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File: 176 KB, 750x698, uni2_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13713695 No.13713695 [Reply] [Original]

Have you hugged an oppai loli today?

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com/

>> No.13713699

First for Kikis are olev.

>> No.13713701

kill yourself

>> No.13713703
File: 373 KB, 950x1250, -0.132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for meeces!

>> No.13713706

One thing is being a monstergirl, another is being an abomination.

>> No.13713707

'Hugged'. Yeah, lets go with that.

>> No.13713708

Lovely spats.

>> No.13713711

She tried to hug me...but instead used my side as a stripper pole.

>> No.13713714
File: 1.25 MB, 1116x1173, 1420574822003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abomination you say?

>> No.13713719

shit thread from post 1

>> No.13713722

Bless the Kikis.

>> No.13713737

I need more Goblins in my life

>> No.13713753

I want to grope a tiny loli Kiki!

>> No.13713762
File: 630 KB, 774x1000, ccaf738cf0f438698d69bdcc98c817d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully monster girls! We- I mean they think it's really mean!

>> No.13713763
File: 149 KB, 363x398, 1397381004375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to become a subsitute leader for a group of Goblins, travelling the land to find the Hobgoblin they got separated from. Every day woken up by them piling on for a morning hug.

>> No.13713768

I'm going to bully you
with my love

>> No.13713771

You're flat and your wings grow outta your butt! But you're a Dragon. And a Black one, at that. So I love you anyway.

>> No.13713777

I don't bully because bullying is wrong

>> No.13713791

I want to mate with Kikis until i have my own maid army!

>> No.13713804

Not sure if it's been posted, but someone English translated that recent Abyssal-girl Kloah doujin.

>> No.13713807

Yeah, we knew.

Also, it's shit.

>> No.13713808

Would kiss on the lips and cum on the spine and also inside.

>> No.13713812

I love the artwork for this one.

>> No.13713813

Already fapped with it.

>> No.13713821

That last panel with Battleship hime is really turning me on.
Why do evil girls get me going so much?

>> No.13713825

Because you were born to be a lackey.

>> No.13713831
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Fsn_caster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do evil girls get me going so much?
Because evil girls are the hottest girls and top tier waifus

>> No.13713841
File: 79 KB, 800x600, Castah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you look evil in the eye and tell it it's evil?

>> No.13713843

I want an evil waifu to cuddle in bed all night.

>> No.13713844

She's evil! Evil I tell you!

>> No.13713846

I want a paizuri

>> No.13713848

>cuddle Lich
>"Husband, unhand me. There is a city I must conquer to show all my might!"
>Lich pouts
They'll never respect her now. She can kill them, evaporate their city and raise them all as mindless, obedient zombies, but they will never respect her.

>> No.13713849

Well this started out shit. Stop pandering to the pedos.

>> No.13713853

>inb4 PIDF

>> No.13713855

>>"Husband, unhand me. There is a city I must conquer to show all my might!"
I want to hug her cold dead flesh for hours in end. By the end of it she'd be thoroughly lukewarm.

Pedos don't like oppai lolis faget, I know this because I'm a pedo.

>> No.13713858
File: 403 KB, 666x1000, 94589d7c02ff8e5d513472ecc3444e64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a bitch nigga.

>> No.13713869
File: 621 KB, 2439x2812, 03350be1c944641ae58d62d233269c58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a slime!

>> No.13713870
File: 845 KB, 1400x617, fc227c3df60481c2f238af29ab71ea06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to help my evil waifu to conquer empires and destroy our enemies!

That's not ok anon. You must support her and make her look terrifying in eyes of the plebeians. According to your waifu you and only you are good enough to see that side of her.

>> No.13713874

I look at this and feel nothing but mild concern for her state of undress. And I kinda wanna blow raspberries on her tummy. Nigger, give that child some clothing. Fuckin' pedos not dressing kids appropriately. Do you want flues? Because that's how you get flues.

>> No.13713875
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, 1432729786347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be assimilated.

>> No.13713877

She's a loli Succubus, she's immune to that kind of shit.

>> No.13713878

Enjoy being an Alp.

>> No.13713881

You're saying that as if being an Alp is somehow a bad thing. But Alps have more fun.

>> No.13713895
File: 145 KB, 795x1024, fight-the-good-fight-of-faith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not joining

>> No.13713905

0/10 shitty faction.

I'd totally join a thieves guild though.

>> No.13713908

I'd rather not join a band of murderous xenophobic thugs,

>> No.13713916
File: 141 KB, 1157x1636, 177053e4419cb6dd4f86b914f8395b07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having boymakers sure is a good thing

>> No.13713920

Purge monsters and their filthy traitor husbands?

Where can I sign up?

>> No.13713921

What if monstergirls join the gay movement and become lesbos?

>> No.13713923

I'm put eggs up her butt, if you know what I mean.

>> No.13713927

A lot of really sad, lonely men?

>> No.13713928

Can you fuck off?

>> No.13713929

Why do you ask about something you know that can't happen?

>> No.13713930

I fight for justice, not faith.

>> No.13713935

Can you?

>> No.13713941

Beelzebub eggs? Normal eggs? Enlighten us once again, friend.

Actually, it's pretty likely there would be a lot of sad women, since the MGs would still crave the energy from men, leading to you know what. It'd be pretty shitty, all around.

>> No.13713944
File: 326 KB, 800x800, 99e18e16017a48070cac691b3644dff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13713945

>Monstergirls' faces when there's no Mamono faction in For Honor




>> No.13713947

We all know they joined to corrupt everyone from the inside.

>> No.13713948
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be breastfed by a Holstaurus

>> No.13713954

If there's a faction that wants to get rid of the chief god and imprison the DL and her shit daughters, sign me up.

>> No.13713956

Did you do this? It's really cool, could you do an armored Girtablilu? With a steel capped stinger?

>> No.13713957

Reminder that the DL did nothing wrong.

>> No.13713959

Oh no, I got it off a booru.

>> No.13713963

Man I'll never see armored scorpion ladies.

>> No.13713965

Reminder that I could give a rat's ass.

We will have waifus AND peace.

>> No.13713969

>all these fags wanting to get dommed by yans
all is lost

>> No.13713970

DL is sadly the best bet if you still want MGs
Someone needs to take care of Druella though

>> No.13713973

If the DL wins there will be peace

>> No.13713975

She does want peace, only the CE and the ordershits are stopping her.

>> No.13713978

If she agrees to stand down, we'll leave her alone.

>> No.13713983

Can a succubutts into paladin?

>> No.13713987

>this is what traitors actually believe

>> No.13713992

Yeah, along with a few other things in the small print. No thanks.

>> No.13713996

So you don't want to be human?

>> No.13713998

>Today's your grandmother's birthday
>To be honest if it weren't for your long stays with her and her cane you wouldn't know that she was in her 80's
>Your mother in law decided to go plan her birthday party, with you in charge of buying her flowers as a gift
>Before you could go on a drive to the flower shop your grandmother asks you to take her downstairs
>How can a Chochin Obake like her have the presence of a prized monument, yet feel as fragile as glass in your hands?
>As soon as she's on the ground floor you start up your routine of water, tea and snacks
>She talks to you in her native tongue, a language you've never had a fun time trying to understand
>Even so you're well versed enough to know what she wants
>With no other requests from her you return to your quarters so she can have alone time with your mother in law and sister
>Unlike you they're quite versed in her language and talked nonstop
>The rest of the day goes on without a hitch, the flowers were safe and you hadn't heard a single catcall when you were raking shredded weeds from the yard in your loose shirt and exercise shorts
>Your grandmother's family was all there, laughing and smiling
>Exchanging stories and giving gifts
>Yet you felt absolutely frightened at the amount of people there
>It was already crowded enough with your mamano relatives
>You just kept to yourself, giving your grandmother what she asked as quick as possible to relieve your anxiety
>When it was all over you rushed to basement, tending to the tools, sweeping the dirt, ANYTHING to calm your nerves
> You then felt a warm glow, like a fireplace in wintertime
>It was her, asking you to help her back to bed
>"Thank you, for helping me out there"
>She replied back in her tongue, something about knowing you're not the type of person who likes those things
>And how she doesn't like being in cramped spaces like that while laughing
>As you tuck her in, blankets and knee pillows included, she say "m̀hgòi"
>"jóutáu Mah-mah"

>> No.13714000

If she really wants to, why not? She's just gotta not let her dreams be dreams.

>> No.13714002

Incubi are humans only better.

>> No.13714004
File: 692 KB, 848x1200, 15531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like fat tails, Anon?

>> No.13714005

>Not domming and manipulating the yan

What are you gay?

>> No.13714006
File: 348 KB, 800x800, 1404599080143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you stealing my schtick anon? Just for that I'm posting cats.

>> No.13714012

>not getting gud on your own

>> No.13714014

There's no man that doesn't love a big long fat.....tail.

>> No.13714015

I'm reminded of that doujin of the pervert hero and his buddies.

Yes, that one.

With the pigman rubbing his dick on the lamia's tail.

>> No.13714016

Okay, that is fucking adorable for some reason...

>> No.13714020

Sure, monsters have their own paladins.

>> No.13714021
File: 338 KB, 1135x1578, 1409647211207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how big is 2big?

>> No.13714022

>Not seeking strength wherever it lies

It is power, I care not where it springs from.

>> No.13714023

>no delicious legs


>> No.13714025

That bow on the end of her tail

can it be...

tail pussy confirmed

>> No.13714026

Yes. I also like fat tits.

>> No.13714029

Like what? Having a wife that will always love you? A long and healthy life? An end to meaningless conflicts? Everyone getting the happiness the deserve?

>> No.13714030


>> No.13714031

And sanity is the price to pay for power.

>> No.13714033

I simply dont like to get killed by my love interest because cheated her by breathing.

>> No.13714035

I want to cry into a lamia's chest while she coils around me and comforts me. Then tender loving sex.

>> No.13714039

>An end to meaningless conflicts
Conflicts are the result of choice, something the DL, and monsters in general, don't seem to care all that much for.

>> No.13714040

Humans are stubborn and foolish. It takes a journey to Hell, to make them ackowledege and worship their God. A fact that tickles irony's judgement.

>> No.13714042
File: 1.04 MB, 1085x1544, 35894499_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Be Sphinx
>Your job in MGC is a high school teacher
>You get paid to do what you love: challenge people with difficult questions
>Except there's one scruple
>One certain underperforming Wurm
>You know damn well why she's doing poorly, any idiot could tell who that vigilante in the domino mask is, especially when you can HEAR her saying "Nananananananananananananananana Wurm-chan!" some times when she leaves your class
>There's only one way you can reach her and help her pass your class, you can't believe you're doing this
>You can't believe you're putting on the bowler hat and borrowing some swag from your pharaoh boss
>If the board of directors knew how far you go to get your students to succeed you'd win some sort of medal

And thus a Supervillain was born

>> No.13714043

That looks like it would be nice to lay on.

Not him, but that doesn't sound bad to me. Both are real nice.

It depends. That big looks pretty good to me, but I'd be fine going much bigger as well. On the other side of it, really small is also good. I guess I just like extreme size differences.

>> No.13714047

If she kills you, you chose shit yan (obsessive/possessive), or you fucked up.

>> No.13714049 [SPOILER] 
File: 232 KB, 700x973, 1435695177432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13714052

>Have an evil Vampire waifu
>She rules her kingdom with an iron fist
>Her punishments are harsh and unforgiving, and ordered for even the tiniest of slights
>She's a total sweetheart with you though, and she knows your a big softey so she does her best to keep her public persona and her private self separate
>One day a young girl, no older than 6 is dragged before her by her guards
>The girl was caught stealing food
>As she prepares to hand down the girl's punishment, she catches you peering at her from behind a pillar out of sight from the rest of the throne room, and you look angry
>"For the crime of theft, your punishment will... be, uh... life impri-...? House arre-...? Grounded?"
>You nod
>"You will be ground for l-... t-two weeks?"
>You nod again
>"For the crime of theft, you will be grounded for two weeks! Now get out of my sight!"

>> No.13714053

But if people are killing each over for years over petty bullshit, does that make them right? If a conflict serves nothing but to makes things worse for everyone, wold you just stand back and watch?

>> No.13714056
File: 373 KB, 1200x864, TOKU SENTAI - BUG SQUAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are your heroes anon?

>> No.13714061
File: 401 KB, 700x953, 1435589324037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget.

>> No.13714062

I want to get this monster in P&D!

>> No.13714063
File: 296 KB, 900x990, 1435210127530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13714064

When is that coming out?

>> No.13714066
File: 86 KB, 338x500, eff3594871b4ee939a10d64dca11b6e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a yandere isn't doing yandere things, what's the point?

>> No.13714069


>> No.13714074

It doesn't matter who's right and what is accomplished. You either have the freedom to make choices, and therefore mistakes, or you don't.

And I prefer conflicts over mindless stagnation.

>> No.13714077

>You need to fear for your life and become a thing to enjoy yandere

Nigga pls.

>> No.13714078

As edgy as that sounds I have none. Heroes are people you can look upto in my eyes and would like to emulate. All heroes have dark secrets and most of those qualities are defended by admirers to their deaths and never attempt to change those traits. I'd rather not be one of them. Even then I don't feel anything when I'm asked that. It's not like there's a hole where my heart is, so I do not understand how some feel shocked that I tell them that.

>> No.13714079

What are Anon's options in MGE?

>Get Alped by a Parasite Slime and turned into a Slime Carrialp(confirmed possible by KC)
>Get eaten by a Dark Slime(not confirmed possible by KC yet)

>> No.13714080

Yeah fat elf butts.

>> No.13714083

>fear for your life
That only applies with yangires you mong.

>> No.13714084

Depends on what you define as a hero.

>> No.13714086

What? My rainbow team sucks because I don't want to spend any shekels!

>> No.13714087
File: 236 KB, 560x800, 51160034_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always liked the idea of "evil" monster girls with a weakness for their husband. Vampires especially.

>> No.13714090

If you fear for your life she's a yangire. An extreme yandere would lock you in a basement and rape you for some time if anything.

>> No.13714092

I want an Arachnee to surround me in Web, thinking she's got me trapped!
Then I want to tell her that my Sex Drive is the Sex Drive that will Rule the Monster Girl World before she attacks me in all directions with her webs to ensnare me!
Then I shout 'LA BIDO' and All Time Stops and I pass through her Web all at once before Telling her that is my Sex Drive and She can Not see it!
Then I Bop her on the nose and she's sent flying when time resumes and cries!

>> No.13714093

MGE Slimes don't eat people.

>> No.13714094

It's her adorable nature, her clingynes and the idea that you're standing on a knife's edge with someone that'll love you more than anyone else could.

At least that's what I feel about yanderes. They give me a sharp feeling in my chest that other archetypes simply cannot make me feel,

>> No.13714096

It applies with obsessive/possessive types future John DOE pleb.

>> No.13714098

I like it if they become sweeter towards the husband but don't turn into moeblobs just because.

>> No.13714104

School Days.
Yandere Onna no Ko.
That one visual novel where the girl breaks the fourth wall.

>> No.13714106

There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, but if something is going to be detrimental to society, then people have every right to stop it, there's a reason why such things are outlawed or at least frowned upon.

>> No.13714108
File: 116 KB, 941x602, Transformation_Drak_Slime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Slimes will absorb girls to turn them into new Dark Slimes.

It just hasn't been said if they're only willing to do that to girls.

>> No.13714115

Like prostitution?

>> No.13714121

Sure, but for someone to "end all meaningless conflict", they have to take away choice.

And who is the DL to tell me it's "meaningless "? No, I don't think I will be part of this.

>> No.13714126

I was thinking more of murder, assault, rape, theft. Those sorts of things.

>> No.13714128

I-It was a rhetorical question, I just wanted to post a picture of bug-girls in silly poses...

>> No.13714143

Oh, you should've made that more clear. Go ahead, but at least try to add some writefaggotry to go with it. You know, to make your posts that much more valued.

I'm not a janitor/mod I can't ban you for posting mantis' acting like kamen riders.

>> No.13714147

>Looks at ushi oni/hellhound/mindflayer/baphomet/devil


>> No.13714156
File: 22 KB, 522x481, 1435661416058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monster girl TPP mods

>> No.13714166
File: 995 KB, 996x1500, 1434847712713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TPP already has waifus you can recruit (i.e. fulton to) Motherbase.

>> No.13714172
File: 860 KB, 1049x641, 15179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just misunderstood, plus I'm sure they become putty in your hands for a little if you pet behind those fluffy ears.

>> No.13714174

I want to become FBI and judge girl's breasts and butts by placing trays with easily movable items on them and seeing if they can keep them still.

>> No.13714177

Can't fool me faggot.

If it skitters
Gas the shitter

>> No.13714180

Hylians aren't elves.

>> No.13714183

No one cares.

>> No.13714185

Next you'll say that Cra aren't elves.

>> No.13714186

Are you the goober that wants to skin loli Ushi's alive?

>> No.13714189

Well lets to the ear test just in case.

>> No.13714190


>> No.13714193

Given their extreme endurance and regenerative powers they'd probably get high off the gas and laugh.

>> No.13714194

Not fond of the aggression, but I have to admit that this particular Ushi-Oni reminds me of Kiddy Phenyl from Silent Mobius.

For that, I think I can put up with the Ushis.

>> No.13714198

I want to use a muscular Wurm's abs as a cutting board!

>> No.13714199

To the Ushi pit with you. You will stay there until you like it.

>> No.13714200
File: 201 KB, 552x913, 6ca7f00e5d071bc706f65577448bb7fadee6c748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No really, the ONLY thing Hylians have in common with elves are their pointy ears.

>> No.13714203

I'm just saying, touch the ear and see if it's an elf.

>> No.13714207

>Laughing off chlorine gas

Oh yeah, regeneration is real handy when there's no oxygen getting your brain and you can't control your body.

>> No.13714210

That's a lie. I've seen their pointy shoes too!

>> No.13714211

Shit, didn't mean to reply to that last post.

>> No.13714212

And elves or Hylians have something else about them that's special or unique besides the pointy ears?

An elf by any other name would be as rapeable.

>> No.13714213

You didn't specify what kind of gas you silly edge lord.

>> No.13714214

I refuse.

>> No.13714217

I want to build my own waifu!

>> No.13714219

>Telling the enemy what weapons you have


>> No.13714223
File: 290 KB, 1000x1000, 1434955922062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k/oward pls go

>> No.13714227

http://pastebin.com/t0JvxLMD Tsukumogami

Line 123. Civilization, shopping and antics. This feels weak to me but I don't really know what to do to fix it.

>> No.13714232



>> No.13714233

Make me ushi apologist.

>> No.13714234

That wasn't a suggestion.

>> No.13714239

Tell it to my magnum fag.

>> No.13714243

>at least tries to fight back

>> No.13714244

Dare I ask what the Ushis do to people who're thrown in the Ushi pit?

>> No.13714247
File: 60 KB, 249x478, 1373919243730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the gear queer thread?

>> No.13714256

That can't be safe.

>> No.13714257
File: 124 KB, 452x541, 1434422388769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's always undesirable when the resident /k/ommandos decide to shit things up with their edge.

>> No.13714263

>I don't like it so it's shit

>> No.13714266

Everything that isn't immediate surrender is "edge" in here apparently.

>> No.13714269
File: 58 KB, 322x480, 1223982093497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, they have their moments.

>> No.13714271

But monstergirls just want to see you smile! You shouldn't hurt them.

>> No.13714273

not him, but brutal murder seems to be a regular theme in /k/ommando stuff

>> No.13714277

>deliberately wandering into an Ushi-Oni's terriory with bang bang pew pew shooty weapons
>not expecting to get raped
You're like the retards that sperg about getting raped by Manticores.

>> No.13714280

Hm. For some reason, I'm not all that invested yet like I was with some of the other stories, but it doesn't seem objectively bad so far or anything. I can't put my finger on it. I'll keep reading, as it comes out.

>> No.13714281

I hate smiling, you can't make me.

I wouldn't know, I prefer magic/fists/magic fists.

>> No.13714286

Nobody is saying "kill indiscriminately" or anything like that.

>> No.13714288

>Ushi-Oni's terriory
No, it's mine. Everything's mine.

>> No.13714289

But everyone likes to be happy, because being happy is good, and good things are good because they are good!

>> No.13714292

I don't really know, I guess I'm just not 'feeling' it. Maybe that's coming across in the writing. I'll think on it, Ghoul should be the next update.

>> No.13714294

But do people die if they are killed? And are they really dead if our eyes aren't real?

>> No.13714306

>Guns are edgy
I'm not even in this whole ordeal but come on.

>> No.13714307

But you're killing mostly nice girls who just want love.

>> No.13714308

>Everything must be happy/cute all the time


>> No.13714310

>deliberately wandering into a guy's house with the intend to rape
>not expecting to get attacked
Yeah, sounds obvious on paper, I know.

>> No.13714312

Fun fact: That meme is actually a mistranslation of cultural context. When a line says, "They (wont) die even if they are killed," what it actually means is a shortened version of, "They (won't) die even if you do something that SHOULD kill a person."

>> No.13714320

I'd rather feel temperate to be honest. Happiness makes you do stupid shit.

>> No.13714321

Anon, you've gone and got yourself into trouble again, you silly fucking faggot!
Tonight's the night when you go out on with a meek, delightful ushi-oni raised by a holstaurus. You're mean to be taking her out to the movies, but your pudgy, smelly, small-chested hellhound big sister wants you to stay at home so she can watch the airing of a new, much anticipated anime with you.

What do you do, and how do you act so you don't end up enraging and breaking the hearts of these girls? Remember, if you show up one of them, they'll get mad, find the other monstergirl in your life and attempt to beat the living daylights out of them, leaving a canyon of property damage in their wake.

>> No.13714322

Yeah, I figured it was something like that.

Still funny though.

>> No.13714323
File: 125 KB, 1200x930, 6dfe704006353e4efcc8bb4ec4fe89bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think that raising your own husband is common between monstergirls?

I can't help but imagine a vampire, a wight and an apophis talking in the park about how cute their future husbands are while the three shotas play in the sandbox.

We need more cute non-sexual pics with monstergirls and shotas

>> No.13714327

>mostly nice

Ushis are not nice.

>> No.13714329

You misspelled "taking your spirit energy, by force".

>> No.13714333

Well, according to KC, parental incest has zero cultural taboo in monster lands. Well, at least the world guides specifically mention father-mother-daughter polygamy... but presumably, it goes the other way too-- or it would if MGs had male children.

>> No.13714338

I want to join the town guard and protect the human/monster village I live in from evil with guns and fight in their stead so the MGs won't have to risk their lives and have to remain single by extension since the town guard must remain vigilant at all times as raising a family would be a hindrance.

>> No.13714341

It's mostly not a taboo because the young monster girls have the same instincts as the older/unmarried ones. A married monster girl would likely never do it with her son unless she was a widow since they have unwavering loyalty once married.

>> No.13714342
File: 241 KB, 724x1024, 15242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to have a relationship with a Succubus? Or is it generally considered that if you get involved with one you're doomed to get drained to death?

>> No.13714343

>false dichotomy fallacy

It's hardly impossible for someone to love their spouse even if that spouse is the primary breadwinner. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.13714346

What are yo, some kind of racist against monstergirls?

Thy might be a little rough , but they still love you.

>> No.13714347

KC land, where being with a demon that can suck your soul out your urethra will not kill you.

>> No.13714356

>Not MGE
If she can control hersel enough to train you and raise your vitality so she doesn't kill you by feeding on life energy or semen instead. Problem is most vanilla succubi are soul eaters so they take everything.

>> No.13714373


If that's what they call not falling for "nice rapetrain" b.s. then yes.

>> No.13714375

What are you even on about?

>> No.13714382

>Reading Manyeyedhydra stories
>Lots of cute succubi
>It goes well until the guy's screaming in terror and his body withers as his life force is sucked out of his dick

I just wanted to read stories about cute succubi, darn it.

>> No.13714383

>but they still love you
Well, I don't love them.

At least not until the Not! brainwashing.

>> No.13714385

Better a low level, or high level? one that can feed on lust itself.

>> No.13714386

Just because someone provides something you need, doesn't mean you automatically cannot love them. Just because men provide spirit energy, doesn't mean MGs don't fall in love as well.

>> No.13714390


Watch the animus first since that can be done at any time. Go out and watch movies later.

Done and done.

>> No.13714396

I want to promise my waifu I'll marry her after I retire from my job as a member of the town guard today!

>> No.13714398

They did'nt choose to be rapists, it's because the CE has left in their old programing to attack humans

I bet you like human girls, you jerk.

>> No.13714399
File: 1.85 MB, 250x188, 1432915112973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that fear brah.

>> No.13714401

It also doesn't mean they always do.

Also, fuck what the guy wants, right?

>> No.13714409

>I bet you like human girls
You can do better than that.

>> No.13714414

like rape and brainwashing?

>> No.13714416

>Thread discussing setting where MGs are generally far more powerful than human men (super strength, magic, flight, immorality, etc).

>Goes there to complain about m-muh equal rights!

I bet you go with the Westboro Baptist Church to picket gay funerals too, huh?

>> No.13714419

So would a person with tuberculosis not choose to be born/infected with it, I still wouldn't eat with them or shake their hand. And It's Chief God, what.the fuck is CE?

>> No.13714420

>Regular old Succubus picks her next victim
>Poor guy is totally unaware until she's already on him
>Halfway through she realizes he's the best she's ever had
>She doesn't ever want to let this go
>She backs off and gives him two choices, be her, ahem, husband, or let her finish what she started
>He opts for option 1
>Over the coming weeks and months, she trains him hard in body and mind
>Finally it's the big day, she goes all out
>At the end of it, he's still alive, if utterly exhausted
>When he wakes up from three full days of sleep, he finds her latched onto him
>She tells him he passes, and while it seems like they can only go once a month right now, she's eager to get his stamina up so she can get her fix whenever
>Then she does something she's never done before, something that surprises him
>She gives his a chaste kiss on the lips, smiles and tells him "I love you, husband"

>> No.13714423

No because that would mean the monsters are going around kidnapping human child which is purge on sight tiers of evil.

>> No.13714430

stop killing the catgirls, bro

>> No.13714432

That's the keyword here I think

>m-muh equal rights
Perfect rebuttal.

>> No.13714433

>What is adoption

>> No.13714437

>Soul eater

You meant well but this is gonna end with me or her dead. I don't fuck around with that shit.

>> No.13714444

Family comes first. You sit down with the hellhound and get absorbed in watching a new show with your sister, just like years ago. She huddles up next to you, making the occasional comment, snorting with laughter at the funnies and flaring into flames upon seeing the action. She also smells like sulfur.
When the episode has ended, you hear a knock at your door. Dare you answer it?

>> No.13714446

>don't like what I don't like
>muh strawman


>> No.13714451

>Adopting someone so you can fuck them silly later
>Implying any place that offers adoptions would be stupid enough to let a monster adopt

The point of adoption is to find a kid good parents not find them a future wife.

>> No.13714452

It's Ad Hominem, you gradeschool dropout.

>> No.13714453

We're discussing something vitally important to succubi, not applying physics or reality. The guy asked, scold him

>> No.13714456

Suddenly reminded of a Morrigan doujin. A random human saves her from a demon attack and brings her to his place to recuperate. After learning that the attack left him fatally wounded, she offers to have sex with him and absorb his spirit into her, sparing him from his wounds and allowing him to live on as a part of her.

>> No.13714459

>don't like what I don't like

Says the guy talking about killing MGs and how horrible they are in a thread intended for discussion how great they are

Do you really lack even basic levels of social interaction skills or self-awareness?

>> No.13714460

This is bait.

>> No.13714462

Well, better than the alternative, I guess. Do they have weird metaphysical soul sex?

>> No.13714464

>Goes there to complain about m-muh equal rights!

No, that's a misrepresentation of his opponent's position, you dingus.

>> No.13714468

>For how great they are

Afraid not. You can like some and hate some, if you don't like that don't participate. Easy peasy. But, this is 4chan.

>> No.13714469

No. He was fudging up YOUR image through association, not your argument, you mongoloid.

>> No.13714470

>thread intended for discussion how great they are
Nowhere does it say these threads are solely dedicated to talking about how "great" MG are.

>> No.13714474

>m-muh equal rights
>>Perfect rebuttal.

Lol, these monster fags. Silly anon for think your rights are important. We should all just lay down and accept out place as fucktoys.

>> No.13714475

>Says the guy talking about killing MGs
Do you always go around assuming, or does it come out naturally?

Maybe you shouldn't be the one to talk about self-awareness.

>> No.13714483

Pretty straight up physical sex until all that's left of him is a dried out husk of a corpse.

>> No.13714487

Absolute nonsense, the intend was clear from the get-go, you halfwit.

>> No.13714489

If you want unconditional love for all the girls, go to MGR. We are free men here.

>> No.13714491

Do you have any idea what the word discussion means?

If you want a circlejerk go hang out on reddit.

>> No.13714492
File: 722 KB, 562x900, MGT discusses paladins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm awful at editing, just pretend this is about monstergirls.

>> No.13714495

>these monster fags

>> No.13714498

No thank you.

>> No.13714499

Are you daft? He was clearly associating you with Westboro Shitfest Church, not your argument, or do you lack reading comprehension?

>> No.13714502

We're all monster fags. Not sure why we all have to be fucktoys though, that I will agree with.

>> No.13714504

Of course. She knew this was coming.

>> No.13714508

I want to fly in a bounty hunter team consisting of a clumsy, dere dere frog girl, a super serious kitsune, a veteran, ara ara wererabbit, and a harpy with a chip on her shoulder

>> No.13714509

Meant to convey the whole blind worship some of these idiots have for the ground their waifus walk on.

>> No.13714513

Are you always this retarded, or do you not realize that I'm not talking about the WBC remark?

BTW, are we being serious? Cause I wasn't.

>> No.13714517
File: 84 KB, 600x800, then there's this faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sucking monstergirl Clit all the time means you hate them

>> No.13714521

I certainly was at first, but then decided to have a little fun, you fucking preschool dropout.

>> No.13714523

That's what I got from that, yeah.

>> No.13714526

>wanting the frog girl at all

What are you doing, Anon

>> No.13714531

It's a technique similar to cultural jamming. Pretending to be the opposition and then presenting a caricature of their position. For example, arguing against "MGs only rape for food" means all men should be fucktoys.

Also note the language deliberately intended to be inflammatory, e.g., "monster fags", "fucktoy", etc.

>> No.13714534

Very well, you shall meet your fate at dawn.

Bring your gun and your fancy pocket watch.

>> No.13714535

I tried to have fun.

It's a shame you're witty as you are bright.

>> No.13714541


>> No.13714542

When did I imply that? It just seems really dumb to go into a thread about monstergirls and constantly complain about how shit they are.

>> No.13714546

What's wrong, couldn't have any fun, Mr. "I got last place in the special olympics"?

>> No.13714548

maybe they should be less shit then ever thought of that smarty pants?

>> No.13714550

She's an integral part of the team.
How else would I get to use the land master?

>> No.13714551

One thing does not exclude the other.

>> No.13714552

Hm, that's certainly an interesting subject.

>> No.13714556

Thanks for the update.

Also, is Hunter a one shot, or do you have any plans writing more?

>> No.13714557

If you going to bitch about how shit they are all the time, then why are you even here?

>> No.13714559

Implying it's not accurate.

If your idea of a loving wife is the first monster that drags you into its home/cave/hole in the ground and imprints after she fucks you, be my guest.

ANd if I have to look at another fucking cake captch I'm gunna lose it.

>> No.13714560
File: 215 KB, 850x1200, Mantis open mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How inhuman are you willing to go with your monster girls?

>> No.13714562

The entire debate has shifted out of its original context.

It was originally:

>Ushi's are cool
>I fucking hate Ushis and think they should die
>Ushi's rape to love you
>Rapists don't love you
>MGs are rapists, ergo MGs can't love
>MGs can't love? Why are you even here?
>Liking all MGs makes you a doormat!

And here we are, totally removed from the original debate. Let's just drop it, guys.

>> No.13714567
File: 367 KB, 1000x1000, 1435649065501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Kakuen triplets. Who when I ask who ate the bananas in the fruit drawer of the fridge, One says she didn't see anything, one says she didn't hear anything and one just sits there and is completely silent.

>> No.13714569

What are you even implying? That we can only be here if we don't say anything "bad"?

I didn't realize I was on tumblr.

>> No.13714570

The spookiest of spookies. I want to make a scary abomination feel like a cute human girl.

>> No.13714571

I kept waiting to read something clever and then lost hope.

>> No.13714572

The /pol/ version of this is way better.

>> No.13714574
File: 725 KB, 766x800, 2226413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About this inhuman. Abominations are nice if they don't go too far.

>> No.13714575

Sorry. Got to talk about something while waiting for the Wendigo translation.

>> No.13714576

>and one just sits there and is completely silent
While munching the last banana.

>> No.13714577

>Your first day in MGC
>A Matango is already threatening to impale your anus with her fungal growth from Hell, with several Funguys pinning you to the ground
>You could handle being raped by a normal MG, but to be anally ravished by something so horrible and in such a demeaning manner is threatening to break you
>It's a Gynoid Manticore, her tail's bulb having been replaced by what looks like an automated gun barrel instead of opening to a tailpussy
>The Matango smiles and jokes about how the cop can't touch her because she's a protected species
>"Wrong words. Creep."
>Three shots and grey spongy fungus is spraying all over you, you're horrified as the Manticore kills every last Funguy and Matango spawn with extreme prejudice
>Try to thank her
>She just looks at you with blank, unfeeling eyes behind a red LED visor
>"Sir, you have suffered an emotional trauma. I have notified the closest rape trauma center. Have a good day."

>> No.13714578

As was I, but just like your mother, I'm disappointed in you.

>> No.13714579

You're basically saying it's bad to complain about their bad points, and your pic paints dissenters as indiscrininate turbo haters when that's not the case. Who here hates holsts, or weresheep, or sea bishops? But if something like getting your soul eaten worrying folks, or canon ushis being hated upsets you, sounds to me like a you problem.

>> No.13714581

And of course, all of the adorable little shits are grinning at you so you can't tell which one did, or if it was ALL of them. You can't even see the quiet one's mouth behind her hands, but you know that smirk is there.

>> No.13714582

Some of us just want MGs that display a bit more humanity than our family dog. It would nice to believe that they can actually think for themselves, understand empathy, and show a little fucking decency to the humans around them.

But it's k, twue luv at first rape.

>> No.13714584

Well, I can't have "rights", because if I do I apparently hate MGs.
And If I take my rights I'm an egdy gary stu.

So what do you people want from me?

>> No.13714585

Because we can, and saying '"YOU bitch all the time" is also wrong, since different people like and dislike different girls. Also >>13714569

>> No.13714586

I think we can sum this all up with the phrase "take it like a man"

>> No.13714587

In debate club, they called shifting the entire debate to a semi- or completely irrelevant topic (relative to the original topic) simply as "squirreling." It's usually an automatic win for the side that pulls it off, because it means that side has managed to take control of the entire discussion topic.

It's also a fantastic trolling technique, since by changing the topic you can keep an argument running forever and ever, especially if you can shift the topic more than once.

>> No.13714588

My point is that you can not like certain types of monstergirls or the way they do things, but you should at least try to like them. Saying "I don't like X Monster" Is fine, but going "Ugh monsters a shit race war now!" Or butting in on conversations to enlighten people on how awful those big mean old monstergirls are, like every time someone mentions amazons. It doesn't add to the discussion at all, it's just annoying.

>> No.13714589

I want Donkey Kong to shake his head and continue his rampage to reclaim his banana hoard when Druella tries to placate him with a Kakuen peace offering!

>> No.13714590

God it's like that one riddle where you have to find out which one is lying.

>> No.13714593

So it's just like real life.


>> No.13714594

>So what do you people want from me?
To fuck off for a start.

>> No.13714596

Something like the abominations Harblador has written about. I have to say though, the thought of some massive cosmic horror that loves me and waited eons for my birth is real appealing.

>> No.13714598

And if I don't?

>> No.13714599

Get a trip so we can start filtering you.

>> No.13714600

You're right in regards to using a certain monster as an example representative of the whole monster race.

Unfortunately that's not what's bveing complained about. Initially yes, but now we're discussing parallels found in MGE

>> No.13714602

>you should at least try to like them
There's really no need, and at the end of the day you're not going to like what you don't like.

>butting in on conversations to enlighten people on how awful those big mean old monstergirls are
This, this is the real issue. As always, it's not only "Stop not liking what I like" but also "Stop liking what I don't like." The two play into each other and we end up chasing our own tails.

>> No.13714603

Kakuen Kong will be more than a match for Donkey Kong.

>> No.13714604


>Continuing an argument when it has reached the point where is now has literally zero relevance to monstergirls.

Both of you stop whining because hurt feeling, and shitting up the thread in the process.

>> No.13714605

Here's your reply, don't spend it all at once.

>> No.13714609
File: 448 KB, 752x1043, Ia Ia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isn't Harblador the only person to tackle Eldritch Abominations and not be hated for it?

>> No.13714616

>the thought of some massive cosmic horror that loves me and waited eons for my birth is real appealing
Is that what Harblador's story is about?

>> No.13714617

Because the guys advocating that we shouldn't have any rights aren't at fault at all.

>> No.13714618

All he has to do is refuse to give druella the famous dong and she will break down and give his hoard back.

>> No.13714623

You guys stopped arguing about rights a few posts ago. If you want to talk about rights, and not,

>Go away
>You going to make me?
>Tripfag so I can ignore you

Like I said, it's got to the point you two have stopped talking about MGs completely and are just wailing on each other personally. It's just shitting up the thread now.

>> No.13714626

Do you not read?
This goes from Ushi rape-train to some idiot posting "we should just learn to like it."

Does it surprise anyone at all that the conversation moved where it did? It's completely relevant.

>> No.13714627 [DELETED] 

So " don't say shouldn't like thing/try to like thing you don't like."

How about no?

>> No.13714635
File: 1010 KB, 800x800, 1428824168810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yuki-onna. I want to fill out a folder.

>> No.13714637

There's a board for that.

>> No.13714638
File: 266 KB, 858x800, Yeti_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the yeti, anons. LOOK AT IT.

Good. Feeling better now?

>> No.13714639

Looks cold.

>> No.13714645

Maybe? There was always talk of one other abomination writer, but I can't remember his name.

No, not that I know of. I talked about this a while back and someone mentioned Spaceworm being similar to that, but not exactly right. I haven't read it myself, since it's broken up into too many parts to bother at the moment.

>> No.13714646

I want to get into a cuddle contest with a Yeti.

>> No.13714648

We should just ignore those fags, Femdom doesn't even begin to cover them.

>inb4 be trying to start shit

I'm saying those guys aren't femdomfags, they're just assholes who get pI say when someone doesn't want to be a footstool to every MG.

>> No.13714649
File: 245 KB, 500x706, 50863f7a9bf3d7f05ef94ecebb22ccd6..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of innocent MGs? The kind that have no interest in aggressively trying to charm you or rape you?

>> No.13714651

*who get pissy

>> No.13714653
File: 343 KB, 798x1021, Needs more Ia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Here I thought Lovecraft had it right with you all being nothing more than detached cosmic horrors that would shatter my mind


>What's so funny?

You are, little gnat.

>How so? I mean, I'm still trying to figure out how things are supposed to work between us.

Think of the universe as a chess board, on which a game has been played for hundreds of thousands of years.


You're just now playing the game. How many pawns do you think I had to sacrifice in order to get my King? Mm? Do you remember every sandwich you've eaten in your life, every fly you've swatted?

>You don't mean...

Oh but I do, little man. You were the final piece to the game, and now you're here. In my hands and oh-so-easily manipulated into my whims. I believe this is what you humans call "Checkmate".

God i'm fucking bored.

>> No.13714655

They're the kind I like best.

>> No.13714658
File: 727 KB, 1636x1157, 1395530118772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a Yuki-Onna that's filled out nicely, will that do?

>> No.13714660

They are okay, I guess..

>> No.13714661

Not my favourite since the strong sexuality side of things was why I got into monster girls in the first place but they're still nice.

>> No.13714666

*Don't say you don't like thing/try to like what you don't like

Again, no.

>> No.13714667

Speaking of, what MGEs are there that are passively innocent like that? The kind that don't go husband hunting on their own.

The only ones that come to mind are Alice, Dormouse, and Hinezumi. But I'm sure I'm missing some.

>> No.13714668

Only a good thing if they're loli. Otherwise quietly seductive is nice. I mean, the more aggressive women are a decent part of why I'm here.

>> No.13714671

I want to suck ice-cream from his breasts.

>> No.13714672

Honestly not trying to start shit, but femdom and whatever you want to call KC's MGE are not the same.

>> No.13714673

Well if it's pic-related, I'd visit her shrine and make a donation, then maybe compliment her on her ears.

>> No.13714678

Same as a salamander, they do go out to find men, only their husband hunting takes the form of combat.

>> No.13714679

They're pretty meh to me.

>> No.13714680


>You will never suck soft serve ice cream from a Yuki-Onna's teats

>> No.13714682



>> No.13714683

Its just a picture I dont feel anything

>> No.13714684

this needs to be a thing

>> No.13714686

mmm soft serve.

>> No.13714687

Best kind. Why would the lack of rape and really good sex be exclusive?

>> No.13714688

Would snuggle

>> No.13714691

Feels bad.
Just a typo.
It totally does. Especially since it's so fucking hot.

>> No.13714692

>Manipulating the universe for such a long time to ensure the birth of the one she'll love forever
Yes. This is good.

>> No.13714695

He said innocent, not chaste. They don't try to charm you, but that doesn't mean they aren't receptive to advances.

>> No.13714696

You need help, anon.

>> No.13714697

It's best when a monster that usually has the rapest/aggressive charmer personality is pure and innocent

>> No.13714699

I wonder if she has different flavors.

>> No.13714702


I do that sometimes when not shitposting so hard that the entirity of Nebraska could use it as compost.

>> No.13714705

I don't like betas.

>> No.13714706

I realize that. Please read my post.

>> No.13714707

All of my this.

>> No.13714712

Reminder that you can be sexually dominated without being raped.

You can still have your hellhounds and manticores.

>> No.13714714

I prefere them to the freakish rapists, that's for sure.

>> No.13714718

It might be hard to find the illusive chocolate Yuki-Onna.

But she could be found as an employee at your local ice cream place.

>> No.13714720

They're all right, I don't mind an assertive or honest girl either, it's the "you're coming with me and there's nothing you can do about it" and how aggressive they are about it that does it.

>> No.13714721

Everyone wins!

>> No.13714722

Who is this meant to be for?

>> No.13714727

I prefer aggresive girls.

>> No.13714729

Probably the passive aggressive statements like >>13714714

Both of you sides don't start. We're finally having a nice discussion. Plz.

>> No.13714731

How does that work exactly?

>> No.13714732

I wanna pet the Puppy Girl!

>> No.13714740

>passive aggressive
Yes, everyone is out to get you.

>> No.13714742
File: 550 KB, 1330x1216, 1419125273673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cuddle-wrestle a Yeti, to prove my cuddle dominance. Grabbing great handfuls of her snuggle lumps.

>> No.13714744

A general statement for anyone who confuses rape with dominance, assertiveness, or lust.

Exactly. Or
I don't think that was aggressive, I was just pointing out you can still have that without rape

>> No.13714745

We were having a nice discussion about the bad points of some MGs before the hugbox defense force got mad.

>> No.13714746

The puppy girl wants to be petted by you! Yay!

>> No.13714751

And here. we. go.

>> No.13714752

My nigga

>> No.13714756

Yes mate, we know the difference, that's why we used the word "rape".

>> No.13714757

Do you get a certain kick out of responding?

>> No.13714758

You'll get burn.

>> No.13714759

Through great effort and self control

>> No.13714760

>Plainly state an opinion
>you're being passive aggressive


>> No.13714761

>Responds with passive aggressive statement to statement asking people not to be passive aggressive.

This is obvious bait, if you respond to it you're an idiot or another troll. So please don't.

>> No.13714766

>hurr here we go

We know, you don't need to say it.

There is always one faggot who needs to state the obvious, is there?

>> No.13714768

An option would be, "I like X".
A passive-aggressive statement would be, "I like X. Because Y is inherently shit."

>> No.13714769

You do realize that some idiot is probably playing both sides right? Ignore him.

>> No.13714770

not funny 5/10

>> No.13714771

Daily reminder to give your maid a headpat.

>> No.13714773

I want to pet a chubby corgi girl puppy's belly

>> No.13714774

I want to friendzone them!

>> No.13714775

No, I mean, how does she rape? Does she corner the guy in a locked room and show him her bits? Does she mount him while satysfiying herself and tempt him to touch her? Does she make herself vulnerable and try to get assaulted?

>> No.13714777

It wasn't meant to be funny, so I guess all is well.

>> No.13714780

Along with her contractually obligated glass of milk and cupcake/muffin of her choosing

>> No.13714782

A British, shortstack Corgi Girl who stands no taller than 4 feet and has a very loud 'WAN!'?

>> No.13714783
File: 307 KB, 2200x1508, tuSdQff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting educational poster on heatpatting levels

>> No.13714784

I'm >>13714720, nothing passive aggressive about that post.

>> No.13714785

What kind of monster needs a reminder for that?

You are now imagining the queen's collection of corgi friends.

>> No.13714787

I can say with all honesty I hope you eventually get what you ask for.

I wouldn't hold my breath for it to be an MG though.

>> No.13714793


And they'd be her best friends.
Marrying them is like entering the royal family

>> No.13714796

Meant for >>13714768

>> No.13714802

>She walks with you two school, her tail wagging.
>Eventually her short legs get tired, so you give her a piggy back the rest of the way.

>> No.13714805

She doesn't rape though, that's the point. She is innocent despite being one of the rape monsters

>> No.13714807

Boy, did I hit a nerve?

My deepest apologies.

>> No.13714809

So a moeblob?

>> No.13714811

Happily, along with the occasional dance and tender loving kiss.

>> No.13714812

Except it's simple fact, not not a barb.

>Guys, I don't like soul eating succubutts or ushi oni
>Me either
>Why are you in the monstergirl thread? Get a trip so we can filter you

>> No.13714813

I want a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel girl!

>> No.13714815


>> No.13714816

Proactive dating where you're suddenly asked to go out on on a date with a monster girl you don't know as you go about your day

>> No.13714820

>freakish rapist

Given we immediately finished a huge argument partly involving rape and love, it is particularly passive-aggressive to suggest the opposing side is "freakish". Either you have very little social awareness and are an idiot, or it was intentional and meant to inflame.

Google the term weasel worlds.

>> No.13714821

Corgi-chan is small! But she's good at short-distance sprinting!

>> No.13714823

Daily reminder that you shouldn't have carnal relationships with domestic servants.

>> No.13714824

I want my oomukade girlfriend's father to force me to marry her at gunpoint!

>> No.13714827

>Piggyback ride
>Not sweeping her up in a Princess carry

Come on man

>> No.13714829
File: 840 KB, 737x1200, Internal monologues are scary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't she forcefully headpat me? Maybe I need headpats once in a while.

>> No.13714833

Figures, those stink bugs couldn't catch themselves a hubby otherwise.

>> No.13714834


So if something is innocent they are aromatically a boring moeblob? Are they synonyms now?

>> No.13714836

>not being the CEO of maid fucking
You disgust me.

>> No.13714837

I miss secretly lewd/yandere kiki greentexts

>> No.13714838

I'm not the one who said that, though ushi oni are freakish. NOW you can accuse me.

>> No.13714842

>fucking the household help
Right back at you.

>> No.13714843

T-That would be lewd!

>> No.13714845


>> No.13714849

You're all shit

>> No.13714853

>implying she isn't promoted to house wife

Why do you insist on being a pleb?

>> No.13714855

If you're the kind of person who can hire a maid, then you're clearly above them. The grubby little bird cleans, and the human wife gets fucked.

>> No.13714856


That's nice Bollocks

>> No.13714857


>> No.13714858

Dieeee a loooonely deaaaaath

>> No.13714859


I did, and all I did was plainly state what happened, so I don't know you're on about.

