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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 185 KB, 1000x800, 1435196863306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13723016 No.13723016 [Reply] [Original]

This dog wants to have puppies.
What do?

>> No.13723023

Neuter it.

>> No.13723027

feed her my crotch chocolate

>> No.13723043


awoo~s are allergic to chocolate

>> No.13723062
File: 145 KB, 676x1024, 1402303957798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't work, genetical incompatibility and all of that. The closes you can get is a mule, but that's because horses and dokeys are of the same family and share quite a lot of genetic information.
I'd bet my bottom dollar anyone with ears like that and a tail will be fundamentally different. For one, chances are females don't even have a PNS because nature can't screw up like that twice and since they're related to dogs. This alone puts their whole species on a completely different genetic level.
So try to hook her up with someone else I guess.
Not that I would ever like to have any pet. To hell with that. They're smelly, they break stuff, scratch walls and shit. AND THEY DON'T PAY RENT. FUCK THAT.

>> No.13723101

Wouldn't stop me from trying every day.

>> No.13723146

Adopt puppies for her from local animal rescue shelter.

>> No.13723160
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That can be arranged.

>> No.13723162


Youkai, dude. They don't really operate based on natural laws.

>> No.13723198

It's ok, its white chocolate!

>> No.13723217
File: 1.72 MB, 1045x1500, p_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let these two follow their instincts.

>> No.13723246

2 girls can't make puppies

>> No.13723257

Is homosexual sex instinctive?

>> No.13723259

I want to rub an awoos pregnant belly

>> No.13723281 [DELETED] 


I sure did craved that cock without thinking about it.

>> No.13723316

Tengu lay eggs.

>> No.13723321

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

>> No.13723338

female dogs have been known to hump each other on occasion

>> No.13723380 [DELETED] 


Teenage femboy dicks right after gym class are gods's delicacies.

>> No.13723420

What do you do with the femboy dicks?

>> No.13723433


>> No.13723450 [DELETED] 
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Suck them of course. (Don't forget the cleanup blowjob, generally the blowjob feels good but right after cumming they feel like it was a bad idea and if their dick is all disgusting and gooey for the whole day afterward they'll never come back for more)

>> No.13723471

Describe in detail how thoroughly you clean please. Also do you swallow?

>> No.13723480

Euthanize it.

>> No.13723487

You seem like you've done this a lot.

>> No.13723515 [DELETED] 


Well swallowing is mandatory, not swallowing is totally out of question why would you not do it anyway ? So your after you swallowed you just suck the dick but like you don't want to make it sloppy, it' is difficult to explain but normally you want to make it wet with you saliva and now you don't. You somehow try to slurp all the saliva and cum left and make it as dry as possible (more like "ungooey" though). The tricky part is that some always drip onto the the balls and in the pubic hair (even if there are few) so if you can have a tissue it is better but just a little vacuum slurp will do generally unless you made the sloppiest blowjob ever. The cleanup blowjob shouldn't be longer than 2 to 3 passages onto the dick though because they generally don't feel to good about having their dick inside a guy's mouth at that point (but they will fap at night and feel guilty about it later and come back later so DO IT).

>> No.13723517 [DELETED] 
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T-Two times and with the same cute boy isn't a lot ! I'm not a slut !

>> No.13723535

Did you kiss his penis?

>> No.13723546 [DELETED] 


Honestly I did all the things from my lewd doujins... (Circling the tip under the foreskin with my tongue and my lips was literally the best sexual things I've ever done and I already touched boobs once at that point !)

>> No.13723564

Did he like that? Which things did you do that he liked the most?

>> No.13723572 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 1100x774, 1412526986405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck now that I think about it... My first kiss was with a cute dick. The first thing from another person that my lips ever touched was precum. Shit, what a lewd let down.

>> No.13723593

That means you have to make the owner of that cute penis take responsibility by marrying you!

>> No.13723611

I hope you suffer a lot during your lifetime.

