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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 933 KB, 994x563, 01_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13736601 No.13736601 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13710071

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.13736624

How does Fortissimo compare to other chuuni games?

>> No.13736631


>> No.13736636

>other chuuni games?

Such as ?

>> No.13736641

light, propeller...

>> No.13736659

Their one game is kinda bland, I guess.
It tries and tries and keeps trying but it doesn't really deliver.

>> No.13736668

I enjoyed it, but I don't like a lot of chuuni games in general.

>> No.13736702

Can I give that bitch some dicking when the PC version released ?

>> No.13736786

It's like masada's shit but even worse. If you take a shot every time the word 戦争 gets used, you'll die of alcohol poisoning.

>> No.13736800

This is an epic post.

>> No.13736803

I'm not entirely sure that 戦争 is the best word to choose for that game.

>> No.13737438

I've heard legends about the letter in RuiTomo. What exactly makes it so difficult to read?

>> No.13737481

> What exactly makes it so difficult to read?
Machine translators have a hard time with it

>> No.13737486

Anybody able to post it?

>> No.13737500


>> No.13737522


>> No.13737523

Speaking of this does anyone happen to have a screenshot of the letter to Kei from MLA? I have the text but not the image.

>> No.13737559

I kinda only skimmed through it, but it doesn't really seem all that impossible. There are some weird lines, but I can only presume they might be somehow meaningful in the game's context. Or they're a weird version of the Japanese letter dressing.

What people usually see as a problem with that letter?

>> No.13737562
File: 377 KB, 646x524, kana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here played People of the Nonomura Hospital?
I finished the game, got all CG and received the congratulatory message for that but I still haven't found a sexy picture for the sailor uniform girl aside from the face pants.
Was this just bait or did I misunderstand something?

>> No.13737657

Goddamnit I'm an idiot.

I'm currently playing Baldr Sky 1, and when trying to find out how to unlock the few CGs that I was missing, I accidentally read the major fucking spoiler that kou is the one who died by assembler, not sora.

I basically ruined the entire game for myself here, didn't I?

>> No.13737667

Long ago, I remember someone saying that getting all the CG and getting to see all the routes are not the same thing. You need a very thorough guide.

>> No.13737669

You got it really wrong, so don't worry.

>> No.13737674

Meh, Baldr Sky has enough stuff that it doesn't really matter. You don't know what Kuu is and how everything is working and shit. I barely even remember that. But it's probably a good idea to finish BS2 and get the skipping function before you go get all the CGs.

Also Makoto is the dominion miko.

>> No.13737709


It's more than that, just keep playing.

>> No.13737735
File: 632 KB, 1024x600, マブラヴ_オルタネイティヴ_-_rUGP_6.1_2015-07-06_13-05-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13737751

What kind of font is that ? Do you expect me to read that ?

>> No.13737754


>> No.13737767
File: 350 KB, 646x524, sakuji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one route that doesn't have a bad end and you get a choice for the three main heroines. There are several CG that can be missed even if you get all good and bad endings. There is an extra message after you got all.

What I haven't tried is follow every single possible path with all the joke answers in various orders because that seems like a ridiculous undertaking.

>> No.13737777

If you think that font is hard to read then you must be pretty new to Japanese.

>> No.13737785
File: 172 KB, 800x600, japanese comic sans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too used to MS Gothic.

>> No.13737793
File: 76 KB, 1017x568, hikarusong1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh if you only read nice 楷書 you can get pretty good while still being tripped up by weird fonts. I remember pretty much skipping that letter (not purely because of the fonts) and taking a while to read this.

>> No.13737799

Not that guy but what does that even say?
I could never make sense of the font either

>> No.13737813

Does that wall of text show up line by line or all at once? Because if it's the latter I wouldn't have even bothered reading it. Fuck that formatting.

>> No.13737819

You could always just figure out a single line and google it to get it all in text format. It is all at once though, but there's a second page of it. At least it's not timed.

>> No.13737828

Yeah, but doing that ruins the immersion when you're actually going through the game. I'd even skip it if it was English, nothing is worse than disgusting walls of text.

>> No.13737837
File: 751 KB, 800x600, 遥かに仰ぎ、麗しの_2015-01-15_09-54-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you can only change the font in kanishino by screwing with registry shit, so whoever made that screenshot went out of his way to do that.

>> No.13737844

All screenshots of it on VNDB are like that for some reason.

>> No.13737866

This guy

>> No.13737871

That's suspicious. Would some English reader (seeing he only voted on translated titles) install a Japanese-only game, purposely fuck up the font and take screenshots of it to put on VNDB?

>> No.13737938

It's a treatise on the misuse of the spoiler function and its negative results.

>> No.13738315

Stop being so autistic.

>> No.13738322

The VN thread is one of the few places where autism about the correct usage of spoilers is actually warranted.

>> No.13738350

He told you to stop being autistic.

>> No.13738367

Stop being so autistic.

>> No.13738401

Look in the mirror please.

>> No.13738404

If expecting you to not act like a kid from /v/ is autism, then no.

>> No.13738406

/jp/ - autism

>> No.13738432

I really hope you guys only autistic about greentext and surprise box in this thread.

>> No.13738573

You can stop now, I'm sure you've vented your anger.

>> No.13738621

You ain't any better than them retard.

