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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 186 KB, 1024x1024, CHreDdAUYAEKKXI.jpg:large..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13727335 No.13727335 [Reply] [Original]

>July 11,12 "Comic-Con International ".Ushijima Iiniku will cosplay of Street Fighter Sakura and Vampire Savior Lilith! plz come to see me!


anyone here going? (in san diego)

>> No.13727387

I'll stalk and rape her.

>> No.13727428

not before the sun rapes your virgin vampire eyes and you have a heart attack from walking 10 feet

>> No.13727466

i'm a chad bruh

>> No.13727485

nobody cares you homo

>> No.13727495

you will when i post her ravaged yellow pussy with my white semen leaking out

>> No.13727549


>> No.13727683

Friendly reminder that Ushijima spends her days with attempting to censor every comment on the internet which she remotely dislikes. Apparently she has not figured out yet that there is an exotic concept called free speech in the US (as long as you don't say something negative about g** marr**** or put a Confederate Flag into a history simulation sold via Apple, a company that uses Chinese slave labor.)

>> No.13727769

epic dude

>> No.13728054

Best of luck in your endeavors, anon!

>> No.13730183

Retarded attention whore.
Like people outside /Jp even would care for a sec. nope.
Not hot.

>> No.13730204

And fuck you.

>> No.13730554



So its probably again going be one of these horrible appearances of her?
She should had considered stopping long time ago already.
Like for instance the meet and greet in Taiwan where she fucked up everything, also for others that where at a local University.(And blamed afterwards other people for it despite of being warned several times for not trying to be an annoying cunt.) https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2012/02/17/ushijima-iinikus-taiwan-exposure-very-great-indeed/

And for this meeting in the US, she has not been invited for the event by the organisation either.
Well I at least was not able to find it on the event timeline during this writing.
Check: http://www.comic-con.org/
So the inevitable suspicion yet again rices that Japan already got fed up with her, and there for the reason to try it somewhere else. Guess she was able to lay on her back and get somebody pay for her boot/stand somewhere at the venue to try and sell some of the uninteresting DVD's she had requested to be made.(Yeah, She producer now......LOL)

These by the way are not worth the money (Because over 9000 times the same pictures and videos.) and way to expensive if you would compare it with real deal "hot" cosplayers that are out there who actually do show something interesting.

Also this what she calls "cosplay" of her is also over exaggerated hence you will not be able to find her anywhere on the lists of official recognised cosplay authorities in the world nor Japan.
Be my guest to check: http://jp.curecos.com/ , https://worldcosplay.net/en/ranking/good , http://www.worldcosplaysummit.jp/en/

Leaving just an old women from Japan trying to push her luck somewhere else by doing the same old monkey trick over and over again. https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2012/09/28/ushijima-iiniku-just-an-old-hag-dependent-on-photoshop/

Good luck.

>> No.13730678

> Friendly reminder that Ushijima spends her days with attempting to censor every comment on the internet which she remotely dislikes.

Sounds like she is a bit frustrated?

That little spam whore may try to spend until her last remaining days with attempting to censor.
We will not give a shit.
She wants to disagree?
--> Let her fuck off and stay in Japan.


>> No.13730688

if I offer her money for sex will she agree?

>> No.13730959 [DELETED] 

LOL...........If the sex is as bad as her English....

>> No.13730964
File: 46 KB, 402x228, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL...........If the sex is as bad as her English....

>> No.13730967
File: 247 KB, 1024x768, 13354852530002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13731029


Jesus dude, you seem to have something personal against her.

I always liked Ushijima. She puts the whore in "attention whore".

>> No.13731096

100% autistic nerd rage

>> No.13731103

Whoa, I'm down for a suck n' lick. Sign me up!

>> No.13731108

pretty sure that isn't her actual instagram

plus i think she lives with a girlfriend and seems to obsess over female bodies and not male (from following her twitter and watching her occasional twitter stream, even watched an hour of her singing karaoke)

>> No.13731117

I've seen some of the mails thats she had sent to torrent sites. She was butthurt over copyright infringement and loss of income and there for threatening with legal action if the admins of the sides in question would not remove these links. Obviously the sites in question did not take any actions in removing them.
In Japan they maybe would have more luck with this kind of approach but for the rest of the world its nope.
Agree that she is ageing horrible tho.
Nothing personal I can find here anon.
Seems all just based on facts.