>> No.13723622 [DELETED] 



I couldn't really tell as I was at a sleepover at his house and he was in his bed so there was no light. But he stayed outside of his blankets on purpose with his pajama pants slightly lowered on purpose so I almost jumped on his cute dick... I think the best part is the build up. Like you are caressing the lower part of his tummy the inside of his thighs with your fingertips with your mouth and your breath not even 5cm away from his cock you can feel the heat radiating from his cock in the dark. The first few kisses (wet your lips results are guaranteed) on the tips made him jolt and the first sudden deepthroat too. After that it wasn't as intense until the rapid strokes and the heavy suction right on the tip (the doujin thing about your tongue going wild around it works just perfectly while doing that) to make him cum. It was really really weird after that though the next day. Didn't stop him from wanting more though. But he still regret it afterward each time though.

>> No.13723650

No sex before marriage.

>> No.13723662

Do you still do this with him?

>> No.13723665
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>> No.13723695 [DELETED] 


From time to time now but before as soon as we were alone in a room I'd jerk him of but he has a rather huge family so it's difficult to be alone with him. I might sleep at his house soon though and I can't not think about it. Now I have a fetish for small cute dicks.

>> No.13723698
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>> No.13723701

Does he ever make you feel good as well?

>> No.13723706 [DELETED] 
File: 478 KB, 600x876, 1362063378105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What kind of faggot doesn't like cute androgynous boys with cute dicks ?

>> No.13723714 [DELETED] 


No. The little egotistic shit. The worst part is that he actually started it all by caressing my inner thighs and groping me at various places all the fucking time.

>> No.13723722

He got you addicted to his cock. Be a good boyfriend!

>> No.13723734

Why don't you just ask him if he would be willing to make you feel good as well?

>> No.13723736

Forcing your sexual views on an anonymous imageboard isn't going to change anything, you know.

>> No.13723738

You should take your own advice.

>> No.13723739 [DELETED] 


But I'm a good girlfriend ! I always try to please him ! I even lick it off my fingers. I must admit I don't take no for an answer when he says he isn't in the mood. You can't make me all slutty and addicted to your cock and tell me you aren't in the mood when you cum buckets anyway. The worst part is when he pretends it annoys him and it isn't happening, it is really annoying to jerk off someone who doesn't want to lay back or lower his pants.

>> No.13723747 [DELETED] 


Because I know he isn't willing to it would be "too weird". Or at least in its head it would be weirder than his best friend giving him handjobs and blowjobs.

>> No.13723749

I'm not the one constantly posting about it and constantly seeking attention.

>> No.13723752

Why can't I have a girl like you in my life?

>> No.13723767
File: 28 KB, 324x306, hurk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're just slutty and he isn't pretending.

>> No.13723770 [DELETED] 
File: 540 KB, 970x1280, 2a435f34c0c2c9dfa2db2158cecd02a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I'm a boy anon !


/jp/ is craving cute boys, accept it.

>> No.13723779

Why can't I have someone like you in my life?*

>> No.13723782 [DELETED] 
File: 408 KB, 565x343, 1375866413158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


B-but he started it all so... Shit, don't tell me I've been sexually abusing my friend for almost 2 years.

>> No.13723785
File: 25 KB, 376x272, Extremely disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13723789

Have you never asked him how he felt about it?

>> No.13723795

Are you implying that the view of the majority determines the intrinsic value of something? Do you also believe that everyone should submit to the ideals of the mass?

>> No.13723805

You seem like you'd be a blast at parties.

>> No.13723806 [DELETED] 


Hell no. It was already awkward as fuck at the beginning when he clearly wanted to cum all the time. I don't want to be denied my weekly ration of cute dick. And it can't be that bad for him since he always have explosive orgasms...


Board culture derives from the majority's culture. If the majority likes cute boys then cute boys should be accepted.

>> No.13723811

Explosive orgasms?

