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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13687609 No.13687609 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>13576392

- Osawari (R-18)
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=196663/
Wiki: http://seesaawiki.jp/yukeyukeosawari/
English FAQ: http://pastebin.com/hm92HU91
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Osawari_pc

- Kanpani Girls
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=181259/
Wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/kanpani/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kanpani_STAFF

- Aegis "Aigis"
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=156462/
Wiki #1: http://aigis.gcwiki.info/
Wiki #2: http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aigis1000

- Flower Knight Girl
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=329993/
Wiki: http://フラワーナイトガール.攻略wiki.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/flower_staff

- Hitsuji Chronicle
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame_s/hituji/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sheep_dmm

- (upcoming) Idol Wars Z
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/feature/idolwarsz.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/idolwars_PR

- Shinken (Sword Girls)
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=319803/
Wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/sinken/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pub_snkn

-(New) Chouginga Kantai (Mages.) (Requires Nijiyome account) (No IP Block)
Game Link: http://nijiyome.com/app/top/226
Wiki 1: http://xn--4bs902ckhpqkkf6f.xn--wiki-4i9hs14f.com/
Wiki 2: http://gwiki.jp/choginga/?FAQ
Both wikis heavily under construction.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/choginga

>> No.13687676

can you play fkg on your phone? or is it restricted to pc only?

>> No.13687975

It's only on browsers for now

>> No.13688214

Pretty sure we can cut Hitsuji from the OP
Nobody talks about it, I don't even know anyone who still plays it and it's in the dumps in DMM ranking.

>> No.13688248

If anyone ever roll perfect 6* like in OP picture, I'm sure the person will be dead tomorrow because he used all his lifetime worth of luck.

Huh, I didn't even know there is this thing called hitsuji

>> No.13688278

I think Shinken should be removed too, that buggy as hell release killed the game and I don't think anyone's playing it anymore.

Also for Osawari I feel like only me and the guy who wrote the FAQ still play it, and Aegis isn't really discussed outside of being mention when people are recommending DMM games that aren't p2w.

>> No.13688323

What does Shinken play like anyway? I was thinking of trying it once I have time after my finals

>> No.13688329

I think people discuss Aegis more in the Nutaku thread.

>> No.13688364

It plays like some sort of tower defense. You move the girls around a specific zone to stop the enemies from reaching the town.

>> No.13688369

I think it's called a line defense? Not sure what the term for the genre is. You have a 3x3 grid which you place your sword girls on to block incoming enemies which come from the right of the screen, later levels you get more 3x3 screens that connect to each other.

>> No.13688387


That sounds kinda interesting, I'll probably try it out eventually

>> No.13688398

Did... Did they revert the chance of getting rare treasure box in 80 stamina exp map for FKG? I've been getting 2 rare 2 normal or 1 rare 3 normal boxes.

>> No.13688720

i got mostly the rare box but it was never the gold exp fairy.

>> No.13689342
File: 31 KB, 592x518, err.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get this error 5 minutes into game.
What does it mean?

>> No.13689360

Connection Error: 1002

>> No.13689491

Osawari should stay due to the FAQ
(also, I am the other one that plays it. Level 102)

Shinken is stagnating a lot in terms of updates but it's very high in DMM's ranking so there must be a lot of people still playing it for some reason

Aegis I'm not sure there are all that many people who haven't moved to the Nutaku version instead and they have their own thread.

But yeah, Hitsuji, the way it is going, will close doors in a few months anyway. It's falling even harder than criminal girls did.

>> No.13689510

Speaking of Osawari, I have this feeling they're trying to make the game more appealing to non-paying customers now since there's been a pretty hefty drop in players lately.
The L -> SL split was to save money.
Then they increased running girl chances a lot.
There was a pseudo lottery this event too where you could get a ton of items for basically free.
They also returned to a three-reward-girls format (despite 2 areas, but considering there is always a challenge area now, that brings the total back to 3 areas. And honestly, this is better, it makes EP farming easier)

At least they're not acting only when it is too late (criminal girls, monster hunter, in a few weeks hitsuji)

>> No.13690716

About the extra stats. I'm guessing attack is the most important? Should i use all my 7000 leaves to buy 7 attack increase fairies?
Also, whatever it is, i should use em all for my strongest girl right?

>> No.13692432

Chouginga ncomplete Patch Notes: (Incomplete because I've been up for 20 hours and shouldn't be awake at all and there is no full newspost with patch notes yet)

Team 3 Intro event start (Unknown number of maps, I'll know how many later)
Team 3 implemented
Partner stamina abolished
Units buffed and general rank discrepancy of stats changed (so far it looks like everything has been buffed actually)
Dispatch now lasts for the full hour and can be used indefinitely for this whole hour meaning you'll drown in presents
Despatch tomo point gain is down from 100 to 50 points per friendly player usage

>> No.13692667

>Then they increased running girl chances a lot
Chance of encountering them, or chance of them dropping?

>> No.13692703

Idol Wars Z release has been postponed from end of June to mid July.
Wonder what's taking them so long ...

>> No.13693094

chance of encountering.
Still 3% for all the regular ones and event specific ones differ a lot.

>> No.13695083

Choginga is so much easier to play now

No more partner stamina to 'repair' and clog your slots, stats are up all around, despatch support is actually bonkers now

>> No.13695593 [DELETED] 

Kanpani maintenance in a little over an hour.

Have you finished buying furnaces with battle coins?
Have you collected your daily and weekly mission rewards yet?
Have you finished chapter 10 and ready to start working on part 2?
Are your magicians prepared to stay locked inside the bakery for 2 weeks while it gets upgraded another 10 levels?
Are you ready for the new 5* you'll never get?

>> No.13695599 [DELETED] 

Didn't mean to quote, sorry about that

>> No.13696050
File: 6 KB, 80x80, 10602002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's Iori, a 3* ronin.

>> No.13696059

She looks nice, too bad I don't really use ronins all that much.

>> No.13696217
File: 81 KB, 600x400, CIaBFv-UYAECmUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never get these

>> No.13696395
File: 134 KB, 950x587, CIaC7BkUwAAsFMz.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New girls, story quest chapter 2, revamped daily quests, new battlefield items, new login bonus campaign.

>> No.13696519

Want to try it but the game looked so overwhelming for a starting noob.

>> No.13696543

There is an incomplete English Wiki that you can check for some basic gameplay stuff.
The game is quite grindy later though, so take your time and don't try to rush everything.

>> No.13696553
File: 454 KB, 1441x926, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The made the quests random?
and less bread..

>> No.13696557


>> No.13696568
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>> No.13696593
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>> No.13696598

based refeia

That, >>13696568 and those recently posted catgirls are tempting me quite a bit to give the game a try ...