>> No.13738791

Do you support eroge localization /jp/ ? I've been reading the recent thread on VNDB and I saw someone who know Japanese like Pabloc and Rusanon supporting eroge localization. Do you back-up some kickstarter to support eroge industry in the west already ?

>> No.13738796

I'd sooner die

>> No.13738803

No. Supporting an inferior product would be irresponsible.

>> No.13738826


>> No.13738846

>doesn't do translation work
>doesn't support localization or kickstarter

You guys sure love eroge.

>> No.13738864

I'll probably buy the english release of Himawari and make a patch to put in Japanese text because I'm too cheap to get a vita and that version looks really good.

>> No.13738873

Considering the translations that do make over are essentially cleaned up machine translations and kickstarter is a cancer that should die, yes.

You'd honestly get more out of eroge by learning japanese, which is why I recommend it over reading translations. Why would I want anyone to have a worse experience with a medium I love? You can get digital copies of most new games these days so it's not like ten years ago when getting japanese eroge required you to use some shady service to send it to you.

>> No.13738877

A person who went through the trials of learning Japanese to play eroge doesn't love eroge? What?

>> No.13738879


>> No.13738882

Why should I support it? I have no advantage from doing so but there is always the risk of people jumping at it for being "problematic" and "sexist". Remember RapeLay? That game got the fucking United Nations involved.

>> No.13738896

>That game got the fucking United Nations involved.
It did? I remember seeing it mentioned on CNN but I didn't know it got that bad.

>> No.13738900

Please stop replying to baitos.

>> No.13738902

Yeah, it did. A hilarious and sad incident. You'd think they have bigger issues to solve.


>> No.13738959

i want to get a baito so i can import eroge and buy the related cumming pillows...

>> No.13738962

Bring something better to discuss then.

>> No.13738991

Uhmm...define "chuuni"ge?

Is something like Swan Song a "chuuni"ge?

>> No.13738992

10/10 post.

>> No.13738999

According to /jp/, there's only moege and chuunnige and nothing in-between.

>> No.13739004

I think it's the term for the second game in a trilogy or something.

>> No.13739005

It's actually moege, chuunige and nukige.

But it does make sense, sometimes.

>> No.13739035

>according to /jp/

Source : your ass

>> No.13739036

Chuuni is all about fighting with super powers and flashy villains. I'd call Swan Song an utsuge.

>> No.13739042

That does make sense actually.

>> No.13739070 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 570x592, 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gay

>> No.13739072


>> No.13739156

The fuck is wrong with Takahiro? Why am I seeing his name every fucking where holy shit. At this rate he will probably get his hands on Masada, fuck.

>> No.13739162

It's not like he can make masada's shit any worse though.

>> No.13739184

I like Takahiro more than Masada.

>> No.13739298

He's got mad connections

Also his earlier stuff was great

>> No.13739452

Do you have to read all the routes in Akagoei before moving on to the other two games? Two of the heroines don't interest me.

>> No.13739470

Just play Reika's route and you're good.

>> No.13739556
File: 31 KB, 1063x246, 2015-07-07 13.12.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To answer your question.

>> No.13739567

I don't really give a shit either way.

>> No.13739570

Just buy the original JP versions.

>> No.13739608

i woudl but i need to take a baito...

>> No.13739630

Even he said that you could just buy the original games, you could do just that.

>> No.13739722
File: 230 KB, 640x480, 084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That CG was changed in the newer Windows version.


>> No.13739836
File: 1.24 MB, 902x1011, repaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very interesting what somewhat simple repaints/coloring do to an image, it really makes the role of a graphics director/coloring shine.

>> No.13739840

That seems a lot different. Maybe I need to check the PC-98 or Saturn version to see if that whole scene is different.
Why would they change it though? You still get nudity of the other girl.

>> No.13739855

That is not just recoloring, is it?

The design is redrawn.

>> No.13739968

Some details are redrawn, but I still see how the coloring changes the first image especially. The tone of her hair, the eye glimmer, the shading below her forehead and the dress creases, etc...

>> No.13740443

But then i wouldnt be able to read it.

Not to mention how expensive + import woud kill my wallet.

>> No.13740461

>But then i wouldnt be able to read it.

Why are you even here ?

>> No.13740468
File: 373 KB, 1280x720, 71124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himawari no Kyoukai to Nagai Natsuyasumi

best VN ever played for the (calm and relaxing story) and the best strange-love story :I go play it you will love it if you are for something really relaxing and emotional

>> No.13740478

>But then i wouldnt be able to read it
how i learned German : i got stuck in grrmany for 6 month and i learned it
How i learned English: same but for 2y and lot of internet
how to learn japanese from a visual novel: play it , you will slowly understand whats going on and take a little look at "japanese basics" on the web and translate it for yourself :I play the same game 30 times and after you have translated it all , just give to some project-translations your work !!!! >:D

>> No.13740487

You can buy digital copies. They're cheaper than english ones.

>> No.13740524

Is this supposed to be pasta or what?

>> No.13740534

Just report it and move on.

>> No.13740573

no really , no jokes thats how i did , he could do the same , i started with Asairo (Kitto, Sumiwataru Asairo Yori mo, a great game) and so i learned japanese with visual Novels , it really help the brain to stay active , and its also a awesome hobby

>> No.13740604

There's nothing to report, he's being helpful you cunt

>> No.13740610
File: 250 KB, 1044x831, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am i getting into

>> No.13740611

Epic. Did you guys forgot this thread is not reddit ?