>> No.13731120

beyond mad

>> No.13731123

angry losers rofl

sorry i prefer REAL WOMEN and not pixels

>> No.13731127

Too bad they don't prefer you.

>> No.13731138
File: 86 KB, 800x450, u mad pasty ass cracka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol tell that to my big black dick mofucka

me and a girlfriend buddy, and i got plenty of them (including a couple boyfriends too, i don't hate nigga ;)

>> No.13731142
File: 2.18 MB, 720x378, 1425329710020.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you scared whitey? imma show u wat a real man can do

>> No.13731146

Maybe its time to do something else because there are some butthurt weeaboos here.
I offer 1000 dollar for the one who is going to throw eggs to this bitch and make pics of the results.
I'll also gonne post this on some other boards by the way. just in case.

>> No.13731148

>I offer 1000 dollar
Can you really afford to offer your entire life savings like that?

>> No.13731149

holy shit you do that and i will find you and kick your ass and whoever throws the eggs you fucking edgy retard

>> No.13731155


>> No.13731158

Consider it done.

1000 dollar people.
lets get that bitch.

>> No.13731161 [DELETED] 

and guess what you get to be now? a terrorist. enjoy the fbi you dumbass
ur so fucked

>> No.13731164

>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.13731165

joks on u my dad work for fbi he use targeted tactical strike on this bitch and wipe her clen off earth

>> No.13731166

You mad?

1000 dollar people!!
Let the fun games begin. XD

Time to post on the other sites aswell.

>> No.13731168

what sites

>> No.13731185

I like where this is going.
When is this going to be? next week?
Lets see who will do it.
So much win!!!

>> No.13731196
File: 41 KB, 230x230, del.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuso thread of the year

>> No.13731200

U mad bro?
U gay?
Them white?


>> No.13731221


>> No.13731239

This thread is actually respectably epic, my man. Hope they deliver.

>> No.13731245

get a life

>> No.13731257
File: 39 KB, 480x640, 1433183934985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same poster you idiot.
--> Wants to find the poster.
--> Butthurt raging to wrong anons.

Pro tip, try decaf coffee next time.

>> No.13731261

I'll do it, how do I get the money.

>> No.13731272

Agree, would be fun to see.
Summer also is very strong in this thread.

>> No.13731352

I fully agree. for a woman of her respectable age you would in a normal situation in Japan have been married already. So the fact that she is more into women or to say it correct that she is more gay does not surprise. Something else that you probably will have noticed is that she is very nationalistic orientated and a confirmed true niggers hater. Political spoken she likes Putin more then the president of Murica. Obviously. Check the blogs and you will see.

>> No.13731366

Literally the only time I have ever cared about going to Comic Con.
Why the fuck isn't she going to Anime Expo instead? You know, a con where there are people who might actually know who she is?

>> No.13731437

I guess that getting thrown with eggs on Comic Con has a higher amusement value.
And a bigger change of going national too.

>> No.13731714

OH SHIT SHE'S LIVE http://us.twitcasting.tv/predatorrat

>> No.13731735

Tell her about the eggs annon.
1000 dollar seems to be at the moment the money to be made....

>> No.13731764

Can wait to see that happen.
Who cares.....
Go be a spam whore somewhere else.

>> No.13731773

>she's watching TV

>> No.13731787

I'm gonne be there to get an autograph from Stan Lee. I'll do it if you give me the money.

>> No.13731837
File: 332 KB, 1100x1500, 1334907846981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.13731851

What else would you expect.
Her giving a show or what?
Bitch only wants ur money bro.
And is seeking attention because of it.
Wake up!!!

>> No.13731862

I like it.

>> No.13731873


>> No.13731877

Will bkub or any other Japanese doujin artists be at this year's comic-con?
I stopped going after normies started to ruin the event and kicked Toshio Maeda out.

>> No.13731885

I'm not gonna lie. I've seen some pretty sexy webcam recordings on Youtube before.
>Bitch only wants ur money bro
And I want to spank it to a qt Japanese exhibitionist. So what? We mutually understand one another.

>> No.13731886

No eggs?