>> No.13714860

See, in this case one can legitimately argue you hate MGs. Because you're deliberately trying to inflame another argument to run the entire MG thread into the ground for another half-hour.

I mean, we weren't even discussing Ushi-Onis so it's not like it's even relevant. It's just inflaming another shitstorm for it's own sake.

>> No.13714861

Fuck kikis, maybe some of us don't want to be dominant businessman. I don't like kikis trying to make you that. I'll gladly trade my kiki in for an alp maid. At least she doesn't try and change me.

>> No.13714862

>human wife
Yeah, like I'd fall for that one.

>> No.13714863

>Marrying some common maid.
Why do you insist on stooping below pleb status?

>> No.13714864
File: 788 KB, 400x224, 8k3xhy0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to receive headpats though

>> No.13714865

So now you're telling me you'd make your poor human wife stoop to cleaning your dick? Wow.

>> No.13714866

>caring about your waifus social class
I won't dignify this with an answer.

>> No.13714870

Mutual headpats.
69ing headpats.
Headpatting each others' heads with your own heads.

>> No.13714872

No person, monster or otherwise, should have to go through life without headpats

>> No.13714874

No, he called ushis freakish. He said nothing about the rest of the MGs. His ulterior motive could be derailing the thread, but even that doesn't necessarily mean he hates MGs.

>> No.13714875

Then make a deal with her, you get one headpat for every two she gets.

>> No.13714876

>NTRing your wife with the maid
I hope you people don't do this, unless the maid is also your wife.

>> No.13714878

You just did.

>not caring for the social class of your waifu
>wanting your daughterus to become grubby maids

>> No.13714879

Never got one in my life, and I'm doing well.

>> No.13714880

The Kiki being a drill sergeant thing is mostly /mgt/ threadcanon.

They do try to improve you, but not by force. The entry puts it in a way where they're more like a caring parent that wants to see you do better, by asking you nicely, but won't force you. Not much different than a concerned mother, really.

>> No.13714882

Her social class isn't the problem, the real question is why she would be interested in someone as worthless as you are.

>> No.13714885
File: 272 KB, 800x950, Chim chiminey chim chiminey chim chim cheree..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki maids are to be seen, not heard.

Unless they have a nice singing voice.

>> No.13714886

Yes. I would sexually pleasure my wife and get her pregnant with human children. If that lustful beast tries anything, she'll get fired.

>> No.13714887

>I don't like this MG
>You're trying to star a shitstorm!

So I have to like every MG? I can't dissent? This ain't Nazi germani, but . feel I'm talking to a wall so I'll end it with "I'll hate whatever MG I want to hate and if you can't handle that,door's right there."

>> No.13714888


My name is Anonymous and I regret to inform you that I have lived my life so far without a single (1) headpat. I yearn everyday for when I will liberated from an existence without headpats.

>> No.13714889

>implying and assuming
You're not even trying.

>> No.13714896

Me thinks you're projecting a bit too much.

>> No.13714897

But my waifu is not the type of girl that wants headpats. She prefers to give me all the headpats.

>> No.13714898

I'm here to tell you that getting a headpat from a girl is probably the greatest feeling on the planet.
That face dogs make when they get all dopey when people pet them? There's a reason for that: it's fucking awesome.

>> No.13714899

>not wanting to hear your Kiki squeal in orgasmic ecstasy as you prove to her time and time again that you are the CEO of maid fucking.


>> No.13714901

>You're not even trying.
Unlike those gold digger maids, apparently.

>> No.13714902

The guy can pretend he has a wife for kinky roleplay.

>> No.13714904

But I don't want headpats.

>> No.13714907

You're lying. I refuse to believe that there are girls that give out head pats.

>> No.13714908

Anon this is a Christian image board I will not have you posting such lewd content!

>> No.13714910

It's more like,
>I don't like Sandra in accounting
>Sanda? That freak in who works accounting?

It's basic social etiquette and being a decent person. You're sitting shit un-necessarily, not just stating you don't like Ushi.

You can scream, "nazi germany" and "fascist managment!" all you want when security drags you out the door.

>> No.13714914

I more of a head scratch kind of guy.

>> No.13714915

Oh, unlike those human women, who could care less about money.

>> No.13714916

>I'm doing well
Hang on a second. You're posting in a thread about boning inhuman women here, it's a little hard to say you're COMPLETELY alright.

>> No.13714919
File: 107 KB, 700x479, Kiki dom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to always appreciate your maid and listen to her orders.
you don't want her to get the bolt cutters again and lose your other tendons do you?

>> No.13714920

She's my wife, my maid, my bodyguard, my finances counselor, my therapist, my teacher, my mercenary for hire and my local sect's leader

She also is my traveling agent from time to time.

>> No.13714922

Are there bodyguard Kikis that have a blade in their broom? How would one apply for a bodyguard Kiki? What percentage of blade in broom Kikis would be yan?

>> No.13714924

Nobody's perfect, but all things considered...

Could be a lot worse.

>> No.13714925

Please, it my pleasure to carry her when she gays tired.
I may even plant a kiss on her forehead before I set her down again

>> No.13714927

Someone wake up in a bad mood?

>> No.13714929

Maybe you should check with the maid center, see if they do refunds.

>> No.13714932

No, but they exist though. I wash my hair quite frequently, so it's soft and fluffy, which was why she liked playing with it.
Too bad I don't really see them anymore.

>> No.13714935

I want to outdom the dom Kiki!

>> No.13714944

Compared to the maid who wants you for your money, a way to climb the social ladder and as a tool for fulfilling her fetish fantasies?

>> No.13714945

>You have to hate nicely
>You're sitting shit un

>> No.13714948
File: 213 KB, 744x1052, Female paladins are supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13714949

>a way to climb the social ladder
>implying human women don't also do that.
Somebody has never heard of hypergamy, I see.

>> No.13714950

>Hiring maids to do chores for you
>Not being a man and doing them all yourself

>> No.13714956

Why are paladins girls so mean? Mamono just want nice husbands, and all the human girls laugh in their face ans steal the men away.

>> No.13714958

Pretty sure that was posted yesterday.

>> No.13714959


What species are men again?

>> No.13714961

I'm glad you finally see that monster maids are gold digging human girl tier.

>> No.13714963

>Human girls
>Stealing men away

>> No.13714964

The irony.

>> No.13714965

What is the best Onee-san?

What is the best Imouto?

>> No.13714968

And so was a bunch of other shit. Your point?

>> No.13714970


You're right though, the thread is so much better than half the posts are just shitposting and arguments. You're totally right so I'll just stop arguing here.

>> No.13714971

I want a tsundere paladin girl to be paired with me as a part of the "operation boymaker" planned by the order!

>> No.13714973


>> No.13714976

If you're going to shitpost, you could put a little effort into it so the rest of us don't look bad.

>> No.13714977



>> No.13714979

>they take no money
>they clean your shit without nagging
>you can molest them
>and thanks to them, you can realize your full potential

Not even close.

>> No.13714981

Those men deserve to have nice monsters wives that love them, not mean human jerks that only want to to continue the species.

>> No.13714982

That would be the quickest path to a complete mental breakdown for the Kiki...or possibly the hottest kiki sex imaginable.

Or both.

>> No.13714983

I want to turn a human girl into a monstergirl and then take responsibility!

>> No.13714985

Here's your reply.

>> No.13714990

It saddens me that you're probably serious.

>> No.13714992

>Not needing a kikimora to do things for you and being responsible makes them go crazy
Okay, now they're going too far with this.

>> No.13714994
File: 98 KB, 800x533, 1430966242036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans are all bad
>Monsters are all good

>> No.13714998
File: 704 KB, 570x514, 1433529351813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, I wonder why most people are in favor of monstergirls in a thread where I get the impression people don't actually like them.

>> No.13715001

Obviously they just want to save us form ourselves.

Show us the light.

Role models.


>> No.13715002

oh d*ng those are the most hardcore around.

I heard a heckhound really liked a guy who worked as cashier so she purposely touched his hand when paying for her groceries then giggled the entire way home

>> No.13715004

>being this black and white
>Being this stereotypical

You're gonna hurt a lot of nice human girls and get tricked by mean monsters anon.
Can't people like both? And if the greatest monster is man, doesn't that mean human girls are monster girls?

Wait...this means we're monster boys...oh my god...

>> No.13715007

That little deviant

>> No.13715008

I am. Human women are the root of all evil. Do you know why we have Stalin and Himmler and serial killers and terrorists? Because a woman gave birth to them.

>> No.13715010

I want to be played around with by Wurmzilla and Kakuen Kong!

>> No.13715012


I did a 6 month stint in south korea for work with a furnished apartment and cleaning service:

I couldn't handle just leaving everything gross for the cleaning lady, so every tuesday and thursday night that apartment ended up damn near spotless before they came in the next day.

>> No.13715013

Well, we ARE the males of their species.

>> No.13715014

Can't argue with that logic

>> No.13715015


Okay, I laughed.

>> No.13715016

kek but also d'awww

>> No.13715018

>they take no money
Fishy as fuck.

>they clean your shit without nagging
They nag you whenever you don't live up to the image of their highly idealized partner, before, during or after cleaning your shit.

>you can molest them
>molesting the housekeeper

>and thanks to them, you can realize your full potential
Or you could realize that potential without them.

>> No.13715021

An honest stretch, I'll admit. I was just wondering what would happen if you take someone as diligent and dutiful as her, and take away her chance to be dutiful and diligent.

Wouldn't stop me from helping her clean, though. I'd hate to have her handle the whole workload.

>> No.13715022

Well no. Since they can't give birth the males, that makes them parasites, not members of our species.

>> No.13715026

Good! Stay the course and stay strong on the mind, Anon

>> No.13715027

>They take money, they're gold diggers
>They don't take money, they're suspicious

Just say it: You don't like them. But don't make up shit to justify or rationalize it so it seems like you have a good reason.

>> No.13715029

We're no more the males of their species than a host cell is the mate of a virus.

Incubi are the males of their species.

>> No.13715031

Onee-san: Jabberwock

Imouto: Baphomet

At least for me.

>> No.13715032

What if I was already diligent and dutiful enough to clean after myself?

>> No.13715038

>They fight over who gets to hold you
>Turns into a downtown-destroying rampage
Good job genius.

>> No.13715039

You're reaching pretty hard, is there a reason for that?

Did you daddy marry a kiki after mommy left you or something?

>> No.13715042

So...if we say human girls are bad...monstrous even...that means monster boys are canon.

Guys we gotta stop talking shit about human girls, lest monster boys become canon.

>> No.13715044

I don't think it's a stretch, I know people who get super antsy and hyper if they're not doing something.

>> No.13715045

Are we roleplaying now? Can I be part of the raid?

>> No.13715046

A few more monster girls from Regura along with the busty mantis from last night

>> No.13715047


>> No.13715049

forgot the link

>> No.13715050

>tfw you will never be in an MG guild

>> No.13715051

Yeti onee-san for plenty of hugs and lap pillows.

Harpy imouto that asks for help to clean her feathers and is still learning how to fly.

>> No.13715052

Man, you're way too defensive about your maid fucking. That's no fun.

>> No.13715054

No, we all must incubize to saveus from becoming monsterboys.

I will never stop shit talking, it's my drug and I don't want to be clean.

>> No.13715057

Needs more dots.

>> No.13715063

>that shark girl

Would mate with, and I'm not one for them.

>> No.13715065

Then you'd very much likely have a very happy kiki on your hands. One that could grind your hips to dust in ways that would impress an Ushi-Oni.

>> No.13715066


>> No.13715067

>Mothmanthra will never be too timid to ask them if she can join in

>> No.13715068

They already are. We only pretend incubi aren't monsterboys as to not offend the more spergy people among us.

>> No.13715073
File: 1.37 MB, 1024x1280, comi__60_by_p01ntless-d8vyh7p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jabber-sans are the best. But would you give her cunnilingus while she plays video games like a good otouto?

>> No.13715074

But I didn't even hire a Kikimora in the first place where did she even come from?

>> No.13715075

>We only pretend incubi aren't monsterboys as to not offend the more spergy people among us
Oh you.

>> No.13715077

>tfw, you'll never smite a MG.

Why live?

>> No.13715080

I think it was this one:

That's an old one though.

>> No.13715082

No, cuz that's weird.

>> No.13715084

Yes, even KC knew this, hence "Incubi".

>> No.13715085


>> No.13715086

You would have to give me a reason to not shove my face there all the time.

>> No.13715089

No, I'm gonna hang out with my vanilla dragon gf, and she can't stop me.

Also, she smells.

>> No.13715090

I laughed

>> No.13715092
File: 123 KB, 768x444, jabberwock oneesan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13715094

No monster features, look like normal humans confirmed recently by KC.

>> No.13715096

>All these people who want sisters
>Not wanting to be an only child

>> No.13715099

You're a bad otouto.

You're a good otouto.

You're the best otouto.

>> No.13715101

Of course, no one could get mad at a "hypothetical change". KC does a lot of dumb shit, but this one is smart as fuck.

>> No.13715102

S-Smelly neet monster girls are hot!

>> No.13715104


>> No.13715105

>Not wanting 2D type sisters.
Don't be this fag.

>> No.13715106

>S-Smelly neet
I mean, if it's during sex, I agree.

During the day, I would prefer a little more hygiene...

>> No.13715107

Sisters are the best. Older or younger, they are all precious treasures.

>> No.13715108

I want to have violent battle sex with an ogre. I want to power bomb her and stick it in while she's on her back and drill into her savagely. I want her to kick me clear accross the room and into the wall before she mounts me and bucks her hips against me as if She really does want to break my pelvis! I want to headbutt her off of me and hit her with a chair and bend her over the table while pulling on her hair and pumping her full of milk. I want her to bite into my shoulder hard enough to draw blood, then slam her against the table whilst she legs lock me, still biting. I want to bite her back until neither can take it anymore and we break off, and We alternate between fighting and fucking. Then, I want up to spend the night in bed, opposite of each other and treat our wounds before going to sleep while holding each other.

>> No.13715114

>violent battle sex
Strangely enough, I approve of this.

>> No.13715117

Jabberwocks aren't my thing, but goddamn it I love onee-sans

>> No.13715120

Why wouldn't you ever want your face not to be buried in that lap or her plush tanned rump?

>> No.13715121

Sharks a slut, huh. Well, the other stuff looks pretty good.

You bet I would. I don't even like dragons, and it'd be pretty hard to not want to, as long as she was willing to perform oral for me while I played.

>> No.13715124
File: 878 KB, 600x1101, 1424668869127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like the Ogre and the dude had the resilience of Dragonball characters.

I love it.

>> No.13715128

Well, at some point I'd want myhead buried in her brown wocks or her nape, and on occasion her lips. It can't be all pussy and ass all the time, you know.

>> No.13715136

I don't like her being gangbanged, but the rest looks fine.

>> No.13715145

>It can be pussy and ass all the time

Yes! There's tits and legs and handjobs to be had!

But seriously

Hysterrical laughing Deruella.jpg

>> No.13715153

>Not liking gangbangs


>but doppelganger potions

It's hotter if she doesn't even know hoe many and whose dicks she's had.

>> No.13715154

>Hysterrical laughing Deruella.jpg
Wouldn't she want you to enjoy every part of the waifu's body though? I mean, it's not like P&A aren't important, but there's other stuff to love there. Like, for example, the back of her throat. Furiously.

>> No.13715155

I want to fold my waifu like an origami paper!

>> No.13715164

Day 1: Her bones are surprisingly inflexible.

>> No.13715169


>> No.13715174

>Those bags
She needs to go to sleep.

>> No.13715175

I want to twist my waifu like coil pot and then hide in the middle

>> No.13715176

I did consider not posting that one but I figured people wouldn't have as much of an issue with that one as they would with the two that I did not include

>> No.13715178

>She needs to go to sleep.
No. I meant it when I said she wasn't getting any sleep tonight.

>> No.13715183
File: 205 KB, 722x1100, 1422758309829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never work as an assistant to a debt collector monstergirl

>> No.13715189

I would work for a hobgoblin debt collector

>> No.13715194

Which were?

>> No.13715195

I want to massage my waifu until she's a puddle of pleasure!

>> No.13715196

Someone's gotta stop her from accepting candy coins as payment.

>> No.13715198

There will always be people to have an issue with such things. Like me, I don't care for it in the least, but I'm not enough of a faggot to put others down for liking things I think are shit. Well, mostly.There are a few exceptions, but sluts aren't really one of them as long as it isn't full NTR. Still, as long as it wasn't futa or yuri or something, you should post it. Probably.

Good, I can live with that.

>> No.13715200

What if she's already a puddle of pleasure?

>> No.13715205

I forgot who drew that, was it crayonfag?

>> No.13715209

>you will never acquire hobgoblin maids and pay them in chocolate coins


>> No.13715212

Then you've got to massage her until she evapourates into a cloud of pleasure. Massage her so deeply her intermolecular forces starts falling apart.

>> No.13715217

Well, in that situation dick would probably be an acceptable form of payment. You can cover it in chocolate first if you want.

>> No.13715219

Wouldn't that cause an atomic orgasm?

>> No.13715220

But anon, what if they won't pay debts?

>> No.13715226

Who is your waifu?

>> No.13715229

Than pay with your blood!

>> No.13715235


Kosm pls go

>> No.13715236

Yuri and a picture that had a monster girl lusting after a monster boy

>> No.13715238
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x1273, 1435675008847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh! Your monster waifu now has a pot belly! What will you do?

>> No.13715240

Do we have a shiny Goblin yet?

>> No.13715245

poke the belly

>> No.13715246


>> No.13715247

Yes. She'll literally be so relaxed she's just a bunch of particles floating in the air, each one experiencing maximum pleasure because mamanoblawhamo.
Then when she orgasms, she'll collapse in on herself and trigger a chain reaction of nuclear explosions that cause people to orgasm.
It's basically Third Impact, but with explosions and sex.

>> No.13715248

I'm going to call Hans and Franz and together we're going to pump... her up!

>> No.13715250


A Lannister always pays His debt.

>> No.13715251

We're doing cardio until she's a more comfortable level of healthy. I'm thinking intercrural is a good place to start.

>> No.13715253

Please do not have sex with the Dark Matter.

>> No.13715255

No sex until she starts to work off the fat.

>> No.13715256

I would act contradictory as fuck, making fun of her for getting fat with words but physically teasing, poking and caressing her new belly just to see what happens.

>> No.13715257

How in the world do you fold a wurm?

>> No.13715259

Not as fun as coming home with a sack, calling all the maids and making it rain chocolate coins while they squeal and scoop them up.

>> No.13715263


>> No.13715264

That was very fucking wise.

>> No.13715265

keep poking her in the stomach making the pillsbury doughboy noise until she either goes to the gym or conducts a extreme cardio sex session

>> No.13715269

No, but you can still do Easter Dick hunts, in which you scatter a bunch of plastic eggs throughout the house. Most of them will contain candy or cute words of love, but one will contain your erect penis due to portals and MAMANONO MANA. You can still have fun.

>> No.13715270

Fuck those psychic ASSHOLES. Fuck them so hard. Could you deplete them? Kill them all?

>> No.13715271

Exercise with her, and peek at her puffy vulva when she does leg raises in her spats.
Sleep on her belly and rub it with my face, and feel her abs slowly develop beneath the layer of pudge over a course of weeks and weeks.

Fuck, I just want a hellhound to fawn over.

>> No.13715273


>> No.13715281

You're an odd fellow.

>> No.13715282

Play with it, rest my head on it, kiss it. The fuck do I care, as long as she isn't hamplanet tier. I'll make damn sure she never gets to that point though.

>> No.13715283
File: 237 KB, 1700x1500, 1435540876592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horsepussies are so unsatisfied with their human husbands, just like their partners are unsatisfied with their loosey gooosey horsepussies that the Danukis do something useful for once and ENLARGE YOUR JOHNSON
>Now you can fuck your horse wife with a cock that even a Stallion would be happy to have!

>> No.13715285

You can't deplete the LAW!

>> No.13715288

Horsepussy a no bueno.

>> No.13715289


>> No.13715292

See also: Kos.

>> No.13715294

Fondle it

>> No.13715295

I want to remove the leaf off a Tanuki's head

>> No.13715297

You should not disgrace the image of a Wight with such a sub par post.

>> No.13715298

I don't know, with a bunch of cock-hungry oppailoli running around the house in a world chock full of magic it seems almost like a reasonable thing to do. It'd be fun, and at the very least no one gets hurt. I'm not even the first one to come up with portal fucking, either.

>> No.13715304

I can with mods you issufrwable bastard! Really? Trying to arrest me because I grabbed a jar I quickly put back?

>> No.13715306

Over the line!

>> No.13715313

I want to find a naive young Tanuki and convince her that Auschwitz is a fun Summer Camp where Tanukis can have fun and meet nice human boys!

>> No.13715314

You dare oppose the might of the Imperial Legion?!

>> No.13715319

>yfw that's exactly what it is

>> No.13715320

Mamono mana enlarging your dong. Fuck your product.

>> No.13715321



You're no fun.

>> No.13715325
File: 869 KB, 1280x905, 1390576948824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need my greens.

>> No.13715326

I do more than oppose it, I will quell it!

Eject disc.

>> No.13715331


>> No.13715344

Oy Vey! My Tanuki Grandmother was only 6 when she was gassed and turned into soap by the Nazis! Don't insult the memory of the 6,000,000,000,000!

>> No.13715347

>Japanese Wurm folded 1000 times
>300% stronger than diamond

>> No.13715348

Did the Nazi consist of Werewolves and Dark Elves?

>> No.13715349

I want to have extreme prejudice against the Tanuki race only for the fun police to throw me into jail while the tanuki laughs and i realize my prejudice was well-founded.

>> No.13715351

I want to spank her ham whilecsunging like this


Skip to 0.48 if it please you.

>> No.13715353


>> No.13715355
File: 271 KB, 800x902, 1433998592681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nazi Werewolves
>Not shit

Oy vey look at this regular old Shekelstein with his shit taste. Such a meshugganh.

>> No.13715359

Am I seriously the only one who noticed her legs look dislocated and our of place? It's like they're not even connected to the torso.

>> No.13715363

Okay, but how much stronger than that does she get when you fold her a thousand times?

>> No.13715368
File: 216 KB, 441x553, 1433147605729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fuck a milf or gilf monster girl?

>> No.13715369

Yes anatomy kun.

>> No.13715370

Only if she says the magic words.

>> No.13715371

Not much. A normal wurm is already 299.9% stronger than diamond.

>> No.13715372

next question!

>> No.13715374

Can-break-an-astronomical-object-in-half-on-impact strong.

>> No.13715375


>> No.13715376


>> No.13715378

Both are shit-tier compared to cakes, onee-sans, imoutos, aunts, and cousins.

Unless under specific circumstances that I've disclosed.

>> No.13715379

I'm not sure if I want to keep working at this beach resort. Every MG wants me to rub them with sun lotion and it's starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

>> No.13715380

Until she's too worn out to ara ara.

>> No.13715381

Of course.

>> No.13715382

So she's strong enough to not get eaten by BETA?

>> No.13715383

Threadly reminder that liking stupid shit like Nazi Werewolves and other assorted memes that're meant to make people flustered makes you a plebeian beyond even the worst writefaggot

>> No.13715386

Throw a wurm into a BETA hive, and you'd probably only need to wait half an hour until the place is decorated with balloons and streamers.

>> No.13715392

Wait, Nazi werewolves was bait? I mean, it got annoying seeing herrenvolk every three posts but, really?

>> No.13715393

>Guys! Hey guys look! I have an opinion!!
Good for you.

>> No.13715394

Or she's either killed or the Main BETA assumes direct control of her body.
>No particle beam to free her from her suffering and kill something that makes the world redefine GRIMDARK

>> No.13715395

BETA are now monstergirls.

>> No.13715397

Well there have been BETA girls for a while now. A few appeared in a few games from what I remember.

>> No.13715398

>muh headcanon >your headcanon

Shut up, just ignore post you don't like

>> No.13715399
File: 873 KB, 1024x1280, 34235436347437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you talking about

>> No.13715401
File: 581 KB, 768x768, 1431078977141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.13715403
File: 364 KB, 1075x1049, 1385156494358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My, aren't we an opinionated faggot. I'm sure all your bitching and moaning will surely change things since you can clearly speak for everyone in these threads & force people to not like things that they don't.

>> No.13715404


>> No.13715405

I want to mediate between Dragon and Jinko rivals.

>> No.13715406

Herr Fluffenwolfen!

>> No.13715409

Those ears. I want to rub them

>> No.13715412

Daily reminder that you faggots are fighting the wrong MGs while the true villain of them all is plotting our downfall behind the curtains. It's the Kakuen.

>> No.13715413

I don't get it.

>> No.13715416


>> No.13715419

I'll never understand why .less gave her those dumb whisker things, then again he IS a MOBAfag.

>> No.13715420

/mu/ meme music


>> No.13715422
File: 1.29 MB, 3999x2305, 1395541354029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ear rubs, belly rubs, & back scratches for the demon rape-cat

>> No.13715424

Why did someone do this.


>> No.13715425

Please, the tanukis are just there to distract you from the real danger.
The lizardmen

>> No.13715426

No, Manticores don't deserve anything nice.


>> No.13715429


>> No.13715430
File: 189 KB, 402x600, catgirlpreg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What birth control method would be most popular in MGC?

>> No.13715431

>Milfy kitsune comes home to find her mother hilted on a fresh young cock
>She's shocked, a woman her age should take better care of herself
>Gilf kitsune laughs at this and she's she's plenty taken care of, mocking the younger fox for her reaction, and lesser experience
>This enragss her, and she walks over, discarding her clothes before removing her mother from you and sucking on you off like a vaccum, telling her mother, mouth full of cock how her baggy pussy can't compare
>Gulf Fox rises to the challenge, starts attacking your balls
>They make you cum over and iver until their faces are drenched in your seed
>So anon, which one felt the best?
>Before you can answer, Fox loli comes in and seeing the scene stars undressing, saying how it's not fair for mama to keep her waiting while she has all the fun
>It's going to be a long night


>> No.13715433
File: 242 KB, 475x300, 57547457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Birth Control
Nice one dude

>> No.13715434


She's shit and anything related to whoever created her is shit

>> No.13715437

Getting them pregnant so they can't get pregnant

>> No.13715438

Manticores deserve all the nice things. Ear rubs, belly rubs, back starches and massages, paw rubs, ear petting.

>> No.13715440

I also find it really distasteful; the whole glorification of nazi wolves and jew jokes


That's the sort of place 4chan is. I learn to live with it. It's not my place (or yours) to tell the website how it's supposed to be. If it bugs you so much, leave.

>> No.13715441

That's Horo.
>Birth control
Being pregnant.

>> No.13715443

Why does life have to be so disappointing.

Don't me mean.

>> No.13715444

inb4 falcon punch

>> No.13715445

Anal, duh.

>> No.13715446

I wish someone made a Wolfenstein joke or two for once.

>> No.13715447

How would a Holst be treated in the India?

>> No.13715449

Vodka, except with onis and ogres.
Falcon Punching.

>> No.13715455

Hitler and the tanukis teamed up for control of the world but he stabbed them in the back.

>> No.13715459

Nazi Cyborg Werewolves with tesla guns?

>> No.13715462


>> No.13715465

>"Oy Vey, Hitler the Nazis are evil!"
>"From my point of view, the Jews are evil!"
>"Well then you are a bad goy!"

>> No.13715466

Like saints walking among them, I'd imagine.

Doesn't India in general glorify the kind of birth defects that result in people looking like the Hindu gods? If that's true, I can imagine them vaunting a fair few different monstergirls.

>> No.13715467

Though you stick to anal sex, accidents happen.

>> No.13715471

So, my daughteru is going to reach her sexual maturity this year. Is it ok if I throw her shota childhood friend into her room and lock the room with the two of them inside?

>> No.13715474

And then hitler was the bad boy?

>> No.13715476

They also sanctify the home of newlyweds by having a cow shit in their house, and then couple drink something that has cow urine and feces mixed in it. Make if that what you will.


>> No.13715477

Oh yes, she's also a Hellhound.

>> No.13715479

Talk with his dad first.

>> No.13715481
File: 208 KB, 835x1200, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13715487
File: 3.63 MB, 2000x1500, Shiraui_Tsumugi_and_probe_form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13715488

Gonna need the Sunday edition for this one.

>> No.13715489

Fuck you Japan, you will not make me like roaches.

>> No.13715490

>Disgusting, disease-carrying cockroach
Where there's one, there's a thousand more. Burn down the whole house. It's the only way to be sure.

>> No.13715493

Cockroach girl? Cock-chan?

>> No.13715496

Not so fun fact. If you live with roaches and have dandruff they will attempt to eat it off your head when you sleep.


>> No.13715504


>> No.13715508
File: 329 KB, 380x380, 1383258367388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git your shit together plebeian.

>> No.13715510

I hate you so much.

>> No.13715513
File: 136 KB, 800x1000, 1433959690391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Seduce the man you want with witty lines like 'Hey boy, I got an itch down there, care to scratch it?' Ugh, that's too vulgar for me"

"Show him your passion and lust for him by raping him? That might make him cry and hate me, so no."

"Confess your feelings to him and ask him out on a date, just like human girls do. I don't know, what if he hates me and rejects me? I would embarrassed for the rest of my life!"

"Uggghhhhh! Why are men so hard to understand?!

>> No.13715524

>Takes obvious bait
>"What a pleb"

>> No.13715529

Magic. Just poof the baby away with a spell.

No reason for monster girls to use it, though. Most of them already have a hard time getting pregnant, specially the most powerful ones, and the other ones just pop them out like they are popcorn.

>> No.13715536

I thought it was just that they could choose whether they became pregnant or not.

>> No.13715538

She says whilst ignorant of the human boy standing right in front of her.

>> No.13715541

What a cutie. Now if only the Gandharva got art.

>> No.13715546

She's too busy reading about how to get boys to notice stuff like that.

>> No.13715549

Who's Sebastian

>> No.13715550

My dog.

>> No.13715552


>> No.13715554
File: 28 KB, 400x496, 1958389_621359654602008_1851896835_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ha, jokes on you! I was only pretending to be retarded!"

>> No.13715555

Yes i know... i understand you.

>> No.13715559

Not the guy who posted it, but whether you're an obvious troll, or you "only" feed an obvious troll... well, there's not much of a difference in my eyes, intellectually or otherwise.

>> No.13715561
File: 2.24 MB, 808x1200, Dark-Ignis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never hear your Thunder Elemental say "I am lightning, the rain transformed"

>> No.13715563

It was to Kenichi's dad. Sebastian is his shotgun.

>> No.13715564
File: 36 KB, 254x192, 236237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never hear your daughteru ravage her shota childhood friend

>> No.13715565

>You will never hear an Elemental make fun of you for being composed by so many elements

>> No.13715566

Das gay.

>> No.13715567

I think the word you're looking for is ravish.

>> No.13715568

Fucking science nerds.

>> No.13715569

Fuck you, cyborg Raiden is cool.

>> No.13715573

>Not the guy who posted it
Oh come on you're not even trying. This is an anonymous image board silly, nice try though.

I'm not going to waste any more of the images for the thread, but I am going to encourage you to stop posting, just as I will now.

>> No.13715574

*a reference to

I'm not even drunk tonight.

>> No.13715576

>undergoing cellular respiration
>not being linked to a seething, nuclear elemental plane
This fucking human.

>> No.13715579

>You will never be rejected by a water elemental just because you're only 70% water and not 100% masterrace like her.

>> No.13715583

I didn't say he was.

Laughing GRU.jpg

His son though...

>> No.13715584

Maybe he prefers the MGQ bend of monster girls.

>> No.13715585
File: 2.88 MB, 5500x6500, 1405637950231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know if everyone just treated Manticores nicely, they wouldn't grow up to be sadistic man-hunters.

>> No.13715586

Wouldn't she be some parts MAMONOMANA?

>> No.13715588

Fine with that, fire is superior.

>> No.13715590
File: 136 KB, 818x707, YouCaughtMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the old

>anyone who disagrees with me is clearly all one giant samefag, because no way anyone would disagree with ME!

>> No.13715591

Raidens son only appeared for a few minutes in MGS4.

>> No.13715592

But I like me some sadistic man-hunters.

>> No.13715594

The sadism is in the blood, they can't be unshitted. How the crap you think they earned that name.

>> No.13715595


Heil Wan and Schwarzwulf and whatever the fuck that one guy is working on with the Nazis can get the fuck out with you all enabling shitty drama and an unimportant venue of characters

>> No.13715598

>You will never be scolded by an uppity Lightning Elemental for calling her a Thunder Elemental.

>> No.13715603

Alright, we'll stop liking what you hate right away.

>> No.13715606



>> No.13715607

I want an elemental of each element to form a singing quartet!

>> No.13715609

I thought you liked videogames anon.

Volgin's gay lover, Ivan's last name is RAIDENKOV, translates to son of Raiden.

The memes within the memes Jack!

>> No.13715612

Then bully away.
Their true nature will be repressed, it will probably build up, only to be unleashed after a traumatic event. Caving into their sexual predatory instincts.

>> No.13715614
File: 6 KB, 221x255, 1434137021461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who's behind this post...

>> No.13715618

Well fuck me, I never knew that bit of trivia.

>> No.13715619

Are you sure? The actinoids seem a little, err, unstable.

>> No.13715622


You better or else i'll get super-dee-duper fucking autistic butt mad and curse you all with the Clap.

Seriously though. Fuck that stupid black wolf Nazi and anything related to her. At least one writer had the stones to do Nazis, as asinine as it is.

>> No.13715624
File: 2.92 MB, 2000x2500, 1404266119359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not remove the sadistic man-hunter bit, but make it into something believable. Give her a bit of dere side to balance out all the tsun and sadism. Dominant in the bedroom without making the guy into a cumpump.

>> No.13715625

>fuck that one guy
>at least that one writer

You really gotta start using names or no one will have any idea who you're supposed to be mad at.

>> No.13715628


>> No.13715630
File: 58 KB, 343x338, Sexing the waifu slightly more clean version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my precious nerd bird, I'll always love you.

>> No.13715631

Silly Manticore, tailpussy is not a cup!

>> No.13715632

But I don't want to bully them. I want to put up a reasonably good fight before getting overpowered by a Manticore, or a pride of them and getting milked until I pass out from the pleasure and exhaustion.

>> No.13715633


I don't care to remember writefaggot names outside of Nyanon aka Mausguy aka Bun-In-The-Oven aka Plaguelord Nurglitch aka The Horned Rat aka The Almighty Asspope aka Kunte Kinte.

>> No.13715637

Leona is a very poor example of that though.

>> No.13715640

>the clap

What are you 15?

>> No.13715641

And yet, you care enough to keep complaining about it and ranting on the thread.

>> No.13715644

Then you my nigga, always make Monster Girls work for their rape. Especially Manticores, because it excites them.

>> No.13715646

I want to sell tailpussy juice in a lemonade stand!

>> No.13715647

I don't even know where the character is from. I just thought the image was cute.

>> No.13715652

How many times must I teach you this lesson? CAN'T. FIGHT. NATURE

>> No.13715655
File: 440 KB, 800x1200, 1424824744616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I like to pretend this is a Manticore Frat Girl, passed out after having too many 'Tailpussy Cocktails'.

>> No.13715658

>bun in oven

Well fuck you too, I had forgotten that.

>> No.13715659

I'm glad we're of one mind on this matter. Not nearly enough appreciation for some good excercise/foreplay before the forcey fun times.

>> No.13715660

Not that guy, but clearly that doesn't really apply to humans because, you know, consciousness and free will and stuff.

It's why guys don't go around raping every sexy girl they see on sight. Because clearly they can fight their natures.

>> No.13715664

What's wrong with that? I don't get why it would make people angry.

>> No.13715666


You can always tell it's Nyanon because he uses either A) Dormouse molasses for sleep rape or B) Mentions baking something in an oven

>> No.13715669


>> No.13715675

So 1 anon from these boards /a/, /b/, /jp/, /k/, /v/, /pol/ and /tg/ land in the monster girl world

They land as a group
what will they do?

>> No.13715677

>mfw I actually wrote that
>People think I'm actually Nynaon and not just a lurker who likes puns.

T-thanks, anon. It's like I'm almost famous.

>> No.13715682

Because like everything the thread makes it was run into the ground.

>lol legonubis

Etc, Etc.

>> No.13715683

Get husbando'd.
Alternatively, knife fight to the death the first time the find one type of monster that's a favorite of more than one of them.

>> No.13715684

Do you mean for each board?

>> No.13715685

This is hysterical.

>> No.13715690


>> No.13715691

Same as always. Bitch about which among them is superior, and that 2D is better than 3D, even in monster girl world.

>> No.13715694


>> No.13715695

Whatever "Ms. Lightning Bolt"

>> No.13715699

What a static personality.

>> No.13715700

More like because they don't want to go to pound me in the ass prison.

>> No.13715704

Starve to death.

Some of these anons are dumber than a bag of rocks.

>> No.13715707

>Not wanting to support the Fourth Wan and their goal of a canine utopia.

>> No.13715709

>implying I wouldn't eat your worthless carcasses if it came to that

>> No.13715710


Fuck off.

>> No.13715712

I want to tickles tens of tender monster tummies.

>> No.13715714

Immediately plsit up, for starters. /a/ and /jp/ will immerse themselves in the world, but complain that the other one is weird & does things wrong. /pol/ will head for the nearest Order outpost and become their spokesman.
/tg/ becomes a wandering adventurer with a three monster party/harem and has to avoid the cotinuous rape efforts. /k/ heads for the woods with a musket & builds a cabin, maybe befriending a native. /v/ will just wander around whining about how shit everything looks while still contradictorally getting into it.

>> No.13715716

/a/ - Gets husbandu'd by first Sabbath girl he sees

/b/ - People get sick of his shit and throw him into Wonderland where they'd actually enjoy being SORANDUMLOL

/jp/ - Write a non-fictional MG encyclopedia? ('cause we're always fighting about canon, etc)

/k/ - Realize there are no guns there, run off into the jungle and make a stockade/fort out of wooden spikes. Then get raped and captured by a forest MG while out hunting

/v/ - Calls everyone else's tastes (and waifus) shit, before pissing off enough of the town to get thrown in the stockade and getting raped/mindbroken by manticores and other un-waifu-able MGs.

/pol/ - No government to accuse of conspiracy, no jews to blame for all his troubles. Hears of survivalist commune of anti-society types in the forest, but it turns out to be an Amazon village and get enslaved and kept in the kitchen.

/tg/ - Lives with the Dwarves, the most superior of the fantasy races, where he enjoys endless mini-handjobs for the rest of his life.

>> No.13715717

Sounds about right

>> No.13715722


Had to.

>> No.13715725

>Dwarves the most superior fantasy race
Excuse me, i'm going to shit myself laughing.

>> No.13715726

>manticores and other un-waifu-able MGs
You better not be implying that about manticores. Manticores are love.

>> No.13715727

>manticores and other un-waifu-able MGs

Your post is shit, go alp yourself.

>> No.13715729

Yeah, pretty "shocking" that she doesn't change that much

>> No.13715732

Who let the manticorefags back in? I thought we agreed to let them freeze to death?

>> No.13715733

Better be careful Anon
The /ss/ may find you if you keep acting like that.

>> No.13715734

Everyone knows Kender are the greatest fantasy race ever devised.

>> No.13715736


Yeah well you and your herrenvolk /ss/ bullshit can suck ma.

>> No.13715738

Why don't you let people discuss monstergirls they like?

>> No.13715739

Bugs and frogs are cute.

>> No.13715741

I told you bro, you just had to ignore the tanukis but you didn't listen

>> No.13715742

/k/ goes into the woods then gets raped by a pack of werewolves
/a/ and /v/ have a argument and don't notice the orc war party headed their way
get raped
/tg/ tries to get everyone to work together and heads for the nearest town or village becomes a wandering warrior goes on adventure forces /jp/ to join him
/jp/ follows /tg/ gets a place and spends all day reading scrolls underneath a blanket becomes a wizard
/pol/ joins /tg/ but when he vists the village joins the inquisition and tries to rid the world of monster girls.
/b/ just runs around like a idiot and comes across a group of orges calls everyone of them a faggot pulls his pants down then helicopters his penis as he tries to rape them does not end well

>> No.13715745

Seriously, I put up with morons spamming loli-everything.

>> No.13715746

Why don't you go die a lonely semen stained death with Bob?

>> No.13715748

If you tell me that was a joke now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

>> No.13715754

>loli spamming
I don't see it, so you're just being a reactionary mong
Bob is a faggot, and so are you.

>> No.13715756

Flint? I-is that you?

>> No.13715758

Would /h/ change at all?

>> No.13715759

Fuck off

>> No.13715760

Perception bias. People tend to more remember what they don't like rather than stuff they find neutral or agree with, which generally blends together.

It's like how you only clearly remember the commune to work if some asshole cuts you off dangerously, but not all the boring trips.

>> No.13715762

I don't like manticore, your argument is invalid.

>> No.13715764

>It's time to cull workers in some factory in a podunk small town
>You'd figure this will be like all the other times where the newbie would sympathize with the town and think it'll all be okay to stick it to the man, much to the chagrin to your boss
>It's like these backward hicks don't understand that being under this corporation would treat them better than their local merchant tyrants
>You and your partner visit the factory and talk to the locals in an attempt to get their trust
>Helping around the neighborhood with opportunities of cash from your mouth often won favors
>Just like clockwork someone tries to act like a hero for the 'unfortunates'
>When you are busy trying to keep your teeth from being kicked in
>Your partner was still conversing with everyone and apparently was going rogue
>Just when you thought it was all over and they would refuse
>It all changed
>Friends back stabbed friends
>Family betrayed one another
>Their local union was tearing itself apart
>In the middle of it all the factory was set on fire, with many of the anti corporation protesters arrested as being responsible for the damages
>When you returned to your quarter, your Sahaguin partner was smiling in bed
>You asked what did she do to turn this situation around?
>"Simple Anon, I took your advice. You always said that I should learn of people better, and now I get it. People underneath that smile are just like bulls, one red flag and they'll charge to your tune. Soon they'll accept your offers and we can leave this dump."
>"And what if someone was listening to that, like that trucker who made that little demonstration in the class I presented in?"
>"Oh I know, and the two big guys who want to have enough money to send their little girls to college know too. He'll never want to speak of us ever again. Now on to other matters, you promised me a date if our venture here was a success?"

>> No.13715765


>> No.13715768

Or you could just read the thread? It's the OP ffs.

>> No.13715770


I'm about as serious as a heart attack after a stroke when I say Nazi Werewolves can fuck off and go since they're a shitty meme to begin with

That and I'm mad that there's no Yuki-Onna oneesan here with me to give me soft serve sorbet from her tits

>> No.13715772

Hey, remember when a Kender literally killed the Father of all Gods? Wasn't that just the hypest moment of all those books?

>> No.13715774

That's what I tell manticores while dating not shit girls.

>> No.13715776

Frog girls are great. Especially when the artists don't forget the stubby little tails.

>> No.13715777

>1-2 images
Cry me a river and build a bridge to get over it.

>> No.13715779

I dont know much about /h/ to come up with a scenario

>> No.13715781

On that we agree.

Could always do vampire nazis
I'm sure that hasn't been done before. They want to suck pure, aryan blood!
And burn down London bridge

Or zombie nazis!
They're rising to create a new world order and snuggle you

>> No.13715782

Because it cannot be a monster girl thread if we let MGs in with plump, or loli, or fit, or other types of physiques.

Makes sense.

>> No.13715783

/d/ is immediately alped

>> No.13715785

What about Confederate vampires?

>> No.13715786

Haven't been there in eons, but I'm guessing 40% of /d/'s threads are all still variants of "futa" and "futa with X fetish too"?

>> No.13715789

Happiest day of their life.

>> No.13715792

Yeah sure, keep telling that to yourself.

>> No.13715793


You funny.

>> No.13715794

>manticores and other un-waifu-able MGs
Fuck you too, buddy.

>> No.13715795

Only if they growl about how I'm a dirty, Yankee city boy before I march to her cervix

>> No.13715797

Nazi fits them better.

>> No.13715800

at the very least. Even in the "Reverse rape" thread there are futas.
And when it's not futa, it's pegging.

>> No.13715801

Why would you go to /h/ when /a/ exists?

>> No.13715806

>Why would you go to a futa board when you can go to the anime board?

I'm pretty sure I speak for most people when I say I don't get this joke, as I have never seen futa on /a/.

>> No.13715807

Umm... for the fetishes?

>> No.13715809

Would your waifu still love you if your mind and personality were transfered to a robot?

>> No.13715812

There's a lot. A few variations of vore threads too, but those aren't nearly as bad. They have distinct categories which are well-defined and few in number. Pretty much everything else is fine, but non-generals are usually more interesting.

I'd almost wish that the monstergirl threads had more discussion as an alternate to here, but I also don't want to deal with near-deviantart levels of posting.

>> No.13715814

>futa board
Am I missing something?

>> No.13715815

Everyone knows in anime robots are literally identical to humans in pretty much every sense except they're eccentric and have cool metal things for ears.

So yes.

>> No.13715817

>No spirit energy
>Asking this

>> No.13715819

Derp. Sorry, misread that as /d/ due to all the discussion about it just before.

>> No.13715820

I want to be Casshern!

>> No.13715821

She'd find a way to turn me into a literal sex machine.

>> No.13715822


I'm mad because of the spoiler and the fact that I've been betrayed by too many writefaggots to invest anything in any OC in here ever again.

>> No.13715823

So monstergirls are cuck-at-death material?

>> No.13715824

>Engineer waifu

She'd arguably be more aroused by my new body.

>> No.13715825

Which ones?

>> No.13715826

Going by MGE? No.

>> No.13715827


Bob and his Nazghul followers, the other purgefags. But mostly Bob and Machine.

>> No.13715828

She would want to find a way to turn me back.

>> No.13715830

Can't be chucked if you're dead.

>> No.13715833

>cuck at death

I'm not sure you fully grasp what either death or cuckolding means. One of those two words.

>> No.13715836
File: 725 KB, 700x990, 37592556_big_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polyamorous demi-human relationships

>> No.13715839

Don't use buzzwords, read MGE and come back.


>> No.13715840

sounds neato

>> No.13715841

They can get new husbands, but people are gonna cling to the "she'll go to the afterlife/raise as undead" part of the Q&A.

>> No.13715842

I think he means that you'd be easily replaceable to your waifu when you die

>> No.13715844
File: 266 KB, 1000x1000, 1435649912471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never see a Salamander fight her way to Valhalla in order to drag her husbando's ass back to the world of the living
>you will see the Salamander kill the Valkyrie that dared make a move on her husband

>> No.13715845

Yeah, purely from that the husband gets a lifespan to match their waifu when becoming an incubus. Like, dragonsluts can live for very long times with them, and undead husbandos get a free pass from death via old age all together.

>> No.13715848

Well done.

>> No.13715850

It also says that most of them won't get new husbands, and it is hard to prove your love to a widow.

>but people are gonna cling
It sounds like you have a problem with that.

>> No.13715854

I want to condense my raw emotions into solid form to create a dark matter and then team up with the four other elementals to complete an ancient and terrible summoning ritual!

>> No.13715855

So if you brain upload an MG, they'll die eventually?

>> No.13715856

It's okay if you give up your face.

>> No.13715861

One of them is alping.

Or all of them, I don't know.

>> No.13715862

/tg/ will wander around just for fun doesn't care about the demon lord/order conflict ends up with a salamander
/jp/ will continue to be a shut in only leaving his house when /tg/ forces him to go questing with him till one day a kikimora shows up at his house
/pol/ is promoted and becomes a Paladin
hears about Lescatie and tries to take it back while sending Druella insults accompanied by crude drawings of him beating her up. Demon lord places a bounty on /pol/

>> No.13715863

I want to give a hinezumi a cookie

>> No.13715865
File: 218 KB, 700x539, ofcourse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no question

>> No.13715866

My problem is newfaggots asking questions we've answered a thousand times instead of fucking off to the wiki and reading the Damn pastebin at the top of the fucking thread. That and trolls asking these very same questions hoping to star shit and people still falling for it. Yes I fucking mad.