>> No.13740612

Super cute girls.
Also get the physical-related stuff, it's way more demanding in that stat than in the rest.

>> No.13740615

Fucking nerd.

>> No.13740617

>Choice between Boku and Ore

What if I want to be a colossal faggot and use watashi or something?

>> No.13740618



>> No.13740627
File: 427 KB, 793x475, thank you anonkun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q_Q i admire how you stand for me anon-kun , also , hey did you try this game ? this is translated since many years but ,Damnt its a great game!! (yume miru kusuri a drug that makes you dream)

>> No.13740632

Getting stats for the CGs is going to be a pain in the ass afterwards though.

>> No.13740646

That's why the easy mode walkthrough exists.

>> No.13740686

Good, now I can not buy anything under the pretense of spiting Dovac.

>> No.13740907

Remember when Hongfire had downloads and fhc was still posting? Those were good times.

>> No.13740944

Anyone can tell me what so good about Eustia ?

>> No.13741060

Amazing setting and art, and one of the better protagonists in the medium.

Too bad August will never make anything like it ever again. It was nice to read something of theirs that wasn't typical high school nonsense for once.

>> No.13741081

How are the heroines ?

>> No.13741128

Tia is/gets annoying as hell, Fione is a saberclone, Eris is nice but in her chapter is crap and Irene and Lycia are good.
Caim gets also incredibly shitty during the last chapter.

>> No.13741133

>Fione is a saberclone
You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.13741240

Fione is not a Saber clone. The character dynamic between Saber and Shirou and Fione and Caim is completely different.

The rest I agree with.

>> No.13741667

I came here when the whole Hanasaki Cuckspring was blown and it was too fun. You guys are funny every once in a while.

I need much physical copies.

>> No.13741700

>Tia is/gets annoying as hell
I thought she was cute.

The loli prostitute was the best girl, though.

>> No.13742486
File: 199 KB, 647x529, 234785o6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game...really isn't like what the description would make you think

>> No.13742646

Looks worse in my opinion.

>> No.13742691

How was Chaos;child? Worth picking up?

>> No.13742716

I wonder if I should buy it on Vita too

>> No.13742809


>> No.13742869

Why do they go at such depths to establish self-inserting rather than making protag a proper character with own personality?

>> No.13742878

Because it's supposed to be an actual dating sim.

>> No.13742943
File: 408 KB, 594x410, meaning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey how about translating this please?
I'm having problem with some programs and I don't want to format because of the good old files

>> No.13742950

Nice Chinese malware you got there.

>> No.13742954

that's chinese, scrub

>> No.13742974

I don't read the language of animals.

>> No.13743058

How so?

>> No.13743144

the game starts grimdark seriously, but it actually turns out to be a bakage, and I had no idea really. the production values are amazing, especially the animations of eyes and the like, it's embarrassing to think that the industry has actually regressed on that point.

the game is really something else, I just wanted to check it out for a short while and ended up playing for six hours straight, and I hardly ever get that much sucked into an eroge.

>> No.13743284

Because the game is a waifu simulator unlike many other VNs, its supposed to be your gf not some random guys.

>> No.13743359

It's very shit.

The music and voice acting is great though.

>> No.13743361

How about 日常?

>> No.13743680

That works for Dies Irae at least.

>> No.13743753


>> No.13744180
File: 239 KB, 853x480, 8sQO3d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally.

>> No.13744211

Why are you playing chinese games?

>> No.13744224


>> No.13744239

He doesn't know Japanese ?

>> No.13744265

Anyone play Shirokuma bellstars? Will it be a disappointment?

>> No.13744337
File: 1.17 MB, 1300x782, 83476592345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished なないろ, which is awesome because it's my first VN in Japanese.
Order played:
Azusa -> Kotori -> Iyo -> Yumi
Azusa = Yumi > Kotori > Iyo

>> No.13744352


>> No.13744368

Looks skooky.
What is it about?

>> No.13744423 [DELETED] 

It's a japanese game, Ikusa Megami Verita. It has been translated to language of your soon-to-be overlords, so that it would be more accessible to population of their future empire (you included) and they even started translating with the best game in series for convenience of pupulation of their future empire (you included).

>> No.13744425

It's a japanese game, Ikusa Megami Verita. It has been translated to language of your soon-to-be overlords, so that it would be more accessible to population of their future empire (you included) and they even started translating with the best game in series for convenience of population of their future empire (you included).

>> No.13744426


>> No.13744429

>future empire

>> No.13744434

I don't remember /jp/ embracing this meme.

>> No.13744437

I can't even take your ``shitposting'' seriously when you decide to only correct a single typo out of the myriad of grammatical errors in that statement.

>> No.13744442

All memes have to start somewhere anon

>> No.13744479

>started translating with the best game in series
They messed up order, though. You are not supposed to start with Verita.

>> No.13744482

You chinks will be put in your place in due time.

>> No.13744523

I see, you are new to medium. I'll enlighten you. These aren't books you can borrow from a library or TV series that have their episodes reaired. They are games and they are priced high. In this case, you can't even borrow ii from a friend, because who the fuck would reveal what he faps to. And it's stupid and roundabout to tell someone to pay 30k more yen for inferior titles and sit through them to "properly enjoy" the pinnacle of the series. Gamedevs know it and always make sure that player wouldn't get lost when starting with any game.

