139

Well of course he forgot about it, those things aren't on Australia.

>> No.13796140

Y'know I'd make some snide comment about this supposedly being a place for talk about all facets of MGs, but well, it's pretty obvious at this point that's a bold-faced lie.

Really, everything that isn't Love-Love Moe Sweetness between a Human Man and a Monster Girl gets shit on to some extent or another, and even that gets flack from people who prefer the more Grimdark angle. Monsters being monsters regardless of being girls. And then you've got the whole Maledom vs. Femdom bit on top of that...

So instead I'll just say rather than whine about what you don't like, try talking about what you do like instead. Try to be fucking productive. Fat chance, I know, but fuck it.

>> No.13796143

You people are the reason I drink.

>> No.13796144

Tasmania is a part of Australia.

>> No.13796145

I'm just saying, you're treating it like circlejerking over "Your fetish a shit" is something new or rare here. And that's just silly.

Y'know, I'd be angrier about Ahobaka if his art weren't barely passable, and his NTR plots so incredibly bland and cliche as to be nigh laughable.

>> No.13796148

>I'm going to bring infflamatory topics to the thread and being a faggot when people have asked me to stop
>Then I'm going to be passive aggressive while also playing the victim because waaahh they don't accept my fetishes here!


>> No.13796150

Well, I guess so. But technically they can't get onto the mainland.

>> No.13796153
File: 190 KB, 1124x919, 1434641278925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what'll cheer up this thread!

Here! Take it!

>> No.13796156

No, I want a Mantis!

>> No.13796158

Except how I didn't even say what my fetishes were or whether or not they're accepted here.

Just that the whole "General" bit people tout at times is rather misleading, given people's caustic attitude towards certain things. Some I may think justified, others not, but really, it's irrelevant.

>> No.13796160
File: 246 KB, 640x1440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you let a moth drink from you?

>> No.13796162

>bland and cliche
How is that bland or cliche?
Suicide in NTR is rare as fuck, I can only think of two such things. This manga and some sister NTR by oyster

>> No.13796165

And I want /v/ to leave but nooooo

>> No.13796166

Well, I just read it and that's some crazy ass shit, if brief. Think Crabman shooed a few of the touchiest fans away with that. Welp, at least he made the females largely hate those traditions and not turn into some ahegao-ing sluts for the ugly males after they mated.

Always. Any time.

>> No.13796167

Eh I don't know.

Moths are kinda creepy.

>> No.13796168
File: 68 KB, 300x300, 1416360299288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why's this shit so cute

>> No.13796169

>even I can't get behind
Spider confirmed for NTR
Because when someone says "even I can't x" it means they are good at x, but not THAT good

>> No.13796170

Really? I've seen it at least implied in plenty more. And either way, even if it is something of a rarity, the rest of the story beats are pretty damn standard.

Also it's not even the first time Ahobaka did it. His dragon story ended like that too.

>> No.13796172

/v/ at least hates NTR as much as we do.

>> No.13796175

I took it to mean more "I'm into some kinky shit, but that's all kindsa nope."


>> No.13796176

Moths are Waifu material, we need more smut with them.

>> No.13796177

How so?

>> No.13796180

They just look creepy and disgusting as fuck.

>> No.13796181
File: 96 KB, 515x620, Wittle Moff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little itty bitt moths.

>> No.13796191

>not turn into some ahegao-ing sluts for the ugly males after they mated.
Why do you mean? That exactly what happened. Even at that pic girl is ahegao-ing
The centaurs who rebel against that tradition, are the ones who never mated

>> No.13796193

This ain't for dicking. It's for hugging like a doll on your lap and

>> No.13796194
File: 60 KB, 850x478, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purge the elves.
It's not a murder if it's elf

>> No.13796198

No, I'm not ready to turn into a giant statue lady and end the world. That shit's just weird.

>> No.13796201

I want to sit her on my knee and tell her stories about Mothra.


>> No.13796204

Anon did you just forget to finish your sentence?

>> No.13796206

Cerea's mom implies that they're part of a larger movement within the centaur community. And given that's the case, one would think that there would be at least a few who have mated with males of their race. Or at the very least, have not have received stellar stories about the experience from their mothers.

I mean really, if centaur males were all that great in the sack, do you think the whole "Teaser" system would even be necessary? Don't you think word-of-mouth might counteract their appearance at least a bit?

tl;dr, sucks to be a centaur male in EMG. They're ugly and increasingly obsolete in their own society.

>> No.13796210

God what a garbage game.

>> No.13796211
File: 50 KB, 420x431, 1427882192771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only I had a PS3 to play Drakengard

>> No.13796212

We're coming for you next.
Insert yan moth picture here.

>> No.13796214


>> No.13796215

But I hate moths.

>> No.13796217

No, you must take it! You must always take it!

>> No.13796222

Well that's just mean anon. You'll make the moth girls cry that way. Why would you do that anon?

>> No.13796223

Fine. Mobster Yeti. Are you happy?

>> No.13796225

No! I want a Mantis or nothing else!

>> No.13796229
File: 66 KB, 800x480, 1436486862519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they're cumming for you anon.

>> No.13796230

Bitches please. hellhound club passing by.

>> No.13796231

Get them on board, I'll call it in.

>> No.13796232

Because Moths are creepy weirdo's.

Maybe, I might dump her if we don't mix well though.

>> No.13796234

Eh, the fact that even had to gather some community means they are extremely small amount of those who oppose that tradition.
Cerea never even heard about centaurs mating with humans or that her father is human. If it was large movement she would surely heard and join it
So probably only 5%~ of centaurs are against that

>> No.13796236

I like you anon. Stickin' to your guns for best insect.

>> No.13796237

This needs art

>> No.13796240

It's what I want anon.

>> No.13796243
File: 286 KB, 800x805, Turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People not liking Moth's

I don't understand, but too each their own I suppose.

How about this girl then?

>> No.13796245

I'm not sure it would be quite that small, given Cerea's mom organized her exhibition against her daughter to prove that their movement had validity vs. tradition.

Though you've got a point with Cerea's own ignorance on the matter, but I might offer the counter that Cerea being ignorant of things is pretty well a running gag. There's also the possibility the movement picked up more speed and publicity after she left home, what with the Interspecies Act meaning an influx of more human men who could act as more than just Teasers.

>> No.13796246

No, Mantis.

>> No.13796249

She's an oxymoronic conundrum but I don't care. I like her.

>> No.13796250

Too flamboyant. Have any frumpy mice girls?

>> No.13796254

She looks like the obnoxious type

>> No.13796264
File: 1.28 MB, 1600x1200, 1433176490335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I have nothing frumpy.

>> No.13796267

She's the rude one

>> No.13796270

Why is that mouse punching a creepy crawly?

>> No.13796272

Maybe it's one of those really fierce mice that fight things like scorpions and such.

>> No.13796273

>She looks like the obnoxious type

Calling someone obnoxious without even talking to them is rude.


Trying to force her to take a bath.

>> No.13796274

>"I'm into some kinky shit, but that's all kindsa nope."
Pretty much this. Like
>I like to think I'm the kinky dom, but even I wouldn't go that far.

>> No.13796278

She's a peacock girl, as evidenced by her vibrant plumage.
PeaCOCK. As in male. A female shouldn't have such a colorful appearance. Thus, an oxymoronic conundrum. That or a futa, but that's utter haram and I'll not consider it.

>> No.13796281

Related to the howling mice in any way?

She still hasn't taken one? The filthy bug.

>> No.13796282
File: 87 KB, 382x600, what's under the coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the same old tiny clever commander.

>> No.13796283

No, she's a turkey anon.

Stop making stuff up it's very unbecoming of you.

>> No.13796285

Plenty of anons make shit up so others can't have fun.

>> No.13796288

You know if mudslimes don't like something odds are it's cultured, advanced and wholesome. Just sayin'. Don't use memes if inapplicable.

>> No.13796289

Yea, and making a whore of yourself in order to attract attention isn't?

>> No.13796290

I was thinking grasshopper, it seems. Maybe they're the same thing, since I remember the mouse howling.

>> No.13796293

Nah, Cerea is not ignorant or stupid like Papi, Suu. It's their running gag, not Cerea's. She is just a bit of chuuni.
That "large movement" sounds more like a small 5~ members club of deranged chuunis who want to serve their masters like it was in legends/medieval times

>> No.13796295

That was the old Chief God and Demon Lord tho.

Do you trust that kind of shitty people? Really?

>> No.13796297

Actually now that you mention it, Cerea's whole Knight thing is mentioned as being a key part of the movement.

It's not that Cerea's ignorant of the whole thing, just the possible sexual aspect of it. So, yeah, I'm going to continue thinking it's a decently popular and growing subculture.

And that centaurs may need to worry more about their sexual education than just Human vs. Centaur for mating preference.

>> No.13796298

>Girls wearing next to nothing like sluts and making sexual moves are fine
>Girls flaunting their natural beauty isn't


>> No.13796300

I've never heard this particular slur before and thus it took me a bit to realize just what the bloody hell you were talking about.

But regardless, it's far from the first time I've seen futa called haram, as people seem to use it straight here to refer to topics they consider blasphemous without a hint of irony. So, y'know, take it up with them.

>> No.13796303

>So, y'know, take it up with them.
No, I know, and I usually ignore it. I just hate the term, and chose now to have my little bitch. nothing against you per se.

>> No.13796304

I said neither of these things...

>> No.13796312
File: 329 KB, 1283x1260, 44210414_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the current Chief God just needs a hug.

>> No.13796314

>Yea, and making a whore of yourself in order to attract attention isn't?

Except you basically did anon.

>> No.13796317

>That top hat

Holy shit I would lovingly date the hell out of that fine lady.

>> No.13796319

She's a slut.

>> No.13796320

B-but the tophat! And the only partially lewd clothing!

>> No.13796322

>I'm going to continue thinking it's a decently popular and growing subculture.
Nah, Cerea met MC in the first day of being in human city. So she left her centaur country or whatever only 2-3 days before meeting MC. From that chapter to Cerea's mother chapter is probably 2-3 months time window. No popular or even growing subculture can appear in such a short time. Especially since that said subculture completely discards tradition that is thousands years old.

>> No.13796323

Yeah, I told her to put her tits and ass feathers away

>> No.13796325

Maybe, but when you compare her to the egotistical, hedonistic Roman Queen who wants to make you a member of HER harem, she comes off as quite the loyal, devoted fox.

>> No.13796327


>> No.13796329
File: 424 KB, 3784x700, Castko rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think anon is referring more to her story from the games she appears in.
Her literal goal in existence is to marry whoever she gets partnered with, so the romance ends up feeling a little hollow.
And she's mirrored into nine different existences serving different masters at the time you meet her.
Still completely adorable though.

>> No.13796333

Except that it was mentioned that Cerea had special leave to be about on her own without a host family, so it's uncertain how long it had been since she'd left home before she ran into Kimihito.

And also, it's mentioned that the current "Loyal Knight" subculture draws upon tradition which hearkens back to a time predating the currently more prominent "Supreme Warrior" traditions.

>> No.13796344

We need more Monster Girls in Top Hats.

>> No.13796349

>so it's uncertain how long it had been since she'd left home before she ran into Kimihito.
Cerea is too reckless and chuuni to be able to live in human city for more than few days on her own. She would surely met some people who would laugh at her like those guys who laughed at Miia. She would attack them, immediately get jailed and send back to her hometown.

>> No.13796358 [SPOILER] 
File: 345 KB, 741x1200, 1437302138615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13796367

Correction, we need more GOOD Monster Girls in Top Hats.

>> No.13796371
File: 372 KB, 1000x883, 1391774745429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi! You there what with the posh getup!
Noice shirt, bruv! Do women's store's sell them?

>> No.13796372

>And she's mirrored into nine different existences serving different masters at the time you meet her.
I didn't know that
What a fucking slut
CCC never

>> No.13796374

How do Wurms see the world? Whats their HUD like? Is it Wurm themed?

>> No.13796376

Fair point. All the same, I'll stick to the belief that the whole "Knighthood Movement" is fairly widespread. Cerea might be oblivious to its more sexual connotations, but she definitely subscribes to it. And then there's the fact that it's Smith of all people who relates the factoids about it to Darling and thus, the readers. It seems incredibly unlikely that Smith of all people would be that knowledgeable about any sort of niche subculture, so it must have a fair following to have reached her ears.

Honestly, re-reading the chapter, and thinking things over, the most incredulous thing about all this is that Cerea's part of this movement, and went her whole life never knowing that her mother supported it too. She might not be Papi-tier, but Cerea certainly misses a lot. That or her mom is just really that good at keeping things secret.

>> No.13796377

Mad Hatters actually seem nice and classy, I wouldn't mind being hit on by one.

>> No.13796384
File: 1.84 MB, 3617x2600, MM_34_16-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the EMG Scylla is gonna look any different from the 12Beast one.

>> No.13796387
File: 1.10 MB, 1086x646, Wurm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never a rough and tumble drifter Wurm who hawks loogies and kicks peoples shit in before taking you off to her cave to fuck your brains out.

>> No.13796389

Some sort of mining simulator without the construction aspects.
Hatters are a step above Matangos, you retain your thoughts and gain clarity but they still put mushrooms in your brain. Not a pandemic to other monsters either, their spores only make men want to fuck and the only way they can convert a human female is by putting a hat on their head.
Overall, 4/10, not Satan.

>> No.13796394

But look at those legs, those are the nice legs. And the posh and fancy style she has. I definitely would.

>> No.13796399

I imagine it's like some Deus Ex HR HUD but with cutesy Wurm designs instead of something futuristic.
Maybe something to remind her she's hungry when she doesn't have her mid-day snack.

>> No.13796402

I'm still on the fence about the mushrooms in brain thing. I mean, cells replace themselves all the time so it's really the retaining of memory and mind that matter there, but it is making me crazy and putting literal mushrooms in my head. I guess I might live with it if it were just like the fungal networks in soil, so thin it's barely noticeable.

>> No.13796406

Consider the following: a railgun that uses Wurms as ammo.

>> No.13796408

>I'll stick to the belief that the whole "Knighthood Movement" is fairly widespread
I think the only reason why Cerea never heard about it could be that it's a secret organization who have to conceal themselves because centaur society tries to re-educate them through brutal centaur dicking, ahegao and mindbreak

>> No.13796410

No. Look up the part where Mero eats the food Miia made.

>> No.13796415

Fuck off to /a/, faggots
EMG a shit

>> No.13796417

An enormous magical railgun created by the powers of two Lilim that uses Adamantium Wurms as ammo?

>> No.13796418
File: 129 KB, 654x1000, 1423778082198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your pleasure, sir?

>> No.13796419

A nice cuddle while watching a movie.

>> No.13796420

Stop tilting at windmills.
Adamantium Wurms? No such thing!
Mithril Wurms on the other hand...

>> No.13796422

What if she wanted to put the hat on her head?

>> No.13796423

Aza, make me your special strawberry shortcake biscuits again. The first batch was amazing.

>> No.13796424

Do me the pleasure of turning that ass around and walking out the door. Lamias only. pls and thx

>> No.13796426

Any movie in particular, and does it matter who or what you cuddle?

>> No.13796427

Ew, disgusting
What happened with your original look? It's was much better

>> No.13796428

Cuddling while watching a movie.

>> No.13796429

There are such things. They are the rarest of the rare, and the strongest of the strong.
Mithril Wurms are the quickest though, moreso when you paint them red with race stripes.

>> No.13796430

But Devils are supposed to be red!

>> No.13796431

I want to cuddle that adorable little Devil and watch a movie we both agree on.

>> No.13796433

Needs black hair.

>> No.13796435

Sounds like you just made a deal with the devil.

>> No.13796436

The thing about that though is that, again, re-reading chapter 29...I don't really think the centaur males are all that capable of inducing ahegao on their own. All the photos shown of them have the female centaurs they're with looking distraught, rather than mind broken, and the one we see getting ahegaoed only did so because she had already gotten going from the teaser...

So yeah, sucks to be male centaurs.

>> No.13796437

Yeah, so what?

She's cute.

>> No.13796438

I assume it stays a normal hat like it does for all MGs.

>> No.13796439

So how about that railgun, huh? Would it be banned, or would whoever got their hands on it first take over the world?

>> No.13796440

>The world
What's left of it, yeah.

>> No.13796443

Can even Super Wurm defend the world against such a weapon? The best she could do against an Adamantium Wurm propelled by a railgun is PUNCH HARDER

>> No.13796446

So what do MGE Devils do again?

Don't they serve humans so they can get stronger or something?

>> No.13796448

Last time she tried punching it, which was during the great Red Battle on Mars, she had her arm badly broken.
It took every last ounce of Ice Cream on the Martian homeworld to cheer her up, which lead to there extinction.

>> No.13796450

They live by one and only one MO:
Make humans happy.

>> No.13796451

>Super Wurm
>harming any society that badly
Sounds like propaganda. I bet you're a crook.

>> No.13796454

MGE Devils are extreme hedonists, who present themselves as incredibly devoted waifus so that they can drag their husbands down into debauched and slovenly lives of pure indulgence.

>> No.13796460

Alright so they trick men into becoming lust filled cumpumps?

Sounds pretty shitty.

>> No.13796461

Go become a paladin and get castrated so you can sing soprano in the church choir.

>> No.13796462

Nah, they'll marry you, and dote on you and everything.
They just really want to make sure that you're happy. And they kind of take it a little too far.

>> No.13796464
File: 205 KB, 700x500, Crying Mindflayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no crook.

>> No.13796467

It's more like a reverse kikimora I think. While the kikis make you better people, the devils let you drown in material goods and be a hikkimori. Just my perception though. Basically what >>13796462 said.

>> No.13796468

No, you're a squid. Get your ass to Mars.

>> No.13796470

I thought she was a kid?

>> No.13796471

Not really. They get off less on being able to freely milk their husbando, and more the sheer fact of making them want for nothing. They take pleasure in doing absolutely everything for him, and freely indulging with him.

So basically if you're the self-deterministic sort, not the girl for you.

As >>13796467 puts it quite eloquently, basically a reverse kikimora. Also, and this is just my opinion, best girls for under-the-desk-blowjobs-while-shitposting.

>> No.13796472

Mars was destroyed when Super Wurm and her arch rival, Super Ryu, got in a heated debate about toaster waffles.

>> No.13796475

>Super Ryu
Doesn't exist, I can't hear you, lalalalala!

>> No.13796479

But she does! All of the Super Dragons exist! And they're Super Best Friends!

>> No.13796482

On one hand, I don't trust Mindflayers because
But I simultaneously don't like making innocent girls cry

>> No.13796483

>Super Dragons
Do tell me of Super Jabberwock's Superwocks.

>> No.13796484

They're the best wocks around. Everything else is inferior.

>> No.13796492

I want to start a fan club for the Super Dragons and work with other fans to take pictures of them while they work and fight crime! I call dibs on the Superwocks.

>> No.13796494

Nice, that's exactly what I need

>> No.13796496

What about Super Wyvern? Will you take pictures of her when she stays behind and orders pizza because she's a giant crybaby?

>> No.13796497


>> No.13796501

No, I'm more a fan of Super Jabberwock. I'll let Wyvern's fans take pictures of her.

I mean, she does have fans right?

>> No.13796503


>> No.13796504

Does the Monster Pope rape little boys?

>> No.13796510

>Would drink beer with and turn into a CC devil/10

>> No.13796511
File: 83 KB, 640x480, Tewi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is boring again
Need more funposting

>> No.13796514

But who would be a fan of a "Super" girl who just lazes around the base like a NEET and cries?

>> No.13796517
File: 67 KB, 508x546, Tamamo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13796519

I would

>> No.13796523

Super Wyvern can do lots of cool stuff! Like fly, and breath fire, and other stuff! They just don't want her making things too easy for them in the field is all!

>> No.13796532

But why, she's pathetic. She's lazy, and mopey. And she's even chubbier than Super Jabberwock.

But all the Dragon Girls do that! Well, except Super Wurm, but she digs instead of flies.

>> No.13796534

Chubby? mmmm one of the reasons im her fan

>> No.13796538

Super Wyverns got spunk! And her transformation is bigger than all of the other girls.

>> No.13796574
File: 152 KB, 764x1000, 1409647256725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your Super Dragons can't beat a real woman!

>> No.13796576

I've been trying to find this pastebin for literally months and I couldn't remember what it was called, but I just found it last night and I figured some of the arachne-lovers here in the thread might like it.
Contains arachne rape (that is, the arachne is raping the reader) and general lewdness.


>> No.13796578

>raping the reader
Does not compute.

>> No.13796581

It's second person POV (the narration refers to you/yours, as you are a character in the story).

>> No.13796582

I never liked those.

>> No.13796587

>wanting more /a/ and /v/ in here
No, go back from whence you came.

>> No.13796588

Eh, matter of personal taste. I prefer second person pov stories to stories with first or third person perspectives, but that's just me.

>> No.13796591

>Almost all my shit is second person because I greentexted alot before moving into prose.
Not sure if I'd change though. It's grown on me.

>> No.13796595

Well excuuuuse me, princess!

>> No.13796607

You have dishonored me. Prepare for ritual sudoku.

>> No.13796609

Yeah, same here. First is weird, and third is too detached for me to care about with stuff like this. I really am willing to make exceptions, but I actually think every story I've ever held any interest in here was 2nd person. Huh.

>> No.13796610

I'm confused. Who will commit sudoku, you or me?

>> No.13796611

I shall prepare the knife, you shall answer the questions.

>> No.13796612

That misquote though. What the fuck.

>> No.13796619


>> No.13796633

In what world is crying and mumbling about being lonely "spunk"?

>> No.13796634
File: 218 KB, 800x800, r248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that your waifu loves you and would give anything to see you smile.

>> No.13796637

Obviously that guys

>> No.13796657

The fuck is Super Ryu?

Do you mean Super Water Wurm?

>> No.13796658

I can tolerate first and third, but I much prefer second person. Sadly, most second-person smut stories outside of 4chan are usually narrated by the person that's having sex with "you" instead of an outside narration, and I can't stand that for whatever reason.

>> No.13796663

>Sadly, most second-person smut stories outside of 4chan are usually narrated by the person that's having sex with "you" instead of an outside narration, and I can't stand that for whatever reason.
What do you mean?

>> No.13796666

>Sadly, most second-person smut stories outside of 4chan are usually narrated by the person that's having sex with "you" instead of an outside narration
What? Alright, either I don't understand, or that is incredibly retarded.

>> No.13796671

Like, instead of "you massage her breasts as she smirks at you", it would be "you massage my breasts, and I smirk at you". The narrator in the former is an outside narrator (like the arachne one I just posted), but in the latter, the narrator is the person whose breasts you are massaging. And yes, it is incredibly retarded.
Satanic quads checked, by the way.

>> No.13796672
File: 313 KB, 542x248, 1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Bad anon! Bad!

>> No.13796674

Well that guy is weird to want a tubby lazy Wyvern whos a weenie.

>> No.13796681
File: 105 KB, 650x650, r173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay Marche. There's even a waifu out there for you.

>> No.13796682

>"you massage my breasts, and I smirk at you"
What the fuck is this cybering shit? Who does this?

>> No.13796684

>Like, instead of "you massage her breasts as she smirks at you", it would be "you massage my breasts, and I smirk at you"
What in the fuck. That's not really the norm, is it? Because I don't think retarded would go far enough to describe that, actually.

>> No.13796688

It happens way too often on my preferred smut story website. And all of the monster girl stories there (or at least all the ones I've read) are either first or third person.
They're still really great, though. If anybody wants any recommendations, I'll be happy to post some.

>> No.13796696

do it, there's never too much knowledge

>> No.13796700

Can this girl replace Mero? Please?

>> No.13796705
File: 66 KB, 554x439, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no waifus. There is only pain, suffering and loneliness

>> No.13796711

Yeah, they're nothing like my Alp, Anti Monsterboy because Hypocrisy/dicking would be gay so just remove it from the equation instead of not dicking your kids, Thread/Headcanon only, Sub vs Dom fags. They are flawless and not cancer in the slightest.

>> No.13796719
File: 238 KB, 700x1120, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a filthy bieye?

>> No.13796720

I will shatter that edge!

>> No.13796724

>We are Siamese if you please~

>> No.13796725

All day every day

>> No.13796727
File: 2.90 MB, 1075x600, Its bait.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess it could be alright in some kind of 4th wall breaking yandere short.

>> No.13796734


>> No.13796738

Well they do look cute. What the hell, I've fucked weirder thing.

>> No.13796748

You say it's bait, yet we're had threads, entire threads dedicated to arguing about each of these topics at least twice.

>> No.13796756
File: 606 KB, 1377x1545, Whore on the Mount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-this is a strictly MGE-only thread! Nothing else is allowed!

>> No.13796758

I say its bait because fuck you for trying to start up a dead, 4 hour old argument, cunt. Also, this isn't the thread for monsterboys. You wanna talk about how it should be allowed, take it to /d/.

>> No.13796760

Most of them involve monster girls doing what they do best and raping people, so don't expect too many cute fluffy monster girl waifu stories.

https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=903429&page=submissions This motherfucker's a damn genius when it comes to smut, and he's written some of the best monster girl smut I've seen on the website. He's played MGQ and I think maybe read the MGE to some degree, since a lot of monsters from it show up in his stories. The Succubus Summoning series is great, and contains sex with several different species of monster girls (succubi, arachne, undine, slime, several more) and varying levels of kinkiness. Naga Special Massage is good too (he refers to lamias as nagas).

https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=1401568&page=submissions I haven't read all of this guy's stories, but The Escapist and Monster Girl Adventure are probably his best, and clearly inspired by MGE (though he doesn't always refer to species by their MGE names). Also even though both of them involve lots and lots of monster rape, they end up involving friendly monster GFs later on.
Also, don't read the one called Goddesses of the Underkeep. It's really really kinky freaky shit, even for people who are into monster girls.

>> No.13796763

That poor Alp looks like she needs a hug.

>> No.13796768

That poor Alp has a Dark Elf's finger up its ass.

>> No.13796770

I want to tell a Dark Elf that Alps are not for bullying!

>> No.13796771

Does anyone know if that greentext with the twin hellhounds got pastebin? the thread got archived after i went to sleep and i'm not sure if that Anon finished it.

>> No.13796785

I want to have an Alp to bully and a Dark Elf to bully me.

>> No.13796795

>Also, this isn't the thread for monsterboys
I'm not saying it is, or that it should be. I'm just pissed that mgg treats Monster boys like Konami treats Kojima. I've seen people tell new writefags who say 'oh but there will be a monster boy or two' to go die in a fire, thus kneecapping stories and the worlds they make because someone got upset. Not everything in a monster girl setting has to be about sex 24/7, monster boys can exist in a fictional setting and not be there to NTR your self insert or main character. The aren't the boogeymen...except for the ones that are actual boogeymen.

>> No.13796797

>started reading The Escapist
>"Monsters are also known to consume males for food instead of or in addition to taking their semen."
My hugbox has 'Fragile' on it for a reason, Anon.
Thanks for the links anyway.

>> No.13796806

I want the Alp and me to be bullied by the Dark Elf at the same time and be on the same level as her!

>> No.13796807

You're really set on arguing this aren't you? The lack of monsterboys is one of the key definitions of MGE, and what separates monstergirls as a genre from generic fantasy. This is not the thread for it. Now shut up.

>> No.13796821

I want an Alp to bully me and a Dark Elf after obtaining incriminating and embarrassing photographic and film material of out play-time.

>> No.13796829

I want the Dark Elf and Alp to team up and bully meas I admit what a little submissive slut I am, and how lowly I am to let even an Alp dominate me!

Then I want to have a cuddle pile with them.

>> No.13796831

>The lack of monsterboys is one of the key definitions of MGE
Well this is a monster girl thread and not a MGE thread.
>and what separates monstergirls as a genre from generic fantasy
No what separates it from generic fantasy is that the monster girls are less monsters and more girls.
I'm not here to argue, I was just pointing out how cancer the threads are even if you remove EMG from the equation, you simply chose one of the many I listed and I explained why I don't like it.

>> No.13796832

Are two skinny queens enough to make a cuddle pile with you?

>> No.13796836
File: 309 KB, 1320x1116, Jinkos truly are olev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these bad Elf and Alp waifus

Time to inject some taste into the thread.

>> No.13796844

Hathor Milk.

Both of them.

Also that one story we had a while ago of the dom alp would apply too.

>> No.13796845

>The lack of monsterboys
>Well this is a monster girl thread
>I'm not here to argue

>> No.13796851

>Well this is a monster girl thread and not a MGE thread.
And what do monsterboys have to do with monstergirls?
>Not an mge thread
>No what separates it from generic fantasy is that the monster girls are less monsters and more girls.
Bullshit. It's the exclusion of monsterboys. Fuck, mgs are actually more monster depending. Generic fantasy is often cosplay tier, cat ears and tail.
>I'm not here to argue
Yet here you are. Arguing. Besides I never made the claim that these threads don't have their downsides. Your "w-well x is so much worse than y!" argument is bullshit.

>> No.13796854

The birds in your town have been turned into harpies! How screwed are you?

>> No.13796860

Not really

>> No.13796863
File: 181 KB, 850x590, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on anon, give her a hug!

>> No.13796864

If only you had said world...

>> No.13796866

What if i die?

>> No.13796867

>tiny, timid mourning dove harpies
>loud brash bluejay harpies
>occasionally a wild parrot harpy
>the town right next to where i live has dozens of himedere peacock harpies with bright blue and green plumage

>> No.13796869

Don't be like that, she's crying and needs to be cheered up.

>> No.13796870

I want to make Scissorhand Girl feel loved! I'll hug her and love her!

>> No.13796876

Why don't you go fuck yourself already?

>> No.13796880

What if she dies?

>> No.13796882

Then you need to make her smile before she goes!

>> No.13796883

Look, I'm not demand or protesting or doing anything to get them in the god damn thread all over the place. I'm just saying if someone wants to make a scenario in which monster boys do exist you don't pull out the pitchfork and torches and run them out of the thread when all they want to do is make content to you people for free. As long as they don't go full .less and make it a a monster boy dress up in a skirt or other girl clothes I have zero problem because I can think with my brain and not my dick for more than a minute
>And what do monsterboys have to do with monstergirls?
The same thing human girls do with human boys in a monster girl setting.
It's not, it never was. This was a thread to mostly contain /a/'s monster girl generals at the height of EMG's 4chan popularity that then spiraled into talking about shit like z-ton, vanids, MGE and from there write fagging, CYOAs and drawfagging, which got to be too much and was taken over here.
>Bullshit. It's the exclusion of monsterboys
No it's not. You're just saying it is because it fits your argument.
>Besides I never made the claim that these threads don't have their downsides
You're right, you didn't. But you said I was baiting when I was calling out what we have factually argued about time and time again, and because I said EMG has a place her, which it does, because it doesn't take away the sanctimony of these threads because the reasons I listed are reasons why these threads have no sanctimony.
TL'DR version. EMG is shit, but these threads are also shit. So stop trying to say it's cancer and needs to go, because we're cancer too.

>> No.13796892

>I'm just saying if someone wants to make a scenario in which monster boys do exist you don't pull out the pitchfork and torches and run them out of the thread when all they want to do is make content to you people for free.

Just go back to lurking until you learn how things work here.

>> No.13796901

I bet you're the faggot from the /a/ thread that keeps complaining because the monsterboys and male centaurs are bad treated.

>> No.13796912

>The same thing human girls do with human boys in a monster girl setting
Wrong. Human girls are needed for human boys which then propagate the setting. Monsterboys have nothing to do with it outside of an unrelated fetish. And if you want to write about it, go for it. but don't post it here, and don't discuss it here. This isn't the thread for it, it's unrelated.
>This was a thread to mostly contain /a/'s monster girl generals at the height of EMG's 4chan popularity
EMG being largely inspired by MGE and predated by MGE.
>It's not, it never was.
You say this in the very post you admonish me for "just saying it because it fits [my] argument" where's your evidence of this?
>EMG is shit, but these threads are also shit. So stop trying to say it's cancer and needs to go, because we're cancer too.
First up, if you don't like it, fuck off. Secondly, EMGfags bring nothing but NTR cuck and furryposting. It's cancer. And nowhere did I say that it needed to go. EMG falls under the /mgg/ banner too. I only asked why it was so cancerous. It literally brings nothing good to these threads.

>I'm not protesting

>> No.13796932

People don't seem to realize that with monster boys this setting has no reason to exist, it's what separates us from /tg/-tier fantasies.

>> No.13796939

What's your plan here? Do you think we'll start accepting monsterboys if you shitpost enough? Do you just like shitposting?

>> No.13796940

>People don't seem to realize
People realize fine, it's just argumentative wankers who don't.

>> No.13796943

Basically, if you reply to bait, you're fucking stupid.

>> No.13796951
File: 871 KB, 1200x1128, 51470343_p2_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proportions be damned I want a buff blueberry.

>> No.13796955


>> No.13796959

to much buff

>> No.13796961

Basically, if you state the obvious, you're fucking annoying.

>> No.13796963

God damn it, I love muscles on girls but why are so many artists so shit at drawing them?
They're muscles damn it, not tumors!

>> No.13796971

I can't imagine what a Succubus has to go through to get a body like that, i mean they can just lift and all that shit, but for what reason? what can push a Succubus to get such fitness?

>> No.13796977

It's because you make up the argument 'we're just a fetish for monster girls at that point' which is hypocritical because we fetishize monster girls over human girls.
I didn't start the argument, you did. I listed the cancer in the thread tongue in cheek and you got triggered at one and had to argue because you felt your world view was at stake. Take notes from>>13796756 he didn't argue, he posted a funny picture and moved on taking the ribbing like a normal functional being
>It's bait even though it's true
I could start a greentext of being dom'd and the next 50-100 or more posts would be a dom vs sub argument.
These threads are cancer. I'm just trying to make it less cancer by making people at least have the cognitive thought to separate some faggot coming in making a human boy and monster boy having gay sex and rightfully telling him to fuck off and someone writing a monster girl centric story, but because there is a male elf over there in the background we need to start sharping knives and looking for where he lives.

>> No.13796978

>arguing with hugbox people
There has to be a better way to waste your time.

>> No.13796982
File: 1.46 MB, 1080x1920, 49296927_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just add oddly shaped lumps all over her body and call them muscles. There are literally thousands of reference pictures available for drawing proper musculature, use them for fuck's sake.

>> No.13796984

Now that's more like it!

>> No.13796992
File: 425 KB, 1000x800, 1410892942816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most artists are just used to drawing tubes for limbs and large tits

>> No.13796994

Kikimoras love to clean.
Sea bishops live in the sea.
Zombies are mainly found in graveyards.

>> No.13796995

>I didn't start the argument, you did.
No, man. When you're the one bumping an argument that is four hours old, out of the blue, you're starting shit. Don't get cute with me.
I just called you out on wanting monsterboys in a thread which they don't belong in. Also, fuck off with your hyperbole, I didn't think my "world view was at stake"
>but because there is a male elf over there in the background we need to start sharping knives and looking for where he lives.
I'm not that guy, but again, fuck off with your hyperbole. Elven incubi are established and well known, only retards and trolls have problems with those, what's being spoken about are actual monsterboys, male centaurs and the like. Which is what that new guy was talking about, as he's writing for the EMG audience and not us.

Look, you want monsterboys. I get it. This isn't the thread for you, and it never will be. Go lurk /d/.

>> No.13797000

Only dumb assholes get in this box.

>> No.13797002

Ignis' are short tempered
Salamanders are hot blooded.
Minotaurus' are raging bastards.

>> No.13797006

Is it wrong that I want to massage a monstergirl's abs?
Because your pic is making me want to massage a monstergirl's abs

>> No.13797012

>writing for the EMG audience

If Drace's writing could bring more retards like this one here we need to kick his ass out now.

>> No.13797016


>> No.13797020

Well, everyone and their dog predicted that the anime would bring more newfags and retards.

Guess everyone owes everyone five bucks now.

>> No.13797021

Holy shit, I just realized, it's the weekend.

>> No.13797023

>If Drace's writing could bring more retards like this one here we need to kick his ass out now.
You don't have to be such a dick about it. though on the base level, I agree. If he insists in monsterboys, no matter how tertiary a role, regardless of how little I actually care about it, it doesn't change the fact that it doesn't belong here.

