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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 28 KB, 600x282, Summer lesson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13719693 No.13719693 [Reply] [Original]

Do anyone fear some from of porn suppression in the future? Especially in the degrading, obscene kind with fetish?

It seems that both the political machine and the intellectual class deem these to be vulgar and unacceptable, especially if it's meant to get you turned on and has no intellectual/artistic integrity or bullshit like that. The concept is already there, with the excuse being the porn video industry already exists, so manga, games (eroge included) shouldn't have porn in it. If this happens, it would isolate porno to a single medium, either porn video or comic and that's it.

It's my greatest fear growing up because I fear one day I will grow distant to porn and/or porn is suppressed.

>> No.13719777
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Feels good knowing that they're finally going to start cracking down on degeneracy.

>> No.13719796

It worked so well in 1920.

>> No.13719862

I dislike mass-social degeneracy but porn consumption can be private so there's no legitimate reason for banning it.

Even the potential harm of masturbation is just a potential.

>> No.13719875

>potential harm of masturbation
You mean like chafing?

>> No.13719887

I dunno, I never had sex but they say masturbation too much can ruin your dick or some shit or you can't get hard because imaginary porn sex is hotter than real sex.

>> No.13719890

I don't give a shit.

I'm mexican.

>> No.13719891

>they say
Do you believe everything they say?

>> No.13719895

No, I don't, and I don't care either.

Just gimme freedom of pornography.

>> No.13719897

I'm a spic too, man.

>> No.13719899

>you can't get hard because imaginary porn sex is hotter than real sex.

Considering how unattractive most real women are, this doesnt surprise me at all.

>> No.13719910

I'm not in a position of political power. I can't give you anything

>> No.13719921

Honestly, real sex for me is for reproduction.

Porn is for pleasure.

>> No.13719930

Well, you can vote for it.

>> No.13719987
File: 1.07 MB, 1196x1500, やすいひろさと - 『こどものじかん』の美々ちゃんを描いてみました。 (17708159) .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I sometimes wonder about it. People were more religious before, and even then smut flew like rivers. Now religion has become less dominant, but people have become more prudish and intolerant.

I suspect some secular will one day champion purity and chastity and ban anything remotely resembling any of the harder fetishes.

>> No.13719990

It's one of those things that even if it were banned, people would just say fuck the police. For that matter if it ever became totally illegal, then they would just make all sorts of currently illegal stuff since it wouldn't matter anymore.

If you just mean not put in games, unlikely. Your porn powerpoints and posing games will continue. People will also continue to mod Elder Scrolls games.

>> No.13720000

Reminder that many religions used prostitution as part of their services.

>> No.13720013

The only thing masturbation did to me was curve my dick a bit to one side cause I masturbated a lot when it was still growing.

>> No.13720020

I'm slightly worried because degrading obscene fetish porn is basically the only thing I really get off to, but I don't think it's a serious possibility that soon in most places.

>> No.13720024

Little known fact:

Even softcore internet porn was illegal in the US for a while. Lesser known fact. This was done by Janet Reno under orders from the Clinton administration. They got their asses handed to them in fed courts but they fought it all the way to the Supreme Court who ultimately bitch slapped them both.

It was a really odd time in the history of the internets. We had a pervert President trying to prove he was really a family values bible thumper by shutting down sites of topless milfs who took pictures of themselves with kodak cameras.

There are still obscenity laws though. iirc one of the 2 cups/girl guys ended up getting v&.

>> No.13720032

Yeah, I think it's gonna take a long time in Japan, and that's where it really counts for me.

Though nowadays the globe wants Japan to "grow up", I hope that doesn't happen.

>> No.13720045

Same here, I don't much at all anymore. It's almost as if my sexuality altogether has almost disappeared. I just don't have the desire often at all

>> No.13720071

Nowadays I look forward to playing nukige/ero-manga for masturbation than real sex.

I suppose this is one of their harmful impacts of porn, but I still want reproduction so I don't think that's harmful.

>> No.13720092

imo theres nothing wrong with cartoon drawings, but the actual porn industry is filled with abuse and rape and all that shit so it shouldn't be tolerated.

>> No.13720099

Then close down the bad porn studio (who's done illegal things) and keep the good ones.

I would like to preserve the goods from either sides though.

>> No.13720135

Rape I can understand not tolerating, but honestly, why shouldnt women be allowed to agree to be abused for money? Its not like porns the only industry where that happens, pretty much any career in manual labor will fuck up your body eventually.

>> No.13720212

Don't they already hate on and legislate against porn in the UK?