>> No.13723814

Rape is bad, anon.

>> No.13723815

"Cute boy penises" would surely be an interesting topic for the real world norm, wouldn't it?
Populism is a flawed system.

>> No.13723819

The world would be a better place if more people talked about cute boy penises.

>> No.13723841

If the majority doesn't like cute boy penises, then cute boy penises shouldn't be accepted.

>> No.13723852

Being a cute boy would be nice but I'm too manly so I guess I'm out of luck.

>> No.13723855

You can change what the majority wants with aggressive and well funded marketing campaigns.

America has proved this again and again.

>> No.13724070

>Because I'm a boy anon !
B-o-y-puuusssssy~ mmmmmmm~

>> No.13724075

Why did my dog thread turn into faggot circlejerking.

>> No.13724139

You have only yourself to blame for this mess.

>> No.13724143
File: 267 KB, 1200x1695, VU_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about Momiji's cute boy penis!

>> No.13724150
File: 143 KB, 850x611, sample_c97f717d2a8a936a5d95d7d01471f2fda19cbb0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck a dog in the ass
he wants to fuck a dog in the ass
I wanna fuck a dog
That's right kids.
I tried to fuck your mom in the ass
Tried to fuck your dad in the ass
could only find the dog....and his ass
we wanna fuck a dog in the ass
we wanna fuck a dog in the ass
we wanna fuck a dog

>> No.13724176

Force-feed her raisins until she dies.
Offer up her corpse as BLOOD SACRIFICE to the Dragon God!

>> No.13724189 [SPOILER] 
File: 844 KB, 963x1484, 1435900129272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not very nice. Don't you just want to do her in the butt instead?

I really like reading homoerotic experiences on /jp/, thanks anon. Perhaps I will have one someday.

>> No.13724201

You're all a bunch of fucking faggots, holy shit.

>> No.13724259

The Momiji in your picture is a boy, not a futa.

>> No.13724299
File: 121 KB, 1035x1448, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13724305
File: 369 KB, 504x499, Momiji phone cover lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13724321

This is why people don't come to /jp/
Which is a good thing

>> No.13724358

either that or you get a bunch of child loving manchilds

>> No.13724367

>child loving manchilds
English you stupid fuck.

>> No.13724388

ok, pedophiles

>> No.13724434

holy fuck what is reddit doing here

>> No.13724505

Don't respond to it.

>> No.13724519

Some shit happened in reddit, by the way.

>> No.13724550

At least we aren't fucking degenerates unlike you.

>> No.13724605

What's that?

>> No.13725155 [DELETED] 

Reported for off topic post.
All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, Vocaloid, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests
Please read the rules before making a post. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.13725415

I wanna be your dog

>> No.13725421

If she wants puppies I'm going to give her puppies! We're going to the pet store!

>> No.13725427
File: 295 KB, 600x825, 1372091765469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my room I want you here

>> No.13725746

I want to help Yukikaze clean up that mess!

>> No.13726366 [DELETED] 


Explosive as in "he cums so hard it goes through the tissue and on his tummy, chest and face". I swear not licking it off his cute smooth tummy was a real torture.

>> No.13726388
File: 427 KB, 900x1000, 1352151365430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rut with her like a wild animal and breed a whole bunch of mini-awoos!

>> No.13726401

no don't tell us
we really don't care
loliposters where are you, get these corssboarders outta here

>> No.13726405

Apparently, they fired one of their staff the site relied on heavily. Now the whole site is shutting down their main subreddits/boards in a protest against the actions of the administation.

>> No.13726414
File: 356 KB, 620x877, 1434289045370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolilover 003, in position.

>> No.13726428

I want to burry my face into Kosuzu's lolibutt.

>> No.13734484
File: 94 KB, 1023x1383, tmp_9869-f2702431baa41359f023f9c32b3204d4-1941834644..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna breed with a /jp/sies mouth!