>> No.13696656

Way too much gems required for the new crafts

>> No.13696781

They're labyrinth tier in terms of resource cost, plus it's easier to get gems now. I wouldn't worry about it that much.

>> No.13696837

Anyone else is having trouble with labyrinth boss rush path? mine seems to get stuck at the black loading screen after I defeated the blue phantom ronin.

>> No.13697315
File: 22 KB, 98x96, WhatTheFuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus what is even going on

>> No.13697346

money money money, money time.
Yesterday is a let down. I spend the whole day and only got 1 big purple dragon.

>> No.13697364

I did 6 runs without getting any big dragon, then right as I was about to give up got three of them on the 7th run. For some reason, getting purple dragons always sucks.

>> No.13697406

Of all types, purple dragon are the most annoying one since the boss has fucking HP drain bullshit.

>> No.13697495

It's not really that necessary though? You get decent amount of money from 80 stamina event map anyway.

But of course, the saturday daily map is much easier to do at least.

>> No.13698016

It's for those who really short of money. I like getting 20-25k for no work at all, and it's hilarious seeing the girls who got trapped in a loop after the others are finished.

>> No.13698305

Phantom Labyrinth in Kanpani is bugged atm.
Avoid running it until they fix it.

>> No.13698832

Eh, I got around 15k per run. Whereas I get around 12k from 80 stam event map, hence I choose to do event map instead and I get 6 emerald badges thingy as well.

>> No.13698845

Yeah, but some events have pretty bad rates for gold.

>> No.13698916

Everything was fine 20 minutes ago in Choginga and now, whenever I start to try a combat mission, it just loads forever instead of showing me the available support fleets people have sent out.

>> No.13698941

That's true. Sometimes you get event map with just 8k gold, but sometimes you get ones with 15k+ gold and 2k seeds.

>> No.13699224

Maybe that's why i'm biased towards it since i always gets more than 20k per run. Also, i can't complete the event map yet without everyone dying all over.

>> No.13699703

Question for FKG, do you get more leaves/seeds from raid boss if you do more damage?

That's fair. It takes me quite a while in FKG to even be able to tackle 80 stamina event map.

>> No.13700613

>Question for FKG, do you get more leaves/seeds from raid boss if you do more damage?

I don't think so, it seems to be based purely on the level of the boss. Just now I finished off a lvl 80+ one that had about 60k HP left and got 97 leaves. The level 70ish one I tagged for 400k+ damage gave me 88.

>> No.13701543
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>> No.13701576
File: 142 KB, 937x577, Look at him and Laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost got my hope up.

>> No.13701585
File: 157 KB, 951x590, a daily of wow its fucking nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eryyday. Event when?

>> No.13701634
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>> No.13703499

What to do to with all the 1 star girls in kampani? Can i sell them or anything? They're clogging my inventory.

>> No.13703541
File: 1.16 MB, 1015x630, 2014-09-21_145429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scrap them or feed them to the same girl to increase her stats.

>> No.13703562

Thanks. No money to feed, and the only good star girl i got is the starter girl.

>> No.13703649
File: 937 KB, 952x593, 1435469777511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That big ass shuriken

>> No.13703664

You are going to live with 1-2* girls for a very long time.

>> No.13703728


Spreadsheet of all my choginga info
This covers a lot of ground and can be used instead of a wiki (because there is no english wiki) but the mission sheets are very much a WIP

>> No.13703730

I-I just want esdese game please

>> No.13703732

Is it even possible to get 6* and 7* girls in Kanpani without paying out your ass?

>> No.13703739

I have quite a couple of 4*s and just a 5*. Started around February

Spam silver-doubles during events, gold doubles too I guess

>> No.13703751

> 6* and 7*
You can class up all your 1*-4* base girls up to 6*.
And yes it's possible to get a 5* from daily, prepare for months of draws tho.

>> No.13703755

Paying for draws is totally not worth it in this game, just draw daily and pray. Everyone can promote to at least 6* anyway which is all you need to clear story maps.

>> No.13703783

Which of the buildings affect the rarity of daily draw? I have all of them at lv 6 now.
Also, do i need to make equipments for all the girls i use?

>> No.13703818

>Which of the buildings affect the rarity of daily draw? I have all of them at lv 6 now.
PR facility with high level girls, as in 70-90s.
>Also, do i need to make equipments for all the girls i use?
Equipments are actually more important than your girls rarity, so yeah.

>> No.13703825

PR building is middle bottom.

>> No.13703832

Girls with rarity from 1*-4* can get class up to 6*.
Only 5* girls can class up to 7* and they get their unique models when they reach that class.
You don't even need to pay to be able to draw more than once a day. You can get battlefield coins and exchange them for extra draws. There are weekly 3 shine stones too but they are better spent elsewhere.

>> No.13703836

Show me your pokemans collection, nerds.


>> No.13704590

I have that bug in kanpani. Sometimes, at the end of a sortie, when there should be an employee drop, nothing happens and the game gets stuck. I can't figure out the origins of this, but it's definitely correlated with employee drops because it never happens in characters stories, events or dailies.

>> No.13704682

Seems to be connection issue for me, it usually occurred when my internet went to shit. I just refresh the game whenever it happened.

>> No.13704729

I get this frequently in Chrome, haven't bothered changing browsers but I wonder if it's the same.

>> No.13704740

I don't know, I never have trouble with the game except at this particular moment so I doubt it's connection related. I can get this bug 10 times a day but when I'm not running standard quest connected to the game nonstop for days.

I'm using chrome too, maybe it's part of the problem. At some point I believed it might be due to too fast clicking on the exp and loot screen but I couldn't really confirm it by tests.

>> No.13704761

Nah not just Chrome, I use Opera and that happens to me too, but very rarely. I think >>13704682 is right about shit connection, or if you let your game run too long without moving forward, this might happen.

>> No.13704812

>or if you let your game run too long without moving forward
Maybe. I usually leave it do its own thing while I'm in another tab.

>> No.13704820

When I say that, I mean it like "leave the game on result page for a longass time like few hours or so"

>> No.13704826
File: 96 KB, 640x480, b3add303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New girls all look quite nice.
Nadeshiko has a katana so red class?
The other two might be mages.

>> No.13704836

Oh shit, it's wazakita.

>> No.13704842

That's way too long then. From what I remember it started happening after they've added voices for lower lvl girls.

>> No.13704853

I mean lower star girls.

>> No.13704898
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2-1-2 drop. Shot, not even a new girl.

>> No.13704911
File: 127 KB, 640x480, 50706140_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they increased the drop rate for episode 2, keep seeing the the same old faces as episode 1 is tiresome.

