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13612087 No.13612087 [Reply] [Original]

When is Umineko going to come out on steam?
What is the best episode?

>> No.13612127 [DELETED] 


>> No.13612232

No, it's the third one.

>> No.13612254


>> No.13612280

Surely you jest. Clearly its the Fifth one for introducing Erika.

>> No.13612295

Well, we can at least agree it isn't the last, right?

>> No.13612332


>> No.13612442

Fifth is the best because Dlanor.

>> No.13612540
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>> No.13612557


Jessica's death is still depressing to me.

>> No.13612585
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Yeah, her death was extremely brutal.

>> No.13612622
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>> No.13612627
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>> No.13612731 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to /v/

>> No.13612919

He has legitimate PTSD

>> No.13613132
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EP4 is probably the least shittiest because it has some witch action
EP2 is the worst

>> No.13613182
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EP5/6 are probably my favourite.
EP2 is the weakest but I wouldn't consider it to be 'bad'.
I loved EP4's gameboard, but found many of the Ange scenes to be quite jarring.

>> No.13613195

Gave me a chuckle. Ange episode a worst.

Best are 1 and 3.

Spoiler tag that shit.

>> No.13613579

Since there's no where else that's as appropriate, I'll ask here. What is Ryu working on now? WTC5? A new Higurashi again? Trying to forget BT's death?

>> No.13613637

Trianthology and a 'solo project that will be released in the near future... expect an announcement in the next couple of months'.

>> No.13613818
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REALLY 07th Expansion?

>> No.13613826

>Surely you jest.
I remember that line from the subbed version of Seven Samurai

>> No.13613862

Wasn't R07 working on some sci-fi story a while back? Is it TRianThorogy?

>> No.13613938

Something about Alice in Wonderland or whatever. Japan just seems to have a huge fascination towards that story for some reason.

>> No.13614020

It went downhill fast after ep3.

>> No.13614071
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The best part of the whole game is Battler vs Erika in Kinzo's room in episode 5. Except for the ep7 tea party, of course.

>> No.13614215

Overall, I loved episode 3 the best. It just went in a completely different direction than I was expecting at that point with the epitaph being solved almost immediately and everything became really interesting from that point on because I had no idea what to expect.

>> No.13615804

EP5 and 3 were the best ones, if I really had to decide I'd say 5 was better
Then it's probably EP1/7
I enjoyed EP2/4/6 about the same
I don't think much people liked 8 but it had some good parts

>> No.13616498

Does anyone know where I can download the games in Japanese?

>> No.13616730

In all likelihood, those who were trying to actively solve the mystery would have liked EPs 1 and 3 the most, since those two were generally the best at tripping people up: EP1 by establishing the seemingly-impossible murders without clarifying the nature of the narration, and EP3 with the double-whammy of Eva-Beatrice's web of red truth and Beato's troll face.

Passive readers who weren't trying to crack the murders would likely have preferred EP4 for its elaborate action sequences or EP5 for its twist on the usual formula.

EP2 wasn't particularly strong in the mystery or story aspect, making it rather forgettable. EP6 focused far too much on the meta-world and basically didn't have a mystery part to it at all. It also basically dropped the gift-wrapped answer in readers' laps. EP7 was only interesting to those who were too slow in the head to understand EP6's clues. EP8 only served as closure for the series, and wasn't even very good at that.

>> No.13616765

>and wasn't even very good at that
What do you mean?

>> No.13617029

In short, EP 8 was a repudiation of the previous episodes' themes (EPs 1-4 and 7 in particular), and was therefore unfit in its role to bring closure to the story.

If EP7 hadn't been written the way it was, it may have worked. EPs 5 and 6 were already showing signs of thematic reversal, but EP7 resolutely restored the previous status quo.

That's beside the fact that R07 takes his habit of preaching way overboard in this one -- arguably even going so far as to attack his readers -- and that the story itself is very weak, giving readers the impression of following Ange's adventures during an acid trip. And then of course, there's the very divisive ending, which left many readers feeling betrayed (due to aforementioned thematic reversal).

>> No.13617073

What themes specifically do episodes 5, 6, and 8 repudiate? And in what way do they do this?

>> No.13617143

Stop trying to get the internet to do your homework for you, Johnny.

>> No.13617172

It's more that I was interested in the point he was trying to make. He can claim that episode 8 was a poor conclusion due to how its themes contradicted those of previous episodes all how wants, but it doesn't mean anything if he doesn't specify what those themes were. Especially because Umineko is a work that encourages the involvement of the reader, meaning that each reader takes something slightly different from each episode. Perhaps he views episode 8 in a different way to how I do.
I assume he's talking about how Bern tore the guts out of the catbox in episode 7, which can seem out of place in a work that preaches that the truth should not always be told (to simplify).

>> No.13617385

>something i no like
>guess it yourself


>> No.13617906


He was just trying to sound smart by talking out of his ass.

>> No.13617949

Umineko haters in a nutshell.

>> No.13618274
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>> No.13618707
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(Not that poster, but I'll answer.) Episode 5 and 6 show the problems of approaching the story as a mystery; in episode 5 cold hard logical mystery solving is used, rendering a solution that may technically be irrefutable but is very unsatisfying. The message was that you can't just solve the mystery by following every objective fact to its logical conclusion. In episode 6, the meta equivalent is shown to be problematic; although the game can technically be 'won', it's not meant to be won. Erika abuses the fact that it's a game and plays it like a game, which again is not how it's supposed to be solved.

From this point on I disagree with the poster you replied to. Episode 7 followed the style shift in the story by focusing on what is really needed to understand the story: the personal circumstances of the characters involved. It ends with a harsh message in the form of the Tea Party (one that has been foreshadowed since ep5): Discovering the truth may not be a positive thing, and may in fact only cause grief if the truth is sufficiently awful.

Episode 8 then follows that to its logical conclusion by having the message that it's better not to know the entire truth; you know the circumstances that caused the incident, you know the troubles that the characters went through, and who actually committed the murders is not important. Finding the truth would only hurt Ange and all the people she's trying to uncover the truth for.

This all ties in perfectly with the original 'deconstruction* of mystery stories' theme the series starts with. As the series progresses, it increasingly defies the standards of the mystery genre, and at the end it defies the most fundamental law of mystery stories by positing that the mystery does not need an answer.

* Let's not argue over semantics. I know the proper term is 'parody' but 90% of people would take that to mean 'humoristic derivative'.

>> No.13619417


While your post is reasonably well-written it has the fatal flaw of assuming Ryukishi07 actually knows how to write.

Eps1-5 were great and then he had no idea how to wrap it up.

>> No.13619455

Sorry about the delay.

EPs 1 through 4 have as a central theme the pursuit of truth. It is depicted as good, noble even, and it is the goal of not only the protagonist, but also the reader. The red truth is depicted as absolute and all-powerful; it needs neither apology nor justification. This "absolute unquestionable truth" is Battler's only anchor in the turbulent sea of lies weaved by the witch Beatrice.

Although these episodes briefly touch upon the idea of multiple interpretations of events (in the form of a severely flawed interpretation of Schrödinger's Cat), these "possible truths" are clearly not given equal weight to the "actual truth" and are treated as mere illusions by Beatrice, destined to be torn apart in Battler's quest for veracity. In sum, EPs 1-4 take the form of a traditional mystery novel with a slight epistemological twist.

EP5 shows the first signs of bucking that trend with the introduction of the character Erika Furudo. Erika can be said to be the personification of the reader from EPs 1-4, solely interested in digging up the truth, no matter how dirty or wretched it may be, and with complete disregard about how it could affect the parties involved. This is the first occurrence in which R07 casts some shade on the perceived "nobility" of seeking the truth at any cost. EP6 furthers that trend, although I personally feel that Erika's character becomes almost a satire of her EP5 incarnation: she no longer cares about "the truth" so much as about simply being "right" for her ego's sake.