>> No.13715868

Hey wait a minuet, he...looks rather comfy in that position.

>> No.13715870

What are you gonna do when she asks for some milk?

>> No.13715871

>posts a human
I don't get it.

>> No.13715872
File: 390 KB, 750x1058, 1419846403383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but if you give a mouse a cookie
she'll want a blowjob

>> No.13715873

Judging by the artist I presume you mean with faceless fat old men.

>> No.13715874

I had a nightmare where we were in the Monster Girl world but Monster Girls weren't there so I ended up Alping for the team and people were really nice to me and made me happy and everyone was happy and then I woke up

I'm scared

>> No.13715875

I love you guys. No alp.

>> No.13715882

But she doesn't have the D.

Give her some all natural Hathor milk because it builds strong bones and breasts.

>> No.13715885

>/d/ gets dropped into MGE
>/d/ gets alped
>goes on a rampage
>wrestles the native monstergirls to the ground and rapes them with her spadetail
>up to, and including, manticores
>the lilim responsible for this, hoping to be a hero for providing free husbands, now has her hands on her temples muttering "not as planned" "absolutely haram" "damage control" "how do I rebound from this"

>> No.13715887
File: 31 KB, 261x220, 3204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm already the faceless fat old man

>> No.13715891

How are making a face if you're faceless?

>> No.13715894
File: 569 KB, 1200x1712, faceless scyllas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting a bunch of faceless pudgy monster girls.

>> No.13715895

>dat moment when you find out she tapes hers down to hide the fact that they're huge by her species' standards.

>> No.13715896

You weren't purged? Calling the cops

>> No.13715898

I'd teach her that her big boobies are beautiful!

>> No.13715899

If faceless men are purged, would faceless monstergirls rise in their place?

>> No.13715901

>implying I don't want a group of faceless pudgy manticores

>> No.13715903

I remember that manga.

tags: rape, mindbreak, urethra insertion, drugs, gangbang, syringes, condom

Gotta practice safe gangbang rape.

>> No.13715906

My friend

>The pudgy, faceless monster girls recoiled as Anons smile grew wide, his bonds sundered as he stood.
>For they soon came to realize one thing.
>They hadn't trapped him with them, they'd trapped them with him.

>> No.13715907

Anything faceless thing must be purged

>> No.13715908

>Faceless monstergirls aren't hated
>But faceless men are
This is so unfair. I didn't do anything wrong, dammit.

>> No.13715910

>You will never work at a tattoo parlor
>You will never pierce a loli's tongue
>She'll never keep coming back for more piercings
>You will never do her nips, navel and clit
>She will never get her first ink with you
>She'll never get addicted to the needle
>You will never cover most of her skin with lewd designs
>She will never ask if she's the type of girl you like now
>She will never ask for her "final" piercing from you

>> No.13715911

Meh, but there's no eyes to stare lovingly into.

>> No.13715914
File: 291 KB, 2724x1016, varying_degrees_of_want.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no eyes
only fleshy bits to rub together
until such time as it feels good

>> No.13715915

Cuck them anon. Cuck them all.

>> No.13715916

Maybe you should go the whole way and give her wheel sized gages.

>> No.13715917

Anything faceless*

>> No.13715918

You're a rape ntr midbreak time bomb waiting to go off.

>> No.13715921

Yao a shit. Ugly eyes. Stupid rotten teeth. Huge ass hands, not fit for holding. Freaky freaky, not in the good way. Would not bring home to mom and pop. She's not a moped, she's segway.

>> No.13715924

Do faceless men count as monsterboys?

>> No.13715927

No. They're abominations.

>> No.13715928

Why the hell would they.

>> No.13715929

Honestly I hate that shit. Every time I see someone with those I get the urge to fight them just to tear open their Damn earlobes.

>> No.13715933

>Covering the majority of your body in dumb tattoos
>Any piercings not on the ears or face
This shit's even worse. Once those go in, you pretty much can't ever take them out without your ears looking like stretched-out taffy. Not to mention they look dumb as hell. The only other people that do that are third-world jungle tribes, and at least they have an excuse.

>> No.13715934

What shithole do you live in?

>> No.13715936

What's the matter farmer Brown, get lost on the way to the churning contest?

>> No.13715937

Bring out the Depravity Fruits and Raging Mushrooms, Manticore tailpussies and asspussies will be overflowing tonight!

>> No.13715939

Lies! I'm not a evil man! I have a job as a construction worker and pay my bills like any other normal person! Sure, I'm lonely all the time but I don't go NTRing people around!

>> No.13715945

That doesn't matter. What does matter is all these white guys modding their bodies as if they were born in the Bush and were named Ubuntu or some other Ooga booga name like that. It's irritating.

And fuck guys with "tribal" tattoos too.

>> No.13715949

>google gochika
>Nothing but heart-aches
>probably Doesn't a good end
Cockroach girls only prove that japan can add to my suffering.

>> No.13715950
File: 268 KB, 328x480, charging.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better make one of those brochures: "Tips To Having a Healthy Master-Kikimora Relationship"

>> No.13715954

can we get an 'energy level reaching critical low?'

>> No.13715955

>The room is a mess, the furniture stained, the wallpapers ripped, and one lamp giving light after having been placed in a very sensitive spot of a faceless blue dragon girl
>All the pudgy, faceless MGs are asleep, their orififaces oozing white, and bellies distended from the "spirit" anon forced into them.
>Anon left clean, refreshed, and happy

>> No.13715956

Damnit. Now I want an orc bro style manga of faceless old fat man being chased by slutty married women.

>> No.13715960

Holy fuck, that's adorable!

>> No.13715961

I have no problem with tattoos or piercings in reasonable quantities/locations. But large tattoos or huge amounts of them look unattractive, not to mention they're going to look worse as they age. And I'm fine with certain piercings (most ear piercings, nose studs, eyebrow, tongue). The other ones just look stupid and, again, aren't going to look good when you're an adult.

And massive gauges are just bad ideas. Up to a certain size they can look good, but once you start to be able to fit a quarter through them, it's getting too big. And unlike the other ones, there's no hiding them because your ears won't close back up from them.

>> No.13715964

MEIN. HEART. You make me very happy anon.

>> No.13715966

I want to be a farmer who supplies several states with milk from his mega-holsts!

>> No.13715967

>With every fruit ingested the manticores fell one by one. Their bellies filled to the brim with his manhood that oozed out of their sex like prized honey.
>Contented sighs and lazy lust filled the air thick with the musk of man
>The Manticores who were still conscious crawled the floor, licking every last drop of cum near them, greedily sucking the virile seed from those who couldn't resist
>Meanwhile Anon was content, walking down with a fresh set of clothes and a smile on his face

>> No.13715968

I don't believe you. I've read enough doujins and watched enough hentai to know how your kind is.

>> No.13715971

How many mega-holsts are we talking here anon? Are you sure you're up for that much milking?

>> No.13715981

Depends on how mega the holsts are. I'm thinking a dozen.

>> No.13715992

If they're anything like in that story, you're gonna have to get some help. Maybe you can have them milk each other?

>> No.13716002
File: 484 KB, 1454x1200, W30jTxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U want to watch my catgirl daughterus give each other tongue baths!

>> No.13716005

Has to be done by hand for the best quality. I supposed I could have them milk each other for the regular stuff we sell, then charge a lot more for the stuff I personally milk.

>> No.13716007

Sure dude

>> No.13716008

No I don't.

>> No.13716010
File: 370 KB, 850x1295, That really embearessing thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, your waifu suddenly froze up and remembered that really embarrassing thing she did a long time ago.

What was it?

>> No.13716012

Nah, I'm good, thanks.

>> No.13716014

>>>/u/ get out

>> No.13716015


>> No.13716016

She tried to take a sunbath.

>> No.13716017

She tried to perform a sexy librarian roleplay. It made more spagetti than the countries of EU combined.

>> No.13716020

Is that one of yours lawyer-chan? For some reason I can't nail down the art style on this one.

>> No.13716021

Wurms are never embarrassed.

>> No.13716022

>buried my best friend today
>spent the rest of the day comforting his wife and daughter
>bought a bottle of Knob Creek on the way home

How would monstergirls handle the death of their father or husband?

>> No.13716024
File: 350 KB, 583x920, Soso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13716025

It was probably that one time I walked in on her dildoing herself while gagged with my underwear.

>> No.13716029

Oh fuuuck man.

>> No.13716030

Kidnap and rape someone else?

>> No.13716033

You really asking this again? Go drink to your friend.

>> No.13716036

Again? What?

>> No.13716040

Go. Drink. To. Your. Friend. Faggot.

>> No.13716041


>> No.13716043
File: 918 KB, 1920x1080, Zophia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It turned out quite nice, Im happy with this.
Now some Hellhound.

>> No.13716045

Very much so.

>> No.13716046


>> No.13716048


>> No.13716049

Oh nice Zoph
>tfw no drawing ever for any idea

>> No.13716050

Nice, where's she from?

>> No.13716051
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 0HvDaovU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gorgeous
>Now some Hellhound
Ooh baby.

>> No.13716056

Looks like a silent hill nurse.

>> No.13716058
File: 128 KB, 1412x824, Chris(finalcake).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh finally. You'll probably ignore this and all, but I was hoping you could do a chibi of this as Chris in shoddy armor and a ratty t-shirt scarf daydreaming of herself as cool like the pic.

>> No.13716059

more goofy doodles?

>> No.13716061

Those are evil stereotypes! I am beyond such depraved acts of adultery!
I just wish people would stop throwing stones at my house. I have done nothing to deserve this...

>> No.13716076

Are there no monsters at all in order territory settlements? I mean' they tell the people they'll be eaten by monsters but, you believe something like a holstaurus would eat you?

>> No.13716079

Nah there are probably some nonviolent/rapey monsters allowed

>> No.13716082

What is she (I don't read any fics)? The neck scar makes me want to say dullahan? And she is rather pretty.

>> No.13716083

I imagine there's some sneaky fucking succubi and succubi sub-types disguised as human girls, taking advantage of horny young men who don't know any better.

>> No.13716085
File: 218 KB, 1000x1000, 1419314043120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's Loens character, who also happens to be an Undead.

>> No.13716086

Pretty sure she's Loen's OC Zombie, Zophia.

>> No.13716089

Dhampir are supposed to be able to live in human settlements. Maybe some others if they blend in well enough.

>> No.13716091
File: 55 KB, 600x777, 1389678658005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acquire Noppera-bo waifu, start happy faceless family.

>> No.13716092
File: 88 KB, 382x415, breakfast of champions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat ass

>> No.13716093

Hmm, I though they might be treated like livestock, but that's kind of hard when the cattle speaks. Maybe they stay near the fringes, and only certain people interact with them, the bare minimum? Of course, there's gonna be the odd famhand that impregnated a cow, and has to move out of the city, not too far though, just enough to be kept out if the sight of most people.

>> No.13716096

Story? Lore?

>> No.13716100

Those are easy, but I was thinking more beastman types and less rapey monsters like the other anon said. Maybe they aren't allowed in aces Order headquarters are present, but tolerated where those guys aren't in the immediate vicinity. Girls like holsts, weresheep, kikis. Maybe the odd barometz?

>> No.13716105

In MGE, the only monsters allowed around the Order are messengers of the Chief God, worshipers of Eros, and the unmonsterized enclaves of old races like elves are tolerated.

>> No.13716117

Elves? Fucking seriously? No this isn't even about the "rape da elf" thing. This is about letting haughty cunt tree hugging snobs hang around humans when they're so Damn elitist. Seriously, fuck elves.

>> No.13716119

You ever been raped anon?

>> No.13716123

Them being a bunch of isolationist tree-hugging faggots with giant magic KEEP OUT fences around their treehouses is the only reason there's still elves with dicks in KC land.

>> No.13716127

I don't care about that, I am simply offended that elves are among the monsters the order doesn't purge on sight.

>> No.13716136

Considering they were one of the few groups that didn't want to eat people during the old demon lord's reign when all those policies were made, it makes sense.

>> No.13716137

No, but I think I'd feel raped if some sexy onee-san that regularly comes to me for quickies has her glamour drop during coitus and suddenly she has a tail, horns, and buttwings. To realize that all along I've been lying with a monster as with a woman. It would be an abomination.

>> No.13716141

Would you want to piss off one of the only species strong enough to resist the DL's magic? Next I suppose you want to just fight all the dragons.

>> No.13716143

If I found out the woman I'd been sexing was a succubus I'd be disappointed too.

Disappointed she didn't tell me sooner. I've always liked playing with handlebars.

>> No.13716150
File: 526 KB, 1600x1300, c030654d21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is yan so great?

>> No.13716151

Actually in KC Land, both Dwarves and Elves are classified as "Near-Human" races, and are treated as such under the Demon Lord Rules.

Thus, rather than be genderswapped if corrupted, Male Elves and Dwarves become Elven or Dwarven Incubi (Or Genderswap if they've the mental profile for an Alp). They of course suffer under the similar caveat that they cannot have Male Children once corrupted.

>> No.13716153

And win, yes sir I do.

>> No.13716158


>> No.13716159

I despise this latest Q&A retcon and shall ignore it soundly. Good day to you sir!

>> No.13716160
File: 375 KB, 610x552, 1392614596938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Willingly pick a fight with a Dragon
Where's your village, anon? Because you just condemned it to becoming a pile of ashes.

>> No.13716161

Wonder if a yan would be happy if you cut her yourself and drank her blood.

>> No.13716162
File: 202 KB, 1007x890, yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not.

>> No.13716164
File: 45 KB, 131x212, 1433613639773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking paws can be too big or meaty
U wot m8?

>> No.13716166

Not if I slap her shit.

>> No.13716169
File: 173 KB, 800x600, Dragon_Buster_scan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck dragons.

>> No.13716171

It compensates for the lack of attention most people here (heck, in the entire world) permanently suffer from.

Oh and
>OC brought to you by Bob™
is never great.

>> No.13716173


>> No.13716174

Which is impossible since you're still a very low level.

>> No.13716176

i want sea bishop yandere
with asphyinxiation play with her man, maybe breaks his legs so he needs her to give him oxygen or using powers to fuck with his psyche

>> No.13716180

I hope you have an army with you then. Or you better be the most OP paladin ever, because she'll just revert to her full dragon form and stomp you flat otherwise.

>> No.13716185

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you had control over my save file. Please. That dragon is getting spanked. And she better drop something rare too or I'm melting her hoard.

>> No.13716187

>Wanting to live in a fantasy world that doesn't have snooty elves to punch in the face and/or NTR and/or Forcefully Alp
>Or bearded dwarf bros to hang out with and commission cool shit from

>> No.13716188

>Getting spanked
Please. I have no control over your save file. If I did, I'd make you strong enough to actually fight anything other than Slimes out of pity.

>> No.13716189

Reminds me I still have a story to write...

I still question why in the bloody hell this was made as a weapon for Rose going into the final battle, and not Dart...

>> No.13716191

>Needing an army
>Needing to level up
>Not being able to win on skill alone

This place gets plebber every day.

>> No.13716192
File: 123 KB, 284x550, Dragon_block_staff_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having bullshit anti-dragon weapons

>> No.13716194


>> No.13716197

Dart got the Divine Dragon so it balances out. What sucks is the sword model for Rose stayed the same even with the Dragon Buster.

>> No.13716198

No man has ever won against a Dragon through skill alone.
They always either used some magical artifact, was a high level guy to start with, or used a trap.

>> No.13716200


It really seems like a wasted opportunity.
Divine Dragoon was pretty badass at least.

>> No.13716201

Well I don't need your help, dragonslut. I just hope you have hankies ready and don't mind dragon snot and listening to her problems after she comes home a wreck.

>> No.13716203

>No man has ever won against a Dragon through skill alone.
The Order of the Dragoon wishes to have words.

>> No.13716205
File: 349 KB, 612x800, 1431830175349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you let your waifu lick your asshole?

>> No.13716207

Must be a really young Dragon.

They fight Garuda, not Dragons. Even then, they need Wyverns so they're not doing it alone or with skill.

>> No.13716208

Go away D&D guy.

>> No.13716209

Yes. Especially if I get to sandwich my dick between her tits while she does so.

>> No.13716210

>Anti-dragon weapons
You mean bullshit ex machina? I've seen too many stories destroyed because someone suddenly finds a weapon that just magically solve a problem. I prefer to believe that they don't exist. Especially if it's something that was 'just discovered' and can instantly stop a creature that has stood uncontested for decades or centuries.

That's half the reason that the Inheritence series had such a shit ending.

>> No.13716212

Clearly we are thinking of different Dragoon Orders.

>> No.13716213

I never bothered to read the last book, so please, enlighten me.

How bad did shit get fucked?

>> No.13716215

Which one are you talking about?

>> No.13716217

Says you, maybe they don't announce it because they don't want to become target of people out to make a name for themselves. You ever think of that?

>> No.13716219

that's just nasty

>> No.13716221

The one that fights an unending war of attrition against the horde of the Great Wyrm, Nidhogg.

>> No.13716222
File: 250 KB, 450x600, Kikimora_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too much to ask that your Kikimora be a professional chef, along with being a maid? Are there any girls who would make better chefs?

>> No.13716223
File: 204 KB, 638x876, 5d93a389fe5432f3211c272e33b36803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Dragoon the anti-dragon shit are actually detrimental to the main characters since they borrow their power from dragons.

On the subject of Legend of Dragoon, does Meru count as MG? She's a Wingly.

>> No.13716224

Actually, with mares, it wouldn't matter. The most sensitive part of their pussies is the opening. Most stallions just shove right in, bump bump, and are done in under 10 seconds.

According to actual horsefuckers, you can get a mare off easy because she loves the extra stimulation. Winking clit and all rubbing against the underside of your shaft. Also, because of the muscles, the insides go from loose and baggy to clenching tight on your cock.

They are also incredibly warm inside. Like steaming on a cold day warm.

So if a human did have sex with a centaur female, he would be able to satisfy her quite effectively without having a 2 foot horsecock cock.

>> No.13716226


Try ancient.

>> No.13716227

Are you really just going to come up with anything to disprove me at every turn? Are you that dedicated to making yourself look like a super special boy by beating off a Dragon, even though in every fantasy world you, as well as me and everyone else here, wouldn't even be able to poke past level 10?

>> No.13716229

Let's see, have wings, form an elf-like super-society, and are in fact a completely separate species with no relation to humans whatsoever.

Yes I'd say she counts. And is cute as a button for it.

>> No.13716231

NYET! The home belongs to the Kikimora. Fight me cyka.

>> No.13716235

Anyone who has skill as a homemaker should have some high degree of culinary skill. Kiki's shouldn't have anything to worry about, especially since they can instinctively sense your food preferences.

>> No.13716236

Yeah that paw is a little on the extra-meaty size for a werecat her size, but big paws are low.

>> No.13716239

You know how they built up the king's dragon as having this unholy amount of magical protection? They found a spear laying in the corner of an armory gathering dust during a raid on an insignificant fort that just so happened to be a legendary weapon that ignores magical defenses and kills dragons.

You know how they build up the king to be this master mage who had wiped out the entire Rider order and would need a whole army & strategy to be killed? Eragon finds a super-secret cache of dragon soul-gems hidden in the ruins of the Riders' old fort (the same one the king king supposedly know forwards and back & raed to the ground) that give him comparable power.

>> No.13716241
File: 115 KB, 485x678, f65d4e04d532bf2153c37edbe3ce87d6b10b4567..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would help repopulate the wingly species with her.

Yes, this artist is who you think it is.

>> No.13716243

Like you're not doing the same. Getting real tired of your shit.

>> No.13716244

Wow that is really bad. It's like as bad as crap I wrote in grade 5.

>Mizuryu Kei drew Meru

>> No.13716248

I'm not even coming up with anything on the fly. I'm just stating normal trends among Dragons in settings.
But your hellbent on beating them off, so I'll let you be since it's your fantasy world in your own mind.

>> No.13716250

Thanks Monster Girl Thread, I learned something today I wish I hadn't.

>> No.13716251

Mizuryuu Slutloving Kei.

Fuck yeah!

>> No.13716254

>I couldn't do it so no one else can

Speak for yourself.

>> No.13716255

>being this new

Honestly I don't know why he even responded to that bait. Everyone knows that ancient info. It was old in the /a/ days.

>> No.13716257

>Letting memes decide when you can win


>> No.13716258

Just wait until we tell you about dolphins! Again!

>> No.13716260

>Misrepresenting my argument/stance to it is easily defeated
Classic strawmanning. It's good to know you're being a little kid about this instead of a mature adult.

>> No.13716264

If only someone introduced MK to the encylopedia.
Do you think he would have a field day?

>> No.13716265

They make up all that is Dragons, anon. Those memes make up an important part of what makes a Dragon. Without them they would be just winged lizards or really pissed off snakes.

>> No.13716270

>especially since they can instinctively sense your food preferences.
I need a Kiki and a Holstaur.

>> No.13716271

The question is, would we want the MGs we fawn over daily to be represented as complete sluts who jump on any dick they see?

I mean, I know a few people here at least would love it, but my understanding is that other than simple fap-fuel, most people tend to favor a more vanilla portrayal.

>> No.13716274
File: 491 KB, 840x877, 1426431352505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In /mgg/, things were not well that day.

>> No.13716277

>Telling people since the beggining they can't do x uunless they meet y conditions
>You're a child if you don't agree
>Mad someone told you you don't speak for everyone, which you don't

You're precious.

>> No.13716280

Succubi would work.

I actually enjoyed what MK did with Alicia Florence.

>> No.13716282

Let it go man. You're right, but they're baiting you like a bear.

Everyone knows outright beating a dragon as some low level bum is about two steps below declaring you're going to drink wine from Deruella's hollowed out skull while your Valkyrie harem gives you a quadruple blowjob.

>> No.13716284

And I care about this why?

>> No.13716285

And I see you're still strawmanning.
Continue doing so, it will make you all the more believable.

>> No.13716288

Professional chef who had to become a maid at your place because she got into debt? I've seen this before. No curry enemas for her, please.

>> No.13716289

>I'm going to do things in a fantasy setting
>Why should I care about the norms and trends?
What are you, that guy who did Heavy Rain?

I guess you're right.

>> No.13716291

Some of the more rape-crazy ones we know and are prone to that sort of thing anyway, like Lilim, Devils, Cheshires, and Ushi-Onis, it would probably fit them.

As long as it were a one-on-one kind of basis for most girls, or just an orgy-in-pairs kind of thing, most people would be alright with just about any girl being drawn by MK.

>> No.13716292


>> No.13716299

If that means I can think for myself, let's say yes. I bet you think all anubi like Lego.

>> No.13716300
File: 174 KB, 333x568, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Maiden In Black vunerable to headpats?

>> No.13716303

>Don't have any argument beyond "dragons stronk, u can't win"

Just stop posting dragon fellator.

>> No.13716305

Headpats and footrubs.

>> No.13716306
File: 122 KB, 586x600, MiB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's certainly a QT.

>> No.13716309

If she wanted? I don't really care all that much.

Man. Why do you do this.

She likes getting her feet rubbed a little more, but I would imagine so.

>> No.13716311
File: 117 KB, 497x700, 1432801982618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no! I'm not a living fossil! That's dumb!

>> No.13716312


What would she do if I gave her a surprise foot massage?

>> No.13716313

>Still strawmanning
>Now adding in Ad Hominem
Oh boy, you're really setting up your shitposting game now!

>> No.13716318
File: 314 KB, 580x820, 45543886_p4_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That she is.

Best demon.

>> No.13716321

>still no argument
>Y-you're shitposting now!
Can't hear you over this ancient dragon sucking my lvl 1 dick and begging like a bitch for me to impregnate her. Maybe you could whine harder?

>> No.13716322

Honestly the Dark Souls game were much better at the multiple ending thing than Demon Souls.

>Demon Souls:
>Seal a demon once more so people can still progress in both magic and technology and as a civilization
>Let the world end cause fuck other people

>Dark Souls
>Extend light for false gods but hope that someone else can make a difference
>Be Dark Lich and have snek waifus, leading man to age of Dark

>> No.13716324
File: 121 KB, 850x850, 1397415243216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Harlot in Black, amirite?

>> No.13716325

>Muh invincible monsters argument again
So tired of this shit if someone wants to walk into a dragons lair and kick her ass then he can its a fantasy setting you can do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.13716326

I want to make her afraid to touch me, and let me touch her instead!

>> No.13716329

But why would you want to hurt a monster cutie?

>> No.13716331

It wasn't about monsters being invincible. It was about some guy thinking he can topple a Dragon at an RPG's equivalent of level one, before resorting to shitposting.

>> No.13716333

Oh fuck! that back!

>> No.13716334
File: 245 KB, 675x900, 43292568_p4_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you be insulting the cutest demon.

>> No.13716335

>Ancient serpents

Puking violently.

>> No.13716336

Attack the Harlot's weak point for massive damage.

>> No.13716337
File: 737 KB, 1196x946, 1410659982526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hes never seen a lvl 1 dark souls run
git gud fucking scrub dragons are small time.

>> No.13716338

Can you people stop already? You all have huge, American penises.

>> No.13716340

>Dark Souls
A shining example that proves you entirely.

>> No.13716341

Not even him but
>using vidya to make a point about PnP
That's a special kind of stupid

>> No.13716342

How you gonna do that? Electrocution?

>> No.13716343


>> No.13716344


Say it enough and maybe it'll come true.

Protip: people disagreeing with you is not shitposting.

>> No.13716345

She loves it and you know it. Go use the Doll, if it pleases you.

>> No.13716347

>People disagreeing with you
It went beyond that with name calling and misrepresenting stances on subjects in an attempt to rile up the other person.

>> No.13716348

But I like the demon more.

Go bully the fluffy dragon.

>> No.13716350

>Not wanting elder lamias as waifus


>> No.13716351


Well, yes, just one-off images would be fine. But if he were to say, do a doujin, it's pretty obvious what direction it'd go in...

>> No.13716353

Get thicker skin then.

>> No.13716356

You act as though he actually got to me. Only did enough to make me respond, not enough to actually rile me up. I almost feel bad for him.

>> No.13716358
File: 340 KB, 607x900, Priscilla's Prissy Princess Feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Footrubs for her too.

>> No.13716360

Nah I kill her every time for being a lying bitch

>> No.13716361

I don't think his posts were bait, but it seems you do, if that's the case you lost, since replying to bait is, well, replying.

>> No.13716362

There was no evil in there that you didn't bring.

>> No.13716363

Is bait and shitposting synonymous now? And they did become that after a while, when he started being very adamant about beating a higher leveled thing despite being low leveled.

>> No.13716365

I mean, yes, but there are a number of scenarios he could write without going the NTR/Swinging route, like

>Man comes across a den of lamia(s), gets raped and married offa
>Group of adventurers are invited to a mansion owned by a group of noble sisters, turns out they're succubi, get raped and married
>Criminal gets tossed into a pit of Khepri, gets raped in an orgy
>Ushi-Oni finds a dude wandering in the forest, takes him back to her cave and rapes him til he loves her

It's not hard.

>> No.13716366

Your kidding right? She was fucking insane and so was her world she deserved to die.

>> No.13716369
File: 477 KB, 1003x1417, 1427213980292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't you just stop? You're both shitting up the thread by keeping this up. STOP. PLEASE. For Undine.

>> No.13716370

No, I'd do something to get her attention, then run away. If she follows, which being a predatory being, I believe she will, I'd act scared of her when she approached. I'd act as if her touch hurts me, making her worry. I'd look at her every once in a while with hopeful eyes and flinch back into a fetal position when she moved towards me. Eventually she'd get it, and I would slowly make my way to her, acting curious, feeling her up. She'd let me play with her body innocently. Then I start to touch the sweeter spots until I have her at my mercy.

>> No.13716371

Can you also ask that to the others who keep popping up to keep it alive?

>> No.13716372

Shut up Alp

>> No.13716375

What if he just wants to write some NTR

>> No.13716377

>not stopping
I guess it feels good to be bad.
I'm not Alp, I'm Peace-Man!

>> No.13716378

And I am the milkman.

>> No.13716379

Well, he's only ever written one NTR story so far, so chances are it'll just be sluts fucking.

Of course, if he does write NTR, that would be sorely disappointing.

>> No.13716381

except you CAN beat high level monsters at low levels the only person who's saying someone cant is you.

>> No.13716382

Well it seems you have no intention of stopping things if you only go after one person instead of the whole group.
You'd make a wonderful school principal with that skill.

>> No.13716383

Anon, you're telling the guy he's low leveled in his own fantasy cause muh dragons. You're not the DM of his world, are you for real?

>> No.13716385

>You'll never hug doll-chan enough times to make her understand the concept of affection

>> No.13716386

>And I am the milkman.
Boo! Bring back the holstaur!

>> No.13716389

No Anon.
Not THAT milkman, the holstaur are still around, they've just had to go to shopping for new clothes.
The old ones were getting mighty tight around the chest and hips.

>> No.13716391

>Not Cure Peace
So disappoint.

>> No.13716392

>The old ones were getting mighty tight around the chest and hips.
And you're letting them buy more? Holy shit, you're like the worst milk man ever! Boooo!

>> No.13716395

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.13716397

Google it.

>> No.13716398

And you're incredibly mature.

>> No.13716402

Sorry Anon, a paladin threw a fit after one of the girl's pants split in front of her husband.
Poor thing was bawling and needed some head pats, and a cool glass of milk, to calm her down.
I did make sure to pay the paladin's home a visit though, she'll looking for new armor soon enough.

>> No.13716403

No. Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.13716405

Through numerous exploits and gimmicks.
He wasn't talking about using any of those.

>> No.13716409
File: 72 KB, 708x1000, 1420127802237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Why must you fight? Can't you see you're hurting everyone around you?

>> No.13716411

I am convinced you are autistic.

>> No.13716412

He could dodge all her attacks and hit her for 1 point of damage per swing if hes gud enough he will whittle her down eventually no gimmicks or exploits needed.

>> No.13716413

That really is shit. Now I won't even bother finishing the final book.

>> No.13716414

She doesn't look hurt. She looks like she wants someone to put a hurting on her though.

>> No.13716415

>written by a 15 year old
What did you expect?

>> No.13716416

He will run out of stamina eventually or get hit sooner or later.
No system has 100% dodge rate.

>> No.13716417
File: 913 KB, 1023x1083, 1435717884130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Slap butt

>> No.13716419

You have some serious control issues.

>> No.13716420

Unless he's a man who can walk in the rain and not be hit by a single drop.

>> No.13716421

Can we call him Rain Man?

>> No.13716423

I wanted to hurt her someplace more delicate.

>> No.13716424

But that's not the Rain Man's ability.

>> No.13716425

Wow, that sucks.
Then again I was getting super special snowflake vibes back when he lost his wound by become a half elf thing.
Which sucks because him training to become a bad ass despite being crippled would've been cool

>> No.13716427

>control issues
That's not it, but believe what you want to believe.

>> No.13716430
File: 100 KB, 423x338, hehheheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but autism is. Matches the tone of the argument on both sides quite well.

>> No.13716432
File: 440 KB, 1080x1920, Hellhound2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go. Thats it for now. I have been in the mood for some spider so Rachnee will be next.

>> No.13716433

What's that from?

>> No.13716434

You know what you remind me of? My dad used to be a peacekeeper in Bosnia, where the Serbs and Muslims kept killing each other. Every time one side attacked, the other said
That's you now.

>> No.13716437

Nice job. I never really cared for the up until recently, so it's nice to see this.

>> No.13716438

What the fuck is your problem then? I'm sick of you derailing the thread every time someone mentions beating a dragon.

>> No.13716439

Good night Anons,
Please refrain from burning down the thread, the red dragon loli's want to practice on the thread.
The whites do as well but they won't burn it down.

>> No.13716441


Question: Why digitigrade structure?

>> No.13716443

Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari.

>> No.13716444

Oh I'm so derailing it. How about this: I'll drop it, if YOU do as well. It would have happened earlier if nobody decided to voice their opinion and added more wood to the campfire when it would have sank to the bottom of the depths under images of Hellhound booty.

>> No.13716445

Anon, please. If you stopped, everyone would. You're all it takes.

>> No.13716446

Nice, delicious butt.

>> No.13716448

You're showing no signs of stopping yourself, you know?

>> No.13716449

Yes, YOU, since this is not the first time it happens, I blame you. Here's a tip, YOU keep your pretty mouth shut the next time someone brings this up.

>> No.13716450

But I'm not part of the argument.

>> No.13716452

If someone wants to beat dragons in their fantasy let them you sholdent have said anything in the first place.

>> No.13716454

So that's the next princess then?
This is shaping up to be a good harem.

>> No.13716456

Prepare to be Hellwan'd

>> No.13716459

I want to ruffle my chubby ryu daughterus hair and call her princess.

>> No.13716461


Childhood Friend, Adorable Agoraphobic Elf, and now that brown sexiness?
Quite wonderful.

>> No.13716463

>Thuggish-looking Hellhound
I'm expecting her to turn around and go "HAWH?" at any moment.

>> No.13716465

Boy, where are you and your stunning word play during the day?

It wasn't about him beating a Dragon, but how. Almost feels as if you lot are jumping into an argument without fully understanding either side. But fine, I'll act like the big grown up and shut my mouth first.

>> No.13716466

Just felt like it. Looks monster-ish.

>> No.13716467

And then she would pat you on the head and tell this is her turf and you can have a little headstart.

>> No.13716469

So is this shit any good?
>I'll act like the big grown up and shut my mouth first
Thank you.

>> No.13716473

>if no one decided to voice their opinion
>the very same thing he's been throwing at the would be dragonslayer

There is not enough irony.

>> No.13716476

>So is this shit any good?

>> No.13716479

That's one fluffy shit she's taking.

>> No.13716482

Her ass?

>> No.13716483

Tell me please. I can't form my own opinions without actually reading it, and if I do and it's bad, then I will have wasted my valuable time, time that could have been spent on other pursuits, such as curing cancer.

>> No.13716487

Her heart. I'm going to break it.

>> No.13716492

Maybe is a good mangaka, so yes, read it.

>> No.13716493


Gotcha. In this case they probably need to be thicker to support all that wolfu. Just a thought.

>> No.13716494

So take a Monstergirl Bat, alright? And picture her as either Batman or Batgirl. Which Monstergirl would best make The Joker?

>> No.13716495

Okay, but who's on first?

>> No.13716496

Charon, because they're both unfunny comedians that end up covered in white stuff.

>> No.13716497

Question : When will you draw a fox woman?

>> No.13716499

Cheshire or kakuen.

>> No.13716500

All of them will marry him and he already fucked two.

>> No.13716502

Help my computer is infected with a succuvirus she's currently too busy 'disabling' my Archangel Antivirus to notice me posting this.

What do I do anons, I don't think I have much time left

>> No.13716505

No I mean Who's on first.

>> No.13716506

Why not make The Joker some human boy who was raped into insanity?

But if I had to pick I'd choose a Cheshire.

>> No.13716507

You are quite right actually, thanks for that, she needs some fixing then.
Never thought about one, I could try someday since I lack practice in fluffytails.

>> No.13716509

Get one of them USB onaholes and make her happy.

>> No.13716512


>> No.13716514

You're gonna have to launch your computer into the sun then live in a cabin inna woods off the grid for a few years. I'm sorry, it's the only way.

>> No.13716519

Well, you can just put one big fluffy tail on her.

>> No.13716530

Most likely Laska, since she has the scars, too.
Okay, I'm kidding, Laska a shit anyway.

>> No.13716537

It's written by the guy who brought us softest ghost, which is nice.

And despite having a harem as its out-right plot setup, it only jerks you around with the "Will MC and his childhood friend admit their feelings for each other amidst the harem antics" shtick for all of two chapters, before he sits down with her and straight-up tells her that, come what may, even with a bunch of hot chicks he's expected to marry, she's the one he loves, and that will always be the case.

So y'know, that's a good sign.

>> No.13716546

It's been around since MGE-1 dude

>> No.13716548

How did that get past japanese editors? Seems like the kind of radical difference from the norm that would have their culture extremely confused and worried.

>> No.13716549

>Laska gripping you neck and holding a claw against the side of your lips.
"You wanna know how I got these scars? Well, my mother was an alcoholic..."

>> No.13716552

Their culture is in a fallen, declining state. Filth like this is allowed to run rampant.
It's still funny.

>> No.13716570

If declining adds variety to their rabidly 'don't stick your head up' culture then I think it's good for them.

>> No.13716572
File: 866 KB, 689x1020, 1421354544943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the depths of depravity!

>> No.13716575

Seems pretty normal to me.

>> No.13716577

A statement that perfectly shows how low we have fallen. Cat girls playing vidya in the nude is normal to us.

>> No.13716588

That's pretty tame, dude.
Now if she was wearing a modest sundress and holding hands with a man, you might have a point.

>> No.13716590

>modest sundress
Only Moth-chan wears those.

>> No.13716591

You're having a giggle.

>> No.13716592

I thought that was obvious from the disparity between the "depths of depravity" and the picture.

>> No.13716605

I plan on more but like most my other crap there's no real concrete storyline. So it'll probably just be Deathclaw waifu shenanigans. With jetpacks. And powerarmor. No real conflict to resolve to speak of.

>> No.13716625

>So it'll probably just be Deathclaw waifu shenanigans. With jetpacks. And powerarmor. No real conflict to resolve to speak of.
I'm not him, but honestly, that's what I like to hear.Of course, I'd be 100% fine reading mostly light SoL stuff for the rest of my life, like the past decade, so what do I know? Looking forward to more of that and Ghoul.

>> No.13716627

We had holsts. We had mega holsts. How about... ultra holsts. Able to provide an entire kingdom with milk all on their lonesome and requiring several milkings a day.

>> No.13716631

Super Wurm will you stop you, Dr. Dairy!

>> No.13716635

>requiring several milkings a day
Yo, mega holsts already seem require that, an ultra would need to be hooked up 24/7.

>> No.13716642

Gonna need a lot of thirsty cats with big tats to lap up all that spilled milk.

>> No.13716645
File: 573 KB, 720x540, 1410725403271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spilled milk, you say?

>> No.13716652

Yes Aisha, many gigaliters of it.

>> No.13716655

Well it's fun and cozy to write so there'll be more of that SoL style.

>> No.13716661

But why?

>> No.13716665

Because the more milk there is, the less treasured it will be! If there was that much milk everywhere, nobody would down a glass in one go and then go "Aaaaahhhhnn~"!

>> No.13716666

Yeah! They'd drink it like a fish and say 'Tastes like muddy water.'

>> No.13716675

Can't you see Dr. Dairy? In spreading your love for milk by force, you are only pushing people away from it!

>> No.13716676

No, oppai loli is an abomination

>> No.13716682

I'm not spreading it by force. People come buy it from me to distribute elsewhere.

>> No.13716686

I'll agree that I like my girls more symmetrical, but let the people have their top heavy not-quite-shortstacks man.

>Dr.Dairy has to take time to teach a Wurm about supply and demand, among other economic principles

>> No.13716690

And if they don't buy it, what then? People feel bad for the poor Ultra Holsts and buy it for their sake. They don't want it. They can't afford to buy it. But they do. You're a villain, Dr. Dairy!

>> No.13716698

You sound grumpy. I'll bet you would really love this big glass of ultra holst milk.

>> No.13716702

No! Super Wurm will come save me and then you'l go to prison and the Ultra Holsts will be turned back into regular Holsts and Hathor will give me a nursing handjob! You'll see!

>> No.13716706

Stop acting like a moron.

>> No.13716708

Make me, Anti-Funner.

>> No.13716714

Are you sure? I can make it chocolate or strawberry flavored too.

>> No.13716715

And so the sidekick was corrupted.

>> No.13716718
File: 318 KB, 900x800, 1417445723689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! It's the Soft-Serve Shirohebi! Save me Super Wurm!

>> No.13716719
File: 28 KB, 768x576, Groke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spookiest waifu in da house.

>> No.13716723

Is that a heffalump?

>> No.13716726

Wendigo go away.

>> No.13716737

Super Wurm can't be everywhere.
No, that's the Groke. She is basically a Yuki-Onna.

>> No.13716743 [SPOILER] 
File: 449 KB, 792x1000, 1435738970036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Wurm

You mean Sandworm?

>> No.13716746

So apparently the Wendigo's translation has been delayed slightly, as the guy who manages the translation feels compelled to "Clarify" a line present in it.

In my experience this means there's something he doesn't like and is gonna go whine about it.

Can only imagine how it'll go over once it gets posted in the thread.

>> No.13716747
File: 352 KB, 1080x1920, Super Wurm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13716750 [SPOILER] 
File: 181 KB, 850x999, 1435739112499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sorry I just understood what you meant.

If you know what I mean.

>> No.13716753

It's fine, I'd rather live in a Sandworm anyway.

>> No.13716782
File: 951 KB, 700x935, Let's talk about snake church.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember, dress your sunday best every day!
Full denim for shedding season, nothing for every other time.

>> No.13716789

Super Wurm has got to be the dumbest threadcanon we've ever produced. I look forward to seeing how we all top it

>> No.13716794

What's dumb about a superhero with the proportional strength, speed and endurance of a Wurm, packed in the compact body of a Wurm?

>> No.13716809

But Wurms are huge. I mean, just look at those fat tails!

>> No.13716816

>Quick! To the Sandworm Cave Boy Wonder!

>> No.13716819

I will sleep for 22hours essentially skipping a day, laze around in my pajamas the following 3 and you will deal with it.

>> No.13716820

If a Wurm isn't slim, she won't fit in her wurmhole. The hole is JUST the right size for her! Explain that! Checkmate, atheist!
>Boy Wonder
So even she isn't above keeping around an athletic shota in skimpy shorts.

>> No.13716825


Boy Wonder then just gets tag teamed by Super Wurm and a Sandworm

>> No.13716826

But wurmholes are also huge. Even the loosest succubutt would go "Whoah, that's one gigantic gaping hole!" if they saw one.

>> No.13716827

He needs lots of endurance training, after all.
Succubi are experts on gigantic gaping holes, huh.

>> No.13716831

As the guy who created the idea of Super Wurm, thanks.

>> No.13716832

Yeah, doesn't surprise me. I can't imagine it would be anything big though, outside of the husband thing.

>So even she isn't above keeping around an athletic shota in skimpy shorts.
Well, it's probably good for her morale on those tough days.

>> No.13716839

You need to create an alter ego for her. Like, mild mannered demolition Wurm by day, Super Wurm by night, loud snorer during nappy time.

>> No.13716849

So when is Monster Girl Justice League?

>> No.13716856

You mean the Dragoon Corps?

>> No.13716859

So where has .less been recently? Did he now decided to leave too?

>> No.13716862

>Did he now decided to leave too?
Want to take another crack at that?

>> No.13716874

Tell me more about Snake Church!

>> No.13716881

Let's not go to Snake Church, it's a lewd place.

>> No.13716885

Better than Castle Cum-a-lot.

>> No.13716889

Cum-a-lot! Cum-a-lot! Its where we have fun a lot!

>> No.13716893
File: 2.08 MB, 1200x1703, snake spa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snake church is a place with lots of snakes!
Worship all your snakey goddesses, especially the ones that love you!
Please do not attempt to bring an ice coated jacket in an attempt to not get coiled around, the heat lamps will just make everything wet and you'll just have to dry off.

>> No.13716895

We're Dullahans of the Round Table~
We rape whenever we're able~

>> No.13716897

I met a Salamander Knight in Cum-a-lot!

Now I push the pram a lot...

>> No.13716900

We do sex routines and chorus sex scenes~
With footjobs impeccable~

>> No.13716911
File: 430 KB, 1000x1416, 1426158645278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'mma charm yo snakes!

>> No.13716921

Super Wurm must, in her quest to defeat evil once and for all, make her way past THE WALL.
THE WALL has sworn on his life to guard the only path Super Wurm can take, for reasons unrelated to justice or evil.

Can Super Wurm make her way past THE WALL?

>> No.13716927

She coils on a trampoline, jumps, and uses spiral energy to burrow through.

>> No.13716936

>wurms wielding spiral energy

Why does this feel so fitting?

>> No.13716945

Because both are equally silly.

>> No.13716953

Forget about the Wanton Wiggler, which MGs would make for the best team of magical girls?

>> No.13716987 [SPOILER] 
File: 152 KB, 627x886, 1435745131739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13716991

A kikimora who believes in the power of friendship, leading a team of:
Youko and inari twin sisters, who use synchronised magic.
A brash, confident werewolf who's not really all that good at magic. But her magical wand is made out of metal, so she can hit people good with it.
An anubis who panics whenever the monster of the week reveals itself, and spends all her time planning ways to defeat it while the rest of the team actually just get on and do it.
A hellhound who never asked for this, and would rather stay seperate from the group, solving problems her own.

Really, this is just an excuse to put the wolf-type monstergirls in cute skirts and revealing outfits.

>> No.13716997

Excuse or not, I like it.

>> No.13717001

>Kikimora as a magical girl
I need it, Sketch-kun where are you?

>> No.13717002

I would like to make a contract.

>> No.13717006

>What would you like?
>Or me?

>> No.13717031

A serious Lich and an overly girly Alp in pink, frilly dresses.

>> No.13717038
File: 98 KB, 800x600, 1397224973427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mister Anon, sir, what will your pleasure be?

>> No.13717040

Depends. Are you a nice Genie or a nasty Genie?

>> No.13717048

Peppermint tea and a back rub.

>> No.13717049

Three wishes, you can't wish for more wishes, you can't ask for the dead to be raised or for anyone to feel TRUE LOVE toward you. If your wishes are selfish or jerk-like, the genie will do her best to screw with you without killing anyone or leaving the wish ungranted. Unless you wish she can't do that.

>> No.13717051

Okay, I wish for peace between humans and monsters, I wish that Monsters can better control their urges so they can live together in peace with humans in order to build a better future, and finally I wish for her freedom from the lamp

>> No.13717052

>that last wish
Then where will she live? What will she do for a living? You just put her out of a job and house!

>> No.13717054

She can move in with me. And by the Diney movie Aladdin rules she's now got access to her powers without needing a master to wish for things, so she'll do alright.

>> No.13717056

>access to her powers
Not all of them. That's why Genie was only second rate compared to Jafar.

>> No.13717058
File: 272 KB, 840x1020, 1434786646023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that last wish
wow that is so selfish! the only reason you are wishing that is so you can feel good about yourself.
did you ever stop to think about her feeling on it?
maybe she likes living in the lamp?
maybe she has a family in there that she never shows to you?
you incensitive prick!

>> No.13717061

Yeah but still it's more than enough for her to have fun with.
Well I'm sorry for going along with the movie reference. What would you wish for anon?

>> No.13717063

Lilim, please. Don't you have human boys to make snarly remarks about?

>> No.13717067

I ain't never had a friend like that.

>> No.13717068

Come on make a wish, or two or three, all you gotta do is rub that clit~

>> No.13717092
File: 692 KB, 900x1400, 1421596230810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whaaat, you come all the way out here this early just to watch me practice?
She thinks you're her secret admirer. What do?

>> No.13717096

Secretly admire her butt.

>> No.13717098

Sorry, I'm just out for a walk.

>> No.13717101

W-Whatever, like I'd want to watch a gross drunken Oni practice...

>> No.13717107

"Does this mean I can't be your secret admirer anymore?"

>> No.13717114

I smack dat ass

>> No.13717132
File: 235 KB, 600x835, 1433369879447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hot right now, even a cat could go swimming.

>> No.13717160

Since we have a Helldog with a soft belly, when will PRW uptades Alex and Eris?

>> No.13717164

When will PRW update Spehhsworm?

>> No.13717207
File: 727 KB, 1332x629, Wendigo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even read it yet but I can only expect good things.

>> No.13717209

>calm, timid, devoted
I like her already.

>> No.13717219

Sounds okay. Do they come in something besides loli size?

>> No.13717220

TL;DR girls in fluffy coats that haunt travellers and make them obsessed woth them to the point of insanity, guys who fuck them transform into horrifying abominations

>> No.13717221

Considering that the ones illustrated are just examples, I'm sure there's much older ones.

>> No.13717237

I think I'm going to have to add some of these into my story about Yetis.

