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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.13721142
File: 61 KB, 640x360, 1205468046ld0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.13721148

Alchemists just got changed to a more support role, they get lower stats now but -10 to cost. Other than that it looks like buffs everywhere.

>> No.13721220
File: 62 KB, 470x595, Phyllis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid I have a bit of a greenhorn question.
I've been doing the Crystal Keeper mission on normal, and have been doing pretty well out of it, usually getting 5 sets of 2Crystals.
I haven't tried the Hard version(I suspect I don't have the Units for it), but is it really that much more rewarding? the normal ones drops have been so good, I'd be surprised to see another difficulty/mission giving even more.

>> No.13721224
File: 186 KB, 960x641, Elaaaaaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some units got plastic surgery.

>> No.13721228
File: 194 KB, 953x635, ss+(2015-07-02+at+02.08.55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13721229

H gives 3 crystal per set. Also they are actually not so notably more efficient stamina-wise.

>> No.13721230

The efficiency difference with crystal keeper is very small. I've been doing N all the time since it seems like you'd need 2 CC Archers for H. I can easily CC more Archers, it's just I want to buy then CC Spica first (ironic I know)

I'll calculate the efficiency soon, just a bit busy right now.

So basically, do E as long as you want. N is easy as fuck. Just 1 CC Archer, Prince and two Witches should do it. If not, just place more stuff, you'll have lots of time for it.

>> No.13721233
File: 9 KB, 646x145, ss+(2015-07-02+at+08.21.37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samefag here.

Apparently the wiki has an efficiency table for it now.

>> No.13721234
File: 193 KB, 960x641, ITipMyFedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fedora doesn't look like she belongs in the 19xx anymore.

>> No.13721236

Did they update the h-scenes too? Fedora's are fucking weird (low quality in a bad way)

>> No.13721238
File: 181 KB, 959x640, DisgustingCow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dorca looks more like a MILF now, but still disgusting cow tits.

>> No.13721239


I don't really see the differences.

>> No.13721245
File: 181 KB, 960x640, Silva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the fairies got a little

Totally unnecessary.

Not for Fedora's

>> No.13721251
File: 193 KB, 960x641, DoubleRainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13721253
File: 220 KB, 950x637, ss+(2015-07-02+at+02.04.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not forget you now have 10 times the reason to have a Jerome awakened.

>> No.13721254

Black fairy still looks like a color swapped silver

>> No.13721258

It's the coloring and shades

And Soma got clearer boobs

>> No.13721260

That looks even worse than the old one. They just drained all the colour from her and made her smaller so the spear fits the frame better. I guess there is some minor changes to her face too.
Soma got pretty much the same treatment but at least she is still the right size.

>> No.13721267

There is something very wrong with the coloring on the armor. Especially the shield, which doesn't even look like a solid object.

>> No.13721327

I have gotten 5 consecutive 8mil bosses in Peropero. Didn't they say they were going to fix this? I can't afford to elixir all these things.

>> No.13721330

There's only a slight difference. E is 1.05 crystals per stamina, N is about 1.1 crystals per stamina, H is about 1.2 crystals per stamina. So basically, don't worry about trying to rush for H. If you push for H and fail even once in the process, you waste a lot more than if you just stick to farming normal until your units are strong enough.

I would sue the surgeon in her case

>> No.13721334

This "pure per stamina" calculation is flawed because it doesn't take in account whether you can perfectly fit h missions in stamina you have or you have leftovers. True rate should be calculated depending on player level.

>> No.13721336
File: 149 KB, 688x386, 1417737805470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter if you have leftover stamina. The efficiency shows per run. Not per day or some shit. Calculate it yourself if you want it per day.

The original point was per run and the image is per run. It isn't flawed.

>> No.13721344

It's still a perfectly legitimate basis for judgement. If you start considering these detailed circumstances, it just balloons to infinity.

You include in judgement your level, how often you get to the game to dump stamina, how much you have left from previous daily and how much you plan to keep for tomorrow, hell what if you level up with stam refill today?

And all these details matter even less due to how per-run shows only small improvement. You aren't loosing much if you can only fit an E run before the daily shifts.

>> No.13721347
File: 206 KB, 569x558, cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... who should I CC?

>> No.13721348

Jerome or Cypria.

>> No.13721349

It does seem like an obvious choice to CC Jerome because I use him very often, at the same time I feel somewhat bothered by the extra cost with no benefit in terms of reinforcements... then again after the recent buffs, my Katie now has 310 def which is potentially making her a better soldier now.

>> No.13721350

Colin? They really made me feel bad with that huge cost reduction just after I decided to ignore her in gold rush.

>> No.13721354

Oh yeah I forgot about how Jerome's CC works. Some people don't CC him either.

Then, Cypria. I'm a bit of a sucker for Rogues though. It's hilarious when they instakill everything. Keeps the game just a tad fresh.

>> No.13721357

I agree, but I just stated the droprates of the map since I don't really have access to his stamina value.

Either way, for most values it will just make it so that H will tend to have even less of an advantage over N than stated, since the stamina numbers are less likely to be divisible by 8 than by 6. So the verdict remains the same. And even in one of the rare cases like 17 max stamina (meaning total of 40 stamina available with thursday's regeneration) where it is cleanly divisible by 8, but not by 6, the advantage gained by 8 is still rather small exactly because the difference per E, N or H run is small. So it's a direct consequence of the single-run numbers.

Also, I doubt many people with 17 max stamina will have problems clearing H.

>> No.13721359

I ignored her as well, if I knew it I would've tried farming a few more copies of her... That aside, she doesn't benefit from CCing much does she? Probably bigger range like all other ranged units but higher cost.

I agree, I generally place Cypria above other low cost units just because of the RNG assassination. Just wondering if units like Charlotte and Viella would benefit from CCing more considering they're largely underused by me despite sounding pretty strong on paper. Heck, I use Saki all the time and Charlotte should be able to perform similarly but I still never use her.

>> No.13721362

>since the stamina numbers are less likely to be divisible by 8 than by 6.
Funny thing, if you're dumping whole bar of the usual 12 stam, the difference between 2*N and E+H is 0.05 per run.
Just to hammer in how close it is.

>> No.13721369

Hey anon i like her cow tits, only reason i cc her as my healer

>> No.13721377

+5 cost after CC, and goes up to 180 range. Awakening gives her 200 plus 15 from her passive.

Actually never used her since I've never been absolutely forced to use physical against really high def things. She and Eden seem to be a staple of Gatling Monica builds I've seen on nico though.

>> No.13721379

>*delicious cow tits
Anon, your auto correct is fucking up again.

>> No.13721461

Gifts in Aigis won't expire if I don't take them out right? I don't have slot for them.

>> No.13721469

Posting here as well
getting tired of posting this on almost every thread. PUT THIS ON THE OP ALREADY FFS:

Switch to the x64 version of your browser, its most likely a ram spike >4GB, making any non-x64 app crash. been using x64 Firefox for over a month without a single crash

>> No.13721521

All of these buffs makes me feel the need to reevaluate the utility of some units.

>> No.13721522

There's a reason why people think Jerome trained the Prince in how to be the suave motherfucker he is now. Now, here's even more reason.

>> No.13721549
File: 1.05 MB, 292x240, pegasusriders.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's welcome our new pegasus riding overlords.

Well seriously speaking, I wonder how much unit points you can gain using them in a battle. Unlike valks who would easily get KS'd by ranged units, pegasus riders, especially the black one, are known to be able to thrown out to a path and blockade it for a minute by activating their skill and turning into a whirlwind of death. Sounds like it'd generate quite a bit of unit points...

>> No.13721756

They're one of the few classes I can't get a single one of.

>> No.13721764

I have two of them both Stella.