I say EP7 brought back the original status quo due to the introduction of Willard, a sympathetic character _who embodies the very same themes as Erika_, the only difference being that Willard does what he does because it's his job and Erika does it just to satisfy her ego. Note that this is entirely intentional on Ryukishi's part; Willard and Erika even both have the same employer: Bernkastel.

This comment is getting too long. *snip*

>> No.13619468

In short and because I'm getting tired of typing, Willard investigates, cuts through the bullshit and arrives at the heart of the mystery. He solves the majority of the murders from the previous game boards and finally exits stage left after saving the damsel in distress. During the entire episode, he is presented as a heroic figure. What follows is subject to personal interpretation, but I felt that the Tea Party, in which Bernkastel presents Ange with an unpleasant version of the truth and her subsequent refusal to acknowledge it, did not cast a negative light on Bernkastel, but rather on Ange, who adamantly sought the truth, only to immediately reject it when it failed to match up with her preconceptions. Basically, seeking and accepting the objective truth had become "noble" again.

Finally, we arrive at EP8, in which truthseeking is vilified to an extent previously unseen in the series. Fans become mere goats braying for the ugly truth, in opposition to the heroic cast fighting to assert their right to control the narrative of their own deaths. This is arguably a complete reversal to the traditional mystery genre values upheld by EPs 1-4. Even EP8 Battler stands in stark contrast to his previous self, urging Ange to end her quest for the One Truth and to create and treasure her own "truth". I think there will be little debate when I say that the unarguably "good" ending is the one in which Ange abandons her pursuit and chooses to value her happiness over the truth. I'd say there's pretty much no ambiguity when the choice is either 1) become a murderer or 2) be reunited with Battler-onii-chan.

I actually have no objections to either of these two thematic orientations. My only qualm is that EP8 was not fit to act as closure when the vast majority of the story was building momentum in the other direction.

Heh. If something that trite came off as sounding smart to you, I can easily assume you don't have much going on up there.

>> No.13619493

The good ending is the ending where Ange doesn't get cancer and Battler becomes Wheeler.

>> No.13620856

Thanks for the reply.
>truthseeking is vilified
I'd argue that it isn't truthseeking that's vilified, but the stubborn assertion of the readers that the truth is the single most important quality of the story. When I read it, it sounded like Ryukishi was cool with people searching for the truth - Umineko relies on a certain amount of participation from the reader - Ryukishi has described WTC as 'game between himself and his fanbase'. In fact I think a lot of the reason that EP8 turned out how it did was due to Ryukishi's personal opinion that the truth or 'answer arcs' are the boring part, and the most fun lies in the theorizing and mystery (In Higurashi Ryukishi expressed his concern that Kai wouldn't be able to live up to the standards of Ni because 'what's the fun in the explanation?').
The main theme of EP8 was the importance of moving forward, letting the past go (something which I saw as thematically suitable for a conclusive episode). This is supported by the theme of recognizing the real value of the truth, making the conscious decision (which is both emotionally and rationally supported) to not hold it above other, perhaps more important ideas. What better way to express these themes than Ange's journey? Perhaps a lot of people felt betrayed because EP8 looked at what 'truth' actually means rather than what the truth actually *is*. I think it's a fantastic conclusion to Umineko.

>> No.13621061

I guess BT's death really shows. I believe R07 is a poor writer, but he crafts great characters/scenario which makes me like him. EP3 and 5 were easily the best in my opinion.

TRianThorogy has an scenario R07 described as "Call of Duty with aliens", so that may be it. Honestly, while I'm hella excited for the game, I get the feel it's going to be rather short like Higanbana and not a "complete" experience like WTC.

I also fear his other project won't be a VN, but only time will tell. His hint was "Tiger Festival", and some people have already speculated that it's related to Tales of Graces, but he might be referring to this:
He is on the guest list, after all.

>> No.13621084

Lucia route wasn't that bad.

>> No.13621097

>recognizing the real value of the truth, making the conscious decision to not hold it above other, perhaps more important ideas
Haha, well that may be so. Indeed, I can only imagine how indignant Ryukishi must've been that fans actually had the audacity to demand a solution to his murder mystery. Truly, how dare they.

But beyond that, even in the context of Ange's journey, I'd still argue that EP8 constitutes a sharp jerk in the opposite direction. EP7 barely even attempts to lay the groundwork for her eventual volte-face: rather than questioning the value of what she seeks, she simply convinces herself that Bernkastel was lying to her. Her change in attitude is extremely drastic, spanning a mere episode. Take in contrast Battler's slow and gradual warming to Beatrice, which had been setup as early as EP3 and came off as much more natural character development.

Moving forward and letting go of the past certainly are beautiful themes, fitting for a final chapter -- but only for some works. In my opinion, romance novels should not attempt to become thrillers and murder mysteries should not digress into bildungsromans. R07's attempt to shoehorn in these "conclusive" themes in EP8 was just haphazard and intrusive.

>> No.13621258
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If you cannot accept valid-seeming arguments due to a subjective preconception you hold, consider that perhaps your preconception, rather than the argument, is wrong. If R07 is truly a bad writer, it should be trivial to refute the argument.

>I say EP7 brought back the original status quo due to the introduction of Willard, a sympathetic character _who embodies the very same themes as Erika_, the only difference being that Willard does what he does because it's his job and Erika does it just to satisfy her ego.
You're missing many more differences between Willard and Erika. Most importantly, Willard's approach focuses on the characters themselves rather than the the circumstances of the murders themselves. He drags out the backstories of the characters to truly understand the situation. Moreover, and very important thematically, he doesn't go beyond personal boundaries and hurt the people involved. He realizes Kinzo caused the WWII Rokkenjima massacre, and he realizes Shannon has identity problems, but he ends his line of questioning at that and never tells anybody. Even at the very end when he solves the mysteries, he only solves the mysteries themselves and does not point fingers to the guilty party. He's doing it only because it's his job; he doesn't want to hurt anyone involved with the truth either.

Furthermore, most of ep7 doesn't even focus on Willard. It focuses on Claire, and with that the personal circumstances of the characters involved. Ep7 did not return to the status quo; it instead broke away from the original mystery theme (finding the murderer) and instead went with a drama theme (understanding the characters involved).

>Willard and Erika even both have the same employer: Bernkastel.
And Willard strongly disagrees with Bernkastel's intentions, considering her way of reading the story (heartlessly searching out the truth and enjoying the characters' suffering) to be wrong.

>> No.13621268
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>did not cast a negative light on Bernkastel
I have no idea how you consider a scene in which Bernkastel ties Ange to a chair and tortures her with traumatic visions to be not casting a negative light on Bernkastel, especially not with how she's been the main villain of the entire episode before it.

>Fans become mere goats braying for the ugly truth
This is a common misunderstanding. Ryukishi never calls truth-seekers goats. Instead, the second wave of goats are the people who gave up, claiming Ryukishi betrayed them and the mystery is unsolvable.

>Even EP8 Battler stands in stark contrast to his previous self
Episode 6 shows Battler growing to understand Beatrice's intentions. From this point onwards he becomes anti-mystery himself. It's definitely in contrast to his ep1-4 self, but it makes complete sense considering the rest of the story.

>> No.13621529

>You're missing many more differences between Willard and Erika.
You seem to be entirely missing the point of the argument. Both are characters who personify the reader's interest in shedding light on the truth. The fact that one of them may be more considerate or tactful than the other only serves to portray one as heroic and the other as villainous. I don't think it's a coincidence that they have basically no interaction with one another since it would be impossible to write a scene where the same notion is simultaneously lauded and criticized.

>[ep7] broke away from the original mystery theme
Not at all. EP7 is in fact where the Umineko's roots in the mystery genre show most strongly. Not only is the culprit exposed, the entire backstory is dug up, all the answers for the previous gameboards are provided and _there's even a detective minigame_ at the end. EP7 is unarguably the culmination of the murder mystery that took place on Rokkenjima.