>> No.13717240

>the traveler can still discern the curves of her body
That girl don't have curves for shit.

>> No.13717243

I'm disappointed.

>> No.13717248

That she's not a cannibal?

>> No.13717255

I greatly dislike the whole "turn into an abominable sex crazed beast that ravages lolipussy all day every day" aspect of things.
I also hope they come in versions other than loli.
I do like the exhibitionist side of the married couples though, and the kind and gentle aspects of their nature are good.
All in all 4/10, an average attempt for KC with the expected shitshow of forcing you to like the girl, but with the negative side of transforming you into an abominable lolicon.

>> No.13717256

That she's calm and timid instead of a snu snu type. I also don't like the shit KC is doing lately with the husbands.

>> No.13717257

Solution: ignore KC's silly words.

>> No.13717266

I think we have enough snu snu types already.

>> No.13717268

I liked it more when husbands didn't become some sort of weird living dildo.

>> No.13717269



>> No.13717271

Angler Fish Murmaider when?

>> No.13717277

Never enough snu snu. I was expecting the Wendigo to be one of them since KC mentioned her and we don't have a mountain snu snu yet, hence my disappointment.

>> No.13717281
File: 143 KB, 1594x700, 1409695566132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we need a Mountain Troll.

>> No.13717285

>I was expecting
First mistake right there. Never have expectations.

>> No.13717295

That Mountain Troll looks fantastic.

>> No.13717301

Reserve judgement until you've had her stew. That is what makes a Troll.

>> No.13717312

So every new MG will turn their husband into a living dildo?
I assume that you come out of the coat as a human. And turn back into a monster once inside.
I do hope that they're not an all-loli race, an exhibitionist onee-san who regains her senses a short while after you come out and immediately covers herself furiously blushing. Is making my dick diamonds right now.

>> No.13717323

I don't understand why people are suddenly up in arms when TENTACLE PANTIES were already a thing.

>> No.13717326

Because that was one example on a girl nobody had any real inclination to like, with this new girl it looks like it could become a trend.

>> No.13717336
File: 255 KB, 636x900, mountain troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She certainly looks friendly.

>> No.13717348

If those are lessers how tall are the legit titans/cyclops/giants?

>> No.13717359

It's not like you become the coat, it's not the same as the Mindflayer. It's pretty much just standard MGE "crazy for sex" shit, and according the KC, the in-universe author exaggerates shit anyways.

>> No.13717370

But you literally become the coat, that's what the profile heavily implies, also the fact that are distinction between married and unmarried Wendigos.

Also fuck the wandering scholar.

>> No.13717378


>> No.13717382

>overly girly Alp in pink, frilly dresses.
Does she act embarrassed when people stare at her outfits and blush when they call her cute?

>> No.13717385

It seems more a distinction in how they present themselves rather than a physical difference.
Also, if you are the coat, then how does she have it before finding a husband?

>> No.13717389

It doesn't imply anything about you becoming the coat, the only thing to do with the coat is a cosmetic change. The change in you is becoming a howling, rabid sexbeast, there's no lines implicating anything between you and the coat. The coat doesn't even fuck her like the tentacle panties she just walks around inside it

>> No.13717395

>looking at monsterboys will scar you for life


>> No.13717406

Thank god she's not my waifu.

>> No.13717409

Ever played God of War? That's how big Titans grow.

>> No.13717415

>Ever played God of War? That's how big Titans grow.
Too big to waifu then, unless we are talking about a wurm.

>> No.13717417

There was a cinematic in GoW2 that showed Rhea was the size of a regular human. Cronos still fucked her. Explain that.

>> No.13717431

I dunno, but if you can figure out a way to have sex with an MG this big, more power to you.

>> No.13717435

Spelunking they call it.

>> No.13717436

I like it.

Reminds me a bit of Cloak and Dagger

>> No.13717444

>nothing on the original Wendigo legend
>Just another one of those Japanese things with cloaks that stalks you in blizzards
3.2/10, KC. I am kind of mad this time.

>> No.13717453

About what I expected. Not a huge disappointment, nor a gratuity.

And yeah, I'd trade all those dithyrambs about them helping out and yada yada and especially the good-for-nothing Not!MB for just a carnal snow chick with nice boobs >>13717256

>> No.13717454
File: 3.82 MB, 2500x3500, Brown, Black, Beautiful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if events in real life make me want to write about a wedding even though the story I'm writing is nowhere near a point where it would make sense and I just turned it into a separate paste?

>> No.13717455

Yes, well, you'll have to excuse me for thinking your equipment is insufficient for exploring that cave.

>> No.13717457

I can easily use the oxygen bottles from my diving gear.

>> No.13717463

Timeskip! Timeskip!

Are you making Andrea the happiest alp on earth?

>> No.13717464

First of all I'm going to have to ask you to stop stalking me you creep, and secondly no, I'm talking about a something darker and scalier.

>> No.13717465

I want to exercise my free will in monster girl city!

>> No.13717476

>implying Alp marriage will ever be legal
A line has to be drawn.

>> No.13717486

Well whatever. Wedding will be written sometime next week. Or the week after that. Or the week after that.

>> No.13717507
File: 672 KB, 1000x900, 1431370044238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine it, anon? To longer be able to feel a gentle summer breeze on your face, to never again be caressed by the warm hand of another? But the snow is beautiful, is it not?

>> No.13717511

> To longer be able to feel a gentle summer breeze on your face, to never again be caressed by the warm hand of another?
Oh yes, I'd kill for that.

>> No.13717514
File: 182 KB, 877x1300, 1430335240607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is pretty cuddly looking.

>> No.13717515

>A Yuki-Onna will never make Mr. Freeze happy
>"Believe me, you're the only one who cares."

>> No.13717516

It would move me to tears, if I still had tears to shed.

>> No.13717519

Time to ruin this COOL PARTY

>> No.13717525

>"Yare yare dawa"

>> No.13717526

I'm used to the Southern heat. I'm not sure if I'd do well with a Yuki-onna. I'd probably get cold feet.

>> No.13717529
File: 555 KB, 657x890, Believe me, you're the only one who cares....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Screwing up his best lines


Anon, please.

You can't just misquote important things like this.

>> No.13717530
File: 843 KB, 2356x2926, mgstandsformagicalgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13717531

Yes I can, I can't be expected to get it right when I'm going out of memory AND translating it to a different language because I saw a dubbed version as a kid.

>> No.13717535

2/10, not a delicious snu snu monstergirl.

>> No.13717539

There are no excuses for this type of blasphemy.

>> No.13717540

It's like you aim to please or something.

>> No.13717543


>> No.13717545

>Loli wendigo sees anon walking through the mountains
>Spends the whole trip peering over logs, hiding behind trees, and looking over overhangs at him
>All while wearing a too big coat that drags in the snow behind her

>> No.13717546

That's not very ICE of you.

>> No.13717552
File: 291 KB, 400x567, 1407617074865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charon, please...

>> No.13717555

Knew it, love it.
>Essentially good, but drive people insane if seen smashing
My bullshit detector is going off the charts, but I'm just going to assume, this time, insanity means being so impressed you look for a wendigo of your own to thoroughly violate.

I don't like this NOT bestiality! NOTmonsterboys! shit KC has pulled with his last two girls. I hope he later clarifies transforming can be an 'at will" thing, like squidification. I'm starting to think tube order is right and monsters should be avoided.

>> No.13717567


>> No.13717569

What killed the Dinosaurs?

>> No.13717570
File: 595 KB, 2623x1769, itsbeenacoupledayssinceifirstnoticedherfollowingme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13717572


>> No.13717573

Cute. I am so writing about Wendigos at some point.

>> No.13717574

*The Order.

I don't know why my phone insists changing the word "the" for "tubes."

>> No.13717575 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 307x339, 1435762261914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say Tubes?

>> No.13717577
File: 152 KB, 944x1023, 1431329869620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other MGs could be used as super villains? A Tanuki called Lexus Slutwhore?

>> No.13717580

Has Wendigo-chan mastered the basics of Close Quarters Stalking?

>> No.13717581

I mean it's not as close to the Wendigo legend as it could be, but objectively as a girl she's not that bad. Certainly nowhere near PURGE tier, and they try to be helpful. 6/10, maybe 7/10.

>> No.13717582
File: 200 KB, 1280x698, bhse_gray_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13717585

Reminds .e of those sneaky WHORE ASS BITCHES Eloym Loyce.

>> No.13717587

>You never escape one once you meet her, they always draw you back to the mountains
>You're turned into a monster and have to live in her cloak forever after fucking her

Sounds pretty purge worthy to me.

>> No.13717589

But anon, mindless beast transformation! That's matango tier.

>> No.13717594

>Live in her cloak forever

I'm not exactly liking this girl but nigga don't bullshit.

>> No.13717595
File: 161 KB, 1085x723, kichwa_bateleur-tent-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like the tent thing a whole lot more if it had a pocket dimension large enough to contain a luxury tent.

>> No.13717596

Accounting for wandering scholar exaggeration, it's really not that bad. It's almost the same level description everything else gets labelled with too, or do you really think you quite literally have sex for 24 hours a day, no breaks?

>> No.13717601

>or do you really think you quite literally have sex for 24 hours a day, no breaks?
Unfortunately, that's what many newfags seem to believe.

>> No.13717608

>All these recent MG's with Mind Fuckery

Think about it, everything post Haram Angel Whore has had mind altering tendencies.

>> No.13717611
File: 50 KB, 361x186, I've seen some shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Transformation is new and different, especially when anchored to something forever. It's barely above old unrevised matango or unrevised slime queen tier.

And while many monsters use pheromones or venoms, the vast majority don't have a hundred percent success rate. This says even the ones who escape and resist all eventually return anyway.

You're right, merge is far more accurate. You merge with the cloak. And that sucks.

>> No.13717617

Dude, you live in the cloak, not become it or merge with it, and nowhere does it say you have to stay there forever.

>> No.13717620

Technically speaking, according to setting notes every MG does. There's the thing were MAMONO MANA can fix everything about you to like whatever girl is hitting on you. Don't like spiders? Mamono mana can fix that. Aren't fond of flat chests? Don't worry, we can fix that too. Don't want to spend most of your free time fucking, and would like to have another hobby? You'd better believe we can fix that.

It's not a merge, the husband just stays in the cloak with her. And again, you're taking the authors word literally, when it's been said numerous times that he exaggerates. You don't live in the cloak eternally, you're just going to be spending a lot of time there. You're not literally a howling beast gone rabid with sex, at most it's incubus level libido. You people will find something wrong with every girl because you can't learn not to be so literal. Plus there's built in fail-safes to KCs hugbox. If you really don't want to marry Wendigo, I'm sure there's plenty of ways to avoid it.

>> No.13717623

Nigga no one's talking about sex, it's about having no will of your own.

>> No.13717625

wendigo loli and the fluffy beast as her stand, jojo style.


>> No.13717626

>Mamono mana bullshit

Eh...nah. Not really.

>> No.13717628
File: 89 KB, 643x702, 1404896017813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's comfy and spacious, I think I will stay in there. Do not open.

>> No.13717630

Adorable, thank you.

>> No.13717631

What if KC is batshit and has different personalities that influence his writing? What if the Deruella personality is taking over?

>> No.13717633

>Remember Wendigo, this is a sneaking mission
>You haven't forgotten the basics of CQC (Close Quarters Cuddling) have you?

>> No.13717634

>Incubus face on the hood that breathes
>Not part of the cloak


>> No.13717635

Explain further. Is the cloak invincible to non-stand users, or is she just chuuni?

>> No.13717636


>> No.13717638

Hey guys, if you don't like being a Wendigo cloak it's fine. Just ask a Mindflaer to NTR you away.

>> No.13717639

Whatever faggot.

>> No.13717640
File: 151 KB, 797x957, 1434997089853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone every feel mildly disappointed and unsatisfied with themselves after having masturbated to their "waifu?" I don't know what exactly it is but the few times I manage to pull it off I feel wholly disappointed and a it emptier. Maybe its just the realization that I am slapping my meat to a deluded fantasy that hurts more than anything.

>> No.13717642

>this is a sneaking mission
In the end she has to fight her cloned sister atop a giant nuclear platform Golem.

>> No.13717643

I do it every day and feel great. It's as close as I'll ever get to sexing her up, see.

>> No.13717646


>> No.13717647

I actually feel weird to realize just now that i have never fapped to my waifu, i may have fapped to the fetish before but the figure of my waifu in itself is hard to event hink about it, what the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.13717648

You have no idea how happy this makes me.

>> No.13717649

I'd like to think it's a similar deal to sandworm, or there being a pocket dimenssan in the cloak.

>> No.13717651
File: 68 KB, 560x730, 1434222760115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that I wouldn't like the idea of having sex with her in particular, but something about simply masturbating just seems off. Like I am being unfaithful, or something like that. It's hard to put into words aside from immense shame.

>> No.13717652

Yes. Pocket dimensions with a log cabin and a fireplace and a bear pelt rug.

>> No.13717653

Except you can see the whole form of the incubus inside. All that purple fur makes him look like Grimace with a hoodie for a head.

>> No.13717654


>> No.13717655

>being unfaithful
Well, you know what Jesus said. You gotta cut off your hand now.
Why don't you take a seat? Take a seat, right over there.

>> No.13717656

>Awesome fight scene ensues, Solid Wendigo pushing back her sister.
>Then, just before the final blow is struck, a voice is heard.
>Girls? What are you doing?
>Cut to two little Wendigo twins on a tower of couch cushions, fighting while their father watches on.

>> No.13717657

If you were to cut your own torso in half, would mamono mana cause both halves to merge so as if you were never injured, or would your upper half sprout a new lower half, while your lower half sprouted a new upper half and became a girl?

>> No.13717660

I think your body would be wormfood while your spirit is husbandoed by a Will O-Wisp.


>> No.13717661
File: 10 KB, 267x204, 7LFD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, took me awhile to actually do it myself. You aren't in any particularly weird situation. Honestly for me it might stem from the fact I am less interested in the sex part and more in the companionship.

>> No.13717662

Maybe, but that's not to say there's no space to retreat deeper inside when not fucking.

>but if she looks like normal wendigo, what about NTR anon

Pretty sure the bullshit charm magic will be gone or directed only at the guy in the cloak. Besides, you really gonna try something after you see that cloak grow to eight feet in height and see some nigger with steam coming out of his mouth behind the girl?

>> No.13717664

You would die. DE just gives you the bullshit superpowers of playground pretend and wannabe mall ninjas. Like the ability to teleport behind someone and unsheathe your katana. If you actually get hurt enough to die, you still die.

Otherwise, monsters would be impossible to kill.

>> No.13717666


>> No.13717667

Profile says they live in villages though, which indicates huts or houses. Plus there's the part about sheltering in caves. All that points to no pocket dimensions.

>> No.13717669

What's wrong Satan?

>> No.13717672

Give it time.

>> No.13717675


>Log cabin, fireplace

Stop reading romance novels, they'll rot your brain.

>> No.13717677

I've never read a single romance novel, but I know what I want. I can't help myself. No bully pls.

>> No.13717683

>Wendigo as powerful as a lilim
>Uses cloak as a traveling circus tent
>Basically Professor Screweye

And now I just imagined her feeding mamano drain to monsters for the show, morphing them back into the flesh-eating terrors of old.

>> No.13717687

No crows please.

>> No.13717702
File: 123 KB, 640x638, 1428053696628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13717704

Did her heart just fall out her ass?

>> No.13717713


Yep. a rare drop from a Monoblos.

>> No.13717714

Yes. You better go grab it.

>> No.13717716

Imagine how fun would blue ovaring her be.

>> No.13717729

>Loli Monster who's so sexy that men will eye her curves through an overcoat, and seeing her plainly makes them overcome with bestial lust
Now that's the good shit right there. The whole exhibitionist monster freaking people out bit is rather fun too. Overall, 7/10 for me. Nothing fantastic, but definitely a nice entry.

I wonder how long KC'll carry on with this "Monsterified Husbando fucking his Monster Waifu" bit? Usually doesn't do more than 2 or 3 profiles of such a similar vein at a time. I for one wouldn't mind another, this is totally my fetish.

>> No.13717756

>Drive insane=freak out

Your fetish is shit.

>> No.13717765
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>> No.13717771

I'm kind of assuming here that "Drive Insane" is a hyperbole.

Like, in the vein of the MGE, what is seen as "Driven Insane" in this case, is a guy who was so perturbed and consumed by what he witnessed, that he's eventually driven to seek out his own Wendigo Waifu high in the mountains, disappearing to never be heard from again.

>> No.13717772

Wonder how many magazines I could stuff in her.

>> No.13717778

So did I, still, sounds improper, the way you said it. Sanity is precious.

>> No.13717782
File: 98 KB, 280x500, Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably disappointed because it's not how you imagined sex with her, and while you understand it's by no means supposed to, your subconsciousness doesn't get the difference and feels let down in the end.

Aftersex guilt is also a thing on it's own.

And you sound like you might deem sex a bit filthy deep inside, so genuine affection and sensual intimacy are somewhat negating and/or rivaling feelings to you, sorta.
I've heard it's such a major thing for some people they end up cheating on their beloved ones because of that.

>> No.13717792

Stick to fanfiction Dante.

>> No.13717794

Dante was the most successful fanfic writer ever.

>> No.13717796


I came here to laugh at you.

>> No.13717800

Where do you think you are?

>> No.13717805

The joke

>> No.13717806

Not him but I was just rereading the beginning of that again.

I had forgotten some of the best lines.

>"Through me the way is to the city dolent;
>Through me the way is to eternal dole;
>Through me the way among the people lost.
>Justice incited my sublime Creator;
>Created me divine Omnipotence,
>The highest Wisdom and the primal Love.
>Before me there were no created things,
>Only eterne, and I eternal last.
>All hope abandon, ye who enter in!"

Not exactly as I remember. But I think my old copy was from the 30's. Oh dolorous city and Abandon hope, all ye who enter here were definitely altered in this one.

>> No.13717807

It's funny, we call fan works fanfiction, as if the originals were real/happened at some point in time.

>> No.13717811

Fan fiction doesn't indicate that at all. It just indicates fiction written by fans about anything. Non-official non-canonical non-sanctioned work.

>> No.13717813

someone draw a married one

>> No.13717815

That is a married one.

>> No.13717817

Those are usually funny or clever.

>> No.13717821

God made Dys?

>Primal love

If that's the case why not grant the rest of death, true death? Lessons are only such if you're free to mend your ways after. Hell is plain sadism.

>> No.13717822

sorry i meant unmarried then
or a more older one

>> No.13717825

Cute comic already has an unmarried one.

>> No.13717827

Who came in your waifu?

>> No.13717830

You've never actually read the Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradisio have you?

>> No.13717832

It's been 12 years, give or take.

>> No.13717836

Hello everyone, Trader Anon here.
Now I doubt you ever wanted to hear from me again ever, but I want you to hear me out.
After recently learning about Anonkun as an alternative to CYOAs since they're no longer allowed here, I don't feel comfortable invading /tg/ with my stories, and cause updating through Pastebin alone was slow I've decided to do a test run.
Starting this Saturday at 7:30 EDT I'll be making a standalone, more conventional High Fantasy Type story than my 'you're a shop owner' theme.
The story is mostly a test to gauge interest in my writing style for old and newcomers alike, and if it succeeds I'll continue my old stories through AnonKun (Posting the Pastebin to the story and recap of the respective stories as an introductory)
I hope to see you guys there.
Also I have yet to decide if there will or will not be fattening.

>> No.13717840

Then you'd still know hell isn't about lessons, it's about punishment. Purgatory is about lessons.

Love and justice don't always mean kindness.

>> No.13717841

B-but... i wanted to be a shop owner ;_;

>> No.13717843

CYOA's aren't technically banned here but whatever.

>> No.13717846

>4th of July
>Day of family gatherings

You sure?

>> No.13717857

All I remember of Inferno is that Hell is Lucifer's tomb and it sucks serious ass. Except Limbo, which simply licks ass.

>> No.13717863

>appear like a little girl
Loli is their natural form

Here is unmarried stalking wendigo

>> No.13717865
File: 2.82 MB, 320x240, Breeding_hips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairies must take precautions whenever they handle their husabdos, lest they have a very bad day afterwards.

>> No.13717873

100% cute.

>> No.13717875

>Love and justice

>> No.13717883

First of all: Yay, you're back to fatten up things!
Secondly: Boo, I won't be here Saturday.
Thirdly: Boo, shop owner stuff is your shtick!

>> No.13717888

>ignoring the dust eaters and the NTR fags
It's actually kind of funny how Dante gave the cheaters the second best spot in the pit.

>Not understanding the perception of God in the Florentine during the late Middle Ages
>As written by a homeless man
>During the Black Death

>> No.13717892

>Not understanding
Anon, you're the one who doesn't understand me. I'm laughing at their perception.

>> No.13717893

>Is a loli
>Transforms her husband


>> No.13717900

Supposedly Date was a bit of a horndog, so of course he'd give lighter punishments to those with sins that reflected his own.

>> No.13717903

Their perception is a little more on the fear and fire end of the scale but it's not that different from today.

>> No.13717905

man that is cute as fuck

>> No.13717907

I don't understand why you would bring that up. I laugh at people nowadays too. Color me euphoric.

>> No.13717917

Moefag pedo is what he was.

>> No.13717922
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>> No.13717923

I like her, was obvious she was going to be timid/calm/kind from her art and >>13717570 just solidifies them as adorable to me. Imagine having one as a daughteru who insisted on wearing her coat even in summer
>"Are you okay in that? You're sweating buckets"
>"I-it's fine"
>"But you're red as a tomato and your breathing is kind of-"
>She hides behind the couch pouting, not wanting to admit she wants to take her coat off.

>> No.13717925

Him too? Huh. Wonder why he fucked Mohhamed so bad then.

>> No.13717928

I-I want one.

>> No.13717929

Well if the standalone story does well we'll go back to the old stories!
It's still too touch and go, half the reason I stopped updating was out of worry if CYOAs was banned or not. I'd rather not test mods here.
You're right, I forgot. I'm terrible with dates. Because I wanted to make Saturday 100% a guaranteed writing day I wanted to start this Saturday, but I'll do it this Friday around the same time, and the Saturday after that and whatever weekday I decide upon it'll become regular, hopefully.

>> No.13717938

Because Moohammad was the reason Dante had to fight for the worthless patch of desert God loves so much.

>> No.13717943

>Mother/daughter cloak fort threesomes


>> No.13717944

Ol'Moe had his fill of lolis, while Dante never got his childfu.

>> No.13717950

Yet Saladin was in a good place. Well, okay place.

>> No.13717953

Ah, but that's because Saladin didn't start the religion and was a worthy foe.

>> No.13717964

>Hathorite Holstaurus with brown skin, a scimitar on her hip, a bare midriff and a sensual scarf on her face

>> No.13717967

I will cut you.

>> No.13717972

Why? I didn't even mention the shota husband.

>> No.13717978

Who's the most unattractive male you can think of?

>> No.13717982

Why boner

>> No.13717983

Are you getting upset because I'm making fun of an ethnic and religious group?

>> No.13717984


>> No.13717988

Because deep down you know a healthy warlord who sacks her enemies' cities and takes boys for toys is exactly what you want.

>> No.13717989

Just answer the damn question.

>> No.13717993

No. That would be mean.

>> No.13717999
File: 422 KB, 500x531, 1434558495811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can mock an entire religious institution, its leader and followers, bit you can't be mean to one person?

>> No.13718000

I can be mean to assholes who believe in stupid shit, but I can't be mean to people because they're ugly. I have standards.

>> No.13718001

Just tell me! Who's gonna know? Who's going to tell?

>> No.13718004


>> No.13718007


>> No.13718011

I'm fairly sure the hostile reception you got last time was because of trolls. Every writefag in that thread got a shit reception except Nyanon, who earned his through egotism/stupidity - whatever you believe happened there

>> No.13718013


>> No.13718014

Why you gotta bully Cheesenugget? Bully his buttbuddy, Alp, instead.

>> No.13718018

I'm nit sure thatvworks for what I was thinking g but here goes.

You said Moohammad. Well, if I was in that position every time I looked at her I'd see some hairy, stinky dude with a long ass, equally stinky beard going Ara Ara~ at me. Some things should not be sexualized.

I think you like Holsts, is this right? Your favorite girl? Your waifu?

>> No.13718021

First of all that's not me, and secondly Mohammed started off as a young stud who scored with a rich widow.
And thirdly, I'm not all that into Holsts anyway.

>> No.13718026

Look at the picture again, notice the giant hand that's holding the Wendigo. The owner of that hand is certainly not human.

KC defiently is on a TG trend lately. Perhaps he has a fetish for it, perhaps he's just pandering to TG lovers.

Whatever it is, it's certainly been a thing with the last two MG. Whetever you like or hate it is up to you.

>> No.13718027
File: 312 KB, 800x800, 1410781110332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like big brown girls

>> No.13718031

>tfw Holstaur is the only monstergirl made to appeal to lactation fetishists
>tfw Apsara probably doesn't even lactate due the lack of gigantic cowtits

>> No.13718032
File: 197 KB, 518x427, 1404961380833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muhammad is a bro as fuck

>> No.13718034

We all know KC is a fucking shit writer, why do people still try to like his writing?

>> No.13718036

Just give them a daughteru and they'll be lactating soon enough.

>> No.13718039

Because this is the MGE thread and no other settings are allowed.

>> No.13718044
File: 624 KB, 1045x1393, 1402259757683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lactating loli
You know you need the delicious goat milk.

>> No.13718045

Why does he look like that king who said Link muh boy?

>> No.13718046

Why you gotta be so salty?

>> No.13718047

Bullshit nigga. MGE is the vast majority, yeah, but we talk about lots of other shit too.

>> No.13718050

Do you people take everything at face value?

>> No.13718053

You are welcome if you give it a shot. But I do have the following suggestion:

Keep your stories at a limited lenght.

Why? Because this makes it easier for people to catch on with whatever CYOA you are busy with. I never bothered with Nyanons CYOA because it was a massive hassle to catch up with all the reading. So prevent a CYOA from dragging on for way too long.

>> No.13718058

Sounds like a good idea, particularly if you'd plan out a skeleton outline tree in advance. I might try that out myself if I was gonna do a CYOA again.

>> No.13718060

Not bullying, he genuinely fucked up in the mentioned thread, but I was being impartial about it. The fact is people either say it was intentional and he revealed an ego, or it was a joke or mistake of some kind.

At any rate that was one hostile thread.

>> No.13718063

Well let it go already. He's writing a cute adoption story now.

>> No.13718065

>KC defiently is on a TG trend lately
He likes to go on trends, remember he just got done with his brown girls trend.

Wonder what his next one will be, here's hoping he does some more Zipangu girls. Hell we haven't even had a Satori from him yet and they have a ton of potential to be lewd.

>> No.13718066

MGE is fucking shit. So MGE should be driven out of here.

>> No.13718068

I personally think KC is trying to live up to his claim that the Wandering Scholar doesn't like monsters. Initially he almost seemed to adore what they did to their captured husbands, but now he's more obvious with his distaste.

I find it funny, the avatar KC uses to show his perfect waifus still thinks they're all a shit compared to human women. I suppose its realistic, I doubt many people outside of the threads would give up their lives and freedom for an easy fuck.

>> No.13718070

No, you just need to learn to live and let live.

>> No.13718071
File: 171 KB, 365x436, 1433318542579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoah lad, it's not great, but it isn;t something to get a hateboner for.

>> No.13718073

Good luck with that, would rather kick out whiny faggots that can't think of a decent discussion to start rather than crying about MGE.

Want something talked about? Bring it up, if it doesn't catch on it was likely shit anyway.

>> No.13718074


>> No.13718076

It's a lot cooler when you can enjoy the whole thing, and don't have pick-and-ripoff few elements to feed on.

>> No.13718077

>I have an opinion, therefore everyone should conform to it
Please just go

>> No.13718079
File: 269 KB, 850x935, 1429311204164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, I'd totally love to get Stockholm Syndrome from a delicious yandere.

>> No.13718082

MGQ pls go.

>> No.13718083

I want to ferment that snake.

>> No.13718085

>the avatar KC uses to show his perfect waifus still thinks they're all a shit compared to human women
I think you're making something up now Timmy.

>> No.13718087

>Phoenix gets introduced
>Busty, ara-ara harpy with fire magic & healing powers
>Turns into a loli when it is reborn

>> No.13718091


>Think of it Batman, to never again walk on a mid-summer day and feel the hot wind in your face. Or the warm touch of a lover's hand. Yes. I'd -KILL- for that.

>I've failed you. I wish there was another way I could say it. But I cannot. I can only pray, pray that you can hear me and forgive me, in a place where a warm hand waits for mine.

>Tell me, Batman. Have you ever seen a flower die? Watched something that was once so beautiful, so full of life, collapse and rot from within?

>Take a good look, Doctor. I've been like this for nearly fifty years and I haven't aged even a single day. I've become what many men only dream of; An immortal. Yet there isn't a day, an hour, a minute that I do not think of death. It obsesses me.

>Freeze, we have to get out here! The whole place is coming down!
>Leave me. Believe me, you're the only one who cares.
>Freeze, No!

>TFW Victor only wanted to be with his waifu


>> No.13718093

Everything else by the Japanese is that much worse, western settings are pure autism, and threadcanon is retarded

>> No.13718095

That would be fine, just as long as she's not a perma loli. And retains her memory. Retraining her over and over would be bitch.

>> No.13718096
File: 737 KB, 1013x1200, Gandharva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Busty, ara-ara harpy
Firey Gandharva sans the brown?

>> No.13718097

That's what makes him such a great villain.
He doesn't want to be one, he just wants to live happily with his wife.

>> No.13718100

>Everything else
I like EMG the best, Monster Boys or no.

>> No.13718101

>TFW Victor only wanted to be with his waifu
He was the one guy I legitimately felt bad for in Arkham City. Guy needs a hug.

>> No.13718103

Phoenix would be nice, actually there's quite a lot of classic monsters missing. You'd think he'd have got around to giants before doing anything like transformation fetish stuff.
>Waifu that reincarnates every x years
>During the first years of a cycle she has a body like Papi
>During the later stage of the cycle she has a body a Wight would kill for
Could be nice, given a man's lifespan is often linked to his monster waifu he'd never get bored of his wife sticking to one body type.

>> No.13718104

>needs a hug
He can't have one. Ever.

>> No.13718106

How does she even play that thing?

>> No.13718107

Oops misclicked, first part was meant for >>13718074 obviously.

>> No.13718108

>Outside the thread
>Implying we all think with our cocks

>> No.13718109


DCAU is what actually turned him into a sympathetic villain. He's actually quite the cunt in both the comics and the Nu!52 reboot where Nora Fries wasn't even his wife, just a woman he obsessed over.

Thanks cape comics.


Imfuckingplying Autism Lord and Alp don't deserve their bullying.

>> No.13718112

She has claws.
>you will never see a metalhead Gandharva try to swoon some jailbait bishie violinist

>> No.13718113


What's the point?

>> No.13718119
File: 356 KB, 609x728, Winter playtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a Yuki-Onna to help him with therapy
>Another one just like me, forever lost to the warmth
>That there would be one I could touch, one I could be with, without hurting
>Perhaps, even among this frigid world, an icy heart like mine may one day thaw

>> No.13718121

He'd deserve it. But oh no. Into a tiny cell he goes.

>> No.13718133

Well, there is the tiny issue of him turning a whole bunch of people into ice-pops. Send him back to the asylum, get a Yuki to do his therapy, and who knows? Maybe he'll finally chill out. Realize he can be a nice guy instead of an ice guy.

>> No.13718140

>Be in High School with Monster Girls
>Have No GF
>Suddenly you hear grunting from behind as a fairy struggles to give you a sealed letter
>She asks you to read it
>It's clearly a love letter
What do?

>> No.13718149

Since when has avenging your wife been a bad thing?

>> No.13718152

Stuff her in my pants and take her home with me.
Buy a harness to make her my eternal cock sock.

>> No.13718155

>>Be in High School with Monster Girls
>>Have No GF
Impossible. I've already touched every bovine on campus, at least one of them has touched me back. Or I caused a stampede and they all touched me back. I'm more than happy with either really.

>> No.13718157

But the head baphomet hates tits
my theory is jealousy. I bet she'd try and lolify Deruella or the Demon Lord if she could

>> No.13718161

She's the arch-imouto after all.

>> No.13718167

I want to be the agile as fuck dense bastard that always gets out of lewd situations out of sheer luck or agility.

Like in that OVA i forgot the name of, where the main character just outrun a horde of girls trying to capture him, and then he had to help in the rescue efforts to save the colapsed ones.

>> No.13718170

>Freezing innocent bystanders to death
>Oh, but he's such a nice guy, let's give him a pass on all the lives he's destroyed

Ffffffffffuuuuuuuck YOU!

>> No.13718173

This gets mentioned every other thread and I'm not even bothered by it anymore. It was barely sad to begin with because its fucking Batman. Its about people in silly costumes slapping each other about and a hero with the world's most obvious alter ego after Superman. Why can't the Riddler just realize Bruce Wayne is the only person with the money to fund that kind of shit?

>> No.13718174

Okay, let me kill your wife and take away your ability to ever touch anyone again. See how you take it.

>> No.13718177

The Riddler knows Bruce Wayne is Batman. At least he did back when I still read it. Also figured it out in Batman Forever.

>> No.13718179

How about you stop being a whiny bitch about muh wife and join her in death? She's gone, you were never gonna cure her. Victor Fries is a coward.

>> No.13718182

>barely sad to begin with
The actual Heart of Ice detected.

>> No.13718183

>Like in that OVA i forgot the name of, where the main character just outrun a horde of girls trying to capture him
So like in "lol everything is back at the start" ending of 99% harem anime?
I fucking hate that shit

>> No.13718186

And let the people responsible get away with it?

>> No.13718191
File: 164 KB, 500x404, 1427822594898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-oh! She saw something scary! What do?

>> No.13718194

EMG has M.O.N, and thats always a good thing.

I also like to headcanon that a modern day MGE setting has something like them. A tribe of Dark Elves kidnapped a bunch of men? Monstergirl special forces are deployed to save the boys, help with MG PR and slap bad MG's shit.
The final villain would turn out to be their former commander who thinks that Deruella was right and all men belong to whatever mamono grabs them first

>> No.13718195

oh jesus fuck i never noticed she didn't have actual arms


>> No.13718197

>tentacle abomination

>> No.13718201

Woop woop woop!

>> No.13718204

I still need to find that one image where Isaac steps on this cute monstrocity

>> No.13718208

Its been mentioned several times in the threads before. Anything loses its emotional impact after several readings. But yes, I never could get emotionally involved in superhero stuff. They're superheros, they do impossible shit and fight evil. I don't care about feels in a world where people can't tell the difference between a man wearing glasses and without them

>> No.13718210

Golden Boy. That was fun to watch.

>> No.13718215

Aw, those are some cute tentacle sleeves. Why don't you just remove them so I can help you out?

>> No.13718216

>I never could
Dead inside.
>a man wearing glasses and a man without them
You must've missed the part about him using hypnotic suggestion and his complete control over his facial muscles to change the structure. But that's okay. I don't want to talk about this anymore.

>> No.13718217
File: 104 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-006279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any buyfags here? Anything cool that you purchased recently?

Usually I don't consider myself as one but I want this so bad.

>> No.13718219
File: 462 KB, 860x1191, 1431090591923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By purge I assume you mean pulling your previous cumshot out of her abominable tentacle nest with your mushroom-head, and then you'd replace it with a fresh batch?

>> No.13718224

Looks decent, though I prefer figures with joints for posability.

>> No.13718251

I'm tempted to get that too, been a big fan of those designs for years but explaining such a blatantly lewd figure to people would be annoying. Already had questions about my Dog Days ones and 2hus.

>> No.13718260

>"Anon I have a confession. Do you know those 'feel good' movies where a corporate drone is stuck in a rural town, acts like a jerk, the town acts back and the drone learns to ~love the quirks~, and helps the town 'win'?"

>"I hate those movies. I honestly do. If there was a genre I could hate more it's those kind of movies. It's like those people don't know how to PR, how to manipulate the inner workings and failings of people, that the rural townspeople's affinity to emotion and heart rather than reason also makes them prone to act impulsive, to what they believe would benefit them best. That a simple changing of the scenery can cause two good friends to be at each others throats. Or expose local corruption, to make your corporation look more favorable or better yet, make it so public that NO ONE would trust or believe them."

>"And make that guy, who wants to look like a hero? Why not give him what he wants, push him, prod him, provoke him. Make him want to act brash and lash out. Make him seem insane or irrational. Make friends with his friends and have them work for you. Turn his life upside down and inside out, so that when his social and financial life is in tatters, he'll only look up to you. If you're as good as me he'll even grovel and lick your second hand shoes sparkly clean."

>"Then leave your offers which are taken up like a black friday sales, and exit that miserable wretch of habitable land in honestly a better shape than they deserve."

>"So Anon, what's the movie genre that you dislike?"

>"Uh, musicals?"

>> No.13718262

>Revealing your power level
>Talking to actual human beings about your power level
You're already a failure.

>> No.13718277


>> No.13718284

Of course I am, I'm posting here. It's just a matter of how much of a failure. It's not so much of a matter of talking to people about it, it's more living in a way where it's having people in the house is unavoidable.

Not going to let that get in the way of waifus though.

>> No.13718288

I like Musical and Feel Good movies. And Romantic movies too.

>> No.13718292

I hate comedies because they're never funny!

>> No.13718297

So given the choice to which writefag would you sacrifice to Samhain in order to bring a good one back?

>> No.13718299

And horror movies because they're never scary!
No idea what a Samhain is but I volunteer myself.

>> No.13718304

Yeah I hear where you are coming from, I don't have many figurines so it might stick out on my bookshelf. But of well, I want blue succubutts and I can just explain it the guest that visit my house.

>> No.13718307

>Trying to start writefag drama again
Oh fuck off.

>> No.13718312

I choose myself

>> No.13718313



>> No.13718314

I want Bitchmont and Captain Americuck to both be killed and sacrificed. Literally anyone would be better than them.

>> No.13718315

That's two sacrifices already! Who will we bring back?

>> No.13718316

Those rituals never work out right. You'd sacrifice something like Alp and Bollocks and wind up reviving Nega.

>> No.13718320

machine kek

>> No.13718324


>He thinks Samhain is something bad

>> No.13718335

I keep my Shinki in the closet and only take her out when it's time to fap.

>> No.13718336

>/k/ raped
not unless he's a skinwalker

>> No.13718344

Oh its you again. Sure, lets just hate on the better writefags we've had because they sometimes go to other sites.

>> No.13718346

We need a greentext about a /k/ommando going inna woods and meeting skinwalker-chan.

>> No.13718348

Sacrifice the volunteers so I can bring ParkedBuggy back and force him to continue the amazon story.

>> No.13718349

T-They betrayed us! They're traitors! F-Fudge them!

>> No.13718353

Fudge, Packer?

>> No.13718354

Enjoy sucking up to people who merely want to take advantage of you for their own selfish porpoises. I'm trying to keep quality in these threads and you people senselessly defending them helps me not.

>> No.13718358

So where is this quality you speak of?

>> No.13718359

>Keeping quality in the threads
I'm sorry anon, but you're not fooling anyone, especially yourself.

>> No.13718361



Fucking this. You can't just write a great first chapter to a story that makes an otherwise shit tier monstergirl lovable and caring whilst still keeping her in tune with the official canon, and then vanish forever. What the fuck? I don't even care about the stack of other unfinished stories out there, just bring this guy back.

>> No.13718362

>quality in these threads
So where the fuck are you when the endless shitposting, fights and stupid threadcanon show up?

Also, how are they being selfish? By posting stories for us to read? Oh the horror.

>> No.13718363
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>quality in these threads

>> No.13718364

Anon he's shitposting.
Just report and ignore.

>> No.13718365


I could use a Nuckelavee or Dullahan waifu if ya'll are going to toss me to the spirits of Samhain and get monkey paw'd into reviving NegaWalker.

>> No.13718366
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The fire rises.

>> No.13718367

>"Yeah Anon, I had to let go of some steam. You know how work is for the middle management. But it's fine. I feel so much better now. That's what I like of you Anon, I can say things with enough bile to kill a river full of fish and you don't judge me for it. It's like having a great weight lifted off me."

>"Here, a gift. Please open it."

>> No.13718368


I believe engaging this individual further is ill-advised.

>> No.13718369

>"It's not a fucking purple dildo again is it?"

>> No.13718370

Nyanon or Alp so we could have Peterdnzl back. Fuck it, just take both of them.

>> No.13718372

Yeah yeah, just had to get it out of my system.

>> No.13718373

>That's what I like of you Anon, I can say things with enough bile to kill a river full of fish and you don't judge me for it.

>> No.13718374

Because he's too adamant and hard headed with his shitposting, and because nobody ever reports him despite shitposting being being a bannable offense?

>> No.13718375
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I'm sorry.

>> No.13718381
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>> No.13718382 [DELETED] 

Moderation here is strange. I've had three day bans before for slight off topic posting while a trolling spree at the same time goes untouched.

At any rate, I can't speak for Captain, but Bromont has been here for a very long time and his stuff can be hit or miss, but that comes with being such an old writefag.

>> No.13718384
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>> No.13718386

Bromont recently has been hit or miss, buy in his prime he was much more able at playing your funnybone like a fiddle. And according to other boards, telling the mods to do their job is itself a bannable offense. It's like a bloody union.

>> No.13718387

>Having a negative opinion on a writefag should be a bannable offense
And they say the Bromont IDF doesn't exist.

>> No.13718389

I want to startle a witch!

>> No.13718393

I want to smite a wight!

>> No.13718394

>telling mods how to do their jobs
I wasn't, but out of paranoia I deleted the post anyway.

I remember my first MG thread, I stumbled upon a Bromont story about Roy and his Lizardman mother going to a waterpark. He ended up hotdogging her down the waterslide somehow as amused and aroused monsters looked on. It also featured a BR wurm who was actually like the official canon and not a retard, she was just super strong, horny and didn't think about her actions.

>> No.13718395

I want to cuddle an alp!

>> No.13718396

Touched a nerve, did I?

But many of the folks over there are just gun nuts, and don't have basic survival skills. Even those who do will be hard pressed to survive; this ain't your wet dream of a zombie apocalypse. No guns, no metal working, no canned goods; you'll have to go out hunting and leave the safety of your man cave on a regular basis with little more than a sharpened stick.

And that's not even taking into account that some of these are actual predators that are born and bred for hunting in their native environment, and has superior sense, strength, and speed. Or an MG with ranged abilities and magic.

>> No.13718397

>The Christmasu thread
That was a ride and a half.

>> No.13718398

>Bromont story about Roy and his Lizardman mother going to a waterpark. He ended up hotdogging her down the waterslide somehow as amused and aroused monsters looked on
Damn, I knew Roy and the Lizardman had an incest thing going on, but I never read the actual smut for it.

>> No.13718399

There really are some writefags with an IDF out there for some reason, but I wouldn't say Bromont has one. We're more annoyed about your overreaction to him visiting other sites.

You aren't some kind of monstergirl thread mafia, we can and will go to other places if we please.

>> No.13718400

I want to sproink a P'Ork's tail!

>> No.13718401

>"N-no of course not. he he hehhe. Why'd you even think that Anon. Fine, if you're going to be so apprehensive, I'll do it for you."

>"See it's just a drink. One that I think you'll just adore. Here let me read it to you."

>"The sailor had a ship in every dock, a love at every port. His men loved him, but also mocked him for how each women loved him. For he did not initiate the love, rather have their love thrust upon him, with him being pushed around to accept their love. Still as the sailor traveled on his men started to take bets on who he'd wed. The childhood love, the stoic lighthouse keeper, the deranged demonstrator of fenestration or Tanned tanner of toned tendencies. Over time these bets, which started off as jokes became violent, shouting matches and schemes to ensure the sailor would wed the girl of each faction's preference. In the end the sailor did marry, but it was a girl that only had one bet. It was a women, in that tea shop. The crewmen looked in abject horror as the sailor proposed to the teashop owner, with a ring worth a thousand passages through the oceans, their money and preferred hopes dashed along the rocks. They rushed back towards the ship, and rather face their losses and pay, they tearfully sunk the ship that was their second home with them still inside, crying like children to the depths below. Sunken Ship Tears, drink responsibly."

>> No.13718402
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>Still no edit of a Sandworm dancing like gif related

>> No.13718403

Okay that's it, you two go in the looney bin.

>> No.13718404

You're talking about the range monkeys.

>> No.13718406

That's not looney.

What's looney is convincing an alp to top me and put her in charge of the sex as if she were some dominant manticore, or something! And that's what I'm going to do!

>> No.13718409

Lance please.

>> No.13718410

>Why can't the Riddler just realize Bruce Wayne is the only person with the money to fund that kind of shit?

He did
And he'll never tell anyone because he doesn't want to spoil the greatest riddle of all. Batman called him out on that.

>> No.13718411

>survivalists have a zombie apocalypse wet dream

That shit disturbs me so much. How unhinged must you be to actually want a doomed world full of cannibalism and the worst humanity has to offer, where the best option for surviving is just murdering everyone you see just in case?

Fuck, we might want a doomed world too, but at least in ours everyone gets a nice waifu and a blowjob.

>> No.13718412

Curly, Straight! Curly, Straight! Curly, Straight! Curly, Straight! Curly, Straight!

>> No.13718414

>not anything else
also, sand wurm, is that like an arabian dancer wurm? rubies and emeralds actually wurms 'made' of those gems?

>> No.13718416

They want it because they think they're the cream of the crop. Good, bad... they're the guy with the gun. The only guy with the gun in the whole wide world.

>> No.13718418


>> No.13718419

What is the monstergirl in question?

>> No.13718420

Zombies are the wet dream of gun nuts because they give you the opportunity to shoot endless human targets with zero legal or ethical consequence. Furthermore, those with guns are the kings, so it's a bit of a power trip thing too.

Zombies are also far less dangerous than other humanoid threats, like enemy soldiers, aliens, giant beasts, etc. So you can fight (relatively speaking) at your leisure rather than being in a constant state of OHFUKFUKFUK I CAN DIE ANY SECOND.

>> No.13718425

And I thought we were pathetic. Now all our stupid arguments about waifus and dom/subs don't feel so bad.

>actual disaster happens
>/k/ gleefully tries to shoot people who threaten their survival (in other words anyway they don't like)
>/k/ gets shot because that person actually has friends who look out for them
Cream of the crop indeed.

>> No.13718428

>Fight at your leisure
Not if there's a literal wall of Zombies like in DotD.

>> No.13718431

>2017 rolls along
>Monster everywhere
>including zombies
>/k/ommandos try to shoot them
>like Zombina, they just tank it
>like our threadcanon, they want huuuuugs and waaarm
Now what?

>> No.13718433

is it just me or is that guy running that Grimagia card game just buying time with sparse updates to cover up the fact that he squandered everyone's money?

I'm starting to get a little concerned on where my money went.

>> No.13718434

Now I want to hold up in a mall while cute zombie girls try to get in.

>> No.13718436

Call me whatever you want, I'm going to force an Alp to be a dom me no matter what!

>> No.13718438

Fuck you too, dude. Porpoises can be plenty generous.

>> No.13718439

You'd probably be the guy locked in a room while an Alp goes on about her days of when she first discovered she liked men.

>> No.13718440

>all that talk they have about going innawoods
>actually own da woods
>know that there's going to be hundreds of trigger happy range monkeys show up and wreck everything plus probably die horribly if shit goes down

Only one person in 50 has farms and land. Just imagine how the people who actually know how to survive just fine are going to get steamrolled by all the nuts from the cities.

>> No.13718441

>Threadcanon zombie apocalypse

Oh god, I'd probably be lost because I couldn't bring myself to kill them.

>> No.13718442

So is Lance, the guy from Alpie's story.

>> No.13718443

All our writefags so we could have Nega and Inari back, then take MachineAnon's ego and give half of it to each of them. Why play this game if we aren't going to play nightmare mode?

>> No.13718444

>2017 meme

I still can't believe there was some sucker in here who bought into the 2012 Mayan Calander bullshit.