>> No.13744526

Please, stop replying to shitposter.

>> No.13744536

That's not even bad. Have you guys never seen izakaya menus hand written by the owner? That shit is worse.

>> No.13744551

Nadesico: the VN?

>> No.13744647

more like shimokura am I right?

>> No.13744684

>Gamedevs know it and always make sure that player wouldn't get lost when starting with any game.
While you have a point, this is where you are wrong. Repeating plot points back and forth is done for entirely different reason. The thing is, Japenese have attention span of a fly. They need everything hammered down. They also need everything stated explicitly, because they can't into context. For example, a character would always address their upperclassman as "sempai". It looks autistic when translated literally and good translators swap "sempai" for character's name, but it is normal to Japanese, because they can't into context. They won't know who is whose upperclassman, unless you repeat it all the time. Eglish speakers don't have this problem, you can type
>implying this thread is autist-free
and everyone will understand you, because they understand you refer to subtext and no one will go "who are you quoting" on you. Well, everyone except autists. I don't know if learning Japanese has a high chance of making you one or if autists have higher leaning towards learning Japanese than normal people, but correlation sure exists, just compare these threads with the rest of the board.

>> No.13744772

I really like a couple of the writers, but I didn't really enjoy that game for whatever reason.

>> No.13744829

>Closed Game got cracked only just now and it involved frankensteining it with the trial version

The DRM is going to kill off eroge uploads, just you wait.

>> No.13744840

>because they can't into context.

Stopped reading there, epic.

>> No.13744854

There's a proper crack now.

>> No.13744860


>> No.13744864


>> No.13744927

I intentionally typed "context" instead of "subtext" to lure you into proving my point. Nice job proving it, retard.

>> No.13744942

>40 minutes later
>'I-I'm not r-retarded at all, you are!!'

>> No.13744948

>Eglish speakers don't have this problem
I'm sure they don't, but English speakers sure as hell do.
If you've ever watched a documentary from Britain, and then a documentary from the states, it's laughable how often the same exact sentence is restated about a million times in the American one compared to the British one.

Japanese is a great language! (See, the subtext here is that the moon landing was a hoax. I'm sure you didn't get that though, since you can't into subtext).

>> No.13744966

I thought he stopped reading because of "they can't into." That's where I stopped.

>> No.13744973

I don't know about you guys, I stopped reading:
>While you have a point, this is where you are wrong.

>> No.13744978

That's just as good of a reason.

Dude this guys a fucking moron.

>> No.13745008

Is that chinese? Looks cool. I have the chinese patch of Tenshin Ranman. I might trying reading.
Chinese looks better than japanese. Okurigana seems horrible.

>> No.13745012

Well, americunts do not qualify as English speakers (or human beings for that matter) and I don't see why you've brought them up.
Oh, wait. You are one.

>> No.13745018

Hahahahahaha. No. Fucking fail, dude.

>> No.13745034

Calling someone a moron in an eroge general is redundant. Like, who is >>13744942 qouting?

>> No.13745068

>Like, who is >>13744942 qouting?
No-one. He's quoting.

>> No.13745088
File: 37 KB, 558x293, dk luna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially the animations of eyes and the like
That was basically an elf trademark.

>> No.13745101

The MC becomes some kind of paranormal detective. You have semen demons, ghosts and crimes.

>> No.13745106
File: 168 KB, 385x319, sherlock6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13745847

you'd think more developers would try to gradually make the sprites and CGs more lifelike over the years, but evidently not. apparently, the japs aren't particularly bothered about the completely static nature of eroge still frames.

>> No.13745877

Elf was the peak of eroge, the closest they ever were to mainstream, the most important eroge company ever.

>> No.13745879

The higher resolution and frame rates at which the images and animations respectively would need to be to make it worth doing is considerably higher than it used to be. Stuff like Emote has become more popular recently, so clearly people do want it.
I suppose you can see it as people prioritizing the number and quality of event CGs over animation on sprites.

>> No.13745881

You could make full animation but it's simply a matter of time and money.

>> No.13745897

What do you expect? Most modern eroge companies don't give a shit about their products anymore. There's just no heart anymore.

>> No.13745962

Goodnight, 皆

>> No.13746075

So moege is heartless?

>> No.13746107

A lot of the newer moege are. You can't deny most games are made by throwing in the most popular tropes and some flashy art just for a quick buck. They don't even try to make the heroines and cast appealing or likable anymore.

>> No.13746121

Favorite eroge protagonists?

Kaito (Akagoei) and Narita (Hello Lady) for me.

>> No.13746127

Is it that different from the past? Maybe back then there wasn't no story or anything and the games simple rock, paper, scissor variations.

>> No.13746132

Try to get better taste.

>> No.13746137

In pretty much any entertainment medium there's going to be people who claim it's dying no matter what, whether things changed or never did.

>> No.13746144

Let's see your amazing tastes then.

>> No.13746167

Every taste is shit here.

>> No.13746233

Now it looks 100x more edgy, Chinks are awesome.

>> No.13746239

Does the robot get to fuck/rape the elf thingy?