>> No.13721773

On Dmm aigis is there a way to reset the account so you can keep trying for plat+ rolls or do I need to make a new dmm account for each attempt?

>> No.13721817

Go to your DMM account page > 退会

>> No.13721842

found it, thanks

>> No.13721893

Woo! I just 3-starred Awakening Jewel: Witch for the first time. Thank you cost reduction buffs.

>> No.13721939

>affection bonuses
>▼ White archer Nunnally, Summoner Farune, witch Desupia, magic princess ester
>We changed "HP" to rise to the "range" rise.
Wow, nice.

>> No.13721960

Decided to give LoV a go after thinking about it for a while, not quite sure what the hell I'm doing though.

What I can surmise from the wiki is try to get 30 comrades, and to rush down the quests as fast as possible to get access to good bosses.

Is there any specific places or best ways to farm fodder? So far I've dumped a bunch of stat points into stamina and I'm at something like 60.

>> No.13721975

What? I can't read Engrish very well.

>> No.13721979

they get more range rather than hp with affection

>> No.13721985

The whole class changes though.
>-1 cost for CC/awoken rogues
>more def for soldiers
>more attack for bandits
>-1 cost for valks
>more hp and def for armors
>more atk and def for samurai
>-1 cost for ninja
>pegasus riders recover cost
>more attack and avenger style buff but for defense for dark knights
>more hp for awoken avengers
>hp for warrior priests
>hp and attack for monks
>-1 cost for vanguard tacticians
>attack for rune fencers
>attack and defense for awoken angels
>attack for archers
>attack for mages, witches, pirates, shamans, and bowriders
>more undead bonus damage for vamp hunters
>hp and def for awoken echidna
>more range, atk, and hp for awoken summoners
>-1 cost for cannon, -2 cost for CC cannon
>more range for the chrono witch
>-10 cost for alchemists
>nanaly got 5 different buffs this patch

>> No.13722000

Demon god tier daily incoming?

>> No.13722006

Nutaku is going to stick with old version for a while, I suppose?

>> No.13722009

I wish for non shit droprates

>> No.13722021

Doesn't Nutaku still not have the cost buff to witches from like a year ago?

>> No.13722042

It's only been from a couple months ago. And yes, likely due to the fact that 99% of the changes from that patch wouldn't affect Nutaku players at all.

>> No.13722045

They just added the god tier dailies, but I dunno, they're kind of underwhelming in terms of rewards, so maybe we will get a majin tier to farm black armors and time fairies.

>> No.13722046
File: 1.02 MB, 1433x961, liddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got Liddy from gacha, is she a good one to keep and start an account with or should I keep going? What plat plus units are ones to go with?

>> No.13722051

All these Nanaly buffs though.

>+15 range to start with
>10 more range when awoken
>more extra range from affection
>lower CD on quintuple shot
>plain old more damage

Maybe with all that, she'll be on par with SEPTUPLE SHOT again.

>> No.13722058

I'd say she's definitely worth it now with the new Pegasus Rider buff.

Before the patch yesterday it would be something like:
All Blacks
Bashira / Victoria
Seria / Camilla

>> No.13722068

The most efficient regular Stamina to XP fodder is the very first quests, with level 1s. They give you 0.444 XP per Stam if you always combine to the same element. If you only partially match the mixed elements from that grind, it'll drop to 0.333.

However, high maps of the events often feature fodder with the same 0.333 rate, BUT they are of higher level and thus need less mergers to give you same XP and thus cost lest cash.
Events also sometimes have +X weapon drops, which you can use to upgrade your weapon.

Speaking of, get the lottery weapon, ASAP.
The 5k base are ok, but higher base weapons catch up very fast, ESPECIALLY with the current event allowing you to grind pluses for merging them (a 7.2k base +5 is as good as 5k base +15, with current event you can get them up to +10 easily, see where I'm going?). So yeah, shove your continuous login bonuses into buying lottery gold tickets and use them for items.

Having a good lottery weapon will also allow you to get assist bonuses from the high level bosses your comrades (did you already check the list in the OP?) will summon.

Nonweapon gear is not terribly useful except for getting element bonus.

>> No.13722069

Go with her if you want to do >>13721549

Essentially flies in the sky (can still be shot with arrows/mages but ground units pass by) and aoes everything around it for its attack. Not very useful against armored units unless you have a blocker behind the pegasus rider but it can practically guarantee that no fodder is getting past its lane for 30~67 seconds and that's pretty long.

>> No.13722078

hmm yeah I'll keep, Took about 4 or 5 restarts to get her, also got Julian so not too bad, thank you both

>> No.13722114

Ah, thanks. I appreciate it. I wasn't very lucky and I'm stuck using just a heavy axe and an eggplant mail +5 for now.

I'm obviously not very far into the game, only at stage 5, but how does the gold/gila situation scale later with combining costs? As of right now, I get far more than I can spend on combining because of a lack of materials and high level cards.

I don't assume any established players would want a complete scrub taking up a valuable spot, so I might just find people through requests.

>> No.13722124

High level cards require more XP per level and each combine costs more. Stuff becomes really quite draining.

>I don't assume any established players would want a complete scrub taking up a valuable spot, so I might just find people through requests.
Try them still, they can do it just to be helpful to another /jp/ friend.
Also there are sometimes events which let even lowbies summon tasty megabosses. (Not the current one though.)

>> No.13722466

>units got buffed after maint
>check out nunally
>295 range


>> No.13722774


Once you reach character level 20, you unlock expeditions. The early ones rake in profit for you. The later ones destroy your bank. See harem-battle.club's thread on them.

>> No.13723288

I wonder if Nanaly is related to Aigis to be blessed so much when she doesn't really need any help

>> No.13723339

I think people were getting underwhelmed with her after they gave a unit with higher attack and a better ability a septuple shot skill.

>> No.13723409

Well, I can't get any Peropero bosses that don't have 8.7 mil health anymore. Thanks Nutaku.

>> No.13723522

Which unit?

>> No.13723625

Black Cavalry Archer Rion

>> No.13724396


Android app hype

>> No.13724495

Why are they using a screenshot full of all that old character dot-art...

>> No.13724590

The screenshot is probably a reused image from back when the original japanese app was launched. I'd guess that nutaku doesn't even have access to the app yet since it's still in development, so they couldn't take their own, more modern screenshots.

>> No.13724604

But it has English text.

>> No.13724704

I wonder what the app is made in.

Seems trivial to utilize webview technologies to port an existing webapp.

>> No.13724734

They can edit this. As far as I know they did the same for the event banners where they took the original Japanese banner and edited the text into English. If done well, you won't really notice it, so I assume they did the same here since it's the best explanation for why the picture shows a way too old version.

>> No.13724744

Yeah my point is if they can edit it, why not edit it to a proper picture?

>> No.13724798

That sounds like one of the most tedious and pointless edits in history.

>"Hey, Jeff, we want you to edit this picture" >"Sure, what do you want me to do"
>"Replace all the graphics and every single pixel in the picture with what they would look like in the current version to make it look like it's an actual screenshot from the game"

There's a huge difference between that and just translating a text for the English speaking audience.

>> No.13724911

But rion has quadro shot and gets half dmg at clise combat. She gets an awakening?

>> No.13724946

Yes, Skill awakening is 7 shot

>> No.13724990

how long does it take for gold to show up on your wallet after puchase with a cc? I don't get a confirmation window either, its just stuck in a loop "confirm this purchase" after entering numbers and clicking confirm. Support takes ages so maybe one of you has exp.?

>> No.13724997

Immediately. After I went back from payment gate it was already there.

>> No.13725027

What I find hilarious is the Engrish "Raid available after 1 people"

>> No.13725047

What's an easy set up to farm Immortal Beast?

>> No.13725071

Easy? Maxed out princess and 3 maxed out healers.