>> No.13718445

Why would you need to? They just want warm hugs. That's what Lamias and Lizards want too. Hell, it's what I want.

>> No.13718447


What? I haven't seen him tripfag in like... well, never, actually. And he only writes occasionally. Where does the huge ego accusation come from?

>> No.13718448

But the threadcanon zombie is annoying and only good for comedy settings.

I'd like them to be aware and essentially normal girls, only much prettier and with no pulse.

>> No.13718450

Holy shit that sound terribly misogynistic.

>> No.13718455

He wrote a writefagging guide and it was essentially "the thread and other writefags can suck my dick"

>> No.13718456
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On the subject of Zombies, would the transition to Wighthood be gradual?

>> No.13718457
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>> No.13718458

>Taking away a zombie girl's simplemindedness
It's their one and only shtick, why the fuck would you remove that? If they're gonna be "normal girls", why even make them zombies at all?

>> No.13718460

>don't want braindead retard zombies
>actually want someone I can hold a conversation with
>I'm a misogynist for this

I know you're baiting, but please.

>> No.13718461

It`d probably take fucking forever.

So much so that It`s not really fucking worth bothering with them.

>> No.13718462

They get the actual love they deserve. I'd love to have a zombie be my waifu and constantly want warmth from me.

Delicious tan Ushi. Oh yes.

>> No.13718463

Ey there girl, whacha doin' with all dat junk in yo trunk?

>> No.13718464

Cats are superior.

>> No.13718465

Well, in the few stories there have been about it (Machine Anon's comes to mind, but there are others, I think), it's always been relatively overnight. Or at least small changes over time, then a huge change at once.

I guess it could be gradual, but no one's ever written about that as far as I know

>> No.13718467

Because they're still undead then?

>> No.13718471

God I hate Ushis.

Fucking creepy motherfuckers

>> No.13718472

Not with that attitude.

>> No.13718473

Cats are selfish pricks, to hell with them.

Feline monstergirls on the other hand are okay.

>> No.13718474

>delicious brown Ushi
Yes! The things I'd do to one.

>> No.13718477

The majority of /k/ are range monkeys, backyard target shooters, or people who "hunt" in a sanitised and safe setting once or twice a year. The amount of people there who'd really know what to do in a survival set up for an extended amount of time with no spare ammo or tools are probably in the single digits at best.

>> No.13718479

She's a darling.

>> No.13718480

I prefer my Ushi-Oni on the green/blueish side but a brown spider cow is fine too.

>> No.13718482

Dogs are shit too. They're pack creatures who follow the whims of the alpha - their master. If they could get an upper hand and be the big man they generally would, its how they act in the wild.

>> No.13718484

They're called zombies. What is the most common definition for "zombie" in modern media? Mindless walking corpses.

A zombie who's as self aware and normal as a healthy person are not zombies. They're just people with cold skin.

>> No.13718487


Fight me.

>> No.13718488

brown spider is best

>> No.13718489

Instincts are shit, aren't they? They make everything so simple and nihilistic.

>> No.13718493

>Being this new to KC

Seriously. All MGs are "just" human girls with monster bits added on. It's like the entire setting. Undead are no different; just minor changes.

>> No.13718494

The irony is even true zombies before the 60's were warm-blooded but basically brain dead from the original origin.

>> No.13718495

Bad kitty!

>> No.13718497

Romero invented that kind of zombie anyway. Originally they were corpses reanimated with voodoo magic to act as servants to the summoner.

At any rate, what would an undead girl who could think for herself be then? I wouldn't say Wight, they're all upper class and stuff. Most likely snobby and stuck up, too.

>> No.13718498

Do you have the un-edited picture of this? Image search has failed me.

>> No.13718499

Romero always hated that the term zombie caught on for them. He always called them ghouls, which are closer myth-wise. He still calls them that.

>> No.13718502

It can be a shock to some, but thats how animals work. No animal can truly be domesticated, they'll still have instincts.

>> No.13718505

I want to lose to a Zombie in a FPS game!

>> No.13718510

But they'll just stand there slapping your corpse endlessly, like in all games with zombies.

>> No.13718512


>> No.13718517


>> No.13718520

Did RS commission this by chance?

>> No.13718521

Why don't you just watch paint dry?

>> No.13718526
File: 35 KB, 604x347, 18063_101518153213457_100000658175532_40694_1172428_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look so cute together
Just like picrelated
I bet they would make a good pair

>> No.13718527

Hellhound is pretty true to life if you think about it, they let you have your fun but the moment they see an opening they turn it right back around.

>> No.13718529

He took it and ran, this is what you get for using kickstarter these days. It used to be good and gave us some nice things but now its a useful tool for conmen.

>> No.13718530

If Shou did that in MGE she'd turn into a cute dog girl with split personalities!

>> No.13718539

>Play a Versus match of L4D with a zombie girl online
>You're on the zombie side, she's playing survivor
>This should be simple
>Pick Hunter
>Try to sneak up behind her as she walks through an alleyway for the kill
>She actually turns around and shoots you in the face with a shotgun as you're in mid-air
>Turns out she's watched enough zombie movies to know exactly where they come from and when
>yfw you just got rekt by a zombie girl in a videogame

>> No.13718544

I want a Luck Dragon MG. Lamia-life with fluffy soft fur.

>> No.13718546
File: 552 KB, 1000x2000, I love that pouty look Loen gives them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I want to see a Hellhound wear a "Mans best Waifu" t-shirt while a Hellpup wears a "Mans best Daughteru" t-shirt.

>> No.13718547

What happens if a lock a rape bait bishie in a room with an Alp and a Wurm?

>> No.13718551

>She has two personalities
>Both are adorable and call you [spoiker]Oniichan

>> No.13718552


Danzilla on DA

>> No.13718554

Same thing that happens with every other monster girl you fuckwad.

>> No.13718560

The Alp tries to make a move on him only for the wurm to hug him all night.

>> No.13718568

>Queerbait and retard

It's a special kind of hell.

>> No.13718569

>a Hellpup wears a "Mans best Daughteru" t-shirt.
My heart needs this.

>> No.13718571

Is the Alp stage 2 or Stage 3?

>> No.13718572

The room won't be locked for much longer, either the room comes crashing down from the Wurm's clumsy sex methods or she sends the Alp flying through the wall to get the man for herself.

>> No.13718580

>Alp stage 2 or Stage 3
There aren't really any stages, but I'd say it would be close to what people assume is "Stage 3", or the type that completely gives in and becomes a wanton slut.

>> No.13718581

Why would zombies like warm places?
Why would characters in The Walking Dead seek out cold places for safety?

Zombies would rot faster in hot climes, to the point where they'd be fully immobilised. If anything, zombie-girls should appreciate having an icepack pressed against their bodies.

>> No.13718585


>> No.13718589

How new are you

>> No.13718592

You should be right, but straight it really is magic this time. Hell, if the zombie still has her birthing stuff when revived, she can give birth in MGE.

>> No.13718593

So what would a monster girl do if she found out her husband was completely burned out on sex?

Would she just dump him and go find another man?

>> No.13718594

>The Walking Dead

>> No.13718596

I'm ancient. Old and tired. I've seen threads upon threads of zombies wanting hugs and warm, and zombie imoutos asking their big brother to produce cold fusion devices.

And every time, I've wondered silently why the zombies would seek their own dissolution.

>> No.13718600



>> No.13718601

Mamono mana, burn out is literally impossible.

>> No.13718602

She saves up her lust until her husband does want to fuck or she can't stand it anymore for the most vigorous fucking of her lifetime. What are you, a cuck?

>> No.13718603

It's pretty hot. The art blog that tottori made for it still has the archive links to the christmas threads.
Spoilered because it's on a >tumblr

>> No.13718604

Let's up the ante.

The room is a cramped closet, the Wurm is a hug and kissu addict, and the Alp is a Baneposter.

>> No.13718606

>someone tiring of sex after being corrupted by their waifus energy
Yeah, right. Hell, even if its a setting without that sort of thing, chances are it'd be like >>13718602

>> No.13718607

Trick the wurm into dressing up as BANE, and convince the alp to hug her.

>> No.13718612

No, just really burned out on sex and monster girls while also being impossibly cynical about the smallest things.

>> No.13718613

Going by MGE canon the Wurm starts to rape the bishie and the Alp joins in.

Going by threadcanon the Wurm hugs the bishie all night while the Alp watches.

>> No.13718617

Probably this. Sometimes a regular wank feels amazing, so the pleasure of having a frustrated sexual prodigy pumping you full of magical sex energy must be insane

>> No.13718620

>Not inviting the Alp to join the cuddle for a cuddle pile

>> No.13718624

It's the MGE. The Demon Lord's overpowered succubus magic prevents undead from rotting. They're just cute girls that are cold to the touch and with a high libido.

They seek out warmth from anything with spirit energy so they can feel alive once more.

>> No.13718631

According to threadcanon the Wurm is too retarded to center her attention in more than one thing, so she only knows about the existence of the bishie. The Alp is too beta to do something without consent so she stays there watching them cuddle.

>> No.13718633

Why doesn't anyone talk about Alps being doms?

>> No.13718636

Stage 3 Alp takes the lead by performing the superhuman task of convincing the Wurm to hold back, with a promise that it'll be better after she works her magic. She means that literally, because she has the instinct and the experience of a seasoned succubus.

Eventually, the Wurm and the HB are both covered in pleasure runes, and the Alp forces the HB to down a Doppelganger medicine.

The Alp is content with being done from behind by one HB clone, while watching the Wurm get violated in every hole by the rest of the clones until her mind breaks.

>> No.13718640

Would a Hellhound Alp be a spaghetti-spilling mess or the one Alp capable of dominating others?

>> No.13718641

Because that requires a stage 3 busty ara ara alp, and nobody talks about those.

>> No.13718643

>a Hellhound Alp

>> No.13718645

Yes, but WHY though?

>> No.13718647

Do you think there's a chance I can still file a chargeback?

>> No.13718651

>or the type that completely gives in and becomes a wanton slut.

I'm going to continue to use the phrase "stage 3" as long as it remains the best shorthand phrase to describe this.

>> No.13718654

>Why don't people talk about alps once they're basically nothing but regular succubutts?
>Why aren't faggot catchers described as doms?

Gee Olly, that's a tough one.

>> No.13718656

Don't reply to cancer.

>> No.13718658

Alp is less of a species and more of a trait. A human boy can Alp into most Monster Girls, but most only Alp into a kind of Succubus. Also if a Human Boy that wants to Alp runs into a Dark Matter they become an Arch Alp.

>> No.13718659

Alright then. Despite there being no actual stages, it is certainly much more convenient to use the slang than typing out a sentence describing it.

>> No.13718660

Not really, but you can try. Realistically, the best you can do is learn your lesson about kickstarter. It once gave us amazing things like FTL and Risk of Rain, but now its overrun with scams like this.

>> No.13718664

A better question is When will they release all that snazzy art that appeals to my niche fetish?

>> No.13718671

They aren't going to alp into hellhounds you autist.

>> No.13718673

Is all this talk of dom alps happening because this appeared on exhentai recently http://exhentai.org/g/829145/16c4f530db/ or is this just a coincidence?

>> No.13718675

Alps should have been part of a World Guide rather than a profile.

>> No.13718677

Fukcing hell I just masturbated.

>> No.13718678

An Alp is an Alp, there aren't Alp hellhounds.

>> No.13718679

Or like most things in these threads because someone tries hard enough to push it. Helps because Alps are the most talked about monster girls here so it's easy for someone to start a discussion on them.

>> No.13718681

The only guy upset about its use is the one that's so autistic he doesn't understand the difference between stages of alpification and alps themselves.

>Stage 1 of alpification must be an alp even though it's just a fag.

Cait Sith should have stayed there too, but what can you do.

>> No.13718684

>misc: chimi changa


>> No.13718686

I'll take bullshit for 200 Alex.

>> No.13718689

>stages of Alpification
Can you actually point out in the guide or profile where it says that? All it says in either is "Gay Boy, still 100% human and not an Alp in any way/ The boy is now an Alp at a much later date/ The boy is now an Alp that fully accepts her love for cock". And if it was merely just Alpification, wouldn't everyone be saying "Stage 1 Alpification" instead of "stage Alp"?

>> No.13718690

Go away Inari.

>> No.13718694

I'll take you didn't read the FAQ on Alps. Men can turn into any kind of monster girl.

>> No.13718697

Anon we had several shitstorms over it already. It's confirmed by KC.

Just because I know about it doesn't mean I want it. I bet you know about Matangos, that means you want to marry one right?

>> No.13718701

Swiss needs to update the pastebin sometime.

>> No.13718702


Because I've read the FAQ and seen Swiss Momo's translations, I know you're stretching the truth. Now fuck off.

>> No.13718704

>What type of men do monstergirls dislike?

They won't fall in love with psychopaths and wicked people that think things like "Killing people is fun!" or "causing others misfortune is fun!"

Oh my.

>> No.13718707

Hey there you are!

It's like you still are incapable of comprehending
>Potential to Alp
>Newly Turned Alp
>Alp That Has Accepted Womanhood

These things are described in both the world guide and the profile. And the THREAD is the one that assigned the shorthand STAGES to each. Comprende?

No matter how much you bitch that the word stage is not used in either, it doesn't change the utility of the moniker. And it will continue to be used as it has been for over a year now.

>> No.13718711


>> No.13718716

>Not Important will never have a QT Will o the Wisp GF

That makes me sad.

Also, doesn't that mean all the Order needs to do is turn their paladins into hateful killing machines and they've won?

>> No.13718721

But then the monsters will just go right for the kill in self defense, unless KC changed that part.

>> No.13718723

Monstergirls can defend themselves you know.

>> No.13718725

Oh good, now I know I'm safe.

>> No.13718729

A potential candidate for Alping should not be a part of the process if he still has a chance of not transforming at all. Not to mention there are Alps who accept their womanhood but still retain their appearance of a Tomboy, among other variations.
Last I checked KC overrules the threads for his own content, and he has nothing to imply stages whatsoever. If there were stages, there would be only 2: An Alp that hasn't accepted what she is, and one that has. Even then, during the process of Incubus/Man exposed to an enormous amount of DE at once, the man/Incubus can immediately jump to the supposed stage 2 depending on how he is.

>> No.13718731


But I thought monsters never kill men.

>> No.13718732

You really need to get your priorities in check.

>> No.13718735

I wonder if they make Pamphlets for Alp-To-Bes so they can plan out and decide what Monster Girl they want to be for the rest of their life.

They all pick fucking Mindflayer stop picking that you don't get to be a fucking Mindflayer.

>> No.13718737

They don't want to kill men but if a man is attacking them and they can't husbando'd him what the fuck do you think they're going to do? Let him kill them?

>> No.13718740

So monstergirls won't bother you if you're a bad person?

Sounds viable. I already hate most people I know anyway.

>> No.13718741

It's in the guides. the only reason they would kill a man is if they were trying to kill them or their husbands.

>> No.13718742

It's a taboo among them but i suppose one can kill men if pushed long enough.

Basically, if you make a MG kill you then you are the shittest human in existence.

>> No.13718746

>But I thought monsters never kill men
Try to kill one of their husbands and let's see what happens.

>> No.13718747
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>> No.13718748
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does this make you uncomfortable?

>> No.13718751

Wrong. A stage one never has to go stage two and a stage two never has to go stage three. Any disease chart always begins with the normal individual untainted. Something like a transformation would be charted the same way.

You argument on syntax is as retarded as saying there's no paladins in KC land because they only use the term Hero, so we can't talk about paladins in here. It's technically correct in only the strictest sense and has no bearing on how the thread itself operates.

>> No.13718752
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>> No.13718763

Why do you people always ruin everything?

>> No.13718769

This is the 4chins. That applies to all the boards.

>> No.13718778
File: 58 KB, 575x312, wheredoyouthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are experiencing the symptoms of being a bitch.
i'm prescribing you a dose of fucking deal with it.

also this

>> No.13718779

Just couldn't ignore him huh?

>> No.13718780

We probably have people like here


>> No.13718782

I remember back when I thought that out high propensity to responding to bait was specific to us, but it turns out that shit is site-wide now.

>> No.13718785

our high*

>> No.13718786

What are you even talking about.

It's been better than last threads.

I think Wendigo helped.

>> No.13718787

As if what I said would ever have any bearing on what the thread thinks. If it thought Apples were blue I couldn't convince them otherwise, since I have charisma comparable to the Hulk in a bikini.
Comparing it to a disease would not really fit in this situation, and something more like a caterpillar would suffice, as it is a transformation that can relate to what is going on.
That's a bad analogy you have there.
In the end, stages itself isn't right, but at this point it's now slang to represent certain outcomes in the Alp Transformation process. It would be much more accurate though if the Stage 1 was already a fully and freshly turned Alp and not just a gay guy who can still not transform and remain a donut puncher for the rest of his life.

>> No.13718789

Your baby Hol's first words are 'Touch Da Cow, do it now!'
How do you react?

>> No.13718790

Trade her for a nice alp, I didn't raise a fucking slut

>> No.13718791

Pat her head.

>> No.13718793

>"It's a monstergirl, you dip!"
I fear for these threads when this day comes.

>> No.13718794

Throw her out the window.

>> No.13718795

"Sweetie, you ARE the cow."
and then I proceed to give her upsies and kiss her forehead

>> No.13718796

What the hell has she been doing to learn those lewd words?

>> No.13718798

Tickle her.

>> No.13718799
File: 871 KB, 1600x872, My.Neighbor.Totoro.full_.126422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it look like a screenshot from every Studio Ghibli movie ever?

Is it the white, shiba-esque dog?
Is it the natural fantastic nature of the shui?
Is it the long and vast green prairies contrasiting with a clear blue sky?

>> No.13718800

Hanging out with mommy

>> No.13718801

Oblige and pet her head like a good parent. That's what she meant right?

>> No.13718804

Blow raspberries on her tummy.

>> No.13718806

Kill me

>> No.13718809

Mommy's been a bad girl it seems...

>> No.13718810

>I'm a /b/tard


>> No.13718813

Be a monstergirl.

>> No.13718815

Jesus can't hear you Anon.

>> No.13718816
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>> No.13718819

All we need is more bloom filter and possibly lens flare.

>> No.13718822

>Ushi-Oni&! The Animation
I'd watch it.

>> No.13718823

You shouldnt've let that meme-spouting Alp babysit her, now she's starting to learn about the internet!

>> No.13718825

Wait, that was an Alp? Oh no! Time to make her pay.

>> No.13718827

Still wrong. A caterpillar is terrible because it specifies a singular path with one outcome. A disease is perfect because it has many stages and can be stopped in the middle of any of them. The progressive transformation caused by DE in any creature really parallels diseases more than anything.

And stages have always been slang for different parts of the alping process, parts that KC specified. You thinking that it was considered official wording and trying to argue it from that point of view is why you get laughed at.

If you really looked at what KC wrote, you'd see that what people call Stage 2 is a parallel to the lesser succubus and the Stage 3 is a regular succubus. So if you were less autistic, you would quit going "Actually there's no such things as paladins in MGE. Show me the line where the word paladin is used." every time the subject came up and try to push that threadcanon angle instead, lesser alps and alps.

>> No.13718828

Slap the Alp! Steal her scalp!

>> No.13718829

Pay with what?

>> No.13718832

That means there won't be monstergirls in Heaven. Let that sink in.

>> No.13718834

Her tail. I hear Alp tails fetch a high price on the black market.

>> No.13718835


>> No.13718837
File: 128 KB, 469x500, 15443543453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like hurting people, mister?

>> No.13718838

>resorting to name calling
Well I guess having a civil discussion on things wasn't possible from the beginning. Also it seems you have terrible reading comprehension if you got all of that from the Alp profile and what was mentioned in the world guide. But regardless, I'll drop this before you turn things into a shitfest.

>> No.13718841


Not really.

>> No.13718842

Only on the bed.

>> No.13718843

Not in the least. I'll chase you though, since that's your thing. You slutty bird thing.

>> No.13718846

So you'll have to settle for 3D ghost pussy.

>> No.13718847

Woah, calm down guys, no need to maim Alps.

Just exchange her for a Kikimora Maid and be done with it, or at least just sell her. There are plenty of people who'd take an Alp.

>> No.13718848

Don't go "Actually there's no such thing as stages" every time you see it referenced like an autist and you won't get called one. It's real simple.

>> No.13718850
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>> No.13718852

Oh piss off Cockatrice. No one like you or your rape inducing Pheromones.

But on the subject of the game Hotline Miami, fuck that line. Stop trying to make me feel bad for playing your game assholes. Pressing buttons to make the bad men go kablooey isn't the same as pulling piano wire on a guy's neck, watching and feeling the pulsing of his veins slowly give way to oblivion.

>> No.13718854

Oh wow.

I don't care.

>> No.13718858

>[X] Pick up baseball bat

>> No.13718859

I'd make drink moonshine till she pukes out her lungs.

>> No.13718860

Well there is no actual evidence to prove either side otherwise, since none of us want to ask KC to settle things once and for all.
But I should do what I mentioned earlier, and drop this. Maybe you should do it as well, and maybe stop throwing around names like some fourth grader.

>> No.13718862


>> No.13718865
File: 111 KB, 622x879, 1345684534533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baste the Cockatrice!

>> No.13718869

That question wasn't for you, it was for Jacket.

>> No.13718870

So why are you here.

>> No.13718874

Fuck off.

>> No.13718878

>On the use of a shorthand term invented by the thread
>Referring to the part where KC says that Alps that have accepted womanhood into their hearts transform even more into the lewdest succubi that exist

It's cut and dry. You don't like it. Everyone gets that. But it's right there, clear as day.

>> No.13718879

Hey fuck you too, you faggot. I've sucked dick before so at least we have something in common though.

>> No.13718881

He probably wants to be a bitter fag on an indian curry discussion forum.

>> No.13718882

You seem upset.

>> No.13718883

So if I don't care about having to settle down with either a monster girl or a human girl I don't belong here?

Jesus christ you're pathetic.

>> No.13718884

>Pounding the fuck out of a Cockatrice's incredibly tight pussy in an alleyway.
>A man walks past and notices you.
>He leaves. Must have gotten the message.
>5 minutes later the cops show up.

Such is life in Monster Girl City.

>> No.13718888

>Monsters can rape you but you can't rape the monsters
Fuck this city.

>> No.13718890
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>It's okay, she tried to run away from me

>> No.13718892

Good to see you're still going at it, even though the other guy said he was giving up and there are numerous other Alp variations that can occur that don't fall under any of the three stages. Just drop it already, I'm sure a lot of the people seeing these want it as well.

>> No.13718896

I want to fuck a monstergirl. Recommend me something to satiate this consuming lust.

>> No.13718897

I thought we were an indonisean spider cuisine newsletter.

>> No.13718898
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>> No.13718899

That's what you get for having a Lilim-based Government.

>> No.13718901

Find it yourself you lazy faggot.

>> No.13718903


>> No.13718908
File: 3.04 MB, 1000x795, Not a DracoLilim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a Draco-Lilim government?

>> No.13718910

>5 minutes later the cops show up.
>give you a ticket for using rubber

>> No.13718911

Lucid dreaming, tulpas

>> No.13718913

Oh no, that's dragon's eaten her legs, and now it's biting into her shoulder.

>> No.13718919

Still shit.

Monster girls would be awful leaders.

>> No.13718923

So sayeth the man who doesn't know anything about leadership and acts like he's an expert from his computer chair, eh?

>> No.13718926

Even Pharaohs?

>> No.13718927


I combined all of these, and now I have a noppera-bo who wont stop screaming at me. How do I fix this?

>> No.13718930

Give it the dick in your dreams.

>> No.13718931

>no fun allowed!
They aren't real or anything, so why do you feel the need to sperg about them filling certain roles?

>> No.13718934

Especially Pharaohs
They'd put equally heavy burden on non-cosplay monsters because one of her ex's left her for grape snake and another left her for her anubis secretary.

>> No.13718938

Actually let me rephrase that.

Most monster girls would probably be awful leaders.

>> No.13718939

They would care for humans more than most human leaders.

>> No.13718940

That's not saying much.

>> No.13718941

How would you know? When's the last time you saw any leadership?

>> No.13718944

I tried, but her crotch is as featureless as her face. It's like a barbie doll down there.
Now she's trying to make me look at her by leaning over my shoulder and screaming in my ears.

>> No.13718945

>Running of the bulls in MGC
>Monstergirls from all over the world gather
>Male participants are penned in adn given raging mushrooms and girtablilu venom
>They chase and brutally rape any MG they catch
>Married couples watch from the balconies and bet on who will catch who
>Mothers cheering their daughter's first taste of high impact sexual violence, some yell at the men to chase a particular girl
>The streets run a murky white as the stench of sex hangs in the air

I want to go.

>> No.13718948

>Male participants are penned in adn given raging mushrooms and girtablilu venom

>> No.13718951

That's what intercurial is for.

>> No.13718953


>> No.13718954

Let me guess, you wanted it to be men running away from monster girls right?

>> No.13718955

>numerous other Alp variations that can occur that don't fall under any of the three stage

Except 2 just means new alp and 3 just means has accepted being a girl. There's nothing else that comes as baggage. There's no standard size of tits for stage 3 or anything else. It applies to all of them, tomboys and milfs and all the rest.

And he could have stopped at any time, but he can't resist getting the last word.

I've heard his stupid argument about this since the first time he sperged out about it the better part of a year ago, and every time since. His arguement is just as bad as it was back then. But does he stop? No. Every time somebody says stage something, there he is. Personally I'm just sick of seeing the same complaint over and over all this time. He knows the reasoning behind everything but he just pretends not to and does the same dance every time. He could try to offer an alternative. He could just shut up. But no. The path he chooses is always feigning ignorance and playing the victim. There doesn't need to be this drama every time. If dragging it out now gets that point across then so be it.

There. I'm done. And unlike him I won't respond after saying so.

>> No.13718958

Cum where her face should be then. Whats the worst that could happen?

>> No.13718963

No. I'd like it if the raging mushroom gave them the chance of fighting back the monstergirls resulting in furious hatesex between them, but they're so bullshit that they take the strength of the girls and let the man rape them as they want.

>> No.13718967

>you will never see the shenanigans between a staunch knight and snarky hellpup

>> No.13718969

Now she's clawing at her skin where I rubbed my dick. And her face is long. And she's still screaming.

>> No.13718971

Who gives a fuck?

If you don't like it just ignore it.

>> No.13718973

Draw a face on her with marker.

>> No.13718975

>Who gives a fuck?
Don't quote me next time and I won't give you my opinion, faggot.

>> No.13718977

It's obvious what you must do. Rub your dick all over her and make her claw herself out of existence.

>> No.13718978

>And unlike him I won't respond after saying so
It only took you a handful of posts to stop after he did. You're SO much better than him.
And you really must not have read the guide if you don't know that some Alps don't fully accept being a girl and end up looking like either the ENC Alp, a busty succubus, or anything in between. You're also being particularly whiny, what with your Ad Hominem barrage while the other guy was being civil while disagreeing.

>> No.13718983
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Thanks Anon, this fixed her.

>> No.13718985

I chortled.
Now give her an ahegao face!

>> No.13718986

>Let the men rape them as they want

Not seeing problem here.

>> No.13718989

>You call that a dick?

>> No.13718994

Rape should be left to the professionals.

>> No.13718995

Reminder that the monster girls win.

>> No.13718998

Reminder that you're autistic.

>> No.13719000

We know. What we don't know is what happens to the Chief God. When asked, KC responded with "HIMITSU DESU" in his ask thingy.

>> No.13719002

Nice meme.

>> No.13719004

But which one will win?

>> No.13719005

Win what.

>> No.13719006

Monsters shouldn't be leaders, they should have human bosses that place them where they abilities would profit the most.

Yeti nurses and caretakers

Gnome miners and Dragon metallurgists, who have to work under the watchful eyes of ogres or baphos to make sure they don't steal the ore.

Succubi porn directors.

Danuki economists.


>> No.13719009

This. How anoyne would be stupid enough to let these animals be in charge is baffling.

>> No.13719010


I think it's better than anything .less or loen has ever done, personally.

>> No.13719011


>Not inventing and perfecting rape

If I was a faggot, I'd post a smug pepe.

>> No.13719013

Because they have an imagination instead of a spiked dildo up their ass unlike you.

>> No.13719017

She's beautiful now.

>> No.13719022

Well the monster lord and the Lillims are basically a good example of why monsters would be shitty leaders.

The equivalent of corruption to them is getting bored and wreaking havoc on the world for the heck of it.

I don't remember which Lillim was, but there is one that liked to wander the world making people do extremely kinky shit like if they were experimenting cattle or something.

>> No.13719023

>ogres or baphos
As if either could stop a Dragon.
>But Baphos are the strongest
They're said to be the strongest in their own profile. 'Is said to be' = 'is rumoured to be'; 'it is generally thought that'. So in short, it's not really confirmed if they're the strongest or not.

>> No.13719025

Masterfully argued, 11/10.

>> No.13719035

I'd rather have a Ryu as a leader.

>> No.13719036

You seem mad. Maybe you should take it easy.

>> No.13719040

>>The equivalent of corruption to them is getting bored and wreaking havoc on the world for the heck of it.
>I don't remember which Lillim was, but there is one that liked to wander the world making people do extremely kinky shit like if they were experimenting cattle or something.
Gonna need some source on these.

>> No.13719042

With their intelligence and charisma they would make excellent leaders.

>> No.13719046

Fuck off dragon autist.

>> No.13719051

Enjoying your new meme, shitposter?

>> No.13719056

Exactly. They're probably why Zipangu is so not-shit.

Ryu for president 2016.

>> No.13719057

>Almost never rape out of love
>Usually rape in the same ways over and over, almost never trying new was to rape
>Are inconsiderate of how good the victim is feeling, not caring that rape is about the victim as well
>Don't even give post rape cuddles

Human rapists are fingerpainters compared to the monsters' Rembrandt of rape.

>> No.13719059

Fuck off with your waifu powerlevel wankery,

>> No.13719067

Fuck off with your mary sue dragon you faggot

>> No.13719070

She would need bodyguards to stop people from running up to her and touching her reverse scale though.

>> No.13719071

I guess?

>> No.13719075

Samefagging won't make it look like you're the majority here.
>But we're not

>> No.13719077

The only difference between that and monster girl rape is the cuddle thing.

>> No.13719079

That's what Shirohebi are for.

>> No.13719082

The chief general demon could kick a dragon's ass no problem. Even DnD stats back that up. Baphomet was a primordial, and the Goristro servants alone that work for Bap are Level 23 encounters. You'd need to step up to Ancient aged dragons to beat that.

>> No.13719083

Jesus christ, calm down you big babies.

>> No.13719090

>Secretive Shirohebi in suits and sunglasses, following the Ryu closely.

Why haven't we moved to Zipangu yet?

>> No.13719092

>hurf derp no way more than one poster doesn't like my mary sue lizards

>> No.13719093

Why are most of the maledom monster girls so bad?

>> No.13719094
File: 18 KB, 445x129, idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not, you mongrel.

>> No.13719097

This is bait.

>> No.13719101

For reference, a regular adult chromatic dragon is around half the level of that.

>> No.13719107

I find it odd how they're so powerful, considering they were merely idols of worship instead of actual beings in their original legend. They were somehow connected to Templars from what I remember.
Then again, KC might be using some DnD Bapho instead of others, so she would be more than an Idol. Either way, do we have any actual stats on either? Or did Kc intentionally leave it vague for people to interpret as they see fit?

>> No.13719108


Painfully obvious.

>> No.13719110

No I'm being serious.

Most of them just don't seem very appealing.

>> No.13719112
File: 416 KB, 600x781, 1033473248372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet my waifu could beat up your waifu!

>> No.13719113
File: 14 KB, 306x113, autismo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

>> No.13719115

You don't seem very appealing either, but you don't see me crying about it.

>> No.13719117

So you either proved you weren't samefagging, or you know a little photoshop magic.
But let's go with the former, in which case >>13719083

>> No.13719120

Well my waifu is smarter then your waifu!

>> No.13719121

But I'm not crying about anything, I'm just asking a question.

>> No.13719124

You shitters seem especially autistic today.

>> No.13719126

I'm saying it's bait, not that you're samefagging.

>> No.13719128

Let me ask you this then: Why are femdom monster girls so bad?

What? I'm just asking a question.

>> No.13719133

Don't post your opinions if you can't handle others reacting negatively to them.

>> No.13719135
File: 1.13 MB, 1057x1120, 1cf65977defe779c6be3ed7646c43501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, what'll you do.

It seems we're at the "no fun allowed" hour.

>> No.13719138

They're subjectively bad to you because they don't really meet what you're looking for.
You have tastes that differ to what they were meant for. Do I need to talk to you like you're third graders to be any clearer?

>> No.13719141

Dude, come on, he didn't even bait the hook.

>> No.13719142

I guarantee it's lifting from DnD just like the Mindflayer and the Gazer. But even the original Bap basically became another title for the devil the last few hundred years. Especially the title and part about goat of the sabbath.

>> No.13719144

No shit Sherlock.

You really earned that golden fence.

>> No.13719145

Uh oh! Your egg born daughteru hatched Feet/Tail first and is running around the house with an egg on her head!
What do you do?

>> No.13719146

>Implying she'd even get to my waifu
>Implying I wouldn't use my own body to shield her, no matter how powerful the strikes, until the police arrive and arrest your waifu for assaulting humans

>> No.13719149


Why are we having this conversation?

>> No.13719150

Try to remember the last cartoon I saw this in.

>> No.13719151

So overall things mutated from what they were.
Still, if we just go by DnD we would still be merely assuming power levels in the MGE world, which at the end of the day is either a waste of time or the foundation for numerous ideas and inspiration. Unfortunately, it's only the latter once in a millennia .

>> No.13719152

Laugh and take pictures to embarrass her with when she grows up.
It's not like she'll hurt herself.

>> No.13719153

Start recording.

>> No.13719155

Post it on monsterbook.

>> No.13719156

Deploy the Hunter.

>> No.13719160
File: 54 KB, 525x525, 1432945738191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Record it for a little bit before gently cracking it open and giving her a hug.

>> No.13719163

My waifu's going to trick your waifu into being alone in a room with her, at which point she's going to mentally dominate her, then violate her body until she's a cockstarved rapemonster and then she'll sicc your waifu back on you!

>> No.13719166

>"Lol, our little hatchling entered this world feet first"
Please don't crucify me, I was only attempting to be humorous.

>> No.13719168

Take the other two egg pieces and give them to Jojos for them to wear.

>> No.13719170

>until she's a cockstarved rapemonster and then she'll sicc your waifu back on you!
So business as usual?

>> No.13719173

KC says the Baps are the strongest race of demons and the generals of the armies. Locks things down pretty tight honestly. Sure, you'd have an old dragon here or there that could beat one up, but mostly the top tier of demon is always more powerful than anything from a mortal plane. That's pretty consistent in almost any fantasy.

Makes me wonder where KC would slot the opposite of the Bap though, like an Archangel. The Valkyries didn't seem to be all that powerful compared to the higher level monsters.

>> No.13719175


all (you)?

>> No.13719176

I don't mind.

>> No.13719177

God a social media site for monster girls would be the goddamn worst.

>> No.13719178
File: 279 KB, 800x600, 190346345732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a big-titted Imp to help me with my day-to-day Demon Cultist activities.

>> No.13719179

Alright anons, I'm ready to admit it.
I'm a slut for cowgirls and I don't care!

>> No.13719180

Even more-so since she's picking a fight with her.

I'm thinking "Fallen God dimension of perpetual fucking"-tier cockstarved rapemonster.

>> No.13719184

There's literally nothing wrong with being a manslut.

>> No.13719186


>> No.13719189

Ah, average Saturday then.

>> No.13719190

Probably an Archangel. I imagine regular Baphos are stronger than any Dragon that isn't fully matured, due to their enormous physical and magic stats, but a Mature one will be better in the physical department when mature. Those that have reached Divine, Elder, or Ancient Dragon status should be strong enough to go toe to toe with the one General Bapho, but that is merely an assumption since KC may not ever write about them at all.

>> No.13719191

It couldn't be worse then our social media.

>> No.13719195

It would literally all just be porn.

>> No.13719197

You say that now.

>> No.13719199


>> No.13719208

Chat-roulette with Monster Girls

>> No.13719209

Instead of guys masturbating its all monster girls masturbating.

>> No.13719213

Every window is scjilicking and ERP.

>> No.13719216

>Or did Kc intentionally leave it vague for people to interpret as they see fit?
He only goes into this stuff when asked.

What we know so far is:
No, you can't fight the Demon Lord head on and win. Get creative.
Lilim are good at everything, but what they really excel at is magic.
Baphomets come in second place, and are either the strongest physically or tied with Dragons.
Vampires and Dhampir can fight a Dragon on equal terms if they tap into their bloodlust.
There are guns in the setting. They fall off against upper-mid to high level monsters and are useless against the likes of the Fallen Maidens.
Even something like a Werecat can overpower your average human so it's important to be prepared when traveling.
There's a stat system in place, so any human or monster can grind until they're at the point they can tank multiple fatal blows or gain the speed and strength necessary to compete with heroes and hero-level MGs.
Monsters and incubi can just fuck to raise their stats, but it's probably not going to be as effective as training unless your waifu is a top tier monster.

>> No.13719220

>Finally find a MG who isn't schlicking.
>It's a group of four girls, a Manticore, Cheshire, Hellhound and a Kakuen.
>Say 'Hi'.
>They all start grinning and the Manticore lets her Tailpussy flop out of her baggy sweatpants and starts stroking it while moaning.
>Go to the next user.

>> No.13719226

>Vampires and Dhampir can fight a Dragon on equal terms if they tap into their bloodlust
What? Where is this said?
This is most peculiar.

>> No.13719229

>Go to the next user.
I see no reason to.

>> No.13719235

I'd stay and try to have a normal conversation with them.

>> No.13719238


>> No.13719249

>No, one cowbell, or even zero, is quite enough. #holstaurushell
>Please stop intentionally getting lost in the snow. There aren't a lot of us, so we might not be able to save you in time. #yareyareyeti
>annit-pbulic intoxicataton lawsa re discrcimnatroy againsat oni #redonireality

>> No.13719251

>"My Onee-chans tailpussy is bigger than yours."

>> No.13719263

Would Oni's be the Irish/Scottish? or the niggers of the monster girl world?

>> No.13719266

Oh great anon now you made her cry, it took all her friends being there to convince her that she could do this and now you've hurt her feelings.

>> No.13719272

Since when is bigger better? I don't want to feel like I'm fucking a lubricated sock.

>> No.13719274

>Wear fake alp-horns

Problem solved

>> No.13719276

More powerful squeezing muscles.

Just because it's fatter, doesn't mean it's any less tight.

>> No.13719277

>Since when is bigger better

Didn't you know monster girls are all size queens?

>> No.13719280

Elves are the niggers of the monster girl world, Onis would pick up the local accent from where they live

>> No.13719284
File: 535 KB, 700x990, 50517976_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigger tailpussies probably have tighter innards.

>> No.13719285


So we got to be afraid of fuzzy Hugs, Big furry overcoats, and eternally cold embraces in the mountains...

...and that icicle girl too.

Yep. Winter is getting a nice set of girls the same as the Desert.

We just need a meadhall filled with valkyries up in the cold.

>> No.13719290

Time to go back to Only Love over Monbook with my friends, it's play by post and we just got our gear.

>> No.13719294

All my want ;_;

>> No.13719297


>> No.13719298

I want to tickle a Manticore.

>> No.13719302

All I want in life is to cuddle up with a Hellhound while petting her head on a lazy sunday and watch some action movies or play vidya with her.

Is that too much to ask?

>> No.13719304

His website or Twitter, right around the Dhampir's release. I might be remembering that bit of info incorrectly, though.

>> No.13719305

>My mary sues though
Oh KC...

>> No.13719308

It's not ok if humans can fight back.

>> No.13719310

I'll consider it a theory or some sort of headcanon until I see proof otherwise.
I've never seen any setting where Vampires where even on the same book of power as Dragons.

>> No.13719313

Evidently not.

>> No.13719321

>I've never seen any setting where Vampires where even on the same book of power as Dragons.


>you will never team up with your waifu to fight a vampire and a lich at the same time

>> No.13719328

True old vamps have always been top tier undead. That's been undermined in popular culture a lot the last couple of decades, but it's reflected in the DnD type stats. Adult Chromatic Dragons are all only a level or two higher than a Vampire Lord.

Something like vampire spawn is about the same level as a very young dragon.

>> No.13719335

This wasn't drawn by .less, was it?
Because it kind of looks like it, but at the same time looks drastically different from his old style.
Looks good.

>> No.13719337

Dracula himself might actually be strong enough, but were there any Dragons in Castlevania outside of the large handful of undead and skeletal ones?


>> No.13719347

Dracula had fucking death on his payroll he would steam roll any fucking dragon any day.

>> No.13719350

And yet both always lost to some filthy hobo with a whip and severe OCD that made him whip every single candle he saw.

>> No.13719356

Powerlevels are more bullshit than a beef farm with laxatives mixed in with the feed.

>> No.13719357

Simon Belmont could probably clear all of MGE in a day if he had the motivation dude is a monster killing machine.

>> No.13719368

In older Castlevanias they didn't even level up, they fought Dacula and Death with the same dirt and hobo sweat soaked garments as when they entered.

>> No.13719387

The Belmobts are warriors of GOD. The fuck you on about.

>> No.13719389

God, those writhing insides! I want to stick my dick in it!

>> No.13719398

Pretty decent. Shy and fidgety at first, lewd exhibitionist when she gets a husbando. Just the way I like them.

Would snuggle one is her fuzzy coat as a blizzard rages outside.

>> No.13719399

Quincy Morris never used the Vampire Killer when he killed Dracula, and he's a canon character.

>> No.13719406


I know it's 3D, but god damn imagine a Kikimora with this body.

>> No.13719407

Doesn't say that anywhere in the wiki.
It mentions they were a family in Transylvania that was eventually banished for reasons until Dracula appeared and they came to deal with him.

>> No.13719408

God, I want to develop special exercise routines for tailpussies.

>> No.13719413

>Attack on Titan Cosplay: Petra Ral!

>> No.13719416


>> No.13719418



>> No.13719439
File: 2.79 MB, 1600x2600, yu3RHOa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Manticores so great?

The mane? The big meaty paws? Big fluffy ears? Wings? Tailpussy? Their attitude?

>> No.13719444

This is no cosplay Anon
No cosplay!

>> No.13719447

This tickles my autism, Simon only ever fought Werewolves in Castlevania II.

>> No.13719448

All of it. I would totally snuggle that mane.

>> No.13719451

But their attitude is the second worse part about them.

Worst being my spikes.

>> No.13719453

>my spikes
Did we tear reality again?

>> No.13719454

>MY spikes
Self deprecating Manticore?

>> No.13719455



Shit, I need sleep.

>> No.13719457

I want a Manticore to smugly dominate me with her tail.
And then cuddle with me afterwards.

>> No.13719459

Fuck off slaveanon.

>> No.13719460

I love all of those, though the wings are probably the least important part for me. All of it just coalesces into the perfect predator for hunting down and pleasing human boys whether they want it or not.

>> No.13719463

You can't fool us Manticore.

>> No.13719472

I hate you.

>> No.13719474

You decide to get revenge on your Monster Girl Boss who attempted to whore you out to face faceless lizardgirls. You've purchased some Wonderland Body Swap Fruit off the Black Market and have given one of them to Chubby Alp Senpai and the other to your boss.


What Monster Girl is the boss who tried to sell you out? How easy is it to convince her to eat the Fruit and what's the Aftermath? Is revenge sweet?

>> No.13719480

Your taste is good and I share your yearning for a Manticore to milk me ragged and then hug my face into her bosom and mane.

>> No.13719485

Maybe she deserved it?

>> No.13719486

>fatty tranny
Fuck off.

>> No.13719487

Well, lookie here, boys. Looks like we got ourselves a Manticore who doesn't like her species' evil stereotype.

What're looking for around these parts, huh? headpats? Hugs? Or perhaps you're looking for the hardcore shit, like handholding and cuddles?

>> No.13719494


It depends on the personality she has at the time, but god the bodyswap will be confusing.

>> No.13719496

Can you stop?

>> No.13719498

We hate you too, Manticore. Your tail thing is disgusting and the spikes make it even worse.

>> No.13719500

Holy shit I can't even...

>> No.13719501

Are you seriously getting this offended over a joke? Grow some skin, nerdcore.

>> No.13719502

>described as "insecure and starving for affection"

I'll tell her I'd marry her if she were more like Chubby Alp Senpai at which point she'll be jumping for a chance to switch bodies with her.

Then I'll marry Chubby Alp Senpai in Scylla's body. Game, set, match.

>> No.13719503

So mean.

>> No.13719506

>Body Swap Fruit
>Chubby Alp Senpai
>Not just buying Manticore Venom, Mothman Dust, and Liliraune Nectar and mixing them into a cocktail of aphrodisiacs.
>Not spiking a drink with it and giving it to her.
>Not waiting until it starts to take hold and then fucking leaving the building.
>Not paying a wizard to ward your house so she can't get in and rape you.
Step your revenge game the fuck up pal.

>> No.13719507

Screw you, tailpussies are the best thing since sliced bread.

>> No.13719510

>Large mouse
Couldn't I just lock her in her room for a day?

>> No.13719511

I'm not offended by it, It's just getting annoying.

>> No.13719515
File: 274 KB, 663x686, 1390167229017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13719516

She just rapes some other guy. Good job idiot, you just gave her a happy marriage with some rapebait bishounen.

>> No.13719518

Eh. I'll just ream the Alp instead until all the frustration is gone.

>> No.13719520

Manticore cubs for sale, found abandoned in a cave and ready for a new home!
Don't even have their spines yet!
200G a piece!

>> No.13719523

Include getting the cocktail enchanted to make her feel lust towards you and only you.
And the wards keep her away from you.

>> No.13719527

>Sea slime
Eh, whatever

>> No.13719529

>200 for some kids of a shit monster


>> No.13719533

I'll take four!

>> No.13719537

You couldn't get me to take one even if you payed me.

>> No.13719538

Can I kindly raise one as a daughteru and give her love, kindness and affection?

>> No.13719540

My heart


>> No.13719542

>Bigger tailpussies probably have tighter innards.

That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about Manticore Tailpussy to dispute it.

>> No.13719549

retarded RP
monstergirl child trafficking

this is the thread you dicks deserve

>> No.13719554

Here you are!
As far as I can tell they are sisters.

That leaves us with three more!

>> No.13719555

I blame Oppai Loli

>> No.13719556

I know, this is depressing.

>> No.13719558

Cry more though.

>> No.13719564

Should you so choose you may raise her as your daughter and not dick her.

Sorry to hear that friends, you can always browse out catalog of recently acquired MGs at any time for ones you do enjoy

>> No.13719565

According to some just RSanon sources, smaller tailpussy is tighter vacuum sealed tailpussy while bigger tailpussy is stronger writhing tailpussy.

>> No.13719572

RS writes the best Ushi/Manticore stuff in my opinion.

>> No.13719574

Don't forget
>kikifags wanting 3dpd

>> No.13719578

I'm a Kikifag and i don't approve 3dpd.

>> No.13719581

Kikis are purest in their 2d form.
That guy's just a fag.

>> No.13719583

>Taking 3DPD seriously
holy fuck these threads really are a lost cause.

>> No.13719600

>taking bait seriously

>> No.13719606

He's a good writer. It's just a shame he's wasting his time on shit Ushi/Manticore stuff.

>> No.13719610

You really shouldent use words you dont understand anon.

>> No.13719612

How would you put your daughteru to bed?


>> No.13719614
File: 417 KB, 800x430, Young_Mewtwo_crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually liking 3dpd
These threads really are dead

>> No.13719619

now THIS is bait

>> No.13719627

I read her this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sOA_U3-HOs

>> No.13719628

The irony.

>> No.13719629

3DPD has been frowned upon since the /a/ new blood.

>> No.13719639

Congratulations citizen! You have been randomly selected to be entered into the Monstergirl Integration program!
Pick a Number from 1-5 and use http://monstergirlencyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Random to find out what kind of monstergirl you'll play host to. Stay tuned for personalities corresponding with the number you chose.

