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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1374057 No.1374057 [Reply] [Original]

Most of us are doomed.

>> No.1374063

NEETs are pathetic.

>> No.1374065

every sunday is what

>> No.1374069

I can't let you do that, Jim.

>> No.1374070

I refuse to be doomed.

>> No.1374075

How are we doomed?

Leeching provides everything.

>> No.1374078

I thought you were taking classes.

>> No.1374079

I'm in my last year of college!
HA HA!!!

>> No.1374085

oh god no

>> No.1374087

Get a job or go back to school.

You people make me sick. with envy.

>> No.1374088


Not until February!

>> No.1374089

I have finished my Bachelor's. I am starting my Masters.

And before the year is out, I *will* have asked a girl out to dinner. This I guarantee, here and now.

>> No.1374096

Tell me about it. It's not like I'm not applying for jobs, either. Unfortunately, nobody seems to want to hire me, despite the fact that I have a college degree. I can't even get an interview. They all want experience, but how am I supposed to GET experience if no one will hire me?

>> No.1374100

These are tough times for everyone, regardless of your qualifications.

>> No.1374106


>> No.1374103

How about me and you start up our own company? With your book smarts and my ugliness, no one could stop us.

>> No.1374112

You need to move to where there is more demand whats your degree?

>> No.1374114

I know. It's just frustrating that there are jobs out there - jobs that I could do - but I can't even get far enough in the process to convince an employer of that, because they just look at my resume and say "not enough experience."

>> No.1374117

GO INTERPERSONAL SKILLS! Oh wait, you guys don't have them. You get jobs through connections, not through applications now. Hit up every professor that may remember your name, , get friendly with (ACTUALLY TRY) local business owners etc.

Not having a job in your 'field' is understandable. Not having a job period means you're too lazy, moronic, or egotistical.

>> No.1374131

don't worry guys, I'll save at least one of you.
don't forget to call me ojousama.

>> No.1374132

what is OP about?

>> No.1374134

Probably so, but what would we do?

Animal Science, a degree which is nearly worthless, I have found. I don't really want to work in that field, anymore, anyway. I've been out of school for a couple of years at this point. I did a lot of computer work in school, too, and I'm trying to get into that field (not programming, more technical work). I'm every bit as knowledgeable as most entry-level IT specialists, but not having either a degree or experience hurts. Actually, I've applied for all kinds of jobs, some of which SAID they might be willing to train, but apparently they didn't want to train ME.

>> No.1374140

Apparently, my problem is that no one I know knows anyone and that I didn't get along with most of my profs.

>> No.1374150

you picked a shitty non-major for farm children.
you have only yourself to blame.
let that sink in.

step 1. what do you want to do. it doesn't matter what your objective is, just get one.
step 2. complete that objective at any cost.

if you are too weak to fight, just die now.

>> No.1374147

Or they found someone in need of less training...or money.

Indian probably stole it.

>> No.1374179

>you picked a shitty non-major for farm children.
I know that. Being a farm kid might have had something to do with it. It was my second choice, which I switched into at a point at which it was the only way to graduate in four years. I didn't have a way to pay for a fifth year.
>you have only yourself to blame.
Myself, the people who encouraged me to take that major, and the guidance people who fed me the "employers aren't going to care WHAT your degree is, just that you have one," bullshit; yes.
>if you are too weak to fight, just die now.
I may just do that - I'm tired of fighting.

>> No.1374196

>if you are too weak to fight, just die now.

And if you were in his situation, would you have the same bravado?

>> No.1374198

Well before you kill yourself, I was thinking we could pool our money together and buy a shrimp boat then.. . Get this, become shrimp fishermen! Think about it. Two guys all alone on a boat with nothing to do but catch shrimp. Get back to me.

>> No.1374203

last hope
get a basic degree

>> No.1374212

on technical if you didn't get that

>> No.1374219

What he said. Get a vocational certificate in IT, since that's what you said you can do. Better than nothing, right?

>> No.1374229

I don't have the money to spend a couple of years getting another degree at this point. I've got less than $1500 to my name. I've TRIED twice to take IT certification classes through the community college here - the first time the class was canceled for lack of interest, and the second time it was already full by the time I tried to sign up. It's a series of four courses, which takes two years, and if you miss one, you have to wait a full year before it's offered again. So I'd have to wait until NEXT September to even try again, at this point.

Don't worry, I'm too much of a coward for suicide.

>> No.1374238


How do you expect yourself to ask a woman out when you detest their existence?

>> No.1374237

I don't have any skills and nothing really interests me.

I couldn't get an actual job even if I tried. ;_;

>> No.1374260


I don't detest them, I love them. Except the sluts.

>> No.1374278

Women are meant to be conquered

They already know this and you still have yet to learn.