>> No.13704918

I wish drop rate was overall reduced, it's a pain to get rid of 1* and 2*. and some more chance for 3* would be noice ;-; I wonder if touka can be dropped, now that I think about it. Or maybe her assets aren't even in game yet.

>> No.13704946
File: 55 KB, 269x305, purge never.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My luck is too shitty for this game. 4* drops never, multiple 5* never, good +3 weapons never.

>> No.13705001

How the fuck is that even possible. Does that mean those 3* girls and higher are not only available at chapters 7+?

>> No.13705027

Chap 7 you're talking about is before 2-1-2.
2nd world, 1st chapter, 2nd quest is after 1st world 7th chapter.

>> No.13705028

Anon, it's 2-1-2. Episode 2 1-2.

>> No.13705030

... Oh. Shit. I didn't read that carefully enough. My bad. I wish I can even clear 1-10-1

>> No.13705077

Level up some soldiers and a rouge with poison attack.
They would make your life easier.

>> No.13705084

I got +4 rogue weapon from kemonomimi event and the employee event, but both don't have poison. Which weapon gives poison?

>> No.13705098

Basically, find one with 影蛇衝 skill. Labyrinth daggers are easiest to come by.

>> No.13705142

Should probably use something other than 2-x for the new quests. If this was a week ago, 2-1-2 would've meant chapter 2, quest 1, 2nd option.

>> No.13705662

silver post for a group draw of today and yesterday, 2222/2222. I want Eva so much ;_;

>> No.13705972
File: 32 KB, 473x313, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what the hell this says? i'd like to actually be able to play aegis.

>> No.13706242

Waiting for gold post login reward so I can do a double draw and spend some battlefield coins for extra draws afterward. Iori is nice and all but ronin is still a semi useless class.

>> No.13706298

It'd be great if the extra draws were actually affected by posts. But as it is now I'll just get Iori for collection sake

>> No.13707150

In Kanpani, what are the two last daily mission? I can't seem to get them.

>> No.13707266

4th mission is always the same, complete the other 3. As for what the 3rd mission is, share a picture because they're random now.

>> No.13707395
File: 27 KB, 699x99, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. It's this one.

>> No.13707415

Use a PW skill.

>> No.13708431

Thanks. Completed it already.
I have a feeling i'm stuck at beginning of chapter 3. I don't have any better girls and the opponent is destroying me. Tried crafting and equipping armor and accesories to the girls but seems like it only have small effect.

>> No.13708455

Just slow down and grind your girls before moving to next story quest.
Do that everytime you get stuck.

>> No.13708504

Chapter 3 should still be somewhat easy even with your girls capped at level 30.
If you're having problems, then sure you can just grind more, but you might want to reconsider your setup.

>> No.13708647

As expected Nadeshiko was too gorgeous not to be a rainbow. The other two gacha girls are quite lovely too, but I don't care about the event girl and it's a farm event, might just skip it.

>> No.13708649

I never manage to adapt this mentality.
In Osawari, I must get as many girls as possible for the library even if I discard them immediately after unlocking all their scenes

>> No.13708679

I'll probably still get her, I just don't feel like spending too much time with tedious farming unless it's a character I really like.

>> No.13708697

I have terrible completion OCD about these things
It doesn't manage to pass the wall of absurdity, like some of the equips in Kancolle or all the paid shit in other games, but anything I can get by just investing time I generally am forced to get.
This is why I quit that Osawari spinoff because it's terrible about that and 10x the ripoff that Osawari is.

>> No.13708719

How do you see the amount of paper you have collected?
Also, i managed to buy every stat up item last event, should i dump all of them on my strongest girl?

>> No.13708811
File: 187 KB, 861x503, 5452262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you see the amount of paper you have collected?
Right there.

>> No.13708890
File: 1.04 MB, 963x643, 1435577886322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so nice

>> No.13708927


>> No.13708954
File: 854 KB, 959x640, CIp02UHUEAAHG_P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite possibly best looking girl so far.

Gekkabijin looks damn fine too. That sprite looks so classy.

>> No.13708977
File: 37 KB, 347x366, 552626256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only rainbow I really want so far in game.
Yet I know that I will never get her.

>> No.13709009

ehh, I can't shrink down the screen in FKG to improve speed.
its just cuts off instead of scaling down

>> No.13709164

No matter how unlucky I get, I can still find solace in the fact that there are no glasses-wearing rainbows in the game.

I can fool myself into believing that I'll eventually get Iris and Cymbidium, but a glasses-girl rainbow with freckles and twinbraids would be too much for my heart.

>> No.13709249
File: 483 KB, 250x167, gekkabijin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a queen.

>> No.13709842

They still haven't updated the ticket gacha. Still no cat.
I'm not sure whether to wait some more or just use it.

>> No.13710053

I've been meaning to try some of these out, but I haven't created a DMM account yet, and was wondering if it's gonna need some random bullshit like some japanese services do, like a cell phone number through a company confirmed int the country or a japanese proxy connection.

>> No.13710109

You don't need a phone number, as for proxy connection just follow this
and no VPN/proxy is needed.
The R18 version of the site however works without forging a cookie, unless you're in one of the places DMM hates like Australia.

>> No.13710851

The 80 stam one is killing me, have to settle with the 40 one.
This event is good for me because of those shiny bean dropping raids. Those shiny attack bracelets are so rare.

>> No.13711615

So how does "forging" new characters in shinken work, do I want to spend all my fire and ore on a single character or just use bare minimums to make however many I can, and is there any diffrence between doing the manual click forge or the automatic one?

>> No.13712046

Heat / Fire determines only the quality of the girl (common-blue, uncommon-red, rare-silver, super rare-gold, ultra rare-rainbow)
There is a table on the wiki for the percentages for how much heat gives what quality how often. 18000 heat is basically guaranteed gold or rainbow with a very small silver chance.
You can up the quality of the girl by getting levels and doing training exercise with items. 10 exercises = 1 rank

I don't think there is any difference whatsoever between clicking yourself or not. As for how to spend your stones, up to you.
Depending on the number of stones you get different categories (there are six, wiki has a table for this too)


>> No.13712326

I think i can only farm around 200 of the event items per day. That's cutting it close if i want to get all the slots and skills.

>> No.13712504
File: 637 KB, 972x648, a1d18010f119e8040d0ab119cb434494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit getting real

>> No.13712508

I drew and got a few 4*s that were all duplicates. I want to cry.

>> No.13712544

They can't be serious about FKG event, right? Grinding to get 4k event item is insane

>> No.13712546

Thankfully both are not the girls I'm looking for. But still,

>2 6*
Fuck you mate and congratulation for leaving no-6* club.