Please let this get us back on track.

>> No.13719645

FUCK! Beat me to it.

>> No.13719654
File: 517 KB, 1000x2000, 1429791636444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13719655
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x1000, Elf FRECKLES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13719661

2. Lizard. Well, the type is fine, just need a decent personality now.

>> No.13719664

4 Amazon Could be worse.

>> No.13719667


>> No.13719672

Succubus 4.

>> No.13719676


Can I replace her with a dog girl?

>> No.13719679

Wendigo 1

>> No.13719680

>Red oni
Uhhhh, 5. Five is a good number.

>> No.13719683


>> No.13719686

I like 3D and y'all can suck it.

>> No.13719687

1 Fairy
I sense good things

>> No.13719691


You'll never get your seven foot tall hellhound, athletic and muscled like steel cable under a layer of soft, pinchable, squeezable chub.
You'll never sit in her lap and feel safe, knowing that all the terrible fires of Hell itself are your guardian, embodied in a protector who loves you more than life (or death) itself.
No matter how many pentagrams you paint (and believe me, I've tried, much to the dismay of my landlord) you'll never get to see her rise up from burning circle, smoke and embers rising from her curves, her charcoal skin, and fur darker than the limbo of the First Circle.
You'll never experience that fluttering in your stomach when her infernal eyes open and meet yours, those red irises windows into her soul of flame. Those same flames, leaking and blazing from her midnight black sclera, will never flare with joyous intensity when you smile and touch her cheek, all warm and soft against your finger.
She'll never snarl and turn on you when your teasing gets too far, picking you up and forcing her tongue down your throat without even realising she's doing it, sitting back on the couch with you on top so she can guide your member between her gates of hell, taunting you with the blissful, utterly sinful and sexual heat radiating from there.
She'll never smother your back and head in her huge, powerful paws, guiding and aiding every thrust you make into her. She'll never howl and pant and burn, performing with you sex so carnal it'd make the most lustful of devils blush.
You'll never stifle her howl with your mouth, quenching her boiling, burning desire with the cool relief and fulfilling pleasure of semen, spurt after spurt inside her tight love.
She'll never buck and orgasm while hugging you, squeezing you both down there and with her massive arms, trying to transmit as much of her love through touch as possible while crushing and squashing you to her full and rounded body.

>> No.13719694

These breasts aren't satisfactory.

>> No.13719697
File: 4.00 MB, 2050x2602, scan-stitch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropping off scanned sketches

>> No.13719699

Good for you, you special snowflake.

>> No.13719704

>twice now

I feel good.

>> No.13719709


Who the hell is this tan Ushi-Oni and why is she all over the place.

>> No.13719710

Personality time.

1. Cuddlebug. This girl enjoys cuddling to an almost fetishistic level, and will most certainly hold you close during sex. However, she can be a bit clingy and needs you to be near her at all times.

2. Dominatrix. This girl is a sadist and will tie you up and tease and taunt you during sex along with causing you pain. However, she's a sweet girl outside of the bedroom, and after sex she'll always make sure you're okay. She hurts you because she loves you.

3. Fitness freak. This girl is the type to wake up at six in the morning and go jogging to wake up, and is liable to take you with her. If you're out of shape, you can bet your ass she's going to train you into the ground to get you /fit/. She's got an athletic body, but not much experience in the bedroom. If you let her train you, she'll let you "train" her.

4. Christmas Cake. This monstergirl is older than most of the girls in the program, having gone 25 years without managing to get a single date, much less seduce a man. Therefore she's a bit insecure about her own attractiveness and will try to downplay it. If you get her in your bed, beware. She's got years of pent up lust just waiting to be unleashed.

5. NEET. This monstergirl's mother signed her up for the program because she spent all of her time lazing around the house instead of going out and finding a man. She's incredibly chill and content to just hang out with you, but those feelings might grow stronger if you let them. She enjoys the simple pleasures that the modern world allows her, is a bit chubby, probably would enjoy watching movies with you on your couch. She's also rather submissive in bed, content to lay back and let you do whatever you want to her. Be warned though, she most likely is going to leglock you to make sure you finish what you started.

>> No.13719713

thread saved

>> No.13719714

How many of us are there here, 150-180 tops? But it's in here that you hate 3D, there's billions of 3Ds that like each other, so you guys are the special snowflakes.

>> No.13719716

Lawyer-chan, I should totally have you arrested on charges of negligent manslaughter because you keep stopping our hearts with cuteness.

>> No.13719717

>Pelvic Bros
>And not one word was said....
Oh god my sides.

>> No.13719720
File: 186 KB, 850x560, 1435627685777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was lovely.

>> No.13719721

>Cake Dark elf

>> No.13719723

>Cuddlebug Fairy

>> No.13719724

>Fitness freak Goblin
Everything went better than expected.

>> No.13719725

>CC Succubus.
It's OK.

>> No.13719728

>CC Sahuagin
The picture I posted was surprisingly accurate.

>> No.13719729

I want to stop Mothmanthra's accidental rampage in the city by embarassing her!

>> No.13719730

>Submissive, neet, chubby troll who'll watch horror movies with me

Aw yisss, gonna Dick that into shape.

>> No.13719731

Nice. Poor Ushi and cute Wendigo.

I hate everything. Everything ever. Both of the ones around it are nice, and I get this shit.

>> No.13719732

Hey Lawyer-chan, what's going on in the bottom Kejourou picture? Is her hair ruffling itself because she didn't notice he removed his hands?

Also, shy Wendigo, my heart.

>> No.13719738

>/fit/ elf
Hrm. HRM

>> No.13719744


>> No.13719747

>calling ushi evil
That's prejudice talking. If you just gave her a chance, I'm sure she'd show just how not-evil and cute she is.

>> No.13719749

Aw come on anon, she'll never do anything you're not comfortable with, so long as she's on top.

>> No.13719754

>Dom Gazer

No, this is not how you make me like monoeye freaks.

>> No.13719765

Tell it to my shotgun.

>> No.13719769

I want to bully girls that double me in height!

>> No.13719773

I'm curious, if you don't mind me asking.
Why is it that you draw the human portions of the monstergirls body larger than a normal persons, they aren't giantess-tier, but they're still pretty HUEG.

>> No.13719778

I want to bully Mothmanthra until she flies away from embarrassment!

>> No.13719780
File: 2.47 MB, 1500x1500, De_ (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dominatrix Baphomet

well, probably going to die now
see you in hell, fags

>> No.13719781

How tall are you?

>> No.13719784

>Cuddle Bug Wendigo
>Extra fluffy fluffy edition

I'm okay with dis.

>> No.13719790

W-what happens if you already chose a cuddlebug MG like a Yeti or Dormouse? Does the cuddlelust grown logarithmically to make her some super-yandere cuddle rapist?

>> No.13719794

>3 Honey Bee

I'm ok with this.

>> No.13719797

please see post (>>13713270)

I'm sorry I don't quite understand your question, can you point out where or give an example??

>> No.13719798

5' 11"
1.80 m

>> No.13719799

See, I don't have a problem if it was like that that. I don't give a fuck who's on top. The problem is how the description was. She delights in causing pain and teasing which puts her fully in shit tier range. I wouldn't mind a loving lizard who likes to be on top, but not a sadist.

>> No.13719805
File: 36 KB, 649x530, lovecore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking femdom

>> No.13719807


>> No.13719809

Fuck you, that's pretty tall by standards.

>> No.13719810


>> No.13719816

It's simple math really.
If it was already a cuddlebug monster, then the cuddlebug urges are doubled.

I feel like I worded that wrong. It's more that she enjoys watching you squirm and feeling like she has power over you. But if you want her to, let's say spank or whip you, she won't say no. Like I said, nothing out of your comfort zone.

>> No.13719818

>can you point out where or give an example??
The most recent one is: >>13719720

I'm not complaining though, since that is my preferred size for a tall monstergirl.

>> No.13719819

Try to be less obvious about it.

>> No.13719820

Yeah, for a woman.

>> No.13719824

I prefer the tender variety with a bit of roughness.
Is everything bait now?
>inb4 hurr bitchboy

>> No.13719825

I all wanted was to bully ;_;

>> No.13719829

Yeah, see. You definitely worded that poorly then. I don't mind someone like that, but not one of those turbodoms that cums just from causing pain. It wouldn't matter how sweet she is outside the bedroom if that were the case, since she'd be getting sent back to where she came from.

>> No.13719830

Everything is bait now.
Time to post about my love of THICK monster girls, manticores, sub girl, and impregnation of daughterus who may or may not be blood related.

>> No.13719831

>Try to bully a big monstergirl
>She just picks you up, takes you home and rapes you
Should have thought that one through.

>> No.13719834

I suggest you read Maddox.

>> No.13719836

>Find doppelanger
>She transforms into to copies of you, literally doubling you
>Begins counter-bullying, but now that you're outnumbered two to one, the tables have turned

And so anon fell victim to his hubris.

>> No.13719837

What's a Maddox.

>> No.13719838
File: 41 KB, 520x390, 1435193399398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Look at you, jerking your hips into my tail. How can you even call yourself a man now?
>You morsels are always so amusing, putting on airs as if you don't want to feel the ultimate pleasure that I can give you
Ah... Ahh
>Mhmhm... Orgasming again? Your seed is quite delicious, after all. I can keep you going all night if I wanted.
>Mm? 'Why are you doing this?'
>It's simple isn't it? I'm doing it because I can
>You humans exist only as a food source to me. There's no way a Manticore could fall in love with one of you apes.
>'You're very pretty?' My, aren't we delusional. Trying to win my favor with compliments. It's no fun milking you if you're into it. We're done for the evening.
>No, I'm not continuing, you've ruined the mood with your spur of the moment speech. Now just lay there and give me... room!
>Don't try to struggle now, I've got you in my paws. They're so soft, aren't they? Go ahead.
>Lay your head into my mane.
>Mhmhmhm.... That's better.
>Dream me a dragon, Anon, and tell me about it later.
>I won't let the bitches get you, after all.
>You're my Princess.

>> No.13719840
File: 338 KB, 921x900, lamiakitsune_by_snibako-d8zix6q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took your guys' advice and messed with her face some.

Gah! So good!

>> No.13719841

If we had Monster Girl onee-sans who would contain their otouto's and punish them for shitposting these threads would be so much better

>> No.13719844

But then we would all end up with productive lives and would be too happy with other things, then this thread wouldn't even exist. Or it will but it just ends up being like a Craigslist for stalkers.

>> No.13719845


Slapped and NTR'd.

>> No.13719846

>Implying I wouldn't sneak into my pudgy, lazy werecat oneesan's bed room while she's sleeping and nibble her ears.

>> No.13719850

I want to put Catnip into my Werecat oneesan's drinks!

>> No.13719851

Lovely, but I wouldn't mind being her "Prince" though.

>> No.13719853

Google it. When you see the book with a man punching a gorilla on the cover, you're at the right spot.

>> No.13719859

Not him, but I'm guessing it's for clarity. Keep in mind that they start off as sketches, and if they were both the same size, it would look like a jumbled mess.

>> No.13719860


It's whatever. I figured I'd get one last post in to try and not shitpost before hitting the bed for the evening.

I'd try to write something coherent but at the moment it's turning into nothing more than incoherent ramblings.

>> No.13719864

Man, you guys are weenies.

>> No.13719866

I don't have a reference of size comparison between the monstergirl and the human, since I usually just draw based off of the picture of the monstergirl reference that comes up on a basic search. The resulting comparison is mostly based off the impression I'm getting from the posts that inspired my drawing and what I gather from the monstergirl's reference image.

In general, please let me know if there is a poor discrepancy in proportion or size between the monstergirl and person so I can fix that next time (since you pretty much only get one try with pen drawings).

Thanks! Your drawing is nicely done as well.

>> No.13719869
File: 64 KB, 500x281, 1435259404444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I wouldn't't bring her to the fun side and shitpost 102 times as harder.

She's a hecathonchiere.

>> No.13719870

Looking good

>> No.13719873

You're a big dumb wigwam.

>> No.13719877
File: 66 KB, 763x424, 1433438107976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said the pricessfag.

>> No.13719885

You're a wigwam.

>> No.13719888

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.13719893

This onee-san spam is really getting alp posting-tier annoying, honestly.

>> No.13719902

I want a Kikimora to clean my house!

>> No.13719904

You gonna bitch about CC, Lolis, and Kikis too? You're bitching about an archetype of girls in a thread dedicated to girls.

That's the equivalent of going into a color thread and bitching when people talk about Red.

>> No.13719905

>>onee-san spam
>ctrl+f "onee-san"
>16 results
Nah, you're just autistic.

>> No.13719906

Normally I'd call you a faggot, but yeah, I wish we'd put oneesans on ice for a while. The new hotness are mothers. Full blood related I carried you in my womb bring your Dick back where it was born MOTHERS. And it's possible, yes very rare, but possible, so, let's be motherfuckers /mgg/

>> No.13719907

You know what else is lovely?

Watching her skin smolder shades of dark red like coal as she comes down from her orgasm, and sliding against her because you're sweating so much. The room's maybe eight whole degrees hotter than it was when you started, and her tongue is out, eyelids heavy as she tries to fight off sleep.
She licks your face clean of sweat, leaving it cool and tingly as she spreads languid affection all over you. One minute, she's using her scythe-like claws as if they were the prongs on a scalp massager, scritch-scratching your head just the way you like it. The next, she's rubbing your back with her pads, switching between an assault of long, light and strong kisses and rubbing her nose against yours repeatedly, flashing wicked fangs in a contended grin.
Then, you can pull your limp self out of her molten honeypot, climb up her body so she doesn't need to hunch over to kiss you, and wrap your arms around her neck, over soft, thick mane and softer, fluffier hair. She's got hair like Kaoru Tanamachi's, except it falls to the small of her back, and looks even curlier.
She'll let out a contented little sigh and rest her chin on your head when you bury your face in her mane, sometimes venturing lower to motorboat her massive breasts, like hot water bottles acting in all defiance of gravity, pert and pillowy.
After a few minutes of snuggling up to her, letting those paws cover you like a blanket, you hear her breathing settle into the slow rhythm of sleep. Her ears twitch every so often, and her face, normally aggresively confident and striking in its beauty, instead looks cute and demure. But in the end, you can't keep your eyes open any longer to appreciate it, and you sink into her without complaint, mumbling that you love her.
Those arms squeeze you just a tiny bit tighter, and you quickly slip from hot, sweaty lethargy into peaceful dreams, nightmares chased away by the fiery demon wrapping you up in their embrace.

>> No.13719909


i want an ara ara kikimora to sit on my face

>> No.13719911

No thank you.

>> No.13719913

More for me faggot, I'm gonna be bringing the love.

>> No.13719915

Is he an MG? Then yes.

>> No.13719917

>You're bitching about an archetype of girls in a thread dedicated to girls
And yet certain girls can't even be mentioned without getting attacked after 2-3 posts. I have as much right as them to bitch about what I don't like.

Also, all of the other themes you posted are also overused.

I meant every thread you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.13719918

But the master can't clean the maid! That's wrooonnggggggg!

>> No.13719920
File: 88 KB, 300x300, SWEAT HAS REACHED CRITICAL MASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord.

>> No.13719924

If you meant she, then yes.

>> No.13719926


>> No.13719928

>More for me
>Literally wants to fuck his blood related mother.
By definition you can't have more.

If it's wrong, then I don't want to be right.
I want to eat out a Kiki and watch her squirm.

>> No.13719929

So I'm a faggot for not wanting to fuck my mother?

Alright then.

>> No.13719931

>Can't discuss Lolis
>Can't discuss Christmas Cake
>Can't discuss Onee-sans
I guess under anon's regime we're only allowed to discuss Monster Girls of an average age range. That is, until Anon decides those are "alp posting-tier annoying", in which case we move onto grannies, and once those are annoying we either move to babies or just give up because we're out of options. Thanks anon, you're really saving these threads.

>> No.13719933

Keep writing words you glorious bastard

>> No.13719934

Ayyy, fuck you. We stopped talking about kikis and now the manticorefags are back, I ain't never listening to you again.

>> No.13719936

>kikis are worth talking about

>> No.13719938

Yeah, it's late.

>> No.13719941

All I said was that those archetypes were getting annoying, not that you can't talk about it. Stop twisting my words.

>> No.13719943
File: 31 KB, 281x429, 1435608606393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet certain girls can't even be mentioned without getting attacked after 2-3 posts
While I like CCs, loli's, and Onee-sans. He IS pretty right about that.
Poor Amazonfags can't bring up their girl without gaining the ire of some diaper shitting autists, which happens EVERY time they're brought up.
>stop liking monstergirls I don't like!
This isn't the "Monstergirl Thread *no Manticores allowed tho" thread you retard.

>> No.13719944

I want a Kiki maid to tell me the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything else.

>> No.13719945

Choke on a tailpussy, faggit.

>> No.13719946

And why does anyone care if you find something annoying? You think people care about the one Anon who constantly cries about Bromont?

>> No.13719947

>Can't have more
>He's never traveled across time and dimensions to impregnate women with his essence and be born simultaneously in an infinite number of realities and fuck his mother in each one, ending in a massive orgy with his mothers from all realities

Small. Time.

>> No.13719948

>42 masah

>> No.13719949

The only monstergirls I can think of that it's okay to hate is Matango and Cait Sith.

>> No.13719952

That victim complex.

>> No.13719953

I wish such thread existed.

>> No.13719954

You're an idiot.

>> No.13719955

You're literally showing how much you care by continuously replying to my posts.

>> No.13719956

Suck me alp, go to bob's site where you belong.

>> No.13719958

>Janet is deleting threads
>We're back on page 8

This is going to be a long thread.

>> No.13719961

So what you're saying is I took the bait? Damn, you got me...

>> No.13719962

Get out.

>> No.13719963

I wish I could, but it's half past three in the wee hours here. I'm spent and tired.

But I do like writing about hellhounds. I wrote that little thing with the foo dog-girl, and ever since then I think I've started to like hellhounds more and more. They've got a lot of potential, even if I do keep in my comfort zone and write them as a bit more vanilla than some people might like.

Maybe I'll write a properly fleshed out smut piece about one after I get around to finishing this goddamn slimegirl story.

>> No.13719966

KC nerfed Matangos didn't he?

>> No.13719967

Nah, it wasn't bait. I just came straight up and said how onee-sans are getting annoying and overused, and you got upset about it.

>> No.13719968

This Matango Hate meme is fucking autistic and annoying.

>> No.13719971

Its ok to hate all MG because in the end its only an opinion.

>> No.13719975

One doesn't have to associate with that faggot Bob in order to like a monstergirl you don't like.
>suck me alp
Real mature.

>> No.13719982

It's bait because
>I like red
>Red is cool, I like how it goes with green
>Hey guys I don't like red and you're annoying for liking it
>No one cares
>You must care because you're replying :^)

>> No.13719985

>Leaving in hiatus a good story for dity peasant slimes
U fucking wat m8?

>> No.13719991

If monster girls ever became real I'd just give up on my fetishes.

I'd doubt that any monster than declared me her husband would give a shit about them anyway.

>> No.13719996

And you have no imagination or ambition and mad you didn't think of it first. You suckle on 1000 blood related breasts at once.

>> No.13719997

Whatever floats your boat, paranoid anon. Onee sans are boring and overrated and you won't stop me from saying it.

See you around.

>> No.13720002

I made a promise which I need to fulfill. Besides, I don't actually have any ideas for a hellhound story yet. I'll work on it, though. Probably.

>> No.13720004

>having an imagination

What are you, five?

>> No.13720008

Anon that doesn't make sense in this context. You can't just throw buzzwords around and expect it to mean something.

Whatever, enjoy your normally aged monster girl.

>> No.13720009

*will never suckle

>> No.13720017

Why do we even bother with these threads? Does anyone here even like them anymore?

>> No.13720019


>> No.13720025

Some people just like monster girls.

>> No.13720026

If you don't like it, then...

>> No.13720027

You don't? You'You're dead inside.

>> No.13720036

I like them. I don't like the creeping bitterness, vitriol and hair-trigger aggresiveness, but I like the threads otherwise.

>> No.13720041

When you take all that out, there's nothing left.

>inb4 "but OC!"
Yeah and that's posted offsite too on blogspots keeping track of it.

>> No.13720044

>Not being grouchy and pissed all the time
I bet you have friends fag

>> No.13720053

Do you shout at loli's to get off your yard unless they wanna be cursed?

>> No.13720054

Never had one.

It's why I pretty much only go off the profiles.

>> No.13720056

I'm here for the drawfags, writefags, and cute mg story ideas that I want to eventually draw.

>> No.13720089

Yes. There's so many fucking yards they can play on, hell even their own houses have yards. Why the fuck do they gotta step on MY front yard?

>> No.13720090
File: 162 KB, 800x800, gCGZmfQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deliciously touchable knife ears!

>> No.13720091

I'm only here to shitpost once in a blue moon.

>> No.13720100

I want knife ears to perform the functions of actual knives.

>> No.13720107

Because your yard is so green, not like Mister Hendersen's, or rapey like Ms. Johnson

But how could you keep them off when those smiling goblin faces and their werewolf friends are looking up at you?

>> No.13720108

>Ahegaoing from ear rubs
I never understood this. It feels weird as hell to have your ears rubbed.

>> No.13720114


>> No.13720121

Isn't the local park enough for them? Can't a man live alone in peace with his yard? It's all I have left to take care of anyway.

>> No.13720123

It's mostly a cultural thing with the Japs. That's why they have those pseudo-ASMR ear licking, ear cleaning, and ear blowing audio tracks. In their culture it's considered a semi-erogenous zone.

>> No.13720125

Don't be like that, you may look scary and chase them off but you're probably a nice guy deep down.

So much nicer than that one wizard who keeps putting curses on them.
Jenny still can't stop tasting the color purple.

>> No.13720127

I'm not a jap and I'd love to do some ear licking/have my ears licked.

>> No.13720129

I hope they wash them thoroughly first, or that would be gross.

>> No.13720132

Nah, I just hate Matangos.

>> No.13720139

>Not waking up to a pair of holst breasts in your face
>Not nuzzling her awake
>Not having her wish you good morning and kissing your forehead
>Not hugging her as you sit up, carrying her to the bath and showering together
>Not washing her hair with tube shampoo she knows you like
>Not getting dressed and eying her curves in that tiny, tight apron
>Not taking her from behind and having her whine that she can't make breakfast this way as you pound her
>Not telling her she has all the nutrition you need and grabbing her tit, heavy with milk and sucking out the nourishing goodness
>Not playing with her ear while attacking her clit and making hcan'um so hard she can't stand, sinking to the floor
>Not telling her it's her turn to eat and gently glide your cock over her tongue as she sucks, until you give her her share of milk
>Not having be drive you to school
>Not smiling as she waves you goodbye and wishes you a good day
>Not walking back to the car and kissing her, violating her throat with your tongue, leaving her breathless
>Not saying "I love you mom, stay ready for me"
>Not watching as her face turns almost crimson, a goofy smile on it
>Not turning to leave and smirking at the non motherfuckers as they stare
>Not going about your day
>Not wrecking her as soon as you walk in the door, eating recovery waffles in bed made with her milk, to get ready for round 5
>Not being a motherlover

Yep, faggot through and through.

>> No.13720146

>Fucking your mother
>Cucking your father

>> No.13720148

I feel sad you can't enjoy it.

>> No.13720155

Yes and?
Obviously not in the picture

>> No.13720157

It's ok anon, daddy was a scum who didn't even stick around! He can suck it!

>> No.13720159

There is no dad.

>> No.13720160

God damn it, why are those two so cute?
I was trying so hard not to waifu anything from that game, but it just happened.
At least they're older than the squid kids, so it's not weird.

>> No.13720167

Did YBA ever post that update he promised or have I once more been misled by a lie?

>> No.13720171

It's ok anon, I won't judge you for wanting to sex the adorable loli squids.

>> No.13720172

>MGC would like to remind you that it is considered a misdemeanour to drug the tea of the local Shirohebi, impregnate he, and convince her it was a virgin birth for the purposes of starting a cult.

>> No.13720174

Well, I mean, it's not very fair when you use a Holst for this.

I don't actually read his shit, so I didn't pay much attention, but didn't he say by the end of the week or something?

>> No.13720175


>> No.13720177

Well I know what I'm doing for the next thread...

>> No.13720179

This virgin birth thing makes my dick curious.

>> No.13720180

Is it against the law for me to kidnap one, put her in my dungion and See what happens when I feed one a loli cookie and Hathor milk at the same time?

>> No.13720183

I'm going to discuss Manticores just to spite you!

>> No.13720186

Enjoy your oppai loli Shirohebi.

>> No.13720190

Or your flat CC Shirohebi.

>> No.13720193

Now to double ze dosage, for science!

See above.

>> No.13720194

Might as well get it out of your system now before the next thread.
I'm semi-serious, but yeah go nuts. Manticores are fine aside from the spikes.

>> No.13720199

>MGC Administration would like to remind you that kidnapping requires a MGC Official Kidnapping License and for the target to released within 30 days or for the marriage ceremony, which ever comes first.

>Please note that if the target is under 13, you will also require a Sabbath RapePass, which will require the signature of your local Sabbath representative.

>> No.13720204

I think their spikes are okay since they aren't going to hurt you because mamonomana.

>> No.13720214

Hey, I have the master liscense so I'm fine.
I even got the "Moderate experimentation" addendum

>> No.13720220

But that venom man. That's like half the fun.

I've kinda always imagined them as retractable somehow anyway

>> No.13720223

>Needing to have licenses from local sects
What is this, the USA?

>> No.13720225

I want to make every Kikimora a dom!

>> No.13720227

I want to make every Hellhound a sub!

>> No.13720230

I want to overload the reactors!

>> No.13720232

Well if they retract so it'd pretty much be a tail with a fleshy onahole ending, that'd be pretty swell. I just don't like needles, it's hard enough for me to get vaccinations.

>> No.13720233
File: 97 KB, 475x712, 1427577613094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand all the 'Us vs Them' mentality in this thread. Can someone please explain to me why people get so upset when someone likes something they may not enjoy?

>> No.13720235

Shit game.

>> No.13720239


I want to remind everyone that KC has said multiple times all profiles are very fluid, and you can have loli / fit / CC and sub / dom/ switch / equal of any MG your heart desires.

I also want us all to get along.

>> No.13720241

I want to cause an explosion of hathor's energy that would turn every dom kiki and sub hellhound super soft for snuggling!

>> No.13720243

>Out with Holst mom on a date
>Take her to the movies to watch The Paladining
>Horror movie about a mad paladin who collects the hands of lewd handholds monsters
>She shivers in fear through the whole movie, holding on to you
>Take her to the beach to get her mind off of it, and yours on the sling bikini you got for her
>She's embarrassed at the looks she's getting
>Specially from your prude, non human nor monster fucking neighbor
>What is his dick painted on?
>Smack her being and grope that ass, eyes meeting with hers, assuring her she's the most beautiful gal on the beach
>He just harrumps while getting back to his newspaper
>Get in the water, it's cold as fuck, but thanks to that you're in nipple city
>Go under, staying there a while, making her look around worried
>Come up behind her and tap her on the shoulder, latching on her breast and making her give a quiet little moo
>Some saltwater gets in with the milk, but that's a small price to pay for the face she's making now
>Focus completely on nursing, slowly, deeply, sweetly
>She's biting her hand to nit cry out, and just like that, you stop
>You begin making your way out of tube water
>She stops you, looking pleadingly at you
>You ask if she wants to continue, she hurriedly nods yes
>You tell her what to do

>> No.13720244
File: 233 KB, 519x900, 18923762343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to give your hard-working Imp assistant her daily headpats.

A happy Imp is a helpful Imp.

>> No.13720245

Too bad that will never happen because whenever you try to have a monster girl cater to your fetish people will shout you down, then they have the nerve to say exactly what you just said.

>> No.13720246


>> No.13720248

I'm going to comfort that flat lonely CC Shirohebi and make her feel like the most special girl in the world!

>> No.13720250

I want this to actually happen, me saying this just for shit and giggles and some soft bullying, only for her to track me down in tears pleading me not to leave her.

>> No.13720251

If she does a good job, she's getting promoted to shoulder-riding Imp assistant.

>> No.13720255

If I recall correctly, it all goes back to about idiots trying to enforce their headcanons on others. The Hellhound profile was the first one (well, since /mgt/ became a thing) to explicitly say, "This is a dom girl unless you're superhuman."

So when a maledom fag said something along the lines of, "the hellhound a q.t., I want a sub hellhound," some femdoms responded with, "Nuh-uh! You're not allowed! That MG is for subs only!" and a shitstorm ensued.

But the truth is what this guy ( >>13720239 ) says is correct, so those exclusionary types are just wrong.

>> No.13720260

Of course. And if she plays her cards right, she can get promoted to riding on my shoulder or my head

>> No.13720264

Aw yes, what a lovely Manticore.

>> No.13720265


>> No.13720267

Every lowly Imp aspires to reach the position of shoulder-rider when recruited by a Warlock or Demon Cultist.

Truly the high-point of their lives, quite literally.

>> No.13720268

Little late to the party but I'm reading what I missed
Girl is Ushi-Oni
Number is 5

>> No.13720271

Are you crazy? You'll blow up the whole thread!

>> No.13720272

Will do, if she's a good girl then she'll get princess carried as a reward.

>> No.13720275







>> No.13720280



I will do this.

No, I can't do this. I can't be responsible for this many threadly shitstorms. Kill me if you have to.

>> No.13720281

Reminder that this is a thread dedicated to MGE erotic fantasy. Fuck cannon, it's whats important to you that matters.

You can have your cuddlecores and sub-hounds. Your dom kikis and loli-whatever.

You can have any color you want as long as it's black

>> No.13720282


Wait a minute, that FUCKING CODE

>> No.13720284

i want a half hellhound half Kiki that is dom and sub at the same time!

>> No.13720288


>> No.13720289

What if she ends up getting to ride in the arms of the warlock as a reward?

>> No.13720290

That's so much praise she might faint from it.

>> No.13720294

>Multiple Hellhound, Ogre and Oni cops show up

So the time has come.


>Get executed with a hail of bullets there and then because bad people don't get monstergirls

>> No.13720295

That's what a Hellhound kinda already is.

>> No.13720296

Well, I guess I'll just need to lay on my bed with her in my lap and stroke her hair until she wakes up.

>> No.13720297

Switch hellhound in a maid outfit. Got it.

Would you like to upgrade to a loli version for an additional shipping and handling fee?

the answer is no

>> No.13720299

>This that will never happen the post.

>> No.13720301

I want to make every Alp a respectable and beloved member of society and a dom!

>> No.13720303

I want to make an Alp realize she's into eyeballs.

>> No.13720305


>> No.13720306

You should team up with a mindflayer.

>> No.13720308

Get out of here with your shit. I've tolerated so much of your guy's shit, but this is it. I'm done. Alps, respectable? Who the fuck do you think you are, shitlord? Your post just game anon's maid hellhound cancer. You're a monster.

>> No.13720311
File: 48 KB, 500x328, 6RmzSB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These threads for the past two years

>> No.13720312



Dammit I swore I wouldn't do this again.

>> No.13720315

Forgot to call you an autistic mongrel.

>> No.13720316

>Who the fuck do you think you are, shitlord?
I'm the man who's going to marry a bunch of alps and cuddle and spoil them and make other people want alps of their own!

>> No.13720317

I want to flay an Alps skin and run her through a salt field.

>> No.13720320

i want a dom kikimora to rape a sub hellhound!

>> No.13720324

/end thread

>> No.13720326

I can't help it, I'm a slut for big, throbbing tailpussies.

>> No.13720328

I want to have a Mindflayer and make all the Anon's waifus the opposite of what they're supposed to be, and then have them all the Anons turn into Alps and laugh at all the misery that appears in their daughterus who are out a mommy and daddy!

>> No.13720333
File: 329 KB, 800x1000, 1422666890476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manticores are still the best around.

>> No.13720334

Are you even surprised anymore?

>> No.13720336

I want a Mindflayer to live up to her name and literally flay my mind.

>> No.13720337

What went so horribly wrong?

>> No.13720341

The Jews.

>> No.13720342

It's happening again. I can feel the flames creeping up my legs already.

>> No.13720343


Your mother and father's sleepover.

>> No.13720345

>Not having a tubby tanuki cuddle harem.

Come on man.

>> No.13720349

You're a good goy.

>> No.13720353

>Waiting in hiding for your partner in crime
>You see her and your "victim"
>Holst mom approaches with prude neighbor in tow, who she's asked to help "look for you"
>She tells him to split up to cover more ground and please meet at this spot
>Predator Mode Engage
>Silently make your way through the bushes and pull her down
>Resume what you started earlier, she's wet and it sure as fuck ain't water
>Cleave into her, receiving a strangled moan,
>Begin pumping into her, snaking your hips and hitting all the right spots
>After a while, prude neighbors shows up
>Grab the base of her tail, making her tense up, and using the hair at the end of it to tease her nipples
>She tries to hold her voice in, doing a good job of it
>Can't have that
>Let her "fall" forward, still holding on to her tail, but still forcing her to grab onto you so she can't cover her mouth anymore
>She grits her teeth, but you're thrusting too hard, too fast, too good!
>A good son knows
>She breaks down and moos at the top of her lungs as a count shattering orgasm shames her to her core
>Prude neighbors watches the spectacle "hidden" behind a nearby bush
>Go on you pervert, you know you want to
>His eyes don't leave you for a second
>Then the finale
>You grab your mother from behind and begging fingering her as you ravage be pussy, making her squirt in every direction as you force her to cum multiple times
>She sits on your lap, panting, your rod still inside her
>You drop the act and look straight at the little voyeur, and wink at him
>He scampers off
>Feels good to be gangsta

>> No.13720354

It's their bushy tails and business investments, I love them.
Even if they didn't have any shekles.

>> No.13720356
File: 95 KB, 1315x363, yanticore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight.

>> No.13720370

Look at me, I'm burning.gif

It feels good.

>> No.13720371

>your waifu's face when she sees you burning alive and she can do nothing to stop it

>> No.13720377

Not if she's a slime/water elemental.

>> No.13720384

Wow that's the second most generic thing I've seen in my life.

>> No.13720387

iirc he said he started editing this other work of his the day before, and then he could get back to normal updates after he's finished

>> No.13720388
File: 58 KB, 300x287, 1427677219968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the most generic person I've talked to.

>> No.13720390

There is literally nothing wrong with liking big, throbbing tailpussies.

>> No.13720391

Right back at you anon.

>> No.13720396

Would she soothe your pain when you have to change the bandages?
Would she love you even if your burns scarred your face and made you hideous to behold?

>> No.13720399
File: 33 KB, 415x397, pleasedtomeatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame the writer, not the girl

>> No.13720402

>Would she love you even if your burns scarred your face and made you hideous to behold?

No, she'd probably just stuff a paper bag on my head and if that doesn't work she'd just leave.

>> No.13720403

It's a better yandere manticore than leona that's for sure.

>> No.13720404

Would a manticore feel pleasure from her tailpussy getting eaten out?

>> No.13720406

I guess some vehemently oppose ideas they don't like out of fear that otherwise they become part of the shit heap known as thread canon and people will see it as the default way a given thing should be. Also >>13720246

>> No.13720407

Manticores are shitheads that don't deserve anything nice.

>> No.13720408

>Leaving you because of how you look.
>After saving your life.
Get a better waifu pal, that one's not a keeper.

>> No.13720411

Manticores are lovely girls who deserve all the nice things.

>> No.13720412

>That pic
I imagined a Manticore getting flustered and typing that and I laughed. Thanks for that anon, I really needed it.

>> No.13720413

can one cumflate a manticore using her tail?

>> No.13720417

Were talking about creatures so brainless that they literally imprint on the first man that gets off inside of them.

You'd have nothing to worry about. They'd be overjoyed to have a dick regardless of how the rest of the package looked.

>> No.13720420

>You'll never be fated to never have a waifu because you almost died being burned to cinders and now your skin looks horrid and live the rest of your life in solitude

>> No.13720422

But all of them are probably like that.

The only winning move is to not play.

I'll believe that when pigs fly.

>> No.13720425

Why do you tell lies on the internet, anon?

>> No.13720427

>Come back home, mom asleep in the passenger seat, the day's intensity getting to her
>Flash your neighbor the biggest shit eating grin you can muster as you pull in the driveway
>Carry mom inside, still asleep
>Tuck her into bed and go to your own room after grabbing a bite to eat
>In the middle of the night hear the doorknob rattle
>It's your mom
>She asks if she can sleep with you, apparently, the movie was too scary
>Welcome her beneath the covers and stroke her hair, easing her to sleep, saying "I love you Anon" just before she drifts off
>Darkness takes you, safe in her embrace
>"Good night Mommy"

>> No.13720431

>implying it's a lie.

Tell me anon, they either imprint or somehow always manage to rape their soulmate. Or they just don't give a fuck.

Which is it?

>> No.13720437


Embrace it anon, mom/son, is purest love.

>> No.13720442

>when pigs fly
Now all we need are P'Orcs with wings.

>> No.13720443
File: 505 KB, 1417x1417, 1433560407452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

They're affectionate but forceful. Manticores aren't for everyone.

>> No.13720446

Sing her a lullaby and ease her into sleep.

>> No.13720448

>it's not very fair when you use a Holst for this
What if she's a single adoptive mother like in that yandere holstaur motheru thing?

>> No.13720450

The option that's not your headcanon. If we're talking MGE, then try reading the profiles or the world guides.

>> No.13720452

>P'Orcs thrown into the air by a catapult
>Land straight on you
I'm staying inside.

>> No.13720454

Am I the only one who keeps forgetting that Mothman exists?
Which is sad because they are healthy

>> No.13720455

I still won't trust monster girls.

>> No.13720456

Big fat bug abdomens.

>> No.13720457
File: 213 KB, 420x600, 1385323651518[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mothra, oh Mothra~

>> No.13720458
File: 183 KB, 798x1000, 1429485889647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Moth-chan bitch hogs the spotlight.

>> No.13720459
File: 159 KB, 512x512, 1435293487525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her face when it's a girl you hate and she incubized you
>Her face when you pretend to go along with her then use your newfound strength to subdue her
>Her face when you torture yourself just to watch her suffer

It's a perverse kind of feel.

>> No.13720460

>even in his fantasies, anon is still bitter and paranoid

>> No.13720461

I fail to see how that relates to that post, please explain.

>> No.13720462

So, brainwashing then. Look anon, you can argue all you want but at the end of the day, their actual cannon involves them falling in love with the first man they fuck. Without fail. If you want to be one of the twue luv guys, I have nothing against that. My point stands, physical deformity wouldn't even factor into a monster's thought process.

>> No.13720463

That woman is a manticore.
I've heard her supports are good, luckily I've keep myself fairly in the dark about those.
Same 'Lazwald's' daughter seems to be pretty bad.

>> No.13720465

Now that you mention it, I don't remember them getting brought up whenever onee-sans or CCs are discussed (or ever, really), they look like they'd be great as those.

>> No.13720467

Are there any analingus (girl on guy) monstergirl stories?

>> No.13720469

I remember when she was the spokesperson for good relations between man and monster. Then she was supposed to hold a speech at the UN, but couldn't because everybody was looking.
Dunno, but Akaname seems built for it.

>> No.13720470

There was actually a story about one, but it was kind of a clusterfuck since it was a collab.

>> No.13720472

>their actual cannon involves them falling in love with the first man they fuck. Without fail.
Repeating it won't make it any more true, you know.
2/10 I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not mentally impaired.

>> No.13720473

It's called being rational.

>> No.13720474

>Dere dere mothman oneesan the loves to sneak up on you and nuzzle into your neck as she tells you how good of an otouto you are.
>Every time her friends come over you need to lock your room lest any stray moth dust and some 'excitement' on their part would lead to a couple pregnancies.
Not that your loving Oneesan would mind, her friends are just good enough to pass her standards for you.

>> No.13720476

Nothing rational about making yourself miserable even in your dreams.

>> No.13720477

Got a link to it or the name of the writefag(s)?

>> No.13720479


>> No.13720483

yes there is, it's called not being a schizophrenic.

I hate to tell you this, but you're stuck in the real world.

>> No.13720486


>> No.13720487

And that means you're not allowed to fantasize as you please because...?

>> No.13720488

That's reality anon.

I don't deserve to be happy, which is why even with fictional women who just want to love I assume the worst.

>> No.13720491

I never said you're not allowed to. I said it's pointless and a waste of effort.

>> No.13720493

It's about suffering. That anon made a post that made me think of the waifu suffering because you got hurt, but you aren't the cause per se. It also reminded me of this idea I had, being kidnapped and forcibly raped by a monster you despise. Over and over until you incubized, pretending to open up to get, the rage keeping you yourself. Until she lets down her guard, then you turn on her. You try to leave, but you're stuck with her, you crave her, and she knows it, but you will not give her the satisfaction. So, you try to kill yourself, but you're made of tougher stuff now, every method fails, but then, you see the pain in her face, and you do it again. She tries to make you stop, to free her, to let her help you, love you, but you won't allow it. You just keep hurting yourself, to hurt her. Death's too goid for her, she's stolen your life, now you're going to dedicate yours to watch her whrithe as what she live gets turn apart; you, by your own hands.

>> No.13720494
File: 119 KB, 600x720, 1426406342013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want you to be miserable, anon!
The effort is not wasted if it makes me happy. It's not pointless if it makes me happy. Even a little.

>> No.13720496

You shouldn't use words you don't understand the meaning of. Daydreaming and fantasies are not schizophrenia.

>> No.13720502

>I don't want you to be miserable, anon!

>Telling lies on the internet.

>> No.13720506
File: 787 KB, 1024x768, 1422954568104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a lie. I'm a good guy! Here's a foxy fox for you!

>> No.13720508

Edgy as fuck.

>> No.13720510

>You'll never get gangbanged by Mothman onee-san and her lewd friends.
>You'll never be in the center of the Post-sex cuddlepile.
This is a sad existence I lead.

>> No.13720511

>I'm a good guy!
We all were at some point Anon. We all were at some point.

>> No.13720512

That made me smile. Thanks

You're absolutely right. Schizophrenia is the failure to be able to determine what is or isn't reality. This can be brought about by both genetic and environmental factors.

While arguing that spending every waking moment of you life on 4chan for some deluded fantasy isn't exactly schizophrenia, my point isn't entirely correct either.

>> No.13720513

Fucks given zero.

>> No.13720514


>> No.13720515
File: 437 KB, 439x566, Darwin called, he said to calm the fuck down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That entire post
Fuckning Sufferingfags

>> No.13720517

Well I'm going to stay that way! I'm incorruptible!

>> No.13720519
File: 721 KB, 227x165, 1435462966702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise me more.

>> No.13720520

Damn mature foxes and their irresistible charms.

>> No.13720521

>some deluded fantasy
Dude. Everyone here knows it's not real. Nobody is "deluded". Except for you, you're on some mad crusade to stop people from enjoying themselves.

>> No.13720524

I used to think like you, Anon. Men who manage to stay on the right path for too long start to think they're invincible. I did, so much that my fall ended up being more painful than it was supposed to be.

But you don't have to worry about any of this yet. You're still a good person, for the time being that is.

>> No.13720526

Aw c'mon anon, Why'd you have to go and make it weird?

>> No.13720527

Hey Anons, how would you help your monster waifu deal with her dysfunctional family?

Me personally I would be a terrible candidate, I'd probably just take her and go away from it all and find a place of work where I would meet them as little as possible.

>> No.13720528

You're welcone fellow sufferingfag.

>> No.13720529
File: 911 KB, 1400x1800, 1423372851600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get into a fox's box.

>> No.13720533

Show them your just as dysfunctional family and have them go boom on each other

all your problems are now gone

>> No.13720535
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x1400, 1393788408403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah! What could possibly break me?

>> No.13720537

Your discomfort pleases me.

I enjoy hurting you, and wish to go on, hurting you.gif

>> No.13720538

>Marrying a monster girl
>Not just pumping and dumping them.

You're just asking for trouble.

>> No.13720541

Fat Fox Fanny

>> No.13720542

Her family would have probably died off ages ago. Unless they became undead, as well, in which case they have her to thank for it. I guess I got lucky.

>> No.13720543

Dysfunctional how? By human standards, all monsters already are.

>> No.13720544

Time will give you scars anon. Scars that you'll get for being a good person. Try asking them instead.

I already have way too many to have anymore questions.

>> No.13720545

I don't give a damn how you enjoy yourselves. If anyone here can be accused of arguing it's (you?),

I merely jumped down the throat of the idiot who argued that being a realist is somehow a bad thing. You can continue posting like a sperglord or accept that not everyone here wants to waste their life fantasizing about an erotic fantasy world that does not, will never, exist.

>> No.13720548

>waste their life
How is it a waste? Your standards are your standards, other people's standards are different. Why are you even here?

>> No.13720550

Wow, that's some real dedication to being shit.

>Pumping and dumping
>Not saving yourself for your waifu
>Not fucking her and then proposing
You disgust me and I hate you and everything you stand for.

>> No.13720553

>Implying I want a wife.

>> No.13720554

Keep it up, I'm almost there...

>> No.13720558
File: 95 KB, 1500x998, 13476432342432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pocket Fox! Small! Portable! Can be fed pieces of fried tofu to unleash magical powers!

>> No.13720560

I could ask you the same thing. What's the problem with the guy who doesn't want to daydream? For someone so desperate to take the moral high ground, you're just as guilty for arguing beliefs different to your own.

>> No.13720563


>> No.13720564

You live a sadder existence than me. I didn't think that was possible.

This is where I stop. I'm not doing this anymore.

>> No.13720565

Anon, stop making this weird. You're making everyone uncomfortable

>> No.13720566

You know, family that hates each other, has built up resentment and when problems arise everyone pretends it never happens and never addresses it.

>> No.13720567

I'd take one of those, I'd give her as much fried tofu as she could hold.

>> No.13720568


>> No.13720569
File: 167 KB, 1526x696, Dream Team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there's a difference. I'm right.

>> No.13720572

Lower the boobs, I feel that she'll break her back with those mammaries. I also don't want her to trip near the kitchen and get burns on her tits.

Dammit firefox 'mammaries' is a word.

>> No.13720574

Mm, yes cast me aside, refuse me, deny me, it's all the more to lose.

For a thread full of perverts, you sure are innocent.

>> No.13720576

>no weresheep

One job.

>> No.13720578

If you really think that, by all means continue living vicariously though MGE. Nobody is saying you can't.

If you're going to default to "you're just wrong" further argument is a waste of both of our time.

>> No.13720579

Then add one. And a Mindflayer too while you're at it.

>> No.13720580


But they're magic cocaine.

>> No.13720582

>living vicariously though MGE
You're pulling the strangest things outta your ass.
>a waste of both our time
If you're worried about wasting your time, why are you here, wasting it?

>> No.13720584

Can't, on mobile, too lazy.

>> No.13720585

Innocence keeps me sane
Plus it makes me get away with things

>> No.13720590

Mm, I've lived that, couldn't begin to tell you where to start, that something a family must deal with themselves.

>> No.13720593

Innocence blinds.

>> No.13720595

experience breeds apathy

>> No.13720596

I recently bought a lovely print of Tinker Bell.

Very nice indeed.

>> No.13720597

Peace is a lie

>> No.13720598

>Not wanting to be a stud in nympholand

>> No.13720600

Detachment leads to freedom.

>> No.13720602
File: 1.20 MB, 1177x1650, 1433827529319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good sir, you are wrong!

>> No.13720603

freedom leads to merica

>> No.13720604

Even freedom has its price

>> No.13720607

I want to be princess carried by a wurm and I don't care if you think it's dumb.

>> No.13720608

I'm only a stud for my waifu anon.
The only thing I'm gonna stick my dick in is her.
There may be plenty of monstergirls I'm attracted to, but if she doesn't put a ring on it, she's not getting the dick.