>> No.13797027
File: 92 KB, 600x600, unipad_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, stop fighting and take an oppai loli.

>> No.13797028

How am I being a dick?

>> No.13797030

No, the world must burn!

>> No.13797031

>oppai loli
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.13797032

>Prostitute lol I

Oh my.

>> No.13797053

>we need to kick his ass out now.
Just seems kinda torches and pitchforks tiers of dickish. Its not like you have any reason to be against the guy on a personal level. I dunno maybe I just read into what you were saying.

>> No.13797055

Much obliged.

>> No.13797059

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a bloody Alp, freaking out at people fighting, but seeing as you enjoy tits, you're most likely not.

>> No.13797060

...And thank you for putting me in the mood for Hellraiser.

>> No.13797064

It's always a good time to partake of pleasures, anon.

>> No.13797068

If wanting to avoid more retarded little shitfits like that last one, over fucking monsterboys of all things, I'll be a Mara tier dick. If the guy wants to write EMG why doesn't he do it in the /a/ thread?

>inb4 posting standards

It's not this thread's problem if THOSE GUYS are still around.

>> No.13797073

>Monstergirl Cenobites
God help us all.

>> No.13797076

You solved the puzzle, anon.

>> No.13797077

Does she look like someone who cares what God thinks?

>> No.13797080

YFW suicide would save you from them.

>> No.13797086
File: 24 KB, 630x700, 1398405390628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want to escape from Monster Girls? I summoned them, and they came. Now I will taste of their pleasures, and then I will come, too.

>> No.13797096

A little heavy on the evil, anon.

>> No.13797099

They'd pretty much be the ultimate Yanderes wouldn't they?
>"We have such sights to show you anon~"

>> No.13797100

But anon...

They have such sights to show us.

>> No.13797102

Just a reminder that after witnessing the shitstorm I caused, I am not including monsterboys in the story at all.

>> No.13797109

No matter. They have an eternity to explore your flesh. You'll learn to like it.
That's a good boy.

>> No.13797116

Either that or an extremely dom kuudere. Like a lich that's into some heavy bondage and guro

>> No.13797119

>everybody loves Cenobites
You're all a bunch of weirdos, huh?

>> No.13797121

Need full picture now.

>> No.13797122

>mfw I'm the one that got that Jinko
It's a good feeling.

>> No.13797124

>If the guy wants to write EMG why doesn't he do it in the /a/ thread?
He was told to come here and those threads hate writefagging.

>> No.13797128

It's still "good" and evil seeing eye to eye on something. Not gonna fuck with that.

>> No.13797130

Dude do whatever you want. But if it's not relevant here, don't post it here. That simple. That said, I look forward to reading it.

>> No.13797132

They're surprisingly close, aren't they? The original Cenobites believed they were granting their victims eternal and ultimate pleasure as far as I remember; they just considered PAIN to be the one.

>> No.13797135

Ok, what oppais you got?

>> No.13797147

Like I said, not this threads's problem. You want more f/a/gs here? Just look further up the thread to what we got coming if he attracts more if them. No fucking thanks.

>> No.13797149

The dude from the first movie seemed to end up agreeing with them, didn't he?
>Jesus wept!

>> No.13797152

What if I brought them someone else? 5 dicks in exchange for mine?

>> No.13797158

Oppai Glacies, you're getting ice tits

>> No.13797159


Don't fuck it up.

>> No.13797161
File: 335 KB, 768x1024, 1431977159697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the best FF monstergirl, and why is it Jenova?

>> No.13797163

They're quite aware of what they're doing, they're the soldiers of Leviathan and his/it's war on flesh.

>> No.13797165
File: 150 KB, 413x531, 1432510976023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like marilith

>> No.13797172

I wonder how legendary a handjob from that thing would be.

>> No.13797175

That is not Ultimecia, where vaginal and oral are the same thing.

Then again, I suppose the same could be said of Anima, but let's not go there.

>> No.13797176

Your dick is worth a hundred dicks. Luckily they made no mention of the conditions those dicks need be.

>> No.13797177

What time to you guys think would be good for Waifu Wars? I'm not doing it now, but I don't want to step on anyone's toes.
Except, y'know, the people whose waifus I'm sending to their violent deaths.
I'm a monster, I know, it's been said before.

>> No.13797182

I'm sorry anon, I know I have it but I can't find it.
Why not now?

>> No.13797185


>> No.13797189

Cenobite girls would just be BDSM incarnate.
Your body is their playground and they're gonna wear you out.
It's your own fault really, you opened the box.

>> No.13797194

It's not just that we opened the box. Remember Hellraiser 2.
>It is not hands, but desire that summons us

>> No.13797196

I'm ok with this.
She's getting head pats

>> No.13797198

I just woke up, still not ready to properly work on it.
I've got the roster done though.
I'm also wondering if I should do one medium size war for maximum feels, or a couple quicker high death rate wars for a chuckle.

>> No.13797203
File: 1.85 MB, 981x2600, Shelke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do the Deepground girls from DoC register on the monstergirl scale? They were pretty damn cute.

>> No.13797205


>> No.13797209

>"Why are you complaining anon? Why do you show fear?"
>"After all, It is not hands, but desire that summons us. You wanted this~"
Goddamn it they're terrifying. Why am I rock hard?

>> No.13797212

The first, not the second.
Because you know you want it, and at least your body is honest.

>> No.13797217

>can't find it.

>> No.13797228

Nooo, just their movies.

>> No.13797232
File: 720 KB, 2000x381, 1434617710209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, found it.

>> No.13797235

>dem abs
Wurm stronk.

>> No.13797245

I don't believe you. Pervert.

>> No.13797247

I want a Wurm lawyer to tell me my rights!

>> No.13797249

It ain't perfect...

but you are for finding this <3

>> No.13797253
File: 252 KB, 410x600, 1432437510591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teeheehee, anon.

>> No.13797259


>> No.13797261

Don't slap the Selkie, she's endangered.

>> No.13797268

That asshole is way too high up.
The entire image looks wonky as fuck.

>> No.13797272
File: 304 KB, 700x649, 1424911439417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an obsessive, businesswoman Arachne will never repeatedly sneak into your home after you've accepted a scarf she's given to you
>she will never over time, replace certain garments in your collection with ones she has tailored herself
>she will never stealthily spike your drinks when you aren't looking, and molest you in your sleep

>> No.13797274

>She literally has a zip
Isn't she a human woman in disguise?

>> No.13797276

How does a snake charmer fair against lamiae?

>> No.13797278

Human women can't swim in the arctic sea and fish with harpoons like they were in the Caribbean.

>> No.13797279

Selkie were cosplay-tier in their mythology too.

>> No.13797286

Let's fug, seal friend.

>> No.13797290

.Less did a nice job on muscles over there, the pic is fairly convincing me into strong-built girls (just that amount of muscle and not an ounce more tho).

>> No.13797300

Damn right she won't. Cuz I'd gladly accept some spider clothes, and she can molest me whenever she wants.

>> No.13797303

>Daily ball pits

The horror...

>> No.13797305

Did he get his snake charmed?

>> No.13797310

What a vile Arachne, practically faceless man-tier. I'd rather court that shy Mantis girl thank you.

>> No.13797311
File: 1015 KB, 320x234, 1434898382797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Koalas aren't fucking retarded

>> No.13797313

His cobra was drained of venom.

>> No.13797315
File: 243 KB, 490x490, 1408866045613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a snake in the water hole, deputy anon.

>> No.13797318

>they simply starve to death
Such is life for poor, stupid Koala-chan.
And its skin was peeled too.
That's not how it goes.
>There's a snake in my boot!
>They've poisoned the waterhole!
Git gud, son.

>> No.13797322
File: 617 KB, 721x1024, 1429829951734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faceless man-tier
>he doesn't want a yandere, beautiful woman to molest and watch him while he sleeps

>> No.13797323
File: 1.13 MB, 980x1500, 49636959_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13797325

>And its skin was peeled too.

>> No.13797326

I refer not to circumcision, but to the foreskin being pulled back and forth, dear anon.

>> No.13797328

Yes, that's what he said.

>> No.13797338


I'm ashamed.

>> No.13797339

I'd rather a muscle arachne

>> No.13797340


>> No.13797342

It just occurred to me that Toy Story and T-Rex no Kanojo have something in common.
T-Rexes are not scary.

>> No.13797343

Koala-chan is that moe sleepy, empty headed girl who is practically useless and has to rely on her outoto

>> No.13797344

>a muscle arachne
I've a craving for this now.

>> No.13797350

>You'll never run across a buff goliath harpy eater spidergirl whilst spelunking innawoods.
>Who's life long dream is to some day weave her own dress, but since she's an active hunter she's not as good at weaving as the other girls

>> No.13797352

Is she a shortstack and has him carry her around as she sleeps?

>> No.13797356

>Goliath spidergirl
>Harpy eater


>> No.13797357
File: 60 KB, 632x528, muscle arachne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.13797361

Yes to the shortstack. He doesn't have to carry her around as much as she tendsto sleep-crawl to him and cling to his back. So he doesn't have to carry her around, but if he wants to go any where, she'll be with him.

Don't be like that! She just wants a nice boy to think she's cute like the jumping spiders, or a cool beauty like the Latrodectii girls!

>> No.13797367

Basic idea, yeah.


>Arachne who's breed was used by goblins as mounts.
>Huge, easily twelve feet tall when standing with muscles that would make a minotaur blush.
>Slightly morose because she thinks no guy would want a giant spider girl like her.

>> No.13797372

How does such a spider differ from the Ushi-Oni?

>> No.13797376

No cow bits. Still has giant, soft tits.

>> No.13797377

Ushis are rape machines, this girl is concerned about no guy wanting her, so probably isn't.

>> No.13797378

They'd lack the skin color, bovine features, and maybe the fluff I'd assume.

>> No.13797387

Doesn't need a seal, more visible muscle.
No regeneragtion
quicker breeders
Can still spin silk.
Have saddles for if you want to ride them [see: marriage]

Also may have goblin friends and will have tig o'l bitties in addition to those nice abs of hers.

>> No.13797392

>You will never be swole and carry your koala girl imoutos everywhere
>They will never nuzzle you in their sleep
>They'll never wake up whenever you're eating so they can do it together with you, before conking out again
>They'll never sleep cry whenever you put them down
>They'll never sigh contentedly when you relent and take them to bed with you

I never asked to feel.

>> No.13797393

Sounds like we need some drawfags up in here.

>> No.13797394

I still want my arachne-Yeti cross. Now there's a cuddlebug whose web I wanna be caught in.

>> No.13797400

>They'll never sleep cry whenever you put them down
;_; I didn't realize such cuteness existed.

>> No.13797415

We need Yeti covered man sitting next to a koala girl covered man.

>> No.13797418

Now I want to see anon trembling while goliath chan hugs him, saying "There there, see? I'm not scary."

>> No.13797422

It begins at 12:00 PST
Anons, place your bets. And to the Waifus marching to their deaths we wish glory and luck.

>> No.13797423

I'll split my money between Kunoichi and Paladin the 4th.

>> No.13797426

>He wants to think she's cute. And he stays his trembling feet for her sake
>But he's just so terrified of the giant buff spider
>She just wants to not spook him

>> No.13797432

You know you want Pinhead-chan's finger deep inside your dick.

>> No.13797438

No anon, bad.

>> No.13797439

Well, let it be kuudere bug.

>> No.13797441


>> No.13797447
File: 199 KB, 600x700, f77f498fd5dc02d43bd550ee718e07de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you prefer to hang from a meathook as she sucks your dick, her sharp horn penetrating your delicate abdomen with every stroke?

>> No.13797451

I was thinking more "extreme bondage" than guro.
Maybe some whips too.

>> No.13797452

>Both nervous as hell
>Can't make eye contact, they just sit there, not saying a word
>Anon spaces out and his head falls on her chest
>He tunes in to her heartbeat
>Little by little he calms down, until he falls asleep
>Wakes up to her teary, smiling face, happy that he tried so hard for her sake

>> No.13797458

How pregnant is too pregnant?
How many monster girl daughterus and human sonrus can be in your waifu's uterus before she becomes hard to look at?

>> No.13797460

What's "extreme bondage"?

>> No.13797461


>> No.13797463

I don't like where this is going.

>> No.13797468

>She brings his head to her beast for him to hear her heartbeat to calm him down every time his phobia kicks in
>Anon has trouble meeting her eyes
>Like usual
>She gets sad
>Until she accidentally brushes something hard
>Realizes why he can't meet her eyes
>[Ufufu Intensifies]

>> No.13797469

Not him but I would like to think there's some predicaments involved.

>> No.13797471

I'm gonna go with 1-3 before this gets weird.

>> No.13797475

too fucking cute is it bad that I want this now

>> No.13797481

Like, dangling over an Ushi Oni pit while tied up in a complicated bondage position.
Or other things like that.
If I can't hold it as long as she wants me to, I get dropped into the Ushi pit.
None of the Ushis are wearing seals.

>> No.13797484

>you will never see a meek bishie become the object of affections for a Goliath Arachne

>> No.13797487

Cute musclegirls are olev

>> No.13797489

Congratulations on your new Wisp waifu.

>> No.13797491

Dass barely horrifying, anon. Something like electroshock sex would be better if we want to stay away from total guro like dick flaying.

>> No.13797493

That scary realization that werecats, dogs, wolfs and other litter bearing monster girls would have completely bloated stomachs when they get pregnant
which is removed when you see all you puppy/kitten daughterus sleeping together by their mother

>> No.13797501

I can't die when the Cenobites have me anon. They won't let me.

That's just one of the horrors/joys they have to show anon. Though I will admit that electroshock sex is probably one of those horrors/joys
Spend enough time with the Cenobites and pain will become pleasure.

>> No.13797506

Read the lore fags
Even twins are rare as fuck. It's almost always one child
If MG actually bred like their origin species, ants and other insect monster would take over the world in a month or less

>millions of ants, oomukade, moths etc roaming the streets

>> No.13797509

That's another fetish of mine so 12 or 15 would be the limit.

>> No.13797511

>Read the lore fags
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't remember the MGE canon overrides everything.

>> No.13797513

>A throne made of oomukades


>> No.13797515

I would a loli Yuugi.

>> No.13797516

That's all kinds of weird. You'd HAVE to be a villain for that.

>> No.13797520

>>They won't let me.
>One of them would slowly bully you more and more often, as the NTR scenarios like the Ushi pit got more and more rare.
>Eventually she'd be the only one to torture you.
>One day she kisses you on the lips while tormenting you
What kind of a monstrosity is she and how does she torture you?

>> No.13797522

Well, duh, more than 90% of this thread is MGE related
It is always MGE by default, if you didn't state the opposite
You should said "in your headcannon" or something

>> No.13797525

Your imagination fu is weak.

>> No.13797529

B-But I have Arachnaphobia. Surely an old professional girl like her wouldn't want some young weak scaredy cat, right?

>> No.13797531

No, as far as I care, it's always headcanon by default unless someone says otherwise!

>> No.13797534

>He doesn't live in a world where his Bee wife is giving him a daughteru or two a day
Such a sad life you live

>> No.13797536

This is the monstergirl thread anon, not the MGE thread. Lore means nothing.

>> No.13797539

Anon with a Napoleon hat and Calvary saber riding amidst an army of mothgirls in the night sky.

>> No.13797543

You could have inferred it from the fact that the scenario didn't follow any MGE shit. Are you autistic or shitposting?

>> No.13797544

>Not the MGE thread

Stop being a pendejo.

>> No.13797548

>Lore means nothing
This guy

>> No.13797549

The only dumbass here is the guy trying to force everyone to conform to the lore of one source of monstergirls.
We've had this argument before. Maybe not me and you, but it's been in the thread before.
History shows that no-one give a fuck about the lore.

>> No.13797550

>love the countryside
>once the Demon Lord wins the world will be full of perpetual darkness and creepy scenery, outside of a couple of green demon realms here and there

Yeah, as much as it pains me to do so, I'll side with the Order on this one. Why would anyone want the world to be a depressing perpetual night?

>> No.13797556

>No one gives a fuck about the lore

Anon, come on.

>> No.13797558

>no-one give a fuck about the lore
Your first day here

>> No.13797560

You probably won't care, with the DE brainwashing and all.

>> No.13797561

If the lore says I can't have a big bustling family with my Hellhound waifu then fuck the lore.

I've been here for years. Back in the /a/ days.
I was the first one in the /jp/ threads.

>> No.13797563

Move to a green demon realm?

>> No.13797565

Why do you point these things out to me anon?

>> No.13797567

Just releases the chaos demons and hope for the best.

>> No.13797568

Where's the wurm version?

>> No.13797569


Hello chubby alp faggot 2.0

>> No.13797570

How many times have you seen people post about Mindflayers without an Inkling pic?

>> No.13797571
File: 533 KB, 984x710, God damn it Mako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Koala-chan is basically Mako from KLK

Hell even that video in >>13797311 sounds like her.

Well...you know barring some of it.

>> No.13797573

But anon, she's a perfect fit for you!

>> No.13797574

I miss necropedo-kun.

>> No.13797575
File: 422 KB, 630x835, 1436747858008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13797576

Demon Realm isn't said to be about perpetual darkness, those are Undead Realms. I imagine DR to be just some bizarro, 'inverted' variant of the normal environment, with pinkish sky, dark red grass etc.
Still, consider >>13797563

>> No.13797579

What you did, I see it.

>> No.13797585

Dark demon realms are that, dark, like undead kingdoms, where the thick concentration if DE makes the glow of the moon appear red.

>> No.13797587

Played like a damn fiddle.

>> No.13797588

He doesn't know the difference between mentioning things and forcing things.

>> No.13797593

That's a bummer.

>> No.13797595
File: 875 KB, 968x745, 1436785068920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't like big girls

>> No.13797596

Eh, what can you do?

>> No.13797598

But I do, I want a Big Girl to bully me and protect my smile. With no survivors.

>> No.13797606

>I want to be cute bishie and be carried by an Amazon!
>I want to be a bishie molested by CC monsters on a train!
>I want to make a Lich smile with my bishie sparkles!
>I want to be so bishie people confused for an alp
>I want an sushi oni to turn my bishie pelvis to dust!
>Not being bishie for your waifu
>I want to charm a hellhound by being bishie and be protected by her!
>the rest

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.13797607

LFM to Raid Wurm Pit
Riches and wives for those who show up.
Last I heard there were five wurms (Silver, Green, Blue, Red, and Gray colored) looking for husbands.

Also a couple arachnides and golems looking too.

>> No.13797609

I find it funny that I was surprised not to see a vagina in between her thighs.

>> No.13797611
File: 358 KB, 1004x1417, 1429764392071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I love them

>> No.13797612

Show me on the doll where the wurm tickled you

>> No.13797616
File: 69 KB, 650x889, 49569063_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I love big girls.

>> No.13797619

Never seen it.

You can't be serious.

>> No.13797620

Out of the 9 mentions in this thread, eight of them were from you. Get better bait, shitposter-kun. You are dishonoring your ancestors.

>> No.13797621

>bully me and protect my smile.
Anon I know you're not very smart but come on.

>> No.13797624

I believe you made most of those scenarios up, and I don't recall "bishie" being mentioned during that train molestation thing.

>> No.13797625

>You can't be serious.
Better than these canon shitposters.

>> No.13797626

I'm beating her up and taking her ax and no one can stop me!

>> No.13797627

>If I don't like it it's forced by one person!
Shit nigga get it together.

>> No.13797629

>ignoring the point


>> No.13797631

I'd have to. For all the shitty things the monster victory would bring about - the collapse of recognizable civilization, a culture that only really cares about sex, the end of the actual human race; The one thing that would drive me to madness and despair would be the destruction of the world's natural beauty. What point is there in having a waifu if you have to live in a dark and dreary hellhole?

>> No.13797633

That's because your memory sucks.

>> No.13797637

The fire rises!

>> No.13797639

You have no point. Callin' bishie forced is like calling Pot Devils forced. As I said, bet better bait.

>> No.13797640
File: 820 KB, 1000x1000, 1431492315750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What doll? This Doll?

>> No.13797644

>implying it doesn't happen
>he wasn't here when fujoshit kun was around

YOU get you shit together.

>> No.13797645

No really, you clearly made a good amount of those up in order to validate yourself.

>> No.13797647

how much!

>> No.13797649

The got the feeling the chubby alp trend was forced by one or two posters, and the lack of variation in the style of the bishie posts indicates the same thing.

>> No.13797650

ctrl+f "bishie" in five of our previous threads then

>> No.13797651

Bishiefag spotted.

>> No.13797652
File: 59 KB, 500x750, 1404916131683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ripped as fuck
>Dem hips & thighs
>Big chest right at face height
Love me some big /fit/ girls

>> No.13797656

I wonder what it would be like coming home to a bunch of trapdoor spider daughters. Instead of greeting you at the entrance, they'd be waiting somewhere to ambush you and cling to your leg.

>> No.13797657
File: 41 KB, 232x242, Wurm Jii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who's behind this post.

>> No.13797658


Did you just get bored of the peaceful thread or something? Did the lack of shitposting unsettle you?

>> No.13797659

Check the archive.

>> No.13797663

Bishie is literally just a body type.

I mean, it's either Bishie, Bara, or Shota. I mean, you could just have an average body type, but that's a bit boring.

Calling things "forced" or "memes" are the new buzzwords for "things I don't like".

I mean hell, even the sub and dom slapfights don't resort to that kind of bullshit.

>> No.13797669
File: 99 KB, 723x691, 1434856591347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mention the word "bishie" in a hypothetical doe the first time in a while
>some autist spergs and uses it to create a boogeyman in the vein of chubby alp senpai

>> No.13797671

You do it faggot.

>> No.13797673
File: 731 KB, 2454x3266, 1433690601670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposters are dumb! DUMB!

>> No.13797674

Autists gonna aut, what can you do?

>> No.13797681

I'm not the one bitching for the sake having something to bitch about, you do it sugarplum.

>> No.13797686

Talk shit get hit.

>> No.13797687

Some people live for irrational hatred. Why do you think people scour tumblr for people saying stupid shit to post it on 4chan?

>> No.13797688

Elves are cute!

>> No.13797689

Are you really complaining because people talk about bishies? Seriously?

>> No.13797691

To be fair no one ever used to use the word then it started showing up every thread in a similar posting style.

Not that I'm bothered by it but the word crept in here due to one guy using it a lot.

>> No.13797692

I just calls em as I sees em.
The thread as a whole would benefit from some variation in content rather than trends that become overused and die out. This will make the good stuff last longer

>> No.13797695

But the difference is SJW say retardedly stupid shit and it's funny.

None of our shitposters are funny. I mean, I guess they have their moments, like "Fareunwell" was OK.

>> No.13797700

Silly anon that's a dragon.

>> No.13797701

>To be fair no one ever used to use the word then it started showing up every thread in a similar posting style.
>Not that I'm bothered by it but the word crept in here due to one guy using it a lot
It tarted getting used alongside bara. Bishie is just more self inserty so it would invariably have more use. There was literally no mention in this thread before the initial one this dude sperged about. He's trying to make something of nothing.

>> No.13797702

Because they're shoving it everywhere. Doesn't matter it's just being mentioned THIS thread, they've been at it a while and it's wearing thin.

>> No.13797704
File: 875 KB, 500x281, laughing_elves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a group of cute elves to cuddle rape me!

>> No.13797706


On an unrelated note I never thought that I would stat up the Sailor Soldiers as goblins.
This will be an interesting dungeon.

>> No.13797708
File: 260 KB, 476x349, 1429485878130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because they're shoving it everywhere. Doesn't matter it's just being mentioned THIS thread, they've been at it a while and it's wearing thin.

>> No.13797709


>> No.13797712
File: 25 KB, 283x241, 1366318817408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13797713

Don't reply.

>> No.13797715

>I have no argument so I'll boogeyman

>> No.13797716

>Have Shotas
>People throw bitchfits about shotas
>No more Shotas
>Have Bishounens
>People throw bitchfits about bishounens
>No more Bishounens

We're eventually going to lose everything but fat faceless old businessmen. Is that really what we want?

Do Monster Girls even like fat faceless old businessmen? Do they even exist in a Monster Girl world?

>> No.13797718

I wonder if they will complain the same about baras

>> No.13797723

But I'm fat faceless old businessmen already. Literally.

>> No.13797724

No we'll have people that are nondescript and plain with slightly messy hair.

And now you know why the majority of LN/manga protagonists look the same.

>> No.13797726

Once they get mentioned often enough, sure. Some cunts just can't stand the sight of some one else having fun. So they bitch and whine.

>> No.13797727

Mention them enough and they'll become hated as well.

>> No.13797729

How do you breath without a face?

>> No.13797731

Try it out. Write a cute story of a huge baraman getting dommed by a fujo Cyclops.

>> No.13797732

So you're drowning in pussy?
I dislike this idea! It upsets me!

>> No.13797734

>Running things into the ground is fun

>> No.13797736

>Both are characters usually related to femdom
Geez I wonder what's happening here

>> No.13797738

I know what you're trying to do so I'm going to stop this before it even begins.


>> No.13797739

>Run into the ground
You really are making more out of it than is warranted. Quit exaggerating.

>> No.13797740

Don't you fucking start.
We don't need another shitstorm over this anon.

>> No.13797741

That particular lass is Nowi the Manakete

>> No.13797742

>trying to blame doms again

Just because Chad made you suck his cum out of your girlfriend doesn't mean all doms are out to get you.

>> No.13797743
File: 389 KB, 705x1000, 1426106319323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get along maybe?

>> No.13797746

Bishie was mentioned once. ONCE in this thread, and look where we are.

>> No.13797751
File: 583 KB, 968x1000, 1437178312304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, these shitstorms always involve the same banter anyways.

Nightmares are still best horsepussy.

>> No.13797752


Lego anubi. Bonnet tipper lizards. Retard wurms.

>> No.13797753

The chubby alp thing was definitely run into the ground, only a matter of time until history repeats itself. Mentioned once in this thread, but a number of times in the last couple threads.

>> No.13797754


>> No.13797756

>Implying subs wouldn't find that hot

>> No.13797757

THIS thread, it's been mentioned dozens of times, if not more in previous ones. The dam has broken.

>> No.13797758
File: 561 KB, 625x626, 7455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay close attention everyone, this is some finely crafted bait. Notice the wording, it doesn't explicitly side with either maledom or femdom.

One could interpret it as Anti-Maledom, as it implies that those who enjoy Maledom are pushing out the old guard Femdom fans from the threads.

Others could interpret it as Anti-Femdom, as it supports pushing those words out of the threads and implies those who like Femdom "Run things into the ground".

This was bait perfectly crafted to make ANYONE potentially mad! Learn to spot Bait and recognize it! Do not take it! Remember the old saying

>"Yo ho, yo ho, near the hooks, I'll never go!"

>> No.13797759
File: 58 KB, 640x453, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13797760

How about fuck you

>> No.13797764
File: 462 KB, 995x1256, 1412535708360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you too!

>> No.13797765
File: 92 KB, 620x877, 1419277305856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme a minute...

>> No.13797766

Could it a trap laid by Illuminati?

>> No.13797769

You guys all seem pretty mad.
Maybe I should start the Waifu War now? You all seem pretty bloodthirsty right now.

>> No.13797771

Right here.

I'm definitely going to continue it, but it'll probably be fairly long and spread out over several days.

>> No.13797772
File: 42 KB, 1297x237, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go.

How is it that we haven't gotten wiser to this shit?

>> No.13797773

my body is ready

>> No.13797774

Please do.

>> No.13797775
File: 90 KB, 512x384, 145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13797776

You think?

>> No.13797777

Yes yessss give into your anger anon, you will make a fine shitposter

>> No.13797778

If my waifu dies I'm going to shitpost harder

>> No.13797779

Stupid useless bunnies, good for nothing but breeding.

>> No.13797780

Commence the operation, pronto.

>> No.13797783

Here's a reminder of who's competing. If you see a girl you think you've seen in the Waifu War before, the answer is Necromancy.

>> No.13797784

hellhound doesn't even have the same namefile m8.

>> No.13797788

>what is image MD5 search
Do you even extension?

>> No.13797792

Your humanity.

>> No.13797793

I think he's just saying people intentionally bait and is using that as proof.

I'm not sure why that needed a screencap though, people bait all the time for fun. We know that. I bet everyone in here, at some point, has intentionally made bait.

>> No.13797795

Yay Paladin-chan!

>> No.13797797
File: 56 KB, 206x292, 1437116566441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13797798

Go Wurm! Kill that Mouse this time!

>> No.13797804
File: 301 KB, 350x464, 1420775904253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh anon you're going to make me blush

>> No.13797812

What kind of bait do you need to fish your own Mermaid waifu?

>> No.13797813

fuck you Tewi

>> No.13797814

Your own worm should do it.

>> No.13797817

God damn it Kunoichi you had one job.

>> No.13797818

Make it better to make her tubby

>> No.13797822
File: 538 KB, 750x728, 6d469ef7cfdaacc386942d61f524a721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mermaids love bishies

>> No.13797823

Sheep intestine filled with semen.

>> No.13797825

Well then.

>> No.13797827
File: 85 KB, 562x610, 9957d89d346716c5c2acc85f5442602c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send a letter undersea professing your love.

Pic related.

>> No.13797828

wurm with explosives.
dis gon be fun

>> No.13797835

>Wurm already has bombs
You ever try out custom events?

>> No.13797839

Too bad, they'll get scarred, burly sailors and like it.

>> No.13797840

>170cm=5 ft 5 in
God damn Japan is full of manlets.
I myself would be 187cm so if most of these measurement sheets are correct I'd be looking at quite a few of these "taller" girls at eye height.

>> No.13797851

Go noodling with your dick.

>> No.13797853

>Kindergartener eroge with little MGs
>And two furries
Great. It's like they're resurging again. What's next, I won't be the only one writing cute MGs doing cute things when not working myself to death or playing Deus Ex?

>> No.13797857

Guys, I think Kakuen remembers what she did last time.
I'm gonna try custom events for Waifu War V. If only because I'll have extra time to set it up.

>> No.13797859

'Tall' in Japan is anything like 5'10''-5'11'' and up. So yeah full of manlets.

>> No.13797863

>barely any meat in their diet
>taught to be whipped, no testosterone to be found
>the way hosts and male jpop stars look

The fuck you expect? Pure nips will cease to be in thirty years. Cap this shit.

>> No.13797865

Well it's not like there are only mermaids on the deep sea, they're probably near the coast too.

>Be a bishounen
>Go swimming to the beach
>Find yourself surrounded by 3 mermaids before you can even scream for help

>> No.13797866

What? I have no idea what you're talking about, but assure you I at least have no intention of stopping the act of writing about cute MGs doing cute things.
Even if people want me to.

>> No.13797870

>Crazy yandere gets a hatchet
>Kunoichi tends to Wurm's wounds
Lots of good and bad here.

>> No.13797876

Why does he have to scream for help? I mean, they're mermaids. Mermaids wouldn't rape a bishounen, right?

>> No.13797879

>You will never go to Japan and be Chad Thundercock, nip slayer extraordinaire

>> No.13797882

>To be fair no one ever used to use the word then it started showing up every thread in a similar posting style.
Same thing happens with a lot of things in these threads.
Back in the day this same thing happened with Moth-chan and Charon.

>> No.13797883

>Apphis becoming a literal snake in the grass
>Pharaoh finally starting to git gud
Hopefully things will be better this time.

>> No.13797884

Rance did it.

>> No.13797885

But will they be cute kindergartener MGs doing cute things that don't go into NSFW territory, and a sunglasses wearing Jinko who lives in junk and punches through walls because she doesn't want to spend 20 minutes walking around a building?

>> No.13797887

Mermaids are the dolphins of the monstergirls

>> No.13797888

>Mermaids wouldn't rape
Oh yeah I'm sure that's the case, why don't you go swimming with no trunks on and test it out.

>> No.13797891

No kindergartners, but I think I can still use Junko.

>> No.13797896

I want Madoka and k-on!fags to leave.

>> No.13797898

>Kindergartener eroge with little MGs

>> No.13797900

So you DON'T want MGs to be cute? You want them to be dark and edgy and mature, like you are?

>> No.13797901

Junko said she is a little tired after Alp's abuse. You'll have to use the spare homeless Werekitten covered in dirt and is thanfully not Laska.

>> No.13797905

It's a shame we allow Mermaid Rape to happen on our shores. We need to start putting money in so we can put an end to the Mermaid Rape epidemic that's growing on our coast.

>> No.13797907
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>> No.13797908

France is not Japanese?

>> No.13797911

Check the /vg/ thread for MGQ.
You'll see it around the bottom.

>> No.13797914

Fuck that, I'm keeping Junko and having her get drunk with Gasmask.
No, he was a foreigner.

>> No.13797915

Just do it.

>> No.13797917

I want balance you stupid fuck, not all cute or all dark all the time.

>> No.13797923

If you harass Junko you will be sued by the 5 Tanuki Bankers.

>> No.13797925


>> No.13797926

They're going to rape him. Sure they will call him cute and hug him all the way through, but it still rape.

It would be funny to see them fighting for him after it, or asking him which one he prefers.

>> No.13797927

Good luck finding me, I'm behind seven proxies.

>> No.13797929

Why the hell are they bringing their shit in here? Fuck off gay boys.

>> No.13797930

Oh shit, a double kill.
Fucking finally.

>> No.13797933

Wocks are useless, huh?

>> No.13797937

>Crazy Yandere kills off the two biggest rape machines
All hail Queen Grapesnake the Benevolent!

>> No.13797939

Now that I think about it...
How did she even get explosives when she ran away from the cornucopia?

>> No.13797940

They already have an accurate reading on your location from their orbiting satellite base, as well as your bank account, SS number, stats, and likes.

>> No.13797945

Time to get off the grid and inna woods, like I do every year when the tallyman comes to town.

>> No.13797952

But breeding with bunnygirls is pretty good.

>> No.13797954

Go wolf team!

>> No.13797958

Anon there is no running. You can go to the bottom of the ocean and bunk with Eldtritch horrors and they'll still have their lock on.

>> No.13797961

I hear they're killers at blackjack.

>> No.13797963

Looks like even Paladin-Chan IV has her supporters.
I thought I cleaned the arena, but apparently there are still some loose bombs around from previous Waifu Wars.

>> No.13797965

To hell with it, I'm keeping the tiger because I CHOSE HER! Who else did, huh?

>> No.13797972

>Hellhounds searches for firewood
Wouldn't it combust from her holding it?

>> No.13797975


Do what?

>> No.13797980

Run fool!

>> No.13797985

>Baphomet also wishes to be a sacrifice
I guess she only kills those who she feels are dangerous?

>> No.13797987

Oh and fuck Ghoul I guess.

>> No.13797990


Run from what, the weird Shia LaBeouf who keeps posting "Just do it" to everything I post?

>> No.13797991

>Crazy Yandere and Paladin hold hands
What is this I don't even?
>Ogre lets Kakuen into her shelter

>> No.13797994

OH god...Aphophis plans to turn paladin-chan!

>> No.13797996

>5 girls, including a dog from hell, the world's strongest warrior, and a mountain press, gang up on a Ghoul and kill her
Well, that's not fair at all.

>> No.13797998

Out of curiosity, are you a Texas-fag

>> No.13798006

>Be Standing in the middle of a hallway with 4 intersections
>Cyclops Heavyweight Sumo Champ from Greece, Jinko Heavyweight Sumo Champ from China, Holstaurus Heavyweight Sumo Champ from America and Oni Heavyweight Sumo Champ from Japan
>All four of them want you to be their boyfriend and to sit on their lap and be fed by you
>They're coming at you from all four directions.
>You must either pick one, or be trapped by four big bellies
What do?

>> No.13798009

Escape through the vent.

>> No.13798013

Stand still, welcome what comes.

>> No.13798017

I call them out on being fatties. And go with the Oni back to her place for a year long session of drinking and fucking. She'll be a slim beauty by the end of it.

>> No.13798018

Trip the cyclops, Await the other three with open arms

>> No.13798028

Not that anon but I am. Seems to be a lot of us here.