>> No.13746250

Narita and Chitose from Oretsuba
Yuki from Subahibi
Minato Kageaki
The dude from JQV was pretty cool

>> No.13746514

it's not a robot, he's the demon lord and happens to be the protagonist of the game. also, yes.

>> No.13746569

Honestly they should just animate it fully and release it in 24 minute segments with commercials in between so they get guaranteed funding.

>> No.13746578

What costs the most when making an eroge?

>> No.13746580

Bribes and protection.

>> No.13746658

The inevitable deterioration of your soul.

>> No.13746662

High quality sacrificial slaves for the rituals. A lot of companies save money by buying cheap, shitty ones, but they go under more often than not because the rituals don't give good results with shitty sacrifices.

>> No.13746717

Honestly, I'm fine with static sprites.

What really matters is writing, music and CG.

>> No.13746798

Ok mate you sold me on it... Now where did you find it?

>> No.13746896

not funny

>> No.13746906

Get a load of this autism

>> No.13746921

Does anyone know how to make this game https://vndb.org/v927 to work?
I installed just fine but there is no bgm even though the game is voiced.

>> No.13746927

i wasn't joking, buddy

>> No.13747120 [DELETED] 

I told you it isn't funny.

>> No.13747712

Anyone read the new steam release for higurashi in japanese? I cant seem to get Interactive Text Hooker to work. The exe gets hooked, but there are no threads showing up. I searched and saw that I might have to download a H-file or something, but the site that provides them http://agthdb.bakastyle.com/ doesn't seem to work for me.

I also patched in a couple of mods that installed ps3 sprites and voices, but I do believe it ITH wasn't working even before that.

While I realize this is not an untranslated vn, I've already aske /DJT/ and on higurashi threads, and I cannot seem to get an answer. I was hoping someone here might have read it, perhaps way back when translation weren't available or something.

>> No.13747734

my suggestion is to not read kusoge like higurashi

>> No.13747742

It's probably just Steam messing with it. I don't know about ITH but it has a habit of making use of external programs like cheat engines difficult in some games.
Try buying it from somewhere else.

>> No.13747761

When you do get to fuck the loli principal in Leyline?

>> No.13747770

Second game, and I think once more in the third.

>> No.13747833

Alright. Ill give that a try. otherwise I guess ill just have to wait until I can play it without a text hooker. Thanks

>> No.13747930


>> No.13747941

ITH does a decent job with games/engines that have been out for a while, but for new engines or versions you're out of luck if the windows function hooks that it automatically inserts don't work.

You'll either have to wait for someone to find a working H-code, or if you know a bit about debuggers and assembly code you can find one yourself. Here's a decent tutorial to get you started if you want to try: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/80401-Advanced-AGTH-Tutorials-(Ollydbg-Videotutorials-Ep-1-3)-Up-2009-03-01

>> No.13747969

Why don't you guys just learn Japanese instead?

>> No.13748033

I played a route and thought it was nice, but it doesn't do much beyond the premise.

>> No.13748257

You can't blame them. Look how long it took for us to get to the level we are now, if not barely.

By the way, are they any like ユニオリズム・カルテット? Not saying it has to be good, but just fun to read overall.

>> No.13748309

No sprites matters more than CGs, sprites at this point should at least blink. Stop being Lazy Japan!

I will at some point but since i tend to read Nukige then i dont really need to know japanese right now, text hookers does a decent job at giving me some context.

>> No.13748382

Its not good, but not too bad either. There are a couple of annoying things,if you can deal with those you can enjoy the game. The biggest one is; even though they are wearing some special armor which will protect you from the all attacks, they are still acting like its some serious shit. For example when MC got attacked all of them suddenly shouts "NOOOO AKITOOOO", seriously wtf its not like he'll get hurt anyway. This was the biggest turn off for me, it feels like really idiotic.

Also they have used too much engrish words for their skills & weapons, shouting like "goldaaa axxx" "winddcutterrr" "black shildoo" etc was too childish for me, + 1-2 of heroine's voices were really bad, but I dont remember their names.

But at least the art is hot and makes you look forward for the h-scenes, also while it definitely doesn't make you laugh, it doesn't bore too much either.

>> No.13748870

新作エロゲを買いませんか? (2015年07月版)


Sadly no sakuras, but do you still see something worthwhile for you?

>> No.13748989
File: 2.54 MB, 1296x758, フェアリーテイル・レクイエム体験版_2015-06-19_13-50-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Fairytale Requiem trial, it was nice so I'll probably play full
Rance 3 remake I'll probably play as well
Sakura Nikagetsu might be worthwhile
Sorcery Jokers might or might not be bust
Don't want to sleep on Tigresoft titles either so Maboroshi no Dystopia might be worth a look

Plenty of lewd too, most notably new Bishop
I enjoyed the Namaiki series by Luxury so I might or might not enjoy their new oneeshota game

I feel like I'm deep enough into this that I can honestly enjoy at least a new title or two every month, as "shitty" as it may look at first glance. It does make a problem out of my backlog, though. A shame about Sakura no Uta, but what's a few months more on top of almost eight years?

>> No.13748996

Fairytale Requiem, really like the artist and the trial was interesting enough.
Maybe sorcery jokers, big maybe.

Beats what I had planned for june anyway.

>> No.13749000
File: 807 KB, 798x599, dies38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like there's a difference.