>(finding the murderer) and instead went with a drama theme (understanding the characters involved)
I can tell that you don't actually read detective novels. There are far too many parts of Umineko that are ripped straight out of other murder mysteries, INCLUDING the part in which Claire spills her guts and talks about her upbringing and what brought her to commit the crime. You seem to think that this narration is somehow divorced from the mystery genre when it is in fact an inalienable part of it.

>I have no idea how you consider a scene in which Bernkastel ties Ange to a chair and tortures her with traumatic visions to be not casting a negative light on Bernkastel
And I have no idea how you can fail to realize that Bernkastel plays the role of the genie (albeit a sadistic one) in the entire story. "Be careful what you wish for" and whatnot. This characterization is made all the more obvious in EP8.

>Ryukishi never calls truth-seekers goats.
That so? You may be right. I'll reexamine that scene in the future.

>> No.13621723


>Lion hugging Will


>> No.13621886

>murder mysteries should not digress into bildungsromans
You're not fooling anyone by simply calling Umineko a 'murder mystery'. I think we both know it spans many more genres than just that - romance, drama, action and supernatural to name a few. It should have been clear at least by Ange's introduction that Umineko was going to explore more than just mystery. Episode 4 is absolutely jam-packed with Ange's characterization and some development - for example, her experiences with Maria's diary teach her a lot about escapism through magic and bending the truth and so on. A huge chunk of EP4 is dedicated to presenting Ange's character and setting her up for later developments- preparing her for a journey, just like a bildungsroman. In fact, Ange goes on a literal journey as well as a journey of self development. She literally sets of with Amakusa with the intention of discovering the truth - so very like some king of coming of age story. She finds her final answer in EP8.
People often criticize Umineko of diverging themes and even genres too suddenly, but as far as I can see, all the evidence of the vn taking such a path are present in the earlier episodes.

>> No.13622046

>_there's even a detective minigame_ at the end
That's in ep8. And that minigame was later used as a plot point to prove there is no definite truth, as Erika finds an alternate solution. (One I found on the first go, but the game rejected it. Screw you, game.)

>Both are characters who personify the reader's interest in shedding light on the truth.
And I think this is where you are wrong. Erika is clearly a personification of the hardcore mystery-solving part of the fanbase, but Will doesn't seem to represent the fanbase. In fact, Will doesn't even seem personally interested in solving the mystery, just doing what needs to be done.

>> No.13622066

>That's in ep8. And that minigame was later used as a plot point to prove there is no definite truth, as Erika finds an alternate solution. (One I found on the first go, but the game rejected it. Screw you, game.)
I don't remember this part. What was the alternate solution?

>> No.13622139


I think it's that George and his family could have done it instead, but I might be wrong, it's been a long time.

>> No.13622201

I think you're going too far in attempting to segregate mystery from other genres. All mystery novels have elements of action, suspense, drama and romance, but that doesn't make them cross-genre fiction. Likewise, the heart of Umineko is a murder mystery. That's what it started and developed as, so there should be no legitimate reason for it to suddenly end with a bildungsroman conclusion. EP8 did not bring closure to the tale of Umineko, it only brought closure to Ange's little sidestory.

Honestly, did anyone predict Ange would end up taking center stage in EP8 after her agonizingly boring debut in EP4? (I know she actually appeared at the end of EP3, but she was only formally introduced and developed in 4.) Doubtlessly, most readers were hoping this sidetracking would be very limited in scope, like Akasaka's role in Higurashi.

This isn't an opinion solely held by myself either. Ange's segments in EPs 4 and 8 are widely known to be the most reviled parts of Umineko and for good reason.

>Erika is clearly a personification of the hardcore mystery-solving part of the fanbase, but Will doesn't seem to represent the fanbase.
No. The only difference is that Erika is an amateur while Will is a professional. He can be thought of as Umineko's incarnation of the traditional infallible detective who cuts to the heart of the matter without pomp or theatrics, in the same manner as Sherlock or Poirot. Ultimately, they both stand in for the audience.

>That's in ep8.
That's entirely possible. If both the tea party and the minigame had similar outcomes (e.g. Battler & family being the culprits), I may have amalgamated the two inadvertently.

>> No.13622267

the series really lost me around the 5th one with all the magic/meta world crap and those annoying new characters.

kinda lost interest in it tbh, does it get any better?

>> No.13622311


It gets markedly worse after episode 5, but it's worth playing through episode 7 at least so you can see the truth.

>> No.13622364

It only goes more towards meta focus. Episode 6's game board is interrupted and ep7 and ep8 don't even have proper game boards.

>> No.13622376

that's a bummer. is it a common complaint, or do people actually like that stuff?

anyway I read episode 7's tea party, is that considered the official events?

>> No.13622382


Yes, the ep7 tea party is what actually happened.

Poor Ange.

>> No.13622393

pretty much not worth reading beyond episode 3, tbh
the heart of the trick is about as cliche as it gets

>> No.13622437

I would also agree that many Ange scenes - especially in EP4 are some of the weakest in the entire vn, but I fail to see how their comparative weakness mean that it was unclear that Umineko was - at the least - attempting to be something more than a murder mystery.
>suddenly end with a bildungsroman conclusion
Did I not just explain why I don't believe it was at all sudden? Honestly Higurashi is a better example of a vn that suddenly changes genres as there is a very clear divide between the mystery horror, and the unraveling of the answer. Just because Onikakushi is a psychological horror doesn't mean that the answer arc episodes couldn't be mostly dramatic action with a complete absence of horror.
>Ange's little sidestory
Her 'little sidestory' was a great way of putting someone in the position of the reader into the story, having them find set out to discover the truth. I think Ange's scenes work on a few different levels, ultimately adding another some nice layers to the tale.
>EP8 did not bring closure to the tale of Umineko
What? Expanding on my previous point, the fact that it brings closure to Ange's 'sidestory' means that it is also bringing closure to Umineko as a whole. Ange wasn't thrown in as some random character who R07 wanted to develop for no good reason, ending the story with her finding her answer. WE ARE ANGE. At the end of EP8 Ange is given a choice. We are not making that choice only as the character Ange, but also as ourselves. The reader has been given everything Ryukishi has to offer, and now makes their own choice, answering and concluding the tale of Umineko.
EP7 is seen as the definitive answer by fans and EP8 is the neat little bow to tie everything up with, so it's understandable that some readers might see EP8 as adding nothing more of value to the story, especially among those who see Umineko as nothing more than a murder mystery such as yourself. However to some readers the 'tale of Umineko' is a bit more than

>> No.13622461

'who killed all these people on this island'. As a postmodern work, it's got more to say about both readers outside the game as well as the mystery genre as a whole - not to mention the mass of themes brought up throughout the episodes.
But I don't know. I can understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea.

>> No.13623027

Battler was right.

>> No.13624838

So did Will and Lion fuck?

>> No.13624848

Ryukishi07's going to Anime Expo this year. Are there any questions about his works that /jp/ would like answered?

>> No.13625740

So I literally just got done downloading Umineko after finishing Higurashi. Is this the kinda game where I should take notes and write shit down in order to solve the mystery? I started doing that with Higurashi but I gave up after a while. It turned out the shit I was writing down (locations of characters during the murders, relationships between characters, ect) didn't really come into play as much as I'd hope. Is Umineko more fruitful for this kinda playthrough?

>> No.13625877

You can try and do that for fun, but I doubt it's going to work.

Also, don't bother with the epitaph riddle.

>> No.13626170

I'd like to ask him how he justifies acting so condescending towards his readers given the quality of his writing.

>> No.13626193 [DELETED] 

It'll work better than for Higurashi, at least. R07 openly pokes fun at the fact that Higurashi didn't follow the rules of a detective novel. Umineko frankly does a much better job in that regard.

In truth, you probably won't have to since the mystery itself is not that challenging. If you haven't figured it out by the time you finish episode 6, you're pretty much a lost case.

And as >>13625877 said, don't bother trying to solve the epitath. It involves kanji shenanigans.

>> No.13626202

It'll work better than for Higurashi, at least. R07 openly pokes fun at the fact that Higurashi didn't follow the rules of a detective novel. Umineko frankly does a much better job in that regard.