>> No.13725098
File: 511 KB, 712x442, Team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my current team set up. I have to sit throughout the entire mission and be able to switch out my units near the end. What I want is to be able to not have to sit for the entire mission length. Especially if I'm grinding and have to do the mission numerous times.

>> No.13725136
File: 183 KB, 959x639, spiriteasydaily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celia, you missed the rainbow fairy.

>> No.13725380

Or they could take a new screenshot of the game and just put that on the image?

>> No.13725547

How am I supposed to get EP fast in PeroPero? There's no way I'm getting that Nazi SR

>> No.13725674

Guys, I'm bored of grinding dragon hunting all day everyday. For the MMD players, does this get better over time? Alternatives to grinding the same map over and over? Or are there just events running all the time?

>> No.13725687

Should be instantly, if its not, join that support chat from nutaku's website.
That's what I did once when it got stuck on a verifying thing. They helped me super fast and gave me a 10% bonus on the gold I received as a courtesy

>> No.13725690

There is an auto complete button for story quests now if you got the completion reward.

>> No.13725702

*and 3 stared it.

>> No.13725703
File: 26 KB, 355x355, 1251816712276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desire this so hard.
How does it work? Do you just click a button and then instantly aquire the rewards?

>> No.13725726
File: 229 KB, 954x600, 143592885473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. Though they've only put it in recently.

>> No.13725731

Crap, that means it will be another year until nutaku gets it.

>> No.13725760

I'm not actually sure that's a good thing. Sure grinding the same map over and over is pretty tedious but in my experience auto completes are prone to ruining games as it feels less and less like you're actually playing them. Convenience is nice but I've found in most games it's bad for long term health when things start being automated.

>> No.13725775

And so we went full circle >>13724590

Not necessarily. We get a lot of the features way earlier than it was in the original jp version, we don't just get the stuff that was added exactly 1 year ago. So there's room for hope.

>> No.13725777

But you've 3* and got all the drops from it. It isn't like "yeah you're x level, you can just insta 3* everything now"

And you don't have to auto-complete it. You can do it sometimes. Or always. Or never. It's up to the player how they want to play the game.

>> No.13725779

Well it's optional, you can still farm the map normally with gold get characters and such.
Everything else, events/ dailies still have to be farmed manually.

>> No.13725781

Um, there's no reason the screenshot couldn't be from the PC version of the game.

>> No.13725792

It's just for story missions, the DMM version rarely leaves you much spare time to do story missions anyway.

>> No.13725800

I was doubtful as well at first, but it works well since it only applies to story missions. You'll still have to manually do the actually important missions, but you won't have to constantly keep putting the same 3 units on the same 3 spots in dragon hunting. It strikes a nice balance, especially since the event missions you'll have to farm will change with every event, whereas months of dragon hunting makes you bored out of your mind.

>> No.13725801

The thing is story maps are the lowest priority except for newer players. Older players are spending the majority of their charisma on maps that can't be automated.

And I definitely won't miss placing 2 units and then tabbing out of dragon hunting.

>> No.13725835

So to tank the boss of the new latest story map on JP, I'm seeing guides with 4 gold/platinum healers supporting an awoken Anya.

>> No.13725845

We all already know what the PC version looks like. If you want to see a picture of the PC version, there are thousands of that around already.

>> No.13725848

It looks the exact same as the android version. Do you really not see where I'm going with this?

>> No.13725867

I feel like saying you don't have to doesn't work in practice. It's like saying you don't have to use teleports or an IMS in an MMO that has them. Sure you don't actually have to, but you will because not doing so feels dumb.

Having said that fair point on story mode in DDM being very low priority at this point anyway.

>> No.13725878

m8 Aigis is a purely single player game. Who gives a fuck if some nigger uses auto-complete. Literally who. Cares. Who? No one.

>> No.13725880

A feng shui healer can cut it down to only needing 2-3 healers, but yea they're premium only.

You can always go full whale and clear it with 1 healer too. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26617831

>> No.13725885

Man I really fucking wish I had a single feng shui. I've rolled premium enough to get 6 blacks without even seeing the gold one.

>> No.13725896

No luck here either. I'm hoping devs will make an event for one soon, they seem really handy.

>> No.13725925

The fact it's single player doesn't matter. With regards to teleports my comment is equally valid when looking at single player RPGs. I'm not saying they are good or bad just that putting them in changes the game. Yes you could choose not to use them but simply by being there they change the way the player looks at the game along with their sense of reward. For a slightly more clear cut example you could consider a grotesquely broken starting weapon and how that would change how an RPG plays.

>> No.13726070

thx, their support fixed the problem, would contact again.

Now what to do with 150 sacred crystals...

>> No.13726075

Do 30x premium gacha, post results

>> No.13726079

Wait for them to add Minerva maybe?

>> No.13726145

I've rolled 3 of them, 2x green-haired Platinum, and 1x the Gold. No Blacks yet though ;_;

>> No.13726166 [SPOILER] 
File: 232 KB, 955x635, 1435952631062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll buy some storage room, then ill do 10 premium rolls, bc i really want Elizabeth! I will keep the rest for future events or rolls.

Here we go!
*** Alissa (usefull for cr)
**** Vincent (cool guy for mens battles i guess!)
*** Bernard (meh)
*** Alissa (go away plz)
**** Stray (okay ive enough men now k)
*** Calliope (geh)
*** Calliope (stop)
*** Calliope (plz stop)
**** Stray (guess my Stray will be cr'ed then)
**** Barbastroff (allready have Garania, might be nice for mens maps)

Aigis hates me.

Maybe i should roll one more time, like that dude in the vid that got Nanaly on his last roll...

*** Mortimer (FUCK YOU AIGIS)


Pic related (arigatu gosaimas, Aigis-sama)

>> No.13726245

Congrats, she has damage on par with a black unit, but with less range.

>> No.13726353


Sounds about right - roll 10, maybe get 1 drop you actually want. Gratz on Aigis smiling on you.

>> No.13726391

Congrats, now you'll be able to say "screw archers" and use this team.


>> No.13726917

This concept reminds me more of certain RPGs that let you auto-win weak encounters. Forgot if it was a tales game.

In my opinion the 3* and all drop requirement for autoing a map is pretty much your reward, compared to 3* a story mission and forgetting it even exists. That and the later missions are a bitch to 3* anyways, so getting to auto them instead of spending 3+ minutes on it feels great.

>> No.13726922

Speaking of later story missions, I just first try 3*'d Two Pyramids. Still can barely 1* Oasis 2 though.

>> No.13726938

Still trying to level up Diina to bomb the wind demon map. I'm sure there's an easier way though.

>> No.13726960

The eastern maps look tough, I haven't really set foot in them. I'm sure I could work something out with my max skill Nagi though.

Dina looks like a beast with her skill awakening though, like a superior mage armor except doing physical damage.

>> No.13726971

Just look at the silver/gold unit runs and run a similar setup.

A necromancer REALLY helps though. There's a fucking tengu shitter that nearly one shots everything.

>> No.13726978

Yeah... Necromancer is one of the like 4 or so non-unique classes I don't have any of. Guess I'd have to either use druid plants, which are too expensive, or retreat 3 cost (thanks Olivier) soldiers for my lighting rods.

>> No.13726995

That's good enough. Don't count on Nagi too much since the demons have much more HP and def compared to the event versions.

>> No.13727000

Okay there are 7 classes I don't have, I forgot about Bowrider, Dark Knight, and Tenko.

I guess I'll give it a try after I get 10k kills on the dragon map.

>> No.13727462
File: 955 KB, 957x639, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the fucking point?

Started doing it this tuesday, i guess this is the 8th time ive done it. got one today where only the golden one drop.

