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13734721 No.13734721 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate the Watatsuki's? It's not their fault for trying to defend their homeland from stupid earthlings.

>> No.13734741

I don't hate them. They're cuties.

>> No.13734755
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It's natural for men to want to sully and bring low things that are pure or unobtainable. To ravish Lunarian noblewomen is to rise above your fate as a dirt dwelling commoner. The Watatsukis are hate fuck bait.

>> No.13734785
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Demonized for trying to defend the purity of their homeland? Gee, I wonder who could be behind this.

>> No.13734796
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make love, not war

>> No.13734798
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Damn right.

>> No.13734828

Post the "YES WE CAN" one

>> No.13734915
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>> No.13735065
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They're two of my fav touhou characters. Hoping they'll show up in LoLK in some way or another.

>> No.13735068

>pure or unobtainable
Weren't they married?

>> No.13735261

They are smug cunts
They aren't virgin.
and they hate you for being an earthling

>> No.13735293
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Don't you want to cuckold their husbands and get their wives addicted to your dirty earth dick?

>> No.13735312

No, NTR is not okay.

>> No.13735321
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Even if it leads to cute babies?

>> No.13735325


>> No.13735392
File: 927 KB, 706x1000, 47336987_p8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon invasion of earth: 0
Earth invasions of moon: 3+

Earth apes just want to destroy their betters

>> No.13735452
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I just want to destroy my betters anus.

>> No.13735456
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I like this one. Her slut of a sister, not so much.

>> No.13735546
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>> No.13735585
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You know, I was always Yorihime-only, but what the hell. If I like her I should like her sister too. She didn't do anything wrong. And she's blond. I have now changed her status officially.

>> No.13735598
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Holy hell, I want to bang her so much... so fucking much...

>> No.13735607
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>> No.13735630

Earth's attempts to build a moon base: 55
Earth's successful attempts to build a moon base: 0

>> No.13735640
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She's a cute.

>> No.13735736
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>> No.13736050

Because they're Mary Sues and I hate Mary Sues.

>> No.13736222

Hating the Watatsuki sisters for being supposed mary-sues is dumb. It ignores that Eirin is largely more "powerful" than them yet somehow isn't branded mary-sue because she holds back (as if that matters). It ignores that Touhou has always de-emphasized power and fighting and emphasized cunning and wit, instead opting to claim that in a universe of characters with cheat-like abilities, two particular characters must be the mary-sues. It even ignores the works themselves, where any fighting that took place wasn't ever the point, where they were written to seem unbeatable on purpose to avoid a brute-force scenario, and where they still wound up the losers in the end. All the whining does is expose people for having shallow understanding.

>> No.13738871

Yorihime can literally do anything. She's not the Youkai of Doing Anything and has control over doing anything, she's a moon bunny with every single Shinto god at her beck and call.

>> No.13738920

Yorihime is not a moon bunny.

She's a lunarian maiden, and she's basically Reimu if she gets serious.

And she can't do everything, she has just impressive fighting progress, she still fails to complex scheme like everyone else, Eirin included.

>> No.13739373


That fight that ZUN wrote was awful. It was like watching a filler DBZ movie. What's remotely interesting about someone who has a move for every situation. It was like a child wrote that chapter. Hopefully ZUN had a deeper message he was trying to portray like this [>>13736222] guy alluded to.

>> No.13739450
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They are demonized for being the worst beings of all time.

How would the USA react to Russia showing up in New York City with a thermonuclear weapon, threatening to kill all Americans (saying they don't deserve to live) and kidnapping the president?

Let's not forget, there is a CURRENT Lunar attempt to eradicate all life on Earth. Whether it's them or not if irrelevant, they were/are responsible for the Lunar army.

Hitler tried to kill 9 million people.
Stalin tried to kill 50 million.

The Watatsukis are trying to, or allowing the attempted murder of 7 billion.




Are you a living thing on Earth? Congratulations, you're either suicidal or on the side that wants these moonbitches drawn and quartered. The only acceptable penalty for their crimes is painful death or 140 billion years of hard labor (20 years per attempted murder, on par with current USA standards)

>> No.13739526

Remilia could have defeated her opponent if she didn't fuck around and Yukari never intended to win. I don't think they were portrayed as unbeatable Mary Sues.

>> No.13739568

>and she's basically Reimu if she gets serious.
Moonbitches still weaker than Eiki confirmed.

Suck it, aliens.

>> No.13739712

When reading basically any other material about the Lunarians, or even most of SSiB itself, it's obvious that it was written as to be totally one-sided on purpose, even if it was done in a fairly boring manner. Every mention of the Lunarians' power emphasizes how futile seriously fighting them would be. Plus, the Yorihime duels don't exist in a vacuum separate from the story, the context of the fight sets its mood.

The vampire's party didn't come to the Moon to fight anyone, and had zero reason to actually fight Yorihime and beat her (or do anything besides have some fun), whereas Yorihime fought to defend the Moon from invaders knowing Yukari was plotting something, to protect the Moon from kegare, and find out who else was summoning gods. The vampire's party were the villains here, and Yorihime was the protagonist, just as though this were a regular incident in Gensokyo. Also notice how Yorihime really just bombed through every attack -- she didn't do anything special duel-wise besides endure and bomb.

>> No.13739739

If you read Cage in Lunatic Runagate, you would understand.

>> No.13739751

LIDF pls go

>> No.13739757

Gensokyoian was the aggressor in both conflicts.

>> No.13739784


Please point out the part in SSiB where anyone from Gensokyo threatens to destroy the moon

Touhou 15, it's 100% Lunarian aggression there's a forward base on Gensokyo and two rabbit-eared attackers from the Lunar capitol

>> No.13739789

They invaded the moon, it was not an approved tourist trip, not to mention the end result was Gensokyoian stealing shit from the moon and fleeing.