They won't say it, they may even deny it, but women are like philly mustangs in the wild.

They have to be tamed and dominated.

That doesn't mean call her bitch. That doesn't mean hit her. It doesn't mean insult her or take advantage of her.

It means she wants a man to come along, take her, and choose her.

There are no princesses. There are no queens. When you act like women are better than you, then you will find yourself very unsuccessful. If you put her on a pedestal you will undermine yourself every time.

>> No.1374284

I feel sad for sluts, since many of them only act that way because they think it's the only way to get male attention, when it really only attracts the wrong kind of male attention. They don't seem to know that being slutty pretty much destroys their chances of ever getting a nice guy.

>> No.1374291


>> No.1374317

Well it's usually out of an innate insecurity anyway, you'll notice that girls who grow up without fathers tend to be slutty, because they are basically searching for a father figure in their lovers, going from one to the other and so on.

>When you act like women are better than you, then you will find yourself very unsuccessful. If you put her on a pedestal you will undermine yourself every time.

Strawmen. I never said any of this. I'm just not interested in playing games.

>> No.1374323

You are the bee, she is the flower. It is up to you to fly over and pollinate.

It doesn't get that much simpler than that. If you want to give up, fine.

I've done both. I've had relationships with women. All of them I liked, none of them I "loved" i.e. wanted to base my whole life around. I've also withdrawn from society and bought an almost 8 grand Hotaru Real Doll. It was fun for a while. Iraq really did mess me up more than I thought and I really didn't think that it did. It wasn't so much "the field" or anything. I think I did it to compensate for something else in life. I went over pissed, came back pissed. Had the money for something real(i.e. an awesome Barrett) sulked and bought a doll that take s up space. Accepted Jesus. No use for it. It's a neat little thing I guess, and I Love Hotaru. But for like, 30 dollars I could have just gotten a little Model Kit and put on my desk or something.

I digress. You have to really have confidence in yourself. If not yourself, then your abilities. It's a constant battle.

Whether you get the girl or not. Whether you end up liking her or not. It's important to do this for at least yourself.

As long as you are above ground, alive, and thinking. You still have time. With time, comes everything.

Remember that.

>> No.1374331
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>Accepted Jesus.

>> No.1374340

this is some deep stuff, good work anon

>> No.1374347

H-Hotaru maniac? You're alive?!

>> No.1374342

>As long as you are above ground, alive, and thinking. You still have time. With time, comes everything.

Thanks for the advice, I'll do my best.

>> No.1374363
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Am I too early to post this?

>> No.1374367

Um, maybe you should have waited a bit

>> No.1374370

Looks like someone has a crush on somebody.

>> No.1374380

NEET threads never work.

Just like NEETs themselves.

>> No.1374387

How could I ever rage at you? ♥

Wait, wasn't that the guy from /k/?

>> No.1374414

They do when posted at the right time.

>> No.1374433

Weekend+early usually doesn't work for any threads.

Try making this thread on a Tuesday or Wednesday when it's 1-3 AM in America.

>> No.1374439

Today was (and still is) my sister's birthday party. I've been enduring 11 year old girls discussing fellatio and penises for the past hours, now they moved on to farting sounds. Also, bare loli chest why did this happen goddamn.

>> No.1374444

>11 year old girls discussing fellatio and penises
What the fuck

>> No.1374449

I know, right? Kids think they grow up so fast these days...

>> No.1374455
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DOZO♥ヽ(´ー` )ノ

>> No.1374453

Did you offer to help them with their discussion in any way?

And is it true younger girls are attracted to their friends older brothers?

>> No.1374454



>> No.1374468

It's unbelievable... 11 year olds shouldn't be doing that kind of thing.

>> No.1374471
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That Hong Meiling and Gensokyo Man were banned while faggots like athens remain is evidence that the mods must be crazy.

>> No.1374479
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I mean, teenagers, ok, sure, whatever.

But /11 year olds/? Fuck you society.

>> No.1374481

Wait what is going on.

>> No.1374483
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>> No.1374487
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>> No.1374494

HNNNNNNNG! dere-dere moeverdose...

I knew you were nice deep down ♥ ♥ ♥

Hong Meiling was banned?

>> No.1374493
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>> No.1374507

>Hong Meiling was banned?

Considering how much porn he posts, wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.1374510

I thought about it, but then decided against the possibility of getting jailed. I get along pretty well with one of them, though I can't say I care about meeting the rest. She probably sees me as a brother or something, since her real brother is a typical wannabe ghetto cool kid. He use- Oh goddamn, they're moaning again why are they moaning.

>> No.1374516

He gets banned constantly, but that doesn't keep him from posting.