>> No.13727475

The release date for the novel's 3rd Volume has been announced.

It's 8/29/2015 - http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%8D%83%E5%B9%B4%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89%E3%82%A2%E3%82%A4%E3%82%AE%E3%82%B9-%E6%9C%88%E4%B8%8B%E3%81%AE%E8%8A%B1%E5%AB%81III-%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%9F%E9%80%9A%E6%96%87%E5%BA%AB-%E3%81%B2%E3%81%B3%E3%81%8D%E9%81%8A/dp/4047306517/ref=pd_sim_14_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0GSFNGMAK17B5WBG5K9S

>> No.13727502

Also, apparently this one gives you the serial code for Sybilla's little sister Patel(GT not sure of accuracy)

>> No.13727535

If you want the higher rarity ones at a good rate, you have to either have Celia or go for extreme/god tier when they come out.

>> No.13727586
File: 374 KB, 960x640, 98c1937c1422c58dc85ab904370e312b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That new awoken Roberto.

>> No.13727592

He's a fucking beast... and he's a healer too. I can now see why Christopher was saying people were afraid of healers. This guy proves it for sure.

>> No.13727622

With what he was saying in the gold rush about how he used to be a front line fighter, maybe when healers get their skill awakenings, he'll get some cool offensive ability.

>> No.13727625

Does he heal by murdering people or something?

>> No.13727750

Heracles, is that you?

>> No.13727776

every time he heals a unit, he uses a puppy's soul that he murdered earlier

>> No.13728069

Fuck yeah, I finally beat magic war. I did have to buy the +5 cost thing, but whatever, I don't mind spending a few crystals to be past that horrid mess.

>> No.13728187

jesus christ

roberto chill

you're a priest not a berserker

>> No.13728724

Anyone else keep getting only 8 million health bosses in PeroPero?

>> No.13728799

Finally got my 500/500 kills despite messing up. I'm not sure how, but the 3 dragons would end up killing my Spica only sometimes. It fucked up my plans but then I discovered that I could tank the elder with Sandra, so putting her in front of the center base worked really well.

>> No.13728859

So is anybody doing the pero pero event? my elite guards are getting stronger way faster then my SED scores, how do I delay their levels/lower it? elixirs? or is it changing my event SED scores by some action not defined in the SED score modifier chart in the event screen.

>> No.13728867

Responding too myself: I understand that the universal answer to all questions realistically is to spend money, but I want to progress without spending dosh. Also Energy drinks halve the output of ero-points so they are a pero heavy answer.

In the effort to give clearer information I have only started the game seriously due to the event and am already fucked from getting the good placing prizes and the end event items but at 87k points and 64k event SED I am confident at the low end good prizes such as the 125k or 150k.

>> No.13729048

>that demon mage
I haven't clear the first part, and I guess I won't be doing this second part for at least another month.

>> No.13729111

Honestly the demon mage looks far more intimidating than he actually is.


is a 3 star using just silver, I managed to replicate it with only one archer and one vampire hunter -1 cost, replacing the pirate with a cc27 vampire hunter, and replacing a cc'd ninja with a barebones level 34 ninja.

all of this on top of using units that cost significantly higher.

the base of the unit placement and order is top notch for anything because he always has a bunch of unit points just sitting around. Honestly I'd say the only requirement here is the vampire hunter, the three healers, and the first ninja. You could probably build around it as long as the ranges on your other units are roughly the same.

>> No.13729209

CharlesGMD could use a few active friends in LoV. High levels will have priority, but I might grab a lowbie or two if I won't have anyone else.

>> No.13729326

Getting only 8.1mil guards in peropero too.
So, did anyone figure how to deal with this shit?
Getting 5-10 people together on irc and killing them one by one together would work, albeit netting only 1x EPs for most participants.

>> No.13729333

Just whale, friend!

Personally I gave up on the event as I haven't gotten a sub 8mil boss in two days.

>> No.13729389
File: 38 KB, 460x168, ReianGear2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, Reian Cemetery complete. Would love to stay around and farm some wind fodder, but I need to get to Chocola faster. Onwards!

>> No.13729409

>Be IRON SOLDIER in Prince's Army.
>Not long ago, used to be a farmer's son in middle of nowhere.
>Goddess Aigis personally appeared in front of you.
>As you prostrate in worship, gives you a job offer.
>"Join the army that's fighting off the monster invasion! Oh and 70% of its members are beautiful women."
>Sign up without a second thought.

>Learn quickly that those "70% of members" are only interested in Prince.
>Feel down, couldn't you get close to just one girl?
>Hear rumour in mens' barracks of a mission where Prince has sworn not to touch the rescued maidens.
>Volunteer for it at earliest opportunity.
>"What I lack in skill, I'll make up for in spirit!"
>Find yourself in a toxic swamp, facing a pack of rabid wolves fast closing in.
>Anything to save a girl Prince won't touch.
>Thanks to bronze archer bros and Christopher, you survive the onslaught.
>Now where are these grateful girls?
>"Thanks for rescuing me! I'll work hard to get you lots of experience!"
>Wait... she's smaller than your fist.
>Blab your thoughts aloud while in a daze.
>"You wanted sexual experience? I can do that too. Want now?"
>You will not sink that low. It hurts, but you will not sink that low.
>Bronze bro puts a hand on your shoulder.
>"Welcome to Prince's army!"
>What a hazing.

>> No.13729557

>not wanting to fuck a fairy

Iron plebs.

>> No.13729569

Why is Iron Soldier such a normalfag?

>> No.13729576

Their social behavior is directly proportionate to their rarity

>> No.13729660

Sen a req to Blaxer lv 106
i'll accept as soon as im home today

>> No.13729818

As someone not lucky enough to get a lottery weapon on LoV, and that has only the basic uncommons up to stage 9 or so, what should I be trying to do to get strong enough to tag comrades stronger bosses a few times to get a reward?

I feel kind of silly pumping fodder into UC cards, but it seems like my best course of action for now.

>> No.13729843

Wait until you get more logins for more gold lotteries.

>> No.13729873

Every five days you login you get continous login points these fuckers are essential for early game progression you go to Items and look at the bottom there is the trading post you trade continuous login points for gold tickets, the first tickets way you want to spend there are the item tickets since you are praying for a weapon drop. You then login everyday because the login points per 5 days increase to 30. The first ticket is discounted to 1 point rather then 8.

Also when you hit level 20 you unlock the explore function and this is a money maker and a slow grinder for optimal UC Valkyries. Just equip a cart and avoid rares and super rares on the explore squads and you are printing Gs this is import since super rares are really expensive to grind at the high end levels.

>> No.13729887

Also tagging bosses for the most part does not get you weapon and item sets except for the early part of the game for uncommon weapon sets. If you want shit this way you best look at this http://lord-of-valkyrie.wikia.com/wiki/Mega_Boss_List

>> No.13729894

Gotcha. Kind of vexing that I can't even meet minimum damage requirements on Glimmers without attacking something like 6 times.

I stumbled across explore the other day and I've been using it to level up a ton of my dupe UCs and stockpiling Gs.

Mainly trying to tag them for new cards, to be honest. Rank 8s and up are what I'm hitting, but I don't have a large comrade list or anything, so it's pretty rare to see them.

>> No.13729927

need comrades?
i have a few spots, some of mine stopped playing so...

>> No.13729935

I do, thanks.

Sent one, I'm the level 28 scrub Xenrir.