>> No.13720242
File: 1.97 MB, 360x202, 1435785979311.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most porn is probably obscenity in the US and technically illegal already, especially chinese cartoon fetish porn. Its just no one will ever prosecute you, with a few rare exceptions, mainly because they are worried the courts will throw out current obscenity law and they wont be able to lose it as leverage. Thats why, atleast in the US, you dont see people prosecuted for having lolicon unless they also had real child porn for example.

>> No.13720259


>> No.13720270

With how loosely defined obscenity law is, every fetish porn can be deemed illegal, yes.

>> No.13720274


>> No.13720287

The key is to be one step ahead of the game. If we demand a ban on live action porn due to its exploitative nature and market cartoons as an alternative, we'll be both seen as progressive and make the normies really mad. Also, we can use this to purge the JAV menace from /jp/. Therefore, say NO to rape on camera!

>> No.13720307

I wish boobs larger than the head would be declared obscene.

>> No.13720309


It also applies to fanfics. The U.S Attorney who was behind the Tommy Chong fiasco also prosecuted a chick for fictional (I have never read them but they allegedly involved torture and killing of underage b&) written internet stories (that were behind a paywall).

>> No.13720310

The good thing is that the only coalition strong enough to take on porn, religious conservatives and moralfag feminists, will never agree to the necessary step of getting conservative justices appointed to uphold obscenity convictions, because they would also get rid of nationwide legal abortion. So really, if you want to protect porn keep conservatives and feminists angry about abortion.

>> No.13720321

What's with Japan being the only country that can produce decent cartoons like that? Lots of countries can do comics, but none of them can do cartoons. Even Japan's are barely decent at best.

>> No.13720340

I was just saying cartoons to be funny, comics are obviously superior. However, if Rape On Camera was banned, cartoons would probably get a lot better.

>> No.13720355

Luckily I draw my own. If it's intended for private use so no one will ever find out.

>> No.13720358

There's no JAV menace in the first place.

Unless you can prove that these porn companies are doing illegal things, you can't tell me to ban them.

>> No.13720362

Maybe this is a viable alternative.

>> No.13720375

You are not doing us any favor by banning live action porn.

There are JAV ota too.

>> No.13720381

Not all ota are created equal.

>> No.13720383

It just means these JAV ota would be frustrated or they demand cartoon porn to be like JAV.

I support ALL medium of porn, cartoon, comic, live action and eroge.

>> No.13720389

You do not understand the true pleasure of 2D, which is reveling in both the aesthetic and ethical superiority of your masturbation material.

>> No.13720394

I enjoy 2D more but that doesn't mean 3D should be banned.

It's just limiting yourself and others.

>> No.13720433

As someone from the pseudo-intellectual class, what would be the point of restricting illicit content to pornography? To do so would reduce sexuality to masturbation only, which is an extremely stunted, biological, lonely, autoerotic form of sexuality. The last 200 years or so there's been a drive in art to have the fullest expression of sexual drives. I don't think that's going to stop now.

If anything, I worry that sexuality (through porn and hentai, etc.) will become something private and asocial, which is really awful to think about considering what sex is. Instead, I think we should be trying to make sex less taboo and to introduce more joy into it. Obviously there's a [conservative] argument that, if this is the goal, porn should be suppressed but this just pushes sex down into the taboo. And how do you make sex less taboo without de-mysticizing it?

I guess it comes down to the question of how exactly media relates to real life. This has been your semiotics lecture for the day, please leave your papers on Debord on my desk.

>> No.13720439

Thank you for thinking about me, but it's my body and my choice, and I prefer masturbation.

You can't go out there to rape someone and shit on their corpse without legal right so of course porn has the advantages.

>> No.13720485

It's just a way to reproduce. If anything, humans should stop hyping it up to be more than what it is. It's just an urge barely above the urge to take a piss or something.

If it becomes taboo somehow, the people who think it's taboo will just be bred out of existence without anyone needing to interfere.

>> No.13720516

But the taboo is the fun part.

I was a crossdresser until this whole Trans acceptance garbage became mainstream. There is no arousal if people will give you condescending approval and write blog posts on how oppressed you are.

I just pray that incest or bestiality will never become legal.

>> No.13720601

Maybe if you read more Marx you would understand why exchanging money for sex is rape, and therefore live action pornography is filmed rape.

>> No.13720629

>I was a crossdresser before it was cool
/jp/ please stop trying to bait me

>> No.13720632

But it's not even illegal in a lot of places...

Perhaps there is nothing wrong with non-violent rape

>> No.13720657

Why the fuck would anyone read Marx?