>> No.13731896

I will drive down there and throw the eggs please send payment to Joseph Fender, 776 Commerce Street Apt 508 of Tacoma, Washington once you see it.

>> No.13731935


>> No.13731941

>wanting to ruin Ushijima's mystique
nigga get the fuck out

>> No.13731942

Trying to bend it to exhibitionisem

Nice, Will be funny to watch.

>> No.13731958

she must have the most delicious smelling and tasting asshole in the world

>> No.13731969

where the fuck did I hear that before....
mystique, lewdness, muscle tone and delicious outfit choices.
You Idiot.
Not even worth doing JAV bro.

>> No.13731979

The smell of shit?

>> No.13732177

stop talking like the jocks that you will never get to be, you dorks

>> No.13732180


>> No.13732183

U mad, bro?

>> No.13732205

ano gomenasai onegai arigato (´・ω・`)

>> No.13732273

>Butthurt over copyright infringement.
Is there anyone actual out there that buys this shit?
>Seems all just based on facts
>spends her days with attempting to censor every comment on the internet which she remotely dislikes
Checking this thread....
Hey....Got nothing better to do like getting a fucking JAV job?
> Photoshop
Stopped reading.
All whores are for sale.
>watched an hour of her singing karaoke.
No windows broke, cat also still in the house?
Just checking.
That metaphorical soap bubble.
keep dreaming.
Posting on 4chan.
>likes Putin
I fucking hate communists.
>show, money
Told ya, its a whore.
Just a matter of throwing money at her face will make it smile.

>> No.13732287

Dude I would fuck the shit out of her.

>> No.13732302

This: >>13731352

>> No.13732339

Okay fine. I would hate fuck the shit out of my onahole while pictures of her are up on my monitor.

>> No.13732349

You know why people still care about Yoko Matsugane? Because she's in her 30's and still only does idol videos.
You do a JAV and you're automatically washed up. Used up. Worn out. Nobody's going to care after they get to see the goods.

>> No.13732394

You really think they will? Even if your not doing JAV they are not going to take care afterwards. The true story is that the next in line will be anxious to take over and it will be end of story for you.

>> No.13732402

Lenfried is already walking that path btw.

>> No.13732466


>> No.13732516

Loving it.
Waiting for the results.

>> No.13732577

Is this the first time Ushijima is coming to America and doing a show?

>> No.13732594

--> >>13730554
And for this meeting in the US, she has not been invited for the event by the organisation either.
> Well I at least was not able to find it on the
> event timeline during this writing.
> Check: http://www.comic-con.org/

>> No.13732606

>she is more into women
>nationalistic orientated and a confirmed true niggers hater
>likes Putin more then the president of Murica
I like her more already!

>> No.13732621

As demonstrated by this thread, 3DPD weebs sure are retarded and lowly, how awful that /jp/ is now full of them.

>> No.13732622

They mad!!! XD

>> No.13732786

Yes. Don't know what the other guy is on about, she's only been to taiwan.

>> No.13732796

epic brah :D

>> No.13732801

fuck off crossie

>> No.13732808


>> No.13732830

>Leaving just an old women from Japan trying to push her luck somewhere else by doing the same old monkey trick over and over again. https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2012/09/28/ushijima-iiniku-just-an-old-hag-dependent-on-photoshop/
monkey tricks.....
>ageing horrible
Would do for 200

>> No.13732832


>> No.13732838

the summer is strong with you anon.

>> No.13732903

i've been here since '09 nooblet

>> No.13732913

somebody just finished posting blubber....lol

>> No.13732920

the fuck does "blubber" mean

>> No.13732932

>Does not know what blubber is....

>> No.13732946

was thinking the same, since when did it became acceptable to link that site?

>> No.13732962

whats is wrong with that site?

>> No.13732970

It's shit.

>> No.13732976

thats not an answer.
what is really wrong with it?

>> No.13733012

Fuck off crossie faggot

>> No.13733039

Thats more like your trying to avoid something here. Whats wrong with that site?
Because you start to smell like proper buthurt if no answer.

>> No.13733083

> She was butthurt over copyright infringement and loss of income and there for threatening with legal action if the admins of the sides in question would not remove these links. Obviously the sites in question did not take any actions in removing them. In Japan they maybe would have more luck with this kind of approach but for the rest of the world its nope.