>> No.13712557

You only need to grind 2k to get a fully upgraded Kanna, everything else is bonus. You'll have about 2 weeks to do that, and they'll release the second batch of dungeons after a week, which usually drop more quest items at the same cost (but also require your team to be stronger).

Seems rather do-able to me.

>> No.13712564

I only have 4 gold from gacha and the game decide to give me a duplicate gold.
And it's gerbera to boot, i dunno why but i fucking hate her.

>> No.13712580

I only have 3 golds and 2 of them were from guaranteed gold gacha.
One of them is Gerbera and I also dislike her for some reasons. Something about her face just ticked me off in a wrong way.

>> No.13712604

Yeah something about her face.
I'm glad i have Tsubaki, she's probably the only gold i have that i really like.

>> No.13712630
File: 20 KB, 346x210, u-gerbera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing I thought of when I first saw her. The more I look at this...

>> No.13712637 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 500x706, 1435659128424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13712660
File: 117 KB, 952x619, oraora mama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Frog-chan is cute, but pulling her while I was aiming for one of those amazing new golds was kind of a let down.

>> No.13712696

True MILF material right here

>> No.13712866

It's not even that, i dunno, for me she's just isn't nice to look at.

>> No.13713055

Did they change the summon layout significantly?
Which one am I supposed to summon from? First or Second tab?

>> No.13713057
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.00_[2015.06.26_22.29.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean in FKG

>> No.13713071

First tab if you want chance up on the girls from Bergamot Valley (all the new girls, Hototo, Chocolate Cosmos, Cosmos, Gerbera, Iris, Strawberry Candle, Yamabuki), second tab if you don't care.

>> No.13713125

Her face isn't the best, but I like her voice.

>> No.13713169

On one hand, I have Gerbera and two copies each of Tricrytis and Cosmos. On the other, increased chance for Iris.

Let's do this.

>> No.13713202

Well fuck, i was using the middle one earlier.
Oh well, not like i can get a rainbow girl anyway.

>> No.13713231
File: 1.19 MB, 960x640, banner_event_0011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this event girl is making my dick rock hard.

>Energetic looking
>Dem glorious tits
>Great Art overall
10/10 gotta work really hard to grind my ass off for 2k event item

>> No.13713247

Do you get her as soon as you hit the mark? or do you wait till event ends?
I wish she's a pierce type, i'm lacking those. (not another slasher please)

>> No.13713254

You get her after event, I think.

But then again, I've been trying to get those event items, and I've only got 180ish right now.

>> No.13713257

After the event end. Her data isn't even in the game yet.
And she is obviously another blunt type using martial art, based on the fact that she doesn't seem to carry any weapon.

>> No.13713258

Today's log in bonus is kanpani is a gold postbox.
Now, with the avalanche of shining stones and Eva Slade boosted, should I spend those 50 gems to get 7 draws out of this postbox, or should I buy useless but immediate satisfaction in the form of those ero-glasses and permanent secretary badge..?

>> No.13713262

Have you unlocked one more extra group yet? If not I think it's better to get it first. Or permanent secretary badge, ero glasses is nice but I don't really use it that often.

>> No.13713271

I have 5 groups and so far it's 40-50 turns more than enough, with 4 teams that are more or less randomly put together so I think I don't need a 6th one anytime soon... I'm really tempted to go for Eva but being left with 0 gems and nothing to show for it is scary..

>> No.13713285

>I'm really tempted to go for Eva but being left with 0 gems and nothing to show for it is scary..
Happen all the time for me, 0 gem, 0 coins, and nothing to show.

>> No.13713309

I'm planning to spend all the stones I've saved up once they release my 5* waifu's character story, hoping for a gold post to be available at the time.
But I know I'll probably won't get her and regret not getting the fifth team instead.

>> No.13713330

The extra teams are more for the exp than the rounds.
I've got all 6 teams, only use 2 of them, and end with ~95 rounds.

If you're really set on buying some extra draws though, I'd hold off until the last few days. You might get lucky, and then you'll be able to use those stones for other things.

>> No.13714124

Seems some asshole went through half of the forge tables and deleted most of the info. But that's fine, the fact that there's specific tables for certain combos is enough to let me know how to try for something diffrent, hopefully someone will get the tables remade by the time I feel like aiming for specific characters.

>> No.13715802
File: 87 KB, 750x453, 2015-07-01 11-19-16.451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You checked the wrong page then.
(More tables than in screenshot on the page)

>> No.13715998

I only have 3 star starter knight and that samurai you get from the story. Can i really class up someone at this stage? the requirement looks too much.

My setup is front samurai - knight - another 2 star
back : 2 star archer - 2 star cleric

Is there anywhere i have to grind to get good weapon recipe? Also, can you like, set up strategy for each character you use? They hit all over the place instead of ganging up on one enemy.

>> No.13716648

Do the daily quests, they give you class up item. And Saturday daily quest for recipes.
If you want to power level them through early stages, run the special hourly exp dungeon, you can check all the schedule here.
>set up strategy for each character you use? They hit all over the place instead of ganging up on one enemy.
You can set strategy for the whole squad, it depends on the leader.
Monica is the reason your girls just hit all over the place, try to set a different girl with better strategy as leader instead.
Also read up the class names to avoid confusion later.

>> No.13716739

Oh man, it feels good finally seeing them ganging on almost dead enemies.

>> No.13716779

If you have trouble with certain quests, try to read up their strategy in the wiki then position your girls properly.
Soldiers are quite important later, try to grind at least 2 of them if you have time.

>> No.13718235

Nothing but 2222's
Fucking gold post.

>> No.13721023

So I've never played any of these games but I've been curious about them since I've never seen a game in browser format with actual sex scenes.

Do the girls have sex with guys other than the player character? Are they virgins before that? How does it work?

>> No.13721063

This thread covers a multitude of games and the mechanics differ between each game
Most of the games discussed here have no sex scenes whatsoever.
You're going to need to be very specific.

>> No.13721065

Aigis. Also thanks for replying.

>> No.13721084

I missed the day they gave gold post. Fuck me.

Although, I did get 4* mage the next day even without gold post, so I guess it works out just fine for me.

>> No.13721150

You still here? I'm really curious.

>> No.13721176

Not him but I think in this case it's better to ask >>13721119 for details, most of us here don't actually know nip to read their stories.

>> No.13721179

Alright, thanks.

>> No.13721192

>Most of the games discussed here
We discuss FKG and Kanpani mostly 50:50.

And then there is that dude who occasionally post about Osawari or Chouginga.

So I'd say we discuss NSFW games as much as SFW games here

>Do the girls have sex with guys other than the player character?
Sometimes. Take Pero Pero Saimin for example, some girls have sex from multiple people at once.