>> No.1374520

Delicious milky China, banned?
You're right, this sucks.

>> No.1374530

You should just say 'you shouldn't be talking about those kinds of things at your ages!'

I mean, it's only lip service, but at least it's something.

>> No.1374542

I'm not sure how I feel about walking in on a bunch of underaged girls constantly going from moaning to farting.

>> No.1374549

Just enjoy it and fap, like the rest of us would do.

>> No.1374550

At least tell your sister not to do anything.

>> No.1374565

Don't listen to athens he doesn't know what he is talking about.

You need sit down with them and go along with whatever they say. This will earn you points with the lolis. From there find the one that likes you the most and try hugging her; post what happens after.

>> No.1374566

I've heard this often has the reverse effect. It's probably better just to leave it be.

>> No.1374569

I already fapped earlier, back when they first started moaning and discussing sex. Granted, it was to loli hentai.
I think my sister is trying to sleep right now, as opposed to the rest of them.

>> No.1374587

Maybe. I'd be a little perturbed if they were actually doing the things they were talking about.

>> No.1374588

Well, that was amusing. As soon as I opened my door they all started faking sleep.
They were discussing sex, I don't think abusing their innocence is going to work.

>> No.1374609

This is the part where you come in with you shirt off and say 'whoops this isn't the bathroom!... How did my underpants fall off?!?' and the lolis get it on with you. Trust me it'll work, brah.

>> No.1374618

If they're in the frontroom or somewhere on the way to the kitchen, walk out in boxers with a boner.

How can you just sit by and let this pass you up? It disgusts me.

>> No.1374620

How about I go get some iced tea and see what happens? The odds of me getting jailed are significantly lower.

>> No.1374622

This is why NEET/ronery threads fail hard when made too early.

>> No.1374625

Are you a woman?

>> No.1374632
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Boxers only and boners only, brah.

>> No.1374640

do you have alcohol at home?

give them booze

I'm serious

>> No.1374635

Sounds like a plan, go and get some green tea in fact and abate your mind of the awful thoughts >>1374618 wants you to do.

>> No.1374636

I'm pretty sure I'm a man. A French Canadian man. Anything related to underaged girls could get me jailed.

>> No.1374637

sage for athens

>> No.1374647

Seconed. You could even water it down. They'll never know and think they're drunk or something and things will be much easier....

>> No.1374650

And by booze I mean the cock.

>> No.1374654


>> No.1374657

post pix or a story of your success or gtfo

>> No.1374659

ITT athens faggotry and tatari's blog

>> No.1374660

!!!!DO NOT PANIC!!!!



>> No.1374668

Now that you've seen it you have no choice, you know what you must do. It's your duty as a /jp/edo.

Also, they want it; obviously. You think they aren't turned on by all that talk they've been having?

>> No.1374673

Aroused 11 year old girls is such a nice thought.

>> No.1374677

Their scream woke up the whole damn house, I don't think they were expecting me.

Also, I thought it would be nice to note that I don't care for 3D loli. Sure, I could think up a thousand and one fantasies with my favorite 2D lolis, but I'm not stepping in the 3D realm.

It's, like, at least better than yukkuri threads, man. And I sage my posts as to not fag up the front page.

>> No.1374684
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>I thought it would be nice to note that I don't care for 3D loli
Give it a couple months.

>> No.1374688

Suit yourself, homo

>> No.1374695

You're talking as if I hadn't been on 4chan long enough to have succumbed to peer pressure already.

>> No.1374697

i wish i had never gotten into 3D loli, now i can barely fap to anything else. I mean, I can but the orgasms aren't any good. Fuck, I want to fap to Yuri again...

>> No.1374699


>> No.1374716

Oh, shit. You're screwed, brah! In before you move to a 3rd world shithole and start a loli harem.

>> No.1374724


>> No.1374729

i'll probably have to, my penis still lets me enjoy other fucked up shit like traps, but honest to god when i fap to some ecchi pic i barely feel anything but cum flying out. it sucks ass, stay away from CP folks

>> No.1374768


It's true, two of my 12 year old sis' friends won't leave me the fuck alone whenever they're over and she say's they like me. I'm 19, give me a break.

>> No.1374770

I haven't fapped all day. This is like the first day in the past six months I've been able to go without fapping. It's odd, because I've been hanging all over my loli imouto since she got home from school. I guess being around someone I love more than anything else in the world got my mind off fapping.

Also, she's planning on having an outside sleep over soon. Does /jp/ have any ideas on how I can come up with an excuse to sleep out there with them, just to be able to talk to them. And cuddle with my loli imouto; she doesn't mind.

>> No.1374775

Younger girls are attracted to older guys period.

I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.1374781

Gee, it sure sounds rough living around your house Anon.