>> No.13733102

Home of some of the cutest girls I would say.
Why is it considered to be shit, dear anon?

Nice and interesting article btw. https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2012/09/28/ushijima-iiniku-just-an-old-hag-dependent-on-photoshop/
The comments afterwards may be a little bit harsh. but love what the article is revealing.

Is She?
Poor girl.

>> No.13733116

Here dear anon, may this article enlighten you. http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/blubber/

>> No.13733120

If you don't know why everyone hates that site i suggest you fuck off back to whatever board you came from

>> No.13733155

Thats still not a proper satisfying answer anon. Y u so buthurt?
Because, shit nor fuck off are valid answers, neither that you and a select group of people dislike it for yet unknown reasons.
So....why? you can tell it anon. its okay to open up your heart and speak free about: https://www.sankakucomplex.com/
What did they do to hurt your beloved beauty queen?

>> No.13733247

Are you artefag himself, fishing for hits?
In any case, get out with your gross 3DPD.
Idol shit is the cancer of this board.

>> No.13733292
File: 70 KB, 510x340, 1436106998715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel such anger in you. Please continue with enlighten me anon. Get it of your chest. Because still not satisfied with the answer. Let me make you a bit more happier with some nice links for Udo?


>> No.13733333
File: 11 KB, 211x246, what the fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people on /jp/ who like 3D but would not fuck Ushijima

>> No.13733339
File: 26 KB, 358x449, 1432652310579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

--> 13733333
Nice bro!!

>> No.13733349

I would do her with some eggs to be honest.

>> No.13733382

Would have send a younger more talented person in the first place.
One that is also top ranked in Cure or at least in one of the other lists.
Just to make sure they are getting a correct representation of the cosplay community from Japan at the Comic Con in San Diego.


>> No.13733424

You really do like shitposting don't you?

>> No.13733481

Ive been on 4chan since 04 so you can go suck a dick you internetting newfag bitch!

>> No.13733506

>You really do like shitposting don't you?
You really don't like the real world objective opinion based on facts don't you anon. Just your own surrogate substitute for reality, anxious trying to keep hold of it and pushing it into everyone throat. The only words coming out of your mouth: shit posting, cancer, fuck off, homo, shit etc. for each one that disagrees.
...sure anon.

>> No.13733549

Why are you so obsessed with japanese girls? It's creepy.
I wish you were driven out of /jp/ but sadly some mentally impaired idolfag was appointed janitor and this happened.
In the good old days we had just 1 thread with 3D shit. Now look at the board, it's sad af

>> No.13733563

Then Leave?
We will not stop you from doing so anon.

>> No.13733592

Funny to see that right after the comment some anon presented us with an excellent example.

>some mentally impaired idolfag was appointed janitor.

>> No.13733667

No, you leave instead.

>> No.13733724

So is she really coming?

>> No.13733735

Yes, she'll be officially announcing her career in the American porn industry.

>> No.13733738

No, check the website for all the details about the event.

>> No.13733754



>> No.13733860


To be never seen there again......because not welcome.

>> No.13733878

Are you unable to read?

>> No.13733886

>"Shes getting too old for this"

>> No.13733888

This is going to be fun indeed.

>> No.13733910

Far beyond saviour by make up and Photoshop?
Them goodies are over the recommended expiry data?
That's not good either.

>> No.13733931

Ushitters on suicide watch.

>> No.13733957

Agree, a Hero will do.....Just fine.

>> No.13734026

It only would be to fast.
And a easy way out.
Can't let that to happen do we?

>> No.13734094

So torrents of her videos where?

>> No.13735118

>UDON hired her as a booth babe
What in the fuck.

>> No.13737981
File: 30 KB, 360x363, 1361801380718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13738180

Complimented with some Eggs.

>> No.13738398

Unsuccessful tiny shit troll is unsuccessful.
Udon nor Comic Con obvious confirmed.
Check: http://www.udonentertainment.com/blog/, http://www.comic-con.org/cci

>> No.13738468

Janny, this is a trash thread, please remove

>> No.13738478

I see you,

>> No.13738481

thank you

>> No.13739315
File: 105 KB, 677x590, 1410445533445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this thread still alive?