>Are they virgins before that?
Yes and no. Depends.

>How does it work?
I dunno, could be as simple as true wuv with main character, or silly as silly as "put your dick in me to save the world" thing.

>> No.13721197

I've only read the three sentences before it tells you to go to the R18 version of FKG, but every scene seems to be with the player character.

>> No.13721297

>before it tells you to go to the R18 version of FKG
I just decided to try out this whole DMM stuff, so before I waste my time grinding in wrong game, FKG R18 is separate game from what is provided in OP for FKG?

>> No.13721298

Data is shared between both versions.

>> No.13721312

Anon, data for both SFW and NSFW version of that game is shared. You just don't get to see the dirties on SFW version, that's all.

Same goes to few other games as well, such as Aigis and a TCG that I can't remember the name of.

By the way, that TCG game is kinda okay, but pretty slow. Maybe you guys should give a try. We can even have a friendly match or something, who knows.

>> No.13721319

How new is FKG? How many time-limited events there were already?
Its so damn annoying to not being able to get years worth of content for games like Aigis. I'm enduring horrible engrish translation just because of events.

>> No.13721361

Around half a year old?
There are events every 2 weeks which reward limited girls so far. So you are missing around 9-10 girls now.

>> No.13721366

Right now the 5-month anniversary event is going on in FKG. The JP wiki lists 10 events prior to the current one.

Missing Aigis event units is rather annoying for me too, but they've been regularly putting out reprints for collection-type events, and farming-type event units show up in Gold Rushes and sometimes slipped into another event like Charlotte was for Paula's event.

FKG hasn't been around long enough to really tell what they'll do in this respect.

>> No.13721401

Is gold post an item in kanpani? Is it for recruiting high star characters?

>> No.13721405

Usually it's a login reward item.
It increases the chance but don't get your hope up, most of the time you still get 1 or 2 star girls even with it.

>> No.13721411

> 1 or 2 star
You mean there is a chance to get 1 star girls with silver/gold posts? because I don't remember seeing that happen, just 2 stars.

>> No.13721421
File: 33 KB, 319x428, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no other use for those right? I mean i should use em if i got em?
What's the difference of the red background one?

>> No.13721441

Red background one expires after the event.
Might want to save the permanent ones for when there's increased chance for a character you like.

>> No.13721443

Red glow means it's going to disappear after the event. Current login bonus campaign ends on 10th, so you should use it before then.
If you save your draw before the daily reset happens, you can do a double draw with the post activated ( they last 15 min).

>> No.13721449

FKG has nine girls that are currently unavailable. These are Lavender, Edelweiss, Yamayuri, Moonvine, Tachibana, Himeyuri, Lechenaultia, Geranium and Hypericium.

I'm pretty sure they will do rerelease events a year or so down the road.

>> No.13721454

Played FKG for 2 hours. Is it always just spamming progress button in stages or there would be at least some kind of gameplay besides releasing that booster attack?

>> No.13721474

Ok thanks guys. I'll wait till daily then.

>> No.13721479

No gameplay beyond spamming progress and raising your girl.. You play it for the cute girls, really.

I wish it had tower defense or something, but that's fine too.

>> No.13721487
File: 514 KB, 1000x750, 50114504_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't really notice but 2* is as good as 1* for daily draw anyway.

>> No.13721555

That dude would be me. Not a dude though.

Choginga downspiraled a little bit but it's starting to pick up players and steam now that they made the game better. Still waiting for it to get a big deal. Aigis and Kanpani started small once, too.

>> No.13721681

What are you then if you are not a dude? A girl? Not that I really mind though

>Choginga downspiraled a little bit
Did it though? I thought people assumed the game kinda meh, but it's not like the game is going in a bad direction per say, right?

I keep thinking I should give this game a spin again but i just can't bring myself to do so for some reason

>> No.13721694

Tried it. The art is nice, but the battle screen is fucking hideous and clunky.

>> No.13721774

If i'm not a dude I have to be a girl. I don't think there are any other choices here. Heh.

Choginga downspiraled in terms of having people run away from it because the game is still unrefined and not that polished.
They essentially cut down the repair times in half (by eliminating having to repair partners), they added team 3 (more girls to grind with) and improved stats (easier to grind) and other things.

There is a huge budget behind this game (dwarfing pretty much everything on DMM beside Kancolle)

People are coming back to it (or starting and sticking) because the game is visibly improving just about every other week.

I'm max level (and have been for weeks) and I disagree in part.
It's a bit clunky but that's next on their improvement list.
Also, once you sit down and learn the game you see that there is some nice depth to the combat.

>> No.13721801

Frankly, its greatest draw to me is that it is full-on yuri.

DMM folks should take notes.

>> No.13721812
File: 639 KB, 993x1083, 50074566_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me why these two seem so popular then.

No, really, I don't get the appeal, and I see them both everywhere.

>> No.13721859

My main issue with chouginga is the battle system is awkward as fuck, and the stamina system just annoys the shit out of me.

Now, IIRC they abolished or fixed the stamina system, so I'm thinking of giving this game another chance. Not to mention, I reckon the battle mechanics would probably be a bit polished since last time I played that game.

>> No.13722191
File: 306 KB, 959x639, ohmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got enough stones to roll and, well, oh my.

>> No.13722265

Muh jelly.

>> No.13722291

1 rainbow and 3 golds in one roll.
Holy shit.

>> No.13722325

Nice haul.

>> No.13722371

Gold post only gave me 2 stars. Oh well.

>> No.13722477

Better than 2 Anne dupe in a row. And that was my last gold post from the giveaway code.
Made me want to punch something.

>> No.13722507 [DELETED] 

Anne? I used a bunch of the purple stones while on gold post.
I don't even use the starting 3 star now due to my 2 stars all have their weapon from their character stories.

>> No.13722512

Anne? I used a bunch of the purple stones while on gold post.
I don't even use the starting 3 star now due to my 2 stars all have their weapon from their character stories.
Now if only i can get that iron helm recipe.

>> No.13722526
File: 83 KB, 374x475, 4352526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cleric. Had my hope up when the black envelope appeared just to see her face twice in a span of 5 minutes.

>> No.13723941

In kanpani, How do you get the big crystal needed to class up?

>> No.13724049

That's Shinken
Not Choginga

I like that as well but my yuri goggles are strong enough to turn any game in full-on yuri regardless, even the R18 games full of dudes.

Stamina system was slashed in half (partner stamina removed)
Combat only really gets going once you get to the point of having multiple unlimited duos available and you learn how speed determines turn order and to a degree turn speed.
And honestly the Stamina system is needed.
I can go through the highest Invasion mission, kill 70 enemies, take 0 damage. If not for stamina I could do that all day non-stop.
They also added +5 stamina recovery per hour. And it does still recover when you repair, so even if a repair says it takes 5 hours because of stamina, it'll take less because you'll recover 20 stamina during the first four hours.