In truth, you probably won't have to since the mystery itself is not that challenging. If you haven't figured it out by the time you finish episode 6, you're pretty much a lost cause.

And as >>13625877 said, don't bother trying to solve the epitaph. It involves kanji shenanigans.

>> No.13626205

Yes. HOWEVER, the answers you will be given will be very limited, you won't get a complete murder mystery-style explanation of everything that's happened. The mysteries themselves are definitely in typical murder mystery-style, so unlike Higurashi they are solvable in that manner.

And like >>13625877 says, unless you're reading it in Japanese don't bother with the epitaph. It's based on Japanese wordplay (and extremely difficult even if you do understand the wordplay).

>> No.13627427

First, get the hell out of here due to spoilers. And enjoy.

>> No.13631327

What is the purpose of the riddle?

>> No.13632224

In the story, it's said to be the key to finding Kinzo's hidden gold (maybe). Read the story and find out.

It also serves as a narrative framing device for the murders that take place, much like Ten Little Niggers does for And Then There Were None.

>> No.13636723

7 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 2 > 8 > 1

>> No.13639372

>7 that high
>1 that low
What are you doing?

>> No.13639404

Being a retard, obviously. The first half of Umineko is miles ahead Chiru.

>> No.13639570

>My opinion > your opinion
How about we stop being /vg/ and discuss WHY you liked certain episodes better than others, rather than just stating your opinion and leaving it at that (which benefits no one)?

>> No.13640190
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>Episode 3 ending

>> No.13640279
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>> No.13640540


Fond memories.

>> No.13642753

You can pretty much solve who the culprit is by EP2, and the motive by EP3. However, the story of Umineko is not necessarily a mystery as much as it is a tragedy with mystery elements.

>> No.13643614

The problem with umineko is it is a work too mature and complex for the fanbase it's aimed to, who commonly missinterpret it in every way possible.

>> No.13643728
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>> No.13649119
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Why is Lambda so scary?

>> No.13649132

I want to fuck Lambda.
Best witch along with Evatrice

>> No.13649263

Why are PS3 sprites so bland?

>> No.13649422

I much prefer the R07 sprites, but even I can appreciate that PS3 Lamba.

>> No.13650870
File: 382 KB, 1040x806, Umineko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Umineko thread. I've recently been re-reading Umineko, enjoying solving the rooms but I can't for the love of me find the order of events for the six-chained one. I saw the supposed or speculated truth on the wiki but it's too vague and just ignores some parts of the explanation.

I understand the basic point. The reason why Kanon is in the chapel is to allow Yasu to dash quickly through the window of the parlor and hide in there as Kanon. No problems with this. My gripe is with the fact that only the key to the chapel is in the Boiler's room. But the only way Yasu has to lock himself inside the church is to have the key with himself which of course is impossible. At the beginning I solved it by simply saying that Genji was alive as well: he is far away in the 4th room of the chain and has plenty of time. He would've waited for Yasu inside the chapel and then locked him inside, completing Kinzo's room before faking his own death. Nanjo of course is in it. But then, Beatrice comes out and tells me Genji is dead and I don't want to push the old "furniture doesn't count" argument to negate the basis of the red. But then, how did Yasu manage to close the Chapel's door? Or is this a duplicate of Episode 2 and the chapel wasn't closed in the first place?
The supposed "truth" on the wiki is so vague, it just tells "oh yeah, Yasu made the circled rooms". I usually wouldn't look but this is seriously the only room I've seen so far I'm having problems solving and I'm going insane

>> No.13651137

My memory is fuzzy on the details, but couldn't the servants' master keys lock and unlock any door? Or was the chapel the one exception to that rule?

>> No.13651179

Yeah, only the key to the chapel can unlock the chapel's door. If instead of the chapel Yasu used any other room there wouldn't be any problem.
As it is, I can't find any possible way to lock that door. Either someone helped carry the key and the red partially lies (which wouldn't surprise me to be honest) or Nanjo just pretended that the door was closed. We do not see the events, only a basic summary made by Virgilia unfortunately so there's no way to know who actually went by the door and who was carrying the chapel's key.

>> No.13651204

What about the underground hidden passage then? Did it lead inside the chapel?

>> No.13651226

It is stated in red that when the door to the chapel is closed it prevents any and all methods of entry and exit and besides I believe it would violate Beatrice's definition of closed room.
And, from what I know, there are only two entrances to the tunnel and the other one is in Kuwadorian. The well in episode 4 was an illusion and I am reluctant believing Yasu run to the other side of Rokkenjima just for that
But hey, I might be quite mistaken. I didn't think about the tunnel actually and it's a nice one.

>> No.13651303


I really feel like I should re-read the question arcs again now that I know the answers, but god damn ep1 is just so slow.

>> No.13651316

It's quite a trip. Basically the solution is always thrown in your face and I'm amazed by the fact we just couldn't immediately reach it. Episode 2 in particular is all about the culprit and in hindsight some dialogues between Shannon, Kanon and Beatrice are just mind blowing. I'm at Episode 3 so far and it just blows out that ridiculous claim that Ryukishi decided "out of nowhere" to change the story after BT's death. It was clearly intentional where we went end Episode 2 just reinforces it.

>> No.13651359
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I want a Bern spinoff.

>> No.13651485


>bern spinoff

nigga what do you think higurashi is

>> No.13651494
File: 91 KB, 1920x1080, rikachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I want to see Bern's shenanigans as she travels across fragments and bullies people. Rika and her wine antics are cute but it's not what I'm looking for.

>> No.13651671

Hope you were being sarcastic 'cause that sounds fucking atrocious.

>> No.13652314

Because her uncle touched her as a child.

>> No.13654191

Nobody actually uses the PS3 sprites and voices, right?


>> No.13654437

I use the voices and the text boxes but not the sprites and backgrounds.

>> No.13654998

If there are actually people like that here, I'd kindly ask them to fuck off back to /vg/.

>> No.13656420

Ep3 trolling was the best. The double twist at the end surprised me, and during the episodes we had magic battles and decent mystery problems.

I hate the smaller text boxes and the old sprites have more character. A shame I can't use voices without text boxes.

>> No.13656579
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>> No.13656607

So, in the end, what was the deal with Jessica in EP4? She says some rather inexplicable things over the phone.

I like to think of her as the only truly innocent one on the island, so I'll get mad if you try to pass her off as an accomplice.

>> No.13656622

Fuck off you and your stockholm autism.

>> No.13657133

Kanon forced her to say it as he held her at gunpoint.
She didn't have the will to resist and fight back, because love and all that.

>> No.13657355


Poor Jessica, she didn't deserve it.

>> No.13658810

So you're saying she said all that while being aware that she was going to be killed in the following moments? I find that kind of hard to swallow, but I wouldn't put it past Ryukishit to infer something like that.

>> No.13660176
File: 158 KB, 921x463, bern!..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Bern spinoff where she rapes other setting in the most painful, humiliating manner. I want to see her destroy canon continuity, I want to see main characters broken, I want to see love interests utterly crushed, reduced to a pitiful nothing. I want to see fractured story lines, crippled villains, crumbled, cracked author message, until nothing remains but a parody of what was that particular work. I want to see her troll face painted on every works, I want to see her visage in the end, filled with glee as everything else shatter. I want her to be the end.

>> No.13661779

People act funny when they think their lives are in danger. Sometimes they do anything if they think their killer will spare them.

>> No.13662877

Did Eva-Beatrice have a purpose outside of making Ange's hatred of her seem justified?

>> No.13668328

Does it say anywhere that the chapel cannot be locked from the inside without a key?

>> No.13671217

I don't remember the detailed reds, but in hindsight it's not a really important problem. The entire sequence is skipped over, we only know the details of the single rooms. We don't know who grabbed the keys, who checked the locks... nothing. So for what I care, Nanjo just did what Rosa did too, pretended the chapel was closed. Sometimes in Umineko Occam's Razor is the best solution, no need to search for anything more complicated as long as we have an effective blue truth.