>> No.13798030

>Work at bar for first time
>Almost opening time
>Boss is showing me the ropes
>He mentions that tonight I should be careful since CC monsters get half off on drinks tonight
>I ask him why, but before he can answer the cock goes off and signals us that it's opening time
>We stare at the clock for a few seconds before noticing something
>Something off
>Is that.....thunder?
>Various glasses and fragile things on a nearby shelf start rocking back and forth
>A few ends up traveling off the edge as the ground starts to lightly quake
>Boss looks out the window and tries to assess what's going on
>His face goes white with deep fear before turning to me
>"Newbie, run! IT'S A STAMPEDE!"
>I blitz my way into the kitchen, catching a glance of the doors busting open and a flood of single, lonely, and sexually hungry women over 25 wash over and consume my boss like a pitiful twig before a mighty tsunami

>> No.13798031

Not my problem if you want to get ate nigga.

>> No.13798032
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>/monster/ has monster dream thread

Always knew they were autistic. How long until monster tulpa threads?

>> No.13798034

They can all go to hell I want my muscle femdom

>> No.13798035


>> No.13798044

Kakuen is planning something.

>> No.13798045

>Pharaoh is now on the other side of defeat
Thank fucking goodness. Also...
>Baphomet keeps having her life spared

>> No.13798046

What floor are on?

>> No.13798047

>Wurm diverts Vamp's attention
Hopefully Looney Toons style.

>> No.13798049

>the cock goes off

>> No.13798051


>> No.13798055

>The cock goes off

You have a PENIS alarm?

>> No.13798056

Everyone in MGC does. Cockatrice alarms are a hot thing right now.

>> No.13798059
File: 145 KB, 934x896, 1243243835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like yandere timelords?

>> No.13798066

I prefer yandere dungeonmasters, but tielords are just as fine.

>> No.13798070


>> No.13798073

Go, go Paladin-chan!

>> No.13798075

Who the fuck cares?
No, seriously, who the fuck here cares?

>> No.13798077
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>Apo hatchet
It begins.

>> No.13798078

>Baphomet still getting shit on
That's pretty sad.
>Paladin gets a double kill

>> No.13798081

>Paladin wins a two to one fight
She might have a chance.

>> No.13798084

I'm aware, its just that i have all those birds near my hometown, and i dont think its that common in America to have peacocks running around. The thought that i may have masturbated in the same public restroom as some fag from this thread is just kinda intriguing

>> No.13798088

>Kakuen cries herself to sleep

I want to cuddle away the nightmares with her!

>> No.13798092

No, werewolf!

>Hellhound and vampire hold hands

Breaking those social constraints.

>> No.13798099


>> No.13798101

No Windows.

>> No.13798104

>Two tyrants and a weaver are down
2/3 good and 1/3 bad news.

>> No.13798106

>Pharaoh is kill
Those girls who killed her are dead.
You hear me? Dead!

>> No.13798107

>dhamp sees vamp and hellhound holding hands
>chases after hellhound

Damnit Dhampir, let them have this!

>> No.13798110

No such building would be permitted for habitation, and I'm not stupid enough to get lured into a storehouse or something. Try again.

>> No.13798111

Paladin-chan is always a loser I guess.

>> No.13798114
File: 180 KB, 490x520, 6ee20056f74a07db70c3ac03fbd28159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like another week of crying profusely as I uselessly creampie Paladin-chan's cold, dead womb over and over until she awakens as a zombie.

>> No.13798115

>Chinese Jinko Sumo Wrestler
no thanks, my Russian Jinko Sambo fighter waifu would kill me if she saw another woman chuffing at me.

>> No.13798116

Kill them Dhampir, kill them all!

>> No.13798121

No fuck you, I hope the Mantis kills all the girls you like!

>> No.13798122

Garuda without a doubt.
Even if her XIV incarnation is crazy beyond all reason.

Like a 2? They're augmented humans. I don't really think Shelke or Rosso count at all.

>> No.13798125
File: 108 KB, 450x651, 1401135430722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even best incarnation of Marilith

>> No.13798131

Since she's likely of nobility, she'll probably just resurrect as a Wight.
Didn't they have Jenova cells? Although that might only count if they mutate somehow.

>> No.13798137

All the Paladin-Chans are currently working for a Lich. You could buy them off her if you wanted.
I mean, they're zombies now, but hey.

>> No.13798138

>Not wanting your Russian Jinko Sambo fighting to get into a fight with the Chinese Jinko Sumo.
>It ends with both appreciating the other style.
>Now you have a Sumo Russian Jinko and Sambo Chinese Jinko

>> No.13798140
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whatever man

>> No.13798145

Yes. Yes they are. And that chibi is adorable. Based Mono.

>> No.13798146
File: 111 KB, 1280x863, 1543876435434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buff Dragons

>> No.13798148

Wurm can't function without her ice cream sandwiches.

>> No.13798149

Are all the old contestants priced around the same?

>> No.13798150
File: 104 KB, 774x1000, qtj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuals, all of you.

>> No.13798151

Itty bitty heads and feet.

>> No.13798159

>Monster Dream Thread
Uh, don't we talk about lucid dreams and such semi-frequently here too?

I mean yes, I think /monster/ is an awful place, but now you're just being hypocritical.

>> No.13798160
File: 205 KB, 662x659, 1420879127793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13798165

Anon you need to be careful with those secondary sexual characteristics. Men and women tend to build muscle mass in different forms. Men build big bulging muscles like in your pic, and so many men find such unattractive. Women on the other hand tend to have much slimmer bodies, muscles still well defined but not bulging outside of their skin.
Think more along the lines of pic

>> No.13798166

Head too small

>> No.13798188

>Paladin-chan dies in battle deep inside a dark dungeon
>Her crying squire rushed over to her as soon as the monster leaves, but she can barely focus her eyes on him
>She drifts away in his arms
>The squire's mind breaks when his true love dies in his arms
>Instead of bringing her in for a proper burial he starts believing she's still alive and his wife
>He chats with the corpse during the day, putting some cave mushrooms and water in its cold, blue lips at mealtimes
>At night he has gentle slow sex with the unmoving body
>Slowly his energy reanimates her
>Her reanimation further feeds his delusion
>He lives out the rest of his days in the dungeon with the zombie Paladin

>> No.13798190

Baphomet's suffering isn't over yet.

Yeah, but the ones who survived are off limits, and the ones who did really well, Chimaera, Kakuen, ect. cost a bit more to purchase as Waifus/Meidos.
Kakuen isn't doing to well in this one though, so she might see a price drop.

>> No.13798191

The face is a bit too much.

He wanted monsters, not goddesses.

>> No.13798198

Betting on mantis

>> No.13798200 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 400x600, 1437336077547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are half-right.

>> No.13798202

Mi negro!

>> No.13798205

>those arms
>those hands
See >>13798160

>> No.13798215

Let's assume a bit.
if your waifu played an MMO, what class would she play?
Hardmode: No Healer/Knight.

>> No.13798217

wouldn't she turn into a wight eventually? and wouldn't a wight's incubus also be undead?

>> No.13798218

>playing MMOs

>> No.13798220

Some sort of MageMight or BlueMage.

>> No.13798221

How would be Paladin react to regaining sentience, only to realize that her dear squire has raped her corpse back to life and gone insane?

>> No.13798222

I'm going to go with an Engineer-type class, like the Machinist in FFXIV. Of course you have to get to the Expansion Content to get that first...so probably Archer up to that point.

>> No.13798226

It's times like this I feel I should brush up on my MMOs. Best I can think of is some support role like a bard or dancer.

Then again, it could lead to troubles seeing as I'd run either thief or some mechanic/engineer class.

>> No.13798227


>> No.13798228

depends on whether the undead have any memories of their past lives.

>> No.13798229

>Made love to her consenting, needy zombie corpse
She'd react with the same love and devotion he showed her.

Deathknight. And if that breaks the hardmode conditions, then Necromancer.

>> No.13798233

She's a big girl. Can't say the pelvis of whoever is served up to her as the month's sacrifice will last long.

>> No.13798235

I dont think a paladin would even turn into a zombie when they die since god is literally real in this setting their soul would go to heaven.

>> No.13798236

Ushi-Oni Berserker or whatever heavy weapon dps the game has. Seems like her kind of thing.

>> No.13798242

>"Where is the rape button?"

>> No.13798244
File: 520 KB, 608x972, 1418234831784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That amount of muscles looks really good on 2d girls.

>> No.13798246

Actually, if we're going by the MGE, I think it's based more on Greek Mythology and the like, where "Heaven" is "Gods and Angels Only", and mortal souls either go to the Underworld or linger as ghosts or undead for their afterlife, or reincarnate.

Can't say that for sure though, given that KC's been rather sparse about details for such. Apparently he's still working to nail down exactly what sort of "Underworld" he wants to have, which is why the only reference to it we've had thus far is that Apophi garner power from it.

>> No.13798248
File: 2.93 MB, 400x372, 12dc8f2466a44d9d99a2473729169f36.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh! An amorous Gazer has started staring at you. What do you do?

>> No.13798252

That just makes it better if she feels a weirdly pleasurable tingle every time her corpse gets creampied and then gets pulled back from hanging out with the saints into her undead body when it reanimates. Then, suddenly, she's back in the dungeon with cum seeping out of her and her squire's warm arms wrapped around her abdomen.

>> No.13798253

Ask her out on a date.

>> No.13798254

No, there's a hades figure who tries to tame hellhounds to guard his realm in the underworld. Failed tho

>> No.13798257


>> No.13798258

Tell her Nintenyearolds pls go, PC mustard race

>> No.13798259

Do a bunch of cocaine and hope I go blind.

>> No.13798260

If her soul comes back then shes technically not dead.

>> No.13798261

Poke her eye and run away!

>> No.13798264

Okay, so maybe I didn't get a certain someone a certain something she maybe needed to survive.
She should've just gotten good.

>> No.13798265

Pocket sand!

>> No.13798269

Kill it with fire

>> No.13798274

Tell her I'm not into smelly nerds. Then have the softball captain push her down before I fuck her in the locker room.

>> No.13798279

>Vampire dies from lack of bloodsucking

>> No.13798281

>Vampire is kill
Aww man.

>> No.13798283

Actually their profile said that they were purportedly "Created by a certain God of the Underworld", but that even the God couldn't control them. Their own creator at that.

Okay so that's two things about the Underworld. Hades made Hellhounds but couldn't control them, and Apophi draw their power from the Underworld. Still not a lot to go on.

>> No.13798286

What kind of logic is that? If her body is animated by magic instead of normal biological processes, she's undead.

>> No.13798287


>> No.13798289

So Vampires aren't undead?

>> No.13798291

>Mantis is kill

>> No.13798294

>The top Assassin was killed by a lowly worm
Well shucks.

>> No.13798297

Do you believe Vampires are sustained by some natural process?

>> No.13798300

Fuck, whatever I'm going to buy that Mantis and make her a Mantis Wight!

>> No.13798302

>Machinist in FFXIV
FUCK that class, it pushed away enemies I'm trying to DPS

>> No.13798304


>> No.13798305

>Live in apartment in MGC
>Specifically ask to be placed with a human as roommate, takes a few weeks but arrangements are finally made
>Live this way for abut a year and a half
>Roommate says hes moving to a place on the other side of town
>After a few weeks new roommate announced
>Couldn't find another human, compromised with an alp
>Real torn about this
>The guys (gals?) a total bro, brought in about 3 boxes worth of games with him, even an SNES and some old stuff on that
>Good taste in movies, pretty chill all around
>and yet...
>Walks around in underwear some of the time, not thinking about it
>We go to the gym together and he wears these tight yoga pants
>Swear his hips are getting wider by the day
The hell do i do about this

>> No.13798307

Nothing's keeping alive magically and they can turn others with a simple bite.
Yes, I believe they are not true undead and are mere POSERS.

>> No.13798309

>Fucking ranged jobs blast away monster causing you to chase it when they don't have aggro

The fucking worst..

>> No.13798310

Not much going on tonight.

>> No.13798311

Anon once he's crossed the Alp threshold he becomes a she.

>> No.13798312

>Buying a corpse from a death contest to fuck it
Yet at the same time, intriguing...

>> No.13798313



>> No.13798315

Yeah i know, but shes in the early stages so she doesn't look the part quit yet. Thats why its so godamn weird.

>> No.13798316

Really? Well, from what I've seen, they're not as bad as stupid White Mages who use their knock-back Water Spell in the middle of a dungeon for no reason.

>> No.13798319

It's fine the Lich will revive her, hell I might buy the Kakuen too.

>> No.13798320


>> No.13798321


>> No.13798322

>early stages
You mean she hasn't really accepted what she is yet, despite doing feminine things regardless?

>> No.13798326

The body of any contestant that dies in the Waifu Wars is technically the property of a Lich we paid for the grounds.
She revives them and sells them off as Waifus/Meidos.

>> No.13798329

Before or after you fuck them...?

Please say before.

Regardless the concept of buying a corpse with the intention of sexing them up is still pretty twisted.

>> No.13798333

>Sells them off
So if you lose in Waifu Wars, not only do you have to suffer through a cruel and painful death, but then you wind up enslaved too? Truly an awful fate.

>> No.13798336

Take her to the candy shop
Start the path to making a fattie gazer girlfriend

>> No.13798337

Before obviously.

>> No.13798338

>despite doing feminine things regardless?
She really doesn't, its just like a dude but with lady parts.

>> No.13798343

>its just like a dude but with lady parts
It's much more than that. The Alp process outright transforms your body into a woman, genes and all. And last I checked, wearing tight yoga pants at the gym WAS A FUCKING GIRLY THING TO DO SINCE THEY LIKE TO SHOW OFF AND GET ANGRY WHEN YOU LOOK BECAUSE ATTENTION.

>> No.13798350

I look forward to our eventual victor.

>> No.13798354

Holy shit someone drew decent lewds of Lava Golem. Lovely.


>> No.13798356
File: 228 KB, 700x685, 1429125190008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13798357


>> No.13798362

>Fat Tanuki butt.
I want a Tanuki to rape me while her Oni bodyguards hold me down and then make an honest man of me.

>> No.13798364
File: 185 KB, 1000x1000, MGK sandbox2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wurm and Sandworm work together
This is just like my shitty MGK stories!

>> No.13798365

Looks like this guy draws Robutts too, I'm in.

>> No.13798366


>> No.13798378


shes still shit but this is better than normal

>> No.13798381
File: 271 KB, 800x902, 1433998592681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13798383


>> No.13798385
File: 106 KB, 1024x576, Ripley-Alien-3-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wurm and Sandworm work together
>Wurm hides in Sandworm's mouth
>They spook travellers by recreating that scene from Alien3 together.

>> No.13798387

Damn, Kunoichi, being the assassin she was born to be.

>> No.13798389



>> No.13798395

h-how much is that in America bucks?

>> No.13798400

>Sandworm slowly inches over to Kunoichi, who she cornered
>Almost presses her Wormy face against the sultry ninja
>The giant BETA-osh maw opens up, and a Wurm pops out
>Kunoichi dies from shock

>> No.13798405

If it's yen, then somewhere close to $10

>> No.13798407

To the tall anons in this thread:
How long do you think you could get away with teasing your short waifu before she decides to punish you lewdly?

>> No.13798412

Depends on her species, but my lass is a gentle creature. Gentle, but she wears the pants in the bedroom. I make fun of her, and she WILL find some way to get back, albeit playfully.

>> No.13798415
File: 904 KB, 1005x1280, z3AQDZt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd prefer cutely.
>Waifu tries to get a step ladder to look me in the eyes
>I'm still taller than her despite standing on the highest step
>She tears up a bit

>> No.13798416



>> No.13798420

That's the one I see the most. Wanna make sure I don't commend you? Do that.

>> No.13798422

Poor Wurm.

>> No.13798425

>Hellhound chases Nekomata
Ah yes, instincts

>> No.13798426

We're falling off this board a little faster then usual.

>> No.13798427

Such betrayal.

>> No.13798429

>have around $515
I can have some fun with this

>> No.13798430

Anyone remember that manga where a Kumiho possesses a girl who fights with a guy. Her tails have swords in them. I thought I had it's linked saved but can't find it.

>> No.13798432

Uh-oh! Your monster girl waifu is sick and needs to be alone for a week, leaving you to care for your infant daughteru, feeding, changing and all the other things by yourself!
What do you do?

>> No.13798433


burn the smug

>> No.13798434

I'm fairly tiny, but I would still tease my waifu because she would most likely she would be shorter then me. I would only tease her so he punishes me anyway.

>> No.13798436

>wurm goes to get food for sandworm friend
>comes back to camp destroyed
>more worried if sandworm friend is ok

sandworm a bitch

>> No.13798438

She sniped and poisoned two people. I'd say Sandworm is the most untrustworthy person in the game

>> No.13798441

Dakini. RIP.

>> No.13798444

Retard dragon can get fucked.

>> No.13798446

I hope we have a tragic final battle between the two.

>> No.13798447

Dakini. It's dead, Jim

>> No.13798449

One by one all the girls without nice lewds are getting them. Arch Imp, Khepri and Sea Bishop are on my wishlist.

>> No.13798450

It's forever dead then? Well thanks anyway.

>> No.13798454
File: 272 KB, 631x783, 1437286516579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would tease her any time i get. though for various reasons, not just her height but everything i like about her.

>> No.13798461

I don't have a waifu though.

>> No.13798463

Nope. Miami.

>> No.13798464

Wurm really took Sandworm's betrayal hard.

>> No.13798467

>Stand still, acquire sumo harem.
>Cyclops carries me off for sweaty shower sex after working in her forge/a match
>Jinko stalks me through the house before, gently, pouncing me and dragging me to the bedroom for cuddles, her chuffing as loud as she is big.
>Holst loves to snuggle on the couch, holding me deep, DEEP into her chest as she nuzzles me.
>Oni lifts with me, showing me a few tricks, before we grab some drinks before heading home.
On occasion I spike their drinks with some aphrodisiacs so they are nice and sensitive for me to tease.

>> No.13798469

>Wurm wants death
>Gazer spares her, for Iwata would not want that
>Apophis dual wielding hatchets
Getting pretty dark right here.

>> No.13798471

>Zombie wurm
>Zombie Mouse

They will be tough to take down.
Assuming wurm doesn't fall for the "You're a shark!" trick again.

>> No.13798475

>Wurm begs for death
>Meanwhile, a kilometre or two away, the sandworm is singing and celebrating while eating the wurm's food


>> No.13798483

Same anon here. Missed this reply.
Like I said, I live in a small village in Miami, and the town right next to us is a bird sanctuary with tons of peacocks roaming the streets. Occasionally they find their way into our town. My family was woken up once at 5 in the morning by a peacock sitting in a tree in the front yard and screeching like a banshee.

>> No.13798494

>tfw no Ogre who looks like she could snap you in half just by flexing yet acts incredibly feminine.

>> No.13798495

I'd make a joke here about thirst for the dick, but I don't think it'd be a very good joke.

>> No.13798502

>Sandworm is listening to wurm cry to cheshire about how she was betrayed.


>> No.13798503


get that faggot asshole nerd out of here
what a stupid bitch

>> No.13798505

>Dhampir fishing while Hellhound dies of thrist
White privilege at it's finest.

>> No.13798506

I want to open a support group where i help alp's accept their new state and embrace their womanhood!

>> No.13798508

Welp, Hellhound's dead. And with her, my hope.

>> No.13798513

Don't team up with her, Wurm. Dhampir seems like someone who won't betray you.

>> No.13798519

I would take them to stores and buy them cute dresses and help them with growing out their hair!

>> No.13798526

Lamia type monstergirls gotta stick together.

>> No.13798533

>Apophis huddling up with Wurm for her warm blood

>> No.13798535

>huddle for warmth

>> No.13798536

>Wurm is tearily snuggling apophis

Poor sad zombie wurm.

>> No.13798539

Would the apophis and wurm form a Caduceus for warmth?

>> No.13798542

Ok, this doesn't make sense.

>> No.13798546

>Coiling around each other for heat
Not sure who's more cold blooded, them or Gazer.

>> No.13798548

>Hellhound got too thirsty

Not too surprising.

>> No.13798550

Hellhounds are stupid, what do you expect?

>> No.13798553

CC Apophis comforting Wurm?

>> No.13798555

You walk into your daughteru's room and discover that she's listening to music you don't approve of! What do you do?

>> No.13798558

Tell her she has shit taste and backflip out.

>> No.13798559


>> No.13798560

get a new daughteru

>> No.13798562

What kind of music?

>> No.13798566
File: 104 KB, 500x281, 139354267545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13798567

>Memecat dies.
All is good.

>> No.13798568


>> No.13798572

Wurmchan no!
She comforted you! Snuggled you!
Why would you....
Wait...Aphophis tried to kill wurmchan!
It was self-defense!
Wurmchan's suffering does not end even in death.

>> No.13798573

Death everywhere, damn. Guess Cheshire forgot how to teleport.

>> No.13798574

Mice monstergirls confirmed, yet again, for most dangerous monstergirls.

Also, chesire clinging onto the idiot ball as she forgets to teleport.

And what happened between wurm and apophis to cause that fight?

>> No.13798576
File: 426 KB, 997x781, TFW KR will never be as popular as FF7 despite coming out roughly the same time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13798577

Apophis betrayed her.
Just like sandworm.

>> No.13798579
File: 2.37 MB, 512x288, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was self-defense
I refuse to believe that.
I refuse, dammit.

>> No.13798582

Whatever kind of music you dislike and/or wouldn't want her listening to.

>> No.13798583

The hell is KR?

>> No.13798586

apophis chan is better than this

>> No.13798587

Wurm's sanity is leaving her.

>> No.13798589

>mouse injures herself

git fucking gud

>> No.13798591
File: 249 KB, 722x1024, Kamiera&#039;s Castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kichikuou Rance.

Wurm is Big Boss now?

>> No.13798592

Wurm just wants to hide now.
Hide from the mean people, from the liars, from the people trying to hurt her.
She just wants to be home again.
That anon at the undead acclimation clinic was so nice too.

>> No.13798593

>Wurm holding branches out and trying hard to stay still.

>> No.13798598

Put it all on Wurm.

Or perhaps I should say...Super Wurm!

>> No.13798603

>tfw the last of arekishis stuff to get translated was in 2013
>there are 7 sets of really good images and we only have 3 in English
end me

>> No.13798614

Aww man, why'd you have to remind me?

>> No.13798629

What if my daughteru is listening to Death Grips?

>> No.13798634

What this doesn't tell you is the fact that Wurm sobbed herself to sleep.

>> No.13798639

>tiny hellhound daughteru screaming out "I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE"

>> No.13798640

C'mon Wurm and Sandworm final confrontation! This needs to be their fight theme

>> No.13798642

>Zombie wurmchan is hugging her tail and weeping as she tries to get some sort of warmth.

So sad.

>> No.13798647

>Large mouse might have broken an ankle and is screaming for help
I can't take this.

>> No.13798660

Don't worry Anon.
She already died once.

>> No.13798665

Time to Bop her on the nose at High-Hyper Sonic speeds like I did her mother.

>> No.13798667

Wait, do zombies feel pain?

>> No.13798675

Probably not, if anything she wants help because she just can't get out.

>> No.13798684


>> No.13798692

>I'm not being lied to again!

>> No.13798693

>as she falls out of bed from the nose bop, you hear her yell "JENNY DEATH WHEN"

>> No.13798698
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, Damn girl, why you so crazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Wurm, your path of Revengeance is going overboard.

>> No.13798702

If Wurm pulls this off, we'll need a pic of her as the girl from the opening of Battle Royale. The one with the teddy bear and the broken smile.

>> No.13798704

backflip out, hiiilarious.

>> No.13798705

Wurm's finally had enough, she better win this shit.

>> No.13798707


>> No.13798708

A wurm with her innocence lost is truly a tragedy of the universe.

>> No.13798712

I'm going to buy so many zombie monster girls and give them a nice home!

>> No.13798714


>> No.13798716

Well, there's going to be a surplus of them after this.

>> No.13798717

>She's drowned in the last 1v1 with mouse

What sort of special utilities would zombie MGs need?

>> No.13798720

Zombie Gatchas.
I'd prefer a Wight.

>> No.13798721

What now? If they all died I'll have to have them all ressurrected and start again with a higher death rate.

>> No.13798722


>> No.13798725
File: 43 KB, 413x299, 2709906_1337146065750.09res_413_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13798729

Mother Gaia Wins! Original MG!

>> No.13798731

>Everyone dies
Wow. Fucking WOW.
Now we don't get to see Wurm cry as she delivers the killing blow to her oldest and closest friend.

>> No.13798732

I want to teach my zombie girl wards how to play music and perform Re: Your Brains!

>> No.13798735

Jesus christ, that's brutal.

And once the lava flow harderns, all we'll see is the fossilized remains of a wurm, huddled up with a look of despair frozen on her stone face.

>> No.13798736


I'll help poor, re-resurrected zombie wurm find her faith in humanity.

>> No.13798737

>Buy zombies
>Middle of winter
>Your heating bill is going through the roof
>In an effort to save money you turn it down, you know the girls aren't going to like this but sacrifices must be made
>You wake up in the middle of the night to a horde of zombies clinging onto you desperately and competing to get under the covers

>> No.13798738

Sudden Death mode.
Activate it.

>> No.13798739

What happened to mouse? Last we saw she found a river.

>> No.13798741

>Rocks Fall. Everyone Dies

Well played.

>> No.13798744

Okay, which ones of you faggots are in /v/ shitposting about monster girls?

>> No.13798746

D-did mouse win?

>> No.13798747

Nature always wins

>> No.13798748

Where's the mouse?

>> No.13798752

Probably the same one that keeps posting the Darling 'you're all cucks' pic in /a/ and otherwise spamming all the copypastas.

Nobody from here.

>> No.13798753

>Mouse cries for help
>Suddenly, the Earth parts and a volcano erupts, killing everyone

>> No.13798754

>Going to /v/
You deserve it. That said it might be someone from the monster girl quest general.

>> No.13798756

Well, presumably she drowned.

>> No.13798757
File: 16 KB, 236x386, a14eb5aa1c1ff01cf99f6c67358faead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Wurm?

S-Super Wurm?!


>> No.13798758

>Going to /v/
>You take me for a faggot?

>> No.13798760

How ironic.

>> No.13798763

Gaia heard her cries.

>> No.13798766

Monster Musume is airing, so I'll assume those are either crossboarders from /a/ or /v/ natives.

>> No.13798769
File: 20 KB, 359x195, WAIT A MINUTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture won't upload in Imgur so I have to put it here sorry.

>> No.13798772

>Get a panic attack thinking I may have made one request too many and this anon thinks I'm starting shit
>It's just a monster girl game announcement thread on /v/
Don't scare me like that, man.

>> No.13798774

Cheeseheads Unite!

>> No.13798778


>> No.13798779

That sneaky bitch.

I salute you, our new overlord.

>> No.13798783
File: 138 KB, 800x605, DOSKOI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13798785

>Implying that the hate and heat hasn't burned into Wurmchan now.
>Implying that when the dwarves dig her out they won't find a zombie wurm but instead a wurm of stone and fiery fury.
>She rises with a shake, the the chips of obsidion falling from her.
>She is magma zombie wurm now, her smile gone, burned away in the heat of the lava.

>> No.13798787

You know that Wurm just suffocated on ash right? She wasn't caught in the lava flow.

>> No.13798791

It's okay...she'll be dead again soon anyway...

Now to take Super Wurm to the Lazarus Dark Matter Pits to bring her back to life.

>> No.13798794


Tough making the yucks when you're worm food, isn't it, Bird Boy?

>> No.13798796

How does an undead wurm suffocate?

>> No.13798800

I recently requested something involving a loli version of FFXIVs Bahamut if it makes you feel any better.

>> No.13798802

>Wanting Super Wurm to go mad and escape, donning a red helmet and brown jacket

>> No.13798805

Fuck that shit.
No. I demand a rematch.
So fucking salty right now.

>> No.13798807

Well they do say rodents and cockroaches would be some of the few things to survive end of the world scenarios. Sneaky little shit made it through unharmed.

>> No.13798809

Careful Anonymous, having too much salt in your blood isn't healthy

>> No.13798810

>The Wonderful Wonder Wurm V. Red Wurm
>Tune in this summer to see which wurm is best.

>> No.13798811

It wasn't the mouse that killed them all, it was the volcano. Mouse had a broken ankle and was just lucky enough to be near a river when it started raining fire.

>> No.13798814

I was half expecting some kind of LichQueen tie in for this.

Super Wurm would never steal from someone else, not ideals or costume choices.

>> No.13798816

Good point.
I guess this means she's still conscious, but trapped underneath metres of ash, with no space to move.

>> No.13798818

More like she used black magic to make her cry summon a volcano. Damn Gaia worshippers

>> No.13798819
File: 309 KB, 1920x1080, Elf Wight by Loen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hotdog dat booty.

>> No.13798825
File: 368 KB, 710x749, The fallen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not letting me upload anything to the imgur, what the hell?
Anyway, moment of silence for the fallen.

>> No.13798829

Gee how convenient.

>> No.13798833

>dat pseudo leotard dress thing that probably has a name
This is a pretty neat design, although I wonder how it'd work with Wight versions of other monstergirls.

>> No.13798837

I'm going to take that Zombie Mantis and help her into Wighthood!

What would a Mantis Wight be like?

>> No.13798840

Spirit Swords!

>> No.13798842

I don't know. It might lose some appeal on less human shaped ones.

>> No.13798843

>4 kills
Bullshit and everyone knows it, she preformed that dark ritual to activate the volcano.

>> No.13798846

>Blades glow and ignore armor
>Her chitin is a pale, purplish pink
>She's still quiet except when in bed.
She has nightmares about how she died.

>> No.13798848


What's convenient?

>> No.13798855

She's going to get cuddled all night then until those nightmares go away.

>> No.13798864


She has multiple spirit swords, like Noctis from FFXV

>> No.13798866

Nah, just the ones attached to her arms.
They're even longer, and ethereal-looking, and fucking deadly.

>> No.13798867
File: 416 KB, 900x960, Party Request have been forcefully accepted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still parryable.

>> No.13798868

Add a scarf to the mix and it's gold.
Or Vergil/Nero.

>> No.13798871

>Add a scarf
What's next, she likes Indiana Jones and wants you to watch it with her. You think she just blankly sits there watching the movie, but in actuality she's smiling but the scarf is blocking it which makes you think she's a Kuu?

>> No.13798872
File: 370 KB, 633x756, 0dVVmmG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head pats for mousie.
i had faith in her

>> No.13798882
File: 373 KB, 950x1250, 1435690207469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are mouse girls so great and thanks man

>> No.13798883
File: 214 KB, 800x503, 1437190402227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that idea.
Is that image recent?

>> No.13798889


its gonna be hot and heavy when the mantis girls actually embrace their emotions

>> No.13798896
File: 346 KB, 1000x1000, Black mage pophis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like that idea.
And somebody actually cares for MGK Mantis' idea instead of that damned Anubis or Ryu.

>> No.13798897

I want to tie a Mousegirl up and use her as a daki!

>> No.13798901

And suddenly I'm recalling that greentext about the bondage mousegirl.

>> No.13798903


i want to teach a class of mantis qts

>> No.13798904


>> No.13798908

ain't going to happen

>> No.13798909

All right, see you nerds in two weeks for Waifu Wars V.

>> No.13798911

Which one?

>> No.13798912


>> No.13798914

I'm a hypocrite, but I want to buy the Baphomet.

>> No.13798920 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 640x966, 1437346191945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys help I just had a dream about Polt

>> No.13798926

that's nice I'm having trouble caring tho

>> No.13798927

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.13798928
File: 313 KB, 460x654, 1436320485963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did you work out together?

>> No.13798931

Not him, but here you go. Based Quicksilver


>> No.13798933
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, P&#039;Ork bath time.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going along with that trend
Oy Vey.

>> No.13798934

Maybe one day, we'l get drawfaggotry of Ophy in a luchador outfit.
We'll call her, "The Black Mamba."

>> No.13798936

It was from not too long ago.
-Guy catches mousegirl in kitchen
-Spares/adopts it while introducing it to bondage/sexual teasing.
>Bit of ballgag play involved

Can't remember much more other than it was one of the more heartwarming tales.

>> No.13798938

I want a Harem of Mantis's!

>> No.13798941 [SPOILER] 
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, 1437346407346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have something of Ophy though! I wish I could find Loen at more opportune times, or LateNight/LampLight/Lawyer-chan if he was willing to do a few.

>> No.13798942

I'd still hit it.

>> No.13798944

Fuck off with that garbage.

>> No.13798947

I impregnated every extra eye she had.

>> No.13798952

Thanks mates

>> No.13798966
File: 400 KB, 891x746, Sketch175174955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha no, that image is pretty old, though i doubt anyone recognizes my dear OC.
pic related is recent though

>> No.13798970


>> No.13798971
File: 1.16 MB, 1250x2000, 50147503_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i doubt anyone recognizes my dear OC.
She has a decent 5head going on.

>> No.13798978

A post about giving away money then immediately a Tainuki shows up.

>> No.13798990
File: 171 KB, 425x493, 1433470044880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That wasn't the original intent of the post but okay champ whatever you want to believe.

>> No.13798996

My god I want to hug that tanuki.

>> No.13799002

I'm not the only one that is ok with almost every monstergirl right? I feel like I would get married on my first day on MGC

>> No.13799004

Good for you faggot.

>> No.13799005

I'm with you there I wouldn't stay single for long in MGC and I would be ok with that

>> No.13799006

I like a bit of everything.

>> No.13799008 [DELETED] 

What monster would make the best Dragon?

>> No.13799010


>> No.13799011


>> No.13799014


>> No.13799015

Holy shit I meant to say chef not Dragon.

God damn I'm fucking stupid.

>> No.13799016


>> No.13799022


>> No.13799023

My MG standards are abysmally low, so I probably would too. As long as she isn't purge tier and she loves me.

>> No.13799024

Still dragon.

I like the way you think nigga.

>> No.13799029


Wait what happened I missed it

>> No.13799030

Nah, I'm here.
From bapho to Holstaur, Kunoichi to familiar I'd love them all.
Even an elf or centaur.

>> No.13799031

Hinezumi would be the queens of chinese food, P'orks would make amazing barbeque, Dragons would be obsessive enough to be pretty good at everything, and Salamanders would know... what would Salamanders be good at cooking?

>> No.13799035

Why Dragon? They're just dumb greedy lizards that set things on fire.

I tried to say "What monster girl would make the best chef" but I added Dragon at the end instead.

>> No.13799037

He asked which monster would make the best dragon.

>> No.13799039

Spicy food.

>> No.13799040
File: 962 KB, 1200x2000, Baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Akantor, duh.

>> No.13799041

Have you never seen cartoons? They can control their breath incredibly well.

>> No.13799042

No I didn't.

Shut up it never happened.

>> No.13799044

I have favorites, but I'd still try and find one I enjoy spending time with and like the personality of. That'll be hell though, and hard not to end up with a harem when all the ones I'm spending time with to figure that out team up on me.

>> No.13799045

She's the baka!

>> No.13799046


looks cute

>> No.13799048

Nah. I'm fine with almost all of them. Maybe only 4 to 6 that I wouldn't like out of 100+

>> No.13799049

Yuki-onnas would run some mean ice cream shops with all the best homemade flavors

>> No.13799052

Nah you aren't the only one. I would be fine with lots of species. I'd try to stay single for a short while in MGC to atleast explore the posiblities before falling for the first girl that offers me a drink.

I don't think i'll last long in any case.

>> No.13799053

Their fire breath carries unique chemical make-ups which can add flavor to their dishes. Even just smoking things. Those who master using their flame for cooking are unparalleled. In things that require/can be flame cooked or smoked.

Other things, not so great at.

>> No.13799054

If it doesn't swim it's in the bin.

>> No.13799055

Would they team up with holsts and their husbands? Best milk comes from a cow being milked by her hubbie after all.

>> No.13799058

They're still greedy shits.

>> No.13799062

As long as she doesn't want me to be a dom I'm ok with any girl that is into vanilla or femdom.