>> No.1374779

I don't recommend cuddling with your imouto in front of her friends...

>> No.1374790


I'm flattered sure, but it's kinda annoying when I'm doing something else and she comes up to annoy me, kinda like my friends 14 year old sister whos into me. Though at least she likes video games and shit, she says she likes anime but I don't believe her. Also, I've never had a girlfriend, why do all these underage girls like me? I'm gonna be put in jail one day -.-

>> No.1374796

Why not?

No, really. Why not? Is it THAT unusual of a thing to do? We do it all the time.

>> No.1374801


>> No.1374804

I think he meant cuddling with her in front of her friends.

Who knows, maybe they will make fun of her etc.

>> No.1374807

From personal experience, my sister will only cuddle if we're alone and she's tired. In front of her friends, affection is a sign of weakness.

>> No.1374809

Give whomever some bs excuse about watching them or something, dunno what kind of neighborhood you live in, but there's always the possibility of animals / people that could do something. Kinda let on that you may think it'll be boring but you would feel bad otherwise cause something could happen.

>> No.1374814

Also, since her one friend I get along with lets me carry her and stuff, I don't see what she has against cuddling in front of her.

>> No.1374845

Sounds like something you'd need to be interested in 3d lolis to understand.

>> No.1374868

More like I'd need a minimum of social skills.

>> No.1374874

>friend I get along with lets me carry her
wants to fuck you

>> No.1374880

I'll keep this in mind for next time I meet her when walking back from college.

>> No.1374904

Epic thread is epic. This whole thread has made my evening a little less dull. Thank you /jp/.

>> No.1374905


>> No.1374919

lol, good luck meeting a women at COLLEGE who isn't a slut.

You're much better off being a pedo like most of /jp/ is already.

>> No.1374930

A week ago girl tried to approach me and I blew her off, what do I win? I'm perfectly content in my 2D world and with my dakimakura.

>> No.1374940

So as i pray.


Ronery/NEET threads are only good when they're posted around 4 am

>> No.1374941

Ya, but you didn't just say "I will ask a girl out to dinner before the school year is over."

Basically what I'm saying is that Athens fails at life and will continue to fail because his worldviews are so retarded.

>> No.1374942

It depends, was she cute?

>> No.1374944

>a girl
Looks like it's time for me to get some sleep.

>> No.1374943

You want weird, try being in college and married.

>> No.1374949

Athens is a woman, slowpoke.

>> No.1374953

>And before the year is out, I *will* have asked a girl out to dinner. This I guarantee, here and now.
It's official, Athens is a lesbian.

>> No.1374952

Is that you, Athens? Still pretending to be female?

>> No.1374956

Even when he isn't here, you faggots still discuss him.

I fucking hate all of you

>> No.1374959

Yes. She must pretty nice, too. She tried to talk to me thrice in the past week without me even realizing, even though I blew her off last friday.

>> No.1374964


all those faggots are him

>> No.1374981

I like the shrimp boat idea.
but how about this:
1. pool all money (what are you college guys worth, 1.5 k each?)
2. buy house of appropriate size in nevada
3. pretend to be a religion, get tax exempt status, fucking usa.
4. staying afloat financially:
we would have to combine our skills. I wouldn't consider doing this without some sort of application process.
5. come, figure out what you want to do with your life, say thanks and leave. make space for the next batch of men with nothing to lose.

>> No.1374989

I propose we open an all female orphanage.

>> No.1374995

>come, figure out what you want to do with your life, say thanks and leave.
This is the step that wouldn't happen.

>> No.1375002

we can get money from the government for adopting kids.
two birds with one stone!

>> No.1375226

How do you be a NEET without being homeless?


>> No.1375263

You have a bunch of suckers on your family tree, that's how.

>> No.1375283


>> No.1375312

I feel bad about doing that though. I can't be a NEET ;_;

>> No.1375335

You are the worst kind for wanting to be a NEET.

>> No.1375408

"Not currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training".

>> No.1375419

The term NEET employed herein originated in the UK.

>> No.1375430

Please don't bump your own shit thread, OP.

>> No.1375442

The term NEET employed herein originated in the UK.
The original concept of NEET in the. UK was first used in a report titled Bridging the Gap, produced by the government’s Social Exclusion.

>> No.1375456

This is NEET and Hikikomori thread.

>> No.1375486


You're among the worst, OP.

>> No.1375586
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>> No.1375596
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Counter-reported for abusing the report system.

Also: a report at 1:56AM PST is about as effectual as a sage in a thread on /b/ speeding on at 30 posts a minute. Enjoy your wasted effort, I know I am.

>> No.1375614

I go to college and have a job.

Sometimes I wonder what the fuck I am doing here.