>> No.13729960

accepted, np

>> No.13729962

Since you are new to the game I will elaborate basic shit: evolving max level cards gets you a double bonus, you should be doing that unless you just have tons of spare UC sets that you want to see the porn of in a reasonable time frame. However set of max level rares un-evolved should be more then enough for what ever you are facing at your area. You can also tough it out to the tenth area to get dragon encounters which have rare drops. Also if you need comrades just post your LoV name mine is: whyamIhere and I am lv 54 and I am in area 18, I am a tiny bit too powerful for my area due to the events just add me and I'll help with any bosses you are having trouble with. Also you might want to do the Limited quest, the problem with this one being that you need to tough it till at least stage 16 for it to be good since 16-20 are single element card grinders that spit out above par levels to stamina.

Also a question about limited quests: how do I get more copies of the reward card at the end of the quest? I only have 1 witch and it seems like a waste for a rare that is gonna simply clog my inventory if I have no way of evolving it.

>> No.13729970


Pretty much yeah. I too lament we can't fuck a fairy. But my image of Iron Soldier just fit normalfag when I wrote that up.

>> No.13729973

you mean chocola?
since she can go to astronomic high levels, i guess that is the only copy we could get

>> No.13729983

The current limited quest ender card I got was a rare called Dream Apparition Mea and she is only a rare to my knowledge, I should just read the forum/wiki for this info.

>> No.13729995

Yeah, I planned on eventually 4Ming all my cards instead of evolving early and weakening them.
Haven't really made any progress with card levels though, just have a 34 Elle and 20 Rukia, I think.

Don't have any Rs or above yet, but hopefully soon. I'd rather be dumping my fodder into something that gives a larger return.

>> No.13730032


Hope you've read the posts on http://harem-battle.club.. They should get you briefed. Oh and sent you a comrade request.

The comrade boss situation is a little awkward for new players as a significant fraction of the player base stopped spawning Rank 8 dragons - these were the bread and butter for new players to get their first Rs. A lot of us don't even bother to call when Glimmers show up as we don't want to waste force on it. So your best bet is to keep spawning your own bosses.

I too started out without a lotto weapon and didn't get mine until around day 60 or so (a bad one at that). I still think using your continuous login bonuses on item lotto until you get a weapon is optimal.

There will come a point where UCs become very hard to find. Take note of which UCs you're not getting in plenty supply, as later on you want properly maxed UC++s for efficient exploring.

Oh and if you decide to throw Nutaku some money for LoV, the best value purchase is storage space.


>how do I get more copies of the reward card at the end of the quest?

For this event, card lotto. In the previous event, by slapping Nutaku with fat wads of cash. Do note that this Mea, the reward for Reian Cemetery, is an SSR++ in disguise.

Yes, this is a design decision to make you fork money for storage space - you will *eventually* get more copies as you pour continuous logins into the card lotto, but you can't afford to hold onto them for that long if you don't have extra storage.

>> No.13730046


The following UCs can be considered 'bountiful in supply' thanks to Continent 1 expeditions:
- Pham
- Elle
- Miu
- Rukia

Consider 4S'ing them while you wait for your first Rs so you have something to stand on. You will have plenty opportunity to go back and 4M them at a later point.

>> No.13730071

Whelp now that you mention while I do try to request bosses I'll make an effort to do it in every encounter now, my issue is that I need some new people to join me since while I spawn glimmers I am 2 short of the wind assist UC from making a 4M of her I have a 4M of the water UC

just to pimp my shitty name: whyamIhere

I am about 7ish comerads short and I can cut a couple if this gets me hits. I came up with the really shitty name when I decided to play the game before I found this general thread and at 4am wondering why I joined a FtP porn game.

>> No.13730079

Yeah, I've noticed not many people spawn dragons unfortunately. Hopefully I'll have some good luck when I spawn them as I want to get 4 copies of each of the Rs from them.

I have read through the forums, and I've been using UCs to explore (have 3 Phams at the moment, whoo) and exploring definitely seems like a decent way to level reserve cards that I don't want to pump fodder into. I have 3 Elles at something like 20 and the one I'm using at 34.

I have 5 more copies of her, so I might honestly just make a 4S of her too.

I was think that I'd grab my 4 copes of a card that I actually want to use and make S versions of extras that I get, though I suppose throwing together 4S copies would give a more useful immediate boost, huh?

>> No.13730087

Man I butchered that last sentence and I can't delete the post.

I was thinking that I'd grab my 4 copies*
I should also clarify that by want to use, I mean UCs for exploration, of course.

>> No.13730146


If you have the luxury of extra storage, you may want more than 4 copies of them. The R drops from rank 8 dragons are the backbone of expeditions later on. When expeditions first came out, a lot of us had already made enough story progress that we couldn't make our own rank 8 dragons. There was a rush to get these precious Rs again. I mean sure, you inevitably get lots of them from card lotto but we wanted them ASAP for the harder expeditions.


4S UC++ would be for fighting megabosses before you get your Rs. You don't want to be sending 4S out on expeditions unless you don't mind paying steep G costs. Trust me, the game can drain you of G very fast if it wants to.

>> No.13730247

If I start to get close to running out of space, I'll probably end up investing in storage. Do some people get up to like 12 copies of them to have fully upgraded ones on each expedition or something?

I think I finally get what you mean with the 4S UCs, that might actually be worth doing. Definitely need help to hit support thresholds.

>> No.13730329


Eh, probably not 12 copies. 8 is my current ideal. Too many and there won't be space to fit in actual SR valks that get buffed by them.

>> No.13730835

Huh, Dahlia and Spika's CGs got updated too. Spika definitely got a boobjob.

>> No.13731210

Just making her portrait match her pixel art

>> No.13731265

So if you beat 8.7mil boss at peropero, it just throws 12mil at you.
I guess they should've just said that this is real-money-only event and I wouldn't sink so much time in it.

>> No.13731288

They are bugged and they still haven't fixed. Its annoying since it helps whales and such a lot more on the rankings. Since most people won't be able to kill them, the whales can just use tons of items to kill them and get a lot of ep. Thats why the rankings are so skewed.

Luckily support isn't so bad, in top 10 now lol.

>> No.13731353
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An anon mentioned this a while back. Glad I read it.

>> No.13731382

I did read jp wiki on it, so I knew this stuff, but megabosses were supposed to appear only in second half and have different name, different rewards and whole "300 to get limited SR" contest. Instead we get just megaboss hp with no benefits of jp version.

>> No.13731577

People actually discussing LoV... There's a sure sign that DMM and Nutaku both don't have a new Aigis event.

>> No.13731641

DMM always has one just its probably very boring or not waifu enough.

>> No.13731656

The current DMM event is just boosted drop rates for story and awakening maps, along with the dragon subjugation but that's a month-long event which a lot of people have already finished with.

>> No.13732315

Looking for active PeroPero players, have 5 slots.
Request FlutterNova

>> No.13732333

Yeah, she might be just a little bit overpowered.


>> No.13732352

You can search only by id.

>> No.13732367

put your digits up nigga. mine are 459894 only 1 slot left for me till I level.

>> No.13732386

My bad, ID is 371060

>> No.13732476

>20 Army troops walking in nice orderly lines
>These red dudes just randomly walk where ever they want

Being commander is suffering

>> No.13732492

They're actually robots, the ones that wander around are damaged ones, which is also why they explode on death.

>> No.13732499

When will Nutaku ever extend the storyline past Immortal Beast?

>> No.13732509

Eventually, but probably not for several months. Just be thankful you got the story missions as they were after the rewards got buffed and some stamina costs were lowered.

>> No.13732549

What do Chestnut Liquer and Candy do in PeroPero?

>> No.13732560

Liquer is used to speed up Kurito's trading.
Candy -- dunno, I just feed them to Kurito.

>> No.13732576
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>> No.13732578

So the red ones are actually robots that are on fire? Oh that random pattern makes sense now

>> No.13732635

I have just hit 100% affection with Misha on dmm and what the fuck, there is no reason at all for her to not be in the ENG version. There is nothing loli about her text, hell even her scenes don't need any adjustment. What the fuck nutaku.