>> No.13799100


>> No.13799103
File: 205 KB, 700x851, 1427025751457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13799107

I think huitzilopochtli would be a cute bride. A tiny, belligerent hummingbird sun deity that's had her voracious appetite for blood replaced by something else.

>> No.13799108

To be fair, I'm about to run DnD

>> No.13799115
File: 210 KB, 800x600, 1393831664443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a coinkydink, I was actually playing Pathfinder with some pals.

>> No.13799118

What the absolute fuck is with that picture.

>> No.13799119

Nice, homebrew or adventure path?
I'm GMing King Maker

>> No.13799133
File: 187 KB, 265x265, 1393830772510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homebrew, but we're mostly beginners, so its a shitfest.

A fun shitfest mind you.

He came in the doll girls arm.

>> No.13799143

Yuki-onna are royalty, they wouldn't associate with lowly farm animals

The Yuki and Holst ice cream rivalry is stronger than the Hatfields and McCoys

>> No.13799149

No problem, I'm the forever GM and folks are still beginners.

Its better that way, more fun.

>> No.13799153

nnnggghh w/e.
posting entire image:
Butts... Glorius. mantis. butts.

>> No.13799159
File: 160 KB, 500x281, MGs mind all day everyday .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awwww yeah

>> No.13799160

>He came in the doll girls arm.
Shit that's pretty hot, what VN is that from, and is it translated?

>> No.13799163

Jumping out of Planes for the Fatherland anon, I'm quite busy.

>> No.13799173
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I feel indifferent towards the position of Mintes arm, along with the vagina.

>> No.13799177

Most likely semen or spirit energy.

That said, I imagine her as being sweet as candy, but extremely dangerous if she feels her lover is being threatened.

>> No.13799179

Shoulders look far too broad, arms look too short, peek-a-breast looks too small, misplaced and misshapen, scythes look weird in how they grow larger rather than taper off, bug abdomen looks too small, though interesting way to connect it to her lower back, and good job putting in her wings. Also her pelvic and tail regions look completely misshapen, making her holes look out of place, not to mention far too low. Butt is decently done though. Nice and fat.

>> No.13799183


damn thats a cute mantis

>> No.13799193

It would be her greatest pleasure to make her lover dokidoki. In lieu of heart sacrifice.

>> No.13799205

All Mantis' are cute.

They're the best bug for a reason.

>> No.13799238

Face is ugly.

>> No.13799242 [SPOILER] 
File: 140 KB, 741x859, 1437352763646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wan Wan Wan.


>> No.13799247

We need more monsters with sharkteeth

>> No.13799251
File: 750 KB, 890x930, 7f480166b3c11a2a234659f6e4adb1d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to ignore and pass by awkward frog girls whenever you see one.

You'd regret if you didn't.

>> No.13799252

>That moment when she seems oddly reluctant to talk about family

Hate to be on the wrong side of that sibling argument.

And now I want a huitzil girl more than ever. A proper one.

>> No.13799254

Would scratch ears while cuddling/10.

>> No.13799256

Does she have a fleshlight installed in her right forearm?

>> No.13799270

Were you listening to master of puppets?

>> No.13799271


>> No.13799273

Don't tell me what to do! I want to carry a bunch of baby frog girls on my back!

>> No.13799285
File: 201 KB, 620x800, parasites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you insist

>> No.13799286

Who's Pixiv is that from? I've seen that design before.

>> No.13799287


>> No.13799288

What a pretty dog-lady. I'd have no qualms with letting her use me as a hugging pillow while watching TV on the couch.

>> No.13799291

I'm sickened yet curious.

>> No.13799294

It's like having the most intense backscratch of your life. A deep tissue backscratch.

>> No.13799297

For >>13799291

>> No.13799298

I would burden that curse if it meant cute daughterus after they aged a bit. and you know magic™

>> No.13799302

Non, not even for the sake of dicking them.

>> No.13799312

Looks weird, but I bet mamono mana would make that feel AWESOME.

>> No.13799316

He's finally dating Dumpire.

>> No.13799322

A whole lot of nothing happened up until that point huh.

>> No.13799328

Don't give a shit, it's still garbage.

>> No.13799339

That's nice, dear.

>> No.13799343

Known that for a while.

Adorable handholding action as she fights the urge to drink from him in the most lewd and romantic way.

>> No.13799348

I want to be in an alternative universe where monster girls shitpost all day in anonymous boards about human dicks!

>> No.13799355

that would be great to see I bet they argue more then we do

>> No.13799356

I want to lurk those threads and see if Reverse Alps are all the rage!

>> No.13799362
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Fuck you Tanukis are for purging.

Purging by impregnation, taking responsibility, and showing her the fiscal advantages to claiming marriage on your taxes

>> No.13799365

I can only imagine how their shitstorms about "Masterfags vs Bitchboyfags" would be.

>> No.13799370

There's a lot of argument about DILFs, bara, shotacon, bishies and why yaoi is disgusting. All yurifags will be told they'll grow a dick.

>> No.13799371

All of those do sound nice. Especially the little tanuki daughterus and all their fluffy little tails that need to be brushed. And tummies that need to be tickled.

>> No.13799372

which MG would shitpost the most tho or be the one to chase the shitstorm?

>> No.13799380

I want to commit crimes against fluff to serve time in the Mofu prison, where you're smothered by the fluffiest of monstergirls.

>> No.13799382

Cheshires, Devils, or Pixies.

Anything with a love for trickery.

>> No.13799386

What size are MG pixies?

>> No.13799391

>"There is nothing wrong with torturing and mindbreaking human boys if they mess with you first, if you don't you're a beta and I beat you would want bullies to kill you"
>Everyone gets mad
>Hey guys, I'm writing a story, do you like human girls?"
>Everyone gets mad
>"Humans are superior in every way, I want to sell all of you out as slaves!"
>Everyone gets mad


>> No.13799393

6 inches to a foot tall.

>> No.13799395

Probably small enough that they have to use their whole hand to type letters

>> No.13799396

Thanks. Now to let the mind wander.

>> No.13799403
File: 1.82 MB, 500x276, PbiiTS8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to gently pet a shark girl on the nose!

>> No.13799412

It almost looks like it's ahegaoing.

>> No.13799430

that's because it is. A sharks nose is it's most sensitive spot. In real life if you are in danger you are to stab and or punch a shark there.

>> No.13799434

Those right there, those are the eyes of an ice cold natural cuddler.

>> No.13799435

I pet a shark before. It's slimy, but very smooth.

>> No.13799442

Did you poke its butt?

>> No.13799447


>> No.13799454

Wasn't really on my mind to do so.

>> No.13799463
File: 721 KB, 3500x3000, 1404355167751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do that? You're just going to make her a dangerous combination of mad & horny.

>> No.13799473

That... actually makes sense. Yeah, avoid punching shark girls in the nose. It's like an aggressive rape button, and it doesn't turn off.

>> No.13799480

I don't understand.

Why would I not want this?

>> No.13799485

Well, if you want a shark waifu then you could try it. But there are better ways to get their attention. Like fresh fish, seal calls, or a nosebleed.

>> No.13799489


That fin on her head flares my autism up something fierce.

>> No.13799494

Some people don't have that spicy deathwish feeling that comes from wanting to do awesome things like touching a reverse scale, or punching shark girls in the face or even making fun of a Succubus' butt.

It's all in the feels.

>> No.13799496

Its the angle isnt it?

>> No.13799497

You'd rather it be on the back, so she can't lay on it or sit in most chairs?

What happens if I steal a wad of money from a tanuki?

>> No.13799505

Oh fuck I see it too, shit looks sideways.

>> No.13799506

>Get assaulted by shark girl
>She tries to drag you to deeper water
>Fuck this you ain't no pussy
>Elbow her in the face, knocking out several teeth, but getting a nice cut in return
>She sees the blood
>Grabs onto you with such strength you think she'll break you in half
>Start kneeing her in the ribs and headbutting her
>She lets go
>Wasting no time hook her square in the jaw
>She goes down
>Haul ass out if the water, go get treated
>A week later, hanging out at kiosk near the beach
>Waiter slips a Pina Colada in front of you
>The fuck, you didn't order this
>He points behind you, towards the beach
>Shark girl is standing there with her own drink, blows a kiss at you
>Waiter says she was impressed and wants to ask you out

Fucking Sharkgirls

>> No.13799507

I imagine sex with Shark Girls is so aggressive that you would die during foreplay.

>> No.13799510

Something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UceGF3M56bE

>> No.13799511

Think The Other Shark Girls, make fun of her Crooked Fin?

>> No.13799515

I like this. Alot

>> No.13799518

If you punch a shark grill inna nose does she become your bottom bitch like a p'orc?

>> No.13799521

Are there any good sharkgirl stories? I don't think i've ever read one

>> No.13799522
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>TFW you will never give a shark girl the D while a Sahaugin scientist watches for "reasons"

>> No.13799528

I say yes, you imagine whatever you want.

>> No.13799530

No. She returns the favor, and while you're staggered she mounts you

>> No.13799534

Yeah that sounds good, maybe only temporary until you can beat her in a fair fight though.

>> No.13799536

I'd imagine it winds up a lot more like >>13799463 but you think what you want, bud.

The one by Tarrek is pretty good.

>> No.13799543

Have you ever tried to write a blowjob scene for something with a mouth full of steak knives?

Though to be fair, my fearboner in that situation could probably shatter a diamond.

>> No.13799545

Is her name Umi?

>> No.13799547

thanks for the lecture,
i will now go back to my cave and draw waifus in pain

>> No.13799548

>I'd imagine it winds up a lot more like >>13799463
Well, in real life sharks are at least reputed to back off if you manage a good bop to the nose, you'd expect some kind of reflection of that in the MG version, too. I guess it could work like some kind of reverse scale though. Some poor sap punching her in the nose thinking it'd give him a chance to run and getting raped even harder instead would be a thing to see.

>> No.13799549

No, it puts her into reipumodo.
If you can defeat her in reipumodo, then she becomes your bottom bitch.

>> No.13799557


>> No.13799559
File: 44 KB, 640x768, 1432584663663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rub the nose, she goes dere-dere.
Boop the nose, she boops you back.

>> No.13799563

Never gotten angry at anything in this thread before this.

>> No.13799564

>I guess it could work like some kind of reverse scale though
Yeah, that's what I was imagining. Although I could see >>13799559 too. It could be all about how you do it, with how she reacts.

>> No.13799566
File: 99 KB, 500x441, 1428365024025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You needed to share that with us why?

>> No.13799573

I want to read about a set of triplets now.
The one that beat down an ogre, the one that punched a shark girl through the (ocean) floor, and the one that bested an entire entire tribe of p'orcs. They all live in the shadow of their older brother who took down and subsequently married TWO dragons after a barroom brawl. The bastard.

>> No.13799574


>> No.13799577

Good taste. Dragons a meh though.

>> No.13799578
File: 125 KB, 480x690, 48665792_p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13799580

Looks like a mouse girl to me.
Wererabbits wouldn't have long tails.

>> No.13799583
File: 103 KB, 736x574, fb18e7dc9b952cf9049f4e6107b42d38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharks are actually pretty dumb.

A small group of dolphins can easily outwit and kill a shark.

>> No.13799584 [SPOILER] 
File: 70 KB, 829x663, 1437358905155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13799586

Well, I wanted to use the hardest to dom monster I could, and at least in my headcanon dragons are pretty damn hard since they're hard to impress to invoke female lizard mode. I was going to use a certain other monster associated with fire, but then my post would look like bait or function as the same though that wasn't what I wanted.

>> No.13799589


>> No.13799590

I can imagine a group of dolphin girls bullying Shark-chan.

>> No.13799592

Burn it down anon, fuck their feelings.

>> No.13799595

Oh you.

>> No.13799596
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... Maybe?

>> No.13799600

I wonder if Nyan is here.

>> No.13799602

Bollocks pls. I still have that greentext saved.

>> No.13799603

>hard to impress

I don't think so, just beat and dick.

>> No.13799606

Why would you need to know?

>> No.13799608

I hope so. Because then I can tell him to write more of April and May (and June) being cute (and innocently lewd.)

>> No.13799610

Is she an original?

>> No.13799612


Of course you do, Stalker-chan

>> No.13799613

Why are those two fighting?

>> No.13799616

For >>13799600
Fuck, this device keeps forgetting how to reply to posts.

>> No.13799617

Because >>13799547

>> No.13799618

What if he writes about something else just to tease us?

>> No.13799619

Shut up, Micolash

>> No.13799622

>I don't think so, just beat and dick.
That's the problem. It's a fucking dragon and I don't run on "anything is possible for anyone" mechanics.

>> No.13799624

Last slice of pizza.

>> No.13799626

I'm >>13799563

>> No.13799627

The oni is a gym bully.

>> No.13799629

They like the same boy and they don't want to share.

>> No.13799630

I see it as an RPGesque setting, just grind.

>> No.13799632

Then I'll find out where he lives, and leave a kitten and a puppy in a box at his doorstep. He'll be forced to take ownership of them, and he'll be forced to write more take vent all the new inspiration he receives from his pets.

>> No.13799634

Good then, use your anger, and write a revenge story. Maybe a man hunting down some asshole who tortured him and is joined by a mouse girl he meets in a skeezy dive bar, for the same reason?

>> No.13799635
File: 111 KB, 834x960, 4d1d4733a50385d2dc7d4ea5ed5a93ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's an RPGesque setting, it'll involve lots of grinding on low level rat enemies. Are you saying you'd grind on this?

>> No.13799637
File: 622 KB, 700x1125, startingontheroadtobecomingachef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13799640

Adorable, I'd buy some.

>> No.13799641

I imagine there's all manner of beasts and more animalistic creatures in the setting, anomalies, that need extermination.

>> No.13799642

Random question, thread.

I'm thinking up names for characters.
How does "Kalisa" sound for an anubis?
And how does "Hima" sound for a yeti? I'm basing that one off the Nepali word for "snow", which is "Himapāta", but I feel I could do better for that one, maybe.

>> No.13799646
File: 250 KB, 650x488, 1408334724834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Yuki-onna is pretty cute.

>> No.13799648



I'd slap her around a little, nazrin is kind of a bitch.

>> No.13799650

Kalisa sounds good, Hima is shit.

Just my opinion

>> No.13799652

He's probably just mad people tried to give him tips. A poor showing, really.

The Yeti one sounds alright. Not too fond of the Anubis one, but I don't have the creativity to suggest one either.

>> No.13799653

That's no way to treat a girl.

>> No.13799654

>I'm basing that one off the Nepali word for "snow", which is "Himapāta"
Oh. I thought you were basing it off of the Himalayas

>> No.13799655

>Scuba diving inna ocean
>Suddenly wereshark out of nowhere
>You hide in a cave she can't squeeze into with those massive shark tits, but that doesn't stop her from trying
>As she reaches into the cave for the umpteenth time grasping for a fin or anything else she can drag you out with four weredolphins show up and begin nipping at the shark
>Weredolphins? As if things could get any worse.
>You might already be IN their rape cave, for crying out loud
>You're almost out of air, but there are some rocks you can throw to tip the balance outside the cave entrance in the favor of either the dolphins or the shark.
>Wat do?

[ ]Help the shark
[ ]Help the dolphins
[ ]Pray to Broseidon, patron god of surfers and retards that go diving without spear guns
[ ]Try to remember something from Sunday School and pray to the Chief God

>> No.13799658

Shit nigga, just go with whatever sounds the best.

>> No.13799660
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>> No.13799661

Help the shark. Keep a rock handy if she tries anything afterward.

>> No.13799663

Help the shark. It might turn out badly, but I couldn't just let them do as they please.

>> No.13799666

Kalisa doesn't have a desert vibe. It's good on it's own, but it depends on the in story reasons behind it.
Hima seems a bit short and simple.

>> No.13799667

Pray to Broseidon, god of the Brocean and the deep bro sea!

>> No.13799668

That's sexist.

>> No.13799669

It's humid as hell where I am, which makes me wonder if Yuki-onna can endur humidity due to moisture shenanigans.

>> No.13799671

>Anubis and Yeti Cuddle Story

Anyway, Kalisa sounds pretty nice. Sounds like something I'd previously considered for one of my stories.

Hima I'm a bit more iffy about. Makes me think like, Himalayas. Maybe that's what you were going for, but seems a bit odd for a girl's name.

>> No.13799672

[x]Help the shark
I'm running out of air anyhow. Might as well go out with a bang

>> No.13799675

You left out their cousin who made a Lilim ahegao and pass out.

Together they are the manliest fucking family in all of MGE-land.

>> No.13799677

>Have a shark waifu
>She's a total sweetheart, and a cuddler to boot
>Everyone's wary of her because she's a shark
>It makes her sad
>She cuddles you extra hard at night because you make her happy

>> No.13799682

I want to gentle rub a sharks nose while we cuddle and watch her get herself ready for me while I do.

>> No.13799683

Well. This is a conundrum.

I guess now I know why they're called that.

I won't use any names that don't sound good to me, but I liked Kalisa. Though, after >>13799666 I'm not too sure. I just used the Greek word for "jackal" and mixed up the syllables.

I'll either keep it, or find another angle to think of a name from. I'm now convinced the yeti needs a different name, though.

>> No.13799694

So you're constantly in the water? Watching TV must be difficult.

>> No.13799696

Swim away while they are fighting why the fuck would you help any of them realistically if your running out of air.

>> No.13799706

I want to give my Werewolf waifu a brand new collar with a ring attached!

>> No.13799716

That'll be a week in the dog house. That's what she calls the cuddle dungeon.

>> No.13799726

>implying she wears the pants

Why do you think she's wearing a collar?

>> No.13799729

>To hell with it. Praying is for faggots and you took your baseball team to state as a pitcher.
>You grab a handful of rocks, find a good position and...
>Four walks. Wait, is it still a walk when the batter doesn't have legs?
>Whatever. A flurry of throws that would've made your coach cry pelt the rapist dolphin bitches in stone and send them packing.
>You even manage to hit one right in the cooch. If only you had your camera.
>After the pod of would-be rapists swims off squealing you pick up your last rock.
>The shark is nowhere to be seen either. You almost liked it better when she was scrabbling to get in; at least then you knew where she was.
>Cautiously you stick your head out of the cave mouth, arm cocked back and ready to let loose so you can make a break for the shore while the shark is reeling.
>Left? Nothing.
>Right? No.
>Down? There are more caves there so she could be hiding, but you don't see here.
>A claw taps your goggles
>You turn to see a mouth full of serrated teeth grinning down at you. Fuck!
>In a panic you let loose the stone. It strikes her dead in the cheek, snapping her head to the side.
>Pushing off the cave wall you burst from the entrance, only to be snatched back by an iron grip on your fin
>Looking back, you find the wereshark grasping your flipper, still grinning despite the blood leaking from the gash on her cheek.
>Wait, no, she's grinning wider. Hell.
Wat do?

[ ]Bop her in the nose
[ ]Flip her on her belly
[ ]"N-nice sharkie"
[ ]Slip out of the fin and swim like a bitch

>> No.13799730
File: 612 KB, 706x895, 1436503717527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see a Lava Golem with Magitek based weaponry.

>> No.13799732

Er, make that flip her on her back, not belly.

>> No.13799733

Flip that shark!

>> No.13799735

I want to give my anubis waifu a golden arachne-silk necklace with a wedding ring on it.
And hair tubes set with jewels that match her ring.

>> No.13799736

Bop that cute lil nosie.

>> No.13799737


Thought I'd try my hand at the writefag game. Sorry to blueball you, but I don't think I'll finish the sex scene tonight so I think I'll just post it as is. Might even rework it heavily when I get a chance, dunno.

Critiques would be greatly appreciated.


>> No.13799738

Bop it. Do it.

>> No.13799739

Didn't meant to imply anything. Just trying to make a joke. I know I suck at comedy.

>> No.13799741

Attack her weak point for massive damage.

>> No.13799742
File: 492 KB, 587x557, 1436919937471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You save far too many things, faggot.

>> No.13799746


I don't know wherever to laugh or cry at the fact you typed that. I think I'll do both.

>> No.13799747

I want to give my Anubis Waifu a complete set of golden pieces of jewellery, including a collar, tail-ring, bracelets and anklets, all of them inlaid with patterns of diamond and lapis lazuli.

How would golden arachne-silk even work?

>> No.13799755

I identify as Alp-kin and i am incredibly triggered by that tag.

>> No.13799757

It comes from the rare Golden Skull Arachne, who is said to wander the lands disguised as a simple beggar. The legends say that she'll weave the finest of garments from her golden silk to anyone who'll offer her kindness. Clothes made from that silk will be beautiful beyond compare, resistant to the elements and able to make their intended wearer appear as beautiful as the clothes when worn.
If the clothes are ever sold off, however, you'll find the profits gained from them have vanished into thin air, come the next morning.

>> No.13799758

I honestly would work in monstergirl porn. Seems like a good way to get money.

>> No.13799761

>Trigger warning

Even ironically, fuck off.

>> No.13799763


>> No.13799764

Guy in the /gfd/ thread said he might post his stories here. Careful, they have pegging and such. Just a heads up, if he actually does.

>> No.13799765

Not only are you a good writer, but I was about to post a femdom story about monstergirl porn too. http://pastebin.com/08R5Vy3w

>> No.13799768

That bit with his best friend wounded me deep.

>> No.13799772
File: 139 KB, 1024x512, tmp_chirondraft2small1521451071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can planets be monster girls?

>> No.13799774


>> No.13799775

What is /gfd/?

>> No.13799776

Yes. We turned the planets of our system into archetyped girls long ago.

>> No.13799778

I don't know what /gfd/ means, but I read that as "Some guy said he might come here and intentionally stir shit up."
I already dislike him.

>> No.13799779


And if you're here fuck off faggot.

>> No.13799783
File: 58 KB, 512x512, Orttan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Nasuverse they can

>> No.13799788

More importantly: Can you fug it? If so, how?

>> No.13799789

I want to meet an ancient one the size of a planet and have her love me and only me.

Gentle femdom, on /d/. It got mentioned yesterday when someone was making MG stories yesterday, and I just left it open. These >>13799765
He isn't a bad writer, but some shit in there a lot may not like.

>> No.13799796

ORT-chan is the clumsiest planetary extinction event.

>> No.13799797

Guy posts some new content and there's a couple of morons bitching about a warning he gave because he knew not everyone enjoyed femdom. This is the exact reason he was hesitant to post it here from /d/.

>> No.13799801

>A pentagram has been drawn on the ground. An Ignis, a Sylph, a Gnome, an Undine and a Dark Matter stand on each of the five points
>They utter the words needed for their ancient and terrible summoning ritual
>"Earth!" "Fire!" "Wind!" "Water!" "Heart!"

>> No.13799806

You cheeky rascal.

>> No.13799807

>dark matter for heart
>not cupid or that other one
I mean, you might as well have gone "lust" instead of heart. Really amusing to think of though.

>> No.13799809
File: 278 KB, 1032x1159, SlashEmperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she didn't get split in two by Ado Edem's SLASH EMPEROR like Types Saturn and Jupiter.

How would the elementals respond to seeing the world of Angel Notes? What with the whole dead planet, barren soil, ect.

>> No.13799810

I'm that guy, and I'm not here to stir shit up at all. I'm not making any statements about monsters being maledom or femdom. Feel free to ignore what I wrote if you don't like it.

>> No.13799812

Speaking of dark matter, I might like living with a coherent one that could control all that mana. Like living with an eldritch shadow that loves you.

>> No.13799813

Fuck given zero, pegginfags stay in /d/.

>> No.13799814

Do we really need more femdom here?

>> No.13799815

Just don't post anything with pegging or /d/ tier fetishes or anything like that and people should leave you alone.

>> No.13799818

If you're posting something you know the thread hates, then you're shitposting to cause problems.
If you're posting without knowing how the thread generally responds to things, then you never lurked and you're essentially doing the same as the former.

>> No.13799820

>“Ara? Are you questioning onee-san's motives? That's not very nice. I'm just trying to lend a helping hand you know~”
Welp, this clicked a few buttons for me.

>> No.13799821

>How would the elementals respond to seeing the world of Angel Notes?

MG-TYPES are still pure waifu tier, though.

>> No.13799823

Stay in your pen and we won't tear you a new shithole.

>> No.13799829

Content's content. Writer doesn't look to have written it with malice in mind, so even if one person here might not like it, doesn't mean other won't.
Might as well just let it be posted for those who enjoy it.

>> No.13799830

I want to but two mini monster girl capsules and get an angel and devil, letting them ride on my shoulder as I go about my day.

>> No.13799831

I want to know what happens after they go boom.

Are you left with an impotent human girl look-alike until there's enough charge to do it again, or does it disappear?

>> No.13799836

Her tail had reached down to gently spread your ass, and something that felt like a dildo was poking at your entry. You felt your dick start to twitch at the thought of being gently pegged by a Succubus, but you hadn't prepared for anything like that. She answered your questions by explaining that was one of the perks of being with a Monstergirl, especially a Succubus. Annoying things like having to lube up and prepare for anal, teeth getting in the way during oral, and all kinds of other things don't have to happen when you're fucking one. They can, but they're not required. Casually deciding to peg someone wasn't just possible, it could be gentle enough to qualify as aftercare. You took a deep breath which would prove unneeded, and said she could start thrusting. She gently moved her hips into yours, causing you to moan in pleasure and reach down to your dick. Being pegged by her wasn't a painful or difficult feeling. It felt like something that had been empty for too long was finally full. She began to slide herself out of and then back into your ass, using her tail to rub her pussy and leaving her arms around you. Your dick continued to twitch and harden as she rubbed against your prostate, causing you to start leaking into your hand as she slightly picked up the pace. You had been pegged before, but never like this.


>> No.13799840

>Alright, if there's one thing you know about weresharks it's that they hate being punched in the nose.
>Or was that regular sharks? Whatever, if raw steaks were still enough to distract a werewolf this would have to work.
>Slowly, under the oddly inquisitive gaze of the shark you slide out a bit farther, cock your right arm back, and...
>Your fist rockets toward her nose and you rejoice in the satisfying resistance of your knuckles cracking into her face.
>Wait, no, that was her hand. She caught your fist like you were a child.
>Following up with the left leads to the same result
>Oh god, of COURSE she was ready for that! It'd be like not protecting your balls on reflex if every woman you came across took a swing for your nads!
>With both your fists in her hands she swims forward, pulling you kicking and bubbling from your last refuge.
>You're still not completely helpless though; twisting as thought you want to escape while actually moving closer you manage to sneak in nice and close to the wereshark, then send your forehead into her face.
>The shark spasms as your head connects with the tender tissue and you make a break for the surface as soon as her grip loosens.
>Closer... closer... almost th--
>You're a few feet from reaching sweet, sweet air, when a massive weight wraps itself around your stomach from below.
>Just when you thought it was safe to get out of the water.
>The mershark's powerful tail jerks you in a half circle and you find yourself descending deeper.
>You find the shark is latched around your chest tightly, head buried into your vest.
>Pounding her does nothing as she swims downward at full speed before angling you into one of the caves.
>You slam into the back wall in the murky darkness of the underwater cavern, impact just barely cushioned by your gear
>The shark doesn't even wait for you to recover your bearings before ripping at your wetsuit.
Cont. eventually

>> No.13799843

Kronk please.

It creates a new demon realm, so maybe they become the lords of that realm? It is all their mana that saturated it.

>> No.13799849

Get out

>> No.13799853

Fuck off to your own board faggot.

>> No.13799858

I think that's an understatement. You know those old discussion on how MGs would react to WW1 stories? That wouldn't even be able to be used as a comparison.
The world of Angel Notes is a top tier world of awful shit. Pure humans are extinct and pretty much live on in the form of Liners and Ether-Liners.
Man/Monster hybrids created by humans were at war with Liners and the only thing that stopped that was the Types coming in and wrecking shit.
Earth itself hated mankind, most notably mentioned with with its creation of Primate Murder, so much that it BEGGED the other planets while on its death bed because it didn't like that life would find a way.
The dead planet spews forth Ether, which is extremely toxic. The Man/Monster hybrids, or A-rays, were created to be immune and benifit from the stuff. Some are MGs from what I remember.
Eventually they managed to find a way to harness the stuff and do things NEVER before capable in warfare or destruction. Because of that, even a low level Mook is stronger than a Lilim or Baphomet. THEY CAN PUNCH WITH MORE FORCE AND ENERGY THAN A NUKE.

>> No.13799859

Pretty much this. Like I said over there, you reach a wider audience here, but they are less likely to respond well to the stuff you may want to write about. If you ever want to get into actual vanilla or just light femdom about them, I'm sure they'd welcome you with open arms. Well, I mean, it took our most recent accepted writefag a month and a half of very little attention, but still.

>> No.13799860

It's what he wrote in /d/, if you're seriously defending /d/ shit here, you are the one that needs to leave.

>> No.13799862

That was why I posted it. The WHOLE thread doesn't hate femdom. I won't post any more if people don't like it.

>> No.13799871

Not this crap >>13799836 get out and stay out.

>> No.13799872

>defending /d/ shit here
Anon what do you think Monster Girls and 90% of the stuff in this thread is?

Honestly just do it to spit people. This thread sucks. Just don't do Trigger Warnings, that's gay ass shit.

>> No.13799875

How the fuc are we still breathing?

>> No.13799876

The people using the knee-jerk reaction of "Fuck off" are the shitposters, the minority of people who enjoy the content are thankful but silent because you'll shitpost more

>> No.13799878

Guess what, we aren't on /d/, he can post all the gay ass shit he wants there but not here.

>> No.13799882



>Content's content

>> No.13799884 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 400x171, 1437364206597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can cars be monster girls?

>> No.13799885

It's a shame that the people quietly enjoying this aren't going to say so in fear of the antics of the shitposters.

>> No.13799888

>Most people dislike it and don't want it here
>The one guy who liked it is the only one who belongs here
Go back to Africa you fucking nigger.

>> No.13799891

>Some are MGs from what I remember.
Yeah, there's an Angel-lookalike girl who uses her wings as recievers to take in ether, which she then uses to nuke shit from long range.

But yes, 'poorly' was something of an understatement. Not only is the planet dead, but the ultimate expressions of other planets keep showing up and forcing their worlds on the surroundings.
And they can't abduct themselves a husband because everyone's so ridiculously OP that they'd just get rekt.

>> No.13799893

>Most people dislike it and don't want it here
Stop speaking for everyone in the thread, faggot. The three idiots crying about this are the vocal minority.

>> No.13799894

No, I'm going to let them ride there and talk about my choices before sitting them down and patting their heads with my fingers.

>> No.13799898

Oh, it's the fujoshi.

>> No.13799899

>Most people dislike it and don't want it here
Didn't know you were Most people. In a thread of 109 posters, I don't think you qualify as "Most people".

>> No.13799902

>Check thread
>People are talking about Angel Notes


>> No.13799909

Those Types are beings well above gods, especially since they don't even have things like the concept of "Death".
Ado Edem well earned his title of Strongest Ether Liner for taking down Type Jupiter, even if it did self destruct and destroyed continent in the process, and Type Saturn, who I assume was their leader.
If only the MC of Angel Notes was Ado, or if the regular one didn't die so that he can do things to that one Angel who was actually Type-Venus

>> No.13799914

Did you just arrive here?

>> No.13799917

I don't want to spite people, so anything else I'll post on /d/. Anyone who wants to see it can find it there. I'm really sorry if this caused a shitstorm.

>> No.13799919

I like the setting idea. It can sort of be seen as a MUCH MUCH MUCH darker mirror of the whole "Humans vs Monster" war you see in MGE.

>> No.13799920

stop bowing to shitposters, your work is fine

>> No.13799922

Haven't been watching the thread because video games

>> No.13799924

V/V is easily the greatest monstergirl ever in fiction.
Mainly because she can mass-produce literal billions of other monstergirls in days, if that.

Gun God isn't a bad MC, exactly, but I would have liked to see more about the Ether Liners.

>> No.13799926


>> No.13799928

>I am hesitant to post on /jp/ because of the way they get mad at femdom, and they might think I was kind of lazy with how it was written, but I'm going to post it anyway. What they think of my fetishes isn't that important
>going to post anyway
>don't want to spite

Leave. and take >>13799920 with you.

>> No.13799930

Well, those MGs were more akin to wild dogs and constantly attacked and killed humans.
V/V is still a qt, and a good girl.

The Ether Liners would have been nice to learn more about. Dem Knight Arms.

>> No.13799934

Well, people will like to read your stuff if you do it without pegging, so if you ever do stuff like that again, feel free. Or just cut out those bits. Or just post it as is. The shitposters get bored eventually.

>> No.13799936 [DELETED] 

Well keep it there, we don't need another Bromont.

>> No.13799938

I don't like butt stuff either, but cool the fuck down.

>> No.13799940

We don't accept people from /d/.
Not since a certain writefag brought a plague of /d/eviants upon us last year.
It was last year right?

>> No.13799944

I never said HOW almost out of air we were. Besides:

>Despite the fear driving your testicles to go make friends with your uvula, the MAMONO MANA gushing from the aroused wereshark quickly pressurizes your diving bell and by the time your cock springs out into the cold salt water you're at full mast.
>Hands that aren't rough at all despite all you've heard about shark skin guide you into the shark's waiting slit and she hilts herself in one thrust
>If this were happening on land the expression on your rapist's face says she'd be breathless
>Coincidentally, so are you since you drew the last breath in your tank at that same moment.
>The beast continues, flames of lust only stoked by your struggles for escape, wantonly thrusting against you, knocking up silt.
>Unwanted pleasure builds, but all you can think about is the burning in your lungs
>Instinct takes over and you start getting wilder, going so far as to snatch out your own regulator as if doing so would allow you to breathe again.
>Even if there's nothing but water around you, you need to do something, to let your lungs suck in anything!
>Your jealously guarded last breathe gushes from from your mouth in a storm of silver bubbles.
>Life... leaving you.
>The shark locks lips with you just as unresistable reflex kicks in and you inhale deeply.
>Somewhere in the back of your mind you recoil in disgust as disgusting, wet... air? Humid air fills your lungs, a blessing provide by a rapist's kiss of life.
>You inspire several more times, taking more pleasure in the oxygen than the horny woman doing her best to grind your pelvis into sand.
>You didn't know sharks could do that.
>Now then, since she at least wants to keep you alive until she's done you decide that...

[ ]If you take your rape quietly she might be gentler
[ ]Anon ain't nobody's bitch
[ ]If you get your feet under you, flipping her might still be possible

>> No.13799945


>> No.13799947

Are you still THAT anlapained over the Bromont ordeal? Fuck off.

>> No.13799948

Well, a lot of the MGs we talk about in these threads are pretty wild and do some shitty things to humans.

Ether Liner waifu when?

>> No.13799952

He knew exactly what this shit was gonna cause, fuck him.

>> No.13799953

Be gentle, please. Gentle rape is good.

>> No.13799954

What, Bob? DID he encourage people to post /d/ stuff? I don't quite remember.
Of course, there was the furs Cheshire stuff, but that was pretty par for the course shitposting, taking advantage of what would rile people up.

>> No.13799955

Jules: Does he look like a bitch?

>> No.13799957
File: 417 KB, 1200x1000, checkmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill the fuck out and post monstergirls, guys.

>> No.13799959

The things we must do to protect us.

>> No.13799960

Ask her nicely to let us go because we're dying.

>> No.13799961


>> No.13799963

He started the futapocalypse and that brought in the pegging, sounding, vore and pseudopenisfags.

>> No.13799965

Gentle rape.

>> No.13799967

If monster girls can get even a little bit of cum from you they wouldn't give a shit if you died, they can just revive you if they feel like it.

>> No.13799968
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>> No.13799969

>[ X ]If you take your rape quietly she might be gentler

>> No.13799972

Fuck you man, Don't you tell me what to do. I'm gonna sit here and do nothing.

I bet you don't even like nuts in your brownies.

>> No.13799975

They aren't literally mindless spores produced by the ENORMOUS tree like comatose-body/corpse of a being that is untouchable by earthly concepts and spied on humans through V/V, which ended up with her falling in love with humanity instead of wanting to kill it through it's plan of:
>Originally, it was a life form that lands on the earth of a planet, rooting itself, and spreading its spore as it eats away the planet.
>It can also be described a gigantic carnivorous plant.