That's just fucking retarded.

>> No.13720662
File: 52 KB, 281x283, 1243534955951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe because he's the most cited scholar of all time?

>> No.13720674

So quantity>quality? I should have expected this from a retarded Marxist.

>> No.13720749

>Why the fuck would anyone read Marx?
To check the quality, and if it's good, keep on reading because it's pleasant.

Why the fuck would anyone read /jp/?

>> No.13720809

Because there are a ton of cute weebs here (I hope)!

>> No.13720829

My friends are here.

>> No.13720852

You have shit taste in friends.

>> No.13720867

It's okay as long as we can have fun.

>> No.13720920

Why would you trust someone who never worked a single day in his life about how work should be?

>> No.13720923

People on /jp/ work now? Shouldnt Marx be one of us?

>> No.13720943

If Marx wants to ban porn, he's no friend of mine.

>> No.13720967

I know that plenty people here do work. These hobbies and expensive computers do not buy themselves.

>> No.13720982

I guess it's back to jerking it to Oprah.

>> No.13721090
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1215770275593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sits on top of a pile of the greatest porn ever made
>Shiwasu no Okina, Takatsu, Russle, Agata, the list goes on
>this is not enough! I need to watch 3DPD getting raped or I will not be satisfied!

>> No.13721093

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13721100

I feel the pressure suppressing porn all over the net.

But I'm not scared of it, as long as I'm productive and I buy my nukige, it's all gonna be alright.

>> No.13721106

I will never be satisfied until I die.

As a capitalist, the desire is always more and more.

>> No.13721112

Take it easy. The nation of sex-craven angry people is the last thing the ruler wants(second only to a nation with a deep sense of dignity).

>> No.13721116 [DELETED] 

He isn't quoting anyone, he is greentexting.
Learn the difference, newfag

>> No.13721136

Can you still do redtext? Why hasn't it caught on yet?


>> No.13721139

Are you a fucking commie or what?

>> No.13721141


>> No.13721143


>> No.13721146


>> No.13721316

>Also, we can use this to purge the JAV menace from /jp/.
Your idea has some merit.

>> No.13721467

We need to figure out how to get monstergirls and furries made illegal under bestiality laws.

>> No.13721500

To form an educated opinion about something before criticizing it? Outrageous.

Where did this meme come from? He was a journalist.

>> No.13721512

As long as loli butts go unscathed, I do not care.

>> No.13721750 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 704x396, image152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13721777

Don't say that; you can give me your love, Anon.
That's about the most precious thing in the world.

>> No.13725103 [DELETED] 

Reported for off topic post.
All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, Vocaloid, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests
Please read the rules before making a post. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.13726658

Those who learn to draw today will never have their ero taken away tomorrow.

>> No.13727031

No one faps to their own art. You can only see mistakes, and it's less fun when you're the passenger and conductor.

>> No.13727104

That is only if the returns are below the threshold of profit.
If the expected value is higher than the initial investment it is pretty easy to fap to one's art.

>> No.13728408

The left wants to ban pornography because it makes ugly feminists jealous, and the right wants to ban it in order to force people to have children in a vain effort to live forever and also so they can take over other countries.

There's also the issue of hyperorthodoxy, where groups become more extreme over time as individuals within those groups compete for social status by acting like they're more devoted to the group's morals than anyone else.

We have to show that we aren't afraid of being socially out-grouped to defend porn.

"Degeneracy" is a bogus concept. It's the right-wing equivalent of calling someone "racist." It's attempting to make disagreeing itself a crime. It's an unfalsifiable fallacy; empty psychological abuse.


>> No.13728421
File: 518 KB, 500x720, 1427430923841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can summer lesson girl teach me to draw?
She'd better be good for something.

>> No.13729065

Tosshi pls

>> No.13729100

No, but she can teach you how to love!

If you buy the DLC.

>> No.13729106


What do you have against JAV? It's all kept in one thread and it never spills out to the rest of /jp/. It really shouldn't interfere with your fapping of Touhous.

>> No.13729126

I think it is quite likely that all media is going to be very regulated within our lifetimes unless we break out of this mental illness of pathological altruism as a society.

Pornography is fairly close to being outright banned already, and is already happening in steps.

The pseudo-scientific idea that media has voodoo-like effect will probably infect all of society, and they'll believe that portraying something fictionally makes it happen in reality. Nothing can be violent, confrontational, nor appeal to male sexuality.