>> No.13724117

>my yuri goggles are strong enough to turn any game in full-on yuri regardless
Amen to that. FKG becomes much better when you delude yourself into the mindset that the knight leader is a kind gardener onee-san instead of Facelessdude McDickonlegs

>> No.13724186

I think you misunderstand what I meant. I am literally seeing things. Well, seeing yuri. Being slightly crazy has it's peaks.
Dicks become strapons
faceless men become blushing onee-samas
and so forth
It's tiring though.

I couldn't get into FKG because there's no real gameplay. it's all RNG generators.

>> No.13724225

You seriously are yuri lover with your love with chouginga. Props to you, fellow yuri enthusiast.

Anon, you could just pretend the protagonist is a reverse-trap futa oneesan. Although I can't really say futa is yuri anymore though.

>faceless men become blushing onee-samas
Please lend me your powerful yuri goggles. Mine is good, but not THAT good.

>I couldn't get into FKG because there's no real gameplay. it's all RNG generators.
Bet you won't like Kancolle either. That game is pure RNG.
FKG at least still lets you decide unit placement in map and you can still have control during battle via LASER BEAM.

>> No.13724335

The biggest one? I think they're in silver chests of advanced daily quest, available from monday to thursday

>> No.13724348

Nah just gold chest in the highest difficulty for daily quest.
Silver box gives you 5 medium crystal and wooden box gives you 3 medium crystal.

>> No.13724353

Doesn't gold chest give class hammers now? that's what I got from it anyway

>> No.13724356

... Oh right, I was remembering the drops from before the major update. My bad.

>> No.13724371

Available every day of the week now. The only difference for each day is the type of hammers you can get.

>> No.13724410

Need to try it, i'm currently stuck again at 4th chapter.

>> No.13724422
File: 78 KB, 600x400, CI-BliYVAAAB9cD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character stories.

>> No.13724491


That gold post huh..

>> No.13724667

>5* char stories

Oh boy her special weapon will be OP wouldn't it.

>> No.13724673

Assuming you can get it to +3 first.

>> No.13724706

My yuri goggles are biologically incorporated into my eyes so it's more yuri vision than actual goggles. Also, they cause real life hallucinations and that's not fun but something I can live with.

I am actually a very veteran Kancolle player with all the ships in the game. It's mostly a case of sunk cost though and everything else I play has to offer actual gameplay since Kancolle eats up all my tolerance for pure RNG bullshit.
I don't understand what you mean by "via Laser Beam". So is there actual room for control in FKG battles? Explain to me what's the player influence can actually do.

>> No.13724716
File: 1.33 MB, 960x1243, PressButtonForIonCannonStrike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true. I think +3 is a myth for me at this point.

Yuri vision in real life as well? That sounds fun... Maybe.

>It's mostly a case of sunk cost though and everything else I play has to offer actual gameplay since Kancolle eats up all my tolerance for pure RNG bullshit
Are you me.

>I don't understand what you mean by "via Laser Beam". So is there actual room for control in FKG battles? Explain to me what's the player influence can actually do.
Well, if you press this button in the picture I show you, you can do decent damage to all enemies. Takes time to charge it, though.

>> No.13724728

>That's true. I think +3 is a myth for me at this point.
Took a few hundred tries for one anon here to get +3 weapon for his Holly. And getting the recipe isn't an easy task either.

>> No.13724742

>I think +3 is a myth for me at this point.
Pretty much for me too.
I've lost the exact number but I'm sure I'm already over 500 crafts for the damn purge impact.

>> No.13724767

>So is there actual room for control in FKG battles?
at latter levels, there will be more than one starting camp/spot. You can move the girls around before starting.

>> No.13724771

I wonder if it's possible to cheat in this game by giving yourself infinite laser charge or editing stats of the girls.

I don't have the time to play anything else legit because choginga and kancolle take up so much time already.

>> No.13724781
File: 130 KB, 666x410, 533a2b562b7bf30bc23c2201338b73708d236501_w=666_hs=54ccda4a69d0e351e3abd5cdbd72188b..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it hits everything like her sister's skill.

Rarity of the recipe isn't really a problem for these 5* weapons though, seeing how it's the only way to get the materials you'll need.

>> No.13724848
File: 1.74 MB, 812x471, 1435917848701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13725000
File: 1.46 MB, 951x1771, weapongs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been crafting Rose's weapon since December and I still haven't got a +3. I've used hammers tons of times already too.

I got a +3 Holly and Viola weapon though.

>> No.13725916

How is quality of H-scenes in Osawari compared to Aigis?
I consider Aigis H-scenes 'better than average' in terms of (most) art and 'average' in terms of writing.

>> No.13725954

Each girl has their own personal kink and there's a lot of scenes actually. Some are split into parts, making them quite long in total.
I don't know Aigis but I have around 163 girls in Osawari which total 446 scenes
Be warned that Osawari is incredibly pay2win. And I mean that.
The top 30 shell out between 500 and 2000 dollars every 2 weeks
If you ignore ranking, there is no real pay2win though and ranking is only relevant for the reward girl.
There is still some other pay2win shit like girls with 3% capture chance.

>> No.13725970

>I don't know Aigis but I have around 163 girls in Osawari which total 446 scenes
That's pretty solid.
Thank you for this information. Well since Aigis is too grindheavy(and incredibly slow) even for browser/mobage lover like myself I was looking for an alternative and Osawari caught my attention.

>> No.13725995

Osawari is grind heavy too but not quite as slow

>> No.13728267

It was bugging me from yesterday that the art seems so familiar. Now i remembered that the artist is (probably) the one doing those Valkyria play/rape games art.

>> No.13728285

I know that the artist drew some girls for bukatsu shoujo and drew some kancolle doujinshi.

>> No.13728299 [DELETED] 

Who is the artist?

>> No.13728313
File: 552 KB, 960x640, 6d8f3a65911701163a9fbfc848d67038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also did art for Aigis.

>> No.13728318

Thanks. (deleted post by mistake)

>> No.13728414

Huge fan of girl with white/light blue hair or something. Almost every girl he drew has that hair color.

>> No.13728815

He has great taste as well as great talent.

>> No.13729426

Just started FKG.
Should I store up some gold to buy silver units in shop till cutoff date or grind event for 500 tickets (can do first one for 5 tickets/10 stamina)?
Or just ignore both and raise stats?

>> No.13729489

Grind the event for the gold girl and raise your highest rarity girls on the fairy days.