>> No.13671544

Currently playing the 4th, but it's pretty boring so far. 3 was pretty amazing, do they step up after 4 again?

>> No.13671549



>> No.13671613 [DELETED] 

>Too much Ange, shit's boring
>All those hints and explanations about what magic is

>> No.13671970

No. 3 was the high point.

>> No.13672101
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Personally I consider 5 the highpoint.

>> No.13672111

>I wouldn't put it past father
Fucking gold.

>> No.13672280

4 was boring, indeed, but the last third or so of that chapter is awesome. And then, episode 5 is my easily my favorite from the whole game.

>> No.13672340
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Did someone say gorudosumissu?

>> No.13672872

Ep4 catches up with the extra Tea Party where most of the mystery part is "resolved".

>> No.13672920


Episode 5 is the best.

>> No.13673449

small bombs

>> No.13673469

I agree, and Erika-sama is the best seacat.

>> No.13673475
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>mfw small bombs was the truth all along

>> No.13674382
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Beatrice is such a troll.

>> No.13674475


I share a few of your thoughts, but I have a bit of a different interpretation of it and a slight change in direction of your analysis.

Umineko is sort of divided into question/answer arcs that correspond to one another.

EP1: Whodunnit? (EP5: Shakannon)
EP2: Howdunnit? (EP6: Full scenario that hinges on the Shakannon theory)
EP3: Whydunnit? (EP7: Motivations of Yasu Explored / Revelation that even without Yasu, the family would find the gold, the murders would still occur, not because they cannot solve the riddle, but because they can.)

R07 himself brings up those terms within the story.

During Episode 7, there's also a revisit to what the core question of Episode 4 and Episode 8, which is harder to phrase, but it's something like "What does this all this mean? / For whom was this story told? / Why does it matter?" I'm phrasing this clumsily, but Episode 4 introduces us to Ange who is searching for the truth, but is in her own unique position-- this is her family.

In Episodes 4, 7, and 8, the sickness of speculators/gossipers is discussed, particularly when it comes to events like murders. Ange is really the only one who this should matter to-- she is the sole heir and the last remaining family member. She lost the mother, father, and brother she loved, and due to the malicious gossip, her and her aunt became estranged. Her life was spent dealing with culprit theories and her only impressions of her own family were terrible.

R07's point here is that what happened on Rokkenjima is not a mystery. It's a tragedy. People turned it into a mystery to satisfy their own perverse desire to play detective games with a dead family.

The real important question is "What does this event mean to Ange, how will she choose to see her own family now that they are dead?"

>> No.13675450
File: 273 KB, 428x600, yareyare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My theory is that umineko is just Ange hallucinating during an acid trip after reading Tohya's books and the one truth.


>> No.13682378

I always find Umineko easier to accept after reading about random shootings. It brings out the reality in having a character who will kill people just because they themselves think that is the solution to their world problems.

Else I tend to get stuck on the fact that you need a reason to do crazy things, and Shkannon seemed to just have too much to live for and the family seemed to still care about each other even when they were tight on money.

>> No.13682435


>the family seemed to still care about each other even when they were tight on money.

The entire reason the incident happened is that they all wanted the biggest portion of the money. If Krauss had come out and said 'well dad's dead, here we all get a quarter of his money' everything would have been fine. But no, the second a giant pile of gold is thrust in their faces they all kill each other because they're afraid they won't get their share.

As for Yasu, he was obviously messed up beyond repair after having his junk cut off as a baby. Schizophrenia is bad news.

>> No.13682475

So wait, Ryuukishi just insults his readers in the end of the day?

>> No.13682674

It's not too much of a stretch to say most of the characters of Umineko are mentally ill.

Think Patrick Bateman, they appear normal to rest of the society but are quite fucked up psychologically.

>> No.13682797


Pretty much. He wrote a mystery, told you it was solvable with the clues given, then turned around and called you monsters for trying. It isn't even a valid point to be making.

>> No.13683386

You do realize that's basically what God did in the Garden of Eden, right?

>> No.13683453


Yes, and it shows why God is a dick not worthy of worship.

>> No.13684391
File: 42 KB, 426x640, 2579708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ep 1 is the best
ep6 is the shittiest

meanwhile, 5 years later and I still listen to ost and play that shitty fighting game

I will never get over

>> No.13684403

Yeah, me too

I didn't quite understand it back when I read umienko years ago, but later, after I started doing drugs, /dis/, /psy/ and others, I realized that Ange is not mentally ill nor anything
she's just tripping balls

hell, "magic" ending is what literally happened to me after I did drugs long enough
Also, it made it easier for me to understand how there can be many truths and I met Bernkastel and Lambda several times in my drug-induced dreams
As well as people from my past, like Ange did in ep8 etc

tl:dr Ryukishi is a druggie

>> No.13684446

Yeah, Bern deserves some fun after Ryu07 sorta mistreated her in the Umineko

But your picture is unrelated since Homu>Bern/Rika

sorry Bern

>> No.13684485


>they themselves think that is the solution to their world problems

Killing is not "the" solution. It is "a" solution. There's a difference between them and it's the fact that killing is a choice. It's a literal shortcut in a lot of ways in both Umineko's case and irl.

>> No.13684617


No, he is not insulting the reader.

This is sort of complicated to explain. Basically, what he does through the story is unpack what "without love, it cannot be seen" actually means in the context of the story.

His goal is to convey that by getting the reader actively involved in the metaphor. Episode 1-3 are meant to draw you in and to get you to participate in the behavior that he condemns, namely, taking the tragedies of other people and turning them into a mystery or a game. Episode 4 is a shift to show you the human consequences of doing that. Episode 5-8 focus on dealing with tragedy, coming to terms with loss, and how the dead are remembered. His point is that the speculators are often insensitive or cruel like the goats, or ruthlessly determined to get truths that mean nothing to them like Erica. Instead, he encourages outsiders to approach the mysteries like Willard (with sensitivity and respect).

What R07 is condemning is not the reader themselves, but the way people act towards the tragedies of others. A part of this is how people can get so fixated on facts (red truths) that they ignore the context of those facts (just the narrative).

Higurashi is a story about changing the future. Umineko is a story about accepting the unchangeable past. Ange is central to the theme of coming to terms with tragedy when it strikes close to you and her journey from truth seeking to moving on is basically his thoughts. It's not a coincidence that the funeral episode happens directly after R07 lost his best friend.

>> No.13684632

Would bang all the witches especially Lambda

>> No.13684662

who cares

Erika and Bern had more kokoro then all the other characters combined
to say they are heartless is the same as denying the power of their passion

Lambda is just too sexy!
Some time ago I had a dream when she allowed me to fuck her

great dream

>> No.13684994

5th is clearly the best episode. Almost whole new soundtrack, bunch of new good characters especially Erika and very epic finale. The whole Umineko is worth reading just to enjoy 5th episode.

>> No.13685019

Yes, even if you find the last chapters to be garbage like most people (I do not, I share the interpretation of >>13684617), Umineko is seriously worth reading for 3-4-5. It's so fucking fun.

>> No.13685474



>> No.13686646


>> No.13688183

Yeah, the first half of that chapter is atrociously boring but the end is one of my favorite parts. Still, 3-4-5 is easily the climax imo

>> No.13690144
File: 1.33 MB, 1241x1733, 14155483467832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does someone know where this is from?

>> No.13690155


Oh god that art is just hideous.

>> No.13692889 [DELETED] 

No, this is refusing to understand the story. He gave us four solvable mysteries (who got properly solved by a massive amount of hints) while the story evolved into something that was much, much bigger. The entire point of Umineko was coming to understand Beatrice's heart. When the message in the bottle begs you to "find out the truth" it refers to that, not what actually happened on the island. That's what those stories have always focused around, in a way or another. Especially episode 2, which is almost more obsessed with the whole furniture thing than the actual murders.