>> No.13799978


>> No.13799979

Ah, he did, didn't he.
That, I don't recall in full capacity. Probably for the best.
All I remember is arguments about wherever or not sandworm was a vore monstergirl. Thank god that's over.
Oh, god, of course. The fucking specific hyena species they based the monstergirl off of didn't even have that feature, if I recall.

>> No.13799980
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Am I doing it right?

>> No.13799981

Like I said, this thread only deserves Alps and Amazons.

>> No.13799982

Not him, BUT FUCK YOUR NUTS! Chocolate doesn't need anything to improve IT. Chocolate makes shit things better!

>> No.13799983

Eat shit faggot.

>> No.13799984

>nuts in your brownies


>> No.13799987

But Amazons are alright.

>> No.13799988

I deserve the Amazons. Alps can stay in the trash.

>> No.13799990

That's probably the point anon.

>> No.13799992
File: 5 KB, 149x149, 1434317861979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an Amazon waifu too!

>> No.13799993

You're all good people in your own way.

>> No.13799997

But that's not true.

>> No.13799998
File: 1.95 MB, 370x208, 1433616210149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're awful people.

>> No.13799999

I'd be OK with that, either of them I can cuddle and both can be given Hathor milk.

>> No.13800001

>don't want to drown in /d/ shit
>LeI u guys are so mean and deserve these monstergirls I think are bad

Oh you.

>> No.13800002

I'd love an alp.

>> No.13800003

I want to make an Amazon happy and give her many strong and proud daughterus!

>> No.13800004

But yeah, alps are shit. Amazons are good. For domming the fuck out of.

>> No.13800006

I'm trash. I could care less about dicking the monster girls.

I just would like one to cuddle me and honestly tell me that I'm not a worthless piece of trash...

>> No.13800008
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>> No.13800010

No father! I'm a bad anon! I can't stop thinking about what that Dark Priest said!

>> No.13800011

>TFW we were so close to >>13800000

>> No.13800013

I'm pretty sure sleeping for 25 hours got rid of any plausible chance of my ability to be a good person.

Then there were all those times I've used PS for antagonistic purposes, and even earlier today I put ketchup on a hot dog.

Oh god I wanna bully a Funabori styled dormouse until she cries.

>> No.13800014

Maybe if you manned the fuck up and dicked her she wouldn't think you're so worthless.

>> No.13800015
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But how DOES one into femdom?

>> No.13800016

No we're not, stay away from us. Not because we want to save you, we just don't fucking like you.

>> No.13800023


>> No.13800024

What board is that?

>> No.13800027

Be a cute little slut. git gud at cunnilingus.

>> No.13800029
File: 132 KB, 850x1036, 182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You place your burly hands on her pigtails and pull forward.

>She responds with a muffled cry of pain and ecstasy.

>The way her throat eagerly swallows your length while her tongue struggles to lick the shaft shows how happy she must be

>That and the tears of happiness ruining her mascara drip down on your cock, painting it black and blue.

>You can't help yourself as you thrust back down into her willing mouthpussy. "Here's the popsicle miss, make sure not to spill it."

>You reached the height of your orgasm as she began sobbing.

>In a moment of surprise you scream. "I-If you suck me like that I'll!!!" You make an embarrassing face while throat raping the elf.

>Each movement brings a new spurt of thick cum down into her throat, it overflows and soon her chin dribbles with sperm.

>At once you throw her onto the ground with her ass in the air.

>"If you touch me there I won't be able to get married!" She screams with your seed still flowing out of her nose.

>"Just be happy I ain't holding your hand or nothin lewd like that." You reply back to the elf in synchronization with your first thrust into her already pulsing lower lips.

>"Kyaa!" Her ass rubs against your crotch while your dick rubs against her cervix. The smooth roundness of her white cheeks remind you of marbles.

>"I-It feels so good for my first time despite it being with a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-"

>The screen flickered on and off with the repeated article as the only whisper of hentai.

>"W-What happened?" Her eyes wore heavy bags underneath. She looked groggily at the screen waiting for her next dose of 'elf-chan learns how to hold hands and other lewd tales from white castle."

>The frustrated Ushi-Oni could only groan while her hand rubbed uselessly at her still throbbing lips. "C-C'mon! They almost got to the handholding scene!"

>Despite how many times she bashed the screen it refused to return. She would spend another night desperately hugging her daki wishing it were an Anon.

>> No.13800034


>> No.13800035

Play the rape first.

>> No.13800036

But tender and loving!

>> No.13800037

I'll take the alps! I'll take ALL the alps!

>> No.13800038

You can't take all the Alps.

>> No.13800040


which writefag is that?

>> No.13800041
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check mate!

>> No.13800042

It's all about the mindset. Some people just really get off on having a partner who has that much confidence & control in the bedroom. She doesn't have to be whipping you or making you lick the cum off her boots. Just be assertive & confident.

>> No.13800045

>Okay, this is good. You're not dying and you're having sex; that'd be a pretty good Saturday night aside from the whole rape thing normally.
>You stop struggling and the shark slows as a result.
>After a few more breaths the wereshark pulls her lips from yours, takes your shift to its base and lifts her torso to look down at you.
>You spread your arms wide in the first gesture of surrender you can think of and shake your head as if to say "no more."
>The shark nods and bends down to your lips, once again giving you an underwater kiss of life.
>Her thrusting stops entirely, leaving you confused for a moment before she starts again, this time in a new way.
>You're solidly pinned against the ground by her weight even underwater so you're not going anywhere, so it seems weird when your captor starts to swim in place
>That is, it seems weird until the sensation of her insides gently twisting against you with each flick of her tail begin to add up.
>For you the motion is a slow tease, but it sends her clit grinding against you and you feel as much as hear her moaning into your mouth.
>You decide to try something else you've seen done to sharks and slowly reach up to stroke her cute little nose.
>The effect is immediate: the already pleasurably tight folds of the wereshark's vagina clamp down around you and, more than that, her pussy is contracting in wave motions trying and succeeding in pulling you deeper in, stroking you though no one's hips are thrusting.
>As for the shark, she goes wild on your shaft, flicking so hard you're now actually being pushed harder into the cave wall.
>In moments the sir supply given to you through the wereshark's soft lips grows tremulous and you're moaning into her mouth as much as she's moaning into yours.
>You explode, an underwater volcano seeking not to birth new continents, but to shoot life into the womb of the busty wereshark atop you.

>> No.13800046

Please, I'm taking at least three of them to train into being haughty himederes that are chubby and love to cuddle.

>> No.13800048

Yeah, it's limit five per customer! I want to bring my five alps home too!
A chocolate one
A loli one
A tomboy
A girly redhead with cute freckles
And an artificially developed stage three to lead the circlejerk. That's what you call a group of alps you know.

>> No.13800050

This. The mean appeal of femdom for me is a woman having romantic or sexual interest in a man and being assertive enough to act on it.

>> No.13800051

>/r9k/: the thread
No thank you.

>> No.13800053
File: 351 KB, 799x838, Screenshot_2015-07-20-00-34-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz she's mine, i can do whatever I want with her. and yes, I hate myself because I wont ever be good enough. Even inbred moeshit looks better. http://i.imgur.com/jweoyKk.png

>> No.13800054

Yes, this.
Though I wouldn't mind being tied up a bit.
Blame Rachnee for awakening that in me.

>> No.13800058

Hey, I want a chubby haughty Alp too!

>> No.13800059
File: 22 KB, 445x419, 1426378815373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay? That's cool I guess.

>> No.13800060

>A thread full of rape, incest, and pedo.
The butt stuff is too much

>> No.13800061

But I'm into that.

>> No.13800064
File: 323 KB, 729x763, 1434420724365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga, you have the right idea.

>> No.13800065

Then find one and train her!
Give her her Hathor milk and get her a nice dress, walking her through how to be commanding! Confident!
Make it so that she can command a rooms attention and hold it with as much poise as a wight!
Just be ready though, she's going to start demanding more snacks and cuddling, along with making you lay your head in her lap so that she can stroke your hair.

>> No.13800067

The loli and mother son incest stuff really bothers me too. I leave when the thread focuses on it.

>> No.13800069

Just like that muscular Arachne stuff from earlier? That appeased my heartboner.

>> No.13800070

Her head looks kinda big.

>> No.13800071
File: 329 KB, 840x1200, 1433690105605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly humans like silly things.

>> No.13800073

>not liking rape, incest and loli or /ss/ stuff

>> No.13800074
File: 966 KB, 1139x1262, 1434395201333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling. I never really cared for bondage, even when I read Nana to Kaoru, but damn if I wouldn't try a bit for Rachnee now.

>> No.13800076
File: 1.42 MB, 1555x1855, 36dd9455734b02e81d9640376638bfdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight.

>> No.13800077

They're talking about us in /d/. Someone is telling them to stay away and someone else is telling them to come over. What's funny, WE creep THEM out!

>> No.13800078

I heard that this same guy is planning to commission this same artist to draw more Polt molestation. Though this time, the usual suspect, rather than Rachnee.

>> No.13800080

Same way one intos maledom.

You do it because it's a huge turn on for one or both of you. The dom is able to assert their will and fulfil their fantasies, and the sub is, if they're not having their fantasies fulfilled, made happy with the knowledge that they're pleasing their other half.
In fact, it's a little like a dance. You can't just expect the dom to take the lead, and the sub to meekly follow like they're being led on a leash, like a sack of meat with a sex organ at their crotch.

The whole dynamic works because no matter how hardcore you get, the sub has utter trust and confidence in the dom. One might be playing off the other, but the dom, while being the dominant one, will be subservient to the sub in that they're staying within the sub's own safe zone.

It's an act of trust and consent following a dynamic that's skewed only on the surface. Look deeper, and you'll see a couple with a relationship that could be completely independent to the dom/sub thing that goes on in the bedroom.

At least, that's how I see it.

>> No.13800081

Each community has their differences, it's why there are three different places to discuss MGs on 4chan. What about us creeps them out though?

>> No.13800083

>I sighed, making my way through the empty streets towards my apartment
>It being a full moon, my male coworkers had avoided me the entire shift, making poor excuses when I tried to confront them about it
>Not that I would have fucked any of them; I may have been horny, but I wasn't about to shit where I ate
>Being single, it looked as if my only companion for the night was going to be my vibrator
>Raping some poor sod wasn't an option either, since anyone with a shred of common sense would have stayed indoors that night
>After several minutes of walking, a horrible tuneless singing caught my attention
>From around the corner stumbled a young guy, singing and mimicking the drums to whatever song he was listening to
>He wasn't too far away now, and was pretty cute
>I found myself grinning, I'd getting laid soon
>He hadn't even noticed me yet, despite him being less than ten feet away
>I stood still, and made no attempt to avoid him when he finally stumbled into me
>I was a good head and a half taller than him
>"Hey there, handsome. Got any plans tonight?"
>"WHOZZAT?", he said, looking up at me
>He was piss drunk, I could smell the alcohol on his breath
>Whatever, I'll take what I can get
>"I said," I repeated, "got any plans tonight?"
>He still had his fucking headphones in
>I yanked his earbuds out, and then repeated myself for the third time
>The words seemed to register with him
>He made a stoic face, and said "Too true, my fuckin' mulatto. That's the question on everyone's mind. You know?"
>I was speechless. Had this guy been smoking something too?
>"Shut the fuck up", I snapped. "You're coming home with me and then I'm going to fuck your brains out".
>"Whatever floats your boat, brother bear"
>"Fuck this"
>With an ashen paw I tossed him over my shoulder, where he promptly vomited down my back

I'll continue this later today. It's 1AM here.

>> No.13800088

okay, well their heads are different sizes, no one says anything

>> No.13800090

See >>13800060 and >>13800067
They posted the same thing there, so it's not like it's anything they wont already share.

>> No.13800091

Loli, /ss/ and mom/son stuff. You heard it here guys! incest repels deviants! Crank up them greentexts!

>> No.13800093

Are you okay dude?

>> No.13800096

>Stillness fills the cave and the dust settles as you and your forced lover pant into each other's mouths.
>Is she done? Are you?
>As if to answer your unasked question the wereshark slides off of your dick and drifts in the dimness.
>Parting your lips from hers again, you cock an eyebrow and point upwards.
>The shark looks at you, confused and touches the roof of the cave.
>You shake your head and mime swimming upward.
>Light dawns in the shark's eyes and once again you find yourself being dragged out of a cave. This time though, the shark pulls you into an embrace and fills your chest with precious air as she propels the both of you to the top.
>Your little boat isn't far away and the shark bobs nearby while you climb onto it, nothing more than her eyes above water.
>You aren't really sure what to do so you hesitantly wave after unstrapping most of your gear.
>As soon as you do so her head snaps underwater with little more than a splash.
>Well, at least that's over.
>You reach for the tiller on your boat's outboard motor and start it up, bringing your bow about to face the shore.
>For some reason there's something comforting in the gray dorsal fin churning the water in your wake until you enter the marina.

>Nothing ever assaults you again, though you continue to dive in that same area. Seems even those asshole dolphins are afraid of you now.
>Sadly, there's less sea life to be found as if something big and mean is scaring them off, but in the distance you can always make out two angular mermaids, one large, and the other growing bigger by the day.
>Maybe one of these days you'll swim over and say hi...


>> No.13800097



>> No.13800098

Probably the fact that, despite liking monstergirls, the thread's reaction to anything that isn't vanilla is about as violent as caesium in a bathtub.

And the assholery. I won't speak about wherever or not it's justified to individuals in this thread.

>> No.13800100

We could use more MG Perspective stuff.

>> No.13800101

/d/ is filled with the more hugbox and /soc/ users of 4chan, while the posting style here is much more hostile. I can understand why they wouldn't want to come here.

>> No.13800102

Link? I tried to find the thread, but I have no clue what to click on. 'Monster on Male' was wrong. So, so wrong.

Though that slime girl thread is pretty good.

>> No.13800103


>> No.13800104


>> No.13800107

Hey, the guys are regulars here apparently, they knew what was going to happen, so don't defend them. They stay on their side, we in ours, and everyone is relatively happy.

>> No.13800108

Oh man. Such a good end. Good shit, man.

>> No.13800109

Good stuff, thanks!

>> No.13800112

The gentle femdom thread, go right to the bottom once you're in.

>> No.13800113
File: 376 KB, 800x600, b81248e3b7a239bf00f6c710f59f0352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job man.

Surprised this nigga doesn't have the bends, but I guess he wasn't that deep.

>> No.13800115

>I can understand why they wouldn't want to come here

Good. Who needs them? You want a repeat of the threads under bob, nega and inari?

>> No.13800116

That's bizarre, and actually a little funny coming from them.

>> No.13800119

I think it's more underage stuff than the incest. For kinky perverts they're very prudish about ages.

>> No.13800120

>Throwing rocks underwater
Although I do realize criticizing an erotic story (posted on a Japanese imageboard) featuring an extremely niche fetish is ultimately pointless; I just couldn't help myself.

>> No.13800123

Not him, but Quicksilver maybe?

>> No.13800124

Eh, whatever, we have their kryptonite, this is a good thing to know.

>> No.13800128

Well, no. The guy who wrote it isn't an actual regular, and I'm willing to bet it was some idiot who wanted to see shit happen that suggested he come over without warning him like I tried to do.

It actually is a little weird, considering /ss/ and mom x son stuff goes so well with gentle femdom. Shits weird.

Yeah, it was Quicksilver. I missed the reply.

>> No.13800132

more like Funabully amirite

>> No.13800134

>Eh, whatever, we have their kryptonite, this is a good thing to know.
I've actually saved a few /ss/ oriented greentexts over time.

>> No.13800137
File: 45 KB, 500x281, One Track Mind.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your first mistake was joining the Student Council!

>> No.13800141

What MG is the treasurer?

>> No.13800143

Someone knew, it's clear if you go to the thread. He said he's used to us reacting like this.

Great, now someone is goading them.

>> No.13800145

The guy who wrote the porn invitations was Quicksliver?

>> No.13800146

See, I thought about including that, but then I was all like "naw."

Anyway, you faggots managed to miss the option where you get to rape the shark which I was kind of looking forward to writing so I'm going to poke at that and a few other endings. I might just have something I can use to make this interactive available too.

"Naw." Alternatively we can assume the guy was some kind of Ultimate Scuba Diving Pitcher or something.

>> No.13800147

Hinezumi seems to be the best choice.

That or a Baphomet who wishes she didn't look like a child.

>> No.13800150

>a general on /d/ from /r9k/
>blogging and tripfags
Why don't we just advertise on /b/ and /v/ while we're at it.

>> No.13800151

Keep them handy.

>> No.13800152

I didn't know that was you Seafoam, that was pretty good by the way.

>> No.13800154

Yeah, it didn't work as well as it could have though, so theres that.

What? No, no. I meant that the guy who went a month and a half without real attention was Quicksilver. I don't know if he even goes there, friend.

>> No.13800157

I want to have a lewd but loving high school romance with Anubis-senpai!

>> No.13800161

No, that was bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.13800162

You can't, Anubi are no longer allowed.

>> No.13800163

You're probably right.

>> No.13800172

so whats the monster girl of the day today?

>> No.13800173

Fuck does that even mean?

>> No.13800174


>> No.13800176

Well, that wouldn't have been my thing, but more shark stuff would be nice either way, so I'll look forward to it if you do more.

>> No.13800177

Is it perhaps... Sharkweek?

>> No.13800179

Imagine Shimoneta with monster girls.
Anna would be a Succubus, so nothing actually changes.

>> No.13800182

Says you, and I don't have to listen to you.

>> No.13800186

Anubi are the new Kikimoras.

>> No.13800190

Fuck off to wherever you came from.

>> No.13800197
File: 248 KB, 998x670, 1421827653980 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's enough of that bullshit.

Your daughteru is being a real pain in the dick lately. Fights in school, stealing lunches, even though your waifu dutifully prepares her own each day, staying out past her bedtime. Hell, this morning she cussed out her loving Holst homeroom teacher. The one who can't have kids and considers her students her children, your daughter included. How do you discipline her?

Yes, the dick is allowed.

>> No.13800202

Smack the shit out of her.

If she's gonna act like a cunt she's going to get treated like one.

>> No.13800203

You mean kikimoras are the new anubi, anubisfucker/dragonslut wore out their welcome a loooong time ago.

>> No.13800205

Fuck that, spankings and harsh strict punishments. Like hell I'm raising a bitch for a daughter.

>> No.13800208

Spanking, no internet access (if she has it)
No phone (if she has one)
No TV.
One month.

>> No.13800212

Clearly she needs a spanking.

A bare bottomed, open palm spanking, til her cheeks are red. And if she gets wet, then she gets a punishment fingering from her mother.

>> No.13800215

So they get talked about and written about constantly, with a wide variety of topics, interests and fetishes covered between them? Wonderful.

I'm not apologizing.

>> No.13800217

Atta girl.
Ain't takin shit from no one.

>> No.13800218

Atta girl!

>> No.13800219

>You wake up groggy and confused
>With sand in your clothes and waves lapping at your feet
>Oh, and there is a crab picking at you like a dead fish
>You groan and get up, a glaringly bright sun shining high in the sky
>All around you on the sand is washed up bits of wood and barrels on the white sand
>Behind you is the start of a lush rainforest, the noises of birds and nature echoing out all over
>Why are you here, in this situation?
>It all starts coming back to you
>You were on a large four mast trading ship full of goods headed for south america
>Not as a ship-hand, you were there to take care of trading the goods once you arrived
>All the goods that seem to be washing up on the beach
>Most of it must have sank
>Not that it matters now
>What happened though?
>Oh yes
>You decided to go through the triangle
>Oh sure, the sailors and captain protested
>But you were more concerned with reducing travel costs than superstition
>Nothing will happen in the triangle!
>Everything will be fine!
>Nothing to worry about!
>Then that portal to hell opened up below the ship
>And you and that ship fell from the sky onto another ocean
>From there you black out
>How much of that was a hallucination though?
>Probably just hit a reef in a storm or something
>You are dehydrated, you are starting to hallucinate mermaids leaping out of the water on the horizon
>You know enough not to drink sea water, and check around the surf
>You're in luck, and the fresh water barrel from the ship washed up with the tide
>It's tough pushing it out onto the sand and standing it up
>But it's well worth it to take that first drink of fresh water
>A bit of salt water seeped in but it does rehydrate you
>It was lucky a banged up tin cup washed ashore with everything else
>Now that you can think clearly, you make a plan

>> No.13800221

I fake that a old vampire resurfacing has given me a deadly disease that rots away at my soul, giving me only a few weeks to live. Then she'll have to adventure out to "save" me, hopefully learning good manner and life lessons along the way with her new friends and her mother.

Or I just take away her computer for two weeks.

>> No.13800223

Spank her ass with my penis.

>> No.13800224

Big meaty paws a shit and your waifu is literally autistic

>They're normally calm, but they also have another face. They're extremely vulnerable and get easily confused when something unexpected happens and things don't go as planned. If a man actually assaults them, then they get confused and aroused, and will end up seeking pleasure according to the wolf family's instinct. When this happens to them, everything they had planned in advance in their head goes someplace else and disappears, and the schedule in their head becomes filled only with having sex with the man

and I'm not apologizing for that.

And she's not real. She'll never be real, she can't love you back.

>> No.13800228

You say that like it has any meaning here at all.
You say that like I don't find it charming.
You say that like people don't tell Marche to fuck off every single day.

>> No.13800231

Autism has nothing to do with wanting to have sex with someone if your plans are disrupted. It's also a spectrum, and lots of people have single traits without having a diagnosis.

>> No.13800234

Well done.

You might want to reconsider, if this behavior is not corrected, she will likely become a thug, fall in with a rough crowd and end up as an ass mule in prison. Is that what you want?

>> No.13800236

Will she skype it to her classmates for maximum. humbling effect?

You might want to get something harder.

>> No.13800238

>Is that what you want

That sounds badass.

>> No.13800241
File: 234 KB, 569x770, 1429458167251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does the average 'Rat Catcher' last in Monster Girl City?

>> No.13800243

Personally, I'd want to give her spankings, but I don't think I have the heart to give them out.

Thank God I have a powerful scary Dragon Waifu who can do the punishments herself.

>> No.13800245

Fine, I'll tie her to the ceiling in a tight rope bondage and let her hang for a few hours while I eat all her snacks she has hidden in her room.

Can't fucking hide anything flavored spearmint from me.

>> No.13800246

Depends on how good his dog girl is.
You know, I hear whisperers of man sized rat girls in the sewers under the city.
Must be a rumor though.

>> No.13800248

Exterminators use powerful drugs. I'm sure he'll take quite a few with him before that happens.

>> No.13800251

>If you only drink what you need and eat whatever washed ashore you should be able to last a while
>It's a busy trading route, if you get a fire going someone ought to see the smoke
>Like hell you're going into that jungle
>Horror stories abound about eels, snakes, spiders, fish, and jaguars
>Basically the place wants to kill you
>You'll be safer on the beach as long as you have shelter and a fire to ward off the insects
>It does cross your mind that it's odd nobody else washed up on shore
>But it's rather lucky
>For you
>Anyone that did would be trying to fucking murder you
>You gather together what you can
>Lots of broken timber, part of a sail, all sorts of barrels that floated into the little lagoon you ended up in
>Before long you have a makeshift shelter made up using sections of the ship's hull and the sail
>The rest you try and dry off while you search for a way to start a fire
>No such luck, no flint to be found
>Of course that would sink out at sea
>You have to shut your dark shelter off from the beach as the sun starts going down so you can avoid the worst of the biting gnats and mosquitoes
>They sure are bigger here than back home
>But smaller than the stories made them out to be
>Your first night sleeping on sand goes poorly, those nasty bugs sneak in through the tiniest opening
>Over the next few days you try and start a fire to no avail
>On the fifth day, a gigantic boar larger than a carriage came into your camp and raided all of your food
>Looked like the spawn of the devil
>Never went near you, but did spill over your water barrel
>You wait a day, hoping for rain while you search along more of the beach for washed up supplies
>But there hasn't been a drop since you washed up
>And anything else has already been raided by animals
>You only have two choices now
>Walk along the beach
>Or go into the jungle

>> No.13800253

She succeeds! To your astonishment because you didn't even know you were sick for real. The problem is, she's now chuuni as fuck. She dons a cape and is out looking for trouble so she may save the day! And annoying the fuck out of people just going about their business. What now genius?

>> No.13800254

Hugs and handholding until mindbreak.

>> No.13800257

where da mamono at?

>> No.13800259
File: 367 KB, 800x1000, hellhoundstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too far

>> No.13800262

Stupid Hellhounds.

>> No.13800264

>For you

Look for big girls on the beach.

>> No.13800265

Do you know what a prison mule is?

Well done. Grade A parenting.

>> No.13800268

I send her to a quiet zipangu town, hoping that her studying there will cool her head and that she won't run into a serial killer or something.

>> No.13800271

Its a stupid idea to go into a jungle with no supplies. Nigga needs to stay on the beach

>> No.13800273

No! You're her father anon, she needs a strong male presence in her life. If you don't do it, she'll see men as weak and not worth the time and die alone. You want grandchildren yes? You want her to have the same happiness you share with your waifu?

>> No.13800274

>She dons a cape and is out looking for trouble so she may save the day!
>Not starting to dress like a delinquent
>Not starting to say yare yare dawa
>Not starting to call you Ji-Ji

>> No.13800275

As long as they want to. Rats are starter dungeon monsters, they'll probably be killing them all in one hit.

>> No.13800276

It does.

>Taking advantage of the mentally impaired

You can't escape the truth.

>> No.13800279

If my kid starts doing that shit she's getting thrown out on the street.

>> No.13800280

Hellhounds would like Barbecue wouldn't they?
One more reason to love them.

>> No.13800281

Maybe not, but getting fucked up and not knowing what to do with yourself because someone disrupted your routine does.

>> No.13800283

Go away Vin Diesel.

>> No.13800285


>> No.13800286

But I want her to learn that men are to be both dominated, and respected! To be loved and protected! I want to teach her that Femdom is the way, but it must be kind and loving femdom! Just like her mother!

>> No.13800289

>hoping she won't become a serial killer
>in not!japan, who invented tsujigiri

Holy shit what's wrong with you?

>> No.13800290

It really doesn't.

Is that what I said? No. Now you're just making stuff up.

You seem to think that telling people their fantasies are fantasies somehow invalidates the fantasies. Surely you must realize how idiotic this is?

>> No.13800292
File: 342 KB, 600x517, 1407357720175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would eat hellhound barbeque. I wonder what monster girls taste like.

>> No.13800293

>The beach will lead you to a trading post
>And you can waive down ships
>But you'll need to find water eventually
>It'll mean leaving your shelter behind though
>And that means you'll be at the mercy off whatever wanders out near you
>And all those biting bugs
>But going into the jungle is the last thing you want to do
>So you try and pack up at least the sail and some of the lighter pieces of wood
>After a test setup, you figure you can live with the makeshift tent each night
>So you set off down the sandy stretch of the beach
>There is more large jumping fish out at sea from time to time
>And with some luck you find a stream where you can get some more fresh water the day after you set out
>And some raw turtle eggs for dinner
>Something dug them up but didn't eat them all
>You start to set up your new camp by the stream, since you can't take the water with you
>The sea is still in view, so you're not entirely in the jungle here
>But as you head towards the fresh water for another drink, you see something moving in it
>Something that doesn't have the shape of a fish
>And there are a number of them
>Three, you think
>You can't make them out that well
>Until one of them picks up speed and leaps out of the water onto the bank
>Whatever it is, you can see it clearly now
>At first it looks like a nude woman with long black hair and tanned skin
>But you quickly see the unnatural arms, legs, and is that a webbed tail?
>All it's limbs are webbed and have those large, amphibian limbs
>It almost keeps you from noticing the nasty looking fishing spear in her hand
>And that she's seen you
>Her eyes are wide, and she points with one webbed finger
>The two other heads pop up out of the water
>They're the same as the one before
>And they see you
>You aren't being eaten by inhuman new world monsters!
>Turning around, you run as fast as you can away from the group
>They give chase.

>> No.13800295

Their respective creature or human, depending on what part you eat.

>> No.13800302

It'll be a nice small town where she can calm down and focus on her studies. One that doesn't have ghosts, or serial killers or sentient plants, or a guitarist with electric powers.

>> No.13800305

>Her weak handed father never placed any discipline on her
>She grew to view men with scorn, the proud blood in her veins not allowing her to lower herself to pair up with "weaklings"
>She looked for someone worthy, but none met her standards
>In the end, she died in bitterness and solitude, settling for a 400lb microdick neckbeard who's into NTR and scat,, once she rose as a zombie dragon

Nice going numbnuts.

>> No.13800313

Alright, fine then. I'll spank her, but I won't like it.

>> No.13800315

She finds a teacher and mentor in an old hermit she helped make his way though the mountainside. In time, she became as cool as an underground mountain spring, and wise as nature.


>> No.13800316

Too late faggot, no takie backsies.

>> No.13800318

I am a bad man. I start translating monstergirl doujins and then forget about it 5 pages in and never come back to it.

>> No.13800319

But that's wrong. I don't care if she's a grown woman, I'll spank her so she can learn proper understanding and mutual respect.

>> No.13800320

Ya huh

You said you find it charming, meaning you have no qualms with taking advantage of this weakness and shagging her rotten.

Another night cuddling the pillow.

>> No.13800325

Nope, poll's closed, you were a pussy and now your daughter eats shit. She doesn't even remember you anyway, death is a bitch.

>> No.13800328

>You're not exactly the best runner
>But while the naked she-beasts chasing you are fit, they're not in their element on land
>You'll tire eventually though, so you need to shake them somehow
>You try to head a little bit more inland to get some more cover and potentially evade being made into long-pig
>They're persistent, and try to flank you and chase you into a corner time and time again
>In the chaos, you're going ever deeper into the jungle
>Not that you have time to think about it
>They are closing in as you are struggling for breath
>Until some commotion explodes out of the jungle behind you
"Jhairi!! Uhtyu kah!!"
"Jikaaah! Jikaaaah!"
>You dare you stop and look back as you gasp for breath
>The things are running scared from something
>It's big, and black in the shadows of the jungle
>It has a definite feline nature to it, but you can't make it out clearly
>Once it has chased the three off it lets out a mighty roar that stops the calls of animals from the treetops and makes the jungle silent
>Then it's glowing yellow eyes turn to look at you
>You're still on the menu
>You take off as fast as your legs can carry you, second wind helping
>The jungle is already scratching and whipping at you
>And you can hear the thing chasing you through the jungle brush
>This thing is much faster, and even makes use of the gigantic branches making a three dimensional maze above you
>These trees are fucking massive
>Somehow, you lose the thing chasing you and collapse with your back against a tree
>Your lungs crave air, and your chest heaves to get as much of it as it can
>Just when you start to relax, something big and dark falls out of the trees above right in front of you

>> No.13800331

Oh well, then I guess we just make Daughteru 2 and pretend that shit one doesn't exist.

>> No.13800332

Google it motherfuker.

>> No.13800334

What a weak loving father. Disgraceful.

>> No.13800335

>Ya huh
Really anon? Really?

Except that I don't considering it a weakness, I think it's a charming trait.

Like your life is that much better?

>> No.13800336

You have the full pic of this, right?

>> No.13800337

What do you want me to do?

>> No.13800339


Any way you look at it you're exploiting her


>> No.13800341

Nothing, I was just making it a point that you suck.

Learn from this.

>> No.13800343

You're silly.

You're an ass.

And do fuckin' tell.

>> No.13800344

But you'll explain why you had to hit her and tell her you still love her?

>> No.13800351


Truth hurts you rapist

Blogging is verboten.

>> No.13800355

Get a room before one of you alps mid-thread.

>> No.13800359

I bet if Monster Girls became real at least 90% of this thread would simply Alp.

>> No.13800363

Well at least you admit it.

Am not.

Like this back and fort is any better.

No, you're gay!

And then Yuri would ensue?

>> No.13800367

Nobody asked you nosy tengu.

>> No.13800370

>You panic and push yourself against the tree trunk with flailing legs
>And then cover your head with your arms to wait for the attack
>But it doesn't come
>Cautiously, you move your arms out of the way to see whats going on
>It's still sitting right there, no more than three feet from you
>And there is enough light in this area to get a decent look at it
>It appears to be another woman, this one clothes in a black loincloth and strip of cloth that wraps around her sizeable chest
>Her hair is tied into three thick braids, a twig caught on the hair atop her head
>And she looks as leanly muscled as any sailor you've seen
>The most striking features are the worst for your survival chances
>Wide feline eyes, as yellow as any cat back home
>Huge paws that are balancing her in the crouching position she's taking, jet black fur running up to her thighs and shoulders
>There is even a long black tail flicking back and forth behind her
>And two small, round, black ears on her head
>She just sits there, staring at you as you stare back
>Maybe this thing doesn't want you eat you?
>She tilts her head slightly to the side
>"What was that?"
"Jijah kukwah."
>"Mhm, that's what I thought you said."
>You can't understand a word of this
>After an awkwardly long staring match, you take a chance
>You carefully start to slide away, this panther-woman not moving from her spot as she watches you
>Even as you stand up and back away
>Feeling somewhat safe, you turn around
>That's when you feel the paw grab your ankle
>This is how you die, isn't it?

Anyone reading this?

>> No.13800371

I'm strong

Are too

But it's not blogging

>> No.13800372
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>> No.13800374

I would hope simply thinking,
>"You know, this sex is great, but you know what would be better? Having sex with a different species girl."
would be far from warranting me turning into an Alp.

>> No.13800376

I want to fight goblin ninjas as I rush through their temple to reclaim the crystal skull and save my wallet!
I mean...the world!

>> No.13800377

Like hell Yuri would ensue. I will personally take responsibility for all the Anon alps.

>> No.13800381

I am. I'm not sure what to think so far, but I am.

>> No.13800382

I guess.

Am not.

But now I'm curious.

>Wanting an Alp Harem

>> No.13800383


>> No.13800384

I'm following.

>> No.13800387

No, I'll tell her that it's her fault she's getting hit.

That's it.

>> No.13800389

You bet

Are too infinity and beyond in all existing omniverses and those to come

Too bad

>> No.13800396

Yes I know, an Alp harem would be whiny, and fill with Alps "Kyaa"ing and being awkward. But I'll take the fall, because if I don't take responsibilities for the Alps, who will?

>> No.13800397

Liking the emphasis on big girls. For me~

>> No.13800400

I want to push chubby alp senpai into a pool of nitric acid!

>> No.13800402

>She becomes sullen and withdrawn, and in time internalizes that is was indeed her fault
>She tries her best to please you because she identifies you as the strong one
>She cleaves to you and becomes smitten with you, in her own way, ending with her riding you one night as you sleep, aiming to become your woman, or at least your onahole

>> No.13800409

I want to put my dick into chubby alp senpai!

>> No.13800411 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 220x194, 1437373985940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13800415

This wasn't part of the plan anon.

>> No.13800418

woah now, maybe a swimming pool while everyone else at the party laughs at them until they run home crying and someone starts a slow clap

>> No.13800421

Maybe then we can have a /jp/ meetup and call it an Alpapalooza

>> No.13800423

Mithril, please.
Compose yourself.

>> No.13800424

Before, during, or after the acid?

>> No.13800426

You could have just told her you loved her still, now she'll use her body to show you how she feels. Enjoy.

>> No.13800427

What's wrong Mithril, have you tried talking to anyone? Or are you just posting your oddly drawn guro just to post it?

>> No.13800429

>I want to fuck an overweight man

>> No.13800433

Holy shti, what the fuck

Why would you ever do that? Cutting someone's hands off is just horrific, that pretty much keeps them from doing anything normal.

I mean holy shit dude.

>> No.13800434

Nice going you faggots.

>> No.13800437

But I don't want to share this place with a bunch of alps.

>> No.13800439

Actually I think the greater worry would be that they'd divide themselves into two distinct groups. One that are a bunch of wanton sluts drooling over you and wanting sex constantly. And the other a bunch who still act nigh entirely male, lounge around your house like a bunch of slobs, and just generally mooch off of you.