>> No.13720609

Damn it, don't tempt me with your flower crown
It'll make me want to pat your head

>> No.13720610

Hello Anon's, please avoid burning down the thread when the kunoichi are after you, contrary to popular belief, ninja's can catch you when you are on fire.
Good night

>> No.13720611

I want to hold her close, not saying anything. Just, being with her.

>> No.13720612

And here I thought flower wreaths were only my fetish.

>> No.13720613

You're right, it's dumb

>> No.13720616

I want to pat her head and rub her ears.

>> No.13720617

They're cute. Unless you're allergic to pollen or the flower, they're adorable

>> No.13720618

Mothmanthra is too big to ignore! R-right? Surely people will finally p-pay attention to her...

>> No.13720619

I want to kick you down cliff and don't care of you think that's edgy.

>> No.13720621

go alp yourself

>> No.13720622

America leads to greatness.

>> No.13720628

Post it, you know you want to hurt me.

>> No.13720630

Hello 1950's Man!

>> No.13720636

Your waifu is a thing, an object to you? Beast. Shit husband.

Unless she's a golem, chochin obake, some other construct.

>> No.13720637

>You will never hang out with Wurmzilla, Queen Ghidorah (the three headed, golden wyvern), and mothmanthra on the beach after they had a weekly kerfuffle.
>Wurmchan will never be eating ice cream while Queen Ghidorah's heads grumble to each other (two of them at least, the center one is just happy to be with you)
>Mothmanthra is nearly trembling with happiness that you brought her along for the trip, her wings giving a happy flap every now and then which covers you all in dust.

>> No.13720640

It's a figure of speech anon. If there's no love, there's no point.

>> No.13720641

Hello fellow patriot. Shall we drink while the wives cook dinner?

>> No.13720645

The lives of those willing to defend it.

The Order. Fighting the good fight

>> No.13720646

Drink? That's the Devil's piss! And the Devil is red! You're damn commie!

>> No.13720649

>her wings giving a happy flap every now and then which covers you all in dust.
Uh-oh. Cute as fuck though.

>> No.13720651

>Implying not an amazon waifu

>> No.13720654

>implying an Amazon would let their fragile stud anywhere near the dangerous cooking fire and the sharp knives

>> No.13720659

>Implying the husband is either exceptionally dumb and/or flammable

>> No.13720661

Who isn't flammable?

>> No.13720663

not this thread that's for sure

>> No.13720665

I think you and I are not on the same page. Guess I'll have to do it myself.


>> No.13720668

Contrary to Hollywood, the human body isn't actually all that flammable. Rather than burst into flame, we just sorta cook unless the fire has reached the flash point.

>> No.13720669


Oh fuck off.

>> No.13720672

Don't be a spoilsport.
>fuck off
Why? Because I made a joke about a fussy, overprotective Amazon wife?

>> No.13720673

>She accidentally flaps towards MGC
>City shuts down as husbandos and waifus get covered in dust and start fucking like rabbits
>Mothmanthra tries to hide her head from embarrassment

>> No.13720677

So are steaks. You saying steaks are bad? You a limp wristed grass muncher?

>> No.13720678

So far, I've gotten the impression that the amazon greentext was good-natured fun.

>> No.13720680

Are you dumb?

>> No.13720683

Son, d'you even know that "alcohol" is an ayrab word? Now if it's an ayrab word, and you drink stuff with it in it, that makes you an ayrab! And we don't take kindly your types innnere.

>> No.13720684

please stop

>> No.13720685

Are you?

>implying not an amazon waifu

How is that coherent?

>> No.13720686

>You will never walk out one day only to see Wurmzilla and Queen Ghidorah fighting, only the head of Queen Ghidorah that likes you has been cut off and replaced.
>As the two fight, you will never run out there to stop them only for one of Mecha Queen Ghidorah's feed to come crashing towards you.
But just as Wurmzilla screams out your name, the claw will stop but a few inches from you, a mechanical, questioning voice emanating from it.
>The fight will never end then and there because, although the head that loved you was removed, the heart that still holds feelings for you still beats.
>Afterwards, you, Wurmzilla, and Mecha Ghidora will never go out for ice cream with Mothmanra before you all go drinking, the new head as affectionate as the old while the other two throw less bile and bitterness your way.

>> No.13720687

You started it.

>> No.13720689

So you don't drink? Then what's there to do for fun in this town?

>> No.13720693

I'm ashamed I have to explain this to you.
>while the wives cook dinner?
Amazons have house-husbands. Cooking and cleaning. Do I really need to continue or are you exceptionally dense?

>> No.13720695

Fun? That sounds like one of them commie tricks. Here we work for a living, just like Ayn Rand taught us by working her fingers to the bone for all her life and never becoming a welfare parasite!

Okay now I really will stop.

>> No.13720696

You know, if there was one movie I'd like to show my Oomukade waifu, it'd be Gone Girl.

For one simple reason. 3D a shit and I would like to see her reaction to how the movie does yandere. Also cause I'd think she'd appreciate the dark humor set throughout the peace.

Any movies that you guys would show your waifu? Got any reason for them apart from "it's gud"?

>> No.13720699

Like I give a shit about your househusband bullshit. You quoted ne, next time use some sense before butting into other people's conversation with your slaveboy fantasies.

>> No.13720700

How To Train Your Dragon, so I can get her to give me a ride on her back as she flies in the air rather than carrying me.

>> No.13720701

I'd like to show mine Saving Private Ryan.

Then laugh as she looks at me in horror as I tell her that this is low-level shit for our modern day society. You still use swords, lol? Then point out that her species extinction is inevitable and purge her from the world.

>> No.13720703

Star Wars or whatever the MGC equivalent is.

>No muscled Wampa girl to kidnap you and shatter your pelvis before cuddling you in her ice cave.

>> No.13720704

Dude. I'm going to have to ask you to calm the fuck down.

>> No.13720705

>Ayn Rand

Wasn't she dependent on the government in her final days?


>Fucking Ayn Rand

You. Me. Fistycuffs. Outside. NOW.

>> No.13720707

And here I thought you couldn't make yourself look more like an asshole.

Stay classy.

>> No.13720711

>Wasn't she
Yes, that's the joke.
What's wrong?

>> No.13720713

That was meant for:

But seriously. The Order is love.

>> No.13720718

>Mothmanra hides her face in her hands while Wurmzilla pats her on the back, telling her it'll be alright.
>This just causes a puff of dust to cover all of you.
>You're just happy they went back to human sized when the pelvis shattering commenced.

>> No.13720724

Ah, my apologies fella. Now how about them steaks?

>> No.13720727
File: 298 KB, 1000x1000, ChibiLich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's been a while since I did this.
Here you go. http://pastebin.com/FKX2w0iH
Since I know you won't like it, I'll post a pic that is much more likable than the crap I just wrote.

>> No.13720729
File: 747 KB, 200x112, 1435366813570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13720731

>not stale bread
It's like you're rich or something, affording steak. Are you some kind of ty-rant?
What's up with you? Seriously?

>> No.13720733

Stop Alping it up, people will like it.

>> No.13720734

Heh, nice.

>> No.13720741

I want to make my raven haired, familiar friend to smile.
Taking her on dates and to movies while asking why she seems so distant these days, never smiling at anything.
>Then she reveals that she's been going back in time because tomorrow I get mind broken by a different MG every time, left in an alleyway like a discarded tissue.
>I then tell her to stop watching Magical Monster Girl Mamoka so much, maybe some Cosmic Niceguy instead.

>> No.13720742

Just between you and me, I play the ponies, and there's this bicorn that's sweet on me, see? I tell her if she wins 1000 races, I'll slip her the 'old slim Jim,. She races her hardest, and I make a bundle. Of course, I'm not gonna because I'm not a degenerate. Heh, horse pussy...

>> No.13720746
File: 405 KB, 737x1200, Kikimora_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You smile as you watch her clean
>The kikimora returns with a shy blush before returning to her work
>She showed up a few weeks back, you weren’t sure why but she does a good job
>She lets out a yelp as you poke her in the side, your other hand holding out a glass of cool water
>She accepts with a look of surprise, and then gets up on her toes to give you a peck on the lips
>She drinks deeply before returning the glass
>You walk away to add it to the sink
>There’s an audible thump from the living room
>With a small sigh, you pick up her limp form and begin to drag it into the next room
>Through a door and down the stairs you reach the basement
>With a final heave you deposit her into the freshly dug hole
>you wipe of the sweat before grabbing a nearby shovel
>With a final look you begin filling the hole from a nearby pile
>You have an hour before she wakes up
>Such is the life of an Order assassin

>> No.13720750

HOLY SHIT. You got me.

>> No.13720751
File: 290 KB, 303x442, Absolutely Diosgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Murdering monstergirls
What the fuck are you even doing here?

>> No.13720752

>Yeah, sure is fin-
>The dirt tremble's and a hand grabs your leg, the iron grip of the Kiki's corpse pulling you deeper into the dirt as her voice echo's
>"Ara ara Mastah....if you wanted a dead girl you could have just asked..."

And that's how I met your mother.

>> No.13720755
File: 801 KB, 1200x1440, Dragonnewt Princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragonnewt Princess a QT

>> No.13720756

Protecting humanity

>> No.13720757

>poke her in the side

>audible thump from the living room

>> No.13720760

All the Marvel Movies because I think they're great to sit down and watch.
>inb4 "Capeshit"

And then also Pacific Rim because it's the most fun ever, and Kingsmen because dear god is that shit good.

>> No.13720765

You stay the fuck away from my waifu.
This is why I joined the sunbros instead of the order.

>Pacific Rim
>the most fun ever
You're my brother now, I hope you know that.

>> No.13720772

Dude, stop lying.
We all know you just want a sweet ass zombie/ghost harem.

>> No.13720776

Hey, if anyone happens to have that pic of the Paladin with the caption "Fight the good fight," I need it for reason.

>> No.13720777

>First a yeti
>Now a kiki

You could kill monsters worthy of extermination, like amazons, manticores and ushi onis you jerk.

>> No.13720779

>Pacific Rim
My comrades.

>> No.13720780

You sicken me

Oh don't worry, they'll get their turn. They all will.

>> No.13720786


>> No.13720787

And you can't being up the Yeti, I wrote a short cuddle story to balance it out.

>> No.13720790

You're great Assasin kun, but seriously, this >>13720777

>> No.13720791

Wait, you're the same guy?

>> No.13720792

Hey, I'm not the one who's killing girl's so he can be cuddled by a zombie yeti or have a ghost kiki sing songs while she cleans your house, multiple brooms weeping by invisible hands.

>> No.13720796

No shit, Murloc. I mean, Sherlock

>> No.13720801

Let's test you powers of deduction. What am I going to do next, do you think?

>> No.13720811

Can you guess what I will do next?

You're a pussy, if you're gonna rustle, don't bitch out.

>> No.13720815

Don't Alp it up. I'll have to start bullying you if you do

>> No.13720821

No. Bad. Seriously, no undead. Pretty please.

Er. Wrong. The correct answer is write a sweet kikimora story. Are you picking up on the pattern yet, shitlord?

>> No.13720831


And just like that you're garbage. Oh well.

>> No.13720833

Nope, you dug your grave Anon, or theirs if one wanted to be more accurate, now you have to live with them wanting you to join them in slow, tender cuddling.
Why, what will you do when zombie yeti grows into the wight yeti and can cuddle you body AND soul while the ghost haunts your dreams with visions of sweet, tender loving.

>> No.13720838
File: 308 KB, 800x600, 1429094563802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I know! Let's all go look for treasure!

>> No.13720845

Scream. Lot's of screaming.

Feel free to not read my stories. I'm not going to beg for the privilege of writing for you.

With any luck, I'll have the kikimora story done in a 2-3 days. I gotta do university stuff tomorrow.

>> No.13720848

Eh, why not? Not like there's anything else to do
Thought, quick question: WHERE would there be treasure?

>> No.13720850

Yeah, they are screamers.
And they'd love to make you scream with love.

>> No.13720854

Why do you do this to me? ;_;

>> No.13720855

In dusty old chests, in places nobody ever visits. All alone there, getting covered in dust.

>> No.13720859

You took their lives Anon
They took your love.

>> No.13720861

This is what I want.

>> No.13720863

Uhuh. So you want us to go to places where no man has ever been before, from a dusty old attic to the centre of the cosmos, just to find so treasure?
Bloody well better be worth it

>> No.13720864

A) The yeti cages
B) The lamia pits
C) The dragon's cave
Where do you look?

>> No.13720868

Is love not the greatest treasure of all?
D) The Wurm Burrows

>> No.13720872


>> No.13720873

>yeti cages
Wait, who the hell is keeping them in cages?

>> No.13720875

Dragon's cave is a one way trip to knowing what a lobster feels like
Lamia pit means constrictors
Yeti cages concern me

And fuck you for suggesting the labyrinth that is the Wurm Burrows. I say we go look for treasure somewhere that won't end in death or us getting lost.

>> No.13720877
File: 186 KB, 1000x1000, Wurm and Werewolf Snowman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C, then B, then A.
I then finish it off with another trip through C.

>> No.13720880


Who said they don't want to be there? Look at all these young adventurers looking for treasure.

It's a trap.

>> No.13720881

>death or us getting lost
How do you get lost in a Wurm Burrow? Even the fucking Wurms can navigate it.

>> No.13720882

I'll take option B. Best risk:reward ratio.

>> No.13720883

You misunderstand.

>in places nobody ever visits
>All alone getting covered in dust

I just want to quietly waste away. Unneeded by anyone. Unknown to all.

>> No.13720884

Shut up Marvin.

>> No.13720885

Unacceptable. TO THE YETIS.

>> No.13720887

Who are you then, so I can ignore you.

>> No.13720888

It's always a trap! "Oh let's go into the deep dark cave where the air'll get stuffy and you probably won't see the light of day for months!" WHAT COULD POSSIBLY FUCKING GO WRONG
Young idiot adventurers going out there getting themselves killed because their papi told them about their adventuring days but left out the parts where it's FUCKING DANGEROUS

It's just a labyrinth of caves and tunnels. And pits. Going in all directions
Some might even lead to a magma pocket. Or the core

>> No.13720889
File: 251 KB, 1000x1000, Chibi Wendigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wendigo or Kejourou?

>> No.13720891


Look upon my Yetis and despair.

>> No.13720892
File: 850 KB, 800x1113, ShouldHaveStuckToAnal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-anon i'am pregnant, are you going to take responsibility?

>> No.13720893

You know how to get out of the Wurm Burrows? Grab a Wurm by the tail, climb on her back and tell her "SURFACEWARD HO!"
More than a fish, more than a man?

>> No.13720894

>four arms

>> No.13720895

Of course

>> No.13720897

Please, just leave me be. Not everyone wants to live. Some simply exist, until they aren't there anymore. No need to make a fuss.

>> No.13720898

NEET loli Kejerou.

>> No.13720899

A) good luck
B) Sometimes only the worst of both. But I try.

>> No.13720904
File: 179 KB, 568x600, mountaindewslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On xbox live shitting on those scrub grade schoolers in cod of halo 4
>sip mountain dew after winning nuke
>it's empty
>throw it onto floor
>just one more addition to your throne of dew and dreams
>call out for Linore
>she bursts in with a gas mask on
>Her immaculate clothes, smooth ash-coloured feathers, and delicate posture are too much for you to bear
>cream pants
>if only you could see her beautiful blue eyes
>were they even blue
>you couldn't remember, she'd been wearing the mask for 2 years
>she stares at your now ruined shorts and freezes
>starts twitching
>tears off your clothes
>rips cords out of outlet
>kicks out throne of cans from under you
>Starts screaming at you with foot on your chest
>beats you with mop, then feather duster
>carries your 400 pound ass into tub
>scrubs you out
>you feel your old shell come off
>muscles growing
>lipids decaying
>hair becomes angelic rays of light
>you emerge a new man, a new existence
>you admire your toned body in the mirror
>you grab your dear kiki by the waist and hoist her up, giving her a deep kiss
>walk back to room
>sit down
>go back to playing xbox
>who the fuck needs cords
>kiki clears out empty cans and leaves room
>you hear sobbing from outside
>a sigh comes from your lips
>you look to your side
>a fresh new can of mountain dew, manticore venom flavour
>you open it and drink, smiling deeply
>It's nice and relaxing, just like your maid's lips

>> No.13720906

Look at the Yeti anon. Snuggle the Yeti. Yeti is love. Yeti is life.

I want you to repeat this to yourself. Then remember that somewhere in someone there's a Yeti for you.

>> No.13720908

Well fuck you too. Now what the hell am I going to write?

Now I gotta put effort into it. =(

>> No.13720909

A all the way, open all the cages at once. I can take em.

>> No.13720914

Well done, btw. 10/10, depressing yet excellent.

>> No.13720924


Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/HQJCw5iS

elh senpai notice me

>> No.13720926

What do I do if I'm a slut for multiple monster girl species?

>> No.13720928

Start raking in $$$. You're already a whore.

>> No.13720930

No one loves a slut

>> No.13720931

Well, considering you're deep in the slut hole, you might as well start selling yourself to make some revenue

>> No.13720934

You can improve any MGE girl by giving her tits at least as large as her own head

>> No.13720936

But pure love is my biggest fetish.

>> No.13720937

I hope that ended happily with him fucking his new waifu.

>> No.13720939

Well then stop being a slut
It's not quantum science

>> No.13720940

Wendigo flasher.

>> No.13720941

I'd rather an Ushi-Oni than a wendigo.

>> No.13720942
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, ChibiKenjourou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late.
It's been decided that it will be Kejourou. A kindergartener Kejourour who looks like Cousin It and is friends with the MC Jimmy

>> No.13720947

You know, this brings up a good point
Having a bath for a Kejourou must be a nightmare

>> No.13720948


It's a little short to be mentioned at the moment. Singular post greentext pastes aren't really long enough.

>> No.13720974

Gentlemen. Sleep well and dream of Yetis.

Or whatever it is you shitlords are into

>> No.13720985

Fuck off.

>> No.13721041

Undead time?

>> No.13721043

Why are hellhounds evil? All they do is drag escaped souls back to hell. Those guys were douchebags in the first place to end up there.

>> No.13721044

They're everywhere man, what do you think happened to everybody else in the thread? Just gotta keep your head down and hope they don't

>> No.13721047

Oh shit, I can hear them outside slurping their tongues or something, I hope it's not

>> No.13721052
File: 261 KB, 700x1093, d4e53d64637dee495e88f2d2b9cefb33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the dead are tired.

>> No.13721138

Undead time best time.

>> No.13721159
File: 678 KB, 486x4123, Only Casuals Don't Get This Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'cha doing nerds? [ ] Me

>> No.13721160
File: 145 KB, 689x1000, 1429242671309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now the property of the mighty SandLich.

>> No.13721164

I want to start a kingdom with a brown Lich and fight a bitter war against a local Pharaoh. End game is defeating the Pharaoh and making her and her inner circle into concubines.

>> No.13721178

Building and painting stuff.

>> No.13721189


I'm not sure how I feel about a Manticore thing I half-assed as a yandere being called better than Leona.

>> No.13721193
File: 314 KB, 1200x900, Lamia Plugsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this even...

>> No.13721194

That's a good recolor. So, how much sand does she have in her cold, clammy, dead vagina?

>> No.13721196

Debating if I should sleep. Have to be somewhere in four and a half.

I agree. Except on the concubine part. Rather have them out working with the other "slaves", leaving the Lich and I to get some work done in peace.

Well, I mean, it's not like he set the bar very high with that comparison.

>> No.13721199

I don't know, but I kinda like it.

All of it.

>> No.13721204


I don't even know what Leona is about, so I guess so. Heh.

>> No.13721208

3/10, nice idea but covers that lovely scaly tail.
>I agree. Except on the concubine part
>Not wanting some toys for when your Lich waifu is busy with experiments and books
>Not wanting to send your former enemy into despair and she sees all her former advisor and bodyguards happily submit to you one by one
>Not taking joy in watching your Apophis follower slowly break her will for you
On second thoughts I may be a terrible person.

>> No.13721282
File: 721 KB, 800x600, 145985439034543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invitations were intended to be accepted.

>> No.13721332
File: 265 KB, 819x778, 42129371_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's asleep, post abominations.

>> No.13721339
File: 128 KB, 858x800, 1423178691216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13721341

>You will never have a horrifying yet cute abomination girl wander into your isolated camp/research site in the antarctic.
>You will never offer her some hot cocoa, but she freaks out and says that she doesn't like hot things.

>> No.13721370

Uh oh! Your monster girl daughteru had a nightmare and can't get back to sleep
What do you do?

>> No.13721373

>"For the last time we are not keeping that. We don't have any room....okay she can sleep here for tonight but tomorrow we are taking her back to her stable."

>> No.13721384

>The next day you take the young Nightmare back to the farm
>Before you enter you witness something you wish you didn't
>"Daddy why is that man wrestling with that cow lady?"
>"Why are they naked?"
>You decide to keep the Nightmare because it would be less awkward

>> No.13721397

It ended with the Kikimora learning that NOTHING can change the nature of a man, and he shall be her proof.

>> No.13721402
File: 251 KB, 800x1067, Shigatake 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch the butt

>> No.13721403

What is a man anyways?

>> No.13721407

I dunno, she's kind of scary.

>> No.13721410
File: 233 KB, 800x1067, Shigatake 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what about this butt?

>> No.13721412

It's the same butt!

>> No.13721413

A second Nekobus!

I need an adult!

>> No.13721414

I know

>> No.13721418

Buttwings are dumb

>> No.13721472


Thing-chan pls nobody wants to engage in jolly communion.

>> No.13721482
File: 2.07 MB, 1414x2000, 1418212192108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why hasn't anybody done a Succuvirus story yet with how fun she had been?

>> No.13721489

Because there busy with stories they already got going.

>> No.13721498

Which monster girl is the most sniffable, while also being the most embarrassed about how her sweat must smell?

>> No.13721501

Whichever one your waifu is

Alps for me

>> No.13721502

Smelly Pede-chan, obviously.

>> No.13721505

>You will never get off a boat and onto a mysterious land of Dark Elves to realize your prophesied fate as a reincarnation of one of their ancient heroes
>they will never believe you are that hero, because you're a man and men are for breeding with only
>you will never rise up past this and convince them with your deeds, eventually making them drench their panties at the very mention of your name
>you will never catch some supernatural disease doing these feats, giving you a permanent erection and infinite stamina
>you will never delve deep into an ancient sex dungeon in the crater of a volcano, and do battle with a dominatrix goddess for the fate of the entire world

Why even live, outlander?

>> No.13721506


>> No.13721517

I want to, but I'm too afraid of fucking it up.
>original idea was set in the future
>guy gets stuck in a VR interface like in half those animes about MMOs these days
>succuvirus traps him there through trickery
>he's stuck in a series of AI caused lucid dreams, never sure if he's awake, and knowing that she could sprout up from ANYWHERE
>goes to a cafe and gets served by lewd succuvirus waitress
>goes down town and gets "arrested" by succuvirus cop
>is on a cruise ship but it gets invaded by pirates, led by their perverted succuvirus captain
>he's constantly trying to outsmart this perverted AI and wake up

That kind of thing.

>> No.13721524

That sounds cool. Go for it.

>> No.13721526



Part of me wants nothing more than to see a Troll come back all sweaty from working in the fields or her garden just so I can bury my face into the nook of her neck, her armpits, her fruitful loins, the back of her knee, and her feet and huge hands.

All while taking huge gaping whiffs of her smells and tasting the salty tang of sweat as it rolls down her body, doubling my efforts when she's getting embarrassed about it only to make the smells intermingle with the gratuitous fucking we're about to do until the room smells like sex, sweat, and love. Oh so much love.

>> No.13721527

My nigga.

>> No.13721539

>Kikimora happily dusting away
>Sneak up behind her, bury your face in her neck and take a big sniff, then sigh contentedly

>> No.13721558

When I finish this other thing I'm doing, I'll probably start it. I've got most of the story thought out, so maybe I could make it work.

>> No.13721569

Sniffing maids is what a man should strive for.

>> No.13721573

>You will never get off a boat
Are you saying I'm Guts?

>> No.13721588


I believe in you more than I believe in myself.

>> No.13721606

I bet alps would be nice to just cuddle in bed. No rape, no hard scales or anything, just nice simple cuddling.

>> No.13721608
File: 297 KB, 649x442, bladewolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bladewolf girl when?

>> No.13721614
File: 857 KB, 691x950, 1431985282458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Yetis and even Zombies would be preferable to your forced cancer monstergirl.

>> No.13721616

just stick some razor blades on a hellhound

>> No.13721623

Is it possible to bully a hellhound?

>> No.13721622
File: 352 KB, 1000x1000, 1420345659898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would a Hellhound need to be tacticool when they have brute strength and razor sharp claws?

Better yet, why would a Hellhound ever need to augment herself with cyborg body parts? She could probably gain something if magitek was involved though.

>> No.13721625

Depends on whether or not she gives a shit, or maybe she just humours you as you bully her.

>> No.13721627

Because tacticool is cool.[/Spoiler]

>> No.13721629


>> No.13721630

Way to ruin it anon.

>> No.13721632

He wants a hellhound scissorhands.

>> No.13721635

How would you even bully one?

>> No.13721638

>"Greetings, Paladin."

>> No.13721640 [DELETED] 

But alps are just succubi if you ignore the whole "used to be a goy" thing.

>> No.13721648

Alps are just succubi that used to have a dick. Succubi are shit enough as it is without the whole thing about her once being some gigantic burly biker.

>> No.13721652


>Succubi are shit

Faggot taste confirmed. Go back to the shit pile with Alp and the other shitsticks who won't write about the MG that's older than time itself.

>> No.13721657

I want to scratch behind her ears, even if she didn't ask for it.

>> No.13721659
File: 150 KB, 760x920, 7RhQjwTc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a queer.

>> No.13721663

I want to play fetch with a hellhound

>> No.13721668

>defends sluts
>calls other people's taste shit
Top cuck.

>> No.13721669

Are you okay with >>13719720 as a result?

>> No.13721674

Any man who isn't needs to turn in their card.

>> No.13721678

My basketball american sibling.

>> No.13721679


Except a Succubus is the ultimate pussy to get in MGE, regardless of their reputation. It's just a shame nobody writes about them outside of YBA because literally everybody here is a cuck.

>> No.13721682

>ultimate pussy to get in MGE
Nope, that's Baphomet.

>> No.13721684

I remember that yandere Succubus thing from not to long ago, and then there's Kitsoviets "recent" CYOS.

>> No.13721686

link to yandere succubus?

for, you know, reasons

>> No.13721689

>likes succubi
>calls others a cuck for not liking them


>> No.13721690

Let me look through the archives real quick.

>> No.13721695

Succubi ARE shit though. They're sluts, literally drain your soul (human women only metaphorically do this, making succubi worse than human girls) and to make matters worse, are probably the most boring MG out there. They're the generic ones, the other girls might be based on them, but they also have more varied and interesting traits that succubi.

>> No.13721701

But why?

>> No.13721703
File: 3.43 MB, 1574x2342, 3cccbe96ffb2a7593aeb676496c01d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go:

>> No.13721704

god bless

>> No.13721706

You better be willing to share with the rest of the pile, unless you want to deal with a greedy alp that's haughtier than the rest of them.

>> No.13721707
File: 610 KB, 720x876, 1408345014234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succubi would be the most ignored MG by men. Who would want literal sluts that are the most boring and vanilla monster girls around?

How ironic the semen demons are the worst at attracting men!

>> No.13721709

It's kind of funny how Succubi were originally thought up in legend as these obsessive demons who basically want you so much to turn you away from God.

>> No.13721714


Baphomets have the tightest. Succubi and Lilim would be the most skilled.

>> No.13721715

>a greedy alp that's haughtier than the rest of them
What if I want this Alp? Haughty greedy girls are my fetish.

>> No.13721716

It reminds me of their portrayal in Machines (yeah, I know) Inverse story.

>> No.13721719

Oh, right. That was real nice. I think it was one of the only times I've been able to put up with a succuslut.

>> No.13721721


Ego aside I'd still Machine's stories over memeing faggots like Alp and Bollocks'

>> No.13721724

There's also his story with the kuudere Succubutt.

>> No.13721728

That would, ironically, make them the best waifus.
They'd be determined to prove that they're not just shitty sluts. Say hello to your perfect, demure housewife who fucks like a tiger.

>> No.13721730
File: 1.26 MB, 3500x2700, 8fb7dea7546e8117960460f93091978f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While they are plain, I don't think they're anything to sperg over, especially with the "hurr, cuck" bullshit used by summerfags.

>> No.13721732

If i wanted a housewife to fuck me like a tiger i would probably get a Jinko.

It's ironic how they are supossed to be the lewder ones yet are the most vanilla among mgs.

>> No.13721733
File: 269 KB, 850x765, 1435600123338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A Succubus or Lilim forcefully repressing their Charm aura and spells in order to prove to their prospective husband that they're more than just "Shitty brainwashing sluts"
>Turns it on to 11 when she finally can't take it anymore and throws you into the bedroom
>They still tell tale of that night, even in the depths of Hell

>> No.13721746

I want to be the sword that smites evil!

>> No.13721747

Well since their bodies are pretty much based on a humans and the fact they are the baseline kind of makes them vanilla. Everyone else that sprang off of them has other traits to help them stand out along with the other things a succubus can do.

>> No.13721748

I want to be a martyr for humans and monstergirls alike!

>> No.13721749

She needs to measure your seed output somehow. It's the best way to gather that particular part of information for her upcoming dissertation on dick.

>> No.13721751

Then I'll be the man of the law, and try you as a human, you don't get the privilege of meeting your end for your ideals.

>> No.13721752

I'll help you out if I can shout "CHESTO!" while I smite and cleave.

>> No.13721770

I want to fight for the rights of the big breasted girls only!

>> No.13721779

Will you help their flat chested sisters obtain the chest meat necessary to stand tall and busty amongst their peers?

>> No.13721781

Of course, no oppai lolis though, they get a curvy body to match or gtfo.

>> No.13721784

So, shortstacks?
I can get behind that.
Oppai lolis are olev though.

>> No.13721786

Shortstacks are cool, i guess.

>> No.13721790
File: 161 KB, 868x982, tumblr_np1o8pW9VM1r8ououo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shortstacks are pretty fly.

>> No.13721792

She's getting picked up and taken home.

>> No.13721793

>you will never be ambushed by a thousand cliff racer girls
>you will never lay them all with your Muatra and with the help of your wingwoman Jiub

It is lonely to be a god.

>> No.13721806

I want to massage her and give her a belly rub.

>> No.13721814
File: 134 KB, 800x600, 1435540285472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew how to properly write yandere for you all.

Better Worship the Yandere Goddess more.

>> No.13721822

Mu-12 is better

>> No.13721826

>Not worshiping the best goddess, the maid goddess
It's almost like you don't want to triumph in life.

>> No.13721831
File: 148 KB, 918x798, 1434061509881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but nigger I'll fight you.

>> No.13721833

And I will fight you because MU-12 is da best.

>> No.13721835
File: 1.38 MB, 4098x2864, 150459dbe8b8ed5dc6ff51d0a12a1cb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just Noel with Murakumo bits attached to her.

...then there's Alpha-01

>> No.13721836
File: 538 KB, 1121x1600, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13721839

Isn't that just R63 Ragna?
Not that I disapprove.

Yep, but only for Ragna.

>> No.13721844
File: 250 KB, 843x772, 5d67cff3ad80e3602e9b405b0132e27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't know the circumstances behind Alpha-01. I'm not even sure if she has a canon appearance yet.

>> No.13721845
File: 134 KB, 720x960, rig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes it is!

>> No.13721847


You guys all suck because you forgot one very important thing.
All murakumo machines are olev.
So just take all three

>> No.13721850

I wish we had some good yandere stories. Maybe we do, but I'm yet to read them.

>> No.13721852

What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.13721858

Posting delicious rigs and custom AR platforms

>> No.13721872


>> No.13721874

You're referring to Harbladors Alp thing aren't you? You seem to forget that that isn't his only yandere story.

>> No.13721878

What are the others like then?

>> No.13721880

I want a cool Auntie Dante to ward off the more sadistic rapey Monster Girls

>> No.13721881

Loli Oni, and maybe the stuff with the Crow Tengus and Mindflayers.

>> No.13721882

sounds pretty crazy.

>> No.13721883

Needs more pizza.

>> No.13721886

>EMG anime starts next week

I'm excited for it, but nervous about how it'll affect the threads. Best case scenario is it injects new life into us, the worst (and probably realistic) case is that it'll drop a new wave of shitposters and trolls down on our heads.

>> No.13721891

I honestly don't think things can get worse.

Also when you see someone acting "normie" think for a second because it's more than likely someones really fucking stupid attempt at being funny.

Also anyone who complains about "Normies ruining monster girls" is more than likely someone trying to fit in.

>> No.13721892

I dunno, it seems like most of them would just go to /a/ with maybe a fraction ending up here.

>> No.13721894

Does anyone have the gif? You know the gif I'm talking about. I think there was a greentext that went with it too.

>> No.13721897

Aren't the /a/ threads afraid of us for some irrational reason? I don't go to them, but I'm still curious.

>> No.13721899
File: 2.48 MB, 700x387, 1427143191187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vergil-chan don't give a fuck.

>> No.13721900

probably will get occasionally get brought up here but discussion will mainly remain in /a/. Despite that people will complain that mg threads have gotten even worse now that the show is out despite the fact that the quality has been the same for the last 1.5 years

>> No.13721901
File: 675 KB, 714x720, 1415922658130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello friend. /mg/ got kicked out of /a/, resentment still lingers

>> No.13721902

Those greentexts were great.

>> No.13721903

Mostly because back in the /a/ days we had a dedicated group of trolls and a rogue mod who wanted us gone. I guess some people are worried that showing the slightest hint of interest in us will trigger those /a/nons into jihading their threads.

>> No.13721905


Here's the greentexts

>> No.13721906

I want to molest a kuudere so bad.

>> No.13721907

To be fair, thread quality was utterly shit this time last year because it was the height of the crusade against us by the trolls. Then we went to /jp/ and after a predictably bumpy start with the locals things got pretty good again, thanks to a great janitor/mod who was quick to delete posts and hand out bans to the more autistic trolls.

Things only started collapsing again just after christmas.

>> No.13721910

You say that but then she's going to wrap her arms and legs around you, holding you in place as she looks into your eyes without any emotion.

>> No.13721912

I will never be able to take smute in words seriously.

>> No.13721915


>> No.13721916

>holding you in place as she looks into your eyes without any emotion
I want to see wake up in the middle of the night to find my maid doing this.

>> No.13721920


>> No.13721921

>Go back to bed Mastah

>> No.13721922

I'm looking forward to it for glorious animated MON. Supposedly they'll be doing shorts about them and other side characters on the site as the show airs.

Too bad they'll have next to no screen time, but oh well. I'm also hoping it does well enough for a season 2 because the world really needs more monstergirls.

>> No.13721924

Then you would fire her, right?

>> No.13721925

I just hope it isn't shit.

>> No.13721926

Oh, I doubt it was intended to be taken seriously.

>> No.13721928

What if we get filler that expands upon the MON crew?

>> No.13721929


>MFW Average continued after I did that silly first one
>MFW he'll probably get credit for both
>MFW it has to be this way since everybody would hate the first anyway if the real author's name was revealed

>> No.13721930

>This is my bed, Miss.

>> No.13721931

No, not this smut in particular. I mean any smut at all.

>> No.13721932

I enjoyed all of them.

Name please

>> No.13721934
File: 13 KB, 252x276, 1431833280100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already know who you are.

>> No.13721935

Yes. I can't marry my maid, after all. I can marry some unemployed girl, tho'.

>> No.13721937
File: 598 KB, 708x3730, MindflayergetsshotbyAnon'slewdjizooka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13721942

I want to sneak into my Kuudere Kiki's bed while she's sleeping just to see how she would react.

>> No.13721943

That's asking a lot, anon. Of course its going to be shit. But it'll be animated monstergirl fanservice so who cares?

I'd want this, but I doubt it'll happen. Maybe in an OVA or single episode following them on their day off/fucking up an operation.

>> No.13721950

Allahu ackbar, my friend!

>> No.13721952

The manga already has become shit, how is the thing based on it supposed to be good?

>> No.13721956

What happened to the manga?

>> No.13721959

She'd cuddle you like a plushie all night, kneading you into her modest bust, and then in the morning
>This is highly inappropriate, Mastah
>Please refrain from committing crimes, Mastah
>At least against other people

>> No.13721964

I want to be purely platonic close friends with a big strong dragon girl!

>> No.13721968

I stopped reading when Rachnee was introduced
Has the plot gone anywhere, or has it just turned to filler material now?

>> No.13721970

I stopped reading at the same point more or less, and so far it was good, what happened to it?

>> No.13721972

I want to be friends with a succubus and show no romantic or sexual interest in her at all! I want to stare at her, confused and frightened when she confessed to me! I want to marry a nice human girl and invite her to the wedding!

>> No.13721976

>Push her into an alleyway, slam her into a wall
>There's a soft sound of air rushing out from her crushed lungs, and her diaphragm spasms to raw the air back in
>Before the moment even passes, her breathing is back to being measured and level
>Slip your hand up her shirt, and press yourself against her, pinning her to the wall with your weight, you unzip your pants and pull your cock out, pressing your hardening erection up against her soft stomach and grinding it against her as you work to unclip her bra
>It releases with a pop and you yank down, tearing the loops that catch on her arms
>You drop the bra on the ground and continue to molest her breasts on the inside of her shirt
>She makes not a sound, doesn't even glance at you
>Emboldened, you pop the button on her shorts and pull her zipper down
>She isn't really that wet yet, but she's shaven and smooth and soft.
>You pull her panties down far enough to slip your cock into her pants and you thrust against her, humping her mound, parting her lips around your shaft and rubbing against it, not penetrating, content to grind your cock on her clit and her puffy pussy
>With one hand you continue to roll her breast and pinch at her nipples, the other you slip into her pants and grab a handfull of her tight ass. you use it as leverage to grind against her womanhood and the only sign of the effect you're having on her is the faint tightening of her grip on your wrist.
>You hump against her, pinning her to the wall like this, to an outside it looks like a couple embracing
>You wonder what would happen if some one caught the solitary tear slipping down her cheek as you rape the silent, expressionless woman
>You grunt, and pull back, finally lining the head of your cock up with her entrance
>You pull her into a hug by the ass, as her fingers dig into your wrist hard enough to break skin, and sigh as you slide into her warm, tight, unresisting depths

>> No.13721980

I want to deflower a frail little dragon girl!

>> No.13721982

I want to marry a monstergirl and live a sexless marriage where we can barely afford both the rent money and food, and where we'll grow old together, resenting each other but being too afraid of facing our inevitable deaths alone to leave the relationship!

>> No.13721984

He said molest, not be violently rape.

>> No.13721987

>violently rape
What's violent about it?

>> No.13721989

With her consent, I hope.

>> No.13721995

Of course.

>> No.13721997

>You wonder what would happen if some one caught the solitary tear slipping down her cheek as you rape the silent, expressionless woman
RIP boner.

>> No.13722008

That's gross dude. I was thinking of sneaking up on my maid to hug her from behind and sniff her hair or something.

>> No.13722019

As someone with severe arachnophobia, I wonder how creepy animated Rachne will be to me. I'm so conflicted about her: She's got amazing tits and a nice human body, but then she's got some gigantic spindly spider for an ass. All those eyes are unsettling too.

>> No.13722022

I also have Arachnaphobia but damn if I wouldn't love an Arachne. I'd want one to dom and lovingly bully me. I'd want her to tie me in a web and exploit my fear.

>> No.13722023

assault or abuse (a person, especially a woman or child) sexually.

>> No.13722027

Just masturbate to her a few times, you're erection will override your fear. If you can't masturbate exclusively to her, set up something on your computer where you're masturbating to one thing, then right as you feel you're about to cum you can switch to a picture of her so you blow your load to her.

>> No.13722031

Why make all that effort just to fap to an Arachne? if you don't find it attractive then you don't, start fapping to things that attract you instead.

>> No.13722033

Good. Dragon girls are the purest and noblest of creatures. There is no punishment cruel enough to make up for the crimes of a fiend who would hurt one.

>> No.13722043


Do you now? Then tell me, Mystery Man. Who or what am I?

>> No.13722047


>> No.13722048

You are a Potato.

>> No.13722049


Calling somebody bullshit isn't nice anon

>> No.13722053

>not wanting to be an unknown or forgotten writefag
The thread can't hate things they can't remember.

>> No.13722059

>tfw you're bound to be hated sooner or later if you keep writefagging for too long

>> No.13722064

>tfw still no haters after like 20 months at it

>> No.13722066

Only if you lose your path like half of the writefraggots, who think it is a good idea to start writting /d/-tier shit just because they had a little bit of fame.

>> No.13722067

Where's your sense of adventure? Fearboners man.

>> No.13722073

I want to rape a Monster Girl and then right when she thinks I' about to put my penis in her, I unsheathe my sword and ram it up her vagina instead. And as I do so, I shout For the Order as I purge her in front of her friends, and ask who wants to try next.

>> No.13722075


Name one writefag outside of Bob who did /d/-tier stuff.

>> No.13722080


>> No.13722085


>> No.13722087

Not interested in Femdom.

>> No.13722088


Por que?


>Counting Bromont for anything when he fucked off to shekel channel

>> No.13722092

Fair point, we really should just pretend Bromont isn't a thing anymore. Otherwise we give him the attention he craves.

>> No.13722115

The thread hates most things.

>> No.13722117

The thread even hates the thread itself.

>> No.13722120

Fuck you.

>> No.13722121

Nah, fuck you.

>> No.13722122

The thread hates Bromont now. Seriously? The guy used to be the life of the threads a few years ago.

>> No.13722123

Fuck off BIDF, we're not taking your or shillmont's shit anymore.

>> No.13722125

Harvey Dent Syndrome is legit.

>> No.13722130

Wow., you're a crazy bitch. All he did was go to another board at some point.

>> No.13722131

No, only a few analpained autists are.

They also seem to forget that he updated Dragon /ss/ the other day.

>> No.13722132

just one guy and possibly a few of his buddies shitting all over Bromont when he noticed we still liked him.

>> No.13722133


The best way to beat this is write for a few months, make something anon likes, then vanish.

>> No.13722134


Fair enough. I think every writefag has a small hategroup by now.

>> No.13722141

I think a small handful manage to get by without a hategroup, but they're really under the radar in terms of popularity to begin with

>> No.13722142

It's not so much that I hate him it's just that he's not one of us any more. That time he posted the other day for advertisement was the only time he's posted in a long, long while.

He just shouldn't be counted when talking about our own writefags, old life of the thread or not he's just not here now.

>> No.13722143

What if you write some horsepussy bestiality NTR in which the horsepussy makes her cuck boyfriend help her raise the literal horse that she births. And then only write good things from then on? What would happen?

>> No.13722144

It's how you know you've made it.

>> No.13722145

m80, a lot of fucking things were different a few years ago
A few years ago, Bob wasnt despised to his very core being and people were looking forward towards the next Truckercore, Moose updated regularly, and the biggest shitposting we had to deal with was falseflagging and 'not anime and manga'

>> No.13722147

Sure, godda get those extra views.

>> No.13722148


I'm fairly certain most of the thread hates people like Alp, Bollocks, Nyanon, etc and only tolerates them because it'd be like kicking a Leper in their loins.

I wonder what happens when the provoked strikes the non-existent.

>> No.13722150
File: 98 KB, 1170x530, a posting standards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and you mustn't forget about /a/'s posting standards

>> No.13722152

>shoving a sword into a monstergirl's pussy
If its one of the cruel ones then I actually like the idea.

>> No.13722153


>> No.13722155

>people were looking forward towards the next Truckercore
I still remember that poll Bob had and promptly disregarded. Fuck Bob.

>> No.13722158

Obviously the threads would respond with mass "fuck off"s on learning the writefag's name.

>> No.13722160


>a few years ago
>the biggest shitposting we had to deal with was falseflagging and 'not anime and manga'

Wasn't that in early 2014? Or are you referring to even earlier then that.

>> No.13722161

Yeah, that's what it seems like.
I don't believe I've done anything too heinous yet to draw the threads ire

>> No.13722164

Right, but what happens to the odd curious soul who expects the utmost depravity, but finds some comfy little vanilla story? What would happen if a writefag fagged in reverse, and went from /d/ to good?

>> No.13722165

>its how you know you've fuck up
Penywise and Average are both pretty big and they don't have haters, this is because they aren't faggots, don't post controversial stories and don't attention whore.

>> No.13722168


/a/ mg threads will always be worse in my eyes than anything /jp/ threads because of shitposters pretending that they had authority

>> No.13722169
File: 8 KB, 300x210, 1383499260083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I remember that the poll for whether it should go futa or not was obviously proxied and Bob didnt give a shit
Nigga, im talking about 2013 and possibly earlier, but nowadays its all one hazy blur that reminds me of better times

>> No.13722170

I'm very comfortable being there, too.

>> No.13722171

You. You are mah nigga.

I've actually got a copy of the volume of this series that's her and Mu-12 together. Also the Alpha-01 Volume, and the 2nd Harem Volume.

Thus far she's just a piece of concept art from an artbook. Alpha-01 came from when the game's director appropriated said art to use as his header on twitter. Personally, I hope that they make her an actual thing (And playable) in the next full entry in the series. And with how things ended in CP, it seems possible.

>> No.13722173


I like to think I never did anything too controversial of a story. But I dug my grave in other ways so everything's relative lol.

>> No.13722174

Actually, I'm fairly sure most of the thread likes Alp and Nyanon. I'm not sure why, unless they samefag a lot or have a small number of very vocal fans.

>> No.13722179

I hope Mori doesn't make Alpha-01 his self-inserts waifu.

>> No.13722180
File: 216 KB, 960x854, 1402352899348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CapAnon never had any haters
He was the hero this thread deserved, but not the one it needed
But we didnt even get the hero we needed

>> No.13722182

I'm, honored to be the first then. Cap is a faggot asshole who doesn't write nearly often enough.

>> No.13722183

>it's time for daily writefag drama again
How do you faggots manage to entertain yourself every fucking day with the exact same shit?

>> No.13722184

Fuck captain, he's the same as bromont

>> No.13722187

>tfw I read it right to left and ruined it

Fucking Japan.

>> No.13722195


dramafags are complaining about writefags derailing the threads when they derail it with their complaining. Just stop giving writefags attention if you don't like their shit, complaining is still attention

>> No.13722196

So, lets talk about monstergirls, eh guys?
By any chance, is anyone here going to watch the MM anime when it comes out soon?

>> No.13722197

You are my comrade
Mu-12 for life

>> No.13722198

Probably not, too busy making myself watch Seed

>> No.13722200

A guy who gets hated on for arbitrary reasons?

We used to pile hate on the writefags who earned it. The guys who developed an ego, who thought we needed them, the guys who wrote stuff just to piss us off. Now people just seem to rage against random content producers for little to no reason.

>> No.13722202

seeing jin dick grilll!ragna was fucking weird in that book

>> No.13722207

Of course. It'll be shit, full of wasted opportunities and since the best characters are, as always, side characters I doubt It'll be that interesting.

But I'll still watch it anyway because how often do you get an actual fanservice anime about monstergirls? I still can't believe crabman made it this big. I remember when he just drew those little shorts about living with certain MGs, and now he's getting his own show. Its really cool, even though I imagine it'll suck.

>> No.13722208

Maybe. But I've always felt more comfortable reading harem stuff than watching it.

>> No.13722211

I've got the awesome new figure of her from Alter in the mail right now, can't wait for it to arrive.

Not sure what's weirder. That, or the fact she turned him into a shota first.

>> No.13722212

>jin dick grilll!ragna
Eh, is there anything that at least features vanilla romance between Jin and Tsubaki?

>> No.13722213

>Talking about monstergirls
Lmao check out this fag

>> No.13722217
File: 328 KB, 1294x2000, 1423550743046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who mofu in here

>> No.13722218

I watch 10-20 shows per season, I'd be silly not to make it one of them. As long as we get lots of cute Miia moments I'm fine with it.