I remember how much people hated that sentence, "People buy my books but do not read them" because it perfectly fits with it. And it wasn't even the first time he criticized some people, we can see the first warnings in Episode 3 ("People are obsessed with the contents of the box only because they want to break the lock, it's truly deplorable") He knew people would've been disappointed but tried to convey that message over and over again regardless, because it had meaning.

What Chiru did was only repeat the same themes of 1-4, just expanding on those ever more. Five is almost like a return to Legend's suspicions on Natsuhi and tried to warn us about the consequences of our blue truths with that farce of a trial. Six is a return to Two with a bit of Three (the love trial and the logic error, which is solved by basically abusing the same trick that was involved with Nanjo's murder, only by making it even more obvious). And after the requiem where finally the illusion was lifted there was nothing more to say. Battler writes the happy story about his family and how he remembered them and we get closure.

>> No.13694288
File: 1.08 MB, 863x1222, 12071562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natsuhi is the best aunt!

>> No.13694537


>the root cause of everything
>best aunt

pick one

>> No.13694737

Why do you want me to pick between Kinzo and Natsuhi?

>> No.13694867


I don't remember Kinzo throwing Lion off a cliff like Natsuhi did.

>> No.13695155

The last time I check, Natsuhi didn't copulate with her own child. Lol. So it's between a man who screwed his own daughter or a woman who tossed one of her family members off a cliff.

>> No.13695171

Satoko didn't become a witch did she...

>> No.13695192

Technically she did. Lambdaelta is dubbed as 'Satoko Witch self'.

>> No.13695209

Not Takano?

>> No.13695224

Simply put, one can say she's a mixture of both Takano and Satoko since she has been linked to the both of them.

>> No.13695240

Then again, Ryukishi himself stated that her similarity to Takano was a red herring used to throw off readers who read Higurashi first. So it just boils down how you look at her.

>> No.13695897
File: 164 KB, 800x754, http%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2F6369d6f37ec9208f189eae8bc120a5c5%2Ftumblr_na9gcpBjLz1qlodbjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Ange to dominate me.

>> No.13696398

Bitch please. Takano was Lambda's piece in Higurashi

Or perhaps even proto Lambda herself, given how important Takano's story is to 34

>> No.13696404

How can you not? Especially with those bulging thighs.

>> No.13696551
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Yawn~ Won't even put much of a bother in getting into an argument-that you desperately crave-on the Internet with someone who I personally don't think shit of. Nonetheless, yes, Takano was Lambda's piece in Higurashi and Takano's story is important to 34. Gold star for you for stating facts.

>> No.13696665

That blue haired girl is kinda cute.

>> No.13697672


>> No.13697868

Controversial opinion.

>> No.13698382

Well, Kinzo also fucked up all of his children with his parenting.

Is there anything Kinzo ever did right? Don't think so.

>> No.13698383

Get in line faggot.

I want her to sit on my face and cover my nose with her anus and my mouth with her vagoo and make me sniff and lick while suffocating on her fluids and odors until she's satisfied.

>> No.13698384

That opinion is objectively right.

>> No.13698396

That's absolutely disgusting anon.

>> No.13698400
File: 74 KB, 400x406, beato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a faggot.

>> No.13698408

That was extremely rude anon.

>> No.13698487
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>> No.13698531


n.. No than you!!

>> No.13698592

Probably never. However, it Steam do take on the task, they're going to have to put a lot of blood and sweat into redoing the slew amount of sprites.

>> No.13698687
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>> No.13698932
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>> No.13702217

Episode 2 is underrated as fuck. It has some of the best dialogue between Battler and Beatrice

>> No.13702257

This man is right. Ep. 2 made me fall in love with Beatrice.

>> No.13703968

They were.
But, like another person said, she's just on drugs.

>> No.13704227

He never actually said this. Someone misquoted an interview and it's been circulating since then.

Ougon CROSS and EP8 manga made it pretty clear that Lambda is meant to be witch Takano.

>> No.13705252

Is there a live torrent for Ep 8 and Ep 4 out there somewhere? It's been years and literally EVERY torrent site I've searched on only has a dead torrent now.

>> No.13705278

Well, I was waaaay off. Lol, thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.13705400


This. Bump.

>> No.13705461

buy the game

>> No.13705633


I would, if I could find a (paying) download site that was functional and wasn't in complete moonrunes.

>> No.13705674

>and wasn't in complete moonrunes
Why are you even on this board?

>> No.13705969
File: 77 KB, 400x500, ab4fc4e78e6a88aff36bba0dc159c11fe8a237fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't look too hard did you
because this is literally it

>> No.13706004

whoops scratch that. Seems like mangagamer pulled everything 07th off their page except for the Higurashi remake.

>> No.13706362

In Episode 4, why did Ange go off on a lecture about good witches, and then proceed to kill all of the black-suited men who were following orders? That doesn't seem like what a good witch would do.

>> No.13706407
File: 121 KB, 850x961, sample-21ab1b93bd506de3ac7f8dc4f663687c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you would kill those dudes too if they were trying to blow your brains out because your crazy ass aunt hated you and your mom for marrying your dad and wanted your money. Fuck that.

Anyway, you think Ange would whore out the Sisters of Purgatory for extra money (provided if others could see them)

>> No.13706432

It's still a horrible thing to do, and it contradicted what she said just a few minutes before. Was the point that Ange isn't really any better than the evil witch after all, or did Ryukishi07 just really want another cool action scene?

>> No.13706489

Because Amakusa was killing them and Ange just layered her own delusion over it.

>> No.13710022

I'm replaying Umineko right now with the PS3 stuff, but I haven't seen any CG yet, only sprites. Do they just now show up until later or am I missing something? I'm just about to get to the dinner scene of Episode 1.

>> No.13710247
File: 736 KB, 900x636, eva_beatrice_by_wickedalucard-d3ev3wd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone happen to have a working DL to prepatched Ougon Musou Kyaku CROSS?

>> No.13711703

The first instance of CG is at the first twilight, at the shed

>> No.13711798

Thank you. Some stuff didn't get installed right

>> No.13712279
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>> No.13712816

I went to great pains to track down a copy of that book and I must say after finishing it that the resemblance is superficial at best. Ten Little Niggers was obviously a much greater inspiration.

>> No.13712900

What book did he post?

>> No.13712930
File: 782 KB, 700x990, 686d3e7cae5f181c0b72bc18afdc03d7c1fa8470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already has enough money, she can keep the Sisters for herself.

>> No.13713868
File: 593 KB, 1278x714, when the dogs cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13713951

Ange is into some things, Jesus!
I wanna see Ange dom and humiliate Mammon in front of her sisters

>> No.13714164

It's the cover for this one doujinshi

>> No.13714404

The Tokyo Zodiac Murders by Soji Shimada.

>> No.13715469

Well, he did take the whole "if you could only understand the culprit's heart" theme from it. I think Ryukishi07 was definitely influenced by it.

>> No.13716394

Well, I respect your point of view, but I actually don't really think that theme is particularly pronounced in The Tokyo Zodiac Murders. In fact, by solving the murders, the pieces all naturally fall into place when you consider the identity of the culprit and his/her relation to the victims. In comparison, Umineko rather forces the point by saddling Yasu with an over-convoluted backstory.

I obviously can't claim with certainty that R07 wasn't influenced by it, but if he was, I can't really find any evidence of it, other than the aforementioned superficial similarities.

>> No.13716843
File: 303 KB, 509x1363, ange+stakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she does all seven at the same time.

>> No.13716846

"this one?"

>> No.13717097
File: 68 KB, 450x450, 1423734298304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished episode 4, that ending was so satisfying. Totally made up for the boring shit that came before it.

The relevation of ange was pretty heartbreaking, and then at the end of the teaparty.
>Discode starts playing
>"Who am I?"
>Credits roll

Looking forward to episode 5 now since everyone seems to say it's the best one.
For me it's currently 3>4>1>2

>> No.13717102

Tomorrow, and 1 or 6.