>> No.13749017

>A shame about Sakura no Uta, but what's a few months more on top of almost eight years?

I'm going to Japan in early September, so I won't be able to comfortably download it like I'd at home. Still considering getting a seedbox for my usual download habit or if I should just coast the 12 months on VN backlog.

>> No.13749032

If you're worried about torrent trackers, the chinks release DDL links as well if you only download one or two games a month. They're slow though so, while you're reading one from your backlog or something just make a download manager work on the other one.
A seedbox sounds like a decent investment if you take as much as I do, though.

>> No.13749051

In Japan it's illegal to use DDLs too since like 2013 or so.
I don't want to be the exemplatory gaijin fool they get. Obviously that's a fringe chance, especially with eroge, but still.

>> No.13749071

I don't know, I haven't heard anything notable from downloaders, only uploaders after 2012. If it's as you fear, then no seedbox is gonna save you from your ISP prying into your traffic and trying to sniff out pirated content so I guess you only have one choice.

Of course, I think that is overblown and if you're not using stuff like torrents or Winny/Share/PD then you'll be fine... but whatever makes you sleep at night.

>> No.13749095

>In Japan it's illegal to use DDLs too since like 2013 or so.

Got any source? Given how many DDL sites with Japanese stuff are there I call bullshit.

>> No.13749102

Hi friends, what's the latest news on Taiyou no Ko?

>> No.13749111


>> No.13749129

They don't enforce it even with p2p downloads. DDL makes it hard to track.

>> No.13749525


same site: /file/JESRBHx8zCZv/BEYOND_G.part2.rar


fucking spam check

>> No.13749582

or you could just buy what is probably the most important eroge of the year, potentially of the decade, and support the industry for once

>> No.13749592
File: 618 KB, 2560x1920, 0141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy plenty of eroge and eroge merchandise already on games I like.
But yeah, you're not replying to the one that's complaining about not being able to download eroge.

>> No.13749764

>or you could just buy what is probably the most important eroge of the year, potentially of the decade
What a fucking joke.

>> No.13749787

Visual novels should be posted on /lit/

>> No.13750581


>> No.13751282

Why don't you download the one someone from this thread uploaded to nyaa a few months ago? It's the original.

>> No.13751309 [SPOILER] 
File: 289 KB, 657x525, 1436494467916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh dog

elf sure knows how to lighten up a gloomy atmosphere

>> No.13751341

Damn, that game seems good.

>> No.13751716

Degenerate fetish.

>> No.13752028
File: 52 KB, 960x544, 2015-07-08-023445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw restarting game in another route
>you meet the girl on your previous route
>she talks to you like she doesn't know you
>you still remember all the things you did with her

It hurts. I'm quoting my thoughts

>> No.13752048

Why would i feel bad for them? They didn't crave enough for my dick in other routes besides theirs.

>> No.13752052
File: 602 KB, 800x600, Screenshot (354).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else getting the vita version?

I bought the PSP version, I'll definitely buy it again on vita and play it.

I wonder if the pictures will be similar to >>13752028 that you scroll up and down due to the aspect ratio or if they will just trim them

>> No.13752058 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you doing? This is not a Dies Irae thread

>> No.13752064

They won't add anything new will they?

>> No.13752066
File: 417 KB, 1030x604, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the game was doing this on purpose for a second since I did Rina's route first.

>> No.13752080

Every time.

>> No.13752093


>> No.13752138

For me a heroine that obviously wants your dick in common route makes me feel worse than one that doesn't know you.

Still, I know what you mean. That's why I never play another route of the same game right after finishing one with a heroine I like.

>> No.13752182

Is utwarerumono any good? I got the psp version off ps+ and I'm thinking of pre-ordering the ps4 version of the game

Thoughts on it?

>> No.13752189

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13752194
File: 106 KB, 540x533, 1436336336116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13752243

It's not awful but it is an eroge and when you cut the ero out of it there just isn't much left. Sure the combat isn't horrible and the plot and characters are interesting enough to keep you playing, there just isn't that much substance to them. Tears to tiara suffers from the same problem with its console release and mediocre sequel.

In my opinion you'd be better off with an actual console JRPG.

>> No.13752397

Yes, they are very difficult. Especially if you aren't that familiar with Japanese food and drink vocabulary.

>> No.13752440

Of course you will be able. I was downloading all the time when I was in Japan.

>> No.13752528

Kill yourself.

>> No.13752606

Have you even torrent from nyaa or something? Shit always filled with Japanese IPs. You'll be fine.

>> No.13752619

Enough anger, /v/. Now is the time for smiles.

>> No.13752640

He told you to kill yourself.

>> No.13752734

Why is the price so high on amiami
? I may as well pirate it.

>> No.13752744

I don't know, don't ask me.
It's up to you if you want to buy it or not, I'm not gonna give you stema posts or anything of the sort.

Feel free to get a downloadable version if it ever gets one I suppose?

>> No.13752853

If you're talking about Fairytale Requiem, it's the same price as everywhere else. Unless you really need that telephone card.

>> No.13752873
File: 295 KB, 1274x717, SSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play this, they'll even fight each other

>> No.13752877

Only after the game went shit though..

>> No.13752903

I know what you told me, that's why I told you not to sperg out.

>> No.13752906
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, fairytail requiem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished fairy tail requiem trial. I never thought I would enjoy a liar-soft game not written by Mareni or Sakurai.