>> No.13722223

None that are scanned.

panda y u fail me

>> No.13722226


Who're the most hated anyway

>> No.13722231
File: 104 KB, 500x666, 35b34e5107eaee575148604cd15cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the damn thing was translated already. Where's RS when you need him?

>> No.13722236

I'll masturbate to the porn it generates.

>> No.13722237

Lucky dog

>> No.13722243

I'm not a mofu slut, I've just yet to meet a fluffy tail I didn't like.

>> No.13722244


>> No.13722246

BollAlp pls

>> No.13722249


Are we really fusing those two faggots now

>> No.13722250

I feel like I should be repulsed by this, yet I have a boner at the thought of worshiping a Troll's sweaty body.

>> No.13722252

Would you prefer NegaBob?

>> No.13722255


I'd prefer people not hate me enough to fuse me into the flip side of Alp as if we're those two twins from Tales from the Crypt where the nice twin was on front and the evil twin was on back.

>> No.13722259

reading that makes me crack up for some reason

>> No.13722260

What about Nyanubislut? Or is that silly and stupid?

>> No.13722262

But that's a funnier mental image than an alp and self-hating cyclops fused together down the middle

>> No.13722268

Hide your mice, anubii, dragons and nightmares.

and yet that dragoon story would still never happen

>> No.13722271

>Nyanubis slut

I want to tie up a dormouse and an anubis, and stand behind them with a gun, goading him into deciding which one lives, and which one dies.

>> No.13722272


Why combine those two of all things?

>> No.13722279

Combining the two most obsessed waifufags in the thread? Just to see what would happen.

>> No.13722284

Because the only thing more terrifying than their obsessions over their waifus of choice is the amount of maple syrup they'd slather all over them and lap up every sticky drop.

>> No.13722287

You'll create a madman. The urge to love anubii with all their heart will clash with the urge to love mice with all their heart, and they'll end up tearing themselves apart through indecision.

Are they both Canadian?

>> No.13722292

Anubislut is, not 100% on nyanon but I remember it being a possibility

>> No.13722297

Being covered in syrup like that sounds like it'd be pretty uncomfortable when it dries and gets more sticky. Plus it'd be hell to wash out of hair and fur.

I'd rather see what happens when they're put in a bath of dormouse molasses.

>> No.13722301

>implying canadians would let syrup dry

>> No.13722304

See this>>13722301
Canucks love themselves some maple xylem.

>> No.13722311

Assuming Nyanon is a Canuck, what would happen if we added Mari to the mix? 3x the syrup and apologies?

>> No.13722313

Rape. Syrup Rape everywhere.

>> No.13722314

Maple Syrup Dark Slime?

>> No.13722317


It'd literally be a giant viscous sphere of maple syrup with a dormouse and anubis trapped inside with a lilim and her cat perched on top, laughing maniacally.

What have we done.

>> No.13722318

>giant viscous sphere of maple syrup with a dormouse and anubis trapped inside with a lilim and her cat perched on top, laughing maniacally.

Drawfags, please.

>> No.13722321

>giant viscous sphere of maple syrup with a dormouse and anubis
The Anubutt would probably look at her matted fur in disgust.

>> No.13722326

>I confused dark slime and dark matters for eachother

the same idea, except this time it's a dark maple slime molesting a dormouse and anubis

>> No.13722329

I want to believe Mari's cat is made up of Syrup

>> No.13722335

>Maple syrup dark slime.

How bizarre. Instead of turning human girls into dark slimes, does she transform them into pancake girls?

>> No.13722336

Or more syrup Dark Slimes.
The syrup must flow.

>> No.13722337
File: 714 KB, 1366x2037, the abomination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We havent done anything yet
Not until a drawfag puts this all to paper

>> No.13722342


I'm not so much self-hating as I feel it'd be more productive to be hated by the thread so I don't have to put so much effort into it.

>> No.13722343

they turn into more syrup dark slimes
and if maple dark slimes molest mice or anubutts, they just pop out an hour or so later clean but violated

>> No.13722351

So you're a cyclops that wants to be abused.

>> No.13722356

Well, as long as their hair and fur isn't matted down by syrup.
Not that I'd mind spending hours upon hours cleaning it all up.

>> No.13722369

Be honest

Would you let your waifu shove her tail up your butt? She promises she can make it feel really good for you.

>> No.13722374

The best part is, that smell is sticking around for a while. That delicious, maple smell.

>> No.13722375

Even if she had one, no.

>> No.13722377


I guess so because if I'm not a shitty writer because of the quality of stories I'm a shitty writer and person for not releasing enough and wanting to be abused more than a Cyclops at her first day in High School.

>> No.13722379

only if she's gentle ;)

>> No.13722382

I want a Ryu that smells of maple syrup.
I also want a Wurm that smells like french fries.

>> No.13722387

No, I'm not a faggot.

>> No.13722388

Preferences aside, the logistics of a fluffy tail entering up one's butthole are rather troublesome. It'd be like trying to thread many strands of grass through the eye of a needle.

>> No.13722390

You sound like an alp.

Alps aren't allowed in these threads.

>> No.13722393

Then why are you here?

>> No.13722395


I don't know.

>> No.13722396

Fuck off.

>> No.13722400

Bollclops pls. You have good ideas but you won't put them onto a keyboard.
and I really liked genki elf and that femkrox greentext

>> No.13722443
File: 127 KB, 720x576, Pfhahahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you dorks, nerds, bamboozlers, speckledorfs, and Knucklehead Mcspazatrons doing?

>> No.13722445

If she said that then she's not my waifu, thus the question is null.

>> No.13722454


Shut up, Doc.

>> No.13722459

Something I haven't done in months.


>> No.13722460

Thinking of elves.

>> No.13722461

>That picture

Are they Skeleton Jelly?

>> No.13722462

Masturbating to cow-girls.

>> No.13722470

Who might you be?

>> No.13722474

Working, get out early because of freedom day

>> No.13722475


>> No.13722481
File: 329 KB, 1064x1280, 1415211887907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about cats.

>> No.13722484
File: 1.13 MB, 1300x1755, 32469443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jerking off to a new collection of best demon webms I just found.

>> No.13722485


Playing League of Legends and lamenting the fact I haven't been able to write anything outside of greentexts for a while now.

Fuck greentexts.

>> No.13722492

I like writing them too, but usually only one shots. If I wanted to make a story driven thing, I'd do it in prose.

>> No.13722493

more bullying

>> No.13722495


>> No.13722496

Where did you find them?

>> No.13722498

>literally get to work full on Pre-Freedom Day
>Freedom Day
>Post Freedom Day
>Post Post Freedom Day
>Post Post Post Freedom Day

Fuck Freedom Day.

>> No.13722502

Some SFM blog, but most of the links were dead.


>> No.13722510

Rape poutine

>> No.13722513

Having a holiday that's called freedom day is so very american

>> No.13722566

Anyone else STANDING here?

>> No.13722567
File: 28 KB, 600x450, CHn5ohvUAAA5uDx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking through KC's twitter makes me wonder just what age group is interested in MGE.

>> No.13722568

>you will never trade kisses for candy with your adoptive monstergirl aunt

>> No.13722573

Hey Guys, Trader Anon again.
Just reminding everyone that tomorrow at 7:30 EDT I'm going to be starting a standalone story on Anonkun as a test run.
Hope to see at least a double digit of people there.
Be gentle, it'll be my first time

>> No.13722574

>*muffled purring*

>> No.13722577

MGE is actually merely a facade behind which KC creates his ultimate and lewd society

>> No.13722583

Muh heart. Hnnng...

>> No.13722586
File: 246 KB, 1000x1000, 1435648223849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Werekittens are so impossibly cute.

>> No.13722603

>Get with Arachne
>Have 15 Daughterus
>Get wellfare to support all my daughterus
>Quit job because I reap in the sheckles now
>Ask waifu if she's ready for Egg Sac 2
Holy shit waifus that can pump out the kids are the best.

>> No.13722619

Spiderfags are niggers


>> No.13722626


Just finished my first real day of work at my new job, with a mind-numbing Canada Day hangover in the middle of a heatwave to boot.

Probably not the smartest thing to do but it took me three days of driving to get out here and I wasn't gonna miss out on a chance to drink.

>> No.13722631

>Needing your mom's sister

P L E B.

>> No.13722634

>Go on his twitter out of curiousity
>KC is actually following less on twitter
Does this mean futachesire is finally canon?

>> No.13722643
File: 427 KB, 540x720, bb6646a7a55a713a70e9a3c34c053031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So lets say you've given the chance to have your way with a defenceless monster girl of your choice. She's going to hate it, cry, wail and scream as you do the deed and mind break isn't an option. Do you pick your favourite monster girl or would you not want to put her through it and pick another one?

Walking away from the chance may be passing up your only chance to fuck a monster girl so pick wisely if that is your choice.

>> No.13722644

Every time you shitpost your penis gets shorter.

>> No.13722648

I can't get hard if she's not enjoying it. Guess my only choice is to walk away.

>> No.13722650

Sleeping pills.

Try harder.

>> No.13722653

What happens if I keep shitposting?

>> No.13722654
File: 57 KB, 527x1000, Thick. Rabbit. Thighs..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That rabbit needs more meat and fluff on her powerful foot thumpers.

>> No.13722662

Not going to fuck her like that.

>> No.13722666

I picked a random picture from my elf folder without thinking, no idea what a bunny was doing in there.

>> No.13722671

Your dick will turn inside out. You won't alp, or turn into a girl, or anything like that. You'll just be an otherwise ordinary guy, with an inside out penis.

>> No.13722675

No. I don't want to hurt other people.

>> No.13722677
File: 614 KB, 1000x1064, 1408472141268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Yo Daddy-o, just got finished shitposting online. You wanna have a quickie or what?"

>> No.13722681

Rabbits can burrow into all sorts of places.

>> No.13722693

Eventually it goes so far inside out that it sticks out of your backside, and you turn into dickbutt.

>> No.13722697

That is a fat fucking tail.

>> No.13722702

It's for sticking up the ass of shitposters.

>> No.13722703


>Tell your adoptive Wererabbit Mom you'll kiss her once for every candy she lets you have
>You're feeling trickier than Dick Dastardly, having eaten carrots all day to give yourself that taste she can't resist
>She laughs at the idea of you kissing her, telling you that you're going to put her teeth on edge by saying such silly nonsense
>She blushes harder and freezes, it was her left paw foot. Having thumped loudly involuntarily. Ask her why the hell she did that, since it gave you a heart attack
>I-It only happens whenever I'm happy! But I'm not happy in the way you're thinking of. Hmmm. Yeah. Young boys like you need to find a young hare and have enough grand kids so I can die happy knowing our family is secured!
>Tell her if you win the kissing match you'll give her a litter of daughterus. She's never married and never had children to your understanding outside of you.
>thump thump
>F-fine! It's a challenge!
>Kiss her once on the cheek, she thumps three times in response. She staring at you intently, battle-ready
>Kiss her on the mouth this time
>She thumped louder and harder
>Kiss her again and then pull back, telling her that you love her not as a mother, but as a woman
>Tell her you her to embrace her femininity and raise a happy batch of daughterus with you
>Tell her that you'll do everything in your power to make her and your children happy when you're old enough, and that you'll give her enough daughterus to fill an entire rabbit warren
>Her leg is practically jackhammering into the wooden floor, thumping so loudly and quickly you're amazed the wood is actually still in tact
>TFW years later you kiss your former mother's cheek and she thumps out of reflex
>TFW Wererabbits will die of loneliness if you leave them

>> No.13722713

Dickbutt monstergirl when? I think she could be called Clitbutt.

>> No.13722728


>> No.13722731
File: 378 KB, 441x600, 15666..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would impregnate lovingly.

>> No.13722732

Can't wait

>> No.13722733

Will it have Weight Gain?

Please have it, it's my favorite fetish not commonly seen in Monster Girls.

>> No.13722737

>Penywise and Average are both pretty big and they don't have haters

Nobody knows or cares who they are. None of us should know or care about writefags at all.


But we've got nothing else to discuss. For some reason we're holding tripfags up on pedestals. It's why most of the regulars that populate these threads are gone and only a dedicated few still remain to regurgitate their opinions in a safety bubble network here in a secluded section of 4chan. It's no different from KS General now.

We are the new KS general.

>> No.13722739

You my nigga.

>> No.13722740

KC follows just about anyone that follows him or creates MGE art

>> No.13722743

>For some reason we're holding tripfags up on pedestals.
Are you the guy with the hateboner for Cap and Bromont?

>> No.13722746
File: 2.20 MB, 1000x1000, 157834587435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13722753

Still Debating it.

>> No.13722756

>It's why most of the regulars that populate these threads are gone
Bull shit and you know it. The /a/ threads were super active mostly due to the content creators. What slowed down the threads was the move to /jp/ and people slowly finding less motivation to come here for the one thread if it wasn't their native board already if they even made the move in the first place.

>> No.13722766


The point of using anonkun over other mediums is the voting mechanism. So odds are the voters will choose the fetish. So I would doubt that it gets voted in since it isn't a very popular one.

>> No.13722768

Fuck you fatty.

>> No.13722771
File: 264 KB, 688x695, 1435238678859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best part?

Her erogenous zones are her ankles

>> No.13722776

I don't like weight gain either, but shitting on others for their fetish is worse.

>> No.13722780


I'll make her love me. She'll so that nobody can love her like I do. She will come to love me.

>> No.13722783


At least you don't have the shitty fetishes I have.

Yandere, Incest (Mom and Oneesan), Impregnation, TF (Within reason), Tsundere, Cylops

>> No.13722784


She'll learn that*


>> No.13722789

>So I can die happy
>Bear hug her and tell her how you'll never let death take her

>> No.13722790

>TF (Within reason)

What does that mean?

>> No.13722791

None of those fetishes are bad though! And honestly they're fairly vanilla.

>> No.13722794

You can't hug people if you're dead fatboi

>> No.13722795

So basically similar to most of the rest of /mgt/

>> No.13722796

Fucking monoeye lovers I swear.

>> No.13722797


Human to MG, without it being full bestiality or furry. I'm fine with stuff like a girl turning into a Dark Slime but full on furry bullshit rustles my jimmies something fierce.

>> No.13722799

None of those is bad.

>> No.13722801

Monsterboys, vore, NTR are fetishes, and how do we receive those?

Shut the fuck up fence sitter.

>> No.13722802

Oh I see, same with me.

>> No.13722803
File: 590 KB, 800x650, 6056573f0ee66ac9f3e963c7381298bec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have all of those (sans tsundere) plus lactation.

>> No.13722805

It's not that I don't hate those. It's that shitposting and arguing is worse for the thread than those things.

>> No.13722809

That's vanilla as hell.

>> No.13722810

>OC content is the reason why the threads are becoming stagnant

Are you fucking kidding me? Get rid of the writefags and what do we even have left, other than the same discussions we've worn out now.

>> No.13722811



This entire doujin is jimmies rustling

>> No.13722818

No. If anything, those two the least annoying attention whores of the lot.

It was moved to /jp/ in the first place because of said dedicated regulars. Now we're stuck wallowing in the filth they spread on a daily basis. Anybody who wants to talk about monster girls usually just goes to the monster musume threads on /a/.

The fuck does that make us? This is the monster girl thread, yet everyone here collectively shit talks KC, Okayado, and just about every other monster girl creator. So what do we talk about? IRC people by name, writefags, and attention whores. This place is just a collection of autists self wanking to green text stories about our imaginary life with fictional inhuman semen demons.

Sounds a bit like KS's nonstop green text stories about their imaginary life with fictional disabled girls, now doesn't it?

This has been stated many times before, but for some reason it never sinks in. That's what this place is, you'll have to come to terms with it because that's the kind of people that still frequent this on a regular basis.

>> No.13722820

Well we already have a lite-vore Monster Girl.

And besides there's a massive difference between the absolute dogshit of NTR and Monster Boys, and a fetish you don't like, like BDSM.

>> No.13722822

Desire to purge increasing.

>> No.13722824

>worse for the threads

So you want to not shitpost those things so they think they are in good company and infest us like ticks?

I refuse.

>> No.13722831

It's an anonymous message board, not glorious pure racial eugenics. Calm your tits. Unless they're actually widespread fetishes, most people will ignore the posts and they won't be discussed anyways.

>> No.13722832

>Muh sandworm vore

I feel insulted.

>> No.13722834

What part of I refuse don't you understand? Fuck your lax attitude.

>> No.13722836

>It was moved to /jp/ in the first place because of said dedicated regular
You came here from reddit three weeks ago, got a quick, inaccurate rundown from some other retards that migrated with you and now you're just regurgitating it.

>> No.13722837
File: 303 KB, 614x1100, 135486745354334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paw rubs for their big fluffy footpaws then.

>> No.13722839

You can't be this innocent.

>> No.13722841

Nah, I'm just a filthy casual who accepts there are things I don't like on my intertubes, and just lets people do what they like rather than playing internet police like >>13722834

>> No.13722846

It pretty much is lite-vore though.

>> No.13722850

Newfriend pls, don't pretend you're an /a/ veteran, it's sad to watch.

>> No.13722858

Okay. Scroll up then scroll down.

Exactly how much of this thread so far is made up of green text, writefags, stuff that has nothing to do with monster girls, and fictional scenarios of which to spend your life with monster girls?

>> No.13722859

I want to have a completely unlewd conversation with a March Hare.

>> No.13722863

Difficult, but not impossible. But when her footpaws start thumping you run.

>> No.13722866
File: 310 KB, 850x1111, 1435629774935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally nothing wrong with loving monoeyes!

>> No.13722867

>internet police

You know why Trader is doing his story on Anonkun? Because he tried it here, it was not well received. He can do whatever he wantsas long as he doesn't track shit in here. That's why we have dedicated boards, so people can see what they like and not what they don't, you Descartes/JFK wannabe.

>> No.13722872

>her feet are too small small for her slippers

>> No.13722873

I want to embrace a qt cyclops girl and not let go until she quits fidgeting around and huigs me back, shoving her face into my chest.

>> No.13722874


>> No.13722875

>Difficult, but not impossible

How do I go about it? Talk about GUI or maybe a history of telephones?

>> No.13722880

In all fairness there is *some* validity about the insular decay. The list of acceptable topics seems to have grown increasingly narrow over time as more writefags, artfags, or fetishes (sub/dom, etc) become generally crapped on by shitposters.

Most traditional named image board suffer major userbase turnover after a few years. I don't see why /mgt/ would be largely immune to this rule, particularly since a lack of individual names and high overall hostility should in all probability drive people out faster, not slower.

>> No.13722883

>Writefag drama
Yes, we need less of this
But those are about monstergirls, so...
>Scenarios of living with monstergirls
And what's wrong with that? We can only discuss the monsters themselves?

>> No.13722884

Why are we so hostile towards people who just wanna share shit with us?

>> No.13722887

Everything is wrong with loving one-eyed freaks. Anyone who wants to give them a happy life is wrong in the head.

>> No.13722888

You'd welcome someone who hands you a basket of shit?

Why are you so whiny? No way you came with us from /a/.

>> No.13722890

Speak for yourself.

>> No.13722893

I want to bully a Mothman who turns out to be Mothmanthra, then bully her for being too big when she tries to intimidate me by growing full size!

>> No.13722894

As I have mentioned in previous thread, the largest flaw with an anonymous discussion board is that the volume of one's voice is generally proportionate to how extreme they are.

The most hostile or fanatical "stoplikingwhatIdon'tlike" tend to drown out the apathetic or people who only casually like something and can't be bothered to raise a fuss.

>> No.13722895

>Poster count of old /a/ threads

>Poster count when first moved here

>Poster count now

>> No.13722898
File: 325 KB, 575x800, tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IF you dont like something, give constructive critisim, dont just talk shit

here have some tongue

>> No.13722900

Quite a bit, I would imagine.
It's escapism, welcome to 4chan. Doesn't make anything you said factual, especially considering you're either making up history as you go along or, like I said, you're brand new.

We're really not losing people though. People come and go, it's the nature of life. We still have roughly the same number of unique posters from thread to thread and we get new blood all the time.
Most notable example of that is Sketch-kun/Lawyer-chan. They churn out tons of drawings and no one's throwing fits about it.
The scope of what's acceptable hasn't really changed, either, though occasionally one or two people with shitpost about something. If you just ignore them and keep posting, it'll stop. We're pretty consistent, all things considered. Dom/sub and maledom/femdom are pretty much memes at this point.

Our hostility has kept us from being overrun by, well, Bobs. You either adapt and blend into the thread, or your autism won't let you change your donut steel dickgirl lesbians and you leave. In the case of the latter, everyone's better off that way.

>> No.13722901

Keep in mind that poster count is based on IP, and gives false positives for multiple platforms (moving from phone to computer), or dynamic IPs.

It also doesn't take into account summer (when 4chan and most message boards have a user glut when students have more free time), and exposure from a new base of regulars /jp/

>> No.13722902

Did you just tell me what to do?


>> No.13722907
File: 239 KB, 600x500, DG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, what of it?

>> No.13722908

>It also doesn't take into account summer

But those numbers are from when the threads moved here at the end of last summer you newfag.

>> No.13722910

Old /a/ threads had 300 posters.

This thread's been going on for so long, people's IP's have reset or modem's were turned off.

In essence, that number is roughly half. That guy's not wrong, we're down a few people.

>> No.13722911


>> No.13722913

I want to grab the tip of that tongue and lick it all the way up until I'm kissing her.

>> No.13722914

>"Oh anon, give me your thick telephone pole!"

Nope, try again.

>> No.13722915

I want to play 7 minutes in heaven with what I think is my dream waifu, only for it to be an alp!

>> No.13722916

Dragon-senpai please calm down!

>> No.13722917

Learn topology and discuss it with her in a serious manner, acting as if she knows what you're talking about.

>> No.13722919

Yes Jack, the memes.

>> No.13722921

Oh it's just Dragontard.

>> No.13722922

>They churn out tons of drawings and no one's throwing fits about it.


You forgot yet. Everyone is hated here, that's the law of 4chan. With good reason.

>> No.13722923


Also the threads here last much longer, so include more "casual" visitors who might only visit once every few days, where as the /a/ threads moved so fast they wouldn't be counted in most threads. So that could also contribute to the inflation of numbers.

>> No.13722925

>Old /a/ threads had 300 posters.

They never lasted long enough to rack up that many. And going by old story views, it's always less than 200.

>> No.13722927


>> No.13722930

Do you think Monster Girls are somewhere out there in the galaxy?


>> No.13722931

Please rape me miss dragon!

>> No.13722933


>> No.13722936

>Contour lines?
>I'd let you map my contours

>> No.13722937

Pretty sure it's the shit fits that up the post count.

>> No.13722938

Fine then, I'm going to make a dragon rape me!

>> No.13722939

Was that a pick-up line? Because if so PSYCHE


>> No.13722940

>Story views

You realize that stories in private mode (hidden from pastebin public view, only available via link in these threads) that are one-shots only generate 25-50 hits after about 24 hours? 75 if it's really popular.

>> No.13722941

Yup, the /a/ threads went by so fast that I imagine lots of people pulled them up on their phones while they were out or kept it in the background at work because walking away for even an hour means you missed pretty much an entire thread. Now you can pack up your shit and go camping for the weekend and come back to the same thread you left, so you don't have to worry about missing anything while you connect with 65 different devices through the day.

>> No.13722942


>> No.13722943
File: 139 KB, 650x619, 1434924947092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well if loving monoeyes is wrong I don't want to be right.

>> No.13722945

You are a wonderful person

>> No.13722946

At least in here i can shitpost all i want about Kikis.

>> No.13722950

Thank god for general threads, am I right? There should be a board dedicated to them.

>> No.13722952

I realize that popular stories generate 200+ every update long after the bots have stopped visiting.

>> No.13722955
File: 3.16 MB, 1715x2438, 14356897034534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having an unbearably lewd March Hare as a travelling companion must be it's own kind of special hell.

But at least you can hatefuck her to get rid of the frustration you've built up.

>> No.13722956

Kiki talk is never shitposting.

>> No.13722957

There are still some bots in those hits, just a fair less amount.

>> No.13722959

How could anyone put up with such revolting vermin?

>> No.13722960

Applies to any girl really, it's double entendre since contours means curves.

>> No.13722961

Then get used to being wrong.

>> No.13722962

As long as they're public, bots will still trawl it regardless. The only way to get accurate numbers is if a story is set to private (not listed in the profile) and only linked here. The few examples I've seen of it have been in the aforementioned 25-50 range.

>> No.13722963

This guy knows it.

>> No.13722967

Stupid sexy bunnies.

>> No.13722968

Cute as fuck. Wererabbits and such are pretty sweet.

>> No.13722969

Fuck, well what can I talk about with her?

>> No.13722971

There are a couple, this one's called /jp/. Considering most, if not all of the works we derive our interest from come from Japan, I'd say we fit here.
If you don't think 95% of this board is generals, then I've got news for you.

>> No.13722975
File: 114 KB, 512x512, 1418836406607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh I will if it means I get the girl who only has an eye for me.

>> No.13722977

Where did this monoeye memehate come from again? Was it from the idea that they liked being bullied?

>> No.13722978

Maidfucker pride worldwide baby.

>> No.13722981


>> No.13722985

Vermin are made for vermin. Cyclopses are made for me.

>> No.13722986

Paladin posting didn't originate from Japan...

>> No.13722987

I desire more motheru loving stories.

>> No.13722988

Joke hate, actual hate, whatever.

>> No.13722991

Is there a March Hare maid profile yet? Cause that sounds like it has potential.

>> No.13722992

They're smelly, ugly and dumb.

>> No.13722993

The whether
Whether or not sex with her will be consensual.

>> No.13722994

Isn't 90% of MG threadcanon memehate? Bonnet tipper lizard, slut succubus, disgusting manticore, plague-like mantango, retarded wurm, NTR mindflayer, etc.

>> No.13722995
File: 781 KB, 1316x1421, 1403038278635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13722999

How waould suh a story work with a Baphomet?

>> No.13723001

Fuck it, I'm just going to talk to her about the huge marrows I'm growing.
They'd be pretty bad maids considering how much they think about sex.
Well I never ever ever do a thing about the weather because the weather never ever does a thing for me.

>> No.13723005
File: 266 KB, 768x1200, EYES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shortstack Baphomet mom gets confessed to by her adult adopted son who dwarfs her? Followed by polynesian style cuddlesex until the entire room reeks of their sweat and sex and the Sabbath turns into a Black Orgy.

>> No.13723006

>plague-like mantango

That's not threadcanon. That's original profile with the mushroom villages and stuff. Only thing KC changed was that if you fuck enough, she gains some brain back and so do you. When you look at a matango, you're still looking at a human girl with the world's worst fungal infection.

>> No.13723007

>slut succubus
To be fair, that one's not threadcanon, it's pretty much everyonebutKCcanon with some exceptions.

>> No.13723008

Well fuck.

>> No.13723010

I'm not seeing what that has to do with anything I said.
Are we not allowed to try and add onto something we're interested in or something?

>> No.13723013

But on the other hand, you've got heat-seeking zombies, the many kikimora archetypes and personalities developed over time, likable dumb wurms, engineering anubis' and the Lego anubis who kind of started that off, loving hellhounds, and all other things which I've forgotten.

>> No.13723018

I think you mean disgusting oomukades, manticores are plain purge types.

Fuck you alp, stub your little toe, fall over and break your jaw.

>> No.13723035

>implying samurai aren't paladins, with their seven virtues of bushido

>> No.13723040

Meant for>>13722986

>> No.13723041

Always on their quest to put a stop to the shadowy Kunoichi.

>> No.13723042
File: 419 KB, 1920x1080, 1429426142524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving Hellhounds aren't threadcanon though.

>> No.13723045

Agreed. The Holst one yesterday, and the rabbit one today were both cute.

>> No.13723046

Does anybody have that one yandere chart where it goes from 0 to 110%?

>> No.13723047

Heckhounds are loving, Hellhounds are viscous doms

>> No.13723048

Screw thrread canon, i do what i want

>> No.13723050

>He thinks being fucktoy is love

What are you an elf?

>> No.13723051

I've seen quite a few greentexts where they're perfectly content to act all loveydovey.
But thinking about it, I suppose you're right. I've never outright had people talk about hellhounds like that, as is the case for that shy ushi-oni. Fia, I think she was named?

>> No.13723054

>resorts to roleplay as a defense mechanism
Do you smoke dicks?

>> No.13723056

>Hellhounds are viscous doms
They're actually pretty big switches, not that that'll stop you from shitposting about them.

>> No.13723057


>> No.13723061

>no regard for consent
>Uses her male as she wishes
>Will never obey a male, no middle ground

Hellhounds are as shit as ushi oni.

>> No.13723064

>Dominant, clingy, possessive Hellhound
>Out with her husband
>Some asshole tries to start a fight
>She gets right in the middle of it, makes the guy point out his waifu, picks him up off the ground by his collar and drags him over to her
>"This belong to you? Keep it on a fucking leash"
>Prances back over to her husband, looking like a little kid who just aced a test
>"He didn't hurt you, did he sweetie? let momma see"

>> No.13723066

For the nth time, KC said that all MGs can be sub, dom, tall, short, loli, fat, whatever you desire. So we can have hellhound subs and kiki doms.

>> No.13723067


>> No.13723069

You basically don't like it because it's not a sub even when the profile specifies that they care about their partners.

>> No.13723070

It stays right in their profile that they'll enjoy being violated by a dom, but will turn on him as soon as he drops his guard. They're switches as long as you're not completely submissive.

>> No.13723071

Bizzare comes to mind.

>> No.13723074

I want to be doted on by a dominant Hellhound! I want her to protect my smile!

>> No.13723077

Exactly, I'm going by the profile, so why are you bitching?

>> No.13723081
File: 770 KB, 800x1000, Twj0RL9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhounds are a miracle of the universe.

>> No.13723082


See >>13723066

>> No.13723083

No we can't because the subs would have a fit.

>> No.13723084

I'm not the guy you were talking to, I'm someone else.

>> No.13723089

>joking around
>get called a shitposter

Words hurt

>> No.13723091




>> No.13723092

>it's okay because she loves you


>> No.13723094

I just realized... Hellhound in a pumpkin costume for Halloween where?

>> No.13723096

hey, dont care what role i get, i just want some love

>> No.13723097

So you were pretending to be retarded?

>> No.13723099

Hush sweetie.

>> No.13723100

>only monster in the entire encyclopedia that has a specifically mentioned "only dom ever"-clause in their profile
>when even god-tier monsters like lilim, dragon, baphomet etc. don't have it

>> No.13723105

Purge the week! No more Monday and Tuesday, only Restday and Legday!!!

>> No.13723106

Wouldn't a chochin obake, lava golem or even a hinezume be better suited? Hellhounds only burn at the eyes.

>> No.13723107


see >>13723066

>> No.13723109

Imagine what it'd be like to wake up in bed in the middle of the night and see nothing at all, save for the two orange irises burning just centimetres from your face.

>> No.13723110

Take a nap sugarplum.

>> No.13723111


>> No.13723112

Finally, I can use the "hyperbole" excuse myself.

>> No.13723113


Lava Golems are for molesting Kitsch.

>> No.13723114

see I would be pretending to be retarded if what I said was purposely wrong, the thing is Hellhounds are not dom or sub or anything because they don't exist

Sorry if everyone outside your headcanon is retarded.

>> No.13723123

I love this place.

>> No.13723124

>"This belong to you? Keep it on a fucking leash"
Imagine if the another MG is also a hellhound who will not stand such insult to her husband, the resultant battle would be of epic proportions.

>> No.13723128

Guess who's having a fit right now?

>> No.13723129

>Other monster girl is a Lilim
>She does nothing because she's so stunned that someone actually had the balls to do that

>> No.13723131

>However, it's not like they have a lot of pride or anything, so even in the case when they're assaulted by a man, they don't get angry or refuse. On the contrary, they would likely gleefully accept it and enjoy being violated as a female in bestial intercourse. However, it never means they've been "broken." When the man is basking in glory thinking he has successfully forced one of them into submission, the next moment she'll counterattack and violate him in return, as if to say, "It wasn't nearly enough."

Hellhounds aren't "all dom all the time" in their profiles they're "always dom eventually." So long as you keep coming back to try again you can take the lead for some period of time and they'll love it. You could also read this to mean that so long as you never let your guard down you can stay top dog, but unlike dragons and whatnot you have to stay vigilant.

>Some third hellhound gets pissed off by the noise and jumps into the fight to make them stop fighting
>Suddenly Cerberus is battling itself

>> No.13723133


Yeah well fuck you you're not allowed to like /mgg/ you're supposed to bitch about every little thing and call all the writers faggots and blogshit about whatever you're drinking at this moment

It's Seagram's Ginger Ale

>> No.13723134

One baiting shitposter, what's your point?

>> No.13723148

Cry more, Calf Fries

>> No.13723150

The point of that post is the monster girl thread being /jp/ related. But when you make it about western culture, it stops being Japanese culture.

So yes, you are actually not allowed to add something that is not from or about the glorious nipon.

>> No.13723155

>MGE is literally a pinup version of the DnD Monster Manual
>No paladins!

Seriously, dude. Seriously.

>> No.13723158


Why the hell would you fry and bread veal.

Are you some kind of barbarian?

>> No.13723163

Bollocks, you should at least understand what you're being called before you post about it.

>> No.13723165

You must be new here, so I shall refrain from calling you a faggot.

>> No.13723166

What about discussion in the English language, which also isn't from Japan, genius. Or English cultural context (jokes, memes, etc).

>> No.13723170

>sub hellhounds discussion

>> No.13723176


>Pin-up version of DnD Monster Manual
>No Nightwalker girl yet

I think that's what they're called? The big ass 20 foot undead motherfuckers.

>> No.13723178


>> No.13723180

It's basically a couple diehard prodom/prosub on each side and a bunch of shit stirrers setting them after the other.

Anyways I like how after a rash of shitposting these threads grind to a halt while everyone waits for it to past.

>> No.13723185

I want to create a monstergirl fighting tournament, where they fight for the chance to win the hearts of their potential husbands. The champion must then face off against an Apex Slimegirl to win a trip to the honeymoon destination of their choice.

>> No.13723193


Go back to the starting dungeon, pleb.

>> No.13723194



Literally every shitstorm we have in a nutshell.


What I understand is that you're a barbarian if you're deep frying veal.

>> No.13723197

As long as it's translating Japanese, it's A-OK.

>> No.13723208

The ones that are ghosts so evil and hateful they will themselves corporeal? I wonder how that would work as a monstergirl.

Ghost so horny she has a body I guess? Like something halfway between a wight and a willowisp

>> No.13723224


Yeah those things.

>> No.13723229


I believe we finally found the ghost evolution path for MGE.

Now to have ghasts for ghouls.

>> No.13723234

>Thinks he can easily defeat a slimegirl with the power to manipulate her density, viscosity and constitution at will
>Thinks a slimegirl who can rebind and dissolve even steel molecules is fit for a starting dungeon
>Even when she can take the physical form of other high level monstergirls

Remind me never to go exploring in a dungeon you've made. I'd likely be killed after taking three steps in.

>> No.13723240

>Expecting human beings to be 100% removed from something while trying to discuss/enjoy it and not inadvertently involving their own experiences or cultural context

Yeah, no.

>> No.13723241



>> No.13723243


>TFW you will never have a wall sized poster of The Brando on your wall

Goddamnit, Commander.

>> No.13723251

That's some nice headcanon you got there.

Either way, git gud.

>> No.13723266

Some people aren't respecting the truce, of course there will be fights.

>> No.13723270

What truce?

>> No.13723280


You make it sound like it's something official, rather than just a bunch of overly sensitive dingos ranting about who posts what on the internet.

>> No.13723287

Your cultural experience is creating monster girl-sonas and pretending to be in a relationship with them.

>> No.13723290

From like 6 threads back or so. Anons had a sitdown about this whole thing. Now dim kikis are flourishing, but mention a sub hellhound and, well, you see this stretch of thread.

>> No.13723292

>Anons had a sitdown about this whole thing.

No I didn't.

>> No.13723296

That's hardly what I would call a truce.
It's more akin to "The babies in the majority get what they want, and the babies in the minority have to shut their mouths."

>> No.13723297

this is bait.

>> No.13723298

I just want to dom my Kiki in peace, is that much to ask?

>> No.13723300

Anon, if you want to fully dom a Hellhound (Fully and not just fun Switch shit) then you have to have "Power greater than the Gods themselves". Now, this pretty much means you need to be an incredibly super hero, a god amongst men. And honestly, if you have that kind of power as some chosen hero, you're probably doing something more important than domming Hellhounds.

Honest question, but why do people care so much about wanting to dom a Hellhound, one of the very few Monster Girls where going full-sub isn't possible with them? It's not like fluffy girls are that rare, just get a fucking Anubis, or regular wolf girl, and buttrape her if it means so much to you.

>> No.13723301

You can.

Btw, I will be taking my sub hellhound now.

>> No.13723302

That's exactly it.

>> No.13723306

Yeah well they can go fuck themselves. Sub hellhounds are now a thing.

>> No.13723308

Then kindly tell the majority that they are free to fuck themselves.

>> No.13723310

Man it just isn't worth it anymore.

>> No.13723311

Fat Bottomed Hellhounds!


>> No.13723318

>implying anyone has to defend their choice
What was your plan, sir?

>> No.13723319

I always find ironic that people used KC's own words when it benefit them.

KC said something that goes against your headcannon? "Well fuck KC i wil ldo what i want"

Someone else is just going against that cannon just to satisfy his own tastes? "Not a chance, KC explicitly said that it is a femdomfag MG only"

What's the deal with the hypocrisy?

>> No.13723320

> And honestly, if you have that kind of power as some chosen hero, you're probably doing something more important than domming Hellhounds.
Are you implying there's anything more important than loving your hellhound waifu?

>> No.13723324


>> No.13723328

>one of the very few Monster Girls where going full-sub isn't possible with them?

KC disagrees, but what does he know about the lore that he wrote, amirite? Headcanon 4eva!

>> No.13723333

Fat-bottomed hounds make the rocking world go round!


>> No.13723341

Anon, even if I'm fated to lose, I will make sure that their victory comes at the most dearest of costs.

>> No.13723342

>a fat-bottomed Hellhound will never sit on your face as she gives you a titfuck

>> No.13723343

>that hint of exposed areola
>that fuckhuge tail
>that hourglass figure
>those bursting-at-the-pants thighs

God can't save me from this lust I feel.

>> No.13723345

How's this? I will have my hellhound dress as a maid, fetch my slippers and feed me strawberries because grapes are for fags, while I play Big Tittie Ninja Apocalypse 3, and if someone doesn't't like that, tough gnome titties.

>> No.13723346

I want her to sit on my face

>> No.13723349

I just think it's fucking silly to keep trying to start this shitstorm over and over again.

He probably has better tastes and is getting something better than a Hellhound and not wasting his time taming one. He's probably fucking his Holstaur wife and giving her triplets.

It literally says Gods themselves can't tame them. And none of you fuckers are Gods, so it's delusional to claim anyone here could tame a Hellhound.

Well in all honesty Monster Girls aren't real so who would care.

>> No.13723355

I just don't care anymore. No matter what you say peope won't care about what you say.

Let's see how much time until Ushi-Oni it's made a sub too.

>> No.13723356


KC said again, and again, and again, on both twitter and the Q&A that the profiles are NOT concrete or absolute. They are generalizations, and that there are exceptions to pretty much everything in there.

>> No.13723362

>start this shitstorm over and over again
>implying it's not the "other" side's fault

Sure, blame anything but the spergers.

>> No.13723365

Well Anon when there's so much emphasis put on a particular part of their character it's a bit hard to argue that "It's free flowing."

This isn't "They tend to be mellow". This is "This species can't even be tamed by the gods."

I mean if KC did a profile on a Charizard and said "If their fire tail is ever put in water, they will die." would you think that part of the profile constitutes as a generalization and try to soak your Charizard in bubble bath water?

>> No.13723366

>It's your fault for triggering them
Opinion discarded.

>> No.13723368

Ushis have already been made into a sub several times. Then people moved on to the next thing.

>> No.13723375

No, you're right. Everyone, everyone stop. This one anon knows more about the canon than the actual writer.

If you want your headcanon that's find, but don't pass it off as actual canon when the writer himself of the canon has said otherwise.

>> No.13723376

Look, either the profiles are hyperbole, or they're not.
You don't get to cherry-pick.

>> No.13723382

>none of you are gods

Training till you go god tier is possible in the setting. Now put your autism away.

>> No.13723387

Fine, have what you want.

Make every sub monster a dom for all I care, I don't give a shit anymore.

>> No.13723388

I just hate that you guys use the exact words in the entry to excuse your faggotry, yet for everything else KC is just a faggot that can't make good canons.

>> No.13723389

>I want monster girls to be built from the same mold over and over and never be interesting.

I refuse you.

>> No.13723395

I smell dragontard.

>> No.13723398

If that stops half of the shitstorms I can accept it. I understand why nobody thinks the same though.

>> No.13723399

>"You guys"

Ah, that explains your headcanon policing. You see, believe it or not, /mgt/ isn't a hive mind. Sometimes people are right, sometimes they're wrong, sometimes they disagree.

But again, I'm not here to argue whether I'm right or wrong. I'm factually pointing out KC has said profiles are very flexible and fluid, and that there are exceptions to pretty much anything but his golden rule (happily ever after ends only).

>> No.13723400

No? That's not how it works.
Some portions of the profile are direct description. Some are hyperbolic. You can usually tell because the hyperbole is speaking in flowery language and far away extremes.

>> No.13723403

What if people just ignored the headcanons that they didn't like?

>> No.13723404

You need a Hinezumi in your life.

>> No.13723405

Stop the fight, pet the kitsune.

>> No.13723410

You guys have no concept of moderation. If you want to disregard the profiles completely just say so, but don't try to say "It's all Hyperbole!" Again, use common sense when trying to see what can be a generalization and what's probably fact. If it's a brief passing mention on their personality it's probably a generalization. If it makes a point to explain a certain fact then it's probably true for all of them. Especially with a rare and high ranking Monster Girl like a Hellhound. Otherwise

>"Not all Alps were men who became girls, it's possible for an alp to have always been a girl! That parts hyperbole!"

I just noticed this word in this thread, is this a new epic meme?

>> No.13723411

What if frogs pissed rainbows that taste like root beer?

>> No.13723413

Shitstorms are not a matter of what has been written, they are a matter of lousy people who shouldn't be allowed to ever talk.

>> No.13723416

Nevermind the fact that we're dealing with translations, KC already said they're not universal.

Seriously, what are you trying to prove?

>> No.13723419

>is this a new epic meme?
It seems like a defense mechanism.

>> No.13723423

I'm not really in on the whole conversation. I'm just against the idea that either the entire thing is or isn't one way or the other. There's nuance.

>> No.13723424

No, it's the name of a particular invincible monsterfag. I think this untameable hellhound guy is him, his style is almost identical.

>> No.13723426

But frogs are real and we know what they pissed. Frog girls on the other hand...

>> No.13723427

Which one?
The chubby one, the fit one, the busty seductress, or the loli?
If you don't answer [spoiler[I'll pet then all

>> No.13723434

KC says you can pet any you want as long as it's a happy end.

>> No.13723435

I want to pet the one that is all four things at the same time!

>> No.13723436

>use common sense
Every autist's favorite phrase.

>> No.13723438

>I'll pet then all
b-but that will surely kill you!

>> No.13723442

>There's nuance
Honestly, maybe MGE has too much of that.

>> No.13723445

All it is.

A strongfat, oppai loli kitsune who goes 'ara ara' when you pick her up?
Good man.

Witness me Anon.

>> No.13723446

I want a Wurm to use common sense on me.

>> No.13723452

>All these people getting upset over KC's version of the house rules and have fun passage from every DMG

More like KC changes the cohesion of his universe and then never updates previous material so you have this hodgepodge of various interpretations of his canon that contradict and clash with each other because they were written at different times with different ideas.

>> No.13723454

>You will never be the main villain of MGC, often plotting evil plans to cause great misfortune to the population
>You will never be fated to be alone because evil people don't get to be loved

>> No.13723455

It doesn't even matter what the profiles say. The overarching themes of mge are: "You can have whatever you like" and "Tru lub winz!!11!".

Not sure why you insist on wasting our time.

>> No.13723458

That would probably be the end of the world as we know it because she will show us a whole new one.

>> No.13723460

Pretty much. You can do that in programming (to a point), but as far as writing goes, I don't recommend that.

>> No.13723469

>Wurm used "Common sense"
>Wurm is confused.
>Wurm went berserk.


>> No.13723476

What about the possibility of meeting an evil overlord monstergirl?

>> No.13723481

What are you saying?

>> No.13723482

>tfw you have to become evil to be free
You never know how precious peace is until you have to pay for it...

>> No.13723490

>live in MGC
>not being loved

I-Is such things possible??

>> No.13723493

Wurms have such absurd defense they'd take next to nill from confusion damage.

>> No.13723495


>> No.13723496

All this dom vs sub reminds me of lycans vs vampires

A miracle anon! A blending of the fetishes!

Wouldn't that be nice?

>> No.13723497

Yeah, what about Anon though?

>> No.13723504

Piss of the God of Love with shit like NTR, you become unlovable forever

>> No.13723506

Depends on if he is steel type or not. Outrage is still going to hit for a lot though.

>> No.13723507

Isn't confusion damage percentage based? Or based purely on the power of the attack?

>> No.13723509

>you will never create a vampire/werewolf hybrid with your Lich waifu

>> No.13723510

>come back from work
>see this

It's always rabbit rape season.

>> No.13723511

Seeing as you can't really ntr monsters, I wonder if it's really that easy.

>> No.13723513

>Vampire and werewolf fight over the Anon they both like.
>Turns into underworld except you can understand the plot.
>In the end they are both laying on the ground, sweaty and exhausted before Anon decides to end things his way, by pounding into the two of them until they ahego.

>> No.13723514

You went pokemon, I went generic RPG

See, this is why every anon should go grind at least an hour each morning.

>> No.13723516

Based on the monster's attack against their own defense. It means certain ones can even 1HKO themselves due to their absurdly min-maxed stats.

>> No.13723518

Even better

A Vampire Girl and a Werewolf Girl arguing whether Monster Girls should be Subs or Doms

Which one would be which and which one would you side with?

>> No.13723519

>except you can understand the plot

You having a laugh?

>> No.13723520

These arguments suck and are for children. I just want to go to the slime baths.

>> No.13723521

Not sure I want to open that can.

>> No.13723523

I always side with myself though.

People are either on my team, or not.

>> No.13723524

What use is a monstergirl if she doesn't take what she deserves?

>> No.13723525

Maybe, at least here the plot makes sense.

>> No.13723527

But what are we grinding?

>> No.13723530

I like you.
But my team is better than yours.

>> No.13723531

Monstergirl bathhouses where you can pay to relax in different types of slime baths.
What options would they have?

>> No.13723533

Could always grind bandits

>> No.13723534

Levels, stats, whatever.
The world is a dangerous place.

>> No.13723536

last on the page 10

let's pretend this never happened

>> No.13723538

As long as your team isn't in my way, we never have to find out.

>> No.13723540

I would love to grind some Goblins.


>> No.13723544

Unthinkable. I believe we've made some progress.

>> No.13723547


>> No.13723548

But it's you who stands in my way. The road is mine. Everything under the sky and earth is mine.

>> No.13723551

>"Anon, tell Werewolf-chan that Human Boys are supposed to be submissive! Tell her that because of this Monster Girls like me are supposed to dom them and be their master and lovingly control them! Because that makes them happy!"
>"Nuh-uh! Anon, tell Vampire-chan that Monster Girls are supposed to serve Human Boys and do what they're told, and be like nice loyal delicate flowers for them to hold! Man's best friend!"

>Both look at you longingly, praying you'll side with them
>On one side, life as the only servant to a powerful dominant haughty vampire, a life of loving femdom
>On the other, life as the master to a loyal and genki submissive werewolf, a life of loving maledom
>Which will you do?
>If you try to say Switch or Both you'll get the Switch Mindflayer who'll manually change you to be whatever she feels for her current mood, and if you try to choose equal you get an Alp that wants a nice equal vanilla romance, so don't choose either of them, either the Werewolf or Vampire