>> No.13717126


consider the above to have equal weight as red truth

>> No.13717239

Source or name? Google came up with nothing.

>> No.13717606


Switch 3 and 1 and you've got my list though.

>> No.13717721

Seventh Heaven or something like that.
It's pretty tame, with Mammon desperatly trying to get ange's attention..

>> No.13718693

A quick question for those of you who played the game as original and ps3 version, which had more impact?
I would have imagined the ps3 version to be the winner here, but I looked up some example video and it kind of disappointed me.
This could have multiple reasons, for one I played the entire series with original sprites and without voices (so I made up my own voices to the scenario obviously) which the ps3 version conflicted with. Also I might have just gotten used to the original so much that I cant judge it clearly. The translation also seemd quite literate which is kind of boring. Just asking for some input here.

>> No.13718758

Wait, so literate translations are somehow bad now?

>> No.13718781

Felt kind of lifeless to me, correct me if I'm wrong here I only watched a video as I said.
Maybe the battle between Beatrice and Virgilia in part 3 is not the best example, can imagine that to be quite tricky to translate lively.

>> No.13718812

PS3 sprites are generic, R07 expressions have much more life into them, even if bearhands.
And no voice overs gives more room for imagination. I imagined a completely different voice for Lambda for example, don't like the VA.

>> No.13718853

Don't forget ahahaha.wav and breaking glass sfx.

>> No.13718872
File: 124 KB, 643x485, da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't people like the PS3 sprites? This shit is heinous to look at. It's dA tier.

>> No.13718943

People who played it as it was being released prefer originals.

aka "i was forced to play with this terrible art, muh sour grapes, muh denial, etc etc"

>> No.13718952

I'd rather have something amateur but unique and with soul than some generic "correct" stuff.
Art depictions, specially, highly stylized ones like these, are never "correct" anyway. They're just a form of artistic expression. Considering these are drawn by the writer, they add a whole new artistic layer to the novel and allow the author to add more detail to what he is trying to convey. This layer is lost when it's drawn by someone else, and there's obviously much less synergy that when it's the author doing it. I think it's a big reason why one man projects like these, Touhou or Yume Nikki cause a lot of artistic impact in their fanbases, it's because they feel more whole and pure than team efforts that end up producing contradicting results.
And I'd rather see a deviantart-tier picture like you say, or a kids picture even, but with a glimpse of life than some generic anime art that just "ticks all the boxes", and the Umineko (and Higurashi) remake art falls into the latter category. Of course the generic art is much more marketable, because teenagers (there are reasons for this) or people with low artistic sensibilites don't really understand (I don't expect you to understand either) the real values in visual art and would rather go with fads and realism.

>> No.13718961

>Your first kiss wasn't with Beatrice.
>It was me, Erika!

>> No.13718964

It grows on you.

>> No.13718965
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About russian visual novel that impressed me

>> No.13718966

>wall of text trying to excuse shit taste under the premise of "muh art, muh generic ps3"

tl;dr sour grapes

>> No.13718992

But you are the one with shit taste. And you even use greentext and low level memes like muh, so I don't think you can't understand anything.
You are free to use your inferior PS3 sprites all you want though. It's not like they are terrible, but they're worse. The experience is enhaced with R07 ones if you are able to overlook the first bad impression the art makes. Like >>13718964 said it grows on you and it does for a reason.
Well, in any case I don't get how you would really understand Umineko with that kind of mindset you have, but I guess you can get some fun out of it still.

>> No.13719050
File: 101 KB, 641x480, lambda green text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, separate your sentences, it's painful trying to read you.

Fuck this, I'm out to bed. Good night seacats.

>> No.13719073

10/10 backgrounds
1/10 writing
-10/10 cg

>> No.13719118

To me, R07's art gives me a strange sense of nostalgia and I love it for that reason. I don't understand when people call it DA-tier, because I've seen lots of DA art and this is completely different, it's pretty unique. One reason I'm looking forward way more to TRianThorogy than his other new horror ADV is because of his art.

That said, I can understand completely why someone would dislike it and refuse to play it like that when they've got other options (PS3 sprites for Umineko are okay, but Higurashi's alternatives are just awful in my opinion). Though one thing is for sure, his art is much more expressive than in any of the alternatives. Beatrice's "spooky" faces in the PS3 version, for example, look forced as fuck.

>> No.13719154
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>Everyone getting upset over if someone uses the PS3 sprites or the old school ryu designs

Did everyone in this generation started investing in salt mines?

>> No.13719159

/v/ quality post.

>> No.13719167

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13719292

The problem with beatrice spooky-faces is that I don't think they exist in the original art. The faces she makes are sort of strange, which is absolutely charismatic. I think the mistake was to even try to make the faces "spooky" when doing creepy shit with a smile on face was one of the original charm-points.

>> No.13720185
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To each his own, at the end of the day.

>> No.13720430

George isn't fat enough in the PS3 sprites.

>> No.13720642

Yes, I think this actually negatively affects the story.

>> No.13720648
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>> No.13720975

Uhh, any other ideas for questions? I was thinking of asking him whether he thinks the east or the west side of the fanbase is quicker at solving his mysteries

>> No.13721097
File: 280 KB, 102x247, Ange_idle_stance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why there is little doujin of her?
Her legs her thihgs and twintail ... man she is sexiest character in VN fuck there nukige and eroge characters they are nothing like Ange.

I want her to dominate me with her legs while saying.
<Have a nice day> < see you again >

>> No.13721108

Great, sexy design wasted on worst girl

>> No.13721169

I'd prefer the PS3 sprites if some of the expressions weren't so shit. But some of, say, Beato and Lambda's "trollfaces" actually ruin the mood of the story, because they don't even portray the intended emotion. They're extremely exaggerated in the PS3 version, when in the novel they're often used in scenes that aren't very high in intensity, so it's weird.

>> No.13721597

That's an odd way of saying "best"

>> No.13721787

That's an even odder way of saying "I have shit taste".

>> No.13721861

Even after everything went to shit, I still liked it. It was certainly different from what I was expecting (hoping for?) though.

PS3 sprites are jarring after looking at the original art for so long. When you shitpost with it enough, it becomes a part of you. I'd never trade bea_akuwaraib2.png for anything.

>> No.13722550

I'm currently working on an Umineko fan project to work on my skills in ONscripter. 4 short "episodes" that each have something unique to them. Animations, sprite edits, gameplay, puzzles, voices. Only 2 are anything new though, and I'm writing them to frame the minigames. The fifth and final part is currently a placeholder. It's a /jp/-focused project, so I'd like to hear your ideas for the final part. No autism though. Think Witches & Woodlands or Anon's Nice Day.

>> No.13723796

>No autism though.
>Umineko fandom.

Please my man, chose one.

>> No.13725269

Sounds cool. Please post more when it's finished.

>> No.13725583

Anyone know where to start if I want to read Higurashi? There seems to be many versions, some updated with ps2 art, some unvoiced available.

>> No.13725591


>> No.13725601

Thanks. I guess this includes all previous chapters to date?

>> No.13725654

Just one chapter thus far, but it's the retranslated version. The original MG translation was a complete mess.

>> No.13726349

How does one read Umineko with the original sprites and backgrounds, but with PS3 voices?

>> No.13726820

I don't doubt that it's shit, but does anyone have examples?

>> No.13726844

I swear someone was working on a patch for that a couple of years ago, but I have no further info.

>> No.13727107

I replaced all (or most) of the games files with the original, though how do I work the nsamake tool to repack the files into an arc file? I'm not used to command prompt.

>> No.13727788

"You don't know where Russia is? You must really suck at geometry."

Or something along those lines.

>> No.13728198

"You looks sick."

That one is real.

>> No.13729205

Anyone? Does anyone know how to work the tools off Uncle Mion to repackage a folder into an arc file?

>> No.13731947

Just reread EP5 after seeing people rate it so highly on this thread. My opinion remains unchanged: very weak episode overall, about on par with EP2 in terms of quality.