>> No.13729493

Grind the event first, it's a gold rarity girl and there is no telling when you would be able to get her again if you don't get her in this event.
Silver girls can wait till you do 50 flowers pull gacha.

>> No.13729507

Speaking of raising rare units, will I be able to unlock equpment slots and level skills later if I max their level before?

>> No.13729692


>> No.13732558
File: 1.25 MB, 1382x784, ss+(2015-07-05+at+02.49.39).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first rainbow.
Not fan of genki loli type, but she delivers quite a punch even not leveled up much.

>> No.13732593

grats. i really need another rainbow.

>> No.13733124

Not sure if anyone here plays Shinken, and I can't find anything on the wiki to help me out, but is there just no more content after area 5-3, because the wiki lists that there should be 5-4 but I've completed every mission that's popped up so far, which is 1-4, 2-4, 3-4, 3-3, and 5-3. I'm beginning to think it's bugged because the icon beside 5-3 and the hard missions in the earlier areas have the same icon beside them that I think marks them as incomplete.

>> No.13733414

I kinda play Shinken (lvl 76) but I haven't seen anything about an update adding 4-4 or 5-4 or world 6

>> No.13733477

Ok, I just glanced over some parts of the wiki and apparantly the 5-4 stuff was just a placeholder, I just thought there's not a whole lot to aim for in this if this is all there is right now, wasn't sure if it was bugged or if I had to do the new one time mission reward I have to deal with, that whole get hasabe and osafune thing, managed to get osafune with complete average metal this morning, but hasabe is nowhere to be seen.

>> No.13734269

Is the 100 year dragon drop in FKG always so shit?

>> No.13734512

For someone who is stuck on 7-1 in Kanpani, where should I be leveling my girls?

>> No.13734822 [DELETED] 

I present to you a game no one knew fucking existed, AI WARS: The Awakening


Back before wild tangent made shitty games around a driver that monitored your shit, they made a weird non-linear first person rpg that you could win in multiple ways, either by becoming rich off of the internets, becoming the information overlord, or gathering up tech across the internet to give your avatar true intelligence.

I actually ordered a copy of this game maybe about a year or so before they stopped selling it, don't think it runs on modern OSes.

>> No.13735085

The wiki has lists on which quests have the best exp/bread ratio.

Also the 60 minutes dungeon of course, but that one can be a bit hard to catch.

>> No.13735467

I dunno why but today's dragon farming felt shittier than before. I frequently get 3 shit box on 80 stams.

>> No.13735524
File: 264 KB, 946x615, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i wasted enough stams for dragons today. Back to events.

>> No.13736054

Are there other than Aigis games which have gameplay deeper than "press to continue"?

>> No.13736291

Idol Wars PV:

>> No.13736443
File: 206 KB, 951x613, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret / bonus map?
It have a 1 minute expiry time. Each of those boxes have 11 papers.

>> No.13736448

Yes, see maintenance note.

>> No.13736476

Also, I just got different variant of secret map: 5x6 tickets, 5 min timeout, 1 boss.

>> No.13739969

Nearing 2000 points in fkg.

>> No.13739983

Ugh this event. Even though I can beat 80 stamina map easily, getting to 2k points is just so damn annoying. Thankfully they are making it easier to get points on the second half of the event maps.

>> No.13739985

I've got almost 1k in one day, thanks to these bonus maps.

>> No.13740084

I got 2000 from just doing 40 stam maps, and then 25/50 on this 2nd half.

>> No.13740119

I just got 500 so I can have her for collection. Don't like her design enough to use her.

>> No.13740495

Holy shit. I get around few hundreds a day, not 1k. Did you spend flower medal or something.

>> No.13742873

No, just used new map. I have secret map appearing every time I do it, and secret map nets you shiitton of tickets per time, >>13736443

>> No.13743346
File: 440 KB, 640x1800, Monster-Musume-Online-Game-Scheduled-for-This-Year-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13744207

Please tell me this game is NSFW. Oh god please let it be NSFW

>> No.13744213

When you say design, it finally clicked with me who this event girl reminded me of.

HIEI from Kancolle. Look at the pose and the face.

>> No.13744219

Kancolle clone confirmed

>> No.13745000

So how do you get good recipes in kanpani?

>> No.13745127
File: 85 KB, 717x679, 442562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spam character story for character exclusive weapon recipe.
Run the Phantom Labyrinth for the labyrinth set recipe. Cheap to craft, and decent enough to carry you for a while.
When you reach chapter 8 onward you can start farming for better recipes. Check the wiki for weapon name, their skill and where their recipes drop.

Check this post for some reference.

And good luck getting any of them to +3.

>> No.13745190
File: 332 KB, 645x440, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good +3 I have is pic related.
My team level is about 50-55, what route do you recommend me to take in the labyrinth?

>> No.13745313

If you want the weapon recipes, pick the routes that have one blue phantom as last boss.
Check the wikiwiki for detail branching so you won't pick the new route that would lead to level 70 bosses. That route drops the armor recipes.

>> No.13746607

Blue phantom?
Sorry, I'm using google translation but I can't find a blue phantom as boss, I can only see Rival president and Aoki labyrinth of something.
Also there are some items that I can buy with blue coins that have R1 , R2 in their names but what does it mean?

>> No.13746768

I know right, it just hits me really hard how similar they are. I wonder if they are from same artist? I mean, this event girls looks shinier and more polished (and bigger boobs) compared to Hiei

>> No.13747627
File: 136 KB, 648x514, fkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In FKG, What do the rainbow flower in the shop do? Increase slot? skill?
I tried putting it on the levelling screen but there's no change on the stat.

>> No.13747657

Pretty sure it's for increasing skill level, at least that's what it does to my gold unit with gold flower.

>> No.13747666

Yeah it's skill. I just did it.
Was scared because there's no skill 1/5 -> 2/5 written there.

>> No.13747819

Description says it increases skill rise probability to 100%.
Uhh, so it works alone, without copy of same unit?

>> No.13747825

Yeah, i just fed her the flower and nothing else.

>> No.13747947

Just wondering, what's taking Idol Girls Z so long to set up shop? I rememebr doin the prereg when it had less than 50K rolls or whatever but that was months ago.

>> No.13748012

>Blue phantom?
>Aoki labyrinth of something.
Those. Pick the routes that had you run through a few red choices before you reach them.
>Also there are some items that I can buy with blue coins that have R1 , R2 in their names but what does it mean?
Just material bundle. You get some materials after consuming them.
>I wonder if they are from same artist?
Nope, Konishi's art looks nothing like that.

>> No.13748428

I stopped giving a shit ages ago

>> No.13748979
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Anyone have any idea how to make this Android app work?

Not sure if it's because I'm on Lollipop, but it always crashes on the second sentence of the intro.