This is like, totally kuso, guise.


>> No.13739351

It's a good thread. You have control issues.

>> No.13739362

I'll control your ass, dweeb!

>> No.13740248
File: 441 KB, 800x657, 1433239028310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many reportings..........from one and the same person.
--> Reporting will not help cutie.
We are only posting facts here.

Maybe we should continue and go a bit more in-dept?
Tons of stories to tell anons about all the conflicts and arguments caused by production of goodies or just being a plain bitch towards kind people who were willing to help out.

>> No.13740640
File: 3.89 MB, 2322x2322, poached-egg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13740936

Did somebody say......Bump?


>> No.13741888
File: 85 KB, 578x284, Egg-yolk-gudetama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UDON hired her as a booth babe.
Like hood of getting thrown with eggs on the venue and create a new flavoured Udon meal called: "Ushi-Bukkake-Udon"

Her watching eggs filled soup advertisements or anything egg related is never going to be the same again.
......Did I hear somebody mention something about Karma?

>> No.13741916
File: 32 KB, 700x433, EggsiFailCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to celebrate the creation of this new meal.
What a even better way to promote it.

>> No.13742286
File: 216 KB, 1028x508, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13743109

Be gentle, "kudasai"!

>> No.13743601
File: 98 KB, 410x216, Pulloverthatasstoofat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13744619
File: 41 KB, 600x600, 1436072775595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13745777

>Like hood of getting thrown with eggs on the venue and create a new flavoured Udon meal called: "Ushi-Bukkake-Udon"

Made my day.

>> No.13746511
File: 85 KB, 698x658, 1434896911873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13746907


more like, Ushitjizzman lol

>> No.13748997
File: 2.10 MB, 320x320, 1436392755275.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13751334

It says it right there in the blog post.
>Ushijima Iiniku will cpsplay of Street Fighter Sakura and Vampire Savior Lilith at UDON #4529.

Maybe saying she was hired is unsubstantiated, but she's in cosplay at the UDON booth. When was the last time she made an American appearance, if ever?

>> No.13753599
File: 465 KB, 336x252, DoEat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All them eggs related posts.

>> No.13753640

Get a load of this jealous hambeast.

>> No.13753645

You can remove extra pounds through exercise.
Extra years? Well...

>> No.13753767

Well hello summer friend.
Is it that bad with her? though she was only something like 40?
>You really don't like the real world objective opinion based on facts don't you anon. Just your own surrogate substitute for reality, anxious trying to keep hold of it and pushing it into everyone throat. The only words coming out of your mouth: shit posting, cancer, fuck off, homo, shit etc. for each one that disagrees.

>> No.13754823
File: 27 KB, 177x188, Milf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say......Milf?

>> No.13757304


>> No.13757326

any actual otaku culture thread that is not boatsluts, boring idol crap and pointless touhou image dumps is met with hostiity.....

man... /jp/ used to be good...

>> No.13757345

Go to hell, Trevor.

>> No.13757918

Udon (the ones who make the street fighter comics) invited her, you crazy nigger.

>> No.13758306

Destroy normies.
Destroy all 3D.
Destroy Comic-Con.

>> No.13758360

Sure, than show me the proof for confirmation.
Don't post any bullshit posted by herself nor of any of the kissless virgin fan boys out there.
>/jp/ used to be good...
Implying it ever was good.
>You really don't like the real world objective opinion based on facts don't you anon. Just your own surrogate substitute for reality, anxious trying to keep hold of it and pushing it into everyone throat. The only words coming out of your mouth: shit posting, cancer, fuck off, homo, shit etc. for each one that disagrees.
...sure anon.
See above.
Agree, even animals have more statue and followers that her.
So that compared with the social structure and classes you have in Japan makes is obvious clear that she is in the top bottom of it

>> No.13759509


>> No.13759557

>actual otaku culture
This is a /cgl/ thread with one guy having a conniption fit.

>> No.13759620
File: 297 KB, 768x1024, IMG_0010_1024 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kissless virgin fan boys out there.

>> No.13760567
File: 101 KB, 960x960, 1436675866375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So dipshit shitposter got blown the fuck out.

>> No.13760798


Why should I give a shit?

>> No.13761077
File: 2.32 MB, 236x200, 1435685881225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not original poster.
Try harder faggot.