>> No.13732029
File: 81 KB, 1000x500, afEzsGW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... uh...

>> No.13732063

fake and gay

>> No.13732073

At least we get a new contender for worst sprites.

>> No.13732083

...At least you can mod in new sprites easily, since it's going to be using same engine as Higurashi release.

>> No.13732173
File: 209 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real

>> No.13732200

These are a lot better than the PS3 sprites, don't be a cunt.

>> No.13732288

You must be joking. Batora looks like a damn Mexican.

At least they accurately capture the tranny essence of Beatrice

>> No.13732767

It looks like they are using sprites from that Pachi-Slot Umineko game.

>> No.13732829

Pachinko sprites look god-awful, but they're only there to rope in steamfags who are scared off by Ryukishi's art.

>> No.13732887

What's there to update? Isn't Witch Hunt's translation pretty solid minus the Siesta/Chiester thing?

>> No.13732973

Any other problems with the fan translation?

>> No.13733013

All the ellipses and weird formatting, plus there are a handful of translation errors and puns they didn't bother to translate, mostly from earlier on when they had a different translator.

>> No.13733219

I don't understand the need to retranslate the whole thing.
Why not spend that manpower in translating more Higanbana or Rose Gun Days and just pay Witch Hunt to include their translations? Isn't Witch Hunt already pretty much official, considering they had some agreements with Ryukishi and they even make a cameo in the game?

>> No.13733282

>I don't have a fucking clue, but I guess I'll post on the topic anyway.

Higanbana and RGD are already translated.
MangaGamer is collaborating with Witch Hunt to release an updated translation.

>> No.13733286

>but they're only there to rope in steamfags who are scared off by Ryukishi's art.
Then why didn't they use the PS3 sprites which look better?

>> No.13733354

Obviously because those are owned by Alchemist, not 07th Expansion.

>> No.13733498

Because they don't have the money.

>> No.13733577

Backup the original sprites and background, apply PS3 patch, override sprites and backgrounds with the old ones. This isn't rocket science.

>> No.13733685

I'm gonna play it for the first time, I have been delaying it for years but I'm a bit lost with the "episodes". Were they released separately? Can I just download the whole game?

>> No.13733695

Fuck I'm really lost with all this sprites backgrounds voices and textbox how do I play this.

>> No.13733711

Does anybody knows where i can play the virtual Pachinko umineko? i see people playing it in nicovideos, but i don't know where to find it.

>> No.13734098
File: 303 KB, 640x480, umineko 6 - readers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Buy the game.
2. Set to "Original Sprites."

You're good to go.

>> No.13734106

Joke's on you

I started playing with ps3 sprites, then dropped that shit and switched to originals
also, turned off the voices, since I felt they didn't fit


>> No.13734147

Autism in all its glory.

>> No.13734181

>I don't know what autism is

>> No.13734195


I wonder how they managed to get the Pachinko sprites.

>> No.13734204

Autism in all its glory.

>> No.13734236

Probably just licensed it.
It was probably cheaper than Alchemist's and the copyright holders were more willing to license it.

>> No.13735619

Auau is the worst seacat.

>> No.13735830


Characters with meta abilities/author inserts are always stupid as shit.

>> No.13735906

What episode was her first appearance?
And yes she was among the first fuckups

>> No.13736017

Lol, wait what's wrong with Auau?

>> No.13736110

Episode 6 I think. In my opinion she would have been almost enough to ruin that episode by herself even without the other fuckups that followed

>> No.13736138

>Episode 6 I think
Episode 5 is still perfect then, good

>> No.13737394

People have said many times in this thread that "it's easy to solve the murder before episode 6" or "you can understand everything by episode 3"
Did most of you honestly figure out that Shannon and Kanon weren't real people that soon ? I agree that episode 6 really throws in your face the fact that the culprits must somehow be shannon and kanon but if you were strictly following the red text, it would raise some contradictions. Figuring that out by episode 3 though has to be blind luck
The worst part though is the motive. To this day I don't really get what Beatrice's goal was. He/she's in love with Battler, george and jessica, but can't have sex, and also gets hurt by Battler forgetting about him/her. Somehow this leads to the epitaph murders ? Did anyone really guess this
I don't see how Battler figuring out the epitaph before the murders could somehow mean that he loved her. And on the contrary, even if Battler actually loved her he might very well not be able to solve the riddle. The idea that her goal is revenge has been denied in red and makes no sense anyway, as you could easily kill people in a different and safer way. In short her motive makes no sense whatsoever

>> No.13737442

I actually thought that Kanon was not a real person (but forgot about it) when in one scene Godha talks to Shanon while Kanon is talking to her but doesn't notice him "because he was really quiet and was hidden behind Shanon" or something strange like that. Also in another scene you have Shanon and Kanon walking in the rain and when Kanon steps on a puddle he doesn't even cause a ripple.
The motive makes no sense because Yasu is crazy and since he can't choose between Battler George and Jessica decides to fuck shit up.
This, of course is in the real world.
I started writing a response about why Beatrice would kill everybody but I just noticed that Battler figuring out Shkanontrice theory would in no way make him remember his love lel.
The "if epitaph gets solved I give up" is just a rule that Yasu made so he can have an excuse to not kill his family.

>> No.13737474

7th game was clearly the best

>> No.13737671

Just a couple of points I don't get
If Sayo is just crazy and randomly decides to fuck shit up, why is Battler always the last person left alive ? As said before "because Sayo loves Battler" doesn't really make sense
If he can't decide between Jessica, George and Battler this part doesn't make sense either as George or Jessica should sometimes take Battler's place in that case (assuming the murders are truly random as beatrice constantly says)
In the meta world, Beatrice's real motive for committing the murders is to resurrect as the Golden Witch and there are no contradictions. Then again the meta world is mostly incoherent and only serves as a succession of hints for what happened in the real world

>> No.13737720
File: 242 KB, 768x432, pony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is Battler always the last person left alive ?
Because Battler was her first crush and she was hurt that Battler forgot about his promise, so she kills him last in the hopes of Battler remembering the promise.

>> No.13737795

That's what I don't get. I don't see how the epitaph murders would make Battler remember this

>> No.13737864

I highly suspected that Kanon wasn't real by the end of EP4 since his corpse kept conveniently disappearing in every episode. And I was already suspect of Shannon as early as EP1.

In EP5, there are actually a number of scenes in which they both simultaneously appear and interact with Erika, the detective, which I can't explain. These are scenes which don't involve Battler, so they can't possibly be told from his POV.

>> No.13737870

Battler is always one of the last to die because the entire murder mystery is constructed for his benefit. Yasu wants him to remember his sin. This point is directly addressed near the end of EP4.

>> No.13739393

I need some help here.
After some real fucking time, I stumbled upon Erik Satie's Gymnopédie again. But I'm almost sure that there is a song in Umineko that sounds almost the same.
I know the song because I play piano, but listening to it again instantly remembers me of Umineko Chiru (EP5, I guess).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-Xm7s9eGxU here's the song.

I've been searching the OST like crazy but still haven't found the song. I hope I'm not crazy here.

>> No.13739457

This is definitely in the umineko chiru OST but I can't remember which song it is either. You're not crazy though

>> No.13739734

Nope, I don't recall hearing this piece in Umineko Chiru at all.

>> No.13739749

Don't know if it's in Umineko but I've heard that fucking song somewhere before, and I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.13739754

Maybe Mother 3?

I'm pretty sure that wasn't in Umineko.

>> No.13739761

It seems Ryukishi said at the QA panel yesterday that WTC5 might not come in visual novel format, maybe manga or anime. I don't know how to feel about this, but I'm happy he has it in mind.

>> No.13739805

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

>> No.13739934

The part from 1:50 is definitely in Umineko. I'm currently rereading it and I know I heard this exact part while reading at some point

>> No.13739944

It's going to be shit

>> No.13740476

That's already something, I thought I was mistaken. Thanks for that, I will keep searching the OST until I find this music.

>> No.13740626
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