>> No.13750110

Hmm just pure coincidence then

By the way, does anyone have translation for the daily quests in FKG?

This is what I think the quests are (in the same order assuming haven't cleared any of them), please correct me if I'm wrong.
First one is clear stage X times
Second is clear secret/bonus stage X times
Third is about doing search X times (I think search is the middle button between raid boss and present box)
Fourth is beating raid boss X times
Fifth is using gacha points
Sixth is strengthening unit?
Seventh is giving present to your unit?

Yeah sorry, can't be bothered to write the kanjis

>> No.13750311

I wanted to give it a try, but when the app requested pretty much any Android permission in existance, I reconsidered.

>> No.13750861

Did it ask for overdraw and play account access?

If it didn't , it's probably safe, coming from the DMM site.

>> No.13752040

Didn't know there was a place to discuss these games, really like Chouginga but it's hard for me to navigate.

Is there any easy ones that don't have menu after menu?

>> No.13752063
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New girls

>> No.13752302

I quitted playing Kanpani and just go fulltime FKG now, but damn that mage is qt.

>> No.13752327

Literally shibafu

>> No.13752363

2 most common discussed game here, Flower Knight Girl and Kanpani Girls.

>> No.13752540

I should've done that first, thanks. Loving Flower Knight Girl.

>> No.13752630

That's just about right. All of them have multiple completion though, for instance.
Using seed gacha 5 then 10 times
Leveling girls 1 then 3 times
Giving presents 1 then 3 times

>> No.13752806
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Her +3 got a buff.

>> No.13752857

You can direct your choginga questions to me.

>> No.13752865

Finally reached 2000 for FKG event. Kinda cool that you can clear it even being complete newb.
How strong are these param-boosting ampules? I'm kinda tired of this event, but I don't need evolution dragons either.

>> No.13752883

Found answer in the wiki myself. 30/10/4 doesn't look like its worth day of grind.

>> No.13752942

So I'm at 7-5 in Kanpani and how the hell are you supposed to beat those golden chests?
They huge defence,magical resistance and attack.

>> No.13752968

Tank with 2 soldiers in the front row and rogues with poison attacks in the back row.

>> No.13752973

There's no 18+ version of kanpani, right?

>> No.13753005

I've never bothered leveling rogues before so I guess this is a good opportunity.
How do you do poison attacks btw? do you need to craft some special dagger?

>> No.13753034


>> No.13753041

Find and craft ones with 影蛇衝 skill.

And you will need them for chapter 10 later.

>> No.13753049

Kanpani battlefield, Remarugia's 4th boss fight.
Rei's equipped with her weapon and she uses her unique skill for the fight. Will your soldiers be prepared to fight her on the 5th difficulty?

For the 5th boss fight, Holly and Rose also have their weapons, but they aren't using their skills yet.

Poison comes with almost every single dagger at +2. Just spam craft the basic dagger, extremely cheap and the early weapons have a better chance at +2 and +3, you probably don't need to care much about the stats anyway.

Crits also ignore some defence, so depending on what strategy you're using for the fight, you could bring an archer with a crit ring instead of a second rogue.

>> No.13753107

crit ring?
I do have an archer leveled so it would be great if you could share what you used to clear it.
A healer is still a must for that map I guess.

>> No.13753126
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>> No.13753218

Almost every single ring accessory, at +1 or higher adds accuracy, evasion and critical.
The only ones that don't are the labyrinth ring and both serial code rings.

As for what I used in 7-5, poison didn't exist back when I cleared it. Trying to clear the red route would take over 1000 rounds, and the game would ask you if you wanted to continue every 10 rounds. Soldiers weren't even strong enough to survive because crit rates increased as the rounds pass, and at some point all 5 of those mimics could crit a single soldier and kill her.
I wasn't crazy enough to complete the red route back then, though I did try by using PW skills and attempting to kill those mimics before they killed me.

You don't have to worry about that anyway, especially now that crit rates don't increase the longer the fight takes. Just bring 2 soldiers, a cleric and a rogue. If you're using a strategy that encourages random targeting, then bring a second rogue for more poison. Otherwise bring an archer or backline warrior and hope for extra damage with crits, because if you still brought a second rogue anyway then chances are they'll both try to poison the same enemy.

>> No.13753223

Thanks a lot for the advice, I'll get to it right now.
btw sorry to bother you again but is there something to spend the purple crystals on? I usually spend it on draws but it feels like a waste since I never got anything worth it.

>> No.13753236

Get extra teams for battlefield leeching.
Then more employee slots.
Of course you only do this after you already unlocked all the slots in all facilities and got 5 bread making aprons.

>> No.13753258

Any team recommendations? I'm currently using samurai soldier warrior healer witch.
I do have the slots unlocked but I have no idea what does the bread making apron do.

>> No.13753311

I would say that you probably would want an archer over a ronin later.
And the apron increases the bread regen rate, which you should put on 5 mages if you want to get the highest bread regen rate.

>> No.13753379

The ronin is the most fragile in my team and almost die most of the time, I guess it was about time I changed her.
Giving them the apron is enough right? you don't need to have them in your team or something?

>> No.13753414

It needs to be equipped to whoever you have assigned in the resource facility. Giving it to anyone else is pointless.

>> No.13753438

Thanks a lot, you were a big help.

>> No.13753730

I've long suspected that items work in bizarre way in FKG, so made few tests.
Unit w/out any items: average dmg from 5-hit boss attack: 72-76
Same unit with +200 def bracelet: average dmg from same 5-hit boss attack: 74-77
Damage difference from single hit mob attacks is about same, its not even noticeable compared to base random spread.

So am I missing something, or equipment and equipment slots are completely useless?

>> No.13753960

that means def is useless?

>> No.13754112
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So shinken updated, and along with throwing out the new WHEELCHAIR LIGHTNING character, they also made it so demon blades don't always pop out 100% of the time on designated stages, so no more easy sword farming. Fuck.

>> No.13754162

Oh, cool. I don't even know where to begin, but I mostly just go on missions and use the materials that I have on random stuff, except the rice and pills, those are always full.

I guess some tips on the game flow? I was trying to unlock some droids but can't find out where to get the materials.
I just figured out how to get more characters, is it best to always equip one of the monsters/droids or are the guns you can put on them good too?

>> No.13755949

>I was trying to unlock some droids but can't find out where to get the materials
Not him, but a sure fire way is to farm each maps at least few times. After I did that, I can just practically make all droid and weapons.

>> No.13757079

>Chou ginga sentai
For some reason, I just read and translate "ginga" into ginger

>> No.13757445
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Not him, but is it possible to unlock these? They require codes but I don't know if there's a web with them or something.