Can't wait for the full release!

>> No.13752927

>I never thought I would enjoy a liar-soft game not written by Mareni or Sakurai

What about Teito Hiten?

Or early Meteor's works?

>> No.13752971

Only played Seven-Bridge from Hoshizora Meteor, which I didn't find particularly enjoyable.

Which other Meteor game would you recommend? I'm kinda in a Liar-Soft mood right now.

>> No.13752976

Kusarihime and Forest.
The first gets kinda weird in a bad way near the ending though, it didn't need a whole genre change.

>> No.13752983

I think most people agree that Forest is "Meteor's" best work, though it's mostly written by Myougaya. He's cool too, though, so it's okay.

>> No.13753137

Why greentexting is not allowed anyway ? I just checked few threads here and I don't see anyone being autistic when someone "abusing" the quote function . Is that only exclusive to this thread ?

>> No.13753146

My god, how fucking new and oblivious are you?

>> No.13753151 [DELETED] 

Gr8 b8 m8 very epix newfag impersonation you get all my 10s.

>> No.13753171

There's a good chance it won't get uploaded the first week or the first month even because it's liarsoft.

>> No.13753175

It's a JP meme that began sometime in 2010.

>> No.13753182


>> No.13753207

It's fully canceled.
check one of the previous threads.

>> No.13753240

I mean in a site like Getchu, Gyutto, DLSite Pro or similar.

If you wanna pirate you might as well wait then.

>> No.13753248

Who Are You Quoting is an epic meme that new jpsies use to blend in with the big boys.

>> No.13753269
File: 245 KB, 1329x608, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13753425

There is no need to samefag.

Also ,
>Gr8 b8 m8 very epix
Literally worse than greentexting

>> No.13753688

It's always been used by older members of the board in an attempt to produce better conversation.

I want EOPs to go.

>> No.13753691

Source: I've been here since 2012

>> No.13753836

>It's always been used by older members of the board in an attempt to produce better conversation.

You are fucking retarded if you think "who are you quoting?" produce better conversation. This guy >>13752028 is on topic and some people who is not autistic replied to him normally until one autistic "oldfag" replied "who are you quoting?" and the thread quality goes downhill after that. You're just shitting up the thread with "who are you quoting"

Also, how is greentexting = EOPs? What kind of logic is that? Go fuck yourself.

>> No.13753851

Do you use eroge - related picture as your wallpaper /jp/?

>> No.13753861

Newbois get out

>> No.13753866

"Who are you quoting?" is a newfag meme. It was originally popularized by a namefag back in 2010 or so when people started using it because it "encourages people to use quote function like 2ch" which is apparently what /jp/ is supposed to strive for, at least according to some people.

In reality, /jp/ was made to contain some shitposting from early /a/ and most practices from there (including greentexting) have far longer history than "who are you quoting".

>> No.13753918

Take your anger and meme arrows and go back to /v/.

>> No.13753956

Some greentext was used way back when for paraphrasing, but the greentext stories and putting whole posts into greentext because you can't express yourself was new.

>> No.13754002

God forbid anything say anything that's actually true about /jp/.

>> No.13754024

Possible. I can't remember when one became another. Still, it's kind of amusing that in early /jp/ using it to directly quote someone was rather rare.

>> No.13754044
File: 1.63 MB, 1600x900, friendly glare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So decided I would play Pretty x Cation 2, It's my first from the Cation series.
Pretty comfy experience so far, cute girls and chill BGM, decided I would go with Azusa first because well, she's pretty cute.
On the flipside would it kill her to learn some fucking manners?

As a side note this is the first title I've played with the e-mote system, always seemed gimmicky but I must say It's rather grown on me. Not sure if I'd ever want it to be the norm but I am interested in how it will develop

>> No.13754049

It honestly looks nicer in PC2 than in most games that use it. It may be awfully coded so it turns into a resource hog, but the direction is quite good and does a lot for the characters.

>> No.13754071

>anything say anything
Sorry, I don't speak /v/.

>> No.13754073


>> No.13754076

yes i believe the programmers at Hibiki Works have done quite poorly in terms of optimization.
It's seems quite hard work for my processor despite the fact my graphics card is doing very little.
It's like it doesn't use the correct resources, e.g: my GPU over my CPU.

>> No.13754083

PC2 is one of the few games where it actually works. Most games using it simply won't run on my old laptop because of how horribly it is coded.

>> No.13754089

Having played both vanilla and patched versions, I can say they learned to write for the GPU after release and were able to patch the e-mote for it to actually run at the rate it's supposed to.

>> No.13754109

Don't think there was a patch with the version I've obtained.
I take it they have it on their site though?

>> No.13754113

The usual places.

>> No.13754127

Is it packaged with the "ラブラブバースデーコレクション"?

>> No.13754133

Wanna be a bit more helpful

>> No.13754142

I don't know since I haven't played that append yet, but my guess is that you need the patch to add the append anyways.

... Never used anything like Holyseal? Fuzzy? Redist?

>> No.13754145

Never played the original game because of the art and this looks indeed better.

>> No.13754146

Didn't know Holyseal was some sort of secret club either.

>> No.13754152

Found it on HolySeal, cheers.