Media will probably all have to be incredibly bland and fit the the exact politically expedient narrative about identity politics, and power dynamics, while still causing outrage because of trivial matters due to not knowing about the cutting edge theories of a niche branch of social science that were devised after the movie was already finished and accidentally committing a major faux-pas in using a supposedly oppressive camera angle or something.

Maybe something terrible enough will happen to stop current trends.


We have secular religions now.

>> No.13729142

You are incredibly out of touch. It's a strange world you live in.

>> No.13729155


I disagree.

I only really enjoy masturbating to things I have made myself - stuff other people have made rarely matches my tastes at all.

The problem is the ever ascending effort required.

I used to be ok with just drawing, but that became boring, so I moved on to animation, and eventually games.

It takes a long time to make a game, it can be 12 hours for something very simple, and I'll generally masturbate to it no more than three times, so the efficiency is very low.

I pretty much have to do it in one sitting, too, because I become aroused while making it and even if I don't masturbate, the arousal for it is already expended if I come back to it.

>> No.13729168


I don't know how you can be blind to this.

It has absolutely exploded in the last few years.

>> No.13736585

>Do anyone fear some from of porn suppression in the future?

You're watching too many movies anon.

>> No.13736782


The amount of people posting things like
is a good indication of how real the threat is. By slowly moving towards the end goal of suppression of any and all things that go against the doctrine of extremist humanism , they can take away peoples freedoms without them even noticing.

>> No.13736806
File: 1003 KB, 1280x720, [AnimeRG] Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai - 01 [720p] [ScavvyKiD].mp4_snapshot_05.31_[2015.07.06_00.55.31].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in your animes now though

>> No.13736938


>extremist humanism

I think that's just a convenient vehicle for it. One of many.

I think the real reason is the ruling elite fear people becoming too rebellious, due to what technology and social advancement has allowed them to learn and communicate. They need majority control of media again, without obviously usurping it.

>> No.13736939

3D is Pig Disgusting

>> No.13737207


I would tend to agree with that. I highly doubt that the ruling class actually believe in anything remotely altruistic, but it certainly is the best way to convince other people to be accepting of increased levels of control.

Do you think that advances in communication technology is a boon or a disadvantage for the ruling class though? On the one hand, it does allow people to share "rebellious" and "harmful" information. On the other it also places more pressure for people to conform due the the fact that there's no real anonymity anymore.

>> No.13737334

>>Do you think that advances in communication technology is a boon or a disadvantage for the ruling class though? On the one hand, it does allow people to share "rebellious" and "harmful" information. On the other it also places more pressure for people to conform due the the fact that there's no real anonymity anymore.
You're talking about two different things there.
Advances in communication technology are a disadvantage for anyone trying to suppress information or knowledge. The internet has done much for anonymity, at least on the surface, and it's easy enough to get a disposable cellular phone to make a call and have the recipient not know who called.
Advances in communications monitoring technology are an advantage for information suppression. Even if communication is strictly limited to face-to-face conversation, good monitoring removes all anonymity.

>> No.13737407

If you compare to the Chinese style censorship, would you say it's working? I don't think it is, and they will have to face this eventually.

It's like the comic comparing 1984 and Brave New World. Oppression versus complacency. Letting people become complacent probably works better as it keeps productivity high. In other words let people have the feeling they're free. Nobody cares about rebelling.

I have to say I don't either. What does it matter to me if the world is ruled by the elite, that skew the rules to their favor? What does it matter what flag I'm under?

So long as I have my complacency. I'm a simple man, I don't need much.

>> No.13737492

Nobody will ever be able to tell me what to touch myself to. If they do, fuck 'em.

>> No.13738124


I think it's more than complacency.

Society is voluntarily removing its own rights.

Most people don't understand that "freedom" doesn't mean 'I'm allowed to do what I want, but no-one is allowed to do anything I don't want them to'.

Lets say the elite want to ban pornography for good, this time. An opportunity arises in the form of an uncovered pedophile ring. The police find a huge stash of digital pornography, and the media make a huge point about this. If done correctly, SJWs will call for 'explicit pornography' to be banned because it causes child rape. The media will support them, because they engineered this in the first place. Various right wing groups support it because of 'muh degeneracy', as here: >>13719777, a load of normalfag women who already thought pornography is gross will support the ban. Many opposed to child molestation will support it. Social scientists will conjure up analysis of some data and convince people there's science involved. You can have huge number of people supporting this ban, so when the government do it, it looks like the fault of the groups calling for the ban, not those that orchestrated this whole event in the first place.

People won't detect they're living in a more authoritarian state, because the government appeared to be acting only in the public's interest, which is, again, back to a false sense of altruism.
