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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13793485 No.13793485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan.
Let's tark at randam in Japanese and English. Take it easy!

#Previous Thread >>44837467 (Cross-thread)#

Useful Links---
Real Kana
How to Learn Japanese
100 most common Japanese words


>> No.13793494

Wait, isn't there a whole board for this? Like... /jp/ itself? Why are you trying to make a /jp/ clone general inside of /jp/ itself?

>> No.13793517


>> No.13793997

More like /int/.

>> No.13796926

How would a woman refer to her husband in Japanese, in an endearing, lovey-dovey manner?

>> No.13797266


>> No.13802263

So I've been looking for a home to buy and in my failures I gave up and started to look up houses in Japan.

Why is real estate in Japan so cheap? Or is it just real estate in America is expensive. I understand they make less in the same field than the average American but the difference is not made up in real estate.

As long as you don't buy within Tokyo you'll find affordable houses, even if you buy it within Tokyo's 23 wards.

You can't find a 4LDK 10 minutes away from a train station (walking) and 15 minutes away from Akihabara (by car) for $180K in America. (This is not the only house I find like this)

Try to find a house in union city to get to work in New York, even the shittiest house is immediately 400K+.

Is there something I'm missing? Is every neighborhood in Japan bad? Utilities up the ass? Or are they deceptively good and if I go there the houses will be falling apart.
Anyone with experience buying houses in Japan.

>> No.13802465

Holy shit you're right, I'm checking a few houses and they're dirt cheap. It's even more ridiculous the further you get from Tokyo, just look at this castle: https://www.realestate.co.jp/en/forsale/view/319828

Anyone can answer this anon's question, is it too good to be true? If this is all real I need to go live in japan asap

>> No.13802537

Probably because the rest of the board is filled with stupid elitists and people who make abysmal shitposts about Sachiko and Yukari and whatever else. So this is kind of like a place to hide from them and ask questions where you won't be laughed at or trolled for asking them.

>> No.13802553

All I is that New York City and New York are shittier than most places in the US. That price also seems amazing to me.

>> No.13802557

You can go to /int/ for that shit. We don't need another GENERAL.

>> No.13802807

Of course but anywhere within an hour from New York is expensive.

Maybe there are some cheap prices in the middle of bumblefuck ohio.

There is also apparently no law against foreigner owning land/houses so if you can just straight up buy it it is yours.

The only thing stopping me from moving to Japan is I don't have a visa to live there and I can't really commute to New York every day from Japan.
Might just continue to live with my parents while I try to find a job overseas. I'm sure there has to be a company that will be a guarantor for my visa considering my degree and N2 certificate.

Admittedly the apartment you linked has a pretty small area for 6 rooms, has no heating/AC, and looks pretty shady from the outside but I'd totally buy it.

>> No.13802814

You look lost, this isn't /int/.

Fuck off.

>> No.13802826
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Take it back.

>> No.13802830

can we tell the idolfags to fuck off too please, they're even worse than kancolle and kancolle at least belongs here

>> No.13802835

You filthy, filthy newfag.

Just kill yourself, now.

>> No.13802842

>can we tell the idolfags to fuck off too please

>kancolle at least belongs here
Kancolle belongs on /vg/, but they're too pussy to move there. You're not slipping that past me.

>> No.13802850

/jp/ isn't for the "discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan" you faggot. You're not from around here, are you?

>> No.13802858

Mods please delete this thread. This is against the rules and belongs on /int/.

>> No.13802872
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Please fuck off, kudasai.

>> No.13802888

Ok, so how do I even get a job on the moon considering I'm not an english native? Been searching all over linkedin and gaijinpot to no avail for a bit over 1 year. As far as I got was getting promised to be interviewed and never got a reply. Then there was one real interview on japanese, where I was told that being able to write in nihongo is a mandatory quality(yeah, you need that a lot being a programmer, no shit). I already have a feeling that it's impossible to get a job with a working visa from overseas, still I ask you for any advices or places to look for.

>> No.13802905

This hasn't been Japan/General for years

>> No.13802916

Ask /int/ instead.

>> No.13802967

Try asking NASA or /int/.