>> No.13732708

What's the proper way to start Castle Retake? I can 2* it easily and after the half-way area I'm just fine. It's just the start where someone dies and/or an enemy gets through.

>> No.13732720

Just follow ethernals setup.

>> No.13732724

That's outdated. Doesn't have the black armour IIRC.

>> No.13732764
File: 1.07 MB, 1874x624, dank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heeey I got it. Sadly I wasn't recording. I'll record and upload it later.

>> No.13732805

As promised: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWqKs6YMJ-o

>> No.13732886

He has 2 videos, one with the original tactic, and one which shows how to deal with the black armour.

>> No.13732940

Rogue cheese, isn't it? Invalid.

>> No.13733008

Then git gud

>> No.13733064

That doesn't even make sense at all.

>> No.13733066


>> No.13733088

Just saw they changed how tokens work, finally my Fuuka is not shit.

>> No.13733264

Just like to say that I recently got the 64 bit version of FF based on this advice and havent had a single crash anymore. Can even put a youtube video on at the same time now

>> No.13733319

I did 5 restarts, got Elizabeth in one of the accounts, and 3 vincents each in a different acc. Atleast the spotlight is pretty legit. You can do it man.

>> No.13733397

Holy shit, just tried the japanese version for the first time. Why is it so smooth, how did they manage to fuck this smoothness in the english version?

>> No.13733461

It got a massive performance boost in one of the patches, english is years behind that patch.

>> No.13733508

How bad of an idea is it to pick up a black spirit from the TP to CC Nanaly? On one hand 80 demon crystals takes less stamina than any other way I have of farming black spirits. On the other hand I can only get them one day of the week and it feels like I should save them for non farmable stuff.

On a side note what's the earliest people here have cleared castle retake (in terms of prince levels)? I don't mind a bit of grinding but I'm 35 now, I've been on it since 26 and all the recordings of people clearing it seem to be much higher level.

>> No.13733519

Black is the only normal fairy that's really worth considering to trade for, since they're such a pain in the ass to get from tuesday and you gotta go through magic war to get to the quests.

>> No.13733523


Farm the easy spirit daily and hope for the best.

>> No.13733578

dude you used karma, that thing is noted in almost every tutorial for DMM maps, they tell you right away if they use her because how broken her skill is; cool that you could 3* tho

this >>13733523
spam easy all day tuesday and friday and you can get it

>> No.13733581

Read the video description, nerd. You think you'd need Karma for that map?

>> No.13733593

Invalid how? You think the game's gonna complain if you use rogues for what's literally their purpose? Did I miss the memo that said units under 15 cost are not allowed to kill black armors?

If you're worried about the rng part, the chance of instakilling an enemy during assassinate is really good, it's not like you'll have to throw your rogue at it 10 times before you finally succeed. It's just that rogues are terrible for farming a map since you will fail sometimes, but they're great for clearing a map once.

>> No.13733596

I got Elizabeth on my 12th roll, as hinted in my spoiler. So yeah, its doable (if you throw enough money at nutaku).

>> No.13733725 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 335x113, 1436120185676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I decided to give 2k a chance, since people seem to love it.

Had ~970k, after nearly 30 mins of clicking and getting down to 700k, what do I have to show?

>> No.13733730

That's pretty average.

>> No.13733732

How else are you supposed to get silvers that aren't farmable from the current event?

>> No.13733733

DMM REALLY needs to implement a "roll X times" option.

>> No.13733739

You mean Aigis. Why the fuck should DMM only have something

>> No.13733745

They've been doing small improvements like clear your team formation with a single button and continue synthesis without selecting the same unit over again so hopefully SOON.

>> No.13733746

Because we literally won't ever get a feature unless DMM gets it first since the JP devs are the ones programming our version too.

>> No.13733753

Too busy with AW, skill AW and more overpowered blacks.

>> No.13733782

They already implemented awakening, all they need to do is maybe add a class to it once in a while.

>> No.13734030

Huh, got a chainsaw +8 from the Reian Cemetary. It has way better attack than anything I have, and huge critical, but the balance is shit. How is it? Definitely seems worth using over my shitty Heavy Axe for the extra 2k attack.

Though, I'm pretty salty that I got two Eurus +5's from my login proof gold.

On another note, Reian Cemetary seems pretty easy even for a scrub like me. I'm at stage 14 or so. Is there going to be a wall soon or something?

>> No.13734129

If it has 2k more atk, I would assume that it's probably a lot better than your Axe, even when your Axe rolls high on its balance.

Balance can be both, good and bad, so there's no such thing as "shit balance", having 50 balance has good uses and having 0 balance has good uses. Low balance is good if you want consistency, high balance is good if you need to gamble for strong hits.

Also, high critical value can kind of fill the purposes of balance without any of the downsides.

What exactly are the stats of the weapons you're comparing?

>> No.13734143

Completely in favour of the Chainsaw, and by a pretty huge margin. Just wasn't really sure if balance was a complete deal-breaker if it was high.

>> No.13734229

Balance is simply fluctuation of damage, positive or negative.

>> No.13734705

Nothing new from event.
Fuck Nutaku. I will spend my moneys on DMM instead.
Also how good Deine compared to Dina and ninja Hina to Saki. Just get them from DMM

>> No.13734753

I gots a question SURE to induce some rage - how in the hell do I play the DMM version on my PC?

I've got it dl'd on my android/ play regularly on that (lvl 96 Prince after a few weeks) but can't for the life of me remember how to go about playing jap games...used to use daemontools and all that shit for jap-encoded stuff but yeah.

Also fuck the nutaku version. Think I've done like...four-five events with DMM in the time it took Nutaku to pump out fuckin two.

>> No.13734772

Set the site language to Japanese. That should do it.

At least for 18+, I think I heard that all-ages still requires some cookie tampering? Not sure, but if it doesn't work still, do this http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_Proxy_Connection#Option_3:_Editing_DMM_Cookie.27s_Region_Flag

>> No.13734802

That...was exceedingly simple. Badass. Thanks a bunch!

>> No.13735179

Dina is probably better just because her skill awakening is broken. The two black ninjas are pretty different, Nagi is more defensive and Saki more offensive.

>> No.13735190

Wait sorry I misread. Hina and Saki are both offensive, I'm pretty sure Saki's triple attacking puts her ahead though.

>> No.13735401

After reading jp wikis. I think Dina not much broken thought and Deine is really good. She can take tank or damage dealer role depend on situation. I think I can start with Deine first

>> No.13735487

is peropero on DMM hackable?

>> No.13735504

I don't think anything on DMM is.

>> No.13735512

same hacks that work on Nutaku Aigis work on DMM aigis

>> No.13735544

They are both tanky passively with a skill to do lots of damage, but Dina's skill awakening makes her attack into a powerful ranged AoE, whereas Deine is just a melee AoE.

>> No.13735642

That auto-battle feature on DMMs Aigis is so damn cool. Now I'm seriously considering just dropping nutaku, original japanese text is much better too, and there's always some events going on, and there are silver units for gold, and so on and on.
Nutaku is being retarded by clinging to outdated version.

>> No.13735652

You do realize that Nutaku has no control over the game, right? The JP devs are handling it for them, too.

Though the JP devs are absolutely fucking Nutaku, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's just an attempt to get more people on the DMM version.

>> No.13735657

Deine can deal damage to boss and she's tanky than Dina. Dina is just HA Sailor, hardly call her broken unit.

>> No.13735660

You do need a specific class of silver in addition to 100k gold to do the trading thing. Still a nice feature though, yeah.

>> No.13735723

Dina attacks quite a bit faster than a sailor and can also block 4 enemies at the same time. Sailors do have a lower cooldown, but they're pretty useless for the duration of the cooldown. Deine does have a lot more defense, but Dina can negate 25% of all attacks, including magic damage. Deine also costs more than Dina.