>> No.13754421

I wasn't a huge fan of the original character designs, but yikes. It's so weird seeing everyone drawn like 12 year olds now.

>> No.13754432

They look like 16, which were around the age they were supposed to have.
I hoe they do something with the MC's epilogue design, he's supposed to be 20-something and trained.

>> No.13754443

New thread?

>> No.13754848

Check the ウィッチズガーデン, its definitely best e-mote so far. I'm still keeping the game just for e-motes, I'm sure it will grown on you more.

>> No.13754870

I like sprites with blinking eyes and lip sync and want to see more of them, but I'm not too hot about this e-mote thing. The sprites move around like Flash skeletons.

>> No.13754890

But plain blinking with lip synching looks so dead.
Stuff like what Yuzusoft does that just takes more scripting work looks better than that.
Is sprites moving during the sentence constantly that much to ask?

>> No.13754900

Is using your imagination that much to ask?

>> No.13754908

That's what lazy people tell you to do because they didn't bother.
As boring as yuzusoft games tend to be, at least they make me wait for the characters to read their lines.

>> No.13754912

I feel the opposite. Just blinking and moving mouth looks so abnormal because the rest of the sprite stays still. With e-mote the entire sprite moves so it doesn't look so out of place.

>> No.13754934

Yes, that's why I play eroge instead of reading actual novels or even manga because I can't imagine voices too.

>> No.13755077

Worse art and different voices?
Well, I guess I'm definitely not going to buy it now.
What's next, all new music?

>> No.13755086

muh pixels

>> No.13755112
File: 474 KB, 800x600, image00936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got brainwashed from this trilogy. Even though I found her pretty annoying at the first game, she suddenly became one of the most beautiful heroines ever made in my eyes. I'm opening her cgs at almost every hour, gotta do something about that.

>> No.13755131
File: 1.30 MB, 1360x768, Ouka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally don't like tsundere characters, but Ouka is perfect. A breeze of fresh air when you consider that tsundere means almost always being a bitchy cunt.

>> No.13755260 [DELETED] 

For shits and giggles I made the MC call her "Shimakaze". Anyways I think PxC2 is the best use of emote yet, but I don't know why they didn't use it for the H-scenes because let's face it they put a lot of attention into those.

At the same time, it felt like there was a lack of content in the game, but maybe it's just me. Of course all the Cation games tend to be a big pile of ichaicha but it felt like there was a lot less talk and the same amount / proportionately more sex.

Simply blinking and eye movement looks even more unnatural to me, just the face moving and nothing else. The e-mote system in PxC2, when it isn't being a laggy piece of shit, looks very natural and expressive to me. The only problem is the hair, which really becomes a problem with Azusa. It's all one body and makes it look like she uses 5 gallons of hair spray every morning. Obviously rendering every piece of hair would be insane, but separating them into several bodies wouldn't hurt.

>> No.13755272

For shits and giggles I made the MC call her "Shimakaze". Anyways I think PxC2 is the best use of emote yet, but I don't know why they didn't use it for the H-scenes because let's face it they put a lot of attention into those.

At the same time, it felt like there was a lack of content in the game, but maybe it's just me. Of course all the Cation games tend to be a big pile of ichaicha but it felt like there was a lot less talk and the same amount / proportionately more sex.

Simply blinking and eye movement looks even more unnatural to me, just the face moving and nothing else. The e-mote system in PxC2, when it isn't being a laggy piece of shit, looks very natural and expressive to me. The only problem is the hair, which really becomes a problem with Azusa. It looks like she uses 5 gallons of hair spray every morning.

Anyways, I just finished Hoshiori Yume Mirai and I'm looking for more games that show life after marriage. Any suggestions?

>> No.13755462

>ITH does a decent job with games/engines that have been out for a while, but for new engines or versions you're out of luck

You might want to try ITHVNR, it's ITH with the VNR engine (that means without all that shitty VNR bloat)

>> No.13755776
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot (2011-08-15 at 12.56.02).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally like Clochette's tsunderes, their dere is really overpowering once they get through the "tsun" which is what I always found cute about the classic type. Sadly that's not the case in the modern depiction, usually. Saori and Mishio were both endearing.

>> No.13756309

>no sex scenes
Fucking dropped

>> No.13756369


>> No.13756415

Yeah because vanilla shit is so exciting.

>> No.13756436

I quite liked the original Yu-No's sex scenes. Many of them were well placed - the sex in the cold cave, the betrayal sex between Ayumi and the businessman (holy shit that really hit me hard), the sad and angry sex between you and the reporter... they were probably the best sex scenes in any plotge I can think of at the moment. Can't say I'm too happy with their removal.

>> No.13756975

Some of them were completely stupid though, I mean I know your wife died a week ago so let's fuck because we need this plot thread for Kanna going was as forced as it gets.

>> No.13757179

Only plebs care about sex scenes. Only thing you should care about is writing style.

>> No.13757192

>Only thing you should care about is writing style.


>> No.13757486

Yeah the PC userbase scene is literally made of plebs. Only console gamers seems to have enough taste to see where the strenght of the medium lies.

> it felt like there was a lack of content in the game.

Main game seems long enough. However it has been said that PxC 2 will have less appends (Proved by the fact that now we only get one girl H-scene monthly) though now birthday appends have two H-scenes: One of the girl and one of the MC birthday.

>> No.13757585

New thread