Touhou 15 remains to be seen, but it's unlikely that the two sisters are behind it.

>> No.13739995

Who? What?

>Touhou 15, it's 100% Lunarian aggression there's a forward base on Gensokyo and two rabbit-eared attackers from the Lunar capitol
Note that even the rabbits say they weren't being commanded by the standard. The Lunar Capital en masse gives no shits about the Earth because they see it as filth not worth being concerned about as long as it stays down there.

>> No.13741398

>Please point out the part in SSiB where anyone from Gensokyo threatens to destroy the moon
Remilia said she wanted to conquer the moon, and Reimu actively threw corruption at it. Even just letting mortals on the moon would eventually destroy it.

>> No.13741405

Lunar Internet Defense force

>> No.13741466


Then the Lunar Capitol en Masse needs to be eradicated.

>> No.13741534

my greatest ally

>> No.13741583

I want to bet on either 5th stage bosses, ex bosses, or at least appear/get name dropped in the endings.

>> No.13741641
File: 204 KB, 769x1000, watatsuki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this game results in the moon sisters making a visit to the Hakurei shrine, and relaxed relations, so their lovely company can be enjoyed more in the future.

>> No.13742027


I hope they get punished as war criminals and forced to work in the mud to replant all the trees their spider destroyed.

>> No.13742053

I'll put down some good money on them appearing either in Stage 4, the Extra stage or in at least one of the endings.

>> No.13742722

>Remilia said she wanted to conquer the moon
I have a hard time believing she was even remotely serious about that.
That's just her traditional Remy whimsy. 3 fairies, a maid, and a vampire are hardly an invasion force.
Course to be fair the moon sisters couldn't have known that.

>> No.13742778

Remy might not be serious but she still follows Yukari's scheme anyway.

And Yukari is serious.

>> No.13743038

Neither of them were serious read Cilr Yukari did it for shits an giggles,and Remilia was just bored.

>> No.13743129

Written works made them look like insufferable cunts.
And remember the metal spiders.

>> No.13743646

Yukari did it to terrorize/scare the lunarians, both on Earth and on the moon.
And yes, I read CiLR.
Not in CiLR and Inaba,

>> No.13745831
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>> No.13745896

Are they only hated by westerners? People in Japan seem to have no problem with them, and most of their art are high-quality.

>> No.13745905

I wanna do them but I don't like NTR.

>> No.13745908

What's wrong with Inaba?

>> No.13745922

Meiling is allergic to them.

>> No.13746096
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It's a joke comic not to be taken seriously.

>> No.13746316

It's probably because they didn't land on the moon and kick their asses.

Armstrong best 2hu.

>> No.13747318

Literally what? Yori's the one that married and slept with her own (and only) nephew and had FOUR KIDS. Also, whoever updated the TVTropes entry for Yorihime was a fucking idiot. Toyohime's the dragon goddess, not Yori. Worth noting along the same lines that as all-powerful as Yori is in combat, she's not immortal and was actually briefly overpowered by Remilia before she started using spell cards.

>> No.13747332

Please don't TVTropes shit here.

>> No.13747400

>thinks that's the only reason anyone would be here

>> No.13747661

>Toyohime's the dragon goddess

>> No.13747860

Fe fi fo fum
I smell the blood of Moonite scum

>> No.13748011

Except she is. Well, she's one of them, anyway, the sisters' father is another of them. She tells almost the exact same story about the tamatebako from around 1,500 years ago in CiLR, the only difference is Eirin's involvement.

>> No.13748044

>Worth noting along the same lines that as all-powerful as Yori is in combat,
Still probably gets destroyed by the Yama in combat. Eat shit moonies.

>> No.13748060

and? it's not likely she'd fight a yama anyway, the moonies probably have their own to deal with

>> No.13748071

Threatening to kill everyone in Gensokyo MIGHT cause the Judge of the Dead to take a slight interest in the affair. Or, more directly and likely, interfering with the dead before they are judged would definitely cause a Yama to take note, likely Eiki given the location.

>> No.13748082

Their own yama would get involved instead. Eiki wouldn't overstep her boundaries.

>> No.13748083

Well, unless it took place in Gensokyo, which is her jurisdiction.
That actually makes me wonder about what Celestials think of Lunarians, and vice versa.

>> No.13748158

>spoiler text

What? Where?

>> No.13748166

One could probably find out by asking Iku, since the "dragon palace" she's the messenger for/from is likely used in the same line of reference as the tamatebako story, meaning it would be where the Watasuki sisters live. We really do need more info on a lot of this shit, ZUN said he wants to do more written works with the sisters so hopefully we'll see that soon-ish.

The Cage and Inaba series didn't have that much of them (and some people don't think the personalities in the latter are canon) and SSiB just gave people reasons to hate Yorihime. So we do need more stuff that's just about them and how they've lived in between legends and husbands and such (and maybe confirm if their last husbands are still alive or not).

>> No.13748186

In the original legend. The youngest of those four sons eventually became the first emperor of Japan. As if that wasn't enough, doing that provided a bloodline link between the original gods in the Shinto pantheon and the imperial family by Toyohime marrying one of Amaterasu's human great-grandsons. Whether she was aware of who he really was or not, I don't know.

>> No.13749252

>ZUN said he wants to do more written works with the sisters so hopefully we'll see that soon-ish
Citation needed. I hope it's true, because I do like me some Yorihime and I hope she shows up in LoLK in some way.

>> No.13749704

It's brief but it's in the interview portion of SoPM.

>Those two have amusing personalities and the story could expand even further, so I would like to make another story about them.

My line of thinking here is he'll finish up WaHH and FS before starting on that, but if it's sooner, all the better.