>> No.13735737

No. Most games aren't. Aigis is a unique case.

>> No.13735746

What exactly is hackable in Aigis? Battle results?
I've tried to look into it myself, but protocol is quite fucked up and there are measures against simple replay attacks.

>> No.13735758

>replay attacks
Digging too deep there, man.
Check out cheat engine forums

>> No.13735780

Hah, I've thought about that way but then decided that its just too obvious and that devs would definitely take measures against it.

So this shit still works and people are not getting banned for it? I so should've used it during Karma event.

>> No.13735782

I hope you realize that spoilering every post you make about cheating makes them stand out way more if Nutaku is actually looking.

>> No.13736102

Hina's ATK Increase IV has pretty good uptime, awakened she has a 15% chance to bypass all defense, but with that low probability it's more of a fringe benefit. I suppose she would be good for relatively high HP/low-to-medium Def things. Non-Black ninjas haven't gotten their skill awakening, so we don't know how she'll end up there.

Saki's triple attack is her skill awakening, which also enlarges range a bit, and still attacks at the same speed which increased from class awakening. And as with any assassination-chance skills you get to see things like mithril golems suddenly fall over.

If you pick only one it would definitely be Saki. For me nowadays, Hina usually only comes out on range-constrained maps (either by a map rule or placement limitations).

>> No.13736146

Got my first black fairy from a challenge quest today. God it feels good to be past magic war.

>> No.13736226

Eh. If they really give a fuck about reading fringe communities for cheaters, they probably have seen that thread anyway.

>> No.13736388

they are, i, among others, got my acc ressetted because i tempered with CE months ago, now saves with altered data will be deleted for good

I really miss my Belinda... such a waste

you look new in the nutaku threads pal

>> No.13736401

That was "crystal cheat sweep" thing or they ban for exp/uc/cha hacks too?

>> No.13736408

They reset for everything related to CE

>> No.13736413

Yes, theoretically, but in practise they cannot track most of hacks and would need to implement special traps to catch offenders.
Users at aforementioned forum are not experiencing bans as long as they don't fuck with paid stuff.

>> No.13736425

>you look new in the nutaku threads pal
I'm just saying that if they really want to track cheating forums, googling "aigis cheat engine" once a week would have netted them everything already.

One guy here got reset for cheating the gold (and absolutely nothing else)
One of my friend's old cheating accounts survived the purge, but we didn't remember what exactly he did or did not on it.

In the banwave patch they also implemented protection from the unit-xp hacking.

>Users at aforementioned forum are not experiencing bans as long as they don't fuck with paid stuff.
That's not a clear-cut thing. It took them months of sitting still and watching before they went in to swipe the cheaters. So it is very much unknown yet whether those accounts are still live because they weren't tracked, or if the time for banwave did not come yet.

>> No.13736440
File: 47 KB, 446x426, Bat real2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember lads, if your drops are consistently shit in Aigis, you can try clearing your cache and see if that helps.

>> No.13736501
File: 979 KB, 951x636, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did this before heading off to work. Man I feel good today.

What Units you use? I'm still not good enough for it yet.

>> No.13736511 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 958x638, 1436182601213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this goddess. Why does she give me men, men and men. Especially today was a day of men.

First I rolled a prem roll for the heck of it, it gave me... a silver pirate (male ver).

Fine, let's roll 2k gold for a bit since I need silvers for CC.

I rolled a silver. A male bandit.
I rolled a gold. A male samurai
I rolled a silver. A male HA.
I rolled a... platinum... Jerome.

Fuck off, seriously. That feeling of getting hopes up seeing the shiny aura and then the result is this.

For the record, this is my second one so all I'm getting out of this is just -1 cost. Please, doesn't Aegis have a larger number of women than men? Is asking for some cute girls too much?

>> No.13736518

You're actually more likely to summon a male than female. thank devs for the odds

>> No.13736522

Jerome in fuckin bro though

>> No.13736541

Another two week wait between events? DMM confirmed for trying to fuck over baka gaijin version hard. Typically shitty japanese dev attitude.

>> No.13736544
File: 53 KB, 440x615, 1193120922660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on a 'no platinum during monday daily, streak', haven't had one in the last ten runs of doing H.
I feel slightly frustrated by this.

>> No.13736604

Why the fuck?

I was content on my first roll of him. I didn't need a second one though. Especially with a CC'd Katie already as my second soldier.

>> No.13736694

Apparently some kind of "part 2" of guard event of pero pero saimin was released today.
Anyone know what is it?

According to jp wiki it is supposed to be hunting 300 super elite guards (advanced version of usual elite guards), but they seem to be disabled in current version according to configs server sends.

>> No.13736770

>4 H runs of the daily
>4 armors
>plats? lol wuts that

Fuck this shit, doing N from now on

>> No.13736775

>second H run
I don't even need them. I might level my black unit to max (80 isn't it) just because. Speaking of which, is there a chart to show the most efficient uses of plat armours when a unit is CC'd? (ie levels higher than 50)

I have the pre-CC chart. Just nothing for post-CC.

>> No.13736791

I keep getting them every run and I don't have any real need for them. I leveled up my Karma with 2 armors and 2 fairies because black fairies are harder to get than armors.

>> No.13736839

You'd have got more exp splitting that into two groups of EXP + black + black + any and EXP + any + any + any (any fairy that is). Just so you know for next time.

>> No.13737056

I need some advice when i started the game i messed up and used some of my silver units to lvl up now i am stuck not been able to cc my heavy or katie.

If i use the 3sc roll option will it drop silvers?

>> No.13737099

pre-cc and post-cc retains the same costs and exp requirements,
I use this chart and just substract 8000 from the level i want to reach and see where i should use it to save more money

look at the summon data on the shrine option, silvers have 70% chance from rare summon (3sc), also if you are not that far in the game or don't have really good units, i recomend a new account, that lack of cc material can get you stuck for a good time depending on luck

>> No.13737108

That's painful to read. Time to have fun trying to decipher it!

>> No.13737115

No, really, no. 3sc is not worth it. Dump into 5sc and see if you get some of the good shit. If you don't, then restart the game, plain and simple.

If you do get the good shit, you can struggle on until further maps, events, or 2k gacha give you silvers.

>> No.13737150

I was in more or less your exact position not long ago. Not sure exactly how far in you are and how high your prince is so that will influence if it's worthwhile for the silvers or not. Personally I found everything much quicker the 2nd time around which made it easily worth it. Also a good chance to get something you really like by doing rerolls for the first pull.

Having said that if you really don't want to restart don't worry about it you;ll get them from 2k pulls eventually anyway. Still don't use the 3sc option though, it kinda sucks.

>> No.13737557

Think they'll ever add more challenge quests? Boss rush has been the final one since the game began years ago, I'm sure they could come out with some more impressive stuff now.

>> No.13737672


This is what you're after, most people here hate it as they find it hard to read though.

>> No.13737761

So what's the best map for unit exp/stam? What beats oasis?

>> No.13737835

What does the "rest" mean?

>> No.13737862

Its the rest of the EXP that isn't gotten from plat armours, not really needed to be there but good to show your working when you're doing the math.

>> No.13738304
File: 35 KB, 452x395, Lups66X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah cheers. This is what I wanted. Getting a black to 80 looks fucking absolutely horrible. Having second thoughts about it. But, it'll be a good long-term goal to get ready for awakening. A black unit at that, too.

>> No.13738518

you think that NOW, wait until AW comes and the cap for aw blacks rises to lv99

>> No.13738531

Yeah, in 2 or 3 years from now on. Good luck with waiting

>> No.13738619

How low is the rate of R/SR cards dropping from meeting the support threshold?