>> No.13800441

>Alp Harem

I want to leave them all behind
Break out of my pain!
Nothing ventured -- nothing gained!
I'm my own master now!
Bear the mark of my scars!
Shedding blood underneath the stars!
But I will survive somehow!

>> No.13800443


>> No.13800445

uhhh they grow back limbs right... Right!?

>> No.13800447

I want you to find a better solution because Alps can fly dumb dumb.

>> No.13800450

What if...you rescue them from their sleep, you get to marry them all and they're cute?

Would you?

>> No.13800451

Superior inferior steel folded over a thousand times will do that to youl.

and besides unless you kill her off there is always cute amputee doing cute amputee things like that one ShindoL doujin.

>> No.13800453

>implying it's easy to fly while wet
You're the dumb dumb

>> No.13800454

Stop that.

>> No.13800455

>She yanks you back and makes you fall on your face
>And is on you without a moment wasted
>As you protect your head, she crawls all over sniffing and pawing at your body with curiosity
>She pulls your shirt up while you arms are occupied
>You feel her breasts press against your leg as she leans down, and take a peek
>She is big, at least a head taller than you
>And you aren't short by any means
>Feeling no danger, you remove your hands and try to figure out what is going on
>She's looking you over like some new toy
>The paws feel at your skin and you don't make a move to stop her
>There are claws in there
>Finally, she takes a lick from your salty belly and sits up
>She really seems to be analyzing something
>And finally crawls off of you
>But only so she can turn around and struggle with your pants
>You try and struggle, but with her tail lifted up like that she accidentally gives you a view of her bare lowers
>The savages really don't wear underwear on this place
>There is a growl, the fumbling leading to claws coming out
>You panic as she bites at the belt and tears your pants to shreds, annoyed with the conquest of technology that is the button
>You protest, but it falls on distracted ears
>Her pupils widen when she sees your manhood, before a big grin spreads on her face
>She looks back at you as she says this
>You wish you knew what that meant
>But before you can ask, you're lifted up onto her shoulder by her powerful arms and kept in place by one
>At first you try to get away
>Until the she-panther ascends into the trees with surprising speed
>You get a rear view of the trip as you're carried through the darkening jungle, calls of animals returning to the area
>The panther keeps leaping from giant branches, swinging around tangles, and moving through clusters of leaves
>It's a stressful ride for you
>But eventually she slows down and carries you into a tree hollow, entrance covered by a large thick animal fur

>> No.13800459

I'll just have to hit her some more!

>> No.13800460

My instincts say no, they can be as cute as they want, I'm not letting them pull an In the mouth of madness.

>> No.13800462

I like the first group better. I want to merge and assimilate the second group into the first.

>> No.13800463

Is this that Werepanther thing I heard about in these threads ages ago? I'm surprised.

>> No.13800464

I tell her mother I'll handle this, since I imagine we had a fun phone call from the principal. The minute the door slams shut behind me entering her room, something bad is going to happen.

"Oh daughter, guess who had a phone call from your principal while he was at work. Since you're a grown woman and insist on acting like this, I'll give you one of two options."
"You either tell me why you're acting out and give me a good reason not to put a filter on the internet as of tomorrow, or-" and I make sure she can see me taking a leather belt off slowly, "You find out how many belt floggings it takes for your mother to come upstairs."

>> No.13800466

I'm starting to believe that Chubby Alp Senpai is being forced harder by the haters than Chubby Alp Senpai Guy himself.

>> No.13800470

At this point, it is, and has been for a long while. They just want to bitch and moan, as usual. I haven't seen one outside of them starting shit in a while, and I leave these threads open 24/7.

>> No.13800471

Alps should be bullied, not loved. I'm okay with this transition.

>> No.13800473

It's the cone of shame for her. Maybe I'll even make her wear it to school.

>> No.13800475

There will be significant resistance. Though you may notice that many of them begin to develop a habit of wearing nothing but their underwear around the house.
This is not a trait many of them had as guys.

>> No.13800476

>Every blow is a proof of your love, because you want to keep her close to you, you don't want her to stray
>"The more he hits me, the more he loves" that though repeats endlessly in her mind
>"Punish me more, love me more", she holds on to your arm as the next hit comes, sucking on your fingers and eyeing you hungrily
>"I'm yours Daddy, do whatever you want to me, break me, I'll only love you more"
>She gets heart pupils and starts undoing your belt

>> No.13800478


>> No.13800480

I want my daughteru to bully and spank me!

>> No.13800481
File: 148 KB, 476x341, 1366855635902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13800482

Well shit, now she gets to go into a psych ward while I leave town and get a new name.

>> No.13800490

It's like a goddamn Asanagi doujin.

>> No.13800494

>It's too dark inside to see shit
>But you're not about to run, the outside of this tree hollow is a straight drop hundreds of feet
>Why are these trees so freakishly big?
>You're dumped onto a soft pile of furs after being carried deeper
>The panther scurries away, gathering wood someplace while you struggle to see
>You see sparks and hear stone hitting stone
>After some effort, a fire is started and the orange glow fills the hollow
>You had worried about burning the tree down until you saw the rocks set down to make a fireplace
>But you worry more by the sheer number of furs lining the floors and walls of this surprisingly large hollow
>The panther woman, fire lit and grin stuck to her face, runs to a pot and reaches in
>And takes out some dried meat
>Your stomach growls at the sight of it
>She brings it over, but doesn't let you have it
>Instead she sits on your lap and takes a big bite
>She has rather big sharp teeth, doesn't she?
>After chewing it for a bit, she lowers her head towards yours
>Wait, what are you-
>She kisses you and forces the chewed meat into your mouth
>She pulls back and stares down at you expectantly
>You swallow it
>And a growl-purr comes from her as her smile returns
>She takes another bite and starts to chew it
>You decide to try and communicate
>She obviously doesn't want to kill you
"My name is Anon. Anon."
>You point to yourself
>It seems to get her interest
"What is your name?"
>You point towards her
>She seems confused, but leans down to give you more pre--chewed meat
>It's salty, and you feel her tongue snake into your mouth to help push it in again
>She pulls back, taking another bite
>You decide to try again, to keep you from looking at her bust and all that brown cleavage
"Anon." You point to yourself.
>Then you point to her
>And repeat the process
>Another kiss
>You can't really complain
>It's been a while since you saw a woman and this is pretty nice
>She points to herself

>> No.13800496

Good, that means I can be the King of the lazy and somewhat slobby NEET alps and the King of the loyal obediant girly alps.

>> No.13800501

Good night Anons.
Not very witty remark.
Contrived setup.
Don't burn down the thread
spoilered text that may or may not be related to previous statement.

>> No.13800503
File: 97 KB, 1200x675, 1434671887672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have yet to be breastfed by a Holstaurus

>> No.13800505
File: 211 KB, 968x1349, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monoeye in spats

>> No.13800507

>chewing your food for you
Huh. This is interesting. I'm liking this so far though.

>> No.13800508

and you never will.

>> No.13800509

Yeah, I'd do those alps.
Watching them try to play vidya while I drill them from behind would be nice.

>> No.13800512

She's a lizard, so yes.

>> No.13800517

W-why has this happened?
Why does this happen?

>> No.13800527

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.13800529

I would spat on a monoeye wearing spats

>> No.13800530

But I don't.
I do that in the morning.

>> No.13800533


>> No.13800535

>Not jerking off in the morning, after lunch, after dinner and before bed.


>> No.13800541

Jesus christ anon, how many of those are blanks?

>> No.13800543

Dear God, that girl needs to eat. Looks like she'd snap in half from a strong breeze.

>> No.13800546

It has to be this way.

>> No.13800547

I want to be locked in an Alp frat house.

It's just a bunch of lazy Alps who lounge around in their underwere, play games, sleep, and masturbate.

I want to be gangbanged by all the lazy horny Alps and left as a drooling mess on their bed!

>> No.13800549

I don't know.

I don't think any of them are blanks.

>> No.13800550

>You take the chance to snatch the last bit of the dried meat and chew it yourself
>It's a bit tastier this way, but the panther pouts and puts her paws on your shoulders
>Like you could get away anyways
"Anon?" She points at you.
>You give her a nod, hoping they share the gesture
>By the grin appearing it seems they do
>The meat is gone, and your hunger satiated for now
>But you're thirsty and need something to wash that salty pork down with
>You're pretty sure it was pork
>Please let it be pork
>She tilts her head
>You make a drinking motion with your hand
>Jhairi gets it now and gets off of you
>As she bounces off to get water from another clay pot into a clay bowl, you move one of the furs over your exposed lower area to keep your modesty
>She had to tear your pants apart, huh?
>The water is a lot fresher than the murky stuff you got from the river
>And you're fairly refreshed once you've drank the whole thing down
>After you set the bowl aside, you find that Jhairi keeps staring at you
>With her face no more than six inches from yours
>It's a bit hard to look back into those big, expectant eyes
>What would a cat want from you?
>It's a long shot, but you reach up and pat her head
>That's when she pounces you to the floor of the warm hollow and tears your shirt off with her claws
>Some sort of hunger glowing in her eyes as she licks her lips above you
>She sits on your stomach and sheds her garments, tossing them aside with far more care than your own
>Then repositions herself so she can initiate a sloppy kiss, paws keeping your arms to the side
>Your erection is caught at the bottom of her muscled stomach
>She's straddling you, her large chest pressed into yours as a rumbling growl-purr comes from her
>She releases your hands once her intentions are clear, and you reach down to grab at her round, toned ass
>You hesitate and wonder what god would think of this
>Fuck that guy

>> No.13800553

>"Daddy is happy, I'm so glad" she says with a sigh as she rubs her cheek on your growing erection, stopping to take a big whiff of your musk
>She takes off your pants and grabs your rod in both hands, kissing the head affectionately, giggling each time she feels it twitch, licking the underside from base to tip, before letting it simply rest on her lips, looking up at you, expectantly
>You grab her head and slowly shove your manhood in her mouth, prodding the inside of her cheeks as she swirls her tongue around, suckling ever so often, drool running down her chin, making her simple cotton shirt see through, her nipples erect enough to almost pierce though it
>You pull out with an audible pop, while she pants on her knees
>"You want to hurt me don't you Daddy?" She strokes your length slow, deliberate "You want to take this big, thick thing, and stick me, again, and again until I can't think straight don't you?" Her hands are limp at her sides "Well, go ahead, or can't you? You are my Daddy after all..." You notice the mocking tone in her voice
>You yank her head forward, shoving your cock down her throat, making her gag, the walls of her throat convulse around your stiff shaft, being vigorously rammed back and forth with no regard for her
>She eyes you fixedly, you her pupils dilated in bliss
>She groans and whimpers, fingering herself to your tempo, a pool of her own fluids forming on the floor beneath her, you feel her mumble around your cock "luh...lug...luh...love...you...Da...ddy..."
>You keep pumping away, ever so faster, until you release a torrent of cum down her throat
>One, tow three, four jets of cum shoot out, and a fifth one you let out just in her mouth, her saliva and you seed mixing into a sticky mess of cloudy white
>You release her, and she shows you your love, coating her tongue, swishing it around, tasting it fully before swallowing
>"You're not done are you Daddy? You still have to hurt me, lots more..."

>> No.13800554

are these like quick 10 minute faps here because otherwise it seems like you are taking up your day

>> No.13800559
File: 133 KB, 410x600, Kunoichi_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never fall in love with a Kunoichi who refuses to take her face mask off around anyone for reasons she is not willing to explain
>Even subconsciously avoiding your touch against her face for the first several months you start dating
>You will never, after a long time dating her, come to find that she got into a duel with a Mantis
>And that the Mantis won, scarring her lips for life
>She will never be ashamed to let you see them for the first time, only to be left in surprise when you kiss her, despite her scarred face
>You will never tell her that her healed scars only serve to make her look that much more beautiful to you
>She will never kiss you so hard while the both of you embrace in passionate romantic sex.

>> No.13800560

I thank you for the compliment.

>> No.13800562

Yeah they're like 10-20 minutes.

>> No.13800570

Anon I think you have an addiction.

>> No.13800571

>you move one of the furs over your exposed lower area to keep your modesty
Get a load of this faggot. She's not wearing any underwear either, the least you could do is match. At least his priorities are straight elsewhere though.

>> No.13800574

>4 times a day
Get a load of this casual faggot.

>> No.13800575

No I don't, you have an addiction to being a bitch.

>> No.13800576

Fucking casuls, talk to me when you jerk it 12 times a day.

>> No.13800579

Oh goddammit boner.

>> No.13800580

Jesus fuck anons, doesn't fapping lose meaning if you do it so goddamn much?

>> No.13800582

Sure, whatever. Get back to me when you suck your own dick.

>> No.13800585

My record is like 17.
2/10 do not recommend.

>> No.13800587

Do I look like I give a shit?

>> No.13800589
File: 174 KB, 456x353, not sure what to title this one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O-oh my

>> No.13800591

How? How anon? My highest is 5.

>> No.13800592

I want an Alp to be invited to a Succubutt sorority party and then complain that the music's too loud and her feet hurt and she wishes she was at home playing video games!

>> No.13800596

Does she look like Mileena? Because that would make it hot.

I want a Mileena Kunoichi!

>> No.13800599

I want to go on Big Gay Alp's Big Gay Boat Ride with Chubby Alp Senpai!

>> No.13800601

Oh no you don't motherfucker.

>> No.13800608

Come on, man, I'm trying to play a game, I don't need this boner.

>> No.13800614

I've averaged 3 to 5 a day for the last 7 or so years. This was also in the second half of your typical up for 24 hour days near the peak of puberty. For whatever reason I get highly aroused at the slightest things when I'm tired.

>> No.13800615

Nah, it'd be more like http://i.imgur.com/3UQTMS4.jpg..

Okay, maybe a bit more rough and without stitches, but the lasting damage being small enough where it's cute, but still marking enough to be seen by everyone.

>> No.13800616

Damn nigga. And here I thought my 1 or 2 a day was a lot.

>> No.13800626

You don't have to fap every single time you get a boner anon.

>> No.13800634

So what's the longest youve edged?

>> No.13800635
File: 712 KB, 868x1228, 1429429429286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no young, genki Blue Dragon Girl who's the guardian of your village, but still has a lot to learn about fighting, wisdom and love.

>> No.13800637

It's more of a daily ritual at this point. I determine when I want to fap before a stiffy even shows up.

Such is the NEET life.

>> No.13800639

>The purring, steamy make-out session continues for a while
>Until she switches to licking at your face and neck
>You're getting a bit frustrated before she finally repositions herself, sitting up on your hips with your cock pressed against her vulva
>She's gotten rather soaked down below in anticipation
>A lustful yet loving grin stares down at you as she lines up with your dick
>You grabs her hips and try to force her down, but she's too strong
>The head has sunk inside those warm, muggy depths and agonizes you
>She grabs your hands and puts them to your side so she can continue
>As she sinks painfully slow, you feel the rumbling vibrating through your shaft
>It forces a groan out of you by the time she hilts herself
>She starts off by grinding against you, enjoying the feeling of you within her
>It's agonizing in a good way
>Once she's used to you, the panther starts to bounce on top of you
>It's far better than with any woman you've bedded
>It takes all of your willpower not to burst after a few minutes
>Her own patience seems to be wearing thin, so she begins bouncing harder and faster
>Your hands are freed so she can balance on your chest
>She's a bit heavy, but you can still breath even with the paws kneading at you as she moans
>Finally, you can't handle any more and burst inside of her
>She hilts herself and makes sure it goes as deep as possible
>The soft furs and the massages of her internal muscles feel heavenly
>After a short moment to rest, she begins grinding against your crotch again
>It easily gets you full mast
>And a though occurs to you
>How many times is this going to go for?
>The answer was seven
>You're pretty sure the last two were blanks, but the ravenous feline didn't care
>But you weren't about to complain about the ravishing
>And when it was all over, and the fire began to die down, she held you close to her chest and drifted off to a happy rumbling sleep
>Clinging to you the whole night with her arms and large paws

>> No.13800642

For like an hour until it started hurting.

>> No.13800644

Think I'll stop here. If there is an interest I might do more of it, but it seemed to be rather limited.
Does it deserve a pastebin?

>> No.13800647

No reason why not.

>> No.13800649

Deadest day approaching deadest hours.
That and like other anon said no real reason not to.

>> No.13800652

Definitely. I like it so far, anyway, even if you never continue it. A panther sounds interesting.

>> No.13800672

Alright, pastebinned it
Might do more of it if people ask, but people are probably wanting more guide puppy first. Just wanted to get this off the back of my head so it'd stop distracting me.

>> No.13800676

I'm beginning to worry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr2oDSJntrM

>> No.13800679

Oh, hey. That's the second story I've liked from you. Good shit, but yeah, more of the guide puppy would be cool. Seeing what comes of this might be nice though, if you want to continue it eventually.

>> No.13800682

So why has no one drawn Bastet yet?

>> No.13800685

Hours when I've obtained a new hentai game. To the point where i wonder if it was worth it.

>> No.13800686


Fuck these faggots, goddamn making a two minute video into an almost ten minute shitfest.

>> No.13800697

People tend to like my greentexts more, so I'll probably use them for most of my story ideas unless it doesn't work.

>> No.13800699

Here is a more appropriate video reaction


>> No.13800711

>She lays down, a wet squelch resounding in the room as she lowers herself on her own juices, parting her legs and rubbing herself over her clothes
>"Here Daddy, you need to teach me here, to show me you mean it, I'll be a good girl, so do it that I won't forget"
>You drag her closer to you, taking off her shorts and pressing your erection to her panties, adorned by cherries, her favorite
>You tease her clit through the fabric, rubbing yourself on her mound, drawing small yelps from her
>You loom over her, your hands on hers, locking fingers and pinning them down, you thrust sharply at the fabric, pushing it inside, along with yourself, one...two...one...two
>You take in her expressions, joy, lust, anxiety, want, hope, all flash across her face as she writhes and whimpers beneath you
>Deciding she's had enough teasing, you push her panties aside, and break though her maidenhead, making her arch violently, tugging on your shirt, something akin to fury and desire mixed together
>You hold her to you in a bear hug, keeping her still as you reshape her depths to take you in, parting her walls to take you in fully
>You gyrate your hips, leaving no part of her freshly opened sex untouched
>She kisses your collarbone and neck, nuzzling your chest and rubbing your back all at once, as of she can't get enough
>"Daddy, mess me up, do me hard, and make me squeal"
>You do just that, pounding away without a care, her legs flopping as you crash against her again, and again, and again, opening them as wide as she can to accommodate you, to feel you, inexorably, in her
>"I can feel it, throbbing Daddy" she places her hands on her lower belly, "it aches, it wants all of you" her walls grip your member tight
>"Mark me, my body, all of it, is yours, so, let it out, it's waiting"
>With that, you shoot it straight into her womb, sending her into spasms as she receives your seed, tears run down her cheeks as she receives your warmth

>> No.13800743

Their anime -based lists are especially hilariously awful. Horrible, ballot-stuffed placements, inaccurate footage, badly researched descriptions, and terribly mispronounced names. Good for a quick laugh if nothing else.

JonTron reactions are best reactions.

>> No.13800751

Someone please screencap this for my boner to look over at later dates.

>> No.13800756

I wish Jon would release videos more often.

Need a good laugh right now, any you recommend?

>> No.13800762

Clock Tower? The Zoo Race?

I thought those were pretty funny.

>> No.13800766

>you will never boop a shark girls nose

>> No.13800769

No, I mean Mojo anime lists. I've seen all of Jon's vids already.

>> No.13800771

How hard? I'd maybe give it a light tap, not even something that would hurt.

>> No.13800776
File: 194 KB, 600x846, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cruisin' for a brusin'?

>> No.13800780

I want to be bullied by a Shark Girl!

>> No.13800783

I want to pinch an Oni's clit while she's lifting!

>> No.13800784



Really just pick any of them. They're all awful.

>> No.13800788

Gotcha, thanks. I'm the sort of guy that watches ancient aliens for comedy, so this should do nicely.

>> No.13800792
File: 69 KB, 681x800, 1384205704521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you go around booping Shark Girl's noses that will happen inevitably.

>> No.13800802

>Honourable Mention

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Oh man, egg and coco pops do not make a nice combination when half-digested.

>> No.13800806

She won't look so tough after I boop her nose and momentarily stun her!

>> No.13800811

>"Forever. Yours forever" she whispers as she peers into your soul, lunging at you and kissing you, desperate, ravenous, as if she needed to mark you, as you did her
>"You sit with her in the gloom of the room, face to face, your stiff prick still inside her, she, lost in her own musings
>"Father's smell" she whispers, breathing slowly, quietly, feeding off you, hot brusque kisses and soft caresses, a wicked tongue licking the sweat off your body, arms holding on to you, the feel of a frenzied heartbeat in your hand as your palm rests on her back

>> No.13800825

I want this, but Mother/Son instead.

>> No.13800841

I'll see what I can do some other time.

So, good, you think, I can leave it here? It's like 4am here and I have shit to do in the morning.

>> No.13800844

>year 2150 - 135
>STILL no crocodile girl

>> No.13800852

Well, one did appear as a side character in that doujin about raping zoo animal girls, but does that count?

>> No.13800855
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, rachneebed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some spider. Im doing some lineart to ELH Lilim next because I have that pending since months ago and after that not sure, many choices. Medusa/Kejourou/Valkyrie/Living doll/Wight. Well later will decide, see you anons.

>> No.13800858

Them eyes are real nice, as usual. Also, living doll would be cool.

>> No.13800862

That's a Big Ass

>> No.13800864

Someone really needs to screencap it.

Wonderful work as always.

>> No.13800866

Sure, it's nice, but EMG is still garbage.

>> No.13800875

Kill it with fire.

>> No.13800878

Did anyone ever tell you you're absolutely perfect with eyes and lips?

>> No.13800881

Dude, nice.
I'm going to go with Medusa. With a ponytail.
Living Doll as a second.

>> No.13800883

more mute cheshire when nyananon?

>> No.13800884

I'd kill her with my fire.

If by "kill" you mean "sex", and if by "fire" you mean "fiery passion".

>> No.13800889

Someone didn't forget about that? I guess after guide puppy reaches some sort of conclusion, or I can think up some antics with a pregnant mute chessie.

>> No.13800890

You know, those frogs that do that actually just grow more skin over the eggs after they get attached to their backs, so it's more like a blanket of skin to keep the eggs in place rather than the eggs being laid directly inside of the frogs back.
The extra skin even falls off afterwards.

>> No.13800891

Kejourou would be good

>> No.13800895

Mute cheshire you say, can I have a link to this?

>> No.13800898

here you go friend anon

>> No.13800903

Thank you anon, millions will die in your name for this.

>> No.13800909

blood for the blood god
skulls for the skull throne
guns for the murder kube

>> No.13800910

I'd like some kejourou stuff. There's all sorts of things you can do with her. Like have her use her own hair to form clothes, Bayonetta style, or simply to form a curtain hiding her lewd bits from view.
Then again, seeing what you come up with for a Valkyrie could be interesting, too. Might be nice to see how you end up colouring it, if you do. Blue and gold goes really well together, after all.

>> No.13800967

I want to tell an amputee lizardgirl that everything will be alright and that I'll be her hands for as long as she is in my heart.

>> No.13800971

What of hers is Missing?

>> No.13800974

I want to date a T-Rex girl with absurdly stubby claws! I then want her to find out my secret that loving protective hugs are my favorite world! I then want to see what she does with the knowledge of knowing she'll never be able to give me a full proper hug no matter what!

>> No.13800975

Her self respect.

>> No.13800976

Taipan lamia when?

>> No.13800977

That isn't a lizardgirl.It's a wyvern who cut her wings off with a bandsaw after accidentally maiming her husband.

>> No.13800980
File: 569 KB, 848x1073, Waaarm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13800982

More boxing lamia pics when?

>> No.13800983


>> No.13800985

I want to challenge a T-Rex to a boxing match! I want everyone to give her a BIG HAND for trying her best afterwards! I want to keep her at arms length as she tries to date me! I want my affections to stay just out of reach for her!

>> No.13800988

I dont suggest scrolling back up to find the context, so I'll go ahead and tell you her actual hands were severed in a swordfight.

>> No.13800990
File: 48 KB, 480x480, 1418202729362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninjutsu sex or Dark Elf cuddledomming? Pick one.

>> No.13800991

Soon, hopefully.

>> No.13800993

Dark Elf Cuddledomming.

>> No.13800994

Cuddledomming any day, best kind of dom regardless of who's doing it.

>> No.13800996

Either can be fine, but cuddledomming sounds interesting.

>> No.13800998

>Ophy will never grow out of her payful wrestling habits and become a boxing sensation
>You will never be her best friend, patching up her bruises and cuts when she starts off as a small-time underground fighter

>> No.13801000

I want to go down to the deep ocean so I can meet the rare and exotic Coelacanth girl and hear her mysterious and fabled "ara ara"

>> No.13801003

That'll it be then. It'll be done by Friday, I swear.

>> No.13801012

I would've voted for Ninjutsu sex,
But I'm too late, fuck.

>> No.13801014
File: 172 KB, 1200x1800, 1414713961252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I won't do that eventually. But now I'll work on the other thing, and this time I'll make the whole chapter before posting anything, because that's how it should be done. Have a bat as compensation.

>> No.13801018

Would you read the webcomic "Wurm gets trolled"?

>> No.13801019
File: 100 KB, 617x841, fcd1c59bb8cc9f1605f0cb816b256d0506df30a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, man.
Have a sketch of Miia for luck.

>> No.13801021

I'd like the idea, but I wouldn't read it if it were called, "Wurm Gets Trolled," certainly.

>> No.13801022

Lizardgirls deserve men who will take them on fun dates, give them chocolates, snuggle with them after fucking them, and compliment them. A Lizardgirl's face when her man calls her his precious irreplaceable waifu would be really sweet.

>> No.13801024

Probably not. Doesn't sound very fun to me. I'm sure it would appeal to someone.

Agreed. Showering a proud warrior in affection sounds pretty funny.

>> No.13801025

That's what Monster Girls should be doing for men, good luck for that lazy Lizardgirl who wants to be the one who gets wooed. She better be prepared for when all the Onis and Amazons sweep up all the Human Boys around her.

You have to be assertive, not passive.

>> No.13801026

If only there weren't hearts covering her up, this would be incredibly hot.

>> No.13801031

Needs a different name but sounds like a decent idea.

>> No.13801033

Let it be named Hooking Wurms.

>> No.13801035

She would blush and be too embarrassed to admit it! When she and her boyfriend were alone she'd thank him.

Pssh! Any human boy who doesn't want to beat his waifu in combat isn't husband material anyway. Right? The poor Lizardgirls need hugs.

>> No.13801041

>Beating up human boys
That shits dishonorable. She should feel ashamed of wanting to fight something so weak just for an ego boost. Or alternatively, if she wants to be defeated by one, she should feel ashamed for being such a masochist.

Either way I hope she gets bullied by all the Amazons and Onis while they walk away with their boyfriends wrapped in their hands.

>> No.13801042

Unfortunately, I edited over the only copy I had of it.
So I had to find and fetch it again.

>> No.13801043
File: 489 KB, 1162x850, 1435993394757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one that checks the thread in the morning and reads the new greentexts in reverse?

join now, if you are a mg heathen we smite you for free

>> No.13801044

I think so. Any greentexts that have been improved that way?

>> No.13801045

Ah, yes. A strumpet and a harlot indeed.

>> No.13801046

You're going to make them cry! Poor Lizardgirls crying into their pillows because nobody wants to date them is really sad.

>> No.13801049

>Not just pinning the thread and having it remember where you left off

>> No.13801052

No! She deserves to be lectured about how she needs to treat a Human Boy! She's being silly and foolhardy! If she wanted though, I wouldn't mind spending time with her. Just to help teach her proper manners, social skills and all of course!

>> No.13801057
File: 320 KB, 800x1000, 1419784954750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just rewatched the E3 demo for TPP. We need more loyal wolfus.

>> No.13801060

Would you let her practice on you if she asked? All that time spent together and she'll definitely have a crush on you.

>> No.13801077

Well, I guess so, but only with her! And she better do her absolute best and do everything perfectly, understanding how to ask a human boy out on a date, how to make sure they're happy, how to treat them with kindness yet firmness, how to treat them on a date, everything must be executed perfectly! If she succeeds though, I'd definitely make sure to reward her and let her know how proud and happy I am of her. There would be plenty of tight hugs.

>> No.13801079

It's hot, I'm alone in my bed, and I don't have a Monstergirl waifu. Which Monstergirl could help me feel better if she was sleeping next to me?

>> No.13801085

Yuki Onna or Glacies, take your pick.

>> No.13801086

They're cold-blooded, so you'd be fine.

>> No.13801087
File: 1.28 MB, 1181x1748, 1425288236121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13801088

Not a yeti

>> No.13801090

Snuggle a shirohebi and grope her buttocks

>> No.13801091

She'll make you proud! She'll known exactly how to give a human a perfect date, body contact and flirting included! After you hug her, she'll finally get the courage to ask you out for real. If you say yes you'll make her dreams come true.

>> No.13801094

Glacies, if she's an adult. A Yuki Onna would freeze my heart!

I'll snuggle her so hard we'll both be too warm, and then snuggle her more when we're both exhausted.

>> No.13801104

I want to hit a monoeye with a paddle.

>> No.13801107

Oh, at that point she'd get a tight hug as I repeat yes excitedly. And I wouldn't let go until she decided to prince carry me away from there. And I wouldn't even care if it was in a public place, I'd keep my arms wrapped around her, so everyone could see me as her arm candy that she was rightfully able to swoon and win over!

>> No.13801112

>>13801107 You'd be setting yourself up for a picnic lunch she prepared herself, while you sat together under the sun and other couples looked over at you jealously. At the end she would kiss you with tears of joy in her eyes. You're the only dessert she needs.She did bring homemade chocolate though.

>> No.13801117
File: 203 KB, 1000x1000, 1430886880314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, please stop doing that. The Wurm can see you.

>> No.13801122

No! The Wurm will see all the lewd! I'll even leave my Handholding magazines out knowing she'll stumble upon them!

>> No.13801128

Fucking UNF.

You're a king of seductive face expressions, Loen.

>> No.13801164

>Unwilling to hide your love like it was something disgusting and shameful, you decided to tell your father. It spiraled downhill pretty quick. You're not sure if you've ever seen your father so angry. As soon as he got the gist of it, he disowned you, screaming, "My son ain't some alp-fucking little faggot!", before he physically threw you out the front door. You knocked again, hoping maybe your mother could calm him down. She'd never disown you, right?
>When she opened the door she had a cold look in her eyes and all she said was, "We're VERY disappointed in you,” before slamming it in your face.
This legitimately makes me mad. I really just want a follow up to this that focuses purely on MC getting Vengeance against such shitty parents.

>> No.13801173

I would like this too! It makes the porn less fun when someone is there because of shitty parents and Alp NTR. Bad parents are still horrible by themselves.

>> No.13801180

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.13801199

Just throw an occasional link in here. There's more people who read your stuff aside from the 3 that reply and call you shit.

>> No.13801227

Seems good, ignore the hate on the femdom aspect, if you written maledom you'd have got an equally hostile reaction from the other end of the spectrum.

>> No.13801230

Do you think a Dullahan would blow her top if I told her not to lose her head over something?

>> No.13801237

Please do not bully the dullahans.

>> No.13801241

Alright, I'll stick to feeding them home-baked cookies.

>> No.13801251

That's more like it!

>> No.13801302
File: 378 KB, 899x1280, 1436746427757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it that keeps you guys going? Figured I might as well ask since I imagine escapism is rampant in this board. and i'm not exempt from it either.

>> No.13801317

To be honest, an Alp holds me at gunpoint and forces me to post positive posts about alps every so often. I want to leave but she won't let me. Please call for help, I haven't seen the outside world in 3 months.

>> No.13801322

I envy you. All I have is an Alp that tells me to write about her practically non-existent love-life as part of another story.

>> No.13801326

The need to read/watch new things, try new food/drink and occasionally commission stuff of my favourite monsters once in a while although I've only done that once so far.

The escapism is strong.

>> No.13801327
File: 2.03 MB, 2000x2280, 1424032678876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh brave knight! Have you ever lain a Dragon?

>> No.13801337
File: 187 KB, 414x762, Massive hotness, in technicolor where available.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that like, legal man?
You know what's fucking unf? The way Rachne looks in the new chapter.

>> No.13801338

What's it to you?

>> No.13801341

Oh you know. Just in case we find one.

>> No.13801343

My alp lounges around in stained underwear and smells like sweat and beer. Please take her, she doesn't help at all and smells, and then expects to sleep with me in bed.

>> No.13801345
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>> No.13801347

Whatever man, I'm here for the gold, not the chicks.

>> No.13801349

1. Grab spadetail.
2. Drag Alp into shower
3. Cold water only
4. Keep Alp in cold water until clean
5. Dry Alp with towel
6. Throw Alp's clothes into the laundry bin
7. Fuck Alp

There, the seven steps to happiness.

>> No.13801358

I want to walk in on a proud dragon stuffing her bra to hide how flat she is!

>> No.13801360
File: 472 KB, 660x997, 1431235003673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gargoyle for sale! Perfect for your garden!

>> No.13801369

What about my bedroom?

>> No.13801381

>Perfect for your garden!
But I want to put her next to my bed so I can lay there seductively and offer her a glass of wine the moment she opens her eyes.

>> No.13801401

What monster girl would Aniki like the most? Probably an oni or ogre.

>> No.13801426

I saw that thread, real rich from 4chan's shitting dick nipple board. /d/ really is a bunch of gay /soc/babies nowdays.

>> No.13801432

Hmm. I hope you're not planning on covering her in white stuff. Statues hate that.

>> No.13801444

I'll be sure to get it inside her.

>> No.13801448

Covering? My god no that would be such a waste. The white stuff is going inside her.

>> No.13801468

>Having taste in stonecraft
What are you, rich european faggots?

>> No.13801475

>Not being rich and european

>> No.13801484

>Being European

>> No.13801489

>Being American

>> No.13801492


>> No.13801495

>Europeans get hurt by words
>Americans get hurt by bullets

>> No.13801497

Being European means breaking bones in my body chasing a wheel of cheese down a steep hill, that even if I catch I don't keep

>> No.13801498

That's because of your awful gun control.

>> No.13801505
File: 359 KB, 1000x2000, 1420182666814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not talking about Monster Girls
Time to remind them.

>> No.13801511

>50 states of gay

>> No.13801512

>breaking bones in my body chasing a wheel of cheese
Your weakness disgusts me.

>> No.13801513

It's a fucking big wheel.

>> No.13801516


>> No.13801517

Well git gud, your gun can't save you this time.

>> No.13801519

You fuckers LOOK for the most dangerous hills to do it on, on PURPOSE.

>> No.13801525

Yeah, what about it? Are you some kind of faggot?

>> No.13801537

So, of these three. Which would you rather translated first?

Here's the poll: http://strawpoll.me/4975867

>> No.13801540

Yeah I like standing and being able to sit without blood pouring out of my vital organs.
Breaking your bones for the sake of breaking your bones isn't fun or badass, it's stupid.
You call us American's stupid but purposefully kill yourselves over god damn cheese you can get at the store. Oh I'm sorry I meant the Stoure. Or 'Big Box of Goodies Dump Monies'

>> No.13801545

>say you hate England
>remain one of three countries to still widely use its measurement system
Tsundere much?

>> No.13801548

Been waiting for someone to translate the one with the two horned oni for a while.

>> No.13801550

I use feet and yards.
You can take your meter sticks and shove em up your ass. Oh sorry again, Arse.

>> No.13801551

Is there any way to get past the panda on mobile?

>> No.13801558

You use the dead king of England's foot to measure things, something only two other countries do, b-but it's not because you like them or anything b-baka!

>> No.13801570

Just replace the "ex" with "g.e-" since they're not hidden.

>> No.13801571

Speaking of Oni, this got translated.

>> No.13801575

Can I use hot water and fuck her in the shower too?

>> No.13801578

>Wanting gun control
Big Brother Government called, he said to get back to work slave.

>> No.13801582

I'm going to need both hands for this.

>> No.13801585

Nice crime rates man :^)

>> No.13801588

/int/ please go.