>> No.13761815
File: 42 KB, 360x235, 1435263289646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sure are Mad!!!

>> No.13762012

Proof that he's Trevor?

>> No.13762020

Doesn't matter, she's there.
Keep pulling those goalposts back faggot.

>> No.13762158

>tfw pot calling kettle black

>> No.13762159
File: 46 KB, 201x159, Thatass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't matter, she's there.
>Keep pulling those goalposts back faggot.

They sure are.... XD

>> No.13762230
File: 33 KB, 429x410, Trololol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe its time to do something else because there are some butthurt weeaboos here.


>> No.13762251
File: 113 KB, 249x314, jkushijima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This Thread

Fuck me, I haven't seen such autistic nerd-rage since somebody started shitposting Ai Shinozaki threads hard enough that they stopped showing up on /jp/ altogether.

>> No.13762283

They probably are shitting all colours of the rainbow by now because there's still one day left. Never seen so much autism as with these fanbois. Legendary.

And indeed from the very beginning of the thread, until now still this shitty arrogant behaviour. they deserve it. unquestionable.

>> No.13762293
File: 52 KB, 214x249, I_can_has_sleep?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it.
or GTFO.

>> No.13762308
File: 262 KB, 1000x878, 22d0ef15a4c0d9c5f374d4898d168ca3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of that other thread when that retard was crying over Shoko-tan for 500 posts in 2 days.

>> No.13762326

O really? , nice.
At least somebody with some nice tits and a cute ass. XD

>> No.13762342

It's just one guy, and he's known to be a retarded lunatic.

>> No.13762354

And a very successful career woman from what I can see.
Obviously I start to smell some jealousy here.
Enlighten us anon.

>> No.13762361
File: 966 KB, 1800x1200, 064d4bd6c513c1dfd796c667d203673f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lick her feet.

>> No.13762366

We are talking about just one ushi fanboi?
Talking about autism. Damnn. to funny.

>> No.13762379

How about.. you.. learn. to type a. sentence, englis.h

>> No.13762385

Its proofs yet again that these Ushi fanbois are the cancer of this board. No objective opinion but pure and simple rage if they do not hear what they want to hear. XD
Stay mad tho!!!

>> No.13762390

Explain all knowing wizard!!!
Try to be for a moment a bit more entertaining.
And tell us some more.

>> No.13762395

Ebin my friend, simply ebin. You got me! I am mad!

>> No.13762404

I'm disappointed because its useless.
Especially regarding your cause.
Tell us.

>> No.13762408
File: 1.90 MB, 2400x1600, 3246e9e1aabdd860aa1af460fb867e47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13762434
File: 85 KB, 500x500, 1435263246506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly lost your tongue?

>> No.13762441

You have so much autism.

>> No.13762468

>It's just one guy, and he's known to be a retarded lunatic.
I still do not have an answer anon, the more I start to think ur very butthurt and unable to express your feels.

>> No.13762626

They deserve it.

>> No.13765107

You do realize he's talking about you right? You know the person who made 6 posts in a row obsessively asking the same question is actually not normal behavior.

>> No.13765946

You do realize that Its plain and simple clear that its a typical example of not knowing anything anon?
And voiding questions, by trying to run over reasonable questioning with shitty comments?
Even when asked several times for clarification. Confirming they know shit.

>> No.13765984

You know when I came here just to dick around and just read all of your fights and argument, I didn't know what the fuck you were even talking about.

I still don't understand what anything is even about.

I just think you're all fags. That's why you're the kettle calling the pot black.

>> No.13766043
File: 13 KB, 300x100, 232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I came here just to dick around
I know, I did notice it to late when I posted it but sorry for that.
But obvious It was not meant to you as negative response, but more as a confirmation about the Kettle thingy.
>I still don't understand what anything is even about.
Just triggering some butthurt ushit fanbois.
Because they are the most easy once to get mad.
>I just think you're all fags

>> No.13766048

I can confirm with utmost confidence that you are a faggot.

>> No.13766050


>> No.13766051

Is that image real?

>> No.13766057

its a banner from this website.

>> No.13767973
File: 58 KB, 640x640, 11084885_1578915142370432_1455588975_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking for Lilith photos!