>> No.13739410
File: 283 KB, 320x400, 0703_00118_006-001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13739469

No new event.
No new content
That it. Nutaku's Aigis is dead.
Lucky I started playing jp version two months ago and already have same level as eng version

>> No.13739544

Yeah... I just wish DMM had a new event. One where I could farm silver witches. 15 silver witches.

>> No.13739569

There should be one in a couple of days.

>> No.13739709

Sorry if this question sounds stupid but, do you guys have a way to know who will be in the next spotlight for Aigis?

>> No.13739721

No. It is only sometimes possible to make an educated guess based on upcoming event or coming new units, IF nutaku deigns to inform us about them ahead of time.

>> No.13739809

How do I fix Aigis on Firefox so it does not crash?

>> No.13739818

1)Get 64x FF
2)Disable hardware acceleration

>> No.13739839


>> No.13739939

Regarding peropero event:
1) No super guards and accociated stuff for filthy gaijins
2) Bug with high-hp bosses is fixed: now it properly spawns 10mil+ bosses instead being capped at 8.7m. Pay real monies or fuck off, howaito piggu.

>> No.13740116
File: 105 KB, 919x569, lucky days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, the Goddess provides.
(I also got another platinum armor in another drop earlier this morning).

>> No.13740378

Any rough ETA on when Nutaku will get awakening?

>> No.13740410

6 months.

>> No.13740940

Not until they add some loli characters to the game.

>> No.13740949

3 years.

>> No.13741093

So never?

>> No.13741129
File: 83 KB, 500x490, hupfvxmb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13741150

Can you seriously not tell who it is?

>> No.13741162

anybody having trouble with nutaku login?

>> No.13741170

it died of anemic content

>> No.13741175

Yup, Nutaku is broken on my end.

>> No.13741371

Finally the loveliest lady in the game will be mine. Now if only they'd let you set your secretary.

>> No.13741575

Thank god, hope she drops on the last map...

>> No.13741593

Should be the same maps

>> No.13741882

Spent 250k on 2k rolls. 3 Eunices...
God fucking damn it.

>> No.13741902

Well then, time to max skill Odette.

>> No.13742469
File: 251 KB, 584x588, spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with these even? It's not like the game is dropping platinum armors for me.

>> No.13742489

use them to level up your lower level plat characters and such? I tend to try to keep less than 3-4 around unless I'm expecting to use it soon.

>> No.13742498


3x DH bronze drops, 1x fairy. That's how I use my surplus.

>> No.13742511

She got an artwork update. See the artwork we have for Phyllis? That's the same artist for Mischa's old artwork. She was definitely loli then.

>> No.13742516

Jesus, I don't get that many fairies in a month without stamina refreshes and even then they get used up by my armors right away.

Oh right, English version where you get 2 days a week to farm them for some weird reason.

>> No.13742964

>2 days a week for fairies

Friday likely will change to the magic crystal daily once they add awakening fairies.

>> No.13743008

You mean once they add awakening? There's no awakening without awakening fairies and vice versa. Guess it kinda makes sense since magic crystals become infinitely more precious once you start needing to awaken stuff too.

>> No.13743106

It does not work.

>> No.13743138

3)Upgrade from your Pentium 3

>> No.13743349

Not that guy but I still have problems with x64 Firefox and I'm on x5670s. I normally just keep a chrome window open purely to play the game which works fine so it's not a big deal but still.

>> No.13743420
File: 27 KB, 441x539, CJXDpJLUMAAOZXp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next DMM event unit

>> No.13743424

3) Switch to the non-shittily coded DMM version.

>> No.13743518

I would not call anything on DMM 'non-shittily coded'. Pretty much every game on that site is either completely non-functional or broken. Aigis is one of the better working ones and it keeps breaking the plugin used to run it on my system.

>> No.13743522

>having problem with browser game
>not running it smoothly like the rest of the people.

>> No.13743525

>completely non-functional or broken
Maybe your system is.

>> No.13743568

Then that's your shitty system

>> No.13743574

Tried two separate computers with different browsers and nothing on DMM works well on either of them.

>> No.13743579

Stop playing games on toaster.
FKG, for example, is very well-done and runs smoothly for me.

>> No.13743584

Aigis is native js/html5, it doesn't use any plugins. Are you time-traveler from another dimension?

>> No.13743784

I'm torn. Should I raise Raichi for my elf master race team since I have Olivier, or should I raise Jessica because gold rarity is for plebs and she has amazing damage?

>> No.13743905

The one that's cuter _Raichi

>> No.13743908

>not raising both
Are you some kind of poorfag prince?

>> No.13743921

I see Aria got some new equipment.

>> No.13743932

Mage armors are so niche though, I've never seen someone run more than one, so I'd rather raise another pirate or witch or tactician or something. I guess I'll end up doing Jessica just because I don't really run low enough difficulties of Tuesday to get gold fairies, I only get them if I run challenge quests or as occasional rewards from certain events.

>> No.13744167

I actually plannint to run two, got one from gacha and one from event and I like em better than just olde Leanne (aka the only other armor I have available at all)

>> No.13744189

Well, I have Deine so if I skill awaken her she'll be kiiinda like a mage armor.

>> No.13744702

What I can do with pero candy?

>> No.13744757

Page 10 hoooo

>> No.13745102

Damn, not even 400 replies this time. I guess that's what happens when neither version of Aigis has an event.

>> No.13745124

Just 3 starred my first awakening map, woo!

I was a single unit away from doing wednesday awakening, or rather, my unit was just slightly too weak. Mincost silver healer was at 30% affection and level 40 instead of 100% and level 50, apparently was the key point in that map.

Got everything ready for an awakened Dina except for the fairy and her level. Level 40 out of 80...it's going to hurt my gold so much because I haven't gotten platinum armors in ages and when I did I gave them to others since if I got enough points to place Dina and my best healer she was basically going to survive anything she would at a higher level.

>> No.13745138

You'll get there eventually, I've leveled a black to 80 twice now. Maybe you'll score an event that lets you get a black armor sometime soon, that'll make a good 40,000 exp. Do you have the free skill awakening fairy from when skill awakening was implemented?

>> No.13745174

Yeah, Dina will be the first one I awaken so I haven't given or planned to give it to anyone else.

Actually wanted to awaken Claire first but monday kicked my ass and I have a hard time justifying more than one attempt when I can try for platinum armors instead.

>> No.13745209

Hongfire has a few interesting posts. Apparently nutaku didn't get a word from jap devs since the start of vampire bride event lol

>> No.13745345


>> No.13745350

Damnit, japanese devs are the worse when it comes to dealing with foreigners.

>> No.13745375

Nutaku shoul get some foreigner living in japan, who looks like 6' 4 fuckin viking and send him to ask the devs about event dates face to face. Back to back events guaranteed.

Japs are like animals. If you show them you are under them in food (social) chain they will threat you like shit.

>> No.13745409
File: 62 KB, 184x218, rance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13745477


According to Nutaku next event is Roanna. It starts at 14.07 (07/14 for ameribros) and lasts for 2 weeks

>> No.13745513

Watch it be delayed a week again. Fucking Aigis devs.

>> No.13745522
File: 336 KB, 960x640, 1401682821_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy brown elf

I keep waiting for her revival in DMM.

>> No.13745531

congrats to everyone who voted for the unit with recover 3 as a skill

>> No.13745540

Nah, I'm quite positive it won't be. There was some serious shitstorm on nutaku related media for a few days and I think they told developers the situation is getting bad. Provided they told them to get their shit together istead of begging for it. If second one is true it will be delayed for 2 weeks

>> No.13745604
File: 829 KB, 960x480, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh it's legit. What's the difficulty of it? I'm guessing quite high since Nutaku has skipped even more events (again)