>> No.13801590

>Thinking gun control will lower crime rates
Actually, in most places where owning a gun is legal the crime rates are really low.

>> No.13801593

Wait, if they have all of my information why did they call you?

>> No.13801599

Another time.

>> No.13801604

Because he's one of THEM!

>> No.13801606

Making it harder to get weapons reduces the rate of violent crimes, yes.

>> No.13801615

>Cities and states with the strictest gun laws also have the highest gun crime rates
>Somehow this proves your claim that gun control works
It's a nigger problem, not a gun problem.
>Go back to /pol/
Check the FBI statistics, 13% of the population makes up something like 65% of all violent crime.

>> No.13801616

No, it's because criminals will be able to get ahold of guns anyways be it gun control or not.

I'd prefer to have the chance to defend myself if the time comes.

>> No.13801619

Does Australia have mass shootings?
Does America have mass shootings?

>> No.13801622

Would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane if he insulted you're mg waifu?

>> No.13801624
File: 615 KB, 1000x1200, Cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets Talk About Cows

>> No.13801623

Guys, if you wanna throw around meaningless statistics/shitpost, go to /pol/ or /v/.

That's what they're for.

>> No.13801628

Those breasts don't look milkable to me.

>> No.13801629

I bet she thinks the same about your limp dick.

>> No.13801631

I'd fly that plane to the alps and throw him to the stage 3's!

>> No.13801632

Well, maybe it wouldn't be limp if she did her fucking job.

>> No.13801635

>Being this much of a good goy
I bet you think all people should rely on the police too huh? Why protect yourself, just rely on the Government! You only need the Government, no need for you to have any agency of your own. You're a man, if you can't stand up for yourself than who do you stand for?

All this makes me want to take a Monster Girl to the shooting range and practice. Then proceed to make out with her afterwards while the /k/ Gazer mumbles bitterly while glaring.

>> No.13801637
File: 274 KB, 537x759, 1398949564863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tip a cow onto my bed and cuddle her for hours on end.
The poor girl just got milked the other day, be kind to her.

>> No.13801641

Jesus anon. Maybe you need to take control

Just slap her titties around a bit. Stick it up inside her and pee.

>> No.13801645

>Stick it up inside her and pee
/d/ pls go and stay go.

>> No.13801649

Fuck off Cartman.

>> No.13801650

Fine then, I'll sit on her lap and poop in her.

>> No.13801652

>not getting the reference

>> No.13801655

>muh /tv/ reference
Enjoying summer, are we?

>> No.13801659

Somebody get this Hothead out of here.

>> No.13801662

I want to hve my own barn full of Holstaurus to milk to my heart's contents!

>> No.13801664

Nigger you couldn't be more cheesy if your dad was a tiger.

>> No.13801668

School's not out forever, better use your time wisely.

>> No.13801670

Could a person please escort this man of cranium temperature from the premises.

>> No.13801671
File: 370 KB, 813x813, What the fuck do you wigwams think you&#039;re doing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13801672

Yeah, I can get iridium.

>> No.13801673

What's wrong? Is the banter too hot for you?

>> No.13801676

[x] Mock Relentlessly

>> No.13801679

Are you mocking me or the dragon?

>> No.13801681

If an anon was really into the whole "semen/spirit energy as food" aspect of many of KC's monster girl profiles and enjoying the whole 'draining' or 'milking' fetish that plays into..

are there any writefags / stories one would be advised to look into first?

>> No.13801683

She's going to get killed so hard.

>> No.13801687

It's not like they'll ever catch her.

>> No.13801688

The dragon, duh.

>> No.13801689

I want to walk the dinosaur in front of a t-rex girl!

>> No.13801711
File: 250 KB, 578x900, 1424164879636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maus. Butt.

>> No.13801743

I want to assrape a firemaus.

>> No.13801746


>> No.13801806


>> No.13801817

I want to tie a wurm to a chair and force her to watch SEED

>> No.13801819

Why is the thread going so slow? i wanted more farm MGs.

>> No.13801824
File: 257 KB, 894x894, 1419394632325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shameful truth was that the potatoes farmed me!

>> No.13801826

I want a monster girl to rub herself all over me so that I smell like her.
Not in a lewd way, in a comforting way. Then we can fall asleep together.

>> No.13801828

What a coinky-dinky, I'm just writing about a Monster Girl lying on top of a guy's back while they watch tear jerker movies.

>> No.13801831

I want to masturbate with a fujo Cyclops' long hair and cum all over it repeatedly.

>> No.13801836

I almost feel like crying for faggoty reasons, what Monster Girl would comfort me and make me forget all my fuck ups?

>> No.13801838

Mindflayer can make you forget all your troubles forever.

>> No.13801842

Except herself that is.

>> No.13801846

Could they make me forget SEED?
This singing makes me want to kill myself

>> No.13801848

She can make you think she's whoever you love most.
No, she IS who you love most. It's how it always has been, dearest.

>> No.13801851
File: 310 KB, 1000x1000, Wurmdam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dangerous to watch SEED alone, take this.

>> No.13801859

I will, thank you.
she will lessen the pain greatly.
Why are their heads misshapen potatoes?

>> No.13801860

Exactly, she's the biggest trouble you have so far, so troublesome you even forgot about it.

>> No.13801862

I'd be nervous of giving myself over to a Mindflayer, because the idea of all my memories and perception of reality being up to someone's use to fuck around with.

But on the other, there are so many memories and knowledge I'd love to forget and never remember.

God, this is such a hard decision.

>> No.13801873

>But on the other, there are so many memories and knowledge I'd love to forget and never remember.
I know that feel too well.

>> No.13801874

You know what makes it easier? The blue pill is Viagra.

>> No.13801878
File: 1002 KB, 917x2244, 1429630316365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start a farm with a big strong mino girl

Yes I know this one is shit but I like her design

>> No.13801880
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x2000, 1402177423182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the MGE Minotaur had more art.

>> No.13801882

Why kind of stuff would make a minotaur valuable for a farm?

If it's for the milk why not have Holsts instead?

>> No.13801886

The worst part is if a Mindflayer did make you forget, the moment you realized you forgot you'd search out to try and remember what it was you forgot.

>> No.13801887

they can do more heavy lifting
sexy, sexy, heavy lifting

>> No.13801890

also goes on two legs as opposed to Centuar and their huge flanking bodies.

>> No.13801893

>If it's for the milk why not have Holsts instead?
Because I said I want her to be my waifu, not part of the farm. They're also strong as fuck.

>> No.13801894

They bug have big titties and asses, to add to the fact they have musculature.
>that one Minotaur bully lactation pseudo-NTR + yandere Holstaur motheru thing will never be done

>> No.13801899

Basically all the heavy work a holst could do if they werent allowed to be lazy snowflakes that get exempt for manual labor because of MILK.

Stupid, lazy, molestable, tippable holst.

>> No.13801900
File: 609 KB, 1900x2330, 1430064430816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, you new in town?

>> No.13801903


I take it back, its not helping.
Its still shit.

>> No.13801907

Then gimme back my Wurm.

>> No.13801912

Has any farm story been written? kinda want to read one with all the farm talking that has been going on.

>> No.13801916

No I've been here all my life.

>> No.13801917

>Some elf stranger approaches me not even 10 minutes after i just arrived in town
Who are you and how much money do you want from me?

>> No.13801918

I know this one story where there will be farming, but it's not at that point yet and won't be for a long time.
There will also be a Bear Girl who has lots of bees to make her hunny, which she is willing to sell to a little Dragon for a small fee.

>> No.13801920

Nyet, she's staying with me.
At least we could watch something good to recover.
Who is supposed to pity Flay?
She' worse than Kats

>> No.13801921

>You'll never have a proud raptor harpy watch as you play with the cockatrices as you gather the eggs of a morning.
>She'll never bust the cage wide open at the roof and act like she blends in, blushing and expectantly waiting for you to play with her.

>> No.13801924

Alps thing had farming.

>> No.13801926
File: 409 KB, 1320x1089, Minotaurus Onee-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's his from ages ago.

>> No.13801927

That's what I referred to here>>13801918

>> No.13801929

It would be cool to see one where there is this anon who dreams about havinga farm but then gets scammed into purchasing a run down farm animal crossing style.

The whole story would be this anon dealing with everyday farm problems while restoring the old place and befriending monster girls to work with him in there.

>> No.13801932


>> No.13801933

That would be cool, yes.

>> No.13801934

>meek and girlish
Shit ending

>> No.13801936

Cute Cute Cute!

>> No.13801941

Just imagine the things she'd do to get noticed
>Sees anon give head pats to the cockatrices who laid eggs
>Surreptitiously reaches across and snatches an egg. Puts it at her feet and expectantly awaits her headpat.

>> No.13801944

I know, but it's a fossil from the /a/ days.

>> No.13801952

Not really, it had mentions of farming.

>> No.13801958


>> No.13801961

Of course you won't have that

They're proud harpies, why would they need to do that, stupid baka moron idiots, you should be begging for them to let you touch their heads with your soft, patting hands! Please beg!

>> No.13801965

She'd be too proud for the tsun act. So she'd be be silent and majestic. But all the lack of talking makes her secretly shy and awkward.

>> No.13801981

Or maybe she's just silent and majestic and not shy and awkward.

>> No.13801982

A cool beauty one could say?

>> No.13801985
File: 306 KB, 734x593, COOL BEAUTY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13801987

Or perhaps she is wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane

>> No.13801988

I'd a Raptor like that.
Best girl like the rest of them.

>> No.13801991

She's a clever girl.

>> No.13801994


>> No.13801996

>Proud, imposing, domineering Vampire waifu
>Strong, silent, doesn't need words to order her servants around
>Only you and the head maid know that it's all an act because she's self conscious about her soft, cute voice

>> No.13801999

>Proud, imposing, domineering Vampire waifu
>Strong, silent, doesn't need words to order her servants around
>all an act
Way to ruin it

>> No.13802000

110% Cute.

>> No.13802001

>it's all an act

>> No.13802002
File: 926 KB, 1198x1860, 1416006216164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think vampires store blood like camels?

>> No.13802003

In their tits?

>> No.13802009

Please do not overfeed the vampirefu
She'll have back pain and need new bras if you do.

>> No.13802011
File: 310 KB, 1233x1800, 84eae4d8079d0e1f7a9353d9a47ae0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably keep reserves of their husbands blood.

>> No.13802012

Does that mean they lactate blood? It would make sense to feed the vampire daughter.

>> No.13802013

We've stumbled on to something here.

>> No.13802016

Time to grow up, mate.

>> No.13802019

This is new.

But where to the lolis store their blood?

>> No.13802022

They don't because they're defective.

>> No.13802023

/ss/ isn't my only fetish, budderino.

>> No.13802027

But your daughteru is a loli Anon.
Does this mean she can't store blood?

>> No.13802032

I meant the perma-loli vampires, they're defective. Its why they're always so angry and shit.

>> No.13802033


>> No.13802034

Would it be like pink Holstaur milk with an iron-y taste to it?

>> No.13802037


>> No.13802038

Love this fucking artist.

>> No.13802039

Can't wait to hear where this goes...

>> No.13802040

What kind of monster would be head maid to a Vampire?

>> No.13802041

Maybe a low level wight.

>> No.13802042


>> No.13802046

Damn Kloah and his sexy women

>> No.13802048

What if I want to overfeed the Vampire? I don't care about becoming Anemic!

>> No.13802052

Reminder that undead waifus are shit.

>> No.13802055

Reminder that your opinion < my opinion.

>> No.13802056

Reminder to behead all who insult Lichfu.

>> No.13802057

Anon! They're supposed to be buxom, not titty monsters?
Do you know how hard it'll be for her to act refined while her newly borne G-cups are popping buttons off her tops?
All the other undead will think she's either gotten work done or joined the milk cult!

>> No.13802059

>your opinion < my opinion
I can agree with that.

>> No.13802062

So she can resurrect them as a skeletal toy for you right?

>> No.13802063
File: 1.71 MB, 1137x2000, 1400657724555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are shit

>> No.13802065

>having the cold, stinky corpse of a human female as your waifu

>> No.13802071

Yep, and the fact that they're already beheaded makes raising the knights as Dullahanfus even easier.

She has magic, anon, and doesn't rot anyway, so there wouldn't be any smell.

>> No.13802074
File: 236 KB, 900x663, 1415120342464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when I said I'd write the whole chapter before posting an update?
I lied. Here's half. I apologize in advance for it being clumsily written and for not knowing how to write natural dialogue.


>> No.13802076

Whatever you say, corpse fucker.

>> No.13802077

Perfect! Sounds like she needs extra blood feedings then! Just to keep her satisfied! I don't want to have my Vampire Mistress starve at all. A growing tyrant needs to eat after all!

>> No.13802079

I've already done a bit of the scylla one so I'll start with that, then onto the two horned Oni one.

>> No.13802080

Zophia a qt
Almost any monstergirl can be come an Undead, also MAMONOMANA.

>> No.13802083

Why am I not fucking surprised you couldn't even do one god damn thing right. Good job Alp, you fucked up once again. Why do you even bother?

>> No.13802085

For my ancestors.

>> No.13802089

Your ancestors pray every day you never die, because they sure as hell don't want to be stuck in eternity with you.

Granted, no one would.

>> No.13802091

When will it end Anon?
You're going to wake up one morning with those red eye's of hers glaring down at you as she pouts, her watermelon sized cans pressed against you and rivaling the largest of holsts in size.

>> No.13802092

>We may never know. I intend to live forever.
Seriously speaking though, read first, bully after.

>> No.13802098

That's easily solved, you just milk her and store the excess blood in magic stasis vials.

>> No.13802099

Hey, if she keeps pouting, I'll make her drink Super Hathor Milk which'll fill the rest of her out.

Now, she needs to get ready for her next blood feasting session. I'll even start eating Pineapples to make it sweeter for her. Bitches love pineapples.

>> No.13802103

Sluts who think manipulation through sex is its best use?

>> No.13802111

I'm hopping she has a surprise visit from a rock.

It saved us once from annoyance, I'm hoping it saves us again.

>> No.13802116

Oh, I'm sorry, are you the dom here? No, I'll bully you whenever I feel like it, and you'll like at me with a smile and be damned pleased with it.

Fucking Alp, who the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.13802119

A wise decision.

Anon no!
Now her pants are going to be cutting into her hips and you'll see the outline of her panties stretched tight across her bottom!
Not to mention how she's going to have a belly, who ever heard o a vampire with a belly!
And sweets?
You monster, do you know how hard it is for her to get sweets, especially when mixed with her favorite drink?
She may just start using you as her personal throne so you stop bringing her things!

>> No.13802121

>Alps thinking they have any rights
What sad times we live in...

>> No.13802123

I am the "who" in the call "who's there", I am the wind blowing through your hair.

>> No.13802128

>I am the tomboy who flaps in the night! I am the beer that's flat in the can!

>> No.13802130

Yeah, that's the stuff.

>> No.13802136

If my mom was a jinko, is that close enough?

>> No.13802140

Well at least she'll be a unique Vampire then, perfect for long cuddles in her coffin, which'll unfortunately be cramped.

>She may just start using you as her personal throne so you stop bringing her things!
Wait, I'm small and frail. She's squish me with her new thick frame. She should stick to her old one, that one still works right? If she broke it we can always order a new one.

>> No.13802144

Well at least you're improving?

>> No.13802145
File: 67 KB, 404x600, 1426617827516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back again so soon my sweet?

>> No.13802149

This P'Orc needs glasses.
Red rimmed ones.

>> No.13802151

>question mark
So it's getting worse, is it?

>> No.13802152

Oh, haha, think you're funny huh? You think being cute and smug puts you in some respectable position?

Listen here you smug little alp. You're nothing, you have no talent. I've seen things you wouldn't believe. I requested the Salamander footjob pic .less first made. I watched CYOAnon make the first dating service for these threads. All those moments, will be lost in time, like shitposts in a thread.

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.13802155

Alps truly are the worst Succubutts.

>> No.13802159

Well, I guess she'll need to move to a bed then, although she may not be happy having to leave her coffin behind.

And as for the other part?
I hop you enjoy the feeling of that plush bottom of hers pressed against you, her motherly hips wiggling every now and then as she adjusts herself.
You should've thought about this before plumping her up!
She's had to pin you down lest you try something else.

>> No.13802160

I'm the guy who got Firefly cancelled.

>> No.13802165

Firefly is overrated and Joss Wheadon is a massive faggot. If you were that guy I'd buy you a beer. But I know that's a lie because you're Alp, and Alp is a spineless weenie.

>> No.13802166

I don't think you are, Alp.

>> No.13802168

It's a question mark to show hesitation in the statement due to your own hesitation and self-depreciation in the original post.

>> No.13802170

Fuck you, Firefly was good and it shouldn't have been cancelled.
So it sucks, I get it.

>> No.13802172
File: 190 KB, 800x512, 1436841019707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I missing much if I don't watch Firefly.

>> No.13802175

Not really, but it was fun enough while it lasted.

>> No.13802179

Firefly is decent, but it's horribly overrated by people who treat it like it's the best thing ever made in sci fi, and it's cancellation is the worst thing to happen to man.

You can watch it if you want to, but if not you're not missing out on much.

>> No.13802184

Well, not entirely, but I will offer this one bit of criticism.

I realize it's just a trait for this one character, in this one story, but all the same the bit of having Craig think something in narrative text, and then immediately say it in dialogue, thus repeating the same statement back-to-back in text, is rather annoying.

>> No.13802188

Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt your "Alp" feelings?

>> No.13802189

>rather annoying
But wouldn't it be weird to stop it now? Then again if it's a complaint you have, it's probably a complaint other people have, and I should take what I can get and just cut it out.

>> No.13802200
File: 503 KB, 600x800, 1428307728245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves are brimming with lust. Can you handle them?

>> No.13802201

>You'll never have a elf at your place never giving her the dick and having her desperate

>> No.13802206

Good, that sounds lame.

>> No.13802208

Well, though going all "Woe is me, one person said a bad thing and now all must be changed" is entirely in-character for you, you should probably ease back on it a bit at least.

Now get back to writing watching movies and cuddling in bed with a Dark Elf while trying to ascertain the truth of her cute yet lewd personality.

>> No.13802211

The better question is if they can handle me.
You will be so soft when I'm done with you.
So soft.

>> No.13802213
File: 433 KB, 578x800, 1be89fafaab8755ef147e41e0d3c52dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an Elf will never forcefully sire daughterus with you

>> No.13802214

>one person said a bad thing
You didn't say a bad thing, you said something useful, you bloody wanker.
>Now get back
No, I'm going to watch Shiki.

>> No.13802232

I meant in the sense "Something bad about my writing".

Well...enjoy, I guess?

>> No.13802237

>being raped by an elf
Begone, king of the plebs.

>> No.13802240

>Something bad about my writing
No, criticism is useful, not bad, you ignoramus.
I do.

>> No.13802241

I want to rub a Werewolf's belly so she wan's in her sleep!

>> No.13802247
File: 590 KB, 800x650, 6056573f0ee66ac9f3e963c7381298bec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13802257

Suit yourself, faggot.

>> No.13802266

Is is flat, muscley, tubby or filled with puppies!?

>> No.13802267


I'd rather a Viera, they're just reskinned elves anyway.

>> No.13802272

It doesn't matter anon, I just want to rub Werewolf belly!

>> No.13802274

Not him but I'd do any of those.
Soft fluff so you can sing your fingers in a little
Hard muscle so you can feel her strength
And puppy filled so you can feel the kicks of the pups to be.

>> No.13802277

No, what I mean is that in general, criticisms point out things that are "Bad" in the story.

>> No.13802279

Yes, and that is a good thing. Now stop arguing with me over silly shit and tell me what else is wrong with it.

>> No.13802281

Dem milk jugs.
I wish to fondle them while I take her from behind.

>> No.13802299

Nothing else really jumps out at me right now but the repetitive thing.

>> No.13802314

>Not wanting to be raped by a bunch of elves
Talking about plebs

>> No.13802317
File: 261 KB, 800x547, 1433088035601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you have outlived your usefulness.

>> No.13802324

I'm gonna rub a shark girl's fin!

>> No.13802329

I want to irrumate her so bad.

>> No.13802331

I'm gonna eat it!

>> No.13802338

>not raping a bunch of elves
You would know about plebs, with you being the biggest around.

>> No.13802341

Don't eat out the shark girl unless you want to take responsibility.

>> No.13802349

>I want to do exactly the same that everyone else
You are the average pleb here

>> No.13802354

Your Monstergirl waifu is going to give you a present from the heart on your birthday. What does she give you?

>> No.13802361

The V.

>> No.13802367

Bourbon strikes again.


>> No.13802369

A magnetic monorail that goes whooosh.

>> No.13802370

Fuck off

>> No.13802374


>> No.13802376

>I want to do exactly the same that everyone else
>wants to raped

These irony-levels are off the chart

>> No.13802383

Stop arguing! Everybody is special, and therefore nobody is, and therefore we should all get along! Thus speaketh the Wurm on the mountain!

>> No.13802385

>*be raped

>> No.13802388

Who cares?

>> No.13802389

>Wanting to rape elves
>Not the most common thing

>> No.13802392

A pyramid-like monument to the stars with an observatory at the top where we can spend our nights relaxing, gazing up into the night sky as we cuddle.

Yes I'm kinda-sorta ripping off Niebelfader here.

>> No.13802393

I just want to be with her, Birthdays make me feel awkward and miserable and I wish I could just skip them. No one remembered my Birthday last year, and the people I loved the most and thought for sure they'd at least call completely blew me off. One month later they took me with them to help pick out a $100 Ice Maker Birthday gift for a friend. I just want to skip Birthdays, they cause me too much distress just thinking about.

If my waifu wanted to make me happy, she'd just help me pretend it's another normal day.

>> No.13802396

But anon that's her weak point!

>> No.13802403


>> No.13802408

>muh threadcanon
As expected of a man with Wurm-like intelligence.

>> No.13802410

Ladies like armor plating.

>> No.13802413

Herself being real.

>> No.13802415

>muh threadcanon
Do you even /tg/, /a/ and Japan?

>> No.13802421

>neckbeards, autists and nips

>> No.13802423
File: 521 KB, 1200x1745, 408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? What about them?

>> No.13802425

Damn. That's a good girl.

>> No.13802428

>3 groups you should never listen to

>> No.13802432
File: 162 KB, 768x768, 1394639376604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape is like the plebest thing to do with an elf. Hardcore stuff is on the wedding night, have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, with the lights off and while holding hands.

>> No.13802435

>And? What about them?
>Calls it threadcanon when it is the norm

>> No.13802437
File: 118 KB, 450x450, 8176080_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line 76
>Sweet Dreams

It's Old Faggot Cat in purring blowjobs time! 100% lewd, 0% story - there's a reason I still haven't tagged this as a series.

>> No.13802441

You disgust me.

>> No.13802446

>double spoiler.
Dude, she would be mindbroken by then.

>> No.13802451

I'm really sorry that happened. Fuck those people for being so inconsiderate. Your Waifu would never put you through that, and would act like it was any other day to make you happy.

>> No.13802453

I feel the pain too.

>> No.13802457
File: 671 KB, 700x990, 1436381921670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cougar Cheshires are olev.

>> No.13802458

I would like more stories of this nature.
Lonely MGs watching porn and such.
Until they find a guy that is.

>> No.13802459


>> No.13802460


>> No.13802463

When will you stop double spacing greentext, faggot? That's downright impossible to read.

>> No.13802468

You're a god send.

>> No.13802470

No, I think you just suck at reading.

>> No.13802472

I would love this too. Especially if it includes them enjoying it.

>> No.13802473

I think posting from a phone does that.

>> No.13802475

Cry me a river, liberal. Don't deliberately make your story hard to read if you want people to read it.

>> No.13802481

>implying I'm the writefag
No, I'm an Anon who has mastered the art of reading.

Turns out, it's not that difficult.

>> No.13802486


You want to harvest my organs don't you?

>> No.13802489

I posted that and I don't care if you read it or not.

>> No.13802503

When you progress to books, you might find them single-spaced and for a reason.

Sure you don't, that's why you posted it here.

>> No.13802509
File: 15 KB, 300x430, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better question, can they handle me?

>> No.13802519
File: 1.82 MB, 1727x2689, 1378016959165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-/fit/ Oni tummies are the best.

>> No.13802520

You mean like his greentext was?

One can only imagine your shock when you finally see a book from the inside.

>> No.13802523
File: 751 KB, 884x1250, 13ab498f09dd47544f06a6485fd6d4e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the rape meme ever die? I just want to talk about elves without people mentioning rape and mindbreak all the time

>> No.13802531

>Non-/fit/ Oni
Into the trash

>> No.13802532

If you can't get pass the terrible double space test you don't deserve to read it! Ok anon, I'll keep this in mind.

>> No.13802534

You have to admit though, Elves are really molestable.

>> No.13802538
File: 210 KB, 329x378, Elf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight, I also wonder why people have forgotten about the MGE Elves, which will attack and rape men in some cases should their lust be pent up enough.

>> No.13802540

Do you even know what single and double spacing mean?

>> No.13802547

>I also wonder why people have forgotten about the MGE Elves, which will attack and rape men in some cases should their lust be pent up enough
The last time I mentioned dark elves doing the rape they told me to fuck off.

>> No.13802549

The meme is not that pronounced here.

>> No.13802550

They tell everyone to fuck off regardless, actually i think they are praising you.

>> No.13802552

>Mary sue encyclopedia
Pff, whatever man, elves will alyways be beta faggots.

>> No.13802561
File: 123 KB, 638x670, Dark Elf Lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do more Elves-raping-men stuff then.

>> No.13802565

Anon, this thread is about Mary sue encyclopedia.

>> No.13802567

'They' are right, you know?

>> No.13802568

It happened here.

>> No.13802570

Elves are only beta faggots when done by Japan though.

>> No.13802572

>being new
No, it's a big part of it, but not what the thread is about.

Pls go back to lurking now.

>> No.13802575



>> No.13802583

I just like to put elves in their place. It stops being fun when they can't comprehend anything but cock through their mind.

Only the haughty ones, mind you. A nice forest girl who watches over a small village from intruders is worthy of headpats.

>> No.13802584

>implying elves are not beta faggots in western fantasy

Ok, you got me, good one.

>> No.13802585

There's plenty of smut with drows and you know how they are.

>> No.13802586

>which will attack and rape men if they get pent up enough

So? Are all men blind, mute, quadraplegics with progeria and a rape me sign hung around their necks. Elves get raped. Monsters get rekt.

>> No.13802592
File: 207 KB, 1069x994, Dark Elf Mistress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh please.

>> No.13802593

You're silly. Men are for getting raped..

>> No.13802595


>> No.13802598

I remember reading one about two female drow taking turns raping a human boy, shit was gold.

>> No.13802601

The more submissive anons all seem to think men are all chinese motorcycles.

What else is new?

>> No.13802602
File: 250 KB, 341x479, 1436845897430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure about that?

>> No.13802604

What is that supposed to prove?

Let's send you to pound you in the ass prison and see if you still feel that way.

>> No.13802611

>I just like to put elves in their place
>Only the haughty ones
Oh the irony

>> No.13802614

I didn't mean getting raped by men. Men are horrible, bottom tier rapists. Only a few men can ever hope to be as good as rapist as monstergirls.

>> No.13802616

My bloodkin with superior taste.

>> No.13802620

I can be as irrational as I want and no one can stop me from touching elves.

>> No.13802621
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x1920, 36920529_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13802622

But anon monsters always win.

>> No.13802623
File: 1.98 MB, 1679x2514, 45898893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly Anon, Elves can be dommy or subby.

>> No.13802629

Damn sure you pig.

>this is your brain on being a little bitch

>> No.13802632

Sure, just don't complaing when monsters want to do exactly the same to you

>> No.13802634

If that's the case, why aren't there any?


We skullfucked them straight out of this dimension.

>> No.13802637
File: 190 KB, 416x339, 1399080640897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we have nice things

>> No.13802638

So what you're saying is you're full of shit?


Until they get utterly destroyed by the dick.

>> No.13802641
File: 341 KB, 1080x1920, 1436423686378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no fat-bottomed, chuuni Dhampir to rescue you from the Vampire who's kidnapped you and is slowly licking your neck.


>> No.13802645

Cry more elf-chan, it makes my dick all the more powerful.

>> No.13802649
File: 742 KB, 800x1052, 6af15aaba154b7c0b71d2346c088ca3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They seem to forget that they're on /jp/, not /tg, /a/, or exhentai.

There's literally nothing preventing Elves from being rapey here.

>> No.13802650

>slowly licking your neck
But that's what I want. Fucking dhampir why can't she just leave me alone.

>> No.13802651
File: 243 KB, 450x600, Crispy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants bacon?

>> No.13802653

Because you're an elf and all you deserve is a semen covered existence, skirting the line between woman and animal.

>> No.13802654

>/jp/ elves
>not bitches
Bro, do you even nip?

>> No.13802656

I want your bacon to go with my eggs.

>> No.13802658

>you will never be her little spoon

>> No.13802661

I grab two big handfuls of her side bacon.

>> No.13802662

Your resistance only makes my penis harder!

>> No.13802666

>m-muh dik

>> No.13802667

>So what you're saying is you're full of shit?

I'm just stating a fact. men are the North Korea of rape. They just embarrass themselves by calling themselves rapists. Now monstergirls, they have raised rape to an art from, to something to aspire to!

>> No.13802669

>elves carrying loaves of bread.jpg

>> No.13802673

You'd think Satan would know about the power of the D...

>> No.13802679

They are more than welcome to try.
No really, if a keebler can throw me into a tree and buck her hips until every leaf falls off, I'm more than okay with it.

>> No.13802685

There's a fatal flaw in your plan anon, the monstergirls, masters of rape you so admire, ARE MADE BY MEN! Gaze upon the truth and despair!

>> No.13802689

Yes, that which brings all monstergirls to the yard, face down ass up.

>> No.13802696

Do you live on a cyclops-only place?

>> No.13802699

Which is why men are useful. They make more monstergirls. So even the lowest of men can accomplish something by giving a monster a child.

>> No.13802701
File: 166 KB, 1051x1495, 6df98de9cce7d769e7f2c8811edd23c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made by very kinky men.

Men that desire something as trivial as wish-fulfillment.

>> No.13802702

>So even the lowest of men can accomplish something

And now we know why you are on team Monster.
Don't kid yourself, you're still just a cum dispenser.

>> No.13802708
File: 301 KB, 782x1000, 1392791373542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably lives in one of those gated communites, the kind where you only see Elves, maybe the occasional Cat Girl maid.

>> No.13802710

Silly goose, I only go after the hardiest of monstergirl to lord the dick over. That oni you were miring during P.E? Mine. That bitch Amazon Class Rep. everyone is so scared of? Fucked her in the men's bathroom, her head in the bowl until she passed put. And that hellhound who struts around like she owns the school? Guess who just blew me behind the bleachers saying she'll be my bitch slave forever?

Feels good to be gansta.

>> No.13802711

Or he isn't a little baby shota, unlike some people here.

>> No.13802713

Your point?

>gated community
You're hilarious.

>> No.13802715

Exactly. Monsters are here to uplift us, to take us to heights we could have never reached ourselves. They only want to make us happy, and I want to make them happy.

>> No.13802718

I can't even knock your taste.

Not bad.

>> No.13802726
File: 2.91 MB, 200x200, 456745745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13802729

Marche called, he said you were a loser.

>> No.13802731

>he thinks being a cum dispenser is "uplifting"
Jesus dude, how shit can you be?

>> No.13802736

Do you make them clean your trench-coat collection?

>> No.13802741

Your mother called, she said it's bedtime.

>> No.13802748

>liking monstergirls makes you a cum dispenser

>> No.13802751

>gif portraying someone from one of the rape capitals of the world
>can't counter, is reduced to fake laughter to hide his shame

You're welcome.

You're not even real Marche, so it's ironic you're the spokesperson for denying fantasy. You've no power over me.

>> No.13802754

I never said that.

Try again, only a bit harder this time.

>> No.13802757

>le euphoric meme


>> No.13802758

And then you wake up

>> No.13802759

You don't understand. They want a world in which everyone has a loved one. In which love and understanding are virtues and not looked down upon. In which peace and security are the norm. In which all flags and races are united under the Demon Lord.

>> No.13802761

Good taste.

>> No.13802764

>when intimidated, the sub will resort to ebin maymays, in an effort to scare off the invader.

>> No.13802766

>Amazon Class Rep
Nevermind the internet tough guy act, this sounds amazing, especially if she has the glasses and braids to go with the job.

>> No.13802769

No they don't, that's just what the Demon Lord and her minions want, there's a bunch of equally powerful monster factions that pay no homage to her whatsoever.

>> No.13802772

Interestingly enough, I don't see the word "choice" in there.

>> No.13802773

I'm just saying a badass like you would dress like one, and what's more badass then trench coats?

>> No.13802779

>not wearing 100% satin

>> No.13802784

The worst thing is that I'm not sure if this is serious or not.

>> No.13802787

Covered in bitches running a dick sucking marathon on me.

>> No.13802791

Aw man, I hate it when that happens.

>> No.13802792

Lies, meant to deceive you.gif

>> No.13802793

Waking up surrounded by alps is nothing to be proud of, anon.

>> No.13802794

No, I shall destroy all the things the DL holds dear.

Even cake, especially cake.

>> No.13802795

Glasses are for nerds but her braid are nice to use as reins.

>> No.13802797

I want her to awkwardly ask me and, and then dote on me in front on everyone.

>> No.13802798

God maledomfags are the worst.

>> No.13802800

>I'm gay so everyone on this board is too

You're not even trying.

>> No.13802803

I was wondering when you'd show up, bait-kun.

How are the kids?

>> No.13802809

Nah most of them are fine, it's just one or two guys that get butthurt at the mention of femdom.

>> No.13802817

You better hold on to your heart when she holds your hand from above.

>> No.13802818

I thought most of them at least respect her and won't openly resist her.

Don't people want to be happy? IF you were to give them a choice between being happy and not being happy, they would choose the former. So it doesn't matter if you give them a choice or not.

Well that's rude and selfish.

>> No.13802820

You mean the ones that don't bring their fetish into these threads right?

>> No.13802824
File: 465 KB, 800x700, 1436208073188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that these threads are for subs only
>you must be this much of a bitch to ride

Cry harder.

>> No.13802828

>So it doesn't matter if you give them a choice or not.
>my happiness is the correct happiness

Yeah, no.

>> No.13802829

>I thought most of them at least respect her and won't openly resist her.
They respect her, sure. But the Fallen God, the Pharaohs, Zipangu and all the rest all have their own agendas and will choose those over the DL 100% of the time.

>> No.13802831

No I mean the ones that don't cry like little kids because not everyone is an "alpha" guy like them

>> No.13802834

As opposed to the 5+ guys who get buttmad at maledom? Sure, that's not so bad.

>> No.13802840

I'd blush and stammer while she calls me cute and hugs me.

>> No.13802841
File: 13 KB, 450x500, 6f54f16748c61a41029d2f43c0216c93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this slappyfight started because someone got pissy over the fact an anon stated that Elves can rape too

>> No.13802843

>rude and selfish
You'll never stop me.

>> No.13802849

>implying we give a fuck
>implying it isn't fags like this >>13802758 and their passive aggressive bitching that starts "fights"

>> No.13802851

It's always something innocuous like someone saying they want a sub Hellhound that gets the faggots all triggered.

>> No.13802856
File: 393 KB, 1280x720, 1437311506839.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my iinchou lewd-pure. She's gonna blush so hard when she rapes for the first time.

>> No.13802859

But anon, subs are always polite and courteous.

Surely, you must be mistaken.

>> No.13802865

But that's like the baitiest bait that you can bait with.
It's guaranteed replies.

>> No.13802866

Aw yeah

>> No.13802875

Isn't the whole reason to post anything so you can get replies?

>> No.13802876

>face red with blush and tongue dripping with saliva as she breaks her hymen on you
Why even live when muscle-Kajo doesn't exist?

>> No.13802877

No, I want it, and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.13802883

But that's wrong you fucking retard. No one said elves can't rape, they said it's their role to be raped. Unlike what >>13802851 just stated, whenever that comes up, subs quite literally say you can't or, "lel, he thinks he's better than a god" or my personal favorite le gary stu face with a side of crisp HUMANITY FUCK YEAH pls go.

>> No.13802886
File: 729 KB, 1000x1500, 1419896548225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never meant the Elves-can-rape thing as bait though.

>> No.13802896

Pretending to be retarded sure is fun huh?

>> No.13802901


>> No.13802907

>purring blowjob
Nice. Keep it up, friend.

>> No.13802908

daaamn you mad nigga

>> No.13802909

Sarcasm sure is a hard concept to understand, huh?

>> No.13802913

>"twas merely an act!"
Schrodinger's retard.

>> No.13802914

Reminder to not give attention to your hellhound when she misbehaves, she may burn the couch, she may wreck the place, but you are not to give in. She has to learn to be obedient and beg for the dick with her hiney in the air.

And if she gets froggy then you smack her!

>> No.13802917

>le mad maymay

>> No.13802924

>sarcasm == pretending to be retarded
Well, you're sure as hell not pretending.

>> No.13802925


>> No.13802927

If doesn't work that well if you make it too obvious

>> No.13802931

Can I just go Old Yeller?

>> No.13802933

>implying it's bait

I am 100%, testicular torsion grade serious.

>> No.13802934
File: 269 KB, 700x1200, 51525825_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always loved stuff like this, we need more images showing how monster girls deal with wearing clothes.

>> No.13802938

So..."The Shed" then, huh?

>> No.13802939

Well, I mean...damn anon.

>> No.13802943

I'd rather just let her have the dick to calm her down. I want it, being a Hellhound she most likely wants it so dancing around the issue is silly.

>> No.13802944

No, The Boo Box.

>> No.13802945

>Amazon class rep brings you to her home for dinner
>Her mother is glaring the both of you over while she eats
>After a while she speaks up
>"Did you fuck him yet?"
>Amazon sensei turns away, her face beet red
>"Moooom! That's embarrassing!No, I haven't done that yet, we've just kissed and stuff, ok?"
>Her mother continues eating her meal "You know how men can get, you gotta take charge and show them that you want them, or they'll slip away or get uppity"
>Your girlfriend fiddles with her braid as she stammers out a reply
>"Don't say those thing in front of my boyfriend, it's rude!"
>Later, as you fall asleep in her bed next to her, she has to fight the urge to take you right there.e

>> No.13802947

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.13802949

My god...

>> No.13802953

That will just make n unruly bitch that thinks she can do whatever she wants, and then she'll become a problem, and then this >>13802931 happens.

>> No.13802954

Things were great until you showed up.

>> No.13802956

>nice things

>> No.13802962

But I have a thing for unruly delinquent girls more specifically Oni.

>> No.13802969

Just don't bitch at me when the cops come pick you up to identify her body.

>> No.13802975
File: 169 KB, 457x381, 1418584349038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just opened the thread and what is this

>> No.13802981

Maledoms trying to act tough.

>> No.13802982

>not walking out when the mother gives you that backwater bullshit

The fuck man?

>> No.13802983

Oh anon, you have no idea.

>> No.13802986

Shitposting, keep walking citizen.

>> No.13802987

Geez guys, me thinks your collars are way too tight.

Take it easy.

>> No.13802990

And leave your girlfriend there?

>> No.13802995

Confront the mother, i am no one's bitchboy.

>> No.13802996

Monstergirl discussion?

>femdoms mad their special girl is being treated as she deserves

FTFY my friend.

>> No.13802998

Elf shitposting and Hellhound bait so close together?

Shit we may as well go all out and bring out futa cat or cait sith posting at this rate.

>> No.13802999

I don't have to take this shit, especially not from a woman.

>> No.13803000

>That night she gently gives you an awkward reacharound in your sleep and smears the cum on and inside her hymen

>> No.13803001

Then why are you with an amazon.

>> No.13803005

>being treated as she deserves
Now this is baiting.

>> No.13803006

>I don't like it, therefore Shitposting
Ah, a true classic.

>> No.13803008

Gee, I wonder why there's no mention of a father.

>> No.13803010

What are you talking about? He's in the basement, where he belongs.

>> No.13803011

See >>13803006

>> No.13803013

Come on anon

>> No.13803019

>you gotta take charge and show them that you want them, or they'll slip away

I don't believe your lies.

>> No.13803023

The class rep just invited me in for dinner, is there something bad with that?

>> No.13803028

Just stop responding. It's not fun if you ignore him.

>> No.13803029

Now this is shitposting.

>> No.13803032

If you at least tried to hide the purpose of the posts a bit

>> No.13803036

Sir, I will not stand here and be insulted in this manner.

>> No.13803038

How many whacks of the paddle it'll take so she learns that sex happens when Master says? I don't know either, but she hasn't gotten this dick yet.

>> No.13803042

I didn't write it. I just get really tired of whiney faggots crying "S-shitpost!!".

It got really old a long time ago.

>> No.13803043

Pretty much. I genuinely feel bad for the guy sometimes.

>> No.13803045


Didn't your mistress hobble you?

>> No.13803050

Are you seriously saying you can't see why those posts were made? I can't really believe it.

>> No.13803052

I can stand just fine, thank you for asking.

>> No.13803054

Why, pray tell?

>> No.13803055

Not even maledom, I just won't stand for an unruly dog.

My question is, what would you put inside the box? Do you just toss in mothballs or something?

>> No.13803061

I thought it wasn't the weekend anymore.

>> No.13803062

Unless you can actually prove intend, which you can't, all you can do is speculate.

And besides, let's not pretend "shitpost" mostly means "stuff I don't like", cause that would be even harder to believe.

>> No.13803064

You lied to me once already, I can't trust anything you say.

>> No.13803070

Bullet ants and bot flies

>> No.13803073

Then don't. I know I am a man of virtue.

>> No.13803074

You, I like.

>> No.13803080

Are you really so stupid to think it's merely a disagreement when those posts were made INTENTIONALLY to antagonize people here? No, that's genuine shitposting.
The real deal. But no, you're going to use your stock phrase of "lol, it's just things you don't like instead of shitposting, lol".

>> No.13803082

man of virtue
>on 4chan

Picture of anon with his pants on fire when?

>> No.13803088
File: 1.53 MB, 1100x2082, 1428567373201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tanuki leaves a Zipangan city, free from the war now for several years
>Western and Eastern cultures are intermingling, and the city is bustling
>She gives a contented sigh, sitting under a lone cherry blossom tree on a hill, the sun setting
>Placing a knight's family sigil at the base of the tree, she smiles, lighting two sticks of incense
>"Happy anniversary, Darling."
>"You should see our daughter now, she's growing so fast and I'd be a liar if she doesn't take after you."
>She's tearing up now
>Opens her mouth and begins to sing, her voice cracking on every verse
Leaves From The Vine
Falling So Slow
Like Fragile, Tiny Shells
Drifting In The Foam

Little Soldier Boy
Come Marching Home
Brave Soldier Boy
Comes Marching Home

>TFW the image of a sad Tanuki sitting under the tree in the setting sun

>> No.13803090

You know damn well faggots would pipe up whether the thread was calm or not at the mention of something they didn't like, so spare us.

>> No.13803092

That is what I'm saying, and you hurling insults and strawmanning isn't helping your case.

Now tell me, are you shitposting right now?

>> No.13803094
File: 203 KB, 1200x1332, 1429812404595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't she just hire a Lich to bring him back to her?

>> No.13803096

That's beside the point. The post was intentionally directed at others instead of something mentioned off hand. If it was the latter then it's their own fault for getting angry, but since it's the former it's the fault of the agitator.
Quit defending shitposting.

There are no insults and no strawmanning in that entire post. Reread it.

>> No.13803097

>Not just paying so her husband is spared from going to war

>> No.13803100

>intentionally directed == shitposting

>> No.13803101

I want to Bop a Shark on the nose, over and over until the point she winces in pain just from seeing me ball my fist, and then when she's least expecting it I'll pet her!

>> No.13803105

Last I checked, YEAH IT IS. Intentional posts meant to agitate others to ruin the mood of the threads IS FUCKING SHITPOSTING.
What's next on your list of witty logic?

>> No.13803107
File: 82 KB, 559x562, 1316832474396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beside the point
>when we do it, it's discussion, when they do it, it's bait

We're done here.

>> No.13803112

Alright, wouldn't want you to grasp for more straws and make things up, like in your post.

>> No.13803121

>meant to agitate others
Funny, I wasn't agitated, how come you were?

>> No.13803126

I'm not either, but then again neither of us were the intended targets.
Quit making things up.

>> No.13803134

Seriously, THIS.

Someone post that KLK power of money gif.

>> No.13803136

Oh, targets now too? How deep does the rabbit hole go? And are the jews somehow involved?

>> No.13803137

Jump off a bridge.

>> No.13803138
File: 371 KB, 980x1120, 1420370136916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't we be discussing MG things? Like molesting beached mermaids that think they're living the thug life?

>> No.13803139

Now you're either just twisting my words or trying to funpost.

>> No.13803144

Man I can't wait until Alice doms are the norm.

>> No.13803145
File: 508 KB, 1348x657, Remove Pharaoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to filename

>> No.13803147

I wonder who's behind this post...

>> No.13803150
File: 435 KB, 1120x840, My girfriend&#039;s proverbial cojones are bigger than yours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gonna make me tough guy?

>> No.13803151

I thought that WAS the norm with Alices. The opposite might be fun to see though.

>> No.13803153

Jew rabbits making deep rabbit holes?

>> No.13803155
File: 166 KB, 1000x885, Lava Golem Pcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Hathorite Lava Golem to /ss/ me and husbando me.

>> No.13803156
File: 482 KB, 808x1000, chibipharaoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a kind woman beneath her seemingly stuck-up disposition.
You better recognize.

>> No.13803158

Honestly, watching people get dominated by an Alice would be hilarious. Although, I guess I can see the appeal of being dom'd by one of the most innocent MGs.

Good man.

>> No.13803160

Sounds hot.

>> No.13803161

Are Alices even mentioned

>> No.13803162

Are you new? Because that couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.13803165

No, anons don't like them because they are used goods and maledom bait.

>> No.13803166

>Kind Woman
You mean a Tyrant with a god complex and a charisma score only acquirable through cheating.

>> No.13803172

>Anubis at 58%
I best Zhana and Trachyon were behind this.

>> No.13803173

Nah, I just woke up and misread that. Forgive me.

>> No.13803174

Most monstergirls are used goods anyway

>> No.13803175

Anon, COME ON. Even a star nosed mole girl could see that was fake.

>> No.13803179

Ah, ok, my bad.

>> No.13803180

Nah, Pharaohs do tend towards being non-shit.
Just because they have a mind-rape power more absurdly OP than that of a Lilim doesn't mean that they really use it.

>> No.13803181

Sluts, skeezers and stunts.

Would that I could draw...

>> No.13803184

>used goods
>literally becomes a virgin again after sex


>> No.13803185


Anubusfucker's name is seriously from Code Lyoko? Holy shit.

>> No.13803191

Hey, that's what muh purity assholes think.

>> No.13803194

They're a loli monster lost in a sea of more popular girls. Baphomets are the go to for imoutos, goblins for the types that like good things to come in twos/threes/more, Hobgoblins for the type that like oppai loli and Familiar gets a fair bit of love too.

Where does that leave Alice? Bait for people that like dominating their girl but half the fun in that is the girl's reaction, if she's just going to do the cute innocent victim act it defeats half the point leaving those types to go for other girls.

>> No.13803195

>Mind rape
I don't know if it's that or not. It sure is BS though.
Don't you have to have a complete polar opposite type of personality or something to not bend to her words?

>> No.13803197

Waifufags should be "muh purity".

If you want sluts, you've come to the wrong neighbourhood, son.

>> No.13803204

>no sluts

I decline your declination.

>> No.13803205

Pretty much, you have to have both god-tier power and the commands have to go directly against your own nature.
So basically, the Demon Lord would be unable to resist the command of a Pharaoh unless irt's something along the lines of 'no lewds'.

>> No.13803206

You should change the word slut by nympho, and also while I prefer purity I put loyalty above everything else

>> No.13803207

And I renouce and exile you.

>> No.13803210

I think the Demon Lord would be unaffected since she now has above-god-tier powers.

>> No.13803211

Well, sluts and nymphos alike aren't known for their loyalty, but sure.

>> No.13803214

Nah, her powers are still only god-tier, they're just the strongest god-tier.

>> No.13803216

A nympho is a girl that loves sex but can be picky about her partners. A slut is the town's bike.

>> No.13803219
File: 361 KB, 640x360, 1421534604154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the power of muh purity compels you!

It's not that compelling.

>> No.13803222

Ok, but does a nympho do when you're out of town/just not available?

Yeah, I'll just let you work that one out yourself.

>> No.13803223

I also seriously doubt anything a minor deity could say or do would have any effect on the Demon Lord or CG. I think even Lilims and some other monsters would be unaffected.

>> No.13803225

So according to you all monstergirls are cheating sluts.

>> No.13803228

Do as you wish.

But always remember: If you actually waifu a slut, you're retarded.

>> No.13803229

She masturbates excessively while sniffing our scent, akin to a yandere.

>> No.13803233

The DL and CG aren't that powerful, anon, their power level is not over 9000.
And neither are Lilims, I'd put Pharaohs on the same level as Lilims.

>> No.13803235

Maybe not MGs, because of magic, I guess.

It's sad that it takes supernatural forces to stop them from being sluts...

>> No.13803241
File: 141 KB, 539x750, bluetits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm incredibly torn on this. On one hand I've been saving her art for 6-7 years but on the other it would be the most expensive piece of monster girl merchandise I've shelled out for to date.

Does anyone else here struggle with their love for monster girls and their wallet?

>> No.13803243

>Leaving a nympho alone
Nah, she could comes with me where ever I go. I have no sense of personal space either, so she could legit follow me around when ever, I don't give a single fuck. Never have.

>> No.13803244

>worry and disgust.jpg

>> No.13803248

No, I'm not a faggots who buys stupid shit that has no practical use.

>> No.13803250

>The DL and CG aren't that powerful, anon, their power level is not over 9000.
But they are. They are severely strong.
>And neither are Lilims, I'd put Pharaohs on the same level as Lilims.
Aren't Lilims capable of creating a Not-RealityMarble or something? Pharaohs also only have their massive charisma going for them. They don't have a lot of power themselves.
If they did, you'd be saying that an Apophis was stronger than a Lilim for being able to corrupt and do things to Pharaohs.

>> No.13803251

>Anon and MG get separated through magic
Your move.

>> No.13803253

I will.


>> No.13803260

She abandons him and finds another dick to fuck.

>> No.13803262

I like you.

>> No.13803263

>magic prevents her from even thinking about others, or lets he control her urges
Come on, mate, you can't try and pull that shit when I can do the same.

>> No.13803265
File: 199 KB, 800x1000, 7a15e6875293f156dd993007af2d0cc56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What monstergirls would fit the Ojou archetype well? Apart from vampires and wights

What monstergirls would you find bidding on the shota black market?

>> No.13803266

>assumptions based on statistical evidence

Is this what /pol/ calls "blue-pilled"?

>> No.13803272

At least my "magic" was believable.

Are you honestly suggesting any magic could contain her for a long period of time?

>> No.13803274

Assuming I have a waifu, pendejo.

>> No.13803275

>not having a waifu
Y tho?

>> No.13803276

>But they are. They are severely strong.
The rest of the setting is also really strong, though those two are the strongest they're not a whole tier above the rest of the gods or anything absurd like that.

>Aren't Lilims capable of creating a Not-RealityMarble or something?
That's a special ability. It's like saying a Cheshire can teleport and a Dragon can't so the Cheshire is obviously more powerful.
Likewise, Apophis' are specifically effective only against Pharaohs, they're hyperspecialised.

>They don't have a lot of power themselves.
Taken directly from their entry, 'Despite being monsters, Pharaohs wield a power level akin to that of a god'.
In fact, their entry is literally full of 'these girls are godlike in power'.

>> No.13803278

>What monstergirls would fit the Ojou archetype well?

Ojou a shit.

>What monstergirls would you find bidding on the shota black market?

The dead ones, because our blades and arrows made them that way.

>> No.13803281

All magic has the same level of realism, bud, since it will never exist to begin with. It's alright, though, if you want them to be cheating sluts in your own mind, you can have it. I won't look down on you.

>> No.13803283


>> No.13803285

>Ojou a shit
Them fightin words

>> No.13803288

If they are truly godlike then they would probably be on the bottom tier of godly powers.

>That's a special ability. It's like saying a Cheshire can teleport and a Dragon can't so the Cheshire is obviously more powerful.
It's a special ability that basically warps reality, as opposed to a cat that teleports or an undead minor deity with maximum charisma score. Having special power doesn't make you strong, but it can certainly help.

>> No.13803291
File: 1.02 MB, 1500x2000, 1427180945092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What monstergirls would fit the Ojou archetype well?
Lich, Dragons (sans the Wurm), all Lamias species, Succubi, Mermaids, Nereid, Kraken, Elves/Dark Elves, Gandharva, Thunderbird, Pharaoh, and Anubis

>What monstergirls would you find bidding on the shota black market?
All of the above

>> No.13803293

>Does anyone else here struggle with their love for monster girls and their wallet?
Is there really any other monster girl shit to buy outside of manga? I wish there was honestly...

Anyways I preordered it because I just like blueberry succubutts, it's your call though. If you are tight for money I would hold off until you can comfortable afford the $60+, you will probably still be able to order it when you have the money.

>> No.13803295

>implying I want that

No, it's just that I only have so much suspension of disbelief. If that monogamy magic is as powerful as you made it out to be, all widow MGs would probably die of starvation or something like that.

>> No.13803303

>What monstergirls would you find bidding on the shota black market?

Every single one.

>> No.13803304

Your waifu pleases old men for money.

>> No.13803305

>Ojou a shit
Nigga you just went full pleb

>all widow MGs would probably die of starvation or something like that
You say that like they need semen to live, and most of them don't. Also if we go with MGE almost all of them never get a new partner, and some of them even kill themselves to be with their husbands again.

>> No.13803308

You don't? It sure sounds like it. I guess I'll take your word on it though. The widow thing is interesting though, since there is, to my knowledge, no actual mention of what they do. Some speculate that they follow their husband to the afterlife and their souls spend eternity together, some speculate they just don't partner up again and eat normal food like KC said they can. You can think what you want, friend.

>> No.13803309

>shota black market
Disgusting, for several reasons.

>> No.13803311
File: 54 KB, 300x301, 1437089403080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's Rin you fucking retard

>> No.13803313

What, do you expect shotas to sit around doing nothing all day? They have to learn life skills.

>> No.13803315

>almost all of them never get a new partner, and some of them even kill themselves to be with their husbands again.

Well, that's dark...but I admire their dedication.

I dunno, I wouldn't want my waifu to suffer if I croak, so I'm not sure what I want...

>> No.13803316

They should train, so that they can stop being shotas and git gud.

>> No.13803318

>If they are truly godlike then they would probably be on the bottom tier of godly powers.
Wasn't claiming otherwise, however, the Pharaoh entry explicitly states that the only possible way to not do what one says is to both have godly power and have the orders be against your nature. There is no possible way to become powerful enough to just lolnope it.

>It's a special ability that basically warps reality, as opposed to a cat that teleports or an undead minor deity with maximum charisma score.
Technically, only exceptionally powerful Lilim can make their own dimensions, and there's nothing that indicates that they can forcibly superimpose them on the real world.
Even then, Lilim and Pharaohs are both pretty physically fragile, all of their power lies in magic and charisma.

>> No.13803319

All ojous please old men for money. Did you think a woman was able to become anything without the backing of a man?

>> No.13803321

I want a blondie kejourou.

>> No.13803322

>Every single one
I can't really see Alice, Angel, Cockatrice, Crow Tengu, Cyclops, Dormouse, Fairy, Yeti and Unicorn being there

Anon please

>> No.13803325

But that's just a really hairy human woman.

>> No.13803327

Well one was clearly able to raise your retard ass without a man, so not much could be harder than that.

>> No.13803328


A blond himedere Kejourou with drill hair?

>> No.13803329

>I dunno, I wouldn't want my waifu to suffer if I croak, so I'm not sure what I want...
Well, if you want them to go the "join them for an eternity together" scenario, I would imagine that thanks to the power of love, it wouldn't actually hurt them to follow you. Still, it all comes down to what you want from it.

>> No.13803330

Will she also go ufufu~ and call me boya?

Because then she can use me all what she wants.

>> No.13803332


>> No.13803333

Please WHAT, wench?

>> No.13803334

Or, y'know, track down a Lich...

>> No.13803338

Don't run from the truth anon, it will always catch up with you in the end.

>> No.13803339

Deshawn pls stop projecting.

>> No.13803340

>Well, that's dark...but I admire their dedication
It's not really that dark on a setting where the afterlife is something confirmed. If my waifu died I would probably join her once I'm sure my daughteru gets her own life and husbando

Stop calling shit anything you don't like

>> No.13803341

Please stop being so threatened by classes higher than you that you try and claim falsities.

>> No.13803344
File: 882 KB, 1050x875, 159bfafd18d214a98bacdc8fe50d94b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, these arguments always involve the same stupid shit, I'm tempted to image dump now.

>> No.13803345

Yeah, that's a possibility, too. Like I said, it really just comes down to what someone wants from their own interests. If you want them to raise you, you can get it. If you want them to take your soul and put it into an infant body made by the Lich, and have them literally raise you, you can have that. There is so much shit to be done.

>> No.13803349

Make it so

>> No.13803350

You better not, faggot.

>> No.13803351

>Stop calling shit anything you don't like shit
Oh Lord.
Where do you think you are?

What did I lie about?

>> No.13803353

Do it faggot

>> No.13803354

This isn't /d/, don't encourage this shit.

>> No.13803356

>third to die

You're a piece of shit and I hope your bloodline perishes from this earth, but go ahead.

>> No.13803358

Go to sleep, you have school tomorrow.

>> No.13803359

>both have godly power and have the orders be against your nature
Lilims have column A and B since I doubt any want to stick around and hep Pharaoh rebuild her kingdom.
I see Lilims as the strongest magical monsters, with Dragons as the strongest physical and Baphomets as having the highest in both at the same time.

It's nice actually discussing things.

>> No.13803361

But it's only 5 pm.

>> No.13803364

>third to die
Well that explains why the thread went to shit. Didn't notice how low down we were.

>> No.13803367

>le underage meme

Out of steam already? Well, I didn't expect anything from you.

>> No.13803369
File: 481 KB, 723x1023, 50066734_p7_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're like, 2 threads away from being bumped off the board.
However, I kind a run the risk of being reported for spam and the like.

>> No.13803370


>> No.13803373

Took him more time to run out of arguments than it did for you to run out of intelligence

>> No.13803375

>2 threads away from being bumped off the board.
Ok sure, but I don't want any newfag or /d/icksucker to think that dumping is ok in here.

>> No.13803377

Oh look, an alp out to defend anon and get his tasty dick as a reward. Have you no shame? Don't you know you white skirt for its own sake?

>> No.13803379

That is one cute little devil. Would summon and make familiar.

>> No.13803383

Wait until we're the last one. We have a bunch of images left, but who knows how long we'll be here for still.

>> No.13803382

This little demon is gonna get headpats.

>> No.13803384

Yeah, you know what, this >>13803375 abort the dump.

>> No.13803386

>Lilims have column A and B since I doubt any want to stick around and hep Pharaoh rebuild her kingdom.
Against their nature, not against their will.
Unless the Pharaoh's orders get between the Lilim and her husbando, I doubt she'll be able to resist.

>I see Lilims as the strongest magical monsters, with Dragons as the strongest physical and Baphomets as having the highest in both at the same time.
I don't really see any monster as being the true strongest in any category. Lilims are OP, Dragons are OP, Tarrasques are OP, Pharaohs are OP, Baphomets are OP, Liches can get pretty fucking OP, and so on.

>It's nice actually discussing things.
Sure beats faggots whining about subs, doms, furries, monsterboys, other boards, or whatever else has triggered them lately.

>> No.13803387

Oh, I wasn't the one arguing with him, but he really has to wake up early tomorrow. Just stop replying to him.

>> No.13803389

The only alp here is you, you'd have to be gay or a woman to not like ojous.

>> No.13803391

I'm not gonna dump at a constant rate either.

Also, I hope you guys like vidya monstergirls.

>> No.13803392


>TFW never getting around to that yandere Lava Golem with the marble white tats

If only describing melting without actually any melting worked.

>> No.13803397

Go back in your cage gimp, or else your mistress won't step on your balls for a week and might actually treat you like a human being.

>> No.13803400

Use metaphors and allusions and shit.

>> No.13803403

No dumping or I hue hue you.

>> No.13803405
File: 213 KB, 1000x1000, Hatching MG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure beats faggots whining about subs, doms, furries, monsterboys, other boards, or whatever else has triggered them lately.

>Liches are OP
Well they are old as hell mages/wizards who have enormous amounts of magical powers built up over the ages. Do they even remember the spells they used to mess with people when they were still at the childish age of 2-300?

>> No.13803406

>Will she also go ufufu~ and call me boya?


>> No.13803407

I'm not dumping until we're on the last page.

>> No.13803411

We are in the 10 already.

>> No.13803412

I'd say you went full retard but I'm sure you still have some room to go.

>> No.13803416

He means next to die.

>> No.13803417

It feels like we can't talk about anything anymore like we used to.
Which is why I only frequently partake in discussions of my waifu. She's never the center of shitposting.

>> No.13803418
File: 151 KB, 850x601, 5778533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last page to go anyways.

>> No.13803420

Why do you faggots go defensive too quickly?

>> No.13803422

Stupid sexy cat nun.

>> No.13803425

>Do they even remember the spells they used to mess with people when they were still at the childish age of 2-300?
Not sure, I doubt they remember the good old days before 9/11 the rise of the DL, but eh, I could be mistaken.
That actually makes me think though, for all we've been arguing about Lilims and Pharaohs, neither of them are likely to be particularly accomplished combat mages.
After all, Lilims have no real need for blasting things when they can just charm, and Pharaohs would reasonably only know magic that would be handy when ruling, like how to make it rain or so on.

>> No.13803429

Lilith a best.

>> No.13803430

>jumping into another's argument like some crusader when the fight is done
>calling anyone retarded

>> No.13803431

>like how to make it rain
When Ryuus find out they're going to either be happy or pissed.

>> No.13803433

Why do you even reply, stop.

>> No.13803434

Same to you.

>> No.13803441

Because they're fucking stupid and impotently angry that's why.

>> No.13803445

Oh god, that picture does things to my heart

>> No.13803446

I think Lilims are very capable combat mages, but never really need to actually use their power.
Can you imagine a Lich sitting there and writing something down, only for old memories to suddenly pop up? All those days when she would go around messing with people with varying levels of troll magic. Now imagine she's smirking over that little burst of nostalgia.

>> No.13803453

>jumping into another's argument like some crusader when the fight is done
I was arguing with you from the start.

>> No.13803457

>childish age of 2-300
Oh, then I would be a shota for them.

>> No.13803462

The eventual Miia figures will bankrupt me.

>> No.13803465

>I think Lilims are very capable combat mages, but never really need to actually use their power.
Why would they be? Lilims vastly prefer corrupting to killing, and there's practically nothing that they cannot corrupt.
I'm sure Lilims could be godly combat mages if they wanted to be, but where's the motivation?

>Can you imagine a Lich sitting there and writing something down, only for old memories to suddenly pop up?
Yeah, I can imagine that.
I imagine her then using those memories to mess with the other undead in her crypt/mansion/fortress.

>> No.13803470
File: 586 KB, 1200x1275, 1410785617514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly, they will.

>> No.13803475

>where's the motivation?
The husband wants her to take over a kingdom for him and smash all the others around it simultaniously?

>I imagine her then using those memories to mess with the other undead in her crypt/mansion/fortress.
But how?

>> No.13803480

Well it's clear more than one person was replying, so I can only say, "wow, it took three of you, and you still lost." Good show.

>> No.13803484

>The husband wants her to take over a kingdom for him and smash all the others around it simultaniously?
Her beloved husband who she clashed with and courted since he was a younf paladin has been turned into a mindbroken cumpump by her seven evil older sisters, and now she's out for revenge?

>But how?
I dunno, magic?

>> No.13803487

Typo, but strangely appropriate.

>> No.13803498

>and you still lost
No one's lost yet since you haven't found a way to prove your shit taste is good.

>> No.13803502

Holy fuck those kingdoms would be wrecked. Hell hath no fury like a Chuuni with actual powers.

>> No.13803523
File: 82 KB, 472x550, kinjo-no-ko-ga-short-pants-wo-haite-ore-wo-yuuwaku-shite-kurundaga-113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I have to do anything

Ojou a shit, I say again. You could have just said "hey, fuck you too buddy" and kept posting, instead you chose to get mad, start a fight, and waste all our time, so yeah, you lost because you couldn't hold back the sperg, and I'm done talking to you.

>> No.13803526
File: 551 KB, 1863x1431, 1381798285679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to date a Lich who acts like a /tg/ wizard, but likes me enough not to kill me.

>> No.13803530


>> No.13803531

>It's shit because I say so
And clearly you're not capable of taking your own advice, nothing was driving you to defend your terrible taste but your own autism.

>> No.13803574
File: 1.65 MB, 2893x4092, -0.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tied-up Meeces.

>> No.13803579

Do want.

>> No.13803594

I'm gonna tickle the cotton fluff in her ears.

>> No.13803599
File: 52 KB, 800x1000, 21318795_big_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I commence the dump?

>> No.13803603
File: 17 KB, 180x209, 1411330095736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>date a Lich who acts like a /tg/ wizard
>/tg/ wizard
That is literally asking to die.

>> No.13803612

Why dump? So people save your stuff, post it next thread until they becomes reposts of reposts even faster?

>> No.13803613
File: 1020 KB, 500x373, 1429924465203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care

>> No.13803615

The best dakis.

>> No.13803616


>> No.13803617
File: 232 KB, 718x800, 2de8223f9595f15d07dff27f59934de7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose I will then, we're the last in line anyways.

>> No.13803623
File: 127 KB, 707x1000, 42495180_p27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13803625

They make for real good cuddling. Small enough, warn enough, and soft enough.

>> No.13803629

May your ball explode if newfags start dumping "because."

>> No.13803630
File: 643 KB, 1159x1500, 1436650196860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see more lamia girls trying to do an ojou laugh.

>> No.13803633

If she didn't kill me it would be fantastic. Giving out portable holes wrapped in bags of holding to her evil rivals! Turning her tower upside down, then keeping the furniture on the floor by reversing gravity! Entering her magical realm every night!

>> No.13803634


This is different.
Different in a good way.

>> No.13803635
File: 90 KB, 600x600, 34066095_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's dead, so I doubt we'd have any browsing.

Then again, someone could just bump us off by creating a new thread.

>> No.13803639

Now, forget the newfags, you know damn well shitposters are going to do it since you said something showering displeasure with it.

>> No.13803643
File: 2.48 MB, 700x387, Jackpot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more cuhrayzee

>> No.13803646

No new threads until the current one dies, you know this.

>> No.13803649

>More centaur NTR
Well, I'm glad I don't like horsepussy to begin with.

>> No.13803650

That's not good at all. Horepussy is still shit.

>> No.13803654
File: 25 KB, 379x214, 1390797996752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Entering her magical realm every night!
your a madman or at least you will be soon

>> No.13803657

And they'll get banned and their shit cleaned up so long as people report and ignore, if it comes to that. But the again

>having expectations of anon

>> No.13803662

That's not NTR, anon. It's just rape.

>> No.13803665

That human kid was alpha as fuck, he showed that technique overrides size.

Horitomo still can't draw for shit though.

>> No.13803666

I thought Horitomo was a cool guy, oh well another artist to avoid

>> No.13803668

Technically. Though for once, it's the Nice Guy NTRing the Miserable Sex Slave away from the asshole centaurs.

Something of a mix-up compared to normal, and with a sweet, happy end.

He really can't.

>> No.13803670

>lierally sucking out other guys' cum
No, he was a cuck.

>> No.13803672

>Reading porn for the story
>Not because the pictures make your dick hard
Whats wrong with you people?

>> No.13803674

He showed he didn't give a shit what had been done to her before, and then proved himself a superior mate to the other guys, and then they fucked off, immasculated.

>> No.13803675
File: 211 KB, 600x922, 1402964252435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13803677

While I can see what you mean, it's almost like you'e never read any of Jun's stuff.

>> No.13803680

>finds out his crush is the sex slave of three older guys
>steals her away from them
>shows her pleasure that they never could
>she swears eternal loyalty to him specifically

He's no cuck, anon.

>> No.13803681

>Different in a good way.
Faggot pls. Its shit.
All Jap artists have to draw shit like this at one point, its a law that none of them are allowed to draw too many good things without something like this.

>> No.13803682

>having jizz in your mouth as a male


>> No.13803685

>this is what betas actually believe

>> No.13803686
File: 541 KB, 1096x1600, 137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't read porn for the story

>> No.13803687

No, it's a type of NTR. It's not the typical slut whoring it up with other guys trope, which puts it higher up, but it's still a type.

>> No.13803688

I can't get hard when there are monsterboys involved, my irritation surpass my boner.

>its a law that none of them are allowed to draw too many good things without something like this
If some of my vanilla artists like Napata do this I'm going to have a heart attack

>> No.13803689

She had undergone the magical hentai cleaning magic were you can be covered in cum on one page then be completely clean on the next.

>> No.13803693

Oh yeah, I suppose the kid does NTR the Centaur dudes.

>> No.13803694
File: 27 KB, 500x404, hgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must say, this is half the reason I prefer hentai and doujins to porn.

>> No.13803695

>somehow the tiny dick "wins" the slut
Yeah, what a great story.

>> No.13803698

>magical cleaning

Some stuff, does not wash out, no matter how hard you try.

>> No.13803699

This is one of the best doujins I've ever read.

>> No.13803700

The big dicks had no technique, and the kid doesn't exactly have a 'tiny dick'.

>> No.13803701

>tiny dick
That kid was packin'

>> No.13803703

But that's wrong, friend. I follow a couple artists that have never once even gotten close to shitty stories like that, and I've followed them for years. You must be unlucky.

>> No.13803705
File: 1.06 MB, 640x360, 1393444340538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is fucking wrong with this doujin

>> No.13803706

>I-it's not the s-size that matters

>> No.13803707

Why do we get like this when we get near the bottom? We still have images, we could post and discuss things, but more often than not we're at each other's throats.

>> No.13803708

Here's your reply.

>> No.13803709

Some anons just love the taste of spunk.

>> No.13803710

Just you wait anon, just you wait.

>> No.13803711

Short and unfulfilling.

Just what I expected.

>> No.13803712
File: 356 KB, 1120x840, 000_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are wrong on the internet.

Have an oppai loli.

>> No.13803714

Oh shit son.

>> No.13803716

We're always at each other's throats.
If it's not about doujins, it's dom/sub arguments, or comparisons to furfags, or monsterboys.

Okay, that was pretty good.

>> No.13803719


>> No.13803720

This only makes me want to be part of a gang that goes beating up monsterboys here and there.

>> No.13803721

Fuck noice.

>> No.13803723

People always want to start shit around this time. Like the guy who posted the doujin to begin with, posting a direct link instead of the gallery so people would know what they were getting into. I know better than to look and instead search the name though, so I'm good.

I have waited. I've been expecting them to prove themselves tasteless faggots the entire time. I don't think it actually will come.

You know, that sounds pretty gay, friend. It got a chuckle from me, but it still sounds gay.

>> No.13803724

>2600 replies
>134 posters

Well, either way. Here's info about the mods. The logs have a lot of shit about /jp/, too. Just ctrl + f "/jp/" though them.

>> No.13803725

That last one is righteous though.

>> No.13803726


>> No.13803729
File: 347 KB, 700x800, 1403654800737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame that's the only action you can get.

>> No.13803730
File: 905 KB, 3000x2700, red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops. Meant to post this with it.

>> No.13803732

Why is it always that fang?
